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MOTHS FROM SIAM TilE JOUR NAL OF TH E Natural liistory Society of Shtn1 .

Volume VI. BANGKOK. Number 3.

LI ST OF T HE C OLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFRE Y, B. Se., F. E. S. with d esc r i p t i o n ~ of new spec ies. By w. H. T. 'rAMS. Including descriptions of 3 new gencrft itn cl 2 ncw sper,ics. By Sm G. F. H Al\fP::i ON, B ART. 'With P l:tte 17. ( l'ublisbec1 by permission of the Trnstees oE the British i.Iusc u1U ). The majority o.E the moths dealt with in this list were col­ lected by Mr. E. J . Godhey, but a fe·w are included which wer e taken by H . R. H. the late P rince of Chumporn and by l\1r. W. A. Graham, while several were obtained by Major C. H. Stockley on a trip from Bmrna through Siam. As several descriptions by Sir George H ampson existed in manuscript at the British Museum (Natm al H istory), they luwe been utilised, with the permission of the Trustees, in t hi s paper, aclmO\·V­ ledgment being made at the end of e

JOUHN. NA'l'. liiS'l'. SOC. SIAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. 231 of some of the N oct~Liclae, the term "the anal vein" is used. This refers to vein A2, which in this family is usually forked at the base. In the course of the paper the following localities are referred to :- IN CENTRAL SIAM :-Bangkok and Ban Phaji. IN EASTERN SIAM :- Pak J ong and Muak Lek, villages situat­ ed on ~he line to Korat where it crosses the Dong Rek range. IN SouTH EASTERN SIAM :-Sriracha, a fishing village on the eastern side of the Gulf of Siam about 40 miles from t he mouth of the Chao Phya river. Koh Si Chang, an island lying off Sriracha. Nong Yai :Boo, Hup Bon, Nong Khai Ploi and :Ban Dan, hamlets or forest posts in the Sriracha forest. IN NORTHERN SIAM :-1'he Me rcharn, the Me Chow, the Me Lem, the Me Sai Song and the Me Lam Pong, small tributaries of the Me Song which drains the Me Song forest, situated some 26 miles due north of Prae. IN PENINSULAR SIAM :-Chumporn, Paknam Langsnan and Khanduli, in the Province of Chumporn. :Bangnara (Naradhivas) and Patani, in the Province of Patani· The above localities are all in Siam, the zoo-geographical divisions used being those proposed by Mr. C. Boden Kloss in this Journal ( Vol. I , p. 250 ). In addition to these, the following localities, not in Siam, are also mentioned :-Pak Mat, Ban Nahan, flan Manao and Ban Na Sao on the Mekong river in French Laos. Kawkoreik ( Kawkorit ), the Thaungyin river and tho 'l'aok plateau on the Burma-Siamese frontier. Moths obtained in these localities are included in the present list.

SYNTOMIDAE. 1. AMATA SPERBIUS (Fabr.). Zygaenct spe?·bius Fab1·., .i\'b.nt. Ins. ii, p. 103 (1787). r3 Chumporn, 8.5.16.

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2. ERESSA OONFINIS (Walk.). Glaucopi.s confinis, List Lep. Ins. B. l\1:. i, p. 149 (1854). o Bangkok.

3. EUOHROi'l'llA ELEGANTfSSU1A (Wllgrn.). C'hm ect elegnnti.ssinut W ll gn~., :Eugenies Resa., p. 360 (186 1). 2 o ,_;: , 2 Q Q Klong Sam; Bangkok, 8.2.14.

ARCTIIDAE. LJTHOSTJN A'E. 4. 0YANA. DUDGEON[ (I-lmpsn.). C'hionctemct cl~tdgeoni Bmpsn., 'r1·. Ent. Soc. Land. 1895, p. 29 :3. ~ Pak Jong, E. Siam, 5.1.15, in open jungl .

5. SICOIA SORDIDA (Bntl. ). A emen e sordicla Bui;l., 'l'r. Ent. Soc Land. 1877, p. 372. o Bangkok, 20.1.16.

6. ASURA OHSOLETA (Moore). Lyclene obsoletct Moore, Pr. Zool. Soc. Land. 1878, p. 32, pl. 3, fig. 7. ~ Sriracha, 14.4.14.

'l . 1\'IJLTOOHRISTA DELICIA (Swinh.). BCG?·sine delicict Swinh., Tr. Ent. Soc. Land. 1891, p. 477, pl. 1!?, fig. 12. Q Pak Jong, 31.12.15, in jungle path. AROTUNAE. 8. SPILOSOMA UJ\fl\IERA Swinh. Pl. 17, fi g. 2. Spilosomct wnmern Swinh. Q, Pt·. Zool. Soc. Land. 1889, p. 405, pl. 43, fig. I. o. Palpi blackish, 1st and 2nd segments "' ~ · oran ge-yell ow beneath, 3rd segment sepia tipped; antenna1 shafb blackish, pectina­ tiom burnt umber ; frons below and at sides blackish-brown, from middle to vertex of head buff-yellow; thorax buff, inclined to buff. yell ow posteriorly; abdomen orange-yellow. Pectu s ~t buff-yellow, sepia in front; basal two-thirds o£ femora above orange-yellow, distal third sepia above, beneath buff; fore and mid tibiae sepia above, buff beneath; . hind tibiae buff, apex above and spurs sepia; tarsi sepia; abdomen beneath buff: Fore wing buff; a blackish dot at base; an anbemedial spot on costa, an inwardly oblique wood­ brown antemedial shade below cell , terminating in a blackish clot


just above anal vein; a blackish dot in upper angle of cell; a black­ ish postmedial spot on costa, continued as an obscure wood-brown postmedial line strongly out-curved (convexity t.erminad) between costa and vein Cm, inwardly sharply oblique to Cu2, then less ob­ ilque to inner margin, accentuated by two minute blackish dashes on each side of vei n CUl, two larger ones on each side of Cu2, and two blackish spots on each side of anal vein, the one near the inner margin being the large1· ; 5 blackish subterminal dots, one on each side of vein 1\:h, the lower elongate, one on each side of 1\1:3 , and one above Cm ; fringe buff, paler tipped. Hind wing orange-yellow ; a diffuse blackish spot at upper angle of cell; 4 subterminal spots near the tornus, one above Cu2, a brger one below it and slightly basad, and two small ones, one on each side of Yein A2, nen.r the termen; fringe yell owish-white. Underside of fore wing buff, shaded from base to end of cell and below it to inner margin and tornus with pale orange-yellow; retinaculum tipped wit h blackish on the inner !'ide; traces r epresenting all the blackish mn.rkings shown on the upper side; a large blackish triangular spot at end of cell in upper a ngle, reaching nearly to lower angle; two additional triangular spots, one in the angle between the stalk of R3 - R4 and Rs, the other an inverted isosceles triangle with its base on H.5, near the junction of R5 with R3 - R4 , and its apex on M1. U nderside of bind wing buff, shaded between A2 and inner margin with pale orange­ yellow, the blackish markings and fringe as on upper side. Exp. 37 mm. Neallotypc o : Bangkok, 16.2.16, at light. The ~ type comes from Bmma, and there is with it iu the British l\1 useum another ~ from Emma. These specimens have been placed as S. punctcda Moore by Sir George Hampson, from the ~ ~ of which they clearly differ. I had decid ed that it would be necessary to describe the above o as a new species, when I real­ ised that punctat e~ Moore as arranged in the British Museum consist­ ed of two species, and on fmther investigation I satisfi ed myself that the Siamese o was ummera Swinh. In the o genitalia of punctata the claspers are bifurcate, in 1.~mme ra they n. re not so.

9. SPILOSOMA STRIGATUU. (Walk.). A1·cti1 st?"igattbl.t Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. iii, p. 613 (1855). o Bangkok, 24.10.19, at light.

10. AMS ACTA LA.CTINEA ~Cram.). Phalae?Ub Bornbyx lactinecb Ontm., Pap. Exot. ii, p. 58 & index, pl. 133, fig. D ( 1777). o Chumporn, 6.1.16 (H. R H. the Prince of Chumporn).

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11. CREATONOTUS GANGIS (Linn.). Phaluenc~ gcmgis Linn., Amoen . Acfl.d. vi, p. 410 (1763). 2 ,)o, 1 ';1 Bangkok, 10,16.2.14, 28.1.16.

12. CREATONOTUS TRANSIENS (Walk.). Sp il osomc~ t1·ansiens, List Lep. Ins. B. M. iii, p, 675 (1855). 3 ~ ~. Chumporn, 7.1.16 (H. R. H. the Prince of Chumporn). Me Song forest . Pru,e, N. Siam, 20.4. 18. Ban Nahan, Mekong R. , February 1920.

13. PERICALLIA TRlPAR'riTA (Wu,lk.).

Aloa t1 · ipcwtitc~ Walk., List Lep. Ius. B. 1\f. iii, p. 706 (1855 '. o Muak Lek, E. Siam, 10.7.14, in open jungle.

14. PERICALLIA PICTA (Walk.). Deiopeia picta Walk., List J_. ep. Ins. B. M. . xxxi, p. 263 (! 864). o Me Song forest, Prae, N. Siam, April 1918.

15. UTETHElSA PULCHELLA (Linn.). Phalc~mu~ Tinect p~t lchellc~ Liun., Syst. Nfl.t. ed . x, p. 534 (1758). 3 ~ ~ Sriracha, S. E. Siam, 13,14.4.14, at light.

16. RHODOGASTH.IA AS1'REUS (Drury). Sphinx c~st1 · eus Drury, Ill. Exot. Ins. ii, index & p. 49, pl. 28, fig . 4 ( 17 73 ). ~ Pak Jong, E. Siam, 4.1.15. in jungle path.

17. BAROA VATALA Swinh. Ba1·oa vc~talc~ Swinh., A. M. N. H. (H) xiv, p 436 (1894) ; T1·. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1895, p. 25, pl. 1, fig. 18. ~ Me Tbarn, April 1918.

AGARISTIDAE. 18. EuSEMlA NIPALENSIS Butl. E~~ernir.~ nipalensis Butl.,'A. M. N. H. (4) xv, p. 140 (1875). 2 ¥ Q Hup Bon, S. R. Siam, 3.5.14, in open jungle.

19. Em:mMIA ADULATHIX Koll. E~tsemic~ ad~tlatTix Kt>ll., Hiigel's Kaschmir iv, p. 464, pl. 20, fig. 1 (1 844) 4 d d Me Song forest, Prae, N. Siu,m, 17.4.16, in open jungle.

20. ScROBIGERA AM:ATRIX (Westw.). E~tsemia arnat1-ix Westw., Cab. Or. Ent. p. 68, pl. 33, fig. 4 (1 848). o Me Tharn, April 1918. JOURN. NAT. HIST. SOC. SIAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. 235

21. SoROBIGERA ALBOM:ARGlNATA (Moore). Ettsemic~ alborna?·g ·inc~tc~ Moore, Pr. Zoo!. Soc. Lontl. 1872, p. 569. o Me Song, 23.4.16, in open jungle. ~ Sriracha, 20.4.15, in thick jungle.

22. MH:IEUSEMIA POSTIOA (Walk.). A.egocem postica Walk., Jomn. Linn. Soc. Loncl. (Zool.) vi, p. 86 (1862.). d Nong Khai Ploi, S. E. Siam, 1.5.14.

NOCTUIDAE. HADENINAE. 23. ELUSA OYATHIOORNlS (Walk.). Se1·ic~ cyathicornis Walk., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) v1, p. 194 (1 862). o Pak Jong, 2.1.16, at light.

24. BRITHYS ORINI (Fabr.). Bombyx CTini F

2n. 0IRPHIS FOHUOSAN A (Butl. ). A.letiafm·nwscmc~ Butl. , Pr. Zoo!. Soc. Loncl. 1880, p. 675. ~ Bangkok, 27.1.16.

26. 0IRPHIS IH.REGULAIW:l (Walk.). Nonag1 ·ic~? ·in·egulcwis vValk., List Lep. lns J3. M. xi, p. 712 (1857). o Bangkok, 8.1.16, at light.

27. 0IRPHIS UNIPUNOTA (Haw.). Noctuc~ ttnipnnctc~ Haw., I ep. Brit. p. 174 (1 8 10). d' Pak Jong, 1.1.15.

28. BOROLIA VENALBA (Moore). Leucania venalba J\:Ioore, Pr. Zool. Soc. Loncl. 1867, p. 48. 4 o c3, 1 ~ Bangkok, 8.1.16, at light.

AORONYO'l'INAE. 29. ERIOPUS AETHIOPS (Butl.). Callopist1·ia Cbethiops Butl., A. M. N . H. (5) i, p. 200 (1 878). ~ Bangkok, 22.2.16, at light.

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30. PRODENIA LITURA (Fabr.). Noctua littwa Fabr., Syst. Ent. p. 601 (1775). 4 o o, 4 ~~Ban gkok, 13.1.15, 9.3.16, 27.9.19, 2.11.19, at light.

31. SPODOPTERA PECTEN Guen. Spocloptm-cL pecten Guen., Noct. i, p. 155 (18 52). 4 o o, 2 s;< ~ :Bangkok, 8.6.15, 25.1.16, 28.1.16, 8.4.16, 5.11.19, at light.

32. SPODOPTERA l\1AURITIA ( Boisd.). HadencL rnatw·itia Boisu., F.wn. ent. :M:acl·->g. Lep. p. 92, pl. 13, fig. 9 (1833). 8 o c, 7 ~ ~ Bangkok, January, February 1916, at light.

33. PERIGEA. CAPENSIS (Guen.). .AparnecL ccLpensis Gueu., Noct. i, p. 2 13 (1852). 3 o o, 1 ~Bangkok, 29.1.15, 16.1.16, 25.2.16, 27.10.19, at light.

34. 0ALLYNA MONOLEUCA Walk. GallyncL rnonoleucc6 Walle, Li::;t Lep. Ins. B. M. x v, p. 1667 (1858). o Bangkok, 27.9.19, at light.

35. SARBANISSA VENOSA (Moore). Seudym venosa Moo1· e, P1·. Zool. Soc. LomL 1879, p. 389. ~ Bangkok, 7.2.14, at light.

36. SARBANISSA ALBU'ASC !A (Walle.). Gc6tocalcL alb·ijc6scic6 Wrdk, List J__, ep. Ins. B. M. xxxiii, p. 933 (1865). ~ Me Song forest, Prae, N. Siam, 21.4.16, at light.

ERASTRIINAE. 37. 00RGA'fHA IMPLEXATA (Walk.). Palc6r'a ·irnplexc6tcL W alk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxiv, p. 1090 (1862). ~ Bangkok, 27.1.16.

38. Aii'IYNA PUNCTUM (Fabr.). Noct~tcL punctu;m Fab1·., Ent. Syst. iii, :2, p. 34 (1794). 2 o cf Bangkok, 16.9.19, at light. 3 1 o Sriracha, S. E. Sian.1, April 1914, in open clearing.

39. TARACHE CRO CATA (Guen.) . .Acont·ia c1·occ6tcL Guen., Noct. ii, p. 218 (1852). ~ Ohumporn, 7.1.14.


EUTELIINAE. 40. 0HLUlliETIA TRANSVERSA (Walle). Nachaba trcGnsve?·scG Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxvii, p. 114 (1863). o Bangkok, 14.1.16.

41. PHLEGETONIA DELATRIX (Guen ). Penicillcwia cldat1·ix Guen., Nott. ii, p. 304 (1852). ~ Bangkok, 16.2.16, at light.

42. AN(TGA CONSTRICTA Guen. Anuga const1·ictcG Guen., Noct. ii, p. 30o (1852). 2 o ,) , 2 ~ ~ Bangkok, Novembex 1919, at light.

STIC'l'OPTERIN AE . 43. 0DONTODES ALEUCA Guen. Oclontocles 6Gleuca Guen., Noct. iii, p. 51 (1852). 2 o o, 1 ~ Bangkok, 16.5.14, 6.2.16, 8.::3.16, at light.

44. STICTOPTERA DESCRIBENS (Walk.). Aegilia clesC?·ibens Wfl.!k., ListLep Ins. B.M. xiii, p.ll39 (1857). o Bangkok, 2.11.19.

45. STIC'l'OPTERA SUBOBLIQUA (Walk). Stei1·ia subobliqua Walk., List Lep. Ins. B.M. xiii, p. 1136 (1857). o Bangkok, 31.10.19, at light.

SARRO'l'HRIPINAE . 46. LOPHOTHH.lPA VITEA (Swinb.). Selepa vitecG Swinb., Pr. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1885, p. 460, pl. 27, fig. 17. o Bangkok, 4.11.19, at light.

47. LABANDA SEMIPARS (Walk.). B1·yoph-ila semiJXWS Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xv, p. 1647 (1858). o, ~ Sriracha, 7.4.14, at light.

48. BEANA NITIDA Rp. n. Pl. 17 , fig. 17. o. Pal pi : 1st segment buff, with a few sepia scales on outer side; 2nd segment buff, sclpia above and on outer side; 3rd Fegment sepia, with a few buff scales Antennae with proximal half buff banded with sepia, the half sepia. Head, t,horax and abdomen pinkish-buff, with a few scattered sepia scales on patagia, tegulae and thorax, and a sepia patch near the end of the abdomen ; ::Jonal

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 238 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON tuft sepia above ; pectus, legs and underside of abdomen pinkish­ buff ; ta rsal segments sepia above, tipped with pinkish-buff Fore wing glossy, pale pink ; basal third s3pi a with a few pinkish-buff scales, the oblique edge of t he sepia patch being perpendicular t o the anal vein ; postmedial line sepi ~:t, strongly excurved to middle of vein M1, where it is interrupted by the main pale pink area, which extends tenninad betwee n veins ~11 and Cm , leaving 11 clark patch at apex, ancl another at tornus, the latter also limited by tbe continuation of the postmedial line h orn Cm to inner marg in, parallel with term en ; at the apical patch the postmedial on outer side is narrowly edged with white, followed by a buff area, mixed with sepia and white near 'costa, befor e the inemved sepia subterminal line, which curves terminud to just below vein 1\11 , is lost between Yeins ..1\h and Cm , and c0ntinues brok enly from Cm to inner margin, parallel with termen ; the dark patch at tom us is brownish-buff ; fringe worn off. Hind wing light Eepia, lighter towards base, glossy ; fringe greyish­ brown. U udersid c pinkish-buff', in·oratccl with g reyish-brown, fore and hiud wings with ::;epia postmedial and subterminal lines. Exp. 34 mm. Holotype cf : S1·iracha, S. E. SitLm, 10.4.1G. I have placed this species iu Becma (Sn?·?·oth?·ipinue), as ther e is a suspicion o£ raised :-; cu.les in the cell ; the wings are rather worn, a.ud the raised scales may haYe be en rubbed oH:

VVESTEH"I ANN11NAE. 49. CAREA REPANDENS (Walk. ). Cham 7·epcm clens Walle, J ou m . Linn. Soc. Loud. (Zool.) vi, p. l oS (1 862). ~ Patani (W. A. Graham) ; o Bangkok.

50. 1\1AUR1LIA TCO)I'I CA (Walle). Anornis icon £cct WnJk., List Lep. Ins. B.M. xiii , p. 992 (! 85 7). CS Bangkok, 16.7.4, at light.

51. WESTERiiiANNI A ELLJITICA Bryk. Westm·rnannict elt·ipticc6 B1 -yk., Int. Ent . Zeit. vii, p. 217 (1913). Weste1·11Htnnict obscum Wilem·1n, E ntom. xlvii, p. 169 (1 9 : 4). 6 Srirach a, S.E. Siam, 8.4.1 4, in jungle clearing.

52. X A. NTHODES 'l'RANSVE HSA Guen. X anthocles tm n sverNt Gnen., Noct. ii, p. 21·1, pl. 10, .fig. 5 (1 852) . 2 ~ ~ Pak J oug, E. Siam, 4.1.1G, at light. ~ M: e Song forest, Pra,e, N. Siam, 15.4.16, at light. ·


53. XANTHODES INTERSEPTA Guen. Xanthocles 'inteTsepta Guen., Noct. ii, p. 212 (1 852). o Nong Yai Boo, S. E. Siam, 7.4.14, in jungle clearing.

CATOCAL INAE. 54. AGONISTA HYPOLEUCA (Guen.). Lygniocles hypoleucct Guen., Noct. ii i, p. 125, pi. 16, fig . 5 (1 852). o Muak Lok, 10.7.14. 5 o o Me crharn, April 1918. o Me Chow, April 1918. o Me Lom, April 1918.

55. EREBUS HIEROGLYPHICA (Drury). Phctlctena him·oglyphica Drmy, Ill. Exot. Ins. ii, index & p. 3, pi. 2, fig . l (l 773). o Sriracha, 7.4.14. o, ~ Mu Tharn, April 1918. ~ J\'Ie Chow, April 1918. ~ Me Lam Pong, April 1918. ~ Me Sai Soug, April 1918. 2 ¥ ~ Me Lem, April 1 918.

56. EREBUS CAPRJJIIULGUS (Fabr.). Noctttct cap1·imulgus Fabl'., Syst Ent. p. 59 1 (1775). o 1\ie Tharn, April 1918. o Me Sai Song, April 1918. ~ Koh Si Chang, April 19 19.

57. EREBUS UACROPS (Linn.). Plwlaena Attacus maC?'OJ7S Linn., Syst. Kat. eel. xii, (3) App. p. 2~5 ( l 768). 2 Q ~ S riracha, 15.4.15, 27.4.1 5, at light.

58. EB.ERUS CREPUSCULARIS ( Linn.). Plutlaena Attrwus crepuscula1·is Linn., Syst. Nat. eel . xii , (1) 2, p . 81 1 (1767). 2 ~ ~ Sriracha, 6.4.14, and April 1915.

59. ENTOJIWGRAMMA FAU1R1X Guen. EntomogTammctfcttttn'rc Guen., Noct iii, p.204 (1852). o Bangkok, 16.2.14. o Me Lem, o Me Sai Song, ~ Me Tharn, April 1918.

GO. ENMONODIA VESPERTJLIO (Fabr. ). Noctuct vespe1·tilio Fabr., M ant. Tns. ii, p. l 3G (1 787). o, ~Me Song, 1.5.16, 17.4.16. o Me T harn April19 18.

61. 8PEIREDONIA SUFFUliiOSA (Guen.). Spi?'Ct'fiVt sufftmtasct Guen., Noct. iii, p. 195 (1 852). o Sriracha, 7.4.14. 2 ~ ~ Nong K hai P loi, 26.4.1 4, 3.5.1 4.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 240 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

Q Hup Bon, 3.5.14. 2 o o Me Lem, o Me Tharn, Q Me Sai Song, April 1918. o, 2 Q Q Koh Si Chang, April 1919.

62. PHYLLODES CONSOBRINA. \Vestw. Phyllocles consob1·ina Westw., Uab. Or. Ent. p. 57, pl.28, fig. 2 (1848). o Me Tharn, April 1918. Q Sriracha., 27.9.14.

63. LA.GOPTERA. DOTA.TA. (Fabr.). Noct~ta dotatct Fabr., Ent. Syst. iii, 2, p 55 (1794) . Q Sriracha, 27.4.14, at treacle. o Me Tharn, April 1918. Q Me Lem, April 1918.

64. ANUA. CORONA.TA (Fabr.). Noctua cm·onata Fabr., Syst Ent. p. 596 (1775). o Hup Bon, 26.4.14. Q Sriracha, 7.4.14. 2 Q Q Sriracha, 27.4.15, at treacle. o, Q Me Sai Song, April 1918.

65. ANUA. TIRHA.CA. (Cram.). Phctl(tena Noctuct tir-lwcct Cram., Pap. Exot. ii, p. 116 & index, pl. 172, fig. E (1777). o Sriracha, 25.4.15, at treacle.

66. ANUA. SUBLUTEA. B.-Bkr. Anuct subl~ttect B.-Bh., Nov. Zoo!. xiii, p. 259 (1906). Q Me Sai Song, April 1918.

67. ANUA. TRIPHA.ENOIDES (Walk.). Ophiodes triphctenoides Walk., List Lep Ins. B.M.xiv, p. 1358 (1858). o Sriracha, 27.4.15, at treacle.

68. AN UA TUMIDILINEA. (Walk.). Ophi~tsc' t~tmidilinect Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xiv, p. 1433 (1858). o Sriracha, 27.4.15, at treacle.

69. MELIPOTIS DIVERSIPENNJS (Walk.). Ercheict· clivm·sipennis Walk., List Lep. Ins. B.M. xiii, p. 1108 (1857). 2 '·' d', Q Sriracha, 9.4.14, Q 13.4.14 (2 at treacle).

70. AcHAEA. SERVA. (Fabr.). Noct~tc£ se1·vct Fabr., Syst. Ent. p. 593 (1775). c Sriracha, 25.4.15, at treacle. Q Noog Khai Ploi, 1.5.14.


71. ACHAEA JANATA (Linn.). Plt(~h~ena Geometm jcmatc~ Linn., Syst. N at. ed. x, p . 527 (1758) . .f , 2 ~ ~, Sriracha, 27.4.15, at light and treacle. ~ Me Song, 1 5.4.16. ~ Koh Si Chang, April 1919.

72. PARALLELIA ILLIBATA (Fabr.). Noctuc~ illibatc~ Fabr., Syst. Ent. p. 592 (1775). o Srira.cha, at treacle.

73. PARALLELlA ONELIA (Guen.). Naxia onBlic~ Guen., Noct. iii, p. 256 (1852). ~ Nong Khai Ploi, 1.5.14.

74. p ARALLELIA UMBROSA (Walk.). Opkiusa umb1 · osc~ Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxxiii, p. 968 (1 865). !:;> Bangkok, 21.11.19.

75. PARALLELIA JOVIANA (Stoll.). Phalc~ena Noct~ta jovic~na Stall., Pap. Exot. iv, p. ~37 & index, pl. 399, fig. B (1782). ~ Nong Khai Ploi, 1.5.14, at treacle.

7 6. P ARALLELIA ABSENTIMACULA (Guen. ). N(~x ic~ absentimacttla Guen., Noct. iii, p. 255 (1852). ~ Sriracha, 20.4.15.

77. PARALLELIA FULVOTAENIA (Guen.). Ophiusa fulvota enia Guen., Noct. iii, p. 272 (1852). ~ Bangkok ( W. A. Graham).

78. PARALLELIA SENEX (Walk.). Ophiusa senex Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. Jt.L xv, p. 1832 (1858). ~ Sriracha, 27.4.15. Resembles a specimen fl'om New Guinea in the Br·itish Museum, labelled acuti8sima B.-Bkr. by Sir George Hampson, and placed by him as senex Walk. These may prove to be both distinct from senex, and to differ from one another.

79. PARALLELIA. STUPOSA (Fabr.). Noctuc~ st~tposa Fabr., Ent. Syst. iii, 2, p. 42 (1794). Phalaena Noctua achatina Cram., Pap. Exot. iii, p. 145 & index, pl. 273, fig . E (1780) nee Sulzer (1776) . ~ Bangkok, 30.11.14, at light.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 242 MR. W. H T. TAMS ON

80. PARALLELIA. CRAMERI (Mom:e). JJysgoni6L c? ·arne?·i Moore, Lep. Oeylon iii, p: 177, pl. 171, fig. 2 (1 885). Phctlaena Noct~tct cwhatinct Om.m., Pap. Exot iii, p. 171 & index, pl. 288, fig. A (1780) nee Snlzel' (1776). ~ Nong Khai Ploi, 30.4.14.

81. PARALLELIA SIMILLlMA (Gnen.). Ophi~LSa sirnillirnct Guen., Noct. iii, p. 2u6 (1852). d' Bangkok, 28.1.16, at light.

82. ATTATHA REG.A.LJS (Moore). H.'IJJJe?'COrnpct 1·ega lis Moore, P1·. Zool. Soc. Loud. 1872, p. 575, pl. 33; fig. 7. d' Me Song, 20.4.16. ~ Me SaiSong, April 1918.2 d'd' Me 'rharn, April 1918. 2 d'd Me Lem, April 1918. d' (yellow var.) Me Lam Pong, April 1918.

83. GRAMMODES GEOMETRICA (Fabr. ). Noct~tct geornetricct Fab1·., Syst. Ent. p. 559 (1775). d, ~ Bangkok, 26.2.19, 15.9.19.

84. CHALCIOPE HYPPASIA (Cram.). Phctlcte?W Noct?.UL hyppasia Ormn., rap. Exot. m, p. 99 & index, pl. 250, fig. E (1 779). ~ Khanduli, Sept. 1918.

85. CHALCJOPE CEPHISE (Cram.). PhctlaencL Noctua cephise 0l'nm., Pap. E xot. iii, p. 59 & index, pl. 221, £ig. a (1779). 3 o o Bangkok, 14.2.14, 14.7.14, 23.9.19. ~ Me ~ ai Song, April 1918.

86. EucLTDISEMA i\I\'GDON (Cram.). Phalnenct Noct~ut rnygclon Omm., Pfl.p. Exot. ii, p. 94 & index, pl. 156, fig . G (1777). d, ~ Bangkok , 13.7.14, 27.12.19, at light.

87. HYPAETRA NOCTUOIDES Guen. · Hypaet1·ct noctuoicles Guen, Noct. iii, p. 259 (1 852). ~ Paknam Chumpom, Sept. 1918.

88. MOClS FRUGALIS (Fabr.). Noctua j?ougctlis, Syst. Ent. p. 601 (1775). 2 d' 0 Bangkok, 7.1.16. ~ Me Sai Song, April 1918.


89. Moors UNDATA (Fabr.). Nocttbn tmdatct F,1b1·., Sys:. Ent. p. 600 (1775), 2 o o Bangkok, 12.12.15 (H. R. H. the Prince of Chumporn), 20.9.19. ~ Bangkok, 12.9.19. o Me Lem, April 1918. 3 Paknam Langsuan, Sept. 1918, at li ght. ~ Khanduli, Sept. 1918. ~ .Bangkok (W. A. Gralmm).

90. ANISO N EU l~A HYPO O¥A NA Guen . .Anisonetwn hypocyct?Ut Guen., Noct. iii, p. 16~ (1 852). 2 ~ ~ Sriracha, 4.4.14, at treacle. ~ Me 'l'harn, April 1918. ~ Me Chow, April 1018.

91. ANlS01-iEUH.A INERW S sp. 11.

1'1. 17' Ji g. l 0' Jig. l:l ~ . o. PaJpi: Outer side 1st and 2nd segments sepia, thickly irrorated with buff, inner side buff; 3rd segment sepia inorated and tipped with buff Antennae sepia above, t estaceous beneath. H ead, thorax and abdomen above sepia mixed with greyish-buff, beneath mainly bufJ:: Fore tibiae sepia, outwardly fringed with greyish-brown hair, buff-tipped and with a bufl:' spot above near middle; fm e tarsi sepia, segments buff-tipped; mid and hind legs greyish-brown above, buff beneath, tarsal segments buff-tipped. Fore wing brownish-buff heavily shaded with sepia; a sub-basal blackish liue, beginning as a broad blotch on costa, and outwardly curved between eo -ta and cell and obsolescent below ce ll ; a blackish antemedialline, shaded on each side with brownish-buff, strongly dentate from costa to lower edge of cell, along which it is sharply bent outwards for a short distance, then very oblique basad and slightly waved to inner margin; medial line obscure; a whitish spot at upper and lower angles of cell; postmedial line bln,ckish, defined outwardly with brownish-buff, strongly crenulatl' and dentate inwardly at the veins, out.curved below costa, then parallel with termen and lower part of antemedial; subterminal not well-defined, brownish-buff shaded on each side with sepia, incmved from near apex to vein R 5, then parallel with termen, crenulate and dentate inwardly on the veins, with a marked indentation· towards the postmedial at vein M2; a fin e blackiAh line before the termen, crenulate and dentate outwardly on the veins; a fine blackish terrninalline, waved and outlining brownish­ buff interneural terminal lunules irrorated with sepia; fringe greyish-brown, with a buff' basal line ; the spaces betwee n the lines are shaded with sepia and brownish-buff; sepia, between postmedial and subterminal, except between veins M2 and Cu1, where brownish-buff extends from the subterminal almost to the postmedial, leaving a nan ow crenulate strip of sepia. Hind wing color­ ation as in fore wing; a whitish spot at lower angle of cell; four

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924 .

• 244 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON parallel dark lines separated by brownish-buff lines, in the medial and postmedial areas, convex from costa to vein Cu1, then concave, straightening towards the inner margin; an oblique, slightly waved subterminal line from apex towards postmedial, sepia, shaded outwardly with brownish-buff, and followed by a broad shading of sepia, and then one of brownish-buff, which on the upper half of the wing is bordered by the pre-terminal blackish line, and in the lower half by broad sepia shading before the pre-terminal line ; a crenulate blackish pre-terminal line, angled outwardly on the veins, succeeded by a brownish-buff terminal area, and a series of interneural terminal lunules, brownish-buff: edged inwardly with sepia; fringe greyish-brown with a buff basal line. Underside; buff; fore wing with an oblique sepia shade from costa to upper angle of cell and along discocellulars; a broad sepia line from middle of costa towards tornus, angled between veins M2 and Ma , then perpendicular to anal vein ; a subterminal sepia shade from subcosta to anal vein, angled between veins R5 and M 1, then perpendicular to anal vein, twice as broad at subcosta as at anal vein, followed by a strip of buff, pronounced between subcosta and vein M2, then obsolescent to anal vain ; remainder of wing to t ermen greyish-brown, with traces of a crenulate pre-terminal line, angled inwardly between the veins; traces of a greyish-buff terminal line, with points between the veins; hind wing with a rounded discocellular mark; beyond this a medial sepia shade, oblique from costa to vein M2, .then angled and perpendicular to inner margin; a postmedial sepia shade parallel with the medial shade; a sepia subterminal shade, broad at costa, from just before apex, angled at vein M2, then parallel with the postmedial; remain­ der of wing as in fore wing. The holotype o has the area between the antemedial and postmedial lines in the fore wing thickly irrorated with bluish-white scales, particularly below the cell, with a small patch before the subterminal line between veins Ma and Cu1; the postmedial area oE the hind wing near the tornus also shows the same peculiarity. 'rhis featme occasionally occurs amongst the , and also amongst the Qphiderinc~e (Sypna, &c.), and it is a little unfortunate that the holotype o should show this variation. ~ . Coloration as in o, but postmedial of hind wing more crenulate, and showing buff points · between the veins ; subterminal line indistinct. Exp. o 60 mm. ~ ~ 60-68 mm. Holotype o and allotype ~ Sriracha, S. E. Siam, 27.4.15 at treacle. Paratype o Me Lam Pong, April 1918. Paratype ~ Sriracha, 6.4.14.



A. inermis d iffers f rom A. saleb?·osct- Guen. in having a rather sordid appearance, contrasting strongly with the rich colouring of the latter. The pat tern of sa leb?·osa, t hough actuall y very much like that of inermis, is so shaded that all t he markings appear much more oblique. The fine black line 'hefore the termen in i11e1·mis is continuous, whilst in salebrosa it is broken into a. string of oblique dasheA. In the fore wing of sa lebrosct-, before the subterminal line and between veinfl 1\12 and Cm , there is a contrasting pale brown patch, which is barely noticeable in ·ine1·m·is. In the hind wing the subterminaJ line is straighter in saleb1·osct- than in ·inermis, and is well marked in the ~ . On t he underside of the fore wing in saleb1·osa, the buff strip beyond the subterminal sepia shade has the section between veins R4 and R5 not continuous with t he Jer, but displaced basad, whereas in inermis this strip is continuou f:l. I haYe placed this species in the Catocaline genus Anisoneura, because, after a careful examination I came to the conclusion that it is cl osely related to .:1. saleb1·osa Guen. According to Sir George H ampson's key to the subfamilies of the 1\Toctuiclae, however, it should come in the Ophidm·inae (" Noctt ~, inae "), al:l the mid tibiae ar e not spined.

92 ..P ERICDIA CRUEGERI (.Bu tl.). HonPpten~ cruegm·i Butl. , Tram;. Ent. Soc. Loud. 1886, p. 411. ~ .B an gkok, 14.2.15, at light.

93. PERICY.MA GLAUCINANS (Guen.) . .Alc~mis glc~ucincms Guen., Noct. iii, p. 6. ( 1 85~) . cJ Me Tham, April 1918. 2 ~ ~ .Bangkok, 25.1.16, 27 .1 2.19, at light.

p HYTO:lllETRIN AE. 94. PHYTOMETRA CIIALClTES (.Borkh.). Phalctena Noctun chc~lcites Bo1·kh ., Nat. em. Schmett., p. 774 (1792). cJ Bangkok, 12.9. 19, at li ght.

0PHIDERINiF.. 95. E RYGIA HEFLECTIFASCIA Hmpsn. E?"!Jgict ?'ejlectifascic~ Hmpsn., Ill. Het. viii, p. 85, pl. 146, fig. 18 (1 89 1) . cJ :B angkok, 25.2.16, at light.

96. CADUCA ALBOPUNCTA.'l'A (Walk.). Homo•Jtem c~lbo7.Jttnctat'~ Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. JH. xiii, p. 1968 (1 857). ~ Nong Khai Ploi, S. E. Siam, 10.4. 14, at li ght.

VOL. VI, NO . 3, 1924. 24 6 MR . W. H. T. TAMS ON

97 . Po " TA QUA UIUNOT AT A (Walk.).

llj; ·IJU ymmt nw, ']t wclrinot(.(tcb ·w alk., List Lep. In H. B. JH. xxxiii, p. 8\!3 (1 86 !\). Q S riracha, 7.4.1 4, at ligl1 t.

D8. B A ~IH. . I AL lllCOLA ( Wa lk.). f!'el in in aluicolcb W a 1k. , Li ilt Lep. lw;. B. M. xiv, p. 151 5 (l858). Q Kha ndnli, Sept. 19 l 8.

99. U.l 'l'l>:l'lll A LEliCOi\[EL AS (Linu.). /'wcln?nn ,\-octnn lencomela.s Linn., Sy::,t. Nat. ed. x, p. 518 (1758). o t:l rimclm, t:l. E. S ia tu , 10.4. 14, at light.

100. NAU I A uum 'gEn ~ p . n. 1'1.17, ti ~ . ;J o. ti g.l5 Q. ri . Pal pi, onLer Hid e sepia with a f ew w bite scal es iu front innel' Hid e lighter, with more white scal es. Antennae sepi a. HeiLd a uri t horax sJpi u., sparsely irrorated with white, and with a slight purplish gloso.;. Abdomen yell owish with a bruacl dorsal stripe, se pia mixed with y ellowish-white ; a terminal tuft of sepia s ~ al e fl, from witbiu which Hpringfi a tuft of orange scales. Pectus in front greyifl h-urow n, hchind buff' to yellowish-tvhite; abdomen beneath yellowish-w hite. Fore a nd miJ legfl sepia, tlt e t ibin.e sparsel y irromted wit.Jt white, the tarsal segments yello11 ish-white tipped : hind legs with the fe111 om and t ibiae yellowish-white, slightly marked with greyish-brown, the t<:L rsi sepia irrura.ted with yellowish-white, with yellowish-white t ipped segments. F ore wing burnt umber ; a sepia basal patch between A2 and inner margin, not reaching the a nte medial line; slig ht t races of a basal line; a dark veh-et-brown a ntemedial line curved (convexity tcrminad) from costa to cell, then sharply obli ,lue o ubvard ~ to below junction of vein Cu2 and cell, then as i'harpl y oblilJUe inwards to inner margin ; an indistinct double medial line, outwardly obli11Ue to small reniform, which is defined by dark velvet-brown sealcfl; a slightly larger ring of dark velvet-brown scales below reniform, between veins Clll and Cu 2; postmedial line dark vel vet-brown , 'directed Fi harply tcnn inad below costa, then curved rouml and run11 ing parallel with M1 to r eniform, doubling back to its turning point, then curving downward ailCl outwa rd from M2 to M a, forming a tooth on M ;J, and another following it on Cu 1 , from which it curves .-ha rply baf!ad to milldlc of wing, curving round ttnd running obli(1uely out ward to inner margin d irectl y below rcniforlll : beyond the postmerlial I iHe a broad Fiepia shade from coflta to M2; traces of a triangular apical patch, a nd a n indistinct irregularly wa\-ecl Fi nbtermina, l line ; a dark browu ~t r ea k fro t11 termen along

JOURN. N.AT. ITI ST. SOC. SIA!II. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J, GODFREY. 247 one-third of vein l\h between veins Rii and 1\h, broken b1· the subterminal line; crcnulate fringe sepia, with a yellowish-brow1; line at base, and w ith the crcnulations of the upper h::df ~epartlted by white points. Hind wing bluish-white; the t erminal qu::nter sepia, lighter costad, narrowing costad and dorsad and not extending far beyond Cu2; fringe white, except near tornuR, where it iA greyish-brown interspersed with white. Underside: costal margin and distal half fore wing greyi~>h - hrown, inorated " ·ith vvhite, more thickly towards termon ; bas::d half covered with yellowish-white hair-scales and with a tuft of buff-yellow scales oelow the retinaculum ; a series of terminal intcm eural sepia spots; fringe crennlations sepia tipped ; hind wiug n,s on upper side, but with dark t erminal area thickly inoratecl with white; a series of terminal internenral Repin, spot.::; : a few greyish­ brown scales on each of the ,- eins Se, R and l\fl postmcdittll y. ~. In general like 0 ; aLdomen sih·ery bluish-white abovr and beneath, with the hroad dorsal sepia, stripe narrowing tcnninml. Fore wing heavily shaded with sepia, leaving a large, lighter, triangular apical patch; the subtenninal line li ghter and traccuhle to the inner margin. Underside of hind "ing with the pm.;tlll t'dial series of greyish-brown spots more pr011ounced, and prrHcn t on a ll except the anal veins. Exp. holotype o 44 mm.; allotype ~ 4G lllm. Holotype o: Me Song, April 1918. Allotype ~: Me Song, 16.4.16. I have seen specimens from French Inclo-Chini1. 'l'his species, which resembles so me spec i e~> of the C'c1toc·aline genus Audea, apparently belongs to the Ophidcrine genus Ko,qirt, but it resembles no other known species of t he genns. The o is remarkable for its antennae, which possess at the middle ~L distinct fusiform thickening form ed by a shall ow bend in the shaft, fil led in numerous long scales above, and for a Hingle YE' ry flat ba.sal abdominal tuft.

101. N AGIA LTNTEOLA (G nen.). Catephict linteola Guen., Noct. iii, p. 44 (1852). o 81'iracha, 9.4.14, at treacle. ~ B a ngk o k, 30.1 l.H, at li ght.

102. ERICEIA EIHOPHOIL\ (Gnen.). l:btlodes e;·ioplwm (}uen ., Noct. iii, p. 210 (1 8:12). 0 Sriracha, 27 .4 15, t1t trf'n,clr .

103. ERWEIA INANGULATA (Guen.). IIulodes inanyulnta fiuen., Noc·t. iii, p. ~I 0 ( , 8:1~) . 2 0 0 Bangkok, , 7.1.1 6, ttt li ght·.. d Ml' Rai Song,

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 248 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

April l918. 5 ~ ~Bangkok, 8.1.15, 13.2.15, 13.7.14, 25.5.19, 26.11.19, at light. ~ Srimcha, 10.4.14, at light.

104. HULODES CAUANEA (Cram.). Phalaenc~ .Noct·ua canmea Cl'am., Pap. Exot. iii, p. 140 & index, p1. 269, figs. E, F ( 1 780). ~ Bangkok (\V. A. Gritham).

105. HuLODES DRYLLA Guen. H~1lodes d1·ylla Guen. Noct. iii, p. 209, p1. 24, fig. 10 (185:2) . ~ Sriracha, 27.4.15, at treacle. ~ l\'le Song forest, Prae, N. Si[tm, 20.4.16, at light.

106. lSCHYJA MANLIA (Cram.). Phalaen c~ lYoct~la manlic~ Cram., Pap. Exot. i, p. 144 & index, p1. 92, fig. A (1776). o Me Sai Song, Prae, N. Siam, April 1918, at light. ~Bang­ nara (W. A. Grabam). ~Me Tharn, April 1918. ~ Sriracha, 30.4.15.

107. PLATYJA UMMINIA (Cram.). Phala enc~ JYo ctuc~ ~m~1m'nia Cram., P ap. Exot. m, p. 137 & index, pl. 267, fig. F (1780 ~ . o Bangkok (W. A. Graham).

10ft FACIDIA LILACH (Guen.). lfypaet1·c~ l-ilacl~ Gnen ., Noct. iii, p. 260 (1852). ~Bangkok, 5.12.19, at light.

109. F ACID IA SUFFUllfA'l'A (Gnen. ). Sympis su.ff~mwta Gnen., Noct. iii, p. 344 (1852). ~Me Song forest, Prae, N. Sium, 29.4.16, at light.

110. Svllfrrs RUFIBASIS Guen. Sympis 1 · ~~jibasis Guen., N oct. iii, p. 344, p1. 24, fig. 1 (1 852). o K long Sam, Bar:gkok, 15.9. ID, at light.

111. SPHINGO)WRPHA CHLOREA (Cram.). Phala en r~ Noct~u~ chl01·ea Cram., Prtp. Exot. ii, p. 12 & index, p1. 1 04,. fig. c (1777). o Me Tharn, April 1918. o Koh Si Chang, April 1919. ~ Sriracha, S. E. Siam, 27.4.15, at light. ~ Nong Kbai Ploi, 30.4.15.


112. PANDESMA QUENAVADI Guen. Pcmdesma quenavcul·i Guen., Noct. ii, p. 438, pl. 15, Gg. 3 (1852). !;1 Sriracha, 22.4.15, at treacle. !;1 Chumporn, 4.1.16.

113. CALESIA FLAl3ELLIFERA Moore. Oales·icbjlctbellifem :Moore, P1·. Zool. Soc. Land. 1878, p. 849. o Me Lem, April 1918. 2 0 o Me ~rharn, April 1918.

114. CALESIA DASYP'l'ERA (KolJ.). E1·ebu,.s clctsyvterus Koll., HUgel's K aschmil'. iv, p. 476 (1844). o Me Sai Song, April 1918.

115. CALESIA PHOXANTIIA Hmpsn. Gctlesicb p?·oxanthct Hmpsn., Tl'. Ent. Soc. Loncl. 1895, p. 306. o Me Tharu, Ap~· il 1918. o Me Chow, April 1918. !;1 Me Song forest, Prae, N. Siam, 19.4.16.

116. CALESIA HAEMORRHOA Guen. Galesicb haemor?'!wcb Guen., Noct. iii, p. 258 (1852). !;1 Bangkok, 17.2.16, at light.

117. TINOLIUR QUADRrMACULATA Walk. Tinol·hts qtutdrimacttlatus Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxxi, p. 28 1 ( 1864). 0 Hup Bon, S. E. Siam, 22.4.14, in open jungle. o Me Chow, April 1918. !;1 Pak Mat, Jan. 1920.

118. SERICIA ZA.MIS (Stoll.). Phalaencb NoottbCb zctmis Stall., Pap. Exot. v, p. 162 & index, pl. 36, fig. 11 (1790). o, !;1 Sriracha, S. E. Siam, 27.4.15, at treacle.

119. SERICIA MU'L'ABJLIS (Fabr.). Noctua mtttabilis Fab1·., Ent. Syst. iii, 2, p. 12 ( I 794). !;1 Sriracha, 27.4.15, at treacle.

120. 0MMA'L'OPIIOHA FULVAS'l'RA Guen. Omnwtophm·cb /1tlvast?'Cb Guen., Noct. iii, p. 191 (1852). 2 !;1 !;1 Sriracha, 9.4.14, 10.4.14, at treacle. !;1 Nong Khai Ploi, 1.5.14<, at light. 2 !;1 !;1 Me Sai Song, April 1918.

] 21. SERRODES PAH'L'lTA (Fabr.). Noct1ta pm·tita Fabr., Syst. Ent. p. 604 (1 775). !;1 Bangkok (W. A. Grab am).

YOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 250 MR. W. H. T. TAIVIS ON

122. SERRODES CA~rPAN """ Guen. 8e1'1'0fles carn.panct Guen., Koct. iii, p. 252 (18ii 2) . cS Muak L ok , E. Sin,m, 12.7.14, a.t, light.

123. FoDINA ORIOLUS Guen. Fodinct m·iohts Guen., Noct. iii, p. 274 (1832). cS llup Bon, S. E. Siam , 30.4.14, flying in open jungle.

124. FODINA PALLULA Guen. Foclina JYtllttlct Gneu., Noct. iii, p. 275 (1852). cS ~'l e Song foreRt, Prae, N. Siam, 15.4.18, flying in open jungle. cS Kha,nduli, Peninsul a r Siam, Sept. H1 18.

125. FomxA STOLA Guen. J?odinct stolct <:n en., Nort. iii, p. 275 (1852). cS, ~ lV[e Song fm·ost, Prae, N. Siam, 27 4.l.G, 14.4.6. c), 2 ~ ~ l\l e 'l1 ham, April ] 918. 2 cS cS Me Lem, April 19lij.

Genus GoNOGLASA nov. Type G. cconptog?·amnw. . Proboscis fully de,· eloped; palpi with th e 2nd j oint obliquely upturned to well aboYe Yertex of head a nd fringed w it h hair in front and behind, the 3rd long , porrect, and rather thickly scaled; frons Rmooth, with tuft of hair above; eyes large, round; antennae of female ciliated; thorax c!othed almost entirely with scales and -..vith­ out crests; t ibiae slightly fringed with hair ; abdomen with dorsal crests on two basal segments, the crest on 2nd segment rather large. Forewing with the apex produced and acute, the tcrmen excmved at middle aud hardly crenulate; veins 3 and 5 from near angle of cell ; 6 from upper :wgle; 9 from 10 anastomosing with 8 to form the areole; 1] from celL Hind wing with the cell half the length of the wing; Vt.! ins 3,4 from angle or shortly stalkl'ld; 5 fully developed from well abo,·e angle; 6,7 from uppe L' angle; 8 anaHtomosing with the cell near base only. (G. F . HAMPSON).

126. GONOGLASA CAMP'rOGRAMMA. , 11. Rp. 1'1. 17 fig. Hl. Q. H ead a nd thorax red-brown mixed \vith ,,. hite; antennae brown, white trnmrds base; frons, pal pi, pectus and legs r ed-brown, the tarsi ringed with white; abdomen pale red-brown, the crest on 2nd segment dark brown, the Yentral surface white tinged with red­ brown. Fore ·wing r ed-brown Ini xed with white, the costal area white, the veins of t erminal a,rea Rtreaked with white; a. dark Lrown point in c·ell near base: a,ntemedia.l line white defi nc·cl on outer Kide

JO UR:\". NAT. ITIS'I'. SOC. SIAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E J. GODFREY. 2 51 by red-browu, m t her ubli(llW to median ncl'\'ure where it is strongly bent outwards, then erect; a minute red-brown spot with white point on it in middl e of ce ll, and ·white discoidal bar defin ed on inner side by red-browu ; postmeclin,l line white defin ed on ir.ner side by red-brown, slight ly excurvcd below costa, then straight and erect; subterminal Jinc white defined on inner side by red-brown marks in the interspaces, exeurved below vein 7, strongly angled in­ wards at diHeal fold, excnrved at middle, t hen incurved ; a red-brown terminal line and fine whitish line at base of cilia. Hind wing p 11 le r ec1-brown; an indistinct ol>lictne r ed-brown postrnecli line from below the costa to t ornus; a red-brown terminal line; cilia white at b~s e . Underside of fore wing vvhi tish suffused wit h red-brown, a diffused obli(lUC r eel-brown postmedial line; hin l wing whitish irrorated with r ed-brown , a red-brown di scoidiu.l spot, postmedial line and Rlight subterminal :-;hade. Hab. Borueo, Sandak an (Pryer) 1 5;1 type. Exp. 39 rnm. (G. F. H AMPSON). d M. e Song foreHt, Prac, N . Siam, 16.4. 16.

127. HuOC,iLA lWSTRA'l'A (Fabr.). H,ijbla e'! ?'ostmtcG Fa.IJr·., Ent. Sy-t. iii, :2 , p. 127 ( 1794). 0 Me Song forest, Prae, N. Siaw, 30.4.1 1) , at li ghl. 2 0 o Bang kok , Sept. 1919, at light.

128. Hn•ocAL A v wLACGA Butl. Hypocctlct violctcect But!. , 'l'r. Ent. f:ioc . Lond. 18 7\:J, p. 6. 2 0 0 Bangk ok, 13.7.14, 10.9.10, at light.

129. GGso "IA oHEDrrALJ s ·w alk. Gesonict obecl itctlis ·walk., List Lep. I n:;. ll . .i\1. xvi, p. 75 ( 1858). 2 ~ 5;1 Ohumporn, J an. 1916.

Genu.· 0AHSIN ,\ uov. Type C. obliqu(L (Moorc). Phtt1·ys oblirz ua l\:I oore, Pr. Zoo!. Soe. Loud. 1867, l'· 80. Proboscis fully developed; pal pi with the 2nd j oint oblique, extending about twice. the length of hea,d, moder11tely scaled below, and fringed with hair a.boYC, the !) rd upturned, long and smoothly scaled ; frons smooth, wit h tuft of hair above; eyeR large, round ; antennae of male with bristles and cilia; thorax clothed with hair only and without. crests ; foro and mid· tibiae slight ly fringed with h <~ir , abdomen with ~>o m c rot!g h hair at baHc of do rsum but wit hout crests. F ore wing with t he apex somewhat produced and acute, the termen evenly curved and not crenulate ; \·cins 3 and 5 from

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 252 MR. W. H. T . TAMS ON near angle of cell; 6 from upper angle; 9 from 10 anastomosing with 8 to form the areole ; 11 from cell. Hind wing with the cell about one third length of wing ; veins 3,4 from angle; 5 fully developed from above angle; 6,7 from upper angle; 8 anastomosing with the cell near the base only. (G. F. HAMPSON).

130. CARSINA FLA.VIBRUNN'EA (Hmpsn.). Zethes flavibnmnen Hmpsn., Moths Incl. iii. p. 8 (1895). 0 , !;1 Me Lem, April 1918. !;1 Me Chow, !;1 Me Tharn, !;1 Me Sai Song, !;1 Me Lam Pong, April 1918.

131. CARSINA BENDIOIDE~ (Walk.). Rern-igict ? bencl·ioides Wnlk., Jomn. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) vii, p. 184 (1864). 2 !;1 !;1 Me Tharn and Me Sai Song April, 19] 8.

132. RHYTIA HYPERMNESTRA (Sto.ll.). Phctlaena Nocttut hype?·rnnest?'Ct Stall., Pa.p. Exot. iv, p. 69 & index, pi. 323, :figs. A, B (1780). !;1 Sriracha, S. E. Siam, 27.4.16, at treacle.

133. 0THREIS FULLONIOA (Linn. ). Phalctena JYoctttajullonicct Linn., Syst. Nat. eel. xii, (1), 2, p. 812 (1767). !;1 Bangkok, 7.2.15 (H. R. H. the Prince of Chumporn).

134. EUlliAENAS* SALAMINIA. (Cram.). Phcblctena, 1Yoctua salctminia Oritm., Pap. Exot. ii, p. 117 & index, pl. 174, :fig. A (1777). 0 Bangkok (W. A. Graham).

135. Co~MOPHILA FLAVA (Fabr.). Noctttctfiava Fabr., Syst. Ent. p. 601 (1775). 2 o o Bangkok, 12.5.16, 27.10.19, at light.

136. CoSMOPHILA SABULIFERA (Guen.). Gonitis sabttlifm·ct Guen., Noct. ii, p. 404 (1852). 0 Bangkok, 15.3.16, at light.

* JJ:umaenas Hmpsn. nom. nov. fo1· .iJ[ctencts Hiibn., Ve1·z . bek. Schmett. p. p. 264 (1825) nee. p. 167.


137. ANOJ\HS FULVJDA Guen. Anom·is]ttlv·ida Gueo., Noct. ii, p. 397 (1852). o o Bangkok, 20.1.15, 10.9.19, at light;~ Me Tharn, April1918.

138. ANOJ\US FlGLINA Butl. Anornisfiglina But!., Ill. Het. B. Ill. vii, p. 7l, pi. 131, fig. 2 (1889). o Me .Sai Song, Pwe, N. Siam, April 1918, at light.


Co1·cobcwa angul·ipennis M001 e, Lep. Atk. p. 186, pl. G, fig. 16 (1882). o Me Song Forest, Prae, N. Siam, 14.4.16, at light. 0 .Me Lell:., 15.4.18.

140. HYPEHLOPHA CHISTlFERA (Walk.). Ephy1·odes c?·ist·ifm·ct, List Lep. Ins. B. M . xxxm, p. 1071 (1865). ~Bangkok, 25.1.15, at light.

141. CALI:'E EXCA. VATA But!. Calpe excavcttct Butl., A. M. N. H. (5) i, p. 202 (1878). 0 Paknam Chumpom, Penir,sular Siam, Sept. 1918, at light.

142. ATTONDA A.DSPEHSA (Feld.). Felinict? ctdspm·sct Feld., Reise Novara, pl. 117, fig. 23 (1 874; . ~Me Lem, April 1918.

143. lfAMODES PROPITIA (Guet·.). Ophiusa p1·opitia Gm3r., Voy. de la ()oquille ii, p. 285, pl. 19, fig. 6 (1830). ~ Sriracha, S. E. Siam, 27.4. 15, at treacle.

144. UGIA SUNDANA 11. i'p. rJ. 17 fig. 12. ~. Head and thorax whitish tinged with red-brown, the abdomen more strongly tinged with red-brown and slightly irrorated with blackish; sides of frons and pal pi deep chocolate-brown, the latter with the third joint whitish irrorated with black; pectus, legs and ventral surface of abdomen white. Fore wing ochreous suff'used with red-brown and slightly irrorateJ ';vith dark brown; a faint curved brown anternedial line; a black discoidal spot placed on a faint brown lunule; a slight oblique shade from costa just beyond the cell, an oblique dark mark from apex continued as a double red-brown line filled in with purplish grey to inner margin beyond

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 254 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON middle; \vi th a, series of bluish white marks beyond it in the interspaces, larger towards inner margin; subterminal line rather diffused, brown, incurved from apex to vein 4, t hen incurved and waved; a series of bla.clr points before termen ; cilia grey-brown. Hind wing ochreous suffused with red-brown and irrorated with a fevv blackish scales; a slight dark discoidal striga; au obli que double red-brown medial line filled in with r;urplish grey from below costa to vein 1 with bluish white marks on its outer side f rom discal fold to Yein 1, where the mark is longer; subterminal line indistinct, diffused, brown, excurved at middle, then incurved and waved; a series of black points before tennen. Underside whitish tinged wiLh red-brown and irroratecl with dark brown; fore wing with blackish points in middle of cell and on discocellulan;, both wings with a series of black points before termen, fin e dark terminal line and the cilia brown. Hab. Java, Paln.buan 1 ¥ type. Exp. 46 mu. (G. F. HAi\IPSON). ~ Sriracha, 9.4.14.

145. ANTICARSIA IHRORATA (·.) . ...VoctucG in·omta Fabr., Spec. Ins. ii Appen!lix, p. 506 (li"8l). 3 o o Bangkok, 12.9.19, 30.1] .J 9, 27.12.19. 2 ~ ~Bangkok, 15.9.19, 25 .10.19.

146. :MARAPANA PULVEHATA (Guen.). Scmys pulvemta Gnen ., Noct. iii, p. 351 (1852). 0 Me Sai Song, Prae, N. Siam, Sept. 1918, at light.

] 47. :M:F.CODINA PRAECJPUA (Walk.). Thennes·ia Jn·aecip'Lm W,tlk., List Lep. Ius. B. M. xxxiii, p. 1056 (1865). o Bangkok ('vV. A. Graham).

Genus HEOEUGORNA nov. 'l1 ype H. c~lboc~?·c1u~ta (Beth.-Baker). EugomcG albow·cucGta Beth.-Balcer, Nov. Zool. xiii, p. 269 (l906). Proboscis fully developed; pal pi upturned, the second joint reaching to Yertex of head, broadly fringed with hair in front, and slightly fringtld with hai.r behind towards extremity, the third long and smoothly sculed; frons smooth, with tuft of hair above; eyes large, round; antennae long, of male with serrations ending in bristles, of female minutely serrate; thorax clothed with rough hair and scales mixed, and without crests; ti'uiae fringed with long hair, the first joint of hind tarsi typically fringed with long hair above;

JOURN. NA'l'. IIlST. SOC. SlAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. :255 abdomen typically with large dorsal ridges of roug h hair except towards extremity, but w it h uut crests, the ventral surface clothed ·with rough hair in male. Fore wing with the apex rounded, the term en evenly curved and not crenulate; veins 3 and 5 £rorn n ear angle of cell; 6 from upper angle ; 9 from 10 anastomosing w ith 8 to -form the areole; 11 from cell. Rind wing with the cell about one-t hird length of wing; veins 3,4 from angle; 5 fully developed from just above angle; 6,7 from npper angle; 8 anastomosing with cell near base only. (G. F. HAi\1PSON).

141:1. HEOP.UGORNA OCl:IROVlTTATA (Pag.). Ophiusct oclwovittata Pn.g., J:'lJu·b. Verei11 xlvii, p. 45, pl.i, fig. 10 (1894). o Me Tharn, April 1918.

149. AVITTA LUNIFERA tDruce). Toxocct?nJXt l~mifem D nwe, Pr. Zool. ~o c . Lond. 1888, p. 575. o Sriracha, S. E. S iam, 10.4.14, at light.

150. A Vl'LvrA SUBSIGNANS \Valk. Jlvittct subsignctns ·walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xv, p.1675 (1 858). !i) Bangkok, 26.10.19, u.t light.

151. L AOERA ALOPE (Cram ). Phalcwnct Bombyx alope Crn.m., P>l.p. E xot. iii , p. I G8 & index, pl. 286, fi gs. E, F (1780). !i) S riracha, S. E. S iam , 28.4. 16, f~t light.

152. EPlSPARIS LITURATA (Fabr.). Plutlaenct litumta Fabr., 1\Ltnt. Ins. ii, p. 197 (1 787). 0 St'iracha, 9.4.1 4, at treacle; 0 B~ngkok, 17.7.1 4, at light ; !j) 14.7.14.

153. VESTURA JIUNEREUSALlS (Walk.). Egnasict miner-e~tsal ·is Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xvi, p. 220 (1 858). !i) Sriracha, S. E. S ia m, 9.4.14, at treacle.

154. PANGH..APTA SHIVULA (Gu en.). jJ£a?'?1WTinia shimtlct Gum ., Noct. iii, p. 372 (1 852•. 0 Muak Lek , E. Siam, 11.7.14, at light.

155. P A"NGH.APTA TALUS.ALJ.' (Walk.). P I. 17 fi g. 10. Egnasicb tctlusctlis WP ik.. !j) List Lep. Ins. n . JH. xvi, p, 219 (1858). 0 Palpi: 1st segment upcurved to vertex, 2nd segm ent ver-

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 256 MR. W. H T. TAMS ON tical, 1 mm. long, 3rcl segment vertical 2! mm. long ; the 2nd and 3rcl segments are very slender, naked on the inner side, bear long hairs in front and behind, and are f'caJed on the outer side; the hair in front of the 2nd segment is as long as that segment, thn,t in front of the 3rd gradually shorter to the tip, and in both cases the hair is directed forwards at right angles to the segment; the hair behind is directed backward and upward; at the base of the 2nd segment it is as long as the two segments together, and extends back OYer the thorax, and is gradually shorter to the tip of the 3rd segment, the hair of the terminal third being bunched along the segment. The antennae are scaled a.bove, ciliated beneath, with two strong curved lateral bristles at the base of each segment, each as long as two segments and directed downwn,rds and forwards, and two shorter ventral bristles ncar the base of each segment, directed downwards and backwards. Hind tibiae with the distal two-thirds beneath bearing a triangular tuft of hair. Palpi with the whole of the inner side buff; outer side of 1st segment sepia on basal hal£, distal half buff' irrorated with greyish­ brown; outer side of 2nd n,nd 3rd segments buff sparsely irrorated with greyish-brown. Antennae above, head, thorax and abdomen buff, the head and thorax irrorated with greyish-brown. Pectus and underside of abdomen buff; legs buff, the coxae, femora and tibiae thickly irroratecl with greyish-brown. Fore wing clayish, irrorated with greyish-bro·wn; indistinct waved greyish-brown antemedial, medial and postmedial lines, outwn,rdly oblique from costa to upper edge of cell , then inwardly obli que to inner margin ; a whitish spot on the antemedialline in the cell, and a whitish streak indistinctly edged with back on the discocell ulars. A triple greyish-brown waved subterminal line, indistinct from costa to vein Ri; a large round bla.ckish spot between R5 and l\11. edged terminad with whit­ ish; from this spot the subterminal line is distinct, sharply angled basad to just above vein l\'12 , \vhere it turns downwards and sli ghtly outwards to Yein M3, continuing .in a sweeping curve (convexity basad) to inner margin; 3 blackish-brown spots on innermost of the three lines forming the subterminal, one bet·ween the inner margin and anal vein, one between anal vein and vein Cu2, and one between veins Cu2 and Cm; opposite these, between the second and third lines forming the subterminal, some w l1i t ish scales; a brown shade beb-..reen veins l\13 and Cut from the subterminal to termen ; a row of interneural dark brown spots before termen; a crenulate brown terminal line; fringe greyish-brown, its base brownish-buff Hind wing as fore wing; from base to subterminal the lines straight and oblilJUC, with dark brown discocellular streak; subterminal t riple, inner line fine, very dark brown, second more diffuse, brown, the third indistinct, greyish-bt·own; spots before termen, terminal line

J0URN. NAT. HIST. SOC. SIAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J GODFREY. 257 and fringe as in f01·ewing. Underside: fore wing buff, darker towards costa, thickly irrorated with greyish-brown; a blackiRh­ brown spot in cell, a smaller one in middle of discocellulars; a broken brownish postmedial line, outwardly oblique from coRta to vein R5, then gradually curved inward to vein Cu2, and slightly outward to inner margin ; subterminal line indistinct, with a distinct dark browniRh spot between veins R5 and l\h; a series of dark brown interneural spots before termen; terminal line and fringe as on upper side. Hind wing buff, thickly irrorated with greyish­ brown ; a blackish-brown spot on discocellulars ; a distinct broken brownish postmedial line, parallel with termen ; an indistinct greyish­ brown subterminal line, parallel with t ermen; spots before termen, terminal line and fringe as on upper side. Exp. 30 mm. Neallotype 0 : Bangk ok , 20.9.19. The species was originally descri1Jed from a ~ lab ell e d "E. Indies". The palpi are very different from thoRe of the o. The 1st segment does not reach the middle of the frons, being only about 1 mm. long-, the 2nd is slightly over 2 mm. long, sli ghtly curved, vertical, and as stout as the hind tarsuR; the 3rd is nearly 3 mm. long, slightly curved, very slender, sharply pointed and directed back over the thorax.

156. EGNASIA RECTJLINE ATA Swinh. Egnasi6t 1·ectilinea t c~ Swinh., A. M. N. H. (6 1 xv, p. 14 (Ja.n. 1895). o Me Song forest , Prae, N. Siam, 16.4.16, at light.

157. 0XYODES SCROBICULATA (Fabr.). Noct~tc~ scrobiculc~tc~, Syst. Ent. p.592 (177 5). ~Me Lem, Prae, N. Siam, April 1918, at light.

HYPENINAE. 158. 0XAENA NUS BRONTJ!;clALJS (Wa.Jk.). Jlt[a stygophom b1·ontesalis vV rLlk., List Lep. Ins. B.' M. xvi, p. 151 (1858). 0 Pak Jong, 3.1.16, at light. 159. NODARIA CORNICALIS (Fabr.). Phc~k~en c£ comicalis Fabt·., Ent. Syst. iii, 2, p. 229 ( 1794). 0 Pak J ong, 30.12.15, at light. 160. SmPLICIA BUTESALIS (Walk.). Libisosc£ b~ttesa l is W ttlk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xvi, p.187 (1 858). ~ Sriracha, 3.4.14, in open jungle,

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 258 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

161. HYDRILLODES LENTALIS Guen. Hycl1·illode lenlcbl-is Guen., Delt. & Pyr. p. 66, pl. 5 fjg. 3 (185±). o Bangkok, 27.11.19.

162. DICHROMIA OlWSIA (Cram.). Plubla encb Nocttta o1·osicb Ora.rn ., Pap. Exot. iii, p. 149 & index, pl. 275, fig. D (1780). o Bangkok, 22.10.19,

163. DlCHROMIA TUWONALIS Guen. Dicl11romicb M·igonulis GneD., Delt. & Pyl'. p. 19 (1854). ~Bangkok, 17.9.19.

164. HYPENA LA.ESALIS Walle. HyJJenct laescblis Wrtlk., Li~t Lep. Ins. B. M. xvi, p. 62 (1858). ~ Bangkok, 20.2.14.

165. HYPENA lCONICALIS Walk. lfypencb icom·ccbl·is ·wallc, Li;;t Lep. Ins. U. M. xvi, p. 61 (1858). ~Bangkok, 4.3.16.

166. HYPENA ALLOCHJWAUS sp. n. Pl. 17, f1 g. 11. o. Palpi hair-brown, irrorated with clayish. Antennae hair­ brown, basal third with white scales above and in front, distal tvvo­ thirds banded with greyish. Frons naked below, white in the middle, hair-brown above. Head and thorax: hair-brown light-ly irrorated with greyish-brown, metathoracic crest sepia ; abdomen hair­ brown, wit.h tawny-olive crests on three ba.:al segments. Pectus in front hair-brown, behind buff; fore and mid legs hair-brown, fin ely irrorated wit h greyish, femora buff beneath, tarsa.l segments buff­ tipped; hind femora buff', tibiae and tarsi with inner side buff, outer side with greyish-brown and buff mixed, tarsal segments buff-tipped. Fore wing drab, bisected by a vertical three-coloured waved line; tt small raised tuft of greyish-tipped sepia scales near base of cell; a curved (concavity basad) waved ferrugineous n.ntemedial line, follow­ ed by a sm1t ll tuft of raised wlJite- tipped ::; epia scales; a verticn.l blackish-brown line before the end of the cell, edged basad with ferrugineous, terminacl with white, curved from costa to middl e of cell, from middle of cell to below vein Cu2, and from this point again to inner margiu, in all three cases with convexity basad; the 'vhole area fl'om the base of the wing to this line thickly irrorated with opalescent scales, the area from the autemecl ial to this bisecting line and n.bove the cell in·orated with sepia scale::;, and the area below

JOUUN. NAT. IIIST. SOC. SI.Allf. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. 259 this and basad irroratecl with ferrugineous scales; the opalescence in the costal area is bluish-violet, and below this to inner margin bluish-green; the white edging of the waved bisecting line is follow­ eel by traces of opalescence; a small sepia clot at upper angle of cell, a larger sepia spot at lowm' angle ; a waved strip of light greyish and drab mixed, thickly irrorated with blackish-brown in the costal r egion above R5 , extending to apex; below R5 it is followed by sepia shading, succeeded by light brownish patches before the mummy­ brown su bdentate subterminal line, the somewhat blunt dentations of which are in the upper part of the wing tipped with white, and in t he lower part with buff 0r clayish; area before the terminal line and below vein R5 light brownish, thickly irrorated with mummy-brown; a mummy-brown terminal line, preceded by a light buff shading, interneumlly deubte towa.rcls the subterm inal line, and succeeded by a slight brownish-buff edging; a three-layered fringe of greyish­ tipped sepia scales; hind wing hair-brown, with darker brown term­ inal line edged with brownish-buff; fringe as in fore wing, except a lighter portion between Rs'~ and l\13, and a buff patch between Cu2 and A2. Underside fore wing hair-brown, irroratecl with pale buff along the costal margin to apex; inner marginal area belo·w anal vein pale yellowish-white; a dark S-wavedline, the lower halE on the discocellulars; a spot, basal half sepia, distal half white, just below j unction of veins R3 and R4; a sepia terminal line, interneurally thick­ ened into dentate mf.t.rks from apex to vein Cu2; fringe as on upper side, but lighter. Underside hind wing pale pinkish-buff, heavily irrorated with hair-brown, except at inner margin ; a hair-brown streak on the discocellulars; a hair-brown subtermim1l shade, parallel with termen to vein Cu2, meeting just beyond vein A2, the area between it and the termen, from vein Cu2 to A2, a,lmost lacking the darker inomtions ; a sepia terminal line, interneurally thickened into cl entations from apex to vein Cn1; fringe as on upper side but lighter. Exp. 30 mm. Holotype 0 : Bangkok, 23.2.14. Paratype 0 : Singapore (H. N. Ridley). Paratype 0 : Hab. ? ex coll. Mom·e. This species is closely related to mcmclcdcdis Walk. The basal half of the fore wing in is very dark brown, and there is a blackish-brown shade from the cliscocellulars towards the termen. The vertical line bisecting the fore wing appears merely as a white edging to the blackish-brown border or the clurk brown basal

'"Rn,diaJ sector of Comstock. Rl is apparently united with Sc .•in the hind wings of most moths, whilst R (2·+ 3) + R (4 + 5) exist only as one vein, the radial sector, Rs.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 260 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON half of the wmg, and the three cun es in it are more convex, the angles between them sharper.

167. 0PHIUCFIE MlSTACALIS (Guen.). He1'1nin·icG mistacalis Guen., Delt. & Pyr. p. 60 ( 1854). ~ Bangkok, 20.2.15.

168. B .)CA.NA UlVIBRINA sp. n. J>l. 17, fig. 16. ~ . Palpi raw umber irrorated with buff, predominating on inner side of 2nd segment. Antennae greyish-brown. Head and thorax raw umber, scales greyish-tipped. Abdomen bistre, with a few greyish scales. Pectus, legs and underside of abdomen raw umber, irrorated with buff. Fore wing raw umber; antcmedial line beginning as au outwardly oblique yell owish-white streak from cm~ta, then clayish, vertical, waved and ending in a yellowish-white inwardly oblique streak to inner margin; an obscure lunulate discocellular mark, slightly darker than the ground colour; postmedial line beginning as a whitish wedge-shaped mark, sharply oblique out­ wards, continuing as a deep clay-coloured dentate line, curved (convexity terminad) to vein Cu2, slightly oblique to inner margin, the whole line accentuated by a deepening of the ground colour before it; an inegular subterminal line darker than the ground colour, with a whitish mark beyond it at the costa, and a broader dark shade before it from costa to vein M1, and whitish points on the veins; terminal area from apex to vein M3 showing a diffused patch lighter than the ground colour; fringe bistre, fawn-tipped. Hind wing bistre; a buff dentate postmedial line curved from costa to vein Cu2 (convexity tenninad), then oblique to just before tornus, immediately preceded and accentuated by a narrow dark line; area following postmedial line shaded with buff, passing to a deep bistre shading before the waved, curved subterminal row of buff points ; fringe bistre, fawn-tipped. Underside fore wing raw umber irrorated with pale buff, inner margin broadly yellowish-vvhite; a white point in middle of cell ; reniform dark brown outlined with white; postmedial line as on upper side; subterminal line as on upper side, the ·pale edging more continuous and not entirely confined to spots; fringe li ghter than on upper side. Hind wing beneath raw umber, irrorated with pale buff; a dark brown spot, outlined with white, on discocellulars ; postmedial and subterminal lines as on upper side, the latter with its light edging more continuous; fringe lighter than on upper side. Exp. 36 mm. • Holotypc ~ : Pak Jong, 1.1.16.


169. HADENNIA UliiBRINA sp. n. Pl. 17, fig. 4. 0 . Palpi on outer side, and 1st and 2nd segments on inner side sepia, sparsely irrorated with buff; inner side of 3rd segment buff. Antennae pale buff at base, then alternately sepia and pale buff to middle, distal half sepia. Head, thorax and abdomen sepia, but lighter than palpi; the thorax and base of u.bdomen tinged with russet, terminal abdominal tuft brownish-buff: Pectus and under­ side of abdomen sepia, abdomen lighter, basal and terminal segments tipped with buff. Legs sepia, t~bial spurs and tarsi lighter, tibiae deep purplish-brown. Fore wing raw umber, thickly irromted with cinnamon; a fine curved dark brown basal line (convexity basad); a small yellowish-white spot in the middle of the cell; a fine dark brown antemedial line, bent outwards below costa to upper edge of cell, then almost straight, and perpendicular to inner margin; an elongate yellowish-white spot, edged with dark brown, on the discocellulars; a dark brown postmedial line, sharply oblique out­ wards from costa to vein M1, then inwards obliquely to middle of inner margin, but almost obsolete; an almost straight heavily shaded dark brown oblique line from apex to inner margin about 3 mm. from tornus, pale-edged terminad, and preceded on the costa by a buff spot; an indistinct waved dark brown terminal line; fringe sepia, interneurally yellowish-white at its base. Hind wing like fore wing, but with pale greyish-brown above Se to subterminal line; a straight fine dark brown antemeclial line at about one-third; a yellowish-white spot on the discocellulars; a straight fine dark brown line just beyond end of cell (postmedial); an oblique broadly shaded dark brown line at two-thirds, with a pale greyish-bt·own edging terminad ( a continuation of the corresponding line on fore wing); terminal line and fringe as in fore wing. Underside of fore wing sepia, the area beyond the oblique line lighter; costal fold greyish-brown irrorated with pale cinnamon, inner margin to postmedial line broadly yellowish-white; faint traces of a dark antemedial line; a yellowish-white streak on the discocellulars; postmedial as on upper side, dark; indications of an oblique line as on upper side, but pale yellowish-white. Underside of hind wing very dark velvety-brown, much lighter from vein Cu2 to inner margin; fringe sepia, with a pale buff line at base. Exp. 36 mm. Holotype o : :Bangkok, 10.1.16. The fore and hind tibiae of this species have widely spreading tufts of scales.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 262 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

1-IYBLAEINAE. 170. flYBLAEA PUERA (Cram.). Phalaenn Noctuc~ ;ntem Cram., P

171. HYBLAEA CON::>TELLATA Guen. Hyblaecb constellcGtCG Guen., Noct. ii, p. 391 (1852) . 2 0 oMuak Lek, 9.7.14, 10.7.14,on moist sand on banks of streaw. ~Me Song, April 1918.

172. Hi'BLAEA FIRMAMENTUi'l'l Guen . .T:fyblae c~Ji?·nwment~G?n Gn en., Noct. ii, p. 392 (1852) . ~ M.e Tharn, Prae, N. Siam, April 1918.

173. fiYBLAEA CASTANEA sp. n. Pl. 17, fig. 5. c5 . Palpi above chestnut-brown, beneath white. Antennae sepia. Head a.nd thorax chestnut-brown; mesothorax and basal half of tegulae pmplish-fuscous. Abdomen blackish, the segments mark­ ed laterally at the divisions "vith yellowish-white, anal tuft blackisn­ grey. Pectus yellowish-white; legs yell owish-white, except tarsi, which are greyit>h-brown above, yellowish-white br-neath, the seg­ ments tipped with yellowish-white; underside of abdomen yellowish­ white at base, grading through greyish to greyish-brown terminally. Fore wing fairly broad; costa Atrongly arched to just before apex, where it is sharply concave ; t ermen strongly rounded, excised im­ mediately below apex ; the apical costal concavity and the apical terminal excision ptoducing a sub.falcate appearance; below the cell, and before the obsolescent antemedial line a greenish-fuscous patch; from this diagonally to apex a broad purplish-fuscous shade, arched costad ; the whole of the area above the basal patch and dark shade to the costa chestnut-brown, and extending, except for postmedial line, to apex ; the area enclosed by the dark shade, inner margin and termen dull orange-brown; postmedial line yellowish-white, from costa sharply obli que towards terminal apical excision, then merged in the dark shade, and continued as an obscure brownish line from dark shade to inner margin parallel with termen; a subterminal series of interneural black clots ; fringe whitish in apical excision, remainder dark orange-brown. Hind wing sepia ; a yellow spot between veins l\12 and Cm , midway between end of cell and term en; bvo undulating yellow stripes from vein Ou2 almost to tornus, the width of the yellow spot apart; fringe greyish-brown. Underside of fore wing purplish-fuscous; a yellowish-white margin along costa

JOURN. NA'l'. H!S'l'. SOC. SIAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. 263 about 1 mm. wide, orange-brown at apex, expanded at middle of cell into a subtriangular spot, and just beyond end of cell into a larger <1uadrate spot; inner margin broadly yellowish-white with a greenish tinge; fringe sepia tipped with cbrk orange-brown; underside of hind wing with costal half pale greyiAh-brow·n with a faint greenish mottling; the dorsal half coYerecl with very pale greenish-blue scales; numerous blackish spots OYer the whole wing; fringe' greyish­ brown. Exp. holotype 0 34 mm., paratype o ~2 mm. Holotype 0 : Pak Jong, E. Siam, 4.1.16. Paratype 0 : lVIuak Lek, E. Siam, 10.7.14. The general build and fore wing pattern of this species resem­ bles that of H. c~mboinae Feld. , but the species is easily distinguish­ able from any other known to me by it:-; chestnut-brown coloming aud the pattern of the hind wings.

PTEROTHYSANIDAE. 174. PTEROTHYSANUS XOBLEI Swinh. Pterothysanus noblei Swinh., Pr. Zoo!. E!oc. Lond . 1869, p. 401, pi. -!4, fig. 3. 8 specimens: 3 from Me 'rham , 4 from Me Sai Song, April 1918, ancl1 labelled lVIc Song, 18.4.16.

LIPARIDAE. 175. REDOA SURMARG1NATA 'Walk. R eclocb subnuwyinntn Walk., List Lep. lnR. B. JH. iv, p. 82G (1 855). 2 0 0 Bangkok, 25.1.16, 19.11.19. o Pak .Mat, Jan. J 920.

176. ARCTORNIS VlRGUNCULA (Walk.). E'uproctis vi?·gttncula Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. iv, p. 83G (1855). 0 Bangkok, 14.1.16. 0 no data.~ Bangkok , 2.2.14.

177. NYGJI:!IA VIRGO (Swinh.). Httpoctis vi1·go Swi.nh., Tt·. Ent.. Sol'. Lon~l. 1903, p. 398. o Bangkok, 27.1.16.

178. NYGlliiA LUNA'l'A (Walk. ). Euproctislt£nata. Walk., List; Lf'p. Ins. B. :M. h·, p. 837 (1855). ~ Chmnporn, 6.1.16.

179. NYGJIUA SEMISIGNATA (Walk.). C.isp'in semisignatc£, List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxxii, p. 3GG ("186!1 ). ~ Me Tharn, April 1918.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 192'L 264 MR. W. H. T . TAMS ON

180. NYGMIA VARIANS (Walk). A1·ta:w t>ct?'ians , List LPp. Ins. B. M. iv, p 796 (1 855). o Me Sai Song, April 1918. !;1 Sriracha, 2.4.14.

181. NYGliUA FJUTEUNA (Moore). A1·taxa fmtm·nct Moore, Lep. Oeylon ii, p. 85 (1883). Bangkok, 0 ] 5.1.16, 2 !;1 !;114.1.16, 20.10.19.

182. NYG!IUA PLANA (Walk.). Eup1·octis planet, List Lep. Ins. B. M. vii, p. 1731 (185 6). o Chumporn, 9.1.16.

183. NYGMIA SCIN'fiLLANS (Walk.). Somena scint·illans Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. vii, p. 17 34 (1 856). 2 !;1 !;1 Bangkok, 25.2.1 6.

184. NuMENES SILE'fTI Walk Nttmenes siletti Wnlk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. iii, p. 663 (.1855). 0 , !;1 in cop. near Kawkoreik, N. Siam, Feb. 1920 (Major C. H. Stockley). !;1 Me Song, 29.4.16.

185. PANTANA TER!IUNATA (Walk.). Genusct te1·mincttn Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxxii, p. 340 (1 865). 0 Pak Mat, F eb. 1920.

186. OuGYIA lllENDOSA (Hiibn.). Olene mendosct lliibn., Samml. Exot. Schmett. Zntr. ii, no. 147, p. 19, fig s. 293,294 (1 823). 10 0 o Bangkok: 30.11.14, 29.1.15, 5. 11.15, 9.12.15, 15.1.16, 8.3.16, 27.10.19. !;122.2.16.

187. DASYCHIRA HORSFIELDI (Saund.). Jb·ctict h01·sjieldi Saund., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (n. s. l) 185 1, p. 16 2, pi. ] 2, figs. 1, 2. 6 o o Bangkok, 7.2.14, 7.1.16, 8.1.16, 10.1.16, 5.3.16. !;1 Bangkok, 7.10.15.

188. PORTHETRIA BEATRIX (Stoll.). Phalaenn Bombyx bectt1·ix Stoll., Pap. Exot. v, p. 17 3 & index, pi. 40, fig. 2 (1790). o Bangkok (W. A. Graham). o Bangkok, 7. 1.16, !;112.2.14.

189. PORTIIETRIA ASCETRIA (Htibn.). Lymcmt?·ia ascet1·ict Hiibn., S:tmml. Exot. Schmett. ii, pi. 178, figs: 1-4 (1819-1826). JOURN. NAT. lUST. SOC. SIAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. 265

4 o o Bangkok, 8.1.16, 10.1.16, 16.1.16, 28.1.16. o Me Lem, April 1918. o, ~,no data.

HYPSIDAE. 190. EUPLOCIA MENIBL !ARIA (Cram.). Plwlaenlt Bornbyx rnernblia?'ilt Cram., Pn.p . Exot. iii, p. 139 & index, pl. :269, figs. 0, D (1780). ~ K long Sam, Bangkok, 12.2.14, in jungle. ~ Koh Si Chang, April 1919.

191. ANAGNIA ORBICULARIS (Walk.). Hypsa O?·bicttlm·is Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. l\'f. ii, p. 445 (1854). o Hup Bon, 26.4.14. 3 o o Me 'l'haru, April 1918. ~ Nong Yai Boo, 13.4.14. ~Me Song, 12.4.16. ~Me Sai Song, April 1918.

192. ANAGNIA SUBFASCIA (Walk.). Hypsa s~tbjasc ·ia Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. 1\1:. ii, p. 446 (1854). ~ Hup Bon, 26.4.14. o Me Tharn, April 1918. o Khanduli, Sept. 1918. o Koh Si Chang, Apri:l 1918. ~Me Sai Song, April 1918.

193. AsOTA FICUS (Fabr.). Noctuaficus F!, Syst. Ent. p. 595 ( 1775). o Bangkok, 12.7.14, at light.

194. AsoTA JAVANA (Cram.). Phalaena Bornbyx jltvann Cram., P!tp. E xot. iii, p. 146 & index, pl. 274, fig. 0 (1780). ~ Sriracha, April 1915. ~Me Lem, 30.4.16.

195. ASOTA SUBSIMILIS (Walk.). Hypsa s~tbsirnilis Walk., list I~ep. Ins B. M. xxxi, ·p. 212 (1864). o Me Tharn, April 1918.

196. ASOTA PLAGINOTA Butl. Asota plaginota Butl., Tr. Ent Soc. Lond. 1875, p. 320. ~Me Lem, April 1918.

197. (Fabr.). Noct~tet car·iccte, Syst. Ent. p. 596 (1775). 2 ~ ~Bangkok , 31.10.19, 4.11.19.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 266 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

198. ASOTA DOMlNIA (Cram.). Phalaencb Bornbyx dorm:nict Crn.m., Pap. Exot. iii, p. 123 & index, pl. 2fi3, fi gs. A, B (1779). o Bandan, 11.4.14. 3 o o, ~ M:e Lam Pong, April 1918. 0 , ~Me Sai Song, April 1918. ~Me Chow, April 1918. 2 0 0 , ~Me 'J~harn, April 1918. 0 Koh Si Chang, April 1919.

199. SOn

200. DEILEMERA 'rRIPUNCTARIA (Linn.). Phalctena Geornetq•rt t?·ip~mctarict Linn., Syst. Nat. eel. x, p. 523 (1758). 0 Me Sai Song, April 1918.

201. DEILEMERA COLETA (Stall.). Phalaena Geornet1·ct coleta Stoll., Pap. Exot. iv, p. 153 ( & p. 25 ), pl. 368, fig. H (1781). 0 Bangkok, 1.7.14.

202. DEILEMERA VARIANS (Walk.). Nyctemem vcwictns Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. ii, p. 400 (1854). o Me Song, 12.4.16. 3 o o Me Tharn, April 1918.. o Me Lem, April1918. ~Me Chow, Aprill918. ~Me Sai Song, April 1918.

203. ARGINA CRIB RARIA (Clerck). Ph[alcte1w] C?·ib1·a1·ict Clerck, I cones Ins. ii, pl. 54, fig. 4 (1764). ~ Hup Bon, 26.4.15. o, 4 ~ ~ Khanduli, April 1918.

SPHINGIDAE. ACHERONTTIN AE . 204. HERSE CONVOLVULI (Linn.). Sphinx convolvul·i Linn., Syst. Na.t . eel. x, p. 490 (1758). 3 o o Bangkok, 26.3.14, 27.3.14, 29.3.14. 2 ~ ~Bangkok, 26.3.14. 2 o o, ~,no data.

205. ACHERONTIA LACHESrS (Fabr.). Sphinx lachesis Fabr., Ent. Syst. Snppl. p. 4:l4 (l 798). o Bangkok, 8.2.1 5.

206. AcHERONTIA STYX W estw. Sphinx (.Ach,e1·ontict) styx Westw., On.b. Or. Ent. p. 88, pl. 42, fig. 3 (1848). 0 Bangkok, Feb. 1914. o Bangkok, 29.3.14. ~ Sriracha, 20.9.15 . .JOURN. NA1'. HIST. SOC. SIAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. 267

SESTINAE. 207. CEPHONODES HYLAS (Linn.). Sphinx hylas Linn., M:111t. ii, p. 539 (17 71) . ~Bangkok, 3.11.15.

PHILAMPELlNAE. 208. DEILEPHILA NERll (Linn.). Sph-inx nerii Linn., Sy. t. N::~,t. eel. x, p. 490 (1758). o Bangkok, 1.11.15, at light. ~Bangkok, Jan. 1914. ~Bangkok, 6.2.14, at light.

209. DEILEPHILA HYPOTHOUI:> (Cram.). Sphinx hypothous Omrn., p,. p. Exot. iii, p. 165 & index, pl. 285, fig. D (1780). 0 Bangkok, 1.2.14. ~Bangkok. 210. MEGANOTON NYC'l'IPHANES (Walk.). 1Jfac•ros·il'6 nyct·iphanes Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. vm, p. 209 (185 6). ~ Chumporn, Peninsular Siam, 16.1.16 (H. R. H. the Prince of Chumporn).

211. PSILOGRA:MMA i\'IENEPHHON (Crau1.). Sphinx meneph1·on Om.m., Pap. Exot. iii, p. 164 & index, pi. 385, fig. A (1780). ~Bangkok, 6.2.15.

212. Acosl\'IERYX SOCRATES Boisd. Acosme?"!JX socmtes Boisd., Spec. Gen. Lep. Het. Sphing. p. 219. (187 4). ~ Sriracha, 20.9.15.

213. NEPHELE DIDY:MA (Fabr.). Sphinx diclyr1U6 Faur., Syst. Ent. p. 543 (1775). 3 0 o Bangkok, 22.3.14, 7.8.15, 16.11 .19. ~ Bangkok, 1.10.19.

214. l\fACROGLOSSU.M GYHA.NS Walk. ilfw.:Toglossc6 gymn Walk., Ld Lep. lm;, J3. M. viii, p. 91 (1856). 0 Chumpom, Peninsular Siam, 7.1 .16 (H. R. H. the Prince of Chumporn).

215. l\fACROGLOSSUM PYltRJ:lOS'l'lC'l'A Butl. 1hac1·oglossc6 JJY?'?·host·icta Butl., Pr. ZooL Soc. Loud. 1875, p. 242, pl. 36, fig. 8. ~ Pak Jong, E. Siam, 4.1 .15, at flowers at dusk. VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. '268 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

216. MACROCLOSSU:M 1'ROGLODYTUS Boisd. JlfaC1·oglosscG t1·oglodytus Boisd., Spec. Gen. Lep. Het. Sphing. p. 344 (1874). 0 Pak Jong, E. Siam, 31.12.14, at flowers at dm;k.

217. MACROGLOSSUM Sl'l'IENE Walk. 1lfam·oglossa sitiene Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. 1\L viii, p. 92 (1856) ~Bangkok , 2.1.17, at flowers.

218. MACROGLOSSUM PIWllfETHEUS Boisd. Mcw1·oglosscG 1n·ometheus Boisd., Spec. Gen. Lep. Het. Sphing. p. 355 (1874). 0 Pak Jong, E. Siam, 1.1.15, at flowers at dusk.

219. l\fACROGLOSS Ui'l'l GLA UCOPTERA But!. Mctcroglossa glatwoptem But!., Pr. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1875, p. 241, pi. 36, :fig. 9. o Pak Jong, E. Siam, 4.2.15, at flowers at dusk

220. MA CROGLOSSUM CORYTHUS subsp. LUTEA'l'A Butl. 1lfae1·oglosscG luteata But!. , Pr. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1875, p. 241. o Pak Jong, E. Sia.m, 7.1.15, at flowers at dusk '!.'his form is a subspecies of 111. oorythus Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. viii, p. 92 (1~56).

CHOEROCAMPINAE. 221. HIPPOTION VELOX (Fabr.). Sph-inx velox Fabr., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, p. 378 (1793) . o Bangkok, 23.3.14, at light.

222. HIPPOTION BOERHAVIAE (Fabr.). Sphinx bom·hav·iae Fabr., Syst. Ent. p. 542 (1775). ~Bangkok, 3.2.15.

223. HIPPOTION ECHECLUS (Boisd.). Choerocampa echechts Boisd., Spec. Gen. Lep. Het. Sphing. p. 233 (187 4). 3 o o Bang kok, 29.3.1 4, 3.12.14, 25.1.16. ~Bangkok, 17.1.16, at light. ~Bangkok, 1.12.19.

224, RHYNCHOLABA AC1'EUS (Cram.). Sph-inx acteus Cram., Pap. Exot. iii, p. 93 & index, pi. 248, fig. A (1779). 2 ~ ~ Bangkok , 26.3.14, at flow ers at dusk.


225. THERE'l'RA PINASTitiNA (Martyn). Sph-inx p·inast?·t:nct :Mrutyn, P syche, pl. 2fl, fig. 81, pi. 30, fig. 85 (1797). 3 0 o Bangkok, 3.12.14, 13.115, 31.10.19. !;! Bangkok, 10.1.1 5. All taken at light.

226. THERE'l'RA NESSUS (Drury). Sphin.T. nessus Dnn-y, Exot. Ins. ii, p. 46 & index, pi. 7(), fi g. l (1773). 2!;! !;! Bangkok, 8.2.14, 16.9.1 9, at light.

227. THERETRA RHE~US (Boisd.). Chom·occtmpa ?·hestts Boisd., Spec. Gen. L ep. Het. ~p ltiu g . p. ~54 (187 4) . o Bangkok, 3.2.14, at fl.ow ers at clm;k

228. THERE'l'RA CLO'l'HO (Drury). Sphinx clotho Dnu·y, Exot. Ius. ii, p. 48 & iudex, pi. ~8. fi g. l (1773). !;! Bangkok, 19.9.19, at fl.ow ers at clu:,;k.

229. THERETRA LATREILLEI subsp. LUCASI (Walk.). Choe?·oca?npct l~tca si ·i Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. Yiii , p. H l (1856). cS Bangkok, 29.3.14. !;! Bangkok, Jan, 1914.

EUPTEROTIDAE. 230. lVIELAN01'HRlX LEUCOTRIGONA Hmpsn. Melanoth1· ix leucot1·-igona Hmpsn., l\Ioth;;] ud. i, p. •14 (.18!1~). !;! Nong Khai Ploi, 2.5.14, in thick jungle.

231. SPHINGOGNATHA PALLIDA (Walk.). .Tana pallida W:tlk., Li::;t I .. ep. In:;. B. ·M. iv, p. !)1 2 (18ii5). cS, no data.

232. EUPTElWTE TAOOENS1S (Moore). D1·e:rtct taooens·is J'{om·e, Pr. Zool. Soc. Lond. 18 78, p. 848, pi. (j;J, fig. 7. !;! Bangkok, F eb. J 914. !;! Bangkok , 22.3.14.

N"OTODONTIDAE. 233. STAUROPUS AW.'ERNUS Walk. StaU?'OJntS ultm·mts vV::dk., List L ep. In.·. B . .J\l. ,., p. 1020 (1855) . !;! Bangkok, 16.1.16, on verandah in daytime. !;! Chumporn, 8.1.16 (H. R. H. the Prinoe of Chumporn).

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 270 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

234. BESIDA XYLINATA vValk. 13es iclcG :cylinutcG Wallc, List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxxii, p. 456 (1E65). 2 o o Bangkok, 10.11.13, 14.1.16, at light. ~Bangkok , 9.12.15.

G EOMETHIDAE. G EOl\IETRlN AE. :23 5. LOliWGRAPHA TENEBROSA Swinh. Lornog1·aplur teneb1·os'G Swinh., Tr. Ent. Soc;. Lond. 1902, p. 605. 0 Pak Jong, 4.1.16, at light.

236. PAmLlCRlNIA FLAVA (l\tJ:oore). Gimicodes flava Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 233, pl. 8, ii.g. 2 (1888). 2 0 0 Me Lem, 14.4.18.

287. ACROLEUC A LUTEA (Stoll.). PhcGla encG Geomet1'CG l~Gte n Stoll. , Pn.p . Exot. iv, p. 157 & index, pi. 370, 0 , D (178 i). 0 , ~B an Manao, F eb. 1920. cJ Me Sai Song, April 1918. ~ Sriracha, 10.4.14.

28:). L UXlA.RIA CO N'l'lGARIA (Walk.). Jcidali·1 ? contiyw·icG,, List Lep. ln,; . B. M. xxii, ]J· 754 ( 1861). 0 Me Song, 12.4.18, at light.

2:39. L UXl AB.lA EXCLUSA ( Walk.). llemm·ophilcG ? e~;cl~GSCG Walk., J_,i:; t Lep. Ins. B. l\I. xxi, p. 320 (1860). 0 Hnp Bon, 29.4.14, in jungle. ~ Bangkok (W. A. Graham).

240. ACADl't A ACU'fAlUA (Walk.). J[aca?·ia acutcl?·icGWa ,lk., Ohal'. U nd esc;l' . H et. p. l 00 (I 869) . o Bangkok (W. A. Graha m).

241. SE)IIOTJ-IISA FASCIATA (Fabr.). Phalaena f r.Gsciut(G F>Lbr., Sy:;t. Ent. p. 629 (1775). 0 Sriracha, 24.4.15. ~ Me Tham, April 1918.

242. S EMIOTHlSA NO H. A ·walk. Maca1·icGn om \Valk., Li. t Lep. Ins. B. M. xxiii, p. 934 (1861). ~ Nong Khai Ploi, 1.5.14, in jungle.

243. SEWOTHl.SA .ELV UtA'L'A Guen. Jl{cGcw·ia elvimtcG Gu en. , Plml. ii, p. 90 (1857). 0 Ban N a Sao, Feb. 1920.


244. SEMIO'l'HISA PLUV[A'J.'A (Fabr.). Jlf.accw·ia pl1tviata F abr., Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 456 (1798). Bangkok, rJ 2.2.14, d' 23.2,14, rJ 14.1.16, ~ 15.1.16, rJ 16.1.16, ~ 27.1.16, ~ 16.9.19, ~ 17.9.19, rJ Me rl'h11rn , April 1918.

245. SEllfJOTHrSA J?RUGA LIATA Guen. ji{ct.ea?·ict ji·uynlictta Gncn., Plml. ii, p. 78 (1857). ~ Churnporn, Peninsul ar Si11m , 7.J .16.

246. SEliHOTHlSA EMERSAR1A Walk. jlf.aca?·ict emm·sm"in W,tlk., List .Lep. Ins. B. :M. xxiii , p. ~125 (1861). 2 rJ rJ B:111gkok, 9.2.14, 27.11.1 9.

247. SEliHOTHISA APA 'I'ETIOA sp. n. P I. 17, fi g . 6. 0 . Pal pi buff, inorated with chocolate-brown, the l Rt seg­ ment sparsely, the 2nd more thickly, the 3rd chocolate-brown abo,·e. Antennae buff and dec:p chocolate-brown mixed, the buff predominat­ ing at the, decreasing towards the a pex, the distal fourth almost entirely sepia. Frontal Luft bnfi; head and collar buff and brown mixed, thorax greyish and pn,le buff; abdomen g1·eyish and buff.', irro­ rated with brown, with 4 dark brown spots, 2 on the 2nd segment, and 2 on the 3rd segment; pectus, legs and underside of 11bdomen buff, tinged ·with yellow, and thickly irrorated with chocolate-b1·own; hind tibiae with a fold hi

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. '272 MR . W. H. T. TAMS ON between veins ~h and M3 a brownish shade, extending near the ter­ men just over M 1; a dark brown spot betwee n veins Ma and Cu 1; a narrow drab shade fi nely edged with dark brown along the postme­ dial from vein Cu1 to inner margin; beyond this an irregular patch of drab und dark brown scales, broadest just above A 2; a broad pale pinkish-buff' patch just before the termen, from M3 to A2, sparsely irrorated with brown; a dark brown waved terminal line, t hi ckened intemeurally; fringe shaded with greyish-brown from apex to vein M 1.1, pale pinkish-buff to tornus. Hind wing coloured as fore wing ; a small patch of greyish-brown scales near base; a waNed medial line from middle of costa to middle of inner margin ; a, dark brown spot on the discocellulars; an almost straight dark brown postmedial line, edged with an olive-drab line outwardly irro­ rateJ with dark brO\\'n ; area beyond postmedial above medial fold divided into four-a narrow silvery-grey strip, then olive-drab narrow from costa and broad towards medial fold (the broad part heavily splashed with dark brown), followed by a narrow waved Rilvery-grey strip, then a broad olive-drab pat..::h before the termen, sparsely irrorated with dark brown, and extending just below the medial fold at the termen; a dark brown tri-lobed mark just beyond the postmedial, outlined with olive-drab, a small fusiform lobe above ,-ein M 3, a larger ovate lobe between veins M3 and Cu 1, and a small irregular lobe pointing towards the tornus, its olive-drab out­ line continued as a single waved line to the inner margin just before the tcrnus; a large pale pinkish-buff triangular patch before the termen, from just below medial fold to near tornus, irrorated with dark brown ; terminal line strong, waved, dark ~rown, thickening interneurally; fr·inge olive-drab from apex to nin M 3, pale buff' with two faint greyish lines through middle from Ma to tornus, deeper olive-dr·ab at vein ends. Fm·e wing beneath as on upper side, but with the area beyond the postmedial dark hair-brown, except for a deep yell owish to ferrugineous patch at costa ,iust beyond the poRt medial, followed by a b.rge apical yellowish-"' hite patch, and a large yellowish-white patch before the t ermen between veins .M2 and A2 ; lines and ir:.·oration dark hair-brown; veins tinged with deep buff; area below A2 to inner margin, and up to postmedial without irrorations; costal m~trgin broadly deep buff; fringe as on upper side but darker; hind wing beneath as on upper side, but lac.king the tri­ lobed mark ; medial line and a spot on the discocellulars dark brown ; area beyond the poRtmedial dark hair-brown, with a yellowish-white subapical mark splashed with dark brown, and with a large yellow­ ish-white triangular terminal patch between the medial fold and vein A2 ; term inal line and fringe darker than on upper side. Exp. 30-!=!2 mm. Holotype cS : Me S


Paratype o : Ban Ma.nao, Feb. 1920.

248. HYPOCROSIS LYCORARIA Quen. Hypocrosis lyconwia Guen., PhaJ. ii, p. 538 (1857). o Bandon, Sept. 1918.

249. HYPOCROSIS PYRRHULARIA (Gnen.). A ch1·osis pyrrhnla1·~:a Guen., Phal. ii, p. 539 (1857). o Sriracha, 20.9.14, at light.

250. FASCELLlNA CHIWMATARIA Walk. Fnscellina ch1 · omat a1·ic~ ·walk., List Lep. Tn.· . B. l\IL xx, p. 215 ( 1860). o Me Song, 30.4.18.

251. FASCELLINA CLAUSARlA. Walk. Fascellinaclcmscwia Walk., Li:;t Iep. Ir·s. B.M. xxxv, p. 1!5 56 (1 866). ono data.

252. XEROPTERYX COLU ~IBI COLA (Walk.). U1·apte1·yx colmnbicola Wnlk.. List Lep. Ins. D. M . xx, p. 11 (1860). 2 o o Me Lem, April, 1916. 2 0 o Me Tharn, April J 918.

253. PETELIA :MEDARDARIA H.-Sch. Petelia meda1·clct1'ia H .- Sch., Samml. a ussereur. Schm ett., p. 54 & index, fig. 534 (1856). 0 Pak Jong, 4.1.16. ~ Sriracha, 27.4.16.

254. DULIOPHYLE HYMENARlA (Guen.). Elphos hymena.ria Guen., PhnJ. i, p. 285, pi. 16, fig. 4 (1 857). ~Bangkok ( 'vV. A. Graham).

255. BUZURIA SUP Pl'tESSARIA (Gnen.). .Amphidasys supp1·essa1·ia Guen., Phal. i, p. 210 (1857). 4 ~ ~Ban Nahan, F eb. 1920.

256. flOARMIA ACACIARIA Boisd. Boa1 · mic~ acacia1·ia Boisd., Ftum. Ent. Madag. Lep. p. 116, pi. 16, fig. 4 (1833). 0 Me Song, 21.4.16. o, ~Bangkok, 7.6.15,

257. BoAR:MIA TRISPINARIA Walk Bom·mia t?·ispinGwia Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxi, p. 378 (1860) . o Me Tharn, April 1918.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 274 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

258. EOTROPIS BHURMITRA (Walk.). Bocb?'m·icb bhu?"mit?·n Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxi, p. 381 (1860). cl Pak Jong, 4.1.16.

259. ECTROPIS BOARl\HARlA (Guen.). Hypoclwomu bocwrniaTicb Guen., Phal, i, p. 282 (1857). cl Me Song, 16.4.18.

260. A.BRAXAS LEOPARDINA (Koll.). Ze;·ene leopaTdina Koll. , H ii gel's Kaschmir, iv, p. 490 (1844). ~Me Song, 11:l.4.16.

261. ABRAXAS TRISERIARIA H.-Sch. Ab?"axas t? ·ise?·icwia H.-Sch ., Samml. ausset·enr. Schmett., p. 65 & index, fi g 322 (1858). cl Me Sai Song, Aprill9l8.

262. GENUSA HIGUTTA Walk. Oemtscb bigutta. Walk. , LiF

LARENTilNAE. 263. SAURIS HlRUDINATA Guen. Sau1·is hi?·~tdincbta Guen ., Phal. ii, p. 362 (1 857). ~Bangkok , 17.9.1 9.

AomALI.LN AE. 264. MNESITHETIS MUNDlSSJl\'[A (Walk.). Acidalicb ?m~mcl ·i ssima Walk., LiRt Lep.Ins. B. JYL xxiii, p. 795(1861). ~Bangkok, 20.1.16.

265. NoBILrA ANTHOPHILATA (Guen.). Smnatinx cw~thophilatct Gn en ., Ph:1.l. ii, p. 11., pl. 18, fig. ~ (1857). cl Chumporn, 10.1.16.

266. PROBLEPSlS APPOLLINAR IA (Guen.) . .A r·gy?·is appoll·ina1·irr Guen., PltnJ. ii, p. 13 (1 857). cl Muak Lek, 11.7.14.

267. LYOAUGE EMISSARIA (Walk.). .Acidalia emissa,?·irb W a lk., List Lep. Ins. B. JYI. xxii, p . 75 1 (1 861 ). 2 ~ ~Bangkok, 21.1.16, 27.1.16.


268. SOOPULA OAESARIA (Walk.). Aciclctl·ia CMSa?·ia Walk., List Lep. lm;. B. M. xxii, ]J. 750 (1 86 1) . o Chumporn, J an. 1916.

HEMITHElNAE. 269. Ioms OPALARIA Guen. Ioclis opalaTia Guen., PhtLl. i, p. 357 (1857). o Siam.

270. ERE'l'llfOPUS DEPULSA'l'A (Walk.). Thalussodes dep~tlsctt't Walk, List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxii, p. 555 (1861). ~ Eangkok, 27.11.19.

271. 8PANIOOEN'l'RA PANNOSA (Moore). Comibaenct pannosct Mo01·e, Lep. Oeylon iii, p. 433, pl. 195, figs. 1, la, 1b (1 887). o Bangkok, 12.2.14.

272. APORANDHIA i:lPEOULARIA (Guen.). Geomet1·a speculm"ict Guen., Phal. i, p. 343 (1857). ~Bangkok, 30.1.16.

273. 0RNI'fHOSPILA SUBMONSTRANS (Walk.). Geomet1·a submonstmns Walk. Li~t Lep. Ins. B.i\1. xxii, p.526 (1861). o Eangkok, 20.1 0.1 9.

274. A GATHIA AROUATA M.oorc. Agctthich a?"mtalc~ Moore, P1·. Zool. Soc. Lund. 1867, p. 640. ~Bangkok, 26.10.19.

275. DnPHANIA BELLONA (Walk.). E~bSchema bellona W,Llk., List Lep. Ins. B. M . ii, p. 405 (1 854). o Pan Yao, F eb. 1920 (Major C. H. Stockley).

276. DYSPHANIA MINElWARIA (Guen.). Hazis mine?'Va?·ic~ Guen., Phal. ii, p. 190 (1857). 0 , ~Me Tharn, April 1918. ~Me Lam Pong, April 1918.

277 . DYSPHANIA LATIGRISEA Prout. Dysphanic~ minm·vcwia subsp. latig1·isea Prout, Nov. Zool. xxiii, p. 195 (1916). ~Me Tharn, April 1918. ~ Hup Eon, 10.5.14.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 192<1. 276 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

278. DYSPHANJA 'l'ltANSDUC'l'A (Walk.). Euschema tmnsductc~ \ , Journ. Linll. Sot.:. Loud. (Zool.) v1, p. 94 (1861). ~ Chumporn, Jan. 1914.

279. DYSPHANlA MILI'l'ARIS (Linn.). Phalaena Bombyx rnilitcc1·is Linn., Syst. Nat. ed. x, p. 505 (1758). 0 Klong Sam, Eangkok, 19.2.14, ~ 14.2.14. o Ean Nahan, Feb. 1920. 0 Sriracha, Sept. 1914. 3 o o , ~ Me Tharn, April 1918.

280. PTNGASA CHLORA (Stoll.). Phalc~ena Pymlis chlom Stoll., P;tp. Exot. iv, p. 233 & index, pl. 398, fig. 0 (1782). ~ Sriracha, 21.9.14.

0ENO CHROliHN AE. 281. CELERENA SIAMlCA Swinh. Gele1·enn s·iarniccb Swinh., A.M.N.H. (7) xi, p. 510 (1903 ). o Me Song, 16.4.16. ~Me 'l'harn, April 1918.

282. ALEX PALPARIA (Walk.). Panag1·a palpa1·ia Walk., List Lep. I m;. B. M. xxiii, p. 988 ( l 861). ~ Eangkok (W. A. Gr·aham).

283. EUMEI,.EA ROSALIA (Stoll.). Phalaena Geornet?·a rosalia Stoll., Pap. Exot. iv, p. 152 & index, pi. 368, fig. F (1781 ). 0 Hup Eon, 24.4.15. o Me Lem, April 1918. 284. EUMELEA AURELIA'l'A Guen. E~Mnelea au1·eliata Guen., PhaJ. i, p. 394 (1857). 0 Me Sai Song, April 1918.

2t\5. ABRAXAPHANTES PERAMPLA (Swinh.). Abmxas pe1·ampla Swinh., Tr. Ent. Soc Lone!. 1890, p. 211. ~Me Song, 16.4.16. ~Me Tharn, April 1918. ~ Tha.ungyin R., Feb. 1920 (Major C. H. Stockley).

SATURNIIDAE. 286. SA'l'URNJA CACHARA (Moore). Galigula cacha1·a Mom·e, Pr. Zoo!. Soc. Lond. 1872, p. 578. ~ Ta-ok Plateau, F eb. 1920 (Major C. H. Stockley).


287. ATTACUS ATLAS (Linn.). PlwlaencG Bomby.~ cGtlas Liu11., Sy,.;t. N,~t . ed. x, p. 405 p 758). ~Bangkok, 10.2.20.

288. ANTHERAEA PAPFUA (Linn.). Phalaena Bombyx paphicG Liuu., Syst. N:Lt. ed. x, p. 49H (1758). o Bangnara (W. A. Gmham).

BOMBYCIDAE. 289. 'rRILOCHA. VARLANS (Walk.). Nap1·epa t'll?·ians Wrdk., List Lep. lu,.;, B. M. v, p. 1153 (U:!;)6). o Pak Jong, 4.1.16.

URANIIDAE. 290. LYSSlDfA DOCLLE (ButJ. ). ~'VyctcGlemon docile But!. , Tr. J,ion. Soc. Lone!. (2, Zool.) 1, l'· 562 (1879). o, no data.

291. ACROPTERJS SPARSA.H1A (Walk.). Jlf.ic1·onict spal'srr?·icG Walk., List Lep. In,.;. H.M. xxiii, p. 818 (1861). o, ~ Nong Yai Boo, 7.4.1 4.

292. ACROPTERIS GRAiiDIEARIA Hiibn.-Geyer. .AC?·opte?·is gmmrnecwia HLibn.-Geyer, SamiUI. exot. 8ch1nett. Zutr. iv, no. 381, p. 3G, figs. 761, 76:.! (1832). o Me Tham, April 1918.

293. ACROPTER1S OBLIQLJARIA (Moore). Jficl'onia obliquw·ia Moo1·e, Pr. Zool. Soc. Lood. 1877. p. 622, pl. 60, fig 17. 2 ~ ~Bangkok, 3.2.14.

294. AcROPTERIS IPHlA'l'A (Guen.). irliC?·onicG ·iphiatcG Gnen., Phttl. ii, p.29 (1857). o Hup Bon, 6.5.15.

295. STROPHIDIA FASClATA (Cram.). PhalaencG Geonwtmfasciata CL'am., Pa.p. Exot. ii, p. 12 & iuclex, pi. 10±, fig. D (1777). o Rup Bon, 26.4.15. ~Me '!'ham, April 1918.

VOL. VI, KO. il, 1024. 278 MR. W H. T. TAMS ON

296. P1:>EUDOJIUCRONIA ACULEA.'l'A (Guen.). Micron·ia aculeata Guen., Ph,d. ii, p. 26, pl. i 3, fi,g. 8 (1857). o l\1e Song, April 1916. 0 l\1e Chow, April 1918.

297. DECETIA SUBFLAVA'l'A (Wan.). Ao?"Cctsemct subfla•uctct Wa.n., Nov. Zoo!. v, p. 227 (1898). o Hup Bon, 24.4.15.

298. DECETIA BILlNEATA Hmpsn. JJ'ecet·ia b·ilineatct Hmpso ., .Motht> Iml. iii, p. 123 ( 1895 ). o Me Lem, April 1918.

ARBELIDAE. 299. ARBELA DISCIPLAGA Swinh. .1b·bela discipla.gct Swinh., A. M. N. H. (7) vii, p. 469 (1901). ~Bangkok, 31.3.16, at light.

300. ARBELA PHAGA Svvinh. .Jl?·belrt ph tga Swinl1., A. M. N. H. (6) xiv, p. 440 (1 894); figul'ed Swiuh., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1895, p. 29, pl. 1, fig. 2. 2 ~ ~Bangkok, 27.10.19, 21.11.19.

COSSIDAE. 301. ZEUZEl'tA COFFEAE Nietn. Zeuze?'C~ cofl'eue Nietn., Ediu. New Phil. Joum. xv, p. 36 (1862). 2 0 0 Bangkok, 7.3.16, 7.8.16. ~ Baugkok, 30.11.14.

302. AZYGOPHLEPS SCALARLS (F'abr.). Hepialus scctlcwis Fubr., Syst. Ent. p. 590 (1775). 0 Chumporn, 10.1.16.

303. XYLEU'I'ES LEUCONO'l'US (Walk.). Zeuzem leuconotus \Valk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. vii, p. 1537 (1856). 0 no data.~ Bangkok, 13.3.15 (H. R. H. the Prince of Chumporn).

PSYCHIDAE. 304. A?lfA'l'ISSA LEONINA sp. n. PI. 17 , tig. 8. 0 Palpi, shafts of ttntennae, head, thorax and abdomen tttwny-olive; antennal bipectinations 28, chestnut; pectus, legs and abdomen beneath tawny-olive. Fore wing tawny-olive, discocel­ lnlars and bases of median veins shaded with dark brown, heaviest at M 2; fringe greyish-brown. Hind wing drab, fringe lighter. Un- JOURN. NAT. HIST. SOC. SIAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. 279 derside of both wings bistre, costal margin in each case tawny-olive, fringes concolorous. Exp. 28 mm. Holotype o: Bangkok, 27.1.16. Paratype o: Bangkok, 8.3.16, at light. Since describing this species, I have had the opportunity of examining, through the kindness of Professor E. B. Poulton, F. R. S., the type of Amnti8sa inornatc~ Walk. I think that A. lf'onina may prove to be a subspecies of A. inornc~ta, when more material of both forms is available for investigation. Ba1nbalirw cons ort~o s Tem­ pleton is a distinct species.

LASIOCAMPIDAE. 305. ESTIGENA PARDALE (Walk.). jl£egasO?JU6 panlcble Walk., List Lep. Ini=>. B. M. vi. p. 1453 (1856). 2 0 0 ,2 !;2 !;2 Bangkok, 2.11.15, 12.6.16, 15.2.15, 22.2.16.

306. SUANA CONCOLOR (Walk.). Lebecla concolo1· W;.lk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. vi, p. 1463 (1856). o Bangkok ('vY. A. Graham). 0 , !;2 Bangkok, 16.10.19, 7.2.15.

307. 0DONESTIS ERECTILINEA (Swinh.). A1·guda m·ect·ilinea Swinh., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1904 (Ap1·il 27), p. 152. o Pak Jong, 31.12.15. !;2 Bangkok (W. A. Graham). On im-estigation I find that this species does not belong to the genus Argucla, but to Oclonestis Ger·mar, type rn·uni Linn.

308. Ono:NESTIS VITA 1\'foore. Odonestis vita Moore, Oat. Lep. E. In d. Oo. ii, p. 424, pl. J2,t, fig. 4 (1859). o Bangkok, 15.9.19.

309. TRABALA VISHNOU (Lef.). Gast?·opacl~cb vishno~6 Lef ., Zoo!. J'o urn. iii, p. 207 (1827). o, 3 !;2 !;2 Bangkok, 7.8.15, 10.1.15, 7.8.15, Nov. 1919.

310. METANASTRIA FASCIATA (Moore). .Lebedafasciatcb Moore, Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1884, p. 375. o Bangkok (W. A. Graham).

311. 'l'ARAGAMA DORSALIS (Walk.). .'~[egasonuG clo?·scbl?:s Walk., Li::;t Lep. In i=> . B. M. xxxv, p. 194·7 (1866). o Bangkok (W. A. Graham). o, !;2 Bangkok, 8.3.16, 12.10.19.

VOL. VI, NO. il, 192-L 280 MR. W. H. T . TAMS ON

LIMACODIDAE. 312. THOSE A SINENSlS (Walk.). Anzc~b e sinensis Wr1lk., List Lep. Ins. H. M. v, p. 1093 (1856). 2 ~ ~Bangkok ,, 17.9.19.

31 3. TROSEA H L\RA Rwinh. Thosect Hwa. S1rinh., Pr. 7,ool. Soe. Lond. 1889, p. 408, pl. 43, fig. 9. cS Chnmporn, 7.1.16.

314. PAJBSA LEPIDA (Cram.). Phalaenn Noct~tct lepicht Cram., Pap. Esot. ii, p. 50 & index, pl. 130, fig. E (1777). cS , ~:Bangkok ,, 25.1.15.

315. NAROSA LA CTEOLA Swinh. Na?·osct lacteola SwinL., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1890, p. 193. 2 ~ ~ Chumporn, 6.1.16.

316. CANIA SIAMENSlS sp. n. Pl. 17 , fig. 14. ~. Palpi, antennae, head and thorax tawny-ochraceous, the thorax tinged with ferrugineous; abdomen deep buff-yellow; pectus in front and fore legs tawny-ochraceous; pectus behind, mid and hind legs orange-buff; abdomen beneath deep buff-yellow. Fore wing tawny-ochrn.ceous, tinged from base to middle and along inner margin with fenngineous ; an indistinct orange-ochraceous subter­ minal line almost parallel with termon from costa to vein Cu2, thence gradually nearing the termon, but meeting the inner margin before the tornus; fringe ochraceous-buff, the basal row of scales pale orange-ochraceous. Hind wing entirely deep buff-yellow, slightly paler at base and outer edge of fringe. Underside of fore and hind wings deep buff-yellow, fore wing darker at costa and termen, pale below cell and Cu2. Exp. 42 mm. Holotype ~: Chumporn, 3.1.16. This species (~)has the termen curved as in C. bilinea Walk. but even more oblique.

317. 0R'l'JIOCRASPEDA LUTlCRISTA sp. n. l'l. 17' fig. 7. rS . Palpi pale pinkish-buff, outer side irrorated with brown ; antennae pale yellowish; head whitish irrorated with brown; thorax pale pinkish-buff, irrorated with drab, shaded with drab posteriorly, the metathoracic creHt deep buff; abdomen pale pinkish-buff, lightly

JOURN. NAT. JIIST. SOC. SLAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. 281 irrorated with brown, with a crest of deep buff and brown mixed; anu,l tuft buff; pectus, legs and underside of abdomen pale pinkish­ buff, the mid tibiae with long tufts of scales irrorated with brown on outer side, and a long tuft of silky hair on the inner side, buff at base shaded with brownish towards middle, and with the distal half opalescent. Fore wing wood-brown irrorated with darker brown, cell ~trea darker brown, the area below the cell for basal two-thirds tawny-ochraceouR ; a sepia spot on the discocellular below upper angle of cell, another above lower angle of cell; three sepia spots near termen, one just below R2, one just below R3, the third just below M1 ; fringe wood-brown, irrorated with darker brown. Hind wing entirely brownish-grey, fringe lighter. Underside of both wings pinkish-buff, lightly inorated with brownish, the hind wing with darker brown irroration beyond the end of the cell above Mr. Exp. 21 mm. Holotype o: Bangkok, 9.3.16.

ZYGAENIDAE. CHALCOSIIN AE. 318. lSBARTA BINGHAMI (Butl.). Hpyrgis binghami Butl., A. M. N. H. (5) x, p. 374 (1882). 0 , ~ Me Song, 29.4.16, 1.5.16. o Me Tharn, April 1918.

319. lSBARTA Ii\H'l'ANS (Butl.). Epy1·gis imitans But!. , Ill. Het. B. M. v, p. 24, pl. 84, Jig. 1 (188]). o Nong Yai Boo, 12.4.14. o Me Lem, April 1918. o Me Sai Song, April 1918. o Khanduli, Sept. 1918. o Ban Manao, Feb 1920.

320. CALLAMESIA MIDAMA (H.-Sch.). ltpy1·gis midam c~ (13d v. MS.) H .-Sch., Sa.mml. aussereur. Schmett. Het., pl. 2, fig. 7 & expl. pl. (1853); p. 57 & index (1858). 0 Me Chow, April 1918. 2 ~ ~ Me Tharn, April 1918. o Me Song, 29.4.16.

321. HISTIA COMETARIS Butl. Histia cometcwis Butl., A. M. N. H. (5) x, p. 374 (1882). Hist·ia cdbimac lt lc~ Hmpsn., Moths lnd. i, p. 280 (1892 •. o Me Song, 13.4.16. 2 o o Me Sai Song, April 1918. 2 o o Me Chow, April 1918. o Me Lem, April 1918. 4 ~ ~ Me Tharn, Aprill918. I have so far been unable to find any difference between Hampson's albimacula and cometaris But!., and have, after exa­ mining the male genitalia, here sunk alb·imacula.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 282 MR. W. H. T . TAMS ON

322. GYNAUTOCERA PAPILIONARIA Guer. Gyna~btocem papilionw·ia Guer., Ma.g. Zoo!. 1831, p. 12, pi. 12. 0 Me 'J'harn, Prae, N. Siam, April 1918, flying in open jungle.

!123. PlNTlA PAPILlONARlS (Drury). Phalae?UG papilionM·is Drury, Ill. Exot. r ns. 11, P· 4 & index, pl. 2, fig. 4 (1773). Nong Khai Ploi, 1.5.15. 0 Me Song, 15.4.18. o Me Lem, April Hll8. ~ Sriracha, 20.4.1 5. 2 ~ ~Me Sai Song, April 1918. ~Me Lam Pong, April 1918. 3 9 ~Me Tharn, April 1918.

!124. COR!\U ZELICA (Doubl.). Gynautocem zeliccb Doubl. , A. M. N. H. (1) x1x, p. 76, pi. 7, fig. 3 (1847 ). ~ Hup Eon. S. E. Siam, 30.4.14, ~Me Taw, N. Siam, Feb. 1920 (Major C. H. Stockley).

325. CORMA ZENOTIA (Doubl.). Gynautocer·c6 zenotia Doubl., A. M. N. H. (1) xix, p. 77, pl. 7, fig. 2 (1847). o Me Sai Song, April 1918.

326. CYCLOSIA ADALIFA (Doubl.). 01jna~6tocem adc6lifa Doubl., A. M. N. H. (1) xix, p. 76 (1847). ~ Hup Eon, 26.4.14.

327. AMESIA. NAMOUNA (Doubl.). Gynautocem namouna Doubl. , A. M. N . H . (1) xix, p. 73 (1847). ~ Hup Bon, 10.4.14.

328. CHALCOS1A ANNAMITICA Jord. Chalcosioa phalaencwic6 annamitica Jord., Seitz Gross-schmett. Ind.­ Austr. Bel. x, p. 38, pi. 7, row c (1908). 0 Thaungyin R., N. Siam, Feb. 1920 (Major C. H. Stockley). 0 Me Tharn April 1918.

329. PIDORUS GE:MINA (Walk.). La~wion gemina Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. ii, p. 4~7 (1854). rS, ~Ban Na Sao, Feb. 1920.

330. ETERUSIA REPLE'l'A Walk. Ete?"l(,Siet ?'epleta WnJk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxxi, p. 118 (1864). Eter·usin alompm JHoore, Descr. Ind. Lep. Ins. Col!. Atk. p. 16 (1879). ~Me Lem, 30.4.18. JOURN. NA'l'. HIST. SOC. SIAM. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J, GODFREY. 283

DREPANIDAE. 331. CYCLIDIA SUBSTJGMARIA Ili.tbn. Gyclidia substigmaria H iibn., Samml. exot. Schmett. Zut1·. iii, no. 260, p. 29, figs. 519,520 ( 1825). 3 o o Me Lem, April 1918. o Me Tharn, April 1918. ~Me Song, 22.4.16. CALLIDULIDAE. 332. 0LEOSIRIS CATAMI'l'US (Htibn.- Geyer). 1'etmgonus catc~mitus H iibn.-Geyel', Samml. exot. Schmett. iv, no. 327, p. 17, figs. 653,654 (1832). 5 specimens (sex?) : Muak Lek, 10.7.14 ; Me Tharn, April 1918 (2); Me Chow, April 1918; Me Sai Song, April 1918.

333. 0ALLIDULA AB [SARA ButJ. Gallidulct c~b ,isa? · a Butl. , Tr. Linn. Soc. Lond. (2) i, p. 558 (1879). o Me Song, 30. 4.1 8.

334. 0ALLIDULA MINOR (Moor e ). Dnt6~nga rninm· Moo re, Lep. Atk., p. 2 1 ( 1879 '. 2 o o Me Sai Song, April1918. o Me Lam Pong, April 1918. THYRIDIDAE. 335. STRIGLINA SCI'l'AlUA (Walk.). 1J1·epctnodes? sc-ita1·ict Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. lVI. xxvi, p. 1488 ( 1862). 2 0 0 Bangkok, 3.11.15, 2.1.20. ~Bangkok , 1.3.16, at light.

336. STRIGLINA GLAREOLA (Felcl). /:fic~tlodes? gla1·eola Felcl ., Reise Nov. Lep. Het. pl. 134, fig. ll (1 875). ~ Sriracha, 12.4.16.

337. BRlXLA ARGENTALU:l (Walk.). Py1·alis ct? ·gentalis Walk., List Lep. ln;;. B. M. xxx1v, p. 1522 (1865). ~ Sriracha , 10.4.14, in open jungle.

PYRALIDAE. GAI"LEBITNAE. 338. 'l'mA'J.'RABA MUNDELLA Walk. 1',imthaba'flnmdella Walk., List L ep. l ns. B. lVI. xxx, p. 961 (1 864). o Bangk ok, 4. 11.19.

VOL. VI, NO. il , 1924. 284 MR. W. H. T . TAMS ON


ScHOENOBHN AE . 340. ScHOENOBlUS INCERTELLUS (vValk.). Chilo incert~tlas Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxvii, p. 143 (1863). Ghilo incm·tellus Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxvii, index (1863) . cS, ~Bangkok, 16.1.16, 15.1.16. ~no data.

341. ScHOENOBIUS DODA'l'ELLA (Walk.). Chilo doclatella Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M. xxx, p. 966 (1864). cS, ~ Chumporn, 9.1.16, 8.1.16 (H. R. H. the Prince of Chum- porn). ~Bangkok, 26.11.19.

EPIPASCHIIN AE . 342. 0RTHAGA ICAitUSALIS (Walk.). ltcletcb icantsal·is Walk., Li~ t Lep. Ins. B. l\1.. xvi, p. 199 (1858). ~Bangkok, 20.11.14.

PYRALINAE. 343. EOSTRA INDICATOR (Walk.). A1·ippan6 indicatm·, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. vii, p. 74 (1863) . ~Bangkok, 16.1.16. at light.


345. NYMPHULA FLUCTUOSALIS Zell. Nymph~tlajlucttwsalis Zell ., Lep. Oafh·. p. 27 (1852). ~Bangkok.

PYRAUS'l'INAE. 346. SUFETULA SUNIDESALIS Walk. Sufett6lcb stmiclesalis Walk., List Lep. Ins. B. M . xix, p. 947 (1 859). cS Bangkok, 21.1.16. I have referred this single cS specim en to this species, because although I am not certain that it agrees exactly with the type, which


I was unable to exa111ine , I :·mspect that it may turn out to be a sub­ species of stvn·idesalis Walk. The material in the British Museum collection is, however, so poor, and so mixed, and the number of males so small that I could attempt no further investigation, but have thought it bettc1· to record the fact. that the genus SufeltLlct was represented in biam by either sttr1-idesalis, or possibly some form of it.

347. PY C NAmLO~ J\fERlTALIH (Walk.). Zeb1·onicb ? 11W1'ilcblis W

348. HYNIENIA FASClALJS (Stol l. ). Phalaena Fyralis fcbscia.lis Stull ., l'a.p. E xot. 1v, p. ~36 & index, pi. 398, fig. 0 (1782). ~Bangkok. 17.3.14.

349. MARAS)L!A MIW IXAL IS (Unen. ). Salbia meclinalis Gue11., Delt.

350. MARASMI.A BILlNEAJ,IH (HlllpHn.). JJolichostichcb bilinealis (Wa.JTen 1\lf::l.) Hmp>;!L, 111. H et. H. M . vii i, p. 139, pi. 155, fig. 25 (1891). ~Bangkok, 20.2.15.

351. F ILODE.':l FULV JDOH.HA LIS (flii b11.-G eycr). l'·incwia ful·ciclo1 ·salis Hiihn.-Geyer, S

352. PARAPOYKX I'ROCOPJA (StolJ.). Phalaencb Py1·cblis JHOCopi(J, Stoll. , Pap. Bxut. 1v, p. 152 & iudex, pl. 368, fig. I~ (1781). o Pak Jong, E. Siam, 31.12.15.

353. PHOS'l'RLA L!!:U COGASTER (Hmpsn.). Plw-yganodes leucogaste1' Hmpsn., A.~l.N.H. l8) ix, p. 329 (1912). 0 Bangkok, 7.1.16, ~Lt light.

354. PHOSTJ:UA UNl'l'ALIS (Guen.). Botys unitalis Guen., Delt. and Pyr. p. 349 (1854). 0 Me Lem, April 1918. ~ Sriracha, 25.4.15.

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. 296 Mn. W. H. T TAMS ON

355. LAi\IPH.OSEM A lN~OLJ'l'ALJ S (Walk.). Ast•tt1'Ct insolit(tlis W;clk., Tr. Eut. Soc. Loud. ( 3) i, p. 125 ( l8ti3). rS Bangkok, 8.1.16.

356. BoTYODEt> AS IAL[S Uuen. B otyocles asictlis Guen., Delt. a.n. Ll Pyl'. p. 321 (1854). rS, \;'Bangkok, 12.9.19, 13.9.1[). \;'Me Sai Song, Apri l 19lt3.

357. BoTYODEt:i Jt LA.VIBA.SALTS Moore. Ro ~yocles.Jlctl: ·ibasalis Moo1·P, P1·. Zool. Soc. L and. 1867, p. % . rS Pak Jong, 3.1.15.

35t3. SYLEP'l'A ALBlTUJ:tQUA.TA sp. n. PI. 17 tig. 9. 0 . Palpi, head, thorax and abclolll en sepia, abdomen at base greyish, ana,l tuft buA'; pectus innneditt.tely behind hea,d silvery­ white, then sepia followed by smok e-grey ; underside of a,bdom en buft'; legs sepia, , bronzed. li'ore wiug sepia, with a bronze gloss, and some dark purplish shading near base; an obscure dark purplish ante111 ec1ia,l line bowed outward; ~t dark purplish spot in the cell at two-thirds, another on the discocellulars; a diffuse dark purplish postmedial line, vertical from co,ta to vein M0, inwardly oblique to vein Cn2, sharply bent basad to just below end of cell , then inwardly oblique to inner lfl>trgin ; hinge with a fine pale line at base, then deep sepia, g reyish-brown tipped. Hind vving as fore wing; a dark purp l i ~:> h spot on discocellulars; a dark purplish postmedial line curved below costa (concavity tenninad), then pa rallel with termen from vein M c1 to vein Cu:l, then inwardly oblii[Ue to inner margin. Underside as upperside, markings mo re obscure. Exp. 31 wm. H;)]otype: rS Bangkok, 13.12.15. This ::;pecies is apparently close to coh(WSC(lis Walk. The series in the British Museum is mi xed, and there are only two speci­ mens with the pectus silvery-white in front. 'L'hese are from New Guinett. Walker's type came frdm Sula, and is in the Hope 1\iu::Jeum at Oxford. Sir George Hampson has sunk halu 1·gc( Meyr. to cohaescd ·ii$ Wal k., but Meyrick's species has the whole of the pectus silvery-white, the leg;; yellowish-white, <'t nd very little trace , of the purplish reflections, and more nearly rasembles crotoncd·is Walk., so much so t hat two specimens obviously neal.' er hal1&1·ga Mcyr. tha,n to the type of crotonalis have been placed in the croto­ nali&s eries, No definite conclusion can be reached, however, until t he type of cohaesalis Walk can be examined. S. alb itO?'q'I.LC( ta has the base of the autennal shaft more modified than in any o£ the closely r elated species that I have been able to examine. The base of the antennal shaft is very deeply

J ' OUR~. NA'l'. FIIST. SOC. SIAl\L MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J. GODFREY. 287 scooped out, leaving the outel' wall very thin, and in front are two small curved spatulate processes, their extremities crossed, one arising from the outer side, t he other fr-om the inner side of the shaft in front.

359. 8YLKI'TA DEROGATA (Fabr.). Phalaena clemgc~tc~ Fabl'., Syst . Ent. p. 641 (1775). o Sriracha 14.4.14. Q Chumporn, 1.1.16.

360. AGATHODES OS'l'EN'l'ALlS (l-liibn.-Geyer). Pm·inephela ostental•is l-ILihn. -Geyer , Sn.mml. exot. E'c:lnnet.t. Znt1·. v, no. 417, p. 11, figs . 833,834 l 1837 ). Q Bangkok, 12.2.14.

3Gl. lHARGARONlA LATlCOSTALTS (Gnen. ). j}f.a?·ga?·ocles laticosta.li8 Guen., Delt. ::tn1l P?r. p. ROR ( 18!J..J. ' . 0 lVIuak Lflk, 10.7.14. Q Sriril.cha, 15.4.14.

362. l\1ARGARON1A NEGA'I'ALfS (Walk). Pha.langiodes? negatalis Wnlk .. Li,.;t Lep. Tn s. B. 1H . xvii, p. Mi8 (1 859). o Bangkok, 8.3.16.

363. MARGAlWNIA ~ I ARG I NATA (Hrnpsn.). C'enocnemisma1·ginata B mpsn., J ll. H et . B.M. ix, p . lli9, pl. 173, fig. 23 (1893). o Me Song, 15.4.16.

364. l\1ARGARONIA INDJCA (Saund.). Jihul·ioptes ind ·ic c~ Sa.nncl. , Tr. Enti. So<1. J... ond. 18:'il, p. JG:1 , pi. 12, figs. 5-7. 2 Q Q Bangkok, 12. 2.14, 14.1.1G.

365. lVIARGAROKfA CONCLUSALTS ( \~Tal k. ) . Olyphodes concl1tsalis Wa.!k.,-List Lep. Ins. B .l\IL xxxiv, p.l :Ji)4( 18fi5). Q Bangkok, 15. 1.16.

366. MARCARONlA BIVITRALIS (Guen.). Gl'!JJlhodes b·i1>itml is fineu., D elt . n.nd Pyr. p. 293 (18ii4). o, Q Bangkok, 9.12.15, 30.11.14. o Me Lem, Apri l 191R.

367. PHLYC'l'AENlA TYHES (Cram.). Phalaena Runtl·is ty1·es Cmm., P:1.p. Exot . iii , p. 12·l & index, pi. 263, fig ., 0 (1779). Q Nong Yai Boo, 7.4.14.

VOJ". VI, NO. 3, 1924. '288 MR. W. H. T. TAMS ON

368. HEORTIA VIT.ESSOIDES (1\foore). J.'yspcma vitessoicles Mool'e, Lep. Ceylon iii, p. 256, pl. 178, figs. 3,3rt (1885). ~Bangkok (W. A. Gmham).

369. N AUSINOE PEHSPIC4.TA (Fabr.). Phnlaena pe1·sp1:cntct :Fabr., i\hnt. Ins. ii, p.21 3 (1787). o Pak Jong, 3.1.16.

370. EP111 AGIS OANCELT...ALIS (Zell.). Botys cancellali.s Zell. , L ep. C.dfr. p.34 (1852) . 2 ~ ~Bangkok , 20.2.14, 20.2.15.

371. MEROCTENA T ULLALIS (Walk.). Rotys t~tllalis, List :Lep. Tn,.;. B.i\L Xl'iii, p. 649 ( 1859). o Me Song, 24.4.] 8.

372. TERASTIA .:IIETICULOSALIS Guen. Temsti·1. m et·iculosrtl·is Gnen., De1t . P,v1·. p. 212 (1 854). ~ Bitngk.ok, 23.2.14, at light.

37:3. 0MPRISA ANA STOMOSALlS (Guen.). Pionect ? anastomosalis Guen., De1t . n.nrl Pyl'. p. 373 (1854). o, ~ Bangkok, 3.2.1 6, 5.2.1 9. ~ Nong K.hb.i Ploi, 1.5.14.

37 4. 01WC£DOPHORA HA BISALlS (Walk.). Boty.s habisctlis W, List Lep. lnf<. B. M. xviii, p . 702 (1859 ). ~ , n o dat[l,.

375. l\'LHtUCA TESTULALIS (Hiibn.-Geyer). ('1·ochiph01·a testulctlis Hubn.-C: eye1·, Samrnl. Pxot. Schmett. Zutr. iv, no. 31 5, p. 12, figs. 620, G30 ( 18:32) . o Bangkok, 3.11.1 5.

376. TE'£JtiniA CALETORALIS (Wfi,lk). B otys cctletoml-i.~ W: dk., List Lep. Ins. B. lYL x vii i, p. 65] (1 859). o Sriracha, 12.4.16.

377. PSARA ST UL'I'ALIS (vValk.). Botys 8tulta.lis , T,ist ]~P.p. Tn s. B. M. xvii i. p. 669 (1 859 ). ~no clu.ta.

378. PSARA BIPUNO'l'HfS (Fabr.). Plwlnenct bi punctalis Fn.ln·., ]~nt. Syst. iii, 2, p. 232 (1775). 0 Sriracha, 7.4.14. .JI)URN. N.t\1'. HIST. SOC. SJAllf. MOTHS COLLECTED IN SIAM BY E. J GODFREY. 289

379. PROOEDEM:A INCISAUS (Walk.). Botys incisalis, List Lep. :::nR. B. M. xxxiv, p. 1410 (1865). ci Nong Khai Ploi, 1.5.14.

380. PYRAUSTA SALEN'£IAUS (SnelJ. ). Botys salentialis Snell., Ti,id. v. Ent. 1880, p. 207 ; 1883, pL 7, fi g. 1. 2 ~ ~Bangkok , 13.9.19, 4.11.19.


1. Anisoneura inermis 'l'ams, sp.n. , type ci . 2. Spilosoma ~L mm e ?· a Swinh., neallotype ci . 3. N agia godfreyi Tarns, sp.n., type ci . 4. Hadennict umb1·in a Tams, sp.n., type ci. 5. Hyblae(t castanea Tams, sp.n., type ci. 6. Sem ioth·isa apcdetica Tams, sp.n., type ci. 7. Orthocmspeda lu tim·ista Tams, sp.n., ty pe ci . 8. AmatisscL leonin a Tams, sp.n., type ci . 9. Sylepta a. lb i t o ?·q ~L cLta Tams, sp.n. , type ci . 10. Pctngraptct tahtsalis Walk, neallotype ci. 11. Hypena allochroalis Tams, sp.n. , type ci . 12. Ugia S1Lndana Hampson, sp.n., type ~. 13. An·isonettra inermis Tams, sp.n., allotype ~ . 14. Can ia siamensi Tams, sp.n. , type ~ . 15. N agia goclfreyi Tams, sp.n. , allotype ~ . 16. Bocana umbrina Tarns, sp.n., type ~. 17. Bea,na niticla ':l'ams, sp.n., type ci . 18. Gono,glasa ccnnptog?·a?nm.a Ha.mpson, sp.n., type ~.

E RRATA. P:tge 23 3 lin e 5 f o1' obi lque ?'earl. obli que. 251 , 16 , . 39 38 282 7 1·ead ci Nong .Kluti Ploi

VOL. VI, NO. 3, 1924. •