Triumphant Songs No. 4 : a Collection of Gospel Songs for Sunday-Schools
N94 PRICE, * By Mail, B'd5.35^ Each- i By Express Not Prepaid >' QH1CA60- [AKL5IDL BXdg Cloth Covers 50=^EacH'599 Per. Doz. E^deell's Publications TRIUMPHANT SONGS. See price per copy if books are to be sent hy mail or express, prepaid. See price j&tT dozen or per hundred for books sent by express not prepaid. Per copy. Per doz. Per hd. I, or Bds.. No. 2 3, Music . $o 35 $3 60 $30 00 No. I, 2 or 3, Clotli, Music . o 50 5 00 40 00 Nos. I and 2 combined, Bds., Music . o 55 6 00 45 00 Nos. I and 2 combined, Clotli, Music . o 75 8 00 60 00 I Nos. and 2 combined, Bds., Words . o 25 2 50 20 00 N. B.—No word edition of Triumphant Songs No. i, 2 or 3. Word edition of Nos. i and 2 combined only. No* 3, Pocket Edition, Morocco Fle.xibie, Round Corners, Gilt Edges, Size 334:x 6 inches, . $o 75 ^8 oo $6000 N. B. —No Pocket Editions excepting for No. 3. THE GOSPEL IN SONG. Boards, Music edition, to 35 $3 60 $30 00 Cloth, Music edition, 50 5 00 40 00 Manilla, Word edition, 12 I 25 10 00 EXCELL'S ANTHEMS. Vol. I, 2 or 3 (Vol. 4 in preparation), Bds., $0 60 $5 00 $40 00 Vols. I and 2 combined, .... I 00 9 00 75 00 N. B.—Vol. 3 will not be combined with Vols, i and 2. FARMERS' ALLIANCE SONGS. Boards, Music edition, .
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