The South will rise again, only this time with the North, and all oppressed people throughout the world. RATRIOT PROGRAM. The Patriot Party Program is a Peoples' Program. The to the fact that they can take care of their own medical WHAT WE DEMAND Program of the Patriot Party is a Program of oppressed needs. All the Peoples' Programs are part of the white people of the . The 10 Point community and eventually will be run and expanded Program came from the people themselves. The people and enlarged by the people themselves. This is how the 1. We demand freedom. We demand power were asked, "What is it that you want? that you need? Party educates the people - not by talking about our to determine the destiny of our oppressed that you desire to see?" and the people answered. What ideas, but acting on them. We know it is better for the people answered was based on their real life people to cooperate with one another than compete white community. experiences. The peoples' answers are based on the day with one another. The people learn through to day reality of their lives. And the reality of the participation and observation that it is better to peoples' lives is reality made up of not enough to eat, cooperate with one another than to compete. And the 2. We demand full employment for iack of decent clothing, lack of decent housing, lack of people are cooperating ail over the country from oppressed white people, and that the means good medical care, lack of justice, police brutality, Yorkville and New Haven in the northeast to Eugene, taxation, being drafted into the pig army, being abused on the west coast. And everywhere the Patriots of production should be placed in the hands and forgotten, being pmposely kept miseducated go, we take our Programs. Programs may differ from of the people. about the true nature of this country. Used by those in location to location as our programs are created power - capitalists - to maintain the privileges of a very according to the peoples' needs (Housing - NY, Free small minority at the expense of the majority of the Wood - Oregon). But every program has the same goal 3. We demand an end to the robbery by the people. The people made their wants and needs known ' in mind - to educate the people through example to . A system where economic competition-is capitalists of our oppressed white community; to the Patriot Party and the Patriot Party put these together into the 10 Point Program. reduced to a minimum. Where all people have the basic we demand that they do not make a profit on After we listened to tt^people, we heard, that ttws need for survival. education, housing and medical care - everything the pebple were asking 'f&f Socialism. The people wealthy in this country take for granted. themselves, after years of being brainwashed about the 4. We demand decent and adequate housing, evils of anything oppossed to" thi..'so-called "free WE DEMAND THESE THINGS IN THE INTEREST enterprise" capitalist system m u|iiWare that they OF THE PEOPLE, AND WE THE PEOPLE WILL fit for sh^fer of human beings, regardless of themselves, through history, know socialism - through HAVE THEM AND DEFEND THEM BY ANY their practice of cooperation with each other to survive MEANS NECESSARY' our income. in a world kept purposely cold and lean by those in power. The people have always helped one another out Because of the threat that the Patriots are to the 5. We demand education that exposes the - cooperated with one another. Built barns together, handful of Rockefellers. DuPonts, Morgans and other built the country together, shared their food, shared true nature of this decadent American billionaires who control this country, we know that we their wine. The people have always practiced primitive have to bear arms in defense of the Peoples' Programs. society; that teaches us our true history; that socialism. What the Patriot Party is doing is learning Talking to the capitalists about socialism is like talking from this practice and bringing it back to the people in to the mortician about eternal life. teaches us cooperation rather than socialistic programs. We want the people to practice it competition. in the open and on a wider scale. We have Breakfast Programs that show the people that they don't need We are the true Patriots, Revolutionaries, who relate to anybody to feed their hungry children, that they can the Constitution of the United States. That it is our right to bear arms in self defense. 6. We demand that all oppressed white feed themselves. people be exempt from military service. We also have medical programs that educate the people ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE

7. We demand an immediate end to police brutality and murder of oppressed white people, and that the people of our community control the police.

8. We demand freedom for all oppressed white people held in federal, state, county and city prisons, and that all our people be tried by a jury of their peers or from their communities.

9. We demand the end of the rape of our land by the corporations and monopoly farmers, and the land be returned to the people to meet their basic needs.

10. We demand an end to racism, and the inequality of the sexes, as tools of capitalism to divide fhe people.


John Howard came from Georgia to Uptown Chicago. In other words, from the poverty of the South to the City Hillbilly Harlem. In Chicago he saw how his people were being thoroughly oppressed by the avaricious businessmen, the demagogic politician and the class-oppressor policemen. He joined with the progressive people of Uptown to deal with these true enemies of the people. All oppressed people in Uptowon - red, black, brown, yellow and white - banded together against the common enemy. Finally. John took his knowledge back to his people in the South - in Atlanta. There, last year, he was viciously stabbed to death by mad- dog Maddox's fly-by-night fascist loving pigs because they convicted him of bein^ a nigger lover, but left his wife and eight children still trapped in white poverty. John Howard taught us the spirit of true solidarity. We should all learn from him and follow his practice - the practice of the true Patriot in righteous struggle^


We demand an end to racism, and the inequality of the sexes, as tools of capitalism to devide the people.

JOHN HOWARD MEMORIAL FREE BREAKFAST FOR CHILDREN In New Haven there's a lai^e white ghetto area. Here like most every other city in .Amerika the Peoples needs aren't being met. The reason they're not is because if they were, some fool pig sitting up there on top might have to lose one of his millions that the People have been forced to put in his pocket as profit on our basic survival. The PATRIOT PARTY is not going to relate to that. We relate to meeting the basic needs and desires of our people and in doing that educating them to the source of the oppression and how to overthrow it. The John Howard Memorial Free Breakfast for Children Program began here on January 12th to do just that. In the four weeks the Program has been functioning it has grown from 12 to 44 children each morning. We serve various hot meals from meat, eg^, grits and milk to firench toast and pancakes. We love the children and they know it. They know what we're doing is only a part of our right to live, to eat, have decent clothing on our backs and decent shelter. We have a right to these thin^ that we need to sun'ive. The mothers are so responsive they have been one of the best means of communication in the community. The responses of the people and children who are coming to the Program has been so beautiful that it has shown us not only that our practice is correct but that we must constantly improve it in this and in every other way in which we serve the people. We are working mainly now on getting the mothers to participate more in the program, which belongs to them. Getting them to set another example to the lying politician, the avaricious businessman, and all others maintaining this fascist state, that we the people are aware and that we will rise togecher and take care of ourselves. In doing this it will take the power from their hands and put it in the bands of the people where it has always belonged. All Power to the People NEW HAVEN BRANCH All Love to our Children Patriot Party Branch New Haven PATRIOT PARTY 178 Uoyd St New Haven, Conn. THE PATRIOT, MARCH 21, 1970, PAGE ^ DECENT and ADEQUATE HOUSING iSS UF UUR INCUME. Yorkville is the home of lots of people. For the older people, it's been thirty, forty, fifty years living here. For the younger people, its the home they were raised in and then, after getting married, it's just going down the block or the apartment upstairs. Years of friendships, years of going to the candystore man on the corner, years of walking down the familiar streets. But the Master Plan has been here for awhile too. This Plan of the Masters is to get all the poor and working class people out of Manhattan and move all the rich people in. So Yorkville is being torn down, to make way for the rich; and the People are suffering. Mary Manarovich has lived here all her life and has a six week old baby who's sick all the time because the pig, moneymad landlord doesn't provide heat or water; one of the methods used to make the people move. The Santana children haven't had heat or hot •water for nine days now because the boiler broke and , it's so old and rotted that's how long it'll take to fix it. Mrs. Kelly's walls were falling down and it took six months before the landlord finally decided just to "investigate" what was wrong. And what's happening to these families is what's happening 'ail over Yorkviile now—and has been happening for aWhile. The greedy landlords just want to collect their money and don't care about the people. They're part of the Master Plan and they're doing their job. They're letting the houses rot around the people so they'll have to move—or be sick all the time. But the inhuman conditions they're forcing us to live in are only part of their job. There's also illegal eviction notices that scare people out of their homes; and harrassment like drug addicts and drunks who can get into the buildings since the locks on the doors are never fixed; and hiring supers who are paid not to do any work. Yorkville is basically a poor white community—one of the easiest targets for the Master . 'I*'^" Since white oppression has never been capitalists oi ^ pQQp white communities are unorganized APPALACHIAN MIS. we l^t^**" . The people that have tried to fight back they're still "investigating" the matter and the courts "We demand decent and adequate housing, fit for the .t:n individuals and easy for the System to deal, who only dispense "injustice" to the poor. We're shelter of human begins, re^rdless of our income," ^n—the fascist courts have seen to that. The people refusing to move from our homes and we're going to and the people are joining together and taking what's 'that have gone to court for assistance are learning make our own repairs so we can stay here and survive. ours. "Decent and Adequate housing" is the right of that the courts protect the rich—theLandlords—an d Carpenters, plumbers, electricians, from all over the every human being. And we: will be treated like not the poor. community are going around to our homes and human beings BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. The Patriot Party has been in Yorkville for three making them decent for us. We will change our PATRIOT PARTY months now. Educating the people to the power we conditions and send the landlord the bill. And if he YORKVILLE BRANCH can have if we all fight back tc^ether. At our Jan. 31 decides to try and evict us—he'!! have a whole Community Meeting, the people decided to put an community to deal with. And if the landlords send end to this garbage. The people are fed up with the the marshals, we'll defend our homes by any means ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE pig lawiUoidi ud the lying poUtidane who tell us necessary. Point 4 of the PhMot Fhity fN0am dttee RESURRECT JOHN BROWN

ORKVILLC, NEW YORK URTOWN CHICAGO THE PATHIOT, MARCH 21, 1970, PAGE 5 THE REAL ENEMY For many years now white people have been their The rich of this country encourage oppressed But, we say that the People want out of this poverty own enemy, they have been separated from peoples to fight each other, in fact, they even set it and oppression. We demand decent housing, food, themselves—religion (Catholics, Jews, etc.) up by letting one oppressed people think they are clothing and medicine needs. The People hava- no race —(Irish, Italian, Germans, etc.) and better than the others. (Racism—Italians are better time for those elements which only confuse us more location—(North, South, etc.) than Germans, Catholics are better than Jews, white and hold us back from getting out of this oppression. Oppression exists throughout alt segments of the is better than black.) So we say—the time is here, "war on the rich" has white population, nevertheless, instead of joining But, to think one group is better is only in our been declared: so let all reactionary people or groups, together around their common oppression to fight minds, put there by the rich. In reality, if .you are those that are trying to destroy the People's the real enemy, they fight each other. It's time to poor and oppressed, then that's what we are, and as programs, step aride from those progressive elements recognize that this separation of white people is just long as the conditions exist for our poverty, we can and let them be exposed to the People; let the People what the real enemy, not only appreciates but fight other oppressed peoples from now to eternity, know about those opposed to programs that meet the encourages. and well still remain poor and oppressed. basic needs and desires of our Peoplej Oppression is not a state of mind, it's a reality. The rich lying politicians say they are helping poor The Patriot Party represents poor and oppressed The only way to change reality is to do something and oppressed people with their "war on poverty" white people, from all comers of the country. We are about it, not think about doing something. If we are programs. But, the Patriot Party, which serves the representatives of our People. It is our duty to our poor, we must do something about changing our basic needs and de»res of oppressed white people, People to draw that clear line of demarcation conditions, and thinking rich, and acting rich wont says—enough of your "war on poverty" program we between our enemy and our friends. help. know its another lie to keep us poor, so we are Any element or group that tries to destroy or stop Poor and oppressed white people, like all declarii^ a "war on the rich" program and because programs (free breakfast, free medical clinic, etc.) oppressed peoples have been blaming others for thdr we recognize the true enemy. We recognize that that are meeting the neec^ and desires of our People, poverty. The others usually have been other 0 p pressed white people have been fooled long must be designated an Enemy of the People. Any oppressed white people or peoples of color^black enough. We say that we have had enou^ poverty, person or group that keeps our people separated, and brown, who are just as oppressed or more, and that we are about setting things straight. We see a confused and fighting each other, must also be instead of blaming the real enemy—the Wealthy. lot of fellow poor and oppressed white people, hung designated an Enemy of the People; because only our By oppressed peoples fighting and blaming each up within that own culture, race or religion and this Enemies would be opposed to programs that feed, other for their poverty, they never have the time or has been used to disorganize, confuse and separate clothe and keep our People in good health. Only our eneigy to fight the Real Enemy—the Power of the our people. We say it is time, to get together, to drop Enemies would want us to remain poor, and exist in Rich. The rich rulers are only too glad to see poor ail old ideas that keep us apmi,; if not, we will remain housing not fit for human beings. and oppressed peoples fightingeac h other—for as loi^ in the same state of confusion and poverty, and we Our Enemies exist in our communities and out of as this state of affairs exists, they remain rich and in will not tolerate this any longer. our communities. We must expose them ail. This is control, and we remain poor. A good example of how We must expose to the People, all those elements our duty as Revolutionaries. the Rich-Rulers remain rich and lis poor, is like a lion. which are keeping us sepwated, we must draw that in a jungle who lays back and watches a tiger and clear line of demarcation between those that confuse leopard fight each other, wounding each other, and the People and those that are trying to serve the weakening each other, then, the lion walks in and People's needs, not by words, but by active programs. destroys both. The ultimate cnoice is always up to the People.

"Guns in the Hands of the Police Represent Capitalism and Racism What Is A W hand that feeds it; "A low natured beast that a foul, depraved traducer, has no regard for law, jus• usually found masquerad• tice, orthe rightsofpeoplo; ing as the victim of an a creature that bites the unprovoked attack."

Guns In the Hands of the People Represent Socialism and Solidarity." THE PATRIOT, MARCH 21, 1970, PAGE 6 UPTOWN CHICAGO My name is Leonard Phillips. I'm twelve years old. My birthday is February 22, and I was born in 1958. After I got out of the foster home back in West Virginia, I went to Chicago.

I lived in Uptown Chicago on Clifton Avenue when I was 11. Then I found out my brother Roger was in town so I went to where he was staying. I was walking down the street and I saw Roger's red hair; I said, "Roger, is that you?" He said yea, and I went flying dovra that damn street. Me and Roger went up to the house. The couch was over here and there was a bookcase here and here, they had just covered over the bookcase and we started rolling over the bookcase and everything, man.

So Istarted living with Darlene and "Preacherman" Fesperman and then I joined the Young Patriots which I think is now considering not existing anymore because they thought they were going to take the party right over and we didn't think that was right after we'd been working our asses off too. If we want to do something and they don't like it, we do it anyway.

I used to just hang around the office. Uptown Chicago was a bunch of crazy people who hung around the streets. I've seen people get their throat cut. One man on Wilson Street, he had his throat cut and the ambulance had to come to stop the blood. I don't know why it happened. Girls get into fights and rip each other's clothes off and everything, man. The streets are a mess - there's bottles in the streets, glass on the sidewalks, dirty yards. I think Yorkville has better housing - in the apartments, but not in the hallways. The kids in Uptown go around busting beer bottles. They shoot people in the ass with paper clips, shoot out lightbulbs - things like that. I really dig living in Uptown, there's alot of kids up there; there are alot of people.

I think they need the Patriot Party in Uptown Chicago. I think people all over the world need it and we've got to go where the people are calling us; they're crying for us to come and begging for us. You can get the people together by forming a Revolution. You can go out and talk to people about the Party. We serve the people. You can talk to people about what you've seen in your past practice. What I mean is, let's say I knew you and we started rapping about the Party, I'd tell you how your practice has been. Also, if somebody looked like he needed some clothes, I'd give him some clothes. I'd give him a nice suit, and depending on how much money I had. I'd give him some money. If he looked hungry, I'd get him something to eat and have a cup of coffee with him. While I was with him, I'd be talking about the Party - "see what I just did for you, I just got you some clothes. See, that's how people get together. People should be able to go around sharing things. If you need some clothes, you should really have the eloflies. You should have what you need.

We're trying to help the people and we're gci.ng in help you so that when you come home you can have a nice big pile of beans and some combread and mashed potatoes. One of these days you can have it, you don't have to worry about it, you can really have it. SCHOOL I think the schools are lousy. They try to teach the kids a bunch of bull. They teach you that Columbus discovered America and that's not true, because he found out how to plant com from the Indians. He would have been dead five million years ago because when he went there he didn't know how totglarivcorn or Patriot Party nothing. When I was in school here in NYrtTTe people were pitching pennies and we ail got expelled. The teachers are uptight.

Supports PEE WEE GETS ARRESTED I was arrested with the rest of the Patriots and the police put a gun to my head. When I was out of school, Bobby Seole the teachers said I was sick because they wanted to The Chairman of the , Bobby Seale, keep me away so 1 wouldn't tell the other kids about it. is now on trial for his life. We of the Patriot Party see They know they tell lies and they don't want the kids, this as an attack, not only on the Black Panther Party, to know about it. This is a lousy system. The teachers but as an attack on all oppressed people in Amerika. can't know that it's alot of junk they're teaching us The Vanguards of the oppressed masses practice because if they did, they'd try and straighten it out. solidarity, we recognize each other as revolutionary They have crazy rules like you have to stand in line, to comrades-in-arms. The struggle of poor black, white go to the bathroom. and brown people in this country is one against a Well, about my friends, we used to go around shooting common oppressor. Through thepeople'sprograms, the paper clips, like I told you, and busting beer bottles, political level of the masses of poor white people has getting rid of drain pipes. But there was nothing to been raised to the point where sections of this learn about in school - just about "Jane and Dick." oppressed mass recognize the Chairman of the Black Panther Party as a Warrior for all the oppressed, and do Right now I think the Party's doing cool. I like the not judge him along subjective, personal lines of race. Party. I dig Socialism because I think people should The Patriot Party has, through example, not rhetoric, share. Everybody in the Party shares with me moved the poor white communities toward demanding their right for survival, and that anyone fighting for this must be allowed to continue and intensify the struggle. RESURRECT JOHN BROWN Poor and oppressed white people, the people of Appalachia, Uptown Chicago, northern industrial cities and the rural south, have always known that action speaks louder than words. The Patriot Party is dealing on the level of survival with the objective THE YORKVILLE BRANCH IS IN NEED OF: realities of hunger, inadequate housing,' disease office equipment - typewriters - ribbons - paper - desks - and miseducation. chairs - Mimeo Machines - Tape Recorders - and We must realize that only through practical revolutionary programs can the masses of the people cars - food - tools - typists - clothing - plumbers - painters- engineers - carpenters - plasterers - electricians recognize the trhe oppressors, only through education - storage space - boiler repairmen - car mechanics - and by example can the oppressed people achieve solidarity. doctors - dentists - and Bobby Seale is recognized by the three Revolutionary Parties - the Patriot Party, the Black Panther Party and money the Organization and the oppressed "TO BE A REVOLUTIONARY IS TO BE AN ENEMY masses we serve as a Revolutionary, because he serves OF THE STATE, TO BE ARRESTED FOR THIS We need assistance in meeting the needs of the people the needs of the people. POWER TO THE PEOPLE STRUGGLE IS TO BE A POLITICAL PRISONER. " THE PATHIOT, MARCH 21. 1970, PAGE 7 SERVING THE PEOPLE IN EUGENE, 1OREGO N I



My daughter and Patriot sister Lani, age 10, has helped get donations for the Patriot Party Breakfast Programs in Eugene and sold papers which tell the truth. Black Panther papers, and for this she lies in a hospital bed after 3 1/2 hours of brain surgery.

She was pushed off a railing by a man, while holding the papers in her lap, and fell on the concrete. This pig did not even turn around to see if she was hurt, he couldn't have cared less. Skull xrays showed a fracture, and further tests show a blood clot beneath the skull, a clot as big as a man's fist.

This injury was reported to the Eugene Police by Patriot Ian Timm but they have done nothing about it, as they say they never got the complaint. They say they are going to investigate now - we'II see. Past practice has shown that pigs help the rich and not the poor and oppressed.

We of the Patriot Party see that our children are not safe anymore in this land of Babylon. There must be an end to this brutality, and there won't be an end until CHUCK ARMSBURY, the people take the power from the pigs and into their DEFENSE CAPTAIN AND POLITICAL PRISONER. own hands. THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE The Eugene Patriots Sally Wright Patriot The Eugene Branch of the Patriot Party exists to serve The Patriot Party wholeheartedly serves and educates Eugene^ the immediate- needs (food, clothing, shelter) of the the people. We are here to do what the people want 9: poor and oppressed people in Eugene and surrounding done and to do what is right. We believe it is time that Lane County. We also serve the pe<^>k's need to know the people of Itiis country put into practice those why the situation in this country has gotten so much time-honored, right beliefs about the rights to life, out of hand. Our point of departure is to demonstrate liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all the people, by example that "we practice what we preach" and and end the practice of those wrong beliefs about the that this includes the determination to rid this land of natural hatred among black, brovm, red, yellow and greedy clowns who masquerade as industrialists, poor white peoples, about the natural right to make a managers, millionaires, militarists, landlords, fat profit on every material item in our stores, about politicians, and bureaucrats. These greedy clowns act the natural situation where a man who is rich is like Kings and Queens who say they help you when "better" than a man who is poor, about the they steal from you. They steal sons from poor families much-believed idea expressed in words like "well, to go kill other low-dovm poor people in Viet Nam and that's the way things are" and "well, nothing can be Korea. done about these things."

The greedy slicksters steal your money by charging We figure that a whole lot of white people have been super-high prices for materials we need for survival: waiting to hear it the way it is. Well, it's good to be here Food, clothing, housing. They rob our families of unity and we say that. and love by miseducating our kids to the true nature of All the Power belongs to All the People Free AH this dog-eat-dog society so that our kids get dumber in Political Prisoners school, drop out, get strung out on mind muddling drugs, and blame all parents for all this confusion and Chuck Armsbury Defense Captain Eugene Branch trouble. Patriot Party



ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE JOHN BROWN BREAKFAST PROGRAM EUGENE BRANCH •ur Main Purposes ify Our Brothers Ai# Sistejjs%The North Wi Brothers And S In uiP^Jiou

Asituation existed around one hundred years ago - a Civil ike a small h War. That situation was not created by the people but by the )l of fasci avaricious dog politicians and businessmen. North and South. \e spirit The fascist-capitalist ruling class of the North attacked the ^endorse feudal-slave-holding ruling class of the South. Victory for le. AIJ ipuvjq U039JO the North meant capitalism for the Union.

Flags were waved over that struggle. Over the North the stars and stripes ~ over the South, the stars and bars. The Patriot Party says that this last flag -- die so-called Confederate Flag ~ was not waved in die interest of the people but totally in the interest of the robber-baron-plantation-owning ruling daj lei We say even more: we say the true fascists, the stars am Tacewa forever fascists, have justified this great fascism bvygtfping ft we as opp history so that the masses of Southern people (j^jority oppressed if ore under am and poor) have been portrayed as thorough gorngsupporters of r6al experience, we h the Southern ruling class. That is far frod^ficurate. 'his time we mean to s 'and smashes the real enenrq Isters in oppression. thOur isters

liil whicl assed an< Xher cause on^^nui uu ybar j low that the people make < lanin ethat the spirit of rebc rather than our brothers THE PATRIOT, MARCH 21, 1970, PAGE 10 PATRIOT PARTY ATTACKED BUST OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE PATRIOT PARTY ATTACKED BY FASCIST PIGS PATRIOT PARTY The Patriot Party is a Revolutionary Party For a while now the Patriot Party has known that representing oppressed white people. We serve the we have been raising the level of the struggle in New basic needs of our People with Free Breakfast for York City, at least in the Yorkville area. We didnt Children, Free Medical Clinics, Free Food Program, realize at this point that we had disturbed the fascist Free Lumber and Liberation Schools. The Patriot pigs to the point that the level of the struggle has Party is responding to the Peoples* needs by starting been raised to its present point here in fascist branches all over the country; wherever there are America. But on Sunday night, February 22, at 7:00, oppressed white people. 12 members of the Patriot Party including the Central On Sunday night around 7:00 PM, Lindsay's Committee were about to enjoy a fried chicken fascist storm troopers kidnapped 7 Patriots and 1 dinner when fascist bootlicking, roof-stomping, child off the streets—without a wforarrt of any kind storm-trooping pigs busted through our door, The People had just gotten out of their car when the shaking and quivering like pigs always do, they h^d pigs ran after them, pointing guns. One pig put a gun revolvers on us and the children and put guns to the to the eighteen month old child's head and heads of the children and demanded that we give up threatened to kill him. Later, another one put a club our right to protect ourselves. They took us down to to the baby's head and threatened to smash his head the station, to the pig station just on the outskirts of in if he didnt stop crying. The jugs then proceeded Harlem and put the nine men into a chicken coop, like crazy fools and madmen to smash down the door width about 6X6 feet, with no benches, 100 of one of the homes of the Patriots. The Patriots were cigarette butts, liquids and dirt all over the floor and making dinner when the pigs broke in and pointed cans full of feces with no toilet paper. It's like just guns at us, lined us up against the wall and saying we are animals that don't deserve humane handcuffed us. They also threatened to kill us. They treatment. The only animals we know are pigs with didn't tell us who they were, they did not show any blue suits and helmets, and the pigs refused, of warrant and they didn't inform us we were under PIGS RUN AMUCK. course, to grant us any rights. Are there no rights of arrest or what the charges were. After we were oppressed people in a fescist country? Mvself brought to the pig station and put in cages, these (Preacherman) and Larry Moore, a member of the criminals looted our home and stole and destroyed our property. Some of the things that were stolen Party, were taken handcuffed downstairs to The Patriot Party charges Pig Hogan right up to Rg were a tape recorder, tapes, money, suitcases, clothes, supposedly watch the inspectimi of the people's cars. Nixon with conspiracy to wipe out the Patriot Party. photographs, literature, jewelry a television, an At that time a large crowd was gathering outside the It is obvious to the People that this oppressor electric shaver, medicine, portable radios and our pig station (it had to be primarily a crowd of Black government is attempting to charge certain members movie-American Revolution II. These low natured youth because of the location of the pig station). The of the Patriot Party with bombing Fascist Judge pigs have no respect for the Peoples' property. Our Black youth said, "release our brothers", and what Murtagh's house and also sniping at certain home was ravaged, and what wasn't stolen was this means to us is that solidarity goes down to the policemen. This is the same tactic used against our broken and destroyed. basic level of the people. This was shown to us in the Brothers and Sisters of the Panther 21. The media jail, in the jails of this fascist pig town. quoted the pigs as having questioned the Patriots AN ATTACK AGAINST THE PATRIOT PARTY When we rapped to the people in the jails, they concerning th^ events. But those arrested were IS AN ATTACK AGAINST ALL OPPRESSED never questioned about it or ashed about these acts. knew where we were coming from—White and Black, PEOPLE because they were all being subjected to the same It is obvious that the arrests of certain members of fascist rule. We know at this time that the level of the Patriot Party which occurred on February 22 was It is clear that the reason the Patriots were treated struggle is getting hi^er and the basic charges with a smoke screen so that the federal government and in this brutal manner is because we are serving the which we were charged have been enlarged upon, Hogan could use the same tactic that wiped out the basic needs of the People, and we're educating poor because the pigs want to say that we had a hand in Panther 21 against the Patriot Party. white people about the true nature of this decadent the bombing of Judge Murtagh's house (he's the fascist system. judge, the fascist pig judge, trying the Panther 21 When the pigs kidnapped 12 members of the case) and we also were implicated in shooting and The Press and the District Attorney have charged Patriot Party without a warrant, in their pig manner, sniping at pigs in New York Qty and we were us with a conspiracy to bomb Judge Murtagh's house they looted the People's house of cameras, tape questioned thoroughly about this. We heard not one and sniping at certain policemen. These chaises were recorders, tapes, TV's, films, money and jewelry. The word about it until we were in open court and the never mentioned to us when we were arrested—and fascist pigs destroy the People's property and steal Assistant District Attorney named those charges we were never questioned about them. This is another from the People—they are the reoi criminals. against us, so we know that a concerted effort has attempt by the fascist government and their lackeys been started to eliminate the Patriot Party and that in to frame us and eliminate us with the same foul The Patriot Party serves the basic needs and desires this raid, the Central Committee and area defense tactics they used on our Brothers and Sisters the of oppressed white people with such programs as Free captains were arrested along with us, but we know Panther 21. But the fascists cannot destroy the Breakfast for Children, Free Food Programs, Free the Party won't cease because "the spirit of the Peoples' Party. As long as there is one oppressed Medical Qinics, and FYee Lumber Program It is people Is greater than the man's technology" and be white person, there will be a Patriot Party. because of these programs that oppressed white can't scare us by pointing guns or atom bombs in our people are, for the first time in the history of this face. The Party will carry on in solidarity with all ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! decadent country, recognizing the true enemies of the oppressed people, the Black Panther Party, the Young YOU CAN JAIL A REVOLUTION ARY-BUT YOU People. Because the People are moving in the Lords Organization, Los Siete de la Raza and all other CAN'T JAIL A REVOLUTION direction to determine their own destiny, the Peoples* groups and organizations representing the masses of Warriors must be eliminated. The Patriot Party will oppressed people. PATRIOT PARTY DEFENSE FUND not stand still and see our People being oppressed. We We would like to say to the students of America, MAIL CONTRIBUTIONS TO: will continue to stru^e from one generation to the progressive students of America, rise up with us and 1742 Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10028 next. smash this fascist, machine—rise up in firm belief of the people. To the people on the streets we would like to say: no longer allow yourselves to go to jail passively, there is a Party that represents the interests of the people and our people are free to take part in the liberation army of the people. We say to the petty bourgeois that we know your understanding and what I'm trying to say is that you can take part in this revolution if you are willing to have your thinking remolded. We say to all these people—ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE and that if you've reached the level of struggle—the level of the struggle where you can see your life's value only In relationship to the people, to the Patriot Party, to the Black Panther Party, the Young Lords Organization, we would like to see yoy relate to reality. We'll be here-BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS BE HERE ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! PRHACHKRMAN, Chairman Patriot Party

PATRIOTS IN FRONT OF FASCIST COURT THE PATRIOT, MARCH 21, 1970. PAGE 11 FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS! "Anyone moving a TV set from their car to their house is automatically a robbery suspect", Officer McGoran told a courtroom filled with old and young brown people. On trial were Los Siete de la Raza, six brown brothers facing a trumped up murder charge. At a hearing on December 26 at the Hall of Injustice, Gary Lescallett, Tony and Mario Martinez, Danilo Melendez, Nelson Rodriguez and Jose Rios were subjected to the intimidation of the racist courts and the lies of the hoodlum cop McGoran. Brown faces of all ages stared in disbelief as they heard lie after lie. The trial started with a lie. The clerk called the case "The People versus Lescallet, Melendez, Rodri• guez, Rios, Martinez and Martinez". It is our brown brothers who are the people. It is the crowds in the courts supporting our borothers who are the people. The racist courts run by hoodlum cops and Mafia mayors are not the people. Tlie police vamp on the people and call that justice. Lie No. 2: Six foot, four inch, 225 pound McGoran tried to tell the court that Gary Lescallet started a fight; that In the struggle, one of the brothers stole his gun and shot his partner, Joseph Brodnik. Under carefull cross examination by one of the defense attorneys, Charles R. Garry, it was revealed that Officer McGoran could have been drunk at the time of the incident; that he enjoyed waving his gun (a .41 Magnum) at Latino youths; that he had suspected the brothers of robbery only because he saw them moving small articles of furniture into their house; that many times before McGoran harrassed young Latinos. Mr. Garry asked if one of McGoran's favorite LosSiete with Charles Garry tricks is to tell Latins"to make like a rabbit"- that is. to run so that he could shoot them in the back for trying to escape. He denied the charge after some hemming and hawing about never hearing the term before. As a team, Brodnik and McGoran have made over 400 burglary arrests, and this has been a common saying of theirs. McGoran seems to think the Latins are ignorant SeRVCS THE. PEOPLe fools. But the people are not what they think and we are tired and angry of being called thieves for moving Los Siete de La Raza, a peoples' organiz• that the people are determining their own our own property, for being on our own streets. ation, was created out of the necessity that destinies Jn what ever programs we create and What Mr. Garry was trying to bring out is that Brown people in this racist decadent society will do so up to the people'controlUng their McGoran is a drunken hot-tempered, racist pig; that have for survival. We have not and will not own lives. on May 1 McGoran and Brodnik were ourlooking isolate ourselves in only carrying on the We have a long range task when it comes to for brothers to harrass; and that McGoran shot his defense of our seven young brothers framed the Free Breakfast for School Children and partner, Brodnik. with the murder of one of the well knoum this is education of the children so that Lie No. 3: Under intense cross examination torturers of our people. We realize that this they realize what is happening to the masses McGoran squirmed, looked at the floor and ceiling. act by the San Francisco Gestapo against our of the people and they themselves become The only time he faced our six innocent brothers was seven young brothers is only one act out of self determining within the Breakfast Program when directed to point out the brothers present at the millions of mistreatment against all our in running the program themselves. We see no the incident. He got up, walked over to them and Brown people in this facist country. It has better way to educate them, then for them to pointed each one out, one by one, describing them in come time for us Brown people to Seize the begin meeting their own needs. their court clothes. He claimed six brothers were Time and begin to unite our people and end We have long tasks ahead of u^: Feeding there, but the police continue to look for a seventh the dog's oppression of the masses of the the children does not end it. This is only one brother, Gio Lopez. He "claimed that Nelson Rodri• people. We have created the Free Breakfast of the hundreds of needs that brown people guez and Tony Martinez were there, changing his for School Children because the dog has kept have been subjected to under capitalism. This testimony from "I think" to "I know" that they were the children hungry. They have been kept has been only a beginning for us in uniting somewhere near the scene. " from having the solid minds that are needed the people in our community, and the tasks for children to be educated. We will feed the for us in working amongst the people will Lie No. 4; McGoran said he had seen two brothers children, and we will unite our people so that never end until the people themselves have before May 1, but didn't recognize them when he they will see the example we create in our control of their own destinies. stopped them at their house on Alvarado street. The practice and begin to move along with the truth Is that McGoran and Brodnik had harrassed the revolutionary forces of the world. We do not We invite parents and children to partici• brothers many times before when Los Siete were feed the children for the sake of being pate in the Los Siete de La Raza Free trying to get other Latin youths off the streets and do-gooders, because that is bullshit and no Breakfast for School Children. They are held pool halls and into the schools to educate themselves. different than the dog's welfare state. So, how at 1249 Alabama Street, in St. Peter's Hall, Lie No. 5: The lying McGoran said that during the must we do this? By combatting capitalism and at 120 Julian St., St. John's Hall, Monday through Friday between 7:30 and 8:45 a.m. fight with the brothers he was knocked unconcious, with Socialism, the residt shall oe, and it ts, but even though unconscious, knocked out, he was still able to "feel and hear" wdiat was going on around him. Only a racist system that believes brown people are stupid would try and pass off such an out and out lie in public. iWhO Afifc £05 SIfcTfi? Lie No. 6: McGoran said he did not even notice if our brothers were Spanish. The two, Brodnik and RODOLFO MARTINEZ, MARIO MARTINEZ, NELSON RODRIGUEZ, DANILO MELENDEZ JOSE McGoran. stopped the brothers only because they RIOS, GARY LESCALLETT, AND GIG LOPEZ. wereLatinos. As McGoran said, "Yes, 1 would stop SEVEN YOUNG BROWN MEN' LEADERS IN THE MISSION COMMUNITY' WHO WERE ACTIVE IN any suspicious looking person, Latino, Black, or RECRUITING BROTHERS AND SISTERS FOR COLLEGE. Chinese". This incident would have been another case of pigs beating up brown people and getting away RIPPED OFF THE STREETS AND UNDULY CHARGED WITH THE MURDER OF OFFICER JOSEPH with it if Brodnik had not been shot. . Too often BRODNIK. A KNOWN HARRASSER OF YOUTH IN THE MISSION. brown people accept what they see in the Chronicle and Examiner as the truth. Many brown brothers do EVEN THOUGH THERE IS NO EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM, THEY HAVE BEEN HELD SINCE MAY not realize that San Francisco is run by big business, 6 WITHOUT BAIL. EWNATIONS MAY BE SENT TO: ATTORNEY CHARLES R. GARRY.341 MARKET big labor, and big newspapers. STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. THE PATHIOT, MARCH 21, I97O, PAGE 12 INTERVIEWwithTURCO (The Patriot Party was formed as a result of INTERVIEWER: Would you say that the Patriots ARTIE: I'd use myself for the best example of racism differences within the Young Patriot Organization, a have learned a lot from the Black Panther Party? because I went to jail for five years for killing a black white radical community group in uptown Chicago man. Since I joined the Patriots I've changed my way working with poor whites mostly of Southern origin. TURCO: Let's be clear about that. From the example of looking at things; I see the Panthers as my class The work of the Young Patriots led to calls from of the Panthers; the Panthers show us in dealing with brothers and sisters and I'll go down for any one of other white organizers for assistance and guidance. the black people that programs that serve the people them, because I know they'll go down for me. That's where it's at. The division in the Young Patriots was between those are helping get the black people together. So we who wished to concentrate on Uptown Chicago and follow the Panthers' practice if it works. They would those who felt a national party was a necessity. The only want us to follow it as long as it works, because INTERVIEWER: How do the Patriots set up a typical latter ^oup broke with the Young Patriots and when it doesn't work, we'll tell them. That's the program when they come to a community? formed the Patriot Party. The national headquarters relationship we have with the Panthers. We practice of the party was moved to New York City and solidarity; we're brothers and sisters—we know that; TURCO: We get off the ground first of all by chapters were formed in five other cities around the class brothers and sisters. The reason we practice listening to the people in the area expressing a need nation. The New York chapter has been working in solidarity with the Panthers is that all of us and this to get out of this mess. It's obvious that we know the Yorkville area for three months and initiated a goes for the Young Lords too—ail oppressed people these people because we come from the same Free Breakfast for Children program January 5.) have only one way to go—and that's up. The Panthers backgrounds. When we're looking for a place to are in the vanguard position simply because they've organize we just look around for people like INTERVIEWER: Turco, could you give us some idea been struggling In the correct manner longer than the ourselves. We go back down in the streets. We see of the area in Uptown Chicago as it was when the Patriots that's all. So we follow their practice; we people doing the same things we did when we were Young Patriots were just being founded? don't worship them. We dig the hell out of Huey P. there. We see guys hanging around bars and women Newton though. hanging around laundramats and we go up to them TURCO: the area we had in Uptown and say "What's happening in this neighborhood Chicago was the same type of oppressed white INTERVIEWER: Did hearing about the Black sister? Who's around here?" The oppressed, white community we have all over America. It just didn't Panthers radicalize the young white people who people want out of this crap. These people are happen yesterday, it was always there. You see a lot started the Young Patriots? confused. They think that Richard Nixon or the of people choose to ignore areas like Uptown Chicago constitution or the War on Poverty is going to get because, in their lives, they never went down to spend TURCO: We didn't become radicalized when we them out of this mess. What we do is speak to the a day in Uptown Chicago. The Uptown Chicagos are heard about the Black Panther Party. It's that we met people and tell them these programs won't work any all over Babylon. These commumties were always the Panthers and the Panthers came (town and met us. more. We tell them we're not working with the War there. The Patriots come from these communities. They came down and said "You're people and... on Poverty any more, we're declaring War on the We're nothing new; we didn't just materialize; we How are you? "Ve began to undeistand that the Rich. They can dig that when we speak to them. Our didn't just come down from the moon; we didn't oppression in the black (^immunity and in our program comes from oppression of peoples. It's a come down on a transporting machine from Star communities was the same and we began to get program that we, as a people, recognize a need for. Trek; we were here all along, people just never want together. We began to see that we would have to get The Patriots are people; we see the need for it. So in to admit we exist. They choose not to associate with together to go after the real enemy. We began to any oppressed community we go into our program us: they get homes out in suburbia somwhere and realize that rich man Rockefeller was pulling the wool speaks to the needs of the people. When you go into a never can be concerned with the Uptown Chicagos aO over both our eyes; that's the real enemy. poor community, they talk about indecent housing; over America. We tell those out there "Look here they talk about their boy getting locked up—no lawyer and a kangeroo court; they talk about we're human beings—you see we're real; we feel, we INTERVIEWER: Do most Patriots come from love too, you know, and we like to get high once in a education, about all these needs and these needs are oppressed white communities or from other reflected right there In our program, and they while. We like to drink—we're real. That's number backgrounds? one. Number two we've always been hwe, we've been understand that. This is our main organizing tool. Our here throughout the history of this country, poor program meets their needs. So as long as there are TURCO: Revolutionaries come from all over the poor whites there will be a Patriot Party, because we oppressed white people. And third, we're not going land. Many of them may not come from that away. They can't just close their eyes and make are going to educate these people. They have been oppressed background, but they recognize that we're mis-educated. They don't even think for themselves Uptown Chicago disappear. We're not going to vanish, for real and they want to join us in that struggle. because we've seen other people set an example on any longer they listen to somebody else. We try to They want to be with us. We say then we both have make them face the reality of the life going on all how to go about their freedom; how to go about the to learn. They have to learn what we're about and we change in the environment in which they live. We saw around them, so they can bepn to deal with it have to learn what they're about. We all become themselves. So they can begin to connect the landlord this manlf^ted in Huey P. Newton; we saw it in Revolutionaries together. We're looking for what Che Eldridge Qeaver in the Black Panther Party and so to the cop to the judge to the rich man and they can called "the new man", the new man and the new connect themselves to the black and the brovm and what we did, being just white niggers from the street, woman. Peo[rfe who want to destroy that monster is if somebody shows us a better way, we'd be damn the Vietnamese. The Patriot Party has to move with out there. But the Patriots are drawn from all the people we're not divorced from the people. We fools not to take it. Huey P. Newton showed us a backgrounds, lumpen, petty bourgeois, working class, better way. He showed us that we've got to go back have to educate them to the fact that the real even bouj^eois. We can't say "You can be a enemy is not the Polack or the Jew, the German, the to organize among our own people in our revolutionary and you can't"—but if someone from communities. We say our people have a right to Irish or the Catholic, but the businessman and the the petty bourgeois joins the party we have to cop who divide, cheat and oppress them decent food, clothing, housing, and medical care. We educate him to white oppression because he doesn't say it's a right. You see the situation has gone so far INTERVIEWER: What programs have the Patriots know about it; he's never had it. If he can learn about started here in Yorkville? in this country that it's not something to negotiate. it, and understand it and In a revolutionary spirit try Its not something where you can sit down and ask to change it—that's good and we become his brother TURCO: The programs started here in Yorkville have "Do oppressed Whites or do oppressed peoples have a and we can fight together. right—or is there a law we could pass that could help the same goal as in branches across the country, them? It's not something that can be n^otiated with which is meeting the basic needs of the people in the us; it's our lives. There's no such choice. The choice is INTERVIEWER: How has the Patriot Party dealt communities—whatever they may be. A free we're going to get those things: we're going to get with racism in poor white areas such as in Newark Breakfast for Children program has been started, but decent housing, medical needs and food for our where Anthony Imperiale organized a racist group in the most Important program is our housing program. children—or else. The System hasn't given us any the white community. This is a primary need here in Yorkville, more so even alternative. The system says go through the laws, but than food or medical needs, because the people are we know firomexperience , that the laws may change, TURCO; We meet that problem head on. Man, we going to be forced out on the streets by the but the people who control them don't change. So know better than anybody else that racism is a real expansion of the east ade bourgeois district. What's the Patriot Party and poor white people are going to problem in our communities, biit we also know that happening here in New York is that the have to go about their own freedom. racism among poor whites is a madness helpful only Lindsay-Rockefel^ gang has a Master Plan—we call it to the pigs an(i the bosses. We're all have-nots. The the Plan of the Masters—to move all poor white system tries to make the poor whites appear the most people out of Yorkville to make room for the INTERVIEWER: Why did you choose the name racist of all, but this is just a game played on the employees of the big corporation headquarters. Wdl Patriot Party? people. The most racist people are those that use the Patriot Party is' educating these people to the racism as a tool to separate the people—that's the situation and they're just not going to move. The TURCO: We're VCTy patriotic people. We practice bourgeoisie class and the petty boui^eotsie. We're not people here know that they don't have to live in solidarity with all peoples and we fight racism with using racism to separate the peo|rfe. We know racism subhuman conditions any more. They're getting up solidarity. We're the true patriots. We love our nation; is a serious problem but we wouldn't have been racist and saying "NO!" They aren't going to be lied t» OT we love our world. We know that we have to deal if they didn't push that on us to keep us apart—black cheated any more by the politicians. They are saying with the situation here in our own nation, here in and white. Now we're together: the Patriots and the no to the bulls-t—no to the lies. Babylon, but we also practice internationalism. We Panthers and we're strong like a fist. But for three We're going to begin to meet our own needs, fix join with all oppressed people across the world in hundred years they kept us apart; we didn't keep us our own boilers, fix our own apartments and let no their just stru^les against U.S. imperialism and well apart, they did. They're the true racists. Once we maishall come to try to evict us because whatever aid them in any way we can. We've got to fight an point out to the poor people where racism com^ force he comes with, he will be met with the same anti-fascist battle here at home right now. So we're from; that we're not really black people's enemies, force. patriotic because when we talk about equality and the people understand. justice for all, we're talkii^ about things denied to INTERVIEWER: What is the difference between this the great majority of people here in Babylon, here in INTERVIEWER: Lots of the Patriote must have once type of community self-help program and the this country, because the majority of people here are been racists themselves. programs organized by VISTA or other government poor and oppressed, blae^ -brown and white too. agencies? That's what the Rainbow Coalition represents; black, TURCO: Sure a lot of us have been racists. We have brown, red, white and yellow and they're all here in some people in the Party whose backgrouncis come TURCO: The basic difference is that the Patriots get this country. That's what we mean by being patriotic. from the Klan down to the Nazi party. We've dealt things done and GEO doesn't. We're the true patriots because we believe in equality. with this racism. We've had people who've spent years They taught us equality, they taught us justice and in jail for fitting with black folk. We dealt with that The Patriot - Party recognizes the working liberty for all. They taught us "love thy hrother", one ana naw ^IteT ^ie with the Panthers in the streets. class as essential to any revolution in America. nation together; they told us about "orthe people, Well die with those brothers because we're together However what we're dealing with now is a question of by the people, for the people" well, we're just going and they'll die with us. Those bastards out there like surviral. Right now, there are poor white people to take all that patriotic rehetoric and put it into Rockefeller, Nixon, Spiro Agnew and the rest of facing total poverty. We have to deal with that, later practice and make it real. That's what I call them are the real racists. we'll begin to relate to the unions and the working patriotism. (At this point one of the Patriots cut in to speak people. We want to keep our people alive and healthy about racism) so that maybe they can get a job. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE •IHE PATRIOT, MARCH 21, 1970. PAGE 13| ON THE MOVEMENT

The Patriot Party is a revolutionary Party for poor We must recognize that White People have their own and oppressed virhite people. We recognize that the struggle for freedoms in this country, and that we struggle here in Babylon is a class struggle; the haves have to begin to solve our own problems. This is the against the have nets; the oppressed against the only way to express solidarity with all oppressed oppressor and the exploited against the exploiter. people. The Patriot Party has become a National Party We are dealing with the survival of our people- with over five branches already functioning, and We're sick and tired of certain people and groups others in training. We don't relate to "Serve the telling us "there ain't no such thing as poor and people," "Power to the people," only in words, we oppressed white people," that's where the Patriot are putting these terms into practice. Our programs Party comes in—we're people from all over range from Free Breakfast for Children to the Free Babylon—north, south Appalachia where our Lumber Programs (in Eugene, Oregon—for the children die at four because of starvation and people's stoves in the mountain areas). The Patriot indecent housing- The "movement" is Party is working in oppressed commumties. beginning to realize, that—first of all—we're human bein^, we're real; seeond-|we've always been here, In New Haven, Conn., the Patriot Party is now we didn't just materialize; and third-we're not going serving 30-40 children breakfast per day, and they're away, even if they choose not to admit we exist. moving on a medical clinic already. Its heightening the contradictions and making the people aware of The "movement" at this time in history seems to be the system's faults. They're practicing Socialism. We primarily concerned about the "Conspiracy 7." The recognize that this is the last thing the pigs want to "Conspiracy 7" are dealing with individual rights, see, and we know that we're educating the white freedom of speech, of dissent and the right to community around the trial of our brother. Chairman assembly, which are legitimate freedoms that have Bobby Seale of the Black Panther Party. The pigs are been denied the People. But, the Patriot Party is uptight about that too, the white community coming dealing with a more basic level of oppression—the out in support of Bobby Seale. Then they couldn't survival of our People. use racism to separate the people. When we say white The "Conspiracy 7" were sentenced, to five years, and people coming to support the trial, we don't mean later released on bail, and the people of the the usual crowd of hippies with helmets, they're "movement" burned down buildings in protest. Yet, always there. We're talking about the community every day Patriots are arrested or shot at, and facing a people—people nobody's ever seen before being lot more than 5 years, yet there is no support from moved and beginning to scream til they release Bobby our own People. The "movement" shouts, "Free Seale, because they understand by class oppresaon Bobby," "Free the New York 21," and we see that how Bobby's being framed. we're still in jail, so how the hell is the "movement" going to help Black People, when they cant even help As said, "come down from that their own! mountain top into the valley with the people." What we're saying is that "movement" people better stop The "movement" white peofrfe. have to begin to fooling around, because we ain't fooling around. If relate to their own whiteness, and their own stru^e, they're serious about revolution, if they're serious before they can help or free anybody else. The about change, well then come on down. You dig? The Patriot Party, at certain times, is still treated like Qiairman of the Patriot Party calls what they're "white trash" by our own White People. At this time, doing petty bourgeois arrogance—all along, they've all of the "Conspiracy 7" are free on bail, and one had all the education, they had all the schooling and Patriot remains in prison, on S5000 (cash) bail. This put all that smoke in their brains. And now they are ransom is stopping him from serving hungry children. confused because the people who never had the For a long time now, the "movement" seems to be education, are now teaching them revolution. They more interested in class clown Abbie Hofrman than can't dig that. They can't dig their own white trash kids getting enough food in their stomachs, or teaching them about Class Struggle. medical needs. So, we say all Power to the People—Or Else We relate to Jerry Rubin's statement "Food is a right, TURCO-CHIEF OF STAFF not a privilege." That's what we're talking about, PATRIOT PARTY poor white people, the people that middle class NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Amerika moved to the suburbs to avoid, well, we're 1742 Second Ave. here again. New York ALL RESURREGT POWER JOHN BROWN TO THE PLE

Send news Items, contributions and THE PATRIOT general information to: THE PATRIOT PEOPLES NEWS SERVICE 17ii-2 2nd Ave. New York, N.Y, 10028 CHAIRMAN MINISTRY OF INFORMATION Help distribute and get subscriptions Bill "Preacherman" Fesperman Larry Moored editor to THE PATRIOT CHIEF OF STAFF Sylvia Wallace Turco Judy Turco IHE PATRIOT, MARCH 21, I970, PAGE l4 ^ ALL OFFRESSLD FEOFEE, WERE YOUR EYES OFENEQ OR WILL YOU BE TRICKED AGAIN, AGAIN AND AGAIN?


"The streets of our country are in turmoil. The universities are filled with TO students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country. Rus• sia Is threatening us with her might and the republic Is in danger. Yes, danger from within and from without. We need law and order. Without law and order our nation cannot survive. Elect us and we shall restore law and order. We will be respected by the nations of the world for law and order. Without law and order, our republic will fall." STUDENTS Adolf Hitler Hamburg, Germany, 1932

The Patriot Party has a word to say to students - to all students in general and to white students in particular. And that word is "stop thinking" - because Fascism's claws reach into the universities too. We have a situation in this country where universities do not serve the needs of the people. The Patriot Party knows this from practice. Our branch in New Haven pointed out how Pig Head Yale University oppresses openly the people it hires as its servants. And Yale University is z^^. 5YR.0LD educating its students to function as oppressors of the people. So, the Patriot Party had to point that out through the Peoples' Breakfast for Children Program and other Peoples' Programs. That drew the line of demarcation and brought down the Pigs on our Field Marshal. A Pig is a Pig - in mind and in ass. We, of the Patriot Party, encourage and support the progressive students. We know that progressive students have to make a choice - to serve the People or to serve the Ruling Class - to become a brick in the University's wall of mind or to become the one who changes that wall of minds into body attached human beings. We, of the Patriot Party, have begun to recognize a new student: one who is interested in the People and the Community; one who doesn't separate the struggle in the Universities,from that of the Peoples'; one wh'b' bfT -f-V^^ p,c^5 \A/Ao ^A ^fo^^^S seeks to aid'the Vanguard Parties in their struggle. We. of the Patriot Party, are proud to be affiliated with these progressive students, for they are coming off of that mountain top into the valley with the People, and arrrt. o^»^'^.7 G^ v/f C^^^'-f- ?'M^ are willing to learn about Revolution. This new progressive student is very much different than the student of two or three years ago, in that they recognize they have to be taught about Revolution, not in their minds, but through practice with the People.




^1 FcWEk To ~TA<, flcopl^ YIPPIG Tom Dostou March 1, 1970 PERPETRATOR OF MADNESS Because of subjectivity, and not dealing in the objective Patriots and Others: world, Tom Dostou, Nancy Willis, Norman "Poncho" Heighten the contradictions somewhere else-way up north somewhere, Davis, John LaPorta and Sally Graham were expelled stay up therel from the Patriot Party. Because of Dostou's Don't come back-Don't bother-spare us your contradictions, mean• subjectivity, and love of oneself, he had the effect of while, our country cowboy Hip Yip coalition can get to the work of provocateuring widiin the Party. Instead of bringing our brothers and sisters together, he was causing them creating a true revolution with revolutionaries who respect those to fight. He is now spreading rumors and lies about the whom they are trying to change. People's Party, and its members, stating that the Keep your "ass" kicking asses out of our turf, keep your "party" to Patriots endorse LSD. This is more of his yourself, the noise is already unbearable. provocateuring madness, and acting like an enemy of John Motherf—ker 2338 Guadalupe, Austin, Texas the People. International Werewolf Conspiracy The Patriot Party does not endorse LSD, nor does it use Youth International Party LSD. Mayo Blue Berets THE PATRIOT, MARCH 21, I97O, PAGE 15

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Every member of the PATRIOT PARTY throughout this country of decadent America must F abide by these rules as functional members of this party. Every member of the party must know these verbatum by heart, and apply them daily. Each member must report any violation of these rules to their leadership or they are counter-revolutionary and are also subjected to suspension by the PATRIOT PARTY. PATRIOT PARTY PROGRAM

THE RULES ARE: WHAT WE DEMAND 1. No party member can have narcotics or weed in his possession while doing party work. 1. We demahd freedom. We demand power 2. Any party member found shooting narcotics will to determine the destiny of our oppressed be expelled from this party. 3. No party member can be DRUNK while doing white community. daily party work. 4. No party member will violate rules relating to 2. We demand full employment for office work, general meetings of the PATRIOT PARTY, and meetings of the PATRIOT PARTY Chairman oppressed white people, and that the means ANYWHERE. ; Sill Fesperman of production should be placed in the hands 5. No party member will USE, POINT, or FIRE a '"Preacherman" of the people. weapon of any kind unnecessarily or accidentally at anyone. 6. No party member can join any other army force 3. We demand an end to the robbery by the other than the PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMY. capitalists of our oppressed white community; 7. No party member can have a weapon in his we demand that they do not make a profit on possession while DRUNK or loaded off narcotics or weed. things we need for survival. 8. No party members will commit any crimes against other party members or oppressed people at all, and 4. We demand decent and adequate houang, cannot steal or take from the people, not even a needle or a piece of thread. fit for shelter of human beings, regardless of 9. When arrested, PATRIOT PARTY MEMBERS will our income. give only name, address, and will sign nothing IN.Y. Fingerprint)Legal first aid must be understood by all Party members 5. We demand education that exposes the 10. The Ten Point Program of the PATRIOT PARTY true nature of this decadent American must be known and understood by each party society; that teaches us our true history; that member. teaches us cooperation rather than 11. Party Communications must be Nfd^ional and Local. competition. 12. All Finance Officers will operate under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance. 6. We demand that all oppressed white 13. Each person will submit a report of weekly work. 14. Each Sub-Section Leader, Section Leader, people be exempt from military service. Lieutenant, and Captain must submit a weekly report. 7. We demand an immediate end to police 15. All PATRIOTS must learn to operate and service weapons correctly. brutality and murder of oppressed white 16. All leadership personnel who expel a member people, and that the people of our must submit this information to the National Office. community control the poli 17. Political education classes are mandatory for general membership. 18. Only office personnel assigned to respective 8. We demand freedom for all oppressed offices each day should be there. All others are to sell white people held in federal, state, county papers and do political work out in the community, and city prisons, and that all our people be including Captains, Section Leaders, etc. 19. COMMUNICATIONS-All chapters must submit tried by a jury of their peers or from their weekly reports in writing to the National communities. Headquarters. 20. All Branches must implement First Aid and/or Medical Cadres. 9. We demand the end of the rape of our 21. All Chapters, Branches, and components of the land by the corporations and monopoly PATRIOT PARTY must submit a monthly financial farmers, and Ihe land be returned to the report to the Central Committee. people to meet their basic needs. 22. Everyone in leadership position must read no lessi than two hours per day to keep abreast of the changing political situation. 10. We demapd an end to racism, and the 23. No chapter or branch shall accept grants, poverty inequality of the sexes, as toots of capitalism funds, money or any other aid from any government agency without contacting the National to divide the people. Headquarters. 24. All chapters must adhere to the policy and the WE DEMAND THESE THINGS IN THE ideology laid down by the CENTRAL COMMITTEE of the PATRIOT PARTY. INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE, AND WE THE 2S!^||A11 Branches must submit weekly reports in PEOPI WILL HAVE THEM AND DEFEND writmg to their respective Chapters and National THlM HY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Headquarters. THR PATHIOT. MARCH 21, 1970, PAGE l6


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