The Manchester Newcomer's The Couple’s Club of the it Town Club of the Hartford Region Church of the Assumption will T1WCA w ill have its annusd have a potluck tomorrow at 8 J«Hbvah's Witneiaes will con- beer and barbecue iSaturday at p.m. in the church hall. The dt a theocratic ministry 6:30 p.m . at D el Aire Psu'k, program will include old-time Kfiw. Lionel J. Plante a t (^ . tonight, at 7:30 and .a Snipslc Rd., Tolland. Members m ovies. service meeting at 8:35 at King­ are asked to bring equipment Milford Rd. wna elected preei- dom ' Hail. for tennis, basketbsdl, volley­ Pull Gospel Chrlstlr.n Fellow­ dent of the Buckley School PTA ball, baseball and horseshoes. ship, Interdenominaticmal, will at thle week's meeUng. Scmth United Methodist Mrs. William Murray of 15 have a Bible study and open Other cfflcen are Don­ Church will have a Teacher Ap­ Griswold St. is chairman. discussion tonlgh'; at 7 :30 in ald Spiel of 18 Woodstock Dr., preciation Dinner tcmlght at 6:30 Orange Hall. in Cooper 'Hall of the church. vice president; Mrs. BVed Cub Scout Pack 47 o f South Caruolo of M Constance Dr., SALT Agreement United Methodist Church will The Mountain Laurel Chapter Grocery Costsi Center Congregratlonal Church secretary; and Mrs. Ernest J. will have its annual meeting and have a cookout tomorrow at of Sweet Adelines will rehearse . KJellson o f 86 F lag D r., trea­ election of officers tcmig^t in Camp Johnscm, Bolton. Those tonight at 8 at the Russian surer. Woodruff Hall of the church. planning to attend will meet at American National Center, 213 Mra. Maurtee Willey, state ‘Sometime in ’71’ The meeting will open with des­ 6 p,.m. at the church parking Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. FfTA corresponding secretary Rose Sharply sert at 7:30, and the business lot. Awards will be made, and 'Hie'Rehearsal is open to all and northeast regional vice For Britain Joining Market women Interested-in Joining this session will begin at 8; the cubmaster will read each president, installejl the offtcers. cub’s list of achievements dur­ four-part harmony chorus. After the business meeting, ing the year. Cubs are remind­ Is Nixon’s Hope By ARTHUR L. GAVSHON The Jutilor Confirmation Class parents viewed children’s arts of Emanuel Lutheran Church ed to bring flashlights, and par­ The Prank J. Mtmsfield Aux­ Last Month Associated IPress Writer and crafts work In classrooms, will meet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. ents to bring their own refresh­ iliary of the Marine Corps By LEWIS OUUOK corridors, and cafeteria, done in the parish building. ments and a grill, m the event League will sponsor a public, Aaeociated Pres* Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — Gro- period o f 1670 when the rise, two PARIS (AP)—President under the supervirion of Mrs. of rain the cookout will be held setback party tonight at 8 at eery prices rose per cent, 'was more than twice Georges Pompidou aiid Doreen Manchester, art tearii- The Adult Bible Study Class May 27. the Marine Home, 717 Park St. (AP)—President Nixon vmced hope ta"Apri7butTmaite%^ciS as great,” he said in a state­ Prime Minister Edward er. of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Refreshments will be served. today for a U.S.-Soviet agreement “sometime this for some housing and transpor- ment. Heath met again today to CSiurch will meet tonight at 7:30 year” to curb offensive and defensive nuclear weapons. taUon costs held last month’s Grocery prices rose nine- Community Baptist Church conclude a broad a^eement at the church. will have its annual planning The Sunbeams of the Man­ "Some very Intensive negotla- over-all rise in living costs to tenths of one per cent. Housing tkHis w ill have to take place to to work for a united Eu­ m eeting tonight at 7 :30 in the chester Salvation Army will Piano Students Hie administration still wants three-tenths of one per cent, the costs edged up one-tenth of one The Chapel Choir of Emanuel achieve our goal,’’ Nixon added. per cent, transportation three- rope rivaling the Ameri­ church youth building. have their annual mother- Scoutmaster Harry Maidment presents Eagle Scout to proceed with its request to government said toay. Lutheran Church will rehearse Give Recital The President referred to Congress for an expanded Safe. Hie April increase brought Tenths, clothing four-tenths, can and Soviet superpow­ tonight at 7:30 in the church daughter banquet tomorrow at badges to John Abbott, John Bowen and Daniel Huirsday’s U.S.-Soviet an­ The Sunset Club will meet 6:30 p.m. at the Salvation Ar­ guard ABM pending further de­ the government’s Consumer niedlcal care six-tenths and rec- ers. music room. Eagle Badge Earned Kimball. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) The piano students of Mrs. nouncement aimed at spurring velopment from the SAL/T nego­ Price Index up to 120.2, mean- reation six-tenths, said the re- Pompidou after long secret tom orrow at 1 :30 p.m . at the my citadel on Main St. Madeline Cain will be presented the progress in the Strategic Senior Citizens Center. Cards tiations, they said. Ing it cost $12.02 last month for Po^t by the Bureau of Labor talks with Heath on Thursday King David Lodge of Odd Fel- will participate in the Board­ in a recital Saturday at 7 p.m. Arms Limitation Talks (SALT). In fact, the 'Soviets are cur­ every $10.00 worth of typical Statistics. gave the green light for Brit- will be played, and refresh­ The Past Chiefs Club of Me­ In it, the U.S. and Soviet lead­ lows wll meet tomorrow at 7:30 walk Parade Saturday after­ In Memorial Hall of Center Con- rently constructing more sites family mirchases in the 1967 bureau also reported that ' ain’s admission to the European ments served. morial Temple, Pythian Sisters, Tall Cedars gregatlMuil Church. ership agreed to concentrate p.m. at Odd Follows Hall. By Troop 25 Scouts noon. for long-range missiles and the base period. some 46 million rank and file Commmi Market, removing the will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. The students who will per­ tills year on working out an an- Grand Tall Cedar Roy E. United States Is proceeding with The Labor Department' said workers gained 73 cents a week biggest obstacle to the British Chapman Court, Order of Gamma Chapter of »/pha at the home of Mrs. Gladys At Convention form are: Beth Stiorpe, Lisa tibaUlstlc missile (ABM) limita­ John Abbott, John Bowen and Daniel Kimball r&; Reed heads the Nutmeg party. the Sofe^fuard ABM system, de- the Index was 4.3 p er cent above In pay to an average o f $124.76, candidacy. Diplomats of the two Amaranth, will meet tomorrow Delta Kappa will meet tomor­ Gamble, 431 Lydall St. ceived their Eagle Scout badges last night in cere­ The Supreme Convention of Cooke, Martha Poirier, Mary tion and on measures to curb of­ a year earlier for the smallest that after allowance for fed- countries worked through the The monthly Forest meetl^ fensive missiles. at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic row at 7:30 p.m. at the home the Tail Cedars of Lebanon is Beth Correia, Steven Davies, (See Page Ten) annual rise In nearly three ^ deductions and higgler night to formulate a joint decla­ monies during the Boy Scout Troop 25 annual Spring will be Monday at 7:30 p.m. In Nixem conferred with U.S. ne­ Temple. Officers will rehearse of Mrs. Gertrude Baker, 310 The Salvation Army Bible being held this weekend at At­ Susan Cain, Cynthia Cain, Ste­ years and that the Increase c°«ts purchasing power ration. Fellowship will study “The Day Court of Honor in Woodruff Hall of Center Congrega­ the Masonic Temple. gotiator Gerard Smith before at 7 p.m. and are reminded to Hackmatack St. Mrs. Baker lantic City, N.J., and Nutmeg phen Wierzbickl and Henry since February was the small- was two per cent-above a year The two leaders proclaimed of His Ascension’’ at its meet­ tional Church. ------Smith’s return to Vienna to wear white gowns. Refresh­ will discuss flower arranging. Foirest of Manriiester wlU be Wierzblcki. est of any three-month period in earlier. However, the buying* their desire to revive the Brit- ments will be served after the Hostesses are Mrs. Marlon Har­ ing tonight at 7:30 at the cita­ All three boys joined Troop Arey, Edward Bates, John Also, Renee Caron, Shari Pos­ resume the SALT discussions. Laird Says power of the average pay check 25 in 1966 and are 17-year-old Beckwith, Larry Berry, Brian represented for the activities Poison Gas Fought Shortly after his White House four years. ish^French entente cordlale in meeting. low and Miss Marita Kemp. del. sum, Kathy Possum, Mary an exchange of toasts at a state juniors at Manchester High Cox, John Dzlato, John Plurkey, that began today with business WASHINGTON — The U.S. seasioa with the depcutlng en­ Hie 4.8 per cent gain in a year P®*" eent below the Alice Leamy, Lisa Secriiri, record peak of Septem ber 1968. banquet shortly before midnight School. Richard PTegeau, Charles m eetings. Public Health Service has em­ Laurie Bourque, Wendy Werk- voy, Nixon talked about the represented a slowing from the Keep Arms 5.6 per cent climb in calendar “The effects of higher prices Thursday. John Abbott is the son of Mr. Glade, Karl Golnlk, Guy Gun- A bus will leave the Maaonic barked on a national program heiser, Susan Schiavettl, Karen U.S.'-Sovlet commitment on 1970 and 6.1 per cent in 1969. for most goods and services was and Mrs. 'Vamum Abbott of 66 derson, David House, Randy Temple tomorrow morning; to reduce carbon-monlxlde poi­ Schiavetti and Kimberly Noo­ g s U r while addreasizig a wind­ “On many essential points,” "The limited increase in the moderated by a decline in mort­ said Pompidou, ’’and particular­ Thayer Rd. He has served the Jones, Robert Kleman, David some members left today. soning and is enlisting the aid nan. up conference of the Interna­ gage interest rates and gasoline tixx^ as patrol leader, crew Maldment, Ralf Michels, Jef- Headquarters for the Manches­ of medical societies. Industrial Friends and relatives are in­ tional TelecommunicatlMia Sat- During Talks consumer-price index for April ly concerning the general con­ TEL. 643-4302 is'encouraging in our fight to re­ prices,” the bureau said. cept of Europe, its organization leader, and junior assistant frey Slater, Michael Shearer ter group will be the Lombeurdy groups and health agencies to vited to hear these students. eUUe Consortium (IN TELSAT). Hie big rise of nine-tenths o< He said the two powers had By FRED S. HOFFMAN sist inflation,” said Secretary of and objectives, our -views; are scoutmaster. and William Tedford. Hotel. bring about a response by the Refreshments will be served af­ one per cent for food followed indicated in their announce­ AP Military Writer Labor J. D. Hodgson. sufficiently close to aUow us to John Bowen, who has held Camporee patches were pre- Nutmeg’s band and rangers public. ter the recital. an equally large jump in March ment, produced by negotiations continue without pessimism.” the poslUons of patrol leader sented to the patrol and crews WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre- tWrd of t^ year grocery prices. at the highest level, that they ™ 13 I Index rose nine-tenths of one and junior assistant scoutmas­ placing highest in the district tary of Defense Melvin R. Laird Most of the April food rise Heath in reply said he was wiU work toward Umitation of I>er cent, which is quite an im­ ter, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. camporee as follows: said today the United States heartened ”to discover in my both offensive and defensive provement over the comparable Jrim Bowen of 670 Woodbridge Panther Patrol, Thomas War­ cannot afford to disarm while it (See Page Sixteen) talks -with the president how missUes "and work toward St. ren, patrol leader; Mark Kim­ ii TO \iJ negotiates 'with the So'vlets to close are our ideas and aspira­ R & R AUTOMOTIVE agreement in this field to be im­ tions.” ball, Kirk Nelson, Paul Mald- "UNDERSCENE" try to work out limitation of of­ Daniel Kimball, the eon of plemented sometime this year.” Pompidou, harking back to ment, E ric Thom as, John HU- fensive and defensive nuclear Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kimball Smith h(^s to win Soviet President Oiarles de Gaulle’s ler and Barry Cottle. weapons. of 184 Hackmatack St. has also agreemeat to’ start the next crusade against American dom­ Crew IV, Michael Belmore, "'JVe cannot afford to be impa­ served as patrol leader and round of SALT talks in Helsinki Students from Kent State, ination, said unity would i>ermit crew leader; Michael French, tient and we cannot afford to Top Quality Body Work junior assistant scoutmaster. bras and bikinis ! in July, after a brief recess Western Europe to regain He is the fourth Kimball son to Janies 'Aldrich, Marie Silhavy disarm unilaterally,” Laird told from t^ Vienna meeting. a 'Pmtagon seminar. ”We Others Held in Disturbance “command of her own destiny” receive this honor. and WUllam Qimther. 'Hi his nationally broadcast and recover "a purely Euro­ Crew V, David Glowackl, FOR THE JUNIOR FIGURE I shouldn’t anticipate sudden suc­ ROUTE 85. BOLTON The court of honor began statment Thursday Nixon said cess.” KENT, Ohio (AP) — Sixty vehicle, apparently not realizing pean concept of ci-villzation.” with the presentaUon of assist­ crew leader; Raymond Joyner, that in secret exdianges “in- Although both stressed that Ernest Arendt and Gregory j i i j He cautioned that the nation persons were held without ball 'was coming, ant scoutmaster badges to this vcavlhg the highest level of both must be prepared for complicat­ much remains to be negotiated year’s graduating seniors; Jef­ Denies. by today for. hearings on such a dozen members of the b e s t f o r m I govemmenU,” the Soviet UniiMi ed negotiations that may take . ^ Oiosen Few charged into the before the enlargement of the The Panther Patrol placed frey Bissedl, Ernest Cox, Lloyd and the United States: chaises as trespassing, verbal crowd, swinging belts and European Elconomic Communi­ WRECKER SERVICE AVAILABLE fourth out of 72 competing pa- tim e. Gustafson, Stephen Hale, Rich­ —“Have agreed to concen­ ty, Heath said he believes Brit­ trols and Crews IV and V tied :• He recalled that he repeated- abuse, carrying open beer con- chains, police said, ard Joyner and Stephen Kim­ trate this year on working out British Prime Minister Heath arrives today at Elysee Palace in Paris for a ish entry will be settled soon for fifth place In the senior i o n e siz e stretch nylon, wispy light, ly, over the last few years, has talners and disorderly conduct, One cyclist was among those ball. These new assistants then an agreement for tiie limitation and this will clear the way "for com petition o f 16 crew s. < urged meaningful arms limlta- followrlng a third straight night taken into custody, and the second day of meetings with French President Pompidou to work for a united conducted the rest of the cere­ for a natural, comfortable feeling. of the deployment of ABM (anti- tion negotiations wd that ”I o t dowmtowm disturbances. weapons wrere confiscated, a momentous step forward” to­ RALPH CLARK, Proprietor Other awards were as follows: Europe to rival both the American and Soviet Union superpowers. (AP Photo) monies. balUstic missile) systems.” stressed repeatedly the need for A policeman and a Kent State Police said smaller disorders ward European unity. Paul Maidment, Kurt Burkamp, i; Tenderfoot badges were pre­ These are "Underscene's" whisper- —"Have also agreed that, to- a posture of strength” to sup- student were Injured in the lat- Tuesday and Wednesday may F or P rance, it -will mean Jason Findlay, Robert Orzyb, •: sented to new recruits Kenneth soft undarfashions that persuade g;ether with ctkicluding an port the U.S. negotiating posl- est disturbance involving young have been triggered by the trial abandoning more than a decade David Shearer and Robert Rich- : gently, never confine. You'll see agreement to limit ABMs, they of hostility toward Its Britirii ardson, asaistant patrol leader; i tloh. people reportedly angered over and conviction of a 20-yeaJMHd the results. You won't feel them. will agree on certain measures "It U clear that our strength what they call police harass- Kent State student for desecrat- neighbor. Kirk Nelson, Lonnie Jennings, ; They're almost like wearing noth­ with respect to the limitation of has made possible the hope for ment. ing an American flag. Michael Viet Cong Increase Attacks For Britain, it will mean Scott AUemany, Gory Turking- | offensive strat^ c weapons.” success at SALT,” Laird said. Some motorcycle gang mem- Brock was OMivlcted In Municl- abandcmlng its 30-year-old spe­ ton, Jeffrey Metheny and Wll- : ing. And that's something. Tile Soviets issued an identi­ HU remarks, a day after bers were involved In the Thurs- pal Court on Wednesday In con-, cial relationship with the United CARPET AND Uam Chase, patred leader. ; cal announcement. President Nixon had announced day night Incident, and a uni- nection with an Incident on cam- States. James Aldrich, Ernest Arendt, j The SALT talks, started In U.S.-Sovlet agreement to negoti- versdty professor was among pus Feb. 6. In South Vietnam, Cambodia For West Europeans, it should Michael Belmore, Chester Big- : 1869, have been stym ied since ate limitation of both offensive those arrested. >pjie dlstriftonces Thursday start a march toward a political elow, Gregory DeNies, Michael ; and defensive nucleair arms, By GEORGE E8PER communiques put Saigon’s loss- fear of attacks on other civic ac­ confederation and the strongest last fall over whether to include Members of the Mayday Coa­ night foUowed an antiwar dem. FLOOR COVERING French, David Glowackl, WU- ; supported the prediction of oth­ Associated Press Writer es in the fighting at 13 killed tion projects. trading area in the world, with both offensive and defensive lition, an antiWEir organization, onstration at the site of the an­ TEMPLFS Uam Gunther, Raymond Joy- : er Pentagon officials. 'They said and 46 wounded. Another elg^ The U.S. Command reported a population o f 260 m illion. missiles in oeiticn at the SALT tedks. The crowd which gathered In tagnard tribesmen driven from velopment may have averted and the 200 cadets m arched ending at 6 a.m. today. The big­ mlle-long valley on the east and M arketf^ey are France, West The following boys were downtown Kent originally num­ their mountain homes by the Pentagon weapons decisions from the field through a path gest attack was only 10 rounds the north, 375 m iles north o f Sal- Germany, Ithly, Belgium, the awarded merit badges: bered 400 to 600 and at one point war. VALUES that could have added signifi­ cleared by police with night­ and casualties were reported Harry Arendt, James Bowen, included members of the Chosen (See Page Twelve) ( See Page Tea) cantly to next yea r’s $76 billion sticks. light. But it was the largest As the project progressed, Timothy Castagno, Thomas Few motorcycle gang. defense budget. White had warned Thursday number ,of such attacks since -volunteers from the Army, Warren and David Whiting, Kent State freshman Douglas Secretary Nobody expects the Russians that the campus was "not a A pril 26. Navy and Seabees joined in dur­ safety. One Size Bra Stretch Bra and Bikini Hayward, 19, of Perrysburg, 3 ROOMS to halt their missile and anti­ sanctuary” and that students The government’s military ing their off-duty time. Hiere Gregory DeNies, Michael Ohio, was Injured when he was missile buildup which set off w h o went to the campus alter headquarters also reported 119 was no official U.S. aid; instead French, David Glowacki, and hit by a motorcycle roaring the American volunteers fash­ set. O f Arm y S L S . tZInSLitTISS 8«i»rt4 UI •"•my Seale Deliberations Resume Robert Kudra, camping. 2 ... *3 *2 i “ 1I» t~«l» to nghttoe ioned two pumps, two engines William Chase, citizenship in reported _____ WALL TO WALL No padding or panels to change your So lightweight, so natural, you won't who said the Soviets are build­ condition today at Robinson Me- PoUce said charges o t unlaw- valley and at five locations in Euid a pipeline out of abandoned the home; Lee Fitzgerald and natural shape. The Antron nylon and even realize you're wearing o set. Eleven Resigns ing new launch bases for huge morlal Hospital in Ravenna assembly would be lodged eastern Cambodia. The Saigon equipment. The system went After Halt to Bear Reading Neal Nelson,- citizenship in the Lycra Spandex fabric finishes just enough colors. intercontinental missiles. with head and leg injuries. against students arrested forces also uncovered an arms into operation less than three nation; John ISller, stamp col­ control. Eight colors. WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre- Prospect of an offensive- months ago. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Mrs. Huggins testified that lecting; Raymond Joyner, citi­ _ ...... , ,, Police said the crowd ooened campus and. nraistudents shop and several munitions tary of the Army Stanley R. Re- weapons limitation probably five-foot-wlde oath for the cv who held 'visitors’ passes. They dumps containing more than Officials ...In Da Nang said the -oiJury deliberations in the trial of she maxle the lntroducti

y -

i i M I-:.

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1971 PA G E T H R E E PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CO l^.. FRIDAY, MAY 2i, 1971 will be Miss Marian Maccarone ence as president of the junior Bolton Town Students of 82 Hawthorne St., Vice presi­ class; Miss Kathleen Moriarty NEW! — EX0m N« MOVIE RAnNaS e TONIGHT dent; Mias Ellery Healy of 77 of 81 Gkuxiner St., vice presi­ Sheinwold on Bridge ^ANCHESTU ^ X A K , Reservations FORRRRENTBANO <*Acaaeiny Awards Sbow” Win ECHS Posts Concord Rd., secretary; and dent; Miss Suzanne Wagner | NATURAL HEALTH -Bj CLAY R. POLLAN- DON’T GIVE PARTNER RUS 6 S 44A . BOl HJN NOICH Patton shown flrst Patrick Farrell of 86 Dartmouth of 128 Barry Rd., secretary; ARID LlIRA YOUNQ PEOPLE ** Manchester students attending F O O D S H O W MAR. 21 Your Daily Acfivify Guido sen. WRONG KIND O F ACHE NORTH Rd., treasurer. Oregory Marino and Edward Rowe of 82 Irving According lo S ta rs . Still Available TN»obi9ell¥OollN9n llng§klo Inham- OCT. By AI.FRED SHEINWOLD 4 7 4 3 East Catholic High School won of Glastonbury will be presi­ St., treasurer. AT THE To develop message for Saturdoy, StMntt aOoM ww MiluMWr of ACADEMY AWARD 2 mmih eontoM hr vhwhg by m k th Umi. “Please tell me what I am TO 10 6 4 3 three of four Student Council dent. Other class presidents will be read words corresporxJIng to numbers - 8-21-26^ For Bus Trip BD t PICTURE 53^7-69 e , doing wrong,” a reader re- 0 K 8 3 poelUons and all senior class Senior class officers will be Joseph, B>ittner of 868 Main ist.. PARKADE / f TAURUS of your Zodloc birth sign. 4 A 4 2 SCORPIO A few seats are left for U i. AEEE AOMiniO quesU. “When I finished play­ offices in elections held recent­ Timothy Qulsh of 98 Ashworth South 'Windsor, Junior; and A«. 20 1 Excellent 31 Fruits 61 ArxJ U G « B T T PHABMATenr 2 A 32 Sensitive 62 You OCY. 23^ Wednesday’s Senior Citizens Gmirol Audim n ing the accompanying hand, WEST EAST ly. St., president; a position to Roland Charest of East Hart- ( MAY 20 3 Your 33 Corniitions • 63 You NOT. 21' A 4 Don't 34 Short 64Wotching trip to Hyde Park, N.Y., ac­ my partner had a scowl on his A K 10 A 6 5 2 Student Council officers which he will bring his experi­ foird, sophomore. A-14-25-M 34-36-38-W/«~ cording to Mrs.' Hugo Broda. O A 8 0 5 2 0 'A5-57-62. 5 Outlook 35 And 65 Your AU ASEt AM in to face. I asked him if he had a 6 Fovoroble 36 Trip 66 Exude 46-49-50 “ The sightseeing tour will in­ P o n m o l Gu II m c i S u g g ttM stomachache, and he said my 0 J1042 0 Q965 GIMINI 7 Today 37 O f 67 Proboble SAGITTARIUS 4 10983 4 T 7 6 5 8 Chonge 38 O r 68 Confidence clude tike West Point Military bidding had g;lven him one. 9 You 39 By 69 Today Academy, Lincoln Library and ’Then he added that my play SOUTH 20 10 For 40 V is it 70 V ita l Dec. 21 M l many other points of interest. RUTRICTEO had given him a headache. For 4 QI98 GEORGE sco n ,41-48-51-55 11 Time 41 Team 71 Weight Those attending should bring t ; '61-70-72 12 For 42 Being 72 Folk 59-63-64-65j r I Undor 17 trq u lru occooipanyloi the life of me, I can’t see what 0 KQJ97 13 See 43 Course 73 And 71-73-^ E - a box lunch; a stop will be Portnt or Adult Guardian BEST A C T O R wiSst* five-sfore, store-wide sale eirds tomorrow hurry in for CANCER he was talking about.” 0 A7 ^ m . ^ 1 3 14 Look 44 Attentive 74 Personality CAPRICORN made for dinner. Cost will in­ 4 KQ [ G P l ^ % JUNE 21 l5Busir>ess 45 Somebody's 75 May Dec. 22 ^ South dealer 16 Th e 46 W o uld 76 W in clude transportation emd ad- last minute specials in many departments H^JUtY 22 JAN. If North-South vulnerable South West North East 17 R ight 47 Prevoil 77 Diet? wall or August Mildner for fur­ . NO ONE IMOER 17 AMITTED Pass 2 0 Pass 13-16-17-23 18 Yo u 48 U p 78 To 9-22-39-42# ther reservations. (A |a lim it m ay v a ry Opening lead — Eight of 1 27-66-68 19 Enjoy 49 Bring 79 Recent |44-78i^R. In oartain araaa) Hearts. 2 4 Pass 3 O Pass 20 Storting 50 Pleasure 80 Of Anyone interested in attend­ ) AQUARIUS 4 0? All Pass LEO 21 O f 51 W ith 81 Treatm ents ing may contact Ernest Aspin- West opened the ace of hearts lO o / R C r JAN. 20 I JULY 22 22 Profit 52 Your 82 Or wall or August Wildner for fur- mt B SS lEY M(«n vcMvi and then continued with the 23 People 53 Is 83 Flatterir>g taAUG. 22 , 24 The 54 Ar>d 84 Important AuoBon Success mnoN nciiM eoM Of MLfMtiMnoN. eight of hearts, our correspon­ 5- 7-10 , and the next player passes. You I# 25 Now 55 Energetic 85 Argue Mrs. Ernest Whipple of Cov­ dent relates. He won the sec­ ■hM allnd Dm icll SAL 5^15-35-87-90 26 Heort 56 Don't 86 Endeovors ond round of trumi>s in dummy hold: Spades, A-K-10; Hearts, 27 A n d 5 7 W o tc h in g 87 Persor>al entry, chairman of Saturday’s VIRGO PISCES auction at United Methodist with the ten and led a spade, A-8; Diamonds, J-10-4-2; Clubs, 28 Talents 58 Force 88 Applouse P E I. If 29 New 59 Are 89 People church, reports that the affair losing the queen to the king. 10-9-8-3. 30 But 60 Issues 90 Gain THEATER TIME Sits:;: was a financial success, netting ' West switched to clubs, and What do you day? ^32-33-47-56 ^^^Good ( ^ ) Adverse Neutral a profit of $700. SCHEDULE declarer eventually lost two Answer: Bid 2-NT. This nor­ ►^58-60-82-85 High School Dance more spade tricks. Down one, mally shows 13 to 16 points, but SAVINGS ON DRESSES, CaATS, SUITS ’The Class of 1972 will hold a Burnside “Mrs. Pollfax- giving North an assortment of in this case your three ten spots dance tonight at thehlgh school Spy” 7:15, 9:20. aches and pains. compensate for the missing COLOR by Deluxe’^ gymnasium from 7 :30 to 11:30 State — "Patton” 9:00; Of course all of our alert point. In any case, this is the Special Dress Sale, all from our regular stocks, sizes for misses, juniors, -sassj. Business Mirror Music will be provided by '"The "MASH” 7:00. readers have already seen why bid that best describes your petites, reg. to $ 2 6 ...... lU . T V Rog(ues,” who have recorded U. A. Theater East—“Law­ North got his aches. See if you hand. TONIGHT 7:16 • 9:15 BURNSIDE for Boss City 'Records. Roseann can diagnose the cause of the Copyright 1971 BUPSSIDC iVE EiST HiRTTOFO rence of Arabia’ ’ 8 :(X). ”aUN . 2-4:06-B;10-8:I6 Investors Happily Greet Fiah.0 and John Mufo are co- Manchester Drive-In —“Pat­ stomachache and the headache General Features Corp. TREE PARKING 528 -3333 Polyester Dresses and Panf Suits, all famous makers, many types and styles; chairmen. ton” 8:10; “MASH” 11:00. before you read on. Misses, Jr., Petite sizes. Reg. to 40.00 ...... 1 4 .T U Burns’ Views on Interest School Menu East Hartford Drive-In — South caused most of his Monday, juice, hamburger on “Scars of Dracula” 10:00; trouble when he bid two By JOHN CUNNIFF look becomes broader, the ter­ roll, fruited jello; ’Tuesday, ham spades. If he had simply jump-' WiNNER8ACADEMY AWARDS “Horror of Frankenstein’’ 8:16. ON 1-91 NOPTFtot JCT ot I-R4 MTfD Im ported Cashm ere C o a ts, reg. $ 9 5 ...... 7 4 . 0 0 AP Businelss Analyst minology more general. Diffi­ salad sandwich, lettuce and to­ East Windsor Drive-In — ed from two hearts to four TAX[ f AST-WfSr SIPVICF RD rX'T culties are seen in perspective, mato salad, blueberry fruit hearts, West would have made DONALD SUTHERLAND! NEW YORK (AP) — Assur­ “Making It”, 9:65; "Celebra­ and many problems become squares; Wednesday, Spanish tion at Big Sur” 8:15. the normal opening lead of the ^ B S sc o ttIV ELLIOnCOULC ance from Arthur Bums, the na­ washed out of the picture. rice and ground beef, cole tion’s monetary chief, that Meadows Drive-In — “(Pat­ king of spades. The rest of the SAVINGS ON SPORTSWEAR & JUNIOR WEAR You get forecasts such as slaw, fruit crisp; ’Thursday ton’’ 8:20; “MASH” 11:30. hand would have been a waltz A iT T O fS r domestic interest rates will not baked chicken, whipped pota­ « this: The Gross National Prod­ Blue-Hills Drive-In — “2001- for South. IIQHTLYat8:l5 c o l o r : be deliberately raised to ease toes, spinach, cinnamon apple­ uct will double by 1880 to $2,034 Space Odyssey” 10:20; “Mar­ ’The actual spade bid warned European and international trillion. Productivity will be sauce; Friday, juice, tuna mac­ Misses' Jeans in stripes and solids, twills and denims, sizes 8 to 16, reg. $8 & $9. 5 . 9 0 money problems is Just what lowe” 8:26. West not to lead the king of higher in the 1970s than in the aroni salad, tomato wedge, jel­ spades, but South should have 'Color [g I „ powerful investors were await­ lo. soaring 1960s. Wages will be made the hand by proper play. Pantsuits in polyester and Orion, assorted solids and patterns, — __ ing. higher, goods more plentiful. Democrats Many students of the securl-, GOP Food Sale After winning the second trump sizes 8 to 18, reg. to $ 2 5 ...... 7 ...... 9.90 & 12.90 Phrases such as, “There will The Democratic town com­ in his own hand. South should BLUE HILLS ties markets felt it was a fear of mittee ■will meet tonight at 8 •lamps Garner be periods of social dissension cash his top clubs and both top 91 TOBISSm BRIDGE EXIT WEST higher rates that brought about at Community Hall. Set Saturday LEFT AT BlUl HILLS AVENUE adversely affecting confidence diamond®, ruff a diamond, lead the sharpest break in months to ’The Manchester Republican 2001 Troop 98 Wins District Spring Camporee Junior Hot Pants Sets short sleeve polo top, pullon short. Many patterns in- i a a a from time to time,” lose their to the ten of hearts, discard a the market, following its near Manchester Evening Herald Women’s Club will have Its an­ a s p a c e eluding florals, geometries and prints. Sizes S, M, L. reg. $14 ...... 1 0 . 0 0 force when sandwiched between spade on the ace of clubs and Marlowe’ perpendicular, 50 per cent rise Bolton correspondent Judith nual food sale in conjunction Victor Dupuy, scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 98, Murphy, Mark Hafner and Victor Dupuy II, (left forecasts of greater educational then lead a spade, o d y s s e y since last fall. attainments and more leisure. Donohue, tel. 649-8409. with the Manchester Garden 1 Metrocolor gai sponsored by the Buckley School PTA, presents to right.) Competing in the camporee were 89 The high rates would suggest Club plant sale Saturday from West would be able to win the the first place trophy won by the members of the All these are contained in a patrols from 22 troops at the Meshomasic State two problems for the m arket: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Jarvis first spade trick with the king Flaming Arrow Patrol in the annual Blackledge Forest, Glastonbury, last weekend. Troop 362 of SAVINGS ON LOUNGEWEAR, LINGBUE. FOUNDATIONS rather ambitious and coura­ but then would be unable to Business profits would be by lot at E. Center and Lenox Sts. District Spring Camporee to Vincent Ramazi, prin­ St. Bartholomew’s Church won second place in the higher borrowing costs and geous look at the next 10 years Powder Ridge There will be a variety of make a safe return. A club or by General Electric’s “Quarter­ cipal. Members of the patrol are David Hiers, Jay Senior Division. (Herald photo by Pinto) money would be siphoned away homemade goods as well as cof­ diamond lead would let dummy Denim Shifts, three favorite colors. Sizes P-S-M-L. reg. $11 ...... 3 . 9 9 from stocks to take advantage ly Review of Economic Pros­ Officer Guilty fee, coffee cake, lemonade, and ruff while South discarded an­ of higher yields elsewhere. pects.” hot dogs offered for sale. other spade; a spade lead tem In the country, and Ca­ ’The 1960s, it should be re­ In Lying Count The reasoning was this: Euro­ Mrs. John Fletcher Jr'., chair­ would life very easy for South Windsor reer Day at South Windsor High Single Attack membered, were years of great South. School. Two-piece Pantsuit Loungers, white or blue. P-S-M-L. reg. $13 ...... 3 . 9 9 pean Interest rates are high, NEW YORK (AP) — An ac­ man of the sale will be assisted economic expansion, although by Mrs. Roger Crafts, Mrs. In addition, club volunteers By Gypsy Moth causing money to flow there, countant connected with last Daily Question the decade as a whole had a John Shea Jr ., Mrs. M. Adler have been working with multi­ especially to CJermany. Ameri­ year’s abortive Powder Ridge Partner opens with one club. Fourth Graders To Star Famous Name Slips in Nylon, Tricot, Taffeknit or Antron; lace, rather bitter ending in the most Dobkln, Mrs. Harlan Taylor, ple sclerosis patients. Mrs Held Not Fatal can rates are relatively low Rock Festival pleaded guilty serious inflation since the early Mrs. Jack Mercer, Mrs. Ray­ Jehn Schaffer served as chair applique or tailored styles. 32 to 38 short, 34 to 42 average. ■ m now, offering no counter-pull. Thursday to lying in testimony Fourth Annual “MAYFAIR” NEW HAVEN (AlP) — A sin­ 1950s. GE says growth will be mond Schaller, Mrs. Henry In Television Filmstrip man of the- Eklucatlon Commit The correction will be to rtilse during ah investigation of the reg. $4 to $9 ...... 2.99 fO 5.99 greater in the 1970s, althou^ Sinnamon, Mrs. Roger Bagley, tee which headed the projects gle defoliation of trees by gypsy American rates. festival. C R A R SHOW The fourth grade class of Mrs. ’The i>arade will start at 1 the big pickup won’t begin until Mrs. Vernon Muse, Mrs. York Also, Mrs. Russell Elliot, moths or other Insects over a For a couple of weeks these after 1974. ’The accountant, Samuel Ler- ■Dorothy Faust at the Avery St. p.m. from the Wapjdng Com­ Nylon Tricot Panties, briefs or bikinis with elastic leg, lace trimmed or tail- fears were permitted to gestate. Strangfeld and Mrs. Alfred chairman of Community Affairs long term does not Increase mor­ It reasons that the first few ner, who now lives in Holly­ and S ALE School will appear In a film­ munity Church and proceed to No signal came from monetary Kargl. Committee, supervised the dis­ ored. Assorted colors. 5 to 8. reg. 1.15...... 8 5 years of the decade will be wood, Fla., was accused of lying Sunday, May 23 - Noon to 6 the high school grounds. tality significantly, according to authorities to dismiss the fears. Food items should be brought strip to be shown on the Don tribution of Thanksgiving bas-. slowed by the need to readjust when he said he was a certified Vietnam veterans who are a recent survey by the Connec­ And that very silence, it ap­ to the lot by 9:30 a.m. Satur­ at Tuttle R FD 3 television show kets to area needy families and from distortions caused by infla­ public account and of offering residents of South Windsor will ticut Agricultural Experiment Van Raalte Famous Tricot Bras in two-section cup or fiberfill style. _ ^ — -- pears, nurtured the fear. day. Anyone who needs dona­ TOLLAND on Channel 3 tomorrow at noon. Easter fruit and cookie boxes tion and the need to restrain it. false statements for filing. tions picked up should contact The children will be shown serve as parade marshals. Station. Sizes 32 to 38; A , B, C cups. reg. $4 & $ 5 ...... 1.99 & 2.99 Such speculation has now AGRICULTURAL CENTER 'The parade will include three to shut-ins. CJhrlstmas parcels Thereafter the GNP is seen as On recommendation of the Mrs. Fletcher of 76 Irving St. taking water from the pond In Dr. Geoigie R. Stei^ens said been aborted by the stand taken BUILDING bands, the 1st Connecticut Vol­ were sent to the Naval Battal­ growing at an annual rate that state attorney general’s office, or Mrs. Kargl of 166 Ferguson the conservation area behind the study of eight forest tracts by Bums, who is chairman of Rt. 30 ■ Vernon, Conn. unteers in Cl'vll War regalia, ion Hospital in Japan for men will make the decade average Lem er was permitted to plead Rd. the school eind studying it under In Connecticut showed that dur­ the Federed Reserve Board. guilty to only one count out of 19 25 CRAFTSMEN and the 746th Signal Support wounded in Vietnam and Christ­ Cool, Cotton Pajamas, solids and prints, famous maker, sizes 32-40, reg. $6. 3 . 9 9 out at 4.3 per cent a year com­ magnifying glass. These stu­ mas gifts went to Mansfield ing a decade a single defoliation In clear language. Bums told pared with 4 in the 1960s. in two indictments. EXHIBITING AND RESTAURAKT dents have been studying ecol­ Company National Guard. State ’Training School. Pqr did ncit increase mortality over the Senate Banking Committee He was continued free on pa­ Cleanups Banned DEMONSTRATING Landers may be contacted at R O U TE 83 ogy since the beginning of the “Operation Deepfreeze” , an an- what Is normal In unmanaged Agilon Seamless Stretch Stockings by a very famous maker. Short, ^ that monetary policy vidll be for­ role for sentencing Oct. 6. RTVIERA BEAC3H, Md. (AP) Plus New Attraction 121 Fam ham Dr. in South TALCOTTVTtLE school year and the tele'vision ual project, cakes were baked woodlands. Repeated defoHatian mulated to meet domestic rath­ The Powder Ridge festival — The Riviera Beach Communi­ Windsor. average, tall. reg. 1.50 p r ...... 3 p r . 1 . 9 9 CREATIVE WORKSHOP LOUHRC&RAR program will emphasize the im­ and brought to Norwich State did Increase mortality and kill er than international demands. Landlord Raps drew thousands cf young people ty Improvements Association portance of outdoor education In Scholarships FOR CHILDREN Hospital to be used to celebrate some large trees, however, .he 'The domestic need is recovery has passed a resolution banning natural surroundings to chil­ last summer to the Connecticut The South Windsor Women’s holidays and birthdays of pa­ said. Famous Make Panty Hose, one size fits all. Newest fashion colors. ^ from recession, and that usually Stamp Increase any more cleanup campaigns. dren. ski resort site but the perform­ We Are Now Open Sunday from 12 in 11 P.M. Club will award approximately tients. Four experimental forest means easy money. Seems the last one turned into A discussion between Mrs. 11,000 In scholarships to area reg. $3 each ...... 3 p r . 5 . 0 0 PENTWATER, Mich. (AP) — ance never came off because of ’This year’s March of Dimes areas in central Connecticut “The frequently suggested a court order following commu­ what the town fathers called a Faust and ’Tuttle on education stuaents. Funds will be used for John Findley owns the building wholesale nuisance. campaign headed by Mrs. Rob­ were defoliated between 1967 prescription of raising Interest nity objections. LEGAL BEVERAGES ARE of this type will follow the the Women’s Club English that houses the Post Office in Ernest Hifbe, association offi­ ert Smlfii and Mrs. Jcdin and 1967—three of them were Panty Girdles by Warner and Gossard; short, overage and long rates would not meet our lasting A probe of the practices of SERVED IN THE DINING RCXm filmstrip. Award, The Women’s Club needs at home or abroad,” Pentwater, population 1,000, and cer, said the last campaign was AND AT THE BAR Since the program is sched­ Scholarship, the Phipps (Memo­ Schwabe realized over $1,000, defoliated three times in succes­ length, stretch lace trim. White, beige and colors. S, M, L. reg. $8 * those Involved in running the 30 successful that trash pickup a record amount for South Wind­ sive years. Bums said In a statement, im­ he Increased the rent shortly festival was made last fall by a uled for showing during the rial Scholarship Fund and the to $ 1 2 ...... 3.99 TO 5.99 plying that this country will be points were overflowing with South Windsor Scholarship As- sor. “Mortality was higher In the after the department’s recent special deputy attorney general, Yankee Doodle Fair, Principal thinking of its own needs first. rubbish. Philip Smith has made arrange­ soclatlcxi. ’Die Fine Arts Committee un­ thrlce-defoIiated plots than In un­ rate increase. * Orestes Mlhaly, and Lem er’s ’Then, he said, the kids got "The Brothers Three" der /Mrs. Richard Meier held a Such reassurance is likely to ments for television sets to be Throughout the year the or­ defoliated comparison areas but testimony in that hearing led to recipe swap, a Christmas work- have a long and fundamental “In keeping with the great into the act and spread the placed at various spots on the ganization has sponsored a no different In the once- SAVINGS ON BAGS, JEWELRY, ACCESSORIES, COSMETICS his indictment. whole mess around. rtiop, an interior decorating lec­ impact on the market. For one past tradition of the U.S. Post P ^ ’. t ^ n entertainment on Sunday from 7:00 g;rounds. number of events, and funds defoUated plot,” Stephens said. 4 ture, an arts and crafts contest, thing, it dispels fears of another Yankee Doddle F air from the. projects enabled the The survey found that oaks_ Office Department of continual a fashion show, a spring work­ money squeeze similar to that % * The theme for the annual club to dcHiate three AMBU re- described as a "preferred host” Roomy Casual Handbags, compartment zippers. White, bone, navy, honey. , browbeating the American pub­ shop, and presented a one-act which pushed the market down lic with waste, cost increases doU carriage, tricycle and bi­ suscltators to the Police De­ for gyi>sy moths and some other reg. $ 10 ...... 0 . 4 9 so far in 1970. cycle parade at the Avery St. partment, a miniature resuscl- play at the annual banquet. Insects—were more likely to die and Inefficiency, you are hereby ’The club, with Mrs. Ame PTA Yankee Doodle F air this tator inhalator to the Recre­ when defoliated than maples or notified that to continue with Oberg as president, concluded Short-range views often have \STANDS ALONE! SUN., MAY 23 year is "This Is My Country.” ation Department for use at the birches. such a program in my building Its 11th year. Salesm an's Sam ple Jew elry from a fam ous maker, reg. $2 to $ 2 0 ...... V l o f f a buUtJn fear of an impending in Pentwater will cost an addi­ Cadldren of pre-school age Veteran’s Memorial Park, cosmic cataclysm that would through the fifth grade may funds to the South Windsor Pub­ tional $50 a month to make a to­ Manchester Evening Herald swallow up the stock market. $200 decorate their items in any way lic Library, the South Windsor Metal Belts, gold or silver color for dresses and pantsuits, reg. to tal monthly rent of begin­ South Windsor correspondent Fears of tight money and rising 1 which sjrmboUzes our country- Youth Council, the American Scotland Yard 2 f o r 5 . 0 0 ning June , 1971,” Findley an­ Barbara Varrtek, Tel. 644-8274. $ 6 ...... 2.59 ea. Interest rates seem to fall into nounced. persons such as presidents or Field Service and to the various O n e o l the Guards Leftists that category. He also complained that the most honored pictures historical figures; places — the health drives held in the town. o i aU tim e Among the events and activi­ Over the longer term—the Post Office is building a new Caidtol, Plymouth Rock, etc; ’Canine Friend LONDON (AP) — Scotland Sleeveless Nylon Shells, jewel neck, assorted solid colors. S, M, L. (Accessory building costing $62,000 and that ties held was a presentation of next decade, at least—the out- W inner O f 7 things and events such as the Yard has placed armed guards D ept.) reg. 3.50...... 1.99 the new one isn’t any bigger flag, Revolutioinaiy War, Dec- “Alice In Wonderland” by the DECATUR, Rl. (AP) — A 6- A c a d em y A w a r d s llartford Junior Ballet, a bene­ on three of Britain’s leading than his. ^ including laratica of Independence," and year-old dog which saved a so on. fit dinner dance, a booth at the blind horse was h/M»Or-649-Msr Sunday Community services are also Six.” Police believe It is a group Published Dally Except Sundays “ cessories worth about $30 U ^ 4 ^ him; NvniMaD judged at 1 p.m. and cash blind mare named Missy last Sat. 1:30-6-8:30 spmisored by the club: United of rigiit-wlng fanatics. a year. U.S. firms fill THEATRE EAST - 4:30- 8 prizes will be awarded for the November. ’The horse had Nations Day activities, a Red The union leaders, all leftist Telephone 643-2711 ® P®*' demand. T .V . STAR best decorations in each age strayed from its home and Charles of the Ritz Revenescence Famous Liquid Moisturizer, also available in Cross Lifesa'ving course, a cer­ miUtants, are CUve Jenkins, Second Class Postage Paid at ^ ^ a n d ’s paper and paperboard Arlene Golonka group. crashed through an ice covered the moisture glow shades; pink, peach, rose, eggshell and bronze, reg. $ 16. Manchester, Conn. (OeCM) output In 1969 totaled 4.4 mil- tified baby-sitting course, and secretary of the scientific, tech­ 8.50 Also featured will be special creek. the popular Youth and Law pro­ nical and managerial staff; SUBSCRIPTION RATES P“*P production visits from Uncle Sam, Yankee ‘Ihe dog aroused its owner, 6.1 gram in which seventh grade Ja ck Jones, secretary of the Payable in Advance was million tons. ’The an- ^ M I L U E 4 M Doodle and many clowns Fritz Connor of rural DeWltt, students were Invited to meet transport workers and Hugh BU ...... *^'£2 growth rate for paper out- on throughout the day. and led him to where the horse SAVINGS FOR GIRLS & TODDLERS Scanlon, president of the engi­ Three Months I o’™ Put la 7 per cent; for pulp. 4 Anyone interested In 'working with area attorneys to discuss was found helpless In the ley One Month ...... 3;^ pg, c e n t. many aspects of the leg^al sys­ neering workers. or «dio has baked goods or waters. HOUSE and Girls' Swimwear in bikini, I piece or 2 piece styles, solids and prints, reg. to other items suitable for sale at MAYBERRY the PYilr may contact Mrs. Don­ $ 8 ...... 4-6X you missed it last n l g ^ l ald Engel of 110 Highland Dr. or Mrs. Richard Kelly of 20 don’t miss it tonight! h STATE 7-14 MAMCHrSTlif ClfdTIR * R.F.D. * WlUow St. THE LITTLE THEATRE I ■ PARK RfAD or THFATRr GARDEN TOUR 3 FREE IN PERSON THURS. thru SUN., MAY 20-21-22-23 Memorial Day OF MANCHESTER, INC.’s APPEARANCES Plans for the South Windsor Manchester Garden Club I production of I S | l n l l lilt’ll li\ Till’ Sislfl hciiiil 111 Memorial Day actl'vlties are Toddler Boys' & Girls' Summer Pajamas, sizes I to 4, reg. 2.59. . Pioducul b/ Fraak UcCnlby 3,6&8P.M. 2-QUARTS OF PEPSI-COIA WHEN YOU BUY A | nearing completion and Leon­ T i ' . M i ' u : i : i :t i i s i k i i .d .m ard R. Landers, chairman of Infant & Toddler W ear including rompers, suits, sun suits, bubbles, the committee of the Abe B. THIS SUNDAY PLANT SALE shortalls, coveralls, reg. 2.25 to 3 .5 0 ...... 1.19 to I t I Till IJSI)\>. MW 27. M)7I BUCKET OR BARREL OF K^tudkii fried ^kidken. Miller Post No. 133 of the Amer­ 7M 101MSAR I p M H C L i P THIS COUPON ■ ■ i | | ican Leglcm said accommoda­ I 1 .( H I ,\,.M I ( 1 I ;llll 1 ’,.\1 tions can be made for other ■ItlOUSRMI! DEMO, - 3 PJi 2 Visit the Colonel I marching units for the parade. SAT., MAY 22— 10 A.M. to 3P.M. . SAYINGS FOR MEN & BOYS Advanco Sale of Tickots $ 2,50 STOCK CAR Plus Present this coupon 307 Middle Turnpike West, Manchester Men's Ban-Lon Sport Shirts, short sleeves, 4-button placket collar. S, M, L, XL. Tickets Day of Tour $ 3.00 FIGURE 8 RACES this week when you || Across from Porkade Yoccoit lot of ! OPMST buy a bucket or 300 Burnside Avenue, East Hartford SefrifeTaiin reg. $8 & $10 ...... 5.99 EVERY SAT.-8:00 P.M. Across from Martin Park * A CooMdy by HERB GARDNER “ barrel of Kentucky AND Comer of Lenox and E. Center Sts. Tickets Are Available At: ENTIRE PARK OPEN Fried Chicken, and ' Men's Pajamas by two famous makers. Regular and shorty styles in Dacron I Directed by I Plugged S m n (Across from Munro Park) Fred T. BUah ACADEMY AWARDS Watkins Flair Furniture FPI 7PM S6T 6PM receive 2 quarts of and cotton or ail cotton. Permanent press. Solids and fancies. A, B, C , D. ------^ L U S ------SUN TPM MadrineGleaiied reg. $7 & $ 8 ...... I MAY liO ft 21 - 8:80 P.M. | at.7:00 Motts Temple Office PEPSKX)LAFree FEATURING: Plants from members' gardens, annuals, wild flowers, Every Friitay night is S^tto Tanks, Dry Wells, BAILEY AUDITORIUM - ACADEMY AWARD SewM- Lines Installed—Oel- geraniums, herbs, house plants, hanging baskets, white elephants. Maocheater High School I A '-'.I'll 1 . 1 M'liiiiiN wii.i, I ’.i ; si:i:\'i:i 1 Bonus Night lar Waterproofing Done. ■ BEST SCREENPLAY J It’s .a Great Day for Boys' C o tto n Sw eatshirt, 8 to 18, reg.- $ 3 ...... _ General Admlaalon f2.S0 _ \T \ii(i\ FOOD SALE AND REFRESHMENTS r o u t e 1S9 .1 Kentucky I .ill till Ti'ini'le I M l Ilf. I'l MtKHMEYBlieS. by The Women's Republiean Chib Boys' Flare Leg Jeans, permanent press, assorted solids and stripes. 8 to ) 8, I Sifhdenta fl.80 I I'lM Ke el'SiitiiMi ABAWAM. MASS. Fried Chicken lU Penri St — . MS-BSM Available at box office ■ MASH reg. $6 & $ 7 ...... *^ M ^ I ffiUlott G o M ■, (R) . .Colorl I■ ■■expirese after may 23, 19711 Sewerage Disposal Co. PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER T^TENING HERALD. M A N cteT E R . OONN., MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. kANOlESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1971 PAGE FIVE House Vote Congress Given National Parks Labeled MARiOmrS-flllST hr EVERYTHIMI Project Tenants Allowed No. 4S in a series from Mariow’s : Where to find what yon Bill to Outlaw Narrow On Havens for Drug Users want! Your friends and neighbors bought the foUoirinf Citizeiis Discuss Feasibility On Boards in House Vote from Mariow’s last week. (Other stores have some of these Viet Cong Flag Divorce Law By DnXION GRAHAM Natchez Trace Parkway, Blue items but only Mariow’s has them dll!) HARTFORD (AP) — Repub­ pliances or' hiring or firing WASHINOTON (AP) — CJoit- Ridge Parkway, Badlands, Yel­ Of Mobile Homes Parks WASHINGTON (AP) ~ Legis- licans quoted Democratic State housing personnel. He said Killian was right and gross has been told the national lowstone, Yosemite, Grand Can­ New To Manehetler? Can't Hml It? The Planning and Zoning who said he sees the innppsal latlcn was 'Introduced In Con­ Atty. .Gen. Richard K. Killian HARTPX>RaD (AP)—The House yon, C a ^ Ood, Great Smokies, the legislature shouldn’t pass a . Commlulon held a public hear^ as a deffnlte tax benefit to the gress Thursday to make It a and Democrats cited Republi­ came within a few votes Tliurs- parks, once havens for nature Fire Island, Ozark, Point Reyes HAVE YOU TRIED MARLOWS? ing laM lilght to conalder an ap- bill that subverts a state law. town, and Richard Cromie. federal crime to display a Viet can President Nixon In a floor day of liberalizing Oonnectlcut’s lovers, are becoming hangouts and Mount Rainier. Rep. Irving Stolberg, D-New A BBAjr CHAIR . . . This customer knew exactly what pUcatlon to .amend the zoning Opposed was Mrs. Donald C. battle Thursday over whether 1)o police them, Hartzog said Cong or North Vietnamese flag Haven, turned to President Nix­ divorce laws to allow divorces for drug users. she wanted and Mariow’s Furniture Department had exaot- rogulaUona ao aa to allow year- Smith, who said riie favored no tenants should be full-fledged an officer from the National while the United States is fight­ on for a retort, quoting Nixon on the grounds of incompatibil­ If the problem isn’t met head ly It . . . They come in red, black and gold. round mobile honiek-wd mobile change In the current rogula- members of housing authorities. Capital Park Police in lyashing- as promoting membership of l■ O M SMILING m SERVICE ^ on, Paric Service Director home parka. ^ tlons, and feared that property ing in Southeast Asia. The Democrats prevailed In a ity. ton is being assigned to each re­ A COAL HOD . . . This U not tor coal, but wlU be tenants on housing authorities. George B.- Hartzog Jr. told a The change haa been request­ The bill was introduced by two voice vote and sent to the Sen­ A vigorous attAnpt, spear­ gional park office to evaluate used in the garden for utility purposes. In the area of a trailer park The President.was also quoted House Ai^ropriatimis subcom­ ed by Richard Breen, Pucker Ohio Republican Reps. Clarence ate a bill to let towns permit headed by Rep. James P. Bing­ law enforcement programs and would depreciate. Mrii. Smith as saying the U.S. attorney mittee, "more fmd more peo{Be IWIBVEX MOTH SFIBAY . . . This la the season to .St., and despite the fact that E. Miller and Frank T. Bow. housing tenants to be members ham, R-Stamford, to reform the help coordinate rangers’ efforts. said she thought there was suf­ general' has given an opinion are gfolng to loaces, into the away converted if they have faculties. At Child School who have the money to get large, but Marlow’s has aU sizes of aU types of sweat see If such a park Is feasible in Indochina, when they comprise the major­ parks, feeling they can get some better imderstandlng of s h ir ts ... lAtder the blU, the action ity of the members on hand quickie divorces elsewhere, what they are there for.” there. He said he wants assur­ would have to be taken by the A pemel of three federal Craft Day, an all-day h^pen- 9.94 away with it there.” Bingham said. THE ABOVE TTEMB MAY BE AVAHABM ! IN A FEW ance from the town that it will Judges ruled a similar law In for the voting. Hartzog said the national town regardless of whether or Ing for Interested children and reg. 14.00 “ The fault system in Connecti­ STORES — SA'VE MURAGE BY COMING HEBE FIRST! allow year-round mobile homes, Connecticut unc(»istitutional on The WU as passed would per­ parks are being visited by a not the matter passed In a town cut has not saved one marriage; T H E R E IS O N L Y O N E STFOBE TO G E T T H E M A IX . A T rather than permitting them ’Tuesday. mit each housing authority to adults, wUI take place tomor­ new type of tourist. L on^ Chase referendum. have two tenant members and it has not prevented one di­ . . . MABIXIW’S. MARLOW’S . . . FIRST F(Hl EVERY- only on a seasonal basis as is “ There Is no question that the row at the Children’s School, \ "We are getting a new visi­ THINO SINCE 1»U! Downtown Main St., Manchester According to (TTA spokesman three non-tenant members—but Allison Roberts lightly vorce,” he declared. ST. LOUIS (AP) — The soft­ now the case. 646 Birch Mt. Rd., from 9 a.m. tor,” he said. "We are getting ball sailed over the fence at the Paul Diehl, the group "supports public display of a flag Is ‘sym­ all would have voting power. “ We should not require dead Breen said that if the PZC weaves the greatest the urban visitor and he is in a city workhouse ’Ihursday and Open • Days — Thursday Nights till tiM the state’s efforts to see that bolic speech’ and is entitled to This Is what touched off the to 4 p.m. Artisans in pottery, marriages to continue for the passes the amendment to the foreign environment when he two Inmates went after It. towns have proper sewage or the full protectlpn of the First fight over the bill. Republicans leather work, silk screen, Wack- fitting and your favorite sake of statistical neatness or regulations, he would then pro­ Amendment” of the U.S. Con­ smithery, candle making and comparison or on a misguided gets to a national peu'k.” They scaled a 12-foot fence disposal plant projects, and quoted Killian as saying that to pull-on style poly pants ever. He listed the problem parks and kept on going. But they ceed with a study of the land urges Gov. MeSklll to sign Into stitution, the Judges said in a have voting tenants on housing arc welding will demonstrate assumption that thereby family and definite plans for the park, 2-1 declslcm. their crafts while allowing chil­ life is strengthened,” he said. are Lassen Volcanic, Olympic, were apprehended by police in a legislation HB 8716 for this pur­ authorities would be In violation Machine washable and ribbed which, he said, would cmitaln The display of any flag, they dren and adults to participate. Under present law, the only Lake Mead, Grand Teton, newby cemetery. pose.’’ of Uie state's confUct-of-lnterest a minimum of 100 or a maxi­ said, “ Is solely for the purpoee Music will be provided or diagonal weaved in red, grounds for divorce are adultery. AnoQier group, Residents for law. ’MEM0RIAL*DAY’ mum of 200 mobile homes and Responsible Planning, has come of communication of Ideas" 8md Rep. Francis J. Collins, 'R- throughout the day by a flutist, Intolerable cruelty, desertion for would be for elderly or retired “ Is not a situation like, for ex­ navy, white, purple, black, two years, disappearance for out against the bUl, noting the Brookfield, the GOP minority a violinist and a rock band. persons. effect on Coventry In 'view of ample, the draft-card burning leader, insisted that an "obvi­ Those interested are invited to and brown, 8-18 sportswear seven years, life imprisonment, cases where elements of speech Breen explained that he felt the recent 3-1 rejection ot a ous” conflict would exist If a bring their lunch. A fire will be or hospitalization in a mental must be balanced against a le­ this use of the land, which con­ sewer referendum. tenant were allowed to vote on provided for roast-yourK>wn-hot Downtown and Paricade institution lor five years. gitimate gtovernmental Interest tains same 60 acres, would be RKP yestreday met with matters such as replacing ap­ dogs. >&cording to some lawyer-leg­ unrelated to expression.” the beat use both for himself aides of Gov. Me skill to ex­ islators who backed Bingham's The Connecticut law—passed and for the town. Because of plain the local sltuatieak Amtrak Dehut through temporary troubles to MIXED POTS AND BASKETS $3.00 up against the prcgMisal. Cohn said leaders have defied Egyptian VEGETABLE get divorces if incompatabillty he was doubtful about the Idea, President Anwar Sadat’s new SPRINGIFIELD, Mass. (AP) Holly Gorton, left, and Sharon Carpenter cCEdl on Washington to pressure were sufficient grounds. HANGING FUCHSIA because of the depreciation as- — A cluster of city officials Israel into complete withdrawal Rep. Gerald Spiegel, R-Trum­ BE SURE . . . BLISS lias been serving the Home aoolated with mobile homes. He greeted the maiden run of Am­ PLANTS bull, said he will celebrate his In bud or bloom large pot $5.98 said banks are reluctant to from the territory it occupied in Owner for 89 YEARS. For a complete FIUIE IN­ trak passenger service between 26th wedding anniversary next Drug Center Bolton High School Names SPECTION of your home by a Termite Omtrol Ex­ mortgage mobile homes for the 1967 war. year, and “ there were more pert, supervised by the finest technical’ staff, i^one more than seven years, and Foreign Minister Abba Ebcui Boston and Springfield yester­ told a poUtical rally that Sadat than 26 occasions on which my our nearest local office: that the homee themselves “ de­ day as the train pulled into The Drug Advisory Center, is wrong if he thinks Israel can OPEN DAILY GREAT SAVINGS! wife and I felt we were incom­ 81 Russell St., is observing Valedictorian, Salutatorian teriorate’’ quickly, are hard to Union Station two minutes late. patible.” be “ squeezed like an orange" the following schedule: Holly Gorton and Sharon the school band and is a mem­ repair and corrode easily. The officials had gathered on 9 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. NO-IRON COTTON On the other hand. Rep. Hilda Into giving up Its vital Interests. Carpenter have been named ber of the chorus. A member of Oohn felt that because of the platform for the originally SLEEPWEAR Clarke, R-Stamford, said she had Monday through Friday, McCONVILLE these factora, the cost to the He said he was surprised the 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. senior class valedictorian and the National Honor Society for 649-9240 Egyptian leader still beUeves Is­ scheduled first trip Monday, im- been married 53 years, never saluatorian respectively, ac­ the past two years, Sharon GREENHOUSE AND FLORIST elderly clUsena whom the pork ajware that a nationwide rail seriously considered divorce, an A telephone backup ser­ is meant to benefit, could rael would accept outside dicta­ yet felt that other people should vice is available Monday cording to high school principal also received a letter of com­ tion. strike had canceled the run. Norman Shaw. mendation from the Natlcmal BUSS TERMITE CONTROL CORF. 368 WGGDBBIDGE OT. 646-6M7 utlimatoly become too high. Seventy-two passengers were have the option of divorce through Saturday from 6 Breen argued that this infor­ Speaking in Cairo Thursday, ALBASI Merit Scholarship Qualifying DIV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 on the train as It pulled out of through incompatibility. p.m. to 3 a.m. Holly is the daughter of Mr. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS mation did not Jibe with his as­ Sadat said he had called on 2.99 Test. the station yesterday on the Although neither party took a For drug advisory infor­ and Mrs. Robert Gorton of sessment. He said he understood President Nixon to "squeeze value? up to 5 . 0 0 She had also been active in The Oldest & Largest in Conn. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS first leg ot the daily round trip GREENHOUSES position on Bingham’s amend­ mation, call; 647-0222. Brandy St. She has been a, that mortgages were available and wring" Israel into with­ VILLA LOUISA ROAD, BOLTON ment, most Republicans were member of the National Honor school dramatics, and appear­ drawing from all the occupied from Boston to Washington. The for up to nine years and that train also stops at Worcester, for it and most Democrats Society for two years and re­ ed in two plays last year. Shar­ In any case, most retired peo­ territory. From Manchester, Pbrtor St., Highland St. and Route 86, against it. Voting for the amend­ ceived a National Merit on is treasurer of the French Sadat also said he would re­ Hartford and New Haven, Conn., Right onto Birch Mt. Rd., Bight on Villa Louisa. Dreamy waltz gawns, perl- ple bought their - trailers out­ and New York. ment were 86 Republicans and Police Log Scholarship Qualifying Test let­ Club and Is a former member right anyway. open the Suez Canal only if baby dalls, buttan dawn 21 Democrats; against it were ter of commendation. of the Future Teachers dub. He stlso disagreed with Oohn Egyptian troops replaced the Is­ 64 Democrats and 20 Republi­ She plays flute in the high Sie plans to enter Southern about coiToeicHi or difficulty of raelis on the east bank of the caats ta match . . . yaurs cans. waterway and If Israel agreed AREESTS school band and has been ac­ Connecticut State College in repair. at a very very special Of the 18 women in the House, tive in intramural sports. Hol­ September where she will pur­ Mrs. Eloise Ryan also spoke to a timetable for withdrawal to 11 voted for the amendment, six Lawrence J. Donahue, 23, of ly is also active in dramatics, sue a liberal arts course. against . the proposal, stating the borders it had before the saving. Pretty salids, against, and there was one 168 Main St., charged with pos­ 1967 war. ■ O VOLKIWAOtN 09 AMCMICZ, INC most recently playing a role in that she could "see no advan­ delicately enhanced with absentee. session of controlled drugs, yes­ the senior class play, "rnie tage” to year-round tradlers. Deputy Premier Ylgal Allon Speaker William Ratchford, terday afternoon, during a po­ Mouse TTiat Roared.” CAR and TRUCK Speaking further, Oidm, asked said Sadat’s "belligerent speech lace and embraidery, S, M, L. departing from his custom of lice search of his home, re­ Breen what assurance he had . . . proves that Egypt has hard­ She is a student representa­ voting on every roll call, cast leased on $500 non-surety bond. RENTALS that units could be rented at all, ened Its stand.’ ’ Referring indi­ lingerie tive on the Bolton Elcumenical no ballot on the Bingham (3ourt date June 7. Ii.\ Till- and Breen replied that when rectly to Washington, Allon said amendment. Council and is interested in PBBB PbOWBB Downtown and Parktide i)\^ _ \\i:i:iv — MONTH publicity first appeared on his -. he hoped "a third pcirty has not camping, hiking and skiing. After the amendment was de­ James L. Jennings, 23, of 169; Tm ii I.rasiiui Intention of applying for the made promises to Egypt which feated, the House quickly passed This summer Holly plans to Main St., charged with evading .\nv Makr or park, he received 84 phone cannot be covered from Israel’s on a voice vote the bill before responsibility, yesterday in con­ work as a counselor at Timber calls in two days. point of view.’ ’ it, which would reduce the min­ nection with an accident Tues­ Trails, a Girl Scout camp In Manchester Motors Resident Gerard Dubord Allon sal(^ Sadat’s conditions imum period of desertion as day on Bush Hill Rd. Ctouit date Massachusetts. agreed that units could be rent­ for reopening the Suez (Janal grounds for divorce from two June 7. She will enter Reed College Lease, Inc. ed, and cited his own case as were luiacceptable, particularly MondxT and Kydor SBBDS years to one year. The bill was in Oregon in September. Systoiii«. an example. He is retiring,' he the stationing of Egyptian sent to the Senate for final Warren G. Sullivan, 60, of 81 Sharon is the daughter Mr. said, and can no longer afford troops !:! W K S T ( K M ’K K s T . Birch St., charged with intoxi­ and Mrs. Don Carpenter of MVNnu:srrj:— I the'taxes on his home. He said “ If he wants It that way, we’ll cation, yesterday afternoon at South Rd. She plays clarinet in noojQ t that if there were a trailer park manage without the canal,” he his home. Court date June 7. in Coventry for retired persons, said. Maine Rejects he "would move right in." But Stanley H. Fisher, 44, of 204 as It is, he must go out of Abortion Reform Scott Dr., charged with failure town, since ho such facility ex­ Scottish Troops to obey a stop sign, last night 0 upgepi{ing' ists in the town. AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — at Vernon St. and Scott Dr. Dubord sadd he felt that, after H it Ulster M ob The Senate Joined the House in Court date June 7. more than 20 years in Coven­ rejecting abortion reform try, he would like to stay there BELFAST, Northern Ireland in and added he hoped that the Thursday but disagreed with a Ralph Lauzier, 42, of East (AP) — Scottish troops fired Breen proposal would be ap- l O SMILING y SERVICE House-approved proposal for the Hartford, charg^ with intoxi­ A I JEw A W wh our stole. rubber bullets and water can­ cation, last night at Chartei- • proved. non at an angry mob In Belfast state to pay for sterilization of the miraeta of mahiltreit i Financial Backing poor people. Oak Field. Court date June 7. Thursday night In Northern Ire­ dowritown maneheater J Another resident said he Routinely turning down abor­ land’s first serious riots since hed that Breen had “ sound tion liberalization with little de­ ACCIDENTS Saturday only! SNAPDRAGONS Easter. Sixteen persons were bate, senators clashed when the A sunumons charging her. with financial backing” for the ven­ arreated. sterilization bill came up for ini­ failure to jdeld at a driveway c h a ir ture, and expressed the opinion Gerry ETtt, opposition leader SNAPPED J tial acceptance. They defeated was issued yesterday morning that studies of the land should in the Ulster Parliament, it on a roll call vote of 15-12. at 8:65 to Norma L. Mullen of re w e b kits have been made prior to last chEurged that the troops ran IT'S DENIM Oppocdticm seantor called the 86 Lydall St., after a collision all colors — reg. S9c night’s meeting. amok Etnd called for withdrawal HDT PANTS proposal "reprehensible,” on Autumn St. near Glenwood (no limit) ZINNIAS It was explained that, when of the Scottish regiment. Dr. between her car and wie warned of its ’’coerslve effect”, m scre w s 3»c pkg. o clips 49c pkg. Breen does offlclally apply for Fltt asserted some members and clalpied state bureaucrats driven by Norman A. BJarkman the paric Itself, another bearing of the Royal Highland Fusiliers possibly could make such opera­ of 230 Hilliard St. Court date This is your opportunity to set a would be held, and that the pur- believed the residents of New tions ” a condition for receiving June 7. poM of this session was really Lodge Road, where the rioting regular 5.00 welfare aid.” beauty trend across the country that to consider only the amendment broke out, had something to do Under the bill, mothers and A summons charging him ito the ^gulations. with the murder of three Scot­ with failure to obey a state can start right in your own back yard. The good old denim . . . fathers of families on welfare or Breen rejdled that he has up tish soldiers outside Belfeust ear­ people with ’ ’substandard” In­ traffic control signal was issued lier this year. cut short and turned up yesterday morning at 9:30 to Now at Burger King, you can pick up your * to half a mllUon dollars worth comes could voluntarily submit Kathy says— "We Now Carry A Full Line of ot bcusking, and spoke to anoth­ A British army spokesman re­ to vasectomies, or fallotomies, David B. Ling, 26, of Glastori- in a hot pant, with free flower seeds for spring planting... er cmnment concerning the fused conunent on Fltt’s eillega- with the cost picked up by the bmy after a collision at W. Quality VIKING Bakery Products!" tlrnis. industrial buttons, state through , a two-year Middle ’Tpke. and Adams St. in your choice of colorful Zinnias or exotic risk of creating environmental CRI8P-AIRE: Macs, Russetz, Rome, Red and CMden De­ |100,(X)0 appropriation. between his car and onte driven proUems. and two pockets to boot! licious Apples. snapdragons. Let’s all help mother nature He said that' he had no doubt 'The abortion proposals before by CMistance M. Montesi of NATIVE: Asparagus,' Rhubarb, HJH, Tomatoes, Radishes, East Hartford. but tiiat sewage diq>oeal would Extended Forecast 100% cotton, sizes 5-13. the Senate—rejected by the Scallions, Spinach, New Potatoes, Fresh Peas, Shaloto, and do something beautiful. Come in to Beware of the dog. House after more than two Green Beans, Egg Plant, Belgium Endive, Uma Beans, be the major concern, and Fair skies Sunday EUid Mrni- Downtown hours of speech-making Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Cherry Tomatoes, Bomalne and noted that plans for this would day. Cloudy Tuesday with ndn Burger Kingforyourfreeflower seeds, now! It may bite. Wednesday—would have per­ State Rests Case Boston Lettuce. have to be done to strict state likely. Cool through the period. IThings like cylindercompression. Clutch end Parkade mitted abortions under any cir­ IMPOB’TED: Red, White, Blue Grapes, CSierries, Straw­ standards. Daytime highs averaging In the Into your wallet. For a new engine, per­ ploy. Brake system.) cumstances so long as a woman In Reed Trial berries, Mangoes, Limes, Cantaloupes, Honeydews, Dates, Also (tyeaUng in favor of the low 60s. Overnight lows in the haps. O r maybe a new transmission. If anything at all needs to be repaired Figs, Navel Oranges and Watermelons. From such grief, we'd like to spare you. was no more than 20 weeks NEW HAVEN (AP) — The proposal were Robert Walsh, 40s. or replaced, it gets repaired or replaced. STORE HOURS pregnant. Another ot the bills state rested Its case niursday WEEKEND SPECIALS! By suggesting you seek out a Volkswagen And only, those thoroughbreds strong DOWNTOWN would have required concur­ against John T. "Jackie” Reed, dealer. enough to pass this very thorough going- DAILY 9:30 - 6:30 NATIVE SPINACH ...... lb. 2 9 ^ THURfl. to 9:00 PJA. rence from at least two doctors charged with first degree mur­ His selected used VW s and domestic over get the Volkswagen dealer's 1.00% at the hospital in which the NATIVE ASPARAGUS ...... lb. 4 0 ^ PARKADE der in what police call an im- MIDOIB I TPKE. cars have much better manners. guarantee sign.'*' abortion was to be performed. TOMATOES ...... lb. 3 9 « MON. - TUBIS. - SAT. derworld execution in 1968. Before they go on the lot for sale, they Which tells you the one thing 10 AJA. - 6 P.M. ’Diomas Viola, also charged CUCUMBERS ...... S for go in the shop for inspection. W here you need to know about a n i l WED. - THURS. in connection with the murder, Dedaration^s Signing We Garry ’Ihe Manchester Evening Herald COIN SHOW everything you'd wont to have checked used can 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. testified that Reed fired a ’’vol­ COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPEBS out gets checked out. |^ % W It won't bite. ley of shots” into the victim, TBe Declaration of Indepen­ EL dSMTEB POU5H NATIONAL HOME dence, adopted on July 4, 1776, Richard Blondi, an alleged un- er. was not signed that day as is lerworld bodyguard. •Th# deoler guaronte«< 100% to repair or r f piece the engine. tronsmliUon. reor oxle. front oxle wtembliet. broke lyilem ond electricol lyttem for 30 doy« ptqp^larly believed. ’The original Viola said Reed fired "five, 100 Governor.$treet,.Hcnrfferd or 1000 miles, whichever comet first. document was prepared and six, eight and possibly more aigned by John Hancock as bullets” from a machine gun PFPH" 467 QNiter SIreef 5UNDAY. M AY 23. 1971 ■ H h B PRODUCE!" president of Congresa on Aug. into BloAdl at the victim’s 2, 1776 and many signatures apartment .on the nij^t of Dec. 276 OAKLAND ST.,! MANCHESTER — 648:6364 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Free Admissien TED 1EUDON. Ine. were added weeks later. > 23, 1968. Morifehester. Corni. TOLLAND TPKB.—TAli00TryiLLB Vsv....aT^' at J. Ray M cDerm ott at 84, off the statements in the foregoing liattrlffBtrr sound or foolish. It has been a long time L a b o rL o ses Rham District %. narrative are true. And this Is since leadership has been right enough {(Kin's FUNNY Noon prices on the Big Board Political the kind of year, defendant con­ FLETCHER CUSS 00. about' anything — and that certainly in­ •e Alm ost ..O n included: tends, that no one can tell which Assistant Signal Co., up 1% to 20%; are not. MANCHESTER ___ PUBLISHED BY THE cludes the elder statesman leadership Gver M Yean of Experience Hm &u>nwr^o oo., in c. Commercial Solvents, down Parade U BtoieU Street which came back out of the woodwork Strike P ay at 88H; Cincinnati Gas ft Elec­ MiiirhnJtfir Conn. Principal tric, ott M at 24Vi; American Auto Plate - Window Glass - Mirrors - Glass raOMsiirTOROTSON to oppose the Mansfield amendment— (Continued From Page 6) Elderly Man w a l t S r . pk r q u so n KAivnrpRO (A P )-^ an un­ Telephone, down % to 46%; Na- Furniture Tops - Picture Framing - Fireplace & PubUebera to have any real right to forbid the peo- tom as, up 2 89;" Shell Oil, up (D-Mass.) says Gallup SVMinaed Ootoi>er 1. 1881 usual chain of events, the House HAVEf«5 R e s igins n s tomas, up 2 to 89; Shell Oil, up Door Mirrors - Medidnci Cabinets - Special Worit “ %% atat 47%: 47%: CNAONA Financial,Financial, offoff %% beans, and pushes Dies of Beating PubUabed Brerjr Evening Except Sundays pie themselves to blunder if they must. first defeated and. then resur­ NE-UTtlM. Robert Sernoffsky, assUtant to 28%: and RoJaI Dutch, up % ^ead with his M ve tor Wilbur and Holidays. Entered at u e Poet Office at BRIDGEPORT (AP) — TTie Collector’s Items Xanebester, Conn., as Second CIbss Hall rected Thursday a controversial J . . ^ T,.. w r. u , to 44%. for President. Burke an- Danish Plates Hatter c o K N e a e prlnclpal at Rham High School, „ounces he has been “amazed" Our Common Sense Fear biU that Would allow strikers to badly beaten body ol Harold Manchester €49-4921 Presidential SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hiere Is enough common sense in­ bscoms eligible for unemploy­ has resigned effective July 1, eluded: At the support for his commit- Knutsen, 84, a retired sea cap- D ecanters Payable In Advance to accept a poslUon as vice Asamera Oil, up % to 23: For- tee chairman In Roxbury and tain, was found In his apartment NuUne One Y ear ...... 189.00 stinct in most of us to tell us to continue ment cMnpensatlon after seven EsUmates Gladly Given Six Months ...... 19.E0 principal at the Lewis J. Fox est Laboratories, up % at; 23%: South ^ ston , and besides, he j,gj.g ’Thursday afternoon, police Reprodoctlona Three Months ...... 9.75 to be afraid of marijuana, no matter weeks. Open Thors, ft Fri. till 9 PJUL One Month ...... E3S Middle School In Hartford. The I-*vin-’rownsnd, ahead 1% at 8, better way g^ld. The apartment Had been Sat. tUl 5 P .M . how many experts testify that it doesn’t After an hour’s debate before . . thn rnniima **Ar11ey Co., off 1% to 60%; Ter- lor him to move up from No. ransacked and his pockets had PlasUcs In Stock the cameras of Connecticut Pub­ board accepted the reslgna- mlnal-Hudson, erff % at 23%; * to No. 3 on ways and-means, been gone through, l/g” - 3/1 8 " - % ’ ’ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS really seem to harm anybody. Tkana to 54 McKee St., Manchester Tbe Aseccated Press Is exclustvely en­ lic Television, the roll call vote tlon. Arctic BnterprlTOS, up 1% at The Mills-for-Presldent petition police said the body was dls (Off Center St.) Stock Sheets or Cut Sixes titled to tbe use of republication of all was 86-ao against the Mil, large­ Mtrlo Fort news dispatches credited to It or not otb^ And, to fortify our own common sense Wintor Fork, Flo. Sernoffsky hais been at Rham 24%; and FHght Safety, off % at is signed by Democratic House covered by Knutson’s 62-year-old ly on party linea. wise credited In this paper and also the instincts, we are always eager to wel­ for 11 years, four of them as 10%. members from 29 states, with nephew, Manfred Swenson, who local news published here. But then minority leader ik All lights of republlcatlon of special dis­ (B 1*70 ky NEA, I . assistant principal, the other 68 per cent of the delegate votes lives In New Jersey. Swenson B&G DANISH BLUE PLATES patches herein are also reserved. come the occasional experts who come Francia J. OoUlns moved for seven as guidance counselor. In at the 1972 convention, all of told police he was In Bridgeport 1971 MOTHER'S DAY PLATES — $11.00 reconalderatlon—4n an avowed Tonloy'i FUNNY will poy $1.00 for Tbe Herald Printing Company Inc., cu- along and claim to have scientific proof tack originol “tunny*' used. Send gags his letter of resignation he Qimbers Quit whom are kidding. to help his uncle do his weekly 1971 XMAS DAY PLATES — $14.50 sumea no financial responsibility for typo- attempt to prevent someone »•: Tudor’s FUNNY, 1200 Wust Third stated he had “gained Immeas­ Muskie proudly displays a shopping. gDHihloal errors appearing In advertl^ that marijuana is, after all, the menace else friMn doing so on Friday— ments and other reading mcUter in The St, CIUTtlund, Ohio 44113. urably in experience." He also ’Tribune poll show- An autopsy was ordered. vye have been trained to think anything Everest Assault , „ . . „ , Manchester Evening Herald. and the House voted 86-81 to conveyed to the Board of Edu­ • • Ing he beats Mr. Nixon by a bring the btU back to life. Subscriber to Tlmes-Washlng- that can be called a drug must be. cation...... his appreciation______—- for — the KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Minnesota than ton Poet News Service. When tbe bill will be voted on Full service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. Unfortunately, the antl-maiijuana ex­ many hours “they have given The international expedition on ^ does, again was not Immediately Bike Helmets to the children in the district." Mt. Everest today abandoned Skeptics note uist is not sur- Publishers Representatives — Mathews, clear. However, there is little Shannon and Cullen Inc., %iecial Agency perts sometimes state their own case In announcing Semoffsky’s Its attempt to climb the uncon-. P*'*s**'T since Itomphrey hasn’t — New Yorlc, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. questhm about Its eventual fate. •ft __ In a way which weakens their effective­ Repeal Passed, resignation, Aram Damarjian, quered southwest face of the Minnesota since BROAD S1BBG3P MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP CIBCULA- ESven if passed by the House MANCHESTER nO N S. ness. ’Hie National Commission on and Senate, Gov. Thomas J. Sent to Meskill Superintendent of Schools, ask- world’s highest mountain after ® . . . ed the board tor directions as a three-month effort plagued by . ® If • Open 10 to 10 DImlay advertising dosing hours Marijuana and Drug Abuse gave a hear­ Meakill has. vowed to veto It. to how they wished him to fill dissension and illness. ^ n aFree Paridng 8 o r Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. Labor union representatives, HARTFORD (AP) — Motor­ For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. ing, the other day, to several experts cyclists would no longer have the position. A message from the exnedl- ^®®‘,?®"‘ • “ Charge I t " with For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. who inundated the state Ctqdtol A message irom tne expem and Kennedy in his home state. Your Master For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday who emphasize the perils of marijuana, to carry safety hrimeits 'with Normally, he woulti' list the tlon said British cUmbers Don secretary of Treasury ConnaJly For Iinday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. 200 strong to lobby for the bill, Charge Card! Classlf.ed deadline 4:80 p.m. day be­ and the testimony of two psychiatrists. filled the House gallery during them on their bikes, under a vacancy with the State Depart- Whillans, 37, and Dougal Has- attempts to rally the Cabinet SERVICE DEPT STORES fore publication 4:90 p.m. Friday for the debate. They were also giv­ bill passed by the State Senate ment of Education and prepare trai, 29, had failed to reached behind Mr. Nixon and tells a Saturday and Monday publication. Dr. Harold Kalonsky and Dr. William (HE en a puMlc reprimand by Ma­ Thursday and sent to the gover­ announcements tor the position the 29,028-foot summit, and the cheering crowd of Illinois Re Friday, May 21 ’Hiomas Moore, was Impressive, even jority Leader Carl AJello, who nor for signing. outlining the duties of the post- try was called eople naminatlon. by reaching Into John Gard­ ' parently be run through once good contributed by the two psy­ ministration and declare an lack of another term, the Dennln and membels at Ills in the district who are ivriting We exercised a choice not to have Recalling their position on ner’s urban coalition staff and more wfaien the bill comes up “open Insuigency” against his teams, while sitting on the board to discuss the situtdion to the board are looking for something that was, obviously enough, chiatrists. the ABM and the SST, rumors findli^ a new press secretary tor another vote. renomination. The meeting Is benches, are “sitting ducks’’ of the Little League fields. some “positive decisions from John E. Ingersoll, head of the govern­ circulate that Muskie and Hart there. It is later revealed that ’Ihere had to be some switch­ Marshals Oust the next step forward In the thing called conducted In secrecy. should a foul ball come in their The subject of six foot fences the board even if it means are using Bayh as a stop-Scoop Humphrey also has a tempo­ ing between the first roll call ment’s Bureau of Narcotics and Dan­ Declaring that Mr. Nixon’s at­ direction., on first and third base lines changing policies.” “progress.” rary press assistant a congres­ and that second one in order Indians From tempts to cloak the true nature Jackson candidate. was discussed. We all agreed That we should have developed, and gerous Drugs, told the Oommlsslan that sional intern who has just left On M ay 10, 1971, this concern for reconslderAtiwi to be grant­ -Damarjian told the board that of his policies In Indochina have ’Those are discounted when that for tbe protection at the Pete McCloskey, the candidate became reality. During a Little ed to a bill that had just been Naval Facility if this was the case, "you will exercised, such a power of self-de­ “ many studies show that while cannabis Muskie hires Jack English, who League Game, one of my play­ players this would be Jielpful. made American voters distrust­ of the anti-Nixon Republicans. voted down. Five Democrats mix basic policies ^th school (marijuana and hashish) Isn’t physically ful of their political leaders, was Bob Kennedy’s man in New ers, while sitting on the home Mr. Tureck, Director at Parka termination was the dramatic, un­ Noting the Gardner-McCloskey and

) 4 PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHGSTAR. CONN, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1971 PAGE THIRTEEN mounted mlasllea compctred to Mrs. Lowell Welcker and State Tolland Ruoria’s 8B0-plaa. Andover Rep. Mrs. Dorothy Miller. Bolton Although both countries have First Selectman-elect Robert been pressing forward with mul­ E. Post will give his official House Votes to Delay CUSTOM TAUDRA Second Vote tiple-warhead technology, U.S. Fellow ship acceptance .speech, and outline Town Considers Funding FREE HONG KONG In MniU!liMtei.JQoiui. officials say the United,States is tentative administrative plans Boland Inc. On Budget ahead. for the next two years. OLD GLORY LAST DAY FRIDAY, MAY $1 The Russians have had an an­ W ill M eet Luncheon Menus Under State CD A Budget Work on Silver I L '■■'•'A timissile defense in place Luncheon menus . at the An- 1 ^ ll *1 Showing His Display o f ' New CoUectlon of The Board of Selectmen re- Teacher Oiganlsation baton FLAG SET B y 8 0 1 . R. CX>HBN h Called around Moscow for several T h u rsday .dover Elementary School for -N Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Custom Tailored years and are reported expand- the following week are as fol- viewed the proposed budget classes will also march. (Hendd Repoiter) Outfits of 1971 Fashion Shop. Also on Dis­ ______The Women’s Fellowship of The $3,043,220 budget that lug it beyond 64 launch sites to a from the state Department of ^ny other chita or athletic On WednOTday, the House of Representatives voted play; Beaded Sweaters, Dresses, 4-Pc. Knit ^ (tfr, ■ Suits, Handbags, Gloves, etc. townspeople turned down on p M d b le'p rotectiv e'screen "of CongregaUonal Church of Monday: Spanish rice, - groups wishing to parUclpate to halt w ns^ction of a spur of 1-86, from the Putnam m Andover, will hold its annual ach. roUed oat^ u ffln chwse may contact P reu ss^ his hofhe GUARANTBIED SATISFACJITON May 17 will be presented again The United States is «Uy part meeting on Thursday at the sUcks, apricots and pAmes. *** Wednesday to determine on Bolton Center R d .\ 9i“ ,to»bury to Laurel Lake in Manchester. ALL ARE WELCO(ME TO SBE Yeuterday, toe Houae voted t o ______at a town meeting next Thurs- way toward emplacing a limited Church at 8 p.m. Tuesday; Hambu^ patties ^**®^®*' BolUm can quality for UtUe l«a goe LESS THAN READY-MADE halt toe widening of a second ...... _ Before NOW day at 8 p.m. in Tolland High ABM system designed primarily Special guest will be Mrs. potato salad, tomato casserole! .i***®; , . p r o g r ^ . m Wednesday’s Uttle League road important to- Manchester backed by ^ Harttord May. May- Ladies’ A Men’s Topcoats...... $110 $66 School. to protect Minuteman launch Chester Weed, of West Hartford, celery sticks, vanilla pudding Rlchart action, the Tdnkees trounced I / A motorlata-Bllver Lape, from toe IV *h« Sharkskin Worsted Suits...... $ 69 $42 The amount of money to be control bases from a P®st president of the Women’s and chocolate sauce. Moira said ^ t requlnnients oianto, 1» -to 6, behind the vicinity of-Rt. IS in East Hart­ Hast Harttord Town ’ OouncU, ♦ ■■ " , Fancy Taran Wool Suit...... $69 $88 raised by taxes if the budget is sunrise attack. Fellowship of the Connecticut Wednesday: American chop Scott Beecher. Shan- fordlora tolo toeme 'Vicinity'vicmity ocof toe new and,----- by toe Bart Hartford aw uw m Plan-x-ian* Dacron Worsted Suit...... $ 69 $M adopted this time is $2144 670 '" ’® *»®ve offered, in Conference of the United suey, waldorf salad, ginger- Young hit a home run In a Rt. 6 (to bo caUed I-si) in Man- Zoning Oonunloslon." Wool Cashmere Jacket...... $ 66 $39 According to the B o ^ of’ Fi. negoUaOons, a proposal Church of Christ. Mrs. Weed is bread with topping. for the Gfents. Rep. Bogglni conunoited, Custom Made Shirt...... $10 $ 6 cheater. Ladles’ 3-Piece Suit...... $ 66 $42 nance and the selectmen to limit mutuaUy only ABM sys- currenUy a member of the Thursday: Lamb patties, rice Thursday’s games were hlt- (A proposed connector road “ I’m In a dUonna. I Uve on Old-TIme ReUglon ‘ ®"“ ’ administration United Church Board for Home- with gravy, peas, carrot sticks, o n d ^ ^ b lU tlJ u ^ aiJ^ a v ^ llb ^ / ^ exhibitions. The Indians from toe new road in Mianchea- Spencer St., which la a continu­ Don’t Miss 'Ihls Opportunity. Once In a Life­ Members of the Bantlst *»®ve insisted any land Ministries and also a mem- chocolate pudding. ^ nia cont*” **®** their winning ways by ter to too IWllbur Cross lUgfa. ation of SUver Lane, and I time! Your Visit WIU Be More ’Than Worth- Ch^ro™ o7 ^ U ^ d ^ l ^ s u r - P - ‘ should cover both offensive ber of the Ryder Memorial Hos. Friday: ^fish sandwich- ^ ^ *’ way In East Hartford is not di­ know of toe Intolerable traffic whllej Call or Visit Mr. T. Muril rect the spirit of that "Old ’Hme “ ^ ‘tefenslve weapons. pital Board of Directors. es, egg sandwiches, tomato ig _i_„ b g i-, < ^ red Peter Ryba, Billy Graham, Jer- rectly effected by toe House situation. Tot, I know how Im- FIANO'S MOTOR INN Rellglon’’ when they attend ^ August, 1970, Mrs. Weed soup, pickles, ice cream and Mbrra wUl study the informa- ^ Chemerka and Kevin Ko- votes.) t portant it is to w ldoi toe vni- 100 E. CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. bur Crou,” S?h senST sS y S^7‘7oWeU T ef^ de7"ip T . k • t l o n S d ^ e ^ l ^ f '^ ^ ^ r ^ ’Z i “ ad two hits each. Ko- . . ..when you buy 6 gallons or more The overwhelming voice vote Telephone 646-2300 Bogglni said he was voting HicksHinVa Memorialn/T».r,«wni School. massive offensive ^ dcvclop Assembly of the World AlUance Milk and bread and butter selectman’s n o tin g . w a ly s l^ also struck out 12 bat- ot New England’s finest California yesterday tor H.B. 7834, includ- *'® voting missiies of Reformed Churches which sandwiches are served at all a letter was read from the tot* on route to the victory. N Is/' Rev. Herbert Clough has lined which could wipe out land-based took place in Nairobi Ktenva Pailnt. Flag set regularly sells for ed toe affirmative votes of aU t “ ® Widening SUver up an oxcart which he will use American missiles in a surprise ^ Nairobi, Kenya, meals. B o l t i T T L i ^ g a ^ ^ S iu ^ S Steve Albasl had threb hits Z r $6.90. three of Manchester’s state rep- T??® f® the.assumption thatHhe I«eaders and hostesses for the to arrive at the school, and is stroke, ------Indicating that It would like to the Cardinals. resentatives. ^ Cross This is Amrica’s most popular urging his parishioners to also ’That situation officials will be Mrs. Margaret Manchester Evening Herald "be permitted to participate. In League CflllFORHI*; The bUI, as passed and sent traf- ouid raise the’ danced e/ Yeomans and Mrs. Marie Hud- ^ o v e r correspondent, Anna any plans for ultimate use o t Wednesday’s farm league ac flag set. Heavy quality cotton sheet­ to the Senate tor its consldera- tj® have." find old-fashioned methods of would raise the danger of nu- Frislna, tel. 742-9374. transportatlon for the day. clear war and upset the delicate town hall land and buildings" Uon saw the Mets t the ing. Sewn stripes, Anco-dyed stars. tlon,t, instructs toe state to halt **?. *’®*®*’'^«* *h« 'The history and present status They will wear old-fashioned balance, when ,8ind if the town offices are Braves, ^ to 0, with Robbie Complete with 6-foot aluminum pole, all activities tor widening Sll- his mind later, of the Fellowship will be dis­ if the situation on SUver Lane clothing and hopefully carry U.S. officials indicate ‘ the relocated. Kaufmann as winning pitcher. mounting bracket, 6-inch gold eagle, ver Lane (State Highway 602) cussed and a decision will be Women Voters auWali doesn’t cease or If It gets worse. latge Bibles, according to the question of multiple independ- Morra Indicated that reloca- TTie ’Tigers downed the Flyers, and halyard. until such time as the iWllbur made whether to continue with mlnlster. The thinking behind ently targetable warheads— .. „ „ ,___ Elect Slate In tion is the immediate fu- 15 to 9, Thursday, with Mark Cross Highway la widened to lo the old-time religion ceremony MIRVs—probably will be far •>. ture, but said the letter would Phillips pitching the win. Ray Get your special offer flag set now lanes, between Bart Hartford is to reclaim the fervor of years down the timetable in upcoming o s an or o Annual Session be put on file and recixislder- Myette had a home run for the a t; and toe Venum Circle. Senator Scolds LWV Meeting ed at the time of any move. Flyers. Estimates are that completion past and to prove "the belief Scvlet talks. This is one of the Mrs. Marshall Cohen of most difficult areas of agree- Mrs. Kay Corl, president of 19 The church is adjacent to the Bulletin Board of the propoeed Wilbur Cross Meskill on Veto ” hiefly Tecausr o 7 ‘ tte «>e Andover Leagu; of Women ‘oot "*g^ht was town hall and a t' the present The PTO fair will be held to- program is five or more years TwenW f ^ m e m S r o f the P™‘>'®m of how to p r e v e n t Voters has stated that the an- e e c t^ president of the ^ a ^ e time has very Uttle room for morrow at 10:80 a.m. at the ele- away. HARTFORD (A!P)—State Ben. memo cheating nual meeting which was sched- Women Voters at the expansion, according to the let- mentary school A oarade of East Hartford’s three------state Wilber O. Smith said Thursday ^ t ^ Congregational Churoh d e e S d ^ W e i e s a n ^ r l e r o L A JOHNSON PAINT CO. representatives, all Democrats, that Gov. Thomaa J Meakill’a Confirmation c l ^ have been number of launch at the VWUlmantic Motor Dm MMchester Country Oub. Mrs. Other Business ^lU march from Bolton Center 723 MAIN ST. — M ANCHESTER were split cm toe proposal tor » u ..' . ^ . we^omed in ton e church mem. ^ e n succeeds Mrs. Lawr^ce m other business, the select- Q r e e ^ r L s7 h < ^ ^ T loT .m halting Silver Lane to ^ w e ^ ^ of a bill aimed at racial bership. A reception for the j missile nose cone is Mrs. Corl said arrangements men voted to ask the Board of Twlrlers should assemble at ments. discrimination In employment class, paronte, and friends were aiTother matter. have been made to have a Other officers elected are Finance to approve a $1,600 ap- g.go ®m. “ ®®"»“ ® USE DIAL-A-LIFT EVERY DAY— 643-2751 held following last Sunday s likelihood, officials said, garden party ‘tea’ instead at the Robert Heins, first vice propriation for the purchase of _____ Reps. George Hannon and tm attitude of caUoua EVERY HOUR DAY OR NIGHT Muriel Tacaveme backed the ^*®**Z®*'* for the constitutional worship services. negotiators will first get to the home of Mrs. Ronald Haver! on President; Mrs. Frederick a piece of land abutting the Manchester Evening Herald bill. Rep. Richard Willard op- *’***‘t® minority groups." -r „ f luostlon of bombers, numbers Long Hill Rd. at 8 p.m. Monday. Burr, ^ ° n d ^ e president; road to the town garage. The Tolland residents have a full launchers and subma- The membership will elect “ rs. Albert Harris, treasurer; town tried unsucceEufully to posed It. All three had backed ®n>*th, a Negro Democrat from schedule of events to attend fines, all of which can be veri- and install a new slate of offl- **rs. Garret Thrasher, corres- purchase the land-locked par- "w usw - the bill passed Wednesday—tor and (wchalrman cf the this weekend ranging from an without the on-site inspec- cers for the coming yiear, vote ponding secretary, and Mrs. cel a few years ago. SanSTiH,.!, ciaa., it halting construction on toe spur l«8l8lature’s Human Rights Com- auction, to p a r a d e and even ticn to which Ihe Russians ob- on the proposed budget, study Bm’ty Trabitz, recording secre- Since the cost is more than ^ of 1-86 starting In Glastcmbury. mittee and its Labor Committee, a children’s dramatic workshop, jed . And the United States also items for the coming year. $1,000, the expenditure must be Read Herald Advertisements The 1969 General Assembly MeskUl’s abjections to too and a town cleanup campaign, would be expected to discuss Garden Club _ _Mbrgan Wilt and Mrs. approved by townspeople at a made In the 1800s. had authorized $6 million in w®^® "frivolous.” Modeling their outfits arp, from left to right, Vicky The official town clean-up limiting the size of missiles. The Andover Garden Club will L>avid Paris were elected chair- town meeting, bonds for widening' Silver Lane "R*® Republican governor said Clothing Revue Winners Moran, Susan Nelson, Diane Keeney and Nancy campaign will be kicked off ______from its present two lanes to a ***® *>1U would make the State meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at man and co-chairman respec- Selectmen’s meetings will be Bourque. (Herald photo byPinto) tomorrow morning at 8 a. m. in the home of Mrs. Myra Houle lively of voters service. Mrs. held at 8 p.m. instead of 7:30 proposed four lanes. To date. Commission on Human Rights front of the Town Hall. of Bunker Hill Rd. to elect and Caruolo was elected nom- p.m. during the summer about $237,000 has been spent Opportunities into a "auper- Cub Scout Pack 16 will hold Viet Cong install officers for the coming laatlons chairman and Mrs. months, by toe state on plans and de- agency" by giving it power to Three Town 4-H’ers St., Donna and Patricia Scran­ Chafee To Speak a registration session tomorrow year. JoJm Fitzgerald and Mrs. Rob- Smoking Policy signs. The Transportation De- revoke state contracts with ton of 390 Hlllstown Rd., Diane -V. morning from 9 until 1 p.m. at Hostesses for the evening will ®rt Barnett were elected mem- High School Principal Nor- partment has said it Is ready Rnns found to have dlscrlmln- Evans of 330 Hlllstown Rd., and At Launching the Town Hall. Attacks be Mrs. Houle, Mrs. TTieda bers of the nominations com- man Shaw has annoimced that to proceed with land acquis- ated against people looking for a Jan WlerzWckl of 275 Keeney , A Workshop for Adults on h St. Jot^on and Mrs. Esther Eirlck- mittee. a committee consisting of itions and with ccnstruction. Job. Conference Delegates GROTON (AP) — Secretary of ibreative Dramaltics for Chil- son. Other chairmen are Mrs. school board members, admln- Hanncn, who .is an assistant Mesklll said he plans to Issue Blue ribbon winners In a club dren~^ be held tomorrow Increase the Navy J(^ H. Chafee 'will Work Session Benjamin Shankman, unit; Istratofs, faculty and students 1 House majority leajder, said, an executive order on toe sub- Three Manchester 4-H Club members are among the of s-year-oids rec'intiy organiz- morningTfrpm 10 until noon at The Garden Club has made Mrs, TTiomas Donovan, fi- has been established to studjJ Scotts No-Quibble Guarantee "Thls bill Is not lo prohibit toe J®®l o f discrimination by state the Tolland 'Public Library. (Continued from Page One) five Hartford County delegates to the 4-H State Cloth- ®<^ *>y Miss Marjorie pieia and on, Ti 11 ^ ■■ iti. arrangements with Postmaster n >nce; Mrs. Victor Dupuy, bul- the question of student smok- widening of Silver Lane, it is contractors, but Smith said that ing Conference Saturday, June 5, at 2 p.m. at Centinel ®'*’® ’‘^y™ of toe nuclear attack submarine Tolland w lriers and gon. The action was part of op- Thomas Henty to plant a vari- letln; Mrs. James Mahoney, Ing. If for any reason you are not satisfied with re- 5 only to delay It I ask for a executive orders "have not had Silversides. Chafee’s wife will Hill Hall in Hartford. Another Manch^ter member was Scranton I??.*?®. eration Lam Son 720, which was ety of annuals on the post of- membership; an d Mrs. Nl- The committee has been ask- reasonable delay, until such an effective history because christen the submarine. drive tomorrow from a.m. 1 suits after applying any Scotts product with a „r»w, i.r ~ grounds. cholas Lefas, publications. ed to prepare a series of pro- 5) time as toe Wilbur Croes Is they have had no teeth in them named alternate. ------The 300-foot boat was named until 2 p.m. at the Leonards *®hnched April 14. Scotts Spreader, you are entitled to get your A work session has been Members appointed to the posals to be presented at the widened to ten lanes. When that or because they are left up to One glri win be chosen at toe 79 Keeney St., and Susan Sun- Blue ribbon winners of the after a World War n submarine money back. Simply send us evidence of pur- 1 Is accomplished, we can discuss Ibe will of Individuals rather conferatce, \riilch Is open to the tova of 366 Hackmatack St. A Zippers______n’ Spoons ______CHub,^ ______besides that ranked third In number of chase and we will mail you a refund check new plans for widening SUver U>an the rule of law." pubUc, to represent Connecticut *'®‘* winner Is Ann Maz- i/a ^ e KeeneyV are Allison'and enemy ships sunk—23. Prospec- Church wm M a iu .JO. \ S |«u. 3. o, So^'erT S S , : “o S ? . .“ fcSTS, t t t S j T o l T Lane—^plans that would be a c ------zotta of 79 Keeney St. Christine HHsovlch of 21 Bell tlve commanding officer of the at toe National 4-H d u b Ckm- promptly. Scotts, Marysville, Ohio 43040 ceptable to toe majority of toe _ Cloverettes blue ribbon win- St., Theresa Keeney of 490 Silversides Is Cmdr. J c ^ E. Al- gress in November In CUcago. •4 3 1 A whi/>vi oifa 11 .#1 th&t tini£ brln^liifi^ s. taJca AJifl Rock^v0ll Pott©r, diviToinnGii' coinmlvtcc. FftCUiQ^ in©uiD© East property owners nere are Christine Jarvis of 62 Keeney St., Linda Larson of 30 *®a ^ Gales Ferry, Conn. from a swimming pool to a b^ket ^ tal quality; and Mrs. Robert are John Flek, Joseph Shana- 1 1 Londoil Womail The Manchester girls compet- fireplace set, furniture, chil- Total South Vietnamese, casual- ^ , o f™ hnti RAnee Osterlund Joan involved. It’s only a matter of vrsaaciaa. WoodhUl St., Betsy Thurber of Andor Rd., and Barbara Shaln- dren’s items and plants. Pro- were seven killed 17 Grad© Prog^ram Sto , ^ c on, and Patricia Bankel Postmistress SLe “ Turabuu’sZlnd I^^rty » ’k LTow^ drele. ceieds will be used to help pay wounded In the A Shau fightfng, Yhe annual sixth grade pro- be renreseiited Hanncn said he has petitions •w- Roe ot 48 Schaller Rd. A red Red ribbon winners are Mar- off the church debt field reports said. -gram was held at the PTA The league voted to examine Students ^11 be represented Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Keeney of , m Second Walk Set signed by about 2,000 persons LONDON (AP) — London got lene Misovlch of 21 Bell St., The traditional Boys League In Eastern Cambodia, 66 ^ th™ e“ Trtite" S.e ^ ri J^ILoT’S T ’sStAnl c lo s in g toe SUver Lane widen- its first postmistress in history S! STJf-SS Joan Keeney of 490 Keeney St., ' On Case Mt. and Sharon Fates of 993 Main Sm dfv »5S“ h‘” ; ' t 5” u cud VI.t ^ " " “ PPhrt"" Steve D..CUUO, .11 S m b « » cd CarroU Nelson of 24 Sunset St.; Swinging Needles blue rib- Mrs. Yacavone, also speaking bv,... Nancy Bourque, 16, daughter of winners tue Faith Smith St. The Conservation Commission s j i s j r , " j 'r v . S p U S s:a.;?r.r:ri«p"uK’V.'^ sssrs “■^rr.sT.L..««ud, Yes, weeds must disappear for delay of SUver Txiiia Dorothy FotoeigUl, who start- Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. of — 346*"■ HiUstown ' -Rd., - -Lucy Stone Sheila Misovlch of Bell St. is urging townspeople to go on Ml. |u..t St p.,h- pcrM Uhcuvcred. n.ud- ^ S 'T o fd“ »2 re™.L“l!"h.VSS.? u f S conatructlon, remarked “ The named (Bourque cf 9 Hoffman Rd. The of 198 Ralph Rd., Georglnna was a clothing evaluator for the tlve second annual Mayor’s ing lot at 1 to line up for the quarters said six South Viet- sang a mimber of oif« „ „ tmuh PAtoroAn weight of toe argument should ®* *b® Londmi postal ro­ alternate is 'Vicky Moran, 14, Llvlngstmi of 217 Ralph Rd. and Junior Division and served as Walk on Case Mt. starting at parad, which will culmluutc lu ™ e . c tiuup. w .r , klTiwl utd gram, lor S d r m t with le m - Si BolhL Studont. hUthtg part ... or your money back! be on toe side homeown- T^®” ! .“ ’T « ' ^ ‘®y®® daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wll- Cathy Stone of 69 Santina Dr. chairman at a Senior Evalua- Mghland Park spring Sunday at ers. ’There are many beautiful “ mllUon pieces of maU Uam Moran of 30 Evergreen Rd. Busy Beavers blue ribbon tion Tea In South Windsor cK Sr.-Srh""""" “ ™ricZa"rCmh.d,a wm. iC Sr.tmiha, ^ »"*S;dS 2 r - T 7 ’ “‘ SL homes and trees remaining on ^ 2 P.M. The weiUc wlU be held VFW Post 241 will hold its points about 40 miles apart *be coming year: Presldent,^^-®™^ ndividuall^ lund, Claudette and SuTCtte That’s how sure we are of Scotts weed controls. All you do is They were selected to repre­ winners are Franclne Rowe of where the final selection of SUver Lane and they shouU be * rain or shine. annual installation of officers '• ’ o m near Phum Veal south of Mrs. Irene Mooney; vice prest- ®®*’^®® o"®. Linda Weiss and Albert pour them into a Scotts Spreader and take a stroll over the sent Hartford County last Satur- 82 Irving St., Karin Turek of delegates to represent Hartford preserved.” ^ knows exactly what she day at toe annual Clothing 468 Vernon St., Julie Melendy County at the State competition The'purpose of the walk is to Sunday afternoon at 2 In the Kompong Trabek on Route 1, dent, Mrs. Ruth Phelps; treas- , * j * Zlmmermann. "mu 1. u. wants and can be very deter- lawn. They go right to work on weeds. You’ll be pleased with Revue at Centinel MU Hall. AU of 640 Taylor St., and Mrs. was made. acquaint people with the beauty i T t h o m T the Saigon to Phnom Penh high: urer, Mrs. Dorothy ^ s h e r ; „ ®**® *“ bied,” said postal unlcm chief ^ _____ way. Some South Vietnamese secretary, Mrs. Louise Gagne. p^^® ‘ o W h g o v e r^ e n t^ Godreau, Susan Murdock, Un- results. If not — your money back. It’s as simple as that. ^ w«>uld be to move toe Tom Jackson. AT^rsonnel dl- of the outfits shown at the Mary Connors of 276 Lake St. ------of the area and to promote in­ Manchester Evening Herald were operating as far as The officers are elected for one- ®tnicture. It continue to ga Herlth, Paul Munsle, Steven people out — pei^le who don’t rector for toe region. Miss Foto- ■Revue had been fashioned by A red ribbon 'winner is Chris- terest . in keeping It In its nat­ their wearers. tine Ward of 144 Greenwood Dr. Odegard Plans ural state. ToUand trreS>n^t T tl^ ^6 miles from their border. year terms and will be offlciaUy ®*Y*“ was one of hU chief nego- Diane Keeney wore a pink Bake n’ Baste Club blue rib- Town officials, boy, girl and Quatrale, tel. 875-2845. The U.S. Command said more Installed on June 16. I d . ? ^ to Leone, Donna Uutermoza, Nora itf' ^ ^ tiatlng oi^Kjnents during the than 370 helicopter missions Final Fair Proceeds Harmon, Jennifer Rlegal, Scott To weed as you fe e d ... p o ^ o n to toe blU and in favor long postal strike e a ^ this flowered maxi dress with a bon winners besides Nancy Office Hours cub scouts, and nvembers of were flown over eastern Cambo­ Mrs. Joan Cashman, chair- ^® ®‘® ^«^H odges and Kenneth Vaughn. of widening SUver Lane immedi- year. moss green aatin ribbon at toe Bourque and Vicky Moran, are the Newcomers Club of the Simply spread Scotts plus-2. It goes walrtHne. Susan Nelson model- Lynn Orlowskl of 67 Keeney St., State Sen. David Odegard will ■YWCA, the Junior Women’s Laird Says dia Thursday, .‘n®ludmg including more man ofui theuie PTAx- i a Fairrair heldneia twoiwo „ Esllger, Laurie ately, warned, "This request *nie 47-year-old woman said hold office hours Monday in the than 210 gunshlps and more weeks ago, has announced that ^ ^® “ ot^^fiester Qre«ne, Robifi Murdock, Usa ed a gold wool wlnfer coat and Dotty Brindamour of 6 Dover Club, GREEN, (the Manchester Tight to work on dandelions, plan­ for a reasonable delay is not her promoUwi was no female Manchester Municipal Building. ______^ Weiss;' Patricia Uutermoza, matohing pants. Linda Moran of 20 Ever- Youto for Conservation, the than 160 fe i^ n g troop. the fln ^ profit turned out to o f $ l 9 1 ^ " ^ ~ ” ‘ reasonable. We are not talking breakthrough. "In toe clvU The session, from 6:30 to 8:30'^ iaycees, the Chamber of Com- In Laos, there was no new slg- be $1269.03 after aU the booths ®“®*®‘ ______William J'otmston, Gloria ’Tripp, tain, clover and most other common N ^ y B ^ u e wore a tor- green Rd., Ruth FlaveU of Ver- v io t ^ ^ service and the port office," she p.m., wiU be In the Board of merce, eind the Conservation Keep Arms nlfic^t action reported, but of- _____ and rides were__ totaled_____ up. The_ Susan Parker and Cynthia lawn weeds, plus-2 makes them quotse c n i s ^ velvet corderoy „on St.. Laurie Bourque of 9 aaIta/i ®^y. Whait you are being told newsmen, “ women have en- Directors’ office. Commission will participate in Storrs. jumper.n. and „coat, J. Vicky Hoffman Rd., Carol Benson of T-v . rwt f j YletntiMe s^d “ toe fair was termed a great success Dance Students gradually curl up and disappiear — a ^ “ '"®' comparable status with Odegard holds office hours the walk. Uurins[ 1 alks ‘ ®"®® *" t^e soud- ^ spue of the rain mat day. Memorial A$y men for a long time. One takes A t b r o ^ and j67 Ludlow Rd., and Jean Hal- j . XM't/Mt/tcy eem m nartpart n of f thotoe dwiintT-v,country ..rtfivwith ______— j - roots and all. At the same time wWte pitot cotton pantsuit. ^ once each month in each of the Dana Waring of the Nature QOP Victory Dinner To Get Awards Plans are underwaj<|or toe This widening of SUver Lane u very muchtor granted.’’ four towns of the Fourth Sen­ communist-led forces control- Is very essential to toe good of Consevancy, and Mrs. Leo Leg- (Comtinued from Page One) uno- thd. T5 1 , a Jolm StoTm, chairman of toe Memorial Day parade ''to, be plus-2 full-fertilizes your good grass Glastonbury Country Gals atorial District — Manchester, gitt of the National Audubon ling toe entire Bolovens plateau. RepubUcan— ______Town____ _ Committee,______„p’^,® Betty-Jane ’Turner Dance held May 31, according to W East Hartford," he insisted. He Mwchester 4-H Homemalmrs. ^me ribbon winners are Nancy Glastonbury, East Hampton and Society, will represent their advanced weapon such as the has stated that final plans have honor five and ten- man >Preuss, a member of the — makes it grow greener and ,stur- asked toe legislators not to be l^ d M ^ Nels^, w e Cyn- ^ 8^33^1 Malan of 693 Keeney SAIGON (AP) —^ TPAav* arii/iAvtvB r% First Passage Marlborough. organizalUons. Air Force’s $ll-billion B1 bomb- „ iw,.. ^ ® V'®' been made for toe Republican studente^ter a recital, parade committee. filling in those places where the too hasty. “ I’m sure we can thla Hultgren of 181 Ferguson ' Rd., Mary EUen and Ann Putira ------erRr nnrtand thotoe Mnw’oNavy’s tinHav-wataavunderwater t^^^d to toe lnd<;;w Way 4 as i re- t - victory Dinner Dance to be ^ ® Wonderful World of Preuss said meuchers will as- weeds used to be. work------out some compromise- with First ship passage through held June 12. Dance,’ ’ Sunday at Manchester semble at toe Center School at the Department of Transporta- the Golden Gate was In 1778. of lao Keeney St., Nancy l o n g ^ e m ^U e system es - more than five year^ off toe High School. mated to cos between $10 bil- extensive modemlza- The event will be staged at 9!30 a.m. and will begin toe tion. The road should bie wld- The San Carlos, a packet of toe Romanowicz of 23 VlUage St., llon and $12 billion. . yon toe N aw said indnv toe old...... town...... hall on Rt...... 6 and Students ' j to receive ^ their fifth march to toe Green promptly 5,000 sq ft bag (20 lbs) 7.95 ened as aoon as possible. It is Spanish royal na'vy passed Linda Nelarni of 24 Sunset St., Both are early in the develop- The ft4 ooo-ton 94.wnr.«id consist of a “ happy hour” Uowahlp of South United South United Methodist Church Jr., minister of Christian edu­ Egypt Rd., BSllngton; Ruth Methodist Church will meet to- will conduct a car wash tomor­ cation at Center Congregational Brace]^ Somers; Fellca Camda- lllwre wlU be a free concert Hospital Notes By Lincoln PTA n l^ t at 7:30 at Uie church. row starting at 9 a.m . at the Church, will cmiduct a service traro, J^dgewood Pr., and Rich­ W . H. MCC To Offer in BuataneU Fade Baturday from Susannah Wesley House park­ ard Hitid, Tolland Ave„ both Sunday pt 8:15 a.m. on radio Lincoln School PTA will hold noon to eunaet featurinir the The BYench dub of Manches­ ing lot at the church. Proceeds station WINF. The program is visiting hours are 13:30 to 8 R ockville. Social Service Planners To Resume - its annual spring fair at the sponsored by the Manchester Discharged Tuesday: Aurea K’’- Dof, Legendflelds cmd other of the season tonight at 7:30 group’s adopted daughter, Hsalo school tom orrow from 10 a.m . Council of Churches and the tomlty where they are 8 to 4 Ferrer, Grand Ave., Rockville; ENGLAND Career Course area bands. at Orange Hail. M el U en. deigy Association of Manches­ and 0:30 to $ p.m . to 2 p.m . Caron Butler, Somers; Eugene Koncheoter Community Col­ Discussion of CUD ter. ' P roceeds Will be used to pur­ The Mancherter Republican The Confirmation Class of Ryscavage, RTO 8, Coventry; lage U accepting enrollment in Admitted Tuesday: Albina chase school needs not provided By WILLIAM GOE Women’s dub will conduct a Trinity Covenant Church will Cub Scout Olyippic Day, post­ James Morton, Mt. Vernon Dr., LUMBER a new' public aervlce program poned last Sunday because of for in the education budget. (Herald Reporter) bake sale tomorrow In conjunc­ reheau-se fo r Sunday's C onfir­ Members of the Army Ic Navy Mayo, Hartford Turnpike, Ver­ and James Glynn, Ward St., that w^l start in the fall. It rain,, will be held this Sunday tion with the Manchester Gai^ mation tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at Club will sponsor a tag sale non; Debra Raymer, Bancroft .both Rockville; Eileen Flannel- There will be booths for the COMPANY ia desired for high schbed The Planning and Zoning Oommission is slated Mon­ from 1 to 4 p.m. at Mt Nebo. ly, Hilton Dr., South Windsor; den Club'> annual Spring Plant the church. June 12 from 10 a.m. to 0 p.m. sale of home-baked food, vdilte graduates planning to enter the day to continue discussions with developers Sol Lavitt June 6 has been set as the new Rd., and Stanley Tarasek, Irene Boudreau, Thompson St., elephant itenis, games and Sale from 10 a.m . to 1 p.m . in a at the clubhouse on Main St. field of 'social service, and per­ and James McCarthy on their controversial application rain date. Brooklyn St., both Rockville; Geraldine Kljowskl, Rau St., books, bedding planto. Jewelry, Bolton Notch, Conn. vacant lot at Lenox and Blast Manchester Rod and Gun Everything will be accepted ex­ sons working . in social service Sam Cor, Plnney St., Elling­ Edward Evoy, Hurlburt Rd., hand-made items, as well as for a change to CUD Zone of 270 acres o ff Keeney St. Center Sts. Those wishing dona­ dub spring clean up day post­ cept old clothes. For more in­ areas who wish to improve their The meeting will be at 7:80 ------ton; Barbara Remensnyder, Jam es Clancy, B ox 184, and gomes and movies for the chil­ career opportunities. tions picked up may contact poned due to Inclement weather Grade 7 Youth Instruction formation contact Marty Oon- p.m in the Municipal BuUding amount of frontage Class of 21ion Evangelical Lu­ derlno o f 460 Keeney St. or Rus­ Hayes Dr., Vernon; Viola Sou- Ronald Palmer, Pinney St., all dren. It will Include liberal arts Mrs. John Fletcher Jr. of 76 will be Sunday at 8 a.m. at the . Lunch will be served in the OPEN A U DAY hearing room and is open to highway. Clubhouse, Daley Rd., Coven­ theran Church will meet tomor­ sell Mathlason of 78 F lorence der, Weigold Rd., Tolland; Bet­ Rockville; Crystal Gerrick and and sciences courses, supportive Irving St. or Mrs. Alfred Kargl, cafeteria from 11 am. to 1 p.m. the public. Townspeople, hoW' _In other business, the PZC try. Dltmer will be served. row at 9:30 a.m. at the church. St. sy St. Clair, Catherine Dr., son. Gall Dr., Ellington., social sciences, and skill 166 Ferguson Rd. ever. wlU not have an opportu- a proposal by SATURDAY courses. One sp^alized career nlty to speak since their com­ courM will be given in each Town Manager Robert B. Weiss ments were received by the to lease some town acreage semester of the Brat year, and commtssiem at its March 1 hear- two courses in each semester , „ off Tolland Tpke. abutting Al- ^ appllcaUoon., More Building Systems for star- Phone 649-5201 of the second year. The cur­ than 400 turned out fo r that ag^ _ of concrete castingB made riculum will include intemahlp meeting with a large majority ^"the compiiy Oakburne at cooperating aoclal agencies. of those speaking voicing op- ’Successful completion of the posiUon. Cash & Carry two-year program of study 20 lbs. leads to an associate in science The proposed zone change Three Join MMH degree and prepares the indi- would create a totally planned Specials 'vidual for entrance into the "small village” community in 15-Year Oub 3 Ply fields of public w d f^ , anti- an area presently zoned Resi­ Charcoal 48-9UART dence AA and Rural Residence. Construction poverty and community action Three new melmbers of the If grranted, the CUD (Com- program s, geriatric InatitutlcHia, pr^e^lve U r b an"~Deveiop- Fifteen Year Club at Manches- Briquets child care institutlcms and fam­ THERMOS ily service agencies. ment) Zone created would per- ter Memorial 2 mit mixed residential, bust honored last night at the annual 31”xl7”xl2‘^” TYie program was developed o o B o a ness, and Industrial uses with­ dinner for employes held in the COOLER over two years by James O. in the site. Popular Make Tatro, director of the social new dining room. Folding Fibre Foot Locker The preliminary land use wUh 4-qt. Matohlng Jne science and public service di­ The three are MU» Bridget vision; Mrs. SleanOr Ooltman, study submitted by the devel- Tables 3 Speed Fan opers at the hearing proposed Rooney and Robert Pasternack, Req. 36.95 NOW chairman of the social science and 1.19 department; Thomas P. Con­ an eventual popidatlon o f 4,200. 6oUi o f ithe Laboratory D epait- No detailed plan of develop- mertt; and Mrs. Claire Roy, BELOW COST! nors, assistant dlrectm’ of ca­ ment was Included. Nursing. They were presented Chairs reer programs; and a 17-mem- 12.44 The commission wUl seek at 16-year pins by Donald Avery, 12.88 ad'Vlaory council. The council standard 30'A” the Monday session to learn director posed its m eeting tonight at 7:30 at * Du Font's certification mark trim. terproof, shock resistant. HOUSE C 9 5 Eind Mrs. Francis Danaher, ship Is open to young men and policy; 39 per cent are not in­ program is to develop msmage- the Hope Valley area have been forty-nine" and filed in the Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Drinkuth, toe change, some indicated Keeney St. School. Boys eight MOUNT O wom en in G rades 7-12. Fhiplls cluded in a retirement program, ment systems which will enable working on restoring the build­ Town Office BuUding, the Mr. and Mrs. Craig Rowley, they wanted another chance to years old or in toe third grade LAWN 7P9S now enrolled in sixth grade are and 41 per cent o f wom en are hospitals to deliver the best pa­ ing which was constructed in trustees of the orlgfinal Mr. and Mrs. Brad Batson, Mr. study toe site. Part of toe lit&d wishing to join the pack may 3 Popular Vitamins SIZE / Invited to the meetihg. not entitled to maternity leave 7 Ft. 8 Rib Automatic tient care at the lowest cost, 1849 for the Wesleyan Methodist church and their successors and Mrs. A1 Billard and family. is swampy, and a question was register at tonight’s meeting ac- Wednesday, a JVL patch will with re-employment rights. according to university offi­ Church. "guarantee that said house shall A lso, M r. and M rs. WUUam raised at toe hearing concern- companled by their parents. Cranklift Umbrella cials. This was the third house of ever be a free house.” Peowski, Mr. and Mrs. J< ^ La- 20-QAL GALV. Kenney has been admlplstni- woadiip built by the Methodists Thus it may be ^egsUy used Vaks, Lloyd Gray, Fred Wythe tor at 'Manchester Memorial in Hebron. The first meeting by any religious organization and the entire Horton family. TRASH CAN since 1967 and for two years be­ bouse, a large and tbrlvlng as the indenture further states The informal restoration fore that was assistant admin­ church, was bidlt in 1806 on "the house shall be open for group was organized by Drin­ A Burrows Hill Rd. the promulgation of aU the kuth and Danaher. 25,97 Reg. 3.98 NOW istrator. Under his administra­ tive leadership, costs of care This church was taken down moral enterprises of the age Bright solid colors and florals! Bpzzini Bros. 1^ Wayside Furniture 'here have consistently been and a second church was built that have for their object the Manchester Evening Herald Pushbutton tilts either way. among the lower half of the In Hebron Center sometime moral culture of man in the ad­ Hebron correspondent, Anne Um brella S hell 5.88 89 state’s community hospitals. around 1838. Eventually the vancements of the principles of Emt, Telert>one 228-S871. One A Day Vitamins 50 In. Round Redwood Famous Brand 18’ X 48” Doughboy Pool 2 MANCHESTER— 519 EAST MIDDLE TNPK. Umbrella Table Flintstone Multi-Vitamins 1/4” Power Drill Includes big pool, Lomart filter, redwood Y ladder, thru-wall Doughboy skimmer. Flintstone Multi-Vitamins FLOROK Our Reg. 430.93 »349 with Iron DRIVEWAY FACTORY CLEARANCE -29.77 15’ X 48‘” Doughboy Pool Two inch factory stained S6.97 YOUR "I stock, weather resistant Package includes pool, Lomart filter, SEALER indoor tennis To help reduce our factory's overstocked inventory of Well balanced tool drills V4” steel, plated hardware. hardwood. Double reduction redwood ladder. u i i 5 GoHons duplicates, factory cancellations and stock orders, we 40” M atching B ench. 7.97 gear. #9740 ______Our Reg. 288.94 247 Our Reg. Price 2.39 to 2.99 ea. at the have set up this first quality merchandise under thou­ sands of feet of tent next to Bezzini's Manchester Show­ Self-Propelled room. Come and see a fantastic selection of furniture 5 ^ being offered at prices far below retail. 22” Mower (glteBtfQDDfeDaff^ ROUND CEDAR SALE 84.88 POST AND RAIL 3'-^ H.P. Briggs & Stratton en­ gine with vertical easy-pull starter. Die cast front wheel FENCING chain drive. Wheel height ad­ Utility Oxford Bunny Bear-Sleepy General Electric justments, folding handle for 7-foot, foui^uihlon SO FA, $elf- easy storage. Work Shoe Rider Travel Seat AM Clock Radio 8' SECTION. 2-RAIL dockod, rainforced oak frame. 14 Foot of handsome SEC TIO N ­ 24” Motorized Grill Reg. $419.95 NOW $199 A L. The porfoct focal point of HP 22” with any living room. Power Mower with Warming Oven Reg. $569.95 NOW $300 LINE POST 2 m T .64*® 16.88 11.88 Cushioned innerspring, arch sup­ Adjusts to sleeping position. Has Lighted clock dial for night, Easy-pull starter, port. Oil resistant soles. For wheel height adjust­ thickly padded safety frame. viewing. Wake to music control. garagemen, weekend gardeners, ‘*14.88h Our ^ __ Black"■ ' or roll blue. Solid state design circuitry. ments. etc. 6‘/i to 12. D and EE widths. 22” Folding Grill ^^4.97 *3.15 Hide-A-Way Golfer’s Specials per seef. n M t m C O L O N IA L LOVESEAT. This is a Wilson K28 <>•" With 10' SECTION, 2-RAIL porfoct time to buy a pair, Slor-All Locker hog. $219,95 NOW $139 Throe Cushion, Full sizo, C O L O ­ with Coir Balls 9.97. M o b i l e N IA L S O FA availeblo in solids and prints. 19” Portable LINE POST Reg. $289.95 NOW $1S0 A CrMt Value! i r f r e e d e l iv e r y 5 Iron 2 Wood Our Standi C oif Sets ^7 Television i f CONVENIENT TERMS 24.77 -A- m a s t e r CHARGE v m iim m M Colder PricMl A 8 Iron 3 Wood^*^ M A TC H IN G C H A IR . Right on! *4.30 SALE HOURS G olf Sets mIw ______M ain your room. cemplat* by per sect. adding an extra chair when you New lightweight steel sliaft59.88 sets for men, women. DAILY 10-9 CHARGE IT! purchase your Sofa or Sofabod. Right hand only. No rain checks on either golf sets. SATURDAY 10-6 hag. $119.95 NOW $61 Store tools, lawn 10' SECTION, 3-RAIL mutmuBumiutii im furniture, logs, Golf Shoes FOUR CHAMPIONSHIP COURTS paint, etc. Double Men’s in Dupont Corfam, 19” Meas. Diagonal Deluxe video range tuning with SOFA BED. You're choice of • MEN'S ANO WOMEN'S LOCKERS WITH SAUNAS These are the lowest prices you will find anywhere for this doors, lift up roof. black and white or all black. . 15.70 system, three stage IF amplifi­ Colonial or Contemporary styles. er. Zenith quality handermted Ladies’ in white Mellovin, LINE POST • PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR AND PRO,SHOP quality built upholstered furniture. D o,ft miss this opportunity Full size innerbed with TV rest. chassis. to buy at factory clearance prices. colored kilfies. Men 7-12, - 13.70 •FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $40 Reg. $319.95 NOW $200 • OPENING SEPT. 1971 C h irgo H •t Popular court times still available. Call: 549-4325 Weekdays Manchester, 1145 Tolland 633-6755 Weekends Hozzini Bros, jj^ \\ a>side Furniture ' — Mon. thru Fri 9:30 mu. to 9:30 pja. ‘5.25 Galdor Saturday 9 ajn. to 9 pjo. per sect. MANCHESTER WILLIMANTIC /

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1971 PAGE S^^^rTEN PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1971, dles lit with reverence and Joy,” Catholic artist .Corita Kent, a Peanuts cartoon children en­ ley Psirllman of 180 Scott Dr. He told the court Oazley had Tolland County Superior^Court Spring Church Conventions g^d a Baptist banner. Another, former nun. couraging a sad dog. Snoopy; Cheerleaders In case of rain, tryouts will uflSrrDRuir Tolland County been married shortly before he Town Pay Talks more cryptically said, "People ' It also came in the tide of psy- “Smile! Jesus loves you.” be Sunday at 1 at the Governors Rebuke entered the prognun, had a Job TV Tonight are Hke artificial flowers— chadellc patterns and old colors Another showed a iqillt figure Get Tryouts Buckley School. PARKADE and is working with an organ­ Ready to Submit Aglow with Festive Colors Superior Court tor Comi^ete Ustinga. Beautiful but plastic.” of the modern youth culture. of a man and said, “Come to­ Tryouts for the cheerleaders OPEN ization in Hartford called Three Draw Prison Terms The mood ordiriarlly is fai^pe- The banners ringing the Unit­ gether.” To Fact Finding See Saturday’s TV Week By GEORGE W. CORNELL "Uve! Care!” urged another. of the Manchester kfidget foot­ Red>Letter Day |7j45A.M.lo 10 P.M. Five youths were sentenced "HELP.” AP Reilgion Writer fuUy lu^ipy, reflecting the re­ ed Presbyterians were made by “Help! said another. “Bridge ball teams will be tomorrow at Oil Firm Speaker 'William Joseph Renaud, 18, of •Also: A day that is fortunate or on either drug charges or breaks ’Hie contract negotiations be­ In Beating of Rockville Man ROCHES’TOR, N.Y. (AP) — cent theological emiihasis on the atq[>roximately 80 congrega­ the everybody gap,” 1 p.m. at the Buckley School auspicious is called a “red-let­ directly caused by drug addic­ Glenstone Dr., Vernon was sen- Site (l> remr “Do something beautiful.” that tMpect of Christianity. Ac­ tions . in the Genessee Valley Many of the baWiers depicted BOSTON un — New England we are talking about foreign im.- (18) WUd WUd West (C) CSiurch coiivenUons this spring on Venum St. ter day” in allusion to the (Tus- —------tion yesterday in Tolland Coun­ tehced to serve, concurrently, tween {he town and Local 991 tin Burge, represented Arthur “This is our Father’s world.” tually the burist of colorful em­ presbytery. Each of them the Holy l^ r it through symbols governors dueled verbally with ports is because we want to ih- (88) Addam* Family The three Hartford men are breaiking out in new wild These same celebratlve tones The tryouts will be open to tom of marking holy days, i or _ _ i -i a i a representative of the oil. in­ crease the supply .and lower the ty Superior Court. 18-months to four-year sentences will go to fact-finding soon. (48) MoHale’a Navy Brainard, 23, and cited bis four blems Is a resurgence of an old turned out at least one. of fire, wind or a descending girls who will be 10 years old at Somers State Prison on each 5:85 (48) Weather Watch (C) charged in the beating of John slashes of color, spontaneous art and uninhibited symbolism, saints’ days, in the' old calendar jKCUCi Jtl.6FfllC | A ria dustry today over oil Imports price.” ^ Wayne J. Malnvllle, 20, of 903 ; Town Manager Robert Weiss 5:88 (88) OUllBaa’e Iilaad (C) years service in the Marine medieval cl^irch pracltlce when ’Ihe Rev. Jim Richard- dove. Many others stressed a before Sept. 1 and will not be with red letters. of* two counts of bresdcing and Tomko in February were each and. festive banners. swarming with doves, flowers, and fuel prices. ^ Jones said he belleyes atomic Center St., Manchester was de­ received a letter ’Tuesday from (48) W hat\ My LiaeT (C) Corps including 13 months in "Arise!” “Joy!” "To live is to Christian processions were lav­ Hughes, chairman of the deco­ peace theme. 14 before Dec. 1. scribed as being a “textbook entering with criminal Intent, a 6:88 (8-8-88-48) Weather — Sports sentenced yesterday to serve 18 fire, cdlve branches, crosses, ishly adorned and churches rations committee, said the ban­ "Keep your faith al'ways to­ The cheerleaders are spon­ ‘•'We’ve been hearing the energy will be an Important the State (Board of Me^atlon aad New* (C) Vietnam as being in his favor. dance.!’ p r a ji^ hands, lightning txdts same record for so long that our part of New England’s power case” of what the legislature count of larceny, three of for­ (18) Candid Camera months to four years in the He also described Brainard as were hung inside with bormers ners were intended to reflect the ward the sunshine and shadows sored by the Women’s Aux­ and Arbitration contalnlngr the (88) To TeU the Trath (C) Ihese were among the exu­ and dancing figures have deco­ patience is running out,” said suwily by 1988, had in mind in providing tor gery and two counts of theft state prison at Somers. having led a deprived life and from the celling. churchs’ rejoicing in faith, de­ will fall behind you,” one ad­ iliary of the Manchester Midg­ treatment in dealing with of a motor vehicle. names of three fact-finders. 6:85 (48) 77 SnnMt Strip berant notes proclaimed in big rated other recent church gath­ MassachusetUi C!ov. Francis W. “It must supply a very impor­ 8:88 (8) Newi with Waiter Cro*- said he was the youngest of 11 bright cloth hangings surround­ Some old churches in Bhirope spite the trials cuid tribulsitlans vised. et Football Association. crimes committed to support a Renaud was also given a kus- Union officials also received a kite (C) A special pubits defender erings, both Protestant and Ro­ the times. “We have a sus­ The practice session wUl be Sargent. ' tant part of the picture, espe­ (8) New* orith H.K, Smith children. ing Rochester’s War Memorial still are. And the (nistom is drug habit. pended sentence of five to six copy of the names. spoke for each man before he man Catholic. at the Buckley 8cho(ri and g;irla "We’ve been to4d that we cially in New England where aad Harry Beaaoaer (C) Probation continuing from a Auditorium where the nation’s It was the decor a week ag;o being picked ftp in some Ameri­ taining hope,” he said. “We should not be dependant on for­ years on a count of sale of can­ Both parties . must submit (18) Dick Van Dyke was sentenced by Judge Paul must deal wlta the real world as Natilonal Anthem returning from a previous year you have the sericus debits of Special Public Defender Ed­ (C) one-to-three year prison sen­ United Presbyterians currently at the American Baptist Con­ can churches wanting to put eign Imports and then there’s a siQiply and distribution. ward Y. O’Conn/ell said the nabis-type drugs with two years their preference for a fact- (88 88) NBC New* men and women full of expec- “'Ihe Star-Spangled Banner,” of cheering must attend the try­ DBMOIISniAIION Ifhider within five days. If there 7:88 (8) Golden Voyace (C) J. Driscoll. They said the de­ tence suspemled last July was are meeting. vention in the Minneapolis Audi­ more sparkle and festivity into shortage. He urged more local oU refin­ many breaks committed by the probation to follow the first (8) Trath *r CoHCqsaice* (C) their wOTship. tency. In Christ we know that written by Francis Scott Key outs. is no mutual selection, one will (18) What’* H y UneT (C) fendants contended the attack revoked for Brainard and that "A curtain ivall dlT^Stors told Weiss to 18:88 (18) Hartford Talk-In (C) FUEL OIL »iltl evident that we had irreversibly least 10 years before any seri­ negotiate for a package whose 11:98 (8-8-18-88-88-48) News Special Public Defender Law­ counts of breaking and enter­ lems he said the pre-sentence Weather aad Sport* (C) rence Klaczak described the at­ GASOLINE put ourselves in the hands of ous supply of oil can come from ing and one count of possession report was the kind “that makes total Increase was about 6 per 11:85 (3) Movie ' 6 6 couid saveyou a bundle foreign supplies,” Jones said. fields off the New England cent. 11:88 X88-S8) Tonight Show d o h a » tack as a spontaneous thing” of narcotics. ’The other counts a defense attorney talk to him­ Carson (C> and said his client George Rob­ Maine Gov. Kenneth M. Curtis coast. were either nolled or he wasn’t self.” He said it appeared not (18) Merv Griffin Show (C) BANTLY OIL said oil companies are contin­ He rejected suggestions that a presented on them. (848) Dick Cavett Show (C) inson, 21, had been drinking. DODRE DEMOR IFORT MURE Seu v u ? to be a drug dependency case, 1:88 (8) With This Bing (C) Special Public Defender Ab­ COMPANY, INC. NEWFORT uing to make profits while common oil market be set up Judge Paul J. Driscoll stress­ although there was some ex­ Lawrence Guest (88-48) New* — Prayer aad Artsmatic, p*mr If nMMf Tiwyi V^ylHHnrE IQ Rl*^* WQUMf wlraVI IQwQr PIQ Leun all about Dataun’a “there has been too little con­ with eastern , which en­ perimentation, and stated that Sign Off (C) bott Schwebel said that his 8 ^ >M* iiM ed that incarceration didn’t pre­ 1:15 (8) Newsctqie (C) client, John J. Freeman Jr., 21, 331 Main Street wMtwratlf, Me. Stack iKMXWt extras: cern for companies that have joys lower oil prices. ’The lower clude treatment sind that the he felt the boy’s problems Of MD Chapter 8:85 (8) New* — Prayer and 8i| M.891I. had to pay higher prices for prices, he said, result from de­ were as much a fault of the Off had also been drinking and has Tel. 649-4595 • Ovariiead cam engine commissioner of corrections actually been an alcoholic since *3595 oil.” pendence on foreign sources. can move inmates as he choos­ system as anything, that he’s Arnold Lawrrence, 671 Porter Edncatlonal TV (84) Rockville 875-3274 • Front disc brakM He said paper companies in “You can’t be r-ompletely de­ been sent to Meriden and Chesh­ Friday, Hay 81 the age of 10. He said after • Fully independent es. He sentenced Malnvllle to St. was the guest speaker at drinking all day he was t(X) •his state have had a hard time pendent on the world supply of serve tin indefinite term at ire and that neither has good yoga Everyone B SPECIAL PURCHASE ★ BIR DISCOUNTS ★ lin '8 leer auqienakm paying the higher costs. crude,” Jones said, “Some the annual meeting of the i Insight (C) 610 2-Door Bodka Cheshire on one count of lar­ facilities nor treatment, ^d “The Ballad of Alma Gei^ . rouui*s8eo*aNin* DA*TSAAunelo>TAi> • Whitevndle, front Gov. Thomas J. Mesklll of countries will Jack up the ceny, gave suspended one-year now, for Renaud, such a rec­ Greater Hartford Chapter of loyne" R M AVER ICK 2 Dr Sedan Connecticut said, ‘"nie reason price.” ord at age 19 Is “unbelievable.” I Coarse of Our Times B (C) buckets prison sentences on each of two the Muscular Dystrophy Asso­ "Churchill and the Salvation 70 PLYM . $2495 66 DODGE $B9S 69 DOD^E $19951 He said it was difficult to of Britain" Drive a Datam... counts of larceny and two ciation held last Wednesday at PRE-SCHOOL* KINDERGARTEN teacher for Roadrunner. 383 v-8, 4- Polara 2-Door Hardtop. Swinger 340 2-Dr. Hardtop. BASE PRICE figure and who seek help at the counts of breaking and enter­ argue against incarceration and I NET Playhouse (C) RAH, automatic, PS. thea dedde. PRODUCT OP asked the court to provide for the New Britain Memorial Hos­ Biography: "Dante Gabriel the September 1971 sessions will be at the COM­ on-the-floor. 4-on-tiie-floor. SSAN Secretary hospital Initially regard the ing with criminal intent and pital. Roasettl" treatment as a Joke. ’They are concurrent three-to-four year a psychiatric examination and i Masterpiece Theater B (C) 69 DODGE $1595 Laivrence, a member of the "The Convict" MUNITY DAY SCHOOL, 40 Pitkin St., Manches­ 67 DODGE $11951 *2175.00 led to a slot machine, given prison sentences on each of all whatever help is available. 67 C H R Y S . $1295 Dodge Swinger. 6-cyllnder, SELECT USED CARS Judge Driscoll agreed and ex­ Governor’s Committee on Em­ ter, Conn,, to discuss the program with any inter­ nicely equipped. Dart 274 4-Dr. 6-cyl., auto. Of Army “play” coins, and asked to spec­ the other counts, numbering 24. ployment of the Handicapped, Newport 4-Door Sedan. ify how severe a shock they The total effective suspended pressed the feeling there would liong ested parents, on: be treatment available at Som­ spoke about that organization's Swan 6B CHRYS. $1695 67 RAMB. $B95| NO CHAN4SES IN THE SIMPLE MACHINE., loneuDA wish. Most start at 20 volts and prison sentence Is three to eight 30 years of effort in creating a 4-Door Station Wagon. 6- Plymouth Barracuda 2-Dr. Resigns when they find this has little ef­ years with two years of proba­ ers. The belief that a dying swan TUES., May 25 .... 10:00-12:00 a.m. 67 V O LK S. $1095 Newport, 2-D(X)r Hardtop. 19C7 OPEL favorable climate for employ­ sings a beautiful song arose be­ Factory air conditioning. cylinder, standard trans. Hardtop. Grand Coty>e. (Continued from Page One) fect ask for 90 volts. tion to commence after he . Fatal Accident WED., May 26 ___ 2:00- 4:00 p.m. M AVERICK 4 Dr Sedan Wagem. 4-speed, 4-cyl., V-8, console, automatic, ment of the physically and men­ hind the curtain of prehistory. g(xxl nuinlng ideal run­ serves his sentence at Cheshire A fine of $500 on a charge tally handicapped, and the in­ THUR., May 27 .... 10:00-12:00 a.m. power steering, radio, criticism, not only as a result of or completes parole. of negligent homocide was im­ Today, “swan song” is used to around car. ww’s, custom vdieels, the Vietnam war but also over ternational effort in eliminating describe the final production of Donald Collette, 25, of Staf­ posed on Keith M. Way, 19, of Registrations will be accepted. BASE PRICE super sharp. Metallic blue the service club scandals and its Frog Hollow Rd., Ellington as architectural barriers to the an artist or musician, or the with blue interior. surveillance of civilians. One of ford Springs was sentenced to handicapped. end of a period. CHORCHES Directors serve one year in Jail concur­ the result of a fatal accident * 2 2 3 5 . 0 0 • 9 9 5 ^ 4 9 5 M Resor’s final actions was to or­ rent on each of three counts in­ last summer. The victim was I DODC8 I OF MANCHESTER rcrorsia der the demotion of a two-star Comment cluding sale of controlled drugs, a close friend of Way and general who commanded the in­ possession of controlled drugs Judge Driscoll agreed with 19C9 VW 1907 BUIGK fantry division during the My and possession of narcotics Atty. Lawrence Klaczak that he N OAKUND STRUT. MANCHESTER 643-2791 Model 1 1 3 , immaculate, Lai massacre in 1968. had already suffered from the one owner, 12,000 original convertible. Bucket seats, Session (heroin). He also received a EXCEPT FOR A COUPLE OF EXTRA DOORS... miles,, radio, ww tires, auto., PS, radio, ww tires, suspended flve-to-six-year pris­ personal tragedy and that a black/red Interior. dark green. A petition signed by 91 resi­ on sentence on a charge of sale Jail sentence would serve no dents of the Woodbrldge-Porker of narcotics (heroin) and two purpose, and neither is proba­ Grocery years probation. tion needed he decided, based FLOOR COVERING Sts. area requesting the in­ * 1 6 9 5 stallation of a traffic control at The court was told it was a on the boy’s record. The fine * 1 6 7 5 .. KELLY ROAD — VERNON OIRjOLE Costs Up the intersection Woodbrldge St., casual sale, that Collette is not was the maximum allowable M AVER ICK Grabber 1967 M lO K Parker St., Green Rd., Bretton a seller, that he is on a metha­ under the statute. 648-7370 (NEXT TO THE FARM SHOP) m-7370 Rd., and Helaine Rd. was sub­ done program of some sort but Pleas entered in court yester­ If's The Truth! Moriarty Brothers Has 1905 FORD Skylark 2-Door Htp. GB- In April gets off it at times. day included a plea of guilty AREA'S LARGEST COMPLETE FLOOR COVERING STORE BASE PRICE 400, bucket seats, console, mitted to town directors last automatic, PS, radio, vi­ (Continued from Page One) night. David Gnutti, 19, of Stafford by Michael A. Galati of 626 A Car and A Price Far Everyone! Galaxie 600 2-Dr. Htp. V-8, Springs was sentenced to serve Windsor Ave., Windsor accused OPEN: MON. THRU FRI. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. — SATURDAY 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. * 2 3 5 4 . 0 0 auto., PS, radio, wws, nyl roof. was due to Increases in fresh The petition claims the sys­ aqua, black Interior. tem is “necessary to protect one year in Jail concurrently on of burning Insured property, a fruit and vegetable prices. one count of possession of mari­ boat owned by him and valued Brand New “Prices of beef and veal, ce­ vehictUar and pedestrian traffic which uses this intersection juana, two counts of breaking at over $5,000. real and bakery products and and entering a dwelling in the Mrs. Elaine Ayers, of Revere, CAHPET LINOLEUM CERAMIC TILE | FORMICA lo b dairy products increased in­ dally.” daytime and one count of lar­ I I 19H ...AND A LITTLE MORE JAZZ... 1907 PLYM. m stead of declining as they usual­ The petition was received by Mass, and formerly of Vernon ceny between $260 and '$2,000. Garden Apts., was allowed to Midget Roadster. 4-speed, ly do in April,” the report alr/j Directors Donald Wells, William (inuttl was also given a sus­ Fury m Conv. V-8, auto., wire wheels, radial ply said. Diana and Jon Norris at a pub­ pended flve-to-slx-year prison plea no contest on a charge of (...AND A TREMENDOUSLY SMALL DEAL) PS, radio, yeUow. tires, radio, tonneau cover. Prices of pork and eggs lic comment session in the Mu­ sentence concurrent on each of embezzlement by agent involv­ White. dropped more than usual for the nicipal Building. Wells and Di­ two counts of sale of narcotics ing rent money she allegedly ana are Republicans; Norris is took while acting as manager (Dan. fiJbstn CaJtpsd month, it added. and one count of sale of can- * 1 6 9 5 Restaurant prices rose four- a Democrat. nabls-type drugs and probation of the Vernon Garden Apart­ * 1 7 9 5 tenths of one per cent, about the Three residents of the Oak­ for two years. ments. The reason for the plea YOUR CHOICE same as in March, it said. land Ter. area also appeared Away From Drugs was disagreement over the SATURDAY, MAY 22nd ^^1 F O R D Except for a decline in mort­ at the session to ask that Bea­ Special Public Defender Leo amount taken. She is accused of Velvet Plush gage interest rates, there were con St., Oakland Ter. and Glea­ B. Flaherty Jr. told the court taking over $11,000. $ ri.9 8 DE CORMIER continued rises for most con­ son St. be paved. One of the that Gnutti has been away from Gerald Rogowskl, 24, of 1 Shag MEET THE DAN RIVER CARPET sumer services Including auto­ three specified that he felt the drugs during time he’s spent in West St., Rockville pleaded guil­ Sq. Yd. COMET MOTOR SALES Ine. mobile insurance, property in­ abutting property owners should Jail but he said he was a heavy ty to two counts of possession Sculptured REPRESENTATIVE AT OUR STORE DILLON FORD OPEN TONITB TILL tiM P.BL surance, natural gas, medical not have to contribute toward user of marijuana at the age of of controlled drugs. Hie state (GLOSIID mn U D A T * BATCBDAT HVWMING services and transit fares, the this work. 14, progressed through LSD and 24IOOR 319 Main Street. Manchester — 643-2145 nolled two counts of sale of can­ 285 BROAD ST. MANCHESTER report said. A member of the Redwood “other things” until he was us­ nabis-type drugs. ARMSTRONG Some 72,000 workers will re­ Farms Homeowners Association ing 10 to 20 bogs of heroin u SEDAN 643-4165 ceive pay increases from their day. Ralph B. Martin of Stafford VINYL ASBESTOS expressed opposition to the CUD Mercury’s better idea for a small car cost-of-living clauses in labor “He’s only 19" the attorney Springs pleaded guilty to three LINOLEUM zone proposed for land off counts of forgery involving comes in two sizes. The 2-door sedan is contracts based on the govern­ Keeney St. said and concurred with the 12" X 12" TILE built on a 103-lnch wheelbase and seats Prices Start A t ment price index. They range checks sent to him by mistake A resident of Armory St. com­ state’s attorney’s recommenda­ four adults comfortably. The 4-door sedan from two cents an hour to $11.00 tion which he said was motivat­ bearing a similar name. Sen­ RUGS with a 109.9 inch wheelbase is slightly per month for various groups. plained of cars which block his tencing on this and the three driveway. He claimed the cars ed by the hope of rehabilitation larger and will seat five without difficulty. Another II.IXX) workers with although no specific program at preceding cases is scheduled for $ f i . 9 S There’s reasonable luggage space, too. In escalator clauses in their con­ belorfgpd to tenants of a pro­ July 1. fact, there are a lot of things you get with CADILLAC fessional building. He said the Brooklyn or elsewhere was tracts will get no further in­ Arthur M. Hayes, 64, of New Per Case the Mercury Comet you don’t wet with Authorized road is too narrow and sug­ mentioned. other small cars. Distinction Is one of tivem. OLDSMOBILE | creases because they have al­ iSuspended one-year sentences Britain pleaded innocent to Each ready received the maximum gested that there be no parking 9x12 48 Square Feet P er Case The Comet has Its own bold fixHit grille and Sales and Service on either side of the street. and probation lor two years counts of breaking and enter­ powerdome hood design. The rear end P O N T I ^ S C R A X T O ^ amounts specified in their ing with criminal intent and treatment Is unique andYeatures Montego- agreements. Two couples and a woman were imposed on two other resident of the Burnham St.- youths. larceny between $260 and $2,000. style taiUamp. A handy repair manual is Croft Dr. area complained of David 'W. Kolesinskl, 19, of 68 Since he is in Jail an early trial availabte for do-it-yoursel$s. dust which blows across their Grand Ave., Rockville was pre­ assignment was agreed upon WEVE Groovy Specials — Groovy Tonus — Groovy Prices Shock Cure property from access roads to sented on two substitute counts possibly next week. He is ac­ CERAMIC TILE SPECIAL WE’VE tobacco fields near their homes. of possession of cannabis-type cused of breaking into the 1971 PEMONSTOATOR SALE!! U sed On They claimed the dust harms drugs. Assistant State’s Atty. Blackledge Country Club in He­ THArS RIGHT FOLKS. CHECK THESE GROOVY DEALS GOT their paint and prevents them Donald P. Caldwell said he felt bron. GOT Early release was granted to Up To 100 Sq. Ft. — Completely Installed 1— 1971 MONTEREY STATION WAGON from opening some of their Kolesinskl was being given a • S P E C IA L # • SPECIAL • • SPECIAL • Gamblers windows. break by being allowed to plea Edward R. Kelly, 19, of Wllll- SERVICE The woman resident of the mantlc, sentenced March 11 to C A O / O FF ON A TUB ENCLOSURE WITH TERMS 60 CADILLAC Coupe De- SYDNEY, (AP) — to the lesser chanrges and rec­ D U / O EACH CERAMIC INSTALLATION 60 OADHLAC Calais Se­ 08 CADILLAC Sedan De- Sydney is a gambling-happy area also complained that the ommended that he serve 30 days serve four months for breaking 2— 1971 MONTEGO MX STATION WAGONS Ville. G