Rawls Sigma Tomorrow
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THE LIMA NEWS r OCTOBER fit *AY* TMJKT feMMTMt Elft OP IMPf ROK M*uP* MIAN U New Romantic Comedy Due •TMMI wP<*fa*t mm Surprise Climax Is Feature At Sigma On Wednesday Of "This Is My Besf Show Donald Meek, atage and screen /«voritf, st»r« In J|MjAii Stmf» "Shady Ludy," the pr*tentlou» new romantic comeJy eominf to th« O'Henry Award winner, "Mr. Bidbce'g Princess" on "Thi* Is MjrBttt,* Sigma theatre Wednesday - has Charles Coburn co-starred with'Ginny at 9:30 p. m. Tuesday over WABC. Simins and Robert PaiRC, '• Thcwplot concerns a small midwestern jeweler who Is pushetf around The story has been expertly fashioned to exhibit Iho talents of its by family and neighbors alike until his eventful return from •'.New three stars- An impressive supporting cast also in one of the top York convention. On the train, ho rt»ovcs a cinder from thfl eye otlui features. Pai«;e m scon as a young prosecuting attorney in Chicago. internationally famous princess, In his campaign to'jail a notorious and starts a flood of rumors from nito club racketeer he falls in Jove ThMir* Guide the local gossips, which brings FLIGHT DECK with a popular caburct entertain- the story to a t-urprise climax, 109 E. Market OHIO— "Naujflily Ninctlo»" with Judy's father finds that Cupid's er, which is, naturally, Ginny Bud Abbott and Lou ConlelJo. Op«n 24 Hours m D»y Simms, QOttMA-"Slate Fair" 1th Dana aim is often wide of its matk, Sandwich** Abbott and Costello are not uo Andrews, Jeanne Cralne, Dick •when he becomes "Casanova Foi- Plat* Lunch** to their old tricks, they have a few Hiymei »ntl Vivian BUIne. ter" on "A Date With Judy," at new ones for their current picture, nOMA— "Her Ulghnegj) And The 8:30 p. m. over \VEAF, Tuesday. "Naughty Nineties/' now showing Bell Boy" with H«dy ijimarr. As a favor to a friend, he orders at the Ohio theatre. When the Kolx-rt Walker and .lune Ally- flowers for a certain "Sweetipie," two «et in with a bunch of profes- son: amo "Body Snatcher " and this l?ads to a highly embar- sional gamblers they are involved KTATC—"Along Cam* Jonen" with rassing se't of comic complications. WLOK DIAL in an affair pretty near unextric- Gary Cooper, Loretta Youn/f a"J Radio headliners Ann Shepard able. William Uemarest; also "That'fc and Larry Haines embark on an LIMA LOG If you've ever attended a fair The Spirit," eerie honeymoon when they appear you have a pretty good idea what IiYlUC— "Zombie* On Broadway" behind Paul McGrath's creaking * LIMA TIME the exhibitions amount to. Well. and "The Return Of The Duranifo door in dual-ghoul guest roles in P. M. TUESDAY they're on a much greater scale at Kid" with Charles SUrrett. C:H 1241 Club AttBJf— 'Folli/w The Leader" with "Till Death Do Us Part," a gasp- 6:10 OporU (Kawls) • "State Fair" as you will see in provoking "Inner Sanctum" mys- 6:15 Woodtn Shoe Beer the film of the same name cur- Dead Knd Kids,; also "Sonera tery to be broadcast at 9 p. m. icntly showing at the Quilna the- Stagecoach" with Moot Gibson 6:43 Tin Pmn Allo ll'«op\tf Clolhw) and Bob SLcele. Tuesday over WABC. 7:00 Chesterfield feuppcr Club NK atre The film has for its stars. HE WONT Y WWT' I 7:15 Wegtrrn >nd Southern Life lam. DmiVB-nr— "Brazil" with Virginia Alan Young, the terrific tacti- .Teane Craine, Dana Andrews, Dick LIKE VOU BE SO FOXY MOW HIM. HE'LL tian, makes a breath-taking end- Bruce and Robert Livingston. WHATS AFTER A 7:30 Iii» Honor the Barber Havmes and Vivian Elaine. (Balentine) NBC coiinra VF NEEPEDTO run around dazed Hubert Updike Have you ever seen a calm cow- III, to out-guess his famous rival 8:00 Johnnr PruenU (PhiUip Morris) boy? Maybe the question should' OHIO—"Rhapsody In Blue" com- PINTHEBI& NBC mences Thursday. APE'S EARS I in a race for their common goal, 8-30 D«ie with Judy (Turn:) NBC be, have you ever seen a cowboy? SACK; i the beautiful Betty Dittendeffer 9:00 Amo» 'N' Andy (Le»«r Broi) NBC Well, anyhow, you'll not want to QtntLMA—"Pennies From Heaven" 9:30 Fibber McCe« »nd Molly and "Mr Deeds Goes To Town" I on the "Alan Young Show" at <John*ofiA) NBC •miss "Along Came Jones" with 8:30 p. m. Tuesday over WJZ. 10:00 Bob Hope (Pepaodenl) NBC Carv Cooper and Loretta Young. due Friday. 10:30 Raleigh Room with Hildecard* KBC Olsen and Johnson really create SIOKA— "Shady Lady" and -Bright- 11:00 Cnnirresa Cafe New» A sensation in "Zombies on Broad- on Stranger" coming Wednesday. 11:13 Richard (Urkneiu NBC aiATE—"Uncle Harry" and "Jun- Radio Guide 11:30 Hit* and Mi«s« NBC way" the film now showing at the A.M. WEDNESDAY Lyi-ic theatre. When they go lo gle Captive" start Thursday. TUESDAY, OCT. 16 XiYKIC— "Murder My Sweet' and '. M. C:00 Sunrise Srrefud* Africa to bring a zombie back S.43—Front PaKMiFarrcll Serial—nbe 6:30 National Finance Ntwi with thpm, and one comes back as "Shadows Of Death" begin Sparrow anfi Hawk—cbs t 35 Sunrise Serenade a zombie, the biggest, sensational Wednesday Tom Mix—mbs 7:00 Alarm Klock «T.t.Ti»—"Rf-ap The Wild Wind" *:00—Newa nbc 7:30 Excursions in Scienr* laugh riot of the year is created. Nick Carter—mbs 7:41 Reveille Roundup (Crores) NBC "Reap the Wild Wind" with Ray and "Silver Stallion" begin C :15—Echoos of Tropics—nbc 8:00 World News (Armstrong) NBC Milland. Paulctte Goddard and Wednesday. Edwin C. Hill-cbs 8:15 Do Von Remember NBC TDf.lVK.at — Cowboy And The Superman—mbs 8:4.-, Market Basket Tim* John Wayne will open Wednesday t:30—Ted Hasine—cbs 9:00 Ed East & Poll* Lady" due Wednesday. (:43~^Lotpll Tfaorna*—nbc 9:30 Name it and You Can HaM.it in all its greatness at the Allen WorM New*—cbs (Weatheriekl) theatre. Sharing the billing will Tom Mil—mbs 9.45 Daytime Classics be "Silver Stallion." 7:09—Como'* Supper Club—nbc 10-00 Sh«w» News The Athenians began the year Fulton Lewis—mbs 1»:05 Shoppers' Serenade in June, the Macedonians in Sep- 7:1.">—War News—nbc 10:15 Victorians Lhm* 7:30—Uick Hayme* * Show—nbc 10:20 Tune Time American Melodic—cbs 10:30 Road oi Life (P «• G> NBC Arthur Hale—mbs 10-45 Feldm«n'» Social Calendar out of aluminum thread. kiensvF=£g**t Mexicans on Feb. 23. ~:4 3—Kaltenborn—n be-west 11:00 Fred Wannft NBC Music—mbs 11:3* Frank and Neal 8 00—C. 0 SVinner Show—nbc 11:4> I.OTK Nol« (Grerlt» Dim BOARIHNG HOUSE with MAJOR BOOPIJ "BiK Town"—cbs I J.JO Today in Historj (Ohio Window News—mbs Cleanine) OLD *^ArAOf4G I MlSSt S:30—A Date With Judy—nbc 11-55 Lion Clothine News MUST UPCOAR. Theatre of Romance. Dr.—cbs OSLWXLLV Bond Auction—mbs PM. 8:3i—News—cbs i 12-00 Renz Food for Thought IT'S AS S:00—Navy ProETam—nbc I 12:15 Mont. Ward Luncheon Melodies Inn-T Sanctum—cbi 12:25 Information Time Gabnel Heatter—mbs 12:30 Plerol Xe»« tCOUPE OF- 9.30—Victor Bor^e—nbe J'^T BlaHners' Rhyme a Line SKELHU>i This Is My Best, Dram*-cbs 1:00 C. S. Air For'e Band PRACTICING* Amfrican Fonam—robs 1:15 M,n«ic Cor the Shot-Ins 18:90—Man Called X—nbc i -30 Afternoon Tempos / PAG WOOD/ Service to the Front—cbs 2.00 finidinj; Lieht <Gtn- »": ACT ONi A C THIS WILL IF VOLTRE SLEEP* 10 -3«—Hildcgarde—nbc V SAVE WHY EXDNT >DU Congress Speaks—cbs 2:30 Woman in White ( GETTING UE POWN OM Wing^ For Tomorrow—mi>s 2-45 Rowlands' Women Today EXCELSIOR ]0:45—Dancing: Mosic—ctw 3-09 A Wnman of Amenca <P * C) NBC 11 _oo—^(rw?—nbc-ba^ic 3-'l5 M* Perkin. ^ POMPADOU& The Sopper CJufa in repeat— •?Tl» Central Hieh School nbc-west 3-4S Riehi )o H^PBinw. <P * «> ***' Dance—tnbs 4-00 Back-««a«e Wife (Ster. Drus> NBC 11 15— \anety and News to 1 ». n»-— 4:15 Stella Dalla. , ;*"g nbc 4:30 I^renio Jena ' "_ 4:45 Ynun* WMd" Brown l"** T:»» Printers' News DENY MtRDEB CHAKGES 3:05 !24» Club EATON. Oct. 16— (AP)—Arlie 5:15 The Donlapi 5^0 12^0 Clnb Lasvrell, 3S. and his 42-year-oid SU.nejiaai brother. Tillman, both of Rieb- £-45 Ho«pttafity aSS-w^HSHsr' mond, Ind.. have pleaded inno- cent to indictments charging them DIAL with, second degree murder m the slaying. Seit. 3, of Edgar WLOK Settles. 28, local bartender. Both 1240 are being held under bonds of. Lima, $5,000 each. Ohio Ko CYOU GET ME, THE SHOW OF SHOWS! HUH?? By J. R WILLIAMS OUT OUR WAY NOW I WAMTCHA 0- ALL TO WALI4 woeky L.OOV1 WHAT'S 'ATS RKSHT-- OH, NO YOU ALLOWED TO SOME. OF 'EM WOULDN'T/ B PAST AN' I DRIVE CARS, COULDNT PEEL, TH TIMEVO WILL CHECK A POTATO GOT THAT BIG ORF VER HEALTHY KIDS WITHOUT ^OU'D STILL. BE OUR. AGE ARE. PAWTIM'/ THINKJN' OF MAMES?! FORBIDDEN.' BOX i TD SURE YOURSELF AN' I W/SH I WAS A PO -SUMP'W TR.YIN' T'dlT SENATOR.