JD Experience of Immigrants Booklet

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JD Experience of Immigrants Booklet Section 2: HIGHER HISTORY The Experience of Immigrants The Gordon Schools Huntly. MR DAVIDSON MIGRATION & EMPIRE 1830-1939 The Experience of Immigrants. In addition to the large outflow of behind, or those, like Polish or Scots, there were others from foreign Lithuanian emigrants, who had lands who found themselves on been duped into seeing Scotland Scottish soil. The most notable and itself as a land of opportunity. numerous immigrants were from On the other hand many Ireland. There were many more English people came to Scotland nationalities, including the English by choice, seeing in it a chance to and the peoples of eastern Europe, sell their skills at a higher price who were attracted to Scotland. than could be commanded south Some came by choice, others came of the border. to flee such atrocities as famine, It is this rich history which has poverty and persecution. For many, created a Scottish tapestry of Scotland should have been a many different cultures, languages stopping-off place until passage and religions. In many cases there could be secured for America or was assimilation, acceptance and Irish Famine some other land of opportunity. It harmony. On the other hand Scotland was only those emigrants, such as witnessed a society with numerous the Irish, who could not afford the stresses which continue into the 21st cost of a sea-passage who remained century. [1] Scotland’s Story - By the Proclaimers Audio Task (1) Watch and listen to the song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOa64BUV5qU) and write a summary of the groups that came and settled in Scotland, their reasons for leaving their homelands and how this has enriched Scottish society. Michael McGrory from West Donegal You came to Glasgow with nothing at all You fought the landlord then the Africa Korps When you came to Glasgow with nothing at all Abraham Caplan from Vilnius you came You were heading for New York but Leith‘s where you've stayed You built a great business which benefits all Since you came to this land with nothing at all In Scotland‘s story I read that they came The Gael and the Pict, the Angle and Dane But so did the Irishman, Jew and Ukraine They‘re all Scotland‘s story and they‘re all worth the same Joseph D‘Angelo dreams of the days When Italian kids in the Grassmarket played We burned out his shop when the boys went to war But auld Joe‘s a big man and he forgave all In Scotland‘s story I‘m told that they came The Gael and the Pict, the Angle and Dane But where‘s all the Chinese and Indian names? They‘re in my land‘s story and they‘re all worth the same Christina Mckay, I learned of your name How you travelled south from Delny one day You raised a whole family in one room they say And the x on the line stands in place of your name So in the old story I‘ll bet that I came From Gael and Pict and Angle and Dane And a poor migrant girl who could not write her name It‘s a common old story but it‘s mine just the same All through the story the immigrants came The Gael and the Pict, the Angle and Dane From Pakistan, England and from the Ukraine We‘re all Scotland‘s story and we‘re all worth the same Your Scotland‘s story is worth just the same. [2] left Ireland. Most headed for 1851 the Irish population of ! ! Why Did the Irish Come! to America (around 650,000) but Scotland increased by 90%. It Scotland? ! according to census must, however, be noted that the ! information, the Irish-born census figures underestimate the Most of the early immigration population of Scotland stood at total strength of the Irish from Ireland into Scotland was 126,321 out of a total of community in Scotland. They temporary. Even before the 2,620,184 in 1841, or 4.8 per record only those people who 1830s it would be a common cent. Ten years later it stood at were Irish-born because the 207,367, or 7.2 per cent, out of a children of Irish immigrants born sight to see seasonal Irish !"#$%&'$(")$*+&,"$-./)$(.$01.(234'5$total of 2,888,742. This compared in Scotland were classified as $%&'!%(!')*!*+,-.!/00/1,+'/%2!(,%0!3,*-+24!/2'%!56%'-+24!7+&!'*08%,+,.#!9:*2!;*(%,*!')*!<=>?&!/'!workers in Scotland - usually 7%@-4!;*!+!6%00%2!&/1)'!'%!&**!&*+&%2+-!3,/&)!7%,A*,&!/2!56%'-+24!during the peak agricultural to 2.9 per centB!@&@+--.!4@,/21!')*!8*+A!!!!!!! for England and Scottish. Thus, Irish communities +1,/6@-'@,+-!&*+&%2&C!*#1#!)+,:*&'#!32!')*!&@00*,!%(!<="<!(%,!*D+08-*C!EFCGE<!3,/&)C!0+/2-.!Wales. Many of those who chose were even larger than census 0+-*!-+;%@,*,&C!6,%&&*4!'%!921-+24!+24!56%'-+24!'%!7%,A!%2!')*!)+,:*&'seasons, e.g. harvest. In the !#!H)/&!7+&!0+4*! !""#$%&#&!'(&)#*+#$%&#,!-$#$%!$#!#,&))+#$(-.&$#,)/0#1)&"!23#$/#4)&&2/-.#/2#5-/$"!236'#7&'$#-/!'$#summer of 1841 for example, Scotland as a settlement figures suggest. 6%@-4!;*!8@,6)+&*4!(%,!+&!-/''-*!+&!G4!I%-4!8*26*J#!K@'C!4*&8/'*!')*!/26,*+&/21!2@0;*,&!%(!!!!!!!!!!destination did so as they could Traditionally, the majority of '*08%,+,.!3,/&)!/00/1,+2'&!+'!')/&!'/0*C!')*,*!/&!:*,.!-/''-*!*:/4*26*!%(!+2.!-+,1*!&6+-*!3,/&)!!!!!!!!!57,651 Irish, mainly male &*''-*0*2'!/2!56%'-+24#!L2-.!(%--%7/21!')*!*D8+2&/%2!%(!')*!,+/-7+.&C!6%''%2!',+4*!+24!')*!,*+4/-.!labourers, crossed to England and not afford their trans-Atlantic Irish immigrants who came to +:+/-+;-*!/24@&',.!7%,AC!6+2!')*!(/,&'!*D+08-*&!%(!8*,0+2*2'!3,/&)!&*''-*0*2'!;*!*+&/-.!/4*2'/(/*4#! $+2.!)/&'%,/+2&!)+:*!,*(*,,*4!'%!')/&!+&!+!',/6A-*!%(!/00/1,+'/%2!;*(%,*!')*!(-%%4!%(!0/1,+2'&!')+'!Scotland to work on the harvest. passage. Scotland did so from the nine- +,,/:*4!4@,/21!')*!8%'+'%!(+0/2*!<="GThis was made all the easierBF#! by county province of Ulster in the H)*!8%'+'%!(+0/2*!)+4!+!0+M%,!/08+6'!@8%2!')*! north of Ireland. Even after the 2@0;*,&!%(!3,/&)!8*%8-*!6%0/21!'%!56%'-+24#!L:*,!<!the fact that a ferry ticket from devastating effects of the potato 0/--/%2!8*%8-*!-*('!3,*-+24#!$%&'!)*+4*4!(%,!N0*,/6+!Ireland to Greenock on Scotland‘s I+,%@24!GE?C???J!;@'!+66%,4/21!'%!6*2&@&!!!!!!!!!!!! famine were confined to memory /2(%,0+'/%2C!')*!3,/&)west coastB ;%,2!8%8@-+'/%2!%(!56%'-+24!could be purchased there continued to be a steady &'%%4!+'!<OGC>O<!%@'!%(!+!'%'+-!%(!OCGO?C<="!/2!for as little as 6d (2 1/2p). But, <="<C!%,!"#=!8*,!6*2'#!H*2!.*+,&!-+'*,!/'!&'%%4!+'! influx of Irish settlers into O?FC>GFC!%,!F#O!8*,!6*2'C!%@'!%(!+!'%'+-!%(!OC===CF"O#!despite the increasing numbers of H)/&!6%08+,*4!'%!O#P!8*,!6*2'!(%,!921-+24!+24! Scotland. While Irish migration to temporary Irish immigrants at this Q+-*&#!$+2.!%(!')%&*!7)%!6)%&*!56%'-+24!+&!+! England was dropping steadily in &*''-*0*2'!4*&'/2+'/%2!4/4!&%!+&!')*.!6%@-4!2%'!!!!time, there is very little evidence +((%,4!')*/,!',+2&BN'-+2'/6!8+&&+1*#!H)@&C!0+2.!%(! the years immediately before the ')*!3,/&)!/00/1,+2'&!7)%!6+0*!'%!56%'-+24!+,,/:*4!of any large scale Irish settlement First World War, in Scotland the 7/')!-/''-*!8%&&*&&/%2&!+24!7*,*!+0%21&'!')*!!!!!in Scotland. Only following the 8%%,*&'!0*0;*,&!%(!&%6/*'.#!R@,/21!<="=C!')*!!!!!! tide of new migrants showed little +:*,+1*!7**A-.!/2(-%7!%(!3,/&)!/2'%!S-+&1%7!7+&!!!!!!!!expansion of the railways, cotton *&'/0+'*4!+'!%:*,!<???C!+24!')*!(/1@,*!(%,!T+2@+,.!'%! 3,/&)(Irish!X%'+'%!W+0/2*! Potato FamineB!;.!K,/41*'!!!!! - by sign of ebbing. N8,/-!%(!')+'!.*+,!7+&!8@'!+'!"OC=G?#!K*'7**2!<="<!+24!trade and the readily available 869/22&""#:'%/7(2;#$%&#</=&)$+#$%!$# Bridget(+6*4!0+2.!3,/&)!(+0/-/*& O‘Donnell showing! the In 1901 there were still <=E<!')*!3,/&)!8%8@-+'/%2!%(!56%'-+24!!/26,*+&*4!;.!industry work, can the first P?U#!!3'!0@&'C!)%7*:*,C!;*!2%'*4!')+'!')*!6*2&@&!!!!! poverty that faced many Irish 205,000 Irish-born, little different examples of permanent Irish (/1@,*&!@24*,*&'/0+'*!')*!'%'+-!&',*21')!%(!')*!3,/&)!6%00@2/'.!/2!56%'-+24#!H)*.!,*6%,4!%2-.!families ) from the 207,000 who had settled ')%&*!8*%8-*!7)%!7*,*!3,/&)settlement be easilyB;%,2!;*6+@&*!')*!6)/-4,*2!%(!3,/&)!/00/1,+2'&!;%,2!/2!56%'-+24! identified. 7*,*!6-+&&/(/*4!+&!56%''/&)#!H)@&C!3,/&)!6%00@2/'/*&!7*,*!*:*2!-+,1*,!')+2!6*2&@&!(/1@,*&!!!!Thus, many of the Irish in the years immediately after the &@11*&'#!H,+4/'/%2+--.C!')*!0+M%,/'.!%(!3,/&)!/00/1,+2'&!7)%!6+0*!'%!56%'-+24!4/4!&%!(,%0!')*!Many historians have referred 2/2*B6%@2'.!8,%:/26*!%(!V-&'*,!/2!')*!2%,')!%(!3,*-+24#!9:*2!+('*,!')*!4*:+&'+'/21!*((*6'&!%(!')*!immigrants who came to Scotland Famine. Immigration continued on 8%'+'%!(+0/2*!7*,*!6%2(/2*4!'%!0*0%,.!')*,*!6%2'/2@*4!'%!;*!+!&'*+4.!/2(-@D!%(!3,/&)!&*''-*,&!to this as a trickle of arrived with little possessions and a significant scale until the 1920s, /2'%!56%'-+24#!Q)/-*!3,/&)!0/1,+'/%2!'%!921-+24!7+&!4,%88/21!&'*+4/-.!/2!')*!.*+,&!/00*4/+'*-.!immigration before the flood of ;*(%,*!')*!W/,&'!Q%,-4!Q+,C!/2!56%'-+24!')*!'/4*!%(!2*7!0/1,+2'&!&)%7*4!-/''-*!&/12!%(!*;;/21#!32!were amongst the poorest when it started to decline <P?<!')*,*!7*,*!&'/--!O?EC???!3,/&)migrants that arrivedB;%,2C!-/''-*!4/((*,*2'!(,%0!')*!O?FC???!7)%!)+4!&*''-*4!/2!')*! during the members of society. During 1848, .*+,&!/00*4/+'*-.!+('*,!')*!W+0/2*#!300/1,+'/%2!6%2'/2@*4!%2!+!&/12/(/6+2'!&6+-*!@2'/-!')*! <PO?&C!7)*2!/'!&'+,'*4!'%!4*6-/2*!potato famine 1846-7.! the average weekly inflow of Irish The potato famine had a into Glasgow was estimated at "#! major impact upon the numbers over 1000, and the figure for of Irish people coming to January to April of that year was Scotland.
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