NOTICES DEPARTMENT of BANKING Actions on Applications
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2445 NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF BANKING Actions on Applications The Department of Banking (Department), under the authority contained in the act of November 30, 1965 (P. L. 847, No. 356), known as the Banking Code of 1965; the act of December 14, 1967 (P. L. 746, No. 345), known as the Savings Association Code of 1967; the act of May 15, 1933 (P. L. 565, No. 111), known as the Department of Banking Code; and the act of December 19, 1990 (P. L. 834, No. 198), known as the Credit Union Code, has taken the following action on applications received for the week ending April 20, 2010. Under section 503.E of the Department of Banking Code (71 P. S. § 733-503.E), any person wishing to comment on the following applications, with the exception of branch applications, may file their comments in writing with the Department of Banking, Corporate Applications Division, 17 North Second Street, Suite 1300, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2290. Comments must be received no later than 30 days from the date notice regarding receipt of the application is published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The nonconfidential portions of the applications are on file at the Department and are available for public inspection, by appointment only, during regular business hours. To schedule an appointment, contact the Corporate Applications Division at (717) 783-2253. Photocopies of the nonconfidential portions of the applications may be requested consistent with the Department’s Right-to-Know Law Records Request policy. BANKING INSTITUTIONS Section 112 Acquisitions Date Name and Location of Applicant Action 4-9-2010 First Niagara Financial Group, Inc. Effective Buffalo, NY Acquisition of up to 19.9% of the common stock of Berkshire Bancorp, Inc., Wyomissing, and indirect acquisition of up to 19.9% of the common stock of Berkshire Bank, Wyomissing. Holding Company Acquisitions Date Name and Location of Applicant Action 4-9-2010 First Niagara Financial Group, Inc. Effective Buffalo, NY Acquisition of 100% of Harleysville National Corporation, Harleysville, and indirect acquisition of 100% of The Harleysville National Bank and Trust Company, Harleysville. Branch Applications De Novo Branches Date Name and Location of Applicant Location of Branch Action 12-17-2009 Fleetwood Bank 455 Main Street Opened Fleetwood Shoemakersville Berks County Berks County 4-14-2010 Republic First Bank 30 Kings Highway East Filed Philadelphia Haddonfield Philadelphia County Camden County, NJ Branch Discontinuances Date Name and Location of Applicant Location of Branch Action 4-10-2010 Beneficial Mutual Savings Bank 9910 Frankford Avenue Closed Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia County Philadelphia County 4-10-2010 Beneficial Mutual Savings Bank 2 Scott Street and Closed Philadelphia Pavilion Avenue Philadelphia County Riverside Burlington County, NJ PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 40, NO. 19, MAY 8, 2010 2446 NOTICES SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS No activity. CREDIT UNIONS Change of Principal Place of Business Date Name and Location of Institution Address Action 4-19-2010 PPL GOLD Credit Union To: 4703 Hamilton Boulevard Effective Allentown Allentown, PA 18103 Lehigh County Lehigh County From: 932 West Hamilton Street Allentown, PA 18101 Lehigh County The Department’s web site at includes public notices for more recently filed applications. STEVEN KAPLAN, Secretary [Pa.B. Doc. No. 10-831. Filed for public inspection May 7, 2010, 9:00 a.m.] Weatherization Assistance Program’s Proposed DEPARTMENT OF State Plan COMMUNITY AND The Department of Community and Economic Develop- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ment (Department) publishes notice of a public hearing to be held Monday, May 24, 2010, at 1 p.m. in PUC Hearing Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Grant Programs for Destina- Room 2, Plaza Level, Commonwealth Keystone Building, tion Marketing Organizations 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA. The purpose of this hearing is to receive comments on the proposed changes in this Commonwealth’s 2010-2011 annually-appropriated The Department of Community and Economic Develop- United States Department of Energy Weatherization As- ment announces the availability of guidelines for the sistance Program Plan (regular plan) and the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year (FY) 2010-2011 Grant Programs for Destina- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act State tion Marketing Organizations. This program administered Weatherization Plan (ARRA). by the Pennsylvania Tourism Office provides grants to support tourism promotion and marketing for eligible The regular and ARRA plans are to be amended to Tourism Promotion Agencies and other Tourism Destina- transfer the contract rights and obligations of the City of tion Marketing Organizations. These supported activities New Castle as a sub-grantee of the Commonwealth under will encourage the prosperous development of Pennsylva- both plans to Lawrence County Social Services, Inc. nia business, industry and commerce, to expand markets and promote and develop new markets for Pennsylvania The 2010-2011 ARRA plan provisions for ‘‘first priority tourism, encouraging the location and development of households’’ will be modified to meet current conditions new business, industry and commerce within the Com- and maximize the effective use of ARRA weatherization funds. monwealth, to aid in restoring employment in communi- ties affected by unemployment, and to assist persons, The 2010-2011 regular plan will authorize modification firms, associations, political subdivisions, corporations, of the current formula-based distribution of funds. The cooperative associations and other organizations to assist Department, in cooperation with DOE will transition the various public safety, recreation, senior citizens or other implementation of the modified formula during the 2010 community service organizations. plan year. The changes may result in the redistribution of funds among sub-grantees based upon specific perfor- Assistance from the Pennsylvania Tourism Office is in mance metrics including but not limited to production, the form of grants from the Commonwealth to eligible quality of the work product, prompt, accurate and com- applicants for projects which conform to the eligibility plete reporting, and energy reduction achieved. The criteria detailed in the program guidelines. State-issued certification process currently employed in the ARRA Weatherization Program will also be imple- All applications and requests for guidelines should be mented for the ‘‘regular’’ plan. directed to Department of Community and Economic Development, Tourism Office, Commonwealth Keystone Copies of the ‘‘regular’’ and ARRA Weatherization Pro- Building, 400 North Street, Fourth Floor, Harrisburg, PA gram Plans may be obtained beginning on May 12, 2010, 17120-0225, (800) 237-4363, [email protected]. by contacting the Department of Community and Eco- nomic Development, Office of Energy Conservation and GEORGE CORNELIUS, Weatherization, 4th Floor, Commonwealth Keystone Secretary Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (717) [Pa.B. Doc. No. 10-832. Filed for public inspection May 7, 2010, 9:00 a.m.] 720-1354 or it can be downloaded from the Department’s web site at Written comments may be submitted to E. Craig Heim, Executive Director, Office of Energy Conservation and PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 40, NO. 19, MAY 8, 2010 NOTICES 2447 Weatherization, 4th Floor, Commonwealth Keystone Thomas R. Smith filed an application for reinstatement Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120 until 5 of his teaching certificates under section 16 of the act (24 p.m. on May 21, 2010. P. S. § 2070.16), 1 Pa. Code §§ 35.1 and 35.2 (relating to applications) and 22 Pa. Code § 233.14 (relating to rein- Persons with a disability who wish to attend this statement). Under section 16 of the act, the Department hearing and require auxiliary aid, services or other of Education on April 14, 2010, filed its opposition to the accommodations to participate in the proceedings, contact reinstatement. Jacquelyn Allen at (717) 720-1354 to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs. In accordance with the act, 1 Pa. Code Part II (relating to General Rules of Administrative Practice and Proce- GEORGE E. CORNELIUS, dure), the Commission will act upon the application Secretary without hearing, unless within 30 days after the publica- [Pa.B. Doc. No. 10-833. Filed for public inspection May 7, 2010, 9:00 a.m.] tion of this notice a written request for public hearing is filed with the Commission, along with a notice of inter- vention, a petition to intervene or protest in accordance with 1 Pa. Code §§ 35.23 and 35.24 (relating to protest) or 1 Pa. Code §§ 35.27—35.32 (relating to intervention). Petitions to intervene, protests and requests for hearing DEPARTMENT shall be filed with Carolyn Angelo, Executive Director, Professional Standards and Practices Commission, 333 OF EDUCATION Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333, on or before 4 p.m. on the due date prescribed by this notice. Application of Thomas R. Smith, Jr. for Reinstate- ment of Teaching Certificates; Doc. No. RE-09-07 Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing, if held, and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate, should contact Notice of Opportunity for Hearing and Suzanne Markowicz at (717) 787-6576 to discuss how the Invitation to Protest Commission may best accommodate their needs. Under the Professional Educator Discipline Act (act) (24 GERALD L. ZAHORCHAK, D. Ed., P. S. §§ 2070.1—2070.18a), the Professional Standards