e lOb ;.;~~@-- ~....<'-,.------------------------------- 1.1n(.;M'~..l>') ~~ ....JfM-?Jf:!ir~*" ~~ N~ws Farms studies • As a protest of what officials Ut:!IIt:Vtl L:> ~II unfair waler rate cnarged to the Village by DetrOit Water and parking deck Sewer, Shores offiCials Willplace a por- tion of Its water payments In a special escrow account pending a review of the formula used to determine the Village rates Page 2A for Richard lot In an effort to find park- • Two 19-year-old men from Grosse mg for a proposed pnvate POinte Park have pleaded gUilty to a • See related stories, buddmg development on the drunken night of sport dunng which Hill, the Farms ISlookmg at page 3A they chopped down a 53-year-old bUlldmg a parking deck on • See editorial, Norway spruce at Patterson Park the Richard mumcipallot Page 13A But whlie the parkmg page 6A • An hlstonc Boeing 817 Flying deck Idea has made It to the draWIngs stage, the Grosse Fortress is scheduled to make a good- lot across Hall Place The will flight over the Grosse Polnte8 Pomte Pubhc School System was unaware of the plan city has an additional 56 next week The World War II heavy spaces committed to Hdl bomber Will be pIloted by a former until a Grosse Pomte News reporter sought the dtstnct's shoppers and Vlsltors m the POinter A current Woods reSident Will Cottage HospItal parkmg be at hiS old navigator's station In the comment on the Idea Photo by Brad Lmdberg "I have not seen any deck That leaves 27 addi- four-englned aircraft's Plexlglass nose tIOnal spaces needmg to be Page 1B plans I have not seen any Gone fishing bluepnnts," said Chns found • Two Grosse POinte Soccer As tbe sun lacs down aDdnavllaUon Ugbts come on at the maiD Fenton, assIstant superin- The proposed Richard ASSOCiationDragon8 travel teams won pier at WbulmUl Pointe Park, Emily Kennedy, 6. fisbes for bau tendent for busmess affairs lJaTkmg deck would- ClQllSist their diVISions at the recent Ann Arbor with her brothel', Alex, 9, and father, Jay. The family's efforts and support servtces ofthe current lot, whIch SItS Tournament, which attracts some of went UDl'ewarcled."Wehaven't c.u&bt anytbiDg," said Jay. "We'll The parkmg deck Idea 'well below street level on the top youth squads In the Midwest be back." came about when developer th,e McMillan SIde, and a Page 1C Edward Russell proposed a second level that would be 40,000-square-foot bUildIng bUIlt above the eXlstmg lot to replace the former car Access to the second level off dealership bwlding at 130 McMillan would be more WEEK AHEAD Candidate wins right Kercheval economIcal because costly The (,lty estimates rampmg would not be need- Thursday, July 5 Russell's buddmg Will ed, accordmg to city offiCials. to use alias on ballot require 113 parkmg spaces The mumclpal lot on The Wendell Hamson Quartet per- for employees and VISItors Kercheval between " forms for free at the Bon Secours Grosse Pomte Farms City counCIl ten ruhng, 1t was Just an order " Russell plans on haVIng a McKmley and McM111anwas Cottage Health SeNlces 2001 MUSICon candtdate Charles "Terry" DaVIS III The question arose, said Reeslde, combmed 30 spaces on site the Plaza Concert III the Village The See RICHARD, page SA won the right in Wayne County that gtven the law, whether Terry and in the eXisting parkmg show starts at 7 p.m. For more informa- Circuit Court to have the name Terry tion, call (313) 886-7474. could be used After Farms offiCials mcluded on the Aug 7 Fanns pnma- consulted with Chnstopher Thomas, 1: ry ballot dIrector of elections for the state of HW Gardeneers , Saturday, July 7 CandIdate DaVIS said that for 57 Michigan, It was Thomas' opmlOn • years he has been known by the name that It could not be mcluded The A pond and garden tour benefiting of Terry and it IS tus behef that few Secretary of State's office filed a bnef Services for Older Citizens and people would recogmze the name 10 support of the Farms' posItion to host first tour Cornerstone Schools begins at 10 a.m Charles S DaVISIII DaVIS disagreed WIth thIS opinion The Harper Woods ty to vote for their favonte Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for "Voters should have a nght to easI- children They can be purchased m and took the matter to court. When he Gardeneers Club IS hostmg garden ly recognIze the candidates on the receIVed the rulIng 10 his favor, DaVIS ItS first garden tour on July advance at the SOC officeS In the balTot-- I beheve that's the whole Bob and CookIe Krause's Grosse Pomte Neighborhood Club, stated, "thiS IS good news for all the 8 Tlus IS another In a long pnze winnmg garden will be pomt of the law." voters m Wayne County because It 17150 Waterloo In the City of Grosse hne of events whIch wdl featured on thiS year's tour POinte Those taking the tour Will see "I denied use of the name Terry WIll help ehmmate confUSIOn and honor the cIty's 50th but not ehgtble to compete nme of Grosse POinte's most beautiful because of my mterpretatlon of elec- enable voters to better recogmze the anmversary. tIOnlaw, WIththe adVIceoflegal coun- candtdates for whom they are votmg " TIckets are avaIlable for man-made waterscapes. The tour WIllfeature eIght $5 m advance, $7 at the door sel," saId Farms clerk Shane Reeslde "As far as we were concerned, we Harper Woods gardens "Judge Robert J Colombo Jr baSIcal- and $3 for children They wanted to make sure we were comply- Regtstratlon begtns at 1130 can be purchased at Sunday, July 8 ly ordered that the ballot could read mg WIth state law," Reeslde saId a m. at Johnston Park, next Charles S Davis III a k a Terry Allemon's on Mack, My The Harper Woods Gardeneers Club "Now we WIllmake sure that we com- to Harper Woods HIgh SIster's Resale Shop on DaVIS What laws we looked at stated ply Wlth the Judge's rulmg We beheve celebrates the City'Sgolden anniversary that the name of the candtdate shall School Gardens WIllbe open Kelly or by calhng (313) 640- by hosting the Garden Tour, Boutique the Issue IS resolved and have no from noon to 4 P m 9502 be pnnted shOWIngthe given name, plans to appeal the ruhng." and Tin Can Auction at Johnston Park, or an abbreviation or mltlals of the The gardens are diverse, Chns Dee Martm, next to Harper Woods High School, gtven name The Judge gave no wnt- - JIm Stlckford featunng ponds, blTlihouses, Gardeneers pubhcatlon beginning at 11 30 a.m. TICkets are $5 annuals, perenmals, vegeta- chaIr IS eXCIted about the for adults, $3 for children For more bles and statues. group's first tour Information, call (313) 886-6359. Also mcluded IS a bou- "I'm Just hopmg that peo- tique featunng garden and ple Will be msplred to Monday, July 9 floral related Items TIckets become gardeners or get for a tm can auctlOn WIll be some Ideas for then own Lifeguard training at Neff Park In the sold for $1 The Master gardens," she saId "We have City of Grosse Pomte, as well as other Gardeners of Greater a very Wlde varIety of sizes courses In sWimming and ten illS, DetrOIt Wlll be on hand to and types of gardens It's begins For more Information, call (313) answer questtons Attendees gomg to be a really good 343-5257 WIllalso have the opportum- tIme" The Grosse Pornte Board of Education meets at 7 p.m m Grosse POinte South's Wlckrng Library. The • public IS InVited to attend • Amy Davis The Grosse POinte Farms City coun- Cil meets at 7 30 P m In the Farms city Home: Grosse Pomte hall, 90 Kerby. The meeting IS open to Farms the public Photo by Dorren Donald!lOn Paramedics ready to roll in HW Age: 46 Family: Son, Thomas INDEX The Harper Woods Fire Department is officially operat1Dlu an advanced Ufe support (ALS) responder at WI time. After :rears of Occupation: Program diSCUNionawith city officials, followed by months of schoollDC Opinion 6A Duector for Ross and certification telts for firefigbters, tbe proJrIUD il off tbe Innovative Obltuarres 9A ground. The upgrade from emergency medical service (EMS) Employment mellD8department personnel are now trained and allowed to per- TechnolOgIes Schools 11A form advaDeed UfenvlDg techniques witb the guidanee of docton Business.. .. .. 12A over a direet radio connection to • hOilpttal emergency room. Tbls Claim to fame: Retmng would include Ilring stabiliZing medications, starting intra- Autos. .. 14A preSident of the Grosse venous 1lIlesand overridiDI tbe deftbrlUator unit if needed. These Pomte Farms-City are Just a few of the enhanced on-scene care the department is Seniors 2B Little League now equipped to do. In the ftrat two weeks of operation, the Entertainment 6B department has \lied its new capabilities several timn and feels See story, page 4A ClaSSified ads ..4C much better equipped to lervice tbe community. Am:r DaN Mission: Remission St. John HNtth System IS strengthenmg our team We've become part of the University of Michigan cancer NetwoT1<. For more mformatlon or a physlClan referral, call 1-888-872-1200. ; 2A JUly 5, 2001 News Grosse Pointe News Shores to protest Detroit water rates by withholding fees By Jim Stlckford Village manager Mike determlnmg what the So when and how much finds that '>USPICIOUb ters, datmg back to 1993, Staff Wnter Kenyon said that Ius calcu- Shores IS charged for water water a community purchas- GrObse POinte Wood, a..,klng DetrOIt to review the Based on the belIef that latIOns indicated that the Specifically, Kenyon es from DetrOIt dunng the!:>e wmptroller ClIff Mal,on formula used to bill the the DetrOit Water and Sewer Shores pays more for water believe:;" DetrOIt IS charging peak hours affectb It<;overall bald that he hasn't reviewed Shores So starting In July, Department has been over.
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