
FASHIONABLE VISIT EECOED AND GUIDE Registered, a t the G.P.O. T e l e p h o n e : 3 5 0 E a s t b o u r n e as a Newspaper, | E s t a b l is h e d 1 8 5 6 , PftICE ONE PENNY. -'■•-I l ■ • ■ ' jg T ; •/ ■ HE LADIES’ COLLEGE, MARY H. COOPER, Court Dressmaker. *• f i ASTBOI?f* * college. GRAJ3SINGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE ■ i ■ t PPresident r s s i d e n ti T S ell Your Old Gold. BRUFOBB & SON, Autumn Wear THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Smart COAT DRESSES, SUITS & RESTAURANT GOWNS for Principal i MISS HITCHCOCK. JUit advisable to store old. geld articles W atchmakers, Bead Hasten of no further use wbtta the gold can rT ■- Pnidla prepared. If desired, for the Preliminary. Junior, be exchanged for money I T h e B B V W, B. WILLIAMS, Tele. 763. 6, LISMORE ROAD, EASTBOURNE, Senior and Higher Cambridge Local Examinations, also We are prepared to value old gold in JEWELLEBS & SILVERSMITHS’ «I. tor Matriculation, • London University, and for the large or small auantities free of cost Examination br the Associated Board of the Royal and to give cash or cheque payments BEST VALUE. ^IbeSch^H s ft flRST-GRADB SCHOOL for the Bona Academy of Musio and Royal College of Music. in exchange for it. Student* desirous of pursuing their studios after leaving QUALITY GUARANTEED. D I C K E R a n d C O . E. &( F^PSL0COMBE), Bon prepared for the Unlveraltlee, the Army, Navy Sohool may J(Xn Ad vanced Classes in English Literature had Civil gervteea. Profeoalong and Commercial life . and History, French, German, Latin andbCatheinatlcs. Repairs by Expert Men. W. Bruford & Son, [IGH-CLA8S PROVISIONS MERCHANTS AND T hen are special Armt and Navt Ciabsks. Hookey, Net-ball and Tennis Clubs, SM 100, Terrainns-rd., Eastbourne 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, BAftTBOURNB. Motua abdlnfawnatlon as to recent) Buooeoae*. A FEW BOARDERS ARB RECEIVED. i should be made to the H ead Ma st b s. The Principal will be at home to see Parent* on and 241, High-street, Exeter. ' And at EXKTEB. % ■. ■e P h t HOa i. D m u la eom pnlaory for th e w hole Sdhool. business every Friday from 8.80 to 1.80 p.m. and at T e le p h o n e 4S2. W I N E 8 , SPIRITS a n d MINERAL WATERS. other times by appointment. | Old Glenlivet Whiskey, 4/- & 4/6 per bottle. Pine Old Tawney Port, 36/ & 42/- pel dozen. L 0 YELL Y • KBPPLESTONE, RAWING AND PAINTING CLASSES. - v W EASTBOURNE te 5 .r<5‘;' REENCROKT-ELLKSM Telephone No. 08.' NETT JAMS, BOTTLED FRimS, dtOi' % ^ BTAVELXIT ROAD/MHAD8, EASTBOURNE. MIBB MARGARET BENEOKB (a pupil of Mise l , SPENCER ROAD SCHOOL OF OQMMEBOB, BeatoteeMaloolm and Mr. W. Rothenstelm) HOLDS (Late of 32, The Avenue). — ---------------------------------------------------------- ^ 5 ';: Wephoue N0. 11& G 11, Peveusey-road. | LIPB CLASSES at THE STUDIO, BATH ROAD Home School for the Daughters of-Gentlemen 5Ww>ol far Girls (Preparatory and Finishing). (next to 48,'GROVE ROAD). M iss Lloyds wishes to announoe that she has arranged SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ^Hbmnrdkay 1 0 -4 and on Tuesdays and Thursday* r.46 to receive Into partnership the ensuing team ltTtg^ * 6 BA K E R & NS’ Mrs, F. H. Browne and Miee Tait-Beid, B.A., - m l LESSUNH . Xk. :a vv- ' ■ .V >). Davies, B.A. (Rons.), (Camti. Teachers' Diploma).. W. H. ROBBB7 T nduod ., {A w arded G aohers. DiSfelNG AND DEPORTMENT. M E MADE BREAD JQRAWING AND PAINTING. ,y. *;\V a. "I to th« I S S . LUCY WAY ILL SIDE ST ANNE’S HAS 3UA8TBOURNB. DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OP THE TOWN DAI Head Qf RESUMED HER CLASSES FOR CHLLDRKM Preparatory School for Boys. “ , au>4%B.a8., a Academy, __________ _ In Drawing and AO.P ~ k.and ata. Oamatvm, Painting either Privately or In Class. IN THE SAFFRONS ROOMS, W. H. JONES, M.A., RR.G.& JJlitton C ,0 P., and Un. Artier M ias ____ ____ _______ _______ ___ ______ _ iu At Three p.m. Lanuel Coll ope, Cambridge, REOHIV] w holds poittlons as Visiting Teacher In 19 21, CHURCH STRBETi 15, PEVRN8ET ROAD « « 175, SEASIDE. Boys’ and Girls’ Schools in London, and “is open to PBIVATK LESSONS GIVEN, SCHOOL8 ATTENDED, r IS to be prepared for the Public 8c . aad lto . Jatnewm, W. 3 . 0. Mtnrr, m!E; engagements In Eastbourne and dlstrlot. Pupils have Wa- D ^ , T el. 169. Qathome Or . I n ., sad X n. On, the Bar. Uiilnc obts^edJWijhest awards_in_oompetlt4on with sohools In For particulars address 28,,, South-street, Eastbourne^ and , Um Bov. fTS. WUUmh*. U.L (Hwd BCmSh .-48, E ast i-road, Eastbourne. DANCING: RHYMIO EXERCISES. IBB ELSIE B. M. REED, Certificated 0 B O B O UGH- SO T elephone 623. Under-Royal Patronage, UPPER AVENUE, EA8TBOCI FREDK. S. SHELLEY, r a n v il l e h o u s e , g a u d ic k r o a d , M Advanoed Grade Associated Board R.A.M. and MEADS, EASTBOURNE. R.C.M, Plano and Organ (Honours), Assistant Organist at IS 8 ELEANOR RATCLIFF1S St. Saviour s Church, Eastbourne, Aooompanlsu to the M 1 WILL HOLD & G. GILBKRT’, (liond Builder, Decorator, Plumper, Gas, Hot Water and Electrical Engineer. G R e sid en tia l, P r k pa ba to bt a n d F in is h in s Eastbourne Amateur Operatic Society. Open tor Engage­ Private School for Boys. Gir ls’ School. ment as Accompanist. GIVES LS880NS In PIANO­ HOLIDAY GLASSES Contractor for General House Repairs. FORTE and ORGAN PLAYING and In HARMONY FOB > Premises with 8 acres of ground. Principals—MRS. O. H. D> la MOTHS and and THEORY. Students prepared for the various Musical Examinations. BALLROOM DANCING) Office and Showrooms - - - 8, TERMINUS PLACE. MRS. NELSON FOLEY, B.8a (Lond.) late : Deration for London 4, K ilb u r n Tb b b a o <8 minutes from Station), AT THE j PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. of the Ladies’ College, Cheltenham. ExarBOUKif*. DEVONSHIRE PARK, Fees Moderate Mid Assisted by a well-qnallfled Staff Tuesday and Friday Afternoons, commencing Deo. m"«v House beautifully situated In its own Grounds. Good IBB B. NOAKES, Certificated in Harmon'mony and - - J Juniors nnder 15 years of age, 2.45 p.m.; Seniors over IS g T . GEORGE'S SCHOOL (UPPERTON), Tennis Courts and Playing Field. Recreation and M 1 B oard years of age, 3.45 p.m.; Babies, Friday , Mornings. U. Gymnasium Room (SO ft. long). ■ of th e R A on th e PIANOFOL.^_________________ o’olock. Commencing Dec. 15th. Special Advantages tor Musio and Modern Languages, _______Harm ony FOB 8078 INTENDED FOR BU3INES8 LIFE.. and Counterpoint.—For Terms api 8, Oalverley-road. Terms: 21s. the Course of Six Lessons. The Bnbleoiki of Instruction lndnde those taught at 0 E T f M ANN Prospectus and references, on application. ADULT CLASS every Friday Evening at the i m iwnt a. PnWio Secondary Schools and. In addition, special Rooms, 8.30. attention Is paid to Commercial Subjects and Modern M 'I S S M . GRAHAM SOHOFIBLD, Address: The Ohatsworth Hotel, Eastbourne. & C O ., L t d ., — - ]L « "IS S BALLS, L.L.A., Dlplfimte, Faria 1. SPEN CER ROAD. 0 at Glass Certificate), DANCING AND PHYSICAL EXERCISES. Nr- TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, W. > Successful in Examination Work. Gives LESSONS In PRACTICAL DRB380UTTINQ ISS HUTTON MOSS and MISS PAINS SCHOOL OF ART and MAKING, FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING MUNICIPAL Telephone i MUSEUM have resumed their EASTBOURNE JJ9 L (Technical I n s t it u t e Grove-boad). Telegrams i “ OKTZMANN LONDON.” "ONE." COACHES IN SPECIAL SUBJECTS OR TAKES and MILLINERY. c l a s s e s . • Mias Schofield has had 14 yean* experience with private O A T and EVENING GLASSES are held In all BEGINNERS AND BACKWARD PUPILS. pupils and in class teaching In achnoia. Childbjcn's Class at THE GYMNASIUM, YORK ROAD, on SATURDAYS, at 2.30 p.m. B rushes cf Art, Including Glasses in Metal W ork, Hig h e st R btkbxnoes. Blouse Patterns a Speciality. Wood Carving and Leather Work. Speolal arrangements made for Adult Classes. 8 , CORNFIELD TERR AOR. M V isitors oan join for short periods. “A BOOK ON FURNISHING ” SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, 89a, H a r r i n g t o n r o a d , Lo n d o n , elw . MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL • SOUTH STREET. YOUH BUSINESS PRINTING. GRATIS AND POST FREE. DANCING AND ELOCUTION. FOR GIRLS BOYSS ABB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. T is often necessary that General in connection with businesses of every (UPPERTON-ROAD). :Fees £6 pkb Annum. ' \ I required qulokly, and. at the same time, well done. a d a m e v a n d y o k ’s g l a s s e s ■MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL M airr Chohat. Bonolabshifs, some of which ooven ------ ombe & Co., Ltd, “ Chronicle ” ~ are now resumed M ■' I y £ 2 the. whole amount of the Fee*. v South-street, are fully prepared to meet these require­ , A* DEVONSHIRE PARK. FOR BOYS Training for Burthesa life. ments, having their works fitted with machinery capable SpeolalM Classes for Operatic Dancing (Russian (T e c h n ic a l I n s t it u t e , G r o v e -b o ad ). £ 5 PKEPAID/ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANT of expeditiously turning out high-class work, Holiday Classes during Xmas Holidays.
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