CLABSA Clavegueram de Barcelona Annual report on activities 2010 2 Report on activities 2010

Index CLABSA 3

1. Annual 2. Other 3. Economic report on aspects of data activities management

1.1 2.1 Innovation 3.1 Management report

1.2 Development of 2.2 Human resources 3.2 Financial statements the Barcelona sewer system 2.3 Commitments 3.3 Auditor’s report 1.3 Management of to the community the Barcelona sewer system 3.4 Board of directors’ statements 2.4 Environmental action 1.4 CLABSA activities in the Environmental Impact Barcelona metropolitan area of Work Sites in the city Water Quality 1.5 Groundwater management in the city of Barcelona Responsible Consumption

1.6 Other activities of note

Control of Waste Discharge to the Barcelona Sewer System Development of Fibre-Optics Ducts in the Barcelona Sewer System Management of the River Besòs Waterway Park Warning System Assistance with Urban Cleaning Other Sewer System Work 4 Report on activities 2010


Imma Mayol Beltran In 2010 we assisted with the commissioning of a new rainwater Chair of the Board of Directors retention tank. Following 22 months of particularly complex work on the central part of Carrer Comte d’Urgell, the retention capacity of the city’s rainwater collection tanks has been increased by 15,000 m3. This new facility, which CLABSA, which has already been brought on line, will improve drainage on the left-hand side of the city’s Eixample district and will significantly reduce the risk of flooding in the neighbourhoods of Sant Antoni and El Raval. CLABSA 5

The new Carrer Comte d’Urgell CLABSA continues to work with In financial terms, 2010 closed with rainwater tank is the most visible the Metropolitan Environmental income of 10.3 million Euros and a net result of the ambitious investment Agency in the provision of services profit of 0.5 million Euros. While this plan undertaken by the City Council, to a number of town councils in the represents a 13% reduction in income, with regard to the sewer system over metropolitan area of Barcelona. The in comparison with the previous year, the last three years, and which has planning of the Barberà del Vallès this decrease, which is expected to represented an investment of 117 sewer system, the design of the La be accentuated in the coming year, million Euros. This plan has brought Riera de la Salut Detention Basin, basically represents a response to about actions such as the bringing in Sant Feliu de Llobregat, or the the decrease in activities arising on line of the Urgell Tank, the civil Estrella Reservoir, in Badalona, are from the finalisation of the work of engineering work on the Carmel-Clot clear examples of the contribution the Barcelona Municipal Investment Tank, the improvement of 4.2 km that CLABSA can also make to the Plan and the decrease in the work of local networks in 10 of the city’s development of an improved service contracted by other metropolitan districts and the arrival of a new for neighbouring municipalities. municipalities and third parties, treated water pipeline, bringing water basically due to the stage in the In 2010 the work done by for irrigation purposes to the Montjuïc municipal legislative cycle. CLABSA received an important hills. Collaboration on the part of acknowledgement by the International In view of the currently unfavourable CLABSA has been a key factor in the Water Association (IWA) at their World economic climate, special value design and subsequent monitoring of Congress, held in Montreal. must be placed on the efforts the above work sites, and one of their and commitment of all company priorities has been to reduce their The Association awarded their personnel, along with our impact on the life of citizens. Innovation Prize to our Company congratulations for all that they have for the COWAMA (Coastal Water The new provision of treated water achieved. I would particularly like to Management) Project, which we to the Montjuïc hills is one of the extend those congratulations to all of developed to provide technological keystone projects for the harvesting of the company’s collaborators and to support in the management of alternative water sources in Barcelona the Board for their special dedication, the quality of the city’s beaches, in and bringing it on line will significantly and encourage them to continue with response to the requirements of the reduce the consumption of potable their work of improving the services European Directive. water for municipal uses, making it that we provide to the citizens. possible in the near future for this water also to be used for industrial purposes in the Zona Franca area. It is a case of a commitment with a metropolitan vocation, which has been carried out jointly with the Metropolitan Environmental Agency, with technical support provided by CLABSA.

Imma Mayol Beltran Chair of the Board of Directors 6 Report on activities 2010

Shareholders and Board of Directors

Share capital: 3.606.072€ in 600 Shareholders shares with a nominal value of 6.012,12€ each, fully subscribed and paid up by: Barcelona de Serveis Municipals, S.A. (class A) 105 shares Entitat Metropolitana del Medi Ambient (class A) 49 shares Societat General d’Aigües de Barcelona, S.A. (class B) 324 shares Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, S.A. (class B) 122 shares

Date of incorporation: 11 May 1992 Fiscal Identification: A-60086451 Registered Address: Rue de l’Acer 16, 08038 – Barcelona Phone: 932 896 800 Email: [email protected] Fax: 932 230 233 Web: CLABSA 7

Board of Directors Position Representative Time

Chair Il•lma. Sra. Imma Mayol Beltran Vice Chair Sr. Ignacio Escudero García after 24/03/2011 Sr. Leonard Carcolé i Galea until 28/01/2011 Members Il•lm. Sr. Francesc Narváez i Pazos Il•lm. Sr. Joan Puigdollers i Fargas Sr. Francesc Xavier Amorós i Corbella until 24/03/2011 Sr. Jordi Campillo i Gámez Sr. Carlos Campos Callao after 24/03/2011 Sr. Joan Cristià Roca after 24/03/2011 Sr. Alejandro Jiménez Marconi after 24/03/2011 Sr. Joaquim Oliveras Riera until 24/03/2011 Sr. Fernando Rayón i Martín Sr. Ciril Rozman Jurado Societat General d’Aigües de Barcelona, S.A. Representant Sr. Francesc Xavier Garcés Daniel Companyia Catalana de Serveis, S.A. Representant Sr. Agustín Garcia Gila Serveis d’Escombraries i Neteja, S.A. Representant Sr. Jordi Payet i Pérez Serveis Especials de Neteja, S.A. Representant Sr. Pau Martín i Zamora

Vice-Secretary FCC Versia, S.A. Representant Sr. Esteve Correa i Artés

Managing Director Sr. Josep Carbonell Talavera 8 Report on activities 2010

Annual report on activities


1.2 Development of the Barcelona sewer system

1.3 Management of the Barcelona sewer system

1.4 CLABSA activities in the Barcelona metropolitan area

1.5 Groundwater management in the city of Barcelona

1.6 Other activities of note CLABSA 9 10 Report on activities 2010


Through the creation of CLABSA, Clavegueram de Barcelona City Council broke away Barcelona, S.A. from the classical concept of passive management of the city’s sewer (CLABSA) is a mixed- system. This resulted in a rapid, yet economy company far reaching, transformation of the infrastructure based on accurate that was incorporated planning and efficient real-time in 1992, on the basis of management of the elements that make it up. What CLABSA has an initiative launched termed “Advanced Urban Drainage by Barcelona Management” (GADU) became a benchmark that is today recognised as City Council. The a model to be imitated, and continues Company’s main to evolve towards a more generalised business activity takes vision of sustainability. The challenge of sustainable place within the city management requires a holistic and the metropolitan approach, with a balanced blend of infrastructure and management, area of Barcelona supported by the best available and is focused on the technology in order to deal with the environmental role of urban drainage, management, design which has now become a fully and control of urban recognized reality.

drainage systems. Holistic Approach The city’s drainage network must never be considered as an isolated system, insofar as its design and subsequent performance are conditioned by both the physical environment that it has to protect and by the constantly varying patterns of precipitation, with special emphasis on those that are due to climate change. The impact on both the city and the receiving environment, along with its ecosystems, is direct and measurable. Furthermore, sanitary CLABSA 11

management has started to play an Environmental Furthermore, at the request of increasingly important role in the Purpose Barcelona City Council, CLABSA urban water cycle, which is why an also designs, installs and maintains Rainfall not only inconveniences allowance must now be made for the a network of ducts through which citizens it also causes, to a greater possibility of recycling drainage water. fibre-optics cables are run, taking or lesser extent, damages as a result As important as the repercussions of full advantage of the existing of flooding. However, this is merely this problem are the perspectives from sewer infrastructure. the most widely known and easily which it must be analysed: from that measured aspect of the question. Activities associated with urban- of the citizens, the public authorities Rainfall is also responsible for 50% of drainage management and sewer and also by that of the different social the pollution discharged into rivers network discharge controls are also and economic agents. and onto beaches in urban areas, carried out for all of the municipalities

and this is a factor that we cannot in the Barcelona metropolitan Management afford to ignore. area, within the framework of the and Infrastructure Contract-Program drawn up with the The conception of how urban The efficient use of resources and Metropolitan Environmental Agency. drainage ought to be managed, as urban space requires rigorous a basic municipal service, has also Outside the Barcelona metropolitan management that will allow been shown to be applicable to other area, CLABSA also provides advisory for a minimisation in the use of activities that are now delegated by and technical-assistance services infrastructures that are habitually Barcelona City Council. As a result, the with a high level of specialisation. rigid and costly. “Advanced Urban current Contract-program includes This has been acknowledged at an Drainage Management” hinges on back up services related to: international level, by companies careful planning, the integration of in the sector and by town and city the life cycles of installations and their • The planning and development of councils, as well as other public bodies. subsequent rehabilitation. urban-drainage systems. Clavegueram de Barcelona, • The implementation, operation and S.A. (CLABSA) undertake their Technology maintenance of technological systems management activities in accordance In-depth knowledge of the and elements to regulate the city’s with the strictest quality standards environment, overall planning drainage systems. and have been awarded Quality (ISO and real-time information are the • The operation and maintenance of 9001:2008), Environmental Care factors that make it possible for the River Besòs flood warning system. (ISO 14001:2004) and Occupational urban-drainage systems to be more Health and Safety (OSHAS 18001:2007) efficiently managed. These are • The management of the system certificates, vouching for their the bases on which to ensure that employed to harvest groundwater integrated management system and optimum advantage can be taken of in Barcelona. covering all of the company’s activities. smaller, more flexible infrastructure. • Technical back up for the control of CLABSA is confident that the intensive sewer cleaning and rehabilitation. use of ICT systems, backed up by the most advanced forecasting and • Technical back up for the development simulation models, will be the best of the network for the Pneumatic possible basis for decision-making. Collection of Solid Urban Waste (RPRSU).

12 Report on activities 2010

1.2 Development of the Barcelona sewer system

Barcelona City Council obtained Barcelona disposes of important resources for the financing detailed planning of of a number of priority actions included in this Plan from the ERDF its sewer system, forms (European Regional Development part of the Overall Sewer Fund) 2007-2013 Cohesion Funds, as well as from the Spanish State’s 2009 System Rehabilitation and 2010 Local Investment Funds. Plan, which was drawn In particular, the total for the site work up by CLABSA in 2006. projects drawn up in 2010 amounted to 18.7 million Euros, among which This Plan, which became special mention must be made of the known as PICBA’06, is Carmel-Clot Tank and the Cleaning Yard that is located above the tank in a permanent process itself. Apart from this, for reasons of of updating, in order to budgetary availability, the Rambla del Carmel Drain Project was broken down adapt it to the changing into two sections: Phase A (Avinguda dynamic of the city. de l’Estatut), which has already been laid, and Phase B (the tunnel passing beneath Rambla del Carmel) work on which will take place at a later date. This year, with co-financing provided by the Cohesion Funds, CLABSA supervised 30 different work sites at a cost of 37.1 million Euros. From among these, special mention must be made of the Urgell Tank, with a retention capacity of 15,000 m3, and the continuation of the civil engineering work on the Carmel-Clot Flood- Protection Tank, as well as the start of work on the Avinguda de l’Estatut drains, which will provide these tanks with input and outlet pipes With regard to more local, or secondary, drainage networks, in 2010 a number of studies were carried out of the Ciutat Meridiana area, complemented by the project for CLABSA 13

Summary of the work done on sewers projected and managed by CLABSA, in the Environmental Sphere – Year 2010

Actions Amount (€) Status on 31/12/2010

Holding tanks

Urgell–Mallorca Tank 6.383.253 Finalised Site modification, Carmel-Clot Drain and 21.978.542 In progress other associated drains Installations and remote control of the 6.999.576 Projected Carmel-Clot Tank

Local networks

XL1: Ciutat Vella, Eixample 2.511.062 Finalised and Sants-Montjuïc XL2: Les Corts and Sarrià-Sant Gervasi 2.697.230 Finalised XL3: Gràcia and Horta-Guinardó 2.679.086 Finalised XL4: Nou Barris, Sant Andreu 2.597.959 Finalised and Sant Martí Renovation of the Roquetes 2 networks 766.589 In progress (islands A, C, D) Renovation of the Roquetes 3 networks 666.988 Projected (islands E, F, G) Carrer Agudes Drain (Ciutat Meridiana) 1.485.440 Projected

Mains drains

Rehabilitation of the following drains: 3.150.000 Finalised Bac de Roda, Selva de Mar, Bogatell, plus surrounding areas Rambla del Carmel, Phase A, Drain 2.886.329 In progress

km km 15,6of new sewers 4,2upgraded local network 14 Report on activities 2010

In the chapter on the monitoring of the actions taken by the ADIF special mention must be made of the work of doubling the Riera Blanca Phase 2 Drain, the Riera de Tena Underpass and the Antoni Capmany Deviation. Likewise the monitoring of the work required to prepare the ground for the Sagrera to Sants (Mallorca/Clot, Mallorca/Trinxant, Mallorca/Padilla and Provença/Entença) Tunneller was carried out, along with the deviation of the Olesa-Garcilaso Drain, rerouted for the construction of the new Meridiana Commuter Train Station. Assistance was also provided for the reroutimg of the sewer system, required as a result CLABSA reinforced Carrer Agudes, on the border of the of the construction of the new Metro municipality of Montcada i Reixac, Line 9 Stations (Guinardó, Putxet, their search for better while projects were also drawn up for Mandri, Sarrià), plus the work required technical solutions, the “Roquetes 2” and “Roquetes 3” on the Zona Franca Drain to prepare the networks, running between the streets ground for the tunneller. All of these along with the Carrer Artesania, Carrer Almansa, Via actions had a significant impact on the promoters of these Favència and Carrer Alonso Cano. sewers network and required Barcelona CLABSA also supervised work on 4.2 City Council to ensure, via CLABSA, a investments, and kilometres of secondary network drains, rigorous monitoring and control of this having resolved the laid in different districts of the city. work. In this context, CLABSA reinforced their search for better technical affects that this work At the same time, this year CLABSA solutions, along with the promoters of has had on the sewers also concluded supervision work on the these investments, and having resolved rehabilitation of the Bac de Roda Drain, the affects (both temporary and network, they also along with others associated drains. definitive) that this work has had on ensured their correct It is also necessary to mention a the sewers network, they also ensured number of other relevant works their correct integration, along with integration, along for Barcelona City Council, such as the application of uniform quality with the application of the study of an alternative to the criteria throughout the city. uniform quality criteria construction of the doubling of the The monitoring of the urban Diagonal Drain, running between development sites, within the City, throughout the city. Francesc Macià and Passeig de Sant which have affected the sewer system, Joan, or the study of an alternative to resulted in an average of 126 actions the Trafalgar-Rec Drain, and also the having to be taken every month on the start of planning work on the Torrent de public thoroughfare. This important l’Espinagosa Tank, the purpose of which activity resulted in the construction will be the reduction of discharges into of 15.6 km of new sewers, of which the unitary network at the bottom end 2.6 km correspond to accessible of the Vallvidrera Reservoir. drains and major primary hubs. All As has now become the norm, of this work is subject to permanent CLABSA continued to collaborate monitoring, in order to optimise with the districts and other municipal municipal actions and minimise bodies on the development of local the impact on citizens. This overall sewer systems, providing technical monitoring resulted in the drafting assistance for the monitoring of the of 859 network reports, along with ADIF (Spanish Railway Infrastructures) another 179 reports drawn up and 64 work on the tunnels for the high speed consultancies carried out with regard train link across the city. to external projects. CLABSA 15

1.3 Management of the Barcelona sewer system

The final result, as perceived by Annual rainfall was 630 l/m2, Careful planning and citizens, will depend to a large distributed over 73 days of significant design of drainage extent on the effectiveness of this precipitation. On 2 occasions the management, suitable maintenance, intensity of the rainfall reached systems can lead to a good regulation strategy, real- levels that could be defined as substantial savings, time control of the system, etc. In “alert” and on 2 occasions it reached essence, experience, organization “emergency” level, these occasions particularly when and technology are all essential to being 17th September, when 49 l/m2 greater emphasis ensure that the service works properly. was recorded, and 20th September, CLABSA has installed an extensive when values of 30 l/m2 were is placed on network of sensors and hydraulic- recorded in some areas of the city. control elements throughout management, rather On each of the above occasions Barcelona and this is the most solid the rainwater retention tanks fully than taking on large- technological base on which to build complied with the task for which efficient management. scale infrastructure, they have been designed and built, as is the case with The Barcelona sewer system is now accumulating vast quantities of permanently monitored by a total of water and avoiding its circulation Barcelona City Council. 2,025 remotely-supervised electronic through the drainage network at sensors, and 397 elements that can be the most critical moments of the remotely controlled from the CLABSA flooding. They also allowed for a Control Centre to guarantee efficient reduction of the outflow into the operation of the system. sea of 1,121 tonnes of solid material suspended in the water by means of This group of control installations the regulation of over 4.39 million allows for the management of heavy cubic metres of water. rainfall episodes, which in 2010 were similar to those of the previous year, The results obtained would not although total annual precipitation have been possible without the was higher. correct maintenance of all of the installations. The 15,465 equipment maintenance interventions, 92% of which were preventive in nature, guaranteed that all of the most important elements remained fully operative for 98% of the time. This ensured that it was possible to successfully deal with all of the rainfall episodes due to the fully operational status, of all of the systems, with optimum guarantees of efficiency. 16 Report on activities 2010

Rainfall Data

Kind 2007 2008 2009 2010

Total precipitation (l/m2)* 399 564 473 630 Total days of rainfall 97 129 111 140 Days of significant rainfall (> 1 l/m2) 43 70 53 73 Days of heavy rainfall (> 10 l/m2) 12 19 15 19 Nominal volume of 473 473 473 491 3 the regulating tanks (thousand m ) Volume of retained rainfall (thousands m3) 3.628 4.478 3.683 4.390 *Historic average: 600 l/m2 (1914 – 2010)

Retention and Control Network

Kind 2007 2008 2009 2010

Remote-control stations 115 141 150 157 Remote-control stations 303 343 372 397 Tanks 8 8 8 10 Pumps 190 208 232 249 Sluice gates and valves 82 101 105 110 River Besòs reservoirs 11 11 11 11 Groundwater hydrants 12 15 16 17 Remote-controlled sensors 1.743 1.820 1.874 2.025 Rain gauges, tide gauges and piezometers 210 213 224 244 Other sensors 1.543 1.607 1.650 1.784

15.565maintenance interventions 92of a preventive % nature on the equipment CLABSA 17

1.4 CLABSA activity in the Barcelona metropolitan area

Collaboration with the Metropolitan Planning These Master Plans Environmental Agency on the The town councils of Santa Coloma management of the sewer system provided the people de Gramenet, Barberà del Vallès and began in 2006, when the Contract- Badalona all committed themselves in charge of making Program was first signed between to this approach and entrusted the CLABSA and the Environmental the decisions at the preparation of their Sewer Master Agency. This was then consolidated Plans to CLABSA through the town councils with by a number of projects that were agreement with the Environmental carried out over the following a clear vision of the Agency. These Master Plans provided years. The principles developed the people in charge of making the existing weaknesses for managing urban drainage in decisions at the town councils with a Barcelona were taken as the basis of the networks in clear vision of the existing weaknesses for the implementation of an of the networks in their towns, along their towns, along effective planning and management with the actions that needed to be methodology for sewer systems, which with the actions that taken, their cost, and the priorities has since been adapted to the widely to be applied from the perspective needed to be taken, varying situations in the different of comprehensive infrastructure municipalities that form a part of the their cost, and the planning. In 2010 work on the Barberà Barcelona metropolitan area. priorities to be applied del Vallès Master Plan came to an end Unlike the city of Barcelona itself, in and considerable progress was made from the perspective these urban centres the layouts are on the Badalona Master Plan. generally speaking more disperse, the of comprehensive This year also saw the drafting of the diameters of the networks is more Master Plan for the Malgrat sewer infrastructure reduced, drainage catchment areas system, on the basis of a contract may be affected by major water courses planning. drawn up with the Deputation of and knowledge of infrastructures is Barcelona for the specific provision of less precise. Despite these differences, this service within the lines established the CLABSA working model has shown for the drafting of Master Plans for itself to be equally effective. sewer systems in small municipalities

in the Province of Barcelona.

18 Report on activities 2010

Projects Projects and site supervision work carried in and Sites the Barcelona Metropolitan Area - Year 2010 In terms of projects, in 2010 work Actions Award Status on 31/12/2010 was completed on the Estrella Sewer System Retention Tank in the Badalona sector, with a capacity of Supervision of the Anti-DSU (Unitary Discharge 5.940.367 In progress 3 21,000 m , costing 8,5 million €, which System) Tank in the La Bunyola and L’Aviació included the archaeology of this catchment area, in the municipality of important project. In fact, this was El Prat de Llobregat the first tank to be built in Badalona, 580.237 its purpose being to avoid flooding Supervision of the supply of treated water from Finalised along the Torrent de San Ignacio the El Prat EDAR (Wastewater Treatment Plant) to water course, while at the same time Zona Franca. Section 4 reducing discharges onto the town’s Supervision of the supply of treated water 922.834 Finalised beaches during heavy rainfall episodes. from the El Prat EDAR to the Zona Franca area. Also in 2010 the project for the Sant Pumping Station Feliu de Llobregat open-air Basin was Project for the Riera de la Salut Detention 8.413.866 Projected handed over to the Administration, with Basin in Sant Feliu de Llobregat a volume of 71,000 m3 and budgeted at 515.871 8,4 million €, for the purpose of limiting Project for the Estrella Sewer System Retention Projected the affect of floodwaters coursing down Tank, in Badalona. Pre-excavation and archaeology the Riera de la Salut dry water course Project for the Estrella Sewer System Retention 7.975.107 Projected in the urban centre. Tank, plus the technical premises With regard to the supervision of sewer system work sites, in 2010 supervision continued of the work on the La Bunyola anti-DSU (Unitary Discharge System), with a capacity of some 15,000 m3, located in El Prat de Llobregat. Apart from the sphere of urban drainage, which gave rise to the original metropolitan Contract- Infrastructure The Metropolitan Program, in 2008 the Metropolitan Operations Authority also requested CLABSA’s Authority also The Gran Via de l’Hospitalet Tank collaboration in the area of alternative continues to be managed by CLABSA. requested CLABSA’s water resources, and in particular with This tank, which is the property of the regard to the project for transferring collaboration in the General Roadways Directorate of the recycled water from the El Prat EDAR Generalitat of Catalonia, serves to area of alternative (Wastewater Treatment Plant) to protect the Gran Via tunnel against the Zona Franca/Montjuïc area water resources, and flooding, following intense rainfall in Barcelona, as well as up to the episodes, as it passes through the in particular with Montjuïc hills overlooking the City. This municipality of Hospitalet de Llobregat. project has been developed in phases: regard to the project for the initial pipeline sections were In 2010 the harvesting and transferring recycled laid on the Pratenc industrial estate maintenance of the Sant Llorenç Basin in 2009, and in 2010 the Section 4 was consolidated, the work having water from the El Prat works on the pipeline were completed started in the last quarter of 2008. EDAR (Wastewater (between pg. de la Zona Franca and A total of 677 l/m2 of rain was dealt Carrer A), the Pumping Station at the with in 109 days, in 19 of which rainfall Treatment Plant) to the Water Treatment Station (ERA) at levels were in excess of 10 l/m2. Zona Franca/Montjuïc the Llobregat Wastewater Treatment According to the warning protocols Plant (EDAR) that complete this established a total of 12 warnings, area in Barcelona. infrastructure, which is over 9 km in which were coordinated with Civil length, runs from the EDAR to the Tres Defence and the local police forces of Pins Nurseries in Montjuïc. Gavà and Viladecans. CLABSA 19

1.5 Groundwater management in the city of Barcelona

The City Council is fully aware of Since 2006 the the growing need to reduce the Barcelona City Council consumption of potable water and is firmly committed to reliance on km has entrusted CLABSA alternative water sources for uses of 67distribution pipelines with the maintenance other than human consumption. and operation of the In recent years, a number of systems have been created to take advantage city’s groundwater of groundwater for use in the city’s distribution network. parks and gardens, for ornamental fountains and lakes, and also to supply the hydrants for hosing down the streets. Now that the existing storage tanks systems have been extended and interconnected and new ones opened 22 with a total capacity 3 up, Barcelona can claim to have of 9.630 m access to an expanding groundwater distribution network that can be harvested for a variety of uses that are not dependent on the high quality standards required for potable water. This source currently supplies 16.6% of the total water used by the Barcelona City Council. springs This groundwater network currently 24with flow rates of 2 to 20 l/s consists of 67 kilometres of distribution pipelines and 22 storage tanks, with a total capacity of 9,630 m3. The water is supplied by 24 springs with flow rates of 2 to 10 litres per second, and in some cases is also collected from water wells, roof run-off and tunnel drainage. All such facilities are managed by CLABSA and operated via the CLABSA Control Centre. 20 Report on activities 2010

Projects and supervision of groundwater sites carried out by CLABSA - Year 2010

Actions Amount (€) Status on 31/12/2010

Supervision of the site for supplying the 1.146.936 Finalised Montjuïc hills with treated water from the El Prat Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Supervision of the site for closing 32.000 Finalised the groundwater supply ring on the Mataró road. Supervision of the site for connecting 38.617 Finalised up the groundwater network in the Sant Martí District (5 islands) Supervision of the site for connecting 136.449 Finalised up the groundwater network: Alfons el Magnànim–Gran Via–Bac de Roda Project no. 9, groundwater remnants: 45.801 In progress Segregation of water consumption in the Estació del Norte Park. Project no. 10, groundwater remnants: 235.537 Projected Gran Via, Diagonal Mar, Bori i Fontestà Project no. 11, groundwater remnants: 235.751 Projected Urgell-Mallorca hydrant, Clot Park, control of the Wellington-Llull system (Waters Building) to Ciutadella CLABSA 21

Consumption of groundwater in m3 794 785 620

m3 465 794.000 consumed in groundwater in 2010

2007 2008 2009 2010

In 2010, within the sphere managed the following: irrigation in the Estació Likewise, in 2010 CLABSA also by CLABSA, 794,000 m3 of groundwater del Nord Park, complementary work inspected 19 groundwater sites, was distributed by the this network on Gran Vía, supplying the Diagonal the most important of which was as a whole, to which we must also Mar Lake, doubling the Bori i Fontestà the section of gallery under Carrer add other alternative resources also networks, the Urgell-Mallorca hydrant, Tarragona and the valve works in the available to the City Council, bringing the Clot Park branch line and control Espanya Industrial Park, as well as the this up to a total of 950,000 m3 and of the Wellington-Llull system (the work done on the Montjuïc and Palau representing an equivalent saving in Waters Building) to Ciutadella. Nacional gallery. potable water. In 2010, CLABSA finalised to a In the operations and management As a result of the impetus that great extent the most important sphere it should also be stressed that, resulted from the drafting of the supervision of the work on the system in 2010, a number of new groundwater Technical Plan for Harvesting for the supply of treated water from network installations were brought Alternative Water Sources within the El Prat Wastewater Treatment on line, of which special mention the City of Barcelona, CLABSA Plant to the Montjuïc hills. This work should be made of a new well, in the continued along the same lines, required the laying of 3.4 km of D200 University area, new connections to investing in systems for harvesting mm, including a downstream tank irrigation systems in the Montjuïc non-potable water (groundwater with a capacity of 100 m3 located at hills and the improvement of the and treated water) to increase the level 70 on the Montjuïc hills. disinfection of the Paral•lel Tank, all of services supplied from this source which has been designed to improve and, as a result, to further reduce the quality of the water. the percentage of potable water used by municipal services. Project packages, nos. 9, 10 and 11, to which the reminder of the cohesion funds have been destined include, inter alia, 22 Report on activities 2010

1.6 Other activities of note

At the request of the Control of Waste Discharges in the Barcelona Sewer System Barcelona City Council, In 2010 the metropolitan assignment CLABSA extended its for the control of discharges into the activity in the city in Barcelona sewer system resulted in a total of 646 inspections, of different order to cover other areas, companies working within both the such as the installation municipal area of Barcelona and also its adjacent metropolitan areas. In of ducts in the sewers to line with previous years this work also carry Fibre-Optics cables, included an emergency discharge service (24 hours a day, 365 days a the management of year) and the publishing of an annual hydrological warning edition of an atlas of potentially contaminating establishments in the systems and the planning Barcelona area. As an outstanding and development of innovation in 2010, we must stress the finalisation of the work on installations for the implementing the Environmental Pneumatic Collection of Agency’s remote control drainage network water quality system, which Solid Urban Waste (RPRSU). has been operational since the end of 2010 and which is scheduled to be extended during 2011. On the other hand, 12 environmental incidents of varying kinds had to be attended to, as a result of bothersome smells, unregulated industrial dumping, either of unknown origin or as a result of accidents at industrial facilities, etc., both within the municipality of Barcelona and its Port Area, as well as in adjacent metropolitan municipalities. CLABSA 23

Development of Fibre-Optics Management of Ducts in the Barcelona the Besòs River Waterway Sewer System Park Warning System Those telecommunications operators The management of the River Besòs that are extending their networks Waterway Park warning system has in Barcelona continue with their been handled by CLABSA since 2000. preference for taking advantage of This park was built in two phases: the the sewer system as their installation first consisted of the stretch running vehicle of choice. The sewers are, in between the municipalities of Santa fact, a far safer medium for Fibre- Coloma de Gramenet and Barcelona, Optics cables (as long as they are duly while the second is the stretch protected and secured in ducting) that was extended in 2004 in the than trenches dug up in the city municipality of Sant Adriá de Besòs, as streets. Furthermore, a sewer-based far as the mouth of the river. Fibre-Optics network is quick to install, The Waterway Park warning system more dynamic to use and avoids all operated without any incidents of the inconveniences and disruptions note during 2010, thereby enabling experienced by citizens when the the members of the public visiting the streets are being dug up. park to fully enjoy its services. During The length of the Fibre-Optics cable this period six warnings were issued, ducting installed in the sewer system in as a result of inclement weather 2010 was 25 km, with 16 of them having conditions, while on one occasion the been laid by a single operator, which park was partially flooded. means that the total length of sewer mains currently fitted with Fibre-Optics cable ducts, serving eleven of the city’s operators, is now 550 km. 24 Report on activities 2010

Management system alert River Park Besòs. Chart numbers warning 35 33 23

7alerts in 2010 7

2007 2008 2009 2010 1partial flooding of the park CLABSA 25

Assistance with List of Urban Cleaning projects and site work - Year 2010 Urban Cleaning Actions Amount (€) Status on 31/12/2010 As in previous years, Barcelona City

Council continued to promote the Supervision of the Work to consolidate the 1.730.934 Finalised development of pneumatic-collection connections to the RPRM general network systems, which has resulted in new projects and works being undertaken. Supervision of the work to double 1.126.969 Finalised In both the pneumatic collection the Diagonal-Poblenou RPRM Centre of waste and other spheres, such Supervision of the work to double 1.685.686 Finalised as mini-waste collection centres or the Vila Olímpica RPRM Centre cleaning yards, the City Council once again entrusted CLABSA with the Supervision of the work on 5 881.074 Finalised development work of these projects. neighbourhood green points The Company drew up the project for Project for the Carmel-Clot Cleaning Yard 1.900.000 Projected adapting the mobile RPRSU systems and also drew up a project for a cleaning yard, over the Carmel-Clot tank, which will contribute to the optimisation of the functioning of the City’s new cleaning contracts. By the start of 2010 CLABSA had finalised the supervision of four work In 2010 technical assistance work Other Sewer sites in the waste sphere, on which finalised at the site of the RPRM System Work work had started in 2009, for a total mobile to fixed conversion in Gran The model set up by CLABSA for the of 5.4 million Euros, co-financed by de Gràcia, along with the supervision management of urban drainage has European Cohesion Funds, these were: of the mechanical work on the RPRM been so successful that many other the consolidation of connections to the network at Ronda General Mitre towns and cities are also adopting RPRM (Pneumatic Municipal Waste (Puig-Reig in Carrer Balmes). it. As a result, on occasions, CLABSA Collection) mains network, doubling Apart from the actions indicated has been asked to provide a range the Diagonal-Poblenou RPRM Centre, above, the work of technical of public authorities with technical doubling the Villa Olímpica RPRM assessment also continued for the assistance and collaboration in Centre and the construction of five promoters of the areas of expansion drawing up specific projects. This work neighbourhood green points. of the RPRM system, i.e. the new has made it possible for the CLABSA In 2010 CLABSA carried out inspection technological district 22@barcelona, vision of urban drainage to be shared work on five pneumatic collection the Bagursa offices for the Marina del and applied in a number of areas sites, co-financed by State Local Prat Vermell urban development, and beyond its habitual spheres of action. Investment Funds: Poblenou network the Barcelona Sagrera Alta Velocidad The most important projects taken consolidation phase 1; Poblenou (High-Speed Train) Consortium. on, outside the metropolitan area was network consolidation phase 2; the drafting of a Master Plan for the Poblenou network consolidation Tarragona Sewer System. Tarragona phase A, adaptation of mobile is a city with a population of 140,000 system and doubling of the Vila and has a sewer system that is 280 Olímpica RPRM Centre. km long. To this end a 2D simulation Likewise, another notable inspection model was created for the whole activity, undertaken in 2010 by CLABSA sewer network, i.e. a simulation of on behalf of the Barcelona City Council the hydraulic behaviour of both the Directorate of Urban Cleaning Services, sewer system and surface run-off was the auditing of the centres at throughout the municipality. the Vila Olímpica, La Maquinista and Diagonal-Poblenou, along with their associated networks. 26 Report on activities 2010

Other aspects of management

2.1 Innovation

2.2 Human resources

2.3 Commitments to the community

2.4 Environmental action CLABSA 27 28 Report on activities 2010

2.1 Innovation

In continuation we attach a brief Over the last few selection of the main projects years the level of in this sphere.

R&D&I activity by SOSTAQUA Project: CLABSA, which has “Towards a Self-Sustaining Water always played a Cycle” ( This macro-project, financed with CENIT significant role in the (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and technological progress Trade) Funds and led by the AGBAR Group, was finalised in 2010. In of the company, has it CLABSA developed a line of undergone a notable investigation for the evaluation of rainwater, in collaboration with, among increase. A number others, the University of A Coruña. of ambitious projects Work has now been completed on the campaigns for the characterisation that work began on of rainwater throughout the full five years ago were urban water cycle, along with the analysis of the possible technologies brought to completion, for the treatment required to make while a number of new this water suitable for required uses. In the end a final study of rainwater projects were also set in treatment techniques was drafted, motion that are going which included key aspects, such as the most appropriate uses for the to represent important rainwater, how a characterisation advances in terms of campaign should be focussed, how to design system for rainwater collection urban drainage in the and storage, as well as a proposal for near future. the best available technologies for the recovery of rainwater. CLABSA 29

Rainwater Harvesting Proposal for Better DSU Medium and Long Term in Urban Environments: (Unitary Discharge System) Strategies for Flood With regard to this question, an R&I and DSS (Separating Discharge Management in Urban Alliance financing project (under the System) Technologies in and Peri-Urban Areas: title “Rainwater Harvesting”) also Rainfall Episodes: Phase 2 of this project, based on the came to an end. This project was In 2010 work went ahead on the implementation of methodologies complementary to the SOSTAQUA development of this project, with for the evaluation of risks associated project and centred on the the finalisation of phase 1, which with the flooding of urban and development of an excellent tool to analysed the available technological peri-urban areas, as well as on an assist with decision making in the improvements for the treatment of estimation of overall changes in the formulation and design of systems for the discharges of the sewer systems short, medium and long term in 3 the harvesting of rainwater in urban (DSU’s), according to legal, technical actual cases, one of which is in the environments, including aspects such as and economic criteria. This in turn Raval District of Barcelona. quality requirements, the dimensioning resulted in the development of a Finally, within the sphere of flooding of rainwater storage tanks and the tool to support the decision for the management and climate change, selection of the best treatment selection of technologies. Work also work started on two European technologies, in order to adapt this began on phase 2, complementing projects, CORFU and PREPARED, with water to the desired urban uses. the analysis of technologies on the financing from the 7th Framework basis of technical visits to actual DSU Program. CLABSA is participating treatment installations in countries Coordinated Sewer System in both of these projects as a such as France, Germany and Spain. Management-Treatment: collaborator and also as the leader

Throughout 2010 work continued on for some of the tasks. Specifically in the second phase of this project that, the CORFU Project, which analyses on the basis of financing by the AGBAR flooding management strategies in Group (CETaqua), is concerned with the urban areas of European and Asiatic development of the prototype for an countries, in order to improve the innovative tool, based on mathematical resilience of response with regard models and artificial intelligence tools, to floods in the future. On the other that will provide support for sewer hand, PREPARED analyses strategies system and water treatment managers to meet future challenges in supply in the form of the coordinated and drainage, as a consequence management of infrastructures (tanks, of climate change. Both of these pumping, sluice gates, treatment units projects are set to continue over a in Wastewater Treatment Plants, etc.) in period of four years, 2010-2013. order to avoid negative effects for the receptive medium, particularly DSU’s (Unitary Discharge Systems). 30 Report on activities 2010

2.2 Human resources

A significant effort was made in The company’s constant 2010 with regard to training, with investment in safety- 2.9% of the hours worked during the year being dedicated to this end, training, the application representing an increase in the total of best practices and the number of training hours registered in the previous year, in particular with adaptation of equipment regard to specific technical training. and installations, made it The costs of training amounted to possible to keep lost time 3.9% of total staff costs. accident rates at levels that were lower than those of other comparable industrial sectors. CLABSA 31

Our team, in terms of qualifications 2010

Management staff and holders of advanced-level degrees 41 Holders of medium-level degrees 22 2,9 of% hours spent training Specialized technical staff 36 Auxiliary staff 19 Total 118

Main features of staff 2010

3,9labor costs% devoted 36,6 Average age (years) training Average time of service (years) 7,82 % personnel turnover rate 11,5 % women out of total 28,81 % salary gap between women and men 12,84 % employees working flexible hours 79,66 % employees working part time 11,02

Occupational Health and Safety 2010

Incident rate 7,37 Frequency rate 41,57 Severity rate 0,42 Absenteeism rate 5,8 Number of accidents 9

Incident rate = (number of accidents involving lost time/average staff) x 100 Frequency rate = (number of accidents involving lost time/number of hours worked) x 1,000,000 Severity rate = (number of days sick leave due to accidents/number f hours worked) x 1000

Training 2010

Hours of training 6292 Hours of training on occupational health and safety 545 Number of people trained 52 (those that logged over 5 hours training) 32 Report on activities 2010

2.3 2.4 Commitment to Environmental the community action

Year after year CLABSA has given its technicians and scientists, university The dissemination support to activities programs such as representatives, public authorities and of information to the “How Barcelona Works”, an initiative public/private services companies. Of run by the City Council, and “When the 1,311 visitors, 15% were from abroad. public at large, and to it Rains in the City”, managed by the On 9th October the Urgell Retention Barcelona Contemporary Culture experts throughout Tank, with a capacity of 16,000m3, Centre (CCCB). These are educational was inaugurated, with the aim the world, with programs, designed for schoolchildren of improving the city’s drainage who want to learn about the constant regard to Barcelona’s problems. The new tank was transformation of our city, and specifically installed to avoid periodic experiences of organized at the rainwater-retention flooding in Carrer Comte d‘Urgell, tank, beneath the Joan Miró Park, managing urban Avinguda Roma, Avinguda Paral•lel during academic year 2009-2010, and the Raval, and also to minimise drainage is an area with 780 visitors. the discharge of contaminating that deserves our In 2010, CLABSA also received visits substances onto the city’s beaches constant attention. from groups of people interested during heavy rainfall. The new tank is in learning about the Barcelona located in the middle of Carrer Comte experience. These visitors came from d’Urgell, between Carrer Mallorca and a range of different backgrounds: Carrer València, in a densely populated part of the city. As a result special care had to be taken with environmental aspects to avoid, as far as possible, inconveniencing residents. Many citizens, some 450, attended the opening ceremony, expressing their interest in the operational system for this infrastructure. In 2010 one of the CLABSA projects also received the recognition of the IWA (the International Water Association) and was awarded two Project Innovation Awards, one at European level, the 2010 PIA Europe Regional Award; and the other at worldwide level, the 2010 PIA Global Award. Both of these prizes were awarded for the COWAMA Project, as the best management project, for the control and monitoring of the discharge episodes of the drainage system. CLABSA 33

2.4 Environmental action

The commitment to environment different construction companies, in Urban drainage is protection is, therefore, a fundamental the tendering stage, and subsequently a basic service with value that CLABSA has erected as the as a guide to the environmental focal point of its business strategy. monitoring of the work as it is actually a very well known This commitment takes the form being carried out on site. of excellent management, aimed environmental In order to bring about this action at minimizing discharges into the an environmental report form has function. receiving environment, the responsible been designed, which must be filled use of resources in the development in for each project, and which allows of the company’s business and the for improvements to be made by the dissemination and promotion of companies that are awarded the work. best practices in the sustainable This environmental appraisal of the management of urban drainage. work is controlled, by CLABSA, for each of the sites where work is being done, on Environmental impact the basis of a management manual and of site work in the city periodic monitoring reports that show the environmental appraisals of the site, Within the framework of the in comparison with those specified in Cohesion Fund projects and site the project and in the offer made by the work undertaken in 2008, a work contractor, and must also include any methodology was developed for the incidents, documents or alerts that may evaluation of the impact of the work occur. In this way, at all times, Barcelona on the city and the effectiveness of City Council has access to rigorous and the corrective measures that have objective information regarding the been applied to it, both during the monitoring of environmental aspects project design phase and when it is of all of the work done in the city, in the being implemented. In this way, the widest sense. impact of the work, on the population, with regard to waste and landscaping, among other aspects, is appraised on Water Quality the basis of objective criteria and an In recent years, CLABSA’s environmental analysis is then undertaken to discover actions have been aimed at reducing to what extent the palliative measures the impact of the direct discharge proposed at the project level will of wastewater or rainwater into the minimise these aspects. receiving environment. Significant According to the policy marked advances have been made in innovative out by the Barcelona City Council, projects, as described above, and also in all of the projects drawn up by the installation of more reliable sensors CLABSA have to be accompanied by at the points of direct discharge into an environmental report. This is a the sea, with a view to obtaining better document that serves as a basis for information that has made it possible to the presentation and evaluation of the ensure that these are properly managed. 34 Report on activities 2010

In recent years, Meticulous management of CO2 Emissions Calculation rainwater-retention tanks allows for and Compensation flooding to be prevented and, at the CLABSA’s CLABSA specified the compensation same time, allows for the prevention for CO2 emissions, calculated for the environmental actions of the polluting of Barcelona’s year 2009, as a result of the company’s coastline. It is calculated that, in 2010, have been aimed at activities. This was estimated at 301 good management prevented 1,121 MT and included emissions produced reducing the impact tonnes of highly polluted waste from as a result of electricity, gas, fuel and being discharged directly into the sea. of the direct discharge paper consumption, as well as the of wastewater or emissions resulting from the travel of rainwater into the Responsible company employees. Consumption Compensation for 100% of emissions receiving environment. The second point of preferential has been carried out via the www. attention is that of the responsible initiative, specifically in the consumption of resources. In 2007 El Bote mini hydroelectric station project CLABSA implemented a series of and rural electrification in Nicaragua. ambitious measures to reduce the consumption of resources, focusing on water, electricity, paper and fuel. In 2010 the electrical energy production goals were achieved, through the introduction of solar photovoltaic panels, which produced 20,353 kWh. The anticipated goals for solar thermal energy production were also achieved.


Environmental Data 2010

Resource Consumption Value Units

Electricity 1.628.518 kWh Natural gas 4.784 m3 Diesel for vehicles 9,7 m3 Potable water public network 2.800 m3 Municipal groundwater 793.993 m3 Paper 3.213 kg

Waste Generated Value Units

Mechanical equipment 1.980 kg MT 170 1.121 Electrical and electronic equipment kg waste not thrown into the sea for share of the tanks Paper 5.466 kg Toners and ink cartridges 128 kg % of waste recycled or reused 100 % 20.353 kWh photovoltaic energy produced Environmental Expenses Amount (€)

Investment in assets designed to protect the environment 205.370 Auditing and environmental-management expenses 31.489 Expenses of environmental training/awareness 4.011 % of business turnover covered by technical environmental audits 100% % of business turnover covered by environmental policies 100%

Anti-Pollution Protection Value Units

Flotsam not discharged to sea due to retention tanks 1.121 MT kg 646 7.744 Number of checks run on industrial discharge Uts generated waste 100% recycled or neutralization Number of checks run on industrial discharge 12 Uts 36 Report on activities 2010

Financial data

3.1 Management report

3.2 Financial statements

3.3 Auditor’s report

3.4 Board of directors’ statements CLABSA 37 38 Report on activities 2010

3.1 Management report

In 2010 stress must Summary of the Activities In October work was completed on of Most Interest the building of the Urgell Rainwater be placed on the Retention Tank, which was then In 2010 there was a significant integrated into the urban drainage following events as decrease in variable services for harvesting system for the city of Barcelona City Council, in comparison the most relevant: the Barcelona. This tank allows for the with previous years, as anticipated. water that is delivered by the drains new Contract-Program This was due to the finalisation of in Carrer Comte d’Urgell and adjacent many of the actions that had been drawn up with the streets, to be temporarily retained, initiated in 2009. Barcelona City Council, in this way reducing the periodic CLABSA also projected a total of 13 flooding suffered by the lower reaches which will remain actions with a total value of 18.7 of the city, as well as the discharge of in force throughout million Euros. Of particular relevance contaminants, both onto the beaches were the projects for the Carmel-Clot and into the Port, during rainfall 2010 and 2011, and Tank installations, with its associated episodes. This tank consists of a single the bringing on line cleaning yard, as well as the main 16,000 m3 body, installed underground drain laid in Avinguda de l’Estatut beneath Carrer Comte d’Urgell, of two singular new and the different local networks in between Carrer Mallorca and Carrer installations: the Carrer the Ciutat Meridiana and Roquetes València, and divided into 3 cleaning districts. In short, the total cost of the lanes that run parallel with its longer Comte d’Urgell Tank package of investments projected over side, and is connected up to a well and the infrastructure the last three years has amounted to from a groundwater accumulation 117 million Euros. tank, which is used to clean the tank to bring treated water and to supply exterior non-potable Furthermore, CLABSA also supervised water. For the most part the volume of from the Metropolitan 30 work sites, with a total value of water accumulated is emptied out by 37.1 million Euros, in particular the Environmental Agency pumping, in this way complementing work on the Urgell tank, with a the regulatory function of the Escola Treatment Plant, at El retention volume of 16,000 m3, and Industrial Tank, which has been in the pipeline for supplying treated Prat de Llobregat, to service since 2000. water to the Montjuïc hills, with a 100 the facilities on the m3 downstream tank situated at level Montjuïc hills. 70 on the hills. Work also took place on the supervision of the laying of 4.2 kilometres of secondary network drains, in the different districts of the city, civil engineering work continued on the Carmel-Clot Flood-Prevention Tank and got underway on the Avinguda de l’Estatut drains, entering and leaving the tank. CLABSA 39

With regard to the services provided In the chapter covering work done by the Metropolitan Environmental for third parties, special emphasis Agency, special emphasis must be must be placed on the handover of placed on the delivery of the projects the Tarragona Sewer System Master for the Riera de la Salud Detention Plan, which represented an important Basin in Sant Feliu de Llobregat, which milestone for those in charge of the has a capacity of 69,000 m3; and service in Tarragona, as well as a new the Estrella Tank in Badalona, with a start in the management thereof. capacity of 20,800 m3; work on which Total revenues for this item were started in 2011, plus the finalisation of 2.25 million Euros, representing a the Barberà del Vallès Master Plan. significant decrease in comparison with the previous year. In 2010 work also continued on the supervision of the work on the La Bunyola anti-DSU tank, with a capacity Rainfall and Rainfall of 15,000 m3, located in the Prat de Episode Management CLABSA has projected a Llobregat area. Likewise, as mentioned Total annual precipitation registered above, work was also completed total of 13 new actions in 2010 was 630 l/m2, 5% above the on the supervision of the laying of historical mean. Despite this being an for an amount of 18.7 a section of treated water pipeline average rainfall in historical terms it (between pg. de Zona Franca, Carrer million euros. was the highest registered in the last A) and the pumping station located eight years and, as a result, 2010 can at the Water Treatment Plant (ERA) at be considered as a year of hydrological the Llobregat Wastewater Treatment recovery. There were no rainfall Plant (EDAR), which completed the episodes of particularly high intensity, infrastructure of over 9 km that which meant that only two alert runs from this EDAR to the Tres Pins statuses were declared and in neither Nursery on the Montjuïc hills. The case was emergency level reached. In the sphere of alternative water activity of controlling discharges to resources, the finalisation of the the sewer system network included During the 73 days of significant work and bringing on line of the inspections of 650 companies, rainfall the drainage system tanks pipeline, which carries treated although mention must also be filled either fully or partially on 28 water to the Montjüic hills, was a made of the fact that in 2010 two occasions, retaining almost 4.4 million tremendously important milestone automatic quality stations were square metres of water, and avoiding for both the Barcelona City Council brought on line in System 7 (Sant the discharge of 1,100 tonnes of and Metropolitan Environmental Feliu de Llobregat), the data from flotsam directly into the sea. Agency, insofar as it represents which are sent to the CLABSA Control In terms of the River Besòs flooding tangible progress in the harvesting Centre and can be consulted in real alert system, in 2010 there were of alternative sources for uses that time at the CLABSA offices. The six alert situations and one crisis do not require the quality of potable installations of the Sant Llorenç Basin situation, resulting from episodes of water. A system of groundwater have been used on 48 occasions, heavy rainfall. These alert levels result supply, associated with the -2 without any incident, and form a vital in the closing of the waterway park Tank, was also incorporated to the cog in the safety system protecting due to the flooding of the access area. harvested installations, plus 21 new downstream urban areas from During these episodes, and following consumption points were connected, flooding. Income from these activities the established protocol, warnings along with the already existing ones. amounted to 0.9 million Euros. were given sufficiently in advance for The most notable of these was the A total of 25 km of new fibre-optic the park to be safely evacuated. Magic Fountain, on the Montjuïc hills, ducts were installed in 2010 and there irrigation and the filling of the lake in The support for the quality are now 550 km of drains through the Espanya Industrial Park. management of Barcelona’s bathing which fibre-optic cables run. The waters continued in 2010 with its revenues from this work in 2010 characteristic elements: electronic amounted to 2.6 million Euros. panels on the beaches, regular updating of information on the City Council Beaches Website, the application of the Manual of Actions to be taken in cases of discharges into Barcelona’s bathing waters. 40 Report on activities 2010

Aspects Relevant Evolution of income - Year 2010 to Management Figures in millions of € With regard to Management Systems, and in accordance with the Quality

(ISO 9001:2000), Environment (ISO 11,8 14001:2004) and Occupational Health and Safety (OSHAS 18001) Standards, 11,1 4 the control audits were carried out with satisfactory results. With regard 10,5 9 10,3 to the CLABSA workforce, on 31st December 2010 this consisted of 118 employees, who had taken part in 117 training actions, having dedicated 2.9% of their working hours during the year. In 2010, and in order to neutralise million the impact that the company’s 4,8 of net patrimonial value activity could end up having on the environment, the quantity of CO2 emissions in 2009 was evaluated and consequently compensated. Given the great care that is taken with million regard to responsible consumption 11,0 of resources and, in general, with total assets regard to environmental matters associated with the company’s activity (recycling, energy efficiency, photovoltaic energy, etc.), the impact was evaluated at 301 tonnes of CO2, million which were then compensated for 5,0 by the corresponding provisions to 2007 2008 2009 2010 of own funds projects of an environmental character in the third world. Once again this year, special mention must be made of the recognition by the IWA, International Water was 4.8 M€, while total assets Association, of one of CLABSA’s amounted to 11 M€, with shareholders projects, awarding the distinction equity of 5 M€. of two international prizes, one at European level, the 2010 PIA Europe Forecasts Regional Award; and the other at a for 2011 worldwide level, the 2010 PIA Global Award. Both of these were awarded In the coming year, 2011, as well and, as a consequence, the assignment to the COWAMA Project, considering as the fixed items anticipated in of new projects. With regard to it to be the best management project, the Contract-Programs, both with fibre-optic cable laying activities, the for the control and monitoring of Barcelona City Council and the forecast revenues are in line with episodes of discharges into the Environmental Agency, a further those of previous years and, as a result, drainage system. decrease in terms of variable services below those of 2010. All in all, a priori for both the City Council and third expectations are for a year in which In this last year, closed on 31.12.2010, parties is expected, given that once the there will be a decrease in activity in income for CLABSA fell by 13.3%, to actions that are currently underway terms of the work contracted out by 10.3 M€. This was basically due to the have been brought to a close the year local administrations, although there reduction in invoicing for variable will be very much marked by the fact is some hope that a limited recovery services provided to both Barcelona that 2011 is an election year, which will may be evident in the second half of City Council and third parties, which have a repercussion on those activities the year, as a consequence of the start yielded a net profit of 0.5 M€. Net related to the work done by CLABSA of a new legislative cycle. Asset Value on 31st December 2010 CLABSA 41

3.2 Financial statements

Balance sheet (€ thousands)

Assets 2009 2010

Intangible fixed assets. Concession 0 0 Net tangible fixed assets 4.907 4.801 Accounts receivable 4.554 2.845 Cash and banks 3.598 3.395 Total assets 13.059 11.041

Liabilities 2009 2010

Share capital plus reserves 4.422 4.502 Net profit for the financial year 805 529 Amortization fund (private capital) 2.975 2.975 Accounts payable, suppliers and others 4.857 3.035 Short-term loans 0 0 Total liabilities 13.059 11.041 42 Report on activities 2010

Profit and loss account (€ thousands)

Operating Income 2009 2010

Barcelona City Council 6.178 4.729 Other income 5.709 5.578 Total income 11.887 10.307

Operating Expenses 2009 2010

Staff costs 5.898 4.502 Sundry expenses 2.901 529 Services to third parties 1.449 2.975 Depreciation and Provisions 799 3.035 Total expenses 11.047 9.810

Operating Profit/Loss 2009 2010

Operating Profit/Loss 840 497 Financial and extraordinary profit 233 208 Provision for Corporate Tax -268 -176 Net profit 805 529 CLABSA 43

3.3 Audit report 44 Report on activities 2010

3.4 Statements by board members

a) The Board Member, Mr. Joan Puigdollers i Fargas, In accordance with the holds the following positions in companies with the same, provisions established in similar or complementary activities: Company Positions or Duties Section 3 of Article 229 of the EMSSA Board Member Spanish Capital Companies Act, ATLL Board Member with regard to share holdings b) The Board Member, Mr. Carlos Campos Callao, holds the or positions held in companies following positions in companies with the same, similar or with the same, similar or complementary activities: complementary activities, Company Company Activity Positions or Duties Aquagest soluciones Water and the Sole Director below we attach the statements industriales, S.A. environment. after 30/06/10 Unipersonal

made by Board Members with Labaqua, S.A. Environmental services and Sole Director analysis, risk prevention after 06/09/10 and consultancy regard to this aspect: Ingeniería, tecnología y Management of the full Sole Director servicios del agua y medio water cycle. after 21/06/10 ambiente, S.A. (SEDELAM) Ambitalis, A.I.E. Technical and legal Chairman assistance in matters of after 30/06/10 environmental law. Aqua ambiente Holding and hydraulic Board Member servicios integrales, S.A. engineering. after 1/06/10 Sistemas de transferencia Activities related to drying Sole Director de calor, S.A. equipment, based on hot after 30/06/10 air convection processes.

IELAB calidad, S.A. Provision of services Joint Director and products for the after 30/06/10 application of quality in testing laboratories. CLABSA 45

c) The Board Member, Mr. Alejandro Jiménez Marconi, Companyia d’aigües de Sabadell, S.A. 13,25% holds the following positions in companies with the same, Aguas de Cartagena, S.A. (ACUACAR) 45,91% similar or complementary activities: Agbar Chile, S.A. 33,65% Company Company Activity Positions or Duties Aquagest región de Murcia, S.A. 99,99% Drenatges urbans Full water cycle Vice-Secretary Agbar UK Ltd. 100% del Besòs, S.L. (non-member), after 3/11/2010 Aguas Cordobesas, S.A. 5% Empresa d’aigües i serveis Full water cycle Vice-Secretary Agbar ConoSur Limitada 0,001% de Cervera i la Segarra, S.L. (non-member), Aigües del Segarra Garrigues, S.A. 22% after 02/11/2010 Agbar Latinoamérica 99,99% Empresa municipal de Full water cycle Board Member, aguas y saneamiento de after 13/10/2010 Inmobiliaria Mina, S.A. 5,94% Board Member

Murcia, S.A. (EMUASA) Aguas de Levante, S.A. 100% Secomsa aigües, S.L. Full water cycle Vice-Secretary Jiangsu Water co Ltd 71,5% (non-member), 99,99% after 17/11/2010 Agbar Brasil tecnologias e serviços em saneamento, Ltda. Agbar Perú, S.A. 99,99% 99,99% d) The Board Member, Mr. Ciril Rozman Jurado, holds the Aqua ambiente servicios integrales, S.A. following positions in companies with the same, similar Districlima, S.A. 19,20% or complementary activities: Agbar su kanalizasyon yatirim 99,99% ve isletme anonim sirketi Company Company Activity Positions or Duties Girona, S.A. 31,42% Board Member Aquagest Andalucía, S.A. Full water cycle Board Member Empresa municipal Full water cycle Board Member de abastecimiento y saneamiento de Granada, Company Indirect Holding S.A. (EMASAGRA) Aquagest soluciones industriales, S.A. Unipersonal 99,99% Bristol Water PLC Water supply Director 55,9% until 29/11/2010 Companyia d’aigües de Palamós, S.A. 24,49% Aguas de Cartagena Supply, sewer system and Reserve Board Aigües d’Osona, S.A. wastewater treatment Member Conducció del Ter, S.L. 47,99% in Cartagena de Indias until 29/09/2010 48,99% (Colombia) Empresa municipal mixta d’aigües de Tarragona, S.A.

97,38% China Oriental Water Holding Board Member Aigües Sant Pere de Ribes, S.A. company limited Aigües del Segarra Garrigues, S.A. 1% Fundación Aguas Design and promotion Reserve Delegate Drenatges Urbans del Besòs, S.L. 50% de Cartagena of plans and projects until 29/09/2010 80% associated with the Aguas término de Calvià, S.A.

full water cycle 45% Aquagest medio ambiente rubatec – AMSA, A.I.E. Jiangsu Water CO. Limited Holding Director Aigües de l’Alt Empordà, S.A. 48,6% Empresa municipal de Full water cycle Vice-Chairman Depuradores d’Osona, S.L. 24,50% aguas y saneamiento de after 13/10/2010 100% Murcia, S.A. (EMUASA) Anaigua, companyia d’aigües de l’Alt Penedès i l’Anoia, S.A. Unipersonal Aguas municipalizadas de Full water cycle Board Member 49% Alicante, empresa mixta after 16/06/2010 Empresa d’aigües i serveis de Cervera i la Segarra, S.L. Secomsa aigües, S.L. 48,97% Aquagest medio ambiente aqualia, A.I.E. 62,5% e) The Board Member, SOCIETAT GENERAL D’AIGÜES DE BARCELONA, 0,01% SA holds the following share holdings and positions in companies Sorea, sociedad regional de abastecimiento de aguas, S.A. with the same, similar or complementary activities: Aigües del municipi de la Selva, S.L. 20% Aquagest Andalucía, S.A. 50% Company Direct Holding Positions or Duties Aquagest promoción técnica y financiera 100% SOREA Sociedad Regional de 99,99% de abastecimiento de agua, S.A. Abastecimiento de Aguas, S.A. Simmar, serveis integrals del Maresme, S.L. 36% Aguas Argentinas, S.A. 25,001% Empresa mixta d’aigües de la Costa Brava, S.A. 41,24% Aguas provinciales de Santa Fe, S.A. 10,88% Construccions i Rebaixos, S.L. Unipersonal 100% Aquagest Levante, S.A. 99,99% Ambitalis, A.I.E. 59,89% Interagbar de México, S.A. de CV 100% Aigua de Rigat, S.A. 68,46% Mina pública d’aigües de Terrassa, S.A. 32,58% Vice-Chaimanship Aguas de Montilla, S.A. 25% Interagua servicios integrales del agua, 100% S.A. Unipersonal Aquaourense sociedade provincial de augas e medio ambiente, S.A. 66% 46 Report on activities 2010

Aguas Vega-Sierra Elvira, S.A. 20% Agbar cono sur, Limitada 99,99% Aguas y Saneamientos de Torremolinos, S.A. 47,5% Inversiones aguas del gran Santiago, S.A. 100% Empresa municipal de abastecimiento y saneamiento de Granada, S.A. 25% Empresa depuradora de aguas servidas mapocho-trebal limitada 51% Edar Cádiz-San Fernando, agrupación de interés económico 11% Inversiones aguas metropolitanas, S.A. 57% Teidagua, S.A. 49,68% Aguas Andinas, S.A. 28% Aguas de Albacete, S.A. 74% Aguas Manquehue 28% Aguas de Valladolid, S.A. 100% Aguas Cordillera, S.A. 28% Pozos y recursos del Teide, S.A. 99,98% Gestión y Servicios, S.A. 28% Canaragua, S.A. 100% Eco-riles, S.A. 28% Gabinete de ingeniería hidráulica, S.A. 20% Análisis ambientales (ANAM), S.A. 28% Aguas del Teide, gestión integral del servicio, S.A. 50% Aguas de Saltillo, empresa mixta 45% Aguas de Arona, S.A. 82,38% Compañía hispanoamericana de servicios, S.A. (CHAS) 50% Aguas de la Habana, S.A. empresa mixta 45% Brisaguas, S.A. 25,50% Sagapyr, S.A. 45% Aguas de la Habana, S.A. empresa mixta 41% Aquagest Extremadura, S.A. 55% Inversiones iberaguas limitada, S.A. 28% Sistemas de transferencia de calor, S.A. 100% Empresa de servicios sanitarios de los lagos, S.A. 15% Proveïment d’aigua, S.A. 14,14% Empresa depuradora de aguas servidas 50% Ribatallada, S.A. 10,65% Taizhou golden harbour water company limited 71,55% Aigües de Blanes, S.A. 15,40% China oriental water company 71,55% Aigües de Girona, Salt i Sarrià de Ter, S.A. 24,8% Taizhou golden state water company limited 65,5% Aigües de Matadepera, S.L. 23,8% Nanjing golden state chengbei wastewater treatment company, Ltd. 71,55% Revermina, S.L. Unipersonal 32,58% Aguas de Puertollano, S.L. 48,99% Patmina, S.L. Unipersonal 32,58% Aguas de Avilés, S.L. 74% Depuraigua, depuradora d’aigües, S.L. 17,91% Aquagest medio ambiente, S.A. 99,99% Obres i canalitzacions Mina, S.L. 32,58% Geie ifem, AIE 51% Serveis de l’aigua, S.A. 32,54% Sociedad mixta de aguas de León 49% Inmobiliaria Mina, S.A. 18,20% Canaragua Sur, S.A. 100% Aguas de Jumilla, S.A. 49% Eicoh explotaciones, S.L. 100% Sermubeniel, S.A. 49% Canaragua medio ambiente, S.A. 100% Aigües municipals de Paterna, S.A. 49% Aguas de Benhavís, S.A. 22% 49% Empresa municipal de aguas y saneamiento de murcia, S.A. (EMUASA) f) The Board Member, COMPAÑÍA CATALANA DE SERVICIOS, S.A. Aguas de Lorca, S.A. 49% holds the following share holdings and positions in companies with the same, similar or complementary activities: Aguas de Cieza, S.A. 49% Ingeniería, tecnología y servicios del agua y medio ambiente, S.L. (SEDELAM) 100% Company Direct Holding Positions or Duties Aguas municipalizadas de Alicante empresa mixta (AMAEM) 50% Jaume Oró, S.L. 99% Board Member Aigües i sanejament d’Elx, S.A. 49% Aguas Torrelavega, S.A. Board Member Empresa mixta d’aigües de l’Horta, S.A. 49% Aqua Campiña, S.A. Board Member Aigües de Cullera, S.A. 47,62% Compañía de servicios medioambientales do Atlantico, S.A. Board Member Aguas del arco Mediterráneo, S.A. 74% Empresa mixta de medio ambiente de rincón de la Victoria, S.A. Board Member Empresa mixta de aguas residuales de Alicante, S.A. (EMARASA) 50% International services inc, S.A. Unipersonal Board Member Labaqua, S.A. 100% Jaime Franquesa, S.A. Board Member Comercial de aguas, S.A. (COMAGUA) 100% Limpieza e higiene de Cartagena, S.A. Board Member Eco-neteges especials, S.A. 25,97% Limpiezas urbanas de Mallorca, S.A. Board Member Bristol water holding, Ltd. 100% Servicios especiales de limpieza, S.A. Board Member Bristol water core holdings, Ltd. 100% Aguas municipais de Arteixo, S.A. Board Member Verdan group, Ltd. 100% Empresa mixta de limpieza de la Villa de Torrox, S.A. Board Member Bristol water, Plc. 100% Empresa municipal de desarrollo sostenible ambiental de Úbeda, S.L. Board Member Bristol water services, Ltd. 100% Empresa municipal de aguas de Algeciras, S.A. Board Member Agbar environnement limited 100% Empresa municipal de aguas de Benalmádena, S.A. Board Member Bristol wessex billing services 50% Ecoparc del Besòs, S.A. Board Member CLABSA 47

g) Que el Conseller SERVICIOS ESPECIALES DE LIMPIEZA, S.A. té h) The Board Member, SERVEIS D’ESCOMBRARIES I NETEJA, S.A. les següents participacions i càrrecs en societats amb el mateix, holds the following positions in companies with the same, similar anàleg o complementari gènere d’activitats: or complementary activities:

Company Direct Holding Positions/Duties Company Positions or Duties Aseo Yumbo, S.A. Esp. 1,00% Limpieza e higiene de Cartagena, S.A. Board Member Compañía de limpieza 0,01% y embellecimiento, S.R.L. FCC servicios Santo Domingo, S.A. 1,00% i) The Board Member FCC VERSIA, S.A. holds the following share 0,01% holdings and positions in companies with the same, similar or FOCSA serviços de saneamiento urbano complementary activities: de Portugal, S.A. Proactiva aguas de Montería, S.A. Esp 0,77% Company Direct Holding Positions/Duties Proactiva Colombia, S.A. 0,79% Beta de administración, S.A. 99,99% Board Member Proactiva de servicios, S.A. Esp. 0,29% CEMUSA corporación Europea 100% Board Member Abastecimientos saneamientos del norte, S.A. Vice-Chairmanship de mobiliario urbano, S.A. 99,99% Aguas de Denia, S.A. Board Member CGT corporación general de transportes, S.A. Board Member 100% Aguas Torrelavega, S.A. Board Member Estacionamientos y servicios, S.A. Board Member 100% Aqua Campiña, S.A. Board Member FCC logística, S.A. Unipersonal Board Member 99,99% Compañía de servicios medioambientales Board Member Flightcare, S.L. Board Member do Atlantico, S.A. Navegación y servicios aeroportuarios, 100% Board Member S.A. Unipersonal Empresa mixta de aguas y servicios, S.A. Board Member 50% Empresa mixta de limpieza Secretary Versia holding Gmbh de la Villa de Torrox, S.A. Tratamiento industrial de aguas, S.A. Board Member Empresa mixta de medio ambiente Board Member Colaboración gestión y asistencia, S.A. Board Member de Rincón de la Victoria, S.A. Aparcamientos concertados, S.A. Board Member FOCSA serviços de saneamiento urbano Board Member de Portugal, S.A. Conservación y sistema, S.A. Board Member Gestión integral de residuos sólidos, S.A. Board Member Empresa mixta de tráfico de Gijón, S.A. Board Member Jaime Franquesa, S.A. Board Member Equipos y Procesos, S.A. Board Member Jaume Oró, S.L. Board Member Santos Renting S.L. Unipersonal Board Member La unión servicios municipales, S.A. Board Member Sistemas y vehículos de alta tecnología S.A. Board Member Limpieza e higiene de Cartagena, S.A. Secretary Tratamiento industrial de aguas, S.A. Board Member Limpiezas urbanas de Mallorca, S.A. Board Member Servicios de limpieza integral Board Member de Málaga III, S.A. Servicios urbanos de Málaga, S.A. Board Member Sociedad ibérica del agua SIA, Board Member S.A. Unipersonal Valorización y tratamiento de residuos, S.A. Board Member Aguas municipais de Arteixo, S.A. Board Member Empresa municipal de desarrollo sostenible Board Member ambiental de Úbeda, S.L. Aigües del Tomovi, S.A. Board Member Ecoparc del Besòs, S.A. Board Member Ecoparque mancomunidad del Este, S.A. Board Member Ingeniería Urbana, S.A. Secretary Tratamientos y recuperaciones Board Member industriales, S.A. Valoración y tratamiento Board Member de residuos urbanos, S.A. Societat municipal mediambiental Board Member d’Igualada, S.L. Empresa mixta de aguas y servicios, S.A. Board Member Gandia serveis urbans, S.A. Board Member Zabalgarbi, S.A. Board Member CLABSA Clavegueram de Barcelona

Str. Acer 16 08038 BARCELONA

At service of citizens