Registered, a t the G.P.O. T e l e p h o n e : 3 5 0 E a s t b o u r n e as a Newspaper, | E s t a b l is h e d 1 8 5 6 , PftICE ONE PENNY.

-'■•-I l ■ • ■ ' jg T ; •/ ■ HE LADIES’ COLLEGE, MARY H. COOPER, Court Dressmaker. *• f i ASTBOI?f* * college. GRAJ3SINGTON ROAD, ■ i ■ t PPresident r s s i d e n ti T S ell Your Old Gold. BRUFOBB & SON, Autumn Wear THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Smart COAT DRESSES, SUITS & RESTAURANT GOWNS for Principal i MISS HITCHCOCK. JUit advisable to store old. geld articles W atchmakers, Bead Hasten of no further use wbtta the gold can rT ■- Pnidla prepared. If desired, for the Preliminary. Junior, be exchanged for money I T h e B B V W, B. WILLIAMS, Tele. 763. 6, LISMORE ROAD, EASTBOURNE, Senior and Higher Cambridge Local Examinations, also We are prepared to value old gold in JEWELLEBS & SILVERSMITHS’ «I. tor Matriculation, • London University, and for the large or small auantities free of cost Examination br the Associated Board of the Royal and to give cash or cheque payments BEST VALUE. ^IbeSch^H s ft flRST-GRADB SCHOOL for the Bona Academy of Musio and Royal College of Music. in exchange for it. Student* desirous of pursuing their studios after leaving QUALITY GUARANTEED. D I C K E R a n d C O . E. &( F^PSL0COMBE), Bon prepared for the Unlveraltlee, the Army, Navy Sohool may J(Xn Ad vanced Classes in English Literature had Civil gervteea. Profeoalong and Commercial life . and History, French, German, Latin andbCatheinatlcs. Repairs by Expert Men. W. Bruford & Son, [IGH-CLA8S PROVISIONS MERCHANTS AND T hen are special Armt and Navt Ciabsks. Hookey, Net-ball and Tennis Clubs, SM 100, Terrainns-rd., Eastbourne 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, BAftTBOURNB. Motua abdlnfawnatlon as to recent) Buooeoae*. A FEW BOARDERS ARB RECEIVED. i should be made to the H ead Ma st b s. The Principal will be at home to see Parent* on and 241, High-street, Exeter. ' And at EXKTEB. % ■. ■e P h t HOa i. D m u la eom pnlaory for th e w hole Sdhool. business every Friday from 8.80 to 1.80 p.m. and at T e le p h o n e 4S2. W I N E 8 , SPIRITS a n d MINERAL WATERS. other times by appointment. | Old Glenlivet Whiskey, 4/- & 4/6 per bottle. Pine Old Tawney Port, 36/ & 42/- pel dozen. L 0 YELL Y • KBPPLESTONE, RAWING AND PAINTING CLASSES. - v W EASTBOURNE te 5 .r<5‘;' REENCROKT-ELLKSM Telephone No. 08.' NETT JAMS, BOTTLED FRimS, dtOi' % ^ BTAVELXIT ROAD/MHAD8, EASTBOURNE. MIBB MARGARET BENEOKB (a pupil of Mise l , SPENCER ROAD SCHOOL OF OQMMEBOB, BeatoteeMaloolm and Mr. W. Rothenstelm) HOLDS (Late of 32, The Avenue). — ------^ 5 ';: Wephoue N0. 11& G 11, Peveusey-road. | LIPB CLASSES at THE STUDIO, BATH ROAD Home School for the Daughters of-Gentlemen 5Ww>ol far Girls (Preparatory and Finishing). (next to 48,'GROVE ROAD). M iss Lloyds wishes to announoe that she has arranged SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ^Hbmnrdkay 1 0 -4 and on Tuesdays and Thursday* r.46 to receive Into partnership the ensuing team ltTtg^ * 6 BA K E R & NS’ Mrs, F. H. Browne and Miee Tait-Beid, B.A., - m l LESSUNH . Xk. :a vv- ' ■ .V >). Davies, B.A. (Rons.), (Camti. Teachers' Diploma).. W. H. ROBBB7 T nduod ., {A w arded G aohers. DiSfelNG AND DEPORTMENT. M E MADE BREAD JQRAWING AND PAINTING. ,y. *;\V a. "I to th« I S S . LUCY WAY ILL SIDE ST ANNE’S HAS 3UA8TBOURNB. DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OP THE TOWN DAI Head Qf RESUMED HER CLASSES FOR CHLLDRKM Preparatory School for Boys. “ , au>4%B.a8., a Academy, ______In Drawing and AO.P ~ k.and ata. Oamatvm, Painting either Privately or In Class. IN THE SAFFRONS ROOMS, W. H. JONES, M.A., RR.G.& JJlitton C ,0 P., and Un. Artier M ias ______iu At Three p.m. Lanuel Coll ope, Cambridge, REOHIV] w holds poittlons as Visiting Teacher In 19 21, CHURCH STRBETi 15, PEVRN8ET ROAD « « 175, SEASIDE. Boys’ and Girls’ Schools in London, and “is open to PBIVATK LESSONS GIVEN, SCHOOL8 ATTENDED, r IS to be prepared for the Public 8c . aad lto . Jatnewm, W. 3 . 0. Mtnrr, m!E; engagements In Eastbourne and dlstrlot. Pupils have Wa- D ^ , T el. 169. Qathome Or . I n ., sad X n. On, the Bar. Uiilnc obts^edJWijhest awards_in_oompetlt4on with sohools In For particulars address 28,,, South-street, Eastbourne^ and , Um Bov. fTS. WUUmh*. U.L (Hwd BCmSh .-48, E ast i-road, Eastbourne. DANCING: RHYMIO EXERCISES. IBB ELSIE B. M. REED, Certificated 0 B O B O UGH- SO T elephone 623. Under-Royal Patronage, UPPER AVENUE, EA8TBOCI FREDK. S. SHELLEY, r a n v il l e h o u s e , g a u d ic k r o a d , M Advanoed Grade Associated Board R.A.M. and MEADS, EASTBOURNE. R.C.M, Plano and Organ (Honours), Assistant Organist at IS 8 ELEANOR RATCLIFF1S St. Saviour s Church, Eastbourne, Aooompanlsu to the M 1 WILL HOLD & G. GILBKRT’, (liond Builder, Decorator, Plumper, Gas, Hot Water and Electrical Engineer. G R e sid en tia l, P r k pa ba to bt a n d F in is h in s Eastbourne Amateur Operatic Society. Open tor Engage­ Private School for Boys. Gir ls’ School. ment as Accompanist. GIVES LS880NS In PIANO­ HOLIDAY GLASSES Contractor for General House Repairs. FORTE and ORGAN PLAYING and In HARMONY FOB > Premises with 8 acres of ground. Principals—MRS. O. H. D> la MOTHS and and THEORY. Students prepared for the various Musical Examinations. BALLROOM DANCING) Office and Showrooms - - - 8, TERMINUS PLACE. MRS. NELSON FOLEY, B.8a (Lond.) late : Deration for London 4, K ilb u r n Tb b b a o <8 minutes from Station), AT THE j PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. of the Ladies’ College, Cheltenham. ExarBOUKif*. DEVONSHIRE PARK, Fees Moderate Mid Assisted by a well-qnallfled Staff Tuesday and Friday Afternoons, commencing Deo. m"«v House beautifully situated In its own Grounds. Good IBB B. NOAKES, Certificated in Harmon'mony and - - J Juniors nnder 15 years of age, 2.45 p.m.; Seniors over IS g T . GEORGE'S SCHOOL (UPPERTON), Tennis Courts and Playing Field. Recreation and M 1 B oard years of age, 3.45 p.m.; Babies, Friday , Mornings. U. Gymnasium Room (SO ft. long). ■ of th e R A on th e PIANOFOL.^______o’olock. Commencing Dec. 15th. Special Advantages tor Musio and Modern Languages, ______Harm ony FOB 8078 INTENDED FOR BU3INES8 LIFE.. and Counterpoint.—For Terms api 8, Oalverley-road. Terms: 21s. the Course of Six Lessons. The Bnbleoiki of Instruction lndnde those taught at 0 E T f M ANN Prospectus and references, on application. ADULT CLASS every Friday Evening at the i m iwnt a. PnWio Secondary Schools and. In addition, special Rooms, 8.30. attention Is paid to Commercial Subjects and Modern M 'I S S M . GRAHAM SOHOFIBLD, Address: The Ohatsworth Hotel, Eastbourne. & C O ., L t d ., — - ]L « "IS S BALLS, L.L.A., Dlplfimte, Faria 1. SPEN CER ROAD. 0 at Glass Certificate), DANCING AND PHYSICAL EXERCISES. Nr- TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, W. > Successful in Examination Work. Gives LESSONS In PRACTICAL DRB380UTTINQ ISS HUTTON MOSS and MISS PAINS SCHOOL OF ART and MAKING, FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING MUNICIPAL Telephone i MUSEUM have resumed their EASTBOURNE JJ9 L (Technical I n s t it u t e Grove-boad). Telegrams i “ OKTZMANN LONDON.” "ONE." COACHES IN SPECIAL SUBJECTS OR TAKES and MILLINERY. c l a s s e s . • Mias Schofield has had 14 yean* experience with private O A T and EVENING GLASSES are held In all BEGINNERS AND BACKWARD PUPILS. pupils and in class teaching In achnoia. Childbjcn's Class at THE GYMNASIUM, YORK ROAD, on SATURDAYS, at 2.30 p.m. B rushes cf Art, Including Glasses in Metal W ork, Hig h e st R btkbxnoes. Blouse Patterns a Speciality. Wood Carving and Leather Work. Speolal arrangements made for Adult Classes. 8 , CORNFIELD TERR AOR. M V isitors oan join for short periods. “A BOOK ON FURNISHING ” SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, 89a, H a r r i n g t o n r o a d , Lo n d o n , elw . MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL • SOUTH STREET. YOUH BUSINESS PRINTING. GRATIS AND POST FREE. DANCING AND ELOCUTION. FOR GIRLS BOYSS ABB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. T is often necessary that General in connection with businesses of every (UPPERTON-ROAD). :Fees £6 pkb Annum. ' \ I required qulokly, and. at the same time, well done. a d a m e v a n d y o k ’s g l a s s e s ■MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL M airr Chohat. Bonolabshifs, some of which ooven ------ombe & Co., Ltd, “ Chronicle ” ~ are now resumed M ■' I y £ 2 the. whole amount of the Fee*. v South-street, are fully prepared to meet these require­ , A* DEVONSHIRE PARK. FOR BOYS Training for Burthesa life. ments, having their works fitted with machinery capable SpeolalM Classes for Operatic Dancing (Russian (T e c h n ic a l I n s t it u t e , G r o v e -b o ad ). £ 5 PKEPAID/ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANT of expeditiously turning out high-class work, Holiday Classes during Xmas Holidays. For Proepeotua and other Information apply Letterpressts a and n d Lithographic Printing PmsDeetue and full uartloalare of these oan RAILWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OR WALES, For particulars apply -M jjtto W from THE SUORETARY. Education Com- THE WARDEN. of aU"I descriptions. 2, HARK WOOD PLACE, HANOVER SQUARE. W . ■ f "PHYSICAL EDUCATION for Dklicat* JL Children at their own HOMES (any part off . A. E. STYLER, England). Including Dancing, Graceful Deportment* k , Walking and Exercises. A Lady, with twenty years’ experience in the dan* k SILVERDALE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Circles of Society, will forward long List of Patranaaaac A . D U D KIN, and Terms upon application., LANGUAGES, SAVE TOUR COAL. . 227, “ Chronicle’’ Offloe, South-street. lV f .1 8 8 MINA HUDSON. Cert. Voc. T.CUa. AN GLO - RUSSIAN FUR D A U . i, Mmn. LSJn.,. ! . V Football, Hockey, Lctcr%88j and Golf. • • ' . The Parliamentary W ar Savings’ Committee in their “ HINTS CW PLAYING to N . COLLINS’ '8TOKT8 SHOP, 36 and 31, W estern Road. Brigl m m s m * ■ .HOUSBWaU^i" s a y s — . . SOUTH STREET (Near Town Hall), ; r ■ " -■ ^ i.Z l ‘r •' EASTBOURNE. < USE GAS COKE wherevet possible instead of coal and honours. Speolal arrangements for V lriton? Ootomunloationn should be addressed to Mias H udson* care of Messrs. Cl if t Glldredge-road; or The U hrarr. GREAT CHRISTMAS COAL and COKE mixed in equal proportions give a - Dalton-terracc, Meads-streeb. | fuel whioh will last long longer thaii coal alone. Patronised by Royalty. THE MORE COKE IS USED the greater.will be iflSSSSS TH E GYMNASIA &ZW. NATURAL WOLF MUFF AND ANIMAL SHAPE TIE. Worth a n d School o f P hysical E ducation 8igs. Set only the production of the by-products which are required YORK ROAD, E astbourne (near Town Hall), Tel M . REAL NATURAL SKUNK, Finest Quality 2 Skin Ties. W orthy’s for making explosives for the Army and Navy. and DERWENT ROAD, MEADS (Tel. 1297k 6 Skin M uff, 06/6 Also at BEX HILL. branch of Physical Education solentifloally tanghh M AGNIFICENT NATURAL MUSC tUAJSH COATS (as sketch). 1 qualified and experienced Instructor and La ~ Full Flare Skirts and Lined Rich Si eaehers, under the direction of Mr, Moss- ^ W orth £10 to £12 each. EASTBOURNE GAS 00. Them is a Medical Gymnasium attached tor R ang CHOICE NATURAL SQUIRRELlUIRREL TIE8. TIE8, 111lg Skins.8klns...„..... i and Swedish Massage, under the dlrectfeo off W orth 39/6. Pillow Muff to Match. 18/11. F. a Charles worth, M.G.T.L, MJS.ffP.B. C03STEACT XO CLEAR PREMISES REAL NATURAL MUSQUASH STOLES, about £4 inohes long. Worth 39/6 ...... i...... » il...... Prioe * 7 /6 , Immense Pillow Muff to Match, 18/9. (JOKE. (JOKB. Over ICO Handsome Models In FINEST REAL PONY 8KINS, light M akto th b H ottest F ie e . • B eetles, C ockroaches, weight, trimmed with Heal Skunk-Opo-sum or Racoon...... Now Gigs, W orthy to I8g THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. N kvx b B locks th e K itc h h n eh F lues. 875 Latest Models in SEAIiP CONEY COAT^, made from finest M ix e d w it h a L it t l e Go al M akes Sple n d id A nts, Bugs, selected Skins ...... j...... From 6 9 /6 to lOgs. Most Easy to Wear. No Steel Spring. D inlno and D eaw inq R ook F ib b s . Every Garment Worth Doable. Send for Illustrated Price Lists, post free. P e b C h a l d r o n , D e l iv e r e d ...... 1 6 6 OB ANT NOISOME INSECT VERMIN. REAL SEAL MUSQUASH COATS, handsome Models, with real Skunk Collar and Ouflb ...... ».m) «...• f • • .»■•“»»»*^)Induced to 04 g a . I „ „ M e a d s & H a m p d e n P a r k 1 7 /S WB DESTROY UNDER CONTRACT Inspect the Fur Arcade Windows arid P e r Sa c k , 1 /1 0 ; M e a d s , 1/1L « RATS AND MICE. without any importunity or obligation LINDSEY & SONS, Ths'jabove Prices are subject to Alteration without Notice. 7, T erm inus-buildings, E astbourne SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT.-TAILORING For Teams address the It will be to the interest of my numerous clientele to know SURGICAL, & ORTHOPiSDIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS. Eastbourne Gas Company. opened a new Branch, having secured the services of a WEL1 PARISIAN CUTTER and DESIGNER [(GOLD .MEDAL SEAMLESS SPIRAL ELASTIC ALSO at ————H ------~ f — HOSIERY, BELTS, &0. London and . 124, Southwark Street, London, > C H H A L S ’ MONEY. * . . *■ . • ] - . • Esta blish ed 1879. WARDROBES. FOB FIB8T-0LAS9 . at LIVERPOOL, LEEDS and GLASGOW . MONEY. WARDROBES. W. T. LAMB & SON, O r n a m e n t a l

GASH ADVANCED PROMPTLY Paw nbrokers, Jew ellers / and G eneral Salesm en, 1 ROSES, APPLY to the Oldest Resident Lender, 4 0 , SEASIDE R O A D (opposite the Colonnade), BA8TB0UBNB. Fruit Trees and Hardy Flowers, &e. M ISS A. JEWELL, Always ON SALE a Large Assortment of NEW and SECOND-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewellery, 8Uver Platte, Eleotro-plated Goods, Cutlery, Teleeoopee, Marine, Field and Opera Glasses. 1, WILMINGTON SQUARE, Eastbourne. _and fevery article of Funutnxe in our Home comes from FETES Spectacles, all kinds of Musical Instruments, Books, fto., &c. NUR8XBIBS 113 A0BK8. EASY REPAYMENTS. FOR it) Is better to deal with . Cash Advances m every description of Property. Ladies» and Gentlemen's Wardrobes Purchased fa r Prompt Cos h. ACTUAL LENDER than With Agentt or Financial F u rniture to last m any llfetl PARTIES WAITED. ON AT. ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE. OATALOGUHS FREE. o I ; ' . ' ■ A — — (TELEPHONE 105), * PROMPT CASH ADVANCES. —to add distinction to the Home, to be pleasing to the eye, and of j . O H E 1 L & SO N S, Ltdra. £ 1 0 upw ards. to retain ita newness to the last, to always m MARK MARTIN ft SONS. THK NURSERIES OBAWXJBY. London & Provinces Discount Company, Ltd., used in its manufacture, and only the le d la b o u r - r a t ■ ■ 13, Lansdown&road, Croydon. ; BEALLY HIGH-CLASS WOBK PIANOFORTES, AMERICAN ORGANS* IN ■*- HARMONIUMS and HARPS. Saving o f 3/- In iry £ 1 spent. Building, D ecorating, E lectric L ighting, H ot W ater By the Beat Makers, on the Lowest Terms, tor Bata, OHEAPEB 9LOANS Hire and on the Three Years’ System. and Sanitary W ork. ZiYOV * HALL, Warwick Manetim, , £10 to any Amount. flail and ramble through our Entire Store. All visits are free from S, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON.; seed Tuners sent to all parts o f the Ootmtsrp.\ dash Advances promptly made to Vm niasferatod Oatalognes Free by Post. CHARLES BREACH, St r ic t e s t P r iv a c y A s s u r e d . 8PH0IAX. PREPAID RATBG. No Fee Charged. » Builder, C ontractor and Sanitary Plum ber. Advances Completed on Day o r AppuoatM ^ ^ West Bnd Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-ro&d, Meads WANTS OF ALL KINDS. P e rso n a l Attention given. No Sureties required. ARTICLES FOR SALE. Apply by Letter, inConfidence, to ESTIMATES GIVEN FOE GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRS. BERVANTB WANTED or SITUATIONS HBQP UUHfc. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND, HOUSE SANITATION. BOUSE* or APARTMENTS TO LET, MESSRS. M. BARNARD & CO., , Are Advertised to the whole of 44, L ahONBT-b o a d , E astbo u r n e. Famcombe & Co.’s Sussex Newspapers HlUI«r attend. penonaBr «vmt Ttnrwijqr, 11 M*< k> 5 PJ». a Station. Tnma stop at Comet. (Ltd.) ' » * M IL L E R & SELM ES, I~ - A t One Charge, vis.t j I d e r s . D ecorators., P l u m b e r s 1 Insertion ... (not over 20 W ords) On e S h illin ® T bl. s P.O., 818, National, 830x. W E CLOSE at ONB o’tloek on SAW 8 Insertions...... Two Shillings and Sixpence Every Description of Building and House 'Repairs done at Moderate Chargee. 7 Insertions ...... F i v e Amir man Special attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work., (* 'll-. ‘ , . Ls—sr Adw to—nit* ett Pwocrttoneti Bsha » and Works: 76, TEDB8WBLL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. It Booked the nsnal rates will be obahged. THANKS TO THE BRITISH N All such announcement!; appear once to the toUowtaftt . • ° Eastbourne Chronicle rULLY ILLUSTRATED HISTORY AND / News H astings Independent •LPHIN SOAP is now Reduced East Grins lead Observer G U I D E T HERSTMONCEUX CASTLE Sussex and Surrey C o u rie r TRULY A HOME ECONOMISER! Horsham Times

■ . • ua.atvu ww pa ■niiimww I ■■■ ppv lit. mm left with Authorised A gents « ‘m w - i tic the above Low

7; Saturdays,BURL Tele.; 4,482both NIOLE. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1916

id Ahe situation with .regard to the ierkblv altered since-then. , Town Clerk, Mr. Redtey said he had TRIBUNAL been willing, and even desirous, to

(Opposite S. Saviour’s Church), particulars of carried on in his office, and also of the particular duties 'performed by Mr. Hedley. Much of the latter’s work was of a highly technical and UJM IN0U8 DIAL W Campbell >ioOUU| u«Jt •• iur. complicated nature. It would not be possible to secure Eastbourne; and at M eads. J.P., Mr. T. B. a capable substitute. He added that since the war i the Town Clerk .{broke out the work of the offioe had increased ..... ______|I - Beattie was the NICKEL M ilita ry Represents!ive in attendance. ^The Town Clerk: Can you give us an idea of tile amount of money that passes yearly through the office ? CARRYING COMPANY’S EMPLOYES. Mr. Burrell: Yes, roughly, about £450,000. The Universal Carrying Company applied through i Alderman Duke spoke in favour of Mr. Hadley’s f S I L V E R the Manager (Mr, Taylor) for the exemption of three of their men—0. Baker, married,with six children, SPECIAL SHOW OF CHRISTMAS GOODS way carman : Q. W. Draper (31), carman a ■ clerk, THE TIME CAN BE READILY BEEN IN ADJOURNED. Slaving deliberated privately, the Tribunal refused SUITABLE FOB PRESENTS. p military’sof application. R. Filsell, aged 29, a bread baker, applications, and said of the firm’s 24 men before, the »y Mr. Bradford, Old Town, was adjourned war 12 had joined fcae Colours. Six others hadsmoe e other bakers’ oases are heard. 100, TERMINUS ROAD also gone, and they had now in lheir employ nine men and three boys. A SUBSTITUTE. W. BRUFORD u v s x i ) um onnoiiiitm The duties and oifcumstanees of the different men , Mr. A. O. Hillman appeared on behalf of F. Lowin, a All the Latest 6f TOM SMITH’S CEACKERS. were gone' watchmaker and jeweller, and P. Mill* Mr. Beattie Bugged ed with regard to Fears that the It was a military ^application, and Mr. Beattie said • . . . . , .. _= application should <3 3 adjourned tine die to enable a Lowin had been granted exemption until Febru substitutional employ s to be found. The suggestion now was that it was possible for Original and Unique Packages of Chocolates and Sweets, including all the Baker1 was given 12 weeks’ exemption; Draper substitute Lowin, as he had only been passed for Cl, The little girl said die was the parse and tbe obtained six weeks, n qniries to be made with a view to whilst Lowin had been classed as Al. boysnatohi .way from her. There was no money in the army allowance, being,—_—. supplemented . ------. — from some---- Mr. Lowin said he would agree’ to the Substitution. LATEST NOVELTIES IN CONFECTIONERY. the purse, as she had spent it all in buying Christmas other fundi} and the application in Fears’ ease to be Mr. Hillman: What assurance have we that Mills presents. adjourned for a substitute to be found. will be allowed to stay ? is customary to look for warn, to tois F« A special constable said he went after the boy and Mr. Beattie: You oan give him oondirion&l exemp­ tone for giving and reoeiwng gifts as i caught him. APPEAL AGAINST A JEWELLER. tion. m and affection. Under toe present mrc The lad’s mother said the defendant appei have The military asked the Tribunal to review the con­ Mr. Hillman: Whioh you can review at any time. people will realise they should Aeny then been led into taking the purse, attd the ditional exemption g iven to T. O. B. Steel (39), practical Mr. Beattie: We should not do that, of course. A VERY LARGE STOCK sue of receiving^ and show their appr said another lad told him to take the.purse. watohm&ker and jeweller. r . The Chairman; We have a oertain amount of con­ i the Boys are doing for them_ in the ATt Mrs. Reynolds said die had pumshedthe Mr. A. J. Hart was for the respondent, who had been science, yon know. Infields. by giving some article which was allowed to go after being cautioned. , Lowin’sA, exemption was allowed to stand to enable ort toat least one of the Boys, who deser Thuesdat.—Before Alderman H. W. K him to make, arrangements, and Mills was granted oon chair) and Councillor J. Duke. ditional exemption. Cigarettes, Oigars and Tobacco. Tbe question is _ What can we give?" mono* Bbown & Oo., Ltd., can an* ■ A GIRLS THEFT. 1 K a visit to their Establishment an< , Annie Allen (IS), of Eastbourne, was d h im assortment of articles, of wl stealing £1, tbe moneyof Edith Hounsell, b BOROUGH EDUCATION » h«t a few :— 20th and 22nd. ■ . / • We have a number of small Parcels WATERPROOF COATS, COMMITTEE. BRITISH WARMS, of Cigars, which we are Se lling at Olerk naked if she was fit to plead. .. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FLEECE LININGS, Deteotive Inspector Wells: Yes, she is1 quite all Pre- War Prices, thereby sav:ing the SLEEPING BAGS, lent is nbt to be called up before January SALARIES OF TEACHERS. rij|hfc I bad the same trouble yesterday. She is rather Consumer 30 °/, WOOLLEN SOARVE8, ADE PROTECTION SOCIETY’S WARM GLOVES, The Magistrates? Clerk (to toe prisoner): Did you steal this $1 ? I ' I SECRETARY. ; CHILDREN AS MILK CARRIERS. WOOLLEN HELMETS, The Eartl,ibourne Trade ------Protection Society------applied I ------for Prisoner: Yea. __i L._if- rrr a a ______1:__ CARDIGAN VESTS, Edith Hounsell, of Edensor-road, said the money tbe conditional exemption of Mr. W. tjS., vjRtiuiuor,Gardiner, theirtuuii LEATHER WAISTCOATS withIS utvis, was kept in a drawer in her bedroom. She missed it on secretary, whof oritinued services they regarded as MUNICIPAL BOYS’ SCHOOL. LEATHER SHELLS AND COATS, the morning of November 22nd. Prisoner , was employed indispensable. • ' ' i —t. ■■ : • V v Also toe ROWARD LIFE SAVING BELT I at the house as a servant. Mr. Hillman •resented the society, and Alderman and the BODDY WAISTCOAT, I Deteotive Inapeotor Wells said on the previous day be ___ w _ . s o attended to support the applica­ The monthly meetini ' of the Education Committee saw the prisoner at Newington. She made ho reply to tion! “ : !' ' I ■ >' ; 1 ' .. ;■ ' for the borough was hel( at tbe Town Hall on the 30th I the charge, but on toe way to Eastbourne she said, “ I Mr. Beattie said he admitted the importance of Mr. ult, when, there were : •resent Councillor F. H ollins TURKEYS,. GEESE, FOWLS, CAPONS AND DUCKS.. should not have stolen it if it had not been for Mr. Gardner’s work, but he bad been passed for general (chairman), Rev. F. S. A s (deputy chairman), the GEORGE BROWN & CO aervioe, and the question was whether he ought not to ______rding). Aldermen Keay All Birds Guaranteed of the Finest Quality. ^The Magistrates’ Clerk: Who is Mr. Lyons ? make way for a substitute of non-military age. and Wright, Councillors Bolton, Carter, Duke, Easter, Urgent House, Terminus-road, Inspector Wells: He is the husband of the wife who Mr. Gardiner said he was 36 years of age, wae Hoadley, Pulsford, Russell, Soddy and Wood, Mrs. engaged the prisoner as a domeetio servant married and had two children. He had been secretary Barber, Miss Whelpton, Rev. H. Plume, Rev. W. Mr. Lyons said the prisoner had been employed at to the society for sixteen years. Macfadyen Soott, Rev. H. von E. Scott, Rev. Canon the house for three months. He did not know why she Alderman Keay .said the society numbered 300 Streatfeild and Mr. R. W. H. Hamblyn. had brought his name into the case. members, all looal traders, who had in the ma jority of F inest Y ork & Irish Ha; Miss Trill, superintendent of the Church of England oases allowed their confidential dorks to join the SEA TRAINING SCHOLARSHIPS. Diooesan Purity Association Shelter, Belmore-road, said Colours largely in dependence upon the services of Mr. A very favonrable report was read from the Captain toe prisoner had been in the shelter, from [whence she Gardiner. The latter’s duties included many inquiries Superintendent of the training ship “ Arethusa ” con­ was sent to Mrs. Lyons. The girl’s borne was at Folke­ of a private and confidential nature, and required cerning all the Eastbourne scholarship boys, abd men­ stone, and she was taken into tbe refuge there, as her speaial knowledge and capaoity. If Mr. Gardiner were tioning particularly John F. Davis, Leslie Draper, parents had had trouble with her for some time. She not retained it loert " ST IL T O N C H EESE (Prize D airy), R ich, Stipe & Bine. then went to the Westminster refuge and subsequently tradingintereetiBof the town. as satisfactory. to a medical home at Streatham. She was af ter wards TheTribunal retired to consider______their| derision.___ On SCALE OF TEACHERS’ SALARIES. re-admitted to the Westminster refuge, and eventually their return the Chairman. . V . said they oould' ‘ only J. give j sent to the Eastbourne shelter as an exchange oase. Mr. Gardiner eigUighb weeks’exemption. . * * He mqst obtain A letter was read from the National Union of A VISIT OF INSPECTION INVITED. special leave before he oould apply again. Teaoher8, setting forth the scale of salaries whioh has In reply to Mr. Hillman, tl; Cfiainnan said they had m adopted by them, and also by the National considered Mr, Gardiner’s pel •nal oiroumstances. _ xxriation of Head Teachers and the National Federa­ •an said the fins rial point was a serious tion of Class Teachers, and asking that the oommittee One, as family’s inoome wild naturally be very should give this scale full consideration, and, further, neoessary; you have made a mist snbstani that the oommittee should reoeive a deputation com­ fames skid the disos were only reqi TheC •airman skid that unfortunately occurred in a posed of local teachers, with a representative of the j, of which Eastbourne was one. great nt executive, to| discuss the whole question of salaries of teachers in their employ. E lliott’s Stores, Lim ited ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT BREWERS’ LOOAL MANAGER. After full disoussion, it was resolved: “ That the Tbe conditional exemption to E. Dadswell, oommittee are not prepared to consider a revision of the FiankG . Pound.of Polegate, was imoned for INSTITUTION. local representative of Messrs ’remlin Bros., brewers, existing scale of teachers’ salaries, and that the (Opposite 8. Saviour’s Church), aming a headlight on a motor car and was^oontested by the military. tieOTetary point out in answer to the letter that the oom­ Mr. HfiUman appeared for Mr. Dadswell, who had mittee are already giving relief in cases of hardship and A PRESENTATION beenlea passed ffor general ' ’ servioe. ' Mr. ~Dadswell ’ ----- is 33 are prepared to consider the case of any teacher.” Eastbourne; and at M eads. yearsaars of age and nriarried.married. _ ^ / ./ . Application granted, 'Dadswell not to be called np ELEMENTARY EDUCATION AND SOHOOL a rt. been, in Eastbourte after dark, ATTENDANCE SUB-OOMMITTEE. ■vrtranotin the proper position. The following paragraphs appeared in the report of For using a headlight the defendant the above sub-oommittee:— the other ease being withdrawn. i r < Employment of Children.—A letter was read from “ LIGHT” OASES. the Eastbourne Dairymen’s Association applying, in connection with the bye-laws regulating tne employ­ The following eases under the ligh •peal of tlie military was granted, Warner not ment of children, that they may be allowed to employ a m dealt with by the Magistrates led np before the middle of January. boys to deliver milk from 6 a.m. to 8 am., instead of sented to Mr. F. R. Terson. The handsome gilt frame from 7 a.m. to 8.30, a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. A Robert Pynsant, St. AnneTs-road IDOL MERCHANT’S BUSINESS. letter was read from the School Medical Officer on the had inscribed on it the words: “ Presented by the Frederick Gell (33), practical tool merchant, Ohaclotte Adamson, Meads-road Institution to Mr. Fred R. Terson in acknowledgment snbjeot, and the matter was fully discussed. Resolved Smith, Meads-road...... of his valuable oo-operation, 1916.” >r of a one-man business, had been granted —That the application be not granted. Henry Carey, Arundel-torraoe.... lal exemp turn. This the military asked should The Cinema.—A kpecial sub-oommittee, consisting of CknoeCarey, Arondel-terraoe.... . In making the presentation Mr. 0. ved. " the Mayor, Councillors Russell and Duke and the Rev. Violet Edwins, White Corner..... J.P., the Chairman, said: At the requa >f the secre- ell said he had to help maintain his parents, Canon Streatfeild, was appointed to meet with a B u n King, Weet-oliff ...... taryof the parent mstitution (Mr, G«wrs Ihea) I have up his business would nave to be closed down. the pleasure to band you this picture, d i.instritntion special sub-committMMif the Wat oh Committee on this makes the presentation a» a amaU- reoc •ition of the ■matter. • r great interest and service that yon have r dered to the yon agree to that, Mr. Beattie? Meads Churdi SehoW.—It was noted that, on account lifeboat cause extending oyer a long p< od of years, of the number' of children attending from the Downs, Santa Clau§!s The gift is but small, but it is given 1^ e institution It’s of no asking Mr- Beattie any this school was meeting from 1.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m. how your during the winter months, and this was approved. es have been Oompton-plaoe Infants’ School. — A list of five u a r te r s a t Me. Beattie : I am not appealing, if that is what yon children living in the Meads distriot and at present {ed the gift in mutable terms. lean, i , _J ' •___ attendingthia infants’ school was submitted. Resolved— TWELVE WEEKS. That after the present, schoo) year these and any other Twelve weeks’ exemption was| granted to J. Holway, ohildren in the Meads distriot be not admitted to the Samuel Hannington, Arlington-road 27 ... Dismissed. trained male nurse, aged 37, who had been passed Bl. Oompton-plaoe Infants’ School but be referred to the Lilian Dean. Arlington-road...... 27 ... Dismissed. A similar oonoesaion was granted to A. Rowsell, Meads SohooL * , l i l M Arnold, Pevensey-road...... 25 ... 20s. . builder.1 On the motion of Councillor Russell, seconded by la the Oaee against Mr. Pynsant, Special Constable I ARE (|UTTERS:ESSENTIAL? Councillor Duke, the report of the sub-oommittee was - So Rockland said there were lights showing- from various Mr. Roll appeared for Messrs. Hope A Co., ant* approved, with one or two minor amendments. parte of the house. The blinds of a bedroom window •speot of S. J. Scott (41), tailor’s cutter, mid not fit properly, whilst there was no blind fitted to He said Scott’s services were of iudis- HIGHER EDUCATION SUB-OOMMITTEE. the scullery window. I [ . ; :> •ortanoe to the business. He did work for The Rev. F . S. Williams moved the adoption of the The Chairman said the Magistrates regarded the esse irm’s shops, above Bub-committee’s report. ms a very flagrant one. Tbe failure to take adequate Tho apt cation was oj iy the military, who ,. The motion was seconded by Alderman Wright and 53-53a, Terniiiius-rd precautions made the house a regular lighthouse, and a said a outv oould not be absolutely neoeesary in war timi Kirtlan (who represented the

W RITING RADS AND COM PENDIVM S .1 -Ag j ** -f-’ ^ 1 : ,• ' WONDERFUL OlSOOVERY Y EX-LIEUT. J. WOLFFE, England’s •ous Athleite and Swimmer, in the Treatingof ► CONSUMPTION (Early Stages). ASTHMA, Bl DHITIS. RHEUM ATI8M, GOUT, KXDNi SY and LUNG iMKNTS, by the New Method, known as the EX T r Treatment This system differs entirely! rom all others. aam* tfm VtntMM1 tlto DAAnaf A# CH/MAOC For aU Lung .TION Ltd.. Leading

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W I;1 - w t ■ . • ■ ■ > V'-V, D E C E M B E R 9 1 9 1 R PICTURE HALLS.

'T H E soles of H r R.&J. DICK’S The ‘Pianola’ Piano ’W boots and shoes WEAR * are made of. the takes you straight to finest quality leather, j^yy^ai^^w ^^^^toughened and reduced i 8AQUI& LAWRENCE . • . h-< < ■ . . )• ' • the heart of music. jjkthickness b y hydraulic pressure • •' . „ WUWOUP UDO 1U DO! IUUO WUUUt«WM|«UU UlUUVUHIfra \g v They are eminently euitable for Autum The injury to the old man iaja great mow to President London’s Largest Jewellers, The * Pianola * - Piano brings you the Walton, of the New Central'Railway t as it is to Hulda, u wear> being thin but very durable and lastin for the railroad has been attempting to farce the priceless gift of musicianship. It provides stubborn old man to sell a right of way through his London's Largest Jewellers, you with a master skill to play that most They are elegant in appearance, and- the extra wearing quality of the farm, -aud he has steadfastly refused. Now, with only toughened leather also means ECONOMY—an important consideration three days in which to dose the deal, Walton’s men universal of musical instruments—the 1 m these times of stress. report that the Dutchman has disappeared. The search London’s Largest Jewellers, for Unde Peter, in whioh! Hulda and Walton’s son piano; whilst, by means of the Metrostyle become involved, develops a delightful romance, wbioh device, the greatest musicians guide your will be enjoyed by all lovers of good films. !. For Thursday and two following days we are promised hands and show you howto get the fullest “ The Sales Lady,” a deeply interesting and very human story. A penniless orphan, Helen, is rescued by Bruoe, expression out of the music you are son of a rich banker. Next day, while wandering in a W i l l park, she is discovered by a police officer and his sweet­ playing. heart, Lizzie, a shop girl, who secures for her a place as •Gentlemen serving as Special Constables, &c., desiring silent-tread foe “ sales lady ” in the same store. It is, whilst serving at The ‘Pianola* Piano, the original artistic ' * ' 1 ' ------; i±able for prolonged hard wear the counter that she again meets Brace, wh& confessing hialove for her, is disowned by his rioh father. He W i l l O p e n instrument of the player-piano type, weathers, will find our celebrated “ DIC.IKBALATA ” SOLES without iboehmes a motor car .demonstrator and the two are \ Wkrried, all being.well until one day Brace is brought i stands unequaUed, supreme. Its wonder­ The latest styles in a wide range of fittings and sizes may .home with a broken leg. Without funds, Hden is ’ forced to take a position as a chorus girl, and it is ful pneumatic system gives a touch with he obtained at our Local Branch, at moderate prices. whilst on the stage that she attracts the attention of a delicacy, a power, a capacity for infinite Bruce’s father, who has refused to help them in their acco. C 0 or W rite for Booklet, * trouble. Discovering his identity* Helen leads hiija to gradation scarcely excelled by the human suppose that she is captivated by him, and one evening tAkes him to their lodgings, ana id a highly dramatic j hand itself. scene introduces him into the room in which his son is [ 1 O 0 , lying ilL The reconciliation which follows, and the ; method in which it is brought about, forms an appro- ; The * Pianola ’ Piano is obtainable in { priate finish to a play which, sometimes comedy and TERMINUS RD. Grand or Upright styles at prices to suit occasionally very strong drama, is always holding in its •' -.'' •' . • . | /CITY very natural interest j all purchasers. Every • "6 EASTERN CINEMA. | 1 0 9 J model may be pur­ "ZAZA”—“THE HEART OF SISTER ANN.” i chased upon EASY WEAR. ' \ Hearty appreciation has: been shown of this week’s TERMINUS RD. A MONTHLY PAY­ film “ specials,” which have been supplemented by the I usual variety of humorous, scenic and sentimental ' 1 ” " MENTS from the I rOOJ AAnnlnr?tnrr Ot \ The concluding exhibitions of “ The Last X 0 9 , Sole Local Agents:— _____ a three-reel drama, take place to-day.- f A A splendid picture version of the famous play, r \ “ Zaza,” starring Miss Pauline Frederick, will be the r s r + : 3 . k \ VICAR ADD CONGREGATION leading attraction during ithe opening half of next TERMINUS RD. week. In this production we have the remarkable experience of a popular Parisian music-hall singer, who CLIFTS, Writing in his Parish Magazine respecting the recent becomes the mistress of her lover Bernard Dufrene, a National Mission, the Vicar of Holy Trinity (Rev. Q. man about town. Learning she has been deceived and P. Bassett Kerry) observes:— PIANOFORTE T H E MESSIAH.” that Bernard is married and bas a little daughter, Zaza “ We were very glad to see the large numbers tha hits upon a plan of revenge, and is proceeding to MERCHANTS, ■ attended the services, but at the same time I cannot denounce her lover to tbe latter’s wife when she me$ts N e x t W e e k Bernard’s sweet little daughter. - The latter’s charming 'bat express my Own disappointment that so little The fixing of 5 p. m. for the above societies’ concert on . . t interest was taken in the Mission by many of the regular Wednesday was an experiment that might easily have simplicity, her iugenudusness and her thorough gener­ members of our congregation. I thought that for the osity so touch Zaza that she alters her mind, and the EASTBOURNE. National Mission real interest would be taken, and men gone awry. Candidly for snoh a function we do not child's father is saved from disgrace. Totally disillu­ -and Women 'would be willing to exercise some little self- like that hour, which has distinct disadvantages, and sioned, Zaza now dismisses her lover and returns to the N e x t W e e k sacrifice in attending the servioea, quite apart f^om the has, so far as we can see, no recommendations whatever. stage, where she wins enduring fame. help they might hope to get themselves. I suppose There is, at the same time, no gainsaying the snocess of “ The Heart of Sister Ann” is the title of the star the departure on this particular occasion, sinoe the film for Thursday and two following days. The drama meats, and we mast' thank God for those who Town Hall was crowded from end to end, while a is in three reels, and features Miss Edna Flugrath. We attend, and pray the more for those who appare amber of persons were unable to obtain admissibn have in this Btory two penniless sisters, Ann and N e x t W e e k A.11. had little interest in the Oh arch’s great Nati JbalL May, the former a Sincere, straight-living young effort” 'i In identifying the occasion with the cause of “ Our, woman and the other a selfish and frivolous girl, who Blinded Heroes,” the societies'yredded their energies to' becomes associated with a gay set in Paris, ancljs the For the convenience of their many a very splendid and deserving object, and the direct mistress of a wealthy young Russian, Serge Laolqff. In ___ f X. A m ^ r-, I—— —nf In Eastbourne customers Messrs. PARK. THE PIE R . pecuniary benefit arising from the performance is Saqui and Lawrence will open accentuated by the substantial advertisement which the (next week) a branch of tneir concert was the means of affording to a truly noble war “ world-famous business at 109, ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. \ “ DIANA OF DOBSON’S.” Terminus-road, The exoellent performances of thfc Devonshire Park Cicely Hamilton’s highly interesting play, Diana e f ! WtiJi regard to the performance itself, it is possible Orchestra, given nnder Mr. Norfolk Megone’s judicious Dobsons, provides a capital entertainment in the Pier to speak iu terms of the highest praise, for vocalists and direction, nave been attended with tbe customary Theatre this week, the oompany responsible for its instrumentalists alike scored an unmistakeaUe triumph, success during the week. Particular interest centred on presentation being thoroughly capable in all depart­ and added fresh laurels to the profusion already cover­ Wednesday afternoon in tbe performance of Mozart’s ments. Naturally the principal interest is centred in . ing the capable and finely organised bodies of per­ stricken, confesses ever; symphony in O major, “ The Jupiter,” of which the, .the forceful character of Diana, who revolts against tire formers over whom Mr. Fnmms J. Foote, A R A M ., ______Husband and Wife thereupon N e w B r a n c h ! orchestra gave an entirely satisfactory exposition. I living-in system in vogue at Dobson’s emporium, aad» bas presided with constant and oonspiouons snooess for seek oat Ann, bat find she has sought peace in a Another interesting feature of the programme was as soon as a favourable opportunity offers, determines tea i now considerable period of years. -The Messiah was convent. '!•, j ' V AT Stanford's “ Irish Rhapsody.” Wednesday evening’s have a good time with the money that has been tinea— cnoe more the congenial medium of thesooieties’ efforts, Other films , of a diversified character will also be programme was of a popular character, and oonsisted pectedly left to her. Miss Nora Craigie is seen in at and that the task bad been undertaken with earnestness screened. of selections from light operas and musical comedies; very effective portrayal of “ Diana,” her impersonation OLD TOWN CINEMA. On Thursday afternoon the concert assumed a special throughout being characterised bv considerable power Special Accommodation for: fi “ HIS MAJESTY THE BABY.” . j character, owing to the appearance of the talented lady and convincing force.', Mr. H. E. Carter m»h«» a n Storing Private Effects, A very entertaining series of pictures is now before violinist, Miss Stella Ambrose, who was associated with admirable “ Oapfc theHpn. Victor Bretherton,” Diaaate patrons of the above well-appointed cinema. The star the orchestra in Mendelssohn’s concerto for violin and aristocratic lover, who, stung by her taunts regarding MODERATE CHARGES. film is a three-part Thanhouser production, “ Bubbles I orchestra. The work was interpreted with fidelity and his uselessness, sets about earning his own living in The most fascinating display of rather a curious manner. .Mr. Sidney Rennef, as “ Sir in the Glam,” featuring Harris Gordon and Lorraine Jewellery ever brought together artistic effect. Miss Ambrose’s fine rendering of the solo Hnling. It is a sad story of a dissolute young man, part winning for the executante a very hearty and Jabez Griinlay,” gives a distinctly creditable portrait off in Eastbourne will be on view in sustained round of applause. Subsequently Miss the.successfulif somewhat unscrupulous business ——_ who decides to end his life, but is saved by the timely tb9 ir windows and showrooms, arrival of his sweetheart, who persuades him to start Ambrose played with undeniable skill ana finish whilst Miss Agnes Knights is seen in a pleasing imp—- and offered at practically Whole­ son&tion of the lady who, conscious of the failings off life.afresh. . . . ^ sale Prioes. ‘Variations on a Theme by Corelli” (Tartini-Kreisler) Humorous features inolude “ Held for Damages” and ted “ Polonaise in D ” (Wieniawaki). the Captain, endeavours to marry him to Diana, whom “ A Leap Year Triumph,” both of them being very The week’s oonoerts have derived considerable extra she believes to be very wealthy. Other mentorioon diverting. attraotiveness from the charming vocalisation of Miss studies are given by Miss Lilian Warde as “ M in For Monday next and two following days the, 1 0 9 , Catherine Anlsebrook (the cultured Australian oon- Whyte-Fraser, and Miss Elsie Sterling as “ M in management announce the production of “ His Majesty Pringle.” tralto). 1 The oompany oonclude their engagement to-day wills tbe Baby,” a three-act drama, featuring the famous The usual popular Saturday evening orohretral con­ performances at 2.30 and 8. Thanhouser “ Kidlet,” Helen Badgley, her baby TERMINUS RD., cert gives place this week to tne grand oonoert in which brother and Gladys Hulette. It is the story, ofjpkigreat [ Mdme. Kirkby Lnnn is appearing. To-morrow even­ “ THE MANXMAN.” conspiracy, in infant king loses biff thrope for O pposite the S tation . ing the orchestra will present a special programme, The celebrated play, M anxm an, in five/ actn thetime being. Thanks to tbe loyalty of two of his with Mias Alice Phillips (elocutionist), from His adapted from HMICaine’s novel, will be played daring- subjects and the pluck of the little Crown Princess, wbo Majesty’s Theatre, aa the visiting artist. Miss Muriel P R I C E S saves his life at a very critical moment, the young king all next week. The play is full of human touches and. Do not oomplete your Christmas Sims (dramatic soprano) will be the vocalist at the is of absorbing interest. 'Hie jfive acts are looatod in oomeaintp his own again, sifter a good many exciting purchases until von have paid a ; oonoerts on Monday next and three following days. experiences. This is an exceptional picture and one the Isle of Man. There will be a matinee daily at 2.36^ -visit’to Saqni & Lawrenoe. Take and evening performances at 8pn Monday, Wednesday- which is certain to appeal to au classes. The, acting of this unrivalled opportunity of PIERROTT, PIERETTE AND PIANO. ' tbeThanbonser “ Kvdlet” is wonderful and Saturday. The oompany ia under the direction off securing the ideal gift for each The management have arranged for a return visit of, Mr. Frank Weatheijby. ! The miscellaneous pictures will be of the usual of your friends at a real bargain excellence. the above talented oompany of vaudeville entertainers, price. 10 recently made such a highly favourable impression O r T h e y w i l l C e a s e t o .L o o k I at Devonshire Park. The oompany consists of seven FOR Y o u . W rist W atches star artists, with Mr. Will Gane, the popular and DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE.: ROYAL HIPPODROME. original humorist. “ Pierrot, Pierrette and Piano” The Darkened Streets and the nerve-trying of onr daily life are having their A large selection of reliable “THfe PERPLEXED HUSBAND.” VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT. service Wrist Watches with Luminous dials. Invaluable for This fine play of Mr. Alfred jSntro’s is not so modi n. Yon should take advantage of otrr offer and Another week of varieties has been neatly apprecia­ fioers and men on active ser­ travesty of feminist pretensions as a satire upon tire have your sight tested FREE. If them is ted by patrons of the Hippodrome, who have found a vice. From 17/8 upwards. extreme form of that movement which seeks to m*h« of nothing to warrant glasses our Expert will tell j source of considerable pleasure m the entertaining man a kind of hardte-bear but unavoidable family naik. yon sa ______1 qualities of the show. Asian individual, turn Alec Moreover the author has done | his olever work so good- raMMjis/V» • .i - - a • ; j V •. ,i \ ,,, ,. ’ Kendall contributes a very acceptable sbeha, in which Diam ond R ings humouredly that even the most enthusiastic devotees off 4 We can supply yon with a pair of GOLD- his merry patter, original and wittyvkeeps the audience the woman’s cause can find nothing but genuine nmnnr> FILLED RIMLESS GLASSES at our in a hilarious mo6d. Eiquay Beautifully set with perfectly meat in following the course o f the sparkling —* a clever act, which include out and matched diamonds in piquant dialogue and marking1 the development of tire “ Cot” Price work on the part of the lady , 18-ct. gold carved half - hoop admirably oontrived episodes land dramatio situations. is responsible for much iue antics settings. From 60/- On Monday night, when Mr. Harold Y. Neilsonfc keeping the houseoonyulsed with laughter. He is also experienced company opened a week’s engagement, tire a contortionist, and soma of his attitudes are extremely liveliest appreciation was shown of Mr. Sutro’s admir­ 'funpy, Raglus excels as a concertina soloist, his teleck B racelet W atches able production, which is intellectually stimulating ms tionsoin that instrument being executed with marked well as merely entertaining. ability. As a juggler he meets with further suoceas, his Handsome Gold Flexible Bracelet The m o tif and essential factors of the story may bo skill in the manipulation of a number of balls being Watches with highgrade jewelled of a rather unduly protracted turn. Mr. Frank Monok- briefly indicated. Daring a month’s business absence movements. Reliable time­ ton is excellentin the rile of a country curate, and Mr. of her husband the rather impressionable Mrs. Sopbio A talented^eomedienne is seen in Miss Jessie Preston, keepers; from 68/- Alec Main’s ohief -socoess is in a .melodious song of PeHing has become a convert to the cause of ” woman's About half what yon would have to pay who contributes three songs in spirited style. Her appealing sentiment, entitled “ Along way from home.” rights,” as a result of listening to much platform oratory greatest hit is in the popular soldiers’ song, “ Blighty,” Miss Gladys Wynne scores in her vocal mimicry of an and of the personal persuasions of two^ leaders of tire though the other numbers are highly acceptable and infant, and in a song descriptive of lndiorons attempts movement—Clarenoe Woodhouse, a somewhat eocentrie effectively rendered. A series of strikingly beautiful to break through the bashfulness of a. yokel admirer. and impecunious old professor, and Duloie Elstead, a pictorial poses is contributed by Ninette, the various Mr. George Ken ward, Mias Edith Beverley and Miss voluble and determined exponent of the cause—who pictures in which she figures being cleverly arranged Lilian Ri»n are also excellent in the parts assigned to somehow have become installed at the Pollings’ resi­ and including a number of patriotic tableaux. Cedar them. dence. Accordingly, on his return, instead <3 being H&Ueli ’ amusing duologue, “ Ye Dayee “ The Tourists” conclude their visit to-day with greeted with the accustomed tender effusivenrev of oidkff, ___ ..... Thomas Pelting finds in his erstwhile devoted wife a songs find a ready acceptance. performances at 3 and 8 o’clock. oold, stem woman, who promptly sets to work to assert London’s Largest Jewellers, MDME. KIRKBY LUNN. herself and to make it plain that they must live hence­ the lovely number “ Behold the Lamb of God,” to j NEXT WEEK’S ENTERTAINMENT. forth on a strict tine of sex equality. It is some tii— Which the vocalists imparted apt devotional feeling and There will be another variety entertainment next SPECIAL CONCERT TO-NIGHT. before the distressed husband reoovers from the state off restraint The (Jrqhestral accompaniment attained a week, the following artists bring engaged, to appear:— 1 0 9 , Great interest attaches to the visit to-night of Mdme. stupefaction into which the new conditions have thrown generally high level of efficiency, and both the intro­ The Romps (musical scena), Orpheus.(iq a musical Kirkby Lunn, the snperb contralto vocalist, who is him; but then, acting on a hint from his sister, Agatha duction and the Pastoral Symphony were played in a surprise”), WalLesby (


EXPERT PACKERS. At the LEAF NALL, SEASIDE, on TUESDAY. The pupils of Endcliffe gave three very snaoessfnl performances on Monday and Tuesday afternoons and ■ - - December lttk , 1916, S ir: With every respect for Mr. Page’s enthusiasm onW ed Wednesday evening-of scenes from Dickens’ oharming -A w « w ia n J. c. WRIGHT tale. The Cricket on the Hearth. As the proceeds were (which takes the form of very long letters to the Press FURNITURE DEP08ITORIB8 on behalf of the St. Dunatan’s Hostel for Blinded and much advice grata’s), I beg leave to doubt whether (President of the Society ), will give Soldiers and Sailors and the Treloar Homes for Crippled there are in Eastbourne at the present time any men V ictoria S tation LONDON, 8.W. Children, it was gratifying to the Misses Haywood and (irrespective of rank or age) withont their work in some “A TALK ABOUT the LAND.* shape or form. However, supposing that there are any Tm um nm Gates ...— . BRIGHTON. - Book, who promoted the entertainments, to find them To ooshmenoe at 7.90 p.m. so well patronised; indeed, at eaoh of the threeper- considerable number of men with nothing to do, if 66, Gaovs Boad. EASTBOURNE, formanoea the room was crowded to overflowing. Three their services are really required for digging then scenes were chosen, and these having been ably drama- undoubtedly they should oe paid (by results for choice). I do not wish to emulate the length of Mr. Pages the audiences thoroughly enjoyed the letters, so I must state briefly that charity in this form young and clever artiste. Toe followii w not only objectionable in itself, but is also economically the eeenes: Mias Mary Halford (“ John nnsound. )'.• Yours truly, ' "K < A. BRIGSTOOKE. f Bhonpant, Eastbourne, 6th D ea, 1916.

fetkof? FS ihM •®n^ £162fco the KitchenerMei»oriAl, ' V ' .v

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DECEM BER 9, 1916. . ra p * L. V- ' r,. a d t M a rk i y l b l ( J « Registered. their feet* The speech differs essentially frona ■ the report, which latter Mr. Scott very n a tu r ­ !W Su ppo r tin g ELASTIC STOCKINGS ally resents a s holding him up to ridicule. . J. , from 2a. 64. each. , ' !-— 1 i ’ St >SES, BANDAGES & SURGICAL BELTS, flea,, of every description. C u l t iv a t io n o p W a s t e *La n d . ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, CRUTCHES, ICO., V e r y little of a practical nature can be extracted from the Town Council’s discussion U seful on^the proposal to utilise waste land for the growing of potatoes. It was something, no Owing to the recent spell of cold weather the demand for Coal F A B U E E ’ 8 aoubtr to get a unanimous vote in favour of obtaining' particulars of available ground and X m a s has been Very, great. Although we have good supplies, the 8TJBGI0AL SUPPORTS DEPOT of formulating a scheme for cultivating 1 th e 80, QUEEN’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. tabulated plots. But it would have Jbeen more labour question has become so acute that we are finding it immediately interesting and encouraging if difficult to cope with our orders, apd in s6me instances ar«j the Council had defined the principles on G ifts. which they expect such a novel underbaking compelled to send part of' the order—just sufficient to keep CONVERT YOUR to be.suooessfully pursued. Take the question our Customers going. We should,-therefore, be obliged if of labour. Where is the necessary consider­ OLD GRATES . . able force to come from if the scheme is to be Every Department is now replete with our Customers would give us as long notice as possible. of dimensions sufficient to make the project INTO NEW BY a L a r g e S e l e c t io n o f A r t ic l e s of 11th . Unfortunately there are some people who think it may be of any appreciable public value? The Cor- USING ..... oration themselves have no superfluous all descriptions suitable for presentation. impossible to get Coal after Christmas, consequently are 5tbour, and it is difficult to believe that the ordering in large supplies, thereby increasing our difficulties. “ leisured class” is prepared to supply the “ THE COSY” requisite hands for voluntary work of this nature. A solution of the problem may be easiest found, perhaps, in handing over the Bring the Children to see the ADAPTABLE land to the Eastbourne allotment holders and other working men, and in giving the actual . TOY; BAZAAB, and the . > BARLESS workers a remunerative interest in the pro­ ceeds of the enterprise. “Special Attraction” provided FIRES. -t! j .,. ■ flew nal anb for them.

T hkkb S izes 14" 16" 18" We are sorry to learn that Mr. Charles H. Haine, one ’ . PRICE EACH. of the oldest and best known residents of Eastbourne, 1 1 / 6 and formerly an alderman of the borough, is lying Best finish Black, Call and see one fixed. seriously ill at his residence, Cavendish-place, Yester­ day, we are informed, Mr, Haine was not so well. OB BY & CO, L t d . In the reeent election at Wellington College we note that E .. A. Blair (from Mr. Vaughan Wilkes’ St. m s. SQUIRE & CO., Cyprian’S School) has been elected to the first open scholarship in classics. FUENISHINfl IRONMONGERS, Mr. E. C. Strange (managing director of Plummer j T h e A rcade & Term inus Road, i S. BRADFORD & SONS Roddis, Ltd,), has, we are informed, accepted the invitatibii of the Eastbourne Advertising Association to 22. TERMINUS ROAD succeed Alderman Simmons as its chairman. Mr, Strange has hitherto rendered good service as deputy ! EASTBOURNE. ! 2, Station Parade E s t a b l i s h e d 1828. T eleph o n e No. 1157. (jhairmaii -• ■ On St. Thomas’s Day, December 21st, at Chichester, ! j S A V IO U R ’S, EASTBOURNE. the Rev. S. E. Kirkley (curate at St. Mary’s, East­ !______^ ______» bourne) will be ordained priest. He has now recovered his bodily health and is fit for full work in the parish. T H E M E S S IA H ” (Handel), Mr. J. 0. Miller, who has often read the lessons at EVERYTHING for CYCLES and M OTOR CYCLES. Wlll'Be rendered by the St. John’s Church, Eastbourne, and helped in the D i e d S u d p e n l Y cON H is W i f e ’s B i r t h d a y . CHORUS & ORCHESTRA of the EASTBOURNE parish, is to be ordained to the assistant curacy of Holy LOCAL NEWS. —Mr. William Edouard Burton, a retired tea planter, Prompt Cycle and Motor Cycle Repairs. CHORAL and ORCHESTRAL UNION, Trinity, Hastings. , , agod 67 years, died suddenly at his residence in South- Conductor ...... James R. D ear, Mus. Bac., street on Thursday evening. The deceased gentleman, , _____ ACCESSORIES, HIRING, PETROL, OIL, TYRES. The Earl of Ronaldshay, M.P., has been appointed T IM E S of HIGH WATER & LIGHTING-UP NEW INNER TUBBS, 2)8 to 5/-. COVERS, 5/- to 11/-. SPECIAL LINES. On TUESDAY EVENING, December 12th, a t 8, and High Water. Lighting who had {been in indifferent health for somo time, had Governor of Bengal, in succession to Lord Carmichael resided ip Eastbourne for about four years, and WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, December 13th, a t S. of Skirling, whose term of office will expire in April Morn. After. Up Saturday, Dec. 9 ...... 10.37 10.55 - 4.19 formerly' carried on the Marlborough Tea Rooms in D0TTLL, the Cycle and Motormaa, 48, GROVE ROAD. Soloists: Miss Eileen Lyons, Miss V era Greatrex, next. Lady Ronaldshay is the second daughter of Grove-road. The event i3 rendered additionally sad ’Phone 608. Garage and Workshop: 1, WEST STREET. Mr. Henry Holyoake, Mr. George Parker. Col. Mervyn Archdale, Odessa Lodge, Cornfield-road, 8u n d a y , Dec. 10 ...... 11.16 11.36 „ 4.19 from the fact that it occurred on his wife’s birthday. Organist ... Dr. M. P. Conway. Eastbourne, and she has a son and three daughters. M onday, D ec. 11 ....„ 11.54 0.15 _ 4.19 L e a d e r...... Mr. A lbert Rowarth. Viscount Gage has been promoted to the temporary Tuesday, Dec. 12 ...... 0.28 0.53 _ 4.19 “ A R a m b l e T h r o u g h B e l g iu m .” — O n rank of captain while commanding a Company of the W e d n esd ay . Dec. 13.. 1. 2 1.28 _ 4.19 Thursday evening a lecture, entitled “ A Ramble Coldstream Guards. T h u rsd a y , D ec. 14 .... 1.34 2. 3 - 4.19 Through Belgium before the War,” was given at the Technical Institute by Dr. EL Habgood, who in the m p i r e c l u b , s o u t h - s t r e e t Major W. C. Millward, who has been promoted to Friday, Dec. 15...... 2. 5 2.40 - 4.19 TH E PEERLESS . substantive field rank in the Royal Sussex Regiment, is course of his remarks dealt in a highly interesting E (Opposite C hronicle Offloe), the second in oommand of a Service Battalion. He manner with various towns both from un nistorical and present-day standpoint. After giving a brief history obtained his commission 8i the regiment in November, R o y a l S o c ie t y f o r P r e v e n t i o n o f C r u e l t y Is Now Opened Da ily from 4.30 till 9, 1914. j . , to Animals, Eastbourne Branch. Hon. Sec., Miss of the country ana outlining the route of the tour, Dr. Habgood dealt more closely with the places visited, INDIA RUBBER , . for the Girls and their Soldier Friends. | The will of the late Sir H. Benbow (78), D.S.O., Locke Paddon, 1, Compton-street. Subscriptions Osborne House, Eastbourne, late Chief Inspector of are urgently needed, andid may be paid to the Hon. which included many well-known towns now under Machinery in the Navy, has been proved a t £15,114. Treasurer, H enry Holyoake. Esq., ‘‘Fairmont,’ German ocoupation.—Mr. Bulman presided, and the 3, De Roos-road, or a t Lloyds Bank, Ltd. All com­ largo audience followed the lecture, which was illus­ Light Refreshments. Games. Lieut.-Col. G. S. Whitfeld, of the Sussex Yeomanry, plaints should be addressed to Inspector E. W. trated by numerous lantern slides, with evident appre­ HOT w iTEE BOTTLE. was one of the officers specially mentioned in the Cowley, 1a, Compton-street, Eastbourne. Music, fitc. ciation. despatohifom General Sir Archibald Murray, K.C.B., H i g h -c l a s s F o o t w e a r . N o better value. Commander-in-Ohief of the Egyptian. Expeditionary New season’s goods.—J. J. Saunders, 106, South- C h r is t m a s P u d d in g s , f o r t h e A r m y .— Force, for distinguished service during the operations street (between St. Saviour's Churoh and Devon- At the request of the Mayor, Mr. C. A. Leatham, J.P., between' the 1st June and 30th September last. shiro-plaoe). reoently kindly undertook to receive local subscriptions GUARANTEED FOR Major Gant, of Willow Hyrst, Chiddingly, has just L u m in o u s W a t c h e s , invaluable for night towards the Daily Telegraph fund for sending Christmas puddings to the troops of the British Army. Mr. 4 M ON THS celebrated his 100th birthday. He was formerly a use, reliable time keepers, from 18s. 6d. Clients solicitor in London and is a Freeman of the City. His own Watches and Clocks made Luminous.—F. G. Leatham obtained £23. 16a; 6d., and the Mayor yester­ father was Lieut.-Col. Gant, formerly Deputy-Governor Clemen ce, Goldsmith, Silversmith and Watchmaker, day forwarded a cheque for that amount to the ASTBOURNE MASTER BAKERS’ AND 18, Cornfleld-road, Eastbourne. Phone 782. Telegraph. E CONFECTION ERS’ ASSOCIATION. of the Tower of London. Major Gant was for a lengthy period a member of the iHailsham Rural District No t ic e .—A ll those who wish to W arehouse P resentation .—C ouncillor J. Prior, who PRICE 64, G hoye-boad. Council anc( Board of Guardians. their Furniture should not do so until they have has done muoh to promote the interests of local allot­ Inspected Messrs. G. E. Maynard’s, Limited, Ware­ ment holders, was on Saturday presented with a marble houses, which are the finest in Eastbourne. Estimates clock by the holders of plots of land of which the OBTAINED OF CHRISTMAS OAKES. free.—Note the address, G. E. Maynard, Limited, PRISONERS OF WAR. Removal and Storage Contractors, Grevstone- Compton Estate has temporarily giveu the free use. W. H. BEADING & CO., Ltd., Ironmongers, GEOVE EOAD It has been decided that from patriotic reasons buildings, South-street, Eastbourne. Mrs. Prior also received a pair of ornamental figures. Sugar should Not be Used for Ioing Christmas T a i l o r in g for Ladies and Gentlemen at H a r t M e e t i n g o f F i r e m e n . — Eastbourne was or New Year Oakes this year. THE COLLECTION AMONG DOMESTIC and 8on’s, 24, Terminus-road, also at 184 and 186, the venue on Saturday of the annual meeting of the SERVANTS. Regent-street, London, W. Service Outfits and Breeches, Coats and Skirts, Riding Habits, Astride South Coast District Council of the National Fire ' V . Coats, eta '(West End Cutter and Fitter). Brigades Union. The Duke of Devonshire was re­ elected president; Hon, Captain Strickland (Hailsham) FOB ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO, CIGARS and CIGARETTES TBY To the E ditor. V K e e p O u t t h e F r o s t . — No gardener’s and Alderman J. Miles (Lewes) were elected vice- S»V; About six weeks ago you publisheA.a letter from attention required if a “ Domus” bailer is installed. presidents ; Oapt. J. A. Hounsom (Eastbourne) was D O U L I i , The Tobacconist, 56b, GROVE BOADi ’Pho me suggesting that a collection should be'1 made in aid Cost for gas a halfpenny per hour. Estimate of cost appointed one of the_ delegates to the Central Chamber. BURTON HOU8E, Selw y n -road, of the Prisoners of War among those employed in free.—Eastbourne Gas Co. ’ Several matters of interest to firemen were discussed, W o u n d e d a n d M is s in g . — Pte. Ronald and it was suggested a special effort should be made to Parcels sent to our Troops in any part of the World. EASTBOURNE, ' domestic service, and it met with such a hearty response . CARRIAGE PAID AND POST FUlEE. that the result has been even more successful than at Parkhouse (Worcester Regiment), son Of Mr. and Mrs. strengthen the Widows and Orpnans Benevolent Fund. Is now Opkn as a first anticipated.! The collectors gave much time and Parkhouse, of Old Town, was reported wounded on Tea was provided for the company, and Capt. Hounsom K B , B P T H E TRENCH PIPES BURNING. I ./ 1 . ' ... ■ r. energy to their work, and almost every road was can­ November 5th. Since that date fib further information was thanked for the excellent arrangements he had. School for Domestic Science for vassed, the substantial sum of £57. 8s. 2d. being raised. has been received by his parents as to his whereabouts, made for the day’s meeting. The Wjiole amount has been sent to headquarters for or the nature of his injuries. the benefit of the prisoners, a certain amount being P r in c e s s A l i c e M e m o r ia l H o s p i t a l Gentlewomen. H o m e N u r s in g L e c t u r e s .—Particulars of specialty Piloted to those of the Sussex Regiment. supported by /voluntary contributions.—The following a forthcoming course of lectures on nursing are giypn in is the weokly return of patients for week ended RESIDENT & DAILY STUDENTS RECEIVED .i-i AUUiH \ Yours truly, *i : afi advertisement. The Hon. Class. Secretary i^Miss for Training in footing, 'Dressmaking, Ijaundry- Dec. 6th: Number of patients Nov. 29th, 44; SEASIDE ROAD. 8, Dalton-road, Meads, EDITH JACOB.1 A. Whitfield* U> Arlington-read, to whom persons admitted during, the week, 14; discharged during the CINEMA; work, Millinery, First Aid, Gardening, &a, under a ; 8 * ® e c ., 1916. ; / desiring to join are asked to apply. * week, 15; died, 0; remaining in hospital at date, 43. Fully-qualified Staff. j ‘ ’T h e Collectors W ere— B i b l e S o c ie t y .^ -T h e w o rk o f the British This hospital is open to the inspection of visitors on Sundays, Wednesdays and Bank Holidays from 2 to Mrs. Luck, at Terminus-buildings. and Foreign Bible Society is to be brought before the For Prospectus, apply to Mrs. Diplook, at the Military Hospital. congregations of many of the churches to-morrow 4 p.m. Additional annual subscribers are urgently needed. Contributions will be thankfully received by TO-DAY (SATURDAY), December 9th. MRS. LATHBURY. 'M rs. Gnrr, a t 8,-DaltOn-road, (Sunday). Subscriptions ire urgently required by the Mr. H. F. George, at 39, Upperton-gardens. Society in order to maintain its valuable activities; and the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. 0. O’Brien Harding, .T.P., Mrs. Pugh, ait 3; Ditton’s-road. 15, South Cliff. House visitor: Mr. Benjamin Brad­ Miss M, Addis, At Aldro School. Meads. contributions may be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Dr. “ A U D B ET/' A. P. Sherwood, 8, Seaside-road. ford. iow of fit what Miss Kate Austen, at Queenavls, Meads. WITH The maids at the Servant’s Hall, 8t. Andrew’s. ; I n c o m e T a x C o n c e s s io n s .—A lthough the t oply (does it Miss Mary Ann Bishop, at Warren Hill School, Meads. A T a l k A b o u t t h e L a n d .”—A m e e tin g , to the widowa arranged by the Eastbourne and District Allotment and scale of Abatements has been reduced, every individual Mi88'Brooke. at de Walden Lodge, Carlisle-read. whose income does not exceed £2,000. per annum is, i their lives in PAULINE FREDERICK. Miss Barton, at Sea View. Royal-parade. Smallholders’ Society, will bo held-iqt the Leaf Hall on . it also helps Miss Bro«n, at 7, Orchard-road. Tuesday evening next. The President (Alderman J. C. under the Finance Act, 1916, entitled to a considerable ervioe who are SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1916. Miss Nellie Christmas, at 8. Dalton-road. reposes to have “ A Talk About the Land,” Rebate of Tax or an allowance on Assessment. Prior ident on their M ONDAY, Dec. 11th, and Two Following Days, Miss Collins, a t Oakleigh. The Goffs. :ht of the national necessity for its more to this year persons whose incomes exceeded £700 per Miss Coburn, at 3. Ditton’s-road. annum-enjoyed no abatement and relief: now the limit Miss Dorothy Compton, at 36, St. John’s-road. extensive and profitable cultivation. All interested, MABY PICKFOBD including ladies, are invited to the lecture. is increased to £2,000, so that relief on a graduated scale is Miss Chatqpry. at BroombiU, Meads. to be enjoyed by thousands of additional tax-payers when STRAY NOTES Miss Dehtay. a t Sea View, Grand-parade. Miss .Goldsmith, a t 16, South Cliff. A c c id e n t .—An accident the other day befel claimed. All those whose incomes are derived from Divi­ Miss Haffem, at Aldro School, Meads. Mrs. Joseph Paxton at 4, Grange-road, through slipping dends, Annuities, &a, can make a substantial provisional Miss Hickman, at 9. Upperton-gardens. on some damp leaves. After suffering intense pain, claim now in respect of the first half of 1916-1917, i.c., P a r a d e B a n d . Miss Ingleton, at The Hill. Willingdon-road. which did not yield satisfactorily to treatment, she was to 5th October. Those whose incomes are derived partly Miss Kyte, at Hingsland House, Oarlislo-road. TH UBSDA Y, Dec. 14th, and Two Following Days, con tra ct taken on a,n ambulance to The Avenue and examined or wholly from Property can, by making certain claims, A is a contract and the parties Miss M pffatt, at Sea View. under the X-rays by Dr. Harman, who discovered the secure immediate relief. The Eastbourne and District with practical D a i n t y a n d thereto are, of course, bound by its terms. Mias Mackay. at Warren Hill School, Meads. Income Tax Reclamation Society, of 7, Bolton-road, East­ len, who having- Hence the Corporation are under no legal Miss Rhute, at 13, Cross-road. thigh bone had been fractured. Mrs. Paxton is now in education ana, HAZEL DAWN Miss North, at Mostyn Hotel; splints, and it is feared that some five or six weeks must bourne, offer all tax-payers advice on the steps, in many ass to remain Inexpensive as 7 obligation to' vary by the smallest coin of the Miss Olding, at Olovelly-Keppleston School, Meads. elapse before she is able to leave her bed. cases very intricate, necessary to secure the maximum n do xr hnai'nacia ** realm the financial arrangement under which' Miss Pallet, at St. Anthony's School allowances. No preliminary fees are charged; but should day business. Miss Rows, a t 16, South Cliff. Q u e e n A l e x a n d r a C o t t a g e H o m e s .—T h e the Society secure for claimant monetary relief, either BLOUSDS “THE SALES LADY.” the Devonshire Park Company’s military band recent concert of the Mandarinettes produced a sum of has performed on the Grand-parade. But the Miss Saydfcs, at 24. Arlington-read. by repayment or by discharge of Property Tax or other Miss Alice 8mith, a t BrOomhill, Meads. £23.174.4d. towards providing winter comforts for the Assessments, they charge for their services a small F o r X m a s G i f t s Other Films in addition to above, including >resent war has produced a material change Miss Ticehupst, at Warren Hill, Meads. inmates of the above nomes. Miss Ware, at 17, Upperton-road. inclusive fee'based strictly on the amount of actual g A ttko-n t g r a p h i c . n local economic Conditions, and agreements repayment or saving in Tax. {entered into previously have in cert&in Miss Woodward, at 36, Carlisle-read. E a s t b o u r n e C l a s s ic a l C o n c e r t s . — T h e Seats, 4


Alderman Duke observed that If every Corporation would grow a certain .number of potatoes toe price RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL TOWN COUNCIL. would Very soon have to come down, and therefore they would do a lasting benefit to the country. Some­ SEA ENCROACHMENT thing should be done t6 use the various waste plots AT PEVEN8RY' about the town. , BAY. Mr. Prescott as Army Roads Officer. Alderman Martin said he was qmte willing to let T h i s D a y ’s the Corporation have a plot of ground if they would -\ till it (hear, hear). • - . . The monthly meeting of the Eastbourne Rural Councillor WOOD advocated that the Council optain POTATO CULTIVATION. A t t r a c t i o n District Council was held p-t Avenue House/ The a supply of seed potatoes quickly. Avenue, yesterday. Mr. R u p e r t S. Gw y n n e, M .P., ( Alderman WRIGHT said h e was in opmmunicattwi presided, and there were also present Lieut.-Col/ with the Mayor of Brighton on the subject, as Brigh­ Owen, C.M.G., C.I.E. (vice-chairman), the Rev. J. T. i n o u r CORNER ^ j ton had gone into the question. to a very large Bums, the Rev. A. A. Evans, Mr. J. You ell, Mr C. THE DEVONSHIRE PLACE TREES. extent. j , Thomas, Mr. A. S. Haynes, Mr. J. L. Reid^Mr. G. 1 Alderman Simmons moved that the committee Hornsby, Mr. F. J. Hickman, Mr. J. Biroh and Mr. TEA LOUNGE. should consult with the various landowners *£d should T. E. Varley Kirtlan. (clerk). have power to act, and this was seconded by Coun­ WAR ALLOWANCES to CORPORATION Mr. Sloman, of Barking-road, London, wrote as cillor Fox and carried. . . MUSICAL TEAS The report as thus amended was then adopted. follows: “ On or about November 4th two years ago EMPLOYES. the sea came up within five yards of my house and 4 To 6 P.M. | PUBLIC LIBRARIES COMMITTEE. land known as-The Towers facing toe sea at Pevensey On the proposition of Alderman Wright, Bsoonded Bay. On the 7th November, 1916, the sea has come The monthly meeting of the Council was held at the round each side of my house and come- over my land.- VOCALIST: bv Councillor Easter, the recommendations of toe Town Hall on Monday, when there were present :— above committee were approved without discussion. I t seem s to me that since the Commissioners put the breakwaters at Norman’s Bay and extended there Mayor The (Alderman O. O’Brien Harding) in the chair. MISS EDITH* TAYLOR. SANITARY COMMITTEE. towards Pevensey Bay, when the tide flows from The Deputy Mayor (Councillor O. W. Bolton). MISS TANNER, Accompanist Councillor Fox moved, and Alderman Masrtin Eastbourne it sends the beach from Povensey Bay Alderman E. Duke , ' Alderman W. Sharp and PianPianist. seconded, the adoption of this committee’s proceed­ and the breakwaters keep the boaoh at Norman Bay. Alderman H. W. Keay Alderman C. F. Simmons ings. , , . Therefore these is less beach in Pevensey Bay. By Alderman M. Martin Alderman J. C. Wright Councillor Avard referred to- a recommendation to seeing into it you will oblige. I don’t want my Councillor R. Alee Councillor F. Hollins TD., grant mi additional temporary increase of 2s. to tort house and land washed away.” Councillor A. Avard Councillor D. Knight H. W. NICHOLSON L' grave-diggers and gardeners at ©eklynge Cemetery. Councillor T. Beal Councillor H. Morgan Mr. Y ou ELL said the encroachment of the sea waa Councillor B. Bradford Councillor Niedermayer He was in favour of the increase, hart he asked if ttytte very serious, but he did not know whether it was the Councillor F. A. Carter Councillor J. W. Pearson Successors to Evendens, was any distinction made between* the gardeners?' duty of that Council to protect the property of Mr. Councillor A. A. Chapman Councillor J. Prior CounoSIor Fox: There is no distinction. They will Sloman and other owners. It would have to be dealt Councillor J. Duke Councillor J. Pulsford EASTBOURNE. all have their increase. with in the near future. Councillor J. Easter Councillor J. Rawles Council&r A vard thought there should be a heiYI The Rev. A. A. E vans said he thought it was a Councillor J. Eden Councillor S. Bussell gardener who was responsible for outside work. Councillor S. N. Fox Councillor G. B. Soddy matter for the Commissioners of the Levels. Councillor A. L. Wood Co unoil Ibr F o x : There is a man wRo is at the head Mr. YoUELL: That only goes so far as to protect Councillor J. Hoadley of the men,1 and he saves the Corporation a great, The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue), the Borough, the land, but "there is a considerable stretch of beach Surveyor (Mr. A. E. Prescott); the Building Surveyor deal of money by growing plants. between this and the land. —r. W ...... The report was approved. T he Chairman also expressed the opinion that it WATCH c o m m it t e e :- was entirely a matter for the Commissioners, bat said it was their duty to protest to the Commissioner!! suffered from the neglect of people to observe the Councillorr Bolton proposed, and. Alderman Borough Acoountaht (Mr. flL Burrell). if the putting up of groynes in ono place had denuded The absentees were Alderman T. B. Rowe and Aider- rule of the pavement. Some months ago the Mayor S immons seconded, the confirmation of this com­ issued an appeal to the publio to keep to the right. mittee’s minutes, which were agreed too without dis- another place of beach. There was no evidence of man J. 0. Towner; Councillors C. Breach, F. O. Durell, that at present. F. J. Huggett and A. J. Marshall.. Would he repeat that? OUSS&Ml. *. ■ ■ The Mayor said he was afraid Eastbourne was It was decided to inform Mr. Sloman that too INDISPOSED. ' yery indifferent to the practioe of observing the FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES groynes are a matter for the Commissioners and that Councillor Breach wrote apologising for his absence, 'Yule of progress. That applied both to pedestrian ■ ..i,. COMMITTEE. toe Council have got no power in the matter. which, he said, was due to an attack of influenza, and vehicular traffic. He should be pleased to do Alderman Duke, in moving the adoption of the H ighways Committee. from which M had not yet recovered. what .he could to call attention to the matter.. above committee’s recommendations, remarked that East Dean.—A letter was road from too agent to The Mayor said Councillor Breach was very Alderman Simmons was about to add some they were asking, the Council to confirrri die re­ the Gilbert Estate, accompanied- by a plan, in regard regular in his attendance and they were sorry ho was remarks, but the Mayor, interposing, said there oould appointment of- Messrs. Martin & FarloW,, Ltd., as to two tracks across a field at Underhill, East Dean, kept away by indisposition. be no discussion. professional auditors for another year. They had one diagonally across the field and one along its THE LORD KITCHENER NATIONAL ASYLUMS VISITING COMMITTEE. served -the Council very well indeed in the past and northern boundary. It was stated that the latter hns our are rimple,” says Mr. Brett Young, “ with-the fine Surveyor, and that Is. 6d. per yard seemed a reason­ and sa,y how soon you oould embark? Maybury.’ I vice Councillor Hollins, who asked to be allowed to. employes on account of too war. He thought the able price under present conditions. withdraw. ratepayers must realise they were dealing generously i wealths consist? In the short narrative or ball ad, in simplicity of toe Greek anthology;: they have feel it my duty to place my services at the disposal contemplative, speculative, philosophic poetry , and poetic richness and warmth of colour-unknown since District Surveyor’s Report.—This was read, of of the Military Authorities, and in this sinoerojy BUILDINGS COMMITTEE. with toe employpsr. and they were able to do what Keats, and they; show toe unfailing moral dignity which the following is a summary :-^~ trust you and. all the members of the Council will On the proposition of Councillor Chapm an, they could not do in their private capacity for in eve*sr form) of lyric. (a.) The general work had proceeded satisfactorily, employes who'were serving their King and country. We are going especially along two lines, an d ana whioh Yoltaire assigned as the special birthright of concur. I therefore ask', in the probable event of seconded by Councillor Alce, the report of the above Aide ...... toe English poets.”] Says Arthur Symons: “This and, in spite of adverse oonaitions, toe state of toe the position being offered me, to be ^relieved from committee, which recommended approval of various ___ierman Duke paid' a warm tribute to the work of carrying: out the noblest traditions of English p oetry. man haw pot into his verse only what remains when roads was still fairly good. i my civil duties for such time: as 'the Military plans, was adopted. the Acting Borough Aorountant (Mr. Burrell), who, We are- great in the virion and interpretati; on of all the others have finished; it is a kind' of essence (6.) Westham.—^Considerable inconvenience/ had Authorities require my services, and that you may ho said, undertook a heavy responsibility when Mr. Nature,, and in the utterance of our national li fe, to) it is what is imperishable in perfume.”' been caused by flooding of the road near the Railway- extend to me similar privileges I to those already EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Sparrow joirteid the CaTaurs. His work had been which I think must be added toe interpretsti oh of Hotel owing to the difficulty in tracing the course of granted to other chief officials of the Corporation The report of the. Education Committee (partly thoroughly well' ’ddne and in the abstract of accounts Ufeeae^we are beginning to understand it. Al nd in The lyrics of Robert Bridges are fresh with the various old drains which were apparently defective. reproduced in another column) was etibmitted by they had ’ everything set forth in a most dear and toe criticism of life we are not wanting; iude ed, E soent of'toe English countryside. They march'with A sketch plan of proposals for remedying toe state serving with His Majesty’s Forces. toe seasons and all the misty change* of English “ Yours faithfully, Councillor H ollins, who moved its adoption, Coun­ concise manner. The best thanks of the Council hope da* too w later on thati the problem of exist ence;, of affairs was submitted. Resolved that the matter cillor Duke seconding, -5 were due to Mr.. Burrell' for his excellent work, which so far re- it relates to man, has never reoeiv* )d so> weather.. He is one of toe’ few poets who have dared be left in the hands of the Surveyor.. “Ernest A. P rescott.” to take the lanes and meadowa for granted without .. .. i j , , 1 R^Phvhig to Councillor PRIOR, Councillor H o llin s had been done under difficult chroumstanoes. H e had much thought for centuries. (a) Alfriston.—The extension of the raised path, The MAYOR said toe posit to which M r. Presoott said the variation in the remuneration voted toe oare- had to train a practically new staff and he had Despite alii detractors, there is no lack in o u r craving to «ay something fine about them. He has near Longbridge turning had been completed, sub­ hadJ 1been invited ' was an important one, as“ 11the matter takers of different schools was due to the fact that surprised the committee by the able manner in which midst- o£ writers of real merit, bringing “ beai ltifull wot the charming language of Tennyson,, but he is ject to improvement of the surface; after settlement of serviceable roads at the Front immensely affected toe duties differed. The matter had, he said, been he had carried outr hie duties. things made.-new ” to our. Haunts and homes. F oeta wimple and perfectly, natural.- “There is hardly a A small claim might be made by'the tenant of toer the question of our military progress. Although thoroughly discussed, and the circumstances of each Alderman SiMMUNS1 seconded the motion. essayists and cunning masters of fiction aba und. poem irr Jus five books of lyrics that give® inch an field for surface damages and loss of crop. * niirc. - effect of severe form,” remarks a critic re “The sorry to lose Mr. Prescott, they would feel they case taken into account. The speaker also spoke, in Councillor Beal asked for information respecting There iri Robert Bridges^, toe now Lauieat (d.) Wannock-lane.—The work of re-construrtion. ought to led; him go. support of toe proposed expenditure of £50 in provid­ and*tendon-ana spring dawn;,with much of U t o l r was commenced on 9th inst., and had made satisfac­ the storage of furniture for soldiers and the wives of The purity of craftsmanship which is- manifest in Alderman Simmons said they must congratulate ing accommodation at toe Boys’ Secondary School soldiers. It was suggested, he' said, that toe charges graesr.andmajesty of Milton,.if aBso sometl . of the tory progress. Authority was requested to clone tha their Engineer on this appointment, which reflected for an additional class roomT* were rather highland he inquired whether it was not greatraat -Puritan’s;irui lofty aloefnew. There .udy 'ord all Dr. Bridges’ work cannot fail to give pleasure road between the British Queen and Wannock Teat honour on toe town. They would wish Mr. Prescott Alderman Simmons regretted it had not been Kipling;.no mere banjo pseA.but a master ‘ win gedl we seem to be at toe threshold of some- stately Gardens during toe daytime if necessary, so aa to possible to take some empty houses in the district for cathedral! in which toe windows are not. sos “ richly ood luck, and Would hope that toe roads he might possible to provide a better exit for the pupils. He the purposes of 'storage'.. word*,-, with the musky odour and. sowing past aon, facilitate the work and guard against accidents. fe enabled to make in France would expedite toe recognised the difficulties, but did not admit they of Infliai in- bis 'Tales from toe ! #,”■ the perl ?eot. Idight,” as that toe masonry is of exquisite refine Resolved to recommend that sanction be given. victory for which they were eagerly looking. He were insuperable. He objected to the proposed Alderman D uke : I am afraid the suggestion would meet, .with a garland of lily work—to, barrow # (e.) Park-lane, Willingdon.—A letter waa submitted not work out much cheaper, because we should have off the moving^ story ns hi# “ Capti .ins* moved that toe condition mentioned in Mr. Prescott’s expenditure of £12 in supplying bicycle stands for Courageous,,”' and a divinacin#pinatijQ» m his Scriptural! phrase^upon every pillar. He is a singer from Miss Goodwin, of The Elms, requesting th at letter be agreed to. the soholars. In his sohool days going to school on to pay toe rent of empty houses. gioaal.” never surpassed hr English ’verse. Then > i*i who lives devoted to the strictest muse. He cares the frontage of. the premises should be cleared by Alderman Martin, in seconding, said the selection bicycles was not considered • necessary even when a Councillor B eal :: You would store more. Alfred Noyes; a singer we . are proud to welcoi ne, ]no* to mix with the outside world. In the upper removal of toe weeds, &c., on the: grass verges, bat Was an advertisement for Eastbourne. It showed longer distance had to be covered, and he did. not Alderman D u k ei: I question that. We asked for rapidly rising by sheer merit to “seoreteet heig hte 'reaches off the Thames, at Chilswell, Boar’s:Hill, near it did not appear that the Council' had recognised the War Office knew where r to (come to get a good think' the practioe was one that ought to be tenders from- furnishers in the town, and the charge of fame.” There is William Watson, who, had he Oxford, he lives in pastoral seclusion. Though the any liability for this work, which had usually been .man. encouraged. of 12s, a month is uniform. So far we have not had fulfilled toer- early promise fdnashwdonred by hiss .Court poet,, he shuns the fierce light of popularity done by either. the tenant or thfe Ratton Estate. Alderman Keay, tasked by the MAJOR whether, as A decision of toe Committee in requiring that a many applications j-whether we shall get more I can­ “ Wordsworth’s Grave,” might have restored to jiour- 'and prefers the lonely wood; and the song of toe Instructions were requested as a matter of principle. Chairman of the Highways Committee? he would like female teacher at Hampden, Park should be required not say. century the- perfect art ofTennyaen. : nightingale. Towards interviewers he refuses, to Resolved to recommend that the Council cannot : unlock his soul, and few succeed in gaming his to say anything, observed that toe intimation, had to reside within toe borough, instead of being allowed Councillor PRIOR: Who is responsible for the Yeti, we cry out for a great poet who will atttmes aooept responsibility for works of this nature. ’' ' taken him so much by surprise that he would like to travel to and from Lewes, was criticised by Coun­ of the furniture,, and do you inquire into presence. And yet he is not indifferent to those jvjio {f.) Hedges and Trees.—A large- number of owners himself, to toe spirit of thaeage, and off the time i( is, may address him, even though such are- entirely time , to consider Whether they could dispense with cillor P earson and Councillor B eal, who regarded the position of men- before you take it? we who should endeavouarto attune otrraeives to 1 She: and occupiers had been approached in regard to the Mr. Prescott’s servioes. Mr. Thackeray (toe deputy the Committee’s intervention as high-handed and unknown to him. I say this because of my personal cutting back of trees and hedges, but under present The Mayor : Special inquiries are made in every spirit tot tha poet If Mrr Watson law not fulfil ledl : experience; on two occasion®, I have had notes from surveyor) had only a few days to run before he would unfair to the Managers. case. We are not responsible for the insurance. toe early promise foreshadowed by hu “Words- conditions of labour there would- be great difficulty be leaving, and it was difficult at toe moment to usse l 1 him in reply to an inquiry of mine. Thera: is- one in having toe work properly attended to. It was Councillor R L said toe Committee considered woftoife G r«e,” he has suffered h o i that lease know what wpuld happen if Mr.' Presoott also went. toe teacher’s journeying backwards and forwards was WAr P awmbnts to Employes. other dominant note in Bridges—from Nature, he rises suggested that, in cases where the' work might be not bean c&cified .by patient labour,. he staj ida* to Nature’^ God. He never forgets the source of all After1 all there were certain to be done in no.t conducive to her own health or to the welfare of Councillor AvarIk said there was a strong feeling alow-among- poets of tMri oenttuny ns the art w ith» indefinitely delayed by want of labour, toe- Surveyor Eastbourne, and although one not like to say to e sohool. with regard t o .toe continual payments being made life whenee names all good. He never falters in Ms should endeavour to arrange for to e roadmen to do whiehJ He has made poetry o f criticism. Whei i belief that they whoilive worthily see God. Iir this- single word to keep Mr._ Pueaoott back, would The report was adopted. , to men > serving in the Army, and he questioned asked' Mr.. E. Hartley Gfbleridga (who some may? only so much as was necessary to prevent incon­ like to be sure they oould get on satisfaotoi y wito- whether .-it waa> fai» ta> oontinue to pay this expendi­ remember name to Eastbourno to give a lecture four , he is a worthy follower of his predecessors wKbs held venience or danger to toe publio - using the roads. -out him. ELECTRICITY AND STREET LIGHTING ture. He thought toe time had come .when the (the offioe of Laureate—Wordsworth, and Tennyson, Resolved to recommend that: the suggestion be our local’Fdatry Society) lint ycaarnmo^in his opinion and Alfred-'”Austin. Moral integrity rises into t&e The Mayor: I 00! not let you know before. I COMMITTEE., . ;J matter should l be dealt with by the Council, seeing was. the greatest moderm and living port, he rep lied! approved, toe cost of labour to be.paid by die ownera ■only received Mr. ] ott’s letter between eleven Alderman Simmons moved the adoption iof this that when these payments were first granted before with) little-Hesitation, WdUitm Wafcmn H e write s im finer atmtephere of worship, and so he sangor^’ or oocupiers. .'and twelve o'clock /morning. '■* committee’a report. conscription was adopted. Now men were being toe tradition of Word&worto aad Tennyson and! “‘Myr eyes for beauty pine, (<7.) Tar Painting.—A detailed statement waa sub­ Councillor CARTER aid they hoped Mr. Prescott Alderman MARTIN seconded.—Carried. called to the Cblouns and they Only received Is. 2d. Arnold. In his outlook on life he is a thorc -ugib My soul for Goddee grace; mitted showing toe cost of the tar painting for th e would come back safe and sound?’ bringing his head per day. Was* it fair that the Corporation should romantio.. He considemaui; forefstte-rs to have loeerr No other care nor hope is mine, year, and the advantage of having a sprayer attached with him HIGHWAYS AND DRAINAGE COMMITTEE. oontinue to pay these enormous sums' in order to fine#- fellows than we: aiand hopes that ourr - To heaven I turn my face.” to the tar boiler instead of haiid painting was sug­ Alderman S harp admired Mr. Prescott’s courage D evonshire P lace T rees. make up the pay of their employes? The ratepayers deeasndkntS will attain ten even Bsftier summita, fan “tibia- splendour thence is shed gested. Resolved that toe hearty thanks of toe oom­ ahd his willingness to go out and serve his country. The chief matter deal with in this committee’s were beginning' to think this should not be. They it is, characteristic of than romantic to believe thi it hto From all the stars above; mittee be accorded to toe Surveyor for the care and . For a long time he had been willing to undertake report, the adoption of which was moved by Aider- were proud'of "the . work their men were-doing, but livesiih) m. dbpression. Mh. Wateoot is not dirooeodfit T ie named when God’s name is said;. attention he has given to the preparation of such an war work, but had remained by. the wish of toe exhaustive and elaborate statement, and that he man K eay and seconded by Alderman Sharp, was he thought it wasr a- clear understanding yrito regard belted the achievementes of science. He believes >r ’Tia love, ’tie heavenly love.” . VCorporation; and they oould only hope his departure toe proposal to out down every alternate tree in to this matter. Everyone had to make some sacrifice things tiiat ore elemeatfcl! and easemtial. Wearryvaf; “"And every gentle heart make inquiries as to the cost of a spraying attach­ I? would not prove detrimental to toe town. Mr. Devonahire-place between Compton-street and Corn­ during the -war, , and' he moved that the whole ques­ the sceptfc strain in mndenr verse; ho longs fc you L are aware, v *■has. ‘ written hoped also to bring'eredit on the Council for whom work will not be done. ' Poetry- Society the President of Magdalen, College, Perhaps there is no bird so fond of performing & he had toe honour and privilege to serve (applause). back on- their word. The men came forward at*4me articles on the war. In poetry on wag-, L must Oxford,, said.; “ Let us turn again to peetry with our T he M ayor : Not immediately. . , commencement of the war to risk their lives and they confess he has done nothing___ great. a .mam ia a vigorous, ablution than, toe starling, who will sit in Alderman WRIGHT: Not fon the time being I old faith in her refreshed and renewed.. Let us a basin, of lyater that almost floats him off his feet. i OLD TOWN ’BUS SERVICE. as a. Council: gave them a promise that ihey should1 port you may think that the war would iigtere Sire. cherish her and keep ounloue for her alive. Let us Councillor P earson hoped the resolution of the He will flap his wing# with such energy and skill, The following letter was read and was, on toe not suffer hr a pecuniary sente. If they aoGeptod’ttto W alter Scott lived: in the time of th e battle of. Water­ mobilise and organise quo spiritual forces.. We need motion of Councillor AVARD,- seconded by Councillor majority would be carried out. That resolution must suggestion (hey would be tearing up another; scrap loo, and he wrote a poem en it, but it was not such too, that the whole of the upper part of his body be rescinded before anything different can i be pro­ them: nun® every day foat this terrible wasting and is generously drenched, the splashings flying upton N iedebmayer, referred to the Motor Omnibus Com­ posed. of; paper; and he for one would never agree to-thAte good poetry eofimprose was good BfSJB-. Ifatewaan* wearing conflict is prolonged. We took for poetry mittee :— * Councillor Avard’s amendment was not sscondbd), article in the Literary Supplement of The T im et there to tell us something of our feelings, and those of the air like a fountain.. After resting for a while on “49, Victoria-drive, Eastbourne, Alderman Duke hoped no pressure would be put appeared there: woods: “ Poetry, aaWopflaswrtSiarid, toe edge or on a neighbouring twig be at last take® on the Acting Surveyor to toy and find labour in and’ it?; tfiwdoTB fell to to® ground. The oommittoerb others,, to purge us, aas the ancients said, with pity j “ November 30th, 1916. proceedings were approved. ia emotion remembered in tranquility; and; n**v the and: fear. We find some: of our rattiffictica in ftteT scattering a * drops from his saturated order -to get the trees removed. The removal was tranquility never cornea. The pert, like everyone •Oat P“un°R®_ as he goes. But anyone who has studied ‘Dear Sir,—With reference to my talk with you one of those things that oould well be left until after WAR PENSIONS COMMITTEE: old poetry and .some in toe new. One of toe gr the J9tb instant re Old Town motor ’buses, I else, cannot forget (fiat the issu*, is in, dpufiti. He functions of poetry bring toe past and the future the- ways of the starling at all knows that it is in toe war (a chorus of “Hear, hears ”). There were The- minutes of this oommittee -were odbL rainy/ weather that, he especially likes to wash. A n you whenwueu toeuuw Council meets to mention i question#questions otof tarfar greater consequence thanthan! that of cannot withdraw ,r his mind from to® progress of into: the present, a f(motion specialty valuable and the proposition of toe MAYOR, aeoonded b$rAlderi*#* events or write yet of any anglur-part sir to* war a® hrtfo&l art a time like this. It enables ns to recall shower of rain, whether in winter os summer, fetches phthoee using this line have mcreased I eutting down trees (hear, hear). They wanted any all the starlings and thrushes down to toe water-7-irt - - » ’»0OO «nen at ^m m erd cy ^^^. niirws, I available labour rather (or producing food for the De s k . !V ■:>% .‘ l ' if it were ek the p ast B ut whon-h® writes fie must and believe in the Happy days of the post.” How make this effort of withdrawal ; hp must try to stand fits-tone four poetsirWatiam Wategsi. Amed Noyes, is aa if directly it. commenced to rain we all hurried has bedn no increase in the ’bus sertnee. There is, ’Sr. fe fe rf* ***■ aside and view things se if franca distant^ and in B&djjmrd Kipling,, Sfbbert Bridges—that I have to the seashore and stood up to- our necks in the furtoeiri the Cavalry Command Camp now filling up, Alderman Martin sajd he should like to get the the attempt to do this he ceaseetteh® httaselE, assumes brought before yaur inertioe to-night so briefly have water! As the sterling usually manages to snatch, replies from the five persons who had not replied' the character- of the poet and writes not like himself; food away from under the beaks of other birds, so. -which i ill make the situation even worse. ’Buses go before anything definite was done. C UNAS D III. fulfilled the ideal put before u% by Sir Herbert from ti e station with newly arrived convalescents, but like his idea of a, national ppet” Warren it is not fbnnmfto say beyond tins. I venture it will be noticed that when he approaches the bath- taking 10 civilians; at other times they oome to the The1 Mayor said two of the five persons had' since ■ AjUniAJW—«JSiWLONDON—NEW X YORK U H K .' , < Last month I had the opportunity, of; hearing Mr. jte believe they have contributed, to the betterment all toe other bathers remove themselves hastily from, :starting point half full of, soldier®; the result is that replied affirmatively, which made the number in' Noyea at the Savoy Theatre give a reading of his off fife—life with honour and love*. his path. f many h ive to .walk who Would like, to ua® I?1® ’bus. favour 15. If, toe other three wi against, there- ANDANIA..Thnrs., Dm U [ AUSONIA..... SaK,I>ec. 16 works. It was his first public readhtg: itt England-*- In oontrast to toe chilly experience of the sparrow i At the meeting of toe Motor ’Bus Committee on fore, there must be a majority favour of' tito Accommodation for rstoieratotioargo. I spoke of just now is the habit in which these same Council’s resolution. October 9th it was stated that the Ocklyng® route has LONDON—CANADA—NEW YORK. birds indulge as summer. On toe hottest days you Alderman Martin : A very one. AN £8,000 BED. >w? enjoying a dust bath—surely the : carried j n September 125,000 odd passregers; the Old AU80NTA, v ia Plymouth and Halifax>N.8.,Sa*.,Dec, I t Town, 98,000 odd. A* the Ocklynge route passes toe Alderman Sharp said he should e to say these! ■ t > • ’ ■ • ' • ■ , ■ ' -vf'- : A-' ; Eastbourne has a. local Pogfoyl. Saci&ty* which oqct«- unoomtortabte, suffocating affair i: .station \ ind goes on to the Archery these figures must trees were spoiling one another (r'~ ”). They were BRISTOL:—CANADA—NEW YORK. menced as a branch of the I.opdon Society four er ■ ■ ! ■ " ■ ■’ . soldier who was watching toe bird on • be ball ed—eay 63,000 to 98,000 . .Old Town route. ruining other trees. five years ago.) Instead of, gjking^ you my own In Shakespeare-^ time, as; we learn from tftat tng remarked: “ ’Anged if ’e aint got more pluck FOLIA ...... Sail. Jon, A interesting publication, “ Shakespeare’s England,” than I ’ave\” but what would!be have said to Being Those i ho Uve in the Old Town ha*e tousted to tius The Mayor said the Council had already decided Cabin Passengers, £10, criticism of Mr. Noyes’ recita^ E wiJ8 avail mySalf means of communication, which now fails them, feel what they would do, so that it was of no use further of toe daily Press: “ Mr; Noye* allow* his poems, to “the furniture off the great chamber or bedroowL was buried to toe waist on a sweltering August day in. that; something should be done a# onoe—that feeling discussing toe matter. The removal was going-,to be LIVERPOOL—NEW YORK. speak for themselves. He haa no mannerisms, and an elaborate, affair. . . . The bedding, which, was hot dust with a thick cloud of the same material is very widespread, I understood it was not feasible whirling round his head, getting in his eyes, pose, a great improvement, which would increase year by REGULAR SAIMNG&. ' white, hi# intonation is dear, so d hi* expression, not carried cm to wLdta orisB-croaa.Q( ropes, was a pallet of to buy more of the present type of: bus, but that year. to the least monotonous, it m.- not his way hb be straw or wool underneath two. or more featoea beds; mouth and everywhere? Another curious ooptrasti those of another firm were available.: I womd point Councillor PRIOR: The resolution says they shall highly dramatic, or to make much use of gestiire. over the sheets and blankets- lay another thin feather to our methods of cleaning is supplied by. the- ■out that the-war may last a long time yet, that such be removed by the Borough Surveyor. I should pro­ He prefers the more scholarly method. ” ! bed os a aworiad, with an embroidered quilt i c u rta in s quadrupeds, who use their tongues to wash their fur is the demand for accommodation on this route to add, “When he returns from Franco ” with, a®, if they prefer their exteriors to, be dears R u d y a b d K l p e in o . of needlework^ tester valances, lower valanre* called that a ’bus bought now would pay good interest on (laughter),ingn Oapuctnes’; •rtof^SLAgente*^8’ *** ’ d68 busses, consisting of fin®, rifles interwoven with, gold rather than their interiors. In their choice of1 rite toe money, and also alleviate that sense of aggrava­ The B orough Surveyor-. That might never be at To the people off Suaspfc Bbadyard Kipflng is and trimmed with most elaborate fringes, completed for a bath, too, birds and animals often give ua tion felt by those who have very patiently borne with all.1. specially popular, for. in tire yew 1898 he todfcThe a structure th at Often coot considerably over £1,000 material , for wonder. Foe instance, a puddle i&r.foe a great inconvenience. That something was needed- The'report was adopted. , Elms, Rotting dean, probably in order that he- might of out, money. . . . M i important beds,, small or oenfcre of a muddy road is quite good enough for a h e a r a n d r d in a t io n s he near his aunt, Lady BunreJonea. But; as wo was shown by placing an inspector -to regulate the T W O .—T h e B ish o p large, were made mote or lees on there lines until those of more particular taste traffic.^ To regulate7-____ the_ crowd______is not to .. r go to the MOTOR OMNIBUS COMMITTEE. of S t Albans, in toe Dtoetton, Ge&au, states that for Imow. he grew tired of Robtingdean, or, perhaps we sooty water contained in a section should say, hu admirers tired him by vitf£rap&® toe hagfitasing of th e seventeenth centwry, when in root of toe trouble; they only wish to go homeland On toe motion of Councillor P ulbford, seconded the first time in a diocesan episoopate of twenty-one fashionable households the 'carved oak poet®, tester Possibly this accounts for the toe delay is- frequently very great. The civilian by Councillor N i EDERMAYKR", toe report of tins Com­ years be was ordaining no deacons at the Advent locality, in the hope that they might see tbrihome and hack were discarded, and the structure was hung filthy appearance of so, many Bparrowa—their- baths element feel that whilst wounded _ soldiere have mittee was confirmed. Ordination and only one priest That was the nasflt of toe poet, if not the poet himself, and hence his with, embroidered safle, linen, vrivet, doth or other being calculated to leave them more unclean, than certainly the first call, something should also be done of the war, and while the war lasted it could only be removal to Burwaah, or, aa the inhabitants used to when they . came. PLEASURE GROUNDS COMMITTEE. call the place, -BUrrish. H is house, which fit evidently material. The bed at Knole, prepared tor James I. •on th^ir belief. . . , , „ men exempted from service wb wa any Bishop eould * * * hung entirely wifo eml sroidered! cloth of gold, In- toe case of se4 birds no bath is necessary, but ■‘‘Yours faithfully, ; jL-' ih P roposed Growing of P otatoes. ordain to the diaconate. a fine specimen of the Tudor period, may be seen ait the bottom off a narrow tan* whosei cccondition sugi oert the Earl of Dorset £8,000 in money of that time. there is at least one whioh like* to give itself a “ C. C. Champion.” The adoption of toe above committee’s report was P a r c e l s f o r P r i s o n thorough drying sometimes, and that is toe o f W a i l —T h e that few visitors trouble the occupant.i And, ini&. Small truckle-beds or trundle-beds were placed at the PARADE BAND QUESTION. moved by Councillor P rior, who drew special atten­ Poet Office-give notice that nil ■fp'fer British yob are there tout out- from toe world foot of these; standing beds for Jh® accommodation oormorant. The first time I ever saw one engaged tion to toe following paragraph:— must he sent as far as in this tioefipation was at Seatord Head.- On the humanity is concerned, hut Nature in all her of toe personal servant at night; they were Very low Councillor Carter said hej*kieved there had been Cultivation of Waste Land.—Resolved: That ______„ indicated in the frames on small wheels, ; so that they could be extreme end of toe ridge of rocks running out beyond a letter received on the public band questaon. Was third cbtamn of . tie, which m»y b® con glory, and fine expanae^tffaioquntry for the Borough Surveyor report whether tttijr land consulted at the twenty or thirty ’ truckled ’ or ‘ trundled der another bedstead in :that promontory he was seated flapping bis winga it not going to be read? . . belonging to the Corporation or? others con be counter of post offices. Parcels (unless addressed to to® daytime. The round standing beds without ceasing. This operation lasted for minutes The Mayor: There is one; but I thought it better utilised for grooving potatoes next season. officers) which are not addressed care of art association Let us not were carefully drawn and often pinned at night; on end, and from a distance one might easily have He said there was a good deal of uncultivated land cannot be accepted, pull information on the subject of draughty leaded glass and ill-fitting ill-! doors doubtless imagined that the bird was endeavouring to escape suitable for growing food. Be thought toe Council the new regulations w given in s-leaflet, copies of which made there stuffy! precautions necessary. Bequests from some marine enemy which had seized i t The should be read. might act as intermediaries between, the owners of can be obtained at poet offices. ' .n■-Ii'-I<■ .?—*rrr- rr* -rr— roFbhda are*-YWiy numerous;numerous ; ti there is toe well-known cormorant appears to be almost unique among water The Mayor repeated that he had decided it should birds in this habit of drying itself,- at leart I do not go fly*<$>'*» a^Mwninitt^. land and the cultivators.' - . A considerable discussion, of a more or leas general ye.f88!® S8fc8S5ih<£?$S js;*®?.1* recollect any ethei1 example. Birds resemble, perhaps, character, ensued. , . Five sbiRbea for you—onefor each Christmas you a battalion of soldiers wherein are some who are 6 tlor H ollins atoed whether"whet it would not be Councillor Breach wrote asking . (hat . a_ rportion____ o! have stem • w hat more could a little fellow, like to rJtJnited ^ 6rvice Ctellege at Westward-Ho, always wanning, some wh never dry toemselves, to have noticescee placed in certain streets the field at Hampden Park should be planted with WWJI. t? “ Only that I was as old aa you, grandp^i* W ar OflSob .allowances due on ChriBbma^ same who scarcely wet themselves, some who do not pedestrians to keep to toe right. They all potatoes next season. replied the sprightly boy. and Boxiog Days will be paid with toe previous week’s 6are what they wash iq,, and sow© who do not mindi Lahore Cwil and Military charge of the train said deceased had had one or two bad An attendance order was made. Polegate, arid just as he turned Wannock Corner he saw Mr. Bathurst, presided at the sale of work. After- turns, but was better. a horse and cart half-way across the road. Immediately MARINE GARDENS. I t was, perhaps, a luoky shot, but it had the effect of NO LIG H TS. before he got to the cart the horse started backing, and House.—Mr. and Mm. Birch and son. Mr. | wards the Rev. R. S. Woodward for 10 years occupied bucking up the Blue Boys, who foroed the pace, and Sergt. Oliver said on the way to the hospital deceased ItaakU a his place and took a keen interest in Ohurch Missionary William Wilson, jun., of Seaside, was summoned witness could not pull up in time to prevent the tail after some good plav, in which all the front line spoke rationally, and said the jolting of the train had for driving a vehicle without a proper light on board coming into collision with his off side mud guard, GRAND PARADE. work in Eastbourne. His successor was to have opened participated, Gnr. Kirkland scored for them with a made him feel sick. l-M ra Sdlth Thornier the sale that day, hut unfortunately Mr. Hanks was November 30th. whilst the lamp was also smashed. Witness saw no one very fine shot, and thus brought matters leveL Some Dr. Shearer, who had made a post mortem examina­ P.C. Frost said he saw the defendant at 4.50 p.m. in charge of the horse. •.—Mrs. Oliver Fry. Miss Margaret Fry suffering from influenza and therefore they all regretted strenuous play followed, both teams striving hard to tion, said the heart was large and congested, and it of V-Mlw Kills. Master Colllster. Mr. and Mrs. Hirst his absence. They were told by those not interested in driving a horse and van. There were no lights on P.C. Mayne stated that on the following day he saw M bs H irst. Mrs. Fearoley* Miss Phillips obtain the lead. The Hove forwards were very fast, weighed 17-ozs. The liver was also very large, and the the van, which had no lamps attached. the defendant, who admitted that he did not take missionary work that they should not have so many their passing and combination being excellent, but stomach was much dilated. The primary cause of • .—Mr. Dixie. Mbs Mitchell. Miss H liott sales of work in war time and that their thoughts A fine of 5s. was imposed. precautions against the horse backing, either by putting 8.—Mrs. and Miss Fnrlonger. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. strive as they might they could not penetrate the Gamp death was the acutely dilated heart, which ceased to a chain on the wheel or tying the horse to the fence. Itoi tod Uicrtisr Gtunblo . should be entirely fixed upon the war. Supposing they defenoe. The Summerdown defenders, indeed, were beat probably through the pressure of the dilated “LIGHT” CASES. adopted that suggestion and dropped their interest in Defendant said it was snowing at the time and he I.—Mr. and Mrs. Ring wood. Mbs Rlngwood. Dr. and playinglaying a woiwonderful game, Voskule at left back excel- stomach. . Tho following defendants were summoned under went indoors to get a coat. He got back to the horse Mrs. Bails. Master Allis. Mr. and Mrs. Broome missionary work and handed every penny to war work. ling himself, as did also Gordon at centre half. beads tt.—Mrs. Beaumont Had they thought how long that money would carry A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony the Lighting Regulations:— just as the car ran intoithe cart. u .—Dr. and Mrs. McCann on the war ? If they took the whole of the contribu­ was returned. Date. Fine. The Magistrates’ Clerk (Mr. E. O. Langham): J us6 th at i t WNrr VTnw.—Mr. and Mrs. Pain. Mrs. Galloway. Mbs tions given in Great Britain it would carry on the war A beautiful pass from the left wing then gave Gnr. Elizabeth Neligan, Furness-road 30th ult. ... 10s. too late; h o t for about 10 hours. There was another objection, and Kirkland an opening, and you may be sure that the Mary Oke, Fumess-road Dismissed. A fine of 10s. was imposed. W^SbvL Niool centre forward was not long in availing himself of the Ray Collins, Silv'erdale-road ... 2nd inst. 20s. • * —Mrs. Callender, f. . not a very strong one, when they realised what amount 'NEW REGULATION COMING. was being spent upon other things. They were spend- ohanoe. He got in a lovely shot, but the Hove goalie EASTBOURNE POST OFFICE Esther Todd, Grange-road 28th ult. 20s. A —Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins. Mbs Marshall saved cleverly, though iirso doing he fell, and Lieut. Frederick Layfield, New Upper- Frank Page, of Warbleton, was summoned for driv­ r Housa.—Mrs. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. K ent Sidebotham, rushing up, put . the ball into, the net. ton-road...... 1st in6t. 20s. er a vehicle without a proper light on November 20th. ~?Kent Master P. Kant' Mrs. Appleton. Misses This was the extent of the scoring during the first half, THEFT. M arion Cameron, Ashburnham- P.O. Tingley said he saw the defendant driving at r that the Mira. Helllger. Mbs W. Ash. Mrs. Coupe. . _ . . dMOlfci__ rnrm r-___ * » r « i and th a t ___ J Shaw. MKm. Senior. Mr. JaokUog.Jack ling. Miss Hinton. as they contributed to missions in a year* and so it was but upon re-starting the Hove defence was kept pretty road ...... 2nd inst. 20s. Magham Down. Page had a horse aud cart, but__tliere M r.aed Mrs. Vasey. Miss" "Brown. Lieut. Wills.' Mr. time to speak about curtailing such expenditure. They busy during the remainder of the game, and Sergt. - A YOUNG MAN’S CAREER. Edith Hookp-y, Silverdale-road ... 28th ult. 10s. was no rear light at the back of the latter. P ra tt v'Y must not slaoken their interest They started the war Burridge, receiving a good pass from S.M. James, Helen Lloyd, Silverdale-road ... Dismissed. Defendant said he had two fresh candles, but one Vinvr_Mr. end Mrs. Chandler. over a scrap of paper and they felt they were bound to added the third goal for the Camp,'who thus ran out Jane Putman, Mo6tyn-terrace burnt out. It was alight when he started from home. W arns. Mm. Cavendish. Mrs. winners as stated. (visible from the sea) 26th ult, ... 159. In fining the defendant 2s. 6d., the Chairman remarked: Adams. Mrs. and the Mis keep their;pledge to the smaller nations.. They had Before Mr, Justice Horridge, at Sussex Assizes on It should be known that after January 1st people Mrs. Woodborn Robertson. given their pledged word to the missionaries who had Thursday, Ben Morley (19), described as a clerk, Miss Neligan and Mary Oke were summoned in The teams were as follows respect to the same light. must have two lights in front as well as a rear light. l» gone': to distant parts of the world. Sorely it was one leaded guilty to stealing, as the servant of the Post Defendant: Have you got to have a light on horse­ 2 R 5 i J & ! ? _ of their first duties to maintain those they had sent out Summerdown C am p: OorpL Fm charn; Pte. Office, a registered postal packet in the course of According to P.C. Ashendennden there was a brigbright gas and child. Miss Moseley. Mias Turn In. M ia Brook. to represent them and he hoped the sale would realise a Mallaby and .-Lc.-CorpL Voskule; Pte. Gordon, transmission by post, containing £25 in Treasury notes light showing through the panel of a door and a fan­ back ? Want.Brook. Mr.andMrs. Weymato Lieut. Weymaa good sum for them. OorpL Pennington and Pte. Davis; S.M. James, and a banknote for £5, at Eastbourne, on July 26th. light. There were blinds fitted to the inside door, The Chairman : Soon we shall. H o m .—Miss Divans, j Miss OauutletL The stalls, which were artistically arranged, were in Sergt. Burridge, Gnr. Kirkland, Lieut. Sidebotham Prisoner said he was training for the priesthood at but not outside. r BOUND OVER. Gray. Miss Ratoliffia. Lieut Baring. and S.-Sergt HazelL. I charge of the flow ing s— the outbreak of war, and he joined the Royal Naval In the case against Ray Collins, P.C. Ashenden Thomas Weeks, of Warbleton, was summoned for . . ^ i*Wood. Mr! Crook? Holt Trinity Stale.—Mrs^Bassbtt Kerry, assisted Hove : Wheatley ; Salston and *Higham ; Fifield, Division and was wounded( at the Dardanelles. He said there was a bright electric light showing from a stealing a spade and a handbill, valued at 6a., on Haddecley by the Misses Chapman, Anthony and Johnson. •Coomber and Pearce; Hall, Foddering, King, was invalided out of the service and he then took up bedroom window. The light was not shaded and the November 11th. blinds were not drawn, the house on the opposite : Hotel.—CoL and Mrs. Godfrey Webster. Gleaners’ Stall—The Misses Flrmln. assisted by the • Booker and Smart , Y.M.C. A. work. Later he rejoined the Army and got Mr. James Haffenden, a farmer, said the defendant Chaloner Smith. Mias Chiloner Smith. Mrs. Misses Craik. Evill and Lyne and the Bible .Class and *’ Brighton and Hove Albion players. into bad company. As a result be deserted and got side of the road being distinctly illuminated. was employed by him as a cowman prior to November Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Compton, Gleaners (the Misses Pilbrow, Pearson, Coombs, Newman * * » „ employment at the Post Office at Eastbourne, and took P.C. Simmons, giving evidence against Esther 11th. The articles produced were kept in the build­ ■nor. Miss Petti ward. Mr. Fell. Mr. Spenoer. and Brown). _ Mr. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan. Miss This afternoon the Camp are playing the South the money to get back into khaki. He assured the Todd, stated th at a t 10.45 he 6awj a light showing ings, but the defendant would not have any occasion to Mm . Vasey. Mm. Seville. Mr. and Mrs St. Mary’s and Upperton Stall—Mrs. Fox Watkins, Africans from Bordon on the Camp ground, and a good, Judge that this was positively the lqet time he would from the drawing room ofi a house at which the use them. He missed them some time before they were . Kemp. Mr. Pelham Clinton assisted by the Misses Strof ton and Simpson. keenly-contested game should be witnessed. appear in Court. ;L defendant was parlourmaid. All attempts to arouse recovered. He asked the defendant if he bad the t—Dr. and Mrs. Steele. Mr. Storr. Mr. and All Saints' P arish Stall—Mrs. Hanks, assisted by * •* * Major Grantham said prisoner was sentenced to three the occupants having failed, witness, with P.S. Luck, handbill, but Weeks replied in the negative. jr. Mr. Dunoan. Mr, and Mrs. Rayaer. Mrs. Gautier, the Misses Goldie, Mrs. Rynd and the months’ hard labour for theft of a crucifix from a church entered the house by the kitchen window. They Ernest Hurford said that about a month ago the .a id Mrs. Blade Mrs. Sandiford. Misses SandOord. Misses North, Cox, Martin and Barker* Inter-divisional football at the Camp has been in at Olerkenwell' after he took this money. He was found the main electric light switch ahd turned off defendant brought the spade to him and asked him if Beers. Lient Beers. Miss Dorman. Mr. and Christ Church P arish ^tall—Mrs. Scott and Mrs. progress for some time past, and the championship has discharged from the; Royal Marine Light Infantry as the light. Apparently there were two maids in the he would buy it, as he was going in tho Army. Witness mrs. Davis.uavu. nr.Mr. at and Mrs. Showbridge. Miss Show- Rawles, assisted by Mrs. Dunster, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. been won by “ A ” Division by one goal to n il. medically unfit. Later he joined the Argyle and house, but they did not hear the police trying to told him he did not want it, as he did not suppose he bridge. Mr. Mike” rker. Mm. Brooke. Mrs. Case!*. Mlckelburglf, Mrs. Sanders and the Misses Bnckenham * * * Joliffe. Sutherland Highlanders and was sent to Edinburgh, arouse them. When they got into the house they could get a man to use it. Defendant at first asked 5s. Miss Boos. Mrjfc CColne HilL Mrs. Greauy. Mr. A. and < • tried to make them hear, but failed. for the articles, but witness eventually gave him 4s. 6cL Groany. Mrs. a ll All Souls’ P ar’Sh Stall—Mrs. Evan Hopkins, It seems a pity that permission has not been granted but he deserted a month later and went to Eastbourne, Kooks. — Cob. Chamberlin. Miss Horn. Mr. assisted by Mrs. Croft, Mrs. King, Mrs. Lade and Miss by the authorities to change the name of that part of where through the Labour-Bureau, and on tkg-strength Edith Hookey and Helen Lloyd did not appear in Defendant said that Mr. Haffenden told him that if Thnrgood. , Seaside-road between Devonshire-place and Terminus- of his “ very good ” character from the Royal Naval answer to a summons with regard to the same light. he got toe articles back he would look over it. He promised the prosecutor he would recover them. Oriental and Useful Stall—Miss Gregg, assisted road to Trinity-road, as asked. It would have pleased Division he obtained temporary employment at the P.C. Reed stated that at 5.30 a.m. he saw a bright . * . .. _ __ - by Mrs. Denison, Mrs. James Hopkins, Mrs. Kermode a very considerable number of good people and wouldn’t posb office, and.within nine days of commencing work light showing from a room occupied by the defen­ Mr. Haffenden said he told the defendant he did not Wood. Miss Aldridge.ldge. Miss . Newman. Mrs. wish to deal hardly with him, and that he would not er. Miss Kendall. Mr. Thoroldl. and Miss H. Stewart. have done a mite of harm to anybody. When, some there he took this money. At his lodgings two empty dants. The window was open and the blinds were ' Cards * nd Calendars.—1The Misses Hood, assisted by years ago, Water-lane was changed to Soutbfields-road, envelopes which had been through the post were not drawn. The occupier of the house said, she did prosecute if he returned the tools. Quiensbobouoh H otel (Gband P abadi). Mrs. Sonthey. Miss M. Chapman, the Misses Lillie, no one really minded a brass button. There was no found and which he had evidently taken. Later he not think it mattered about showing a light at that Defendant, who said he was due to join the Army in Mr. Priddle. - Mra Gordon* Mr*. Young. Mn Hyde. Roberts,, M. Scott, Shingleton and Bergg. occasion to read the Riot Act, the populace slept quietly joined the Royal Fusiliers at Dover, and was arrested time in the morning. a week’s time, was bound over to be of good behaviour M rs.and Miss Simon, i Lieut a d Mrs* Pyle. M raand B ook Stall — Miss St. Leger, assisted by Miss in their beds and the aristocratic residents of the on the other charge. Chief Inspector : Tavlor said the Chief Constable I for 12 months. M hi l'n wins. Mrs. dayes. Ueut* Keatin HDdgard. delectable thoroughfare in question woke up the next S " ' » /■' --V 1 ..‘fj His Lordship said the public service must be protected, had not taken proceedings with regard to lighte that COMPLAINT AGAINST THE HUNT. Mjedwtn (Oabusle Road). ' Productbuoe Stall—The 1 Nash and Miss Wray. morning feeling a little more aristocratic than ever. and he did not think it was wise to pass the extremely were showing an hour before sunrise, although tho Mr. and Mrs. G. Stark. Mr* Oliver. Mrs. Fitch, Refreshments.—The Misses Woodd and Miss Row­ That was alL lenient sentences which were sometimes passed in con­ regulations placed the time at half an hour. He Shelah Venn, of Westham,■ was summoned for allow­ lie . and Mrs. A. EL Ann. Mrs. Berel. Miss Jevons. land, assisted by the Misses L. Adams, Howe (2k M. * < * • nection with these post office thefts. People who were wished the publio to understand, however, that it ing 16 bullocks to stray on the highway on November Mm. Chubb* Miss Burton - Homer, Jay, Maitland Kirwan, M. Matthews, Rattray, I see that Mr. W. E. Wood, the proprietor of the employed in the post office must learn that if they was just as important to obscure lighte in the early 26th. J. Rowland and Fisher. Alexandra Hotel and a gentleman of great experience abused the trust placed in them they would be punished' morning as it was at night. P.C. Mayne said he found the cattle on the Hailsham Tusnw xis H ouse (Lasokllxs Terbaoe). road. He put them into the sale yard at Polegate, and MBs SOIL Mrs. Prlssfeland. Mr. Cyras Tamil Daring the afternoon a most enj- . in the catering line, has stated in talking of the food for it. H e would not be doing his dutv in this case if The case against Lloyd was dismissed. Hookey Mrs. Jacob Thompson. Lr. and Mrs. S t UeorgeQoeely. mnsio was given bj r Miss Lya 11 (piano), problem that ‘‘the carver is the man to lean upon.” he passed a less sentence than nine months’ hard labour. being fined 10s. on the following day they were claimed by the defen­ M il Catharine snlsebrooit. Mr. and Bars. David Norton (violin), Miss M. Chapman (viobn). Miss Godl Yes, but you’d better be precious careful to see how Jane Putman admitted allowing a light which was dant. = and Lance-Corporal------Millai,rd,R.F. (piano), • who he is holding the carving knife first visible from the sea to show at 5.45 p.m. Mr. Venn said it was due to the Hunt, the members i Railway M 08TYN TERRACE. by kind consent of Colonel J. S. Bos took, R. A.M.C. ! * ■ * • According to P.C. Champion, the curtains of the of which made a gap, and his cattle got through into The music was arranged by Mias Louisa Rowland. Rowli the road. “ I shall ask Mr. Kirby Stapley to pay the _ Hotel.—Mr. and Mrs. Hennings. Mr. The weather has been very oold of late and on Thurs­ FRAUD AT EASTBOURNE. window were not properly drawn and the light Robert K night Miss L. Crofton. L ient With regard to Lc.-CorpL Millard, the latter’s piano­ showed through. fine,” he added, “ and I shall forbid them coming on my forte playing was greatly appreciated, particularly his day I saw a middle-aged gentleman—a foreigner, T land again.” think—carrying a sealskin muff. R e was quite by him A NUISANCE. improvisations, which were very skilfully executed. YOUNG WOMAN’S REMARKABLE The Magistrates’ Clerk: Do you mean they frightened IM. Knight Mr. and Mrs. G. W.Gogga, Com. and self, quite unconcerned and evidently quite accustomed Tom Sjlverlock, of Ashford-square, was summoned your cattle out of the field ? U ta Maodouald Grieve Mr. W. Stephens. Mies to the use of i t for committing a nuisance in Cavendish-place ori Richards. Mr. d . V. Neilson. Mrs. Passenger. Mrs. * * * RECORD. Defendant: I don’t say that, but the hunters instead Benny. Mrs. and an— Match um. Miss Sergeant SOUTH STREET CHURCH. ;•••• - *>. November 29th. of jumping the fences go through the gaps. M b and Mrs. W alter A successful sale of work took place at the South- The best wishes and congratulations of everybody Special Constable Butler proved the ca6e, . nd a A fine of 5a was inflicted. ■ oam t-M b and Mrs. Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. street Church (Countess Of Huntingdon’s Trust) on will go to Mr. A Ernest Prescott on his important At Sussex Assizes yesterday at Lewes Kathleen fine of 5s. was inflicted. Thomson. Mr. Luok. Mrs. Wlseley. Lieut Wednesday, with the object of assisting the church appointment with the Colours at the Front Bnt I Davies (22), on bail, was charged with that she bv A MARESFIELD PARK CASE. Gapt and Mrs. Wickham. Mr. PealL Miss — funds, so as to begin the New Year free from debt. shudder to think what elegant Eastbourne will look incurring debt and liability to pay the sum of £16.12s. 8d. Pte. George Cole, of Maresfield Park, was summoned lb s . Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Boorer. There was a large attendance at the opening ceremony, like if shorn of any more of her chief officials. 'First to Mrs. Florence Ellis, of the Albion Hotel, East­ for having been drunk while in charge of a bicycle, at Mrs. Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mr. Stacey, the B. A , then the M.O.H. and now the B.S. ! Why, bourne, did unlawfully obtain credit by fraud other than SUSSEX POULTRY CLUB. Hailsham, on November 22nd. i W arren. Miss Richardson. Mr.. Mrs. and Miss at which Alderman J. O. W rightp presided, He was false pretences, between October 1st and 16th. iger. Misses Foss. Capt Btriokland. Capt supported by Miss Galway, the Rev. J. Westbury- they have only to collar the T.O. by making him P.S. Clark stated that about 3 p.m. he saw defendant id. Capt and Mrs. Amy. Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. aud Jones, the Rev. W. Lee, Mr. Chater, Mr. J. Pockney colonel of something or other and we shall hardly have Mr. L. G. Horton Smith prosecuted and Mr. Huntley on the Dicker-road staggering about with a bicycle. JUmOcawshay. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lr " and others. a man of letters (or looks) left in the Town HalL Jenkins defended prisoner, who pleaded not guilty. RECORD SHOW. There was blood on bis face and mud on bis clothing, The evidence for the prosecution was recorded in our whilst the bicycle was damaged. Witness thought it LANSDOWNE TERRACE. The Chairman remarked that the church was doing a good work, bat be would have everyone consider the The latest suggestion in view of our darkened streets last issue, when prisoner was before the Police Court. was unsafe for the defendant to be in charge of the —Lady Boding, t The Hon. F. Carson is that pedestrians, instead of blacking their boots, Prisoner* told the Court that she was a married The Sussex Poultry Club are to be congratulated machine, and he therefore took him into custody. He Ml—Miss Norton. Miss May. Mrs*------question whether the Church as a whole was advancing was subsequently bailed out. XL—3b. Whittaker. Miss V or not. This Was a question which would have' to be should whitewash them. This may be found useful to woman and that her husband was a major in the Army. on holding a show at such times as these, when tho£‘*™ 5f?£!S!S some extent, but to my way of thinking it doesn’t go Soon after the marriage differences arose, between her The Magistrates’ Clerk: He had been to this Court and friend thought out, and they must not wait until the end of neoeesity of producing more birds and eggs is a that day? \. l t n Laebdowne.—Mrs. Morland. Mrs. Heand. the war before they considered ik They were trying to far enough. It might prevent people treading on my and her husband, and they agreed to live apart She matter which must concern every member of toe aad Mrs. Teeadale. Miss HalL Miss Grinling, raise .money for the church; they wanted to thmk corns, for instance, bat what I want is something’ to didnot receive any moneyfrom him. She received an Witness: Yes. ’ <’ and Mm. Dewey and party. Mrs. Dodsley. about themselves without being selfish. In conclusion, prevent people from butting into my stomach or coining allowance of just over £200 per annum from relatives. country. Sussex are a breed which not only can be In reply,to further questions, the witness said he had Alderman Wright proposed a vote of thanks to Miss into violent collision with other prominent parte of mv Her father, who died when she was young, held a distin­ relied on for egg production, but also as a table fowl; ho doubt "the defendant was drunk. While at the CAVENDISH PLACE. Galway for being present to open the sale. body. I am seriously thinking of whitewashing myself guished-position. Sidce she had lived apart from hot; in fact at Smitofield Show this week Light Sussex police station Cole asked to see a doctor. Dr. Mansfield 0 f EL—Mr. and Mrs. Probert all over. husband she tnade the acquaintance of a Spaniard, from was sent for, and he said the defendant was far from M.—Bev. and lb s. Carroll The Rev. W. Lee seconded the motion, which was aocounted for toe championship gold medal for toe sober and was not capable of being in charge of a carried by acclamation. whom she had received sums varying from £10 to £40. to the- iJDowsett Mrs. Lancaster. Miss Jackson Still, white boots would lighten oar understandings a three beet pair of dead poultry in the show, a first prize, bicycle. HMiss Galway, who was presented with a handsome bit on this subject. two second prizee and two silver medals over all Defendant said he had had to cycle from Maresfield ELMS AVENUE. was bonquet by one of the smaller Sunday School ohildren, * * • man, and the allowances from him ceased. breeds and crosses. in rather quick time, and he got very hot. He had OmnRLAMOS. — Mr. and Mrs. Tidmarsh. Dr. Bnsh. observed that Carlyle had written: “ Our business is Another fond illusion gone ! Another pet theory About a month before she went to Eastbourne the suffered from fever and ague through being in the Nurse Gilbert not to try and see what lies in the dim future,-hot to do At the show opened at Lewes on Thursday classes tropics. Hia puttee string came undone and threw him destroyed ! Mr. J. K. Brydgee, the elec trio light Spaniard’s wife attacked her with a hatpin while she were provided for live and dead poultry, breeding HARTINGTON PLACE. what lies directly at hand.” She thought that the work expert, ^ays that dish covers oan’t and don’t reflect the was sitting in an open taxi in Piccadilly, and she also off his machine. He did not think he was drunk. directly in hand to-day with regard to the Churches'wa9 pens and also for model appliances, while demonstra­ Inspector Cowley, of the R.S.P.C.A., said that in CWsilHAM| Maemow. — Mr. and Mrs. Pond. Mr. and light and I would almost have sworn that tbey can and threatened to kill her one night by throwing vitriol tions in cramming (by machine), killing, plucking to prepare for what was ooming in the future. The do. I have always been under the impression that I over her. In consequence she communicated with the his opinion the defendant was quite incapable of being Church was on its trial at the present time, and if the and tying down were given, by the kindness of Major in charge of a bicycle. Cole said to him : “ A woman 8 anT O T 0Hlri.Vnr.—Mrs. Hardy. Mm. and Miss Rlee. have more than onoe seen a certain row of dish covers on husband by telephone, and he said his wife would not Hicks, of The Gables, Rothertieldj^ytois poultryman Mrs. and Miss Rowbniy Mrs. Cntbbeit workers in Christ’s Kingdom were not ~ ‘ * to the wall of my kitchen reflecting the light from the fire believe that he was meeting her, adding that he thought is the cause of all this trouble.” ifeiSS: Mr. G. Williams. MLs Mac Arthur. Mies strengthen themselvesi in Him: they would be at le to do (Mr. E. Montgomery). In the; first sixteen classes Defendant: I asked the doctor if I was drunk, and Mr. Peirse. Mies Balfo' TtadalL Mr. opposite and making the room bright and comfortable it would be wise.if she left London. He said he would (four classes being provided for eaoh oologr, viz., red, very little when the men came home from the Front by their cherry glow. But evidently I have been mis­ defray her expenses wherever she went. On that under­ he said: “ You are not drunk, but you are not safe.” Miss Hobbs. Mrs. A. Many were asking was the Ohuroh going to fail t She light, speckled and brown) 254 entries were made, Supt. Willard said he kept the defendant at the taken because Mr. Brydgee tells us it is a scientific fact standing she went to the Albion Hotel, Eastbourne, and the four classes for reds'receiving 48 exhibits, lights DEVONSHIRE PLACE. replied emphaticall;----no,1------becauser"-— the Ohuroh ’------was‘ C hrist that dish covers cannot oast reflections. And I am not from there she wrote to the Spaniani, but he replied police station for 2£ hours after the doctor saw him, and and He would upho i all those who did His work for 84, 6peckleds 80 and browns 43. T he exhibits were then a policeman took him to the railway station and ___ HOOT*.—Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. the one to oast reflections on either Mr. Brydgee or a that he did not think sbe would have left town so soon, of the finest quality yetiseen on a show bench. and Master Hookway scientific fact. and he would not be in « position to send her any money pat him in a train for Maresfield. -M in Van Dyke Thee ladies who presided over the attractive stalls ■ ■ • * ■ • •' for another fortnight or three weeks. As she was dis­ Mr. Clem Watson, who had the task of making A fine of 6s. was imposed. l H anburies.—M—r. H. — EL Colee. M n J Mr. Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. and Miss Westbory- If the Corporation are going to keep allotments and appointed because she failed to get money from him or the-various awards in the classes provided for cocks, Ira. Arthur Pearkes. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wehner. Jonee, the Misses Fuller, Min Withers, Mrs. Kara, grow their own potatoes, why shouldn’t they keep hens her friends she became frightened and made up her cockerels, table poultry and model appliances, . and Mrs. Wehner. Mrs. Hill. Mr. and Madame certainly had hi6 work out out; while Mr. J. B. . M in McGregor. Mlm AngelL Mrs. Frank Mrs. Vincent Miss Holmes, Miss Uff and the members and lay their own eggs, as it were ? mind that she must leave the hotel. While she was in BRITISH GENERAL’S MESSAGE. Miss Smyths. Min Dreenan. Min Barff. of) the Girls’ Guild. The musiaal arrangements were custody at Tottenham Court-road she communicated Bunney, who judged hens, pullets and breeding pens, i Alleyne organised by Miss Mina Hudson. * wi th the Spaniard and asked him if he would do some­ had two classes in which there were'33 and 32 birds il respectively. BURLINGTON PLACE. With reference to Miss Galway, the Church Monthly thing for her, as she was in such a terrible difficulty. GREATLY APPRECIATED BY T H E M EN Magazine, says: “ Miss Galway comes of military stoek, SUMMERDOWN CAMP NOTES. He called at the police station and said he did not want The table poultry section also made an exoellent House.-M r. G. Goldie Mrs. Hill. 6how, some birds weighing up to ll-lbs apiece. AT THE FRONT. Lillie. Miss Ullle. Mrs. 1 her grandfathers, both paternal and maternal, were to have anything to do with the affair. He left half a 1Y.—Mr. and Mrs. Naylor soldiers. H er father, Lient.-Gen. Sir Thomas Galway, crown for her, and ebe wired it back with interest to his In the classes for model appliances the prizes were ENGS. Housr.—Mrs. Grey. Mrs. Allen, lb s. Turner. R.E., K.O.M.G., served for 51 years, daring which THE COMING PANTOMIME. wife’s address. given by the National Poultry Society, and some Lieutenant-General Sir W. P. Pulteney, K.C.B., time he had the late Lord Kitchener under him as a The jury, after retiring, found prisoner guilty. well-oonstruoted and useful models were on view. D.S.O., the distinguished Army Corpo Commander, -Mrs. Anderson. Mu Lewis Hart "L subaltern at Chatham. Her brother, Lient-OoL j Sir Great credit is due to toe hard-working and genial l—Mi n Miss Lee. M r.Keyte. His Lordship said prisoner had deliberately swindled has sent the following message from the Front to M in Curtiss. Mi*S Byrne. Henry Galway, K.C.M.G., D.S.O., who was onee Active preparations are in progress for the forth- the hotel proprietress. She would be sentenced to six Hon. Secretary to the Club (Mr. S. C. Sharpe), who Miss Gladys Storey, whose fund for providing hot Mir Kennington. . equilhIMn. MdlleLr_ , Governor of the Gambia, S t Helena, is at present the coming production of the Chnstmae pantomime, months’ hard labour. has put in a tremendous amount of work, and to Bovril to toe men in toe trench ob is now in its third M in Cha; MUs Wood. Rrs. W ud._M r. Governor of Sonthern Australia.lia.^ Miss Galway |] Cinderella. The Knuts are hard at work rehearsing, whom the sruocees of the show was undoubtedly due. y e a r:— Rev. A. BL BoD. M in M. Wood* M ra two sisters, one is Mrs. Laird Irvine, who lives and Sergt Gray, the stage manager, is having a Previous to the show Mr. T. Jeffery and Mr. T. K. “The fund instituted by Alias Gladys Storey to . puddle of Brown. Min Hopper. Mr. Boney Hampton Oonrt Palace, and the other is th e ______strenuous time, “ licking” his men into shape. No Famoombe, two members of the committee, aJao did “ provide hot Bovril to our soldiers has been of great ■effort is being spared to eclipee even last year’s splendid HASTINGS. i well below HOWARD SQUARE. of Whamcliffe, whose residence is at Wortley Hall, a lot of useful work, while the other members ef the “value, and its continuance in the forthcoming Sheffield, where Miss Galway has reoently been staying production, and in spite of several unforeseen difficulties H a s t in g s I n su r a n c e Co m m it t e e .—C o u n ­ committee, namely, Alderman J. Miles '(chairman) “ winter will be very much appreciated by those, sr^Hotel.—Miss M. K. Edmonds. Mrs. for a few weeks. All Eastbourniaas know that she ’ which have arisen the boys are working whole-heartedly cillor Groome has been appointed as a representative and Messrs. A,*' J. Falkenstein, John Ade, G. E. Lowe. G.C. Lowe* Miss B. if*. Edmonds. Mrs. “ who in all weathers, both by day and night, carry Mrs. Frebble. Miss Ghisman. Mr. the means of raising the funds for the . to ensure the success of the piece. , / of the Town Council -on toe Insurance Committee in Howard, W. S. Tucker, J. Adams, D. Roberts, W. “on the work of toe war. I give my full approval Cramphorn. Roy. J. G. Nicolson. Rev. Red Cross motor ambulances, which' succession to Councillor Manning ton,'resigned. A. Pollard, J. C. H. Martin, S. Elphiok and A. “ to its oontinuanoe, as it brings not only oomfort W .D.1 France.” The book has been written by Capt E. Green Foley Uridge, ,alsp rendered valuable aid. Mr. J. C. “ and warmth to the wounded, but strength to those The gross proceeds amounted to £213* V e g e t a b l e s in t h e P a r k s a n d Ga r d e n s . MuewDcnr^Lodcte.—Mr. and Mrs. Dorman. Mlsc and sad Capt Armstrong, whieh is a . guarantee that the —A.t the meeting of the Town Council Councillor Munby, M.R.C.V.S., was the hon. veterinary surgeon, “ who'Work.” there totmme will not be lacking in humour, in faet with Mannington proposed, and Councillor Blackman Mr. E. Doughty the Poultry Club representative, H oltkood.- Miss German. Mrs. Davison. Mrs. Peach. and Messrs. J. R. Thornton & Co.' the hon. MiasEUzarand. Miss Laurence. Miss Martin C year’s experience to go upon it is folly expected seconded, “ That it bean instruction to the Parks and arrow Housn.—Mrs. H'-mnarongn. ML* S treet SUSSEX VOLUNTEER REGIMENT. that the past efforts wifi be completely surpassed. Gardens Committee to grow vegetables in the parks auctioneers. HAILSHAM. With regard to the caste, all the parts had not been An address was given yesterday afternoon by Lady . Mooyaart Misses Allpress 6th (EASTBOURNE) BATTALION. and gardens in place of flowers during the coming definitely allotted at . the time of writing, owing to year'.”—The matter was discussed at considerable length, Denman on the work of the Women’s Section of the T h e H a r r i e r s .—On Saturday the meet will sit in. LASCJELLES TERRACE. “ A ” Company. eirotuast&ncee which may deprive the Knuts of one of apd ultimately the Council passed with one dissentient National Poultiy Society. was at Russells-on-the-Marsb, only a small company Lynn.—Mrs. Agnew, 1 Headquarters: 81, South-street Eastbourne. their best and Inost popular members. Capt. Foley an amendment, moved by .Councillor Fellows, “ That The opening ceremony was performed at two o’clock being present. After some time spent in ineffectual XI.—The Rev. Innee B. and Mrs. Wane. Bliss Wane. will be taen as “ Cinderella,” and it.goee without saying the Borough Engineer be asked to report at the next drawing of the local covers, a hare was found near Mr. Mfcniw 1 Itwiitt m Orders for week ending December 16th, 1916. on Thursday by Alderman Miles, the President of the Walker’s house, and a fairly spirited run ensued. Just his body 1A—Mr. and a n . Bertram Foster, Bliss Penny. th a t this r 6le will be effectively and charmii meeting generally as to any available or suitable plots club. P latoons L 2 and 3. The ugly sisters are to be represented '. the Corporation had for growing vegetables, and how when hounds were asserting themselves, however, Mm. Zaeehner All Parades to be at the Drill Hall, Junction-road. and Sergt. Orombie, whilst Capt. Armstrong In the course of his remarks, Alderman M iles said another hare crossed the scent and diverted the work ~ -Mrs. Brown far the Corporation labour could Be arranged or utilised the Sussex Poultry Club was the largest club of its Mrs. Aberg. Miss Andrews. Miss Joe. Snndays, parade at S p.m. take the part of the Baron. Corpla. Hicks and Thomas to make the scheme snooessfuL” of the pack. The Master soon, got them back, but Orchard son. Mias Qrchardson Week Days, except Thursdays, le 7.40 p*m. will, be the comedians in the piece, and Lieut. Fleming kind in England. It was well known and hod members scent then failed, added to which other hares turned — JUm Williams. Ml* Oraoe Williams. Thursdays, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.. log* a t Miniature Sandee and Lieut. J. 0. Sidebotham have also been all over the world. He expressed thanks to all who had up and ppset calculations. In some rushy pieces beside E- Mr. Barclay. - . ----- Miss WldlrtuWidtrington. Mr. Range, Technical Institute. allotted parts. helped to make the show a success and particularly the stream the pack found again, and a good hunt mentioned Mr. S. C. Sharpe, the hard working hon. juowa.owd. Bliss Lowy. Miss Whaley. Recruit Drills. .> I • * 'i ' * ■ WARBLETON. followed round N1 ew FHouse and thence left-handed to j ■ ‘."’1 secretary. The County Council, added the Alderman, Week Days. 6.80 p-m. The openir scene will represent a scene in the T h e L a t e Mis s Ch a r l o t t e D unn .—T h e Peppernye. From here hounds brought her back to WILMINGTON SQUARE. Sundays, 3 P-m. , trenches, whii will be very powerfally portrayed, •fid might, with advantage, spend a little more money on mid-marsh, but. changed on to a fresh hare. She remains of the late Miss Charlotte Julia Dunn, eldest poultry, which would be'much better than some of the proved but a weak one, and was accounted for under 15 Mrs. O re y .t Mrs. Mason. Bliss Mason y Okdkrlucs (for week ootnmencing December 10th). ~-prove,-dotkele of the ,most popular featureseatures of'of the daughter of the late Mr. J. R. Dhhn, were interred in XL—Mrs. and Master Melville Stephens pantomime. A second Beene will depiot the men ways in which they spent it (bmr, hear, and applause). minutes, but when hounds were put on the line of their >M1m HalL...... Bliss Freer. Visosnm i Boyne’s f. Officer, Platoon Commander & N. Vigere; Sergeant, the Churchyard on Tuesday afternoon. The Rector A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Alderman original quarry they could do little with it, and wore Mansionan .—Mrs. Rooke. Bliss Booke* Mrs. Corporal and six Privates from No. 1 Platoon. (thet Rev. C. A. Henningf officiated and the chief beaten on the “ trade”—East Dean was the meeting Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Johnson. Blaster house, at which soldiers are quartered. Here it is said mourners were Mr. Francis Dunn and Mr. L. A. Dunn Miles. ‘ ! / ,L (For week commencing December 17th). there are to be some interesting flirtations between the place on Tuesday. After a very sharp frost the ground T. (brothers), Lient. F. Dunn (nephew), Mr. Prance and was in poor trim for hunting, while the scent was thin ______iioir-M r. and Mrs. Archibald Wood. Officer, Platoon Commander R. Miller; Sergeant ugly sisters and their admirers. Another scene will Dr* Walters, The sympathising friends in attendance Mr. and Bin* Robert Bain. Mrs. Kirton. Blisses Corporal and six Privates from Section a represent a hospital ship bound for “ Blighty; ” there is and catchy, and very little could be done. A hare Rem its can be taken at the Company Headquarters, included Mr. and Mrs. G. Goldsmith. Mr. P. Bouraer, MILITARY HOSPITAL. found on Orowlink pointed for Gales, bnt she soon ran also a cook house scene, a ball room aoene and a Miss Frances Darby, Miss Anne Darby, Mr. A W. WILMINGTON GARDENS. the Drill Hall, Junction-road, every weekk day evening gymkhana at Summerdown Camp. ) hounds out of scent. A fresh hare was moved close to 8to9i DnmbrilL Mr. G. Feathers, Mr. H. Lower, Mr. Joseph Orowlink farm house. She took away towards the od.—Mrs. F. Phillips. A. J . H art, * • * Oliver, Mr. R. Piper, Mr. G. N. Watson, Ac. The foie following gifts have been received and are (A Mr. Edward Da Officer Commanding “ A ” Go.. gratefully acknowledged: Eastbourne Free Church West Dean-road, and after a slow hunt the pack were 6th Sussex V.R. Thanks to the kindness of the mnsio publishers, all coffin, which was of polished oak, was carried by six beaten to the south of Crowlink, when the Master gave the latest and most popular songs are to be introduced, men wearing white smock frocks. Brotherhood, new laid eggs; Mrs. Mount, illustrated the order for home. rADHouS?-^Mhwes Clack GU None Riohard- this department being supervised by Carpi. Wilson. papers; Mrs. Pring Rowe and Miss Ohater, Oh swabs; 5th CHICHfiSTEE CADET BATTALION C.L.B. The Bine Boy Orchestra, under the direction of Tmptr. - Mrs. Pring,;, air rings and hot waterwa e r bags; Mrs. Aston, Major O’Oonnel, will contribute its quota. The stage finger stalls; Miss Sylvester Sam.muel, wicker w cages; management is under the experienced direction of Mr. Patton, 23 men Devonshirel P ark; Miss ; Chater, HOREHAM ROAD. JEYINGTON GARDENS. t gR swabs; Miss Bucklow, hot waterr bag «covers and treat- (Mem for week Deoember 16th, 1916. Sergt. Leslie C. Gray, whilst Capt. Foley is acting as H o r e h a m R oad Ma n F a l l s 8,000 F e e t .— A—The Hon. Mrs. Fraser, f. The Hon. Mel Daraon, L 'general manager. » # * 1 5 ment bags ; Mrs. Nix, silk work :material ; Mrs. xjnrtr.—Mr. and MraMaoray Orderly Officer---- __ Omit. E. G. Capon. Melville, six book rests-; S t John’n’s Ain)bulance Associa- Seoond-Lieutenant E. P. Roberts, Royal Sussex Regi­ and BIrs. Booker . ' . __ Lanoe-Sergt. Pearce. For Soldiers and ment, who is serving in France with the Royal Flying Orderly N.C.O....—. , The “ Knots” went toFevensew on Wednesday and tion, crutches, magazines, cloths and toi brushes. iy, parade in Idt atC8 p.m. i Civilians, equally good.. Corps, writes in a letter to his parents, who reside at sssfftjssr s a r Vis*.- u . gave an entertainment in the Drill Hall, in connection 1 Horeham Rood: “ Am oat of it again for the winter. Tuesday.—-chrlsfc Chi Parade at Headquarters, with the Herstmonoenx, Pevensey and Westham 1 A successful whist drive was reoently held at Snmmer- Had a miraculous escape recently . . . were fighting _*HOCTi.—iF ’ia f ' Mr.. Cowpv. Mia. Co.per. Platoon of thefith Sussex Volunteer Regiment. There down Camp between men from the Hospital and the seven Huns. My friend brought one down and I shot. . . 8 Wednesday.—Company as ordered, whs a large attendanee and the excellent programme T o f f e e d e L U K E Camp Several prizes were won by men from: the I fell out of control, for 8,000 feet. ■ I remember falling, submitted by the popular Blue Boys was greatly Hospital Band Practices d< the week ae ordered. . * * * bnt don’t remember hitting the -ground. Myy lmachine______■Mb_ Bin* Edwards. _MIm WMM JnbB kfjjM enjoyed. was wrecked’in a shell-hole1-hole...... just inside our lines. A t ’ Hours.—Blr. Moore. 3ft I... i ■ -^tant. We are still needing donations and gifts for our first my lef^leg was. thought to be broken, but now I Thp fourth sociAe at the Y.M.C.A. last Monday Christmas Gifts Fund to enable-ns thrive the 270 men think it is only my knee which is dislocated. Apart CARLISLE ROidX | ylA ttlosr t l r t ttaniainn to mnra are in Brazil, Argentine, Chili, Pern, Venezuela jin the Hospital a real “home” Christmas. These from being a bit tender inside, I am all- right. My .Stewart. Bin* Mrs. the larger Recreation Hall was a wise one. Colonel Spanish-Portuguese Republics, while in should he sent without delay to toe Hon. Secretary,’ obeerver is rather bad with a scalp wound, concussion Recreation Committee, Military Hospital. kindly gave his oonsentf to this arrange­ a a 4 ^ ° " ^ f * “ d and an injured back. Expect I shall probably be in COMPTON STREET. MRS. ment and the next rally of the Blue Boys will be held England in a few days. Means a couple of months in „ Bliss Barnard. there. In spite of the pressure of numbers the evening, The authorities ought to take action hospital and a stiff leg for another couple of months. _Mrs. Johnson. WINSLOW’S was a pleasurable success. This was owing in pari to against these swindlers,” aaid'Mobeon as he tore op the A n Ol d Of f e n d e r .—A t S isex Assizes, bn There is nothing to worry about.” the exoellent musical programme’ provided by S t letter hebad just received. “ WhaPs the matter now? Thursday, Frederick Arthur Chi (26), labourer, — ■ e — ...... ,■ ' 1 ■■■ ' SOOTHING n l^ ta a d Andrew’s Presb' ______a s k e d _ ' "’ saw an advertisement that said p, value 7s. 6d., MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ard Cambridge. Mies up brkfht ness of the boys themselves to be pleased by the efforts would tell me how to make tbourne, on or to serve’ theta and partly by the determination of thb that for five _ __ _ . laving in hia possession, alker. Mr. and Mr*. SYRUP. butter from Mobeon. “ So l sent the FLOEMNE Have used this economical Rev. F. PriagBoW to keep up the standard Of good bade a c u d that says, ‘After without lawful excuse, certain implements of house- Dentifrice with tall satisfac­ . . I before, the boar pasted quickly and tion. A few drops produce HYDE GARDENS. to a cow a n $ $hen churn two knives, a piece of candle shd an a refreshing lather and O o tU i E a s t S u s s k x P ol nil the ssnans close, when an address, wise electric lamp, at Eastbourne, at 10.60__ p.m.t on Novem- FOB THE cleanser, rendering the teeth :of ber 7lb.—Mr. J. E. Raven prosecuted.—The Judge white and arresting decay. upon “ W liat'ta^ar Sfe!” I t ▲ small boy was one day asked by his teacher said prisoner had already served three sentences of Also pnt up in Powder form. Ran some. BCre. ___ be apparant to all who wish the best for oar if bakasw what was meant by energy and enterprise. TEETH. ». Blrs. Niohol- £ L i penal servitude. He would be sentenced to 12 months’ Why not try it > fcarnea;; hewer, and soldier ladT that this is the real, right thing. “ No, sir, I don’t think I do,” he xspaed. “ Well, I’ll hard labour. * > J#*' 12 months ago. tell you, my boy. One of the richest men in the world I m t ...... ■■■■■■nil , i > here witbouta shirt on hia back, and now be has There were 79,555 persons in receipt of Poor Acknowledging a further gift fror^Glasg j sap-' GILDREDGE ROAD. Law relief on Saturday, Nov. 25th, a decrease of over a t £23,300, the Prinoe of Wales says his fund has n m m The petal Is the only gem that does not one.” “ Millions! "replied toe boy. “ How many .—Mrs. Dqndas Wright oolite beauty. he pot on at one tone f” - 7,000, as compared with a year ago. reached £6,000,000.

SKt ? I

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” «—■ )- ' 11 . I t1 I T T- ii X V

JS ABT.BOUBNE GHBONIGLE BATUJBDA Y DECEM BER 9, 1916. ; 8 ■ » ■ — ~ — ' ------DEATH OF THE REYf FATHER board of Guardians.


Inexpensive ' Wo regret to announce the death, which occurred at The Presbytery, Grange-road, yesterday, of the NEW ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE. Rev. Father Paul rich, B.A., rector of the Roman Catholic Church, contracted a chill on Saturday The fortnightly-meeiting of the Board of Guardians ARE OFFERING MANY last, and unfo it developed into pneumonia, th e rerv. ] sing away somewhat suddenly. Was held at Avenue House, The Avenue, yesterday. F u r S e t s _Father___ _ _Lynch______was i le to receive therlast rites of the Mr. E. J . GorringE presided, and there were also Roman Catholic Church at the hands of Father Craw­ Pffesent Councillor Bradford (vice-chairman), Miss fo r : > ford, junior ■ curate of the church. The deceased Gatliff, Miss Boldero, Miss Davies-Gilbert, Lieut.- Beautiful “ MODEL” Garments Reotor, who was in his 51st year, was bom at Cork. Col. Owen, C.M.G., C.LE., Councillor Prior, Coun­ He came to England at an early age and graduated a B.A. with honours at the London University. cillor Chapman, Councillor Eden, the Rev. H. von E, Although he was a man- of great modesty and retire­ Scott, the Rev. H. Pain, the Rev. J. T. Burns, Mr, A t V ery Exceptional M id-Season Prices. ment, his career from an academical standpoint was J. G. Shield, Mr. J. Robinson, Mr. S. E. Buckland, a series of brilliant successes. After receiving his Mr.. J. McCann, Mr. J. Willmot, Mr,- J. L. Reid, B.A. degree he proceeded to serious religious study Mr. G. Hornsby, Mr. C. Thomas, Mr. J . Birch, Mr. • THESE WILL ONLY BE DISPLAYED IN OUR EXTENSIVE SHOW ROOMS, AND WE INVITE A VISIT OF INSPECTION. and was ordained a priest in June, 1889. He served F. J. Hiokman, Mr. A. S. Haynes and Mr. A. Hurst as a curate at several East London Missions, but his (clerk). __ principal work has been in Eastbourne, where he has Clogs for Ch ild r en . 6 ‘ M od el” G ow ns for Day and Evening Wear*. spent 22 yeans. When he first came to the town During the hearing of the relief cases the Superin­ Father Lynch found there, was no permanent church tendent Relieving Officer suggested, that they should FASHIONABLE STILES. —the services were ithen held in what was formerly have a supply of clogs Jo issue to needy children, as “ M odel ” C ostum es—Many Fur-Trimmed, &c* n A the Eastbourne Malrket Place, in Grove-road—and clogs would be better than cheap boots and would Catholic schools.! W ith characteristic energy he keep the children’s feet warmer. set to work to establish the denomination to which It was decided to get a quotation for clogs. he belonged on a firmer footing, the result being the “ M od el ” C oats—Including “ Matrons’ ” Velvet Coats, trimmed Fur, &c. FR O M 4 5 /■ SET, iplendid church opposite the Town Hall, the St. e H o use Committee. Joseph’s Sohools, Whitley-road, and a second church Christmas Fare.—The committee recommended ir of St. Agnes. Father Lynch, by his genial personality that an allowance of 2s. per head, per inmate be Sm art V elour Coats, Trimmed Fur. and broad-mindedness made himself respected by all allowed to purchase extras for Christmas Day, and SPECIALLY PURCHASED with whom he came jn odntact, without distinction of that officers be allowed 4s. each for the same purpose. oreed. He was beloved by the Roman Catholics, not Accommodation for Inmates.—The Clerk submitted B lack “ Im itation ” F ur C oats, best qualities at Special Prices. AS USEFUL PRESENTS. only for his personal jqualities, but also for the sound­ correspondence from Mr. Snowden,. Local Govern­ ness of his advice I on all matters respecting the ment Board Inspector, and the Hastings Union Clerk, 4 Church and the. sincerity of his convictions. Under notifying that tile Canadian Authorities proposed to WE ARE ALSO OFFERING THE FOLLOWING his direction the heavy burden of debt upon the take over the Hastings Workhouse as a military church has now beep reduced by some £6,000, thus hospital at an early date. Mr. Snowden stated that leaving a considerably lighter task for his successor. accommodation for our inmates, about 70 ia, number, Father* Lynch was keenly interested in the musical now at Hastings could be found .at the Tonbridge S portion of the servi _ V-. A R oll of H onour. Scouts who are doing such valuable work in conjunction Miss Randall offers prizes for a oake competition, Miss Gatliff handed to the Chairman a Roll of ATTACHE CASES. ’ TETTER CASES, NOTE CASES, 4fe, Ac. with -the Lifeboat Grew and Coastguard, shall also opened to amateurs only, the cakes to be sold in aid of ■ .? i •; 1" ' b ’ . , . „ participate in the fund. I need say no more; I feel Honour containing the names of nine boys who have tne sale, and no cake to oost more t ham 2s. Please send been chargeable to the. Guardians. Eight ’have sure the object will commend itself .to one and and all;-, cakes to Saffrons Rooms before 11 o’clock Wednesday, A ny donation soarf ^to^ our Hon. Secretary, M r. A rthur fought with the Canadian Expeditionary Force and OUR SPECIALITY.—M aids’ Caps and Aprons, and Ladies' and Gents* December 13th, bearing competitor’s name and address the other in the Royal Navy. Three oL them have E. Infield, of 37THartfield-road, or myself, will be most in a sealed'envelope. Entrance fee 3d. gratefully acknowledged. been killed. H andkerchiefs —E norm ous Selection and E xceptional Values . We shall be happy to welcome all who will help to It was decided to place the Roll of Honour in the Y ours faithfully, give the soldiers a happy Christmas and New Year by Board Room. ‘ 0 . A . L E ATH AM L supporting the sale of work and entertainments on 13th' (Chairman of the Eastbourne Branch December. Yours truly, It has been reported to tbe Middlesex County /. A . R.N.L.L). GRACE DAVIES-GILBERT. Council that the Government have so far refused to Windmill Lodge, Eastbourne, The Manor House, Eastbourne, license women food and drugs inspectors. 74,? 76, 78, 80 & 82, Tertniiras Road, ! December, 191& December 4th, 1916. Members of the Hendon Women’s Local Government Association have pledged themselves not An Army Order published oh Monday insfci- Wages of Nottinghai b u ild e rs have been to buy or eat ioed cakes or elaborate sweets during the Telephone 10)00. , Eastbourne. - bates a bar for the M entorioos Service Medal. raised to Is. by an extra Id. hr hour. war. w

b;. ''I

✓ S O N ’S

N EW STOCKS OF CHRISTM AS GOODS are now on view. They comprise the Best Quality, the Best Value and: the Smartest

4 Patterns in Modern JEW ELS and WATCHES, SILVER imd ELECTRO PLATE a n d , REAL LEATHER GOODS. The \ O' '• [ '* ’ - . a ' . • ' 1 ■".• L' • ’ •* •' '■ ' ' " i . . /. ' . ’ " * •_ ' ‘ ' . _. - J-; j ' ' ' \ ’- ■* Li ( . i. ' \ ’ ' y • . . • . .... ¥ 1 S variety for disposal :sboidd * m a k e selection easy* Jor^aW ki(ifb )seo^chh of -USEFUL and D A IN T Y GIFTS. Inspection is invited and

, all Goods are shown with pleasure.

100, TERM INUS ROAD, (and at Exeter).

' - ■ ' • . i ■ . . • • : • ' ,

iEiscellatutm s, INSURANCE. s p e c i a l p r e p a i d r a t b s . 1 getbauts & Assistants ®anUb v ■ ; _) V .• . .1 r .for gale or to $et

R8B WANTED for throe children, 4, 8 and 19 O l REWARD.—LOST, on Saturday afterno A N EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY is offered fog' WANTS OF ALL KINDS, months; wages £26 to £30 ; age 22 to 35; nursOry dW 2iid, SMALL GOLD BROOOH, with amethj a1 F .E, PEKSONAL ACCIDENTS - ACQUIRING an old-established APARTMENT waited upon and cleaned.—Mrs. Eschwege, Rydal, of special value to owner. In' or near Terminjis-roa M AYNABC HOUSE as a going concern; best part of Royal-parade ARTICLES FOR SALE, ______Crawley' Down, Sussex. Railway Station, Eastbourne.—Anyone bii fully furnished; price £200; the equity of purchase, on same to Police Station, Town Hall, will be rev tJMPLOYBRS’ LIABILITY, •1RVAUTS WANTED or SITTTATIOHI BEQDIBiED, I TJORTER.-M AN WANTED as Indoor ■ Porter. — easy terms, pf tins desirable house can also be had for JL-LB. BAG OF KARSWOOD MEAL, 10IANO WANTED! £10 to A15.—Send fullpartictilars, COMTHAOnm Dxfaktmrnt. Nursery Maid*, Hall Porter (Hotel), Nurse (for Pinner), enoed.—Cane, 8. Oswalds, Meads, Eastbourne.' ‘ JT Box 0. D, G., “ Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne. u r n : DETACHED __ HOU8E;______i reception, STEAM ROLLBRa FOR HIRE ! 6*ft and 10 Tons, P th . . .ree bedrooms,. bath (h. . and a), r kitchen, scullery; ■'.d-i-i General (Rotherfield).______WT"ANTED, good KITCHEN and HOUSEMAID; to IT 'sleep in; oomfortable’home; good wages and e p a i r s .—r e p a i r s to b ic y c l e s aSraciA urY . Complete House ForniBhers, garden;' sea view; 21s. week. — J. T. tnham, St. gkUTOHER'S l BOOK-KEEPER W a NTED; experi- outings.—Apply, Findon House, Hartington-plaoe, East­ We devote out workshope entirely to blcyolee. For >tOATERS, BLOATERS, BLOATERS.—CLARK’S Anthony's Mount, Eastbourne. ' enced; take charge of offiee; family trade; age 25 bourne. f ; [> noted Han-cured BLOATERS, absolutely best on OUSE TO LET (Furnished); close to station ; clean to 30.—Appljr,' * ~Hewitt. nitt,fin' 1tutcher, * "Seaford. || _cuth Coast; only best local Herrings Cured; price, ANTED,200RELIABLEMEN.usefulin anikind and comfortably furnished ; terms strictly moder­ ’ Is. 6d., 2s. ana 2s. 6d. per doz.; any quantity sent on ate to careful tenants.—A. W., “ Chronicle” Office, East­ )S and HOUSEMAIDS WANTED of woodwork; also 60 ERECTORS forAfioraft ; receipt ol postal order. — Address all orders to 216, Greystone Buildings, v _ ___oediately; good wages.—Apply Manageress. work.—Apply, Morgan Sc Co., Ltd., Leighton Buzzard, Seaside. Eastbourne. Telephone 1886, Telegrams. *. a bourne^______- . ' Queen’s Hotel. Eastbourne.. ■ . . c,.. EETH.—Artificial Teeth, Jewellery, broken Gold Beds. ______- - ______and Silver, Ladles', Gents’, and Children’s Ward- ‘Fairplay, ______. YDE GARDENS.—Very compact, self-contained E a s t b o u r n e FURNISHED FLAT of four rooms, kitchen and. AKMAN.-WANTKD. able MAN; lnelia ANTED. ONE, or TWO MEN, also STRONG nbesbou,T i paid.—Looook, 200-201, Queen’s- y c l e s , m o t o r c y c l e s and c y c l e o a r s .- c for Army ------— ermanenoy.—Ai . . y Y DC-UTH for'orGeneral General Work ; preferablypi men UBed road, Hasi have the Pickof the Market. Triumph, B.&A., M room; electric light; constant hot water-supply; K.l cekett Cockereil 1. Station-parade, " & to horses.—Ai ‘ ’, Hall& Co., Croydon, Limited, London- “ ok and Raleigh. BARGAINS in SECOND? ■I .V; . moderate rent to good tenaut.—Terry’s, 19, Conineld- bourne. . - i road. East Grinstead. ^DENERS. — . road, Eastbourne. . tOTOR CYOLKS.—Rugg, Lewes. ’Phonie!47. BRY.—Young Ladies Wanted for the Btt ^ f N T « ABBAGE8 or i Q N E or TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET.— YET ANTED, SMART LAD, about-16 or 17, for Milk .VOYS in large __ orices*per URS—Doctor’s widow, through reduced circum­ 2j Eshton-road, Eastbourne. wroom and Lace Department.—Apply Martyn V V Round; live in or out; good wages.—Apply, A. dozen to be sent t o1 oung Sons, East Grinstead, or stances, must SELL SET; in very good condition. arson. Terminus-road. Eastbonme.______Bristow, East 6rlnstead Dairy. ’Phone 138. —Apply, 61, Firle-road, Eaatbonrpe. ______k t o J e t ) CjMALL DETACHED FURNISHED HOUSE, few ROOM MAID REQUIRED; one used to \E7ANTED, within the next two or three weeks,, R ■CHHt 8ALEt Sussex COCKEREL and 16 PULLETS; IO_ minutes from sea,.... TO_ __ LET______until_jptember next; so preferred.—Apply, Housekeeper, T v SLATERS And TILERS for a contract in Scot- LL AVAILABLE HOUSES. - Selected lists on tw o. reception, four bedrooms, bath room and offioee; Ltd., Eastbourne. laud; _ , Hall Sc Co., Croydon, Limited, fid le ^ S ib S “ d ^ Wire rUD; “ 2ga. a week.—Terry’s. 19, Cornfield-road, Eastbonme. London- rwwtot of requirement^.—Killick Sc Davies, Estate H A Eastbourne. I ) 'G.—VACANCIES for -j_jTofflcei'' YjlORSALE. WICKER MAIL CART condition; AgsBtB, n o BE LET, FURNISHED FLAT, with cool VERS and other classes ANTED, SHORTHAND TYPIST.-Write, stating J j cheap,—Apply. 13, Groevenor-road Grinstead. m o BE LET^Uppe on ^^req^ption, 6. bed, L attendance: large rooms; electric It in works within experience and salary required. Hart, Reade and JL bath and offices; ilephone.—Apply. 102, South-street, East! iume. and prospects. Oo., Lloyds Bank Chambers, Eastbourne. ; a^-, URNISHED ROOM-; YjK)B SALE, Smalt Ft 1; champion U5s: one on Government size about 16-ft. by 20-ft.— f bred; absolutely 1 ‘ house-trained, BE LET.—UppertoB; Detached House; IO LET, TWO Unfurnished ROOMS; use kitchen; EXTANT ED, OARMBN and LOWERS, Basti 7 very convenient and central. —11, Willowfleld- nearest Employment Kxo “S. ice to gooc j. ,f >^ % reception, 7 bed, bath and - a>~i stbourne. ______age; good wagesp constant worl C . -.i.V . - d i a U i s i v , . to No. A 2630, Hastings red.—Stevenson ~ ' X ’ »asideVEastbourne. *v I-road; one ef these m O LET, TWO FRONT ROOMS (Furnished or Unfur- .... 1 iWfSS -.l'h , ■■ ' ^ Houses; 2 roception, nfshed), with or without attendance ; terms LADY 'ANT WANTED for Christ-':. t price £425. I 4ft. moderate,—82, Ifleld-road. tira.wley, Sussex. tuncan Sc Co., Stationers, 63k, P for small Board: D (Crossley, 4| ffio-k complete with tank, I jMCT.^-On high ground; large garden; m o LET, In SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE, sleep in ; g( r; had Rule use; £16.—Brown, .houses; 2 reception, 4 bed, bath; X roomy. woll-lit LOOK-1C-UP SHOP with good base­ \ U 46. ment. Reasonable rent.—Apply, Manager, “ Chronicle ’* s te & k - ’ -r HAllHl-Ctnonf ITooi-ViAminn . for Garden Paths «ufd Rockery, FOR BE LI rj-8ti(A.nthony’8Avenue: 2 fioe. South-street,Eastbourne. - - ...... - ...... — ------— ,— ---- O’ nokett. 67, BUen-street, Hove. Sussex. im r tlon, i8 large, garden; rent £32. JRNISHED, Three or Four ROOMS; every eon- .—Geo. £17. 18s. • U 7a ,— . venience; 148, Seaside (opposite Ordnance-yard).— W .LfijT.—Hampden Park; 2 reception,-4 Apply, after 1, side door. ^ itu a tto n s 8 E auW >.‘'h “:':. JL bed, bath:; large garden; rent £45. U 8*. & Sons FURNISHED SITTING ROOM and BED- 1 1 $i street. IT TO LET.—Facing _ W. r T B ROOM; c near sea, Devonshire Park; good cooking . - • ;; ERE , (tq,; rent i cea in i and attendance: terms S^gs.[inclusive-; other rooms fit . Board lng-L_ required.—2, Wilmingtou-gardong. Eastbourne. ■______1—LADY with | references.—. 'H Y RENT a HOU8E?—You would not rent any­ Jos Counter; go< thing else in everyday use. You would buy it rermlnus-road, East- j W?i W Hwinpden Park outright-and y o u c a n b u y your house w hether you have am : “ Mj r overlooking capital or not. Send for *• Personal Ownership,” post free clb” working at tl______on application to the Managers, The Provident Associa- .. M r e ,|X i tipnsot London, Ltd., 216, Bishopsgate, London, K.C. V k o f - s o i a ^ " ______M^ttiou! Sussex and Surrey Connor.’,’ , ;______WANT8 WORK of some kind for four or : “ and, d e w -b y that time we shall be able to a ffo rd * !” f u r ^ e d a t 2 guffi-e^ ...... W , Australia has granted war pensions to 18,845 ®* ab2 je and all available Houses. Printed by,the Roprletora, Fabnoombb Sc Co., Limited, - soldiers, at an annual liability of £787,188. ^ The Property Auction Mart, and Published by them every Saturday at thCur Offices ^ e Spnth-street, Eastbourne,

j 3 I f ,L Ki’ / '

