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Farms studies • As a protest of what officials Ut:!IIt:Vtl L:> ~II unfair waler rate cnarged to the Village by DetrOit Water and parking deck Sewer, Shores offiCials Willplace a por- tion of Its water payments In a special escrow account pending a review of the formula used to determine the Village rates Page 2A for Richard lot In an effort to find park- • Two 19-year-old men from Grosse mg for a proposed pnvate POinte Park have pleaded gUilty to a • See related stories, buddmg development on the drunken night of sport dunng which Hill, the Farms ISlookmg at page 3A they chopped down a 53-year-old bUlldmg a parking deck on • See editorial, Norway spruce at Patterson Park the Richard mumcipallot Page 13A But whlie the parkmg page 6A • An hlstonc Boeing 817 Flying deck Idea has made It to the draWIngs stage, the Grosse Fortress is scheduled to make a good- lot across Hall Place The will flight over the Grosse Polnte8 Pomte Pubhc School System was unaware of the plan city has an additional 56 next week The World War II heavy spaces committed to Hdl bomber Will be pIloted by a former until a Grosse Pomte News reporter sought the dtstnct's shoppers and Vlsltors m the POinter A current Woods reSident Will Cottage HospItal parkmg be at hiS old navigator's station In the comment on the Idea Photo by Brad Lmdberg "I have not seen any deck That leaves 27 addi- four-englned aircraft's Plexlglass nose tIOnal spaces needmg to be Page 1B plans I have not seen any Gone fishing bluepnnts," said Chns found • Two Grosse POinte Soccer As tbe sun lacs down aDdnavllaUon Ugbts come on at the maiD Fenton, assIstant superin- The proposed Richard ASSOCiationDragon8 travel teams won pier at WbulmUl Pointe Park, Emily Kennedy, 6. fisbes for bau tendent for busmess affairs lJaTkmg deck would- ClQllSist their diVISions at the recent Ann Arbor with her brothel', Alex, 9, and father, Jay. The family's efforts and support servtces ofthe current lot, whIch SItS Tournament, which attracts some of went UDl'ewarcled."Wehaven't c.u&bt anytbiDg," said Jay. "We'll The parkmg deck Idea 'well below street level on the top youth squads In the Midwest be back." came about when developer th,e McMillan SIde, and a Page 1C Edward Russell proposed a second level that would be 40,000-square-foot bUildIng bUIlt above the eXlstmg lot to replace the former car Access to the second level off dealership bwlding at 130 McMillan would be more WEEK AHEAD Candidate wins right Kercheval economIcal because costly The (,lty estimates rampmg would not be need- Thursday, July 5 Russell's buddmg Will ed, accordmg to city offiCials. to use alias on ballot require 113 parkmg spaces The mumclpal lot on The Wendell Hamson Quartet per- for employees and VISItors Kercheval between " forms for free at the Bon Secours Grosse Pomte Farms City counCIl ten ruhng, 1t was Just an order " Russell plans on haVIng a McKmley and McM111anwas Cottage Health SeNlces 2001 MUSICon candtdate Charles "Terry" DaVIS III The question arose, said Reeslde, combmed 30 spaces on site the Plaza Concert III the Village The See RICHARD, page SA won the right in Wayne County that gtven the law, whether Terry and in the eXisting parkmg show starts at 7 p.m. For more informa- Circuit Court to have the name Terry tion, call (313) 886-7474. could be used After Farms offiCials mcluded on the Aug 7 Fanns pnma- consulted with Chnstopher Thomas, 1: ry ballot dIrector of elections for the state of HW Gardeneers , Saturday, July 7 CandIdate DaVIS said that for 57 Michigan, It was Thomas' opmlOn • years he has been known by the name that It could not be mcluded The A pond and garden tour benefiting of Terry and it IS tus behef that few Secretary of State's office filed a bnef Services for Older Citizens and people would recogmze the name 10 support of the Farms' posItion to host first tour Cornerstone Schools begins at 10 a.m Charles S DaVISIII DaVIS disagreed WIth thIS opinion The Harper Woods ty to vote for their favonte Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for "Voters should have a nght to easI- children They can be purchased m and took the matter to court. When he Gardeneers Club IS hostmg garden ly recognIze the candidates on the receIVed the rulIng 10 his favor, DaVIS ItS first garden tour on July at the SOC officeS In the balTot-- I beheve that's the whole Bob and CookIe Krause's Grosse Pomte Neighborhood Club, stated, "thiS IS good news for all the 8 Tlus IS another In a long pnze winnmg garden will be pomt of the law." voters m Wayne County because It 17150 Waterloo In the City of Grosse hne of events whIch wdl featured on thiS year's tour POinte Those taking the tour Will see "I denied use of the name Terry WIll help ehmmate confUSIOn and honor the cIty's 50th but not ehgtble to compete nme of Grosse POinte's most beautiful because of my mterpretatlon of elec- enable voters to better recogmze the anmversary. tIOnlaw, WIththe adVIceoflegal coun- candtdates for whom they are votmg " TIckets are avaIlable for man-made waterscapes. The tour WIllfeature eIght $5 m advance, $7 at the door sel," saId Farms clerk Shane Reeslde "As far as we were concerned, we Harper Woods gardens "Judge Robert J Colombo Jr baSIcal- and $3 for children They wanted to make sure we were comply- Regtstratlon begtns at 1130 can be purchased at Sunday, July 8 ly ordered that the ballot could read mg WIth state law," Reeslde saId a m. at Johnston Park, next Charles S Davis III a k a Terry Allemon's on Mack, My The Harper Woods Gardeneers Club "Now we WIllmake sure that we com- to Harper Woods HIgh SIster's Resale Shop on DaVIS What laws we looked at stated ply Wlth the Judge's rulmg We beheve celebrates the City'Sgolden anniversary that the name of the candtdate shall School Gardens WIllbe open Kelly or by calhng (313) 640- by hosting the Garden Tour, Boutique the Issue IS resolved and have no from noon to 4 P m 9502 be pnnted shOWIngthe given name, plans to appeal the ruhng." and Tin Can Auction at Johnston Park, or an abbreviation or mltlals of the The gardens are diverse, Chns Dee Martm, next to Harper Woods High School, gtven name The Judge gave no wnt- - JIm Stlckford featunng ponds, blTlihouses, Gardeneers pubhcatlon beginning at 11 30 a.m. TICkets are $5 annuals, perenmals, vegeta- chaIr IS eXCIted about the for adults, $3 for children For more bles and statues. group's first tour Information, call (313) 886-6359. Also mcluded IS a bou- "I'm Just hopmg that peo- tique featunng garden and ple Will be msplred to Monday, July 9 floral related Items TIckets become gardeners or get for a tm can auctlOn WIll be some Ideas for then own Lifeguard training at Neff Park In the sold for $1 The Master gardens," she saId "We have City of Grosse Pomte, as well as other Gardeners of Greater a very Wlde varIety of sizes courses In sWimming and ten illS, DetrOIt Wlll be on hand to and types of gardens It's begins For more Information, call (313) answer questtons Attendees gomg to be a really good 343-5257 WIllalso have the opportum- tIme"

The Grosse Pornte Board of Education meets at 7 p.m m Grosse POinte South's Wlckrng Library. The • public IS InVited to attend • Amy Davis The Grosse POinte Farms City coun- Cil meets at 7 30 P m In the Farms city Home: Grosse Pomte hall, 90 Kerby. The meeting IS open to Farms the public Photo by Dorren Donald!lOn Paramedics ready to roll in HW Age: 46 Family: Son, Thomas INDEX The Harper Woods Fire Department is officially operat1Dlu an advanced Ufe support (ALS) responder at WI time. After :rears of Occupation: Program diSCUNionawith city officials, followed by months of schoollDC Opinion 6A Duector for Ross and certification telts for firefigbters, tbe proJrIUD il off tbe Innovative Obltuarres 9A ground. The upgrade from emergency medical service (EMS) Employment mellD8department personnel are now trained and allowed to per- TechnolOgIes Schools 11A form advaDeed UfenvlDg techniques witb the guidanee of docton Business...... 12A over a direet radio connection to • hOilpttal emergency room. Tbls Claim to fame: Retmng would include Ilring stabiliZing medications, starting intra- Autos. .. . 14A preSident of the Grosse venous 1lIlesand overridiDI tbe deftbrlUator unit if needed. These Pomte Farms-City are Just a few of the enhanced on-scene care the department is Seniors 2B Little League now equipped to do. In the ftrat two weeks of operation, the Entertainment 6B department has \lied its new capabilities several timn and feels See story, page 4A ClaSSified ads ..4C much better equipped to lervice tbe community. Am:r DaN Mission: Remission

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; 2A JUly 5, 2001 News Grosse Pointe News Shores to protest Detroit water rates by withholding fees By Jim Stlckford Village manager Mike determlnmg what the So when and how much finds that '>USPICIOUb ters, datmg back to 1993, Staff Wnter Kenyon said that Ius calcu- Shores IS charged for water water a community purchas- GrObse POinte Wood, a..,klng DetrOIt to review the Based on the belIef that latIOns indicated that the Specifically, Kenyon es from DetrOIt dunng the!:>e wmptroller ClIff Mal,on formula used to bill the the DetrOit Water and Sewer Shores pays more for water believe:;" DetrOIt IS charging peak hours affectb It<;overall bald that he hasn't reviewed Shores So starting In July, Department has been over. than It should the Shores too much based water rate _ bupply and Kenyon's figure!:>, but If they the Shore" wlll place a por. chargmg Grosse Pomte The problem, said on the something called the demand are lOrrect, he can't think of tlOn of Its water payment to Shores for water, Grosse Kenyon,.s that the Village's peakmg factor Simply put, So far, so good But, anythIng that would cause DetrOit mto an escrow POInte Shores offiCials Will water rates are being deter. the peakmg factor IS how Kenyon said, Grosse Pomte the Shore:;, to pay more than account place a portIOn of ItS pay. mmed usmg mformatlOn much water a city purchases Shores' peak factor IS tWice the Woods 'We've made effiCienCies ment to DetrOit mto an that dates back to the 1980s dunng the peak hour!:> of that of Grobse Pomte Wood<; "I'm not aware of any rea. m our water consumptIOn," escrow account until a more A lot has happened since water consumptIOn These Since the communities abut son a'l to why the Shores Kenyon saId "We've placed accurate water fee IS deter. then, but these changes hours are between 6 and 8 each other and are fed from would PdY more," he said notices on water bills asking mined have not been factored m a m and 5 and 8 p m the bame water hnes, he Kenyon has a stack of let- people not to water their lawns dunng the peak use h""ro Thl' " " g:lmblc for us because DetrOIt could pi ove that they're nght or even that we use more wdter But I thmk a real revlCW Will bhow that we're usmg less" If DetrOIt IS proved nght, said Kenyon, the money In the escrow account would be turned over to the depart. ment The Shores admlnls. tratlOn IS takmg thiS action reluctantly In the March 2 letter to DetrOIt Water and Sewer, Shores Village attorney Ralph Houghton wrote, "we fir!:>t :>tarted wntten corre. spondence With your depart. ment m March, 1993, refer- nng to bilhngs we ques- tIOned covenng the period from December 1990 Mission: Remission through February 1993 Prior to that time, we could normally account for water usage Wlthm 0 to 2 percent St. John Health System is strengthening our team: of the City of DetrOit blllmgs However, begmnmg We've become part of the University of Michigan Cancer Center Network. m December 1990, substan- tlal discrepancies developed, ranging from 2 5 percent to 23 percent Thereafter, through the years, we diS- For years we've been among the three largest cancer programs in Michigan, cussed the problems and there were promises of rellef 5,200 and reevaluatIOn, but m battling the disease with over patients each year. Now we've joined forces fact, nothmg took place" with the University of Michigan Cancer Center, one of the top facilities in the Houghton also mcluded COPieS of past correspon- U.S.* and the only Michigan member of the National Comprehensive Cancer dence and concluded hiS let- ter by wntmg, "m short, we Network. All of which means something quite simple: Your fight against cancer have run out of patience We are tired of excuses The is backed by powerful atlies, bringing you ... legitimate requests of the Village admmlstratlOn have been Ignored for years, and as a result, our reSidents are charged rates which may • State-of-the-art treatment guidelines developed by the National Comprehensive well be based on completely lI1accurate data and WIDch Cancer Network, an alliance of 18 premier cancer centers mcluding the have no baSIS 10 fact" When called for a com. University of Michigan Cancer Center ment on the Shores' actIOn, actmg pubhc affaIrs manag- • Access to more than 200 clinical trials, leading to advanced treatment options el of DetrOIt Water and Sewer George Ellenwood saId that after talkmg Wlth • Collaboration on cancer treatments and initiatives to improve quabty of life ~taff from dlfTerent diVISIOns wlthm DetrOit Water, draft- mg a reply to all the Shores • Education about cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabllitation letterb would take time He added that he did know that on May 18, the Shores reCeived a letter statmg that Together, we'll battle cancer for you and the ones you love. For more all calIbratIOns of the water meters would be done by the information or a referral, call 1-888-875-1200 or visit www.stjohn.org end of June

'u 5 News ond World Report July t 7 1{)()() Happy Hour 5-6:30 with Dinn",. 'A11tQl1io's In the Park

Cancer Center Network 821-2433 Fax 821-8691 ~ UniverSity of Michigan 15117 Kercheval G.P.P.. ..=:-;=== Health System@ Grosse Pointe News (USPS 230-400) Published every Thursday By Anteebo Publishers 96 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 PHONE: (313) 882.6900 Second Cia" Pond add,"" chang~ ------to (JOS\{ IOlntl' News 96 ~~rch('\.r can rrll",,,,,, o! Ihr chn:1 IOf or a "'1\Jf1 01 the portlOO 11.m '10lJIKallOtl mUll be ~r ....('n In lim<.' kx r(Krf'(1K)O In me to' .....,n~''''1(> """ ''''me 00 rr,p"","" Ity n4 Tt-" I.l1Tl<' a~", Ihr fi'" ''''''''''''' The (,,0<\1' Poontl' r>,("" """""" Ihr roW>! not If) an rpt ,m adH''f'1loC;(>f sonier (,rex'\,(' PC)lnr(' Nf"\AtIi advC'f1lsrn~ repre <,('111 lr ~ (OS hav(' 00 .xJ4honry 10 bmd thiS l){'\"I"pl'f and ""Iv p\Jbhcallon 01 an ll1V<"rlll,('m('nl ~"'alt ron~14rul~ final ,l(, ''Planer (~ the adYrtTlse<' Ofoc. , • July 5,2001 Grosse Pointe News News 3A Proposed building would be among largest on Hill By Jim Stlckford be 30 feet blgh and 94 feet Staff Writer rear yards faCing a bUIlding deep There would also be a that IS 30 feet tall Instead of A proposed office/retail cupola m the front of the 21 feet tall bUlldmg at 130 Kercheval bUilding at the corner of The basement of the pro- on the Hill would be one the Hall Place and Kercheval posed bulldmg IS much larg- largest of bUlldmgs In the would reach a height of 44 Farms shopping dIstnct er than the basement of the feet A 20-foot deep alley current buddIng It has the Developer Ed Russell first would separate the buIldIng same floor plan as the first presented hiS plans to the from the rear fences of floor The first floor of the pubhc at the June 18 Farms homes on Radnor CIrcle proposed bUlldmg has an city council meetmg ThiS The proposed bulld10g dif- alcove that can be used for mtroductlOn to the project fers from the eXlstmg bUlld- parkmg spots .. gave Farms residents a mg 10 several respects. It While many of the Farms chance to see what wa" --- would stretch from Hall counCil "ahl thtl,) hktlu tlu: be10g consIdered and get an Place to the FIrst Umon bulldmg, the amount of Idea of the size and scope of bUildIng and ehmmate the parkmg spaces that Russell the proposed bUIldmg current parkmg lot The cur- would need to prOVIde, 113, The structure would be rent bwldmg was converted IS one of the bIggest obsta- bUIlt 10 two phases and the from an old automobIle deal- cle's to gettmg counCIl buildmg, once complete, ersmp It's front IS 30-feet approval for Its construc- would mclude the parkmg tall But the 30 foot roof tion lot that IS currently between doesn't extend all the way Neighborhood reSident the current butldIng at 130 back to the rear of the build- 'Ibm Youngblood saId that Kercheval and Its nearest 109 That portIOn of the roof whtle he hked what he saw neighbor, FIrst Union goes back only about 32 feet. of the p~oposed bUlldlOg, he SecuntIes at 114 Kercheval It then drops off mne feet, asked that the councll fix *,oG" I The new bUilding would creatmg a roof WIth two lev- the HIll's parkmg problem -~ -r have a 6,OOO-square foot els, one 30 feet tall and one before consldenng grantmg basement, with a ground 21 feet tall approval for the new build- !iffi!g'Cf.@j!:l(Tj?N '~l'l6 ~ ~> '~He ~I-OINroo ~ floor with 15,300 square feet The level closest to the mg, not after m space and a second floor alley and the homes on Mayor Ed Gaffney WIth 19,000 square feet Radnor Circle IS 21 feet tall assured Youngblood that Russell said that the first So wblle the bUIldIng would- before the council would floor would have plenty of n't look taller from consIder approVIng the pro- ThIs cutout shows some of the differences between the current bullding at the space for retail bUSInesses Kercheval, Radnor Circle ject, parkmg issues would be corner of Kercheval and Hall Place and the building proposed by developer Ed The new bUIldmg would reSidents would have theIr settled RU88ell.The current bullding'. basement is smaller. The proposed building's roof is 30 feet tall all the way, as opposed to the cur. rent building, where much of the roof has a height of oo1y21 feet. The propoHd bulldlng. If completed, would have about 40.000 square feet of Interior space Farms council's Hill history and would replace the current building and the parking lot that abuts it. By Jim Stlckford sented to the council in But the question of parklOg Staff Writer January and the moratori- still remamed At the Plans for developmg the um was extended until that September meetmg, councIl- Hill have been many and Richard------_ Apnl to glVe council mem- man Ron Knelser pointed controversIal bers time to dIgest the GIbbs out that Russell was five From page IA and the school parking lot Ovpr the past six years, report parking spots short of what "Aesthetically, I think it the Grosse Pomte Farms emptIes mto that lot," saId would takp away from the was required under the ordI- acqUIred by Grosse Pomte Vogel cIty council has had to con- March 2000 nances Fanns from the school dis- hlstonc ambiance of RIchard SIder several different pro- School Russell made a counterof. tnct m exchange for land Current Richard PTO posals from developers to A zonlOg proposal based fer If he couldn't lease the that was once McMillan preSIdent Kelly Maurer saId "It would not be a safe bUIld new buildings on the on a recommendation from appropnate number of spots Road before It was closed at the Farms had not Informed place for our children. lIlll Many of the plans have Gibbs was considered. The from an appropnate Ridge Road some five years the PTO of any bulldmg met with strong oppositlOn proposal would have allowed "The traffic coming 10 and prOVIder such as the Cottage ago. plans on the Kercheval lot from reSIdents QuestlOns of buIlding owners to bUIld a out of a structure would be HospItal parkmg deck, he She declined to glVe com- parkmg and the appropnate third story If they promIsed Accordmg to Fenton and problematiC for the chIldren would reduce the size of hIS ment until she meets WIth use ofland In an area that IS to have the first floor of the dien-Rlchard PTO preSIdent when we already have 80 proposed bUlldmg by 500 her board 10 September both bus mess and reSiden- buIldIng dedIcated to a retaIl Sue Vogel, a stipulation m much traffic on McKinley busmess square feet A bull dIng thIS the land swap prohibits the tial were raised and diS- Richard pnnclpal Pat and McMillan size would have all the park- buIldIng of a parkmg deck cussed Tbls proposal dIdn't get Meek said, "I was unaware 109 as required by ordi- on the Kercheval property "I would be opposed I very far. ReSidents com- they were making any plamed that the HIll dIdn't nances The counCIl agreed thmk parents would be "There's not enough room plans opposed to It. April 1995 need towenng bul1dmgs to the proposal and granted A proposal by the Staples gomg up Others pointed out Russell permISSion office supply company to that proposal dIdn't do any- bUIld a 3,400-square-foot tmng about the parkmg Slt- 0itober 2000 Late bills added to Park taxes buIldmg at the corner of By Brad Lindberg uatlOn Developer Ed Russell "I'm surpnsed there are the summer tax bills of Kercheval and Hall Place IS Staff Wnter beglns speakmg WIth Fanns thIS many delmquencles," property owners who owe put before the Fanns cIty April 2000 offiCIals, gettmg mput on Grosse Pomte Park resI- saId Park mayor Palmer money for miscellaneous councIl The plan calls for what he needed to do to get dents who haven't paid their Heenan work such as tree removal Developer Richard Russell closlOg off Hall Place and water bills WIll find hefty Dale KraJmak, the city and sewer repair went before the counCil hIS development project for meets WIth strong OppOSI- 130 Kercheval off the addItions to their summer manager, said the past.due Of the 26 property owners agam. ThiS time he was tax buls tion from nearby reSidents. ground totals are normal targeted, bills range from , By August, Staples WIth- more successful 10 getting IndIVIdual assessments of "They run pretty close to $92 to $2,070, mcluding late t draws Its plan for the Fanns the variance he needed to up to more than $2,900 are I the level we've been seemg," fees location and seeks approval demolIsh the Optical June 2001 intended to force property he sald from the City of Grosse Library and put up a new Developer Ed Russell first owners to dIg deep come the City offiCials said past-due In other housekeepmg bUilding shows hIS plan to the pubhc end of August Pomte to bUild at the loca- notIces have been mal1ed to news, 10 property owners tIOn of the Ram's Horn But between the IssUIng of The malO obstacle - park- In total, 138 people owe the people 10 questIOn For owe the city from $123 to the Gibbs report and the mg Mayor Gaffney Restaurant on Mack m the the CIty more than $74,800 those who didn't pay, the $1,255 for unpaid Sidewalk City of Grosse Pomte This grantmg of Russell's van- promised that the parkmg With 15 percent late fees, city code prOVIdes for a hen repalTS Dehnquencles, ance, the counCIl held sever- situation would be dealt plan, after much debate, IS the total tops out at $86,025 against their property mcludmg the standard 15 finally approved al pubhc heanngs on the WIth before the counCIl con- BIlls range from $199 to In a related action, Park lIllI's future percent penalty, total just Sidered Russell's plan $2,916 for an average of offiCIals WIll add $11,753 to under $5,000 The counCIl also decided $618 April 1999 that a less intruSIve plan Developer RIchard Russell was needed to bnng retail proposes teanng down the busmess back to the Hill old OptiCal LIbrary buddIng Something along the hnes of and replacmg It WIth a two- a marketmg plan was better story office bull dIng By a than rezomng vote of 4-3, the councIl "ApptlJSIOnl1t4" co{kmo1'l rejected Russell's plan CounCilman Martm West August 2000 brl1ukts, nngs, ~Ilmngs 11""1'l~ddllm saId that the mam concern Richard Russell presented m 18 kllrl1t whIst, ~/Jqw Dr rost gold. was about parkmg the councIl WIth hIs SIte plan WIth dutmoruis After the vote, then-mayor for the Optical LIbrary prop- John Danaher proposes erty He altered It because there be a moratonum on the bUlldmg next door bUIldIng projects In the became avaIlable for pur- Farms' busmess dlstncts. chase HIS plan for a two- MENTION THIS AD • '50000 OFF ThIs would glVe the council story buIldmg was changed time to study the problem of to mcorporate both lots The parkmg and retaIl shoppmg vote on the plan was delayed and time to develop a mas- because, saId Mayor Ed 888.755.CLAD (2523) ter plan Gaffney, there were those who wanted to VOIce their Grosse Pointe Owned and Operated May 1999 opmlOns on the plan, but were unable to do so because The moratonum IS adopt- they couldn't be at the meet- ed It was InItIally set for Ing The vote was delayed a seven months and would Silent Auc' month have expired 10 December of 1999 The report by September 2000 pJ. Tannian, a 1995 Blrmmgham-based consul- Approval of Russell's tant Robert GIbbs was pre- Grosse Pointe South Graduate changed plan IS granted is running 2,700 miles Park fishing rodeo reels' em in for cancer research. The 48th annual cIty of sportsmanshIp, Andrew Grosse Pomte Park fishmg SnelJa for the ugh est fish, He will enter Michigan rodeo was held on June 23 Matthew Stelber for the ROBERTO COIN' ---- 1lIE~1trrAI.JANA«TOfafA'JN:jiJE'I'US ---- on July 5th. at Wmdmlll POinte Park most fish, Morgan Warner Over 67 children partlCl- for the 48th fish, Nick Baker Please ioin us for a silent auction: pated 10 the event for the longest fish and edmund t. AHEE Jewele,. Wmners of awards mclud- James O'Donnell for the last July 12th, 4:30 • 6:30 p.m. ed Courtney Warner for the fish 20139 Mack Avenue fint fish, Hanna Liska for Gro .. e Pointe Woods Grosse Pointe War Memorial the bIggest fish m weIght, Award wmners were Vlctona Caragay for the treated WIth pnzes mclud- 313-886-4600 Please . come and show your most umque catch, Enc and 109 books, baIt boxes and PaIge Refenses for best fishmg accessones 1-800-987-AHEE (2433) www.ahee-jewelers.com support for cancer research.

"' July 5, 2001 4A News Grosse Pointe News Pointer does it all for the love of the game Matt Barry SpecIal Writer Smce commg back to her hometow'l, Amy DaVIs has POINTER OF INTEREST glVen her heart and soul to the Grosse Pomte Farms- all the time" moved on." City Little League, all for DaVIS played orgamzed In 1997, DaVIS became the love of the game ball when she was younger preSident of the entire Little Smce 1991, DavIs has and has always had a love League As preSident, she IS coached, umpired, served as for the game ThIS IS some- an overseer of the league a board member and served thmg she gamed from her Workmg With 18 other as president ot the entlre mother, who she says IS the board members, she works orgamzatlOn BaSically, she only person who IS more of a as the overseer to make sure has served at every possible baseball fan then she IS everytlung runs smoothly pOSitIOn wlthm the league VVlUllt~l1llllll> all>o l>ome- I work With a group ot Now, after 10 years, DaVIS thmg she learned from her guys that are Just wonder- , IS set to retIre from the parents, Joe and Pat ful," DaVls Sald "Each of us league that she helped Belanger She said they have different duties that rebUild were always the first to vol- we do and as an overseer I "I've always enjoyed what unteer, whether It was for Just make sure everyone I've done and I've always sports, at church or for any- does their part when they enjoyed the game," DaVIS thmg else take on a responslblhty and said "Memones will be "Bemg a volunteer IS that It all comes together" ongomg for me " sometrnng you are taught to DaVIS also gives much of DaVIS became mvolved do and It means so much to a the credIt for the success of WIth Little League m 1991 commumty, that If you don't the league to her fellow when she moved back to volunteer you are leaVIng board members and the par- Grosse Pomte from New the responslblhty up to ents In the league York She deCided to volun- someone else and you can- "I feel very fortunate that teer as a coach for her son's not do that cause it doesn't I can make a call to any par. team m the AAA dIVISion work," DaVIS said. ent and they WIll say, 'Sure, She gives a lot of the cred- m After her son stopped what can I do for you, Photo by KeVIn Barry playmg, the league came to It for her work ethtc to her DaVls said "It's mce to know Completing one of her many tasks as president of the Grosse Pointe Fanns- her and asked her to man- parents as well as to her I can make a phone call to City Little League, Amy Davis helps set up a pitching machine before one of the age a team m the majors learrung expenences anybody and they WIll Just games in tbe Class A division. Davis is getting ready to retire from tbe league dIVlslOn, which she dId for After her son was fimshed say, 'sure,' no questIOns after 10 fellI'S of volunteering within the organization. two years With Little League, Davis asked" didn't expect to stay WIth "1 love coachmg," DaVIS One major project DaVls to put these hours m, but I ue to grow retires from the league the league as long as she said "I'm not saYing I'm worked with was ImproVlDg Just want to ensure the suc- "When I see other commu- "She gives so much dIrec- has good at It but I hke seemg the umpIring m the class A cess of the program," DaVIS mtles come here, they are so tion and leadership to the "I thought I was gomg to the kids succeed, pOSItive dIVISIOn, the youngest diVl- said Impressed, first off With the league," IrVIng saId "People be m' It for the three years remforcement and I like fields, but also WIth how the hsten to what she says and that my son played and be sla;he felt it needed to be October through when kids can play together December IS the only off-sea- lods represent the commum- she IS respected by everyone done WIth It and move on and depend on each other" more consistent to keep par- son for DaVIS Even dunng ty m such a pOSItIve way," In the commumty" and It dIdn't work out that Another aspect of coach- ents and kids commg back to January and February she DaVIS said "They aren't Class A commiSSioner Bob way," DaVIS said 109 DaVIS enjoyed was the the league IS busy ordenng equipment womed about commg and Conway said it wLll take After bemg mvited to jom parent partlclpatior. ...h.. "It seems to me If the par- and getting everything m bemg b"'d 'tl,,~,thed or talk- .he board, she started numerous people to take found in thts league She ents and kids lu., plt:....~d at motion for the upcommg 109 underneath their breath over her role and all the attendIng meetmgs Pretty said m the last three years that level they Will go on to season or sometlung that IS nega- soon, DaVIS said she was thlOgs she did for the orga- the amount of parent partlc- the next level and I thmk, Agam she '"ves credit to tive They Just want to know mzatlOn taking on more responslblh- Ipation has grown tremen- that IS where It needs to h b ... d falr IS faIr and at the end tIes and before she knew It be' " DaVls 8ald "And I er fellow oar members, From orgamzmg the open- dously gIn, stressmg that she could they can shake hands and she was the preSident. Ing day parade to maklOg HaVIng parents coachmg, tlunk that 18 why 1spent ~o never do everytmng by her- move on" sure everyone has the best keepmg score or just watch- "Usually once someone's much ttme WIth that level self and keep the league at One of DaVIS' pet peeves 18 umforms to making sure the 109 the games and bemg a kid has moved through the PresidIng over the league, the level It IS currently at appearance, which you can fields were 10 top condItIOn, part of their chl1d's team IS league, they move on with DaVIS says, It'S the closest Despite not haVIng any of see m how she mamtams Conway said she made what the best part, DaVIS said them," Fanns-Clty LIttle tlung she could have to a her kids directly Involved the fields and how the play- IS an orgamzatlOnal mght- "That IS the best part tms League coach MIke Llzza second Job, but only because WIth the league anymore, ers look on the fields mare run smoothly community can reflect on," said. "But Amy has contin- she wants It that way Davis says she sttll ellJoys "I hke that part about After stepping down from DaVls SaId "You go look at ued to work so hard With the "I can put whatever hours workmg WIth the league and them," DaVIS saId "If they the league, DaVIS IS lookmg our stands and they are full league even after her kids I want mto It-l don't have helping the program contm- are gomg to look hke a ball. forward to bemg a spectator player and act hke a ball- agam player, they Will be a "Workmg WIth the board HIU AREA RESIDENTS OBJECT TO 130 KERCHEVAL PLAN ballplayer" and the parents has been Dunng her time WIth the tremendous and I wouldn't league, DaVIS has seen take that away for anythmg As reSidents of the "Hill" area we have grave concerns regarding the proposed many players come through m the world," DaVIS sald new bUilding to be located on the HIli at what IS now 130 Kercheval. We fed thiS the league Out of the nme "SeelOg old classmates and starters on the Grosse bUlldmg If approved Will lower our property values and have a serious effect on the famJly members I've Pomte South baseball team known through the years, the quality of lives. Further we strongly believe that the Farms council would that recently won the state It'S just amazmg to see them betray the trust the citizens have placed with them should they allow this bUIlding champIOnshIp, eIght were come back to thiS commum. to be constructed. graduates of the Farms-CIty ty WIth their kids" LIttle League DaVIS Will also take sever- The Farms City CounCil's zomng ordinance states that the purpose of the zomng "I think that IS a really al memones WIth her when ordmance IS to "promote protect and prOVide for in the Interests of public health good representatIOn of how she IS done With her duties appearance can follow safety comfort convemence the conservation of property values In the City Its From the Little League through and be representa- state champIOns m 1995, character as a residential commUnIty ... n Should the council allow a OOO-square- 40 tive of our league and our her son plaYing for the first foot profit-makmg enterprise to be constructed as proposed the councLl will be m commumty," DaVIS saId time and seemg her vIolation of Its own ordinance to the detriment of the residential property owners WorklOg so hard for the nephew's first home run, she league, DaVIS has gamed says her memones Will Further the zoning ordmance also requires that a new building of the Size lots of respect from many of never die proposed acquire an additional 115 parking spaces As of the council meetlng of the people WIth whom she Bemg from thiS area, leav- June II the counCIl has not addressed the parkmg Issue much less resolve It. works Board member Moe mg and then coming back, IrVIng saId there Will be a DaVIS said has been great Coupled WIth the current traffic congeStlon on the HIli the devdopment wdl only It huge VOId to fill once she to be back home make a bad sltuatlon far worse.

We urge the council not to permit the proposed budding. We fed It IS In direct confhct With the intention of the zoning ordinance and wou!d be demmental to the residential communIty it ISsupposed to protect.

Former Mayor Paula Trueman Thekla Abels THOMAS MONSOUR Greg Berendt Robert L. Hicks Ann Sullivan Julie Berendt Suzanne Hicks Chris and Martha Lucander Former Mayor Gregory A. Wheeler James and MaryBlondeU JOICph L. Fromm Pamela J. Wheeler Sandra and Gary DePeyster Thomas C. Fox Elizabeth Martin Bernice K. Thornton Susan Douon James S. Harrington Sam and Martha Stott Diane Andrcou Margaret O'Connell Jane Holley Theodore D. Held Daniel P. O'ConneU Virginia Sendelbach Robert Conway Michael V. Manin Barbara Fitzgerald Finch David A. Cataldi Mike Starn Jerry Eddy Marion L. Huegli Gregory Bassett Florence Stahl Mary M. Wilcoxon ChrisBusett Kelly K. White Virginia Tompkins Massoud Varzi Margret Carpenter K.c. Perry Charlotte K. Varzi Deborah Wilson Thomas M. Smith Robin Dalby Paul WiUiams Nancy Totty TIna Dalby Susan and Jack Pen Lavaughn Mithen LynnMaksym Stephane A. Owens WiUiam Totty RoyMaJuym Robert and Barbara Levis Nancy Posselius CunMumaw Hugh and Frieda Johnston Elune S. Hawes Louanne Bowling Bob and Sharon Tyrcl Michael PanoW Dana and Eric K. Miller Rosemary Wcathctston Charles Rutherford Jr. Charlotte Cislo Chip Chapmen Thomas Trueman John and Jennifer De Hayes Michele Rambour

The concerned cltlzcns who have endorsed thiS letter hope you agree with ItS premise and urge the Farms City CouncLl to address the present and future traffic 1930 - 1971 and parking problems whIch are cerraJO to occur If such a bUilding ISconstructed.

The next scheduled Fanns council meeting is July 9 at 7:30 p.m. in city hall at 90 Kerby Road. WE MISS YOU

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losmg theIr backyards to emment domam And who IS gOing to pay for Take time costly land acqUISItIOn? It would be unfaIr to pass the cost along to reSI- dentIal and bUSiness taxpayers to with 130 fund a pnvate development But the CIty seems detennIned to Kercheval Opinion find Russell the parkmg he needs and the counCil seems In a hurry to he archItect's rendermg of the approve the plan We wonder why proposed new bUIldIng at 130 And we wonder why the CIty admmls- Kercheval on the HIllIs beau- tant, Robert GIbbs, to study the park- Russell's plan, the CIty hIred a consul- tratlOn, at cIty expense, is hlnng con- T mg GIbbs' finding were inCOnclUSIve tant to draw a plan for a parkmg deck tIful, as all artIsts' draWIngs sultants and others to find parkmg are, but the Issue IS more than facade and contradIctory. He found the Hill at the mumcIpallot at RIchard school for a pnvate development deep eIther had a shortage of parkmg or a In the plan, some 30 spaces would be Russell has said he had the CouncLl Developer Edward Russell, co- surplus, dependmg on whether the added WIth a second parkmg level votes necessary June 11 to approve owner of the former car dealershIp concept of shared parkmg was used bUIlt over the eXlstmg lot WIth access hIS plan had It come to a vote We find bUlldmg at Hall Place. IS seeking But that was two years ago If any- to the second level off McMIllan It mcredlble to beheve some coun- varIances from the Grosse Pomte dung, the Hill has lost parkmg Since The city lIkes the Richard Pdt kmg cllmembers have committed them- Farms CIty CouncIl to allow him to then. Cottage HospItal, owner of the deck Idea because of McMIllan's ele- selves to a project before they have replace the current bUIldIng WIth a parkmg deck and open lot on MUIr vatIOn, whIch would save the cost of naIled down the parking for It between Kercheval and RIdge, has rampmg 40,000-square-foot, 30-foot-tall struc- And even If the necessary parkmg ture The bUlldmg's footprmt would buIlt an oncology center that dIS- But there IS one problem WIth the placed some parkmg and, further, has RIchard plan No one has asked the ISfound, the project IS far from recelV- mclude the eXlstmg parkmg lot to the mg a green lIght Traffic and other east of the current bUIldIng dIscontinued offenng leased \)arking school district, Richard Elementary Impacts on the HIll and nearby resI- To get an Idea of the mammoth sIze spaces for HIll employees School admInIstrators, teachers or dentIal neighborhoods need to be of the bUlldmg, we encourage readers When RIchard Russell presented parents or local property owners detennmed before an approval of the to stand m front of the current build- hiS plans for the OptIcal LIbrary SIte, what they think of the Idea project can be entertamed Ing at 130 Kercheval and Imagme the he had hIS parking needs met, but Ed We are opposed to the Richard buIldmg extendmg to the nght untll Russell's plans for 130 Kercheval parkmg deck plan The area IS con- We are not necessanly opposed to It abuts the FIrst Umon building come up 83 spaces short. gested enough dunng the school year. Russell's plans for 130 Kercheval, but Russell's proposed bUIlding would The CIty estImates he needs 113 Even if the spaces m the proposed we urge the council to make sure the be one of the largest buildmgs ever spaces (a low estimate for a buIlding deck are for lessees only, there would parkmg needs are met at the develop- constructed on the HIll. that SIze, we belIeve) Russell plans stIlI be Increased traffic After all, ers' expense and that traffic and the But parkIng needs to be addressed for 30 on-SIte parkIng spaces, about workers usually amve at theIr offices mammoth buIlding's impact on resI- before any bluepnnts can be studIed. 10 VIP spaces at the rear of the pro- at about the same tIme as do teachers dential properties also be conSIdered posed buIldmg and 20 spaces and students to class Readers WIth eveR short memories These are all concerns area reSI- (stacked) m the eXIstIng lot between Further, we questIOn the safety of Wlll recall that Just a couple of years dents and bUSinesses had when Hall Place and MUIr Road. chIldren who may take shortcuts ago the current Farms councIl placed Staples looked to occupy 130 But along comes the City of Grosse through the structure on theIr way to a year-long moratonum on all busi- Kercheval. Parking and traffic POinte Farms, whIch has been work- and from school. ness construction The actIOn taken haven't. improved since then, and the Ing overtIme to find the necessary Also, the proposed structure would when developer RIchard Russell, proposed bUlldmg would be much parkmg for Russell block views of two archItectural gems COUSInof Ed Russell, sought to bUIld a larger and more mtenslve than The CIty has a commItment from RIchard school and the Punch and 4,000-square-foot building (one-tenth Staples would have been Cottage HospItal to leave 56 spaces In Judy bUl1dmg the SIze of the 130 Kercheval propos- We urge the council not to rush mto ItS parking deck avaIlable for HIlI VIS- If the Rlchard parking deck Idea al) at the former OptIcal LIbrary site. Itors and employees. The CIty has falls, that still leaves Russell 27 park- a project that may cause hardship The purpose of the moratonum was commItted all 56 spaces toward Ing spaces short He has proposed and headaches for the future to gIVe the councIl a chance to study Russell's deficit. That leaves 27 more "mche parking" and angle parking The Farms council next meets at the parking SItuatIOn before allowing spaces, mimmum, to make the 130 behind the buildmgs on hIS SIde of 730 p m. on Monday, July 9, followed bus mess expanSIOn on the Hill. The Kercheval plan a go. Kercheval We wonder what the by Monday, Aug 13, Monday, Sept. counCil hired a Blrmmgham consul- In an effort to find parkmg for Radnor Circle residents thmk about 10, and Monday, Sept. 17.

PRODUCTION Robert G. Edgar EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED. (313) 882-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISING 1313Illll2-ll294 Barbara Yubeck V.thack., (313) llll2.3500 (313)882~ PublIsher John Mmms Manager Pet.r J Blrkne~ AdvertlSmg Manager Marg,. R... s SmIth. Ken Schop, EdItor and General Fran Velardo~ KIm M Mack.y, Ass\Stant to the A."'Slstan I Editor I FE'.1ture EdItor- Robert B. Edgar Manager Ass15tant Manager Ad\OrtlSlng Manager Production Manager Founder and Pubhsher (313) 343-5590 Chuck Klonk., Sports Ed,tor Ida Bauer Lmdsay J Kachel, 0940-1979) Bonnie Caprar.1, St,lf Wnler MeJan .. Mahon.y Ad\ertlsmg Represenlatlve Darren Donaldson. Staff >\-nter Kathl .. n M Stevenson, G reg BartOSIeWICZ Advert\Smg Representa tlve DaVId Hughes Pubh.htr ';;;uburb.1n ~:=~:;~:fA;.rnns M148236Diane Morelli EdltonalASSIstant Carol MIIIIs.n, Juh. R Sutton. Sh.lley Altman f\ew~p01p"r~ {,i AmrrKJi Vol. 62, No. 27, July 5, 2001, Page 6A Bettv Brosseau [Jroofreader Admlnl<;trahv£l' ASc;lstant anu 'atl

Grosse Pointe N~ws The Op-Ed Page July 5, 2001, Page 7A

_!Xi by Ben Burns of the Farms, one of In Kenya, where the chIl- Soccer mom Karabetsos' fans "These dren have to share a smgle The ultimate soccer mom students are so dedIcated penCil and there are not may be Diane Karabetsos that they even showed Up enough books to go around of the Woods Aft one time for a game after the all- So Scott contacted Woods dUring her 25-year career, mght prom party" staff coordinator Lynn she had four sons on travel All of the older Karabetsos Severini and Fnends mem- soccer teams at the same boys - Frank, 30, John, bershIp dIrector Kathleen time She 28, Nikos, 26 and Dimitri, Maslanka Peabody and coached boys' 21 - went to the Umverslty arranged to buy seven boxes soccer teams of MIchIgan Frank and of books and an old set of for five years NJkos played soccer there encyclopedIas that were left and served on The Grosse Pointe pro- over from the sale So the the board and gram 13 part of a national dIscards and weeded out vol- ~F1SHA-IES.1f;A" WOND6(2.Fl1- SflAE-U.- OF SUAJ..M.E!<." as PreSIdent soccer Illltlative called The umes from the POlntes are of the Grosse Outreach Program (TOPS) on theIr way to Mrica to ,l Visit the Grosse Pointe Dogs web~ite: http://lPdogs.keenspace.com POinte Soccer and coaches across the bnghten the hves of school ASSOCIatIOn natIOn like DIane share chIldren there The sale for a decade Ben Burns exercIse programs and raIsed more than $3,000 for WIth the trammg Ideas that work It the hbrary and "good feel- An anniversary all Michigan last of her five sons, Aris, costs $15 to register and stu- Ings all around," said 16, on the varsIty at North, dents can SIgn up by callmg Peabody you would thmk she would her at (313) 886-3445 The citizens can celebrate be ready to take a breather team WIll start up agam m Grande Faux from the sport After all, the fall By Burton Folsom In hIS final address as when her eldest, Frank, 30, A few weeks ago, after Pas Award While reSIdents of DetrOlt governor, when Mason deCided at age 5 to take up Summary referred to the faIled pro- thelr seven-game sprmg I have been awarded the celebrate the Motor CIty's soccer, she dIdn't know the Jects, he spoke of "that fatal schedule, the soccer buddies, "Grande Faux Pas Award" tncentenmal thIS year, all first thing about It DetrOIt's tncentenrnal pohcy" for whlch "a correc- parents, coaches, players by an e-maIl correspondent, of Ub as Mlchlgamans can But the Woods mother has and fnends had then sea- IS not the only maJor who bndled at the fact I also celebrate an anniver- ' tlve should be apphed " As a new project - The anrnversary that Thomas Cooley,MIchIgan's son-endmg plcmc at the faIled to mentIOn the Grosse sary that In some ways may Micmgan cltJzens can DragonflIes, a soccer team Woods park be even more Important most promment lawyer at Pomte Academy as a school I celebrate this year for speCIal needs chIldren "I told Dean Brothers would like to get feature that bme, wrote," the age 4 to 19 (Most of the Exactly 150 years ago, In Exactly 150 years ago, management of railroads Trophles m Eastpomte we news Items from 1851, Mldugan voters in 1851, MIchigan vot- players are from 4 to 12 wanted somethmg speCIal "I can't beheve you left o\1t was m Its nature essential- years old l The team mem- deCIdedupon a change of ers adopted a constJtu- ly a pnvate busmess and for the kids and they came thIS wonderful Chnstlan dlrectJon that macle It pOSSI- bers are speCial because up WIth these large trophIes bon that stnctly hmlted ought to be In the hands of school WIth French roots some are autistic and others WIth eagles on the SIdes, ble for Detr01t, and the government mterfer- mdlviduals " we contnbute so much to the state as a whole, to become ence in the free market have Downs syndrome, cere- Diane saId "You should commumty as well as the an economIc powerhouse A corrective measure dId bral palsy or muscular dys- have seen theIr faces when The resulting boom In come, but Mason never saw com.numty contnbutes back MIchIgan's early hiStory private enterprise trophy they got them " to us We have many talent. it He dIed of scarlet fever "I suggested some other produced a disastrous helped make DetrOIt, ed and mterestmg students at the age of 31 III January team names and a hst of expenment m government- and MichIgan as a Books across under our roof that have so run economy, followed by a whole, an economIc 1843 animals, but they came up much to offer," the devoted WIth Dragonflies on then new constitution that powerhouse It was left to Gov the sea parent wrote opened the door to a thnv- Alpheus Felch In 1846 to own," Karabetsos saId So I wrote back and mVIt- There are a dozen After Debra Scott and mg free marketplace and shed the state of ItS faded her daughter, Tiffany, VISIt- ed my correspondent to send thf' bIrth of world-class, pn- management dramed most expenments Dunng hIS Dragonflies now and of ItS revenues each year Karabetsos ISalways Wllhng ed the Woods versIOn of the me some Items vate mdustnes It's a story adrmmstratlOn, all of the Fnends of the LIbrary used The Central's thm strap state's railroads, canals, to SIgn up more In fact, she worth retelhng book sale, she mentioned to Ben Burns, of the CIty of Iron ralls were too fragile to and other "mternal would hke to expand the At age 26, MIchIgan's a St John HospItal co-work- Grosse Pomte, lS director of carry heavy loads Rather Improvements" were eIther program to Harper Woods, first governor and "Boy than SWItchto a better St ClaIr Shores, Eastpomte, er that she bought a bag of the Journalism program at Wonder," Stevens T Mason, abandoned entirely or sold Wayne State UnIVersIty and quahty raJl, the state chose Fraser and RoseVille so the books at the end of the sale was detennmed to get the to pnvate enterpnse, reap- for $2 The co-worker can be reached at to run regular heavy shIp- mg the treasury about 55 Dragonflies can play a bIg- state off to a fast start Th ments over the mfenor ger schedule against SImIlar adVIsed that her husband burnsben@home com or by hIm, that meant an actIVIst cents on the dollar was affihated WIth a school phone at (313) 882-2810 tracks and repaIr them fre- By an overwhelmmg vote teams government whIch would RIght now the team mem- quently Not only was thIS of the CitIzens, a new buJld and own raJlroads and bers are diVIded m half and practIce dangerous, It was MIchIgan ConstitutIOn took canals and other "internal the games are played at more costly In the long run effect m 1851 It emphati- Improvements" to promote MonteIth WIth portable cally took the state out of economIc growth Mason The Central never made goals and larger balls so the economIc development and and hIS alhes nsked mll- It past Kalamazoo and dId "Fhes" aren't competmg for Lcta gave WIdeberth to free hons m tax dollars and put not earn enough to pay for the hmlted number of east- Building Co. the state deeply mto debt to needed repaIrs and new markets and entrepreneur- shIp Industnes then arose SIde soccer fields make It all happen ralls to go farther west A "The parents are so In lumber, copper and furnI- Among the first projects second raIlroad, the happy," Karabetsos saId ture, whIch would open the was a canal from Chnton MIchIgan Southern, was a "They get to Sit on the slde- door to a thnVIng trade m TownshIp near DetrOIt to stunmng faJlure In eIght hnes and cheer Even the Kalamazoo 216 mIles west years of state management, carnages smallest thmg can show Gov Mason broke ground m tracks were laId only from Later, MIchIgan - where achIevement Some autistIc Mount Clemens In 1838 and Monroe to Hdlsdale government had faded m youngsters don't hke to be bands, parades, speeches (halfway to Its mtended the transportation bUSiness touched and when they and a 13-gun salute com- destmatlonl, at a cost of - would become the world's shake hands after a game or memorated the occaSIOn It more than $1 2 mllhon, leader m the productIOn of do high fives, the parents became one of the worst WIth few customers to gen- automobIles are dehghted " englneenng fiascos of erate more than a tnckle of And now you know, as Every Dragonfly has a MIchIgan hIstory The canal revenue commentator Paul Harvey ~occer buddy From North The state spent almost $4 was buJlt only 20 feet WIde would say, "the rest of the there are DIane's son, Ans, mJlhon on these three pro- and four feet deep, too shal- story" Janice Kronner, Lauren low for heavy freight and Jects It spent another Dr Burton Folsom ~san Saffron, Brad VanSickle, too narrow for easy passmg $70,000 surveymg the John Ozog and Kyle After five years and only 16 MIchIgan Northern adjunct scholar for the Mackmac Center for Public Karwowski From South mIles of dlggmg, the unfin- RaIlroad, from Port Huron there are Allison Clark ADDITIONS Ished canal had cost the to Lake MIchIgan, before Polley, a research and edll catwnal mst~tute headquar and Kate Cross Pat state over $350,000 and abandomng It It also spent McMahon bnngs a speCIal • Family Rooms earned only $90 32 In tolls $47,000 cleanmg the route tered m MIdland From 1995 1999. he was Senlor talent because he knows State offiCialsthen aban- for a canal and turnpike Sign language • Bedrooms • Dormers Fellow m EconomIc doned the canal, focused on near Sagmaw but qUit the Educatwn for the Center. the railroads and ended up project and left the maten- "It ISreally great for hoth als to rot or be stolen by where he authored the 1997 losmg even more money book, "Emp~re Blalders the kIds and the helper'l,n ~_~fJ'-," The MichIgan Central was local reSIdents Karabetso'l said "The Legislators lobbied for How MIchIgan to go from DetrOit west Entrepreneurs Helped Make helpers get as much out of It through Ann Arbor, these projects to go through a~ the kld'l do" fI«u ty~ ~«.nU ~ ~~ then towns, resultmg m America Greal " More mfor- Jackson. and Kalamazoo mallon on economIc hIstory "Believe me, tho'le chil- and on to St Joseph on routes that often made dren are crazy about them," pohtIcal but not economIc IS aVallable at www mack 882-3222 Lake MIchIgan macorg wrote M. Eleanor Johnson Poor con'ltructlOn and sense -_ ... ---

July 5, 2001 8A Letters Grosse Pointe News

Frompage6A thIS issue WIll not be on Thls Site IS too small for pose another questIOn Grosse POIntes for reSIdents' Campaign Monday's, July 9, council the scope of the proJect. Should adJolmng area convemence, the "small Where WIllall those cars be agenda and that reSIdents ParklOg IS totally made- commerCIal property own- town" attnbute of pleasant accommodated and what finance reform WIllbe mformed 10 advance quate ers be assessed to create low-tensIOn walk-around To the Editor: traffic routes WIllthey use? when the Issue returns for A solutIOn must not additional par long for the environment, mstead of Hall Place? Radnor? Mwr The League of Women consIderatIOn mclude the use of street proposed developers? traffic Jams and high stress, Voters strongly supports the Road? Mapleton? Newberry Zonmg ordmances only parkmg m adJolmng The reahty IS that thls IS the character of our Place? Shays.Meehan campaign require notice to property neighborhoods or the use project IS not finanCIally Grosse POIntecommurnty finance reform b111which Hopefully, the council WIll owners Wlthm 300 feet of of government authority Viable WIthout the pubhc We Grosse Pomte resI- come to Its senses and do WIllsoon be voted on by the the project ObVIously, the to create an "emment or adjOIning property dents chose to pay a higher US House of what It has promised to do property acquIsitIOn cost Issues are very senous and domam solution" 10 tak- owners supplymg addI- Representa tJyes for years address the HIll's Impact many, many more mg land from property tional land and financial and higher real estate tax parking needs, both present ThiS IS a strong, bIparti- cItizens than those within owners along Radnor support pnce to hve here, With mul- san bIll that WIllstop corpo- and future That IS what the ~300-foot cIrcle" CIrcle and the eXlst10g I smcerely hope the tiple Grosse Pomte mumcI- demands their full atten- ratIOns, unions and wealthy Our elected offiCIals need pubhc alley council understands pal governments and the mdlvlduals from gJVlDg tion, not a maSSive, new to weIgh the concerns and The lease of parkmg these Issues as well as mefficlency mherent to building that WIll swamp unhmlted amounts of money feeLngs of all their reSidents space III the Cottage thClr responslbihtles to small go\'ernmental entitle", to candIdates campaigns the HIll's current parkmg before grantmg any varl' HospItal deck should only the larger number of area to enJoy the extra govern- avwablhty and overtax the and the political parties ances of the zOning ordi- be conSIdered a solution If property owners mental attention which The vOices of cItizens surroundmg streets and IS ThIS project must not be results 10 the finest schools, nance for thiS Important It very long-term, legal- should be heard 10 neIghborhoods Issue ly "!Ton clad" and ade- "approved now," WIth a good police security, and fine Richard Crawford Wash1Ogton, D C 'Tho often, The community apprecI- quate 10 number, whIle parkmg problem solutIOn parks and sports programs however, speclal-mterest Grosse Pointe Farms for our crnldren, WIthout the ates your chligence III thiS not dlm10lshmg the to follow contnbutors have the access tensIOn of heavy-duty traffic matter requIred spaces the hospi- SImply stated, there IS and mfluence to overwhelm All residents tal needs to support theIr no solutIOn to a project of congestIon the vOices of cItizens. From thIS sIze Dear Mr. Gaffney: operations health care to enf'rgy and I WIllnot work across the involved Let me take thIS oppor- Is the hospItal 10 a POSI- Thomas R. Youngblood environmental policy, spe- To the Editor: tUnity to express my deep tion to lease sigmficant Grosse Pointe Farms street from an aesthetIcally challenged multi-story con- CIal mterests have too big a Like many other "Hill" concern and frustratIon spaces WIthout shortmg role We need the Shays- theIr necessary require- crete parkmg deck Our area reSidents, I am con- that the cIty council Building on Meehan bill to help fix thls cerned about the proposed appears ready to create a ments for their profes- Grosse Pointe Farms Councl1 needs to rethmk problem development at 130 major traffic and parlong SIOnaloffices and expand- the Hill PreSident Bush says he problem for HIll-area res- 109 hospItal square commuruty dlrectlOnl Kercheval. To the Editor: WIll Sign campaign finance Idents and property own- footage? John M. Rickel I have wntten personally Would constructIOn of a reform mto law If Congress ers that does not eXIst I have not heard any Grosse Pointe Farms to the mayor and each coun- large, new 40,OOO-square- passes It cll person Below you'll find under present cIrcum- reliable eVIdencethat 100 foot bUlldmg on the Hill Editor's note. John Rickel The League of Women a copy of my correspon- stances to 120 spaces are avaIl- Voters urges concerned CItI- Passage of the proposed able anywhere for such a change the baSICnature, and was chaIrman of the eco- dence permanently mcrease zens to call or wnte their HIll development would long-term commitment nomIc task force for the I hope the Grosse Pointe representative 10 support of I dId hear dtsturbmg stress-level of our Grosse Grosse Pomtes / Harper News wIll follow develop- enhance the developers' POInte commurnty? the Shays-Meehan bill ments very closely to keep financial posItIon at the comments at the June 11 Woods Futurmg Project He I work on the Hlll, instead IS a member of the board of We also urge Reps John area reSIdents lOformed on expense of adJommg resI- council meetmg that Conyers, (313) 961-5670; ImplIed several pnvate of worklOg 10 Blrmmgham directors' of the Michigan this most important Issue dents and commerclal- Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatnck, property owners meetmgs have been held or elsewhere, because I ASSOCiatIOn of CertLfied City manager Richard enJoy a relatively relaxed (313) 965-9004; and David Solack mformed me that The Issue ISvery Simple between the developers Publlc Accountants, and reSidential atmosphere of chaIrman-elect of the presI- Bomor, (810) 469-3232 to and CItyoffiCIals vote for real refona. I have also heard council pleasant people, open areas, dents of the 102 WorldWide JoAnn G. KeUy members and developers aesthetically pleasmg plant- Chartered FmanClal state ~Don't worry .we lOgS,ease of transportation, Analysts SOCietieS League of Women Voters Platz Animal Hospital would WIllhave a solution" and fun, low-tenSIOn ItVlng ofGroae Pointe They have not stated WIth the resort atmosphere like to welcome Dr. Sarah of Lake St. Clair - boat1Og publicly what Lhell "olu- War Memorial kicks off tIon IS and my concerns and fishlOg, hunting, water Edford to their staff. Sarah is a sports and easily accessible contmue to escalate - . graduate of Michigan State As to references about water-front restaurants summer mustc sertes University and looks forward addItional new parking Landmark parking decks The Grosse Pomte War bers structure constructIOn, and heavy, time-consuming MemOrial opens. another TIckets are $7 for adults, to serving our community. even the city planner pub- traffic jams, a half-hour Wednesday night Summer $3 50 for chIldren 10 and hcly stated at the June 11 extra to go a mile or so, and Music Festival season WIth under Advance purchase PLATZ meetmg that such a permanent bulldmg shad- top entertamment guarantees your seat ANIMAL HOSPITAL prospect must be thor- ows, are mterestmg to viSit BegJnmng July 11, Bobby mdoors in the event of oughly analyzed for feasl- 10 Manhattan and LeWIS and the Crackerjack mclement weather. 15310 Mack blhty and cost before pas- Birmingham, but that is not Band bnng claSSICpop rock Remaimng tickets are sold Grosse Pointe Park sage of thIs proposed Hill where I chose to live There to the War MemOrial at the gate the everung of project are no commerCIal bwld10gs Formed 10 1976, the band the concert The grounds for 886-0300 New parlong structures at all m Grosse Pomte has been featured on van- the 7 30 P m concerts open Shores, and that's just fine. ous DetrOIt shows and has at 6 p.m Pop corn, Ice cream While we need some com- been a springboard to suc- and soft dnnks will be avaIl- mercIal butldmgs 10 the cess for may oflts past mem- able for purchase

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IlLOOMRELI1 HILLS NOVI <;T CLAIR <;HORFB OI.E\Kl'i 1933 S Ttlol!'aph RJ ell'" C•• ler PI... 2J24<.\Mack A" (""",,I P,ric PI"". (N,,,,h,'If Sq"all W. RJ , 25~75 Nov, RJ (",."h ,fN",. M,k) 5100 \l,,,h RJ 15110Mack (248)3329163 (248) H7 4188 (810) 775.(\)78 (517) H7 1602 882-1270 (bet. Lakepointe & Maryland) July 5,2001 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 9A

WIllmore (deceased), step- Mrs Tayl0r IS survIved by five grandchIldren and one mother of Karen W111more, her husband, Alfred, her son great-grandchIld PatricIa Claney, Bruce John Taylor (Ruth), two Funeral arrangements SmIth, Jamce McKennan, grandchJ!dren, Charlotte were handled by Moss Jeanne Sen and Mark Taylor and Samuel Taylor Feastter Funeral Home m SmIth, sIster of MarlOn Memonal contnbutlOns Clearwater, Fla LeIgh SmIth, Anna LouIse may be made to the Basanch and KIttle Jones JeITelbon Avenue She IS also sUrYlved by 19 Prebbytenan Church grandchIldren Memonal Fund, 8625 Viola V. Wright Funeral berVlces were Jeffer<.,on, DetrOIt, MI, Former GrOb.,e POinte held m Danvllle, Calif, on 4H214 Monday, July 2, 2001 Shores rebldent VIOla V Memonal gIfts may be made Wnght, of Clinton to Aahmes Shrme Temple, Town.,hlp, died on 170 Lmdbergh Avenue, Maryann A. Wiant Wednesday, June 27, 2001 LIvermore, CA, 94550 Marydnn A WIant, of She was 93 Largo, Fla, died Monday, Mrs Wnght was born m TunE' 2';' 2Ml1 <;:hE'W'\" 7f. Brooklyn, NY She \\:lb :In ~\ Mrb Wiant was born m Amencan Red CrObb volun- Helen Johnson Hobart Barbua Leigh Smith Mary Bell Taylor Mary BeU Taylor Manon, OhIO She moved to teer and a member of the A memonal servIce was Largo from Grosse Pomte Grosse POinte Power member of the JUnior held on Monday, June 11, 52 years They moved to the Woods m 1987 She was a Squadron and AuxJ!lary She Helen Johnson League of DetrOIt and the 2001, for former Grosse St John SenIor Commumty homemaker enjoyed painting, sewing, Hobart Daughters of the Amencan Pomte Farms reSident Mary 10 DetrOlt III 2000 Mrs Wiant was a Master kmttmg, gardemng and RevolutIOn Bell Taylor, who died In Holy An honorary lifetune Gardener m MIchIgan and travel A memorial servIce WIll ProfeSSIonally Mrs SmIth Cross HospItal m DetrOIt on member of the Amencan Flonda In MIchigan, bhe She IS burvlVed by her son take place on Saturday, July was a very creatIve wnter Fnday, June 8, 2001 ASSOCiatIOn of Umverblty was a member of the Grosse Ted (Judl) Provencher, seven 14, at 11 a m at Grosse for the J L Hudson Co , J Mrs Taylor, 93, was born Women and a deacon of the Pomte Woods Presbytenan grandchIldren and nme Pomte Woods Presbytenan Walter Thompson and sever- Mary Bell McConkey m St Jefferson Avenue Church and m the great-grandchIldren She Church for fonner Grosse al saJlIng magaZInes She LoUIS She attended Presbytenan Church, Mrs JUnIor League of DetrOIt was predeceased by her son Pomte Woods reSIdent voluntanly wrote for other Scott College m Decatur, Taylor also enjoyed readmg In Flonda, she was a Kenneth DeBolt Helen Johnson Hobart, of non-profit pubhcatlOns as Ga, where she majored m and traveling She was a member of the Largo A funeral serYIce for Mrs Chesterfield Townslup well She was an aVId sailor Latm and was preSIdent of lover of the theatEr, good Crackers QUllters Club and Wnght was held on Mrs Hobart dIed on and helped start the Grosse her sernor class After grad- conversatlOn, partleb and an officer of the Flonda Saturday, June 30, at A H Thursday, June 7, 2001 of POinte Sal! Club She also uatmg m 1928, she worked her many long fnendbhlps Herb SocIety Peters Funeral Home m congestive heart failure at enjoyed gardemng, plaYIng as a reference hbranan m She espeCIally loved chIl- Mrs Wiant IS survlVed by Grosse POinte Woods the age of 99 " bridge and travehng She St LoUISuntil her mamage dren and taught Sunday her husband of 54 years, Interment IS at Woodlawn Mrs Hobart was born m was a fun-lovmg person who to Alfred Taylor m 1934 The school for many years Manon, a daughter, Mary Cemetery m DetrOIt Marquette and worked as a loved people and hfe couple moved to the Pomtes GeneratIOns of neIghbor- Beth Jackson of Dover, Memorial gIfts may be grade school teacher before Beloved WIfe of Donald In 1940 and they bUIlt a hood kids had the run of her Tenn, two sons, Mark of sent to the Amencan Cancer retlnng to be a homemaker FranCIS SmIth, mother of house In the Fanns m 1948, house, where she told won- Kettle Falls, Wash, and Society or the MIchigan She was also an aVIdreader, LeIgh Willmore and Thomas where they hved for the next derful stones Thomas of Bastrop, Texas, Lupus FoundatIOn bndge player and enjoyed travehng She IS survived by her son-In-law WIlham A DaVIes of Grosse Pomte Woods; three grandchildren, WIlham Hobart DaVIes (Chen) of Milwaukee, Wis, Mehnda Hobart DaVIes Jakubczak of VIctor, NY UlBrpassed Network QualitY and JeIUufer Hobart DaVIes Langkamp of The Woodlands, Texas, and three grea t- gra n d ch 11d ren, MackenZie DaVies, Ehza DaVIes and Rhys DaVIes of in Detron. Milwaukee She was prede- ceased by her husband Herbert, daughter CynthIa Hobart DaVIes, mothe- Jenme Carlson, and fatheJ t:IIItII8IIS TlSting Means Quality Serrie, For YDU. Jacob Johnson Memonal gIfts may be sent to the Grosse Pomte Woods Presbytenan Church or Fnends of the Grosse Pointe Pubhc LIbrary {~

I Barbara Leigh Smith Barbara LeIgh SmIth, 79, native of Bloomfield Hills and Grosse Pomte passed away on Thursday, June 28, 2001, m DanVIlle, Cahf, from comphcatlOns of leukemIa Born Dec 16, 1921, she was a reslde ••t of DanVIlle for 16 years Mrs Smith was actively mvolved m both the commu- mty and WIth her large fam- Ily She was a graduate of LIggett School, DetrOlt, and MId' .. 1-,...... ' attended Garland JUnIor College m Boston She was a

Park man's run For home deflvery for cancer cure 1 JOIN IN hits War Memorial 800.2 ~reIess.com V".veriZR..nwireless Grosse Pomte Park resI- f dent Phlhp J Ta,m:.!n, a.: a part of a Journey that WIll end at the Mackmac Bndge VERIZON WIRELESS CGMMUNICATIOtIS STORES m September, WIll be at the Grosse Pomte War COMMUNICATIONS STORES MALL LOCATIONS Memonal on Thursday, July .New Location. Farmington Hills .We've Moved- Sterling Heights Briarwood Mall Port Huron 12, for a stlent auctIOn that Brighton 31011 Orchard Lake Rd Pontiac 45111 ParkAve 734-623-8620 4475 24th Ave WIll raise money for cancer 8159 Challis, SUiteC 1~~:::'~IO«hantofbvetl 248-538.9900 lA,(rO$t. from Svmm' ~CII!' /tIl.o11l 810-997 -6500 Fairtane Mall 810.225-4793 248-335-9900 13rd floor neo.t to s.an~ The sIlent auctIOn begms Warren .New Location. Taylor 313-441-0168 at 4 30 p m m the mam Dearborn 29240 Van Dyke Highland Rochester Hills 23495 Eureka Rd ballroom and lasts two 24417 Ford Rd lA

By Darren Donaldson man run out and Jump mto a veway of a home on Moross No one was Injured m the captured WIthout further JaJ! until they are arraIgned

Staff Writer waltmg car driven by anoth- when the !>uspectsrammed shootmg A foot chase fol- mCldent i CIgarettes and a at an undetermmed date Harper Wood!> polIce er man mto a parked vehIcle lowed small pIstol were recovered Followmg arraIgnment they re!>pondmgto a dl!>turban<-e The employee" mdlcated The pair then Jumped out The DetrOit Police at the scene of the car crash WIll be transferred to the call July 2 regdldmg unruly that they had Ju,t been Early reports from Harper Department responded and Wayne County JaIl to awaIt youth., at a C\'S drug !>tore robbed dt gunpomt by the Woods offiCial!>mdlcate that aSSisted 111 the resuItmg The small amount of cash tnal on Kelly alcldentally <-ame man The police returned to one of the perpetrators pursUIt and deployed Its they had taken was unrecov- The Harper WoodsPollce upon dn Un! elated robbery then !>quadcar and began a pomted a gun at the pursu- hehcopter for addItIOnal ered at press time Department plans to con- m progles!> pur!>ult mg police and an officer dIS- help m locatmg the sus- The paIr, both DetrOItres- duct a thorough investIga- Officers arrived at the The !>hortcar chase came charged hiS firearm at least pects Idents, 36 and 49, are bemg tIOn mto the firmg of the "tore at 6 30 a m and saw a to an abrupt end In the drl- once The pair was eventually held at the Harper Woods officer's weapon

Rq to 69 Sht' hlew a 12 on Marijuana Credit card her PBT She is free on $100 1 stop, 2 arrests PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS bond The owner of Ii red pIckup possession fraud truck who drove over the A stolen credit card had WIth smoke pourmg out officer saw a 2000 CadIllac median on northbound Harper Woodspolicecame been used for a week before the roof vents and the chIm- rut a barncade that was up Caught right Mack approachmg west- upon a traffic altel cahon the ownel reahzed It was ney, firefighters were able to because of road repaIr bound VernIer was arrested between two vehicles on mIssing Acall to the compa- break out some wmdows VVhen the officer spoke in the act along WIthrus male passen- Elkhart on June 23 at 1 30 ny revealed several unau- and door!>to dIsperse the WIth the driver, a 57-year- Grosse Pomte Farms pub- ger on Sunday, July I, at am thOrIzed purchases smoke A thIrd alarm was old Manne City man, he be safety officers were called 1235 a m. The mmor dIsagreement A man who lives In the called and emergency per- detected the odor of alcohol to a grocery store 111 the A Grosse Pomte Woods took a backseat when police 19000 block of Roscommon sonnel from Eastpomte and He asked the driver to recite 18800block ofMack at 11 16 pohceman saw the off-road got a whiff of marIjuana reported the larceny at the Grosse Pomte Shores the alphabet The dnver got a m on Fnday, June 29 excursIon and tried to stop commg from one of the cars counter of the police statIOn responded to the letter M, then went Employees had caught a the pickup The dnver, who The driver of that vehicle on June 25 He 1I1dlcated The Eastpomte aenal lad- str31ght to Q-Z He blew a man shopltftmg He had had been dnnkmg, turned purchased a few dollars was asked If he was 10 pos- that he beheved the card der truck was used to get 119 on hIS prelimmary onto westbound Vernier and sessIOnof any drugs and he may have been taken off of water on the top of the breath test (PBT) ThIS was worth of items at a cash reg- didn't stop untIl he was past lJ11tlallydemed the fact hIS bedroom dresser by an dwelling The fire was hIS thIrd arrest on drunk Ister, but had stuffed more the 1-94expressway acquamtance brought under control WIth- dnvmg charges He IS free expenSIveItems underneath The dnver, a 39-year-old Mter a warmng and bemg out any collateral damage to on $1,000 bond hIS shIrt. The bulge of the Dearborn man, slurred and told that If he was Iymg hiS surroundIOg homes The next mCldent took Items was seen and the sus- stumbled hIS way through a penalty could be stIffer, he Woodmont fire The house suffered some place at 2 09 a m An officer pect was apprehended by series of faJled field sobnety pulled a plastic bag from hiS structural damage to JOIsts spotted a car headmg staff as he was exiting the tests to be tIcketed for dn- An unoccupIed home In store The suspect IS a 40- pocket the 20000 block of on the first floor and some toward St Clair Shores on vmg under the mfluence of year-old DetrOItman The bag contamed the Woodmont caught fire on smoke damage The fire has Lakeshore Unfortunately, hquor Poltced recorded hIS marijuana the police had June 27 Just after 1 pm been tentatIvely blamed on the car was m a lane closed blood alcohol level at .094 suspected NeIghbors alerted the fire a wmng problem An lOves- for repaIr The dnver, a 22- Lawn job percep.t The 21-year-old St ClaIr department which ISlocated tlgatlOn contIOues but arson year-old St ClaIr Shores Farms poltce were called The passenger, a 47-year- Shores man was arrested for only a few hundred yards ISnot suspected at thIS tIme woman, had slurred speech to a church m the 100 block old DetrOIt man WIth three drug possessIOn away and glassy eyes When of Lakeshore on Fnday, outstandmg warrants, was asked to recIte the alphabet June 29 An employee arrested - By Darren Donaldson from letters A-P, she sang reported that sometime dur- the entire alphabet. Sh~ mg thll night before someone Cut it out blew a 12on her PBT. She is drove over the lawn m the free on $100 bond A man ltvmg 111 the 19700 DUlLs in rear of the church, leavmg a block of Ida Lane called The final mCldent took 40-foot long gash on the Shores place at 1035 P m An offi- Grosse Pomte Woods police grass. Police are still mves- at 6.44 a -m on Fnday, June Grosse PoIOteShores pub- cer clocked a car headmg tIgatmg lic safety was kept busy on toward St ClaIr Shores at a 29 to complam about a con- Thursday, June 28, With speed of 50 mph, 15 mph tractor who had fired up three arrests for dnvmg over the posted ltmlt When OUILs in constructIOn equIpment and whIle under the mfluence of the dnver, a 30-year-old St was gettmg a Jump on the 1I1toxlcatmgliquors Clau Shores woman, was the City day The first mCldent took asked to count down from 80 CIty of Grosse Pomte pub- An officer CIted the con- • By Appointment tractor, who saId a Woods • QIft Certificates • place at 1 36 a m A patrol to 69, she counted back from lic safety officers were kept • pretty busy last week, admlJ1lstrator had given arresting two suspects for verbal permISSIon to start operating a motor v£'hlcle work at 6.45 a m Accordmg wrule under the influence of to cIty documents, however, mtoxlcatmg liquors The work wasn't supposed to N' first inCIdent took place at start until at least 7 a m 12 05 a m on Tuesday, June 26. A CIty officer spotted a Snake caught car headmg south on Remember the sneaky Cadieux m the northbound snake that two weeks ago E lane A front tIre was also ~J' RIVALS evaded polIce by shthenng flat and the rim was spark- through the coolIng ducts of ing. When he pulled the car a house 111 Grosse Pomte F over, the officer was told by Woods?AneIghbor trunks he the dnver that his hcnese may have found it p"",, N",""" Th

I i July 5,2001 Grosse Pointe News Schools 11A South singers shine

South's South's Jeulca Oden- Cronin was named first bach was named a state runner-up in the clllSBl- flnaUst and one of the cal singer category. top 10 class

By Bonnie Caprara South Singers, the Staff Writer Advanced Women, the On the heels of a tour of Women of Pomte S10gers Spam, It's been a star-stud- and the Pomte Singer ded spnng for members of Madngals receIved 1 ratings the Grosse POinte South at the state festIval HIgh School chOirs Jessica Odenbach was The Men of POinte Smgers named a state finahst and were named state finahsts one of the top 10 claSSIcal In the State Solo and s10gers 10 the state Grosse Pointe South High School's Men of Pointe Singers were named state finalists and one of the top Ensemble Festlval and rec- Elizabeth Cronin was 10 ensembles in the state. Pictured are Paul Brennan, Adam Steiner, Nick Sinclair, Andrew Davis. David ogmzed as one of the top 10 named first runner-up 10 DeDDisoD. Hans Barbe. Tony Nouhan. Robert Young. Matt O'Brien, Sean Wagner and John Wenzler. ensembles In the state the claSSical singer category. The finahst recogmtlOn Other students who earned the Men of POinte an receIved 1 ratings for solo inVitatIOn to sing at the performances mclude Wenzel, Evann MIchigan Youth Arts Katherine Burns, O'Donnell, David Festival In May Adrianna Connor, Dennison, Emily Bretz, Archdiocese They WIll also perform at Lauren Vallee, Ashley Kaitlin Baril, Sean the Umverslty of MIchIgan Schoenherr, Sloane Artis, Wagner, Matthew to MIdwestern MUSIC Anthony Nouhan, Rachel O'Brien, Ryan Ash, hB~£?G~~er~~h~h!~I~ht s!~lX}~mster HARPER WOODS Conference on Jan 19,2002 Johnson, Katharine Ball, Suzanne Swanson. the ArchdIOcese HIgh School Placement Test on Thursday, VETERINARY South's Freshmen Allison McClelland, Katherine Carr and July 12, at 8 pm HOSPITAL Meredith Rogers Women's Ensemble, the Brittany Seiter, David Freshmen mterested m entenng a CatholIc high school from the Class of 2001 are reqUIred to take the test pnor to admiSSion Test fee IS $18 For more mformatlOn, call Bishop All Night Party CommIttee Grosse Pointe public schools Gallagher at (313) 886-0855 Harper Woods High School budget is up to $3.6 million

By Bonnie Caprara $30,000 worth oflarge musI- ments and cost Increases, StaN Wnter cal Instruments at the sec- central office department Mom forgets her medicine ... The Grosse POinte Pubhc ondary level and servIce budgets were cut School System Wlil have the The budget Increase also by 3 percent, mostly benefit of an addltlOnal $3 6 covers a 3 2 percent net through attntlOn and Dadjust can't get mllhon In the upcoming salary mcrease, a lOOper- department reorgamzatlOn school year budget cent Increase m health care The Grosse POinte Board around like he used to... The 3 9 percent Increase IS costs and rlsmg energy of EducatiOn approved the the result of a $300 per PUPIl costs 2001-01 budget at ItS Increase In the state founda- In order to offset Improve- Monday, June 18 meetmg The house is just too tion grant and a taxable value Increase of 5 9 per- cent much to take care 01... Improvements In the $96 mllhon schools budget If there is someone dear to you who needs help Include 1"'__ fa • A new dlstnct-Wlde tele- SU)I)lER ----- with the activities of daily living, 51. John Senior phone system, • Some $1 mJ1hon 10 UNIVERSITY LIGGETT SUMMER SCHOOL Community can help. bUildIng and site proJects, • An Increase In mental Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Preparation We'll prOVide your loved one \\1th the asSJstance thel' need, and help them to be as indepen- health support personnel at T1ne-Week Coune: July 18- August 3 dent as pOSSible While makmg hfe easIer for our re~ldents IS our top pnonty, we also stnve the schools, 9:00 a.m .• noon • Three temporary full- to help residents stay aCUve and Involved Some of our amemUes and actl\1Ues Include hme computer mtegratlOn Two-Week Coune: Augwt 6 • 17 speCialists to aId elementary 8.'00 a.m •• noon • Beauuful grounds and rose garden school teachers, • Ice Cream Parlor Colt _ for both Yflfb81 and Math • Three half-tIme differ- • AViary • GIft Shop fealunng a vmtage entiatIOn speclahsts at each The prognrn 01 pI8IlIIIIlIDn b lIle SAT oIf8nlcllly lIle IJriMlrsIIy UggeII &mner 5ehooI of the middle schools, and Is lmlI'Illllle beisI ~ AI ~ prtMdelllefollowlng: • f'aclhty puppIes popcorn machme and Jukebo\ • Replacement of about 1 FIITlia'IIy wiItlllle klmJII ofllllllnllllSlllllfl bolIlll1e PSAT IIld SAT • An elegant dmmg room 2 Review oflNjer prindpies encountnd an lIleVetlJeJ lWld Ma1ll secllons. • Transportauon 3 Con'llIu18r-assisllld -nern or per$OII&I aIliibes 8I\d IdenlificalJOn or SlJlrtegIeS b~ • Health management and \\ellnes~ semces Corrections 4 Tho sbIcIent's 8\/eIlJlIlI SAT SCCIe IIld lIle.-.ge 01 SAT SCOI8S 0 _ • 1\\0 SOCIal\\orkers who ~peCIJlJ7e to lid In lI1e 008Ige selection P/OC*L • 24-hour emergency assIstance COrl ectlOn~ Will be 5 A pllrllO IoIow ~ lI1e elIll d lIle ccxne and lIle lldmIfllSlnlllCn at lI1e SAT In Issues related to agmg punted 011 thiS page every for IlIIlI'lIInIamlIlIoII Of. f'IllIIhtIon 101m ClII • Spmtual Care staff and Chapel neek I[ there IS an error A KIilhr Wood, Dhctor of W Ilun'I1W IIcllooIII A s IntergeneratlOnal program~ o[ [act Iii any story, call • On-Sill' dental and podiatry semce~ the nensroom at (313) 1D1 313-884-44« ~n ...... , twoode\&org • Laundry and housekeeping ~emce • DlreclV In c\ery room 8820294 ~~~ .... Sl:ftoof ..... ~ ...... tJI ... o:tIoIlf1I(J"""'tJltftIC~ • • Beauty Shop • Comcmenl free re~ldent p.lrh.ln~ The Grosse Pomte Pubhc School System WIll not offer a ~Ixth.grade SOCIal The Seruor CommuOlty's dedJcated AcUVIbesStaff "tudlC" pIlot course at also plans a vanety of acUVllles IOcludJng Brownell MIddle School a" reported In "Middle • WlOe and cheese recepllons !>chool package approval leave~ gifted empty-hand- • MU~lCaIand cultural perlormances ed" 10 the June 28 Issue of the Grosse POInte News • Art classes • Mu~eum tnps Dr. Theo Colborn • VISits 10the park, 700 and "portmg e\enl~ Maria Komissarova was mISidentIfied In a Warnings from wildlife ... and the h"tmg of Gro<;se POInte Plu~, resldenl~ take comfort In knowing ~l John South I-l1ghSchool gradu- implications for human life. SeOlor CommuOlty proVides hVlng optIons and atc,> who carned a cum- malatlve grade-pomt A presentation In LocalMotlon's Toxins in the skilled staff for I'amng degreN of IOdependence avel age of 4 0 or above 10 Environment: Preventions and Solutions series the June 21 l<;sue of the That means ~hould theIr hves change, lhelr home Gro,,"c Pomte News Thursday, July 12 at 7 p.m. doesn't have to For more IOformallon or a lour, Grosse Pointe War Memorial please call 313-343-8265 32 Lakeshore Drive, Grosse Pointe c~uc~~Ion~e 18300 East Warren Avenue (734) 623-0773 Detroit, MI48224-1343 no~tnelinel on ~~orti, Sponsored and supported by: Earl-Beth Foundation Residential LIvIng Assisted Living Short Term Rehabilitation Skilled Nursing Care and ~ee~ectionC The Breast Cancer Fund (.~JI .. .!"~""' l~ ~Y1 "" HI" .. ... f'IiIl"' ..';v'I .....

July 5,2001 12A Business Grosse Pointe N~ws Fed cuts 1/4 percent; court duntps Microsoft breakup

Last Wednesday, June 27, down to the lower court With a wIre seTVlce artIcle from AARP web pages' the Fed announced a 1/4 of 1 the provIso that a new judge Bloomberg News by Tho much to read, LTS percent cut In their ;,hort- will hear It, not Judge lei's lalk...STOCKS Kathleen M Howley on had the 30 pages pnnted on term mtere;,t rates, not Jack;,on RMs Howley produced an the HPDeskJet 400 prmter unexpected Don't hold your breath, It example of a typIcal RM But the 30 web pages con- Some economl',ts were WIll be a long time to "ettlp- A 70-year old WIdow owns sumed 97 sheets of 8-1/2 by disappointed that a 1/2 of 1 ment but WIll emphaSize the own- rower dieS, sells the home or her $135,000 home free and 11 computer paper Don't do pel cent cut \\ as not m the ership of eqUIty Interests permanently moves away clear An RM would produce It yourself It took LTS 2-1/2 cards, but the smaller cut LTS starts Vol. 6 as the only way to attempt As you have read thus far, a lump sum payment of hours' But If you inSiSt, be \\ J.., ub\ J.vu",l.) do "un.,,(..u~u:=t Actually Vol 1, No 1 v.as tv b....J.t lnf141tJun aud ,n""vffi(! r...\I" :lr .. qUite d:fTcrent from $66,700, Vi "la", wulJ d"'l,.t "Ult: yvu h,i'<' dU ""tla other types of debt and can compromise dated June 6, 1996 The taxes" mstead to take monthly pay- prmter Ink cartndge and be qUIte comphcated All The stock headlme read, "Let's Talk The LTS artIcles appeared ments of about $400 for the another ream of paper market was Stocks begins WIth a lesson regularly whIle LTS and borrowers must be at least rest of her hfe On the other hand, you 62 years of age Smgle-fami- InItIally Investments 101 " Mrs LTS enjoyed Nomad's But LTS wanted more are welcome to borrow LTS' Iy, one-umt dwelhngs are u n I m - One paragraph opmed, two-week Round-The-World details and chmbed aboard copy, whIch has been 3-hQle preferred and must be the pres;,ed, "The biggest fear of most tnp In October 1996 the Internet VIa Com cast, punched and IS mdex-tabbed pnnclpal reSIdence of the wIth the mature lnve;,tors (those But there was a five-week usmg Exclte@Home and m a bmder Dow postmg born before 1946) IS that absence between July 17 borrowers Netscape Commumcator The hIstory of marketmg The ownerlborrowers a 36-pomt their money WII! run out and Aug 28, 1997, whtle The connectIOn was almost RMs In the past has been so must contmue to pay all loss for the before thelT hfettme runs LTS was recuperating from mstantaneous I nfe WIth fraud and deceIt property taxes, msurance, day, and the out" aortIc heart surgery. That's LTS typed "Reverse that AARP has the followmg mamtenance and repaIrs. NASDAQ up By Joseph Another one-Imer said, why the anmversary date Mortgage" on the Start dIsclaImer on each of ItS 30 FaIlure to do so Wlll result In a mere 10 Mengdcn "Every cnSlS creates oppor now has been moved up to Page, then hIt the "Search" web pages descnbmg RMs pomts tumty" mId-year foreclosure button The first page of the "Because of the complex All RMs are "non-recourse But last Thursday, mght Another quote, "LTS LTS hopes that you, the Search Results showed the Issues mvolved In RMs, loans," whIch means you can turned mto day hopes to offer you some chal- reader, enjoy the artIcles as top 10 of 686,745 websltes AARP recommends that you never ever owe more than The Federal Appeals lenglng Ideas to help you much as LTS enjoys prepar- found for "Reverse read through thIS SIte com. your home's value • Court reversed the lower develop your own umque 109 them SuggestIOns, com- Mortgage" pletely before makIng a deCI- ments and cntlclsms are The RM must have an court's earher attempt to 10vestment philosophy, No 1 of the top 10 SItes sion regardtng an RM " always welcome exclUSIve "first mortgage" break up MIcrosoft (MSFT, whIch addresses youl speCIf- was tItled, "Consumer You can contact LTS, care pOSItion, so any eXlstmg about 72 64, up 1 50 that IC 'sleep quottent on lnfonnatlon on RM for the • mortgage or other hens day) but left mtact MSFT's Some say thIS has to do of the Grosse POinte News Mortgage Center for Home must be dtscharged pnor or VlolatlOn of antitrust monop- WIth how close you want LTS promises a prompt EqUIty ConverSIOn Overheard last week, "To at the closmg of the RM, oly laws your feet to be near the fire reply Mortgage (NCHECl, a non- have a good Fourth, don't usually from the proceeds of Both SIdes Immediately of market fluctuatlOns profit orgamzatton WIth no dnnk a fifth on the Third'" the RM claImed the appeals decIsIon The June article stated, Reverse mortgages tIes to the RM lendmg The cash proceeds of the was theIr VlctOry' "LTS WIll not recommend A reverse mortgage (RM) Industry" Joseph Mengden ~sa resI- Thus the case goes back speCIfic stocks to buy or sell, IS a loan agamst your home RM When LTS chcked onto dent of the C~ty of Grosse that you do not have to pay 1) can be taken down In No 1, Its first paragraph POinte and former chatrman back for as long as you hve one lump sum, or stated, "ThiS site comple- of FIrst of Mlchtgan He IS In the home 2} can be drawn down In ments consumer informa- also a member of the Avoiding net scams With an RM, you can turn partIal Installments In the tion proVlded on the web "by FinanCial Analysts Society part of the value (equIty) of future, or AARP We strongly urge you of DetrOIt lnc Can you aVOid gettIng caught by a scam arhst work 109 your home mto cash and not 3) can be annUlttzed to to ViSIt AARP's Webplace "Let's Talk Stocks" IS spon- the Internet? Not always But prudence pays The FTC have to make monthly produce monthly payments first" sored by John M Rickel, offers these tIpS to help you aVOid gettmg caught by an offer repayments, ever' for hfe, or So LTS clIcked onto the CPA PC, and R~ckel & that just may not chck The total loan, mcludmg 4) as combmatlons of the AARP hnk, WhICh connects Baun, PC of Grosse Pomte • Be wary of extravagant claIms about performance or accrued mterest, must be above to "www aarp orglrevmort," Farms, and lnuestment Counsel, lnc of Grosse earnIngs potenhal Get all promises In wntmg and revIew paId back to the lender The DetrOIt News and found the entire anthro- them carefully before makIng a payment or sIgning a con- when the last SUTVlVIngbor- (Sunday, June 3) contamed pology of RMs, some 30 POinte Woods tract • Read the fine pnnt and all relevant hnks Fraudulent promoters somettmes bury the disclosures they're not aox- Long-term care insurance: the fine print lOUS to share by puttIng them In teeny-tiny type or In a place where you're unhkely see them Many people thmk about eating, USIng the totlet, gomg rate in your area for • Does the policy have a • Look for a pnvacy pohcy If you don't see one - or If you bUytng long-term care insur- bath1Og, dressmg, and mov- nursIng home care waIver of premIum proVl- can't understand It - consider taklOg your busmess else- ance Far fewer actually do mg about If you prefer, you can slOn? where It Most are scared off by the Most pohcles proVlde cov- lower your premium by pur- ThiS proVlslon means that • Be skepttcal of any company that doesn't clearly state compleXIties of long-term erage upon certIficatIon by a chasmg a benefit amount you do not have to contmue Its name, street address and telephone number Check It care pohcles doctor that you are unable to shghtly lower than the dally to pay the premIUms once out With the local Better Busmess Bureau, consumer pro- Over the years, poltcles perfonn two or three actIVl- cost of nursmg home care you begm collectIng bene- tectlOn office or state attorney general have Improved, hut you need tIes assOCIated Wlth dally and paymg the dtfTerence fits The FTC works for the con;,umer to prevent fraudulent, to shop carefully hvmg out of pocket Some pohcles waIve pre- deceptIVe and unfaIr busmess practices 10 the marketplace Askmg the follow1Og ques- • What speCIfic semces For example, If the gOing mIUms startmg on the first and to proVlde mformatlOn to help consumers spot, stop tions, supphed by the are covered under the poh- rate In your area IS $150 a day benefits become and aVOId them To file a compla1Ot, or to get free mfonna- MIchigan ASSOCiation of cy? day, you might conSIder payable; others requIre that tion on any of 150 consumer tOPICS,call toll-free, (877) 382- Certified Pubhc Generally, the more com- Insunng yourself for up to benefits be pald for a certaIn 4357, or use the onhne complaint form Accountants, WIll help you prehenSIve and fleXlble the $125 a day and paymg the number of days before pre- The FTC enters Internet, telemarketmg, and other evaluate the terms of a poh- coverage, the better It IS rest on your own mIUms are waIved fraud-related complamts Into Consumer Sentmel, a secure, f cy and select the one that's The best pohcles cover a con- • What IS the ehmmatlOn • Can the company can- ani me database avaIlable to hundreds of CIVIland cnmmal best for you tinuum of care Including penod? cel thIS pohcy? law enforcement agencies worldWIde • What condltlons must I home health care, personal The ehmmatlOn peflod Look for a pohcy that IS DolOg bUSiness 10 cyberspace should be hke shoppmg meet to be eltglble for bene- care, commumty-based refers to the length of tlme guaranteed renewable ThIS around your commumty If you're 3 smart consumer, you fits? adult day care, aSSIsted liv- between when your long. means the company cannot won't get burned These days, nearly all 109 facllttles, and skIlled tenn care needs begin and cancel your pohcy as you get Need finanCIal adVice? Have some to share? Wnte to long-term care pollcles base care 10 a nursmg home when your long-term care older and/or your health DaVId Uffingtcn 10 care of Kmg Features Weekly SeTVlce, benefits on a person's ablltty • What dally benefit benefits become payable detenorates 628 Virgima Dnve, Orlando, Fla 32803 or send an e-maIl to perform so-called actlVl- amount should I ~elect? The ehmmatton penod However, your premIums to letters kfws@hearstsc com ties of dally hVlng You should base your can be anywhere from zero can go up Wlule you can't be - Kmg Featu,..,s Syndu:ate These actiVitIes mclude dally benefit amount on the days to a year The longer smgled out for a rate you walt and pay for care mcrease, subject to approval out-of-pocket, the lower the from the State Insurance JOHN M. R I eKE L, C. P.A., P.C. premium Some pohcles Department, msurance com. CERT flED PUBLIC A(COUNTP,NT INVESTMENT COUNSEL, INC. apply the ehmmatton penod pames can raIse premIUms 63 KERCHE\AL SUITE 100 to each admlsslOn, WIth oth- for a class of polIcyholders GROSSE Po NTE FARMS M,CHIGAN 48236 3627 Since 1929 ~~ ers you need to sattsfy It • How long has the com. TELEPHONE 3131881 8200 ~l~ EMAIL "ekel baun@home com once pany been selhng long-term Money/portfalio Management. Retiremeot & Perso~ • Do I have to be hOSpl- care msurance? RICKEL Be BAUN tahzed before benefits Be sure to examme the A PROFfS$IONAl C.ORF""lRH ON AcceptiDc ~caJints in excessof$~ , begm? ATTORNEYS AT LAW finanCIal strength and sta- Call to rece~'" M!d three Issuesof our monthly In some cases, yes blhty of the msurer After 63 KfRC"E\Al S T " _~ newsletfer.! _ our cornplil'l'l8nts'. ~ GRJ'S' P "r FARMS M H , ~S216 3627 ... ..,. ",.,...", '" However, It'S best to aVOId all, you want the company to 1E, EPHONl 113 bH. "" 19511 Mack Avenue pohcles that require pnor be around If you need cover- f.( SIMILF 31' ~~, " hospltahzatton 10 order to Grosse POInte, MIchigan 48236 (313) 886-0450 age 15-20 years from now receIve benefits A qUIck trIp to the hbrary • How long Wlll benefits or a search on the Internet be paId? can proVlde you With the Benefit penods typIcally company's ratmg by agen- range from one year to hfe, CIes such as Standard & WIth hfetlme coverage bemg Poor's or A M Best very costly Since research • May I have a sample shows that the average copy of the exact pohcy I Dad spent a lot of time alone during nursing home stay IS would be purchasmg from between two and three your company? the da~ and we couldn't always be there years, you can save money Before you 'ngn up for for him. Nqw he has new friends, eats by hmltmg the benefit pen- long-term care Insurance, od your pollcy covers get copIes of contracts from well balanced meals and has help with • Does the pohcy mclude several msurance compa- an InflatIOn clause? me'! and read the fine pnnt his medications. Assisted living at GIven the nsmg cost of In advance of selectmg the health care, a benefit pohcy that best fits your ~~1tt- -4 Bon Secours Place was,the ideal option amount that seems reason- need'! able today could qUIckly Under current law, a por- ~ ~ 111 for all of us. become 10adequate An hon of the premlUm on your inflatIOn protectIon provI- long-term care pohcy may be 11 sIOn IS the only way to deductible as a medical ensure that the benefits expense on your tax return payable under the poltcy A CPA can help you select a ~ Will n'le each year to keep BONA SECOURSlMng_PLACE AT ST CLAIR SHORES pohcy that quahfies for the pace WIth mflatlOn deduction 26101 Jefferson Avenue St Clm Shores, Michigan 48081 (810) 498-4500 Chuck Klonke has the final on sports. Sponsored by 1he SlslefS 01Bon secours A",lJated Wllh Bon secours Heallh System Inc See Section C DevelOped end manaOed by 0 l~8Care s.nnoes LLC -- C 2000 lJle care 5eMC81 LLC - July 5, 2001 Grosse Pointe News News 13A Grosse Pointe Park judge bawls out tree vandals By Brad Lindberg with the Wayne County ty, a mIsdemeanor say for yourself?" Jarboe Staff Writer about an hour "sweat eqUity" to plant new Alternative Work Force, a The case was heard before asked one of the two A couple of half-pint Paul Why did they do It? trees at Patterbon and group that picks up trash an mcensed MUOlclpal After a whispered Bunyans, who In a drunken NeIther defendant knew Wmdmlll POinte parks Judge Carl Jarboe exchange WIth counsel, the haze of senseless teenage NeIther defendant could "They will plant five new Some $4,000 of the fine Waving an 8-by-10 color defendant apologIzed to the vandalism chopped down a remember who hatched the treeb, not Just one," bald the w1l1 be forwarded to the photograph of the toppled commuOlty and hIS parents 53-year-old evergreen at a Idea NeIther knew the bme other defen'le lawyer Park tree memonal fund tree, the Judge talked about "I accept responsibility for local, lakeside pubhc park, of mght they did It NeIther Park police have praIsed According to a plea agree- how the defendants ~ought what I dId," he saId But cut a deal last week In knew what they'd been both setb of parents for coop- ment, the two 19-year-old to be strung up " what dId he do? dnnklng when they dId It, eratlng Grosse POInte Park mUOlCI- Park men admitted vandal- Facmg their attorneys, pal court Neither knew how much If thelr boys behave for IZing a 40-foot Norway Jarboe added, ~You can call Both defendants admItted they'd been drinking when one year, the convIctIOns will The paIr will pay com. spruce last AprIl at them young men, but I feel drInkmg, taking an ax from they dId It be Wiped from their record" bmcd fine" and -vul t '-Vol.> PllLttlr::.on Pllrk they are hoodlums" one of theIr parents' garage, A tip to Cnme Stoppers of "ThIS wasn't a cnme totahng $6,000, plus work The paIr aVOIded charges The defendants stood rela- gOing to Patterson Park at MichIgan figured In theIr against a person, but It'S like 30 hours thIs summer plant- of dIsorderly mtoxlcatlOn tIvely mute, speakmg qUiet- mght and choppmg down arrest, saId police a rape as far as I'm con- Ing trees m the city The sen- Instead, they pleaded guIlty ly the tree One of the defense attor- cerned," saId Jarboe "You tence Includes one weekend June 27 to damagIng proper- "Do you have anything to They saId the Job took neys "aId hIS chent wIll use ought to be In JaIl " Develop a sense of patience I' By Monte Nagler cluster of trees that are lead-m? Special Writer explodmg With magmficent Do you see what's happen- In past columns, I've wnt- colors Walt don't snap mg? You're developmg ten about the Importance of that pIcture yeti Remember, patIence and your studymg, makmg photographs - not we're nurtunng a sense of planmng and thmkIng about Just takmg snapshots Today patIence So begIn by really those trees WIll payoff WIth I'd hke to discuss one of the lookmg at those trees Walk a memorable photograph very Important ingredients around them, get to know The photograph shown In the recIpe of makmg them and begIn to get a feel- here IS one of my faVOrItes strong photographs - devel- mg of the way they're bemg from a recent tnp to oping patience lit Australia It's of the famous Developmg a sense of Ask yourself some Impor- "Twelve Apostles" on the patience m photography can tant questions Would a dlf- southern coast I arnved not only offer a welcome fer~nt time of day Improve well before sunnse to get break from the turbulent the picture? Should I move camera posItion and compo- pace of everyday life, but It In close or remam further SItIOn that] thought would WIll reward you WIth many back? Would a low or high best show the Apostles Impact-filled pIctures vantage pomt make a dIffer- Then It was patience to walt How do you develop ence? Is there an approach- for the sun to bathe the rock photo-related patience? For ing cloud pattern that IS formatIOns In early mornmg starters, slow down and worth waItIng for? Or IS hght It was a two-hour walt study your subject carefully " there a fence or road that but certamly worth the ';.':.\ "'. and thoroughly. would serve as an effective effort .~ Let's use the fall color change as an example Patience paid off for Monte Nagler in this photograph of Australia'. famed You've Just driven out to the "Twelve Apostles." A two-hour wait positioned the SWl just right. country and dIscovered that

FromCrime------page lOA POInte Woods who returned Hamtramck, gave officers a Tells police to from a trip to Tennessee fake name He admItted hIS dnveway He dIscovered bug off WIth a supply of Illegal fire- later to gIven false Informa- someone had entered the works tIOn to hide from an out. vehIcle, pOSSIbly by reachmg A 22-year-old reSIdent of The officer had heard the standIng warrant for chIld In through a WIndow that the 1550 block of fireworks while patrolling neglect A search of the vehI- had been left open shghtly Huntmgton 10 Grosse Pomte the area of Mason School 10 cle uncovered synnges and He reported the theft of Woods, angry at a 1 56 a m the 1600 block of VernIer spoons of the type used WIth approxImately 100 compact VISIt from a pohceman who The confiscated fireworks Illegal drugs. dIscs told hlm the fire pIt smolder- Included a few dozen bottle The Hamtramck man was mg m hiS backyard VIolated rockets, "Black Cat" fire- wanted on warrants from the law, slammed the door 10 crackers and "Wolf Pack" three southeast MIchigan the officer's face Mice attack blastIng caps commuOltles He was held The resldent kept the door Grosse POinte Woods for pIckup by officers from open long enough, however, pohce are checking local pet Drug charges Warren The Chesterfield to ask "when hiS household man was released pendIng stores to see who recently Drug charges have grown received notificatIOn of such drug charges purchased SIX mIce, five from the investIgatIOn of two white and one black an ordInance," said pohce men who were solIcltmg - Brad Lmdberg The investIgatIOn stems The fire had been started, polIce were told, by the home Improvement work m from an incIdent at about upset man's little brother Grosse Pomte Woods on 2 45 a m on Wednesday, Sunday, June 24, at about June 27 Officers mal1ed the adult reSIdent a ticket With a 330 pm A reSIdent of the 2300 court date of July 25, at 830 Police stopped the men as Vote August 7th DEAN block of Broadstone dISCOV- am. they drove a red, 1999 ered someone trying to stash Dodge pickup tmck through a grocery bag contalnmg the the neighborhood of rodents through the mall Fireworks Wedgewood and Hawthorne. slot On Monday, June 25, at The dnver, a 20-year-old The reSident grabbed the 8 50 pm, a Grosse Po1Ote man from Chesterfield bag, and, alerted to some- Woods pubhc safety officer Township, didn't have a thing Wlgghng inSIde, called Introduced hImself to a 15- rnll~~ record The passenger, a 23- police year-old youth from Grosse for GROSSE POINTE PARK year-old man from MUNICIPAL JUDGE COMING SOON TO GROSSE POINTE

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14A July 5,2001 Automotive Grosse Pointe News Hyundai's new Santa Fe ideal for off-roading at the mall Look at the under-$20,000 after a few years Loss of These i>tandard Itemi> plus The Santa Fe GL With front- MSRP and thInk, InfatuatIOn notwlthstand- two smdll optIOns and a "Amazll'l.g " 109, the warranty on this wheel dnve IS the only $435 delIvery charge chOice With a four-cyhnder Check out the sculpted product should remove fears brought the total to $19,994 exterIOr and thmk, "NIce" of buymg a Hyundal fOI the engllle, all others come WIth Hyundal'" new .port-Utlli- a V-6 That means you're not Chmb aboard and drive first tlme The standard ty IS based all a modified Hyundal's first sport utilIty warranty on the..,c Korean likely to find anything but V- Sonata midSize car platform 6 models on dealers' lots, and IS avaIlable Wlth elthel With GL, GLS or LX tnm front-wheel drive or full- That standard 2 4-hter time four-wheel dnve WIth a mime four IS rated at 150 four-cylmder or V-6 engine hor"epower and is mated to Our te"t vehICle had the V-6 a five-speed manual trans- but not the all-wheel dnve miSSIOn A four-speed auto- On the plu" Side. the matll With mAnUAl ohlft ::ianta Fe IS relatively mex- mode IS optIOnal on the GL, peni>IVe,can les a super war- but IS better SUIted to the ranty, and ha. a roomy mte- lBO-horsepower 2 7-liter V- Autos nor Balanced agamst that 6 Even WIth the larger IS the unproven reiJablhty engine, the Santa Fe could With its big wheels and aggressive front styling, By Jenny King which attends any brand hardly be called spnghtly It the new 200 1 Hyundai Santa Fe Is selling well. new vehICle and the fact I" adequate But It IS intend- RAV4 woods that Hyundal IS a relatIvely for the North Amencan mar- ed to compete WIth the Beyond Its beefy sport-ute InsIde, the Santa Fe otTel" plOducts IS a lImIted five- unknown quantity And If ket and thInk, "Impressive" SuzukI Grand Vltare and stylIng cues hke big wheel!, safety feature" lIke second- year/60,000-mlle bumper-to- you hke neck-i>nappmg per- No, thiS Isn't an ad for the Ford Escape, not Camaros and aggressIve front stylIng, generatlon depowered front bumper one and there's five- formance, the Santa Fe I" and Jaguars new Santa Fe It's an honest year roadi>lde assIstance the Santa Fe resembles a 8lrbags and seat belt pre- not your baby The Santa Fe has Sonata sedan more than a tens lOners reactIOn to a vehicle for The powertram has a 10. Hyundal says the Santa MacPher..,on struts In front Jeep Its rounded contour" whIch we've been waIting year/lOO,OOO-mile warranty Fe combmes car-hke dnve- and a double-WIshbone sus- are desIgned to conjure a over a year Hyundal North StilI not msplred? Check win Hyundal make It 10 , steenng, nde, han- pensIon at the rear to en!tUre desert landscape, accord 109 Amenca first promIsed Its out the "mcluded" hst on the the U S market after a dlmg and brakmg With a a car-hke nde Rack-and- to Hyundal But WIth 7 4 Santa Fe SUV by early last wmdow sticker A 27-hter, shaky start marred by qual- truck-like seatmg heIght pmIOn power steenng pro- mches of maximum ground summer Dealers didn't real- 24-valve V-6 With 4-speed Ity problems? ThIS year'" and profile A week behilld VIdes sharp response clearance, you better not go ly have many - or any to automatIc transmIssIon, sales figures may gIve a the wheel of the Santa Fe Sized roughly close to a too far off-road into the sell untIl the last quarter of alloy wheels, fog lights, roof clue In a year when sales confirms thIS It IS hke dr!- Lexus RX 300, the Santa Fe desert 2000 It was worth the walt rack Side ralis, remote key- are otT shghtly for the Indu~- vmg a car qualIfies as a mId-SIze SUV, The Santa Fe IS the lOgical Skeptics of new vehIcles les~ entry WIth alarm, aIr try, Hyundal sales are Up The Santa Fe IS otTered In but IS hkely to be In the mar- SUV for Americans - It and lesser-known compames condltlonmg, crUIse control and holding strong eIther front-wheel-dnve or ket against smaller models, looks tough and tl endy, but pomt out that one may not and a six-speaker AMlFM Another competItor seem, ail-wheel-drive configura- such as the Ford Escape, It'S for gomg to the mall, not be as excIted about the affaIr stereo WIth CD player to be slouching towar d tion, m three tnm levels Honda CR- V and Toyota the canyon or the north Detroit

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'.18 2 F and ,-. pa.. 3 PII.torts corner page 4 eatures ALl_ie ,... • July 5, 2001 By Brad Lindberg Slaff Wnter An Amencan Icon that helped turn the tide 10 E.T.A. over G.P.: 1730, 7/11 World War II wIll VISItthe skIes over Grosse Po1Ote 1 next week the f:ulmg :.urpl:mc stc:ldy l A Boemg B17 FlY10g whIle her crew balled out Fortress, a four-engine Quinby died last year bomber that was 10 the before he and Bockstanz thIck of It from the attack could VISItthe h111sIde I on Pearl Harbor to the crash SIte destructIOn of Berhn, will In September, fly up the Grosse Pointe Bockstanz WIll take the shoreline Wednesday, July tnp alone. 11, at about 5 30 p.m He'll also Jom former At the controls, former AllIed prIsoners, theIr Pomte reSIdent and German guards and retIred A.1rForce general RUSSIan Red Army hbera- DIck Bodycombe will dIp tors for a reumon at the hlstonc bomber's port Stalag Luft L The camp IYmg10 a left turn around was Bockstanz's wartime the Grosse Pomte Yacht home away from home Club He'll backtrack near the umnVltmg south along Mack Avenue shores of the BaltIC Sea. to the DetrOIt border, "The barracks were sWing left and do It all built on stilts to keep us every combat zone of B17 are transported to the Photo' by Brad Lmdher!: agam from tunnehng," saId WWII. 1940s "We can open the bomb Bockstanz "In wIOter, The frIendshIp between Operat1Og a hv10g leg- bay doors as we go along," wmd came up through the Bockstanz and Bodycombe end Isn't cheap. Members The Yankee Air Force B17G is shown above. Pilot and former Pointer Dick Bodycombe, saId Bodycombe. floor. It got pretty cold." grew from the habIt of of the all-volunteer below, Dashes V for victory. The mISSIOnwill be like The reumon IS part of a school teachers to arrange Yankee A.1rForce spent old home week for move to turn the SIte mto students alphabetIcally thousands of hours - Bodycombe. He grew up 10 a war memorial and "Bodycombe sat behmd and dollars - restonng the commumty In 1940, museum. me 10 many classes from the aIrplane to origI- he graduated from Grosse "We're workmg hard so seventh through 12th nal condItIOn Pomte 1IIgh School. A year everybody, especially the grades," saId Bockstanz. RIders and crew SIt later, followmg hIS fresh- Germans, w111know what Bad weather could can- at the same statIOns man year at the happened there," saId cel next week's flight. where teenage airmen Umverslty of MIchigan, he Bockstanz. "The Federal AVIation sweated out daylIght Jomed the Army Alr Bodycombe IS chIef pIlot Admimstratlon says we bomb1Og mISSIOns. Corps. of the Yankee Air Force. must have a 2,000-foot Some of the aIr- In the decades since, Bockstanz IS a member celhng and five mIles of craft's 10,000 feet of Bodycombe has totaled The outfit operates VISIbIlIty,"he saId from hIS control cables are more than 21,500 hours restored WWII aircraft Ann Arbor home strung along the fuse- (nearly 2-1/2 years) in the out of the Yankee Air The auplane WIll take lage walls cockpIts of 40 pIston and Museum at WIllow Run off from WIllow Run, fly The WIres move as Jet-powered military and Alrport. over Grosse Ile and up the the pIlot flies the clVlhan aIrcraft. The YAF's B 17, named Detroit RIver to the bomber over the Next week, as the B17 "Yankee Lady," IS a G Po1Otes. natIOn It helped wags ItS wmgs hello, model. Its dlstmctlve chm The Fortress' four, defend those years Bruce Bockstanz, a school- turret, sportmg two of the 1,20Q.horsepower Wnght ago. days fnend of Bodycombe aIrcraft's 13 50-cahOOr Cyclone engInes WIll drone and reSIdent of Grosse machine guns, made audtbly from 3,000 feet, For mformatwn POinte Woods, WIll be at B17Gs the most fortrese- • far below tne Youghly about the Yankee A~r hIS old naVIgator's statIOn lIke of the 12,726 Flying 30,000-foot altitude It was Museum, call (734) In the bomber's PleXIglas Fortresses bUIlt from 1935 deSigned to bomb the 483-4040 nose. to 1945. Germans, Itahans and Bockstanz hasn't been The Yankee Lady IS one Japanese. 10 a B17 smce the war On of only 12m flyable condI- Passengers pay $400 a mISSIOnover Germany, tion worldWIde for a 40-mmute "flIght hIS Fortress, mcknamed The B17 IS among the expenence." The tIcket the "SIlver Shpper," was most famous aIrplanes pays for more than a trip hIt by antIaircraft fire ever made Its dlstmctIve over southeast MIchIgan. The pIlot, Charles 10 HICKEY'S rounded tall and hump- It's a Journey back tIm. Qumby of DetrOIt, kept back fuselage was seen 10 VISItors entenng the WALTON PIERCE

ca~SINCE 1900 Gardeners' journal - Selected Water garden construction ~prinfJ & ~umme'l can be simple or elaborate By Mary Lou Boresch detail how to construct a water garden SpeCial Wnter and what the preferred plants and Merchandise Why not plan a water garden thiS pond fish may be year? Water gardens should have three to Your new garden venture could be as SIXhours of sun each day. Plan to SImple as a whIskey barrel made of aVOIdareas where overhang1Og trees recycled plastIC that fits IOta a wooden w111drop then leaves 10 the fall. wheel base so It can be moved eaSily Keepmg the water 10 the pond clear ThIS could be a delightful addItIOn to a IS very Important ThIs can be done patIo You could stock It Simply With WIth the help of a filter and water one water lIly, a bog plant, two bunch. hyacmths, whIch are nature's natural es of submerged plants, two small fish filters Goldfish can help control mos- and a paIr of scavengers qUitoes. There should be several sub- For best results, any above-ground merged or oxygenatmg plants to bal- contamers should receIve shade dunng ance the oxygen level and help keep • Suits • Dresses the hottest two or three hours of the the water clear day If your pond IS at least 18 mches Another relatIvely easy- to-make deep (30 mches IS preferable) your fish • Sportcoats • Jackets water garden IS to place a FIberglas should be able to SUrVlveMichlgdn's lmer 10 the ground WIth the top of the wmters liner at ground level These hners Several water gardens WIllbe fea- • Slacks • Sweaters come 10 vanous SIzeS and shapes and tured on thIS year's Grosse Pomte can be purchased at a garden center. Garden Center Garden Tour, Saturday and Sunday, July 14 and 15 Hours are • Sportshirts • Shorts If you are energetIc and want a 10 a m to 4 p m Presale tIckets are water garden of your own deSIgn, you $8 On tour days, the tIckets are $10. can dIg the deSired shape to whatever PresaJe tIckets may be purchased at • Shorts • Slacks depth you desue and line the bottom the Grosse Pomte War Memonal, WIth a plastIC or rubber lmer Flat Allemon's Landscape Center, Charvat Blouses stones are usually placed on the over. the Flonst, Grosse Pomte FlorISts, • Ties • lappmg edge of the lmer to hold It 10 How InVltmg, Moehnng-Woods place Flonst8, Nature Nook Florist and WIld • Swim Trunks • Swimsuits More elaborate water gardens, WIth Birds UnlimIted runmng water and waterfalls WIll require the adVlce of an expert Pond The Gardener's Journal appears m compames not only carry all the Items the Features sectIOn of the Grosse Terms Of Sale: All Sales Final • No Phone Orders • No Layaways needed for the constructIOn of a water Pomte News tWICeeach month • No Refunds • Allterations Charged At Tailors Cost • Navy Blazers Not Included garden, but are also able to deSIgn, Contributors are local gardeners If adVIse and build whatever you want you would ltke to wnte one of our (313) 882-8970 17140 KERCHEVAL - GROSSE POINTE -IN THE VILLAGE There are also books and garden columns, call Margie Smlth at (313) MON. FRI. THURS. TILL SAT. SUNDAY pubhcatlOns available that descnbe 10 3435594 HOURS: THRU 10.6, 9, 10. 5:30, 12.4 , July 5,2001 26 Seniors Grosse Pointe News a Eat and drink for good summertime health We longed for It We Ies are largely water and preferl ed thIrst quencher;, bay the experts Mayonnaise prayed, It arrived - warm that water IS the body's nat- If a cold beer IS your whIch IS aCid actually help., weather It was a lIttlE' more ural system for regulatmg favonte ;,ummer drink, the to mhlblt the growth of than we bargamed for, but temperature best that can be said IS that mlcroorgamsms that cause It's better than Its counter. Durmg the course of the It IS preferable to dnnklng a trouble It IS the mOIsture part, the cold chllhng days day, 2 1/2 to three quarts of martlm or a wme cocktail and the temperature you of wmter water are lost through per- All alcohol mhlblt;, an antl- have to guard agamst There are those who argue splratlon, natural evapora- P dIUretic hormone (ADT), Keepmg food cold m hot that you can always stay twn and excretIOn ThIS T whose functIOn IS the regu- weather IS no tnck, It can be m~lde to keep warm In wm- should be replaced by dnnk- rime ime latlOn of water In the kId. accomphshed economICally ter, but there IS little you mg plenty of water ney;, The supenonty of beer by freezmg blocks of Ice In can do to beat the heat Of Tfols precautIOn IS particu- :s that It has much hIgher mllk nrtrn< '1nd then pJ~lc- course there IS aIr condItIon- larly true for older people By Marian 'frainor water content than that of mg them In contamers With mg If you choose to hve because they seem to be sus- other alcohohc drinks the foods Another method IS mdoor;, WIth artifiCial cool- ceptlble to dehydratIOn flUIds If one spends time m Lemonade, or Just a tWISt Most people don't drmk as to fleeze the food the mght mg systems m these glon- Some sCientists attnbute the sun playmg golf or gar. of CitruS frUIt, may be more much water as they should before It IS to be consumed ous months of spnng and thiS to a hormone denmg palatable The aCid III the They walt untIl they are Another good rule to fol. summer (AnglotenslOn), whIch stlm- If plam water doesn't do It lemon Illcreases sahvatlon, thIrsty or until they want to low, whethel eatmg a meal Besides, there are, m fact, ulates thirst They speculate club soda IS a good chOIce It whIch makes the mouth feel get cool If you want to get at a park or on the patio, IS many ways to beat the heat that as we age, that hor- IS 100 percent water and has less dry Go easy on the cool m a hurry, put Ice III to keep It hght Eatlllg light- Dnnkmg lots of lIquids IS mane does not work effi- a hIgh sodIum content Smce sugar If you choose lemon- your water However, If you Iy m the summer IS not onl) one of them And the hquld clently, causmg older people you lose both water and ade, because too much sugar need tc replemsh water, bettel for your health but It most recommended IS plam to dnnk less water than sodium when you sweat, and tends to draw water out of dnnk It at room tempera- IS also cheaper water they should to aVOId dehy- you need to replace both, your cells Dnnks hke fruIt ture You'll be able to dnnk Supermarkets, your Water IS the body's most dratwn It IS particularly club soda makes a good punch and Imlk have a high more The old rule of dnnk- neighborhood grocer and the VItal nutnent, and our bod. Important to dnnk lots of drink sugar content and so are not mg eight, 8-ounce glasses of local fruit market all offE'r water a day stili holds m locallv grown frUits and veg. any season, but particularly etenies throughout the sum- In the summer when dehy- mer And sOon you WIll be dratwn and heat stroke able to dnve to one of the become the result of not tak- many roadSide stands You mg m enough water to won't have to be coaxed to replace what the body has eat your vegetables when lost you see the laVish dtsplay of 7homasvi/le's Another way to stay cool MIChigan products and enJoy summer days at Good nutntlOn is impor- the same time IS to picnic tant to the mamtenance of a Anyone of the Pomtes' healthy body, so take advan- parks IS a good place to go tage of locally grown fruits for a dip III the pool or to Sit and vegetables. True, III thl;, m the shade and watch the modern age most nutntlous boats go by and eat a pICnIC foods are avatlable year- lunch or dmner round but there 18 no doubt If you are planmng such that freshly picked foods an outmg there are some taste better and because precautions that should be they come direct from the followed With the food you fields are more nutntwus are takmg You should plan to eat It wlthm four hours of A leadmg heart speclaltst the time you arnve If It IS to contends that If more of Upholstery Sale be kept longer, It should be these foods were eaten there stored hot or cold ThiS IS would be fewer coronary especially true of foods WIth problems high mOIsture content such So for the good of your When you buy anyone piece of upholstery at as salads, fned chicken and health, enJoy the foods of meatloaf Many people thmk summer - nature's reme- that only foods with mayon- dIes for whatever ails you 400/0 OFF naIse pose hazards Not so, you'll get the 2nd piece at 500/0 OFF (second plea at equal or Icsser value)

Thomasville has the works ...


"We Pay Your 60/0 Sales Tax OR No Payments, No Interest, Senior Men's and Tennis Club Jim Miller of Grosse Pointe Woods, shown No Reachback above, won first place in the Grosse Pointe Senior Men's Tennis Club spring finals. Bill for 12 Months! Kuzel won second place: Nick Piccione came in third. During the summer, club members play tennis from 10 a.m. to noon every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at the Neighborhood Club. For more information. call president Don Van Becelare at (313) 886-3031.

Senior Men's Club meets July 10 The Semor Men'" Club of pro~ram WIll be a talk by Grosc;e POinte Will meet at Emil Kang, preSident of the 11 a m Tuesday, July 10, at DetrOIt Symphony Q!,JICK-SHIP PROGRAMS the Grosse Pomte War Orchestra A question and We h"", In .an Ir\R.atU ~ and when ""'t buv new Memonal for lunch and a anc;wer peflod WIll follow the rum"u", "" ..... ,,, ,ocby W< rtCOgl'Ill.me~s meetmg The talk • Quodc SIll? propam dcslgn

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I I July 5,2001 Grosse Pointe News Faces & nlaces 3B 20th annual fundraiser for Soup Kitchen is July 13 "MuSIC Through the Twelve bands wIll playa said Virglma ZalenskI, 73, Il"lands" IS the theme of the full range of mUSICInclud- of Chnton TownshIp "We 20th annual Sou per Ing tropIcal, steel drum and enJoy the mUSICand the fes- Summer CelebratlOn, a ben- reggae The bands are the tlVlties and we love to help efit for the Capuchm Soup Johnny Trudell Orchestra, out the cause We grew Up Kitchen The fundralser The ProdIgals, Grattltude, heanng about Father Wlll begin at 7 30 P m Charles Yee, Bangaleros, Solanus and the Soup Fnday, July 13, at the DavId Bennett, Royce, Kitchen. HIllcrest Banquet Center, Zeemo, Aloha TrOPiCS, The event was started 20 50 S Groesbeck (2 mIles Immumty, Air Marganta years ago by the late north of Metro Parkway) and Chameleon Caravan Edmund T Ahee Ahee died Sponsored by Edmund T "ThIs IS a umque 10 1999, but remembered Ahee Jewelers. the {'vent ftl"dr:llser, ":here a 21 ycar growmg up m a neIghbor has raIsed $3 5 million for old and a 70-year-old WIll hood not far from the Soup the Soup Kltchen dunng attend the same event and Kitchen and seemg people the last two decades The may be on the same dance standmg In line for food kItchen IS a non-profit orga- floor," said John Ahee, vice When Ahee became a suc- mzatlOn that feeds thou- presIdent of Edmund T cessful bUSinessman, he sands of people each day Ahee Jewelers "It has dIdn't want to forget hiS and otTers counsehng, edu- become somewhat of a tra- humble beglnn10gs catIOn, shelter and clothmg dltlOn for fnends and fami-' The kitchen was begun In for DetrOit's needy hes • 1929 by Father Solanus The benefit 10cludes a Casey, who gave out sand- Jewelry rame of pnzes Wiches to the needy dunng worth more than $28,000, the DepresslOn Benefit is for Children's Center all donated by the Ahee In 1981, some 1,000 Guests at a benefit for the Children's Center will get a chance to tour Tall famdy Rame proceeds - attended the first Souper Ships that are visiting Detroit for its 300th anniversary celebration. The 100 percent of them - go to Summer Celebration More event begins at 5:45 p.m. Thursday. July 19, at the Rattlesnake Club. the Soup KItchen Rame than 6,000 people are The Children's Center was founded in 1929, one ofthe first child guidance tickets are $1 each expected to attend thiS year cllnlcs in the nation. Today the center's 28 programs Include case manage- Pnzes Include a lady's Last year's event rIDsed ment. foster care, teenage parenting, family bereavement and chemical three stone sapphire and $250,000 dependency. The agency helps some 5,000 abused and neglected children diamond rmg valued at The event IS free and IS realize their full mental and emotional potential each year. $11,000, a lady's gold and open to anyone A cash bar The evening will include hors d'oeuvres, a shuttle to Hart Plaza, a tour of diamond quartz bracelet Will be available, but snacks the ships and a return shuttle to the Rattlesnake Club for a supper featur- watch valued at $4,990, a and hors d'oeuvres are free ing French food and wines, and entertainment. Tickets to the fundralser lady's gold and dlamond For more mformatlOn range from $250 a person to $5.000 for eight. quartz strap watch valued about the fundralser, call Claire McIntosh of Grosse Pointe Farms and Tricia Bedi of Bloomfield HWs at $4,850, and more men's Ahee Jewelers at (313) 886- are co-chairmen or the fundraiser for the Children's Center's uTouch the and laches' bracelets and 4600 or VISIt www ahee-Jew- Heart of a Child" capital campaign. Lisa and Wl11lamClay Ford Jr. are chair- watches elers com Edmund T. Ahee men of the capital campaign. "My husband and I come Standing. from left. are Tau Ships committee members Glenys Daniel. to the event every year," - Marg/£ Rems Smtth Connie Sfire. Bedi. Allee Padllla, Pat Nichol, Elaine Borruso and Elaine Schwetzer. In the front, from left. are McIntosh and Lis Jefferies. For more information. call Janet Serba at (313) 831-5535, en. 1251.

AAUW officers The Grosse Pointe ------..at branch of the Ameri. can Association of CALL 313.882.3500 NURSING HOME University Women 8045 EAST JEFFERSON recently installed its Toreserve Display AdvertiSing DETROIT. MICH, officers for 2001-02. space by 2 p m Friday 821-3525 From left. are Vicki UALlTY NURSING CARE Granger, president- elect; Kay Mullaney, president; and LynDe , Pierce. outgoing presi- dent. For membership Vote August 7th DEAN information. call car- olyn Barth at (313) 881-0409.

'Endocrine Disruption: Lessons ~~~ from the Great Lakes' lecture is July 12 for GROSSE POINTE PARK "Endocr1Oe DisruptIOn PCBs and other artificIal person For more mforma- MUNICIPAL JUDGt: Lessons from the Great chemIcals m theIr fatty tIs- tIon, call LocalMotlOn at Lakes," a lecture by Dr sues that theIr bodIes can't (734) 623-0773 Theo Colborn, co-author of break down," said Betsy "Our Stolen Future," Will be Dance, executive dIrector of presented at 7 p m LocalMotlOn and a former Thursday, July 12, at the Grosse Pomter "Dr Colborn Grosse Po1Ote War reports these chemicals can Memonal dISrupt the endocnne sys- Colborn IS semor program tem dunng the most cntIcal SCientIst and directs the tIme 10 a person's eXIstence WIldhfe and Contammants - the 266 days they spend program at the World developlOg m the womb: WIldhfe Fund In LacaIMotIOn IS a not-for- Washmgton, D C She IS an profit orgamzatIOn dedicat- author, a former ed to raislOg pubhc aware- CongressIOnal fellow, a ness about the connectIOns mother and grandmother between toXIC chemIcals 10 Colborn Wlll descnbe the the enVIronment and nega- etTects of tOXICchemIcals on tIve health consequences the developmg fetus and the The program IS the sIxth m young chlld a senes, "TOXinS In the "Dr Colborn reports that EnVIronment PreventIOn every mdlvldual from the and SolutIOns" Great Lakes region carnes The event IS open to the measurable amounts of pubhc AdmISSIon IS $5 a Ernie Harwell to autograph his book in Grosse Pointe Erme Harwell, veteran pm he W111 be at Barnes & baseball announcer and for- Noble Bookstore, 19221 mer Gro~se POinter, wlll Mack In Grosse PolOte autograph hiS new book, Woods "Erme Harwell - Stones The HistorIcal SOCIety's from my LIfe In Ba~eball," at book sIgmng IS a fundralser three Gros.,e Pomte loca- for the socIety Books WIll be tIOn., on avaIlable for purchase at all Tuesday, three locatIOns July 10 Fro m Harwell's radIO and teleVI- noon to sIOn career dates back to 1 30, he 1940 He began broadcast- will be at 109 for the major leagues 10 Comeflca 1948 and thIS sea.,on WIll Bank, 415 mark hIS 41st season WIth FIsher, the DetrOit TIgers from 430 Harwell to 6 pm He has broadcast more he WlII be games than any announcer at the Gros.,e PolOte 10 baseball hIStOry and was HUltoncal Society's the first actIVe broadcaster Provencal-Wetr House, 376 to be Inducted m the Kercheval m Gros.,e POInte Baseball Hall of Fame at Farms, and from 6 30 to 7 30 Cooperstown, NY. m 1981 ·t JUly 5, 2001 48 Comm unl y ~G.ro.ss.e.p.Oi.nt.e.Ne.w.s ....T-h-e-P-a-st-o-r-'s-C-o-r-n-er----, Meetings

With their rose, "Party Girl" Teachers i1 Rose Society Cynthia White won the The Rev. Gustav Kopka Jr. The Grosse Pomte Rose silver sweepstakes bowl fOI St James Lutheran Church Society held It<;annual rose arrangements and Su,an show June 15 and 16 at the Surlett won the &lIver Neighborhood Club Some Back m theolOgical .;,emmary studies sweepstake. bowl for mlnla. 248 horticultural entries He taught us all about Job's questIOns ture arrangements DaVid and 23 arrangement entries But he would say that we taught hun Strachan won a free year were received membership to the Grosse By our questIOns For "educatIOn, Paul Colombo and Andrea Like a tango, takes two" Pomte Rose Society for hI, Macen won Best of Show Best Non-Member rose, With their rose, "Lynn "Joseph's Coat" ThiS week at VacatIOn Bible School Anderson" Frank VonKoss The next meetmg of the I've been remembermg Gerhard Frost won the Kmg of Show With Rose Society Will be the sec- "Standmg OvatIOn" and the ond Wpdne"dav In T",u dnd a hdlt decaCles atter Job his Pnncess at Show With September at the uBlessed Is The Ordmary," "Kept Moments" "Trojan Victory" Neighborhood Club And "Hommg m the Presence" Jomed Dommgo AsuncIOn My evolvmg Mentor Shelves With nch received Best Hybrid Spray Insights that have several times smce C.P. Rotary With UPolyneslan Sunset" MOMS Club Reminisced m.;,lde my becommg more Dean Valente. director of the Grosse Pointe Tam and Eleanor Kressbach The MOMS Club of Tenderly reverent toward learners' truth Rotary Club. in the center, presented Grosse won Best ClImber, Best Grosse Pomte Will meet at Pointe Park Public Safety Deputy Director David Hybnd Tea Open and Best 10 a m Thursday, July 12, "When r thmk of teachmg Hiller. left. with Rotary's $5,000 contribution Bloom m a Bowl In the at Grosse Pomte Wood. I see an arm around a child, for toward the Park's purchase of a thermal imaging mlmature category, the Presbytenan Church, 19950 Teachmg IS embrace Teachmg IS camera for the public safety department. Rotary Kressbachs won Queen Wlth Mack The speaker Wlll be a has donated a total of $25,000 to this communi- nurse, who Will give an A look, a word, a gesture, "Jean Kenneally," Kmg With ty-wide effort. PSO Dave Loch is holding the "Glowmg Amber," and Introductory sessIOn on A.;, thought lIghts up thought imaging camera. Prmcess With their rose, CPR And knowledge bnngs new jaY, "Plerrme" They also won The MOMS Club IS an It IS an ear, an eye, a hand, Best Mmlature m a Bowl internatIOnal, non-profit orgamzahon that prOVIdes a "And sometimes even a tear forum and support for at- But most of all, home mothers Children are An arm around a child welcome at all actiVities For 'And Jesus took them m his arms more mformatlon. call Elhe And blessed them ", Frost kept on at (313) 824-9667 or Shan at Learmng always, teach 109 us (313) 640-9847 To learn from those we teach'

"I remember Graham's birthday Herb Society We had gathered to celebrate The Grosse Pomte umt of the Herb Society of Amenca With cake and candles, WlII meet at 7 p m Tuesday, Cards and conversatIOn July 10, 10 the Lottie One card, m childIsh scnpt, read Crowley Garden at the 'You are a great, good teacher, Grosse Pomte Academy, 171 But mean Lakeshore Guests are wel- Happy Birthday come For more mformatlOn, The Fourth Grade' call (313) 822-5381

"They were saYing. 'You are good to us; Vacation Bible You make It all so mterestmg school slated We really think It's fun But thank you for helpmg us Grosse Pomte Woods To outgrow our need of you PresbyterIan Church Will hold a VacatIOn Bible School Thank you for not cnpphng us from 9 to 11 45 a m Monday, Aug 6 through Fnday, Aug By runnmg our errands for us, 10, at the church, 19950 ThP bracmg errand of the mmd '" IBEX 2001-02 Mack The theme this year Revered pastor and teacher, professor, wnter, The new board of directors for IBEX gathered recently. mEX is a Grosse IS VegglTo'llln Tales Father of Jack Frost and other children, Pointe women's club that encourages participation in the arts. Standing. ChIldren age 4 through from left, are Jana Brownell. Rosemary Hastings. Curl Tutag. Sarah Hill and Involved 10 VISits and counsel to elderly 5th grade are welcome Homebound "learner,;" and "teachers'" Nancy Renick. Seated, from left. are president Arlene Lewis. Peggy Brophy and Katherine Baetz. Not shown is Lynne Campbell. RegIstratIOn IS Sunday, July 1 through Sunday. July 22 RegIstratIOn fee IS $10

Christ the King 14. ~.~ Grosse POinte Lutheran Church " .~ WOODS Mac" at Lochmoor ~[f~PRESBYTERIAl< 884-5090 Church WORSHIP SERVICES 19950 Mack (between Morass & Vernier) 8 15 &. 10 45 a m Wor,hlp Sel\ Ice 910 a m Sunda} School &. 10'00 a m WorshIp Bible Classes First English Ev, Lulheran Church Nursery Services Available ,upen PrOIld<" Grosse POinte Umtanan Vernier Rd at Wedge\\ood Dr ~....,. chn,lthddnggp ",- 886.4301 Church Gro\\e POinteWoocb Rand) S Boelter,Pastor Next Service July 15 884-5().jD E.mall gpwpchurch@aOlcom rI Timoth~ A Holzerland, Assc Pnstor Web sole www or Happy Holiday , 10 P m TJlIlllda\ Tr.JIIIll'U1 Sel\lCe 30 a m WorshIp Se Mee 900 3 m SUOOJ\ Tra:lJllonaJ Semce 81.James Lutheran Church to -Air Condltloned. GRACE UNITED 17150 MAUMEE 10 l(J am COlliempor.m 5Cl1ICC 10'00 a m Worship 170 McMillan Rd • near Kercheval !f\ 881-0420 A HOUSE OF PM YEll. FOR ALL PEOPLE Grosse POinte Farms. 884.0511 ~ ~~~CHURCHOFCHRIST Rev John Corraoo Minister Dr v,.ilter A Schmidt Pa>lor ~-=1)' . Nu rsery Avallab Ie The 1928 Book 01Common Prayer Summer Schedule 1175 Lal.epomte at Kerche>al Re\ Barton L Beebe .!.SSOClale Paslor Rev FredtncUlanllS. Puler '"". 9 30 a m Sunday Worship Grosse Pomte Park 822-3823 Rev. Morsal Colller,.woe. PlSler SUNDAY GROSSE.POINTE R 30 a m Holy Communion "~ ~~ 0 Holy Euchanst 'u'l:!ii Q'oQl. Sunda) Worship 1030 a m l\ Saint 1O " a m Adult Bible S,udy Tuesday Thnft Shop 1030 - 3 30 UNITED i II 00 a m - Holy Communion Nur:>el) prol1ded runbrose .~:: Sf. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL ~.O~roi Wcdnesda) Amazmg Grace SeOiors I~~ CHURCH CHURCH THURSDAY ..... 7 30 pm Wednesday Worohlp el ery second Wednesday al ... [8JPariSh ~ 20475 Sunningdale Park 12 10II m Holy Communion Holy Euchanol The Tomp~ms Center at Amu"TEO WITH THE UCC AND ABC near Lochmoor Club Wmdmlll Pomte Park II 00.300 240 CHALFONTE AT lOTliROP Grosse POinte Woods lIan"ers' 0" Han P1avJ 111the Tun"el Air Condltloned ... /oree !!Jecured Park,,,g. Ford Garage CO,,"'E JOIN U<; 884-3075 Sunda) enter oJ W

  • dward& lefferson 8 00 a m Holy Euchan'l ReI Gu

    11.45 a.m. P"nic ana Cari((on Concert The Rev. David J. Greer. Interim Rector )UIIlY Kmg ( anllonnl.lIr A ~n:PHEN \1INISTR\ and LOGOS Con~re~ation The Rev. Bryant W. DennL~on. Jr .• The Rev. Dr. Julia A. Dempz 16 J,ake~hore Drhe, Gro~se Pointe hrm~ • 882.5330 Secured 1162S" .Jefferson at 8urn~. DetrOit 61 Gro~~e Pointe Blvd. Gro~se Pointe Farms Parking VI,n our wcb~lIc WWW jajX or!! 822.3456 www.~pmchurch.com (313) 885.4841 • www.christchurchgp.org July 5, 2001 Grosse Pointe News 58 & Health Make summer safe Single Way By Steven Sandubrae, D.O. meets July 7 Special Wnter The Single Way IS a group Summer bnngs potential for a new breed of of mterdenomlllatlOnal InJunes, especIallyo for chIldren Those wh are aware Chn;,tldn 'lmgle adult; The of the rISk s an d who take care of preventmg them, group WIll meet at 1030 can spend these months outside, enJOYmg warm a m Saturday, July 7, for a weather msteac1 of VlsItmg an emergency room day tnp for lunch at the- Cycle smart Vlctonan Inn In POIt Huron. followed by "hoppmg One out of seven chIldren under age 15 suffers a Re;,('rvatlOn~ are needed by head mJury In a bicycle crash At the Bon Secours and ThursddY, Julv 5 Call (810) Cottage emergency departments, young patients fre. 776-5535 quently arnve With head contUSIOns, concussions and lqCpratlOn'l whIch can h,lV(' hfelong ~vmpll\,dllUnl> These types of mJunes can be prevented by weanng a FELe plans helmet Bible School Besides puttmg on a helmet, be sure to remember the followmg when blkmg First EnglJ<,h Ev • Avoid ndmg at mght Lutheran Church, 800 Vermer, Will hold Its annual • Obey all traffic VacatIOn Bible School from 6 laws Stop at stop League of Women Voters to 8 p m Monday through SignS, check for traffic The Grosse Pointe branch of the League of Women Voters recently held a FrIday, July 16-20 before turning and nde joint board meetlne for incoming and outgOing officers. Standing. from left. ThIS year's theme IS on the same SIde of the are Martha Shumaker. Don Dungan, Claire Zukowski. Kay McDonald, Diana "Under ConstructIOn A road 'S automobIles Domin. Judy Morlan. Marla Rivera, Mary Morshead and Cynthia Warner. do Habitat for Humanity Bible Seated. from left. are Connie Frey. vice president Marybelle Suczek. JoAnn School" A !lght sup pel Will • RIde where dnvers Kelly and Sara Walsh, holding Jude. be served at 530 pm each can see you Bicycles Suczek will host an informal meeting on Wednesday, July 18, to focus on evelllng The cost l'l $5 a are frequently Involved issues of world trade and the environment. Any interested in attending child, $12 a family To regis- m car accIdents should call (313) 882-4295. ter, call the church office at because the dnver of (313) 884-5040 the car did not know the bike was there / • Wear bnghtly col- ored clothmg and Dr. Steven Sandubrae make sure bIkes have 'Honk if you know Marty M.,' she's reflectors • Use bike paths and Sidewalks mstead of the street whenever possible first lady of Alcoholics Anonymous And remember, It'S not Just children who get hurt when cyclmg AccIdents happen to adults as well If Go to any major city m NCADD - the NatIOnal home" entire l>ystems a;, a way to you plan to nde your bike thiS summer, set a good the Umted States and CounCil on Alcohohsm and To read Marty ':-'1.mn, help alcohohcs Among example and protect yourself at the same time Bike there's a good chance you'll Drug Dependence) m 1944 "tory 1;' to take a JOUlne\ other thmgs, she arranged safely and wear a helmet see at least one bumper According to Sally and through hIstory She lIVed for New York s buse,; to diS- stIcker that reads, "Honk If DaVId Brown, the authors dunng both World War." play pubhc service ad;, stat- Prevent sunburn you know BIll W" The mes- of "Mr;, Marty Mann The the Great Depre%lOn mg that alcoholl;,m IS a dls- It's great to spend a summer day In the sun, but at sage IS shorthand for those FIrst Lady of Alcohohc~ ProhibitIOn and the turbu- ea;,e least 30 minutes before your chIld goes outside to familIar WIth Alcoholics Anonymou~," thl;, wa" Just lent '60s She wa" on a In 194'l, 'lhp also play, generously apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen of Anonymous It IS a way to five year;, after her p"ychla- first-name baSIl>\\Ith Su.,an launched a campaign that SPF 15 or hIgher to all exposed skm Skm cancer IS pay tnbute to Bill Wilson, tnst conVinced her to read a B Anthony, Dorothy Parkel, placed com boxe;, m city related to lifetime UV radIatIOn exposure Most skm one of the founders of AA, manuscrIpt he had been Truman Capote and many bars, a<;klng patrons to cancers appear after age 50, but research shows that and It'S also a way for asked to revIew entitled other celebntles, but al~o donate the pnce of a dnnk the nsk for skin cancer IS higher for people who had recovermg people to connect "Alcohohcs Anonymous" touched the lives of regular to help those who suffered blIstenng sunburns as children Protect your chIld with others who are m Unable to find a way to people throughout the from the dIsease of alco- now to prevent skm cancer later m lIfe - and to pre- recovery keep her sober himself, thIS world hohsm When the Amencan vent the mIsery of a sunburn The odds are Just as high psychlatnst al;,o persuaded When she died III 1980, a Medical ASSOCiatIOnfinally Water safety that you won't see any Mann to attend one of the long tnbute to hel \\ a" read agreed In 1967 that alco- Summer m Grosse Pomte means tnps to the pool "Honk If you know Marty only two AA meetmg;, m the m the Congre"o,Ional Record hohsm \',a;, a disease, the and boating on the lake, creatmg the potential for M " bumper stickers, even country at that time It was of th(' U S Senate Browns quote Mann as say- droWning Park pools are carefully mOnitored by though Marty Mann was at the home of Bill WII'lon, The Brown" IepOl t that mg, "Alcoholism wal> the tlamed lifeguards, but a hfeguard IS no substItute (or the first woman III AA and the man who would beUlme Mdlln wa., oncr told not to fir;,t disease they ever had parental supervisIOn Do not leave children alone and has probably done more Mann's spon~or and lIfetIme mea<;ure aCLOmph.,hment<, to vote was a disease!" 'et boundanes for the areas of the pool your child can than any other person to fnend by how nrm vou are to \ ou! Like Bill W, Dr Bob, and u.,e If children aren't strong SWimmers, they should. advance the understandmg "1 could finl;,h thClr 'len- goal, but b\ how far )OU all the other pIOneers of tences'" the Brown;, quote hdve come Thh 1<,an addl e<''lmg alcohohsm, n t venture mto deep water or use dIVIng boards that alcohohsm IS a disease that stnkes women as well Mann a;, ~aymg after the Importdnt Ip<,.,on fOI e\ en- Marty !\Iann ha'l made an alone To make sWImmmg safer and more fun, enroll your child m sWImmmg lessons as men meetmg that altCl ed her one, especlall) tho"e who enormous difference m our An alcohohc herself, !lfe and subsequently travel the long road of undero,tandmg of addictIOn Most child drownmgs actually occur 10 reSIdentIal Margaret ("Marty") Mann changed the live; of so recovery WIth them. she has less- '>\\ ImmIng pools, mcludmg backyard wadmg pools many other;, "They could Mann\ ro,ld W,h pa\l'd ened "tlgma, mcreased SuperVIse children whenever they are playmg m and founded the NatIOnal Committee for EducatIOn on finish my ;,ente-nce" 1 These WIth extraOl dmal} allom- a\',alene<,'l' emphaSized pre- around water Don't leave, even for a short time After Alcohohsm (today the were my people I had come ph;,hmpnt;, Thank'> III ldlge ventlllll and mterventlOn, only two mmutes under water, a chIld loses conscIous- part to her efforb, and under"cored the neces- ness and can suffer permanent bram damage Amenca l>attltudc tOIlal d .,Ity of and TIght to treat- When boatmg, your chIld must wear a U S Coast Volunteers are needed alcohoh"m changed flom d ment Guard-approved hfeJacket that fits properly When morall,,",ue to a puhllc So honk If you know walkmg on thr dock, be sure your child has hiS or her health 1".,ue Her \ Non, Marty:Vl We owe her a hfe Jacket on and fastened for breast cancer trial which culmmated \Ilth her debt of gratItude for her life Prevent auto injuries If you're a woman of a cer- work of more than 500 cen- foundmg of the NCEA of senlcc and a Job well Among children under age 15, motor vehicle accI- tam age, you've probably ters acro~'l the Umted mcluded educatmg medIcal done dents are the leadmg cause of death ChIldren not thought at least fleetmgly States, Puerto RICO and pi ofe'll>lOnal<""ocwl \Iork- restramed by car seats or seat belts are more hkely to about the pOSSIbIlity of Canada, that I;' 'leekmg to ers and clergy about alco- Thl' (he/Il/cal health col die or suffer IIlJUry In car crashes Studies show that developmg breast cancer m enroll 22 000 women In the holl.,m, e"tahlhhmg at lea"t limn (' prlnlded by 88 percent of mfants are safely restramed when nd- your lIfetime trial More than 8,000 one alcohol center m clery Hazeldell, a /Ion profil mg In a car, but that figure drops to 58 percent for Maybe you have a close women have )omed STAR ;,tate, and provldmg tn'at- agency based III Center CIty, children ages 5 to 14 female relatIVe who has had smce enrollment began m ment and bed<' fOl alcoholic MUl1l !hal offer~ a WIde ThiS summer, even If you're Simply headmg out for the dIsease Maybe you're In July 1999 patient., m ho<,pltal, and rangc of lI1!orma!lOn and Ice cream or to the playground, restram children With your mld-30s and your cllmcs throughout the coun- ~en (ceo,relatll1g to addlc, "eat belts or car seats and be sure they nde m the mtermst has recommended Pnnclpal ImestIgatol<' of trv 110/1 Q/'d reCOIer) For more back ;,eat, where they are 'lafest gettmg your first mammo- the STAR study through St ",Vhll(>AA concentl change Ii Ii It hazelden org .,tart to feel thlnty, dehydratIOn has already begun diet and exercise regimens, ly seekmg po"tmenopau"al Head off heat exhaustIOn and heatstroke by dnnkmg who was recently dIagnosed women of all ethmcltlC'l and plenty of water For adults, 6 to 8 ounces every 15 to WIth and IS bemg treated for races who are at least age 35 20 mmutes IS a good rule of thumb For chIldren, 3 to breast cancer and have an mcrea'led n;,k 4 opnce'l dunng the 'lame time penod IS suffiCIent In an effort to find a way of breast cancer as Jl'ler. Heat exhaustion - SIgnS and symptoms of heat to stamp out thiS devastat- mmed by age, age at first exhau;,tlOn often begm 'luddenly, sometimes after 109 dIsease, St John Health menstrual penod, age at exerCise, perSpiratIOn and Inadequate flUid mtake, System, under the spon.or- first !lve bIrth, number of and mclude famtness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, hot, ship of the NatIOnal Surgical breast blOPSlCl> (regardle'l" red. dry or 'lweaty skm and a fever less than 104 Adjuvant Breast and Bowel of the results) and per.,onal degrees Program In collaboratIOn medical hl'ltory In addltlon If you suspect heat exhaustIOn, move the person With the NatIOnal Cancer women who have a fir"t- mto a cool or shaded area and gIVe him or her luke- Institute, IS conductmg tn. degree relatIVe - a mothel, warm or cool water If fever rIses above 104 degrees or als 10 a breast cancer pre- sister or maternal grand- famtmg, confUSIOn or "elzure'l occur, call 911 ventIon study and I;' mVltmg mother - who have had • Generally healthy men or Heatstroke - Heat"troke IS Similar to heat women who are at hIgh nsk brea'lt cancer, are con<,ld- postmenopausal women eXhaU'ltIOn, but more 'levere and potentially hfe- of developmg brea"t cancer ered at mcrea'led rt'lk and threatening, because the body's ablhty to sweat and to partiCIpate may be ehg1ble to partICI- • Not takmg drugs for osteoporosIs control temperature IS lost SignS of heatstroke are a pate temperature above 104 degree'l and hot, dry skm The landmark STAR After completmg five WHERE: Michigan Bone & Mmeral Chmc, PC at Penonahty changes, confu'llOn and coma may occur breast cancer prevention years of drug therapy and St. John Hospital & MedIcal Center If} ou 'luspect heatstrokp, move the person mto a study l'l deSigned to deter- momtorlng, tnal partlcl- "hady, cool 'lpace and call 911 Immediately Cover the mme whether thl' o"teoporo- pant'l WIll undergo at le,1<,t mdlvldual WIth damp 'lheets or towels, or spray With SIS prevention and treat- two addItiOnal year" of fol- Participants May Receive: cool water untIL help arnvcs ment drug raloxlfpne l'l a'l lOW-Up and mOll1tormg that • Regular Bone DenSity Tests effectIVe a'l tamoxlfen 10 \\111 mcludC' blood t(',t'>. Expert help is near • Regular VISItS & EvalutlOns Should an aCCident or Injury occur - despite takmg reducmg breast cancer n;,k mammogram" and phY"lcal preventIVe mea'lure'l - don't he'lltate to seek medical Three SJHS hospltal'l, St :md gynecolOgIC exam" All • InvestIgatIOnal Drug attentIOn The emergency departments at Cottage and .John HO'lpll.al and MedIcal drug'l are free to partlcl- • CalCIUm & Vltamm D Supplements Bon Secour'l hO'lpltal'l are oppn 24 hours a day, seven Center, and St ,John pant~ • Travel CompensatIOn day'l a week to treat medical emergencIes qUIckly and Macomh HO'lpltal. mpmher" If you'rp mtere<;tpd III par. compa'l,qonately For minor In)unes, head to Cottage of the Ann Arbor Rq~lOnal tlclpatlng III thl" ,tudy, call For more information call: Ho"pltal For more "evere InJunes that could reqUire Community Chmcal St ,John HO'lpltal and 1-888-844-9010 hO'lpltahzatlOn. go to Bon Secours Oncology Program, and Ml'dlcal CentC'T at (,31.~) Dr Sleven Srmduhrae I~ a Bon Secour~ Cottage PrOVidence HO'lpltal and 343-3166, St .Iohn Macomb emergency mediCine physlctan For more mformallOn Mpdlcal Centen, an mde. Hospital at (~no) fi7:Vi173 ahoul Bon Secour~ Cottage ph)SICUlnS or for a physI' pendent member f)f the or the ProvldencC' Cancer Clan referral, call (800) 30.1 7.11.') NSABP. are part of a net. InstItute at (8001341-0801 (

    July 5,2001 Entertainm.ent Grosse Pointe News 68 Stratford Festival's 'Sound of Music' is original Broadway version

    In revlvmg one of the one rea~on the surpnsmg- greatest and most success- State of the Arts ly large number of young ful mUSIcals of all tIme, chIldren m the audIence the Stratford FestIval IS listened and watched so pavmg eloquent tnbute to raptly, and reacted Wlth a lot of memorable people, hIgh enthUSiasm aL Lhe from the heroIc Trapp end WIthout exceptIOn, famlly to the great musI- the seven young actors cal star, Mary Martin charm the audience as Martm mstIgated the they smg, dance and learn conversIOn of the Trapp to open their hearts to the famIly's story mto "The young Mana who comes to Sound of MUSIC"and then be theIr governess and Music on the Plaza played the lead m the first stays as then mother Tbe Sun Meneaged wW perform at 7 p.m. Tbursday, July 12. on the new productIOn With a mountain slope If one can be saId to Village Plaza and performance area in tbe Village sbopping district. But thIs "Sound of that converts to a balcony stand out It IS LIsa Mams The Sun Menengers have beeD in tbe Detroit area for more than 20 years MUSIC" shlfnmers and m the falmly mansion as the observant BngJtta and this year wU1 mark their 12th consecutive appearance at Grosse shmes on the FestIVal's The scene changes again In the stage ver~lOn of the Pointe's summer concert series, Music on the Plaza. The weekly concerts thrust stage as brilhantly flow eaSIly to the clOister scnpt that thIS show uses, are free and presented in part. by Bon 8ecoUd Cottage Health Services. the as It ever dId anywhere It and a formal garden The she IS the one who first City of Grosse Pointe and the Grosse Pointe VUlageAssociation. For more IS a performance that IllUSIOns are beautiful Iecogmzes that Mana and information, caD (313) 886-7474 or visit www.thevWagegp.com. thnlls every heart and The actIon flows WIth- her father are m love and leaves no eye dry It's not out a hitch, pausing only startles Mana by telling Just a hIt, It'S a home run for well-calculated dra- her so She makes It one Produced at Stratford, matic effect The audi- of the pIvotal '>cenes of the Un-dress your summer salads of course, It has major ence IS swept along, total- show advantages LIVe perfor- ly mvolved m the famlly Cold food IS most bons and cheese Toss Hardly less emotIOnal Black Forest mance on that thrust drama appeahng as we enter the Add the parsley, lemon are the moments when 16- stage enJoys maxImum The castmg IS outstand- dog days of summer Noodles peel, OIl, vmegar, salt and year- old Llesl, played by audIence Impact On top Ing Out of the ranks of Salads are everywhere - 1 lb. angel hair pasta pepper Toss agam to Shannon Taylor, IS able to of that, they are uSing the recent Festival leadmg green salads, fruIt salads, (or your favorite), evenly dlstnbute all the onglnal versIOn that ladles sprang the lithe- confide III Mana They pasta salads (my favonte) cooked according to mgredlents present a claSSIcally close opened on Broadway In some and magnetlc Even pasta salads can package directions, Cover and chIli In the mother-daughter relation- 1959 and ran for almost Cynthia Dale to play become bonng You cook rinsed under cold refngerator until servmg shIp at what IS a cntlcal four years It was wntten Mana She has all the the noodles, add some veg- water and drained phase of every teen-age by the unusual collabora- spark and energy to make gles, meat and cheese, 1 lO-oz.package of Serve black forest noo- girl's life - the tIme of tIon between Rodgers and that amazmg character toss It up WIth Italian frozen peas, thawed dles over mixed greens or her first boy fnend Hammerstem for lyncs come to !lfe She has a dressmg It's the Itahan and drained all by themselves There's no heavy dreSSing taste to and mUSIC,and Lindsay vOice that l:uuld enchant The competitive love dressmg part that has 3/4 lb. thinly sliced cover up the flavors of the and Crouse for the book angels and she has the mterest of Elsa Schraeder become ho.hum black forest ham, cut ham, peas and scallions I That's Important actmg ablhty to match IS handled very smoothly into julienne strips prepared the recIpe but because all the compro- Her bold confrontatIOn of and WIth espeCIally SUIt. .. 1 cup (l bunch) finely mIsing changes made to dId not add the scallions the stem Cap tam von able dlgmty by Mary Ann chopped scallions A LA ANNIE until after I separated the adapt the story to film Trapp In theIr dISCUSSiOn McDonald who aVOIds any By Anme Rouleau-Scherlff 1 cup coarsely grated noodles In half have been reversed of hiS children's bnnglng sense of rancor toward Parmesan cheese (or MUSIcal numbers that up IS a delight Mana or of schemmg other hard white advance the senous SIde LeaVIng half of the noo- Yet there IS a genume- agamst her In another cheese) of the plot were cut for the dles amon-free made them ness to her shyness and example of the supenor 3 tablespoons dried film, but are restored m kld-fnendlY I SImply confUSIOn as the young motIvatIOns m the ongmal parsley thIS productIOn Lmes tossed the scallions mto woman who planned to be scnpt, she turns away 1 tablespoon grated ~poken by different char- the other half, for the a nun dIscovers she IS m from the captam because lemon peel (1 lemon) acters have been returned adults love WIth and loved by a reahst.cally she cannot 113cup extra virgin to the onglnal roles dIstinguished and mtlml- reconCIle their OpposIte olive oil MotIvatIOns are more It was a hIt, even WIth datmg naval captam attItudes to the polltll'al 114 cup red wine vine- clear and more IdealistIC the kids Creatmg thl~ mercunal conflIct that was about to gar than they were In the character, Dale 15 equally ThIS week's recIpe IS 1 teaspoon salt (or to No one wants to be engulf them as the NaZIS weIghed down by heavy film effective m her display of were takmg over Austna one of my versIOns of taste) Equally Important, thIS affectIOn for the chIldren chIlled pasta salad Black 1/2 teaspoon white dreSSings Toss up some productIOn has the benefit and m her contnte confes- A slmllar example IS Forest Noodles IS a SImple pepper (or to taste) black forest noodles for a of Stratford's remarkable sIons to her Mother Cory O'Bnen's reactIOn as recipe that makes a meal cool meal on a hot steamy production team and act- Supenor She wms every- Rolf, Llesl's erstwhile Expect a cool breeze-feel- Place the cooked pasta mght mg company When It one's heart along WIth the boyfnend turned NaZI, Ing from the grated lemon mto a large mlxmg bowl comes to creative staging, captam'~ when he wscovers the peel Add the peas, ham, scal- LIghten up stunning props and cas- In that role, C DaVId fugitive Trapp famIly hld- tume~ and inSIghtful Johnson though present. mg m the convent garden dIrectIOn, the FestIval has mg himself fir~t as a stern It IS Just another reflec- the resources and Withdrawn figure, tIOn of the underlymg To make a mUSIcal !lke make~ a handsome and theme of love m thiS thl" really outstanding, deceptively youthful msplnng story they have to pull out all romantic lead As he GROSSE POINTE WAR MEMORIAL'S the stops And they have warms to Mana, he "The Sound of MUSIC"IS The staging IS httle reawakens to hfe and presented m repertory at TELEVISION FOR THE short of miraculous We together they spm a the FestIval Theatel WHOLE COMMUNITY really get the feehng we heart-warmmg love story through Sunday, Nov 4 are In the Alps The baSIC It IS the children, how- TV5 For mformatlOn and reser- set has replaced the bal- ever, who almost steal the vatIOns call (800) 567- DAYTIME PROGRAMMING FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 9 - JULY 15 cony over the mner stage whole show ThIS may be 1600 9:00 AM VITAUTY PLUS 6:00 PM fHF. LEGAL INSIDER A half hour aerobICS exercise class (Repealed M Sun Cuest Maura Corn~all Court of Appeals II 00 PM) Hosts local atlome), Da"d Draper and Douglas LWV member • Dempse\ lake an inSIde look al current legal l~sueS July is 9:30 PM POSITIVELY POSITIVE IRepeal~ M Sun 4 00 AM M/W/F/Sun <; ~O PM) receives award Dr Cla"dw Osborn & Lmmce A:olln HoslS Jeanie McNcll and I,z Aiken - an uplifting half 2:30 PM POINTER" WI rn PROST hour 01 poSllll c aUlludes and Ideas (Repealed M Sun Gmny McCaig of the Hawaii Cuests MaruvlI C 'VoiOiId C/ramtable ClllIIg II ~O PM M/WfTlSun <; 10 PM) CIty of Grosse POinte Hosl John Pn."tlntel\ Ie" ~ local cdcbnllc\ abouillme recently receIVed the Belle Bonus Month! 10:00 AM WHO'!'> IN THF. KITCHt,N? I) IOP'CS (Repealed M ~un 4 ~O A,M M/W/f-I'>un 'Brotherton Award from Cllest Pau/lvfarch'cse Crlilmg 700PM) the League of Women Hosl Chuck Kaess cooks "Ith local celebnlle. 3:00 PM THING!'> TO DO ATTHt: WAR JULY BOOKING BONUS (Repealed M '>un mldntghl. rrrh/Sal 8 10 PM I Voters of MIchIgan for her MEMORIAL 'long-term leadershIp dnd AAA EXCLUSIVE 10:30 AM JOHANNA GILBERT Cllest Edsel Ford Ii Delmll 100 INTERVU,WS Bunm Brooks hosls an Inlormall\ c look dt \\ hat\ _ accomphshments Save up to $200 per couple Cllests Dam Ne'Wrl/J1 Charles Bllrke & Helell ~. happc;nlng al the War Memonal (Repealed M 'iun on select HawaII packages DSO &ll/catlOiI <; 00 AM MIW/F-/~un ROO I'M) (Repeated M 'iun 1210AM MlW/F-/'iun5 ~OPM) of $900 or more' 3:30 PM POINTI5 OF HORTICUlTURE 11:00 AM OUl OF11IE ORDINARY .•. Cardell TOllr'lOOI INTO THt. t.XTRAORDINARY Host hol1lclll!umt Jim f-arqllhar ,hare\ lips gl\c.

    Drl.mlm~ \)t ~l{tll1g ,'\.\1\ h) thl rrop' FI'her Ma"'lOll ~d\ Ice and IOte,",le\\5 local aUlhonlles on gardening ,,,I r~re,il,e of Ii '"'II' It, lhl Plrfllt Hosl Rohcrt Ta)lor preun 6 ~O PM) of people places and Ideas (Repealed M 'iun I 00 tm'll TOm lkt ~( ur \ 1LHlnn In. Hn-. a 4:00 PM YOlJNG VIEW POJ'ITIA" AM Trrhl'iat900PM) 'ceilll AAA TfI'C I 10.1 W"rrl Fr« l'rbcal )oulh shO\\ fcatunng ~Iud~nl' repol1lng on a Va\. HLon" hr't\t It lmcd lip TnI' \1 11:30 AM THE S.O,C. SHOW \ anel\ of edu~a!lon,,1 lor'c\ (Repealed M 'iun 600 mLrcdlhlt..~ H 1\.\ HI1n \ (ll,HlOt\ 'ruL~11 Cllelt Harlll/(llh Polle/rerla M D Sleep DIsorder AM M/IFI'>un R ~O I'M) HOSI J-ran 'ichonenhcrg and her guesls d"cu" top'c, AAA TravellGrosse POinte and e\enlS ot partllular Inleresl 10 semor cltllens 4:30 PM WATFRCOI OR WORK"nOp -\ "",it. UTI, 19299 Mack Ave (Repealed M 'iun \ ~O AM Trrh/'>al 600 PM) Ren"'\ ned local art "I ellol La( hlllsa demon,lrale\ ot LlI'tnm ...... ' ,;: 313.343.6000 l\alercolor lechmq'les Simple enough tor hcglOner, - WORRY-FREE In \ p"ck ,gc \ 12:00 PM THF FCONOMIC CWB OF )et ehallenglng to lhe expeneoced al1"t (Repealed '/ vacatIOns' AAA TravellOetrort.NE l ( ur'" ~H. DFTROIT M 'iun 6 ~OAM M/W/F-/~un 9 ('() I'M) I I \." '.lU .... II. e I\,HI"hl, 9189 CadteUK Cllelt HOllorable PIUI!If 0 NeIll US Se,retar, of tire Call 313-417.2393 Trea'lm 5:00 PM VITALITY PI U" lhl,mgh W,)rn he< V" 11"'11' AnJ f ealure, n~uooall) knO\\ n !!ue't speakers dlscu,slOg A half hom of hod\ lomng and 'lep/kid.txmng I,Hn A '\A Tr n d '\~c nr h,,' ,hc ~urrenl tOpiCS In Ihe bUSiness communi I) (Repealed e,erc"e class M/W/f-/'>un '>Ier"ckho"ng exrc "enlC end knmdcdgl 10 heir lOll M '>un 200 AM Trrh/'ial 7 00 PM) Trrh/'>al Tone (Repealed M '>11n7 ()() AM) c hoo'e tile' relbge th'l' flghr t"r IOU 1:00 PM THI-, EASTSIDE EXAMINER 5:JG PM MUSICAl STORYTIVI ... JAMBOREF Carhollc Socwl Se" IceS FIlr [(."....rf\.lfhm<;, l)r mnrc Int(1rm~t1on Hosl Julia Keirn and gueSls hlghllghl upeomlng local HO'ls MISS (,Iolla from Ihe (entral I Ihral\ on h,m,frc"j, oj llther tr l\el l1l, 'r" non profit special e\enl, (Repeated M Sun ~ 00 AM and M", Paula the Mem \1uSlc Maker offer a lIHlI"Ll \(lur AA,A Trnc'l '\gent TOd~\' Ginny McCaig MIWII 'i\ln 7 ~O PM) half hOllr of stOlle' and mUSll lor children aaamich com (T, fh/'ial <; ~O I'M onl}) C~rl;r (I re>S I Iff (H'IS ~pp~ See vov AAA Tmt?/ Agenc'r www 1:30 PVI CONVt.RSAll0NS WITH for C(lmpltrf' d~rJ J~ • McCaIg hilS been a COI I t CTORS : member of the LWV "lnce Curl! lollll P()I()f\e~ Bohlo !l/O/Id : 1963 and IS recogmzed as HOSI '>u",n Hartl fcxuun ~ 10 AM rrrh/'>at8 00 PM) • Schedule subject to change Without notice : chIldren and youth For further information call 313.881.7511.

    T July 5,2001 Grosse Pointe News Metro calendar 78 Thursday, .July 5 Fame broadcaster Erme War and the Native nIght away With Steve by Mad.eleine Socia the finest m modern art, dls. Summer sounds Harwell comes to the c 1823 Amencan group Walela fea- Kmg durmg a Summer cover the exqUisite majesty Provencal-WeIr House, 376 turmg Rita CoolIdge. MUSICConcerts senes pro- adults, $5 for seruors and $4 Pack up your lawn chaIrs for children Grounds of the gallenes and exhIbI- and piCniCbaskets and head Kercheval In Grosse Pomte Sunday's festlVltIes open at gram, Wednesday, July 18, admISSIOn IS $5 Annual tIOns of the DetrOIt InstItute to the corner of Kercheval Farms, for an autographmg 2 p m and run through 10 at 630 pm TIckets are $7 Passes are avaIlable for $18 of Arts Celebrate 150 years and St ClaIr, m Grosse seSSIOn benefitmg the pm Entertamment for adults or $350 for chll- Call (313) 884-4222 of DetrOit architecture With Pomte's VIIIage shoppmg Grosse Pomte HistorIcal mcludes the AnImal Planet's dren Advanced purchase Alzheimer's aid the seven part photographIc dIstnct, to hear The Wendell SOCiety, Tuesday, July 10, game show AnImal Zoo, guarantees your seat should F I d f d f exhibitIOn BUIldIng DetrOIt, from 430 to 6 p m After Martha Reeve and the ami y an rIen!> 0 Harnson Quartet, dunng a the concert move m doors th ose su f'"lenng from Sunday, July 15 through free Bon Secours Cottage purchabmg cople~of the new Vandellas, members of the due to mclement weather Al h 'D d Sunday, Sept 30 Explore Health Services 2001 MusIc DetrOit Free Press publIca- TalkIng Heads and The Travel to Grand Bend, z elmer s Isease an DetrOit's Cass CorrIdor tion Erme Harwell Stones Temptations Call (313) 842- OntarIO, Cana da fior Iunch related dementIa can !>hare on the Plaza senes concert, concerns and comfort dunng movement through the ret- Thursday, July 5, at 7 pm From My Life m Baseball, 7010 at the 0akwood Inn an d a , rospectIve exhibitIOn Call (313) 886-7474 guests can tour the renovat- Saturday, productIOn of You'll Get a free AlzheImer s Disease Gordon Newtown ed Greek-ReVIval home, Used To It' The War Show DetrOIt Area Chapter SelectIOns from the James F u, n d J I 1'" lU' Support Group fit thp H{'nry Saturday, July 7 lt~, trom F d .. or Continumg Care- Dully, Jr (JIlt, ::'unday, July Po~derous ponds Century lIfe In the Pomtes BeautifUl blooms amp to 7 m The fiee lor B I 15 through Sunday, Nov 4 Call (313) 884-7010 thiS Da Tn IS $59 Pre- e mont Center, 19840 See mne of the Pomte's DelIght In the beauty of y P Harper SessIOns will be Reahze the rIch legacy of most beautiful man-made Carillon concert SIX of the Pomte's lovely register for classes usmg offered on the first and thIrd AfrIcan AmerIcan photogra- waterscapes dunng the Hear a performance by landscapes durmg The your Master Card or Visa, Th d phers through the exhibItIOn MIchIgan KOI& Pond Club's VIafax at (313) 884-6638 e- urs ays of each month, John WIdmann, CIty canl- Grosse Pomte Garden M I ' from 6 30 to 8 pm, or the ReflectIOns m Black fourth annual Pond and lonneur for Fredenck, Md , Center's 10th Annual a I I second and fourth Tuesday SmithSOnIan Afncan Garden Tour, benefitmg then clImb the tower and Garden Tour, Saturday, July www warmemona org, or f h h Amencan Photography, run- ServIces for Older CItizens 11 (313) 881-7511 0 eac mont, from 130 to nmg through Sunday, Sept mspect the bells of Grosse 14 and Sunday, July 15, c 3 h 3 pm Call (313) 640-3379 and Cornerstone Schools, Pomte MemOrIal Church, 16 from 10 a m to 4 pm, ram Farm ouse museum 0 S 2 Saturday, July 7, from 10 Lakeshore, durmg a free or shIne See sunken, peren- Step back mto the dally n tage See a UnIque photographic a m to 5 p m For the conve- InternatIOnal CarIllon mal, pond and shade gar- hfe of a mid-19th century & Screen VISIOnthrough the Abelardo nIence of guests, all sItes are Senes concert, Tuesday, dens and get adVIcefrom the farm family hvmg m Enn At the Hilberry Morell and The Camera m close proximIty TIckets July 10, at 7 15 P m Plcmc experts at a MIchigan State Township, now St Clair Wayne State Umverslty Eye, runmng through are $10 for adults or $5 for suppers WIllbe avaIlable for Umverslty Master Gardener Shores, With a tour of the thespIans will bnng the Sunday, July 22 Indulge In chIldren, ages 5 to 15 They a small fee at 6 15 P m Call Booth PartiCipants can find SelInsky-Green Farmhouse magical children's fable Feasts For The Eyes Dmlng can be purchased m advance (313) 882-5330 refreshment and an exciting Museum, located dIrectly Aladdm to lIfe on the stage In EIghteenth-Century or on the tour date through selection of plants for sale at behmd the St ClaIr Shores of the Hilberry Theatre Europe, featunng ceramICS, the ServIces for Older Thursday, SIlver and glass ware creat- the Children's Home of PublIc LIbrary Listed In the 4743 Cass m DetrOIt' CItIzens office m the .July 12 DetrOIt, 900 Cook TIckets MichIgan State RegIster of through Saturday, July 14' ed to hold and dl~play food, NeIghborhood Club, 17150 More summer sounds are $8 pre-sale or $10 on the Hlstonc SItes, thiS farm- The curtam Will rise through Sunday, July 29 Waterloo m Grosse Pomte Applaud The Sun days of the tour They can be house IS owned by the CIty Monday through Saturday, Amenca's oldest cultural They can also be purchased Messengers durmg a Bon purchased m Grosse Pomte of St Clair Shores and oper- at 10 30 a m TIckets are traditions are celebrated m through event sponsor Secours Cottage Health Farms at the Garden ated by the St ClaIr Shores from $4 (313) 577-2972 the exhIbItion Dance of the Wlegands Nursery, 47747 ServIces 2001 MUSICon the Center's Grosse Pomte War Hlstoncal CommIssIon The Forest SPIrIts A Set of Romeo Plank m Macomb Plaza concert, at the corner Memonal Office;The Grosse house IS open for tours DSO at Meadowbrook NatIve Amencan Masks, Township Call (313) 882- of Kercheval and St Clair, POInte FlOrIsts, Inc, 174 Wednesday and Saturday, Thp DetrOit Symphony through May 2002 Museum 9600 m Grosse Pomte's Village Kerby, Charvat The Flonst, from 1 to 4 pm Call (810) Orchestra, under the dIrec- hours are VVednesday Sunday, .July 8 shoppmg distrICt, Thursday, 18590 Mack and How 771-9020 tIOn of Thomas WIlkms, WIll through Fnday, from 11 a m Invltmg, 375 FIsher They p' brmg an AmerIcan Fanfare-- to 4 p m and Saturday and Golden gardens July 12, at 7 pm Call (313) reservation tours WIth FIreworks to the 886-7474 can also be purchased at the Sunday, from 11 a m to 5 The Harper Woods Nature Nook Flonst, 17110 Discover five of DetrOIt's Meadow Brook MUSIC pm Toxins talk histOrICdestInatIOns, mclud- Festival, on the campus of Gardeneers Club wIll cele- Kercheval III Grosse Pomte, Recommended admISSIOn brate theIr city's golden Dr Thea Colborn Will mg downtown, Eastern Oakland Umverslty, off the and In Grosse Pointe Woods IS $4 for adults and $1 for address Endocrme anmversary by hostmg a at Wlld BIrds Unhmlted, Market, mIdtown, auto her- 1-75 Umverslty Road eXIt on children and students Call DisruptIOn Lessons from Garden Tour, Boutique and 20485 Mack or Moehnng- Itage and the New Center Walton Road m Rochester (313) 833-7963 the Great Lakes dunng a area, durmg PreservatIOn Friday, July 13, at 8 p m O~ TIn Can AuctIOn, Sunday, Woods Flowers, 20923 July 8, from noon to 4 pm Toxms m the EnVIronment Mack Call (313) 881-4594 Wayne Walkmg Tours, run- Saturday, July 14, at 8 pm, PreventIOn & SolutIOns mng Saturdays, from 10 vlOlImst Pekka Kuuslsto Ceramic art RegIstratIOn opens at 11 30 Scott Chamberlm's large, a m., at Johnston Park, senes program, Thursday, Open house a m. to noon, through Joms the DSO m a perfor- July 12, at 7 pm, at the DIscover the ChIldren's October 27 TIckets are $15 mance of the New World expressive terra cotta wall adJommg Harper Woods pieces, which celebrate the HIgh School, 20225 Grosse Pomte War Home of DetrOIt, dunng a or $10 for PreservatIOn Symphony EnJOy an Memonal TIckets are $5 free Open House, Saturday, Wayne members Call (313) Evemng of Rodgers and human form, wIll be fea- Beaconsfield m Harper tured m a One-ArtIst Woods Advance tickets are Call (734) 623-0773 July 14 and Sunday, July 15, 577-7674 Hammerstem, featurmg from 10 a m to 4 pm ThIS Ceramic ExhIbItIon, run- $5 for adults or $3 for chIl- Ford House soprano Tamra Hayden, Friday, .July 13 event mcludes comphmenta- nIng through Saturday, July dren They can be purchased experiences tenor CraIg Schulman and 21, at Pewablc Pottery, at My SIster's Resale Shop, Concert of colors ry refreshments and enter- Revel m DetrOIt's multi- tamment by the Bob Durant Expenence the grandeur ban tone PhilIp Hernandez, 10125 E Jefferson m 19562 Kelly m Harper of one of "Amenca's Sunday, July 15, at 730 faceted culture durmg the Tno Call (313) 885.3510 DetrOIt Wonder at organIC Woods and Allemon's Castles," at the Edsel & p m TIckets for these perfor- porcelam works by BonnIe Landscape Center, 17727 free Concert of Colors Live & Learn Eleanor Ford House Tours mances range from $10 to DetrOit's Tncentenmal WIllbe offered on the hour, $56 Call (248) 377-0100 Seeman In Pewablc'~ Mack m Grosse Pomte Call Courses & adventures Stratton Gallery, through (313) 886-6359 DIverSIty FestIval, Fnday, Tuesday through Saturday, July 13 through Sunday, Enhance your mmd, body from 10 a m to 4 pm, and those same dates Bells & brass July 15, at Chene Park, and spmt by partakmg m Sunday, from noon to 4 p m Exhibitions The bells of Jefferson located along the DetrOIt the courses and adventures The Tea Room IS open for Gallery hours are Monday Avenue Presbytenan RIver, off E Jefferson at offered at the Grosse Pomte lunch, Tuesday through & Shows through Saturday, from 10 Church, 8625 E Jefferson m Chene m DetrOIt FrIday's War MemOrIal EnJOYa PIC- Saturday, from 11 30 a m to At the DIA a m to 6 p m Call (313) 822- DetrOIt, WIll blend WIth concerts, which run from 5 mc dinner as you rock the 2 30 p m Tours are $6 for From the old masters to 0954 sounds of a tuba dunng a to 10 pm, feature Tuva free concert, Sunday, July 8, Throat Smger SaInkho, at 11 45 a m Call (313) 822- Grammy-wmner Los Lobos Famil~ features 3456 and the Afro pop of Feml Tuesday, .July 10 Kutl On Saturday, enJoy Educational Teen Read Box Three par- Talk to the anImals at the the Green, La-De-Dahs five stages of contmuous tICIpants at each branch DetrOIt Zoo Travel back m Hlstonc Baseball and more Meet Ernie entertamment, mcluding adventures Meet the vOice of DetrOit could 'VIn a grand pnze time to expenence Travel through the past 100 the award-wmnmg band The Grosse Pomte War Tiger baseball when Hall of Memonal, 32 Lakeshore, draWIng (313) 343-2074 DmosaurIa III, featUrIng a years VIathe speCial exhIbIt offers a full schedule of edu- Fun flicks four-acre Dmo traIl, VIdeos Your Place m TIme 20th- catIOnal and SOCIaladven- Add a lIttle cmematIc and a DmoSlmulator thnll Century Amenca Patrons tures for chIldren ExerCIse excItement to your child's nde, through Monday, Sept can tour the museum's your youngster's Intellect vacatIon WIth the Summer 3. The exhibIt admiSSIOn IS Commumcatlons, Llghtmg, and ImagmatlOn thiS sum- Film FestIval 2001 at your $4. DmoSlmulator tickets TransportatIOn and Last week's mer WIth a SCIence and local branch of the Grosse are $3 Tour the NatIonal DomestIc Arts exhIbItIOns Nature LlVlng SCIence Day Pomte PublIc LIbrary AmphIbIan ConservatIOn The Museum IS open dally, puzzle Camp program, for students Runaway Ralph and Mouse Center ThIS state-of-the-art from 9 a m to 5 p m The ages 6 to 12, Monday, July Around will be screened Village, dedIcated to the con- Village IS open from 9 a m 16 through Fnday, July 20, Tuesday, July 10, at 11 am, servatIOn, preservatIOn, to 5 pm, through Jan 1 solved from 9 a m to 3 p m The fee at the Woods Branch, exhIbItIOn and mterpreta- AdmISSion to the Museum IS $255 Your youngster can Wednesday, July 11, at 1 tIon of amphIbian hfe, hous- ranges from $7 50 to $12 50 make theIr own COIL pm, at the Park Branch es a host of amazmg ammals AdmISSIOn to the VIllage and Thursday, July 12, at 1 mcludmg Japanese gIant 9 10 11 CreatIOns, under the expert ranges from $8 50 to $13 50 ACROSS 1 2 gUIdance of an mstructor pm, at the Central branch salamanders, hellbenders, ChIldren under the age of 5 IIWnMllow from Pewablc Pottery, Call (313) 343-2074 emperor newts and dartmg and members are admItted ptloJ1 12 'l'uesday, July 17, from 9 to pOlson frogs The ZOOISopen free Showmg m the S Dne'llalHMglll 15 11 am, for chIldren ages 6 dally, 10 a m to 5 pm Zoo Museum's $15 mIlhon lMAX mal SAT/ACT practice admISSIOn IS $7 50 for to 9, Noon to 2 pm, for stu- Theatre are Michael Jordan 8 Adcnowtedgt Prepare your students for adults, $5 50 for semors and dents ages 10 to 13 or 3 to 5 to the Max, Super mIStletoe the most Important chal- students, ages 2 to 12 Call 12 Hodge-jlodge pm, for partiCIpants ages lenges of their academIC (248) 398-0903 Speedway, The MagIC of 13 8ul~ Ilmo 23 14 and above The fee IS$20, careers Wlth free Pnnceton Flight, Cyberworld 3-D, 14 On plus $8 for matenals Boost ReVIew SAT or ACT Tests, NSYNC BIgger Than Life 15 Roctellaundlets 30 your daughters' confidence, Saturday, July 14, at 9 am, History alive and T-Rex Back to the 17 GoKtrTony self-esteem and a pOSitIve at Grosse Pomte South High The Henry Ford Museum Cretaceous Daily screen- 18 SIllgIe body Image With a Girls School PreregistratIOn IS and Greenfield Village, WIll mgs WIll be offered, on a 19 Nerd-pKk ICem Empowerment FItness reqUIred Call (800l 2- mark DetrOIt's 300th bIrth- rotatmg baSIS, begInnmg at 20 lee room Camp, for httle ladles ages 7 REVIEW day dunng America's 9 am, on the hour m the pngs-on 38 through 9, Monday, July 23 Hometown Summer mornmg and on the half- 11 l.ondcner's letter Art appreciation through FrIday, July 27, CelebratIOn, through hour In the afternoon and 22 Faller while 45 GIve your asplnng artists,' from 9 30 a m to 12 30 p m ages 5 to 8, accompamed by Sunday, Aug 1q FestiVItIes evemng TIckets are $10 for speaJonc The fee IS $150 Pre-regis- mclude a Village Parade fea- 13 Bwrty parb 48 an adult, a greater apprecia- adults or $8 for semors and tration for actIVItIes can be turmg Madame Mane 16 RoundT .. tIOn of all medIUms WIth children ages 12 and under 51 charged to your Master enlIghtenmg programs at Theresp Cadillac, Games on Call (313) 982-6001 member Card or Visa, via fax at (313) 30 D!ft' Carey's the DetrOIt Institute of Arts 884-6638 or phone at (313) tmIlOIy FashIOn Colorful KItes, 1I1'roft11se Illb,ect 9 hrtituIar 34 Taraciddle 881-7511 Sunday, July 8, from 1 to 3 31 SoudJ Nrul so lowing ftlIlIe 10 To a degTft 3S 11Is and llIlIt Teen readers P m Make creepy crawly trile SI IeatlJ IlICl'rie II Healdl resorts 17 Bishop's he» Students m Grades 5 Mixed MedIa Bugs, Tuesday, DO YOU 11 Fouctrt 52 Caalx QlstIm 16 Admltlill dients elms through 12 can get all July 10, from 9 30 to 11 30 want to be in the metro calendar?••• 3S FiIeUd 53 Ullrneht tile 20 Solidify 38 Eastern poCfIl- booked up thiS summer by a m On that same date, edps 11 I940s menswear late Then fill out thiS form send It to 96 Kercheval, Grosse POh1te 36 Evet1ll1 hoIw Jommg the Grosse POlOte from 1 to 3 pm, create Farms 48236. or/ax to (313) 882-1585, by 3p m Fnday 37 lOIIlOIIICI' n PaI1ner of 22. 19 l.ogIcaI Pubhc LIbrary's Teen Aaoss 40 • pro quo Funky Dmnerware Learn 38 Cou5m of "ISh" DOWN Reading 2001 Summer Event I 'hgnnt 2) Iaw4 41 Ccimrnnllo fido to enhance the great out- 41 Perth Readmg Club PartiCIpants doors With Garden FollIes 4111alMm*ftt 1 ~Iuck 24 "Eunb!" 42 DeSfIOt Date heroine 25 Torched 43 Dnenport's can pick up an informatIOn class, Wednesday, July 11, (Abbr) packet at the Central Time 45 HlIWIiianIUld 3 Volume 16 hntMon place from 9 30 to 1130 a m The -46 1967 SImon , 4 0¥er1y member 44 Stare I1alIIette Branch, 10 Kercheval, Park fees for each class are $12 Place 5 Spewed qups 27 ¥andaI 46 PainCed tool Branch, 15430 Kercheval per child and $10 per adult Cost GamdcelIOllC and Woods Branch, 20600 48 "What's. lor 6.AIda lJ "(alceund." 47 Pale employee' WIth a $2 discount for DIA Questions? Call lilt'" 7 OfCourR 19Aop Mack Just finIsh five books, members ReservatIOns are 49 Wesl PoInl 8 MlcIIipl dly 31 Imlate fill out the forms and place reqUired (313) 833-4249 Contact Person them III your local hbrary's ZOO news ) -. (

    8B July 5, 2001 Grosse Pointe News

    Mwro DermabraslOn tS btg at our spa. Chents are mmimtzing • GI Teddy. A Patriotic Summer zs ;ust begznnzng .. stretch marks, fme lmes, scars Collector's Item. This highly collectlble bc~r IS patterned after with all the warm weather, sun and over exposed chest areas. A plastlC surgeon I network the origInal "GI Teddy" made in and chlorine take extra care of 1946 from wool Army blankets, 2001 SUMMER SEASON your skin. The NOTRE DAME wtth feels tt's the most effectwe HAS BEGUN treatment before laser or and is available exclusively at PHARMACY has just the answer Jacobson's. In stores now or on in our 2nd floor chemtcal peels for condttions not SOHAR ROOM for exactly the right pnce. Try our consLdered severe. our website: www.jacobsons.com. new Taylor of London and V~ta with an open deck, We have a chent who has seen a live entertainment, & dancing. Bath Spa lines of body oils, 70% reductwn in acne scars m • Introducing Laura lotions and soaps. Plus Caswell- one year. It's amazmg! Mercier Cosmetics. Created by world-renowned makeup artist PAUL CAREY & Massey Fine Lzne of TOlletrzes. If your skm tS already nice, but THE NIGHT CRAWLERS maybe some uneven tone or not Laura Mercier, this line of cos- Back again is Roger & Gallet nwe metics and skincare benefits Thursday selection of fragrant hand soaps. as youthful try only fwe July 5 treatments and you'll be amazed. women of all ages and skin types. Stock up now for all your summer Now available in Beauty Starting at 8:00 pm needs... at 16926 Kercheval in- Buy 2 get 1 free or a package of Friday & Saturday the-Village. (313)885-2154. 5 and get 2 free Power Peel at July 6 & 7 Edwin Paul Spa. Starting at 9:00 pm (313)885-9002 www.edwinpaul.com Jacobsons!7Wl Ke!ohoYaI • Clmsso _ • f31Jl 882 1000 FUNDAMENTALS \tIOI'I'IN(. HOUR\ '10'<''''liP! • 'llN NOON _ • Wednesday & Thursday July 11 & 12 CDNin, PAUL Starting at 8:00 pm KISKA JEWELERS 21023 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods Swiss Army watches are perfect C0ItD TRAIli ..~ for the sporty type person. Klska Friday & Saturday Jewelers carries a large selection CAFANA'S July 13 & 14 of deslgns for men and women. Experience the finest in Quality Starting at 9:00 p.m. Variety of styles with different Dry Cleaning, Expert Tailoring colors, stainless, two tone -- great and Elegant Men's Formal Wear Arrive early & enjoy dinner before combinations to suit all Rentals.. Visit CAFANA'S at the music. personalities .. at 63 Kercheval on- 17233 Mack Ave. @ Notre Dame, SINDBAD'S "SOHAR" ROOM the-Hill (313)885-5755. "Spectacular Summer Sale" (313)881-1224. Perfect for your private parties Now through Saturday, July 7th and special occasion. Call (313) 25% OFF all knitting yarns 822-7817 for more information at (mcluding MaggLe kits) and nee- 100 St. Clair on-the-River. dlepomt canvases and kits. Additional savmgs up to 60% OFF. .._at 397 Fisher Road, SOLATUBE~ Grosse Pointe Farms, (313)882- 9110 CYtbltee The Miracle Skylight~ :)~JJ.l!JJj:.J 1. ,;\j.j~~ Let ambient sunlight flow into a J::J ~J3.!. = Of J dark room with SOLATUBE. 3 Month Trial Membership Edm und T. Ahee Jewelers pre- Albert D. Thomas, Inc. $150 sents the 20th annual Local supplier and installer Can be applied to an annual membersh~p CAPUCHIN SOUPER SUMMER 313.882.0628 Call for details CELEBRATION "Music Through On Mack • (313)885-3600 the Islands". Raffle tickets for Laser & Drill-less over $28,000 in jewelry are avail- able now for $1 each and 100% of Dentistry Are Here! proceeds benefit the Capuchin Meet the millennium with a new soup kitchen. Tickets on sale at smile! Mary Sue Stonisch, D.D.s.; Edmund T. Ahee Jewelers, 20139 F.A.G.D., Accredited by the Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe t\rbur"Ii" AmerIcan Academy of CosmetIc Woods. 313-886-4600 4ntlq"~" DentIstry 20040 Mack Avenue, LAM IA & LAM IA Mflr~t Grosse Pomte Woods (313)882- 2000. Salon and Day Spa Relive ANTIQUE LOVERS ... Join us at the famous ANN We are very proud to ARBOR ANTIQUES MARKET. welcome to our staff: VENICEI The happening is Sunday, ~ Over 40 oil paintings litJl. There are over 300 out- BOH-LOOT • Hairstylist. Crystal D'Angelo, standing dealers in quahty Creating cuttmg edge looks. just arrived Renowned for exctting, contem- atARS antiques rand select collectibles. • NailSpedaJist -DarceyMacDwaId All are under co'ier. This is Ann porary women s clothing, unique Providmg a full array of nail Arbor Antiques Market's 33rd sea- collectwns of designer accessories servIces for both hand and feet. son. All items guaranteed as rep- and whimsical gifts, now fea- resented. The time IS 7:00 a.m. to tures their entire Sprmg / • Aesthetician • Helene Karageorge ART 4:00 p.m. .at 50Q5 Ann Arbor - Summer mventory at amazingly Specializing in European Saline Road (Exit #175 off 1-94, low pnces for THE ANNUAL facials and waxing. RESOURCE then south 3 miles). Washtenaw VIUAGE SIDEWALK SALE, fR) SERVICES Farm Council Grounds. Only Fnday and Saturday, July 27, Please take a moment to schedule $5.00 admission. FREE parking 2pm to 9pm. July 28, 9:30am to an appointment to experience the Art from around 5:30pm. talents of the newest addItions to our very talented staff. the World 50% and more off basically Buy where the art galleries buy new merchandtse as well as terri- 313-884-1710 fw bargams on past season outer- 19653 Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods and at their prices. Open to the wear, evenmg and many other public every Saturday, 10:00am wears Also fashwnable accesso- untzl 4:00 pm. Located above nes and ~fts. Why not stock up Gallerie 454 at 15105 Kercheval early for your hohday gift list at (313)822-4477 a fractwn of what you will pay later If you can't get your act ~&rrn~~~~ Edwm Paul Salon is pleased to together untt! all the prtces are (ugh!) retml and there are no announce the addltwn of TIffany oJ Designer Resale • good deals, except we always Ed Maliszewski Hart to our staff. TIffany met all . Boutique Carpeting of the requlrements necessary for have good deals because we look I for the best merchandtse at the employment here and started her SUMMER SALE Karastan Certified Installers schedule on June 4th. best prtces, we often beat the ON FURS ... make the difference between a Only the best get to work at prtces and quallty of merchan- Take an addttwnal 10% OFF good installation and a GREAT dtse you get at dtscount stores Edwm Paul. Voted No. 1 In on the ongmal sale pnce on all INSTALLATION! ... at Ed eastern Michlgan Its all good merchandtse, no sec- furs Hurry m! Sale ends July Maliszewski. 21435 Mack Avenue (313)885-9001 onds, no rejects If you come early 14th, 2001. (810)776-5510. www.edwmpaul.com you'll get all the best merchan- P S., Have you seen Samiras di..'1e So you'll be there rtght? window lately? 17114Kercheval Ave VtStt Samlra's, located at in The Village )\\/1/ < , I': ',J II 21027 Mack Avenue (North of 8 Grosse Pointe Attle), Grosse Pomte Woods, 313- -- ~ 21023 Meek Avenue, GroSle Pointe Woods (313)886-8386 -...... 886-5043 ~~-~~ I -~.",~~ r


    l..• •4> • j

    I -I Dragons win two divisions in Ann Arbor soccer tourney It looks hke there are Fortunately for the another attempt Grosse Pomte failed to severe knee spram The entire team played ~omeexciting days ahead for Dragons, coach Steve With pressure mounting, capltahze on some early The Dragons stepped up well Lisa Kulpa, plaYing , the girls soccer teams at Adolph had worked on that JOldan McIlroy stepped to chances but as time was their effort In the second Wlth a pulled leg muscle, ' Grosse Pomte North and part of the game dunng the 12-vard hne and sealed running out McIlrov faked half and thE' adrE'm'llmE' prevE'ntpr! many .(,(,rlng Grosse POinte bouth practice the week before the the VictOryfor the Dragons her defender and went one- began flowmg even more opportumtes by the oppo- The Grosse POinte Soccer tournament With a hne dnve to the far on.one With the goalkeeper when the Dragons '88 squad nents and helped set up the ' ASSOCiatIOnDragons under- When Adolph asked hiS post that the DeWitt goahe She sent a ground ball to the came to cheer on the Dragons' offense 13 and under-14 travel players, "who feels hke they had no chance to stop far post for the only goal of younger team Casey Scavone played an teams each won their WVI- can score a goal today?" The under-14 Dragons, the game Kelly Ritter fooled her outstandmg tournament at slOns at the recent Ann goahe Ahson Jones was the who have been together for The Dragons fell behmd 1- defender and made a spec- sweeper, while Hartmann Arbor tournament first to raise her hand SIX years, played their 0 to the Mason Blazers m tacular crossmg pass to was steady at stopper Her Both teams won their Jones was true to her spring season m the highest their second game, but Mcilroy, who launched a speed prevented many scor- champIOnships on final- word as she scored the first Michigan premier soccer stepped up their effort III the qUick shot that the goahe mg dnves and she had excel- game shootouts goal for the Dragons bracket and IS ranked second half Laura Nicholl deflected With a diVing save. lent control over the middle The Dragons '87 were sup- Carolme Hartmann and among the top seven teams put III Megan Warren's cor- McIlroy got her own of the field Jesrug was sohd posed to have played the Lauren Jesmg followed With at the level All thiS despite ner kick for the tymg goal rebound, dnbbled three as one of the outSide defend- DeWitt Dynamite In the title goals, while DeWitt man. playmg Without striker Grosse Pomte had some yards to the left and placed a ers game but because of poor aged to score on only two of Becky Goosens, who played other good chances but shot mtQ the comer of the Erica Coates and Andrea field conditIOns, tournament ItS first four shots One of for her high school team failed to fimsh goal away from the other Savage showed their versa- offiCialsdeCided to pick the the Dynamite's kickers shot The Dragons started the The third and fourth defenders who had come to tl1lty by playmg both mid- overall wmner by a high but Jones made a spec- tournament With a 1-0 Win games were played m a assist their fallen goahe field and stnker Many of shootout tacular leapmg save on over Pacesetter Black steady ram The Dragons The Dragons had several their defenSive plays and struck early against the other shots on goal in the passes set up the Dragons' Portage Llghtmng On the second half but had to settle scormg opportumtles openmg kickoff, Enn Deane for the 2-1 VIctOry Deane, who IS one of the sent a long pass to the far The Dragons' game team's fastest players, was nght corner, over the head against Battle Creek Umted mstrumental at the center ofthe spnntmg Warren, who was played In mud and pud- midfield pOSitIOn,where she was playmg nght striker dies Grosse Pomte knew set up the sconng attacks by Warren caught up With the that It was m the champl- wmmng battles for the ball ball and launched a cannon onshlp game before the con- She also played defense and shot from 30 yards out that test Wlth Battle Creek start- stnker saIled over the goahe's ed Chnstine Stevens and hands mto the net Wlth the A loss Simply meant the Nicholl were always sconng game only 16 seconds old Dragons would have to face threats at stnker The Llghtnmg tied the Battle Creek In a rematch Keersmaekers' ablhty to game Just before the first Once the Dragons adJust- spark th~ team and her half ended and had an ed to the poor field conw- clever style of soccer were opportumty to go ahead on a tlOns they contmued the mstrumental m the team's breakaway attempt Brooke momentum they had built In success. Zlehr made an outstandmg the three preVIous games Warren was always a scor- play when she raced from and posted a 2-1 victory mg threat Wlth her break- her midfield posItion to McIlroy gave the Dragons away ablhty and shootmg deflect the ball Wide of the a lead they never rehn- skill but she was also capa- net while Jones, who left the qUIshed Warren took a pass ble of commg back to anchor goal to challenge the from Chnssle Keersmaekers the defense Zlehr never Portage stnker, and the and sent McIlroy a pass that backed away from a chal. Llghtmng player colhded she redirected mto the goal lenge on the field and Jones Unfortunately, the play Jones, who played the demed the Dragons' oppo- The combined Grosse Pointe Soccer A8Sociation Dragons '87 and '88 girls cost the Dragons the ser- entire tournament Wlth a nents many sconng opportu- travel teams celebrate after winning their respective divisions at the Ann Arbor VIces of Ziehr She had to spramed wnst, played m the mtJes With her deCISion- Tournament. Both teams won shootouts In the championship games, leave the game and the rest field late m the game and makmg, hustle and good of the tournament Wlth a Ritter replaced her m goal. . , See DRAGONS, page 2C


    "eer 60,000 Mite v" unJimiteci lIi1el! -"O~ear;~'oooliu., f'owImIln f'loIIIdlcn "5 ~~ e:-.,. 5 .UIlr Rl:lIldelcIe ~ ~ "- '" 1/.. 'l'" Z' '" .l I,.:"" ""'A- • NEW 2001 ELANTRA GT AulO,air,pwrwmdows,locks,sleenng, cruise,leather,keylessentrypwrmoorl,ASS !raeMn controland muchmorel

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    .Plus tax, title he & fre'9~t wI approved cred,t Rebates to dealer ARNOLD ~HYUnDRI GRATIOTAT 12 MILE RD. • 810.445.6080 Enull .. at AnIoIdIIyunclaI01e1ec1ty.oom1 _2C __ July 5,2001 Sports Grosse Pointe News Scores and highlights from GPSA house league games

    UNDER.7 Carron (Raiders) 'I'lemwereoutstandmg Shenf RJzk Ttgers 1, Storm 1 Comments Juston Oedeyne,Alex and MItchell Roberts moved the Goals Danny French (,I'lgers), MIchaelson and Kathryn Carlben ballwellfor Liverpool DaVidDeary Nathan Encson (Stonn) drove the Raiders' offense Carron, and Andrew WhIte made several Comments The 'I'lgers' Scott Alia KedZierskiand Mason played key defenSIveplays for Sheffield Dirksen, Mark Stormes, French well defenSIvely Jordan Loosyelt DaVIdClem and Dan Holley spht and Henry Fildes were successful and DamelLamoureauxhad strong the goaltendmgdUltes Jack DaVies at keepingthe ball In Storm ternto gamesat mIdfieldThe Jaguars got playedforwardWithmtenslty ry, but the good moves of the fine olTenslve work from Ail Storm's WillCookand Matt Barnes Claffone,James Counsman,Tommy kept the 'I'lgers from sconng The ShImmeland MaxRybinski Sheffield 13,Wimbledon 3 'I'lgershad gooddefen.,ve plavfrom Gn"'. I Annmg H~n~l 1 C'hns MIchaela Houff, TJ Maurer, Thomas 4, Mack Sterr 4, Joey Anelle WIlson, Carly Ver KUllen UNDER.IO Konen, Jack DaVIes (Sheffield), and WillCallewaert WImbledon 5, Arsenal' Jimmy Tocco 2, Brian Wooley Goals Michael Koski 2 J,mmy (W,mbledon) Rams 5, Jarual'll 0 Tocco, Patrick HOUIn, Streeter AsSIStsThomas 2, Matt Gaggtn, Goala Ryan Berns, Justin Kirk Warren(WImbledon),Enc Rogers4 Sterr, DaVidClem,Henel 2, DaVies 2, KatIe Case, Kathy Palazzola (Arsenal) 2 (Sheffield),MIkeWagner,Streeter (Rams) ASSistThcco(Wimbledon) Warren(Wimbledon) ASSIStsCase, Kirk 2, Manana Comments KoskiscoredhISsec Comments Steven Herron made Kouskoulas, Grace Gormley ond goal of the game In the final several tough saves In goal for (Rams) minute after a mcepass fromTocco WImbledon, aided by Michael Comments Cameron Seely and Steven Herron and Cameron Glrgentoon defense Andrew WhIte Brian Guttermuth played well Slaughter were sohd In goal and KeVinLynch played outstand defenSivelyfor the Rams, who got Arsenal s Damel Dickson and mg defense for Sheffield Ethan State champions fine mIdfield play from Marty Stephen Haberkorn each made sev Brock made several key passes at Moesta and Megan Gormley eral good saves NIcholas Ratsek mIdfieldand goalkeeperDan Holley Grosse Pointe South's baseball team celebrates at C.O, Brown Stadium in Elizabeth Clem was outstandmg In playeda goodoverail game playedWithgoodintensIty Battle Creek shortly after defeating Grand Leelge2-1 in the Division I cham- goal for the Jaguars James pionship game. It was the first state baseball title for South, which bad Counaman, Jay Grenda and NlDa Arsenal 5, Shetfield 5 Stoke City 4, Aston Villa' Corrado playedwellon both endsof reached the semifinals in 1987 and 1996. The Blue Devils were honored by Goals Ben Kelly3, Enc Rogers, Goals Colleen Emerson, Max the field Jay Trewn(Arsenall,ChriSThomas Reltzloff 2, Weston Kalogendls the community last week at a reception on the school's football field. 3, Mack Sterr, Matt Gaggm (StokeCity) (Sheffield) Comments Mark McCarthy of UNDER-8 ASSIsts Rogers 3, Josh StokeCityhad a goodgame Ingoal Lions 3, Cbargel'll 1 CreIghton (Arsenal!, Ethan Brock, Goals Max Corbett 2, Steven Joey Konen, Gaggm, Thomas UNDER.12 Mack (LIons), Michael D~luba (Sheffield) Cyclone I, SCS Red Wings 1 (Chargers) Comments Arsenal goalkeeper Goals Andrew DIckson AsSISts JessIca Peters, Patrick Dsmel Dixonplayeda strong game, (Cyclone), Brian Jacobs (Red Dragons Wmes(L,ons) while mldfieldersBrandon Lanyon Wmgs) Commenta Lorna Bums and and Frederick Scheible prOVided Comments The close,fast-paced From page IC opponents' end Sweeper GabnelleHidalgohad strongdefen- excellent support Sheffield was game featured strong goalkeeplng and tournament MVP sive games to help the Lions wm helped by the tough defense of from Charlie Fisher ofthe Cyclone reflexes She frequently set their second game of the 'eason Andrew White and Kevm Lynch Danforth had an edge over and 9trong defense by T,m up sconng dnves by blast- Ellie Farber was relentless on Jackie DaVlgSand DaVid Deary Greening, Matt DZIubaand Josh any player that came lOto defensefor the Chargers mg her kicks to midfield were excellent at mIdfield DaVid Kelly her territory KatIe Sharks 3, Knights 2 Clemand LannmgHenelmade sev- Adolph has coached the eral crowd-pleasmgsayes 10 goal Uppleger, Becky Blske and Gse Pomte action The shot was a hard started playmg lacrosse dur- wm ovef Arsenal Kronner. along With MIke O'SullIvan, popular sports at the South grad led the team one to the nght post but 109 hIS freshman year scored a goal from 25 yards C J Lee, Brendan Fossee NeIghborhood Club. WIth a 296 battmg average Danforth dove and deflected because there were no pro- out and Bennett sealed the and Paul SImon, are con- "I love the sport and I Her three homers gave her a It Wide of the goal grams available for mIddle wm With another long goal ducting a chnic and league know that the only way our two-!>eason total of seven, The fans, mcludmg the school boys MorawskI had two goals for mIddle school boys who hIgh schools Will be able to tymg the !>choolrecord under-14 Dragons, erupted In hIS JUnIor year m high and an aSSIst and was also are senous about ImprOVIng compete In the future IS for A history major, Zebot m cheers school, Bamckl helped start responsible for defendmg their lacrosse SkIlls the boys to start plaYing at pItched and played Hurd a laeross program for The Dragons '88 won all several key players from the The sessIOns begm July 10 an earlIer age," BanIckl base for the Iowa school She younger boys through the four of their prelImInary other teams from 5 30 to 7:30 p m at said "Lacrosse means a lot threw 70 2/3 mnmgs and m NeIghborhood Club He to me" games, includIng a WIn Manlyn Beardslee had Ferry Elementary School In one of her top performances, agaInst a highly-rated Ann recruited some eqUipment Lee and O'Sulhvan played "he held Lake Forest two goals and covered a lot Grosse POInte Woods They manufacturers and other Arbor Arsenal squad of ground from her mIdfield College scoreless through Grosse POInte had a 13-1 posItIon KatIe Petz had a See CLINIC, page BC "IX mmngs of a 4-4 tie sconng edge With the only goal and two aSSISts, whIle Although Gnnnell man- goal allowed on a penalty Kelly MazurkIeWicz and aged only a 5-22-1 record NOTICE OF LAST DAY kick Heather Lockhart each con- • thl!> sea'lon after postIng its The goaltendmg was out. tnbuted a goal NOTICE OF CLOSE OF REGISTRATION first wmnmg campaIgn In standIng, led by Jacobs, Ah FOR 2000, coach Tom Sonmchsen Timely assists and solId Morawski and Danforth play were also prOVided by PRIMARY ELECTION was encouraged about the FillIng 10 for the mJured future Megan Getz, Carey and Jessica PoletIs, Jacobs Uppleger Other steady per- TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2001 "If you Just conSider the played the most at goahe formances were turned In by team\ won-lost record, you Despite her lImited expen- Genna Hall, Anne Roney To the Qualified Electors of Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, don't get a true picture of ence at the positlOn, she did and Kathleen Reaume how Wt']) they competed at Grosse Pointe Park a good Job of dealIng With Steve Adolph helps John time" n he "aId "Our young the difficult weather condi- Kronner WIth the coachlOg player" Improved With every tIOns and the sloppy field NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Monday, July 9, 2001 IS the la~l day to reglsler to vote or duties on the under-13 team change your address for the above staled elcwon ~ame We .,hould be very The Dragons' defense competitive m the years to and IS the tramer Jane allowed few qualIty shots Kronner IS the team manag- comp n If you arc not currcntly reglstercd to votc or ha\ e (.hanged your addrcss 10 Ihe above slated Juns. and kept the ball In the er and condltIonmg tramer dlcllons In whIch you lIve you may do so at thc follOWing locallons and IImcs Iistcd In thl~ nOllce For Your 8.est 0..'.,".•... Qualified elcclol'i may also reglsler to vote or change thclr addre~~ m Ihe follOWing m.mners IN PERSON

    * At your CItY/lownshlp clerk's office or al lhe office of an} county clerk DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS, * At any Secrelary of State Branch office' locatcd throughout the ~late duroog normal bUSiness FRiiNDLY hours At the ~peclfled agency for chcnl~ re(.clvmg ~ervlce~ Ihrough thc Family Independence 2001 CHRYSLER PROWLER Agency, The Depanrnent of Communlly Hcahh MIchigan Jobs Comml~~lon and ,orne offices of Ihe Commission for lhe Bhnd Starting at Al lhe mIlitary recruItment offi(.cs for pcr~on, cnli~lIng In the arm cd forcc~ 844,2211* BY MAIL * .By obtalOlOg and complellng a Mail Voter Rcgl~trallon Applicallon and forwarding to lhe elec- tIOn offiCIal as dIrected on the applKallon hy thc clo~e of rcglstrallon deadllnc Mail vOler reg- ISlratlon apphcatlOn~ may be obtained by conlalllng

    JANE BLAHUT SHANE L. REESIDE City Clerk A~~I~tant City Manager/Clly Clerk Clly of Gro.~c Pomte Park City of Gro~o;e POinte Farms 1511 'i Easl JefTer~on In-8226200 90 Kerhy Road 113.8R5 6600


    A pcr~on who regl~ter~ to V()ICby mail I~ requlTcd 10 vote 10 pcr~on unlc~~ they have prevlOu~ly voted 10 person In the Clty/lown~hlp where they Iivc or arc al lea'l 60 year, of age or are handllappcd

    G PN 06I2R/OI & 07105/01 /

    July 5, 2001 Snorts .G.ro.s.se_po.i.nt.e.N.ew_s ------t" 3C Fartns-City Little League highlights MAJORS Royals 5,lndlanl 0 bie hIts Indians 8, Reds 7 Mark Schott pItched the shutout Kurt Theh pItched well for the and h,t a double for the Royals, who Indians 11, Pirates 8 Marlins 8, Cardinals 3 IndIans and also provIded aome got outstandlOg defenSIve plays The Indians battled back after Alex KoskI s first-mmng double offenae wIth a double and a home from Ryan Chesney, Peter trallmg B 2 after the first mnmg drove ,n Ryan Ml1ler WIth the run and two runa scored Jack Altshuler, Steve Reaume, Andrew After glvmg up first mnmg hIts to Marlms first run Jack Bernard Monark hIt a double and Brian DeMay, MIchael Kelly and Topher Sam Mott, CurtIS Fisher, Max Getz, and Charles Getz each had three Cenko 1IC0redtWIce Horn Gus Remillet threw out a Jon Jacobi and Nick Sterr, IndIans hIts for the Marhns and Patnck W,lhe Bryant led the Reds wIth runner attempting to steal for the pItcher Kurt Tech allowed only one Kennedy and MIller collected two three hIts, including two doubles game's final out more hit the rest of the way Tech hits apiece Marlins pitchers Drew and a home run MIchael Hemovlch and Danny Dempsey each had four Chamberlam, Bernard and Getz and MItch MIchels each had a paIr Royals 4, Tigers 3 hIts for the IndIans One of Tech's allowed only one hIt apIece Getz of hIts Hemovlch and Bryant John StelOlOger and wmnmg hIts was a game wlOnmg three run struck out SIXOver the final three lICoredtwo runs apiece pitcher Mark Schott each had two homer m the SIxth Tech and Chns mnmgs Third baseman Paul hIt. for the Rovel. and Gu< ~t€'ph€",,~ ('t)p'!"o .... rrl f"n ... ,,, sh-,lI;.r Roos"''' T1.de "l g""'d defc'1sl\ e ;:>1.1) Reds 4, Royals 0 Remillet hIt a double Schott struck outs for the Marhns MItch MIchels and TIm Deters out 11 and capped the effort by Brad Remlllets flrsHnmng dou- had two hIts apiece for the Reds strllung out the Side In the Sixth ble drove m MItchell Makos to gIve and MIchels scored tWIce The other lOnlOg MIchael Kelly, Peter TRIPLE.A the Cardmals an early lead runs were scored by Jeffrey Altshuler and Adam Longo played Twins 11, Padres 10 Harness and Tom Vander Schaaf solid games on defense Led by a balanced hlttmg attack Dodger~ 11, Marlins 0 The Reds played excellent defense and the strong pItchIng of Matthew ChTls Sh>rar s two run double 10 behmd MIchael Hemovlch, who Ti,era 13, Pirate. 9 SmIth, the Twms led 11-2 after five the second lOnlng trlggered the pItched five scoreless mnmgs Wmmng pItcher Buzz Palazzolo Innmgs The Padres, helped by Dodge'" scoTlng Max Boblnskl had WIlhe Bryant pItched a sooreless hit two homers and a bases loaded some strong rehef work by Thomas two hits lOcludmg a two run tnple mmng of rehef double and fintshed WIth seven Smale, staged a rally m the bottom Dodgers pItchers Andy Vander Steven Reaume, Ryan Chesney RBIs Robert Redlawskl and of the Sixth that fell a run short Schaaf, Shtrar and Bobby Peltz and Johnny Stemmger played well Michael Cytackl each had two hIts The Padres had the tymg run on combmed for the shutout The for the Royals for the TIgers thIrd and the wlllnmg run on sec Dodgers' mfield had a perfect sec CurtIS FIsher had three hits and ond when the Twms got the final and mnmg as third baseman Ryan A8tros 5, Royal. 4 Max Getz two for the Plra~s out Michael Doyal led the Twms MIller, shortstop Paul Roosen and Joey Conway went the dlstsnce With three hIts and Smith had two second baseman Charles Getz each for the Altros Martm Petz 1IC0red Pirates 6, Royals 2 Greg Posada and MIchael threw out runners the wmmng run 10 the bottom of DaVid Meyers pItched a five-hIt- Cunmngham scored two runs The Marlins' Patrlck Kennedy the sIXth on a passed hall Joey ter, struck out eight and drove 10 apIece and Dean Ignaglll and Doyal had the first hIt of the season Lambers, TIm Gnffith and LoUie two runs for the Pirates Phti hIt doubles Matthew Moore had an allo"ed by Peltz DaVIShad key hits for the Astros Cackowskl hit a double excellent defenSIVe game Adam Longo and Mark Schott Mark Sc'tott and Topher Horn W,lI Socla and Adam Mitchell led Marlms 2, Giants 1 each pItched three strong mmngs each had two hIts for the Royals the Padres WIth two hits apiece and Alex Kosk"s bases loaded for the Royals, whose hlttmg attack Jenny Barry and Joey Dempsey grounder down the first base hne was led by TI,n Reaume, Longo and PIrates 7, Reds 6 each scored tWIce Tomm} Graves, drove m Bobby Sullivan WIth the Tom Rermllet The PIrates pulled out the Vlcto. Socia and Patrick Deters h,t dou- wlllmng run III the seventh mnmg ry 10 the bottom of the SIxth after bles Raymond Gryebet made some Sullivan had moved to third on A8troa 5, Reds 3 the Reds had scored three runs fine plays In the field Ryan Ml1ler's fly ball to shallow Enc Alhson had two hits and two WIth two out 10 the top of the center field Marhns first baseman RBIs for the Astros and Joey mmng The Pirates' only hIts off DOUBLE-A Patrlck Kennedy robbed Ryan Conway struck out SIX m SIX Reds pitchers Bnan Barclay and Marlins 4. Red Sox 0 Gillum of a smgle on a sharply hIt Innmgs Wllhe Bryant were a perfectly- The Marhns' Tesha Kondrat had grounder down the hne Marlins Julie PadUla. who quaWled for the United States Wllhe Bryant had two hIts for placed bunt slllgie by NIck Sterr an RBI smgle m the bottom of the pitchers KoskI and Charles Getz National Team trials in Colorado Springs. is flaDked the Reds and smgles by w10mng pitcher fourth mnmg, advanced to third on combmed on a three hItter WIth no by Master Sung Shin. left. of the Grone Pointe CurtIS FIsher and Max Getz a pair of passed balls and came earned runs Pirates 8. Aatro. 0 MItch MIchels, Bryant, MIchael home on an overthrow Kondrat, GIllum pitched an outstandmg Aeademy of Tae Kwon Do and Jason GooclaU. an Joel Vandermale and CUrtiS Hemovlch and Jeffrey Harness had playmg second base, also made a game on a losmg cause, allow1Og lnBtructor at the school. Not pictured Is Duirshun FIsher combmed to pItch a five-hIt two hIts apIece for the Reds key defenSive play WIth tlVOrun only one hIt and stnkmg out i7 of McMurry, another Grosse Pointe academy student shutout for the PIrates DaVId ners on base m the second Inmng the 25 batters he faced The first who quaUfied for the U.S. team trials. Meyers broke open a close game Altro. 8, Pirates 6 Marhns pItchers Alex Koski Marhns run scored on an overthrow With a three-run homer Timmy Griffith allowed only Patnck Kennedy, Charles Getz to thIrd base In the first Inmng Joe Conway had two of the three hIts 10 plckmg up the victory Ryan MIller, Paul Roosen and Jack Gillum made an outstandIng defen- Astros' hIts Enc Alhson, LoUISDaVISand John Bernard blanked the Red Sox on sive play In the bottom of the Sixth Mecke had two hits apIece for the one hit, a double by Lelf Rodney mnmg IVhen he caught a pop up to Local students attend Tigen 9, Astro. 5 Astros Red Sox pitchers Clayton retire the SIde and strand two run- MIchael Thomas scored feur Jon Jacobi had two of the Mandel, Jonathan Bamford and ners on the bases runs for the TIgers, who ,l(ot sohd PIrates' three hIts Includlllg a dou- Rodney held the Marhns to four pItching from DaVId Bamford and national team trials Buzz Palazzolo Andy Krebs had a key hIt for the TIgers Babe Ruth highlights from Two students at the McMurry, 19, has been a LoUIeDaVISdrove In two runs for Grosse Pomte Academy of student of Grosse Pomte the Astres, who also had a good Tae Kwon Do attended the Academy director Master game from John Mecke Umted States NatlOnal Hee Sung Shm since he was Farms-City-Park diamonds Astrotl 11. Pirates 10 team tnals at the OlympiC years old He was a 9 1996 The Astros overcame a 10-1 McGWIRE DMSION Indians 10, Blue Jays 4 Indians 10, Cubs 6 Training Center m Colorado natIOnal JUnior champiOn defiCIt to wm theIr SIxth straIght Blue Jays 5, Cubs 4 Ryan Gunderson allowed only A SIXrun thlfd mmng helped the Spnngs KatIe Drabecki, a student game Steve Butterly hIt a two-run Anthony DeLaura doubled and one hit over the first five mmngs IndIans rally from a 5 1 defiCIt double to start a sIx-run rally LoUIe JulIe PadIlla and at the Grosse Pomte scored the tymg run, while Ricky and the Indians used an eight-run SIngles by NIck Andrew, Harry DaVIS, Joey Conway and wmnmg Soper scampered home WIth the second mmng to beat the Blue Jays DUIrshun McMurry qualI- Academy ofTae Kwon Do, is Galac Ben Schrode, NIck Leonard, pitcher Enc Alhson had hits 10 the wmnlng run as the Blue Jays came Gunderson, Jeff Stephens, Harr) Ryan Gunderson, Matt M,chels and fied for the natIOnal team on the US Junior National wmnmg slxth-mnlng outburst from behind 10 the bottom of the Galac and Brad Glenn had hIts to Jeff Stephens contnbuted to the tnals by earnmg thIrd-place team and brought a bronze CUrtIS FIsher, NIck Sterr and seventh Inmng Soper and Brian hlghhght the IndIans blg Illmng outburst medals at the recent medal back from the World Jon Jaoobl had Important hIts for Russell each had two hIts for the The Blue Jays got two h,ts apIece A double by DaVId Trupiano and the PIrates Jays and J P Wagner had one from Stefan Harns and Brian National Tae Kwon Do ChampiOnships In 1999 a smgle by NIck Frazzltta were the Austm McClung went the dIstance , Russell and four strong mnmgs of ChampiOnshIps m key hIts 10 the Cubs' four run rally Royals 9, Pirate. 3 for the VICtory rehef pitchlllg from Peter Hrtanek onthe top of the third Cleveland Drew DeMay hit a three-run NIck Frazzltta, DaVId TrupIano The Grosse Pomte school homer to lead the Royals Steve and Bnan WOJewmk collected hIts indians 9, Athletlcs 5 Clinic- Reaume made a good runnmg catch for the Cubs III Spina makes IS the only one from The Ind,ans scored seven runs In the outfield and John SIlva and MIchigan that sent students From page2C their final two at bats and Ken Ryan Chesney made fine plays 10 Braves 10, Blue Jays 0 FranCIS allowed only three hIts an impact to the U S team trials the mfield to support the strong lacrosse and graduated from The Braves Jumped out to an through the first SIXmnmgs NIck Padilla, 17, IS a straight-A pltchmg of Gus Remlllet Reaume, early lead and coasted to the v,cto Andrew had three hits and scored Fri"shman J D Spma of South 10 1998 Mark Schott and John SteIninger student at Grosse Pomte ry JIm Solomon led the Braves three runs for the Indians, who Grosse Pomte Farms made South "The sport tS contagIous," hIt doubles and Topher Horn had WIth Ihree hIts Matt McClory had broke the game open w,th a four Lee said "Once you pick up two hits two hIts and Andy Bennett, Don run SIxth as FranCIS and Harry an Immediate Impact on the Drew Umverslty men's ten- a stick and play, you can't ThIll, Dan RozyckI and Steven Galac each doubled and Ben Roy;'ls 4, Reds 2 Johnson added one apiece Schrode and J efTStephens hit sm ms team leave it alone" Steve Reaume helped preserve Mustangs J P Wagner, Austin McClung, gles Spma, a Umversity Lee, a goahe, has played the VICtory for Mark Schott WIth Bnan Dempsey, Peter Stevens and Steve Manmno had the bIg hIt m Liggett School grad, Jumped lacrosse for Plattsburg two outstanding catches 10 the out Grant Lockhart had the Blue Jays' the AthletICS' late rally (N Y) and Wittenberg (OhIO) field late 10 the game Schott hIts mto the first smgles posltlOn start with recorded eIght strikeouts and Peter umverslties and thiS year IndIans 10, TIgers 6 and posted a 15-12 record Altshuler played a good game at Indians 7, Reds 6 The IndIans overcame an early He was the runner-up m the plans to play for Michigan shortstop Michael Kelly, John NIck Andrew led off the mnth 5 0 defiCit WIth a seven run, third Middle Atlantic Conference a kick State Stemmger and Topher Horn each Illnlllg WIth a SIngle and Ben mmng rally It was hIghlighted by a O'SullIvan IS a mlClfielder had two hits for the Royals Jenzen followed WIth a two-run double from Ryan O'Keefe two sm Smgles tournament He was The Pomte Girls Soccer at Plattsburg and also homer Jenzen and Andrew also gles by Ryan Gunderson and sm the MVP of the Freedom AsSOCIation under-9 Blue Royal. 7, Tigen 8 combllled as pitchers to hold the gles from Ben Schrode, Ken Conference and a conference wants to help mtroduce Adam Longo led the Royals WIth Mustangs were undefeated Reds to four hIts NIck Leonard had FranCIS, Mlck Bassett and NIck all-star lacrosse to youngsters 10 the three hIts Doug Esae made a fine a paIr of smgles and Brad Glenn Andrew m their first SIX spnng He also posted an commumty catch In center field Mark Schott drove m two runs for the IndIans Second mntng smgles from 18-2 games "I have learned so much got the VICtory and Gus RemlJlet Scott Kurtz had two smgles and Bnan Pawlaczyk, TIm Muer, Ben record at second doubles posted the save scored a run for the Reds and received so much plea- FIscher and Vinme PantZZI helped WIth fellow freshman Juhan The Mustangs began the stake the TIgers to their early lead Fuller sure from thIS sport," year With a WIn over the 2-D O'Sulhvan saId "I'm really Genesee Star Echpse eXCited about usmg my The next two games With expenence to help improve the Rochester Llghtnmg and the level of lacrosse played Umted Spnngboks ended m 10 our commumty The chmc GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL 1-1 ties should Le mten«c and every- SYSTEM Take a walk one should walk away WIth The Mustangs snapped, Improved skl1ls " out of their scormg dol- Fossee IS a two-time, first- CORRECTED NOTICE with a legend. drums m their next game as team All-State mldfielder July 'oSs. :loot TPC of Mlchl .. n, De_rbom they rolled past the EclIpse from Grosse Pomte North NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4-1 The hot sconng pace He IS a 2000 North grad He ON BREAKFAST PROGRAM contmued WIth a 4-0 WIn was also an All-Amen can Ii's the CMmplonshlp lOll fans walt lor IU year. A chance to walk the TPC with the lepnds of I01f: over the Troy Blizzard finahst as a semor A prOVISIOn of the MIchigan School Laws requIres all K-12 JKk Nkklaus, Tom Watson, Lee Tre¥lno, Tom Kltt, "Lacrosse taught me that school dlstncts to prOVide breakfasl programs unJes~ Ihe dl~- A late goal gave the HalellWln, Guy Player Ind deftndlnl cMmp!on you get out of somethmg Mustangs a 1-0 WIn over the tncl proVIded less than 20% of liS lunche~ at free or reduced Raymond Floyd. And IlIOn!I what you put mto It," he Grosse Pomte Soccer rates at any of II schools dunng the pnor <;chool year In that said "If you want to get bet- ASSOCiatIOn Vipers event, the Dlslncl may opt not to offer a breakfa~1 program, but ter, you'd better be prepared ~~~ II IS first reqUired to conduct a public hearing whIch ~eek~ to work at It " Rae Sklarskl was the Input from parents and pupils on the I~sue SImon IS another North SENIOR PlAYFRS leadmg scorer for the QijAMl'10N8HlP grad who made first-team Mustangs In their first three All-State when he was 10 The Supenntendent of Schools Will he recommending that the games, followed by Anana high school Gros~e POINe Public SLhool Sy~tem not prOVide a hreakfasl ContI Emma Hull and Juha "It's kmd of Iromc that program The reason 's thatll would be cO~l prohlhllive due to SoleckI also scored goals Bamckl and I are workmg the small number of parllclpants and would require local tax OffenSive support came together on raIsmg the level doll an. to supplement such a program from Calthn Barry, of lacrosse m our commUnI- Stephame Bauble, ty," SImon saId "Our dads Alexandra BraCCI, AleXia Therefore, Ihe reqUired public hearing WIll be held on Monday worked together In 1996 to Diamond, Kelly Fox and July 9, 2001 at 700 pm, as a pari of Ihe regular meellng of make lacrosse a varsity Bndget McDeVItt the Board of Educallon The meelln8 w,lI be held at the sport ThIs should be a lot of Mustangs goahes Conti, fun and the partICIpants WIll Wicklng Library at Grosse Pointe South High School. 11 Hull and Ehzabeth Anne learn a lot" Grosse Pointe Blvd •• Grosse Pointe Farms. Michigan All Kennedy allowed only three For more mformatIOn on parents, students and other Intere~ted cltllen~ are welcome to goals m the first SiX games the chmc, VISit The Lacrosse allend They had excellent defen- Company's web Site at sive help from Molly Board of Education Http Ilwww eteamz,comlthel Andrew, Kate Howard and The Grosse POInte Public School Syslem acrossecompany or contact Molly Onderbeke G PN 07/05101 Linda Farmer. Secretary Bamckl at (313) 886-9294 , c

    Thursday, July 5, 2001 Classifieds Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882-6900 ext. 3

    • • Grosse Point~ N~ws CL8551 FIEIlNIttJiIE nTISI NG -ANIMAl.S-1) ,', <:ONNICjjON 313-882-6900 ext. 3 web. hnp:lIgrossepolntenews,com FAX: 313-343-556 _500_509 1Ea CLHSSIFiED 'ADVERTISING [l£ADUNES AD STYLIS: Q.USlfYW\IG & CENSOI5HP: fJ AUTOMOnvE Wi' 96 Kercheval. Grosse POll'lle Farms MI 4823 REALUWl: FOR SAtE Word Ad, 12 word. $12 75 We re,erve the fight to da,,,fy 600 614 (313) 882-6900 ext 3. Fex (313) 343-5569 & RfNTALS odd'honal word, 65< eoch eoch od .nd.... " appropriate ANNOUNCEMENTS web htlp IIgtossepolnlenews ~~SSIFICATION'; .' Word Ads MONDAY 4 pm Abbre',,"',on'!!2! OCCeplod heading The p"b1,.h... 099 104 ------= Photo. logo Art Meo",r ed A.d $2260 pet' rese"'e, the fight to ed,t or 650RECREATIONAl661 MONDAY 12 pm col.mn lOch relect od copy ,ubm,"ed lor SPECIAL SERVICES 0 leoll for Hol,day close dote,) Border Ad, $2485 per p"bllCollon 105 127 0 column lOch COUfCTlONS & ADJUSTMENTS It REAL ESTATEFOA RENT • Cl.ASSIFIEDS flfQ(jENCY DlSCOUNTS' gIVen ResponSlb,l,ty lor c1oss.f,ed ------'See ''''' Mog=ne See,,,,,, TUESDAY 12 NOON lor mult week scheduled advertISing ... rar "I,mlted to HElP WANTED "Y_- fo, all C""_hod ICol1 for Holiday close date" odv ... h' ng w.th prepoyment .. ther 0 conc .. lot on of the 200 208 Reol Euo .. F", Ren. oell SpecICll rates for help or credit opproval chorge or a re rim ol the REAl ESTATE FOR SA1£ wonled _lion. Call for role, or lor more 0 ,nformatlon port,on '" ... ror Not,fKatlon SITUATION WANTED 's..ou~~olClo''''••srned Reoi-E.... Fo: PAYMINTS Phone Ionescon be "".y on must be g,v.n In lime for 300 310 "" Pn!poxment Ill! I Iv h, ,h. ,~~. MERCHANDISE GUIDE TO SfRVlCfS UiW oh.r the ~"I I",.rt,on 400 419 900 982 tUO 14 1405 15 1410 1 11131 17 SIIOI)'8 ,.1" 19 117.3C20 117.

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'$110.000 W.ban &h. , ~ pairs from SWeden, ESTABLISHED Grosse (810)446 ..0373 qUlred, database fa- Grosse POinte Woods tlve salary and bene- day- Wednesday, 8- :' ."::=I~~..~ Germany, France POinte barber shop for mlilanty needed Rals- (313)884.1710 fits Leave vOice mall, 5 Male! female Com- • • mak.,.our , • South Africa & Japan lease For InformatIOn. er's Edge a plus Full ------313-647.5100 puter expenence Fax., dn...... oom.tru. '. FleXible. legal. 45 120 TUTORING EDUCATION time Fax resume to HARD working, organ- lenerl resume 313-. 4c:rJ1 Rlchanll.aDduJh • please call, (313}882- hours! week Average 313-886.2904 or Ized, punctual Indlvld- WAITRESS- expen- 882-2515 • 4 .. 313.885-2000' • 5580 MATH tutor Eleven ooalm@gp ual needed for clean- enced Mornings, ear. • 'Coldwell Banker' • cost $2401 week per family, not per child years expenence Ing offices In the Iy afternoons Grosse RECEPTIONIST. .' Schweitzer '. 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS 800-960-9100 or teaching middle and academy org POIntades n BIrml.ng Polnte area B0b, Grosse POinte area .' G P FIU'IDII ..' • Sharon, 313-881- high school math AUTO MechaniC Expe- ham Must have own (313)824-4624 Medical specialists IlO: :.l AUSTIN Catholic- 1959 5643 yearbook wanted (313)822-9366 nenced, nonsmoker, transportation and rel- looking for a proles- 203 H. W.N URSES AWES www euraupa,r com RiCk, (313)682-6820. reliable friendly Ex. erences (313)885. WAITRESS. part time slonal. motIVated and GROSSE POINTE CONVAlESCENT CARE or 313.885-2423 cellent payl fleXible 1435 or (313}220- Nights Apply at Your experienced medical 305 SITUATIONS WANTED LEARNING CENTER hours Swan Import 7570 Place Lounge. 17326 receptionist MediC CAREGIVER for elderly HOUSE ClEANING 5.n.u 1t'/77 16100 East Warren, ------East Warren Computer experience woman In Grosse comer of Devonshire INSIDE sales- small St desirable Outstand- BOAT, house & office 131 K"rch"val, G. P. F. ;::::==::::==:::::~=:; POinte condo midnight (313)882-9273 Clair Shores manufac- EXPERIENCED Ing work environment shift (313}824.3754 cleaning Lisa 313-343-083& turers rep Imn Fax re- HAIRDRESSER Excellent pay and (810)445-1490 ERRANDS & MORE BARMAID wanted. sume With salary reo WANTED benefits Please lax Your on call as needed nights, expenenced qUirements to 810- :rtalr Avo I';) e At BJIy resume With a hand- CLEANING lady can personal & profeSSIO- 121 DRAPERIES (313)521-8155, after 774-1490 GrOSQPonOOar~Salon wnnen cover leiter to clean your house Ex- • 4 Referpnce$ nal do all assistance pm LOOKING for PR! exec- Mane at 313-640- penenced Own trans- Your busyness ISour CUSTOM DRAPERIES BOOKKEEPER! utlve assistant for 313-822-8080 """ 1740 (IMSMnJ portation Call Margar- Blinds, carpet, bUSiness licensed, ADMINISTRATIVE small growing busI- 201 HELP WANTED et, 313- 891-4923 bonded, Insured wallpaper, 300 SITUATIONS WANTED ASSISTANT ness Consultant sta. lAilYSITTER (810)773-9920 Bedspreads. decorative IlA8YSITTERS DEPENDABLE & hon- A local CPA firm located tus (810)242-8378 CARE for Infant and 6 accessones ATTENTION: est housekeeper does In Grosse POinte IS leave information year old In our Grosse I'LL come to you and VISit our Showroom at by MICHIGAN LAW cleaning, laundry, 22224 Gratiot looking for an individual MAMA Rosa's Plzzena POinte home, full time take your portraits 25 With a minimum of three 0 DAY CARE FACILITIES Ironing & more 313- pictures for $25 Call DRAPERIES BY PAT needs phone help, wn transportation (In-home & centers) 870.1295 Bob,313-881-4413 8100778-2584 years expenence In cooks. waltstaff, pizza Grosse POinte reler- Part. bme RN's must show their bookkeeping and makers & delivery ences necessary $.32 20Ms/t + rriIeage current license to your DONT kick It to the curb 125 tem FURNITURE refinished, 881.0360 GROWING bUSIness ask for MIke 313-882- tant approx 20- 25 repaired stripped. any 9090 .,.,.GROWING bUSiness needs help Work =:-:-::=~ _ hours Serious appll. 'v1<1kll\gThe mo<;t or Hllir re,ll (,,!ell( ,dndrd Nd"on .II ~I !-XXh-,040 Downtown Romeo call www JustTheGood System com or 8tO- dleux at Kercheval medical cliniC Call Life com (888)805-6135 447-2255 See Phil (810}445.3070 Open 7 days a week, r 11f({ tl <1\\ iUcI WlllIltnd loc ilIlOn., Ie' c 11()O.,( Irom 10.6 (810)752'5422 Classifieds Thursday, July 5, 2001" (313)882.6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (R(HANDISE ANTIQUES I (OLLEOIBlES 408 FURNITURI 408 FURNITURE 409 GARAGE/YARDI 409 GARAGE/YARD/ 412 MISCHlAN£OUS 41 S WANTED TO BUY BASEMENT SAlt IlASEMENI SALE ARII

    LARGE HARDWARE & LUMBER YARD Don't Forget- LIQUIDATION AUCTION Call your ads in Early! Saturday, July 7, 10:00A.M, Classified AdvertiSing 313-882-6900 ext 3 SIBLEY LUMBER CO., 25212 HARPER AVE., 4887 KEN<;INGTON, DETROIT Gro!lq Ibtnl~ N.lws ST. CLAIR SHORES, MI 12 houses south of Warren) c?iyhiSiN locallon From lei 696 '" 96 South on 96 to 10 MIl" Rd FRIDAY, JULY 6TH. 9-4 III"n E.1" on 10 Mil" Rd 10Hal'J'<'r, then NOrlll 1 block J.mmod fulllow

    ----_._------Thursday, July 5, 2001 Classifieds Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882-6900 ext. 3

    60S AUTOMOTIVE 606 AUTOMOTIVE 610 AUTOMOTIVE 610 AUTOMOTIVE 612 AUTOMOTIVE , 653 IOATS PARTS AND 6 S1 BOATS AND MOTOR 5 FOREIGN SPORT UTILITY SPORTS CARS SPORTS CARS VANS MAINT!NANCE 1998 Chevy Suburban 1999 Corvette converti- HONDA S2000 converti- 1999 Dodge Ram Con- e BENETEAU 1987, MARINE WOODWORK LT, pewterl blue leath- ble, 16K Metallic red/ ble, 2001, black! red version van, fully load. length 375, beam 12 Custom deSigned & bUilt sp18URrs er, 4WD, remole start, \..RECREAnONAL... Swan~Auto tan Auto, all options Intenor, 100 miles ed Low mileage, 4, draft 6 5, ngged for Cabinetry Repairs, dry- 6100 EaSt WarreI loaded, 49,000 miles Factory Mags $38,000 (313)882- black! sliver, $22,0001 racing, lots of extras rot 23 Years Expen- $24,5001 negotiable Comer of Devonshire) $42,0001 best 1308 best offer (313)884- 651 BOATS AND MOTORS $59,000 (313)882- ence Have PortfOlio Days 810.783.6245, (313)885-9868 7701 1308 & Relerences Sales &- Service evenings (313)886- 611 AUTOMOTIVE 1966 Cal- 30 Very good Monday. Friday 8631 TRUCKS ------1995 Ford E.250 cargo condition Hull awl- 8:3~5:30 1965 Mercedes Benz 1998 Honda CRV, pow- 1993 Chevrolet Subur- van, very clean, lad- gnpped Eleven sails 230 SL Excellent 313-882-7760 er Windows/ lock, air, ban- 314 ton, 4 X 4, der racks shelves Self tallmg Winches condition While 2 Atomlc.4 engme 1984 Honda, Magna. 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Must seel $10,000 $15,000, (313)885- 885-3234 SPORT UTIlITY $14,000 313-417- 8871 dltion $2,000 313- 2363,810.202-1742 (313)884.1409 9345 2000 Chevy Tracker- DONATE your boat! 882-3523 1987 Mustang LX con- 1994 Plymouth Voyag- 17' 1993 Boston Whaler lint, CD, all power, 1981 GMC city owned clean Lake St Clalrl 1997 Jeep Wrangler vertible, V8, 64,000 er. 7 passenger, black With trailer & cover, • Low Jack, 12,000 mUniCipal dump truck, We Are Here Founda- 661 WAT£R SPORTS Sport, 69000 miles, Original miles Stored With gray Intenor cleanl $12,000 • miles, $15,0001 best 5. 7 yards $7,000 tion (810)778-2143, automatic AMIFM winters Many new $'1500 (313)8863204 "J'ghts, 810 777 9555 (313)343'6195 features $6,2001 best 1'-4lyhtf>, 8 iO-Ti7-il550 100% tax deductible! 2 1989 Seado, "',,' sepa- CD Many extras Ex- rate, 583cc, $2,900 cellent condition Must offer (313)884-7381 DONATE your cars, non-profit 1992 GMC Jimmy, for both (313)886- seel $13,750 beats, R V, trucks, SEARAY- 1997 18ft, 2WD, 4 door, 94,000 3204 (313)824-1431 1992 Stealth ES- 47,000 The Classifieds ... property to MISSing bow nder Excellent miles, Delco Bose actual miles Summer Children ProJect- for a Condition Garaged Visa 60Mastercard system $6,0001 best C1asslfleda:0.-31__~-6IlOO x 3 dnven $10,0001 offer tax donation Accepted (810)773.2690 year 'round $9,700 ~ Owner, 313.516-7430 (313)884-9324 (313)886-3039 0.--_ ~ DIRECTORY OF SERVICES ~'<' ",:MimE m;mlm ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 904 ASPHALT PAVING 907 gASEMENT 911 BRICK/gLO(K WOR K REPAIR WATERPROOFING 911 8RIed!ln-;ured" 313-822-3000 -Seal CoolIng & Cr.,k Fill.. 313-882-0717 -Drainage Systems SpecialiZing In kitchen Free E.,>lImdIC,> EXPERT decks, any 800-305-9859 Insured and bathroom remod- Installed JAMES KLEINER style or size Licensed eling Tile work of any 810-790-1923 MODERN FENCE 810-773-8087 licensed & Insured Basement waterproof- & Insured Enc, 810- kind Beautiful crafts- White Cedar SpeCialists A-1 Quality Ing, masonry, 776-9398 manshIp, excellent Serving the Grosse 907 BASEMENT concrete, 25 years Workmanship references No fee es- P_TT1I1IS-.n 919 CHIMNEY ClEANING 929 DRYWALL/PLASTERING POlntes since 1955 WATfRPROOFING In the Polntes. SBIVI~ 810-296-3882 timates (313)640- GAIWlES ST1WIIIfTIIEI Automatic Gate Opener 313-885-2097 J CAIlP£IITIl.Y-_ AFFORDABLE plaster- CHAS. F. JEFFREY St. Clair Shores, MI 0878 CGCIEWOIlK 29180 Gratiot. RoseVille Basement MAYNARD ROTTBI WOOD • DOORS Ing 25 years expen- 810- 776-5456 ADJUST'EIll REPAIRED SAFE FLUE ence, guaranteed Waterproofing MASONRY COUNTER tops- gran- 936 flOOR SANDING/ 'R.R. CODD work, free estimates. - 40 Yrs Expenence 20 years expenence Ite, marble, all types CHIMNEY SERVICE Lou Blackwell 810- REFINISHING -Outside -Inside Method Fundy liD" 1~z~ Masonry Repairs 18 years expenence • Chlmney Clean~ng 776-8687 *Innovatlve Hardwood- -Walls Straightened "Excellence in Chimney & Porches Licensed, Insured • Caps and Screens Hardwood Floors-19851 & Braced Waterproofing" Tuck POinting, Joe, (313}881-1085 ANDY SqUIres Plaster- -Foundations Installed Sandlng.Reflnlshlng- 20 year Guarantee (313)506-6116 Ing & Drywall Stucco Underpinned D & R Maintenance • Mortar and Repairs-New Installation SAVE on light masonry, repair. Spray textured -Licensed & Insured SpecialiZing In ma- Damper Licensed & Insured tuck pOinting, bnck re- ceilings (810)755- -Pea Stone Bacldill sonry work, chimney Repair Tim Tarpey 313-882-1800 placement Strong ref. HOllllEWORKS 2054 -Spodess Clean-Up repair, tuck pOinting, • Animal Removal 810-772-6489 erences Free esti- 313-886-5565 gutter maintenance, Cel1i!led Master Sweep B&J Constructlon- Dry. mates Call Mike. .CUSTOM CARI'ENTRY A1 EVER DRY roof maintenance, DECKS wall and plastenng (313)884-0985 TOM TREFZER BASEMENT painting extenorl Inte- -DECK MAINTENANCE. profeSSionals Fram. Kinley & Company WATERPROOFING SEMI retired bnck layer STAINING (313)882-5169 lng, drop ceilings, Hardwood Floors nor Rep Joe Law- -CUSTOM PAINTING, -Free InspectIOns 50 years In masonry rence (810)498-8117 -PLASTER DRYWALL complete finISh base- Lay, sand, and finish -Free Estimates 911 IRICK/BLOCK WORK trade Reasonable li- REPAIR ments. Free Ideas and licensed and Insured -Licensed -Bonded censed Insured 810- KITCHENS: profeSSIO- -INSURANCE WORK esllmates (313)331- (313)640-9349 -Insured -FinanCing A1 Bnck 45 years expe- 772-3223 nal desl9n. many cab- COACHLIGHT 1364 CHIMNEY SWEEP CO, ARTIST-TREE depend- -70,000 Satlsfted nence Porches, bro- Inet choICes 31 yea rs (810)772-1617 Slate UcenSllll PLASTER & drywall re- able, on -time work customers. ken steps, tuck pOint- expenence Licensed L1CE111SED Il\lSUJlED pair and pelntlng done by nice guys -Lifetime transferable Ing Licensed & Insured Mel Ellison, ~ 5154 (810)294-4216 Grosse POinte refer. Free estimates warranty 810-776-9398 ~ 313-527-9090 ences Call Charles (313)567.0612 ALL masonry work- ~ .Chlp' Gibson Tuckpolnt, chimney, REMODELING kitchens 916 CARPET INSTALLATION hsIaIIet1 313-884-5764 FLOOR sandmg and fin- bncks, block, stones bathrooms, base- Ishing Free esti- JAMES KLEINER AIlIIllaIIlt!rIllllIal Basement waterproof- Lay patio slate Ce- ments, attiCS, top line GARY'S Carpet Servo PLASTER repaIrs, mates Terry Yerke, Clltl1/ied& ing, masonry, ment steps Reinforce matenalSif labor Ref- Ice Installation, reo pamling Cheap I No (810)772.3118 concrete. 25 years house foundations erences, free esti- stretching Repairs tIsInd Job too smalll Call In the POlntes. References 810-779. mates 313-610-7871 Carpet & pad availa- any1lme Insured G &G FLOOR CO 313-885-2097 7619 ble 810-228-8934 885-3733 (810)774-2827 RESIDENTIAL Wood floors only PLASTER- newl repair, ALL PRO HOMES INC. 313-885-0257 R.L. 913CEMENT WORK Intenorl extenor fa- Bnck repair or replaced, Additions, dormers Floors of distinction 920 CHIMNEY REPAIR cade, ceramic tde Porches, chimneys, kitchens CEMENT work- dnve- since 1964 STREMERSCH Good work NinO, tuck pointing All types of renovalions ways, porches, patiOS, J&J Bob Grabowski BASEMENT Licensed and Insured (810)498-3998 WATERPROOFING Licensed/Insured garage floors, bnck CHIMNEY Founder I President (810)n6-5167 (313)717-4663 block work nle work licensed, Insured, WALLS REPAIRED SYSTEMS, INC. SEAVER'S Home Main- BRICK repair. porches, Bonded InSUred tenance Plaster, dry- member of The STRAIGHTENED MICH. LIC. # 71-05125 steps, tuckpolnllng, (313)527-8935 wall, textures, paint. Better Busmess Bureau REPLACED Chimneys repaired, glass block Windows Ing 19 years 10 Free estimates rebUilt, re-lined ALLWORK KeVin, (810)779-6226 Grosse POinte 313- We supply, Install, sand, SMALL repairs Tuck- Gas flues re.llned 882-0000 stain and finish wood GUARANTEED JEM Masonry All ma- For All YOGrHon'f pOlnltng, porches, Cleaning Glass Block floors, new & old LICENSED sonry repairs See our Improvemt.r)t Needs' chimney repairs J W Certified, Insured SMOOTH plaster and Klemer Sr, (313)882- SpecialiZing In 313-884-7139 ad under chimney re- SpeLI2'IIZI'l~In (810)795-1711 drywall repairs wrthout 0717 Glrtsa finish SER\I1NG COM !AUNITV 3' VE"RS pair (313)881-9205 sanding Other main. K'[('lem I\.. Be['l, 810-778-2050 tenance services 9078ASEMENT 907 BASEMENT 313-885-3959 918 CEMENT WORK 918 CEMENT WORK available LICensed Visa, DIScover & WATERPROOFING WATERPROOFING and Insured Mastercard accepted

    , (313)824-0869 ~~~~~~~~~ ...~ PIONEER FLOORS 912 BUILDING/REMODELING 912 8UILDING/REMODElING 930 ElECTRICAL SERVICES Custom ,,,-.~SK1EIN8..a GRAZIO Home Installation, ».... BUEIII.,. *r FIRST Expert Floor Sanding, •• RIP.DOnIS CONSIRUCllON, INC Staining Finishing A BUllness BUllIOn Hones!}', [ntegTl!}' 1'< Dependan,lay ELECTRICAL SINCE 1963 Free Estlmates.lnsured \\,'h 858 expenence Call Spooal,z'"3c~~AR OFFS 313-886-7602 Interior & ElC1erlor Rodger, (313)884. RRestoratoon & Custom Pomtong Pamf Removal Spec,ol,sts 5887 I:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Charles IChip' Gibson Drywall & Plaster Repair SpeCIalIsts Rotted Woad Replacement CUSTOM PAINTING Window Glazmg & Caulking Power Washing Siding, Brick & PatIo INTERIOR &: EHTERIOR PRINIIN6 'REE ESnMATES folly l,c"",ed &. 'n,u~d .Water Damage Co Insurance Work fRUX f 11'011SHES REASONABLE RATES 810 778-9619 .Wallpaper Remoual .Ragging Co Hanging .G1azlng TEAROFFS .Plaster Repair .Sponglng, etc. D. BROWN !ntrnor utt'nor .Stalnlng Co Refinishing Speclallzmg PAINTING & REMODELING m repa In ng dama~ RESHINGLE • FLAT ROOFING DERl DIRECTLY WITH THE OWNER INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPES plaster 8( drywall, crackS, peeling paml, c.aullong, GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS .licensed Co Insured ~pong,ng Ragging ~pl(klf Dr~gg,ng lMfJf'nlry WIndow glazmg, .COmmercall Co Restdentlal Drywall PI",!!" Repair Kllchen, Balh, Basement .1111Work Warranteed power wash, Rrmod!'lrng Np\\ Wlndow,/Doorl Dffk, ~ence\ '---:'torRJliire .References In your are Porche<; D. "gn omtalum,num SIdIng 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE 1\1IL RID • {jJuiUfino &~ation 1m. (,LARA'o,JHO 313-884-576 FREE ESTIMATE. FULLY INSURED RFFFRF.,,( F' 313-885-4867 N FUlly 31N84-1443 LIcensed 313-881-3386 Insured ---. -""...... """' - - ..

    July 5,2001 se Grosse Pointe News

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    - Page 2 VourHo.l!l~ . Thurs~uLy 5, 2001 Deck cleaning without using harsh bleach Q. Mr. Hardware, we want to ON TN. COV." •• clean our deck before applying a sealer. How should I remove the gray and black spots off the deck? Ask Is there a sealer that will last more than one season? Golfin' 'Ibm G. of Mr. St. Clair Shores. A. 'Ibm, preparing a deck for a ardware 1010 LAKE SHORE finish does not have to be a difficult job. The black spots are mildew GROSSE POINTE SHORES growing in the wood.For safety use By Blair Gilbert The opportunity of a lifetime is here to own a Woolmans deck cleaner, or Oxyclean oxygen bleach. They will Gilbert's Pro Hord:wtIT~ w brand new mansion on Lake St. Clair in Grosse not hurt you or your plants. Mix phi. Pointe Shores. Built to the highest specification, the product according to directions If the wood looks good wet after and apply the mixture to the deck. you rinse it off, it will probably look this elegant French style home is in a totally Use a scrub brush with a long han- good with a stain on it. Moreover, dle. This will keep you on your feet remember; do not apply a deck secluded and tranquil environment with 100 feet and allow you to cover a larger stain to damp wood! Sealing in of lakefront. area quicker. moisture is guaranteed to ruin The deck cleaner will foam as it most any deck finish. cleans the deck, not unlike using Since the EPA has taken all the hydrogen peroxide on a cut. Let it nasty wood preservatives out of 12 ALGER PLACE work for 15 minutes or so. Rinse deck finishes (good for the environ- completely with a garden hose, and ment, bad for our decks) we have GROSSE POINTE in a couple of days you should be been trying to find products that able to apply a deck sealer. really last. We currently prefer Dramatic columned brick Colonial on a quiet cul- For dark stains that "oxygen Kushguard Deck Stain or Valspar's de-sac a few doors from Lake St. Clair. This bleach" cleaners do not get out, Wood 1bner to be of the best we switch to oxalic acid (wood bleach) have used. They have linseed or home is absolutely fabulous both from the or Bio-Wash's Woodwash. They do tung oils, a mildecide, and ultravi- a fantastic job of deck stain olet protectors. The oils penetrate exterior elevation to the phenomenal interior. removal, just are not as mild as the deep into wood fibers displacing Outstanding design, quality and decor throughout. oxygen bleach. Be sure to hose the water, preventing rot and splitting. surrounding plants with water Our general results so far report at first to prevent them from absorb- least two years of quality for most ing these stronger cleaners. customers. 16628 EAST JEFFERSON The use of a power washer with the above products should not be Send your questions to Mr. GROSSE POINTE PARK required. When using one On a Hardware c/o Gilbert's Pro deck be careful not to ruin the deck Hardware at 21912 Harper in St. Designed by the distinguished architect, Wallace by blowing off all the soft pulp- Clair Shores 48080; call (810) 776- Frost, this spectacular French country manor wood. In most cases, leave the use 9532, e-mail of a power washer to a profession- staf/@mrhardware.com, or visit the incorporates many of the delightful design al. If you do use one, be sure to use new and improved www.mrhard- it on low power and less than 1,200 ware.com to retrieve past columns. features for which he is admired and emulated. Featured in "the Buildings of Detroit". '" 't '" '\ Q- "\ """'" f~",,~ Good Housekeeping ,<-' 60 LAKESHORE DRIVE .. 0-. ).,.-,j >:-.>St..-- V'<:'<'~~d. Q. Lately, I've seen ground cin- Q. The Indian restaurant in my namon from Saigon at the store. GROSSE POINTE FARMS How is it different from the regular neighborhood serves a curry dish Magnificent lakefront estate on sublime piece of cinnamon I always buy? called vindaloo. What makes it A. Your bottle is from Indonesia, taste so different from regular cur- historic Grosse Pointe Farms land. Set on over and it's still the most common form ries? two acres, this mansion has many glorious sold in this country. But about two A. Vindaloo is much hotter, although it has a sweet-and-sour years ago, U.S. importers began note, too. The original dish was a architectural details and abundance of original buying the spice from Vietnam. Portuguese pork stew seasoned Pewabic tile. This Vietnamese, or Saigon, van- with garlic and wine vinegar, but ety has a more intense flavor when it was brought to the Indian (think red-hot candies) and deep- district of Goa by Portuguese brown color - and a higher price colonists, and made with the local (about 85 cents more per ounce). If ground red chiles, mustard seeds, you would like to keep both on your ginger, coriander, cumin and black shelf, use the Saigon cinnamon for peppercorns, the dish developed its bold spIce rubs or deep, dark gin- dIstinct fiery flavor. Gaa vindaloos are usually still made with pork, gerbread, and shake the sweeter but you can use any meat or veg- Indonesian variety onto toast or etable. And serve with rice, to bal- 82 Kercheval, on the Hill into crumb-cake toppings for a ance the heat. warm, homey appeal. Grosse Pointe Farms - Hearst Commumcations _ ....

    .. ",,,-_ ... 4..... ,_IIl. 1'I._a"'_~~".."'.~...... _~.,«"',..._~ap.....iI ..~ ...... ~~, ~ '. ~

    Thursday, JUly 5, 2001 YourHome Page 3


    • Prud;itLd GrossePoirueareawUh ~;~::~ a;~~;;~e~al Estate Co. Visit Beline's website- www.beline.com


    - Page 4 YourHome Thursday, July 5,2001 Brick-paVer patio and walkway installation Q. I see a lot of my neighbors ~"f1: "~~~~>~1t'\N:t ,<:i;~t-' '" first then pull the stri?g to ~he extra by pullIng the screedmg installing brick paver patios and . ~: other side and determme which board over the poles: Compact the walkways. What are the steps to Ask JI" point is level heig~t first. Now area a~d repeat thIs step two or install these pavers? Th '\ measure down 1.5 mches for each three tImes. Rem~ve one.or both of >~p 10 feet in length. Repeat this pro- the poles to c~ntInue thl~ p!ocess A. Every year brick pavers e cedure for the other side of the around the project area. FIll In and become more popular. ndscaner ~,r r patio. Then connect the last two tamp the area where you remove Homeowners are installing a lot of stakes. Walkways may vary on the poles. pavers themselves and saving a lot of money. For the last five years I the slope ofthe brick. 6. Now you are ready to lay the have been having a do-it-yourself 3. Next excavate the soll in the pavers in the area you graded. clinic every Saturday at 10 a.m. area 7 to 8 inches belowthe string Start along the' longest straight lines and an extra 4 inches beyond edge in a corner for most geometric and the attendance has been grow- corners of the patio area a few ing. By following the steps below the bord~rs ~f the actual paver styles. If you are installing a cir- inches in from the edge. Now we area. ThIs wIll a~lowfor a~out 5 cular paver patio, the starting you can achieve professional set the brick height of the patio at results. The key to great success feet of base matenal and 2 mches . t' th t f th . I the doorwall or porch first. This is for the pavers. pom IS e ce~ er 0 e clrc e. lies in a solid foundation under the normally the level side of the pro- 4. The base for the paver project ~alkways are Installed from one pavers. Many people think. it is ject area. The height is determined will consist of a geotextile fabric SIde to the other. Some ~teps are complicated to install but it's not. by measuring down from the porch layer and a combination of 21AA installed on the paver surface and 1. First choose the style of paver cap or doorwall the predetermined you wish to install and the size of crushed stone and slag sand. Fill others are installed on the com- step heights. A common height for in the first 3 inches with 21AA pacted sand surface. As you install the patio or walkway. Layout the steps is between 6 to 8 inches in perimeter on the ground with a crushed stone and compact the the perimeter row of pavers you rise. If you are going to install area. The remaining height of will install your edge restraint on garden hose to help you visualize multiple steps, figure 6-inch rise about 2 inches is then filled with the borders next to grass or beds. the size. The drop from your door- per step for steps made with wall or porch also needs to be noted retaining wall and brick. It is best sla~ s~d a~d rough ~aded. the Diamond-Ioc edging is what I pre- in order to determine how many stnng hne rmnus the bnck heIght.. " to keep all the steps the same rise steps are needed if any. Remove Compact the area with the power fer. It 1S a ~ -shaped edgll~gwhic~ heights. tamper and regrade as necessary. keeps the bncks from movm~ h~n- any existing concrete pavement, Now you will attach the strings blocks or brick. Check your slag sand heights by zontally. Then stake the edgmg m. on the sides of the patio. The slope 2. Now you are ready to start the sliding a brick between the string 7. After all the full bricks are should be about 1.5 inches per 10 and the sand. installed, you will cut any bricks installation. Place stakes for feet of distance. Tie the string to attaching the grade strings in the 5. The next step is to do the final that need to be fitted. This can be the stake along the porch or house grading. To help achieve an even done with a saw or most homeown- surface to ;yourpavers, you will1;lse ers will rent a brick splitter .. Now a set ofgwde poles called screeding sweep the sand in the joints and Do you want a New Lifest poles and a straight-edge board. ff d N The Ionger the 2- by 4-mc. h board sweep 0 the excess.. san. ow the larger the area we can grade at compact the area WIth a machme one time. Set your screeding poles power tamper or a hand tamper. on the slag base parallel to each 8. Enjoy your paver patio for other crossing the grade strings at years to come. the opposite ends of the poles. The distance the poles should be set • apart should be about a foot short- Davld Soulliere is a Michigan er than your grading board. certified nurseryman at Soulhere Next lower the screeding poles Landscaping and Garden Center, into the slag sand by diggmg a 23919 Little Mack in St. Clair 'small trench in the sand about l- Shores, between Nine and 10 mile. inch deep. Set the height of the Phone (810) 776-2811 or go to pole by using a brick paver as a www.michigangardens.com on the spacer between the pole and the Internet for further information. E- string. Add a little extra slag over mail at [email protected] the paving area and screed off the This may be one of the most exciting homes you will ever see! It's a magnificent replica of a Victorian Mansion waiting for you. Located on a private road and situated on over two acres :'Home Ownership workshop offered of a park like setting has it all. An entertainers delight. No If you have thought about own- detail to quality or amenities has been spared. ed by Michigan State University ing a home, but aren't sure you You absolutely have to see it. We are holding a once only open Extension-Macomb. The myster- can afford it or are confused by house Sunday, July 8th, from 1 to 4 p.m. ML#1 00486 I6 ies of bUying a home - from all the financing options, this workstrop is for you. qualifying for a mortgage to the For directions or a private showi~g please contact closing process - will be Home Ownership - a two-part explained. ~~ • Rick McKean series - will be held on Mondays, July 16 and 23, from \..P IIU~21 Century 21 Town & Country 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the VerKuilen The workshop is free of charge, but, registration is a must. 1b Building, 21885 Dunham Road - (810) 873-6100 register or for more in.formation, -_ ..._- I~ @(810)731-8180 in,Cijnton Township. call MSU Extension at (SlP) 469- uns"&, workshop will be conduct- Y" N .j' ¥' '" 6480. "'--} "

    - . " Thursday, Juiy 5, 2001 YourHome Page5

    $1,800,000 GftOSSE POINTE SHORES $1,250,000 DETROfT $127,900 GROSSE POIJm FARMS $299,_ SUPERB ESTATE The architectural drama of a D1ST1NCTM COLONIAl. located minutes from lake St SUPERClEAN RANCH!Three bedrooms, natural fireplace CUSTOM BUILT RANCH In pnme Fam1s locallon boasts Bavarian hunting lodge In one of the Farms most Clair This charming home feabnes five bedrooms, four In liVing room, foonaJ dining, updated kitchen I bath, three bedrooms and two baths Many Improvements desirable settings Dramatic marble foyer with full and three half baths, updated Mutschler kltchen WIth Rooda room, central 31r, newer furnace, windows, and lOci udlOg family room adjacent to spacIOUS Mutschler circular stairway. Newer gourmet kitchen (GPN-H- center ISland, Gaggenaw and sub-zero appliances pro- more, more, morel (GPN-GW-57CHE)(313) 886-4200 kitchen WIth eating area (GPN-H-89SHE) (313) B85- 30~)(313)885.2000. JesslonaIIy finIShed baSement. (GPN-GW-62WEB) (313) 2000 886-4200

    GROSSE POINTE FARMS $299.9110 G 900 GROSSE POINTE PARK $187,000 SUPERLOCATION. In the FarmsI Large lot, large family HIGHLYSOUGHTAFTERHOME Four bedrooms, two and QUAINTBUNGAlOW Arts and crafts type bungalow With room, mce open krtchen to family room, hardwood floors, OIlS half bath center entrance Colonial With excepbonal ongmal woodwork and hardWood floors EverythlOg has two fireplaces and three bedrooms' Patio (GPN-H-75l0T) archItectural detal! Wonderful floor plan, spacIous been done to the ooglnal style of the home (GPN-H- (313) 885-2000 kitchen, Ronda room, hardwood floors and new roof 42NOn (313) 885-2000 (GPN-H-11B15) (313) 885-2000

    GROSSE POINTE SHORES $575,000 GROSSE POINTE SHORES $485,000 GROSSE POINTE WOODS $365,000 GROSSE POIJm WOODS $325,000 SPACIOUS DESIRABlE 2500 square foot ranch. Three COMPLETELYUPDATEDTHREE BEDROOMHOME' This WONDERFULHOME Three bedrooms, two and one half SPACIOUSBRICK BUNGAlOW Beautiful hardwood floors, bedrooms, two and OIle half baths, family room and den. fabUlously located IIome boasts a 13x16 famIly room, bath home features new wood floors In IMng room, natural fireplace, bay Window In kltchen, two full baths Newer Pella Windows, roof (tear off), carpet and clrcular master bedroom with bath, fimshed lower level WIth dlmng room, kitchen, den, new roof 10 10/2000 32'x16' and half bath 10 finIShed basement Tear off roof '99, new drive. NICely Ian

    GROSSE POINTE WOODS $295,900 GROSSE POINTE WOODS $124,000 GROSSE POINTE WOODS $3,3OO/MONTH ST. ClAIR SHORES $128,800 CENTER ENTRANCE COLONIALI Gorgeous home COZYWOODSRANCH This home features an extra lot and MACKAVENUENORTHof Vemler Over 2500 square feet FABULOUS THREE BEDROOM BUNGAlOW' Freshly Generous room Sizes, very open and arry Naturdl ISon a qUiet street EnJOYthe newer electncal, Insulatloo, 10 thiS dBSlrable comer bUilding ParklOg In rear for eight pamted and carpeted home With newer fu mace. central fireplace In liVing room, formal dining room and huge roof, harllWood tIoors and new pamt Appliances stay cars and metered street parklOg For rent at alr, roof, and krtch en family room boasts slOlle fireplace family room Bu1l1In stornge and access to Woods parks (GPN-H-60ROS) (313) 885-2000 S3,300/month (GPN-GW-03MAC) (313) 886-4200 and leads out to a beautiful deek and two and one half (GPN-GW-79HAM) (313) 886-4200 car garage 19624 AVALON (313) 886-4200

    For more properties visit our website at: www.cbschweitzer.com «-- - -

    YourHome Thursday, July 5, 2001

    It's an oven. It's a grill. It's a rotisserie. It's a stove-top. The New Vermont Castings Barbecue Grill does it all. With unique styling and constructed of the finest mate- rials, the Vermont Castings Grill is the perfect combination of style and performance. With three models and choices in color, it's a great addition to any home. ,.,...~ ~ ..,...... Your propane , ~ \W n'~ , Fitling Sta '0 ~ / • 'IlIl

    - ... ill] More dependable than the seasons Only Toro mowers are $49995* · Perso?al Pace@Self-Propel System puts I' " guaranteed to start on the you In control , first or second pull, year • 6.0 hp Toro GTS@engine i after year, or we'll fix it Toro~ Super guaranteed-to-start on the first or free. A tribute to Toro's e second pull for 5 years or Toro fIXes it legendary quality and RecycIer FREE. ability. Isn't it time you owned Personal Pacee Mower. Patented Super Recycler@cutting 'peace of systems mulches grass for a healthy [ mind? See and beautiful lawn. ~ your Toro • Rear bag standard ~ EIIi, ..... dealer today. TORQ • Durable cast deck ~ 'Suggested retail pnce, subject to dealer optIon t See dealer for warranty detaJls. • Five-year full warrantyT

    ------~------Thursday, July 5, 2001 YourHome Page 7

    By Marjie Svenson cer, and keeping your skin hydrat- Lunchtime treats ed are more challenging during the Eastside's Premier Landscape Company Whether you're packing lunches summer months. ~orhappy summer campers or try- A sure way to beat the heat is to mg to find new snack time treats drink extra water - lots of it. In check out this ' addition, apply sun- week's offerings in Freeze yogut screen liberally and the way of lunch 11p; wear light cover-ups meats, cheese and to keep it nice and when you're in direct yogurt. sunlight. • Save _75 cents cold in lunch Daily shaving and on any three pack- boxes the next day, use of depilatories UlNDSCAPING_ .. ,...... >- -2,...... ,.. C>- ....;t .r,-".,_..,...... " : ...~ -@:~o.~-:- -- ages ofLunch ables, or keep handy in also take their toll, including pizza, although many prod- for ALL Your Landscaping Needs Taco Bell and the freezer for a ucts are designed to minimize skin irrita- Cracker Stacker cool aftemoon • BRICK PAVING varieties. Expires tion and loss of mois- AND RETAINING WALLS Aug. 31. ture. Here are this snack, Padol, DrI"eways and • Carl Buddig week's coupons for Original Thin- shaving, moisturiz- walkways. Let our deslener Sliced Meats offers a 25-cent ers and hair-removal lotions: sbow you a eustom loolz. coupon on any two packages. • Save $1 on any four-count or Expires Sept. 30. The company eight-count package of Schick also offers a mail-in offer for a free Xtreme III disposable razors with beanbag toy with the purchase of triple blades. Expires July 31. 15 small or three large packages of • Edge Shave Gel has a buy-two, Buddig lunch meat. See displays get-one-free offer on any can 7 oz. for additional information. or larger, including its new line of • For something a little differ- Active Care gels designed to clean ent, try using pita bread or tortillas skin of excess dirt and oil. Expires to make roll-up sandwiches. Save July 22. Skintimate also has a buy- 55 cents on any two cans of Harmel two, get-one-free offer on its line of Chunk Meats, 5 oz. or larger, and women's shaving products. Expires 20 cents on anyone package of July 22. Azteca Flour Tortillas. Expires • Schick has a $3 coupon on any July 22. Silk Effects Plus or Silk Effects • Oscar Mayer has a 3D-cent Classic razors. The company also coupon on any package of sliced offers a $3 coupon on any five- or ham and a 40-eent coupon on any lO-count blade refills. Expires July package of hot dogs, while Kraft 31. offers a $1 coupon on any two • Sally Hansen offers a $2 coupon on its gel hair removal kit, packages of 12-oz. or larger cheese • NEW • FERTILIZATION slices. Save 25 cents on anyone 32- a $1 coupon on any bleach, wax or LANDSCAPING Lawn. Shrubs. Trees oz. jar of Kraft mayonnaise or hair-removal product and a 50-cent Miracle Whip salad dressing. coupon on any foot-care product, including its Healing Foot Creme • INSTALLATION • LANDSCAPE Expires July 31. Resoddlne. shrubs and MAINTENANCE • Save 75 cents on any variety of with tea-tree oil. Expires July 31. • Nair has a $1 coupon on any tree plantlne. Annuals a Gardenlne= Shrub 8t Tree Bryan lunch meat or hot dogs. Perennials. Trlmmlne Expires Aug. 31. depilatory, wax or bleach product. • Sargento offers a 55-cent Expires Aug. 31. coupon on any package of string- • Suave offers 75-eent coupons • LAWN SERVICE cheese snacks, 4 oz. or larger. on any of the following skin-eare Let us do It for 'au! Expires Aug. 11. Sargento also has products: skin-firming or skin ther- a 25-eent coupon on any style of apy lotions, skin silkening oil, Backer Landscaping has been serving the deli-style sliced cheese. Expires cucumber-melon body lotion or any East Side for over 14 years. Our courteous other Naturals lotion. Expires July July 31. professional staff will provide prompt quality • Save 50 cents on any carton of 31. Yoplait Express squeezable yogurt. • Dove has a $1 coupon on any products and services to meet your needs. Expires July 29. Yoplait also has a one package of daily hydrating Ask us for references from your neighborhood. 50-cent coupon on any six 6-oz. cleansing cloths for sensitive skin. yogurt cups or a 75-cent coupon on Expires Aug. 5. any two packages of Trix, Yumsters • Lever 2000 has a 50-cent No Obligation • free Estimates or Go-Gurt multipacks. Expires coupon on any bottle of its body July 31. wash, a 30-eent coupon on any bar soap multipack and a 50-cent coupon on any package of Lever Skin care savings 2000 moisturizing wipes. Expires Baby your skin; you11be glad in 810-774-00901 Aug. 5. t later years if you do. Avoiding sun- burn, which is believed to con- 27739 Groesbeck • North of It Mile • Roseville tribute to various types of skin can- - King Features Syndicate CbJe to ~I 'I'IWI three bedroom briok rauch 18 - em. a huge country s1ze Jot azul ,.. tures an updaQld ldtcbeD With eating IIp8Ce, Gl"088e PoInte 8choo1s1 Well malnatDed and t!rep1aoe azul FJonda room. fl39,900 updat;ed ranch. A D8'W8r 0U8t0m kitchen with all appHanoes. 1I'iniabed be...... t baa tun bath and shower. Call for other tmpl'OVemeDta. fl64,800 82 Kercheval, on the Hill Grosse Pointe Farms 313-884-0600 www.realestateone.com


    • --

    Thursday, July 5,2001 VourHome Page-9 Luxury master suite on first floor

    GARAGE eu._- 22'O"lC22'O"

    Most empty stucco exte- FLOOR PLAN nesters appreci- rior finish. ate having a Plan No. 55'-,," Z-808 master suite on includes the first floor. 225-7526.Youcan write to request 1,895 square feet of heated space the information at P.O. Box This delightful and is available with a basement or master suite crawl space foundation. 450025, Atlanta, GA 31145. Visit includes all the the web site at www.wdfarmer- plans.com. "goodies." A S2'''"lCSS'8" To receive an infonnation packet tray ceiling I on the plans, call W. D. Fanner highlights the I r Residence Designer Inc. at (800) bedroom and an BED ROOM oversized walk- U~O"lC16~8 in closet -¥ I I though tfully ) ~, placed between SECOND FLOOR PLAN. RIVER PLACE LOFTS the bedroom f".. ~ and garden -1\~.. ~..-,.;.:-~ bath. The luxu- rooms. Half bath and laundry facil- rious bath has a vaulted ceiling ities are conveniently tucked away Step into and includes a whirlpool tub, sepa- in this area. Accessto the oversized rate shower, double vanity, toilet double garage is nearby, and a Excitement, compartment and linen storage. small storage area is indicated in The off-center entry to the home the garage. is recessed. Afoyer directs traffic to There are two large family bed- Elegance & the large great room with tray ceil- rooms on the second floor, both ing and fireplace, or to the fonnal with ample closet space. These Luxury at dining room. bedrooms share an oversized hall A large breakfast area with bath. 200 River adjoining snack bar is open to the A combination of stucco and great room. The kitchen is brick veneer with multiple roof Place Lofts designed to allow maximum cabi. lines and window treatments com- net and countertop space. plete the exterior. All W.D. Fanner A V-shaped stair next to the plans include construction details kitchen leads down to the base- for substituting brick, frame or ment or up to the two family bed- • Excluslue Riverfront Location • Spacious, Contemporary Kitchen • Rooftop Gardens • Soaring Windows • Unique curved entry wall • Indoor Parking & Storage Units • 12.Ft. Wood beam ceiling • 1166-3000 Sq. Ft. Units • Rich Maple and Slate Flooring • Priced from the Low 200's • Slate Fireplace CALL 313-882-3500 For more information call: (800) 678-0406 Toreserve Display Advertising space by 2 p.m. Friday Ask fol' Mark Brown, Bonnie Halbert, 01' Brian McNitt CENTIJRY 21 ASSOCIATES ...... ---J ...

    Page 10 YourHome Thursday, JUly 5, 2001 1lE RA1E MortgIge RIles • of June 29, 2001 Phone Humber 30 Yr. Flud PoInlI 15 Yr. FIxed PoInts 1 Yr. ARM To All The Faithf.ul (BOOI73HJOO1 7375 o 7 o 65 Readers Of The (248) 740-2323 675 2.125 6375 1.75 NR @ Any Rate... Column

    I would like to thank you for the opportunity that you have given me to Home Loans CourrtlywIde , (248) 262-8580 7 1875 6.875 JNIF contnDute to our community by writing ~ a weekly colunm in this newspaper. N .... Dearborn Fed CrecillJnlon (313) 322-8301 6.875 2 6375 2 JIB

    Mortgage Since February of this year) I have Detrort COIp (810) 2fl3.46OO 7.375 o 7 o JIB N :."t}~1l . done my best to provide quality Mortgage material for your information and East.west Co. (800) 844-1015 NR NR J/8/V , cojoyment concerning mortgages and ~~ 5eM:les C1:tiErl RJe (800) 784-1074 725 o 6.75 o JlBNIF home fin8llce.

    FI1Sl Ecply AesldenbaI MoI1. (8OOl557-<1270 6875 1875 6.375 2 J/8/V Please be advised that my columns The powa' of technology, almg with will no longer be appearing in this Rrst Intemabonallnc - (248) 258-1584 7125 our determination and commitment to . o 6625 o JIB newspaper. - quality, penooalized service. allows us HanldIl Mortgage ~ (313) 383-6000 . 675 2 625 JIBN to remain 00. the cutting edge of the my Subsequently) family has staI1ed a financing industry. Golden F\JIe Mortgage (BOO)785-4755 675 1875 625 JlBNIF monthly publication called "The - Nicholas Times". The Nicholas Times Group One Mortgage (734) 953-4OOD Instead of getting quotes from just 7 2 6625 2 J/BIIJIF contains many of my past columns, as ",. two or thnle lenders, we have a network weD as future articles that I will ItmlFtmaI Saw:g; Bri (313) 873-3310 65 2 6 of local, regional and national lenders J continue to write addressing real estate .. ~ that can bid on your business. We reach ~ ~Co (800) 538-1812 NR J/8/V1F issues, home finance, business finance - and equipment finance. a larger lender pool, which means better JMC Morlgage optionsftryou. COIp. (248) 489-4Q2O 6625 3 6125 35 JIB The Nicholas Times currently has a KeysIone Mortgage (866} KEY.fREE Nicholas & Co. is proud to 'WdQOllle 6.75 2 6.25 2 JIB mooth1y circulation of 812 and growing. The newsletter is provided Wells Fugo to our ~~dcd: MaInslreet Mortgage. (BOO)447.2270 725 o 6.75 JlBNIF free of charge to our family) friends 8Ild Our of is , business acquaintances over the years, network (877) 362-5626 NR NR NR growing each month~.da'sand currently - ~ and wilt be provided free of charge to all of our IoyaI readen and those who incl~ (888) 237-5443 725 0 6 875 0 6 0 # I JIB are interested in subscribing. "~«JI11I"~i.'%~~~~al'l'~~~ . Broker Funding Solutions (A division Mortgage Speaaist lnc (248) 280-9696 6875 2 65 2 NR JIB Please email me at: of LeJun8ll Brothers Bank) ~.:w£_.I.L~~M'~:'~~- "'-.,~ Charter One Mortgage NalJonal FuIlIte MoI1gage (800) 291.7900 6 375 3 5 875 • 3 6.25 3 [email protected]. Chase Manhattan ~ ~"~i~B- Chevy Chase Bank Paramount Bank (800) 421-8ANK 6875 2 65 2 NR JlBNIF Alternatively) you could call me at: 810.m.47t t, or 888.608.9800; CitiMortgage ".~,,\_-.wftl.uRL~j~g;:MAA~~{*#:~!18 Countrywide F6IIFtnfng~Gap. (248) 641.7111 7.25 0 6.875 0 6 0 JIB N'~~'",_.~U~~~j;'JC>,"""" _ Or you may write me at: First Horizon First Magnus Savmgs MoItgage (800) 559-0924 7 125 0 6 75 0 5 125 0 J 20312 Mau« Dr. First Nationwide Mortgage - •• Uk&~~~?~~.J'd!~1~~~:£_ St Clair Shores, MI 48080. St ClaIr Mortgage COIp (248) 280-0088 7375 0 7 0 5 75 2 J/8/V1F First Unioo GNMortgage iIIII., • "t."•...... ,., ",.,~...... '!i~It.Wl.i,;il'<. Standard Federal Bank (800) HOUE-aoD 6875 2 65 2 5125 2 JlBNIF Many thanks and best wishes, IndyMac Bank ~ "p~~~~i~. ...-.... New Century Mortgage "TCi: Bank (BOO)334-5253 7 2 6 625 2 NR JI8N Gibran Nicholas Wells Fargo Nicholas & Co. UnrversaJ Home Leodilg (810) m.3000 7.25 6625 NR Jl8NIF

    WOIfd WIlle / Loan GIant (800) CALL.ANDY 6 875 2 6 375 2 5 625 1 om , '" ''' .. ~iJjjJ IiIIifJliJ1tfU Ii Average of Rates and POI1Is 7 00 1.36 8 55 135 5 95 1 03 Rates UlfecI ~ dlMge WIIhouI nooce Rates and por1Is beged on a $150,000 Io8n WIth 20% down Key • NFl :: Not RepOf1ed / J ::.umo /8 :: 8aIoon / V :: VA I..olln / F :: FHA l.o8n / Bl :: 8t-wMly Soorce R8sIdenIIIlI Mortgage Condanls balled 11 Br9*Jn .1IlICIllpOIlalm Thursday, July 5, 2001 YourHome Page11

    MOUNT VERNON CHALFONTE YORKSHIRE RIDGE ROAD TONNACOUR PLACE Three bedroom. one and one half bath Sunny home on Ihe golf course Four bedroom l.harmer Roof new In 1997 Ranch In "heart of the Farms" Multiple ~xtraordlnary five bedroom. five bath Famtly room Updated kl1chcn Flr~tlloor bedroom and bath Flonda Room Central atr l.ondlllorung fireplaces and ~paclOu~. pnvate bal.kyard JIll{ Colomal. Huge park-like yard *

    RIVARD TOWNHOUSE SUNSET PLAZA PROVENCAL ROAD RIVARD TOWNHOUSE MOROSS ROAD Stunmng SIXbedroom CondommlUm Two bedroom condo Pnvate balcony. ExqUisite 9.000 square foot GeorgIan Exceptional SIXbedroom. and one half Handsome SIXbedroom Williamsburg three Carport Appliances mcluded Colonial estate overlookmg golf course Breakfast Room Covered pallO bath condo Library. Sitting Room Colonial. Famtly Room Pavered terrace

    McKINLEY ROAD LAKE SHORE ROAD NOTRE DAME GROSSE POINTE BLVD Handsome four bedroom. two and one half ~mque five bedroom French Colomal Chamung four bedroom. two and one half Umque five bedroom Medtterranean With bath. Farmly Room. Two story addIllon JII( With fantasllc Lake views bath English With lots of updates Farmly Room Den (Histone photo)

    LAKEFRONT BEDFORD ROAD IROQUOIS KENSINGTON Waterfronl IIvlDg on Lake 51. Clau TradJllonal four bedroom. three and one half Fabulous Scripps mansion In histone Classtc three bedroom. two and one half bath .s ...... o••• plus canal Farmly Room. Den bath Colomal. Farmly Room, Library Fann-style Colonial. Farmly Room IndIan Village Intncate detail *

    MOROSS ROAD BALLANTYNE PROVENCAL ROAD HALL PLACE THREE MILE DRIVE Affordable three bedroom Colomal. Great four bedroom. two and one half bath Stately Enghsh Regency pnvate estate on AttraClJve three bedroom Cape Cod near Uruque two family Income With lots of Updated knchen. Scn;ened porch Shores Colomal. Farmly Room Pool more than tWOacres the Hill Lots of updates! space. 2.750 square feet

    BALLANTYNE HAWTHORNE ROAD WEST CANFIELD CONDO HARBOR PLACE CONDO Greal four bedroom. two and one half bath SOUTH BRYS DRIVE Wonderful top floor loft ID the Cultural SpacIous three hedroom, three bath wllh first Totall) redecorated Ranch With Library. Completely renovated three bedroom. two Center' Pnvate garage Shores Colomal FamIly Room Pool floor master Loft like Family Room Breakfasl Room New roof and one half bath Family Room

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    Page 12 YourHome Thursday, July 5, 2001 8GMAC

    CitylI'ownship S~. nlacnlichigan.conl 3774 Lakeview Drive $33,000 INE .'.'RealEstate 727 Carrou $69,900 1133 Chestnut $77,500 1431 10th Awnue $78,900 613 Jay Street $86,900 1418 18th Street $86,900 1613 Vermont $86,900 525 Liberty $94,900 7474 Southwoocl $96,900 230 S. 10th Street (2 UDit $119,000) 517 Cedar $119,900 320 Carroll $119,900 1222 Henl)' Street $119,900 3565 State Road $129,900 1589 Golden Gate $130,000 2416 RiwI' Road $134,900 312 14th Street $139,900 515 Jay Street $144,900 12240 Griffm $145,000 85511 S. 10th Street $155,000 732 N. 9th Street $163,900 1125 N. 6th Street $169,900 23083 DemIey $169,900 4206 Old Forge $219,000 2916 Shorewood $309,000 871 N. 9th Street $369,900 45 Golfside $449,000

    Country 3063 Garlick Road $145,900 12240 GrUfm $149.000 6355 Hyslop $169,900 610 S. Allen Road $173.500 5157 BeUe River Road $224,000 3057 Vmc:ent $248,000 5252 Bowman Road $249.900 5180 ViDe Road $285,000 6841 Gratiot $475,000

    Condominiums 1660 River Road '6 $134,900 1660 River Road. .52 $136,900 1951 Fairway Glen $204,900 1831 Fairway Glen $213,200 1715 N. River Road '30 $217,000 1800 Fairway Glen $238.900 1935 N. River Road '12 $269,900

    Commercial I Business Opportunity S. Parker, Marine Cit)! $29.900 4950 24.Aw. $139,900

    Vacant Myron Road $39,900 Wadhams RoadISmith Creek $59,000 - $94,000 Brown Street $69,900 MarlreVlndi.m Trail Roads 4-10 acres $64,900 . $99,900 N. River Road $64,900 Division $72,500. $73.500 Bartel $72,500 7338 JoChar $79,900 Wellter Way off Newman Rd $70,000. $120,000 Carney Drive $125,000 N. River Road $300,000 Fred Moore Hwy $600,000 201 N. RIVERSIDE, ST. CLAIR • (810) 329-9001 (888) 678-3874 Thursday, July 5, 2001 VourHome Page 13

    -: .. '" >" ... /"\P~1"'~~ tigues and Colle~~!!:L . C~llections ~re pe~onal, often law in 1891 that said each piece Insprred by childhood mterests. It imported into the United States is not surprising that men like had to be marked with the name of sports memorabilia and any type of the country of origin in legible collectible related to transporta- English. tion. Gas-pump globes, license The Japanese used "Nippon," plates, hood which was the ornaments, np: Mother was right: English equiva- bicycles, mili- lent of the tary items, Have a place for everything Japanese word toy airplanes.


    Immaculat~ brick rudl daat oIIien dun bedroolU and two run baths. PJofessioIWly &m.Iaecl buement tPws you lots of extra space widt liviag a.rea, walk in c:IoMt and ollia area. Frab and daft with a two car .u:ached prap. GloMe Pointe Farms, $364,900

    This mree bedroom home bas been totaJlx ~-dolW: and offers Don't mia thia condo Ioc:aced Non:h of It Mile wid1 attadtcd This condo is perfect for dte first time buyer or dowmiur. over 1,500 square feet with new carpel. paint, kitcheD with. prase. 6nt .8oor laundry aad basemcat. nw two bedroom Two bedrooms and ca.rp()n. You pt a FAt location wid1 first ceranuc til~and an updated bathroom . .Enjoy a formal living bas one aad one half' badu, family rocno with. walk-ow to floor Ia~ rcc:e.sMd lighting fJtrougbout, all oak kitchen room with fireplace and a finialffil basement. Groue Poiate ~ aDd i. he.hly paiated dJroqhout. Ranch Condo, aDd nuh CUllOm paint. AMoclation fee only $95.00 per Schoob, ($20,000 under appniIed value) $147,900 $1U,900 1IIOIIdt. HaniIoa ToWuhip,".900 ......

    - --

    Thursday, JUly 5, 2001 YourHome Page 15 Choosing versatile maintenance-free fences (NAPS!) - Fence me in. That's als such as galvanized steel, alu- what a growing number of home- minum-coated steel and alu- owners are saying because today's minum. fences easily provide security, pri- vacY and beauty to yards. There are not only more material choices Omamental steel than ever before, many fence mate- and ornamental rials are maintenance-free. aluminum The following are some of the choices: Attractive ornamental steel and aluminum fences are long-lasting, Wood fence less-expensive alternatives to the wrought iron-style of fencing. Versatile wood fence offers a Secure, strong and aesthetically range of styles from the rustic feel pleasing, ornamental steel picket of a split rail to the charm of a fences require little upkeep," Jim white picket. Among the most pop- Sheide, of Merchants Metals com- ular wood fence choices are mented. Western Red Cedar, Eastern White Cedar and pressure treated Southern YellowPine, according to Vinyl Carol Ann Berry, of FLW Wood Maintenance-free vinyl fencing Products. "Cedar is popular is available in many of the same because it's naturally resistant to styles as wood and ornamental rot without being treated, and it's picket, including privacy (board attractive. " fence), split rail and picket. "Although the initial cost of vinyl Chain-link is more than wood, vinyl fencing upkeep costs are minimal," said Whether you want to fence in a Ralph Palmieri, of Bufftech. swimming area, protect children Relatively new, the popularity of and pets or keep intruders at bay, vinyl fencing is growing fast chain-link provides an inexpen- because it is maintenance-free, sive, effective safety barrier. Now durable and good looking. chain link fences are available For more information visit color-eoated in black, green and www.americanfenceassociation.co brown, or in rust resistant materi- m or call (800) 822-4342. Privacy fences can be constructed of wood or vinyl. The dirt on safe gardening for beautiful surprises By Susie Coelho can drain skin of moisture and (NAPSI) - Gardens can be filled If your soil is highly acidic, add Forecast. emollients. Choose light cotton neutralizing lime. If soil is too with beautiful surprises: Last fall's gloves for planting and weeding The site can help homeowners geraniums that survived the win- alkaline, add garden sulfur to avoid some of the pitfalls associat- and heavier leather gloves for jobs increase acidity. ed with making a garden grow.And ter, spring-blooming daffodils such as hedge trimming and prun- against a backdrop of bluebells or • On bended knee. Extended equally important, for each web ing. gardening sessions tend to put visitor to the gardening section, that first ripe tomato. • Don't forget the sunscreen. stress on the knees and back. Be Lanacane will donate money to the Unfortunately, most gardens can Hours spent in the garden usually sure to stand up straight periodi- American Community Gardens hold some unpleasant surprises. mean hours spent in the sun. Be cally and give your body a break. Association. From stinging insects and toxic sure to protect yourself from harm- • Poisonous plants. Learn how to Susie Coelho is an expert garden- plants, to the sun's burning rays, ful ultra violet rays with at least identify toxic plants, including poi- er and host of Home & Garden Sue h an SPF 15 sunscreen. son ivy, oak and sumac. Despite Television's top-rated series nearly 90 percent of the country "Surprise Gardener." problems • Buzz off!To avoid being bugged can cause being sensitive to such plants, a by mosquitoes and other pests, survey found 60 percent of garden- skin irri- wear long pants, socks and long tation ers cannot identify them. sleeves. Also, avoid gardening dur- If you come across a toxic plant, and itch- ing the early evening (when mos- be aware that its roots can cause as ing for quitoes tend to be at their worst). If much havoc as its leaves and that days or you are bitten by a mosquito, use urushiol oil (the sap that causes eve n an anti-itch medication such as itchy reactions) can often be found weeks. in the soil surrounding the plant. Published by Lanacane Anti-Itch Creme to help Anteebo Publishing, Inc. 1b help relieve the discomfort. In addition • Wash your tools. Be sure to root out clean your garden tools after each 96 Kercheval any Saale Coelho. to helping stop the itch, the cream use-especially if you've been near Grosse Pointe Fanns, MI 48236 contains an antibacterial that can potential HGTV'a .."Surprlae poisonous plants. Plant toxins can help ward off infection. The prod- John Minnis - Editor problems Gardener. remain active on a tool for months. (313) 882-0294 uct can also be an effective way to • "Bee" careful. 1b help prevent in your garden, try these tips relieve the pain caused by bee painful or itchy insect stings, pro- Display Advertising before digging in the dirt: stings or irritation caused by poiso- tect yourself from sunburn and (313) 882-3500 • Gloves are a must. Thiling in nous plants. find out the specific areas in which Fax (313) 882-1585 the soil can take its toll on the • Soil, soil everywhere ... poison ivy grows, visit Classified Advertising hands. Handling fertilizer and Maintain a balanced soil pH to www.lanacane.com. The Web site (313) 882-6900 weeds or even pruning and raking help plants (and your skin) thrive. includes such features as a Fax (313) 343-5569 Summer Itch Index and a Sting

    --- .. ,,--- .... U""' •.....,..,4 .=-::'~---...~-v-=-""-- J. Page16 Vour'iome Thursday. JulV 5,2001


    Gratiot Avenue north of 14 Mile Van Dyke south of 24 Mile 810-791-1200 810-739-6700 ~~~r~ Mon-Fri 7:30 am • 5:00 pm; Thurs til 7:00 pm; Sat 7:30 am - noon. Closed Sundays so our employees may go to church and spend the day with their families j Thursday, JUly 5, 2001 YourHome Page 17 Three steps to electric power independence (NAPS!) - Electric power fail- Even security systems and sump ures tend to follow Murphy's Law: pumps will remain active, no mat- They happen at the worst possible ter what happens to the power sup- times and guarantee to disrupt our ply. daily home and business activities. Simpson says, however that con- The fact is, ' , 8 ~ mer s power out- .~ - f db need to be ages are hap- "').Be ~ 0 stan Y generators informed pening more : tan .help protect your lifestyle about the and more decision to with the ,: 4~1 powe~entergenaes . pur chas e h rt .,....,..L"" ~f.,. ,( >...... "1 "; 4+ oX :I d s 0 age 0f , ~$ ,/" ~ '"'':': ",.' ,,,,,, :: ",1'" 'an oper- electric ate a capacity prevalent across the coun- standby generator. "There are two try. And you can always count on types of standby generators, Mother Nature to do her part with portable and permanently seasonal storm activity. installed." "That's a major reason sales of Portable generators are smaller, standby power generators have gasoline-fueled, manually started doubled in the past five years," models that can pqwer necessary says Pat Simpson, host of HGTV's household items. The wattage "Before and After" and "Fix-it-Up" range of these units runs from and spokesperson for small engine 4,000 to 10,000 watts. An impor- manufacturer Briggs & Stratton. tant accessory for portable units is Recent research by Briggs & a Manual Power Transfer System, Stratton shows that, now more which eliminates the need for than ever, consumers plan to take extension cords and makes trans- control of their power situation. ferring standby power to a home Nationwide, 17 percent of fast, safe and easy. America's households are interest- Permanently installed, automat- ed in purchasing a standby genera- ie-start generators are the most BGTV host and Briggs &: Stratton spokesperson, Pat Simpson tor in the next two years. In technologically advanced genera- says that standby.power generator sales have doubled in the last California, the number grows to tors. Permanent standby units can five years. largely because of increasing power outages. nearly one in four. sense a power disruption and auto- your needs: ments: Size your unit for the items "Homeowners today like to be in matically start even if no one is 1. Determine the type of genera- you'll need during an outage: air- control," says Simpson. "Standby home, then shut off automatically tor: The first thing to consider is conditioner, refrigerator, freezer, generators have become an easy- when the line power is restored. budget. A portable generator will lights, TV, computer, well and to-use, affordable way to keep their These units connect directly to the cost $500 to $1,000. Permanent sump pumps, and others. homes safe, comfortable and func- home's natural gas supply or a standby systems will run $5,000 to "Approximately 5,000 to 7,500 tional through any power-related propane fuel supply and range $10,000 installed, but provide a watts is enough to power the aver- emergency." from 5,000 to 20,000 watts. level of performance and conve- age home," says Simpson. Wattage 1bday, the right generator can The following are three tips nience that is critical for some own- ratings for appliances are listed on keep the lights on, the food cold Simpson gives for selecting the ers. the nameplates. and the home business running. right standby generator to meet 2. Determine wattage require- 3. Choose your features: Some generator manufacturers include features such as larger fuel tanks Four ways to save on your electric bill for longer run-time and automatic Skyrocketing electric bills, black- voltage regulation to protect sensi- use less electricity. For example, a Motion detectors are designed to outs and brownouts. As electricity tive electronic equipment. A famil- light bulb at 50 percent brightness react to body heat. When they becomes more scarce and more iar engine brand may be the most uses approximately 40 percent less detect the presence of a person, expensive, you can help yourself, electricity. A dimmer switch also important consideration in choos- they automatically turn on the out- ing a generator. Options to look for the environment and the economy extends the life ofyour bulbs. side lights. by taking some simple steps to con- 2. Install occupancy sensors. An include overhead valve (OHV) serve power. 4. Install digital timers. The lat- technology, electronic ignition for occupancy sensor automatically est digital timers are installed According to the Environmental easy starts, low oil shutdown and a turns lights on when someone right in the wall, wherever you Protection Agency (EPA), lighting low-tone muffler for quiet opera- enters a room, and then turns would put a standard wall switch. accounts for 20 to 25 percent of all tion. them offafter the person leaves the Some models comefrom the factory electricity used in the United area. They're ideal for closets, hall- "Don't wait for the next power with preset time intervals; others emergency," says Simpson. "Take States. That's why the Leviton ways, the laundry room and offer programmable time settings. Institute recommends that you garages - all the places where back control of your power supply 1b use a timer with a preset inter- with a standby generator." install energy-efficient lighting lights may needlessly be left on for val, simply push the button for the devices. They can have a big hours, or even days. length of time you want the fan or impact by significantly reducing S. Install motion detectors out- For free information about lamp to be on. The timer will tuj'n selecting and operating a standby electric consumption. side. Many homeowners know that it offautomatically. The following are four tips from outdoor lighting makes their home generator, call (866) GEN-SETS or the Leviton Institute that can take less appealing to a burglar. But visit www.briggsandstratton.com/ So, instead ofconstantly remind- generators. An online "Ask the the effort out of saving dollars on keeping outdoor floodlights on all ing your family to turn off the your electric bill: night can be expensive. Instead, Expert" questionnaire will walk lights when they leave a room, con- you through the process of select- 1. Install dimmer switches. By install a motion detector to control sider installing one or more of ... dimming the lights in a room, you your outdoor security lights. ing a generator and choosing fea- these new electrical devices. tures and accessories. Page 18 YourHome Thursday, JUly 5, 2001 Classifieds • (313)882-6900 ext. 3

    31:t-IIf-6~Dext 3 YOunHOME fIX: 313-34J-556~ CLfiiJ_""OVERTI5ING http IIgrossepolntenews com DEADUN£S FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS: llIVeIl for rnuht- 702 AptsIFIatsIDuplex- 720 Rooms for Renl 811 Lots For Sale Il£A1. EStATE fOR WE & IIEM week scheduled advertising. wrlh prepayment or Sl Clair ShoresIMac:omb County 721 Vacation Rental- Flonda 812 MOf"tgages/Land Contracts \M:In:l Ads - MONDAY 4 PM credit approlllli call for rates or for more 703 AptsiFlalslDuplex- 722 Vacation Rental-Oul of State 813 Northern Michigan Homes Photos. Logo Art. MONDAY 12 PM Informabon Wanted to Rent 723 Vacation Rental- 814 Northern MIchigan Lots (call for Holfday close dates) "-Ins be busy an MancIay & loacIay o.drMs f'Ieose caI-ty. 704 Houses -St Clair County Northem Michigan 815 Out of State Property a.ASSIFIEDS lAI1 OllER aASSlfICA1IONSl 705 Houses - Grosse POlntel 816 Real Estate Exchange TUESDAY 12 NOON ClASSIFYING & QNSORSHIP: we 724 Vacation Rental- ReSOf"l reserve Itle nght to classify each ad under lis Harper Woods (Call for Hohday close dales) 725 RentallllLeaslng 817 Real Estate Wanted PAYMENTS appropna~ headmg The publtsher f8&erves the 706 OetrottlBalance Wayne County North Michigan 818 Sale or Lease nght to edlt or rejecl ad copy suooutted for 707 Houses - St Clair Shores/ Prepgyn ... 1t is ...... ,: publ+eabon 819 Cemetery Lots Macomb County We accept Visa MasterCard Cash Check CORRECTIONS & ADJUSTMENTS: 820" BUSinesses for sale 708 Houses Wanted to Rent AD STYLES: ResponslbIlity for claSSIfied advertrslng error IS REAL ESTAlE FOR SAlE \M:In:l Ads 12 words • $12 75 limited to Ili1Iler a cancelIallon of Itle charge or a 709 Townhouses/Condos For Rent 800 Houses for sale add,booal words 6~ each re-run of Itle porbon In error Nobficabon must 710 Townhouses/Condos Wanted 801 Commercial BUildings Abbf8V18bOnsfJQI accepted be given In time lor correction Inthe following 711 GaragesIMlni Storage For Rent 802 Commercial Property IIS5UI!I We 888Ume no f8&ponslbtkty for the same Measuf8d Ads $22 60 per column Inch 712 GaragesIMlni Storage Wanted 803 Condos/Apts /Flats Border Ads $24 85 per column Inch after the first IflHf1Jon FULL PAGE $400 00 71'3 InduslnallWarehouse Rental 804 Country Homes 112PAGE $27500 714 LIVing Quarters to Share 805 Farms 1/4 PAGE $200 00 REAl. ESTATEFOR RENT 715 Motor Homes For Rent 806 Out State Homes 1/8 PAGE $12500 700 AptsiFlatslDuplex- 716 OfficeS/Commercial FOf"Rent 807 Investment Property Pholo Ads In-Column $39 00 (small photo WJlh Grosse POinte/Harper Woods 717 Offices/Commel'C1al Wanted 808 Waterfront Homes 15 words) -701 AptsIFtats/Duprex- 718 Property Management 809 Waterfront Lots DelrolVBalance Wayne County 719 Rent WIth Option 10Buy 810 LakelRwer Resorts REO L FOR ••••••••••••••••••••••• ESTOTE ~,~

    70J APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX 705 HOUSES fOR RENT 70S HOUSES fOR RENT 709 TOINNHOUSfS/ 716 OFFICE/COMMERCIAL 722 VACATION RENTALS DETROIT/WAYNE COUNTY POINTES/HARPER WOODS POINHS/HARPER WOODS CONDOS FOR RENT fOR RENT OUT OF STATE STUCIO apartment, 603 Neff road 2 family GROSSE POinte 800 square feet, 2nd DELUXE offIce, 11X 15 CAPE Cod, Hyannis $315/ month plus se- unit, each unit is rent- Woods- 3 bedrooms, floor of 2 story bUild. ImmedIate occupan- Port, MA. BeautIful 5 cunty deposit. heat in- ing for 1,3OO/month3 2 baths, 1/2 bath. ap. ing, 2 bedrooms, cy. Includes utilities. bedroom, 4 1/2 bath cluded. Available im- bedrooms, 2 baths. pllances. 1,500 17570 Mack. Access Harper/8 Mile Stieber home. 1 1/2 acres. mediately. (313)417- Will lease with option square feet. 2 car at- to takefront park, ga- Realty,810.775.4900 Privacy Sea views. 0179 after 5. to buy, available JUly tached garage. rage, storage, appli- New Vlkmg kitchen 1 (248) 330-8281 . $1.600 Also, 3 bed- ances, new carpet, ESTABLISHED Grosse and family room. 200 WEST Village 2 bed- yards to East Beach. room, 2 full baths, 2- heat! air included. POinte barber shop for room, 2 bath lower 605 Robert John, first June, $2000/ week 1/2 baths, 2,600 $750/ month. lease. For Information, flat. Completely re- block from Lakeshore July, $3,000/ week square feet $2,200. 2 (248)544-7358 please call, (313)882- done. Central air, se- Ranch, 3 bedrooms, August, $4,000/ week car detached garage 5580 Call Carolyn Wills, living room, newly re- curity system, spot- Minimum 1 year lease ST. Clair Shores, 2nd 508-775-9079. less, non-smoking modeled, kitchen with floor, 2 bedroom con- GROSSE POinte Park, & no pets for both. CAPE Cod, Massachu- building. $850 plus eating space, family do. Jefferson/ Marter 15005 East Jefferson. (313)885-0146 setts. Cozy house- utilities, Lakeshore re- room, 1 1/2 baths up, area. Rent $625. Corner of Wayburn. keeping beach cot- alty (313)331-8881. 1/2 bath down. 2 car HARPER Woods- 2 (313)884-4887 $300/ month, includes tage, sleeps 4, perfect garage with opener, bedroom, air, 2 car all utilities and park- ST. Clair Shores- 2 bed- for couple, $495/ 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX security system, 2 fIre- garage. $700. Rental Ing.313-824-9174 room, private base- S.C.S/MACOMB COUNTY places, enormous fin- Pros, 313-882-Rent weekly (313)882- ment, carport. $850/ 8390 Ished basement, HARPER WOODS (at 1 bedroom apartment, SPOTLESS 2 bedroom month. Security de- beautifully landscap- Vernier) sUite of offi- COTTAGE on Lake Hur- Roseville area, 700 ranch neWly remod. posit Credit check ed, spotless, Immedi- ces (1,600 sq. ft.) on. 22 miles from Sar- square feet. all appli- eled. All appliances, mandatory (810)228- ate availability, New- very nice! Easy nia 4 bedrooms: 52 ances. (248)543-3940 garage. $975 plus sea 3295 Leave Message. access to 1-94, ~ feet from beach. 7am-4pm $2,100/ month. 313- CUrlty & utilItieS, 313- 711 GARAGES!MINI month RENT FREE. $750/ week. 881-9660 690-9360, 313-999- STORAGE fOR RENT Mr. Stevens, 313-886- (810)791-6731 1 bedroom spacIous 774 Lakepolnte- 2,000 1003 1763 GROOSE Pointe Park 723 VACATION RENTALS townhouse. base- sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 1 706 HOUSES fOR RENT area garage for rent! NORTHERN MICHIGAN ment. Eastpointe, 9/ 1/2 bath. Appliances. 'DETROIT/WAYNE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL bUilding Gratiot. Air. applian- $2,000.313-884-4887 storage (313)822- for sale or lease. CONTRACTOR- remod- 2 bedroom Cadieux! ces. $545. 313-885- 1253. 14614 Nine Mile eling, painting. State CLEAN 3 bedroom Mack Recently re- 8300. Senior dis- Road, EastpOinte Wide travel since house, Grosse Pointe decorated. Fenced STORAGE space avail. counts. 4,660 square feet, 3 1967. Locally. Mr M Woods, air condition- yard, garage, no pets. able for rent. 900 sq. large private offices, Madurski Sr. (313)- ing, $9501 month. $700/ month, plus util- ft. For Information call (313)885-8326 showroom plus at- 438-3439 313-882-5027 Illes, 1st month secur- tached garage. Shop, ity. (313)886-6399 714 LIVING QUARTERS HARBOR Springs con- EXECUTIVE colonial 2,520 square feet. Im- TO SHARE do on Little Traverse Grosse Pointe EAST English Village- 2 maculate facility. Cue- Bay Golf Club. Sleeps Woods, like new, bedroom, summer FEMALE Roommate ter Investment Com- 8. (313)823-1251 completely renovated porch, fireplace, hard- wanted to share two pany, (313)886-8803 in 2000 5 bedroom, 3 wood floors, no pets, bedroom townhouse HARBOR Sprrngs de- 1/2 bath, near lake, $ 650/month, first, in St. Clair Shores KENNEDY BUILDING luxe condo Fully $2,950, non-smoking, last, and security $350. July 1st. Col- Opposite Eastland eqUipped. Sleeps 6. HOW MUCH Shopping Center. no pets (313)882- (313)885-2776 leen (313) 510.8363 Pool, lake, JacuzzI LONGER CAN City of Eastpointe 7784 Near shopping! golf YOU LIVE MOROSS & 194- 3 bed- FEMALE roommate Near 1-94& 1-696 (248)644-7873 WITHOUT WATER? room, 2 bath, base- wanted. Beautiful Single sUites-5,6oo GROSSE Pointe City, HARBOR Sprrngs/ ment. Family room, Grosse POinte Woods sq. ft. on main level. HARBOR CLUB vintage farm house, 2 Goodheart. Lake newly remodeled. home. Neat, non- By appointment SOUTH bedrooms. $950. Michigan, sandy Apartments & Yacht (313)331-2476 $600. Rental Pros, smoker, references. 810-776-5440 Harbor has... 313-882-Rent $6001 month beachfront, 3 bed- 1 & 2 Bedroom GROSSE POinte Park, room, 2 bath, $2,500/ 707 HOUSES FOR RENT / (313)417-9166 MACK AVE. LEASES Jakefrontapartments house, 3 bedroom, 2 ADDRESS SQ. FT. week. EffICiency cot- Right on Lake Clair! S.U/MACOMB COUNTY 51. bath, appliances ga- NEED A ROOMMATE? 18150 Mack GPC 1910 tage, $750/ week. Enjoy: All Ages, Occupations, Both for $3,000. First -New Euro-Style rage. 2,000 square $1,5001 month. Lake- 18424 Mack GPF..1600 Kitchens feet. Updated front home available Tastes, Backgrounds 17200 Mack GPC..1300 2 weeks of July, Au- -Pnvate Yacht Harbor throughout $1,595/ for 1 year minimum and lifestyles. 26803 Harper SCS.1000 gust 28th, on. -FREE HEAT & month. ShareNet Re- lease. Clean & ready "Our 20th Year" 22211 Mack SCS 900 (734)429-9459, WATER. alty,248-642-1620 to move into. Lake- Home-Mate Specialists (231)526-7988. -Enormous Wood 17200 Mack GPC 900 front pari< access with (248)644-6845 Sine Monaghan Decks & Pallos GROSSE Pointe & HARBOR Spnngs! Pe- -Pool & Fitness swimming & fishing. GMAC Real Estate Schools- 3 bedrooms, ROOM mate to share toskey condo. 3 bed- FaCIlity For further Information 313-884-7000 central air, all applian- brick ranch In East- rooms, pool, tennis, -Water-front call Prudential Grosse Clubhouse ces, hardwood floors, pointe No smoking! golf, shopping Eve- POinte Real Estate, PLAZA One, St. Clair -Friendly "Boat Town" fireplace $1,200/ pets. $425 plus utilit- nings, (313)885-4142 313-882-0087 Shores for lease. Atmosphere month. (313)884-7634 Ies (810)778-0886 Harper, between 8 LAKE Michigan cottage, ST. Clair Shores- 3 bed- 7' 6 OffiCE /COMMERCIAL Immediate availability and 9 M.lle Road. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. GROSSE POinte room, 2 bath, air, fin- (810)791-1441 fOR RENT 12,000 square feet, Between Petoskey & Schools. New con- ished basement, ga- COLONIAL EAST set up for beauty sal- CharleVOIX. All the Z:>-'e ~ 7.:. ~II struction, 4/ 3. 2,400 rage. $985 Rental "'7.. ~~ 9 Mile and Harper on. Cueter Investment comforts of home With square feet. Terms. Pros, 3810-773-Rent 313.215-0242 700 square feet Company, (313)886- a lake at your back 709 TOWNHOUSES! all utilities, 8803 door Sleeps 10 maxI- 705 HOUSES FOR RENT PEMBERTON- lovely CONDOS fOR RENT 5 day Janitor, mum, $1,400/ week. Tudor 4 bedrooms, PROFESSIONAL office, POINTES/HARPER WOODS 2 bedroom condo ,n St. near expressway (231)-348-5486, newer gourmet kItch- (810)778-0120 St Clair Shores. Jef- (901)861-2172 1726 Newcastle. 3 bed- en, family room, fire- Clair Shores, newly ferson/ Marter area rooms, 1/5 bath, place, 2 car garage, remodeled, all appli- THE HIli- 93 Kercheval $350 per month Call SHANTY Creek condo, 2,049 square feet, 2.5 finished basement, ances included, cen- ApprOXimately 2,500 Pat at Tappan & As- sleeps 4, full kitchen, tral air. $850. 313. car garage. $1,600. walk- up attic. $2,150/ square feet. FIrst SOCiates, 313-884- August 10th- 17th. 613.3114 (810)794-5671 month. (810)482-4178 floor. 313-268-7882 6200 $450 (313)881-1350 Classifieds • (313)882-6900 ext. 3 " Page 20 YourHome Thursday, July 5,2001 " 7'23 VACATION RENTALS NORTHERN MICHIGAN TRAVERSE City get- away- fully furnished 3 bedroom home, next Surprise A Loved One! to college, sandy HARBOR SPRINGS HARBOR SPRINGS BEAUTIFUL beach, park & boat Beautifully equipped. VEROBEACH launch. Great for reo Shadow Woods Cottage VENICE AREA CONDO 4 bedroom, 21/2 bath OCEANFRONT laxing, touring or sum- Private, 3 bedroom! 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, pool, LAKE HURON YES, OCEANFRONTf mer studies. Available 2 bath- Vacation Home. condo. Large deck. $1,800/ month. SUMMER RENTALS Little Traverse Bay 3 bedroom/2 bath. thru August. $650/ Quiet, Secluded ... week. (231)258-1112 3 months prefe~. Nightly, Golf Club. Fully fUmished home, MINUTES FROM GULF Weekly, Monthly Yet Close To it All! Tennis, pool, towels, sheets, 724 VACATION RENTALS 313-417-9469 Private beach, hot tub. vrbo.com #8710 washer, dryer, etc. RESORTS 248-626-7538 313-881-7474 One hour drive from Toll Free: Own private beach. 4 cottages for rent. Port Pointes. (N. lakeport) 800-822-6280 Private community Sanilac, MI. On the 313-885-4660 beach, weekly and Code #00 313.881.39n weekends. (313)886- HARBOR SPRINGS ~ 3204, (810)622-9549 ,IT WATERFRONT~ANADA HARSEN'S ISLAND GRAND TRAVERSE BAY TOWNHOUSE To iIMrtse i11tis spem 6 CASEVILLE on Sagi- Enjoy beautiful sunrises Middle C~nnel Remodeler, Decorator Hideaway Valley caI (313~$X) ext. 3 ,f naw Bay. Private over crystal clear waters cottage. 3 bedroom, seeking projects. Little Traverse Golf Club, • FAX (313)343-5000 Lakefront homes. of Georgian Bay/lake Huron dock, gas grill. RESIDENTIALJ 3 bedrooms, ~I., Good selection of July hiking, boating, scuba diving Great fishing. COMMERCIAL 21/2 baths. t~. weeks available. 989- amongst magnificent Lovely sunsets [I. 874-5181. www.dale- MR. M. MADURSKI SR. Weekly/ Monthly rental ~.f. slakefront Limestone cliffs $650/week. Local 313-438-3439 248-593-8446 ii cottages.atfree 313-343-0255 313-885-1760 1\ web.com

    , , .. ' H E 0 L F 0 H SOL E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ESTOTE ~~$$.:~>"'(I' .., 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE I i 603 Neff road for sale DETROlrs BEST BUY 1214 Buckingham, 220 McMillan, 3 bed- 898 Westchester in the DETROIT by owner- approximately 3,800 Sharp bnck ranch with Grosse POinte Park. room, 1 1/2 bath colo- Park. 5 bedrooms, 3.5 17211 Minneapolis sq.ft. 3 car garage family room, move-in Beautiful 5 bedroom nial. Well maintained, baths, 2 1/2 car at- (Mackl Cadieux area). With buildable attic condition. FHAN A; colonial with aU new ready to move in. Up- tached garage, comer 3 bedroom bungalow. dated kitchen, new updates. Charming in- lot. $419,000 Double lot fenced. area. $425,000 only $79,900. driveway, garage (248)330-8281. Stieber Realty terior/ exterior. Profes- floor. Energy efficient. (313)824-6492 Double garage, new ... furnace. Full base- ~. (810)n5-4900 sionally decorated. Furnace With low Must see! By owner. heating bills. Central BEAUTIFUL canal front ment. Very clean I I Only $439,900. air, air cleaner, new brick bungalow with $79,500. JC 313-885- .. aDo HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE (810)504-2752 hot water heater. finished basement, 8687 $268,900. 313-885- 1726 Newcastle- 3 bed- 8478. lake view, lake ac- room 1.5 bath, colo- cess. 3 bedroom, 3 DONATE your cars, GROSSE POINTE WOODS nial. 2,049 square feet ST. Clair Shores. Im- bath with spacious maculate, 3 bedroom boats, R.V., trucks, Beautiful 5 bedroom colonial home refinished hardwood brick ranch, finished deck! A must see!!! By property to: MISSING on quiet cul-de-sac, near schools. floors, finished base- basement. 1 1/2 owner, 23285 Liberty. CHILDREN PROJ- ment, 2.5 car garage, baths. 2 car garage, ECT- for a tax dona- 5,100 square feet including 1,700 $295,000. (810)445- family room. $129,900. (810)774- 8536 tion. (313)884-9324 square foot finished basement, $239,000. (810)794- 1269 5671, (313)343-9569 large family room, and library. 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE Superior landscaping. 2118 Ridgemont, Pnced below appraised Grosse POinte value at $554,000. Woods. Newer 2 1/ 2 15305 WINDMILL POINTE DRNE car garage, large 313 86-8415 for a mtment. deck, custom kitchen. 1,000 square feet, no basement, but abun- dant storage space. 637 WASHINGTON RD. G.P.C. Modern decor. (313)283-9507

    4 Bedroom, 2 588 Notre Dame- 2 bed- I>dlll. /If>W 2 1/2 room, 1 bath; updated ( elf ~eUcl~t' 200' kitchen, bath, electn- S".cious Tudor in prime location ..,Ith great /loor plan and dc('p lot 2.34M cal and water heater architectural detail. This ..,ell maintained home has 5 bedrooms, ...qllclTC fcct Hardwood floors 3 full, 2 half baths, a ne.., Mutschler kitchen. paneled library and throughout Large hv- finished basement ."ith ."et bar. It features 4 fireplaces, Pella BlIIll 1<)2<) Ing room and formal ..,indo.". throughout and a .Iate roof and slate patio. S42:>.OOO dining room $934,000. For an appointment: 313-824-6564 or 3-82 1-9()74 ~ $158,900 (313)882- WlndmU'[email protected]:om :3 J 3003 ""F...~ c-..;:(''')?'r...~ 'W'~0~ ~~'9:1')':"~~ ..,.~~~~* Classifieds • (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Thursday, July 5, 2001 VourHome Page 21


    GROSSE Pointe Farms- GROSSE Pointe GROSSE Pointe MACKINAW Clty- Lake ST. CLAIR SHORES 342 McKinley Avenue. Schools. New con. Woods. 2057 Van Huron frontage. Brand Sharp 4 bedroom home Price reduced! 3 bed- struction, 4/ 3. 2,400 Antwerp. Charming new 1, 2 and 3 bed- featuring formal dining room luxury condo- room, 2 1/2 bath square feet. Terms. colomal on great room, 50'x 162' lot. miniums on Lake Hur- $119,900. FHAIVA French colonial. New 313.215.0242 street. 3 bedrooms, on, just 1 mile from 1.5 baths, fabulous ST. CLAIR SHORES wood windows, refin- GROSSE Pointe downtown. Phase I al- new family room Lakeview Schools. Ished hardwood Woods, 4 bedrooms, most complete, Phase (26'X13'), new roof, Sharp 5 room ranch in- floors, professionally 2 1/2 baths, 2 car ga- 1/ just beginning. Fea- ASY care brick ranch. refinished hardwood tunng 9' ceiling, cen- cludes all appliances. landscaped, neutral rage, partially finished Offers 3 bedroom floors. Completely re- tral air, attached ga- $89,900. Must be sold decor and many other basement, freshly and 2 full baths! decorated. Hurry! On- rages, outdoor heated immediately. FHA painted, hardwood Open new kitche updates! $365,900. ly $234,900. pool, walking trails, Lee Real Estate floors throughout. with eating area an (313)886-0658 Open (313)881-5864 700' of Lake Huron Ask for Harvey family room. 1st floo Sunday 1- 5pm $398,900. (248)442- frontage. ProfeSSional 810-771-3954 laundry. Must sell! 4815 GROSSE Pointe rental program availa- ble. High end furniture $314,900. Cath GROSSE Pointe Woods. Super bUy on this old world charm package makes this a 803 CONDOS/APTS/FLATS Champion, Johnston Woods, SCott built, 5 turnkey second home & Johnstone, 313 home. 4 bedrooms, 2 bedroom colonial with full baths, 2 fireplaces Priced from $198,400 HARPER WOODS 549-0036 2 full and 2 half baths. on a beautiful deep furnished. 877-9- Sharp brick townhouse Updated kitchen, fin- Shores EXCELLENT area lot. New drivewayl on Williamsburg Court. Ished basement, cen- roofl furnace. ThiS Nothing to do but move St.Clair Shores 1,800 OPEN Sunday, 1- 4p m. tral air, first floor laun- home is full character in. Private basement sq ft. 4 bedroom brick ROSSE Pointe Park, 20330 Edrnunton, St. dry, 2 1/2 car garage and is priced $1,ooo's Asking only $94,900. below market. Only Clair Shores. Colonial, split ranch many ex- 10'43 Berkshire Road, and much more. Move Stieber Realty tras , newer roof, air 4 bedrooms, 2 11 in condition. Call for $157,900. Seller seil- 4 large bedrooms in- ing as is. City Inspect- 810-775-4900 condition fumace! hot baths, 2,300 squar appointment cluding master suite, ed. So do the work 2 1/2 baths, first floor water, heater, applian- foot colOnial. Com (313)882-5353 and save big. Call Joe INVESTOR'S special. laundry. Updates in. Detroit, Whittlerl Bea- ces stay, finished car- pletely renovated to HARPER Woods, 19935 Cesaro, ReMax East, elude: Merillat oak consfield. 15 unit peted basement,2 car to bottom. Attached, Damman. 3 bed- 810-792-8000. kitchen, half bath, win- apartment building, rooms, 2 baths, cen- garage $193,000 heated garage. In dows, furnace, central COin laundry, tral aIr, 2 car garage, HARPER woods Grosse 21718 Edgewood ground heated pool. arr, roof, driveway. $285,000 313-882- new roof. Possible Pointe schools 1500 (810)776-0117 shown $573,700. Owner, Sq ft. 3 bedroom, 2 gas fireplace. Must land contract. 4132 by appointment. (313)822-1982 bath, brick ranch with see. $239,900 (313)839-5n8 I 2 car attached ga- (313)417-1903 808 WATERfRONT HOMES rage. Large family room, dinning room, HARSENS Island- 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE liVing room Finished South Channel colo- basement With forth Ch.,,,,h_. C.p. Cell bedroom. central air, 8rll•• ,.int. Fir",. nial, 3,456 souare deck and spa. Too 3 Bedrooms, 2 B8ths, foot, 5 bedrooms, 3 many features to list. Attached Gltag" 1/2 baths, open floor A must see home ask- 2 Firepl~ces" Family plan, custom kItchen, ing $197,000 Roam With Duilt-I n fireplace, alarm sys- (313)886-7164 Book Sh,ll/as. Spacious tem, deck, dock, hoist, Muter Bedroom With daVIt, sprinkler sys- OPEN Sunday 1-4 pm. Lar,e Walk-In Closet tem. 3.5 garage. & Sitting Area. Attractive Grosse $589.000. Lucy Bur- Pointe Farms home. 3 N••• r: ApJ.lianc,sA Furna~~t Air, ROOT by, Century 21 Future bedrooms,. 1 1/2 & windows. BUilders, Inc baths. 2 fireplaces. 341 WilLIAMS (810)650-1824 EASY lNING FOREMPlY~ Professionally deco- PRICE REDUCED TwO bedrooms. I 1/2 baths first noor laundry. full basement new hi efflnenq. furnace & rated Upgrades $295000 TO PLACE AN AD atr double attached garage Big comfortable kitchen With new Karattmald Clipboards & throughout Owner. (JU)8'S-U4S CALL 313-882.slO ext 3 ceramIc tile counters bnck heanh \\-lIh wood stove bUill. Ins for TV & books space for 283 Moran. 313-881- sofa. table etc Andersen triple 'A'lndows from the kitchen face a beaUtiful pnvate gClrden N, Ir.ker. Please 4222. stone patio & 5toch.adefence Traditional details abound such as (rown moldln~ pan- eled doors with porcelain knobs ,ustom blllJt bookcases t1ardwood lloors & Jivln~room fireplace 1.300 sq ft bUill In 1952 S29Cl500 . 808 WATERFRONT HOMES 808 WATERFRONT HOMES 808 WATERFRONT HOMES BY APPOINTMENT 313-886-8387 or 313-881-8087 LAKE HURON WATERFRONT OPEN EVERY SUN 2-4- J LUXURY LAKEFRONT HOMES BRAI'ID .NEW 1,800 sq. ft. CIa$ic CB1terentranreoolonial, 1/2 bled< from I..ake;hcxe Rd. and ~ PomteSRres Starting at $199,900 U.S. Pcd, 4 OO:iroorn<>, 2 1/2 l.Ifdatai oott& Newer kitdlEn Great room with cattairnl Located 15 minutes from the Bluewater Bridge in Canada. CEiling. tar & doorwall to expnNvedErl<. Large den leading to dErlphaltsport cnnt. WithIn walking distanceGrasge PomteShores Pari< & For information on these or any other lake or river front properties, sledding hill, Feny Elementary &GnEge Pante North High School. Call Rod Gowrie at Magic Realty Inc. 519-332-6880 1HE PE.RFECf FAMILYHOME' 313-886-9354 or www.samiar 1 . om . 810-2 J 7-9377 t t Page 22 Your.Home Thursday, July 5, 2001 Classlfleds • (313)882-6900 ext. 3

    813 NORTHERN MICHIGAN 81 S OUT OF STATf 809 \'/ A TERFRONT lOTS 809 \'/ATERFRONl LOTS HOMES PROPERTY Spectacul8r LAKE Huron! Huron 3 bedroom, 2 bath Elk Lake Superior County: 7,44 acres Lake condo, 450' NAPLES, Crashing surf, breath- and over 645 feet of shared beach front- FLOFWlA takinQ views, absolutely Lake Huron frontage. pristine setting. Three age, 1 car garage & SAl.ES&FENTAlS Fantastic building site boat lift. Central air, large 10+ acre lakefront ~MJnlttj parcels located in an In Rubicon Estates, hot tub on extended exclusive development $225,000 with land deck, partially furnish- Beach fra't near Marquette, Both contract terms nego- ed. Great sunset & \Nater front. high cliff and beach tiable. Northem Land viewsl $300,000. t-bnes& Q:n:bl sites. On-site caretaker, Company, 1800-968- (231 )264-2001 MAfIVESCI REALTORS paved road and under- 3118 or www.northem ground utilitIes. You'll be 8QO.24-VESCI landco.com HARBOR Springs, Trout (IIOOMIo37:M) amazed by the Increcft- Creek condo, 3 bed- www.\1IIIC!Irom GrossePointe N~ws bIe natural beauty of thIS 813 NORTHERN MICHIGAN property and the area! room plus 2 bath. HOMES Near skiing, golf. Priced at $120,000 to 820 BUSINESS FOR SALE $240,000, less than GAYLORD Waterfronts, $228,000. 231-526- &,~ 1026 $700 per waterfront ft. 5 homes to coose ESTABUSHED Grosse NEWSPAPEIS Call Owner at from. Call Shan or Pointe barber shop for (906) 892-8500 or Brian 517-705-8700 Classified. lease. For information, ematl: Work For Youl Real Estate Masters e;".. _ NoM please call, (313)882- [email protected] (313)882-6900 ext. 3 of Gaylord. "'.fi"JIWP!ii 5580


    - ,

    ...... ~~",,~.""~"'=-""~-.""--'---'--"""------'- Thursday, July 5, 2001 YourHome Page 23

    (~rosse I"loi n te F arl"11.S Grosse Pointe "\Xfoods

    Affordable and well maintained three bedroom Three bedroom, one and one half bath Colonial with Three bedroom, two full bath brick bUDgalowwith OpeD Colonial with large kitchen with eating space and two new wiDdows, new roof, eat iD kitchen and den. kitcheD aDd hardwood floors throughout. FiDished car garage. Hardwood floors. Walk to elementary school. basemeDt and close to schools.

    Grosse Pointe -Park

    Three bedroom. three bath Cape Cod on quiet cul-de- Immaculate three bedroom brick ranch all the updates Four bedroom, two .And one half bath Colonial with sac. Huge family room, updated Idtchen and den. have been made: new kitchen. new furnace and central updated kitchen, new boUer and spacious room sizes. air coDditioning, family room .••the list goes onl First floor laundry and cozy den.

    Grosse Poillte Farnls CIi1"1ton 'l-'o,Vl1.shi Detroit j1 •

    Cozy three bedroom bungalow with two full baths, Beautiful four bedroom, two and one half bath Colonial Large three bedroom brick bungalow east of 1-94. New freshly painted throughout. Finished recreatioD room. iD Clinton Township. Huge family room with vaulted carpet throughout, freshly painted and aD updated Master bedroom with bath. MO\Iein condition. ceilings. den, master bedroom with bath and Dew bath. kitchen with working island and eatiDg space. Grosse Poillte Park Detroit

    Five bedrooms, two full bath Colonial. New roof, new Fantastic three bedroom, one and one half bath ranch Charming three bedroom bungalow dose to St. John's windows, new plumbing •••move in condition. with family room, large eat in kitchen and two car Hospital and 1.94. Large family room, lot and a half, attached garage. two car garage. Just reducedl

    for Additional Information Please Call: SINE & <£>IIANA <£>INECAMEQON, ABQ MONAGHAN 313-884-2240 K~1S website: shanasinecameron.realtor.com e-mail: [email protected] YourHome

    ,', • ... ;,• '.. .• f .'\' 1 .I . J 1 r• ~ ! , ~ Wonderful home with many f_tures. Rand8nme CoJoataJ in fh'8t ola88 oondttiml Maner bedroom with alWng area, built-in MulUple bB,y wiDdowa, hardwood tklora, libraz'y bookcasee and window -*. newer fioor in baa a walk.in ~ aDd oould be a ftftb bed- ki~n and a f1niahed baaement .Uh one Paver brick wa1JI:woIQ' and patio. t334.900 half bath. A great t.hrM bedroom bunga10wl '144.900 ~ J 922 Avon Court, Grosse Pointe Woods 412 'lburaine, Grosse Pointe Farms j 1015 Bedford, Grosse Pointe Park 424 Fisher, Grosse Pointe Farms 20468 Washtenaw, Woods 12.2 19198 Old HoJl1881ead, Woods •l: .. k 82 Kercheval, , on the Hill 313-884-0600 •,. . Grosse Pointe Farms www.realestateone.com