Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Central Statistics Organization SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC SURVEY KAPISA KAPISA For more details, please contact: Central Statistics Organization Name: Mr. Eidmarjan Samoon P.O.Box: 1254, Ansari Watt Kabul,Afghanistan Phone: +930202104338 • E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: Design: Julie Pudlowski Consulting/Ali Mohaqqeq 2 Cover and inside photos: © UNFPA/CSO Afghanistan/2012 SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC SURVEY KAPISA MESSAGE FROM CSO A census has not been conducted in Afghanistan since 1979. Local development planners, programme managers, and project evaluators lack the concrete demographic data on which to base their plans, programmes, monitoring and evaluation at the provincial and district levels. :KHQWKH&HQWUDO6WDWLVWLFV2UJDQL]DWLRQ &62 RI$IJKDQLVWDQEHJDQWKHZRUNRQWKHÀUVWSURYLQFLDO Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey (SDES) in September 2011, it recognized the enormity of the task ahead. :LWKWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUWIURPWKH8QLWHG1DWLRQV3RSXODWLRQ)XQG 81)3$ DQGÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUWIURP the Government of Japan, CSO, in lieau of the population census, conducted the sixth provincial SDES in Afghanistan, for the province of Kapisa. $OWKRXJK.DSLVDLVWKHVPDOOHVWSURYLQFHLQ$IJKDQLVWDQLWVFKDOOHQJHVDUHVLJQLÀFDQW'XHWRLQVHFXULW\ two of its seven districts could not be surveyed. In the rest, CSO teams coped with the challenging terrain and insecurity in order to map communities, reach all households, and collect the information UHTXLUHGIRUWKHVXUYH\WKDWZRXOGHYHQWXDOO\EHQHÀWWKHSHRSOH The brave and tireless efforts of surveyors, supervisors, and the staff of CSO are commended. $SSUHFLDWLRQLVDOVRH[WHQGHGWRWKH3URYLQFLDO*RYHUQRU'LVWULFW$GPLQVWUDWRUVDQGRWKHUORFDORIÀFLDOV of the province and districts of Kapisa for their full support to the survey, as well as to the respondents who willingly provided information about their households. As a result, Kapisa joins the small but growing group of provinces where high quality socio-demographic data is now available.