ENDEAVOUR SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL Taren Point Rd & The Boulevarde Caringbah NSW 2229 + 61 2 9524 0615 www.endeavour-h.schools.nsw.edu.au


REPORTS: • Year 7 • Year 8 Medieval Show • Year 9 Camp • Year 11 • Extension Classes Principal Deputy Principal Deputy Principal • Science Week Ms Jocelyn Gooch • Mr James Kozlowski Mrs Nagla Jebeile STEM

• Special Education FEATURED ARTICLES • Fitness Centre • Clontarf


• TSP Girls Rugby Union/League

• TSP • TSP Rugby Union • TSP Football TSP Girls Rugby • TSP AFL TSP Hockey • TSP Athletics Union/League • TSP Hockey A visit from the PM • TSP Dance • TSP Netball • TSP Tennis • TSP Cricket

DATES for 2018

Term 3 Friday 28 September - Last day of term Year 7 History - Year 12 Graduation Ceremony Year 8 Medieval Show Sat. 29 Sept. – Sun. 14 Oct. Science Week School Holidays

Term 4 Monday 15 October Students and staff return Thurs . 18 Oct. – Fri. 9 Nov. HSC Exams Wednesday 28 November TSP Presentation Night Friday 14 December Presentation Day

Wednesday 19 December TSP Athletics TSP AFL Last day of term TSP Tennis

Click for 2018 ESHS CALENDAR Message from James Kozlowski – Principal

Dear Endeavour Family

Term 3, 2018, will be regarded for many years to come as a seminal one in Endeavour’s history. Two moments stand out: earlier in the term we were acknowledged as the ‘Government Secondary School of the Year’ at the Australian Education Awards; and, more recently, we received our NAPLAN results that revealed we have achieved our second consecutive year of best ever results.

The award that we received at the AEA’s has generated an incredible response from people right across the community, both inside and beyond the world of education. Endeavour is now known as a place where exciting things happen and success flows daily. With our NAPLAN results we are dispelling any lingering myth that sporting excellence compromises academic excellence. We are delivering both and I could not be any prouder.

It is no wonder that with all of this success that we have seen a record number of enrolments for Year 7, 2019. In addition, we are being flooded with applications in the other year groups from students with outstanding academic and sporting records. We are being viewed as a school where excellence is being fostered in the classroom, in the creative and performing arts, in other extra-curricular activities and on the sporting field.

Our High Achievers Morning Tea was added to our list of ways we are acknowledging student success. It was wonderful to see so many parents and family members attend to share in the pride. Another important form of recognition involves certificates and letters home for our Gold Flag students who consistently display our values of academic excellence, personal best, commitment and respect.

Leadership matters and this extends to our student leaders. Whilst I am constantly reminding students that all are ambassadors for our school, I know how important our captains and prefects are to our culture. We recently elected a wonderful group of student leaders who will take on this important role in Term 4. I thank the current leadership team for setting the leadership bar so high for this next group.

Congratulations to those students who are about to leave Endeavour – our current Year 12. We hope you move on to the next exciting stage of your lives with great memories and a desire to use what we have given you to be wonderful citizens that make our society better. You will always be considered as a member of the Endeavour Family and we look forward to following your future successes.

Finally, I would like to thank my incredible staff who are responsible for our accomplishments. I am very lucky to work with such talented, dedicated and inspiring colleagues. I wish them and our students a wonderful holiday.

Mr J Kozlowski Principal HOME

Message from Nagla Jebeile – Deputy Principal

This term has been an amazing term to watch students adopt a ‘can do’ attitude. Students have shown their keenness to learn and are very honest about their strengths and weaknesses. Most students are very good at working on their strengths but it takes courage, character and dedication to work on your weakness. It does require asking for help and at times making mistakes and trying again until you get it right. I encourage all students to take the leap and adopt a ‘can do’ attitude and start focusing on both their strengths and weaknesses. These are the most effective students, showing growth in their learning and inspiring others to tackle their weaknesses. The cheer from a student who can solve the problem, write that essay or create the perfect design warms the heart and is truly inspirational. In addition, I encourage students to focus on the six P’s which always lead to success: Passion for learning, Preparation in all that you do, Purpose the reason you are studying, Patience with your dealings with peers, Pride which will drive you to do your best and Punctuality aiming to always be on time, plan ahead and get organised. The six P’s are a powerful combination for success in your studies and your life beyond school.

This term students participated in Mental Health awareness talks and R U OK Day, Year 9 had an amazing time on camp and Year 7 watched Anti-Bullying drama presentations. Students participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition this term and NAPLAN Readiness online tests.

It was wonderful to connect with so many proud parents at the High Achievers Morning Tea. Parents and teachers took time out to recognise and celebrate the success of our highest achieving students.

We also heard the inspirational speeches of our future leaders competing for School Captain, Vice-Captain and Prefect roles. Congratulations to all the candidates and especially to our newly elected Captains and Vice-Captains.

I would also like to remind parents and students that our homework centre is a great place to receive extra assistance from teachers on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.

Mrs N Jebeile HOME Deputy Principal

Message from Jocelyn Gooch – Deputy Principal

As another term draws to a close we should be mindful of how much we have achieved. The end of Term 3 marks a significant milestone for any academic year. This time marks the end of timetabled classes for Year 12 and the beginning of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) examinations. HSC exams begin on 18 October, the first week of Term 4. Over the next weeks our Year 12 students will be focussing on study. They will be undertaking examination practice and consulting their teachers for feedback. This is the time that our Year 12 students model the best behaviour – as academic performers and as good citizens. It is a privilege for the school community to see how the majority of them have grown and developed into successful and mature young people. We will continue to support them throughout the examination period and we wish them well. I would also like to acknowledge the hard work of their Year Adviser Mr Hibbert.

This term has been somewhat surreal with the success of being announced “Government Secondary School of the Year”, which celebrates the amazing school that we are all a part of. Not only are our achievements on the sporting field celebrated but also our focus on academic excellence and personal best are recognised.

The High Achievers morning tea was a huge success with many students receiving consistent high achievement in their academic studies and it was lovely to see so many families supporting and celebrating their child’s success.

This time of year is an opportunity for students to reflect on how well they have progressed in their learning. Every student has attended the Elevate study skills sessions and now is a good time to take stock of whether this commitment to study is being fulfilled as best as it could. Many students will be happy with their progress. Others may, upon reflection, realise that they have fallen short of their original aspirations. If this is the case, now is the time to re- commit to learning and to school.

As the weather begins to get warmer this is a good time to ensure that all students’ uniforms are correct. With many students having grown, we would ask parents to check that skirts are still at an appropriate length, and that all shoes are leather.

I wish all of the students in the Class of 2018 the very best of luck, both in their upcoming Higher School Certificate exams, as well as in their first steps into the world of adulthood. May you achieve the goals that you have set for yourselves.

With the inspirational words of JK Rowling,

"We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better."

Ms J Gooch HOME Deputy Principal

Year 7

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded a Year Adviser’s Award for Excellence

Cyrus Stanely-Traill Kayla Zanis Illiana Tsompas

In order for students to be awarded with a Year Adviser’s Award they must receive a total of ten merit certificates. These merits are awarded for: Academic Achievement, Sport, Creative and Performing Arts as well as Community Service. Fantastic effort Cyrus, Kayla and Illiana, for your hard work and diligence in class!

Wonderful ESHS Ambassadors - Jake St John, Max Robinson, Saul Spyrides and Jack Heslehurst did a fantastic job representing Endeavour at the East Boys Cricket Primary School trials at the SCG.

Fun in the classroom

Archaeology Cookie Excavation Lesson 7T enjoying a practical history lesson learning about timelines. Students were split into teams and had to place the dates into the correct chronological order. The fastest time was 3:15.

7K History students enjoyed a mock archaeological dig. Students were given cookies and had to ‘excavate’ the artefacts (chocolate chips) without damaging the site. The Students particularly enjoyed eating the cookies once they had finished.

Technology Students

Year 7 technology students working on their food design task using the Surface Pros.

Year 7 Brainstorm Productions – Verbal Combat Performance

Brainstorm Productions presented an educational theatre performance called ‘Verbal Combat’ for our Year 7 students on Tuesday, 18 September. Verbal Combat was an interactive workshop that looks at the consequences of our actions online. It dealt with the moral and ethical issues faced by Tech Savvy I-Generation. Cyber bullying issues were addressed in a cleverly crafted narrative. Students were able to ask questions and examine their own behaviour. The presentation was a valuable and successful technique for addressing a range of issues related to cyber safety and we appreciate your support in assisting us in dealing with this important and sensitive issue.

Miss Jessop and Mr Briscoe HOME Year 7 Year Advisers

Year 8 Medieval Show

On Wednesday 29 August, Year 8 attended a Medieval Show. We learned about life during the Middle Ages. We were told about the type of armour that was worn and the punishments that were inflicted on people. Some of these included being whipped and the scold’s bridle and pillory. We got to see and handle the many weapons that they used in the Middle Ages. Students were also able to try on the very heavy chain mail and armour and shields. This was a fun and informative hands-on experience. We had a great time checking out the weapons and wearing the armour.

Lachlan Brownscombe, Brendan Burbridge and Chevy Abbott


Year 9 Camp

With three loaded buses, 137 kilometres of tarmac and a palpable sense of excitement, Year 9 embarked on their three day camping trip up to Morisset this term. The camp was declared by their Year Advisor as “A triumphant success!” upon their return as the camp had students participating, bonding and getting to know their fellow teachers and students alike outside of the four walls of Endeavour Sports High School.

Year 9 Camp however was not for those with circumspect tendencies. Camp leaders had students and teachers scaling walls, leaping from great heights and scurrying through rugged bush at night. We learnt early on in the first day that we needed to grow as a group and as an individual or we just might not have made it out of there.

When we did arrive back at school, we all looked rather slovenly, but it needs to be said that the dirt under our fingernails, the bags under our eyes and the smell of our bodies told stories. They told stories of how we overcame challenges we thought impossible, how we helped each other in times of need and how at days end, we all are very much alike and have very much in common.

As is the case with most notable life events, it is not necessarily what you are doing but rather the company in which you are doing it with and this Year 9 Camp echoed that sentiment perfectly.


Mr Raxworthy Year 9 Adviser Year 11

Year 11 have come to the end of their Preliminary course for the HSC and are currently sitting exams. The exams are the culmination of three terms worth of work and are the first major exams for Year 11 students. The HSC courses for all subjects will begin in Term 4 and will mark the start of the HSC journey.

Student interviews will take place in Week 2 of Term 4 to discuss each student’s results and the subject they wish to drop before commencing their Year 12 HSC Coursework. Students are given the opportunity to drop a subject in Week 4 of Term 4 to reduce their study load. Year 11 will be going on Camp in Week 4 of Term 4. The camp will be held in Gosford and will encompass the mandatory Crossroads course.

Congratulations to all our Year 11 senior leaders who have been selected into the leadership team. Special congratulations to Ella Robinson and Steven Gamu who were elected School Captains and Maya Svagelli and Waku Cakaunitabua who were elected as Vice Captains for 2019.

Mr Kelly HOME Year 11 Adviser

Extension Classes

Term 3 has been a little quieter for the extension class extra curricula activities, as students have been working very hard on assessments and revision for their upcoming exams in early Term 4.

The GAT staff in-service day that was organised for Term 3 had to be postponed due to various conflicting schedules and will now be undertaken during Term 4. This workshop aims to deliver the two essential components mentioned in the Term 2 Log, those being:-

1. A presentation on teaching strategies for targeting higher order skills and critical and creative thinking

2. Assessment and reporting for mastery, whereby staff are given strategies for providing differentiated tasks for the J class, beyond the year group standard assessments.

Staff will be encouraged to do some hands-on modifying of a unit of work & its respective summative assessment to better obtain data on the higher outcomes being mastered by this cohort.

Rhys Briscoe and I look forward to collaborating once again with our fantastic J class teachers early next term.

Celebrating success in the Australian History Competition

The following students have received High Distinctions and Distinctions in the very challenging Australian History competition that was run on 23 May this year.

We congratulate them for their efforts:

Harrison Parker 9J High Distinction Brock La Macchia 8J High Distinction Nicholas Verteouris 8J High Distinction Joel Murphy 10J Distinction Sean Woods 8J Distinction Anica Aleksic 7J Distinction Saul Spyrides 7J Distinction

Brainways QUEST tutorials at the Australian Catholic University

We are very proud of two of our extension students, Felicity McNeill of 9J and Jack Heslehurst of 7J, who will be attending some of the tutorials on offer at the Australian Catholic University in North Sydney on 27 and 28 September. These tutorials hosted by Brainways Gifted Education are preparatory workshops for students wishing to upskill in the areas of mathematics, science and humanities in order to compete in the Quest competition later this year in November.

We hope to involve seven other students in this competition to make our team of nine. The tutorials offer topics of study in Algebraic equations, Atomic Structure, Philosophy, Aesthetics and Ethics. I wish to thank Felicity and Jack’s parents for supporting this initiative and allowing them this great opportunity.

I hope to have lots of good news also on student results for their yearly examinations in our next log as well as some feedback on our staff workshop.

Have a wonderful and restful break.

Karina Dunne HOME Coordinator Extension Program

Science Week

National Science Week is an annual festival of Science that takes place in August each year. This celebration aims to raise the profile and increase the public understanding and public appreciation of science, innovation, engineering and technology, and their role in maintaining and improving our society, economy and environment. Throughout the week the Science faculty organised events for all junior students to participate in.

Year 8 was presented the Big Science Big Fun show by Fizzics Education. Students saw giant bubbles, flying toilet paper, hair-raising electricity experiment, bubbling liquid nitrogen demonstrations, levitating beach balls. Students will experience on a nail chair, a giant gyroscope, fire balls, coloured shadows and a flame equalizer.

Not only were students amazed and excited by this presentation but they learned about numerous outcomes from the NSW Stage 4 Science syllabus.

Year 10 students were presented Deceptology by the ‘con man’ himself Nicholas J. Johnson. This gave students the opportunity delve deep into the human brain and explore the psychological and neurological secrets of illusion and deception. This presentation was created with leading psychologists and neuroscientists from around the world, Deceptology is part magic show and part exposé. Students were shown how and why tricks work. Students also learnt how these weird psychological and neurological tricks apply to the world around them.

For Year 10's Science Week experience Education Interactive presented a Forensic Science workshop. The murder case explored drug awareness and the impacts of hanging out with the wrong crowd. Students had to investigate the case of a murder. The accused 18 year old boy denies knowing anything about the crime. Students had to examine the crime scene and analyse the evidence including arson, autopsy, DNA and ballistics.

Ms Rigg Science Head Teacher


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

In Term 3 the STEM program has focused on developing student skills in 3D CAD (computer aided drafting) and 3D printing. Students have been completing exercises on creating 3D models using Autodesk Fusion 360 software. Students design objects using the software and print out the designs they have created on our 3D printer. This 3D CAD software is made available at no cost to students should they wish to download and use the program at home on their own devices. Some students from our STEM program recently travelled to Caringbah North Public School to act as mentors to Caringbah North students. The Caringbah North students were preparing STEM projects for an up and coming Science Fair at the school and our students provided feedback and assisted the Caringbah North students in completing their projects. The participation and help provided by our students was greatly appreciated by Caringbah North Public School and it was a great opportunity for our students to pass on skills they have developed through the Endeavour STEM program.

Students designing with 3D CAD A keg tag designed using 3D Key tags being made in our 3D software CAD software printer Finished key tags

Endeavour STEM is again competing in the First League Lego Robotics Championship with our 2018 team of students comprising Danis Huang, Ronan Noble, Taniko Sjostrand-Gardiner (Year 7), Mohammad Khaled and Brendan Burbidge (Year 8). Our team is preparing for the competition by coding robots to complete challenges with the Lego practice kit. The theme for this year’s competition is “Space” and our team will be competing in the regional championships in early November at Macquarie University.

Taniko Sjostrand-Gardiner, Ronan Noble and Mohammad Khaled, Brendan Burbidge, Danis Huang, (Year 7) with objects from the First Danis Huang, and Taniko Sjostrand- League Lego Robotics challenge kit they Gardiner look over the First League Lego assembled challenge table

Glen Tindall HOME STEM Coordinator

Special Education - Zoosnooz Excursion

On Tuesday 18 September and Wednesday 19 September 20 students from the JIM and MIM classes, Mrs Morrison, Mr Dodd, Ms Hall-Green and Mrs Leung in the Special Education Unit participated on an overnight excursion to Taronga Park Zoo.

The day started with a trip to Manly to participate in the Fairfax Walk followed by a tour of the Q Station where the students learnt that Sydney’s historical Q station served as a Quarantine station for migrants arriving in from the 1830s until 1984 to protect local residents from suspected contagious diseases.

After our afternoon tea at Rawson Park we headed to the Zoo at 5pm which was when our ‘Zoosnooz’ experience began. Firstly we were introduced to our guides: Dell (reptile handler), Danni (zookeeper) and Alison (an experienced ‘big cat’ handler). They were our day and night guides.

As soon as we settled we started our evening tour which included the new “Tiger Trek” exhibit and an innovative visual technology experience on the big screen learning about threatened and endangered species and how all of us can contribute in a very small way to global efforts to save species from the brink of extinction.

After a delicious buffet dinner we continued our night safari, led by our passionate hosts, where we were lucky enough not only to enjoy the Zoo without the crowds but also to see the city skyline with all its twinkling night lights. For some of us a good night’s sleep was had in our ‘Sharehouse’ accommodation. However we did all rise at 6am to a glorious morning overlooking our beautiful harbour-side city. At 7am a healthy breakfast was served and our adventures continued with a morning walking tour enjoying close encounters with some of the Zoo’s friendliest creatures such as snakes, lizards and tortoises.

We were also very fortunate to visit Taronga Zoo’s new Learning Institute (due to open to the public in mid- October) to experience the interactive desert environment to have more close encounters with some of our exotic creatures. When it was time to say goodbye to our tour guides at 9am the Zoo officially opened to the public again and we were able to explore the Zoo ourselves. This was when we saw the exciting seal show, the famous bird flight show and rode on the Sky Safari. These were just a few of our highlights from our wonderful ‘Zoosnooz’ experience.

This unique overnight educational experience was a fantastic way for our students to learn about animals and the environment. We are all responsible for caring for our Earth and giving our students an opportunity for a hands-on learning experience was invaluable and one which they will never forget.

Mrs C Morrison, Mr M Dodd, Ms V Hall-Green & Mrs K Leung


Fitness Centre

With the recent addition of some new equipment and a layout change in 2018, the Fitness Centre has seen a significant growth in numbers this year. A number of TSPs including AFL, Baseball, Cricket, Football and Rugby League have been taking full advantage of this fantastic facility adding a Strength and Conditioning Component to their programs. In addition, Year 9 and 10 mixed TSP classes have been doing some great work in areas of strength and conditioning, learning and partaking in a range of training methods and techniques including, boxercise, circuit training, weight training and speed and power development. Mr B Hopkins ESHS High Performance Manager

Marcus Fry working on his Jamaine Melchior watched by Joel Murphy and Akash Biradar warming delivery stride TSP mentor Mr Van Ryan and up before their gym session team mates, pushes hard to record a school record in the 100m Rowing Challenge Clontarf

Worthwhile Endeavour for the Prime Minister

The boys from Endeavour Academy in Caringbah, NSW were visited by a familiar face this morning – Prime Minister the Honourable Scott Morrison.

The Prime Minister is a long-time supporter of the Academy and oversaw its inception in 2015. Today, he joined the Academy boys for an early morning training session and barbecue breakfast.

“They’re young Indigenous boys with a bright future,” the Prime Minister said. “When you meet them they look in your eye, they tell you what their name is and they have a sense of purpose about them because they’ve got people here that believe in them and their future. “When I’ve seen these boys go from when they first come in here and when they leave, they finish Year 12, they’ve got 100 per cent attendance records, they’ve come from all sorts of rural parts of and they’re out there working, they’re at university, they’re changing their communities, they’re completely changing their lives. It’s a really positive story.”

Endeavour Academy Director and former NRL champion Jeff Hardy was on hand to thank the Prime Minister for his support.

“We are very proud of what we’re doing and your support is fantastic,” Jeff said. “To see the boys come through, get up early and come to training in the morning and to lead a healthy lifestyle, but to come to school then finish school and go onto employment is what we are all about.

“We’re doing great things and all our staff are doing great things across the country. And we want to continue to do so with your support.

“On behalf of the Clontarf staff and the participants in our programs right around the country, thank you.”

Arnold Woulf Operations Officer

TSP Girls Rugby Union/League

The success of female sport this year in greater society has been mirrored in the Girls Rugby Union/League Targeted Sports Program in its inaugural year at the Endeavour Sports High School.

The U14s qualified for the state finals for League 9s this term which hosted the top talent from all the schools across New South Wales. In a tough competition, the team fought very hard and suffered three close loses in the pool stages which unfortunately saw the team bow out. This was a truly great effort from the girls as this was the first year in which the team had played together. The U16s team made it through to the Sydney East finals which drew tough competition also and unluckily didn’t progress.

The squad now looks to Term 4 and the Rugby 7s gala days that are held throughout.

Mr Raxworthy Coach and Mentor


TSP Rugby League

St Marys Cup

Our Year 10 students represented Endeavour in the play off for 3rd against Matraville Sports High School, in the St Marys Cup Competition in Week 1 of Term 3. It was a great opportunity for our boys to play as a team when normally they would be spread across the 15s and 16s age groups. The team came away with a convincing 48-16 win and played well on the day.

Under 13’s NRL Schoolboy Cup

The inaugural Under 13s Schoolboy Cup concluded with Endeavour having finished the season with wins against Illawarra SHS, Hunter SHS and Patrician Brothers Fairfield. The competition allowed our Year 7 boys to play regular games against quality schools and highlighted the level of quality that is needed to play against other strong Rugby League Schools.

Buckley Shield

Our Buckley Shield campaign finished with a semi final loss to Westfields. The loss was a tough one to take especially seeing as the 20-12 score line was a vast improvement on the 38-0 defeat that we suffered in Term 2. The improvement in the team was evident from the opening kick off and two skilful tries in the first half, both from kicks, got us out to a 12 nil lead. Westfields fought back with two tries to level the score up at 12 all going into half time. A couple of dubious decisions, one awarding a try to Westfields and another disallowing a try to us proved to be the only difference in the end. The boys have worked hard throughout the year and have showed continued improvement. They should be proud of their achievements as much as their coaches are of them.

State Knockout

The NSWRL All Schools Carnival was held in Week 3 of Term 3 in the St Marys area. The carnival consists of all the schools that have rugby league programs both from the State system and Catholic system.

We had teams compete in the 14s, 15s and 16s age groups. All the games are of a high standard and are extremely intense affairs. All boys who played on the day represented themselves and the school with pride. The 16s made it to the semi final but were beaten by Westfields for a place in the final.

NRL Schoolboy Cup/University Shield

Endeavour reached the final four of the NSW section of the NRL National Schoolboy Cup for the second year in a row after a 30-22 win over Farrer in the quarter finals at .

Endeavour led 16-6 at halftime through tries to Australian Schoolboy Franklin Pele, Trevor Taufa and Jeremy Stowers. A tense second half saw Endeavour fall behind twice on the scoreboard. Both times a rampaging Franklin Pele scored for us to regain the lead before Trevor Taufa scored his second try in the shadows of full time to seal victory.

Endeavour progressed to the semi finals of the University Shield with a spirited 24-16 win over Farrer. With the Schoolboy Cup and the University Shield both nearing finals, it led to the unusual situation of the same schools clashing twice in the space of a week.

Unlike the previous week's Schoolboy Cup Quarter final win, this game involved a six hour bus trip and an overnight stay in Tamworth. A massive crowd of the entire Farrer student body and a large contingent of locals created an Origin like atmosphere for the game.

A fast start from Farrer saw them take the lead 4-0 and send the crowd into a frenzy. Endeavour countered with a good try to Josh Scales before Farrer regained their ascendency with two tries to lead 16-4 at half time.

Year 10 student Billy Burke crashed over early in the second half to chip away at the lead before Darcey Moran threw a great pass to fellow Kirinari resident Rod Ahoy to score in the corner. A superb sideline conversion from Nikau Wrathall in front of very vocal home fans left the score at 14-16 with 10 minutes to play. Relentless pressure eventually led to Sardy Halbouni scampering over from dummy half and Endeavour hitting the lead for the first time in the game inside the last 5 minutes.

From the kick off Australian Schoolboy Franklin Pele beat dozens of Farrer defenders to run 90 metres and create a try for Year 11 student Jeremy Stowers. Billy Burke slotted the pressure conversion to seal a 24-16 victory.

In a great display of school spirit both teams were given a standing ovation from the large crowd and Endeavour's captain Jensen Taumoepaeu was met with thunderous applause when he got on the microphone and personally thanked the Farrer student body for their contribution to the game.

The trip was an opportunity for our boys to see first hand how drought ravaged rural NSW is and how different and difficult life in the country is compared to the convenience of living in the city.

The game itself was a shining example of the beauty of school sport. Two passionate teams representing their school with pride and playing in the right spirit. Our boys carried themselves tremendously and are a true credit to the school and their families. A great day for Endeavour and TSP Rugby League.

The boys also delivered a significant donation from the Rugby League boys and their families to the Salvation Army to assist with the drought relief appeal in Western NSW.

Endeavour suffered a gut wrenching 17-22 loss to Westfields in the semi finals of the NRL Schoolboy Cup. Australian Schoolboy Bronson Xerri kicked a 40m field goal to give Endeavour the lead 17-16 with under two minutes left on the clock. A perfectly executed short kick off saw Westfields regain possession and work their way down field before scoring on the last play of the game. It was a cruel way to finish the game for our boys after such a courageous performance.

Endeavour began the game with two tries to Bronson Xerri and Nikau Wrathall. Both tries were superbly converted by Year 10 student Billy Burke to see Endeavour lead 12-0. Westfields countered with two tries of their own including one on the last play of the half to square it up at 12 all at the break.

Play went from end to end with both teams having chances before a strong run from Jensen Taumoepeau allowed Endeavour to regain the lead 16-12. Westfields once again struck back to level the scores at 16 with eight minutes to go. That set up the drama of the closing moments and the roller coaster that finished with Westfields winning 22-17.

To put the performance in perspective, Westfields beat Endeavour 60-4 in the same competition just over two months earlier. For our boys to turn that around and to arguably be the better team on the day, is a credit to their hard work and belief in each other, and a testament to the Rugby League program.

While our boys didn't get the result on this day, as a school we should be extremely proud of how they represented Endeavour. The passion and pride our boys have for the school and the Black Jumper drove them to within a minute of earning one of the greatest wins of all time.

Congratulations to all Opens squad members for a fantastic 2018 NRL Schoolboy Cup campaign.

Year 12 2018

Finally, we take the opportunity to say farewell and to thank our Year 12 boys for all their efforts, not only for this year but throughout. We have been proud to have them represent our school and our program. We wish them the best of luck in their upcoming HSC and in all of life’s endeavours.

Thank you again Year 12. We will miss you.

Dave Howlett, Brad Kelly, Georgina Haralambous, Paul Leary, Daniel Hundt, Glenn Brailey HOME TSP Rugby League Coaches and Mentors TSP Rugby Union

Endeavour Rugby began Term 3 with a positive day at Shire Sevens across all three ages. U13s boys won their Grand Final against Cronulla to go through to the State Finals, U15s boys progressed after a narrow point loss to Matraville, and the U17s girls got up against a strong Cronulla outfit 15-10 in their 3rd pool game. The coaching staff were very proud of the squad’s willingness to learn, and behaviour. The U13s boys and U15s girls travel to Newcastle in the last week of Term 3 for The State Sevens Final.

A great day of Rugby XV was had at home in Week 9 when Endeavour U14s defeated Northern Beaches 97-0 and then beat Illawarra SHS 60-38. The U14s are full of confidence ahead of their four Sevens gala days against The Sports High Schools in Term 4. Endeavour SHS hosts the first Sevens tournament in Week 3.

Ben Cameron and Liam Dwyer Mentor and Coach


TSP Football

It has definitely been another busy term in the Football Program with our students competing in State Futsal Finals, Puma Cup and Trophy, Bill Turner Cup and Sydney FC Schools Talent ID Days.

State Futsal Finals

The school had eight teams qualify for the State Futsal Finals and were successful in winning the State Championship in the boys U14 Division, with the U14 girls and U16 boys making the semi-finals. The standard of competition in all age divisions was extremely high and this saw a couple of our teams eliminated in the quarter finals whilst others didn’t qualify for the quarter finals on goal difference.

The successful U14 boys team which consisted of Jake Girdwood-Reich, Hayden Matthews, Jesse Photi, James Husoy, John Fotopoulos, Brae Ovens and Jesper Webber cruised through their pool with a couple of comfortable victories and a forfeit. A dominant win in the quarter final saw the boys come up against the highly fancied Mamre Anglican College. The semi-final couldn’t have started any worse, as we were a goal down after 10 seconds. The boys rallied and an enthralling contest ensued with the Endeavour boys prevailing 3-1. With not much time to rest it was straight into the final against International Football School (Central Coast). The boys again started nervously and after a brilliant double save from James Husoy, (who was playing on one leg after sustaining an injury in the semi), the team settled and began to assert their dominance, taking a 2-0 lead at halftime. The boys continued to play a high intensity game in the second half and they ended up recording a 6-0 victory. Special mention to coaches Karlee Hildebrandt and Cody Ashburner for doing an excellent job with their tactics and playing structure.

Bill Turner Cup For the second successive year, our run in the Bill Turner Cup was ended by Moriah College. A very lethargic start coupled with some indecisive decision making and poor passing allowed Moriah to take a 0-3 lead at halftime. The second half saw an improved performance from the boys but unfortunately their finishing let them down as well as some excellent defending from our opposition.

Puma Cup and Trophy Our final two rounds of the Puma Cup and Puma Trophy were played against Bossley Park and The Hills SHS. The boys’ team was a particularly young team made up of a number of Year 10 boys looking to impress Coach Pat McCann. Both games were of a high standard and although we lost, the style of play the coach introduced was well executed and gave the students good experience in adapting to different formations and options. Ethan Blumenthal, of Year 12 led by example throughout the game and displayed composure and determination that had a very positive effect on the players around him. Ethan along with his fellow Year 12 students, Josh Keremelevski, Mateo Ordonez-Caroprese and Ashlee Aramburu have been long time members of the Endeavour team and program and we wish them all well in their football and lives after Endeavour.

In the girls, again made up of some very young players, including some in Year 8, combined with the experience and talent of our Year 11 girls in combination with Isabella Georgievski of Year 12 to produce some good performances in their last two games. This very young team, whilst losing in two tight games, displayed significant promise for the future. Izzy was again instrumental in nullifying attacks from the opposition whist always being in support in any offensive runs forward. Izzy has been an inspirational Captain of this team and along with her fellow Year 12 student, Tahlia Nikolovska, have both been at this school and in the Football program since Year 7. We wish both girls the best of luck in their future endeavours in all aspects of their lives.

Sydney FC Schools Talent ID Day Our U13 to U16 boys and girls footballers participated in the recent Talent ID Days. The main purpose of the days is for students to display their skills in front of the Sydney FC Academy staff and for those who perform well an opportunity may be provided to trial for Sydney FC NPL teams.

Representative News

Alex Tims has just returned from a very successful National Championships in Football held in . Alex was part of the National Champions, NSW and played an integral role in the team’s success. Alex was then selected as a shadow player for the Australian Schoolgirls, placing her in the top 32 players in Australia in schoolgirls’ football. Congratulations Alex.

Chantelle Symes in the meantime has been approached by Western Sydney Wanderers W League team to participate in trials for the goalkeeping positions. Chantelle is currently waiting to see if her efforts at the recent trial will be enough to secure a contract for the 2018-19 season. Good luck Chantelle.

Congratulations also go to the following students for their recent selections: Jake Girdwood-Reich, Hayden Matthews, Brae Ovens, Jesper Webber who were selected in the NSW Under 14 Metro State team whilst Jacob Cremen-Cowan, Jonathan Vakauta, James Husoy, Liam Rippon were selected in the NSW under 13 Metro State team. Both these teams will be participating in the FFA National Championships later in the year. Good luck boys.

Year 6 into 7 Football trials The recent trials for Year 7 next year have been exceptionally successful for the program, with a boys’ squad of 22 being selected whilst in the girls a squad of 17 selected for commencement in 2019. The Sydney FC Endeavour program is going from strength to strength and we look forward to keeping this momentum continuing in Term 4 and into next year.

C Bradley, P McCann, P O’Riordan, K Bradley Football Staff and Mentors – Sydney FC/ Endeavour SHS HOME TSP AFL

Featured Athlete

Kian Todd Bonselaar has been training extremely hard over the past six months, continually seeking to improve his skills particularly on his kicking technique. This focus and determination has lead him to selection in the Under 12s Swans Academy early this term. Congratulations Kian!

Term 3 Recap

Term 3 has always been a busy term for players at Endeavour, with their Club Football and the Academy Training coming to an end of the season a lot of players are tired and sore. Moving forward into next term, players will focus on fitness aspects of their training to prepare for pre-season and the benchmark program for the Under 15s. A big thank you to AFL NSW/ACT for organising Gary Rohan’s visit to the school and to the Swans Academy Chris Smith for organising our SCG visit with former player Nick Davis providing us some insight on the facilities and how first grade players train.

Tyler Smith Coach HOME

TSP Athletics

Term 3 has been a very busy and successful term for TSP Athletics.

Endeavour has had over 30 students qualify and compete in the NSW CHS Carnival in September. During this carnival we had great success winning a total of 12 medals in both individual and relay events. Endeavour’s Athletics Program is growing stronger every year and we are so proud of our athletes.

Star of the NSW CHS Carnival, Jasynta Lampret (pictured on the right) won 3 medals over the course of the carnival. Jasynta won BRONZE in the Girls 13 years Long Jump and High Jump and GOLD in the Girls 12 years 80m Hurdles, winning by nearly a second.

Tomysha Clark won two medals at the carnival. SILVER in the Girls 16 years High Jump and GOLD in the Girls 16 years LONG JUMP.

Milly Boughton (pictured right) smashed her competition to win GOLD in the Girls 14 years 1500m Walk. Milly is only 12 years old competing this event.

Georgie Latanis (pictured left) won a SILVER Medal in the Girls 12 years Discus.

Jade Johnston-Mitrevska won a BRONZE medal in the Girls 17+ Long Jump. Tayla Bell Won Bronze in the Girls 15 years Triple Jump. Tayla is only 14 years old and can compete in this age group again next year.

Stephanie Rosevear won BRONZE in the Girls 16+ 200m Multiclass event.

The Boys 12 years 4x100m Relay team consisting of Ryan Hicks, Lucas Flower, Mark Farley & Kosta Milionis (left) won a SILVER medal.

The Boys 14 years 4x100m Relay won a SILVER medal, just being knocked out of first place by 0.02sec. The boys (below left) Jesper Webber, Damian Puebla, Aidan Spence & Max DeMeio.

Students also competed in the NSW Athletics Nitro Athletics Challenge in August. We entered both a Junior Girls and a Junior Boys team in the twilight event. The carnival was made up of a variety of different events including the 60m and 150m sprint, 2x100m and 4x200m Relays and a variety of field events too. The students had a fun night and we look forward to entering lots more teams over the years to come.

Alex Jones TSP Athletics Mentor HOME

TSP Hockey

With another full term of training coming to an end, the TSP Hockey students have continued training hard on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Sutherland Hockey Field. The improvements in training has resulted in almost all students’ teams reaching the finals. The results of these finals were extremely impressive and well deserved because of their hard work and dedication to the sport.

Hannah Russell and Alex Singleton’s U15s Metro Briars team won the grand final 3-0 against Sutherland. Both girls also played competitively in Women’s teams, playing against women 10 years older than them. Hannah’s Women’s Premier League team was unfortunately beaten in the grand final 3-1 against Esquires. Alex’s two other women’s teams both just missed out on finals but saw Alex score over 10 goals throughout the season. Both girls’ competitive and hardworking nature sees them continually improve and develop their skills as they go up against highly experienced players.

Maddie Gibbs, Christine Flack and Chloe Brennan won their grand final in the Junior U13s competition playing for Cronulla RSL which was umpired by Alex Singleton. All girls who played showed great improvement throughout the season. The grand final saw Christine only concede one goal to come away with a 3-1 win. Well done girls.

Shontae Salmon will play for Sutherland in the U15s grand final on Sunday against St George. Shontae’s semi-final was a nail bitter against Chelsea Da Silva’s team ending in a draw which saw Shontae’s team go through to the final based on competition points. Shontae has already scored twice throughout the finals and we do not doubt she will keep up the good work in the grand final. Good luck to Shontae.

There will be more rivalry within our Endeavour Sports High School TSP when Alexander Samaras and Sienna Da Silva take on Noah Palmer’s team in the finals of the U13s mixed junior competition. Sienna and Alex will be representing St George whilst Noah will be playing for Sutherland this coming weekend.

The TSP Hockey group also welcomes International student Lisa Heisler from Dusseldorf Germany. Lisa plays for the RTHC Leverkusen team in Germany and has played in the German Championships the past three years. Lisa will be training with us for the remainder of the year and brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for the sport to share with our TSP hockey students.

Hannah Daly Mentor


TSP Dance

BREAKING NEWS: 1st Place Winners!

TSP Dance entered their first competition in the program’s history and won! The dancers worked extremely hard leading up to their first competition, where their passion and dedication left the audience in awe. St George Dance Eisteddfod was held on 7 August, where there was a lot of talent in attendance.

St George Dance Eisteddfod results Dance Group Dance Place Dance Company Dog Eat Dog World 1st Contemporary Dance Ensemble Words Hurt 1st Lyrical

TSP Dance Mentor/Coach Helena Kyriacou was awarded Best Choreographer out of the 28 high school dance numbers that competed. The adjudicator believed that her choreography was the best and most interesting out of the entire high school section. Thank you to all of the dancers that helped bring Miss Kyriacou’s vision to life!

The dancers were provided the opportunity to participate in a dance workshop with the amazing Sarah Boulter*. This saw the dancers engage in Contemporary technique whilst receiving critiques from a well-respected member of the dance industry. This is a very rare opportunity and the dancers were very appreciative of the opportunity. We are looking forward to having Sarah back at Endeavour Sports High School!

The dancers were also very lucky to have the fantastic Claudia Hastings run specialised Ballet workshops. Claudia currently performs with Opera Australia and has trained with Claudia Dean and Ev and Bow Full Time Dance.

Sarah Boulter Workshop Ballet workshop: Claudia Hastings The Dream Team created a dance video in support of the NRL Cronulla Sharks! They all worked together to create the original chant to send through to Shane Flanagan and his players.

TSP Dance performed at the ESHS assembly to celebrate the fantastic achievement of winning Government Secondary School of the Year. The dancers danced their hearts out and showed the school how much they have grown and what they have been able to achieve in a short period of time.

Government Secondary School of the Year - Celebration Assembly

Ellie Bull (11), Lauren Setter (10) and Reneigh Scott (9) represented Endeavour Sports High School at the State Dance Festival this term.

Reneigh Scott (9), Alexia Barrett (11), Ellie Bull (11) and Maddie Gibbs (7) have been a part of the '67 Kids Dance Crew' for the 2018 NRL season. They have performed at all NRL Sharks home games, where they have entertained large crowds with their amazing dance moves. Fantastic work, dancers!

Congratulations to Ellie Bull (11) who has been successful in gaining a position on the Illawarra Hawks Dance Team for the 2018 - 2019 NBL season. Although the audition process was gruelling, Ellie came out on top after dazzling the 67 Kids Dance Crew panel with her dance skills. Well done! Reneigh, Alexia, Ellie and Maddie Congratulations to Tea Maros (11) who was offered a full one week scholarship to attend Ev and Bow Full Time Dance. Tea learnt a wealth of new information and enjoyed her experience. Thank you Ev and Bow for providing this opportunity for our dancers. Fantastic work, Tea!

Links and Social Media:

TSP Dance Instagram Go follow us!

* Sarah is known for her choreography for The Dream Dance Company, Dance Academy: The Comeback, Jennifer Hudson, Tina Arena, Arab Games, So You Think You Can Dance UK, Dance Academy Seasons 1-3, So You Think You Can Dance Australia Seasons 1-4, Australian Opera, Australian Dance Awards, Celine Dion, Oprah Winfrey Special, The Queens 50th Jubilee Performance and The Royal Variety Performance.

Ms Kyriacou – Coach and Mentor HOME TSP Netball

The Endeavour TSP Netball girls have been very active in a variety of competitions this term.

To start the term, on 30 July, our Opens girls played at Menai Indoor Sports Centre. They came away as Sydney East winners and progressed to CHS State Championships, to take place over two days in Berkeley, in September.

On 15 and 16 August, our Year 7/8 team and Year 9/10 team each had a day at Netball Central at Olympic Park. They took part in the TAFE NSW Cup. The girls had lots of fun on both days and also got to see the team’s training routine. Congratulations to the Year 7/8 team for coming 3rd in their competition.

Year 7/8 squad Year 9/10 squad

The girls have had a jam-packed term of netball, both in and outside of school. They are now focusing on their fitness and mental health.

Ms Blades & Ms Mouratidis HOME Coach & Mentor TSP Tennis

FEATURED ATHLETE Jack Clisdell, has been a motivated and keen participant of the TSP Tennis program. Throughout his time at ESHS, Jack has been a part of our winning state team, attended three nationals and succeeded in the CHS individual championships. This year he was team captain for Sydney East and received his five year certificate for playing in the NSW CHS championships. We wish Jack all the best as he leaves ESHS.

Term 3 Recap

Congratulations to Jack Clisdell, Luka Todorovic and Taj Hibbert on making the Sydney East Team. They played in Inverell during Week 8. The boys represented their Zone and ESHS with pride. Taj Hibbert was named in the NSW merit team as the number one player in the state.

Congratulations to Kamil Kozlowski and Taj Hibbert, both are ranked #1 in NSW for their birth year. The boys are currently playing in the junior international circuit.

S Hibbert and J Richardson – Coach & Mentor

TSP Cricket

It has been a busy term for the TSP cricketers given that scheduled games will not commence until Term 4. The boys have been back in the nets in the last few weeks after some fairly demanding off season fitness sessions. Beach runs, sprints and fielding drills have been utilised to great effect and this combined with the Wednesday morning strength and conditioning classes has been extremely beneficial to all involved.

Our partnership with Cricket NSW has seen the introduction of Elite Players Identification days. These days see players from the four Sports High Schools put through their paces at the training facilities at the SCG with members of the NSW Blues providing valuable input and tuition. Players are given the opportunity to experience various game sense scenarios in diverse training drills as well as listen to former players talk about the mental attributes needed to succeed at high levels.

Several of our senior boys gained their level one coaching accreditation which will now allow them to teach the basics to junior teams and even gain financially from this involvement. They showcased their newly acquired skill set with some unique skills activities during the Tuesday afternoon TSP sessions.

Exciting news has been received in respect to the school nets upgrade. Funding has been approved and currently tenders are being assessed. Hopefully work will get under way at some stage during Term 4 with an expected finish of the project by the end of the term. This will mean some disruption to TSP training at school but will ultimately provide us with a state of the art training facility that will be the envy of our neighbouring schools and allow us the opportunity to do video analysis along with cater for the ever growing needs of the TSP cricket program.

The students have had the benefits of NSW Blues wicketkeeper Jay Lenton during the last several training sessions at school. Jay has been particularly helpful for our wicketkeepers in giving tuition in all aspects of glove work, both to the fast and slow bowlers. This is just another one of the exciting initiatives that Cricket NSW has implemented to ensure pathways are in place for our elite TSP students. On Thursday 27 September, we will take the squad to the Bradman Museum at Bowral for an enjoyable look at some historical perspectives and indeed the evolution of the game generally. Students will get an auditorium speech, a guided tour of the facility, as well as some games on Bowral oval to round out the day. This has always proven to be a great bonding experience for the squad as well as a unique opportunity to learn about important facets of the game.

At this stage we have had 40 trialists for 2019. It seems that the word is out concerning the quality and development of the TSP Cricket program. Next term will see many competitions off and running as the season gets into full swing. This will include:

• T/20 Cup - Years 7-9 eligible (Week 5 to Week 10). • Davidson Shield - 1st XI & 2nd XI • Sports schools Challenge – 1st XI & 2nd XI - Years 7&8 • NSW U/15s Challenge - Years 7-9 • National T/20 Competition - Years 7-11

Congratulations to the following Students who have been selected in Junior Representative Teams for the 2018/19 season:

Akash Biradar Nicholas Palermo Joel Murphy Yash Mishra Rahid Alam Angus Mills Tyler Sherman Dane Kingston Jake Dreverman Lachlan Brownscombe Marcus Fry Jake St John Sam McCulloch Saul Spyrides Adam Singleton Max Robinson Will Cameron Jack Heslehurst Ethan Simpson Evander Herbert Aidan Rider Ryan Emmerick Alexander Parthenis Warren Craig

We trust that you have a great holiday and we look forward to seeing you all soon.

Tim Laws and Paul Van Ryan Coach and Mentor HOME