TURLEY. 115 George Street Edinburgh EH2 4JN 4Ih September 2012 T:0131 240 5440 F: 01 31 240 5441 Delivered by Email www.turleyassocSates.co.uk Susan Mitchell Corporate Services Our ref: SAIE2030 North Lanarkshire Council Your ref 11/01231/FUL Civic Centre E:
[email protected] Windmillhill Street Motherwell MLI IAB Dear Susan, PLANNING APPLICATION 11/01231/FUL - ERECTION OF A SUPERMARKET (CLASS 1) (8,948 SQM), PETROL FILLING STATION, CAR PARKING, ACCESS, LANDSCAPING AND ASSOCIATED WORKS - FORMER FIRST BUS DEPOT -TINKERS LANE - HAMILTON ROAD - AIRBLES ROAD - MOTHERWELL We write on behalf of the applicants, BDW Trading Ltd (T/A Barratt Homes West Scotland) and Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd, on the above application. In your letter, dated 23' August 2012 (received on 28'h August 2012), you outline that the application will be heard at a meeting of North Lanarkshire Council on 12" September 2012 and request to be informed of whether we would intend speaking at the 'Planning Hearings Committee' (PHC) and if any final submission will be lodged to the application. Hearing Pres8 n ta t ion We wish to inform you that BDW Trading and Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd wish to appear and present their case at the PHC. The people that will present on the day are: Paul Miller, Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd (National Development Surveyor) Jeff Wilson, Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd (Town Planning Team Lead - Scotland) Stuart Dodson, BDW Trading / Barratt Homes (Development Director) Final Submission: Committee Paper Response In relation to the Planning Committee Report (PCR), produced by the Council's Executive Director of Environmental Services (EDES), we would like to take this opportunity to provide our observations on the report and respond to matters of planning policy or points of fact / omission that should be brought to the attention of the PHC and Full Council, who will be making the final decision on the application.