

Minutes of the Meeting of Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 5th March 2019 at 7.30pm.

Present J.Tricker (in the Chair) H. Cave-Bigley R.Billings C.Brady

In Attendance P.Pender-Cudlip (Clerk) M.Lewis, District & County Councillor 7 members of the public

Open Meeting for Residents of the Parish Residents drew attention to the muck on the Marston Road (see 4a. below) and confirmed an earlier report that an official road sign indicating that vehicles over 7.5tonne were not allowed through the village had been knocked over (see 10. below).

1. Apologies – Apologies were received from Mr Levett 2. Declarations of interest: There were no declarations of interest. 3. Minutes of the previous meeting: It was RESOLVED 4-0-0 [For-Against-Abstained] that the minutes of the meeting of 8th January 2019 be agreed as a true and accurate record. 4. Matters arising from previous minutes and not on the Agenda: a. 0801.4c Rimpton-Marston Road: The Clerk had contacted the Parish Clerk about a frequently filthy section of the road that lies within Marston Parish. She reported that Marston Parish Council had accepted an assurance form the landowner concerned that a forthcoming change in tenancy arrangements would lead to a substantial improvement in the condition of the road. Councillors agreed to follow the Marston lead and wait to see whether there really was an improvement before taking any further action. b. 0801.7a Defibrillator sign. Councillors agreed that a sign advertising the location of the defibrillator would erected in a more prominent position so as to increase public awareness. c. 0801.10 Roadside hedges. The Council expressed its appreciation to the owners and tenants of roadside properties who had cut back their hedges, thereby improving both the road safety and the appearance of the village. d. 0801.10d Daisyfield Car Park. Councillors were pleased to see that a jacked-up vehicle that might have posed a danger to the public had been removed from the car park. 5. Community Safety & Issues: none 6. County and District Councillors report County Council (SCC): Councillor Lewis reported that SCC had responded to the increasing cost of Adult and Children’s Services SCC by allocating increased funding and Ofsted had reported that its provision for Children’s Care was good. District Council (SSDC): The Council’s Transformation policy was not yet complete and regrettably there were still considerable delays in the Planning Department and for residents trying to get in touch with the Council by telephone. 7. Community Issues: Councillors agreed to look into the backing up of water behind Higher Farm, the effect of water draining from the Village Hall and the dangers of flooding behind Daisyfield, and to arrange remedial action with a local contractor where appropriate.

Rimpton Parish Council minutes 2018-19, p.9 January 2019

8. Finance a. Finance Statement: The Clerk presented a summary statement of receipts and payments and reported that at the end of January there was £15,054.72 in the bank. b. It was RESOLVED 3-0-0 to authorise the following payments: Village Hall £47.10, Dale Mcloughlin (website hosting) £60.94, Clerks Salary, HMRC. c. Online banking: It was agreed to open a new bank account with the Unity Trust bank after the formation of a new Council in May. 9. Planning a. New applications: none. b. Update on previous applications: 18/04020/LBC Mill Cottage, Mill Street, Rimpton,, Somerset BA22 8AB Internal and external alterations – application permitted, with conditions. 18/03312/FUL Rowe Orchard, Roe Lane, Rimpton, Yeovil BA22 8AD The erection of a two- storey extension to existing carport and garage building to form holiday let accommodation – application permitted, with conditions. 10. Highway matters: a. The Parish Council has no powers to prevent anti-social parking but concerned or affected residents are advised to report any highway obstruction to the Police or the Highways Authority. b. The Highways Authority will be asked to reinstate the official weight restriction sign banning vehicles of more than 7.5t. from passing along Rimpton Road. 11. Footpaths: Residents were encouraged to report any footpath problems to the Footpath Warden. 12. Environment/Trees: The Council acknowledged that tractor-mounted hedge cutters could damage hedgerow trees in Mill Street and urged landowners and occupiers to use their best endeavours to protect the environment. 13. Flooding: nothing to report 14. Playground: a. Grass cutting The first cut was delayed because of the wet weather but it was done well when it happened. b. Playground inspection The regular quarterly inspections are now being carried out by Elite Playground Inspections of . c. Refurbishing of playground equipment HAGS UK will be undertaking the refurbishment of the playground equipment 15. Clerk’s report and correspondence: Southern Waste Partnership newsletters, Somerset flood defence consultation, Community Land Trust 16. Parish Council elections: The Clerk explained the procedure for nominating candidates for the Parish Council elections on 2nd May and distributed nomination packs to those interested. 17. Annual Parish Assembly - Tuesday 7th May 2019, 7.30pm [Clerk’s note: The meeting was subsequently rescheduled to 21st May 2019]. 18. Urgent matters raised with the permission of the Chairman: none 19. Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – Tuesday 7th March 2019, 7.30pm [Clerk’s note: The meeting was subsequently rescheduled to 21st May 2019]. 20. Dates of other 2019 meetings – 2nd July, 3rd September, 5th November.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.14pm

Patrick Pender-Cudlip Clerk & RFO - Rimpton Parish Council The Cobblers, High Street, Queen Camel, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 7NE; Tel. 01935 850692; [email protected]

Rimpton Parish Council minutes 2018-19, p.10 January 2019