South Market Towns Investment Group

Thursday, 28 February 2019 The Council Chamber, Way,

In attendance: Angie Singleton Chair Judi Morison Mike Best Crewkene Diane Butler John Goodall Caroline Dunn Liz Nolan Langport Jackie Swabey Jim Gordon Martock Elaine Galitzine Peter Paddon SSDC Pam Williams SSDC Nicky Doble SSDC

1. Welcome, introductions & apologies Cllr Angie Singleton welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table. Apologies for absence were received from: Nick Weeks (Castle Cary); Carol Goodall (Ilminster); Andrea Pyle (Langport); John Oldham (); Martyn Smith (Somerton); Terry Philpott (Somerton); Dave Williams (); Howard Ellard (Wincanton);

2. Approval of notes of last meeting and feedback on actions from 25 October 2018

The notes were approved as a true record.

Peter updated the group on the action point ‘how SSDC can promote derelict listed buildings across our market towns’ He confirmed that redundant buildings can be found on advertising websites such as Zoopla or Rightmove and it is key to go to the agents marketing them.

Websites are being developed for the Priority Projects in Yeovil, Chard and Wincanton which will link potential buildings for development to the SSDC website. Strategic land is on

Other alternative ways of raising an interest is by the Community Assets process which can be found at strategies/communities/localism-and-community-rights/community-right-to-bid/ and by working with the Planning Conservation Officers at SSDC about the Buildings on the Risk Register.

3. Update on MTIG Digital High Street Project

Nicky Doble gave a presentation summarising the Digital High Street Projects Programme that closed at the end of December 2018. The presentation will be included with these minutes.

4. Overview of the Draft Economic Development Strategy and MTIG Peter Paddon reported that the Economic Development Strategy (EDS) and budget were approved by Full Council on Tuesday evening. The EDS links with the Council Plan, the Local Plan, Area Chapters and SSDC’s Priority Projects programme. There are six priorities in the EDS:  Business Support  Land, Sites and Workspaces  Transport and Communications  Urban Communities Infrastructure  Economic Inclusion  Rural Economies Work is ongoing with the Yeovil Refresh and Chard Regeneration Scheme. The Wincanton Consultation finishes at the end of March and is currently consulting with children at a secondary school. A plan is emerging with some interesting ideas and other contentious in one challenge proposed. A report will go to Area East Committee in June requesting approval of the strategy. Castle Cary has 600 houses being built in the area. There is local concern the allocated employment land is owned by SCC that it will be lost to housing. Peter is aware of the situation. Langport has had planning for houses and employment land, the employment land has not been developed so new businesses have nowhere to go. As Port folio holder for Strategic Planning - Angie updated that employment land is allocated in the Local plan but it is generally not serviced until it is economically advantageous to do so i.e. there is a business wanting to locate premises on the land.. There is anecdotal evidence of demand for office space in Ilminster and planning was passed for a development of housing and office space but the developer is stating there is no demand for it and the whole development is now proposed for housing. There is an area of employment land owned by Taylor Wimpey which is surrounded by housing in Crewkerne with no plans as yet for an access road to it. Crewkerne is identified in the EDS as the next town to go through a regeneration strategy after Wincanton. The Economy team will work with MTIG to rejuvenate the town centres to ensure they are vital, attractive and fulfilling their role. The EDS sets out the areas of work required to make this happen.

5. The Future of MTIG

The focus will be on the economic aspects of the market towns as the EDS sets out. The priorities are in the Area Chapters. It is the first time there has been an Area focus in the SSDC Council Plan but feedback is invited from towns about their key priorities.

6. Summary of Round table updates with focus on town centre:  Wincanton – Mark Hamnett, chair of the Chamber of Commerce has increased the membership to 45. The recently initiated monthly breakfast meetings has proved very successful. He is continuing to involve more business owners.  The Town Hall Re-Generation Group is suspended at present, further information will be available when Elaine has received this from Howard.  Initial planning is in place for a Soap Box Derby through the town in August.  The Word magazine launched late 2018 is doing well and is now self- funded through advertising.

 Langport – a crowd funding appeal raised over £7,000 for repairs to the Town Clock, but costs have risen to £18,000. Langport Town Council (LTC) and Town Trust have agreed to make up the shortfall.  Application in for a Digital information board to the MTIG Digital Capital programme and are awaiting planning approval. LIC volunteers will update it with business information, local events, news and road closures.  The Vintage and Artisan Markets are expanding. The weekly market continues to be a success and a monthly Artisan market is being trialled.  The Business Group launched Totally Locally in February. Social media platforms have very good followers.  Partnership of four parishes helped by a grant from SSDC, LTC has bought a section of the Langport/Huish Episcopi Cycleway to help improve the green offer.  The LIC is moving into the Library.  The LTC has been awarded a grant for £200k from the Rural Development Programme for for a boardwalk over the riverbank, pontoons, more steps for canoes, taps for drinking water, bike racks and dog bins. Already this has seen new businesses coming to the town eg a fishing shop. Also looking at the Wessex Water mark scheme fountain to fill up water bottles.  LTC bought Cocklemoor 2-3 years ago.. They plan to be resurface the car park and refurbish the slipway.  Absence of footfall data to support grant applications. Caroline suggested coming back to another meeting to discuss how to source data.

 Castle Cary – Building out and sales of housing releases the much needed Section 106 funding. Housing will increase the population by 40%.  Two empty bank buildings – one is opening soon. Otherwise good occupancy levels.  CCTC worked with Barclays Bank to secure 24-hour cash point in town. Barclays has committed to keep the cashpoint open for 40 years.  Lacking business units.  Weekly market held and a monthly Vintage market – no break in the Winter  The Eat Cary Festival is to be held on the 4th May  The Chamber of Commerce (C of C) was set up last year and has 35 members and 110 on a mailing list with an electronic newsletter. A new website will have local business listings which will go to the new houses in hard copy and be available online.  The C of C have held their first Business Networking meeting.  The Emily Estate will be open from May onwards – 200 jobs advertised.  The Neighbourhood Plan is with the examiner.

 Martock – Jon Gordon from Martock Post Office was introduced and he is the business representative on Martock Community Partnership. Martock is doing well with its retail units and the business park is full.  Two factories which have closed have been turned into housing.  The Neighbourhood Plan just been submitted to the examiner.  Martock has a successful monthly farmers market  The Summer Fete is on June 9th and will have Retro Vintage cars rally split between Martock and Somerton

 Crewkerne –1300 new houses are going through planning and if approved Misterton will be joined to Crewkerne. Much needed new link road to be provided through planning gain on the Key site is still stalled. Crewkerne is lacking in its development of industrial land.  The food and monthly farmer markets are struggling since relocating to Henhayes however antique market is being trialled to help boost attendance.  Creative Crewkerne, a working group from ABCD, are running a crafting market. It will sell crafts and be an opportunity for people to have a go with music and other entertainment.  An Eat Festival sponsored by the Town Council is being held on the 20th July. 90 applications for stalls have been received to date..  Waitrose, Lidls and M&Co keep the town alive. Nationwide and Lloyds remain although Lloyds are considering reducing and Barclays and Natwest have left. The Post Office can help businesses as they provide banking services.  The absence of Chamber of Commerce is a loss as Local Authorities and groups like ABCD have no one corporate body to liase with. Loders Deli closed as it couldn’t compete with Waitrose.  The MTIG funded Digital Display Board is set inside the Community Office against the front window. Some glare problems on a bright day.  It is the 20th Anniversary of the Crewkerne Children’s Triathlon on the first Sunday in July.  The SSDC Community Office has changed to self-serve in the town hall.  The Swan Hotel, an iconic building in the town centre is being renovated into an 8 bedrooms all ensuite super hotel which is due to open in May.

 Ilminster - Barclays Bank closed but some services were moved to the Post Office. The bank building has been occupied by an Optometrist.

 The loss of NatWest branches in Chard and Crewkerne has resulted in increased footfall in Ilminster as the customers have transferred to Ilminster.

 Neighbourhood planning is underway with the Town Council hiring a consultant.

 Ilminster Fairtrade Fortnight is from 25 February to 10 March.

 There is requirement for office space in Ilminster, which the developer building at Winterhay Lane addressed in the initial proposal with office buildings, but has now replaced with houses stating there is no demand for office space.

 New community notice board sited next to the ATM at Tescos.  With SSDC help the business survey was made available electronically and in hard copy to businesses in and around Ilminster. In spite of advertising with only 26 replies received plus another 45 only partially completed. Request to SSDC for assistance with compiling the report.  Note: Hard copy of Smart Survey results passed to Peter Paddon.  The two volunteers who have worked tirelessly to keep the Ilminster Library garden in good shape have retired. Luckily, a gentleman has come forward to carry on the good work.  The monthly Ilminster Forum produce market lost a key market stall holder in 2017 with the sale of County Farms. This linked to a drop in footfall. Given the drop in footfall we have opted to close the market over the winter and will relaunch in the Spring.

 Litter picking continues on an ad hoc basis with the main activity being centred on the clean-up after the Carnival and Fun Fair.  Tourism supported with walks leaflets and brochures. Currently we are refreshing the Visit Ilminster website. It is linked to Visit Somerset so features on the first page of the Google search.  Up to date listings information have prompted increased use of the Ilminster Web. This included businesses’ listing. 7. Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 27 June 2019

Action: Would someone like to volunteer their market town for a walkabout and venue for the next meeting in June?

 Cllr Angie Singleton thanked everyone for coming along to the meeting, which was her last as Chair of the Market Towns Investment Group as she is stepping down as a District Councillor in May. We wish her all the best for the future.