Chapter 7 Drainage Basins of the North Sea and Eastern Atlantic
299 CHAPTER 7 DRAINAGE BASINS OF THE NORTH SEA AND EASTERN ATLANTIC This chapter deals with the assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters, as well as selected Ramsar Sites or other wetlands of transboundary importance, which are located in the basins of the North Sea and Eastern Atlantic. Assessed transboundary waters in the drainage basins of the North Sea and Eastern Atlantic Transboundary groundwaters Ramsar Sites/wetlands of Basin/sub-basin(s) Recipient Riparian countries Lakes in the basin within the basin transboundary importance Glama/Glomma North Sea NO, SE Klarälven North Sea NO, SE Wiedau/Vidaa North Sea DK, DE Wiedau/Vidaa aquifer (DK, DE) Wadden Sea (DK, DE, NL) (includes Gotteskoog-Marchen (Ei 22), Gotteskoog-Altmoränengeest (Ei 23) (DE), DK4.1.2.1.Hellevad, DK4.1.1.2.Hjerpsted, DK4.1.2.2.Kliplev, DK4.1.1.1.Tinglev, DK4.1.2.4.Tinglev, DK4.1.3.1.Tinglev, DK4.1.2.3.Tonder(DK)) Elbe North Sea AT, CZ, DE, PL Lainsitz Area/Trebon Pan (AT, CZ), Cheb Krkonoše/Karkonosze subalpine Pan, Decinsky Sneznik Dolni Krmenice peatbogs (CZ, PL) and Krimice Cretaceous, Upper Ploucnice Cretaceous, Glaciofluvial Sediments in Frydlant Offspur, Police Pan and Hronov-Porici Cretaceous (CZ, DE) Ems North Sea DE, NL DE_GB_:37_01, 39_10 (DE, NL). Wadden Sea (DK, DE, NL) NLGW:0001, 0008 (DE, NL), 2 – 5, 15, 101, 105, 109 – 113 (NL). DE_GB_3_: 01 – 20. DE_GB_36_01 – 05. DE_GB_:37_02 – 03, 38_01 – 02. DE_GB_39_01– 09 (DE). Rhine North Sea AT, BE, DE, FR, IT, Lake Constance DE_GB_3_:01, 04, 08, 09, 11 – 14, 19, Upper Rhine (Rhin supérieur/ LI, LU, NL, CH 20.
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