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REPORT 528 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION ADVISORY GROUP FOR AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (ORGANISATION DU TRAITE DE L' ATLANTIQIJE NORD) USE OF A LARGE JET TRANSPORT AS AN INFLIGHT DYNAMIC SIMULATOR by William M.Eldridge Research Engineer B The Boeing Company, Renton, Washington, USA and Harold. L. Crane Aerospace Technologist NASA-Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va., USA This Paper was presented at the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the AGARD Flight Mechanics Panel, held in Paris, France on 10-11 May 1966 SUMMARY The supersonic transport configurations now being studied are considerably different from the existing subsonic jet transports and it is expected that the flight characteristics during the critical low- speed approach and landing will pose problems. In order to obtain information on these low-speed flight characteristics, the NASA-Langley Research Center contracted with The Boeing Company to modify the original Seeing 107 prototype (the model 367-80 airplane) for use an an inflighf simulator. This paper will discuss the inflight simulation system that was developed for these tests. Included in the paper will be discussions of the unique use of spoilers and thrust reversers to simulate variations in lift and drag with angle of attack, the ability to vary the longitudinal characteristics to simulate the ground proximity, and the ground-based simulator and computer studies used to investigate problem areas and check the quality of simulation. RESUME Les configurations de 1' avion de transport supersonique en cours d' étude étant sensiblement différentes de celles des avions a réaction subsoniques actuels.on s'attend a ce qua les caractéristiques de vol an Is cours de phase critique d'approche et d'atterrissage a faible vitesse prdsentent des problèmes. Pour obtenir des renseignements sur ces caractéristiques de vol a faible vitesse le centre de Recherche de Is NASA a Langley a conclut on contrat avec la société Boeing relatif a Is modification du prototype initial du Boeing 707 (modèle d'avion 367-80) en vue de son emploi en tant clue simulateur en cours de vol. Ce mémoire traitera du système de simulation en cours de vol élabord pour ces essais. Ii comportera aussi des discussions sur e'utilisation unique des spoilers et des inverseurs de poussde pour simuler les Is Is variations de portance et de tratnée avec 1' angle d' incidence, sur Is possibilitd de faire varier lea caractéristiques longitudinales pour simuler la proximitd du sol. ainsi qua sur lea etudes sur simulateur au sol at sur calculateur ayant pour but d' étudier les domaines donnant lieu & des problèmes at de contrdler la qualité de Is simulation réalisde. 533.6.054:533.6.072:629.138.5. 11 AGARI) Report 528 533.6.054:533.6.072: AGARD Report 528 533.6.054:533.6.072: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group 629. 138. 5 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group 629. 138. 5 for Aerospace Research and Development for Aerospace Research and Development USE OF A IAPAE jrr TRANSPORT AS AN INFLIGIT DYNAMIC USE OF A LARGE JET TRANSPORT AS AN INFLIIIIT DYNAMIC SIMULATOR SIMULATOR William LEldridge and Harold LCrane William LEldridge and Harold L.Crane 1966 1966 25 pages incl. 19 figs. 25 pages incl. 19 figs. The supersonic transport configurations now being The supersonic transport configurations now being studied are considerably different from the existing studied are considerably different from the existing subsonic jet transports and it is expected that subsonic jet transports and it is expected that the flight characteristics during the critical low- the flight characteristics during the critical low- speed approach and landing will pose problems. In speed approach and landing will pose problems. In order to obtain information on these low-speed order to obtain information on these low-speed P. T. 0. P.T.O. AGARD Report 528 533.6,054:533.6,072: AGARD Report 528 533.6.054:533.6.072: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group 629. 138. 5 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group 629. 138. s for Aerospace Research and Development for Aerospace Research and Development USE OF A LARGE JET TRANSPORT AS AR INFLICET DYNAMIC USE OF A LARGE JET TRANSPORT AS AN INFLflIT DYNAMIC SIMULATOR SIMULATOR William M.Eldridge and Harold L.Crane William M.Eldridge and Harold L.Crane 1966 1966 25 pages incl. 19 figs. 25 pages incl. 19 figs. The supersonic transport configurations now being The supersonic transport configurations now being studied are considerably different from the existing studied are considerably different from the existing subsonic jet transports and it is expected that subsonic jet transports and it is expected that the flight characteristics during the critical low- the flight characteristics during the critical low- speed approach and landing will pose problems. In speed approach and landing will pose problems. In order to obtain information on these low-speed order to obtain information on these low-speed P. T. P.T.O. flight characteristics, the NASA-Langley Research Center contracted with flight characteristics, the NASA-Langley Research Center contracted with The Boein g Company to modify the original Boeing 707 prototype (the model The Boeing Company to modify the original Boeing 707 prototype (the model 367-80 airplane) for use as an inflight simulator. 367-80 airplane) for use as an infli&it simulator. This paper will discuss the inflight simulation system that was develo ped for This paper will discuss the inflight simulation system that was developed for these tests. Included in the paper will be discussions of the unique use of these tests. Included in the paper will be discussions of the unique use of spoilers and thrust reversers to simulate variations in lift and drag with angle spoilers and thrust reversers to simulate variations in lift and drag with angle of attack, the ability to vary the longitudinal characteristics to simulate the of attack, the ability to vary the longitudinal characteristics to simulate the ground proximity, and the ground-based simulator and computer studies used to ground proximity, and the ground-based simulator and computer studies used to investigate problem areas and check the quality of simulation. investigate problem areas and check the quality of simulation. This paper was presented at the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the AGARD Flight This paper was presented at the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the AGARD Flight Mechanics Panel, held in Paris, France, on 10-I1 May 1966. Mechanics Panel, held in Paris, France, on 10-11 May 1966. flight characteristics, the NASA-Langley Research Center contracted with flight characteristics, the NASA-Langley Research Center contracted with The Boeing Company to modify the original Boeing 707 prototype (the model The Boeing Company to modify the original Boein g 707 prototype (the model 367-80 airplane) for use as an infli ght simulator. 367-80 airplane) for use as an inflight simulator. This paper will discuss the infli&it simulation system that was developed for This paper will discuss the inflight simulation system that was developed for these tests. Included in the paper will be discussions of the unique use of these tests. Included in the paper will be discussions Of the unique use of spoilers and thrust reversers to simulate variations in lift and dra g with angle spoilers and thrust reversers to simulate variations in lift and drag with angle of attack, the ability to vary the longitudinal characteristics to simulate the of attack, the ability to vary the longitudinal characteristics to simulate the ground proximity, and the ground-based simulator and computer studies used to ground proximity, and the ground-based simulator and com puter studies used to investigate problem areas and check the quality of simulation. investigate problem areas and check the quality of simulation. This paper was presented at the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the AGARD Flight This paper was presented at the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the AGARD Flight Mechanics Panel, held in Paris, France. on 10-11 May 1966. Mechanics Panel, held in Paris, France, on 10-11 May 1966. DISTRIBUTION Copies of AGARD publications may be obtained in the various countries at the addresses given below. On pent se procurer des exemplaires des publications de 1' AGARD aux adresses suivantes. BELGIUM Centre National d'Etudes et de Recherches BELGIQUE A4ronautiques ii, rue d'Egmont, Bruxelles CANADA Director of Scientific Information Service Defence Research Board Department of National Defence 'A' Building, Ottawa, Ontario DENMARK Danish Defence Research Board DANEM ARK østerbrogades Kaserne, Copenhagen, 0 FRANCE O.N.E.R.A. (Direction) 25, Ay . de la Division Leclerc Châtillon-sous-Bagneux (Seine) GERMANY Zentralistelle für Luftfahrtdokumentation ALLEMAGNE und Information 8 Munchen 27 Maria-Theresia-Str. 21 Attn: Dr. H.J. Rautenberg GREECE Greek National Defence General Staff GRECE B.JSG, Athens ICELAND Director of Aviation ISLANDE do Flugrad, Reykjavik ITALY Ufficio del Delegato Nazionale ITALIE all' AGARD Ministero Difesa - Aeronautics Roma LU XEM BURG Obtainable through Belgium LUXEMBOURG NETHERLANDS Netherlands Delegation to AGARD PAYS BAS Kluyverweg 1, Delft NORWAY Norwegian Defence NORVEGE Research Establishment Kjeller per Lilleströnj Attn: Mr. 0. Blichner PORTUGAL Delegado Nacional do 'AGARD' Direcçâo do Serviqo de Material da Force Aerea Rua da Escola Politeenica, 42 Lisboa TURKEY Ministry of National Defence TURQUIE Ankara Attn: AGARD National Delegate UNITED KINGDOM Ministry of