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Making the 6th District Great Again!

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Dear Patriots:

The choice for US Senate in November can not be more clear. We have a contest between do nothing Senator , and a true American patriot in Daniel Gade. Here is a transcript from Gade's 1st ad, and you can see that this man loves America, Subscribe Past Issues Translate RSS loves , loves the Constitution, and wants to do the right thing:

My entire life, I’ve faced forks in the road. From West Point to leading men into combat to not letting my injuries define me. And the right choice has never been the easy one.

Right now, we are at a fork in the road as a country. Do we choose divisiveness and a status quo that isn’t working for us? Or do we elect leaders, who will make the right choice, even when it’s the harder one.

That’s been the story of my life. And now I am running for Senate because I’m not done serving.

I am Daniel Gade and I approve this message.

Gade is right on all the issues - from being an advocate for life, to having attended many 2A rallies and understanding that an armed society is a safe society. Mark Warner on the other hand, has never met a tax increase he didn't like, still supports a failed Obama Care, has done nothing to help his people during the COVID-19 crisis, and votes nearly 100% of the time with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Warner wants you to think that he's a moderate, but in actuality Warner is a radical's radical. Why do I say this? Simple - whereas Pelosi and AOC and the Squad let you know they're radicals, Warner fools you by sounding like a centrist when in reality his voting record is as bad as theirs.

Don't be fooled by Warner's supposed bi-partisan reputation, he's a true leftist.

Please take a minute to view Gade's ad, and make a donation if you can. His campaign needs the money - he has an actual chance to defeat Mark Warner, but only with your help! Subscribe Past Issues Translate RSS

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to each of you for all the hard work you are doing, and are going to do. It is only with your help that we will take back Virginia!

I remain your servant

S John Massoud 6th District Republican Party Chairman

Upcoming Events:

September 18 - Warren County GOP 2nd HQ Grand Opening (119 Water Street Front Royal) Start time is 6:30 PM. Subscribe Past Issues Translate RSS September 18 - Early Balloting begins this day. Contact your local registrar for information on early/absentee voting if you are concerned about your health or will be out of Town on November 3.

September 19: 16th Annual John Smedley Pig Roast and BBQ. Location of Foreign Wars Post 1860. 1847 N. Royal Avenue Front Royal Va. Tickets are $20. Guest Speaker will be our next Senator Daniel Gade.

September 22 - Roanoke City GOP Meeting. 1st Evangelical Presbyterian Church (Fellowship Hall) 2101 S. Jefferson Street. 6 30 PM

September 23 - 6th District Committee Meeting - Elks Lodge Waynesboro Va

September 24 - Shenandoah County Republican Party Meeting - Location to be determined.

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