PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT The Manchester Newcomer's The Couple’s Club of the it Town Club of the Hartford Region Church of the Assumption will T1WCA w ill have its annusd have a potluck tomorrow at 8 J«Hbvah's Witneiaes will con- beer and barbecue iSaturday at p.m. in the church hall. The dt a theocratic ministry 6:30 p.m . at D el Aire Psu'k, program will include old-time Kfiw. Lionel J. Plante a t (^ . tonight, at 7:30 and .a Snipslc Rd., Tolland. Members m ovies. service meeting at 8:35 at King­ are asked to bring equipment Milford Rd. wna elected preei- dom ' Hail. for tennis, basketbsdl, volley­ Pull Gospel Chrlstlr.n Fellow­ dent of the Buckley School PTA ball, baseball and horseshoes. ship, Interdenominaticmal, will at thle week's meeUng. Scmth United Methodist Mrs. William Murray of 15 have a Bible study and open Other cfflcen are Don­ Church will have a Teacher Ap­ Griswold St. is chairman. discussion tonlgh'; at 7 :30 in ald Spiel of 18 Woodstock Dr., preciation Dinner tcmlght at 6:30 Orange Hall. in Cooper 'Hall of the church. vice president; Mrs. BVed Cub Scout Pack 47 o f South Caruolo of M Constance Dr., SALT Agreement United Methodist Church will The Mountain Laurel Chapter Grocery Costsi Center Congregratlonal Church secretary; and Mrs. Ernest J. will have its annual meeting and have a cookout tomorrow at of Sweet Adelines will rehearse . KJellson o f 86 F lag D r., trea­ election of officers tcmig^t in Camp Johnscm, Bolton. Those tonight at 8 at the Russian surer. Woodruff Hall of the church. planning to attend will meet at American National Center, 213 Mra. Maurtee Willey, state ‘Sometime in ’71’ The meeting will open with des­ 6 p,.m. at the church parking Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. FfTA corresponding secretary Rose Sharply sert at 7:30, and the business lot. Awards will be made, and 'Hie'Rehearsal is open to all and northeast regional vice For Britain Joining Market women Interested-in Joining this session will begin at 8; the cubmaster will read each president, installejl the offtcers. cub’s list of achievements dur­ four-part harmony chorus. After the business meeting, ing the year. Cubs are remind­ Is Nixon’s Hope By ARTHUR L. GAVSHON The Jutilor Confirmation Class parents viewed children’s arts of Emanuel Lutheran Church ed to bring flashlights, and par­ The Prank J. Mtmsfield Aux­ Last Month Associated IPress Writer and crafts work In classrooms, will meet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. ents to bring their own refresh­ iliary of the Marine Corps By LEWIS OUUOK corridors, and cafeteria, done in the parish building. ments and a grill, m the event League will sponsor a public, Aaeociated Pres* Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — Gro- period o f 1670 when the rise, two PARIS (AP)—President under the supervirion of Mrs. of rain the cookout will be held setback party tonight at 8 at eery prices rose per cent, 'was more than twice Georges Pompidou aiid Doreen Manchester, art tearii- The Adult Bible Study Class May 27. the Marine Home, 717 Park St. (AP)—President Nixon vmced hope ta"Apri7butTmaite%^ciS as great,” he said in a state­ Prime Minister Edward er. of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Refreshments will be served. today for a U.S.-Soviet agreement “sometime this for some housing and transpor- ment. Heath met again today to CSiurch will meet tonight at 7:30 year” to curb offensive and defensive nuclear weapons. taUon costs held last month’s Grocery prices rose nine- Community Baptist Church conclude a broad a^eement at the church. will have its annual planning The Sunbeams of the Man­ "Some very Intensive negotla- over-all rise in living costs to tenths of one per cent. Housing tkHis w ill have to take place to to work for a united Eu­ m eeting tonight at 7 :30 in the chester Salvation Army will Piano Students Hie administration still wants three-tenths of one per cent, the costs edged up one-tenth of one The Chapel Choir of Emanuel achieve our goal,’’ Nixon added. per cent, transportation three- rope rivaling the Ameri­ church youth building. have their annual mother- Scoutmaster Harry Maidment presents Eagle Scout to proceed with its request to government said toay. Lutheran Church will rehearse Give Recital The President referred to Congress for an expanded Safe. Hie April increase brought Tenths, clothing four-tenths, can and Soviet superpow­ tonight at 7:30 in the church daughter banquet tomorrow at badges to John Abbott, John Bowen and Daniel Huirsday’s U.S.-Soviet an­ The Sunset Club will meet 6:30 p.m. at the Salvation Ar­ guard ABM pending further de­ the government’s Consumer niedlcal care six-tenths and rec- ers. music room. Eagle Badge Earned Kimball. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) The piano students of Mrs. nouncement aimed at spurring velopment from the SAL/T nego­ Price Index up to 120.2, mean- reation six-tenths, said the re- Pompidou after long secret tom orrow at 1 :30 p.m . at the my citadel on Main St. Madeline Cain will be presented the progress in the Strategic Senior Citizens Center. Cards tiations, they said. Ing it cost $12.02 last month for Po^t by the Bureau of Labor talks with Heath on Thursday King David Lodge of Odd Fel- will participate in the Board­ in a recital Saturday at 7 p.m. Arms Limitation Talks (SALT). In fact, the 'Soviets are cur­ every $10.00 worth of typical Statistics. gave the green light for Brit- will be played, and refresh­ The Past Chiefs Club of Me­ In it, the U.S. and Soviet lead­ lows wll meet tomorrow at 7:30 walk Parade Saturday after­ In Memorial Hall of Center Con- rently constructing more sites family mirchases in the 1967 bureau also reported that ' ain’s admission to the European ments served. morial Temple, Pythian Sisters, Tall Cedars gregatlMuil Church. ership agreed to concentrate p.m. at Odd Follows Hall. By Troop 25 Scouts noon. for long-range missiles and the base period. some 46 million rank and file Commmi Market, removing the will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. The students who will per­ tills year on working out an an- Grand Tall Cedar Roy E. United States Is proceeding with The Labor Department' said workers gained 73 cents a week biggest obstacle to the British Chapman Court, Order of Gamma Chapter of »/pha at the home of Mrs. Gladys At Convention form are: Beth Stiorpe, Lisa tibaUlstlc missile (ABM) limita­ John Abbott, John Bowen and Daniel Kimball r&; Reed heads the Nutmeg party. the Sofe^fuard ABM system, de- the Index was 4.3 p er cent above In pay to an average o f $124.76, candidacy. Diplomats of the two Amaranth, will meet tomorrow Delta Kappa will meet tomor­ Gamble, 431 Lydall St. ceived their Eagle Scout badges last night in cere­ The Supreme Convention of Cooke, Martha Poirier, Mary tion and on measures to curb of­ a year earlier for the smallest that after allowance for fed- countries worked through the The monthly Forest meetl^ fensive missiles. at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic row at 7:30 p.m. at the home the Tail Cedars of Lebanon is Beth Correia, Steven Davies, (See Page Ten) annual rise In nearly three ^ deductions and higgler night to formulate a joint decla­ monies during the Boy Scout Troop 25 annual Spring will be Monday at 7:30 p.m. In Nixem conferred with U.S. ne­ Temple. Officers will rehearse of Mrs. Gertrude Baker, 310 The Salvation Army Bible being held this weekend at At­ Susan Cain, Cynthia Cain, Ste­ years and that the Increase c°«ts purchasing power ration. Court of Honor in Woodruff Hall of Center Congrega­ the Masonic Temple. gotiator Gerard Smith before at 7 p.m. and are reminded to Hackmatack St. Mrs. Baker Fellowship will study “The Day phen Wierzbickl and Henry since February was the small- was two per cent-above a year tional Church. ------------------------------------------ lantic City, N.J., and Nutmeg Smith’s return to Vienna to The two leaders proclaimed wear white gowns. Refresh­ will discuss flower arranging. of His Ascension’’ at its meet­ Wierzblcki. est of any three-month period in earlier. However, the buying* All three boys joined Troop Arey, Edward Bates, John Foirest of Manriiester wlU be resume the SALT discussions. their desire to revive the Brit- ments will be served after the Hostesses are Mrs. Marlon Har­ ing tonight at 7:30 at the cita­ Also, Renee Caron, Shari Pos­ Laird Says power of the average pay check 25 in 1966 and are 17-year-old Beckwith, Larry Berry, Brian represented for the activities Poison Gas Fought Shortly after his White House four years. ish^French entente cordlale in meeting. low and Miss Marita Kemp. del. sum, Kathy Possum, Mary an exchange of toasts at a state juniors at Manchester High Cox, John Dzlato, John Plurkey, that began today with business WASHINGTON — The U.S. seasioa with the depcutlng en­ Hie 4.8 per cent gain in a year P®*" eent below the Alice Leamy, Lisa Secriiri, record peak of Septem ber 1968. banquet shortly before midnight School. Richard PTegeau, Charles m eetings. Public Health Service has em­ Laurie Bourque, Wendy Werk- voy, Nixon talked about the represented a slowing from the Keep Arms 5.6 per cent climb in calendar “The effects of higher prices Thursday. John Abbott is the son of Mr.
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