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MICKLEBY GROUP PARISH COUNCIL (incorporating the Parishes of East and West Barnby, Ellerby and Mickleby) Minutes of the parish meeting held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 9th May, 2019 at Mickleby Village Hall


Present: Chair Cllr C. Churley,. Vice Chair Cllr I, Bloor., Cllr B. Taylor, Cllr A. Cornforth., Cllr P.Mckernon. Clerk Ms J. Jacques-Hale.

1 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE And to approve reasons given for non-attendance where applicable Absent: Cllr Barbra Hoggarth-Ewens, Cllr David Coupland, Cllr Janet Pratt all step down. Absent: Cllr F. Cornforth apologises were read and accepted.

2 TO IDENTIFY ANY ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION THAT MAY REQUIRE THE EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To resolve to exclude press and public for part of Item 13 when discussing the merits of candidates for co-option as a councillor and Item 14 if discussing personal attributes of potential candidates


3 TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal, pecuniary or prejudicial interests they may have in the following items that are not already declared under the council’s code of conduct or members’ Register of Interests


4 MINUTES To consider the accuracy of the minutes of the Mickleby Group Parish Council meeting held on 6th March 2019 for approval and signing Minutes approved and signed Proposed Cllr B. Taylor, seconded Cllr I. Bloor.

5 PARISHIONER MATTERS To receive comments from the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest


6 NORTH POLICE MATTERS To receive any reports from the Police 6.1 March 2019 police Read, Noted 6.2 April 2019 police Read, Noted

7 REPORT ON MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary 7.1 Speed camera – 174 near cross roads for East Barnaby – Cllr I, Bloor 7.2 Reduction in speed limit sign, blind corner, West Lane, The lane, Low lane – ongoing revisited next meeting Cllr C. Churley. 7.3 Potholes opposite 59 The lane, Mickleby- Reported. 7.4 Keep Britain Tidy litter pick Friday 12 April 2019, 4pm, Ellerby bank top crossroads, B1266 – 11 members of the parishes joined in and Successfully collected 38 bags of rubbish, SBC collected.


8.1 Letter to Mulgrave estates regarding the ditch at Ellerby CC wrote a letter to Mulgrave estate explaining the situation in Ellerby – responded that they take no responsibility for the ditch, suggested contacting NYCC.

Signed………………………………………………………………Dated………………………………….. File copy

8.2 Report the ditch to highways- reported JJH- SBC reply do not own the land that runs between Ellerby lane end and the property known as the Byre. Cllr B. Taylor, reported to NYMNPA who visited the area after several emails however it was thought that the green was owned by Mulgrave estate, after flood inspection it was decided that the ditch is at present free flowing and not an immediate flood risk. It was acknowledged that there was an amount of silt in the pipe and that NYMNPA would approach the estate for potential action. It was agreed that the situation will be monitor and re-addressed at the next meeting. 8.3 Tour de Yorkshire – 4th May 2019, chair Cllr Churley and Cllr B. Taylor put up bunting B1266 it was agreed it was a worthwhile. Cllr A. Cornforth watched the event from East Barnby entrance with parishioners it was agreed by all that it was a successful event. 8.4 Litter pick, Barnby Beck & East Barnaby, Dates to be arranged and emailed to Cllrs and put up on noticeboards. CC. 8.5 Waste bins for dog waste- Mickleby SBC- Resolved.

9 REPRESENTATIVE, BOROUGH AND COUNTY COUNCILLOR REPORTS To receive reports from Parish Council Representatives, Borough and County Councillors on relevant items from recent meetings. Cllr Clive Pearson request forwarded dates of forth coming meetings.

10 PLANNING MATTERS To receive reports on and consider the following planning issues and decide action where necessary:


11 PARISH MAINTENANCE Consider the following issues and decide further action where necessary.

1. Check benches and Noticeboards for maintenance- 1.1 Ellerby benches in need of maintenance. 1.2 East Barnaby - plastic tree supports need clearing away - contact Mulgrave estates, ask if local school children can be involved in clear up Cllr I Bloor to follow up. 1.3 East Barnaby jubilee tree in need of attention clearing weeds Cllr A. Cornforth,. Cllr P. McKenner. 1.4 Grass verge cutting – Mr Robson to be contacted Chair C. Churley. To be included on the next agenda: 2.1 Hedges- cutting in Mickleby. Chair C. Churley assess and report back. 2.2 Assess where Improvements are needed: Barnby beck, and crossroads which is prone to flooding, Cllr A. Cornforth to assess situation. 2.3 Ellerby verges – look at clearing the mud keep monitoring the situation – Cllr W.Taylor. 2.4 East Barnaby – concrete sets reported to be in need of clearing Cllr I. Bloor assess and Feedback to parish council. .

12 FINANCE To consider the following and decide actions where necessary To receive the payment schedule and approve payment of the invoices detailed: 1. Cheque 334 parish clerk -debited 2. Cheque 333 Village hall hire- Awaiting statement noted 3. Estimated end balance £3729.24, 07/03/2019 4. Cheque 336 clerk invoice- debited. 5. Cheque 335 Invoice Ellerby noticeboard - debited 6. Cheque 337 Printing cost newsletter - awaiting statement noted 7. Cheque 338 Data Protection Renewal – debited 8. Estimated Balance £2949.24 16/03/2019 9. Insurance renewal due 1st June 2019 10. Clerk invoice March 2019 £279.50 Approved, issued cheque 11. End Balance 2018-19 £2659.74 Noted 12. YLCA membership renewal invoice £125.00-1st April 2019 Approved, issued cheque. 13. SBC invoice-Recharges £150.00 Approved, issued cheque 14. Clerk invoice April 2019 £104.00 Approved, issued cheque 15. SBC model agreement instal 1 £427.47 & precept instal 1 £1370.00 Noted 16. Estimated New balance 2019-20 £4078.21 Noted


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17. AGAR PKFlitllejohn part 2 to be completed after internal audit certificate of exemption return to PKF littejohn and publish on noticeboards & website. Noted 18. New signatories required, online banking - address next meeting CC

13 CORRESPONDENCE To consider the following new correspondence received and decide actions where necessary (i) For Decision: a) Insurance Due 1st June, Came & co current renewal quote, Agreed to stay with current insurance company C.C Renew. b) VAT return 19/03/2019 completed and posted JJH Noted c) Model agreement expenditure 2018-19 completed & returned SBC JJH Noted d) SBC waste management -Litter pick collection of rubbish & new waste bin in Mickleby - Noted e) SBC Electors – statement of nominated persons - Noted f) SBC inform use YLCA/SBC code of conduct on website. Also see SBC register of interest and dispensation form. Noted.

(ii) For Information a) NALC executive bulletin March 2019- Noted b) Hambleton, Richmond and CCG news 31 March, April 2019- Noted c) YLCA- White rose update, March, April 2019-Noted d) Rural bulletin, Rural Funding March, April 2019- Noted e) Whitby Scarborough, Ryedale DAG, April, May 2019 Noted f) NALC legal briefing (01-19) –update briefing on PURDAH-Noted g) SBC- Standards in public life.Noted h) NALC- new code of audit practice consultation 1st April 2020-Noted i) YLCA- External audit 2018-19 update from PKF Little John LLP- Noted j) NYCC- planned road restriction A174 to Mickleby 22th -26 th April 2019.- Noted k) NYMNPA- Defra Funding to support village halls- Noted l) YLCA Training dates- Noted m) Rural service network- Noted n) YLCA Neighbourhood planning programme update- Noted o) YLCA – Launches internal audit service- Noted

(iii) Forth coming events meetings:


14.1 Two vacancies for Mickleby - Chair Cllr C. Churley to make enquiries amongst the residents of Mickleby for potential candidates. one vacancy for Ellerby- Cllr W. Taylor Will make enquires amongst residents of Ellerby for potential candidates. Request for electoral register to carry out task, approved, issued working within GDPR guidelines of SBC.


15.1 Parish clerk resignation 9th May, 2019. 15.2 Two applicants have been interviewed for the position by Chair Cllr C. Churley Mickleby Group Parish Council and the chair Cllr K.Thwaites of Ugthorpe and . One applicant was selected, following contract and start date been selected new clerk will be appointed.

16 DATE OF NEXT MEETING To decide and confirm that the next Parish meeting will be at 7:30pm, 3rd July 2019 at Mickleby, Village Hall.

Meeting Finished at: 9pm.

Contact: Cllr C Churley, Chair Mickleby Group Parish Council (Email: [email protected]).
