Triumphant Songs No. 4 : a Collection of Gospel Songs for Sunday-Schools
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N94 PRICE, * By Mail, B'd5.35^ Each- i By Express Not Prepaid >' QH1CA60- [AKL5IDL BXdg Cloth Covers 50=^EacH'599 Per. Doz. E^deell's Publications TRIUMPHANT SONGS. See price per copy if books are to be sent hy mail or express, prepaid. See price j&tT dozen or per hundred for books sent by express not prepaid. Per copy. Per doz. Per hd. I, or Bds.. No. 2 3, Music . $o 35 $3 60 $30 00 No. I, 2 or 3, Clotli, Music . o 50 5 00 40 00 Nos. I and 2 combined, Bds., Music . o 55 6 00 45 00 Nos. I and 2 combined, Clotli, Music . o 75 8 00 60 00 I Nos. and 2 combined, Bds., Words . o 25 2 50 20 00 N. B.—No word edition of Triumphant Songs No. i, 2 or 3. Word edition of Nos. i and 2 combined only. No* 3, Pocket Edition, Morocco Fle.xibie, Round Corners, Gilt Edges, Size 334:x 6 inches, . $o 75 ^8 oo $6000 N. B. —No Pocket Editions excepting for No. 3. THE GOSPEL IN SONG. Boards, Music edition, to 35 $3 60 $30 00 Cloth, Music edition, 50 5 00 40 00 Manilla, Word edition, 12 I 25 10 00 EXCELL'S ANTHEMS. Vol. I, 2 or 3 (Vol. 4 in preparation), Bds., $0 60 $5 00 $40 00 Vols. I and 2 combined, .... I 00 9 00 75 00 N. B.—Vol. 3 will not be combined with Vols, i and 2. FARMERS' ALLIANCE SONGS. Boards, Music edition, . $o 60 ?6 oo $45 oo EXCELL'S SCHOOL SONGS. Boards, Music edition, No. i or 2, . $0 30 ^3 00 $25 00 EASTER. A Service for Sunday Schools, consisting of readings interspersed with appropriate carols, prepared by E. O. EXCELL and CHAS. H. GABRIEL. mail, postpaid, Price, 3 cents each ; 30 cents per dozen ; $2.50 per 100, by 25 cents per dozen ; $2.00 per 100, by express, not paid. CHILDREN'S DAY. A Service of Song with Recitations, Scripture Readings and Responsive Services for the Sunday School, by 'JHAS. H. GABRIEL and E. O. EXCELL. Price, 3 cents each; 30 cents per dozen; ^2.50 per 100, by mail, postpaid, paid. 25 cents per dozen ; $2.00 per 100, by express, not E. O. EXCELL, PUBLISHER, LAKESIDE BUILDING, .m——. CHICAGO. ILL. #1 ^S5 Sbiteen Page Pamphlets ONE CENT EACH, $1.00 PER 100. PAMPHLET NO. i. FROM TRIUMPHANT SONGS. No. 1 contains the following, (Words and Music.) '' Bring Them In." "Seeking the l>ost." ''At the Cross." " O Think of the Home Over There.' Savior Wash Me in the Blood." "1 Love to Tell the Story." ''To the Rescue." (Temperance Song.) "Look and Live." "God is Calling Yet." " What a Friend We Have in Jesus.' "Happy Dav."^ "Walk in the Light." " As We've Sown, so Shall We Reap." Opening Service, (Revive Us Again.) PAMPHLET NO. 2, FROM TRIUMPHANT SONGS. No. 2 contains the following, (Words and Music.) Redeeming Love," "Follow All the Way." Under the Cross." Responsive Service, " Follow All the 1 am Going Home." (Tune, Suwan- Way." Nos. 2IO, 211. nee River.) "We'll be Gathered Home.'' The Vows of God are on You." Responsive Service, "We'll be (Christian Endeavor Song.) Gathered Home." Nos. 237, 238. ' That Beautiful Stream." " Let the Little Ones Come." Rejoice, Rejoice, the Lost is Found." Responsive Service, " Let the Little 'We'll Meet in the Morning." Ones Come." Nos. 243, 244, 245. PAMPHLET NO. 3. FROM TRIUMPHANT SONGS. No. 3 contains the following. (Words and Music.) * The Golden Shore." " God is Calling Thee.' " My Resting Place." "Pilot Me." " All the Day Long." "The Way of the Cross." " Scatter Sunshine." " He is Just the Same To-day." " The Great Redeemer Lives." " Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide." " Throw Out the Life Line." Responsive Service, " Holy Spirit." •' Heaven's Gates Will Open Wide." " Savior, Like a Shepherd." " Pardon is Waiting for Thee.'' Responsive Service, " The Shepherd. PAMPHLET NOS. i AND 2 COMBINED, FROM TRIUMPHANT SONGS. Nos. 7 and 2 combined, contains the following, (Words and Music.) " We Shall Stand Before the King." "As Thy Days Thy Strength Shall Be." " " Jesus, Lover of My Soul." "Sinners Turn, Why Will Ye Die? " He is Able to Deliver Thee." " In the Shadow of His Wings." Blest be the Tie That Binds." " Jesus is Calling." "When We Gather." "Blessed Assurance." " Seeds of Promise." "L^nda Hand." "The Bible." Responsive Service, "Lend a Hand." " Blessed be the Fountain." Nos. 431 and 432. Send for 50 Copies and have a Revival of Singing in your Cliurch and Sunday School. E. O. EXCELL, Publisher, Lakeside Building, Clark and Adams Sts. CHICAGO, ILL, )eAA.SOVN rriumiDhaiit Songs No. 4. A COLLECTION OF Gospel Songs FOR Sunday-Schools. Revivals, Hymns of Prayer AND Praise for Devotional Meetings, ETC., ETC , ETC. By E. O. EXCELL. P nee: By Mail) Boards, 35 cents each. By Express, not Prepaid, $3.60 per doz. $30.00 per 100. Oloth Covers, 50 cents each, $5.00 per doz. E. O. EXCELL, Publisher, Lakeside Building, - - CHICAGO, ILL. PREFACE, SOMETHING SELDOM EVER READ. Triumphant Songs Sung the World Over, CAUTION.—The words and music of almost all the pieces in "Triumphant Songs No. 4," are copyright property. All rights of republication of either the words or music, separate or combined, are reserved, and will be defended by the owners of the copyright. Triumphant Songs No. 4, Copyrighted 1S94, by B). O Excel!. Meredith, Music Typographer, Chicago, 111, Triumpliant Songs, No. 4. No. (. Tell of His Love. {To C. E. Reese.) E. E. HEWITT, 894. BY E. 0. EXCELL E. O. EXCELL. ^ ^E^E#E^1^ w±^ m 1. Je-sus came from heav'n for me, Tell of His love, won-der-ful love, 2. Scom'd, reject-ed, cru-ci- fied, Tell of His love, vvon-der-ful love, 3. Ris'n from the ac - curs-ed grave, Tell of His love, won-der-ful love, 4. All your burdens He will bear. Tell of His love, won-der-ful love, His won - der - ful love, ^^X^^- ^ E ^5=5=^^ f- ,-E^^E^aEg ^^m Came from sin to set me free, Tell of His won-der - ful love. 'Twas for you and me He died, Tell of His won-der-ful love. Sin-ners still He seeks to save. Tell of His won-der-ful love. He will hear your humble pray' r,Tell of His won-der - ful love. :g-— r- :f— -g—-g-— r -r P P- i^=^^- ^^^^ i=^^=^^E^ im Chorus. 53i^ i^ N=^ ^j^: Love, love, .... Tell of His won-der-ful love Love, love, won-der-ful love, won - der-ful love. £ m^^^ FFFPT^^- m j^ -0 « M fe 9 I ^^ Love, love. Tell of His won-der - ful love. Love, love, wonyjLi - deruci - fullui loveluve, 1 1 1 )35 te- I No. 2. Lord. For-give! E. A. H. COPYRIGHT, 1894, 8Y E, O. EXCELL. Rev. ELISHA A. HOFFMAN, 1. ''Ho-ly Fa-ther, free-ly par-don," Is our earnest plea to -day; 2. Mem-o - ries a-round us gath-er Of the time we left Thy side, 3. Tho'ts of un-done du-ties meet us.Tho'tsof words we might have said, 4. So we kneel, Thy contrite children. Kneel and ear-nest-ly en - treat ^ ^ I N P^- -f- d mt a^^e-fr-t- ^^^ :t ^ Gh-^ "Oh, for-give Thy sin-ful children, Ere this hour shall pass a-way!" Chasing vis - ion- a - ry pleas- ure, Wan-der-ing from Thee, our Guide. Op - por - tu - ni - ties neg-lect - ed, Now, a- las! for-ev - er fled, That our sins may be for-giv-en; As we press the mer-cy seat. H* ^' ^gg=|i fe-^-y^-g -•-^ t^Y r- ^^ -©1-^ \ Chorus. O for - give, O for-give. Grant us peace and forgiveness to-day; Lord, forgive! Lord, forgive! ^ s I"" ' -#=*= ' 5=f= -i/—V- 0msmm O for-give, O for - give, Ere this hour shall pass a-way. Lord, forgive! for-give! !^ J— gfrr-H"- S£ ^-^'m ^F^^-k-^ li-H# » »— = • — No. 3. More About Jesus. R. SWENEY. E. E. HEWITT. COPYRIGHT, 1B87, BY JNO. R. SWENEY. BY PER. JNO. —i^r- *3 -^—#- J :^- --^ More about Je-sus would I know.More of his grace to oth-ers show; More about Je-sus let uie learn, More of his ho - ly will dis-cern; More about Je-sus; in his word, Holding communion with my Lord; More about Je-sus; on his throne, Riches in glo - ry all his own; ^=M ^—8— fi- -^ #- iSS ,^ES= •_Li,i—^/—y- ^^ P^-^6=± 3^ i^^isiE^^i More of his sav-ing full-ness see, More of his love who died for me. Spir - it of God, my teach-er be. Showing the things of Christ to me. Hearing his voice in ev - 'ry line. Making each faith- ful say-ing mine. More of his kingdom's sure increase;More of his coming, Prince of Peace. ^ ^: ^.& -v'—b"- E f=^ ii ? i/ Refrain. ite^: ^^; iffi ;=£ 5^: -0- ' -0- -# More, more a - bout Je - sus. More, more a - bout Je - sus; -•— •-=• ^—. ' — • r~] i t-m—. • ^ r0- ^ W- :tl=b= Si ^ ^ ^ I ^-4- ^ j=^ :«— ir:^=^=?^1=1: -* S •—^Jr;m More of his sav - ing full-ness see, More of his love who died for me. -1^1^- • s •— ^— '—r# »-^—i r-«— — ?=?£-F—rF— --xi f^^ -V—P^- 5=tz: — — ^ No. 4. Scatter Sunshine. LANTA WILSON SMITH. COPYRIGHT, 1892, DY E. 0. EXCELL. E. O.