Code of Advertisingstandards and Practices
nO 111IMPNT RPROMP. ED 030 308 EM 007 227 ITV 1969. A Guide to IndependentTelevision. Independent Television Authority, London(England). Pub Date Jan 69 Note -240p. Court Road, London W 1. (10s Available from-Indepehdent TelevisionPublications Ltd., 247 Tottenham 6d/S1 26) EDRS Price MF -$1.00 HC -$12.10 Art,*Commercial Descriptors-Adult Education, *BroadcastIndustry, *BroadcastTelevision, Commercial Arts, Mass Media, Religion,Television Television, Dramatics, EducationalTelevision, Electronic Equipment, Fine Commercials, *Television Viewing, TheaterArts Identifiers-Independent Television Authority Parliament created the IndependentTelevision Authority inAugust 1954. The in this resultingIndependentTelevisionSysteminGreatBritainisdepicted contract policy andcontrol. audience and programs. comprehensive guide. ITV system and its its publications andtechnical operations, its programcompanies. finances, code of advertisingstandards and practices aretopics delineated.The guide is amply illustrated with black-and-whiteand color photographs.It has both an index and a bibliography.(GO/ME) uietoindependent Televi4ion INDEP NDENTTELEVISION AUTHORITY 0 ' ' "= 4 0. 4, :',, . = ", 50 * ::'" 4 . '1== i',:,64'' k-- 1 0.,... * a -4'4 ,,v ,' .., ;4 4 , r "; r % ,. 0 `===. ' 7-0 ' > ..r 41:1' ; 0- a =lt* strur 0''' 1/4=1. - e. 4.- 0 ;*so t ----..04.a ,-' k. , to 04,s sl'v-o.,\'o's , . ''-.P...---,,'_ ., 111116.0.,-=,....-.,-.... =0. 0. ,-*00,0,, .0 A Guide to independentTelevision CO CD U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION
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