SPORT SPORT SPORT BOYS U11 REGIONAL QUALIFIER 2019 AT EASTBOURNE COLLEGE SPORT CONTENTS page Welcome from the headmaster 3 Welcome from IAPS 3 Safeguarding 4 Tournament location and details 5 Map 6 IAPS rules and regulations 7 Order of play – pools 8 Order of play – knockout rounds 9 IAPS Code of Conduct 10 Eastbourne College hockey 12 Project 150 14 SPORT WELCOME FROM THE HEADMASTER IAPS sport and Eastbourne College welcomes all schools, players, officials and supporters to the regional boys U11 hockey tournament 2019. Eastbourne College are very proud to be hosting this regional qualifier for boys hockey with the very rich history the College has with boys hockey on the county, regional and national stage. This programme should contain all the information you need to know for the day but if you are unsure about anything then please do contact us before the event or speak to a member of Eastbourne College staff on the day. We always welcome feedback and if there is something you feel would help improve the tournament, whether this is feedback to IAPS or the College, then please do email the Director of Sport, Mike Harrison, at
[email protected] Tom Lawson Headmaster WELCOME FROM IAPS The 2017–2018 sports programme saw over 20,000 children participate in 130 events across 22 different sports. The 2018–2019 programme will see 154 events take place across both team and individual sports. To see a full list of the sports events available, visit our website: Boys hockey Thank you for booking onto an IAPS boys hockey qualifier.