ABC Canadian Formula/Conversion Table for Wastewater Treatment, Industrial, Collection and Laboratory Exams
ABC Canadian Formula/Conversion Table for Wastewater Treatment, Industrial, Collection and Laboratory Exams (Titrant Volume, mL) (Acid Normality) (50,000) Alkalinity, as mg CaCO3/L = Sample Volume, mL Volts Amps = Ohms Area of Circle = (0.785) (Diameter2) or (Π) (Radius2) Area of Cone (lateral area) = (Π) (Radius) Radius 2 + Height 2 Area of Cone (total surface area) = (Π) (Radius) (Radius + Radius 2 + Height 2 ) Area of Cylinder (total outside surface area) = [Surface Area of End #1] + [Surface Area of End #2] + [(Π) (Diameter) (Height or Depth)] Area of Rectangle = (Length) (Width) (Base) (Height) Area of a Right Triangle = 2 Sum of All Terms Average (arithmetic mean) = Number of Terms 1/n Average (geometric mean) = [(X1) (X2) (X3) (X4) (Xn)] The nth root of the product of n numbers Biochemical Oxygen Demand (unseeded), in mg/L = (Initial DO, mg/L) – (Final DO, mg/L) Sample Volume, mL Final Diluted Volume, mL (Desired Flow) (100%) Chemical Feed Pump Setting, % Stroke = Maximum Flow (Flow, m3/day) (Dose, mg/L) Chemical Feed Rate, mL/min = (Chemical Feed Density, g/cm3 ) (Active Chemical, %)(1,440) Circumference of Circle = (Π) (Diameter) (Instantaneous Flow) (Total Sample Volume) Composite Sample Single Portion = (Number of Portions) (Average Flow) Storage Volume, m3 Cycle Time, min. = Pump Capacity, m3/minute - Wet Well Inflow, m3/minute ( o F − 32) Degrees Celsius = [(Degrees Fahrenheit - 32) (5/9)] or 1.8 Degrees Fahrenheit = [(Degrees Celsius) (9/5) + 32] or [(Degrees Celsius) (1.8) + 32] Volume Detention Time = Note: Units must
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