Diplomats Directory 9 June 2014

Table of Contents

Representatives of the Republic of Abroad ...... 7 African Union [ AU ] and UN Economic Commission for Africa [ ECA ] South African 7 Mission...... Algeria [ Democratic People's Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 7 Angola [ Republic of ] South African Embassy...... 7 Argentina [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 7 Australia: South African High Commission...... 8 [ Republic of ] South African Embassy...... 8 [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy ...... 8 Benin [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 8 Botswana [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 9 Brazil [ Federative Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 9 Bulgaria [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 9 Burkina Faso [ Peoples' Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 9 [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 10 Cameroon [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 10 Canada: South African High Commission ...... 10 Chad: South African Embassy ...... 11 [ Republic of ] South African Embassy...... 11 China [ People's Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 11 Comores [ Union of ] South African High Commission ...... 11 Congo [ Democratic Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 12 Congo [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 12 Cote D'Ivoire / Ivory Coast [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 12 Cuba [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 13 Czech [ The Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 13 [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy ...... 13 Egypt [ Arab Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 13 Equatorial Guinea [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 14 Eritrea [ State of ] South African Embassy ...... 14 Ethiopia [ The Federal Democratic Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 14 European Union [ EU ] South African Mission ...... 15 Fiji [ Republic of the Fiji Islands ] South African High Commission ...... 15 Finland [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 15 France [ Republic of ] South African Embassy...... 15 Gabon [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 16 [ Federal Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 16 [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 16 Greece [ Hellenic Republic of ] South African Embassy...... 17 Guinea [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 17 Guinea-Bissau [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 17 Hong Kong [ Special Administrative Region of China ] South African Consulate-General . . 17 [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 18 Iceland [ Republic of ] South African Honorary Consulate-General...... 18 [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 18 Indonesia [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 18 International Monetary Fund [ The World Bank ] South African Permanent Mission...... 18 Iran [ Islamic Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 19 Ireland: South African Embassy ...... 19 [ State of ] South African Embassy ...... 19 [ Italian Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 19 Jamaica: South African High Commission ...... 20 Japan: South African Embassy...... 20 Jordan [ Hashemite Kingdom of ] South African Embassy ...... 20 Kazakhstan [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 20 Kenya [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 21 Korea [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 21 Kuwait [ The State ofn ] South African Embassy ...... 21 [ Kingdom of ] South African High Commission ...... 22 Liberia [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 22

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Libya [ State of ] South African Embassy ...... 22 Madagascar [ Republic of ] South African Embassy...... 22 Malawi [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 23 Malaysia [ Federation of ] South African High Commission ...... 23 Mali [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 23 Mauritania [ Islamic Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 24 Mauritius [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 24 Mexico [ United Mexican States ] South African Embassy ...... 24 Morocco [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy...... 25 Mozambique [ Republic of ] South African High Commission...... 25 [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 25 [ The Royal ] South African Embassy ...... 26 New Zealand [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 26 Niger [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 26 [ Federal Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 26 Norway [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy ...... 27 Oman [ Sultanate of ] South African Embassy...... 27 Pakistan [ Islamic Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 27 Palestine [ State of ] South African Representative Office ...... 28 Peru [ Republic of ] South Africa Embassy ...... 28 [ Republic of the ] South African Embassy ...... 28 Poland [ Republic of ] South African Embassy...... 28 Portugal [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 29 Qatar [ State of ] South African Embassy ...... 29 [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 29 Russian Federation: South African Embassy ...... 29 [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 30 Sao Tome and Principe [ Democratic Republic of ] South African Representative Office . . . 30 Saudi Arabia [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy ...... 30 Senegal [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 31 Singapore [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 31 Spain [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy ...... 31 [ Democratic Socialist Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 31 Sudan [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 32 Swaziland [ Kingdom of ] South African High Commission ...... 32 Sweden [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy ...... 32 [ Swiss Confederation ] South African Embassy ...... 32 Syria [ Arab Republic ] South African Embassy ...... 33 Taiwan: Liaison Office of the Republic of South Africa ...... 33 Tanzania [ United Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 33 Thailand [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy...... 33 Trinidad and Tobago [ Republic of ] South African High commission...... 34 Tunisia [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 34 Turkey [ Republic of ] South African Embassy...... 34 Uganda [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 34 Ukraine: South African Embassy ...... 35 United Arab Emirates: South African Embassy ...... 35 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: South African High Commission . . . 35 [ Geneva ] South African Permament Mission ...... 36 United Nations [ New York ] South African Permanent Mission...... 36 United States of America: South African Embassy ...... 36 Uruguay [ Oriental Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 36 Uzbekistan [ Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 37 Venezuela [ Bolivarian Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 37 Vietnam [ Socialist Republic of ] South African Embassy ...... 37 Zambia [ Republic of ] South African High Commission...... 37 Zimbabwe [ Republic of ] South African High Commission ...... 37 Foreign Representation in the Republic of South Africa ...... 39 Albania [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate ...... 39 Algeria [ Democratic People's Republic of ] Embassy...... 39 Angola [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 39 Argentina [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 39 Australia: High Commission ...... 39

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Austria [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 39 Bangladesh [ People's Republic of ] High Commission ...... 40 Belarus [ The Republic of ] Embassy...... 40 Belgium [ Kingdom of ] Embassy ...... 40 Benin [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 40 Bolivia [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate...... 41 Botswana [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 41 Brazil [ Federative Republic of ] Embassy ...... 41 Bulgaria [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 41 Burkina Faso [ Peoples' Republic of ] Embassy ...... 41 Burundi [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 42 Cameroon [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 42 Canada: High Commission ...... 42 Central African Republic: Embassy ...... 42 Chile [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 43 China [ People's Republic of ] Embassy ...... 43 Colombia [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 43 Comoros [ Union of ] Embassy ...... 43 Congo [ Democratic Republic of ] Embassy ...... 44 Congo [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 44 Costa Rica [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate ...... 44 Cote D'Ivoire / Ivory Coast [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 44 Croatia [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 44 Cuba [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 45 Cyprus [ Republic of ] High Commission...... 45 Czech [ The Republic of ] Embassy ...... 45 Denmark [ Kingdom of ] Embassy ...... 45 Djibouti [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate ...... 45 Dominican [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 46 Ecuador [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 46 Egypt [ Arab Republic of ] Embassy ...... 46 Equatorial Guinea [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 46 Eritrea [ State of ] Embassy...... 46 Estonia [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate ...... 47 Ethiopia [ The Federal Republic of ] Embassy ...... 47 Finland [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 47 France [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 47 Gabon [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 47 Gambia [ The Republic of ] High Commission ...... 48 Germany [ Federal Republic of ] Embassy...... 48 Ghana [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 48 Greece [ Hellenic Republic of ] Embassy ...... 48 Guinea [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 49 Guyana [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 49 Holy See [ Nuncio of the Vatican ] ...... 49 Hungary [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 49 India [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 49 Indonesia [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 50 Iran [ Islamic Republic of ] Embassy ...... 50 Iraq [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 50 Ireland: Embassy ...... 51 Israel [ State of ] Embassy ...... 51 Italy [ Italian Republic of ] Embassy ...... 51 Jamaica: High Commission...... 51 Japan: Embassy...... 52 Jordan [ Hashemite Kingdom of ] Embassy ...... 52 Kenya [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 52 Korea [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 52 Korea [ Democratic People's Republic of ] Embassy ...... 53 Kuwait [ State of ] Embassy ...... 53 Latvia [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 53 Lebanon [ Lebanese Republic of ] Embassy...... 53 Lesotho [ Kingdom of ] High Commission ...... 53 Liberia [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 54

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Libya [ State of ] Embassy ...... 54 [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate ...... 54 Madagascar [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 54 Malawi [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 54 Malaysia [ Federation of ] High Commission...... 55 Mali [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 55 [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate ...... 55 Mauritania [ Islamic Republic of ] Embassy ...... 55 Mauritius [ Republic of ] High Commission...... 56 Mexico [ United Mexican States ] Embassy ...... 56 Monaco [ Principality of ] Honorary Consulate ...... 56 Morocco [ Kingdom of ] Embassy ...... 56 Mozambique [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 56 Myanmar [ The Union of ] Embassy ...... 57 Namibia [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 57 Nepal [ Kingdom of ] Embassy ...... 57 Netherlands [ The Royal ] Embassy ...... 57 New Zealand [ Republic of ] High Commission] ...... 57 Nigeria [ Federal Republic of ] High Commission ...... 58 Norway [ Kingdom of ] Royal Norwegian Embassy ...... 58 Oman [ Sultanate of ] Embassy ...... 58 Pakistan [ Islamic Republic of ] High Commission...... 58 Palestine [ State of ] Embassy ...... 59 Panama [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 59 Paraguay [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 59 Peru [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 59 Philippines [ The Republic of ] Embassy ...... 59 Poland [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 60 Portugal [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 60 Qatar [ State of ] Embassy ...... 60 Romania [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 61 Russian Federation: Embassy ...... 61 Rwanda [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 61 Saharawi [ Arab Democratic Repuclic of ] Embassy ...... 61 Saudi Arabia [ Kingdom of ] Royal Embassy...... 61 Senegal [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 61 Serbia [ The Republic of ] Embassy ...... 62 Seychelles [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 62 Singapore [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 62 [ Slovak Republic ] Embassy ...... 62 Slovenia [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate...... 63 Spain [ Kingdom of ] Embassy ...... 63 Sri Lanka [ Democratic Socialist Republic of ] High Commission ...... 63 Sudan [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 63 Suriname [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 64 Swaziland [ Kingdom of ] High Commission ...... 64 Sweden [ Kingdom of ] Embassy ...... 64 Switzerland [ Swiss Confederation ] Embassy...... 64 Syrian [ Arab Republic of ] Embassy ...... 65 Taipei Liaison Office in the Republic of South Africa ...... 65 Tanzania [ United Republic of ] High Commission...... 65 Thailand [ Royal Thai ] Embassy ...... 65 Trinidad and Tobago [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 65 Tunisia [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 66 Turkey [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 66 Uganda [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 66 Ukraine Embassy ...... 66 United Arab Emirates: Embassy ...... 67 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Her Britanic Majesty's High 67 Commission ...... United States of America: Embassy ...... 67 Uruguay [ Oriental Republic of ] Embassy ...... 67 Venezuela [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 68 Vietnam [ Socialist Republic of ] Embassy ...... 68

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Yemen [ Republic of ] Embassy ...... 68 Zambia [ Republic of ] High Commission ...... 68 Zimbabwe [ Republic of ] Embassy...... 68 International Organisations ...... 70 Actis ...... 70 African Union [ AU ] ...... 70 Arab States League ...... 70 Department for International Development (DFID) ...... 70 European Investment Bank ...... 70 European Union [ The Office of ] ...... 70 French Development Agency/ Agence Franciase de Developpement (AFD) ...... 71 Goethe-Instituut/ German Cultural and Information Centre ...... 71 International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)...... 71 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ...... 71 International Finance Corporation (IFC) ...... 71 International Labour Organisation (ILO) ...... 72 International Monetary Fund (IMF) ...... 72 International Organisation for Migration (IOM)...... 72 Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) ...... 72 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) ...... 72 Pan-African Parliament ...... 73 Private Enterprise Partnership (PEP) ...... 73 South African National Commission for UNESCO...... 73 Southern African Development Community (SADC) ...... 73 United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)...... 74 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ...... 74 United Nations Etity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) . 74 United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) ...... 74 United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) - Branch Office of South Africa . . 74 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) ...... 75 United Nations Information Centre (UNIC)...... 75 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime ...... 75 United Nations Population Fund Africa Division (UNFPA) ...... 76 World Bank: Resident Mission in South Africa...... 76 World Health Organisation (WHO) ...... 76 Development Organisations ...... 77 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) ...... 77 FW de Klerk Foundation ...... 77 Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) ...... 77 Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) ...... 77 Medical Research Council of South Africa (MRC)...... 77 National Research Foundation (NRF) ...... 78 National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency (NURCHA) ...... 78 National Zoological Gardens ...... 78 Nelson Mandela Foundation ...... 79 New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) ...... 79 South African Supplier Development Agency ...... 79 Thabo Mbeki Foundation ...... 79 uMhlosinga Development Agency ...... 80 Regional Tourism Authorities ...... 81 Cape Town Tourism ...... 81 Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency ...... 81 Free State Tourism Authority ...... 81 Gauteng Tourism Authority ...... 81 Johannesburg Tourism Company ...... 81 KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Authority ...... 82 Limpopo Tourism and Parks ...... 82 Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency ...... 82 Northern Cape Tourism ...... 82 Legal Deposit Libraries ...... 83 Bloemfontein Public Library...... 83 Constitutional Court Library...... 83

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Msunduzi Municipal Library...... 83 National Library of South Africa [ Cape Town ] ...... 83 National Library of South Africa [ ] ...... 83 Parliamentary Information Centre ...... 84 RJR Masiea Public Library ...... 84

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Representatives of the Republic of South Africa Abroad

African Union [ AU ] and UN Economic Counsellor: Corporate Services and Consular Ms JF Dos Santos Commission for Africa [ ECA ] South African Street: 21 Rue du Stade, Hydra, Algiers 16000, Mission ALGERIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 213 21 48 4418 / 4482 / 4489 Fax: 00 213 21 48 4419 Mail: PO Box 1091, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Street: South Africa Street, Sub City Nifasilk Lafto, Kebele 03, Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA Angola [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Tel: 00 25 111 371 1002 / 1017 Fax: 00 25 111 371 1330 / 3682 Website:www.saangola.org/ E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador HE Mr NN Ntshinga Mail: Caixa Postal 6212, Luanda, ANGOLA Mail: PO Box 1091, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Street: Rua Premio Dubai, Condominio Ouro Street: South Africa Street, Sub City Nifasilk Verde, Municipio Da Samba, Sector Lafto, Kebele 03, Addis Ababa ZRGA, Luanda, ANGOLA ETHIOPIA Tel: 00 244 222 460 732 / 908 / 776 / 612 Tel: 00 25 111 371 1002 / 1017 Fax: 00 244 222 460 638 / 844 / 516 Fax: 00 25 111 371 1330 / 3682 Ambassador HE Mr GN Ngwenya Minister Mail: Caixa Postal 6212, Luanda, ANGOLA Mr JT Pitswane Street: Rua Premio Dubai, Condominio Ouro Mail: PO Box 1091, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Verde, Municipio Da Samba, Sector Street: South Africa Street, Sub City Nifasilk ZRGA, Luanda, ANGOLA Lafto, Kebele 03, Addis Ababa Tel: 00 244 222 460 732 / 908 / 776 / 612 ETHIOPIA Fax: 00 244 222 460 638 / 844 / 516 Tel: 00 25 111 371 1002 / 1017 Fax: 00 25 111 371 1330 / 3682 Counsellor Ms ML Mokwena Counsellor: Corporate Services Mail: Caixa Postal 6212, Luanda, ANGOLA Ms S Ngoasheng Street: Rua Premio Dubai, Condominio Ouro Mail: PO Box 1091, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Verde, Municipio Da Samba, Sector Street: South Africa Street, Sub City Nifasilk ZRGA, Luanda, ANGOLA Lafto, Kebele 03, Addis Ababa Tel: 00 244 222 460 732 / 908 / 776 / 612 ETHIOPIA Fax: 00 244 222 460 638 / 844 / 516 Tel: 00 25 111 371 1002 / 1017 Fax: 00 25 111 371 1330 / 3682 First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms EO Janse van Rensburg Mail: Caixa Postal 6212, Luanda, ANGOLA Street: Rua Premio Dubai, Condominio Ouro Algeria [ Democratic People's Republic of ] South Verde, Municipio Da Samba, Sector African Embassy ZRGA, Luanda, ANGOLA Tel: 00 244 222 460 732 / 908 / 776 / 612 Website:www.saealgiers.com Fax: 00 244 222 460 638 / 844 / 516 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 21 Rue du Stade, Hydra, Algiers 16000, ALGERIA Tel: 00 213 21 48 4418 / 4482 / 4489 Argentina [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Fax: 00 213 21 48 4419 Website:www.embajadasudafrica.org.ar Ambassador E-mail: [email protected] HE Mr J Kotane Street: Avenida Marcelo T de Alvaear 590, 8th Street: 21 Rue du Stade, Hydra, Algiers 16000, Floor, C1058AAF, Buenos Aires 1058, ALGERIA ARGENTINA Tel: 00 213 21 48 4418 / 4482 / 4489 Tel: 00 5411 4317 2900 Fax: 00 213 21 48 4419 Fax: 00 5411 4311 9993 / 8991 / 8992 Counsellor: Political Ambassador Ms MS Singh Ms Princess ZHRH Dlamini Street: 21 Rue du Stade, Hydra, Algiers 16000, Street: Avenida Marcelo T de Alvaear 590, 8th ALGERIA Floor, C1058AAF, Buenos Aires 1058, Tel: 00 213 21 48 4418 / 4482 / 4489 ARGENTINA Fax: 00 213 21 48 4419 Tel: 00 5411 4317 2900 Fax: 00 5411 4311 9993 / 8991 / 8992

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Street: Sandgasse 33, A - 1190, Vienna, Counsellor: Corporate Services AUSTRIA Mr M Pather Tel: 00 431 320 6493 Street: Avenida Marcelo T de Alvaear 590, 8th Fax: 00 431 320 0814 / 7226 / 328 3790 Floor, C1058AAF, Buenos Aires 1058, ARGENTINA Tel: 00 5411 4317 2900 Counsellor: Corporate Services Fax: 00 5411 4311 9993 / 8991 / 8992 Ms A Smit Street: Sandgasse 33, A - 1190, Vienna, AUSTRIA First Secretary Tel: 00 431 320 6493 Ms Z Vrolick Fax: 00 431 320 0814 / 7226 / 328 3790 Street: Avenida Marcelo T de Alvaear 590, 8th Floor, C1058AAF, Buenos Aires 1058, ARGENTINA Tel: 00 5411 4317 2900 Belgium [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy Fax: 00 5411 4311 9993 / 8991 / 8992 Website:www.southafrica.be E-mail: [email protected] Australia: South African High Commission Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000 Brussels, BELGIUM Website:www.sahc.org.au Tel: 00 322 285 4400 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 322 502 0124 / 1338 Street: Rhodes Place, State Circle, Yarralumla, Ambassador Canberra, ACT 2600, AUSTRALIA HE Mr M Nkosi Tel: 00 612 6272 7300 Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000 Brussels, Fax: 00 612 6272 3203 / 1033 / 4995 BELGIUM Tel: 00 322 285 4400 High Commissioner Fax: 00 322 502 0124 / 1338 HE Ms KA Mqulwana Street: Rhodes Place, State Circle, Yarralumla, Canberra, ACT 2600, AUSTRALIA Minister Plenipotentiary Tel: 00 612 6272 7300 Mr E Beck Fax: 00 612 6272 3203 / 1033 / 4995 Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel: 00 322 285 4400 Counsellor: Political Fax: 00 322 502 0124 / 1338 Mr TR Sithole Street: Rhodes Place, State Circle, Yarralumla, Canberra, ACT 2600, AUSTRALIA Counsellor Tel: 00 612 6272 7300 Mr WL Rothkegel Fax: 00 612 6272 3203 / 1033 / 4995 Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel: 00 322 285 4400 First Secretary: Corporate Services and Fax: 00 322 502 0124 / 1338 Consular Ms RE Mahalefa Street: Rhodes Place, State Circle, Yarralumla, Counsellor: Corporate Services Canberra, ACT 2600, AUSTRALIA Mr CN Socikwa Tel: 00 612 6272 7300 Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000 Brussels, Fax: 00 612 6272 3203 / 1033 / 4995 BELGIUM Tel: 00 322 285 4400 Fax: 00 322 502 0124 / 1338

Austria [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Website:www.dirco.gov.za/vienna Benin [ Republic of ] South African Embassy E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Street: Sandgasse 33, A - 1190, Vienna, AUSTRIA Mail: DIP B 7696, Countonou, BENIN Tel: 00 431 320 6493 Street: Lot F4, COUNTONOU Fax: 00 431 320 0814 / 7226 / 328 3790 Tel: 00 229 213 06865 / 213 07217 Fax: 00 229 213 0695 / 0685 Ambassador HE Mr XM Mabhongo Ambassador Street: Sandgasse 33, A - 1190, Vienna, HE Mr GD Gwadiso AUSTRIA Mail: DIP B 7696, Countonou, BENIN Tel: 00 431 320 6493 Street: Lot F4, COUNTONOU Fax: 00 431 320 0814 / 7226 / 328 3790 Tel: 229 21 306 865 Fax: 229 21 213 0695 Minister Plenipotentiary Ms L Greyling Counsellor: Political

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Mr WL Van Wyk Lote 6, CEP:70406-900, Brasilia-DF, Mail: DIP B 7696, Countonou, BENIN BRAZIL Street: Lot F4, COUNTONOU Tel: 00 55 61 3312 9500 Tel: 00 229 213 06865 / 213 07217 Fax: 00 55 61 3322 8491 Fax: 00 229 213 0695 / 0685 Ambassador HE Mr NM Mbete First Secretary: Corporate Services Street: SES-Avenida das Nacoes, Quadra 801, Ms IR Manjoro Lote 6, CEP:70406-900, Brasilia-DF, Mail: DIP B 7696, Countonou, BENIN BRAZIL Street: Lot F4, COUNTONOU Tel: 00 55 61 3312 9500 Tel: 00 229 213 06865 / 213 07217 Fax: 00 55 61 3322 8491 Fax: 00 229 213 0695 / 0685 Minister/Counsellor Ms L Joyce Botswana [ Republic of ] South African High Street: SES-Avenida das Nacoes, Quadra 801, Commission Lote 6, CEP:70406-900, Brasilia-DF, BRAZIL Tel: 00 55 61 3312 9500 Mail: Private Bag 00402, Gaborone, Fax: 00 55 61 3322 8491 BOTSWANA Street: Plot 29, Queens Road, Gaborone, First Secretary: Corporate Services BOTSWANA Ms CA Vivier Tel: 00 267 390 4800 /4802 / 4803 Street: SES-Avenida das Nacoes, Quadra 801, Fax: 00 267 390 5501 / 5502 Lote 6, CEP:70406-900, Brasilia-DF, High Commissioner BRAZIL HE Mr MD Lembede Tel: 00 55 61 3312 9500 Mail: Private Bag 00402, Gaborone, Fax: 00 55 61 3322 8491 BOTSWANA Street: Plot 29, Queens Road, Gaborone, BOTSWANA Tel: 00 267 390 4800 /4802 / 4803 Bulgaria [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Fax: 00 267 390 5501 / 5502 Website:www.dirco.gov.za/sofia/ E-mail: [email protected] Minister/Counsellor: Political Mr M Mjikaliso Street: 26 Bacho Kiro Street, 2nd Floor, Sofia Mail: Private Bag 00402, Gaborone, 1000, BULGARIA BOTSWANA Tel: 00 359 2939 5015 Street: Plot 29, Queens Road, Gaborone, Fax: 00 359 2939 5017 BOTSWANA Charge d'Affaires Tel: 00 267 390 4800 /4802 / 4803 Mr BP Motloung Fax: 00 267 390 5501 / 5502 Street: 26 Bacho Kiro Street, 2nd Floor, Sofia 1000, BULGARIA Counsellor Tel: 00 359 2939 5015 Ms C Heppes Fax: 00 359 2939 5017 Mail: Private Bag 00402, Gaborone, BOTSWANA First Secretary: Corporate Services Street: Plot 29, Queens Road, Gaborone, Mr H Fourie BOTSWANA Street: 26 Bacho Kiro Street, 2nd Floor, Sofia Tel: 00 267 390 4800 /4802 / 4803 1000, BULGARIA Fax: 00 267 390 5501 / 5502 Tel: 00 359 2939 5015 Fax: 00 359 2939 5017 First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms CG Strydom Mail: Private Bag 00402, Gaborone, BOTSWANA Burkina Faso [ Peoples' Republic of ] South Street: Plot 29, Queens Road, Gaborone, African Embassy BOTSWANA Tel: 00 267 390 4800 /4802 / 4803 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 267 390 5501 / 5502 Street: Avenue Pascal Zagre, Villa No 149, Rue de Badnogo, Ouaga 2000 Tel: 00 226 5037 6098 Brazil [ Federative Republic of ] South African Fax: 00 226 5037 6097 Embassy Ambassador HE Mr GM Tsengiwe Website:www.africadosul.org.br Street: Avenue Pascal Zagre, Villa No 149, E-mail: [email protected] Rue de Badnogo, Ouaga 2000 Street: SES-Avenida das Nacoes, Quadra 801, Tel: 00 226 5037 6098

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Fax: 00 226 5037 6097 Street: Rue 1801, Bastos, Yaounde, CAMEROON Counsellor Tel: 00 237 2220 0438 Ms C Iturralde Fax: 00 237 2220 0995 / 0999 Street: Avenue Pascal Zagre, Villa No 149, High Commissioner Rue de Badnogo, Ouaga 2000 HE Ms Z Makina Tel: 00 226 5037 6098 Mail: Boite Postal 1636, Yaounde, Fax: 00 226 5037 6097 CAMEROON Street: Rue 1801, Bastos, Yaounde, Counsellor: Corporate Services CAMEROON Mr JA Moller Tel: 00 237 2220 0438 Street: Avenue Pascal Zagre, Villa No 149, Fax: 00 237 2220 0995 / 0999 Rue de Badnogo, Ouaga 2000 Cell: 00 235 68000368 Tel: 00 226 5037 6098 Fax: 00 226 5037 6097 Counsellor: Political Mr M David Raphadu Mail: Boite Postal 1636, Yaounde, Burundi [ Republic of ] South African Embassy CAMEROON Street: Rue 1801, Bastos, Yaounde, E-mail: [email protected] CAMEROON Tel: 00 237 2220 0438 Mail: BP 185, Bujumbura, BURUNDI Fax: 00 237 2220 0995 / 0999 Street: Av De La Plage, Parcel Number 6510/Div.A, Quartier Asiatique, First Secretary: Corporate Services Bujumbura, BURUNDI Ms A Ras Tel: 00 257 22 244 650 / 248 220 / 221 / Mail: Boite Postal 1636, Yaounde, 222 / 223 CAMEROON Fax: 00 257 22 249 164 / 22 248 219 Street: Rue 1801, Bastos, Yaounde, Ambassador CAMEROON Mr OE Monareng Tel: 00 237 2220 0438 Mail: BP 185, Bujumbura, BURUNDI Fax: 00 237 2220 0995 / 0999 Street: Av De La Plage, Parcel Number 6510/Div.A, Quartier Asiatique, Bujumbura, BURUNDI Tel: 00 257 22 244 650 / 248 220 / 221 / Canada: South African High Commission 222 / 223 Website:www.southafrica-canada.ca Fax: 00 257 22 249 164 / 22 248 219 E-mail: [email protected] Councillor Street: 15 Sussex Drive, Ontario KIM 1M8, Ms SG Kubeka Ottawa, CANADA Mail: BP 185, Bujumbura, BURUNDI Tel: 00 1613 744 0330 Street: Av De La Plage, Parcel Number Fax: 00 1613 741 1639 / 744 3270 6510/Div.A, Quartier Asiatique, High Commissioner Bujumbura, BURUNDI HE Mr MMS Mdladlana Tel: 00 257 22 244 650 / 248 220 / 221 / Street: 15 Sussex Drive, Ontario KIM 1M8, 222 / 223 Ottawa, CANADA Fax: 00 257 22 249 164 / 22 248 219 Tel: 00 1613 744 0330 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 1613 741 1639 / 744 3270

First Secretary: Corporate Services Minister Plenipotentiary Mr TM Maboya Ms D Viljoen Mail: BP 185, Bujumbura, BURUNDI Street: 15 Sussex Drive, Ontario KIM 1M8, Street: Av De La Plage, Parcel Number Ottawa, CANADA 6510/Div.A, Quartier Asiatique, Tel: 00 1613 744 0330 Bujumbura, BURUNDI Fax: 00 1613 741 1639 / 744 3270 Tel: 00 257 22 244 650 / 248 220 / 221 / 222 / 223 Fax: 00 257 22 249 164 / 22 248 219 First Secretary: Political E-mail: [email protected] Ms T Ndaba Street: 15 Sussex Drive, Ontario KIM 1M8, Ottawa, CANADA Tel: 00 1613 744 0330 Cameroon [ Republic of ] South African High Fax: 00 1613 741 1639 / 744 3270 Commission First Secretary: Corporate Services E-mail: [email protected] Mr TF Jele Street: 15 Sussex Drive, Ontario KIM 1M8, Mail: Boite Postal 1636, Yaounde, Ottawa, CANADA CAMEROON Tel: 00 1613 744 0330

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Fax: 00 1613 741 1639 / 744 3270 China [ People's Republic of ] South African Embassy Chad: South African Embassy Website:www.saembassy.org.cn E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Street: 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Beijing Mail: BP 1243, N'Djamena, CHAD 100600, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Street: Quartier Mardjan Daffac, 1124 Rue CHINA 3035, Avenue Gaourang, N'Djamena, Tel: 00 8610 8532 0000 / 6532 7320 CHAD Fax: 00 8610 6532 0177 / 7319 / 0180 / Tel: 00 235 2252 4006 / 2209 0182 Fax: 00 235 2252 2259 Ambassador Ambassador HE Dr BWJ Langa HE Mr D Naidoo Street: 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Beijing Mail: BP 1243, N'Djamena, CHAD 100600, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Street: Quartier Mardjan Daffac, 1124 Rue CHINA 3035, Avenue Gaourang, N'Djamena, Tel: 00 8610 8532 0000 / 6532 7320 CHAD Fax: 00 8610 6532 0177 / 7319 / 0180 / Tel: 00 235 2252 4006 / 2209 0182 Fax: 00 235 2252 2259 E-mail: [email protected]

Third Secretary: Corporate Services Minister Plenipotentiary Ms SL Mokgautsi Ms R Mashaba Mail: BP 1243, N'Djamena, CHAD Street: 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Beijing Street: Quartier Mardjan Daffac, 1124 Rue 100600, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF 3035, Avenue Gaourang, N'Djamena, CHINA CHAD Tel: 00 8610 8532 0000 / 6532 7320 Tel: 00 2356 643 0868 Fax: 00 8610 6532 0177 / 7319 / 0180 / Fax: 00 235 2252 2259 0182

Counsellor: Political Chile [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Mr PJ Siljeur Street: 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Beijing Website:www.embajada-sudafrica.cl 100600, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF E-mail: [email protected] CHINA Tel: 00 8610 8532 0000 / 6532 7320 Street: Torre San Roman, Piso 17, Avenida 11 Fax: 00 8610 6532 0177 / 7319 / 0180 / de Septiembre 2353, Santiago, 0182 Providencia, CHILE Tel: 00 562 2820 0300 Counsellor: Corporate Services Fax: 00 562 2231 3185 / 2233 5491 Mr DA Morule Ambassador Street: 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Beijing HE Dr H Fisher 100600, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Street: Torre San Roman, Piso 17, Avenida 11 CHINA de Septiembre 2353, Santiago, Tel: 00 8610 8532 0000 / 6532 7320 Providencia, CHILE Fax: 00 8610 6532 0177 / 7319 / 0180 / Tel: 00 562 2820 0300 0182 Fax: 00 562 2231 3185 / 2233 5491

Counsellor: Political Ms L Hattingh Comores [ Union of ] South African High Street: Torre San Roman, Piso 17, Avenida 11 Commission de Septiembre 2353, Santiago, E-mail: [email protected] Providencia, CHILE Tel: 00 562 2820 0300 Mail: PO Box 2589, Moroni, UNION OF Fax: 00 562 2231 3185 / 2233 5491 COMORES Street: Viodjou, Moroni, UNION OF First Secretary: Corporate Services COMORES Mr NJG Robinson Tel: 00 269 773 4783 / 8081 Street: Torre San Roman, Piso 17, Avenida 11 Fax: 00 269 773 4786 / 4524 de Septiembre 2353, Santiago, Ambassador Providencia, CHILE HE Mr GH Asmal Tel: 00 562 2820 0300 Mail: PO Box 2589, Moroni, UNION OF Fax: 00 562 2231 3185 / 2233 5491 COMORES Street: Viodjou, Moroni, UNION OF COMORES

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Tel: 00 269 773 4783 / 8081 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 269 773 4786 / 4524 First Secretary: Corporate Services First Secretary: Political Mr WS Sibiya Mr S Shezi Mail: Boite Postale 7829, Kinshasa 1, Mail: PO Box 2589, Moroni, UNION OF DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF COMORES CONGO Street: Viodjou, Moroni, UNION OF Street: 77 Avenue, Ngongo Lutete, Gombe, COMORES Kinshasa, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Tel: 00 269 773 4783 / 8081 OF CONGO Fax: 00 269 773 4786 / 4524 Tel: 00 243 81 556 6586 Fax: 00 243 81 555 4321 First Secretary: Corporate Services E-mail: [email protected] Ms E Wessels Mail: PO Box 2589, Moroni, UNION OF COMORES Street: Viodjou, Moroni, UNION OF Congo [ Republic of ] South African Embassy COMORES E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 269 773 4783 / 8081 Fax: 00 269 773 4786 / 4524 Street: 82 Avenue Marechal, Lyautey, Brazzaville, REPUBLIC OF CONGO Tel: 00 242 81 0849 / 242 660 0211 Fax: 086 676 2553 / 086 572 2926 Congo [ Democratic Republic of ] South African Embassy Ambassador HE Dr MP Genge E-mail: [email protected] Street: 82 Avenue Marechal, Lyautey, Brazzaville, REPUBLIC OF CONGO Mail: Boite Postale 7829, Kinshasa 1, Tel: 00 242 81 0849 / 242 660 0211 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF Fax: 086 676 2553 / 086 572 2926 CONGO Street: 77 Avenue, Ngongo Lutete, Gombe, First Secretary: Political Kinshasa, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Mr JM Toli OF CONGO Street: 82 Avenue Marechal, Lyautey, Tel: 00 243 81 556 6586 Brazzaville, REPUBLIC OF CONGO Fax: 00 243 81 555 4321 Tel: 00 242 81 0849 / 242 660 0211 Ambassador Fax: 086 676 2553 / 086 572 2926 HE Mr N Mashimbye Mail: Boite Postale 7829, Kinshasa 1, First Secretary: Corporate Services DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF Ms N Pityana CONGO Street: 82 Avenue Marechal, Lyautey, Street: 77 Avenue, Ngongo Lutete, Gombe, Brazzaville, REPUBLIC OF CONGO Kinshasa, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Tel: 00 242 81 0849 / 242 660 0211 OF CONGO Fax: 086 676 2553 / 086 572 2926 Tel: 00 243 81 556 6586 Fax: 00 243 81 555 4321

Minister/Counsellor Cote D'Ivoire / Ivory Coast [ Republic of ] South Mr A Maswanganye African Embassy Mail: Boite Postale 7829, Kinshasa 1, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF E-mail: [email protected] CONGO Mail: Ambassade D'Afriue du Sud, 08 PB Street: 77 Avenue, Ngongo Lutete, Gombe, 1806, Abidjan 08, COTE D'IVOIRE Kinshasa, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Street: Villa Marc Andre, Rue Monsignor OF CONGO Renee Kouassi, Cocody President, Tel: 00 243 81 556 6586 Abidjan, COTE D'IVOIRE Fax: 00 243 81 555 4321 Tel: 00 225 2244 5963 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 225 2244 7450 / 8722

Counsellor Ambassador Mr M Conradie HE Mr VL Sindane Mail: Boite Postale 7829, Kinshasa 1, Mail: Ambassade D'Afriue du Sud, 08 PB DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF 1806, Abidjan 08, COTE D'IVOIRE CONGO Street: Villa Marc Andre, Rue Monsignor Street: 77 Avenue, Ngongo Lutete, Gombe, Renee Kouassi, Cocody President, Kinshasa, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Abidjan, COTE D'IVOIRE OF CONGO Tel: 00 225 2244 5963 Tel: 00 243 81 556 6586 Fax: 00 225 2244 7450 / 8722 Fax: 00 243 81 555 4321

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Street: 65 Ruska Street, Vrsovice, 100 00 Counsellor: Political Prague 10, CZECH Mr C Qomoyi Tel: 00 420 26731 1114 / 27208 8831 Mail: Ambassade D'Afriue du Sud, 08 PB Fax: 00 420 2 26731 1395 1806, Abidjan 08, COTE D'IVOIRE Street: Villa Marc Andre, Rue Monsignor Renee Kouassi, Cocody President, Counsellor: Political Abidjan, COTE D'IVOIRE Mr ZM Dasa Tel: 00 225 2244 5963 Mail: PO Box 133, 100 00 Prague 10, Fax: 00 225 2244 7450 / 8722 CZECH Street: 65 Ruska Street, Vrsovice, 100 00 Prague 10, CZECH First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 420 26731 1114 / 27208 8831 Ms EH Khuzwayo Fax: 00 420 2 26731 1395 Mail: Ambassade D'Afriue du Sud, 08 PB 1806, Abidjan 08, COTE D'IVOIRE Street: Villa Marc Andre, Rue Monsignor First Secretary: Corporate Services Renee Kouassi, Cocody President, Ms M Schoeman Abidjan, COTE D'IVOIRE Mail: PO Box 133, 100 00 Prague 10, Tel: 00 225 2244 5963 CZECH Fax: 00 225 2244 7450 / 8722 Street: 65 Ruska Street, Vrsovice, 100 00 Prague 10, CZECH Tel: 00 420 26731 1114 / 27208 8831 Fax: 00 420 2 26731 1395 Cuba [ Republic of ] South African Embassy E-mail: [email protected] Denmark [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy Street: Ave 5ta, No. 4201, esq 42, Miramar Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, CUBA Website:www.southafrica.dk Tel: 00 537 204 9671 / 9676 Fax: 00 537 204 1101 Mail: PO Box 128, DK- 2900, Hellerup, E-mail: [email protected] Copenhagen, DENMARK Street: Gammel Vartov Vej 8, DK- 2900, Ambassador Hellerup, Copenhagen, DENMARK Mr N Manana Tel: 00 453 918 0155 Street: Ave 5ta, No. 4201, esq 42, Miramar Fax: 00 453 918 4006 Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, CUBA Tel: 00 537 204 9671 / 9676 Ambassador Fax: 00 537 204 1101 HE Ms S Mhlanga Mail: PO Box 128, DK- 2900, Hellerup, Copenhagen, DENMARK First Secretary: Corporate Services Street: Gammel Vartov Vej 8, DK- 2900, Ms E Mashaba Hellerup, Copenhagen, DENMARK Street: Ave 5ta, No. 4201, esq 42, Miramar Tel: 00 453 918 0155 Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, CUBA Fax: 00 453 918 4006 Tel: 00 537 204 9671 / 9676 Fax: 00 537 204 1101 Counsellor: Political Mr M Van Niekerk Counsellor Mail: PO Box 128, DK- 2900, Hellerup, Mr MV Motjope Copenhagen, DENMARK Street: Ave 5ta, No. 4201, esq 42, Miramar Street: Gammel Vartov Vej 8, DK- 2900, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, CUBA Hellerup, Copenhagen, DENMARK Tel: 00 537 204 9671 / 9676 Tel: 00 453 918 0155 Fax: 00 537 204 1101 Fax: 00 453 918 4006 E-mail: [email protected]

Czech [ The Republic of ] South African Embassy First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms O Phakula Website:www.saprague.cz/ Mail: PO Box 128, DK- 2900, Hellerup, E-mail: [email protected] Copenhagen, DENMARK Street: Gammel Vartov Vej 8, DK- 2900, Mail: PO Box 133, 100 00 Prague 10, Hellerup, Copenhagen, DENMARK CZECH Tel: 00 453 918 0155 Street: 65 Ruska Street, Vrsovice, 100 00 Fax: 00 453 918 4006 Prague 10, CZECH E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 420 26731 1114 / 27208 8831 Fax: 00 420 2 26731 1395 Ambassador HE Ms FC Verwey Egypt [ Arab Republic of ] South African Mail: PO Box 133, 100 00 Prague 10, Embassy CZECH Website:saembassyinegypt.com/

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E-mail: [email protected] Street: House 51 / 53, 245 Hitseito Street, Tiravalo, Asmara, STATE OF ERITREA Street: 11 Road 200 / 203, Degla, Maadi, Tel: 00 291 1 152 517 / 539 Cairo, ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT Fax: 00 291 1 152 516 / 072 Tel: 00 202 2535 3000 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 202 2521 3278 / 3277 / 3230 Ambassador Ambassador HE Prof M Iqbal D Jhazbhay HE Ms N Myende-Sibiya Mail: PO Box 11447, Asmara, STATE OF Street: 11 Road 200 / 203, Degla, Maadi, ERITREA Cairo, ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT Street: House 51 / 53, 245 Hitseito Street, Tel: 00 202 2535 3000 Tiravalo, Asmara, STATE OF ERITREA Fax: 00 202 2521 3278 / 3277 / 3230 Tel: 00 291 1 152 517 / 539 Fax: 00 291 1 152 516 / 072 Counsellor: Political Mr PJ Riley First Secretary: Political Street: 11 Road 200 / 203, Degla, Maadi, Ms MM Setlhare Cairo, ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT Mail: PO Box 11447, Asmara, STATE OF Tel: 00 202 2535 3000 ERITREA Fax: 00 202 2521 3278 / 3277 / 3230 Street: House 51 / 53, 245 Hitseito Street, Tiravalo, Asmara, STATE OF ERITREA First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 291 1 152 517 / 539 Mr J Demetroudes Fax: 00 291 1 152 516 / 072 Street: 11 Road 200 / 203, Degla, Maadi, Cairo, ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 202 2535 3000 Ms AF Mashishi Fax: 00 202 2521 3278 / 3277 / 3230 Mail: PO Box 11447, Asmara, STATE OF ERITREA Street: House 51 / 53, 245 Hitseito Street, Equatorial Guinea [ Republic of ] South African Tiravalo, Asmara, STATE OF ERITREA Embassy Tel: 00 291 1 152 517 / 539 Fax: 00 291 1 152 516 / 072 Website:www.dirco.gov.za/malabo/ Mail: PO Box 5, Malabo, EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ethiopia [ The Federal Democratic Republic of ] Street: Caracolas, Malabo, EQUATORIAL South African Embassy GUINEA Tel: 00 240 333 099 522 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador Mail: PO Box 1091, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA HE Mr PA Sifuba Street: Sub City Nifasilk, Kebele 03, Old Airport Mail: PO Box 5, Malabo, EQUATORIAL Area, South Africa Street, Addis Ababa, GUINEA ETHIOPIA Street: Caracolas, Malabo, EQUATORIAL Tel: 00 251 11 371 1002 / 1017 / 7186 GUINEA Fax: 00 251 11 371 1330 / 3682 / 3035 Tel: 00 240 333 099 522 Ambassador HE Mr NN Ntshinga Counsellor Mail: PO Box 1091, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Mr PN Mamushiana Street: Sub City Nifasilk, Kebele 03, Old Airport Mail: PO Box 5, Malabo, EQUATORIAL Area, South Africa Street, Addis Ababa, GUINEA ETHIOPIA Street: Caracolas, Malabo, EQUATORIAL Tel: 00 251 11 371 1002 / 1017 / 7186 GUINEA Fax: 00 251 11 371 1330 / 3682 / 3035 Tel: 00 240 333 099 522 Minister First Secretary: Corporate Services Mr JT Pitswane Ms NL Sepoko Mail: PO Box 1091, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Mail: PO Box 5, Malabo, EQUATORIAL Street: Sub City Nifasilk, Kebele 03, Old Airport GUINEA Area, South Africa Street, Addis Ababa, Street: Caracolas, Malabo, EQUATORIAL ETHIOPIA GUINEA Tel: 00 251 11 371 1002 / 1017 / 7186 Tel: 00 240 333 099 522 Fax: 00 251 11 371 1330 / 3682 / 3035

Counsellor: Political Eritrea [ State of ] South African Embassy Mr MS Makena Mail: PO Box 1091, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Street: Sub City Nifasilk, Kebele 03, Old Airport Mail: PO Box 11447, Asmara, STATE OF Area, South Africa Street, Addis Ababa, ERITREA ETHIOPIA

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Tel: 00 251 11 371 1002 / 1017 / 7186 Fax: 00 251 11 371 1330 / 3682 / 3035 First Secretary: Corporate Services Mr THC Mostert Street: Plot No. 1, 16 cnr Kimberley and First Secretary: Corporate Services Gordon Streets, Suva, FIJI Ms S Ngoasheng Tel: 00 679 331 1087 / 9620 Mail: PO Box 1091, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Fax: 00 679 331 1086 / 0805 Street: Sub City Nifasilk, Kebele 03, Old Airport Area, South Africa Street, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Tel: 00 251 11 371 1002 / 1017 / 7186 Finland [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Fax: 00 251 11 371 1330 / 3682 / 3035 Website:southafricanembassy.fi E-mail: [email protected] European Union [ EU ] South African Mission Street: Rahapajankatu 1A5, Helsinki 00160, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 358 968 603 100 Fax: 00 358 968 603 160 Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000, Brussels 1040, BELGIUM Ambassador Tel: 00 322 285 4400 HE Mr PCS Moloto Fax: 00 322 285 4402 / 4455 / 4430 Street: Rahapajankatu 1A5, Helsinki 00160, FINLAND Ambassador Tel: 00 358 968 603 100 HE Mr M Nkosi Fax: 00 358 968 603 160 Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000, Brussels 1040, BELGIUM Tel: 00 322 285 4400 Counsellor Fax: 00 322 285 4402 / 4455 / 4430 Dr N Monakhisi Street: Rahapajankatu 1A5, Helsinki 00160, FINLAND Minister Plenipotentiary Tel: 00 358 968 603 100 Mr E Beck Fax: 00 358 968 603 160 Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000, Brussels 1040, BELGIUM Tel: 00 322 285 4400 First Secretary: Corporate Services and Fax: 00 322 285 4402 / 4455 / 4430 Consular Mr R Janse van Vuuren Street: Rahapajankatu 1A5, Helsinki 00160, Counsellor FINLAND Mr WL Rothkegel Tel: 00 358 968 603 100 Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000, Brussels 1040, Fax: 00 358 968 603 160 BELGIUM Tel: 00 322 285 4400 Fax: 00 322 285 4402 / 4455 / 4430 Third Secretary: Corporate Services Ms BM Ngcai Street: Rahapajankatu 1A5, Helsinki 00160, Counsellor: Corporate Services FINLAND Mr CN Socikwa Tel: 00 358 968 603 100 Street: 17 - 19 Montoyer 1000, Brussels 1040, Fax: 00 358 968 603 160 BELGIUM Tel: 00 322 285 4400 Fax: 00 322 285 4402 / 4455 / 4430 France [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Website:www.afriquesud.net Fiji [ Republic of the Fiji Islands ] South African E-mail: [email protected] High Commission Street: 59 Quai d'Orsay, 75343 Paris, CEDEX Website:www.sahcfiji.com 07, FRANCE E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 331 5359 2323 / 334 7244 7256 Fax: 00 331 4550 3056 / 3152 / 3121 Street: Plot No. 1, 16 cnr Kimberley and Gordon Streets, Suva, FIJI Ambassador Tel: 00 679 331 1087 / 9620 HE Ms DF Msimang Fax: 00 679 331 1086 / 0805 Street: 59 Quai d'Orsay, 75343 Paris, CEDEX 07, FRANCE Charge d'Affaires Tel: 00 331 5359 2323 / 334 7244 7256 Mr AM Pindelo Fax: 00 331 4550 3056 / 3152 / 3121 Street: Plot No. 1, 16 cnr Kimberley and Gordon Streets, Suva, FIJI Minister Plenipotentiary Tel: 00 679 331 1087 / 9620 Ms I Shongwe Fax: 00 679 331 1086 / 0805 Street: 59 Quai d'Orsay, 75343 Paris, CEDEX 07, FRANCE

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Tel: 00 331 5359 2323 / 334 7244 7256 Website:www.suedafrika.org/ Fax: 00 331 4550 3056 / 3152 / 3121 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Postfach 080461, Berlin, 10004 Counsellor: Multilateral Street: Tiergartenstrasse 18, 10785 Berlin, Mr T Makatu GERMANY Street: 59 Quai d'Orsay, 75343 Paris, CEDEX Tel: 00 493 022 0730 07, FRANCE Fax: 00 493 022 073 190 / 73202 / 73201 / Tel: 00 331 5359 2323 / 334 7244 7256 73163 Fax: 00 331 4550 3056 / 3152 / 3121 Ambassador Counsellor: Corporate Services HE Mr MA Stofile (Reverend) Ms S Mbeleki Mail: Postfach 080461, Berlin, 10004 Street: 59 Quai d'Orsay, 75343 Paris, CEDEX Street: Tiergartenstrasse 18, 10785 Berlin, 07, FRANCE GERMANY Tel: 00 331 5359 2323 / 334 7244 7256 Tel: 00 493 022 0730 Fax: 00 331 4550 3056 / 3152 / 3121 Fax: 00 493 022 073 190 / 73202 / 73201 / 73163

Minister Plenipotentiary Gabon [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Mr HH Brammer Mail: Postfach 080461, Berlin, 10004 Mail: BP 4063, Libreville, GABON Street: Tiergartenstrasse 18, 10785 Berlin, Street: Les Arcades Building, 2nd Floor, 142 GERMANY Rue de Chavennes Centre Ville, Tel: 00 493 022 0730 Libreville, GABON Fax: 00 493 022 073 190 / 73202 / 73201 / Tel: 00 241 791 150 73163 Fax: 00 241 774 536 Counsellor: Corporate Services Ambassador Ms G Mashigo HE Ms PN Magaqa Mail: Postfach 080461, Berlin, 10004 Mail: BP 4063, Libreville, GABON Street: Tiergartenstrasse 18, 10785 Berlin, Street: Les Arcades Building, 2nd Floor, 142 GERMANY Rue de Chavennes Centre Ville, Tel: 00 493 022 0730 Libreville, GABON Fax: 00 493 022 073 190 / 73202 / 73201 / Tel: 00 241 791 150 73163 Fax: 00 241 774 536

First Secretary: Political Ms N Mjoli Ghana [ Republic of ] South African High Mail: BP 4063, Libreville, GABON Commission Street: Les Arcades Building, 2nd Floor, 142 Rue de Chavennes Centre Ville, E-mail: [email protected] Libreville, GABON Tel: 00 241 791 150 Mail: PO Box 298, Trade Fair, Accra, Fax: 00 241 774 536 GHANA Street: No 1, 3rd Soula Street, North Labone, Accra, GHANA Third Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 233 302 740 450 / 451 Ms RD Madingoane Fax: 00 233 302 762 381 / 764 460 / 504 Mail: BP 4063, Libreville, GABON Street: Les Arcades Building, 2nd Floor, 142 High Commissioner Rue de Chavennes Centre Ville, HE Ms JT Ndlovu Libreville, GABON Mail: PO Box 298, Trade Fair, Accra, Tel: 00 241 791 150 GHANA Fax: 00 241 774 536 Street: No 1, 3rd Soula Street, North Labone, Accra, GHANA First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 233 302 740 450 / 451 Ms CS Waschefort Fax: 00 233 302 762 381 / 764 460 / 504 Mail: BP 4063, Libreville, GABON Street: Les Arcades Building, 2nd Floor, 142 Counsellor Rue de Chavennes Centre Ville, Mr S Khuele Libreville, GABON Mail: PO Box 298, Trade Fair, Accra, Tel: 00 241 791 150 GHANA Fax: 00 241 774 536 Street: No 1, 3rd Soula Street, North Labone, Accra, GHANA Tel: 00 233 302 740 450 / 451 Fax: 00 233 302 762 381 / 764 460 / 504 Germany [ Federal Republic of ] South African Embassy First Secretary: Corporate Services Mr LD Ntombela

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Mail: PO Box 298, Trade Fair, Accra, GHANA Third Secretary: Corporate Services Street: No 1, 3rd Soula Street, North Labone, Ms BG Gubevu Accra, GHANA Street: Coleah Corniche Sud, Mossoudougou, Tel: 00 233 302 740 450 / 451 Conakry, GUINEA Fax: 00 233 302 762 381 / 764 460 / 504 Tel: 224 30 466 015 Fax: 224 30 466 016

Greece [ Hellenic Republic of ] South African Guinea-Bissau [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Embassy E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 61152, GR 115-10, Athens, Mail: Postal Add:, CP 1334, Bissau, GREECE GUINEA-BISSAU Street: 60 Kifissias Avenue, Marousi, 15125, Street: Avenue Amilca, Cabral (In front of UDIB Athens, GREECE Building) Tel: 00 30 210 617 8020 Tel: 00 245 600 0000 / 667 8910 / Mobile: Fax: 00 30 210 610 6640 / 6636 245 600 0000 / 695 3507 / 600 0001 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador HE Mr SR Makgetla Counsellor: Corporate Services Mail: PO Box 61152, GR 115-10, Athens, Ms LP Vanqa GREECE Mail: Postal Add:, CP 1334, Bissau, Street: 60 Kifissias Avenue, Marousi, 15125, GUINEA-BISSAU Athens, GREECE Street: Avenue Amilca, Cabral (In front of UDIB Tel: 00 30 210 617 8020 Building) Fax: 00 30 210 610 6640 / 6636 Tel: 00 245 600 0000 / 667 8910 / Mobile: 245 600 0000 / 695 3507 / 600 0001 Cell: 00 245 600 0001 Counsellor: Political Mr D Du Plessis Mail: PO Box 61152, GR 115-10, Athens, Charge d'Affaires GREECE Mr BR Molapo Street: 60 Kifissias Avenue, Marousi, 15125, Mail: Postal Add:, CP 1334, Bissau, Athens, GREECE GUINEA-BISSAU Tel: 00 30 210 617 8020 Street: Avenue Amilca, Cabral (In front of UDIB Fax: 00 30 210 610 6640 / 6636 Building) Tel: 00 245 600 0000 / 667 8910 / Mobile: 245 600 0000 / 695 3507 / 600 0001 First Secretary: Corporate Services Cell: 00 245 695 3507 Ms BQ Jelle Mail: PO Box 61152, GR 115-10, Athens, GREECE Street: 60 Kifissias Avenue, Marousi, 15125, Hong Kong [ Special Administrative Region of Athens, GREECE China ] South African Consulate-General Tel: 00 30 210 617 8020 Fax: 00 30 210 610 6640 / 6636 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 27 / F Great Eagle Centre, Room 2706 - 10, 23 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Guinea [ Republic of ] South African Embassy HONG KONG Tel: 00 852 2577 3279 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 852 2890 1975 / 2577 4532 Street: Coleah Corniche Sud, Mossoudougou, Consul-General Conakry, GUINEA Ms PP Gwala Tel: 224 30 466 015 Street: 27 / F Great Eagle Centre, Room 2706 Fax: 224 30 466 016 - 10, 23 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Counsellor: Political HONG KONG Mr MT Madumane Tel: 00 852 2577 3279 Street: Coleah Corniche Sud, Mossoudougou, Fax: 00 852 2890 1975 / 2577 4532 Conakry, GUINEA Tel: 224 30 466 015 Consul: Political Affairs Fax: 224 30 466 016 Ms B Guthrie Street: 27 / F Great Eagle Centre, Room 2706 First Secretary: Corporate Services - 10, 23 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Ms PZ Mditshane HONG KONG Street: Coleah Corniche Sud, Mossoudougou, Tel: 00 852 2577 3279 Conakry, GUINEA Fax: 00 852 2890 1975 / 2577 4532 Tel: 224 30 466 015 Fax: 224 30 466 016 Consul: Corporate Services

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Mr NS Nzimande Tel: 00 911 126 149 411 / 419 Street: 27 / F Great Eagle Centre, Room 2706 Fax: 00 911 126 143 605 - 10, 23 Harbour Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG Minister Plenipotentiary Tel: 00 852 2577 3279 Mr MW Mogale Fax: 00 852 2890 1975 / 2577 4532 Street: B18 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, 110 057, INDIA Tel: 00 911 126 149 411 / 419 Fax: 00 911 126 143 605 Hungary [ Republic of ] South African Embassy E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Counsellor: Corporate Services Street: Gardonyi Geza ut 17, H-1026 Mr C Chetty Budapest, HUNGARY Street: B18 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Tel: 00 361 392 0999 Delhi 110 057, INDIA Fax: 00 361 200 7277 / 7834 Tel: 00 911 126 149 411 / 419 Ambassador Fax: 00 911 126 143 605 HE Ms J Marx Cell: [email protected] Street: Gardonyi Geza ut 17, H-1026 Budapest, HUNGARY First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 361 392 0999 Ms B Veltman Fax: 00 361 200 7277 / 7834 Street: B18 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110 057, INDIA First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 911 126 149 411 / 419 Mr A Lizamore Fax: 00 911 126 143 605 Street: Gardonyi Geza ut 17, H-1026 E-mail: [email protected] Budapest, HUNGARY Tel: 00 361 392 0999 Fax: 00 361 200 7277 / 7834 Indonesia [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Third Secretary Website:www.southafricanembassy-jakarta.or.id Ms P Mngomezulu E-mail: [email protected] Street: Gardonyi Geza ut 17, H-1026 Budapest, HUNGARY Street: Wisma GKBI, 7th Floor, Suit 705, JI Tel: 00 361 392 0999 Jend, Sudirman No.28, Kav 9- 122, Fax: 00 361 200 7277 / 7834 Jakarta 10210, INDONESIA Tel: 00 622 12991 2500 Fax: 00 622 1574 0661 / 0655 Ambassador Iceland [ Republic of ] South African Honorary HE Mr PA Sifuba Consulate-General Street: Wisma GKBI, 7th Floor, Suit 705, JI Jend, Sudirman No.28, Kav 9- 122, E-mail: [email protected] Jakarta 10210, INDONESIA Mail: PO Box 462, 121 Reykjavik, ICELAND Tel: 00 622 12991 2500 Street: Borgartun 35, 105 Reykjavik, ICELAND Fax: 00 622 1574 0661 / 0655 Tel: 00 354 591 0355 Fax: 00 354 591 0385 Counsellor: Political Mr W Geerlin Honorary Consul-General Street: Wisma GKBI, 7th Floor, Suit 705, JI Mr JR Magnusson Jend, Sudirman No.28, Kav 9- 122, Mail: PO Box 462, 121 Reykjavik, ICELAND Jakarta 10210, INDONESIA Street: Borgartun 35, 105 Reykjavik, ICELAND Tel: 00 622 12991 2500 Tel: 00 354 591 0355 Fax: 00 622 1574 0661 / 0655 Fax: 00 354 591 0385 First Secretary: Corporate Services Mr M Makhetla India [ Republic of ] South African High Street: Wisma GKBI, 7th Floor, Suit 705, JI Commission Jend, Sudirman No.28, Kav 9- 122, Jakarta 10210, INDONESIA Tel: 00 622 12991 2500 Street: B18 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Fax: 00 622 1574 0661 / 0655 Delhi 110 057, INDIA Tel: 00 911 126 149 411 / 419 Fax: 00 911 126 143 605 High Commissioner International Monetary Fund [ The World Bank ] HE Mr FK Morule South African Permanent Mission Street: B18 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110 057, INDIA Street: Suit 380, 3201 New Mexico Avenue,

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NW, Washington DC -20016, UNITED Tel: 00 353 1661 5553 STATES OF AMERICA Fax: 00 353 1661 5590 / 5582 Tel: 00 1202 364 8320 / 8321 / 686 3757 Fax: 00 1202 354 6008 Counsellor: Political Deputy Resident Representative Ms T Dlamini Mr JK Ahmad Street: Alexander House, 2nd Floor, Earlsfort Street: Suit 380, 3201 New Mexico Avenue, Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, NW, Washington DC -20016, UNITED IRELAND STATES OF AMERICA Tel: 00 353 1661 5553 Tel: 00 1202 364 8320 / 8321 / 686 3757 Fax: 00 353 1661 5590 / 5582 Fax: 00 1202 354 6008 First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms H le Roux Street: Alexander House, 2nd Floor, Earlsfort Iran [ Islamic Republic of ] South African Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Embassy IRELAND Tel: 00 353 1661 5553 Website:[email protected] Fax: 00 353 1661 5590 / 5582 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 11365-7476, Teheran, IRAN Street: 5 Yekta Street, Vali-e-Asr Avenue, Israel [ State of ] South African Embassy Tajrich, Teheran, IRAN Tel: 00 98 21 2270 2866 / 2867 / 2868 / Website:www.safis.co.il 2869 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 98 21 271 9516 Mail: PO Box 7138, Tel Aviv 61071, ISRAEL Ambassador Street: Sason Hogi Tower, 17th Floor, 12A HE Mr WMP Whitehead Abba Hillel Silver Street, Ramat-Gan Mail: PO Box 11365-7476, Teheran, IRAN 52506, ISRAEL Street: 5 Yekta Street, Vali-e-Asr Avenue, Tel: 00 972 3525 2566 Tajrich, Teheran, IRAN Fax: 00 972 3525 3230 / 6481 / 620 0843 Tel: 00 98 21 2270 2866 / 2867 / 2868 / 2869 Ambassador Fax: 00 98 21 271 9516 HE Mr S Ngomane Mail: PO Box 7138, Tel Aviv 61071, ISRAEL Street: Sason Hogi Tower, 17th Floor, 12A Counsellor: Political Abba Hillel Silver Street, Ramat-Gan Mr CN Makapula 52506, ISRAEL Mail: PO Box 11365-7476, Teheran, IRAN Tel: 00 972 3525 2566 Street: 5 Yekta Street, Vali-e-Asr Avenue, Fax: 00 972 3525 3230 / 6481 / 620 0843 Tajrich, Teheran, IRAN Tel: 00 98 21 2270 2866 / 2867 / 2868 / 2869 Counsellor: Political Fax: 00 98 21 271 9516 Mr E Grobler Mail: PO Box 7138, Tel Aviv 61071, ISRAEL Street: Sason Hogi Tower, 17th Floor, 12A Third Secretary: Corporate Services Abba Hillel Silver Street, Ramat-Gan Mr C Maseko 52506, ISRAEL Mail: PO Box 11365-7476, Teheran, IRAN Tel: 00 972 3525 2566 Street: 5 Yekta Street, Vali-e-Asr Avenue, Fax: 00 972 3525 3230 / 6481 / 620 0843 Tajrich, Teheran, IRAN Tel: 00 98 21 2270 2866 / 2867 / 2868 / 2869 Counsellor: Corporate Services Fax: 00 98 21 271 9516 Mr F Fortune E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 7138, Tel Aviv 61071, ISRAEL Street: Sason Hogi Tower, 17th Floor, 12A Abba Hillel Silver Street, Ramat-Gan 52506, ISRAEL Ireland: South African Embassy Tel: 00 972 3525 2566 Fax: 00 972 3525 3230 / 6481 / 620 0843 Street: Alexander House, 2nd Floor, Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, IRELAND Italy [ Italian Republic of ] South African Embassy Tel: 00 353 1661 5553 Fax: 00 353 1661 5590 / 5582 Website:www.sudafrica.it E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador HE Mr AJD Ndou Street: Via Tanaro 14, Rome 00198, ITALY Street: Alexander House, 2nd Floor, Earlsfort Tel: 00 39 0685 2541 Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Fax: 00 39 0685 25 4302 / 4303 IRELAND E-mail: [email protected]

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Street: Hanzomon First Building, 4th Floor, 1 - Ambassador 4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo HE Ms Thenjiwe E Mtintso 102-0093, JAPAN Street: Via Tanaro 14, Rome 00198, ITALY Tel: 00 813 3265 3366 / 3369 Tel: 00 39 0685 2541 Fax: 00 813 3265 3573 / 3239 2690 Fax: 00 39 0685 25 4302 / 4303 Minister Plenipotentiary Minister Plenipotentiary Ms DN Mbele Ms DJ De Villier-Steenkamp Street: Hanzomon First Building, 4th Floor, 1 - Street: Via Tanaro 14, Rome 00198, ITALY 4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Tel: 00 39 0685 2541 102-0093, JAPAN Fax: 00 39 0685 25 4302 / 4303 Tel: 00 813 3265 3366 / 3369 Fax: 00 813 3265 3573 / 3239 2690 Counsellor: Political Mr ZS Mnisi Counsellor: Corporate Services Street: Via Tanaro 14, Rome 00198, ITALY Mr Y Reddi Tel: 00 39 0685 2541 Street: Hanzomon First Building, 4th Floor, 1 - Fax: 00 39 0685 25 4302 / 4303 4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093, JAPAN Counsellor: Corporate Services Tel: 00 813 3265 3366 / 3369 Ms R Morake Fax: 00 813 3265 3573 / 3239 2690 Street: Via Tanaro 14, Rome 00198, ITALY Tel: 00 39 0685 2541 Fax: 00 39 0685 25 4302 / 4303 Jordan [ Hashemite Kingdom of ] South African Embassy Jamaica: South African High Commission Mail: PO Box 851508, Sweifieh 11185, E-mail: [email protected] Amman, JORDAN Street: 15 AL Bashir Al Shuraiqi Street, North Street: 15 Hillcrest Avenue, Kingston 6, West Abdoun, Amman, JORDAN JAMAICA, WI Tel: 00 962 6592 1194 / 2288 / 593 4364 Tel: 001 87 6620 4840 Fax: 00 962 6592 0080 Fax: 00 187 69270 3846 / 978 0339 Ambassador High Commissioner HE Dr S Tsele HE Ms M Joyini Mail: PO Box 851508, Sweifieh 11185, Street: 15 Hillcrest Avenue, Kingston 6, Amman, JORDAN JAMAICA, WI Street: 15 AL Bashir Al Shuraiqi Street, North Tel: 001 87 6620 4840 West Abdoun, Amman, JORDAN Fax: 00 187 69270 3846 / 978 0339 Tel: 00 962 6592 1194 / 2288 / 593 4364 Fax: 00 962 6592 0080 Counsellor Mr JP Riley Counsellor: Political Street: 15 Hillcrest Avenue, Kingston 6, Mr SH Watson JAMAICA, WI Mail: PO Box 851508, Sweifieh 11185, Tel: 001 87 6620 4840 Amman, JORDAN Fax: 00 187 69270 3846 / 978 0339 Street: 15 AL Bashir Al Shuraiqi Street, North West Abdoun, Amman, JORDAN First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 962 6592 1194 / 2288 / 593 4364 Mr P de Villiers Fax: 00 962 6592 0080 Street: 15 Hillcrest Avenue, Kingston 6, JAMAICA, WI First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 001 87 6620 4840 Mr JP Lotter Fax: 00 187 69270 3846 / 978 0339 Mail: PO Box 851508, Sweifieh 11185, Amman, JORDAN Street: 15 AL Bashir Al Shuraiqi Street, North Japan: South African Embassy West Abdoun, Amman, JORDAN Tel: 00 962 6592 1194 / 2288 / 593 4364 Website:www.sajapan.org Fax: 00 962 6592 0080 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Hanzomon First Building, 4th Floor, 1 - 4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Kazakhstan [ Republic of ] South African 102-0093, JAPAN Embassy Tel: 00 813 3265 3366 / 3369 Fax: 00 813 3265 3573 / 3239 2690 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador Street: Kaskad Business Centre, 17th Floor HE Ms MN Pheko Kabanbai, Batyra 6/1 Astana 010000,

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KAZAKHSTAN Tel: 00 771 72 925 326 / 327 Street: 1-37 Hannam-Dong, Yongsan-ku, Fax: 00 771 72 925 329 Seoul 140-884, Tel: 00 82 22077 5900 / 2795 0948 Ambassador Fax: 00 82 2792 4856 / 2795 0949 / 2793 HE Mr S Soni 5981 Street: Kaskad Business Centre, 17th Floor Kabanbai, Batyra 6/1 Astana 010000, Ambassador KAZAKHSTAN HE Mr HA Dennis Tel: 00 771 72 925 326 / 327 Street: 1-37 Hannam-Dong, Yongsan-ku, Fax: 00 771 72 925 329 Seoul 140-884, SOUTH KOREA Tel: 00 82 22077 5900 / 2795 0948 Fax: 00 82 2792 4856 / 2795 0949 / 2793 First Secretary: Corporate Services 5981 Ms H Hattingh Street: Kaskad Business Centre, 17th Floor Kabanbai, Batyra 6/1 Astana 010000, Counsellor: Political KAZAKHSTAN Mr I Esau Tel: 00 771 72 925 326 / 327 Street: 1-37 Hannam-Dong, Yongsan-ku, Fax: 00 771 72 925 329 Seoul 140-884, SOUTH KOREA Tel: 00 82 22077 5900 / 2795 0948 Fax: 00 82 2792 4856 / 2795 0949 / 2793 Third Secretary: Corporate Services 5981 Ms Z Lusu Street: Kaskad Business Centre, 17th Floor Kabanbai, Batyra 6/1 Astana 010000, First Secretary: Corporate Services and KAZAKHSTAN Consular Tel: 00 771 72 925 326 / 327 Ms A Kruger Fax: 00 771 72 925 329 Street: 1-37 Hannam-Dong, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-884, SOUTH KOREA Tel: 00 82 22077 5900 / 2795 0948 Fax: 00 82 2792 4856 / 2795 0949 / 2793 Kenya [ Republic of ] South African High 5981 Commission E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 42441, Nairobi, KENYA Kuwait [ The State ofn ] South African Embassy Street: Roshanmaer Place 3rd Floor, Lenana Road, Nairobi 00100, KENYA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 254 202 827 100 Mail: PO Box 2262, 40173 Mishref, Kuwait, Fax: 00 254 202 827 245 / 736 393 STATE OF KUWAIT High Commissioner Street: Salwa Block 10, Street 1, House 91, HE Mr RS Moloi Villa No 3 and 4 Kuwait, STATE OF Mail: PO Box 42441, Nairobi, KENYA KUWAIT Street: Roshanmaer Place 3rd Floor, Lenana Tel: 00 965 2561 7988 / 8456 Road, Nairobi 00100, KENYA Fax: 00 965 2561 7917 Tel: 00 254 202 827 100 Ambassador Fax: 00 254 202 827 245 / 736 393 HE Mr D Van Tonder Mail: PO Box 2262, 40173 Mishref, Kuwait, Counsellor: Political STATE OF KUWAIT Mr C Kriek Street: Salwa Block 10, Street 1, House 91, Mail: PO Box 42441, Nairobi, KENYA Villa No 3 and 4 Kuwait, STATE OF Street: Roshanmaer Place 3rd Floor, Lenana KUWAIT Road, Nairobi 00100, KENYA Tel: 00 965 2561 7988 / 8456 Tel: 00 254 202 827 100 Fax: 00 965 2561 7917 Fax: 00 254 202 827 245 / 736 393 Counsellor: Political First Secretary: Political Mr ND Sebothoma Ms N Bulunga Mail: PO Box 2262, 40173 Mishref, Kuwait, Mail: PO Box 42441, Nairobi, KENYA STATE OF KUWAIT Street: Roshanmaer Place 3rd Floor, Lenana Street: Salwa Block 10, Street 1, House 91, Road, Nairobi 00100, KENYA Villa No 3 and 4 Kuwait, STATE OF Tel: 00 254 202 827 100 KUWAIT Fax: 00 254 202 827 245 / 736 393 Tel: 00 965 2561 7988 / 8456 Fax: 00 965 2561 7917

Korea [ Republic of ] South African Embassy First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms L Van der Walt Website:www.southafrica-embassy.or.kr Mail: PO Box 2262, 40173 Mishref, Kuwait, E-mail: [email protected] STATE OF KUWAIT

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Street: Salwa Block 10, Street 1, House 91, Tel: - Villa No 3 and 4 Kuwait, STATE OF Fax: - KUWAIT Tel: 00 965 2561 7988 / 8456 Counsellor: Political Fax: 00 965 2561 7917 Mr SJ Pike Street: Sophie Road, House No 5, Congo Town, Monrovia, LIBERIA Tel: - Lesotho [ Kingdom of ] South African High Fax: - Commission E-mail: [email protected] First Secretary: Corporate Services Mr BM Kurite Mail: Private Bag A266, Maseru, 0100, Street: Sophie Road, House No 5, Congo LESOTHO Town, Monrovia, LIBERIA Street: Cnr Kingsway and Old School Road, Tel: - Maseru, LESOTHO Fax: - Tel: 00 266 2222 5800 Fax: 00 266 2232 5228 / 2231 0128 High Commissioner Libya [ State of ] South African Embassy Rev HM Majeke Mail: Private Bag A266, Maseru, 0100, E-mail: [email protected] LESOTHO Street: Cnr Kingsway and Old School Road, Mail: PO Box 1230, Tripoli, The Great Maseru, LESOTHO Socialist People's, Libyan Arab Tel: 00 266 2222 5800 Jamahiriya Fax: 00 266 2232 5228 / 2231 0128 Street: Al-Jamhuriyah Street, Al-Qadisiyah Square, Bin Ashour, Tripoli, LIBYA Tel: 00 218 21 333 7006 / 444 7225 Counsellor: Political Fax: 00 218 21 333 9250 / 334 0432 Mr S Jelle Mail: Private Bag A266, Maseru, 0100, Ambassador LESOTHO HE Mr M Dangor Street: Cnr Kingsway and Old School Road, Mail: PO Box 1230, Tripoli, The Great Maseru, LESOTHO Socialist People's, Libyan Arab Tel: 00 266 2222 5800 Jamahiriya Fax: 00 266 2232 5228 / 2231 0128 Street: Al-Jamhuriyah Street, Al-Qadisiyah E-mail: [email protected] Square, Bin Ashour, Tripoli, LIBYA Tel: 00 218 21 333 7006 / 444 7225 Counsellor Fax: 00 218 21 333 9250 / 334 0432 Mr T Mika Mail: Private Bag A266, Maseru, 0100, Counsellor: Political LESOTHO Ms M Minnie Street: Cnr Kingsway and Old School Road, Mail: PO Box 1230, Tripoli, The Great Maseru, LESOTHO Socialist People's, Libyan Arab Tel: 00 266 2222 5800 Jamahiriya Fax: 00 266 2232 5228 / 2231 0128 Street: Al-Jamhuriyah Street, Al-Qadisiyah Square, Bin Ashour, Tripoli, LIBYA First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 218 21 333 7006 / 444 7225 Mr MM Dlokova Fax: 00 218 21 333 9250 / 334 0432 Mail: Private Bag A266, Maseru, 0100, E-mail: [email protected] LESOTHO Street: Cnr Kingsway and Old School Road, First Secretary: Corporate Services Maseru, LESOTHO Mr N Sifuba Tel: 00 266 2222 5800 Mail: PO Box 1230, Tripoli, The Great Fax: 00 266 2232 5228 / 2231 0128 Socialist People's, Libyan Arab E-mail: [email protected] Jamahiriya Street: Al-Jamhuriyah Street, Al-Qadisiyah Square, Bin Ashour, Tripoli, LIBYA Tel: 00 218 21 333 7006 / 444 7225 Liberia [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Fax: 00 218 21 333 9250 / 334 0432 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Sophie Road, House No 5, Congo Town, Monrovia, LIBERIA Tel: - Fax: - Madagascar [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Ambassador HE Mr ME Mabeta E-mail: [email protected] Street: Sophie Road, House No 5, Congo Town, Monrovia, LIBERIA Mail: BP 12101-05, Zoom Ankorondrano,

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101 Antananarivo, REPUBLIC OF Mugabe Crescent, Lilongwe 3, MADAGASCAR MALAWI Street: Lot IVO 68 Bis, Rue Tel: 00 265 1773 722 / 597 / 036 Ravoninahitriniarivo, Ankorondrano, Fax: 00 265 1772 571 101 Antananarivo, REPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR Counsellor: Political Tel: 00 261 20 224 3350 / 224 9482 Mr W Simelane Fax: 00 261 20 22 9512 Mail: PO Box 30043, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI Ambassador Street: Kang'ombe House, 3rd Floor, Robert HE Mr GJ Grobler Mugabe Crescent, Lilongwe 3, Mail: BP 12101-05, Zoom Ankorondrano, MALAWI 101 Antananarivo, REPUBLIC OF Tel: 00 265 1773 722 / 597 / 036 MADAGASCAR Fax: 00 265 1772 571 Street: Lot IVO 68 Bis, Rue Ravoninahitriniarivo, Ankorondrano, First Secretary: Corporate Services 101 Antananarivo, REPUBLIC OF Ms TO Ngqula-Mhlakane MADAGASCAR Mail: PO Box 30043, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI Tel: 00 261 20 224 3350 / 224 9482 Street: Kang'ombe House, 3rd Floor, Robert Fax: 00 261 20 22 9512 Mugabe Crescent, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI First Secretary Tel: 00 265 1773 722 / 597 / 036 Ms JD Rasheleng Fax: 00 265 1772 571 Mail: BP 12101-05, Zoom Ankorondrano, 101 Antananarivo, REPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR Malaysia [ Federation of ] South African High Street: Lot IVO 68 Bis, Rue Commission Ravoninahitriniarivo, Ankorondrano, 101 Antananarivo, REPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR Street: Suite 22,01 Level 22, No.3 Jalan Kia Tel: 00 261 20 224 3350 / 224 9482 Peng, Kuala Lumpur 50450, Fax: 00 261 20 22 9512 MALAYSIA Tel: 00 603 2170 2400 / 2161 7629 First Secretary: Corporate Services Fax: 00 603 2168 8591 / 2162 7767 Ms E van der Merwe High Commissioner Mail: BP 12101-05, Zoom Ankorondrano, HE Mr TD Mseleku 101 Antananarivo, REPUBLIC OF Street: Suite 22,01 Level 22, No.3 Jalan Kia MADAGASCAR Peng, Kuala Lumpur 50450, Street: Lot IVO 68 Bis, Rue MALAYSIA Ravoninahitriniarivo, Ankorondrano, Tel: 00 603 2170 2400 / 2161 7629 101 Antananarivo, REPUBLIC OF Fax: 00 603 2168 8591 / 2162 7767 MADAGASCAR Tel: 00 261 20 224 3350 / 224 9482 First Secretary Fax: 00 261 20 22 9512 Mr RM Mudau Street: Suite 22,01 Level 22, No.3 Jalan Kia Peng, Kuala Lumpur 50450, Malawi [ Republic of ] South African High MALAYSIA Commission Tel: 00 603 2170 2400 / 2161 7629 Fax: 00 603 2168 8591 / 2162 7767

Mail: PO Box 30043, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI First Secretary: Corporate Services Street: Kang'ombe House, 3rd Floor, Robert Ms TS Mtyeku Mugabe Crescent, Lilongwe 3, Street: Suite 22,01 Level 22, No.3 Jalan Kia MALAWI Peng, Kuala Lumpur 50450, Tel: 00 265 1773 722 / 597 / 036 MALAYSIA Fax: 00 265 1772 571 Tel: 00 603 2170 2400 / 2161 7629 High Commissioner Fax: 00 603 2168 8591 / 2162 7767 HE Ms CEN Mbuyane-Mokone Mail: PO Box 30043, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI Street: Kang'ombe House, 3rd Floor, Robert Mugabe Crescent, Lilongwe 3, Mali [ Republic of ] South African Embassy MALAWI E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 265 1773 722 / 597 / 036 Fax: 00 265 1772 571 Mail: Boite Postal 2015, Bamako, REPUBLIC OF MALI Counsellor: Political Street: Batiment Diarra Hamdallaye, ACI-2000, Mr CM Cameron Bamako, REPUBLIC OF MALI Mail: PO Box 30043, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI Tel: 00 223 2029 2925 / 2930 Street: Kang'ombe House, 3rd Floor, Robert Fax: 00 223 2029 2926 / 4740

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Tel: 000 222 4524 5590 Ambassador Fax: 000 222 4524 5591 HE Mr RW Mokou Mail: Boite Postal 2015, Bamako, REPUBLIC OF MALI Street: Batiment Diarra Hamdallaye, ACI-2000, Mauritius [ Republic of ] South African High Bamako, REPUBLIC OF MALI Commission Tel: 00 223 2029 2925 / 2930 Fax: 00 223 2029 2926 / 4740 E-mail: [email protected]

Counsellor: Political Mail: PO Box 908, Port Louis, MAURITIUS Mr BM Danke Street: British American Insurance Building, Mail: Boite Postal 2015, Bamako, REPUBLIC 4th Floor, 25 Pope Hennessy Street, OF MALI Port Louis, MAURITIUS Street: Batiment Diarra Hamdallaye, ACI-2000, Tel: 00 230 212 6925 / 6926 / 6928 / 6929 / Bamako, REPUBLIC OF MALI 6930 Tel: 00 223 2029 2925 / 2930 Fax: 00 230 212 6936 / 9346 Fax: 00 223 2029 2926 / 4740 High Commissioner HE Dr NN Nokwe First Secretary: Corporate Services Mail: PO Box 908, Port Louis, MAURITIUS Mr NA Beja Street: British American Insurance Building, Mail: Boite Postal 2015, Bamako, REPUBLIC 4th Floor, 25 Pope Hennessy Street, OF MALI Port Louis, MAURITIUS Street: Batiment Diarra Hamdallaye, ACI-2000, Tel: 00 230 212 6925 / 6926 / 6928 / 6929 / Bamako, REPUBLIC OF MALI 6930 Tel: 00 223 2029 2925 / 2930 Fax: 00 230 212 6936 / 9346 Fax: 00 223 2029 2926 / 4740 First Secretary: Political Mr I Vosloo Mail: PO Box 908, Port Louis, MAURITIUS Mauritania [ Islamic Republic of ] South African Street: British American Insurance Building, Embassy 4th Floor, 25 Pope Hennessy Street, Port Louis, MAURITIUS E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 230 212 6925 / 6926 / 6928 / 6929 / Mail: BP 2006, Nouakchott, MAURITANIA 6930 Street: Not 135/137 Tevagh Zeina, Fax: 00 230 212 6936 / 9346 NOUAKCHOTT Tel: 000 222 4524 5590 First Secretary: Corporate Services Fax: 000 222 4524 5591 Ms ON Moetlo Mail: PO Box 908, Port Louis, MAURITIUS Ambassador Street: British American Insurance Building, HE Mr JJ Spies 4th Floor, 25 Pope Hennessy Street, Mail: BP 2006, Nouakchott, MAURITANIA Port Louis, MAURITIUS Street: Not 135/137 Tevagh Zeina, Tel: 00 230 212 6925 / 6926 / 6928 / 6929 / NOUAKCHOTT 6930 Tel: 000 222 4524 5590 Fax: 00 230 212 6936 / 9346 Fax: 000 222 4524 5591

First Secretary: Political Mr T Thathi Mexico [ United Mexican States ] South African Mail: BP 2006, Nouakchott, MAURITANIA Embassy Street: Not 135/137 Tevagh Zeina, NOUAKCHOTT E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 000 222 4524 5590 Fax: 000 222 4524 5591 Mail: Embajada de Sudafrica, Apartado Postal 105-219, Colonia Polanco 11560, MEXICO DF First Secretary: Corporate Services Street: South African Embassy, Forum Ms ML Maleka Building, 9th Floor, Andres Bello 10 Mail: BP 2006, Nouakchott, MAURITANIA Colonia Polanco, CP 11560, MEXICO Street: Not 135/137 Tevagh Zeina, DF NOUAKCHOTT Tel: 00 525 511 004 970 Tel: 000 222 4524 5590 Fax: 00 525 552 829 259 Fax: 000 222 4524 5591 Ambassador Third Secretary: Administration and Consular HE Mr S Nogxina Ms LM Adriaan Mail: Embajada de Sudafrica, Apartado Mail: BP 2006, Nouakchott, MAURITANIA Postal 105-219, Colonia Polanco Street: Not 135/137 Tevagh Zeina, 11560, MEXICO DF NOUAKCHOTT Street: South African Embassy, Forum Building, 9th Floor, Andres Bello 10

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Colonia Polanco, CP 11560, MEXICO Mail: Caixa Postal 1120, Maputo, DF MOZAMBIQUE Tel: 00 525 511 004 970 Street: Avenida Eduardo Mondlane 41, Fax: 00 525 552 829 259 Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE Tel: 00 258 2149 3823 5050 / 2124 3000 Counsellor: Political Fax: 00 258 2149 3029 / 3029 / 9983 Mr M Malan High Commissioner Mail: Embajada de Sudafrica, Apartado HE Mr C Nqakula Postal 105-219, Colonia Polanco Mail: Caixa Postal 1120, Maputo, 11560, MEXICO DF MOZAMBIQUE Street: South African Embassy, Forum Street: Avenida Eduardo Mondlane 41, Building, 9th Floor, Andres Bello 10 Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE Colonia Polanco, CP 11560, MEXICO Tel: 00 258 2149 3823 5050 / 2124 3000 DF Fax: 00 258 2149 3029 / 3029 / 9983 Tel: 00 525 511 004 970 Fax: 00 525 552 829 259 E-mail: [email protected] Counsellor: Corporate Services Mr N Schunmugam Mail: Caixa Postal 1120, Maputo, First Secretary MOZAMBIQUE Mr SP Hadebe Street: Avenida Eduardo Mondlane 41, Mail: Embajada de Sudafrica, Apartado Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE Postal 105-219, Colonia Polanco Tel: 00 258 2149 3823 5050 / 2124 3000 11560, MEXICO DF Fax: 00 258 2149 3029 / 3029 / 9983 Street: South African Embassy, Forum Building, 9th Floor, Andres Bello 10 Colonia Polanco, CP 11560, MEXICO Counsellor DF Ms B Ritter Tel: 00 525 511 004 970 Mail: Caixa Postal 1120, Maputo, Fax: 00 525 552 829 259 MOZAMBIQUE E-mail: [email protected] Street: Avenida Eduardo Mondlane 41, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE Tel: 00 258 2149 3823 5050 / 2124 3000 Fax: 00 258 2149 3029 / 3029 / 9983 Morocco [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy First Secretary: Corporate Services E-mail: [email protected] Mr NMS Mohlahlo Street: 34 Rue des Saasdiens, Quartier Mail: Caixa Postal 1120, Maputo, Hassan, Rabat, 10100 MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE Tel: 00 212 537 68 9159 / 9163 Street: Avenida Eduardo Mondlane 41, Fax: 00 212 573 72 4550 Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE Tel: 00 258 2149 3823 5050 / 2124 3000 Ambassador Fax: 00 258 2149 3029 / 3029 / 9983 HE Mr J Van Vollenhoven E-mail: [email protected] Street: 34 Rue des Saasdiens, Quartier Hassan, Rabat, 10100 MOROCCO Tel: 00 212 537 68 9159 / 9163 Fax: 00 212 573 72 4550 Namibia [ Republic of ] South African High Commission First Secretary: Political Ms EJ Joubert E-mail: [email protected] Street: 34 Rue des Saasdiens, Quartier Mail: PO Box 23100, Windhoek, REPUBLIC Hassan, Rabat, 10100 MOROCCO OF NAMIBIA Tel: 00 212 537 68 9159 / 9163 Street: cnr Nelson Mandela Avenue and Jan Fax: 00 212 573 72 4550 Jonker Street, Windhoek, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA Second Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 264 61 205 7111 Ms N Futshane Fax: 00 264 61 22 7771 / 8549 / 23 6093 Street: 34 Rue des Saasdiens, Quartier Hassan, Rabat, 10100 MOROCCO High Commissioner Tel: 00 212 537 68 9159 / 9163 HE Ms YLM Myakayaka-Manzini Fax: 00 212 573 72 4550 Mail: PO Box 23100, Windhoek, REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA Street: cnr Nelson Mandela Avenue and Jan Jonker Street, Windhoek, REPUBLIC Mozambique [ Republic of ] South African High OF NAMIBIA Commission Tel: 00 264 61 205 7111 Fax: 00 264 61 22 7771 / 8549 / 23 6093 Website:www.dirco.gov.za/maputo/index.html E-mail: [email protected] Counsellor: Political Mr G Rees

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Mail: PO Box 23100, Windhoek, REPUBLIC Wellington, NEW ZEALAND, 6146 OF NAMIBIA Street: Level 7 State Insurance Building, 1 Street: cnr Nelson Mandela Avenue and Jan Willis Street, Wellington, NEW Jonker Street, Windhoek, REPUBLIC ZEALAND, 6011 OF NAMIBIA Tel: 00 644 815 8484 Tel: 00 264 61 205 7111 Fax: 00 644 472 5010 Fax: 00 264 61 22 7771 / 8549 / 23 6093 E-mail: [email protected] Counsellor: Political Mr HM Ntshinga First Secretary: Corporate Services Mail: PO Box 25406, Panama Street, Ms TV Mlambo Wellington, NEW ZEALAND, 6146 Mail: PO Box 23100, Windhoek, REPUBLIC Street: Level 7 State Insurance Building, 1 OF NAMIBIA Willis Street, Wellington, NEW Street: cnr Nelson Mandela Avenue and Jan ZEALAND, 6011 Jonker Street, Windhoek, REPUBLIC Tel: 00 644 815 8484 OF NAMIBIA Fax: 00 644 472 5010 Tel: 00 264 61 205 7111 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 264 61 22 7771 / 8549 / 23 6093 E-mail: [email protected] First Secretary: Corporate Services Mr DNJ Jordaan Mail: PO Box 25406, Panama Street, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND, 6146 Netherlands [ The Royal ] South African Street: Level 7 State Insurance Building, 1 Embassy Willis Street, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND, 6011 Website:www.zuidafrika.nl Tel: 00 644 815 8484 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 644 472 5010 Street: Wassenaarsweg 40, 2596 CJ, The Hague, NETHERLANDS Tel: 00 317 0392 4501 Fax: 00 317 0346 0669 / 361 7862 Niger [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Ambassador E-mail: [email protected] HE Mr Peter Goosen Mail: PO Box 13417, Niamey, NIGER Street: Wassenaarsweg 40, 2596 CJ, The Street: Avenue de La Radio, Nord-Ouest, Cite Hague, NETHERLANDS ORTN, Niamey, NIGER Tel: 00 317 0392 4501 Tel: 00 227 2072 6083 Fax: 00 317 0346 0669 / 361 7862 Fax: 00 227 2072 6082 Counsellor: Multilateral First Secretary: Corporate Services Mr T Ceke Ms Joe Castle Street: Wassenaarsweg 40, 2596 CJ, The Mail: PO Box 13417, Niamey, NIGER Hague, NETHERLANDS Street: Avenue de La Radio, Nord-Ouest, Cite Tel: 00 317 0392 4501 ORTN, Niamey, NIGER Fax: 00 317 0346 0669 / 361 7862 Tel: 00 227 2072 6083 Fax: 00 227 2072 6082 First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms GNN Ntila Third Secretary: Corporate Services Street: Wassenaarsweg 40, 2596 CJ, The Ms N Zote Hague, NETHERLANDS Mail: PO Box 13417, Niamey, NIGER Tel: 00 317 0392 4501 Street: Avenue de La Radio, Nord-Ouest, Cite Fax: 00 317 0346 0669 / 361 7862 ORTN, Niamey, NIGER Tel: 00 227 2072 6083 Fax: 00 227 2072 6082 New Zealand [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Nigeria [ Federal Republic of ] South African High E-mail: [email protected] Commission Mail: PO Box 25406, Panama Street, E-mail: [email protected] Wellington, NEW ZEALAND, 6146 Street: Level 7 State Insurance Building, 1 Street: Plot 371, Diplomatic Zone, Central Willis Street, Wellington, NEW Business District, Abuja ZEALAND, 6011 Tel: 00 234 9782 2850 / 2852 Tel: 00 644 815 8484 Street: 24 Molade Okoya Thomas Street, Fax: 00 644 472 5010 Victoria Island, Lagos, NIGERIA High Commissioner Tel: 00 234 1461 2067 / 2981 / 2050 / 2051 HE Ms NM Lallie Fax: 00 234 1461 2066 / 2064 Mail: PO Box 25406, Panama Street, E-mail: [email protected]

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Street: Drammensveien 88C, 0271 Oslo, High Commissioner NORWAY HE Mr LLA Mnguni Tel: 00 47 2327 3220 Street: Plot 371, Diplomatic Zone, Central Fax: 00 47 2244 3975 Business District, Abuja Tel: 00 234 9782 2850 / 2852

Consul-General Oman [ Sultanate of ] South African Embassy Mr MS Monaisa Street: 24 Molade Okoya Thomas Street, Mail: PO Box 231, PC118, Al Harthy Victoria Island, Lagos, NIGERIA Complex, Sultanate of Oman, Muscat, Tel: 00 234 1461 2067 / 2981 / 2050 / 2051 OMAN Fax: 00 234 1461 2066 / 2064 Street: South African Embassy, House No 1384, Way 3017, Shatti Al Qurum, Counsellor Muscat, OMAN Ms T Mgxwati Tel: 00 968 2464 7300 Street: 24 Molade Okoya Thomas Street, Fax: 00 968 2469 4792 Victoria Island, Lagos, NIGERIA Tel: 00 234 1461 2067 / 2981 / 2050 / 2051 Ambassador Fax: 00 234 1461 2066 / 2064 HE Mr LC Pepani Mail: PO Box 231, PC118, Al Harthy First Secretary: Corporate Services Complex, Sultanate of Oman, Muscat, Mr R Badenhorst OMAN Street: Plot 371, Diplomatic Zone, Central Street: South African Embassy, House No Business District, Abuja 1384, Way 3017, Shatti Al Qurum, Tel: 00 234 9782 2850 / 2852 Muscat, OMAN Tel: 00 968 2464 7300 First Secretary: Corporate Services Fax: 00 968 2469 4792 Mr L Pule Street: 24 Molade Okoya Thomas Street, Counsellor Victoria Island, Lagos, NIGERIA Mr PR Jordaan Tel: 00 234 1461 2067 / 2981 / 2050 / 2051 Mail: PO Box 231, PC118, Al Harthy Fax: 00 234 1461 2066 / 2064 Complex, Sultanate of Oman, Muscat, OMAN Street: South African Embassy, House No 1384, Way 3017, Shatti Al Qurum, Norway [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy Muscat, OMAN Tel: 00 968 2464 7300 Website:www.saemboslo.no Fax: 00 968 2469 4792 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 2822, Soli, Oslo 0204, First Secretary: Corporate Services and NORWAY Consular Street: Drammensveien 88C, 0271 Oslo, Ms E Ireland NORWAY Mail: PO Box 231, PC118, Al Harthy Tel: 00 47 2327 3220 Complex, Sultanate of Oman, Muscat, Fax: 00 47 2244 3975 OMAN Street: South African Embassy, House No Ambassador 1384, Way 3017, Shatti Al Qurum, HE Ms QA Zondo Muscat, OMAN Mail: PO Box 2822, Soli, Oslo 0204, Tel: 00 968 2464 7300 NORWAY Fax: 00 968 2469 4792 Street: Drammensveien 88C, 0271 Oslo, NORWAY Tel: 00 47 2327 3220 Fax: 00 47 2244 3975 Pakistan [ Islamic Republic of ] South African High Commission First Secretary: Political Mr MB Dombo E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 2822, Soli, Oslo 0204, Street: 48 Khayaba-e-Iqbal, Sector F-8/2, NORWAY Islamabad, PAKISTAN Street: Drammensveien 88C, 0271 Oslo, Tel: 00 925 1226 2354 / 2355 / 2356 / 225 NORWAY 0411 / 0412 Tel: 00 47 2327 3220 Fax: 00 925 1225 0114 / 0140 Fax: 00 47 2244 3975 High Commissioner Third Secretary: Corporate Services Mr M Kumalo Ms MJ Ngwenya Street: 48 Khayaba-e-Iqbal, Sector F-8/2, Mail: PO Box 2822, Soli, Oslo 0204, Islamabad, PAKISTAN NORWAY Tel: 00 925 1226 2354 / 2355 / 2356 / 225 0411 / 0412

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Fax: 00 925 1225 0114 / 0140 Tel: 00 511 612 4848 Fax: 00 511 422 3881 Counsellor: Political Ambassador Mr SG van Zyl HE Ms EJ Dry Street: 48 Khayaba-e-Iqbal, Sector F-8/2, Mail: PO Box 27-013, L27, Lima, PERU Islamabad, PAKISTAN Street: AV. Victor Andres Belaunde 147, Tel: 00 925 1226 2354 / 2355 / 2356 / 225 Edificio Real Tres 3, Office 801, San 0411 / 0412 Isidro L27, Lima, PERU Fax: 00 925 1225 0114 / 0140 Tel: 00 511 612 4848 Fax: 00 511 422 3881 First Secretary: Corporate Services Mr ME Mpiyakhe Counsellor: Political Street: 48 Khayaba-e-Iqbal, Sector F-8/2, Mr R Scherman Islamabad, PAKISTAN Mail: PO Box 27-013, L27, Lima, PERU Tel: 00 925 1226 2354 / 2355 / 2356 / 225 Street: AV. Victor Andres Belaunde 147, 0411 / 0412 Edificio Real Tres 3, Office 801, San Fax: 00 925 1225 0114 / 0140 Isidro L27, Lima, PERU Tel: 00 511 612 4848 Fax: 00 511 422 3881 Palestine [ State of ] South African Representative Office First Secretary Mr CM Nyembe Mail: PO Box 27-013, L27, Lima, PERU Mail: PO Box 1258, Gaza City, PALESTINE Street: AV. Victor Andres Belaunde 147, Street: Bank of Palestine Building, 8th Floor, Edificio Real Tres 3, Office 801, San Omar Mukhtar Street, Gaza City, Isidro L27, Lima, PERU PALESTINE Tel: 00 511 612 4848 Tel: 00 972 828 4 1313 Fax: 00 511 422 3881 Fax: 00 972 828 4 1323 Mail: PO Box 567, Ramallah, West Bank, PALESTINE Philippines [ Republic of the ] South African Street: Al Masyoun, Ramallah, PALESTINE Tel: 00 972 2298 7355 / 7927 / 7929 Embassy Fax: 00 972 2298 7356 E-mail: [email protected] Representative Street: Yuchengco Tower, 29th Floor, 1 RCBC HE Prof MW Makalima Plaza, 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Mail: PO Box 567, Ramallah, West Bank, Manila, PHILIPPINES PALESTINE Tel: 00 632 889 9383 Street: Al Masyoun, Ramallah, PALESTINE Fax: 00 632 889 9337 Tel: 00 972 2298 7355 / 7927 / 7929 Fax: 00 972 2298 7356 Ambassador HE Mr NA Nyamande-Pitso Counsellor Street: Yuchengco Tower, 29th Floor, 1 RCBC Mr G Molate Plaza, 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Mail: PO Box 567, Ramallah, West Bank, Manila, PHILIPPINES PALESTINE Tel: 00 632 889 9383 Street: Al Masyoun, Ramallah, PALESTINE Fax: 00 632 889 9337 Tel: 00 972 2298 7355 / 7927 / 7929 Fax: 00 972 2298 7356 First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms HS Hayden-Mulaudzi First Secretary: Corporate Services Street: Yuchengco Tower, 29th Floor, 1 RCBC Mr MJ Madiga Plaza, 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Mail: PO Box 567, Ramallah, West Bank, Manila, PHILIPPINES PALESTINE Tel: 00 632 889 9383 Street: Al Masyoun, Ramallah, PALESTINE Fax: 00 632 889 9337 Tel: 00 972 2298 7355 / 7927 / 7929 Fax: 00 972 2298 7356 Third Secretary: Corporate Services Mr MS Motloung Street: Yuchengco Tower, 29th Floor, 1 RCBC Plaza, 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Peru [ Republic of ] South Africa Embassy Manila, PHILIPPINES Tel: 00 632 889 9383 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 632 889 9337 Mail: PO Box 27-013, L27, Lima, PERU Street: AV. Victor Andres Belaunde 147, Edificio Real Tres 3, Office 801, San Isidro L27, Lima, PERU Poland [ Republic of ] South African Embassy

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E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 24744, Doha, QATAR Street: Saha 100, West Bay Lagoon, Doha, Street: 54 Koszykwa Trade, 6th Floor, ul QATAR Koszykowa 54, Warsaw 00-675, Tel: 00 974 4485 7111 POLAND Fax: 00 974 4483 5961 Tel: 00 482 622 1031 / 100 Fax: 00 482 2625 6270 Ambassador HE Mr S Cachalia Ambassador Mail: PO Box 24744, Doha, QATAR HE Dr LST Pekane Street: Saha 100, West Bay Lagoon, Doha, Street: 54 Koszykwa Trade, 6th Floor, ul QATAR Koszykowa 54, Warsaw 00-675, Tel: 00 974 4485 7111 POLAND Fax: 00 974 4483 5961 Tel: 00 482 622 1031 / 100 Fax: 00 482 2625 6270 Counsellor: Political Mr PA le Roux Counsellor Mail: PO Box 24744, Doha, QATAR Ms R Adam Street: Saha 100, West Bay Lagoon, Doha, Street: 54 Koszykwa Trade, 6th Floor, ul QATAR Koszykowa 54, Warsaw 00-675, Tel: 00 974 4485 7111 POLAND Fax: 00 974 4483 5961 Tel: 00 482 622 1031 / 100 Fax: 00 482 2625 6270 First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms LO Mofokeng First Secretary: Corporate Services Mail: PO Box 24744, Doha, QATAR Ms N Mbusi Street: Saha 100, West Bay Lagoon, Doha, Street: 54 Koszykwa Trade, 6th Floor, ul QATAR Koszykowa 54, Warsaw 00-675, Tel: 00 974 4485 7111 POLAND Fax: 00 974 4483 5961 Tel: 00 482 622 1031 / 100 Fax: 00 482 2625 6270

Romania [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Portugal [ Republic of ] South African Embassy E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.embaixada-africadosul.pt Street: 26-28 Stirbei Voda, Union International E-mail: [email protected] Business Centre, 2nd Floor, Bucharest, ROMANIA Street: Avenida Luis Bivar 10, 1069-024, Tel: 4021 313 3725 / 3735 / 3785 Lisbon, PORTUGAL Fax: 4021 313 3795 Tel: 00 3512 1319 2200 Fax: 00 3512 1353 5713 / 255 5931 Ambassador HE Mr PA Swanepoel Ambassador Street: 26-28 Stirbei Voda, Union International HE Ms KST Matthews Business Centre, 2nd Floor, Bucharest, Street: Avenida Luis Bivar 10, 1069-024, ROMANIA Lisbon, PORTUGAL Tel: 4021 313 3725 / 3735 / 3785 Tel: 00 3512 1319 2200 Fax: 4021 313 3795 Fax: 00 3512 1353 5713 / 255 5931 First Secretary: Political Counsellor: Political Ms V Smit Ms JAJ de Beer Street: 26-28 Stirbei Voda, Union International Street: Avenida Luis Bivar 10, 1069-024, Business Centre, 2nd Floor, Bucharest, Lisbon, PORTUGAL ROMANIA Tel: 00 3512 1319 2200 Tel: 4021 313 3725 / 3735 / 3785 Fax: 00 3512 1353 5713 / 255 5931 Fax: 4021 313 3795

First Secretary: Corporate Services First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms PZ Mditshane Mr Z Pini Street: Avenida Luis Bivar 10, 1069-024, Street: 26-28 Stirbei Voda, Union International Lisbon, PORTUGAL Business Centre, 2nd Floor, Bucharest, Tel: 00 3512 1319 2200 ROMANIA Fax: 00 3512 1353 5713 / 255 5931 Tel: 4021 313 3725 / 3735 / 3785 Fax: 4021 313 3795

Qatar [ State of ] South African Embassy Website:www.dirco.gov.za/doha/ Russian Federation: South African Embassy E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.saembassy.ru

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E-mail: [email protected] ] South African Representative Office Street: Granatny Pereulok 1, Building 9, Moscow 123001, RUSSIAN E-mail: [email protected] FEDERATION Tel: 00 7495 926 1177 Mail: PO Box 555, SAO TOME AND Fax: 00 7495 926 1178 / 1179 / 660 9888 PRINCIPE Street: Campo de Milho, SAO TOME AND Ambassador PRINCIPE HE Mr MBM Mpahlwa Tel: 00 239 222 5733 / 5719 Street: Granatny Pereulok 1, Building 9, Fax: 00 239 222 4916 Moscow 123001, RUSSIAN FEDERATION Charge d'Affaires Tel: 00 7495 926 1177 Mr M Mambukwe Fax: 00 7495 926 1178 / 1179 / 660 9888 Mail: PO Box 555, SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE Minister/Counsellor Street: Campo de Milho, SAO TOME AND Mr HS Raubenheimer PRINCIPE Street: Granatny Pereulok 1, Building 9, Tel: 00 239 222 5733 / 5719 Moscow 123001, RUSSIAN Fax: 00 239 222 4916 FEDERATION Tel: 00 7495 926 1177 Counsellor: Corporate Services Fax: 00 7495 926 1178 / 1179 / 660 9888 Ms S Marole Mail: PO Box 555, SAO TOME AND Counsellor: Corporate Services PRINCIPE Ms MEW Barnard Street: Campo de Milho, SAO TOME AND Street: Granatny Pereulok 1, Building 9, PRINCIPE Moscow 123001, RUSSIAN Tel: 00 239 222 5733 / 5719 FEDERATION Fax: 00 239 222 4916 Tel: 00 7495 926 1177 Fax: 00 7495 926 1178 / 1179 / 660 9888 Saudi Arabia [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy Rwanda [ Republic of ] South African Embassy E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 94006, Riyadh, 11693, SAUDI Mail: PO Box 6563, Kacyiru-Sud, Kigali, ARABIA RWANDA Street: King Khalid Road, Um Al-Hammam Street: 1370 Boulevard de I'Umuganda, East, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA Kacyiru-Sud, Kigali, RWANDA Tel: 00 966 1442 9716 / 9720 Tel: 00 250 252 551 300 Fax: 00 966 1442 9708 / 9712 High Commissioner Ambassador HE Mr GN Twala HE Mr MS Jaffer Mail: PO Box 6563, Kacyiru-Sud, Kigali, Mail: PO Box 94006, Riyadh, 11693, SAUDI RWANDA ARABIA Street: 1370 Boulevard de I'Umuganda, Street: King Khalid Road, Um Al-Hammam Kacyiru-Sud, Kigali, RWANDA East, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00 250 252 551 300 Tel: 00 966 1442 9716 / 9720 Fax: 00 966 1442 9708 / 9712 Counsellor Mr JA Radebe First Secretary: Political Mail: PO Box 6563, Kacyiru-Sud, Kigali, Mr EC Makhubela RWANDA Mail: PO Box 94006, Riyadh, 11693, SAUDI Street: 1370 Boulevard de I'Umuganda, ARABIA Kacyiru-Sud, Kigali, RWANDA Street: King Khalid Road, Um Al-Hammam Tel: 00 250 252 551 300 East, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00 966 1442 9716 / 9720 Counsellor: Political Fax: 00 966 1442 9708 / 9712 Mr H du Toit Mail: PO Box 6563, Kacyiru-Sud, Kigali, Counsellor: Political RWANDA Mr P Motsilili Street: 1370 Boulevard de I'Umuganda, Mail: PO Box 94006, Riyadh, 11693, SAUDI Kacyiru-Sud, Kigali, RWANDA ARABIA Tel: 00 250 252 551 300 Street: King Khalid Road, Um Al-Hammam East, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 00 966 1442 9716 / 9720 Fax: 00 966 1442 9708 / 9712 Sao Tome and Principe [ Democratic Republic of

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Bridge Road, SINGAPORE Senegal [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Tel: 00 656 339 3319 Fax: 00 656 339 6658 Website:www.sasenegal.org/ E-mail: [email protected] First Secretary: Corporate Services Mail: PO Box 21010, Dakar-Ponty, Mr M Slinger SENEGAL Street: Odeon Towers, 15th Floor, 331 North Street: Mermoz SUD, Lotissement Ecole de Bridge Road, SINGAPORE Police, Dakar, SENEGAL Tel: 00 656 339 3319 Tel: 00 221 33 865 1959 Fax: 00 656 339 6658 Fax: 00 221 33 864 2359 / 2380 Ambassador HE Mr AM Shilubane Spain [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy Mail: PO Box 21010, Dakar-Ponty, SENEGAL Website:www.dirco.gov.za/madrid/en/ Street: Mermoz SUD, Lotissement Ecole de E-mail: [email protected] Police, Dakar, SENEGAL Street: Edificio Lista, Calle de Claudio Coello Tel: 00 221 33 865 1959 91-6, cnr of J Ortega y Gasset, Madrid Fax: 00 221 33 864 2359 / 2380 28006, SPAIN Tel: 00 349 1436 3780 Counsellor Fax: 00 349 1575 5389 / 1577 7414 Mr A Warnich Mail: PO Box 21010, Dakar-Ponty, Ambassador SENEGAL HE Ms FS Magubane Street: Mermoz SUD, Lotissement Ecole de Street: Edificio Lista, Calle de Claudio Coello Police, Dakar, SENEGAL 91-6, cnr of J Ortega y Gasset, Madrid Tel: 00 221 33 865 1959 28006, SPAIN Fax: 00 221 33 864 2359 / 2380 Tel: 00 349 1436 3780 Fax: 00 349 1575 5389 / 1577 7414 Counsellor Mr P Bester Counsellor: Political Mail: PO Box 21010, Dakar-Ponty, Ms N Somers SENEGAL Street: Edificio Lista, Calle de Claudio Coello Street: Mermoz SUD, Lotissement Ecole de 91-6, cnr of J Ortega y Gasset, Madrid Police, Dakar, SENEGAL 28006, SPAIN Tel: 00 221 33 865 1959 Tel: 00 349 1436 3780 Fax: 00 221 33 864 2359 / 2380 Fax: 00 349 1575 5389 / 1577 7414

First Secretary: Corporate Services First Secretary: Corporate Services and Ms A Meiring Consular Mail: PO Box 21010, Dakar-Ponty, Mr RI Matloga SENEGAL Street: Edificio Lista, Calle de Claudio Coello Street: Mermoz SUD, Lotissement Ecole de 91-6, cnr of J Ortega y Gasset, Madrid Police, Dakar, SENEGAL 28006, SPAIN Tel: 00 221 33 865 1959 Tel: 00 349 1436 3780 Fax: 00 221 33 864 2359 / 2380 Fax: 00 349 1575 5389 / 1577 7414

Singapore [ Republic of ] South African High Sri Lanka [ Democratic Socialist Republic of ] Commission South African High Commission E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Street: Odeon Towers, 15th Floor, 331 North Street: 114 Rosmead Place, Colombo, SRI Bridge Road, SINGAPORE LANKA Tel: 00 656 339 3319 Tel: 00 941 1246 3000 Fax: 00 656 339 6658 Fax: 00 941 1268 8670 High Commissioner High Commissioner HE Ms HF Ngubeni HE Mr GQM Doidge Street: Odeon Towers, 15th Floor, 331 North Street: 114 Rosmead Place, Colombo, SRI Bridge Road, SINGAPORE LANKA Tel: 00 656 339 3319 Tel: 00 941 1246 3000 Fax: 00 656 339 6658 Fax: 00 941 1268 8670

Counsellor: Political Counsellor: Political Mr AF van Straten Mr C Joubert Street: Odeon Towers, 15th Floor, 331 North Street: 114 Rosmead Place, Colombo, SRI

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LANKA Mail: PO Box 2507, Mbabane, SWAZILAND Tel: 00 941 1246 3000 Street: The New Mall, 2nd Floor, Dr Sishayi Fax: 00 941 1268 8670 Road, Mbabane, SWAZILAND Tel: 00 268 2404 4651 / 4652 / 4653 / 4654 First Secretary: Corporate Services and Fax: 00 268 2404 4335 / 2587 / 1688 Consular Ms PM Thekiso First Secretary: Corporate Services Street: 114 Rosmead Place, Colombo, SRI Mr AP Kondwe-Themba LANKA Mail: PO Box 2507, Mbabane, SWAZILAND Tel: 00 941 1246 3000 Street: The New Mall, 2nd Floor, Dr Sishayi Fax: 00 941 1268 8670 Road, Mbabane, SWAZILAND Tel: 00 268 2404 4651 / 4652 / 4653 / 4654 Fax: 00 268 2404 4335 / 2587 / 1688 Sudan [ Republic of ] South African Embassy

E-mail: [email protected] Sweden [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy Mail: P O Box 12137, Khartoum, SUDAN Website:www.southafrica.se Street: Block B9 House 16, Street 11, E-mail: [email protected] Al-Amarat,, Khartoum, SUDAN Tel: 00 249 183 585 301 / 302 / 303 / 304 Street: 4th Floor, Fleminggaten 20, SE-112 26, Fax: 00 249 183 585 082 Stockholm, SWEDEN Tel: 00 468 24 3950 / 660 7693 Ambassador Fax: 00 468 660 7136 HE Mr G Maitland Mail: P O Box 12137, Khartoum, SUDAN Ambassador Street: Block B9 House 16, Street 11, HE Ms MD Marasha Al-Amarat,, Khartoum, SUDAN Street: 4th Floor, Fleminggaten 20, SE-112 26, Tel: 00 249 183 585 301 / 302 / 303 / 304 Stockholm, SWEDEN Fax: 00 249 183 585 082 Tel: 00 468 24 3950 / 660 7693 Fax: 00 468 660 7136 First Secretary: Political Ms A van der Westhuyzen Counsellor: Political Mail: P O Box 12137, Khartoum, SUDAN Mr AJ Oosthuizen Street: Block B9 House 16, Street 11, Street: 4th Floor, Fleminggaten 20, SE-112 26, Al-Amarat,, Khartoum, SUDAN Stockholm, SWEDEN Tel: 00 249 183 585 301 / 302 / 303 / 304 Tel: 00 468 24 3950 / 660 7693 Fax: 00 249 183 585 082 Fax: 00 468 660 7136

First Secretary: Corporate Services First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms SE Songelwa Mr GD Frieslaar Mail: P O Box 12137, Khartoum, SUDAN Street: 4th Floor, Fleminggaten 20, SE-112 26, Street: Block B9 House 16, Street 11, Stockholm, SWEDEN Al-Amarat,, Khartoum, SUDAN Tel: 00 468 24 3950 / 660 7693 Tel: 00 249 183 585 301 / 302 / 303 / 304 Fax: 00 468 660 7136 Fax: 00 249 183 585 082

Switzerland [ Swiss Confederation ] South Swaziland [ Kingdom of ] South African High African Embassy Commission Website:www.southafrica.ch E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 2507, Mbabane, SWAZILAND Street: 29 Alpenstrasse, 3000 Berne 6, Street: The New Mall, 2nd Floor, Dr Sishayi SWITZERLAND Road, Mbabane, SWAZILAND Tel: 00 413 1350 1313 Tel: 00 268 2404 4651 / 4652 / 4653 / 4654 Fax: 00 413 1368 1751 / 1351 3944 / 3945 Fax: 00 268 2404 4335 / 2587 / 1688 Ambassador High Commissioner HE Ms CN Ramosepele HE Mr HHL Mahlangu Street: 29 Alpenstrasse, 3000 Berne 6, Mail: PO Box 2507, Mbabane, SWAZILAND SWITZERLAND Street: The New Mall, 2nd Floor, Dr Sishayi Tel: 00 413 1350 1313 Road, Mbabane, SWAZILAND Fax: 00 413 1368 1751 / 1351 3944 / 3945 Tel: 00 268 2404 4651 / 4652 / 4653 / 4654 Fax: 00 268 2404 4335 / 2587 / 1688 Counsellor: Political Ms A Haslop Counsellor: Political Street: 29 Alpenstrasse, 3000 Berne 6, Ms A van Zyl SWITZERLAND

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Tel: 00 413 1350 1313 Fax: 00 413 1368 1751 / 1351 3944 / 3945 Corporate Service Manager Ms Phumla Mdlankomo Mail: PO Box 118-140, Taipei 105, TAIWAN First Secretary: Corporate Services Street: Bank Tower Building 13th Floor, Suite Ms M Bokaba 1301, 205 Tun Hwa North Road, Taipei Street: 29 Alpenstrasse, 3000 Berne 6, 105, ROC, TAIWAN SWITZERLAND Tel: 00 8862 2715 3251 / 3254 Tel: 00 413 1350 1313 Fax: 00 8862 2712 5109 / 2718 6615 / 4866 Fax: 00 413 1368 1751 / 1351 3944 / 3945 Counsellor and Charge d'Affaires Ms Tabita Mhlungulwana Syria [ Arab Republic ] South African Embassy Mail: PO Box 118-140, Taipei 105, TAIWAN Street: Bank Tower Building 13th Floor, Suite E-mail: [email protected] 1301, 205 Tun Hwa North Road, Taipei 105, ROC, TAIWAN Mail: PO Box 9141, Damascus, SYRIA Tel: 00 8862 2715 3251 / 3254 Street: 7 Jadet Kouraish, Al-Ghazaoui Street, Fax: 00 8862 2712 5109 / 2718 6615 / 4866 West Mezzeh, Damascus, SYRIA Tel: 00 963 11 6135 1520 / 6139 8910 Fax: 00 963 11 611 1714 Ambassador Tanzania [ United Republic of ] South African HE Mr SE Byneveldt High Commission Mail: PO Box 9141, Damascus, SYRIA Street: 7 Jadet Kouraish, Al-Ghazaoui Street, E-mail: [email protected] West Mezzeh, Damascus, SYRIA Mail: PO Box 10723, Msaki, Dar-es-Salaam, Tel: 00 963 11 6135 1520 / 6139 8910 TANZANIA Fax: 00 963 11 611 1714 Street: Plot 1338 / 1339, Mwaya Road, Msaki, Dar-es-Salaam, TANZANIA First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 2552 2260 1800 / 1805 Dr DP Bezuidenhout Fax: 00 2552 2260 0684 / 0943 Mail: PO Box 9141, Damascus, SYRIA Street: 7 Jadet Kouraish, Al-Ghazaoui Street, High Commissioner West Mezzeh, Damascus, SYRIA HE Mr TH Chiliza Tel: 00 963 11 6135 1520 / 6139 8910 Mail: PO Box 10723, Msaki, Dar-es-Salaam, Fax: 00 963 11 611 1714 TANZANIA Street: Plot 1338 / 1339, Mwaya Road, Msaki, Dar-es-Salaam, TANZANIA Tel: 00 2552 2260 1800 / 1805 Taiwan: Liaison Office of the Republic of South Fax: 00 2552 2260 0684 / 0943 Africa Counsellor: Political Website:www.southafrica.org.tw Ms L Ramasodi E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 10723, Msaki, Dar-es-Salaam, TANZANIA Mail: PO Box 118-140, Taipei 105, TAIWAN Street: Plot 1338 / 1339, Mwaya Road, Msaki, Street: Bank Tower Building 13th Floor, Suite Dar-es-Salaam, TANZANIA 1301, 205 Tun Hwa North Road, Taipei Tel: 00 2552 2260 1800 / 1805 105, ROC, TAIWAN Fax: 00 2552 2260 0684 / 0943 Tel: 00 8862 2715 3251 / 3254 Fax: 00 8862 2712 5109 / 2718 6615 / 4866 First Secretary Representative and Head of Mission Ms E Benham Mr Musawenkosi Norman Aphane Mail: PO Box 10723, Msaki, Dar-es-Salaam, Mail: PO Box 118-140, Taipei 105, TAIWAN TANZANIA Street: Bank Tower Building 13th Floor, Suite Street: Plot 1338 / 1339, Mwaya Road, Msaki, 1301, 205 Tun Hwa North Road, Taipei Dar-es-Salaam, TANZANIA 105, ROC, TAIWAN Tel: 00 2552 2260 1800 / 1805 Tel: 00 8862 2715 3251 / 3254 Fax: 00 2552 2260 0684 / 0943 Fax: 00 8862 2712 5109 / 2718 6615 / 4866

Deputy Representative Mr Brain Che Smith Thailand [ Kingdom of ] South African Embassy Mail: PO Box 118-140, Taipei 105, TAIWAN Website:www.dirco.gov/bangkok/ Street: Bank Tower Building 13th Floor, Suite E-mail: [email protected] 1301, 205 Tun Hwa North Road, Taipei 105, ROC, TAIWAN Street: Floor 12 A, M-Thai Tower, All Seasons Tel: 00 8862 2715 3251 / 3254 Place, No.87 Wireless Road, Fax: 00 8862 2712 5109 / 2718 6615 / 4866 Prathumwan, Lumpini, Bangkok, 10330, THAILAND Tel: 00 662 659 2900 / 66 81 934 8862

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Fax: 00 662 250 1063 / 1064 / 685 3500 TUNISIA Tel: 00 216 7179 8449 / 7180 1918 Ambassador Fax: 00 216 7179 6742 HE Ms RP Marks Street: Floor 12 A, M-Thai Tower, All Seasons Place, No.87 Wireless Road, First Secretary: Corporate Services Prathumwan, Lumpini, Bangkok, Ms TL Ndhovela 10330, THAILAND Street: 7 Rue Achtart, Nord-Hilton, Tunis, Tel: 00 662 659 2900 / 66 81 934 8862 TUNISIA Fax: 00 662 250 1063 / 1064 / 685 3500 Tel: 00 216 7179 8449 / 7180 1918 Fax: 00 216 7179 6742 Counsellor: Political Mr D Seals Attache Street: Floor 12 A, M-Thai Tower, All Seasons Col CJ Swarts Place, No.87 Wireless Road, Street: 7 Rue Achtart, Nord-Hilton, Tunis, Prathumwan, Lumpini, Bangkok, TUNISIA 10330, THAILAND Tel: 00 216 7179 8449 / 7180 1918 Tel: 00 662 659 2900 / 66 81 934 8862 Fax: 00 216 7179 6742 Fax: 00 662 250 1063 / 1064 / 685 3500

First Secretary: Corporate Services Turkey [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Ms T Aaron Street: Floor 12 A, M-Thai Tower, All Seasons Website:www.southafrica.org.tr Place, No.87 Wireless Road, E-mail: [email protected] Prathumwan, Lumpini, Bangkok, 10330, THAILAND Street: Filistin Sokak No. 27, Gaziosmanpasa, Tel: 00 662 659 2900 / 66 81 934 8862 06700 Ankara, TURKEY Fax: 00 662 250 1063 / 1064 / 685 3500 Tel: 00 9031 2405 6861 Fax: 00 9031 2446 6434 Ambassador HE Mr VM Khumalo Trinidad and Tobago [ Republic of ] South African Street: Filistin Sokak No. 27, Gaziosmanpasa, High commission 06700 Ankara, TURKEY Tel: 00 9031 2405 6861 Mail: PO Box 7111, TRINIDAD Fax: 00 9031 2446 6434 Street: No 4 , Scott Street, St Claire, PORT OF SPAIN Counsellor Tel: 1868 622 9869 / 628 6997 Ms S Jacobs Fax: 1868 622 7089 Street: Filistin Sokak No. 27, Gaziosmanpasa, 06700 Ankara, TURKEY High Commissioner Tel: 00 9031 2405 6861 HE Ms M Modiselle Fax: 00 9031 2446 6434 Mail: PO Box 7111, TRINIDAD Street: No 4 , Scott Street, St Claire, PORT OF SPAIN First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 1868 622 9869 / 628 6997 Mr L Mbulawa Fax: 1868 622 7089 Street: Filistin Sokak No. 27, Gaziosmanpasa, 06700 Ankara, TURKEY Tel: 00 9031 2405 6861 Counsellor Fax: 00 9031 2446 6434 Mr T Mudau Mail: PO Box 7111, TRINIDAD Street: No 4 , Scott Street, St Claire, PORT OF SPAIN Uganda [ Republic of ] South African High Tel: 1868 622 9869 / 628 6997 Commission Fax: 1868 622 7089 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 22667, Kampala, UGANDA Tunisia [ Republic of ] South African Embassy Street: Plot 15A Nakasero Road, Kampala, UGANDA Website:www.southafrica.intl.tn Tel: 00 256 41 770 2100 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 256 41 434 8216 / 9869 / 6987 / Street: 7 Rue Achtart, Nord-Hilton, Tunis, 0305 TUNISIA High Commissioner Tel: 00 216 7179 8449 / 7180 1918 HE Mr DJ Qwelane Fax: 00 216 7179 6742 Mail: PO Box 22667, Kampala, UGANDA Ambassador Street: Plot 15A Nakasero Road, Kampala, HE Ms NN Losi-Tuty UGANDA Street: 7 Rue Achtart, Nord-Hilton, Tunis, Tel: 00 256 41 770 2100

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Fax: 00 256 41 434 8216 / 9869 / 6987 / 0305 United Arab Emirates: South African Embassy

Counsellor: Political Website:www.southafrica.ae/ Ms W Swartz Mail: PO Box 29446, Abu Dhabi, UNITED Mail: PO Box 22667, Kampala, UGANDA ARAB EMIRATES Street: Plot 15A Nakasero Road, Kampala, Street: Villa No. A029, cnr Airport Road and UGANDA 25th Street, Al Mushref Area, Abu Tel: 00 256 41 770 2100 Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Fax: 00 256 41 434 8216 / 9869 / 6987 / Tel: 00 971 2447 3446 0305 Fax: 00 971 2447 3031 / 3262 First Secretary: Corporate Services Ambassador Ms V Theuissen HE Mr MK Lekgoro Mail: PO Box 22667, Kampala, UGANDA Mail: PO Box 29446, Abu Dhabi, UNITED Street: Plot 15A Nakasero Road, Kampala, ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA Street: Villa No. A029, cnr Airport Road and Tel: 00 256 41 770 2100 25th Street, Al Mushref Area, Abu Fax: 00 256 41 434 8216 / 9869 / 6987 / Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0305 Tel: 00 971 2447 3446 Fax: 00 971 2447 3031 / 3262

Counsellor Ukraine: South African Embassy Mr M Moos Mail: PO Box 29446, Abu Dhabi, UNITED E-mail: [email protected] ARAB EMIRATES Mail: PO Box 7, Central Post Office, 22 Street: Villa No. A029, cnr Airport Road and Kreshchtyk Street, 01001 Kyiv, 25th Street, Al Mushref Area, Abu UKRAINE Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Street: 9/2 Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 01004 Tel: 00 971 2447 3446 Kyiv, UKRAINE Fax: 00 971 2447 3031 / 3262 Tel: 00 380 44 289 8870 / 8840 / 8839 / 8869 First Secretary: Corporate Services Fax: 00 380 44 289 7206 Mr HS Venter Mail: PO Box 29446, Abu Dhabi, UNITED Ambassador ARAB EMIRATES HE Mr CA Basson Street: Villa No. A029, cnr Airport Road and Mail: PO Box 7, Central Post Office, 22 25th Street, Al Mushref Area, Abu Kreshchtyk Street, 01001 Kyiv, Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UKRAINE Tel: 00 971 2447 3446 Street: 9/2 Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 01004 Fax: 00 971 2447 3031 / 3262 Kyiv, UKRAINE Tel: 00 380 44 289 8870 / 8840 / 8839 / 8869 Fax: 00 380 44 289 7206 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: South African High Commission First Secretary: Political Mr VM Badal Website:www.southafricahouseuk.com Mail: PO Box 7, Central Post Office, 22 E-mail: [email protected] Kreshchtyk Street, 01001 Kyiv, Street: South Africa House, 9 Duncannon UKRAINE Street, Trafalgar Square, London Street: 9/2 Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 01004 WC2N 5DP, UNITED KINGDOM Kyiv, UKRAINE Tel: 00 4420 7451 7299 Tel: 00 380 44 289 8870 / 8840 / 8839 / Fax: 00 4420 7839 5670/ 7839 7719 8869 Fax: 00 380 44 289 7206 Deputy High Commissioner Ms B Qwabe First Secretary: Corporate Services Street: South Africa House, 9 Duncannon Ms EC O'Ehley Street, Trafalgar Square, London Mail: PO Box 7, Central Post Office, 22 WC2N 5DP, UNITED KINGDOM Kreshchtyk Street, 01001 Kyiv, Tel: 00 4420 7451 7299 UKRAINE Fax: 00 4420 7839 5670/ 7839 7719 Street: 9/2 Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 01004 Kyiv, UKRAINE Counsellor Tel: 00 380 44 289 8870 / 8840 / 8839 / Ms ME Solomon 8869 Street: South Africa House, 9 Duncannon Fax: 00 380 44 289 7206 Street, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DP, UNITED KINGDOM Tel: 00 4420 7451 7299

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Fax: 00 4420 7839 5670/ 7839 7719 Mr PM Pietersen Street: 333 East, 38th Street, 9th Floor, NEW Counsellor: Political YORK, NY 10016 Ms P Xaba Tel: 00 121 2213 4880 Street: South Africa House, 9 Duncannon Fax: 00 121 2213 0102 / 2883 0653 Street, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DP, UNITED KINGDOM Consul Tel: 00 4420 7451 7299 Mr LN Naidoo Fax: 00 4420 7839 5670/ 7839 7719 Street: 333 East, 38th Street, 9th Floor, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Tel: 00 121 2213 4880 Fax: 00 121 2213 0102 / 2883 0653 United Nations [ Geneva ] South African Permament Mission E-mail: [email protected] United States of America: South African Street: 65 Rue du Rhone, 1204 Geneva, Embassy SWITZERLAND Website:www.saembassy.org/ Tel: 00 412 2849 5454 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00 412 2849 5432 / 5438 / 5400 Street: 3400 International Drive, NW, Ambassador Washington DC 20008, USA HE Dr GJ Mtshali Tel: 001 202 232 4400 Street: 65 Rue du Rhone, 1204 Geneva, Fax: 001 202 265 1607 / 387 9854 SWITZERLAND Tel: 00 412 2849 5454 Ambassador Fax: 00 412 2849 5432 / 5438 / 5400 HE Mr E Rasool Street: 3400 International Drive, NW, Minister Plenipotentiary Washington DC 20008, USA Mr L Luvuyo Tel: 001 202 232 4400 Street: 65 Rue du Rhone, 1204 Geneva, Fax: 001 202 265 1607 / 387 9854 SWITZERLAND Tel: 00 412 2849 5454 First Secretary: Corporate Services Fax: 00 412 2849 5432 / 5438 / 5400 Ms SS Skosana Street: 3400 International Drive, NW, Counsellor: Corporate Services Washington DC 20008, USA Mr WS Sibya Tel: 001 202 232 4400 Street: 65 Rue du Rhone, 1204 Geneva, Fax: 001 202 265 1607 / 387 9854 SWITZERLAND Tel: 00 412 2849 5454 Counsellor: Political Fax: 00 412 2849 5432 / 5438 / 5400 Mr LL Nemukula Street: 3400 International Drive, NW, Washington DC 20008, USA Tel: 001 202 232 4400 United Nations [ New York ] South African Fax: 001 202 265 1607 / 387 9854 Permanent Mission Website:www.southafrica-newyork.net E-mail: [email protected] Uruguay [ Oriental Republic of ] South African Street: 333 East, 38th Street, 9th Floor, NEW Embassy YORK, NY 10016 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 121 2213 4880 Fax: 00 121 2213 0102 / 2883 0653 Street: Dr Gabriel Otero 6337 Carrasco, Montevideo 11300, URUGUAY Ambassador Tel: 00 598 2601 7591 / 2834 453 HE Mr Baso Sangqu Fax: 00 598 2600 3165 Street: 333 East, 38th Street, 9th Floor, NEW YORK, NY 10016 Charge d'Affaires Tel: 00 121 2213 4880 Ms E Hajie Fax: 00 121 2213 0102 / 2883 0653 Street: Dr Gabriel Otero 6337 Carrasco, Montevideo 11300, URUGUAY Consul-General Tel: 00 598 2601 7591 / 2834 453 Mr George Monyemangene Fax: 00 598 2600 3165 Street: 333 East, 38th Street, 9th Floor, NEW YORK, NY 10016 First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 121 2213 4880 Ms MM Van Tonder Fax: 00 121 2213 0102 / 2883 0653 Street: Dr Gabriel Otero 6337 Carrasco, Montevideo 11300, URUGUAY Consul: Corporate Services Tel: 00 598 2601 7591 / 2834 453

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Fax: 00 598 2600 3165 HE Ms KR Magau Mail: PO Box 102, Hanoi, VIETNAM Street: Central Building 3rd Floor, 31 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hanoi, VIETNAM Uzbekistan [ Republic of ] South African Tel: 00 844 393 6 2000 Embassy Fax: 00 844 393 6 1991

E-mail: [email protected] Counsellor: Political Street: 30-A Asaka Street, 700 000 Taskent, Ms NPZ Skolo UZBEKISTAN Mail: PO Box 102, Hanoi, VIETNAM Tel: 00 9987 1237 / 0171 Street: Central Building 3rd Floor, 31 Hai Ba Fax: 00 9987 1237 2546 Trung Street, Hanoi, VIETNAM Tel: 00 844 393 6 2000 Fax: 00 844 393 6 1991 Venezuela [ Bolivarian Republic of ] South African Embassy First Secretary: Corporate Services Ms R van den Brink E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 102, Hanoi, VIETNAM Street: Central Building 3rd Floor, 31 Hai Ba Mail: PO Box 2613, Carmelitas, Caracas DF Trung Street, Hanoi, VIETNAM 1010, VENEZUELA Tel: 00 844 393 6 2000 Street: EDF Atrium PH-1A, Calle Sorocaima, Fax: 00 844 393 6 1991 c/o Ave, EL Rosal, Chacao caracas, VENEZUELA Tel: 00 5821 2952 0026 Fax: 00 5821 2952 0277 Zambia [ Republic of ] South African High Ambassador Commission HE Ms T Shope-Linney Mail: PO Box 2613, Carmelitas, Caracas DF Mail: Private Bag W369, Lusaka, ZAMBIA 1010, VENEZUELA Street: Cheetah Road 26D, Kabulonga, Street: EDF Atrium PH-1A, Calle Sorocaima, Lusaka, ZAMBIA c/o Ave, EL Rosal, Chacao caracas, Tel: 00 260 211 26 0999 VENEZUELA Fax: 00 260 211 26 3001 / 0851 / 2723 Tel: 00 5821 2952 0026 Fax: 00 5821 2952 0277 High Commissioner HE Mr PM Mathebe Mail: Private Bag W369, Lusaka, ZAMBIA Counsellor Street: Cheetah Road 26D, Kabulonga, Mr S Du Plessis Lusaka, ZAMBIA Mail: PO Box 2613, Carmelitas, Caracas DF Tel: 00 260 211 26 0999 1010, VENEZUELA Fax: 00 260 211 26 3001 / 0851 / 2723 Street: EDF Atrium PH-1A, Calle Sorocaima, c/o Ave, EL Rosal, Chacao caracas, VENEZUELA Counsellor Tel: 00 5821 2952 0026 Mr TA Mogane Fax: 00 5821 2952 0277 Mail: Private Bag W369, Lusaka, ZAMBIA Street: Cheetah Road 26D, Kabulonga, Lusaka, ZAMBIA First Secretary: Corporate Services Tel: 00 260 211 26 0999 Mr V Lalla Fax: 00 260 211 26 3001 / 0851 / 2723 Mail: PO Box 2613, Carmelitas, Caracas DF 1010, VENEZUELA Street: EDF Atrium PH-1A, Calle Sorocaima, First Secretary: Corporate Services c/o Ave, EL Rosal, Chacao caracas, Mr M Mdemka VENEZUELA Mail: Private Bag W369, Lusaka, ZAMBIA Tel: 00 5821 2952 0026 Street: Cheetah Road 26D, Kabulonga, Fax: 00 5821 2952 0277 Lusaka, ZAMBIA Tel: 00 260 211 26 0999 Fax: 00 260 211 26 3001 / 0851 / 2723

Vietnam [ Socialist Republic of ] South African Embassy Zimbabwe [ Republic of ] South African High E-mail: [email protected] Commission Mail: PO Box 102, Hanoi, VIETNAM E-mail: [email protected] Street: Central Building 3rd Floor, 31 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hanoi, VIETNAM Mail: PO Box A1654, Avondale, Harare, Tel: 00 844 393 6 2000 ZIMBABWE Fax: 00 844 393 6 1991 Street: 7 Elcombe Street, Belgravia, Harare, ZIMBABWE Ambassador Tel: 00 263 4760 404`

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Fax: 00 263 475 7908 / 3185 / 474 9657 Ambassador HE Mr WV Mavimbela Mail: PO Box A1654, Avondale, Harare, ZIMBABWE Street: 7 Elcombe Street, Belgravia, Harare, ZIMBABWE Tel: 00 263 4760 404` Fax: 00 263 475 7908 / 3185 / 474 9657

Counsellor: Political Ms AP Makwabe Mail: PO Box A1654, Avondale, Harare, ZIMBABWE Street: 7 Elcombe Street, Belgravia, Harare, ZIMBABWE Tel: 00 263 4760 404` Fax: 00 263 475 7908 / 3185 / 474 9657

Counsellor: Corporate Services Mr T Nieuwoudt Mail: PO Box A1654, Avondale, Harare, ZIMBABWE Street: 7 Elcombe Street, Belgravia, Harare, ZIMBABWE Tel: 00 263 4760 404` Fax: 00 263 475 7908 / 3185 / 474 9657

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Foreign Representation in the Republic of South Africa E-mail: [email protected] Albania [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate Attache: Communications Mail: P O Box 87393, Houghton 2041, Mr Fernando Cunuiji JOHANNESBURG Mail: PO Box 8685, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: Shop G57, Fourways Mall, Bryanston Street: 1030 Schoeman Street, Hatfield, 2055, JOHANNESBURG PRETORIA Tel: 011 884 1617 Tel: 012 342 0049 / 0050 / 3671 / 4404 Fax: 011 884 2510 Fax: 012 342 7039 Honorary Consul-General Sir Nicholas Rose Mail: P O Box 87393, Houghton 2041, Argentina [ Republic of ] Embassy JOHANNESBURG Street: Shop G57, Fourways Mall, Bryanston Website:www.esafr.mrecic.gov.ar 2055, JOHANNESBURG E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 011 884 1617 Mail: PO Box 11125, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 011 884 2510 Tel: 012 430 3524 / 3527 Cell: 083 251 4326 Fax: 012 430 3513 / 3516 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador HE Mr Carlos Sersale di Cerisano Mail: PO Box 11125, HATFIELD, 0028 Algeria [ Democratic People's Republic of ] Tel: 012 342 4041 Embassy Fax: 012 430 3513 / 3516 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 57480, ARCARDIA, 0007 Minister Street: 950 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Mr Carlos Rubio Reyna PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 11125, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 342 5074 / 5075 Tel: 012 430 3524 / 3527 Fax: 012 342 6479 Fax: 012 430 3513 / 3516 Ambassador HE Mr Abd-El-Naceur Belaid Mail: PO Box 57480, ARCARDIA, 0007 Australia: High Commission Street: 950 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Website:www.southafrica.embassy.gov.au Tel: 012 342 5074 / 5075 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 342 6479 Mail: Private Bag X150, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 292 Orient and Schoeman Street, Minister/Counsellor Arcadia, PRETORIA Mr A Amalou Tel: 012 423 6000 Mail: PO Box 57480, ARCARDIA, 0007 Fax: 012 342 4202 Street: 950 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA High Commissioner Tel: 012 342 5074 / 5075 Mr Graeme Wilson Fax: 012 342 6479 Mail: Private Bag X150, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 292 Orient and Schoeman Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 423 6000 Angola [ Republic of ] Embassy Fax: 012 342 4202

E-mail: [email protected]: Political Mail: PO Box 8685, PRETORIA, 0001 Mr Chris Munn Street: 1030 Schoeman Street, Hatfield, Mail: Private Bag X150, PRETORIA, 0001 PRETORIA Street: 292 Orient and Schoeman Street, Tel: 012 342 0049 / 0050 / 3671 / 4404 Arcadia, PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 7039 Tel: 012 423 6000 Fax: 012 342 4202 Ambassador HE Ms Josefina Pitra Diakite Mail: PO Box 8685, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 1030 Schoeman Street, Hatfield, Austria [ Republic of ] Embassy PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 0049 / 0050 / 3671 / 4404 Website:www.aussenministerium.at/pretoria Fax: 012 342 7039 E-mail: [email protected]

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Mail: PO Box 95572, WATERKLOOF, 0145 First Secretary Street: 454 A Fehrsen Street,, Brooklyn, Mr Nikolei Pozniak PRETORIA 0181 Mail: PO Box 4107, PRETORIA, 0001 Tel: 012 452 9155 Street: 327 Hill Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Fax: 012 460 1151 Tel: 012 430 7664 / 7707 / 7708 / 7709 Fax: 012 342 6280 Mail: PO Box 6887, ROGGERBAAI, 8012 Street: 1 Thibault Square, 3rd Floor, CAPE TOWN Tel: 021 421 1440 / 1441 Belgium [ Kingdom of ] Embassy Fax: 021 425 3489 E-mail: [email protected]. Ambassador HE Ms Brigitte Oppinger-Walchshofer Street: 625 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, Mail: PO Box 95572, WATERKLOOF, 0145 PRETORIA 0002 Street: 454 A Fehrsen Street,, Brooklyn, Tel: 012 440 3201 / 3202 PRETORIA 0181 Fax: 012 440 3216 Tel: 012 452 9155 Fax: 012 460 1151 Street: 1 Thibault Squeare; 19th Floor, cnr E-mail: [email protected] Long and Hans Strydom, Ave Foreshore,8001 Tel: 021 683 0400 Minister/Counsellor Fax: 021 683 0401 Mr M Gartner Mail: PO Box 95572, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Ambassador Street: 454 A Fehrsen Street,, Brooklyn, HE Mr Johan Maricou PRETORIA 0181 Street: 625 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, Tel: 012 452 9155 PRETORIA 0002 Fax: 012 460 1151 Tel: 012 440 3201 / 3202 Fax: 012 440 3216

Minister/Counsellor Bangladesh [ People's Republic of ] High Mr PAA de Bouck Commission Street: 625 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, PRETORIA 0002 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 440 3201 / 3202 Street: 410 Farenden Street, Sunnyside, Fax: 012 440 3216 PRETORIA, 0002 Tel: 012 343 2105 / 2106 / 2107 Attache Fax: 012 343 5222 / 5224 Ms C Willems Street: 625 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, High Commissioner PRETORIA 0002 HE Mr MD . Touhid Hossain Tel: 012 440 3201 / 3202 Street: 410 Farenden Street, Sunnyside, Fax: 012 440 3216 PRETORIA, 0002 Tel: 012 343 2105 / 2106 / 2107 Fax: 012 343 5222 / 5224 Benin [ Republic of ] Embassy Third Secretary Mr Shabab Bin Ahmed E-mail: [email protected] Street: 410 Farenden Street, Sunnyside, PRETORIA, 0002 Mail: PO Box 26484, ARCADIA, 0007 Tel: 012 343 2105 / 2106 / 2107 Street: 900 cnr Park and Orient Streets, Fax: 012 343 5222 / 5224 Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 6978 Fax: 012 342 1823 Ambassador Belarus [ The Republic of ] Embassy HE Mr Claude Ruben Fassinou Mail: PO Box 26484, ARCADIA, 0007 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 900 cnr Park and Orient Streets, Mail: PO Box 4107, PRETORIA, 0001 Arcadia, PRETORIA Street: 327 Hill Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 6978 Tel: 012 430 7664 / 7707 / 7708 / 7709 Fax: 012 342 1823 Fax: 012 342 6280 Counsellor Counsellor Mr Claude Tohoungba HE Mr Andrei Molchan Mail: PO Box 26484, ARCADIA, 0007 Mail: PO Box 4107, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 900 cnr Park and Orient Streets, Street: 327 Hill Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 7664 / 7707 / 7708 / 7709 Tel: 012 342 6978 Fax: 012 342 6280 Fax: 012 342 1823

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Tel: 012 366 5200 Second Counsellor Fax: 012 366 5299 Ms Brnice Gnansounou Mail: PO Box 26484, ARCADIA, 0007 Ambassador Street: 900 cnr Park and Orient Streets, HE Mr Pedro Luiz Carneiro de Mendonca Arcadia, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 3269, PRETORIA, 0001 Tel: 012 342 6978 Street: Hillcrest Office Park, Woodpecker Fax: 012 342 1823 Place, 1st Floor, 177 Dyer Road, Hillcrest, PRETORIA Tel: 012 366 5200 Fax: 012 366 5299 Bolivia [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate E-mail: [email protected] Minister/Counsellor Mr Jose Augusto Silveira de Andrade e Filho Mail: PO Box 91026, AUCKLAND PARK, Mail: PO Box 3269, PRETORIA, 0001 2006 Street: Hillcrest Office Park, Woodpecker Street: No. 1. Erlsword Way Saxonwold, 2129, Place, 1st Floor, 177 Dyer Road, JOHANNESBURG Hillcrest, PRETORIA Tel: 011 646 1408 Tel: 012 366 5200 Fax: 011 646 1408 Fax: 012 366 5299 Honorary Consul Ms SM Caputi First Secretary Mail: PO Box 91026, AUCKLAND PARK, Mr Antonio Carlose Fanca 2006 Mail: PO Box 3269, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: No. 1. Erlsword Way Saxonwold, 2129, Street: Hillcrest Office Park, Woodpecker JOHANNESBURG Place, 1st Floor, 177 Dyer Road, Tel: 011 646 1408 Hillcrest, PRETORIA Fax: 011 646 1408 Tel: 012 366 5200 Fax: 012 366 5299

Botswana [ Republic of ] High Commission Bulgaria [ Republic of ] Embassy Mail: PO Box 57035, ARCADIA, 0007 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 24 Amos Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 9640 Mail: PO Box 26296, ARCADIA, 0007 Fax: 012 342 1845 Street: 1071 Stanza Bopape Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA High Commissioner Tel: 012 342 3720 / 3721 HE Mr Kenny Kinotiro Kapinga Fax: 012 342 3721 Mail: PO Box 57035, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 24 Amos Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Ambassador Tel: 012 430 9640 HE Ms Katya Deleva Fax: 012 342 1845 Mail: PO Box 26296, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 1071 Stanza Bopape Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Counsellor Tel: 012 342 3720 / 3721 Mr David Desai Fax: 012 342 3721 Mail: PO Box 57035, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 24 Amos Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 9640 Counsellor Fax: 012 342 1845 Ms Vania Ilieva Smith Mail: PO Box 26296, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 1071 Stanza Bopape Street, Hatfield, First Secretary: Administration PRETORIA Vacant JK Moyo Tel: 012 342 3720 / 7941 Mail: PO Box 57035, ARCADIA, 0007 Fax: 012 342 3721 Street: 24 Amos Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 9640 Fax: 012 342 1845 Burkina Faso [ Peoples' Republic of ] Embassy

Brazil [ Federative Republic of ] Embassy Street: 49 Charles Street, Bailey's Muckleneuk, PRETORIA Website:www.brazilianembassy.org.za Tel: 012 346 6205 / 2704 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 346 6003 Mail: PO Box 3269, PRETORIA, 0001 Ambassador Street: Hillcrest Office Park, Woodpecker HE Mr Moumouni Fabre Place, 1st Floor, 177 Dyer Road, Street: 49 Charles Street, Bailey's Muckleneuk, Hillcrest, PRETORIA PRETORIA

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Tel: 012 346 6205 / 2704 Tel: 012 460 0587 Fax: 012 346 6003 Fax: 012 460 7942

Minister/Counsellor Counsellor Mr Juste Tiemtore Mr Albert Fotabong Street: 49 Charles Street, Bailey's Muckleneuk, Mail: PO Box 13790, HATFIELD, 0028 PRETORIA Street: 80 Marais Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 6205 / 2704 Tel: 012 460 0587 Fax: 012 346 6003 Fax: 012 460 7942

Counsellor First Secretary Mrs Olivia Rouamba Mr Alain Ngodwa Street: 49 Charles Street, Bailey's Muckleneuk, Mail: PO Box 13790, HATFIELD, 0028 PRETORIA Street: 80 Marais Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 6205 / 2704 Tel: 012 460 0587 Fax: 012 346 6003 Fax: 012 460 7942

First Secretary Ms B Kambou Street: 49 Charles Street, Bailey's Muckleneuk, Canada: High Commission PRETORIA Website:www.canada.co.za Tel: 012 346 6205 / 2704 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 346 6003 Mail: Private Bag X13, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 1103 cnr Arcadia and Hilda Streets, Hatfield, PRETORIA Burundi [ Republic of ] Embassy Tel: 012 422 3000 Fax: 012 422 3052 / 3053 E-mail: [email protected] High Commissioner Mail: PO Box 12914, HATFIELD, 0028 HE Mr Gaston Barban Street: 20 Glyn Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Mail: Private Bag X13, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 342 4881 / 4883 Street: 1103 cnr Arcadia and Hilda Streets, Fax: 012 342 4885 Hatfield, PRETORIA Ambassador Tel: 012 422 3000 HE Mr Isae Ntirizoshira Fax: 012 422 3052 / 3053 Mail: PO Box 12914, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 20 Glyn Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Minister/Counsellor Tel: 012 342 4881 / 4883 Mr Bradley Blanger Fax: 012 342 4885 Mail: Private Bag X13, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 1103 cnr Arcadia and Hilda Streets, Counsellor Hatfield, PRETORIA Mr Seraphine Ciza Tel: 012 422 3000 Mail: PO Box 12914, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 422 3052 / 3053 Street: 20 Glyn Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 4881 / 4883 Second Secretary Fax: 012 342 4885 Ms Sheryl McLaughlin Mail: Private Bag X13, HATFIELD, 0028 First Secretary Street: 1103 cnr Arcadia and Hilda Streets, Vacant JB Ngendanyanga Hatfield, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12914, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 422 3000 Street: 20 Glyn Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Fax: 012 422 3052 / 3053 Tel: 012 342 4881 / 4883 Fax: 012 342 4885 Central African Republic: Embassy

Cameroon [ Republic of ] High Commission E-mail: [email protected] Street: 822 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 13790, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 072 586 4700 Street: 80 Marais Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Ambassador Tel: 012 460 0587 HE Dr Paul Dimassi Fax: 012 460 7942 Street: 822 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, High Commissioner PRETORIA HE Mr Adrien Kouambo Jomague Tel: 072 586 4700 Mail: PO Box 13790, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 80 Marais Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Honorary Consul-General

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Mr JMP Erikson Mr Yirui Yang Street: 822 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 95764, WATERKLOOF, 0145 PRETORIA Street: 225 Athlone Street, Arcadia, Tel: 072 586 4700 PRETORIA Tel: 012 431 6500 Fax: 012 342 4244

Chile [ Republic of ] Embassy First Secretary Website:www.embchile.co.za Ms Zhao Xinlei E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 95764, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Street: 225 Athlone Street, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 2449, BROOKLYN SQUARE, PRETORIA 0075 Tel: 012 431 6500 Street: Delmondo Office Park, Block C, 169 Fax: 012 342 4244 Garsfontein Road, Ashlea Gardens, PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 8090 Fax: 012 460 8093 Colombia [ Republic of ] Embassy Ambassador Website:www.cancilleria.gov.co HE Mr Jose Gabriel Zepeda-Zepeda E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 2449, BROOKLYN SQUARE, 0075 Mail: PO Box 12791, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: Delmondo Office Park, Block C, 169 Street: 177 Dyer Road, Hillcrest Office Park, Garsfontein Road, Ashlea Gardens, Woodepecker Place, 2nd Floor, PRETORIA Hillcrest, PRETORIA, 0083 Tel: 012 460 8090 Tel: 012 362 3106/07/16/17 Fax: 012 460 8093 Fax: 012 362 3118 Ambassador Counsellor HE Mr Mauricio Gonzalez Ms Matgdalena Sofia Godoy Wilson Mail: PO Box 12791, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 2449, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Street: 177 Dyer Road, Hillcrest Office Park, 0075 Woodepecker Place, 2nd Floor, Street: Delmondo Office Park, Block C, 169 Hillcrest, PRETORIA, 0083 Garsfontein Road, Ashlea Gardens, Tel: 012 362 3106/07/16/17 PRETORIA Fax: 012 362 3118 Tel: 012 460 8090 Cell: 079 881 8044 Fax: 012 460 8093 E-mail: [email protected]

Third Secretary Counsellor Mr Patricio Sergio Williams Salinas Mr Raul Esteban Sanchez Nino Mail: PO Box 2449, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Mail: PO Box 12791, HATFIELD, 0028 0075 Street: 177 Dyer Road, Hillcrest Office Park, Street: Delmondo Office Park, Block C, 169 Woodepecker Place, 2nd Floor, Garsfontein Road, Ashlea Gardens, Hillcrest, PRETORIA, 0083 PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 3106/07/16/17 Tel: 012 460 8090 Fax: 012 362 3118 Fax: 012 460 8093 First Secretary Mr Hernandez M Vasquez Mail: PO Box 12791, HATFIELD, 0028 China [ People's Republic of ] Embassy Street: 177 Dyer Road, Hillcrest Office Park, Website:www.chinese-embassy.org.za Woodepecker Place, 2nd Floor, E-mail: [email protected] Hillcrest, PRETORIA, 0083 Tel: 012 362 3106/07/16/17 Mail: PO Box 95764, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Fax: 012 362 3118 Street: 225 Athlone Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 431 6500 Fax: 012 342 4244 Comoros [ Union of ] Embassy Ambassador HE Mr Xuejun Tian Street: 198 Becket Street Eastclyffe, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 95764, WATERKLOOF, 0145 PRETORIA, 0083 Street: 225 Athlone Street, Arcadia, Tel: 012 342 1853 PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 1853 Tel: 012 431 6500 Ambassador Fax: 012 342 4244 HE Mr K Abdou Street: 198 Becket Street Eastclyffe, Arcadia, Minister/Counsellor PRETORIA, 0083

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Tel: 012 342 1853 Fax: 012 342 1853 Costa Rica [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate Charge d'Affaires Mr B Salim E-mail: [email protected] Street: 198 Becket Street Eastclyffe, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 1210, PARKLANDS, 2121 PRETORIA, 0083 Street: 14 Taiton Road, Forest Town, Tel: 012 342 1853 JOHANNESBURG Fax: 012 342 1853 Tel: (011) 486 4716 Fax: (011) 646 7514 Counsellor Mr D Djanffar Mail: PO Box 1210, PARKLANDS, 2121 Street: 198 Becket Street Eastclyffe, Arcadia, Street: 56 Dennis Road, Blanford Ridge, PRETORIA, 0083 Sandton, JOHANNESBURG Tel: 012 342 1853 Tel: 011 486 4716 Fax: 012 342 1853 Fax: 011 646 7514 Honorary Consul Ms Simone Bishop Congo [ Democratic Republic of ] Embassy Mail: PO Box 1210, PARKLANDS, 2121 Street: 56 Dennis Road, Blanford Ridge, Sandton, JOHANNESBURG Mail: PO Box 28795, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Tel: 011 486 4716 Street: 791 Frances Baard Street, Arcadia, Fax: 011 646 7514 PRETORIA Tel: 012 344 6475 / 6476 Fax: 012 344 4054 E-mail: [email protected] Cote D'Ivoire / Ivory Coast [ Republic of ] Ambassador Embassy HE Mr Bene Lofongo M'poko Mail: PO Box 28795, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Mail: PO Box 13510, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 791 Frances Baard Street, Arcadia, Street: 795 Government Avenue, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 344 6475 / 6476 Tel: 012 342 6913 / 6914 Fax: 012 344 4054 Fax: 012 342 6713 Counsellor Minister/Counsellor Mr Mechel Kodjo Mr TJ Yav Mail: PO Box 13510, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 28795, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Street: 795 Government Avenue, Arcadia, Street: 791 Frances Baard Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 6913 / 6914 Tel: 012 344 6475 / 6476 Fax: 012 342 6713 Fax: 012 344 4054

Croatia [ Republic of ] Embassy Congo [ Republic of ] Embassy E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 11335, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 1160 Stanza Bopape, Colbyn, Mail: PO Box 40427, ARCADIA, 0007 PRETORIA Street: 960 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Tel: 012 342 1206 / 1598 PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 1819 Tel: 012 342 5508 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 342 5510 Ambassador Minister/Counsellor HE Mr Ines Barkidija Mr Leonard-Emile Ognimba Mail: PO Box 11335, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 40427, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 1160 Stanza Bopape, Colbyn, Street: 960 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 1206 / 1598 Tel: 012 342 5508 Fax: 012 342 1819 Fax: 012 342 5510 First Secretary Counsellor Mr Mirijan Klassin Mr G Kaya Mail: PO Box 11335, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 40427, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 1160 Stanza Bopape, Colbyn, Street: 960 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 1206 / 1598 Tel: 012 342 5508 Fax: 012 342 1819 Fax: 012 342 5510

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E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 13671, HATFIELD, 0028 Cuba [ Republic of ] Embassy Street: 936 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 431 2380 / 430 3601 / 2328 Mail: PO Box 11605, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 430 2033 Street: 45 MacKenzie Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Ambassador Tel: 012 346 2215 HE Ms Blanka Fajkusova Fax: 012 346 2216 Mail: PO Box 13671, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 936 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Ambassador PRETORIA HE Mr Carlos Fernandez De Cossio Dominguez Tel: 012 431 2384 Mail: PO Box 11605, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 430 2033 Street: 45 MacKenzie Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA First Secretary Tel: 012 346 2215 Ms Nicol Adamcova Fax: 012 346 2216 Mail: PO Box 13671, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 936 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Counsellor PRETORIA Ms Ibete Fernandez Hernandez Tel: 012 431 2380 / 430 3601 / 2328 Mail: PO Box 11605, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 430 2033 Street: 45 MacKenzie Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 2215 Fax: 012 346 2216 Denmark [ Kingdom of ] Embassy E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.ambpretoria.um.dk E-mail: [email protected] First Secretary Mrs Tania Perez Xiques Mail: PO Box 11439, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 11605, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: Iparioli Office Park, Block B2, Ground Street: 45 MacKenzie Street, Brooklyn, Floor, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 2215 Tel: 012 430 9340 Fax: 012 346 2216 Fax: 012 342 7620 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador HE Mr Rene Rosager Dinesen Mail: PO Box 11439, HATFIELD, 0028 Cyprus [ Republic of ] High Commission Street: Iparioli Office Park, Block B2, Ground Floor, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 9340 Mail: PO Box 14554, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 342 7620 Street: 953 cnr Stanza Bopape and Hill Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5258 Counsellor Fax: 012 342 5596 Ms Katrine Paaby Joensen E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 11439, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: Iparioli Office Park, Block B2, Ground Ambassador Floor, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, HE Mr Petros Nacouzis PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 14554, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 430 9340 Street: 953 cnr Stanza Bopape and Hill Fax: 012 342 7620 Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5258 Fax: 012 342 5596 Djibouti [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate Deputy Head of Mission/Consul Mr Pieros Pieri Mail: Private Bag X2009, HOUGHTON, 2041 Mail: PO Box 14554, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 138 West Street, SANDTON, 2196 Street: 953 cnr Stanza Bopape and Hill Tel: (011) 719 9111 Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Fax: (011) 884 7455 Tel: 012 342 5258 Fax: 012 342 5596 Ambassador: Non-resident HE Mr Aden Houssein Abdillahi Mail: Private Bag X2009, HOUGHTON, 2041 Street: 138 West Street, SANDTON, 2196 Czech [ The Republic of ] Embassy Tel: 011 719 9111 Fax: 011 884 7455 Website:www.mzv.cz/pretoria

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Honorary Consul Ambassador Mr I Ichikowitz HE Mr Sherif Fouad Naguib Mail: Private Bag X2009, HOUGHTON, 2041 Mail: PO Box 30025, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Street: 138 West Street, SANDTON, 2196 Street: 270 Bourke Street, Muckleneuk, Tel: (011) 719 9111 PRETORIA Fax: (011) 884 7455 Tel: 012 343 1590 / 1591 Fax: 012 343 1082

Counsellor Dominican [ Republic of ] Embassy Mr Ahmed El Sayed Abdelhalim Amer-Helal E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 30025, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Street: 270 Bourke Street, Muckleneuk, Mail: PO Box 25897, Monument Park, PRETORIA PRETORIA, 0105 Tel: 012 343 1590 / 1591 Street: 276 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, Fax: 012 343 1082 PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 2463 Counsellor Fax: 086 567 9613 Mr Noureldin Ahmed Ahmed Ambassador Mail: PO Box 30025, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 HE Mr Raul Fernando Barrientos-Lara Street: 270 Bourke Street, Muckleneuk, Mail: PO Box 25897, Monument Park, PRETORIA PRETORIA, 0105 Tel: 012 343 1590 / 1591 Street: 276 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, Fax: 012 343 1082 PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 2463 Fax: 086 567 9613 Equatorial Guinea [ Republic of ] Embassy E-mail: [email protected] Ecuador [ Republic of ] Embassy Street: 48 Florence Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 9945 / 6470 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 342 7250 Street: Suite 3 Selatipark, 36 Selati Street, Ambassador Alphen Park HE Mr Francisco Edu Ngua-Mangue Tel: 012 346 1662 Street: 48 Florence Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Fax: 012 346 7082 Tel: 012 342 9945 / 6470 Ambassador Fax: 012 342 7250 HE Dr Jose Valencia Street: Suite 3 Selatipark, 36 Selati Street, Counsellor Alphen Park Ms Nchama Nvo Balbina Nsang Tel: 012 346 1662 Street: 48 Florence Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Fax: 012 346 7082 Tel: 012 342 9945 / 6470 Fax: 012 342 7250 Counsellor Mr Xavier Hauyamave Third Secretary Street: Suite 3 Selatipark, 36 Selati Street, Mr Victor Enva Ela Alphen Park Street: 48 Florence Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 1662 Tel: 012 342 9945 / 6470 Fax: 012 346 7082 Fax: 012 342 7250

First Secretary Mr Xavier Huayamave Eritrea [ State of ] Embassy Street: Suite 3 Selatipark, 36 Selati Street, Alphen Park E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 346 1662 Fax: 012 346 7082 Mail: PO Box 11371, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Street: 1281 Cobham Road, Queenswood, PRETORIA Tel: 012 333 1302 Egypt [ Arab Republic of ] Embassy Fax: 012 333 2330 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador HE Mr Salih Omar Abdu Mail: PO Box 30025, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Mail: PO Box 11371, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Street: 270 Bourke Street, Muckleneuk, Street: 1281 Cobham Road, Queenswood, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 343 1590 / 1591 Tel: 012 333 1302 Fax: 012 343 1082 Fax: 012 333 2330

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Website:www.finland.org.za Charge d'Affaires E-mail: [email protected] Mr KN Aberra Mail: PO Box 11371, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Mail: PO Box 443, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 1281 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Street: 628 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 333 1302 Tel: 012 343 0275 Fax: 012 333 2330 Fax: 012 343 3095 Ambassador Second Secretary HE Ms Petri Olavi Salo HE Mr Twolde Ghebru Mail: PO Box 443, PRETORIA, 0001 Mail: PO Box 11371, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Street: 628 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, Street: 1281 Cobham Road, Queenswood, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 343 0275 Tel: 012 333 1302 Fax: 012 343 3095 Fax: 012 333 2330 Minister/Counsellor Mr Matti Tapani Tulonen Estonia [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate Mail: PO Box 443, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 628 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 343 0275 Mail: PO Box 154, PAARL, 7622 Fax: 012 343 3095 Street: 56 Toon van der Heever Street, Randhart, Alberton, JOHANNESBURG, 1457 Tel: 082 550 6363 France [ Republic of ] Embassy Fax: (021) 863 2190 Website:www.ambafrance-rsa.org Honorary Consul E-mail: [email protected] Mr Werner Hammig Mail: PO Box 154, PAARL, 7622 Mail: PO Box 4619, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 56 Toon van der Heever Street, Street: 250 Melk and Middle Streets, New Randhart, Alberton, JOHANNESBURG, Muckleneuk, PRETORIA, 0181 1457 Tel: 012 425 1600 Tel: 082 550 6363 Fax: 012 425 1609 Fax: (021) 863 2190 E-mail: [email protected],za Ambassador HE Mr Elisabeth Barbier Mail: PO Box 4619, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 250 Melk and Middle Streets, New Ethiopia [ The Federal Republic of ] Embassy Muckleneuk, PRETORIA, 0181 Tel: 012 425 1600 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 425 1609 Mail: PO Box 11469, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 47 Charles Street, Brooklyn, Counsellor PRETORIA Ms Charlotte Montel Tel: 012 346 3542 Mail: PO Box 4619, PRETORIA, 0001 Fax: 012 346 3867 Street: 250 Melk and Middle Streets, New Muckleneuk, PRETORIA, 0181 Ambassador Tel: 012 425 1600 HE Mr Kelil Beshir Mulugete Fax: 012 425 1609 Mail: PO Box 11469, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 47 Charles Street, Brooklyn, Second Secretary: Political PRETORIA Mr Thomas Rossignol Tel: 012 346 4067 Mail: PO Box 4619, PRETORIA, 0001 Fax: 012 346 3867 Street: 250 Melk and Middle Streets, New Muckleneuk, PRETORIA, 0181 Minister/Counsellor Tel: 012 425 1600 Mr Getachew Shiferwa Abebe Fax: 012 425 1609 Mail: PO Box 11469, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 47 Charles Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 3542 Gabon [ Republic of ] Embassy Fax: 012 346 3867 E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.gabonembassy.org.za Mail: PO Box 9222, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 921 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Finland [ Republic of ] Embassy Tel: 012 342 4376 / 4377

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Fax: 012 342 4375 First Secretary Ambassador Mr Friederike Weber-Rahman HE Ms Achatou Sanni Aoudou Mail: PO Box 2023, PRETORIA, 0001 Mail: PO Box 9222, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 180 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, Street: 921 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 427 8900 Tel: 012 342 4376 / 4377 Fax: 012 343 9401 Fax: 012 342 4375

Counsellor Mr JC Kombila Ghana [ Republic of ] High Commission Mail: PO Box 9222, PRETORIA, 0001 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 921 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12537, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 342 4376 / 4377 Street: 1038 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Fax: 012 342 4375 PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5847 /8 / 9 Fax: 012 342 5863 Gambia [ The Republic of ] High Commission High Commissioner Vacant Lee Ocran E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 12537, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 1038 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Mail: Private Bag X9949, SANDTON, 2146 PRETORIA Street: Michelangelo Towers, 8 Maude Street, Tel: 012 342 5847 /8 / 9 SANDTON Fax: 012 342 5863 Tel: 083 222 6747 Fax: 011 715 3612 Deputy High Commissioner Consul-General Ms Martha Azumah Pobee Mr SM Lette Mail: PO Box 12537, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: Private Bag X9949, SANDTON, 2146 Street: 1038 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Street: Michelangelo Towers, 8 Maude Street, PRETORIA SANDTON Tel: 012 342 5847 /8 / 9 Tel: 083 222 6747 Fax: 012 342 5863 Fax: 011 715 3612 First Secretary Ms T Nyankah Mail: PO Box 12537, HATFIELD, 0028 Germany [ Federal Republic of ] Embassy Street: 1038 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Website:www.pretoria.diplo.de PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 342 5847 /8 / 9 Fax: 012 342 5863 Mail: PO Box 2023, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 180 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 427 8900 Greece [ Hellenic Republic of ] Embassy Fax: 012 343 9401 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] Mail: PO Box 4273, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Street: 22 Riebeck Street, Safmarine House, Street: 1267 Pretorius Street, Hadefields Office 19th Floor, CAPE TOWN Park, 1st Floor, Block G, Hatfield, Tel: (021) 405 3000 PRETORIA, 0001 Fax: (021) 421 0400 Tel: 012 430 7351 / 7352 / 7353 Fax: 012 430 4313 Ambassador HE Dr Horst Egon Freitag Mail: PO Box 3232, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Mail: PO Box 2023, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: Reserve Bank Building, 19th Floor, 60 Street: 180 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, St. George's Mall, CAPE TOWN PRETORIA Tel: (021) 424 8160 / 8161 Tel: 012 427 8900 Fax: (021) 424 9421 Fax: 012 343 9401 Ambassador HE Ms Maria Diamantopoulou Minister/Counsellor Street: 1267 Pretorius Street, Hadefields Office Mr Ingo Herbert Park, 1st Floor, Block G, Hatfield, Mail: PO Box 2023, PRETORIA, 0001 PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 180 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, Tel: 012 430 7351 / 7352 / 7353 PRETORIA Fax: 012 430 4313 Tel: 012 427 8900 Fax: 012 343 9401 Counsellor Mr Athanasios Ioannou

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Street: 1267 Pretorius Street, Hadefields Office Tel: 011 325 2008 Park, 1st Floor, Block G, Hatfield, Fax: 011 325 2995 PRETORIA, 0001 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 430 7351 / 7352 / 7353 Fax: 012 430 4313 Holy See [ Nuncio of the Vatican ]

Guinea [ Republic of ] Embassy E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 95200, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Street: 4 Argo Street, Waterkloof Ridge, Mail: PO Box 13523, HATFIELD, 0028 PRETORIA Street: 336 Orient Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 4235 Tel: 012 342 7348 / 4906 Fax: 012 346 1494 Fax: 012 342 7348 Apostolic Nuncio Ambassador HE Archbishop Mario Roberto Cassari HE Mr M Camara Mail: PO Box 95200, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Mail: PO Box 13523, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 4 Argo Street, Waterkloof Ridge, Street: 336 Orient Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 7348 / 4906 Tel: 012 346 4235 Fax: 012 342 7348 Fax: 012 346 1494

Counsellor Counsellor Mr Bouram Cire Diakte Mr Cevin Randall Mail: PO Box 13523, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 95200, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Street: 336 Orient Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Street: 4 Argo Street, Waterkloof Ridge, Tel: 012 342 7348 / 4906 PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 7348 Tel: 012 346 4235 Fax: 012 346 1494 First Secretary Mr M Kourouma Mail: PO Box 13523, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 336 Orient Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Hungary [ Republic of ] Embassy Tel: 012 342 7348/4906 E-mail: [email protected]/ Fax: 012 342 7348 [email protected] Mail: PO Box 13843, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 959 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Guyana [ Republic of ] High Commission PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 3020 / 3030 E-mail: [email protected]/ Fax: 012 430 3029 [email protected] Ambassador Street: 12 North Rd,Dunkeld West, HE Mr Bela Laszlo Johannesburg Mail: PO Box 13843, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 011 325 2008 Street: 959 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Fax: 011 325 2995 PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12238, Hatfield, 0028 Tel: 012 430 3020 / 3030 Street: 235 Grosvenor Street, Hatfield, Fax: 012 430 3029 Pretoria, 0081 Tel: 011 325 2008 Counsellor Fax: 011 325 2995 Ms Jozsane Szenaky Mail: PO Box 13843, HATFIELD, 0028 Acting High Commissioner Street: 959 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, HE Ms Barbara Haley PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12238, Hatfield, 0028 Tel: 012 430 3020 / 3030 Street: 235 Grosvenor Street, Hatfield, Fax: 012 430 3029 Pretoria, 0081 Tel: 011 325 2008 Fax: 011 325 2995 First Secretary Cell: 079 648 6373 Dr F Jozsa E-mail: [email protected]/ Mail: PO Box 13843, HATFIELD, 0028 [email protected] Street: 959 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 3020 / 3030 Honorary Consul Fax: 012 430 3029 Mr Kojo M Parris Mail: PO Box 12238, Hatfield, 0028 Street: 235 Grosvenor Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0081 India [ Republic of ] High Commission

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E-mail: [email protected] Ms RWS Wardhani Mail: PO Box 13155, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 40216, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 949 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Street: 852 Frances Baard and Eastwoord PRETORIA Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 3350 / 3353 / 3354 Tel: 012 342 5392 Fax: 012 342 3369 Fax: 012 342 5310 / 430 3326 E-mail: [email protected] Second Secretary Mail: PO Box 3316, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Mr F Kustiawan Street: The Terraces, 9th Floor, 34 Bree Mail: PO Box 13155, HATFIELD, 0028 Street, CAPE TOWN Street: 949 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Tel: (021) 419 8110 PRETORIA Fax: (021) 419 8112 Tel: 012 342 3350 / 3353 / 3354 Fax: 012 342 3369 High Commissioner HE Mr Virendra Gupta Mail: PO Box 40216, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 852 Frances Baard and Eastwoord Iran [ Islamic Republic of ] Embassy Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5392 Website:www.iranembassy.org.za Fax: 012 342 5310 / 430 3326 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 3316, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Mail: PO Box 12546, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: The Terraces, 9th Floor, 34 Bree Street: 245 Melk Street, New Muckleneuk, Street, CAPE TOWN PRETORIA Tel: (021) 419 8110 Tel: 012 342 5880 / 5881 Fax: (021) 419 8112 Fax: 012 342 1878 Ambassador First Secretary HE Mr Mohammad Faraji Mr Hitesh Rajpal Mail: PO Box 12546, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 3316, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Street: 245 Melk Street, New Muckleneuk, Street: The Terraces, 9th Floor, 34 Bree PRETORIA Street, CAPE TOWN Tel: 012 342 5880 / 5881 Tel: (021) 419 8110 Fax: 012 342 1878 Fax: (021) 419 8112 Mail: PO Box 40216, ARCADIA, 0007 Deputy Ambassador Street: 852 Frances Baard and Eastwoord Mr Alireza Mosoumi Karakani Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12546, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 342 5392 Street: 245 Melk Street, New Muckleneuk, Fax: 012 342 5310 / 430 3326 PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5880/5881 Minister Fax: 012 342 1878 Mr T.A Changson Mail: PO Box 40216, ARCADIA, 0007 Minister/Counsellor Street: 852 Frances Baard and Eastwoord Mr Akbar Khoasravi Nezhad Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12546, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 342 5392 Street: 245 Melk Street, New Muckleneuk, Fax: 012 342 5310 / 430 3326 PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5880 / 5881 Fax: 012 342 1878

Indonesia [ Republic of ] Embassy Counsellor E-mail: [email protected] Mr Mohammad Niafar Mail: PO Box 12546, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 13155, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 245 Melk Street, New Muckleneuk, Street: 949 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5880 / 5881 Tel: 012 342 3350 / 3353 / 3354 Fax: 012 342 1878 Fax: 012 342 3369 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador Iraq [ Republic of ] Embassy Vacant Sjahris Sabaruddin Mail: PO Box 13155, HATFIELD, 0028 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 949 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 11089, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 342 3350 / 3353 / 3354 Street: 803 Duncan Street, Brooklyn, Fax: 012 342 3369 PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 2048 / 2049 Fax: 012 362 2027 First Secretary: Political

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Tel: 012 470 3500 Ambassador Fax: 012 470 3555 HE Dr Hisham Ali Akbar Ibrahim AL-Alawi Mail: PO Box 11089, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 803 Duncan Street, Brooklyn, Counsellor PRETORIA Mr AA Hefetz Tel: 012 362 2048 Mail: Private Bag X50, MENLO PARK, 0102 Fax: 012 362 2027 Street: 428 King's Highway, cnr Elizabeth Grove Street, Lynnwood, PRETORIA Tel: 012 470 3500 Counsellor Fax: 012 470 3555 Mr T.K Safa Mail: PO Box 11089, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 803 Duncan Street, Brooklyn, First Secretary PRETORIA Mr M.S Freeman Tel: 012 362 2048 / 2049 Mail: Private Bag X50, MENLO PARK, 0102 Fax: 012 362 2027 Street: 428 King's Highway, cnr Elizabeth Grove Street, Lynnwood, PRETORIA Tel: 012 470 3500 Second Secretary Fax: 012 470 3555 HE Mr Z.A Abdulwahab Mail: PO Box 11089, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 803 Duncan Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Italy [ Italian Republic of ] Embassy Tel: 012 362 2048 / 2049 Fax: 012 362 2027 Website:www.ambpretoria.esteri.it E-mail: [email protected] Street: 796 George Avenue, Arcadia, Ireland: Embassy PRETORIA Tel: 012 423 0000 Website:www.embassyireland.org.za Fax: 012 430 5547 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 4174, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 2 Grey's Pass Gardens, CAPE TOWN, Street: Parkdev Building, 570 Fehrsen Street, 8001 Brooklyn, 0181, PRETORIA Tel: (021) 487 3900 Tel: 012 342 5062 Fax: (021) 424 0146 Fax: 012 342 4752 Ambassador Ambassador HE Mr Vincenzo Schioppa HE Mr B McMahon Street: 796 George Avenue, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 4174, PRETORIA, 0001 PRETORIA Street: Parkdev Building, 570 Fehrsen Street, Tel: 012 342 2634 Brooklyn, 0181, PRETORIA Fax: 012 430 5547 Tel: 012 342 5062 Fax: 012 342 4752 Minister/Counsellor Mr Luigi Diodati First Secretary Street: 796 George Avenue, Arcadia, Mr Pat McRann PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 4174, PRETORIA, 0001 Tel: 012 423 0000 Street: Parkdev Building, 570 Fehrsen Street, Fax: 012 430 5547 Brooklyn, 0181, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5062 Fax: 012 342 4752 Jamaica: High Commission E-mail: [email protected] Israel [ State of ] Embassy Street: 1119 Burnet Street, HATFIELD, 0083 Website:pretoria.mfa.gov.il Tel: 012 362 6667 / 8500 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 366 8510 Mail: Private Bag X50, MENLO PARK, 0102 High Commissioner Street: 428 King's Highway, cnr Elizabeth HE Ms Norma Elaine Taylor-Roberts Grove Street, Lynnwood, PRETORIA Street: 1119 Burnet Street, HATFIELD, 0083 Tel: 012 470 3500 Tel: 012 362 6667 Fax: 012 470 3555 Fax: 012 366 8510 Ambassador Minister/Counsellor HE Mr Arthur Lenk Mr John Clarker Mail: Private Bag X50, MENLO PARK, 0102 Street: 1119 Burnet Street, HATFIELD, 0083 Street: 428 King's Highway, cnr Elizabeth Tel: 012 362 6667 / 8500 Grove Street, Lynnwood, PRETORIA Fax: 012 366 8510

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Tel: 012 362 2249 / 2250 / 2251 Attache Fax: 012 362 2252 Ms Cordella Folker Street: 1119 Burnet Street, HATFIELD, 0083 High Commissioner Tel: 012 362 6667 / 8500 HE Mr Patric Simiyu Wamoto Fax: 012 366 8510 Mail: PO Box 35954, MENLO PARK, 0102 Street: 302 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 2249 / 2250 / 2251 Japan: Embassy Fax: 012 362 2252 Website:www.japan.org.za E-mail: [email protected] Deputy High Commissioner Ms Hellen Gichuhi Mail: Private Bag X999, PRETORIA, 0001 Mail: PO Box 35954, MENLO PARK, 0102 Street: 259 cnr Baines and Frans Oerder Street: 302 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, Streets, Groenkloof, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 452 1500 Tel: 012 362 2249 / 2250 / 2251 Fax: 012 460 3800 / 3801 Fax: 012 362 2252 Ambassador HE Mr Yutaka Yoshizawa First Counsellor Mail: Private Bag X999, PRETORIA, 0001 Ms Severine Luyali Street: 259 cnr Baines and Frans Oerder Mail: PO Box 35954, MENLO PARK, 0102 Streets, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Street: 302 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, Tel: 012 452 1500 PRETORIA Fax: (012) 460 1633 Tel: 012 362 2249 / 2250 / 2251 Fax: 012 362 2252 Minister Mr Hiroaki Fujiwara Mail: Private Bag X999, PRETORIA, 0001 Korea [ Republic of ] Embassy Street: 259 cnr Baines and Frans Oerder Streets, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Website:zaf.mofa.gokr/eng/ Tel: 012 452 1500 E-mail: [email protected], Fax: (012) 460 1633 [email protected] Mail: PO Box 939, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Street: Greenpark Estate, Block 3, 27 George Jordan [ Hashemite Kingdom of ] Embassy Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 2508 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 460 1158 Mail: PO Box 14730, HATFIELD, 0028 Ambassador Street: 254 Crown Avenue, Waterkloof, HE Mr Yoon Lee PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 939, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Tel: 012 346 8615 / 8617 Street: Greenpark Estate, Block 3, 27 George Fax: 012 346 8611 Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 2508 Ambassador Fax: 012 346 3823 HE Mr Omar Jamil Nadif Alturk Mail: PO Box 14730, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 254 Crown Avenue, Waterkloof, Minister/Deputy Head of Mission PRETORIA Mr Youngchae Kim Tel: 012 346 8615 / 8617 Mail: PO Box 939, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Fax: 012 346 8611 Street: Greenpark Estate, Block 3, 27 George Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 2508 Minister Plenipotentiary Fax: 012 460 1158 HE Dr Abdullah Ensour Mail: PO Box 14730, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 254 Crown Avenue, Waterkloof, Counsellor PRETORIA Mr Soodeok Park Tel: 012 346 8615 / 8617 Mail: PO Box 939, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Fax: 012 346 8611 Street: Greenpark Estate, Block 3, 27 George Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 2508 Fax: 012 460 1158 Kenya [ Republic of ] High Commission Counsellor E-mail: [email protected] Mr Heewon Chae Mail: PO Box 35954, MENLO PARK, 0102 Mail: PO Box 939, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Street: 302 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, Street: Greenpark Estate, Block 3, 27 George PRETORIA Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 2508

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Fax: 012 460 1158 Mail: Private Bag X9, Postnet Suit Box 480, BENMORE GARDENS, 2010 First Secretary Street: The Reserve, 54 Melville Road, Mr Jong Tak Whang ILLOVO Mail: PO Box 939, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Tel: 011 750 1600 Street: Greenpark Estate, Block 3, 27 George Fax: 011 447 0607 Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 2508 Ambassador: Non-resident Fax: 012 460 1158 Vacant Raimonds Jansons Mail: Private Bag X9, Postnet Suit Box 480, BENMORE GARDENS, 2010 Street: The Reserve, 54 Melville Road, Korea [ Democratic People's Republic of ] ILLOVO Embassy Tel: 011 750 1600 Fax: 011 447 0607 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 1238, GARSFONTEIN, 0042 Honorary Consul Street: 958 Waterpoort Street, Faerie Glen, Mr Hanoch Neishlos PRETORIA Mail: Private Bag X9, Postnet Suit Box 480, Tel: 012 991 8661 BENMORE GARDENS, 2010 Fax: 012 991 8662 Street: The Reserve, 54 Melville Road, ILLOVO Ambassador Tel: 011 750 1600 HE Mr Yoon Lee Fax: 011 447 0607 Mail: PO Box 1238, GARSFONTEIN, 0042 Street: 958 Waterpoort Street, Faerie Glen, PRETORIA Tel: 012 991 8661 Lebanon [ Lebanese Republic of ] Embassy Fax: 012 991 8662 Website:? Counsellor E-mail: [email protected] Mr Song Yop Park Mail: PO Box 941, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Mail: PO Box 1238, GARSFONTEIN, 0042 Street: 788 Government Street, Eastwood, Street: 958 Waterpoort Street, Faerie Glen, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 2130 Tel: 012 991 8661 Fax: 012 430 2238 Fax: 012 991 8662 Ambassador HE Mr Ara Khatchadourian Mail: PO Box 941, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Kuwait [ State of ] Embassy Street: 788 Government Street, Eastwood, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 430 2130 Mail: Private Bag X920, PRETORIA, 0001 Fax: 012 430 2238 Street: 890 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Vacant Tel: 012 342 0877 Mr W Ibrahim Fax: 012 342 0876 Mail: PO Box 941, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Street: 788 Government Street, Eastwood, Ambassador PRETORIA HE Mr Hasan Bader Kareem Al-Oqab Tel: 012 430 2130 Mail: Private Bag X920, PRETORIA, 0001 Fax: 012 430 2238 Street: 890 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 0877 Fax: 012 342 0876 Lesotho [ Kingdom of ] High Commission

Counsellor E-mail: [email protected] Mr Nayef Al-Otaibi Mail: PO Box 55817, ARCADIA, 0007 Mail: Private Bag X920, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 391 Anderson Street, Menlo Park, Street: 890 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 7648 Tel: 012 342 0877 Fax: 012 460 7649 Fax: 012 342 0876 High Commissioner Vacant Lineo Lydia Khechane-Ntoane Mail: PO Box 55817, ARCADIA, 0007 Latvia [ Republic of ] Embassy Street: 391 Anderson Street, Menlo Park, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 460 7648

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Fax: 012 460 7649 Street: 900 Church and Balmoral Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Counsellor Tel: 012 342 3902 Ms Pulane Makama Fax: 012 342 3904 Mail: PO Box 55817, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 391 Anderson Street, Menlo Park, First Secretary PRETORIA Mr Mohamed Aburawi Tel: 012 460 7648 Mail: PO Box 403888, ARCADIA, 0007 Fax: 012 460 7649 Street: 900 Church and Balmoral Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Third Secretary Tel: 012 342 3902 Ms Mmatau Mahapi Fax: 012 342 3904 Mail: PO Box 55817, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 391 Anderson Street, Menlo Park, PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 7648 Lithuania [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate Fax: 012 460 7949 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Killarney Mall, 1st Floor, 60 Riviera Road, Houghton, JOHANNESBURG Liberia [ Republic of ] Embassy Tel: 011 486 3660 Fax: 011 486 3650 E-mail: [email protected] Head of Mission Mail: PO Box 14082, HATFIELD, 0028 HE Mr Darius Degutis Street: Forum Building, Suite 9, Section 7, Street: Killarney Mall, 1st Floor, 60 Riviera 1157 Frances Baard Street, Hatfield, Road, Houghton, JOHANNESBURG PRETORIA Tel: 011 486 3660 Tel: 012 342 2734 / 2735 Fax: 011 486 3650 Fax: 012 342 2737 Ambassador Honorary Consul Ms Lois Cheche Brutus Mr Raymond Joffe Mail: PO Box 14082, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: Killarney Mall, 1st Floor, 60 Riviera Street: Forum Building, Suite 9, Section 7, Road, Houghton, JOHANNESBURG 1157 Frances Baard Street, Hatfield, Tel: 011 486 3660 PRETORIA Fax: 011 486 3650 Tel: 012 342 2734 / 2735 Fax: 012 342 2737

Minister/Counsellor Madagascar [ Republic of ] Embassy Mr Ben Collins Website:www.madagascar.org.za Mail: PO Box 14082, HATFIELD, 0028 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Forum Building, Suite 9, Section 7, 1157 Frances Baard Street, Hatfield, Mail: PO Box 20554, Durban North, 4016 PRETORIA Street: 90B Tait Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 2734 / 2735 Tel: 012 342 0983 / 0984 / 0985 Fax: 012 342 2737 Fax: 012 342 0995 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador Libya [ State of ] Embassy HE Mr Mme Louise Fox Mail: PO Box 20554, Durban North, 4016 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 90B Tait Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 0983 / 0984 / 0985 Mail: PO Box 403888, ARCADIA, 0007 Fax: 012 342 0995 Street: 900 Church and Balmoral Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 3902 Attache: Consular and Administration Fax: 012 342 3904 Ms Lucie Voca Mail: PO Box 20554, Durban North, 4016 Charge d'Affaires Street: 90B Tait Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA HE Dr Saleh Ali Elmarghani Tel: 012 342 0983 / 0984 / 0985 Mail: PO Box 403888, ARCADIA, 0007 Fax: 012 342 0995 Street: 900 Church and Balmoral Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 3902 Fax: 012 342 3904 Malawi [ Republic of ] High Commission

Counsellor Mail: PO Box 11172, HATFIELD, 0028 Mr Saleh Elmarghani Street: 770 Government Avenue, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 403888, ARCADIA, 0007 PRETORIA

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Tel: 012 342 0146 / 1759 Fax: 012 342 0147 High Commissioner Mali [ Republic of ] Embassy HE Ms Stella Hauya Ndau E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 11172, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 770 Government Avenue, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 12978, HATFIELD, 0028 PRETORIA Street: 876 Pretorius Street, Block B, Arcadia, Tel: 012 342 0146 / 1759 PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 0147 Tel: 012 342 7464 / 0676 Fax: 012 342 0670 Minister/Counsellor Charge d'Affaires Ms C Kalamula Ms Sira Coulibaly Mail: PO Box 11172, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 12978, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 770 Government Avenue, Arcadia, Street: 876 Pretorius Street, Block B, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 0146 / 1759 Tel: 012 342 7464 / 0676 Fax: 012 342 0147 Fax: 012 342 0670 Counsellor Ms I.T Kumweda Mail: PO Box 11172, HATFIELD, 0028 Malta [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate Street: 770 Government Avenue, Arcadia, PRETORIA Website:www.foreign.gov.mt Tel: 012 342 0146 / 1759 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 342 0147 Street: 332 Koeberg Road, Milnerton, CAPE TOWN, 7441 First Secretary: Political Tel: (021) 524 1900 Ms E.T Kabambe Fax: (021) 430 5002 Mail: PO Box 11172, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 770 Government Avenue, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 1351, MORNINGSIDE, 2057 PRETORIA Tel: (011) 706 3052 Tel: 012 342 0146 / 1759 Fax: (011) 706 0301 Fax: 012 342 0147 Honorary Consul Mr John Saliba Street: 332 Koeberg Road, Milnerton, CAPE Malaysia [ Federation of ] High Commission TOWN, 7441 Tel: (021) 524 1900 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (021) 430 5002

Mail: PO Box 11673, HATFIELD, 0083 Honorary Consul Street: 1007 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Mr MA Briffa PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 1351, MORNINGSIDE, 2057 Tel: 012 342 5990 / 5993 Tel: (011) 706 3052 Fax: 012 430 7773 Fax: (011) 706 0301 High Commissioner HE Mr Mat Dris Jaacob Mail: PO Box 11673, HATFIELD, 0083 Street: 1007 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Mauritania [ Islamic Republic of ] Embassy PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 342 5990 / 5993 Fax: 012 430 7773 Street: 146 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA, 0181 Minister/Counsellor Tel: 012 362 3578 Mr Rani Ismail Hadi Bin Ali Fax: 012 362 3304 Mail: PO Box 11673, HATFIELD, 0083 Ambassador Street: 1007 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, HE Mr Mohamed Lemine Ould Hanani PRETORIA Street: 146 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, Tel: 012 342 5990 / 5993 PRETORIA, 0181 Fax: 012 430 7773 Tel: 012 362 3578 Fax: 012 362 3304 Counsellor Mr Ilham Tuah Illias Counsellor Mail: PO Box 11673, HATFIELD, 0083 Mr DY Galledou Street: 1007 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Street: 146 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA PRETORIA, 0181 Tel: 012 342 5990 / 5993 Tel: 012 362 3578 Fax: 012 430 7773 Fax: 012 362 3304

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Counsellor Second Secretary Mr Hemetth Hemetth Mr Oliver Contla Ortiz Street: 146 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, Mail: PO Box 9077, PRETORIA, 0001 PRETORIA, 0181 Street: Parkdev Building, Brooklyn Bridge, 570 Tel: 012 362 3578 Fehrsen Street, Ground Floor, Fax: 012 362 3304 PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 1004/110 Fax: 012 460 0973/ 086 640 8731 Mauritius [ Republic of ] High Commission

E-mail: [email protected] Monaco [ Principality of ] Honorary Consulate Street: 1163 Pretoruis Street, Hatfield, Website:www.consulate-monaco.co.za PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 342 1283 / 1284 Fax: 012 342 1286 Street: Unit 1 Milton's Way, 11 Bell Crescent, Westlake Business Park, Westlake, High Commissioner CAPE TOWN, 7945 HE Mr Mohamed Ismael Dossa Tel: 021 702 0991 / 0992 Street: 1163 Pretoruis Street, Hatfield, Fax: 021 702 0993 PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 1283 / 1284 Honorary Consul Fax: 012 342 1286 Mr Francis Kasasa Street: Unit 1 Milton's Way, 11 Bell Crescent, First Secretary Westlake Business Park, Westlake, Mr MI Latona CAPE TOWN, 7945 Street: 1163 Pretoruis Street, Hatfield, Tel: 021 702 0991 / 0992 PRETORIA Fax: 021 702 0993 Tel: 012 342 1283 / 1284 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 342 1286

First Secretary Morocco [ Kingdom of ] Embassy Mr Gopaul Parasram Street: 1163 Pretoruis Street, Hatfield, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 1283 / 1284 Mail: PO Box 12382, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 342 1286 Street: 799 Schoeman and Farenden Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 343 0230 / 344 2340 Fax: (012) 343 0613 Mexico [ United Mexican States ] Embassy Charge d'Affaires Website:www.mexico.org.za Mr Thami El-glaoui E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 12382, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 799 Schoeman and Farenden Streets, Mail: PO Box 9077, PRETORIA, 0001 Arcadia, PRETORIA Street: Parkdev Building, Brooklyn Bridge, 570 Tel: (012) 343 0230 / 344 2340 Fehrsen Street, Ground Floor, Fax: (012) 343 0613 PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 1004 / 110 Minister/Counsellor Fax: 012 460 0973 / 086 640 8731 Mr Khalid Bouziane Ambassador Mail: PO Box 12382, HATFIELD, 0028 HE Mr Hector Humbert Valezzi Street: 799 Schoeman and Farenden Streets, Mail: PO Box 9077, PRETORIA, 0001 Arcadia, PRETORIA Street: Parkdev Building, Brooklyn Bridge, 570 Tel: (012) 343 0230 / 344 2340 Fehrsen Street, Ground Floor, Fax: (012) 343 0613 PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 1004 / 110 Counsellor Fax: 012 460 0973 / 086 640 8731 Mr Chakib Imani E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 12382, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 799 Schoeman and Farenden Streets, Counsellor Arcadia, PRETORIA Ms Alejandra Martinez Tel: 012 343 0230 Mail: PO Box 9077, PRETORIA, 0001 Fax: 012 343 0613 Street: Parkdev Building, Brooklyn Bridge, 570 Fehrsen Street, Ground Floor, PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 1004 / 110 Mozambique [ Republic of ] High Commission Fax: 012 460 0973 / 086 640 8731 E-mail: [email protected]

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Fax: 012 344 5998 / 343 7294 Mail: PO Box 40750, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 529 Edmund Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Minister/Counsellor Tel: (012) 401 0300 Mr Julius Zaya Shiweva Fax: (012) 326 6388 Mail: PO Box 29806, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Street: 197 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, High Commissioner PRETORIA HE Mr Fernando Andrade Fazenda Tel: 012 481 9100 Mail: PO Box 40750, ARCADIA, 0007 Fax: 012 344 5998 / 343 7294 Street: 529 Edmund Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 401 0300 Fax: (012) 326 6388 Nepal [ Kingdom of ] Embassy E-mail: [email protected] Counsellor Mr Hermenegildo Caetano Street: 976 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 40750, ARCADIA, 0007 PRETORIA, 0008 Street: 529 Edmund Street, Arcadia, Tel: 012 342 7546 PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 3619 Tel: (012) 401 0300 Fax: (012) 326 6388 Ambassador HE Mr Arun Prasad Dhital Street: 976 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA, 0008 Myanmar [ The Union of ] Embassy Tel: 012 342 7546 Fax: 012 342 3619 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 12121, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Counsellor Street: 201 Leyds Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Mr Bharat Khumar Regmi Tel: (012) 341 2556 / 2557 Street: 976 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Fax: (012) 341 2553 PRETORIA, 0008 Tel: 012 342 7546 Ambassador Fax: 012 342 3619 HE Mr Myint Naung Mail: PO Box 12121, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Street: 201 Leyds Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 341 2556 / 2557 Netherlands [ The Royal ] Embassy Fax: (012) 341 2553 Website:www.dutchembassy.co.za E-mail: [email protected] Counsellor /[email protected] Mr Thein Win Mail: PO Box 12121, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Mail: PO Box 117, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 201 Leyds Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Street: 210 Florence Ribeiro Street, New Tel: (012) 341 2556 / 2557 Muckleneuk, PRETORIA Fax: (012) 341 2553 Tel: 012 425 4500 Fax: 012 425 4511 Attache Ambassador Ms Min-Min Htun HE Mr Andre Haspels Mail: PO Box 12121, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Mail: PO Box 117, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 201 Leyds Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Street: 210 Florence Ribeiro Street, New Tel: (012) 341 2556 / 2557 Muckleneuk, PRETORIA Fax: (012) 341 2553 Tel: 012 425 4500 Fax: 012 425 4511

Namibia [ Republic of ] High Commission Deputy Head of the Mission Mr Robert-Jan Siegert E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 117, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 210 Florence Ribeiro Street, New Mail: PO Box 29806, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Muckleneuk, PRETORIA Street: 197 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, Tel: 012 425 4500 PRETORIA Fax: 012 425 4511 Tel: 012 481 9100 Fax: 012 344 5998 / 343 7294 High Commissioner HE Mr Marten Nenkete Kapewasha New Zealand [ Republic of ] High Commission] Mail: PO Box 29806, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Website:www.nzembassy.com/southafrica Street: 197 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 481 9100 Mail: Private Bag X27, Brooklyn Square,

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0075 Tel: 012 364 3700 Street: 125 Middel Street, Nieuw Fax: 012 342 6099 Muckleneuk,0181, PRETORIA Tel: 012 435 9000 Ambassador Fax: 012 435 9002 HE Ms Kari Maren Bjornsgaard Mail: PO Box 11612, HATFIELD, 0028 High Commissioner Street: Iparioli Building A2, 1166 Park Street, HE Mr Richard Stuart Mann Hatfield, PRETORIA Mail: Private Bag X27, Brooklyn Square, Tel: 012 364 3700 0075 Fax: 012 342 6099 Street: 125 Middel Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk,0181, PRETORIA Minister/Counsellor Tel: 012 435 9000 Ms O Brevik Fax: 012 435 9002 Mail: PO Box 11612, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: Iparioli Building A2, 1166 Park Street, Deputy High Commissioner Hatfield, PRETORIA Ms Georgina Roberts Tel: 012 364 3700 Mail: Private Bag X27, Brooklyn Square, Fax: 012 342 6099 0075 Street: 125 Middel Street, Nieuw First Secretary Muckleneuk,0181, PRETORIA Mr S Bjotveit Tel: 012 435 9000 Mail: PO Box 11612, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 435 9002 Street: Iparioli Building A2, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Second Secretary Tel: 012 364 3700 Ms Ed McIsaac Fax: 012 342 6099 Mail: Private Bag X27, Brooklyn Square, 0075 Street: 125 Middel Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk,0181, PRETORIA Oman [ Sultanate of ] Embassy Tel: 012 435 9000 Fax: 012 435 9002 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 2650, BROOKLYN, 0075 Street: 11 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Nigeria [ Federal Republic of ] High Commission Tel: 012 362 8301 / 2766 / 3114 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected]: 012 362 6258 Mail: PO Box 27332, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Ambassador Street: 971 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, HE Mr Mubarak Bin Salim Al-Zakwani PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 2650, BROOKLYN, 0075 Tel: 012 342 0805/ 0688/ 0947 Street: 11 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, Fax: 012 342 1668 PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 8301 / 2766 / 3114 High Commissioner Fax: 012 362 6258 HE Mr Sunday Samuel Yusuf Mail: PO Box 27332, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Charge d'Affaires Street: 971 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Mr SAM Al Amri PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 2650, BROOKLYN, 0075 Tel: 012 342 0805/ 0688/ 0947 Street: 11 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, Fax: 012 342 1668 PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 8301 / 2766 / 3114 Deputy High Commissioner Fax: 012 362 6258 Mr Martin Cobham Mail: PO Box 27332, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Third Secretary Street: 971 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Mr Yousuf Said Salim Al-Aamri PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 2650, BROOKLYN, 0075 Tel: 012 342 0805/ 0688/ 0947 Street: 11 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, Fax: 012 342 1668 PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 8301 / 2766 / 3114 Fax: 012 362 6258 Norway [ Kingdom of ] Royal Norwegian Embassy Pakistan [ Islamic Republic of ] High Commission Website:www.norway.org.za E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 11612, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 11803, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: Iparioli Building A2, 1166 Park Street, Street: 312 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria Hatfield, PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 4072 / 4073 / 3967

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Fax: 012 362 3967 Fax: 012 347 0403 High Commissioner Charge d'Affaires HE Mr Najm US Saqib Mr GE Lopoz Bello Mail: PO Box 11803, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 95774, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Street: 312 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria Street: 189 Strelitzia Road, Waterkloof Tel: 012 362 4072 / 4073 / 3967 Heights, PRETORIA Fax: 012 362 3967 Tel: 012 347 1047 / 1048 Fax: 012 347 0403 First Secretary Mr Hassan Afzal Khan Mail: PO Box 11803, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 312 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria Peru [ Republic of ] Embassy Tel: 012 362 4072 / 4073 / 3967 Website:www.embassofperu.co.za Fax: 012 362 3967 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 907, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Street: 200 Saint Patricks Street, Muckleneuk Palestine [ State of ] Embassy Hill, PRETORIA Tel: 012 440 1030 / 1031 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected]: 012 440 1054 Mail: PO Box 56021, ARCADIA, 0007 Ambassador Street: 809 Government Avenue, Arcadia, HE Mr Daul Enrique Matute-Mejia PRETORIA, 0083 Mail: PO Box 907, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Tel: 012 342 6411 Street: 200 Saint Patricks Street, Muckleneuk Fax: 012 342 6412 Hill, PRETORIA Ambassador Tel: 012 440 1030 / 1031 HE Mr Adbel Hasiz Nofal Fax: 012 440 1054 Mail: PO Box 56021, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 809 Government Avenue, Arcadia, Minister/Counsellor PRETORIA, 0083 Mr Augusto Cornejo Tel: 012 342 6411 Mail: PO Box 907, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Fax: 012 342 6412 Street: 200 Saint Patricks Street, Muckleneuk Hill, PRETORIA First Secretary Tel: 012 440 1030 / 1031 Mr Hassona Aldramly Fax: 012 440 1054 Mail: PO Box 56021, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 809 Government Avenue, Arcadia, Attache:Defence PRETORIA, 0083 Col Marcos Rodriquez Tel: 012 342 6411 Mail: PO Box 907, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Fax: 012 342 6412 Street: 200 Saint Patricks Street, Muckleneuk Hill, PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 6712 Fax: 012 440 1054 Panama [ Republic of ] Embassy E-mail: [email protected] Second Secretary Mr Garcia Montoya Street: 239 Kloof Avenue, Waterkloof Ridge, Mail: PO Box 907, GROENKLOOF, 0027 PRETORIA Street: 200 Saint Patricks Street, Muckleneuk Tel: 012 346 0703 Hill, PRETORIA Fax: 012 346 7034 Tel: 012 440 1030/1031 Fax: 012 440 1054 Ambassador HE Mr Rodrigo Guillermo Chiari Street: 239 Kloof Avenue, Waterkloof Ridge, PRETORIA Philippines [ The Republic of ] Embassy Tel: 012 346 0703 Fax: 012 346 7034 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Mail: PO Box 2562, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Paraguay [ Republic of ] Embassy 0075 Street: 54 Nicholson Street, MUCKLENEUK, Website:www.embassyofparaguay.co.za 0181 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 346 0451 / 0452 Fax: 012 346 0454 Mail: PO Box 95774, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Street: 189 Strelitzia Road, Waterkloof Ambassador Heights, PRETORIA HE Mr Constancio Rivera Vingno Tel: 012 347 1047 / 1048 Mail: PO Box 2562, BROOKLYN SQUARE,

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0075 Street: 54 Nicholson Street, MUCKLENEUK, Mail: PO Box 27102, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 0181 Street: 599 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, Tel: 012 346 0451/0452 PRETORIA Fax: 012 346 0454 Tel: 012 341 2340 / 2341 / 2342 Fax: 012 341 3975 / 440 0371 E-mail: [email protected] Secretary-General Mr Maribelle Manlangit Mail: PO Box 314, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Mail: PO Box 2562, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Street: 1006 Standard Bank Centre, Main 0075 Tower, Hertzog Boulevard, CAPE Street: 54 Nicholson Street, MUCKLENEUK, TOWN 0181 Tel: (021) 214 560 / 561 / 562 Tel: 012 346 0451 / 0452 Fax: (021) 254 809 Fax: 012 346 0454 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador HE Mr Antonio Manuel Freire Mail: PO Box 27102, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Second Secretary Street: 599 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, Mr Joselito Chad Jocinto PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 2562, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Tel: 012 341 2340 / 2341 / 2342 0075 Fax: 012 341 3975 / 440 0371 Street: 54 Nicholson Street, MUCKLENEUK, 0181 Tel: 012 346 0451 / 0452 Counsellor Fax: 012 346 0454 Mr Ana e Brito Maneira Mail: PO Box 27102, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Street: 599 Leyds Street, Muckleneuk, Attache PRETORIA Mr Michael Dayrit Tel: 012 341 2340 / 2341 / 2342 Mail: PO Box 2562, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Fax: 012 341 3975 / 440 0371 0075 Street: 54 Nicholson Street, MUCKLENEUK, 0181 Tel: 012 346 0451 / 0452 Qatar [ State of ] Embassy Fax: 012 346 0454 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Private Bag X13, BROOKLYN Poland [ Republic of ] Embassy SQUARE, 0075 Street: 1077 Justice Mohamed Street, E-mail: [email protected] WATERKLOOF Tel: (012) 452 1700 Mail: PO Box 12277, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Fax: (012) 346 6732 Street: 14 Amos Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 2621 / 2632 Ambassador Fax: 012 430 2608 HE Dr Salem Abdullah Sultan Al-Jaber Mail: Private Bag X13, BROOKLYN Ambassador SQUARE, 0075 HE Ms Anna Raduchwska-Brochwicz Street: 1077 Justice Mohamed Street, Mail: PO Box 12277, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 WATERKLOOF Street: 14 Amos Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 452 1700 Tel: 012 430 2621 / 2632 Fax: (012) 346 6732 Fax: 012 430 2608 Second Secretary Counsellor and Charge d'Affaires Mr Khalifa Abdullah Al-shareef Ms Irena Juszczyk Mail: Private Bag X13, BROOKLYN Mail: PO Box 12277, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 SQUARE, 0075 Street: 14 Amos Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Street: 1077 Justice Mohamed Street, Tel: 012 430 2621 / 2632 WATERKLOOF Fax: 012 430 2608 Tel: 012 452 1700 Fax: 012 346 6732 Counsellor Ms MG Kolanski Third Secretary Mail: PO Box 12277, QUEENSWOOD, 0121 Mr Khalid Al-Ahmad Street: 14 Amos Street, Colbyn, PRETORIA Mail: Private Bag X13, BROOKLYN Tel: 012 430 2621 / 2632 SQUARE, 0075 Fax: 012 430 2608 Street: 1077 Justice Mohamed Street, WATERKLOOF Tel: (012) 452 1700 Portugal [ Republic of ] Embassy Fax: (012) 346 6732 E-mail: [email protected]

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Fax: 012 342 7106 Romania [ Republic of ] Embassy Counsellor E-mail: [email protected] Mr Jean-Paul Nyirubutama Mail: PO Box 11295, BROOKLYN, 0011 Mail: PO Box 55224, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 877 Justice Mohamed Street, Brooklyn, Street: 983 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 6941 Tel: 012 342 6536 Fax: 012 460 6947 Fax: 012 342 7106 Ambassador HE Mr Radu Gabriel Safta Mail: PO Box 11295, BROOKLYN, 0011 Saharawi [ Arab Democratic Repuclic of ] Street: 877 Justice Mohamed Street, Brooklyn, Embassy PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 6941 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 460 6947 Mail: PO Box 11352, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 801 Merton Avenue, Arcadia, Counsellor PRETORIA Mr Constin Ionescu Tel: 012 342 5532 Mail: PO Box 11295, BROOKLYN, 0011 Fax: (12 430 7428 Street: 877 Justice Mohamed Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Ambassador Tel: 012 460 6941 HE Mr Abd Mohamed Mohamed Yahia Fax: 012 460 6947 Mail: PO Box 11352, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 801 Merton Avenue, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5532 Russian Federation: Embassy Fax: (12 430 7428

Website:www.russianembassy.org.za Counsellor E-mail: [email protected] Mr BAS El-Mami Mail: PO Box 6743, PRETORIA, 0001 Mail: PO Box 11352, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: Butano Building, 316 Brooks Street, Street: 801 Merton Avenue, Arcadia, Menlo Park, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: (012) 362 1337 / 1338 Tel: 012 342 5532 Fax: (012) 362 0116 Fax: (12 430 7428 Ambassador HE Mr Mikhai Ivanovich Petrakov Mail: PO Box 6743, PRETORIA, 0001 Saudi Arabia [ Kingdom of ] Royal Embassy Street: Butano Building, 316 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (012) 362 1337 / 1338 Mail: PO Box 13930, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: (012) 362 0116 Street: cnr Lunnon and Duncan Street, No 711 Hatfield, PRETORIA Minister/Counsellor Tel: 012 362 4230 / 4240 Mr Pavel Merkulov Fax: 012 362 4239 / 4248 Mail: PO Box 6743, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: Butano Building, 316 Brooks Street, Ambassador Menlo Park, PRETORIA HE Mr Abdullah Bin Mohammed Al-Madhi Tel: (012) 362 1337 / 1338 Mail: PO Box 13930, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: (012) 362 0116 Street: cnr Lunnon and Duncan Street, No 711 Hatfield, PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 4230 / 4240 Fax: 012 362 4239 / 4248 Rwanda [ Republic of ] Embassy First Secretary Mail: PO Box 55224, ARCADIA, 0007 Mr Abdulrahnan Anajar Street: 983 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Mail: PO Box 13930, HATFIELD, 0028 PRETORIA Street: cnr Lunnon and Duncan Street, No 711 Tel: 012 342 6536 Hatfield, PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 7106 Tel: 012 362 4230 / 4240 Fax: 012 362 4239 / 4248 Ambassador HE Mr Vincent Karega Mail: PO Box 55224, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 983 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Senegal [ Republic of ] Embassy PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 6536 E-mail: [email protected]

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Tel: 012 348 0270 Mail: PO Box 2948, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Fax: 012 348 0069 0075 Street: Charles Manor, 57 Charles Street, High Commissioner Baileys Muckleneuk, PRETORIA HE Mr Claude Morel Tel: 012 460 5263 Mail: PO Box 697, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Fax: 012 346 5550 Street: Unit D20/01 cnr, Glenwood and Oberon Avenue, Faerie Glen, 0043 Ambassador Tel: 012 348 0270 Vacant Momar Diop Fax: 012 348 0069 Mail: PO Box 2948, BROOKLYN SQUARE, 0075 Street: Charles Manor, 57 Charles Street, Principal Secretary Baileys Muckleneuk, PRETORIA Mr Conrad Mederic Tel: 012 460 5263 Mail: PO Box 697, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Fax: 012 346 5550 Street: Unit D20/01 cnr, Glenwood and Oberon Avenue, Faerie Glen, 0043 Tel: 012 348 0270 Charge d'Affaires Fax: 012 348 0069 Mr PT Diao Mail: PO Box 2948, BROOKLYN SQUARE, 0075 Attache Street: Charles Manor, 57 Charles Street, Ms MM Parcou Baileys Muckleneuk, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 697, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Tel: 012 460 5263 Street: Unit D20/01 cnr, Glenwood and Oberon Fax: 012 346 5550 Avenue, Faerie Glen, 0043 Tel: 012 348 0270 Fax: 012 348 0069 Counsellor Mr V.W Cuba Mail: PO Box 2948, BROOKLYN SQUARE, 0075 Singapore [ Republic of ] High Commission Street: Charles Manor, 57 Charles Street, Baileys Muckleneuk, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 460 5263 Fax: 012 346 5550 Mail: PO Box 11809, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 980982 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 6035 Serbia [ The Republic of ] Embassy Fax: 012 342 4425 E-mail: [email protected] High Commissioner HE Mr Bernard William Baker Mail: PO Box 13026, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 11809, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 163 Marais Street, Brooklyn, Street: 980982 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 5626 / 6103 Tel: 012 430 6035 Fax: 012 460 6003 Fax: 012 342 4425 Charge d'Affaires Mr Margita Lalic-Terzic First Secretary Mail: PO Box 13026, HATFIELD, 0028 Mr Philip Paul Peter Street: 163 Marais Street, Brooklyn, Mail: PO Box 11809, HATFIELD, 0028 PRETORIA Street: 980982 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Tel: 012 460 5626 / 6103 PRETORIA Fax: 012 460 6003 Tel: 012 430 6035 Fax: 012 342 4425 Third Secretary Mr Aleksandar Markovic Mail: PO Box 13026, HATFIELD, 0028 Slovakia [ Slovak Republic ] Embassy Street: 163 Marais Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 460 5626 / 6103 Fax: 012 460 6003 Mail: PO Box 12736, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 930 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 2051 / 2052 Seychelles [ Republic of ] Embassy Fax: 012 342 3688 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary HE Mr Alexandra Ilascik Mail: PO Box 697, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Mail: PO Box 12736, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: Unit D20/01 cnr, Glenwood and Oberon Street: 930 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Avenue, Faerie Glen, 0043 PRETORIA

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Tel: 012 342 2051 / 2052 Road, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 3688 Tel: 012 460 0123 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 460 2290

First Secretary Deputy Head of the Mission Ms Katarina Kralikova Mr Angel Lossada Mail: PO Box 12736, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 35353, Menlo Park, 0102 Street: 930 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Street: Lord Charles Building, 337 Brooklyn PRETORIA Road, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 2051/2052 Tel: 012 460 0123 Fax: 012 342 3688 Fax: 012 460 2290 E-mail: [email protected]

Third Secretary Mr Mateji Salon Sri Lanka [ Democratic Socialist Republic of ] Mail: PO Box 12736, HATFIELD, 0028 High Commission Street: 930 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Website:www.srilanka.co.za Tel: 012 342 2051 / 2052 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 342 3688 Street: 410 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 7690 / 7679 Attache Fax: 012 460 7702 Mr Peter Hodul Mail: PO Box 12736, HATFIELD, 0028 High Commissioner Street: 930 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, HE Mr D Wijesinghe PRETORIA Street: 410 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Tel: 012 342 2051/2052 PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 3688 Tel: 012 460 7690 / 7679 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 460 7702 Minister/Counsellor Ms TDM Wickramarathna Slovenia [ Republic of ] Honorary Consulate Street: 410 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Website:www.slovenianconsulate.co.za Tel: 012 460 7690 / 7679 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 460 7702 Mail: PO Box 1655, DURBANVILLE, 7551 Street: Plexus House, 9 Queen Street, Second Secretary Durbanville, CAPETOWN Mr JMCRK Ambogolla Tel: (021) 976 6249 Street: 410 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Fax: 086 604 6603 PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 7690 Honorary Consul Fax: 012 460 7702 Dr Prieur du Plessis Mail: PO Box 1655, DURBANVILLE, 7551 Street: Plexus House, 9 Queen Street, Durbanville, CAPETOWN Sudan [ Republic of ] Embassy Tel: (021) 976 6249 Fax: 086 604 6603 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 25513, MONUMENT PARK, 0105 Spain [ Kingdom of ] Embassy Street: 1203 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 4538 / 7903 Mail: PO Box 35353, Menlo Park, 0102 Fax: 012 342 4539 / 0940 Street: Lord Charles Building, 337 Brooklyn Road, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Charge d'Affaires Tel: 012 460 0123 HE Mr Isamoldien Elmonsour Khadir Fax: 012 460 2290 Mail: PO Box 25513, MONUMENT PARK, 0105 Street: 37 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town, Street: 1203 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, 8001 PRETORIA Tel: (021) 422 2326 / 2327 Tel: 012 342 4538 / 7903 Fax: (021) 422 2328 Fax: 012 342 4539 / 0940 Ambassador HE Mr Juan Ignacio Sell Counsellor Mail: PO Box 35353, Menlo Park, 0102 Mr UM Yasain Street: Lord Charles Building, 337 Brooklyn Mail: PO Box 25513, MONUMENT PARK,

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0105 Fax: 012 343 0455 Street: 1203 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 4538 / 7903 Fax: 012 342 4539 / 0940 Sweden [ Kingdom of ] Embassy Website:www.swedenabroad.com E-mail: [email protected] Suriname [ Republic of ] Embassy Mail: PO Box 13477, HATFIELD, 0028 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Iparioli Complex, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 149, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Tel: 012 426 6400 Street: No 97, 21st Street Menlo Park, 0081, Fax: 012 426 6464 PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 7624 Ambassador Fax: 012 346 0802 HE Mr Anders Hagelberg Mail: PO Box 13477, HATFIELD, 0028 Ambassador Street: Iparioli Complex, 1166 Park Street, HE Mr Wilfried Ramon Roseval Hatfield, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 149, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Tel: 012 426 6400 Street: No 97, 21st Street Menlo Park, 0081, Fax: 012 426 6464 PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 346 7627 Fax: 012 346 0802 Minister Mr K I Johansson Counsellor Mail: PO Box 13477, HATFIELD, 0028 Ms Joyce Blokland- Wijnstein Street: Iparioli Complex, 1166 Park Street, Mail: PO Box 149, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Hatfield, PRETORIA Street: No 97, 21st Street Menlo Park, 0081, Tel: 012 426 6400 PRETORIA Fax: 012 426 6464 Tel: 012 346 7624 Fax: 012 346 0802

First Secretary Switzerland [ Swiss Confederation ] Embassy Ms C Wijnhard-Pique Website:www.eda.admin.ch/pretoria Mail: PO Box 149, GROENKLOOF, 0027 E-mail: [email protected] Street: No 97, 21st Street Menlo Park, 0081, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 2508, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Tel: 012 346 7624 0075 Fax: 012 346 0802 Street: 225 Veale Street, Parc Nouveau, New Muckleneuk, 0181, PRETORIA Tel: 012 452 0660 Fax: 012 346 6605 Swaziland [ Kingdom of ] High Commission Ambassador Website:www.swazihighcom.co.za HE Mr Christian Meuwly Mail: PO Box 2508, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Street: 715 Government Avenue, cnr 0075 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Street: 225 Veale Street, Parc Nouveau, New Tel: 012 344 1910 Muckleneuk, 0181, PRETORIA Fax: 012 343 0455 Tel: 012 452 0660 High Commissioner Fax: 012 346 6605 HE Mr Solomon Mnukwa Dlamini Street: 715 Government Avenue, cnr Counsellor Blackwood Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Mr Heinrich Maurer Tel: 012 452 0660 Mail: PO Box 2508, BROOKLYN SQUARE, Fax: 012 346 6605 0075 Street: 225 Veale Street, Parc Nouveau, New Counsellor Muckleneuk, 0181, PRETORIA Mr M.M Masuku Tel: 012 452 0660 Street: 715 Government Avenue, cnr Fax: 012 346 6605 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 344 1910 Attache Fax: 012 343 0455 Ms Silvana Renggli Mail: PO Box 2508, BROOKLYN SQUARE, First Secretary 0075 Mr TM Mavuso Street: 225 Veale Street, Parc Nouveau, New Street: 715 Government Avenue, cnr Muckleneuk, 0181, PRETORIA Blackwood Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 452 0660 Tel: 012 344 1910 Fax: 012 346 6605

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Mail: PO Box 56572, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 822 George Avenue, Arcadia, Syrian [ Arab Republic of ] Embassy PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 4393 / 4371 Fax: 012 430 4383 Mail: PO Box 12830, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 963 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Ambassador PRETORIA HE Ms Radhia Naima Mtengeti Msuya Tel: 012 342 4701 / 4566 Mail: PO Box 56572, ARCADIA, 0007 Fax: 012 342 4702 Street: 822 George Avenue, Arcadia, PRETORIA Charge d'Affaires Tel: 012 342 4393 / 4371 Mr Bassam Darwish Fax: 012 430 4383 Mail: PO Box 12830, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 963 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Minister/Counsellor Tel: 012 342 4701 / 4566 Mr Jumanne R Fhika Fax: 012 342 4702 Mail: PO Box 56572, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 822 George Avenue, Arcadia, PRETORIA Minister/Counsellor Tel: 012 342 4393 / 4371 Mr S Elmelhem Fax: 012 430 4383 Mail: PO Box 12830, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 963 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 4701 Thailand [ Royal Thai ] Embassy Fax: 012 342 4702 Website:www.thaiembassy.co.za Third Secretary E-mail: [email protected] Mr AR Ismaeel Mail: PO Box 12080, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 12830, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 248 cnr Hill and Pretorius Streets, Street: 963 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Arcadia, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: (012) 342 5470 / 4506 / 4516 Tel: 012 342 4701 / 4566 Fax: (012) 342 4805 / 3986 Fax: 012 342 4702 Ambassador HE Mr Voradet Viravakin Mail: PO Box 12080, HATFIELD, 0028 Taipei Liaison Office in the Republic of South Street: 248 cnr Hill and Pretorius Streets, Africa Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 342 5470 / 4506 / 4516 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (012) 342 4805 / 3986 Mail: PO Box 649, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 1147 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, First Secretary PRETORIA, 0083 Mr Anyarat Chattharakul Tel: (012) 430 6071 / 6072 / 6073 Mail: PO Box 12080, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: (012) 342 7110 Street: 248 cnr Hill and Pretorius Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Representative Tel: (012) 342 5470 / 4506 / 4516 Mr Pei-Yung Hsu Fax: (012) 342 4805 / 3986 Mail: PO Box 649, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 1147 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, Second Secretary PRETORIA, 0083 Mr Wichan Tabtimsri Tel: (012) 430 6071 / 6072 / 6073 Mail: PO Box 12080, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: (012) 342 7110 Street: 248 cnr Hill and Pretorius Streets, Arcadia, PRETORIA Assistant Representative Tel: (012) 342 5470 / 4506 / 4516 Mr Hsien-Yaw Yang Fax: (012) 342 4805 / 3986 Mail: PO Box 649, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 1147 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA, 0083 Tel: (012) 430 6071 / 6072 / 6073 Trinidad and Tobago [ Republic of ] High Fax: (012) 342 7110 Commission Website:www.immigration.gov.tt E-mail: [email protected] Tanzania [ United Republic of ] High Commission Mail: PO Box 95872, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Website:www.tanzania.org.za Street: 258 Lawley Street, Waterkloof, E-mail: [email protected] / PRETORIA [email protected] Tel: 012 460 9688 Fax: 012 346 7302

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Tel: 012 342 6055 High Commissioner Fax: 012 342 6052 HE Mr Harry Partap Mail: PO Box 95872, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Street: 258 Lawley Street, Waterkloof, Second Secretary PRETORIA Ms Grokce Gul Yilmaz Tel: 012 460 9688 Mail: PO Box 56014, ARCADIA, 0007 Fax: 012 346 7302 Street: 1067 Stanza Bopape Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 6055 First Secretary Fax: 012 342 6052 Ms M.S Gilbert Mail: PO Box 95872, WATERKLOOF, 0145 Street: 258 Lawley Street, Waterkloof, PRETORIA Uganda [ Republic of ] High Commission Tel: 012 460 9688 Fax: 012 346 7302 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 12442, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 882 Church Street, Arcadia, Tunisia [ Republic of ] Embassy PRETORIA, 0083 Tel: 012 342 6031 / 6033 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 342 6206 / 348 3123 Mail: PO Box 56535, ARCADIA, 0007 High Commissioner Street: 850 Church Street, Arcadia, HE Mr Julius Peter Moto PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12442, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 342 6282 / 6283 Street: 882 Church Street, Arcadia, Fax: 012 342 6284 PRETORIA, 0083 Tel: 012 342 6031 / 6033 Ambassador Fax: 012 342 6206 / 348 3123 HE Prof Mohamed Fedhel Ayari Mail: PO Box 56535, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 850 Church Street, Arcadia, Counsellor PRETORIA Mr Kayiza Matovu Tel: 012 342 6282 / 6283 Mail: PO Box 12442, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 342 6284 Street: 882 Church Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA, 0083 Tel: 012 342 6031 / 6033 Counsellor Fax: 012 342 6206 / 348 3123 Mr W Hajeri Mail: PO Box 56535, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 850 Church Street, Arcadia, Counsellor PRETORIA Mr EE Elogu Tel: 012 342 6282 / 6283 Mail: PO Box 12442, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 342 6284 Street: 882 Church Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA, 0083 Tel: 012 342 6031 / 6033 First Secretary Fax: 012 342 6206 / 348 3123 Mr M.N Maaroufi Mail: PO Box 56535, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 850 Church Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Ukraine Embassy Tel: 012 342 6282 Fax: 012 342 6284 Mail: PO Box 57291, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 398 Marais Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Turkey [ Republic of ] Embassy Tel: 012 460 1946 Fax: 012 460 1944 Website:pretoria.be.mfa.gov.tr E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador Dr Valery Hrebeniuk Mail: PO Box 56014, ARCADIA, 0007 Mail: PO Box 57291, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 1067 Stanza Bopape Street, Hatfield, Street: 398 Marais Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 6055 Tel: 012 460 1946 Fax: 012 342 6052 Fax: 012 460 1944 E-mail: [email protected] Counsellor Counsellor Mr Kerem Yilmaz Ms Liliia Samoilova Mail: PO Box 56014, ARCADIA, 0007 Mail: PO Box 57291, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 1067 Stanza Bopape Street, Hatfield, Street: 398 Marais Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 460 1946

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Fax: 012 460 1944 United States of America: Embassy Counsellor Mr T Kuzmych Website:southafrica.usembassy.gov Mail: PO Box 57291, ARCADIA, 0007 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 398 Marais Street, Brooklyn, Mail: PO Box 9536, PRETORIA, 0001 PRETORIA Street: 877 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Tel: 012 460 1946 PRETORIA Fax: 012 460 1944 Tel: 012 431 4000 / After Hrs 082 285 2341 Fax: 012 342 2299 / 2199 Street: 4th Floor, Broadway Industries Centre, United Arab Emirates: Embassy Foreshore, CAPE TOWN Tel: (021) 421 4280 / 4281 / 4282 Website:www.uaeinteract.com Fax: (021) 421 1230 E-mail: [email protected] Ambassador Mail: PO Box 57090, ARCADIA, 0007 HE Mr Patrick H Gaspard Street: 992 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, 0083, Mail: PO Box 9536, PRETORIA, 0001 PRETORIA Street: 877 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Tel: 012 342 7736 PRETORIA Fax: 012 342 7738 Tel: 012 431 4000 / After Hrs 082 285 2341 Charge d'Affaires: a.i. Fax: 012 342 2299 / 2199 Mr Rashed Alteneiji Mail: PO Box 57090, ARCADIA, 0007 Minister/Counsellor Street: 992 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, 0083, Mr C.M Hill-Hendon PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 9536, PRETORIA, 0001 Tel: 012 342 7736 Street: 877 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Fax: 012 342 7738 PRETORIA Tel: 012 431 4000 / After Hrs 082 285 2341 Fax: 012 342 2299 / 2199 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Her Britanic Majesty's High Commission Uruguay [ Oriental Republic of ] Embassy Website:www.britain.org.za E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.embassyofuruguay.co.za E-mail: [email protected] Street: 255 Hill Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA, 0002 Mail: PO Box 14818, Hatfield, PRETORIA, Tel: (012) 421 7500 0028 Fax: (012) 421 7555 Street: 301 MIB House, 3rd Floor, Hatfield Square, 1119 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Mail: PO Box 500, CAPE TOWN, 8000 PRETORIA Street: Southern Life Centre, 15th Floor, 8 Tel: 012 362 6521 / 6522 Riebeeck Street, CAPE TOWN Fax: 012 362 6523 Tel: (021) 425 3670 Fax: (021) 425 1427 Ambassador HE Mr Daniel Castillos High Commissioner Mail: PO Box 14818, Hatfield, PRETORIA, Vacant N Brewer 0028 Street: 255 Hill Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA, Street: 301 MIB House, 3rd Floor, Hatfield 0002 Square, 1119 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Tel: (012) 421 7500 PRETORIA Fax: (012) 421 7555 Tel: 012 362 6521/6522 Fax: 012 362 6523 Counsellor and Consul General Mr M Reynolds Consul-General Street: 255 Hill Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA, Ms Alicia Arbelbide Costas 0002 Mail: PO Box 14818, Hatfield, PRETORIA, Tel: (012) 421 7500 0028 Fax: (012) 421 7555 Street: 301 MIB House, 3rd Floor, Hatfield Square, 1119 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Counsellor PRETORIA Mr M.J Brown Tel: 012 362 6521 / 6522 Street: 255 Hill Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA, Fax: 012 362 6523 0002 Tel: (012) 421 7500 Charge d'Affaires Fax: (012) 421 7555 Mr Martin Orlando Mail: PO Box 14818, Hatfield, PRETORIA, 0028

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Street: 301 MIB House, 3rd Floor, Hatfield Street: 329 Main Street, Waterkloof, Square, 1119 Burnett Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA PRETORIA Tel: 012 425 0760 Tel: 012 362 6521 / 6522 Fax: 012 425 0762 Fax: 012 362 6523 E-mail: [email protected] Head of Mission HE Mr Najib Ali Mohamed Al-Jabobi Venezuela [ Republic of ] Embassy Mail: PO Box 13343, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 329 Main Street, Waterkloof, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 425 0760 Mail: PO Box 11821, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 012 425 0762 Street: 230 Carina Street, Waterkloof Ridge, PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 6593 / 6592 / 6594 Counsellor Fax: 012 362 6591 Mr Hamood Al-Ghazali Mail: PO Box 13343, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 11821,, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 329 Main Street, Waterkloof, Street: 110 Graskop,Waterkloof High, Pretoria PRETORIA Tel: 012 347 3690 Tel: 012 425 0760 Fax: 012 347 5755 Fax: 012 425 0762 Ambassador HE Prof Mairin Josefina Moreno-Merida First Secretary Mail: PO Box 11821,, HATFIELD, 0028 Mr Ahmed Mohamed Khaled Saad Street: 110 Graskop,Waterkloof High, Pretoria Mail: PO Box 13343, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 347 3690 Street: 329 Main Street, Waterkloof, Fax: 012 347 5755 PRETORIA Tel: 012 425 0760 Fax: 012 425 0762 First Secretary Mr Allan Breier Castro Mail: PO Box 11821, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 230 Carina Street, Waterkloof Ridge, Zambia [ Republic of ] High Commission PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 6593 / 6592 / 6594 Website:www.zambiapretoria.net Fax: 012 362 6591 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 12234, HATFIELD, 0083 Street: Zambia House, 570 Ziervogel Street, Vietnam [ Socialist Republic of ] Embassy Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 326 1854 Website:www.vietnam.co.za Fax: 012 326 2140 E-mail: [email protected] High Commissioner Mail: PO Box 13692, HATFIELD, 0028 Lt Col BN Nkunika Street: 87 Brooks Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12234, HATFIELD, 0083 Tel: 012 362 8119 Street: Zambia House, 570 Ziervogel Street, Fax: 012 362 8115 Arcadia, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 326 1854 Fax: 012 326 2140 Ambassador HE Mr Lehuy Hoang Mail: PO Box 13692, HATFIELD, 0028 Counsellor Street: 87 Brooks Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Mr JK Kaunda Tel: 012 362 8119 Mail: PO Box 12234, HATFIELD, 0083 Fax: 012 362 8115 Street: Zambia House, 570 Ziervogel Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 326 1854 Minister: Political Fax: 012 326 2140 Mr Vu Thanh Nam Mail: PO Box 13692, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 87 Brooks Street, Brooklyn, PRETORIA Tel: 012 362 8119 Zimbabwe [ Republic of ] Embassy Fax: 012 362 8115 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 55140, ARCADIA, 0007 Yemen [ Republic of ] Embassy Street: Zimbabwe House, 798 Merton Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Website:www.yemenembassy.org.za Tel: 012 342 5125 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 342 5126 Mail: PO Box 13343, HATFIELD, 0028 Ambassador

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HE Mr Phelekezela Mphoko Mail: PO Box 55140, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: Zimbabwe House, 798 Merton Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5125 Fax: 012 342 5126

Minister/Counsellor Ms FA Makombe Mail: PO Box 55140, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: Zimbabwe House, 798 Merton Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 5125 Fax: 012 342 5126

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International Organisations Mr Mehany Gadelkarim Actis Street: 800 George Avenue, Arcadia, 0002, Pretoria Website:www.act.is Tel: 012 342 3021 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 012 342 3024 Mail: PO Box 2396, SAXONWOLD, 2132 Street: Cradock Heights, First Floor, 21 cnr Tyrwhitt and Cradock Avenue, Department for International Development (DFID) Rosebank, JOHANNESBURG Tel: 011 778 5900 Website:www.dfid.gov.uk/countries/africa/southa Fax: 011 327 7407 frica.asp Representative E-mail: [email protected] Mr Peter Schmid Street: 255 Hill Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 2396, SAXONWOLD, 2132 Tel: 012 421 7500 Street: Cradock Heights, First Floor, 21 cnr Fax: 012 421 7555 Tyrwhitt and Cradock Avenue, Rosebank, JOHANNESBURG Adjucator Tel: 011 778 5900 Ms Sandra Baldwin (Acting) Fax: 011 327 7407 Street: 255 Hill Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 421 7500 Fax: 012 421 7555 E-mail: [email protected]

African Union [ AU ] Website:www.africa-union.org European Investment Bank Mail: PO Box 3243, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Website:www.eib.org/acp Street: AU Headquarters, Rossevelt Street, E-mail: [email protected] Old Airport Area WW21k19, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Mail: Private Bag X20, BROOKLYN Tel: 09 251 115 517 700 / 251 115 514 554 SQUARE, 0075 Fax: 09 251 115 517 844 Street: 5 Greenpark Estates, 27 George Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Chairperson: African Union Commission Tel: (012) 425 0460 HE Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Fax: (012) 425 0470 Mail: PO Box 3243, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Street: AU Headquarters, Rossevelt Street, Head of Mission Old Airport Area WW21k19, Addis Mr Alfredo Abad Ababa, ETHIOPIA Mail: Private Bag X20, BROOKLYN Tel: (251) 11 5514554 / (251) 11 551 77 00 SQUARE, 0075 ext 2804 Street: 5 Greenpark Estates, 27 George Fax: (251) 11 5182804 Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (012) 425 0460 Fax: (012) 425 0470 Deputy Chairperson: African Union Commission Personal Assistant HE Mr Erastus Mwencha Ms Audrey Reynolds Mail: PO Box 3243, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Mail: Private Bag X20, BROOKLYN Street: AU Headquarters, Rossevelt Street, SQUARE, 0075 Old Airport Area WW21k19, Addis Street: 5 Greenpark Estates, 27 George Ababa, ETHIOPIA Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Tel: (251) 11 551 77 00 ext 2705 Tel: (012) 425 0460 Fax: (251) 11 5182705 Fax: (012) 425 0470 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Arab States League European Union [ The Office of ] E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/south _africa/ Street: 800 George Avenue, Arcadia, 0002, E-mail: [email protected] Pretoria Tel: 012 342 3021 Mail: PO Box 945, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Fax: 012 342 3024 Street: 1 Greenpark Estate, 27 George Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Charge d'Affaires Tel: (012) 452 5200

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Fax: (012) 460 9923 Tel: 011 442 3232 Fax: 011 442 3738 Ambassador E-mail: [email protected] HE Mr Roeland Van De Geer Mail: PO Box 945, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Street: 1 Greenpark Estate, 27 George Storrar Head of Cultural Programmes Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Ms Lien Heidenreich Tel: (012) 452 5200 Mail: Private Bag X18, PARKVIEW, 2122 Fax: (012) 460 9923 Street: 119 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, JOHANNESBURG Tel: 011 442 3232 Contact Person: Press and Information Fax: 011 442 3738 Mr Frank Oberholzer E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 945, GROENKLOOF, 0027 Street: 1 Greenpark Estate, 27 George Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 452 5200 International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Fax: (012) 460 9923 E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.icrc.org E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 29001, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 French Development Agency/ Agence Franciase Street: 794 Stanza Bopane Street, Arcadia, de Developpement (AFD) PRETORIA Tel: 012 430 7335 / 7337 Website:www.afd.fr Fax: 012 430 4471 E-mail: [email protected] Head of Delegation Mail: PO Box 786555, SANDTON, 2146 Mr Gherardo Pontrandol Street: Ballywoods Office Park, Block 1, 1st Mail: PO Box 29001, SUNNYSIDE, 0132 Floor, 29 Ballyclare Drive, Bryanston, Street: 794 Stanza Bopane Street, Arcadia, JOHANNESBURG PRETORIA Tel: 011 540 7100 Tel: 012 430 7335 / 7337 Fax: 011 540 7117 Fax: 012 430 4471 Director Mr Jean Michel Debrat Mail: PO Box 786555, SANDTON, 2146 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Street: Ballywoods Office Park, Block 1, 1st Crescent Societies Floor, 29 Ballyclare Drive, Bryanston, JOHANNESBURG Website:www.ifrc.org Tel: 011 540 7100 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 011 540 7117 Mail: PO Box 650312, BENMORE, 2010 Street: 44 cnr Wierda West and Katherine Secretary Roads, Wierda Valley, Sandton, Ms Maryse Moussie JOHANNESBURG, 2196 Mail: PO Box 786555, SANDTON, 2146 Tel: 011 303 9700 Street: Ballywoods Office Park, Block 1, 1st Fax: 011 884 0230 Floor, 29 Ballyclare Drive, Bryanston, JOHANNESBURG Country Representative Tel: 011 540 7100 Mr Alansan Senghore Fax: 011 540 7117 Mail: PO Box 650312, BENMORE, 2010 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 44 cnr Wierda West and Katherine Roads, Wierda Valley, Sandton, JOHANNESBURG, 2196 Tel: 011 303 9700 Goethe-Instituut/ German Cultural and Fax: (011) 884 3809 Information Centre E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.goethe.de\johannesburg E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Private Bag X18, PARKVIEW, 2122 International Finance Corporation (IFC) Street: 119 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, Website:www.ifc.org JOHANNESBURG E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 011 442 3232 Fax: 011 442 3738 Mail: PO Box 41283, CRAIGHALL, 2024 Street: Illovo Boulevard, 14 Fricker Road, Director Illovo, JOHANNESBURG Dr Norbert Spitz Tel: 011 731 3000 Mail: Private Bag X18, PARKVIEW, 2122 Fax: 011 268 0074 Street: 119 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, JOHANNESBURG Vice President

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Mr Thierry Tanoh Mail: PO Box 41283, CRAIGHALL, 2024 International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Street: Illovo Boulevard, 14 Fricker Road, Illovo, JOHANNESBURG Website:www.iom.org Tel: 011 731 3000 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 011 268 0074 Mail: PO Box 55391, ARCADIA, 0007 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Sanlam Building, 3rd Floor, 353 cnr Festival and Acardia Streets, Hatfield, Contact Person PRETORIA Ms Nicole Muteba Tel: 012 342 2789 Mail: PO Box 41283, CRAIGHALL, 2024 Fax: 012 342 0932 Street: Illovo Boulevard, 14 Fricker Road, Illovo, JOHANNESBURG Regional Director for Southern Africa Tel: 011 731 3000 Mr Bernado Mariano Fax: 011 268 0074 Mail: PO Box 55391, ARCADIA, 0007 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Sanlam Building, 3rd Floor, 353 cnr Festival and Acardia Streets, Hatfield, PRETORIA Tel: 012 342 2789 International Labour Organisation (ILO) Fax: 012 342 0932

Website:www.ilo.org Executive Assistant to the Regional Director E-mail: [email protected] Ms Marlize Pienaar Mail: PO Box 11694, HATFIELD, 0028 Mail: PO Box 55391, ARCADIA, 0007 Street: 20 Hotel Street, Crestway, Block C, Street: Sanlam Building, 3rd Floor, 353 cnr PERSEQUOR PARK Festival and Acardia Streets, Hatfield, Tel: 012 818 8000 PRETORIA Fax: 012 818 8087 Tel: 012 342 2789 Fax: 012 342 0932 Director/Head of Mission E-mail: [email protected] Mr Vic van Vuuren Mail: PO Box 11694, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 20 Hotel Street, Crestway, Block C, PERSEQUOR PARK Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Tel: 012 818 8000 (UNAIDS) Fax: 012 818 8087 Website:www.unaids.org E-mail: [email protected] International Monetary Fund (IMF) Mail: PO Box 12934, Tramshed, PRETORIA, 0126 Website:www.imf.org Street: 351 Schoeman Street, Metropark E-mail: [email protected] Building, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 354 8490 Mail: PO Box 12082, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: (012) 354 8491 Street: I-Parioli Office Park, Building B2, 1st Floor, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, Country Coordinator PRETORIA Dr Catherine Sozi Tel: 012 346 6365 Mail: PO Box 12934, Tramshed, PRETORIA, Fax: 012 346 5232 0126 Street: 351 Schoeman Street, Metropark Senior Resident Representative Building, PRETORIA Mr Alfredo Cuevas Tel: (012) 354 8490 Mail: PO Box 12082, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: (012) 354 8491 Street: I-Parioli Office Park, Building B2, 1st E-mail: [email protected] Floor, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 6365 Partnership Advisor Fax: 012 346 5232 Dr Nkhensani Mathabathe Mail: PO Box 12934, Tramshed, PRETORIA, 0126 Administrative Assistant Street: 351 Schoeman Street, Metropark Ms Linda van der Westhuyzen Building, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12082, HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: 012 354 8463 Street: I-Parioli Office Park, Building B2, 1st Fax: (012) 354 8491 Floor, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 346 6365 Fax: 012 346 5232 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

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Website:www.ohchr.org E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Street: 351 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria Personal Assistant Tel: 012 354 8684 Ms Clare Shunmugam Mail: PO Box 41283, CRAIGHALL, 2024 Associate Human Rights Officer Street: Illovo Boulevard, 4 Fricker Road, Illovo, Ms Aleksandra Plesko JOHANNESBURG Street: 351 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria Tel: (011) 731 3000 Tel: 012 354 8684 Fax: (011) 268 0060 / 0074 Cell: 079 876 6802 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

South African National Commission for UNESCO Pan-African Parliament E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.panafricanparliament.org E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Private Bag X895, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: Dpt of Basic Education Building, 222 Mail: Private Bag X16, MIDRAND, 1685 Struben Street, PRETORIA Street: Pan-African Parliament, Gallagher Tel: (012) 57 3477 Estate, Midrand, JOHANNESBURG Fax: (012) 323 2348 Tel: (011) 545 5000 Fax: (011) 545 5136 Chairperson Prof Brian Figaji President Mail: Private Bag X895, PRETORIA, 0001 Mr Idriss Moussa Ndele Street: Dpt of Basic Education Building, 222 Mail: Private Bag X16, MIDRAND, 1685 Struben Street, PRETORIA Street: Pan-African Parliament, Gallagher Tel: 012 357 3489 Estate, Midrand, JOHANNESBURG Fax: 012 975 5141 Tel: (011) 545 5000 Fax: (011) 545 5136 Contact Person Mr Ruben Lefoko Clerk of Parliament Mail: Private Bag X895, PRETORIA, 0001 Adv Zweletu Lukhanyiso Madasa Street: Dpt of Basic Education Building, 222 Mail: Private Bag X16, MIDRAND, 1685 Struben Street, PRETORIA Street: Pan-African Parliament, Gallagher Tel: 012 312 5154 Estate, Midrand, JOHANNESBURG Fax: 012 975 5141 Tel: 011 545 5107 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 011 545 5135 E-mail: [email protected]

Deputy Clerk: Finance, Administration and Southern African Development Community International Relations (SADC) Dr Morad Boularaf Mail: Private Bag X16, MIDRAND, 1685 Website:www.sadc.int Street: Pan-African Parliament, Gallagher E-mail: [email protected] Estate, Midrand, JOHANNESBURG Mail: Private Bag 0095, Gaborone, Tel: 011 545 5107 REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Fax: 011 545 5135 Street: SADC House, Khama Cresent, E-mail: [email protected] Gaborone, REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Tel: 00 267 3951 863 Fax: 00 267 3972 848 Private Enterprise Partnership (PEP) Executive Secretary Mr Tomaz Augusto Salomao Website:www.ifc.org Mail: Private Bag 0095, Gaborone, E-mail: [email protected] REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Mail: PO Box 41283, CRAIGHALL, 2024 Street: SADC House, Khama Cresent, Street: Illovo Boulevard, 4 Fricker Road, Illovo, Gaborone, REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA JOHANNESBURG Tel: 00 267 3951 863 Tel: (011) 731 3000 Fax: 00 267 3972 848 Fax: (011) 268 0060 / 0074 Contact Person General Manager Ms Leefa Martin Mr Jan Schwier Mail: Private Bag 0095, Gaborone, Mail: PO Box 41283, CRAIGHALL, 2024 REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Street: Illovo Boulevard, 4 Fricker Road, Illovo, Street: SADC House, Khama Cresent, JOHANNESBURG Gaborone, REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Tel: (011) 731 3000 Tel: 00 267 3951 863 Fax: (011) 268 0060 / 0074 Fax: 00 267 3972 848

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Floors, 351 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Tel: 012 354 8025 Fax: 086 635 6533 Website:www.unicef.org/southafrica E-mail: [email protected] Street: 11 Naivasha Road, Sunninghill, United Nations Etity for Gender Equality and the JOHANNESBURG Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) Tel: 011 517 1617 Mail: PO Box 4884, PRETORIA, 0001 Website:www.unwomen.org Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 E-mail: [email protected] Schoeman Street, cnr Schoeman and Street: 1 Merafe House, 11 Naivasha Road, Prinsloo Streets, PRETORIA Sunninghill, Johannesburg Tel: (012) 354 8201 / 8200 Tel: 011 517 1613 Fax: (012) 354 8293 Deputy Representative Representative Mr Syed Sadiq Ms Aida Girma Street: 1 Merafe House, 11 Naivasha Road, Mail: PO Box 4884, PRETORIA, 0001 Sunninghill, Johannesburg Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Tel: 011 517 1613 Schoeman Street, cnr Schoeman and Cell: 081 031 3311 Prinsloo Streets, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (012) 354 8201 / 8200 Fax: (012) 354 8293 Programme Manager Ms Ayanda Mvimbi Communications Officer Street: 1 Merafe House, 11 Naivasha Road, Mr Thierry Delvigne-Jean Sunninghill, Johannesburg Mail: PO Box 4884, PRETORIA, 0001 Tel: 011 517 1613 Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Cell: 071 342 4391 Schoeman Street, cnr Schoeman and E-mail: [email protected] Prinsloo Streets, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 354 8201 / 8200 Fax: (012) 354 8293 Cell: 082 561 3970 United Nations Food and Agricultural E-mail: [email protected] Organisation (FAO)

Chief of Communications Regional Office Website:www.fao.org Ms Shantha Bloemen E-mail: [email protected] Street: 11 Naivasha Road, Sunninghill, Mail: PO Box 13782, TRAMSHED, 0126 JOHANNESBURG Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Tel: 011 517 1617 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (012) 354 8540 Fax: (012) 354 8531 Representative United Nations Development Programme Ms Rosebud Kurwijaila (UNDP) Mail: PO Box 13782, TRAMSHED, 0126 Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Website:www.undp.org.za Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 6541, PRETORIA, 0001 Tel: (012) 354 8540 Street: Metropark Building, 9th and 10th Fax: (012) 354 8531 Floors, 351 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Head: Finance Department Tel: (012) 354 8003 Ms Pauline Adejimi Fax: (012) 354 8058 / 8059 Mail: PO Box 13782, TRAMSHED, 0126 Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Resident Representative Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Dr Augistihno Zacarias Tel: (012) 354 8540 Mail: PO Box 6541, PRETORIA, 0001 Fax: (012) 354 8531 Street: Metropark Building, 9th and 10th E-mail: [email protected] Floors, 351 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 354 8025 Fax: 086 635 6533 United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) - Branch Office of South Africa Personal Assistant Ms Kgomotso Maditse Website:www.unhcr.org Mail: PO Box 6541, PRETORIA, 0001 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Metropark Building, 9th and 10th

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Mail: PO Box 12506, TRAMSHED, 0126 Street: Metropark Building, 351 Frances Baard, Mail: PO Box 12677, TRAMSHED, 0126 Floor 8, PRETORIA Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Tel: (012) 392 1600 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Fax: (012) 354 8390 Tel: (012) 354 8507 / 8510 Fax: (012) 354 8501 Regional Representative Ms Clementine Nkweta-Salami Head of Mission Mail: PO Box 12506, TRAMSHED, 0126 Ms Marie-Evelyn Petrus-Barry Street: Metropark Building, 351 Frances Baard, Mail: PO Box 12677, TRAMSHED, 0126 Floor 8, PRETORIA Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Tel: 012 392 1610 / 1600 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Fax: 012 354 8390 Tel: (012) 354 8507 / 8505 Fax: (012) 354 8501 E-mail: [email protected] Senior Public Information Associate Ms Nozipho Ncube Mail: PO Box 12506, TRAMSHED, 0126 Contact Person Street: Metropark Building, 351 Frances Baard, Ms Marie-Evelyn Petrus-Barry Floor 8, PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 12677, TRAMSHED, 0126 Tel: 012 394 1613 ext 2103 Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Fax: (012) 354 8390 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Cell: 083 408 7853 Tel: (012) 354 8507 / 8505 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (012) 354 8501 E-mail: [email protected] Senior Regional External Relations Officer Ms Tina Ghelli Director Mail: PO Box 12506, TRAMSHED, 0126 Ms Helene Hoedl Street: Metropark Building, 351 Frances Baard, Mail: PO Box 12677, TRAMSHED, 0126 Floor 8, PRETORIA Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Tel: 012 392 1612 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Fax: (012) 354 8390 Tel: 012 354 8504 Cell: 082 770 4189 Fax: (012) 354 8501 E-mail: [email protected] Cell: 082 313 0051 E-mail: [email protected]. Principal Secretary Ms Theresa Pretorius National Information Officer Mail: PO Box 12506, TRAMSHED, 0126 Mr Ben-Albert Smith Street: Metropark Building, 351 Frances Baard, Mail: PO Box 12677, TRAMSHED, 0126 Floor 8, PRETORIA Street: Metropark Building, 6th Floor, 351 Tel: 012 392 1611 / 1600 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Fax: 012 354 8390 Tel: 012 354 8507 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (012) 354 8501 Cell: 071 508 0801 E-mail: [email protected]

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Website:www.unido.org Website:www.unodc.org/southernafrica E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: P O Box 28695, Pretoria, 0001 Mail: PO Box 12673, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 77 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Street: 1st and 2nd Floor, 1059 Schoeman PRETORIA Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Tel: 012 394 5544 Tel: (012) 342 2424 National Project Manager-Greening Fax: (012) 342 2356 Mr Nokwazi Moyo Regional Representative Mail: P O Box 28695, Pretoria, 0001 Dr Jonathan Lucas Street: 77 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Mail: PO Box 12673, HATFIELD, 0028 PRETORIA Street: 1st and 2nd Floor, 1059 Schoeman Tel: 012 394 5544 Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA Cell: 081 303 9171 Tel: (012) 342 2424 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (012) 342 2356

Deputy Regional Representative United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) Dr Elizabeth Bayer Mail: PO Box 12673, HATFIELD, 0028 Website:pretoria.unic.org/ Street: 1st and 2nd Floor, 1059 Schoeman E-mail: [email protected] Street, Hatfield, PRETORIA

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Tel: (012) 342 2424 Mail: PO Box 12629, HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: (012) 342 2356 Street: 442 Rodericks Road, LYNWOOD Tel: 012 348 8895 Fax: 012 348 1720 / 1727 E-mail: [email protected] United Nations Population Fund Africa Division (UNFPA) Deputy Head of the Mission Mr Dirk Reinermann Website:www.unfpa.org Mail: PO Box 12629, HATFIELD, 0028 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 442 Rodericks Road, LYNWOOD Street: 7 Naivasha Road, Sunnynghill, Tel: 012 348 8895 Johannesburg Fax: 012 348 1720 / 1727 Tel: 011 603 5308 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 11465, TRAMSHED, 0126 Street: Metropark Building 5th Floor, 351 Francis Baard Street, PRETORIA World Health Organisation (WHO) Tel: (012) 354 8401 Fax: (012) 354 8419 Website:www.whosouthafrica.org E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Representative Mail: PO Box 13113, TRAMSHED, 0126 Ms Navchaa Suren (Acting) Street: Metropark Building, 7th Floor, 351 Mail: PO Box 11465, TRAMSHED, 0126 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Street: Metropark Building 5th Floor, 351 Tel: 012 305 7700 Francis Baard Street, PRETORIA Fax: 012 305 7729 Tel: (012) 354 8401 Country Representative Fax: (012) 354 8419 Dr Stella Anyangwe E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 13113, TRAMSHED, 0126 Street: Metropark Building, 7th Floor, 351 External Relations Officer Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Ms Rayana Rassool Tel: 012 305 7709 Mail: PO Box 11465, TRAMSHED, 0126 Fax: 012 305 7729 Street: Metropark Building 5th Floor, 351 E-mail: [email protected] Francis Baard Street, PRETORIA Tel: 012 354 8417 Contact Person Fax: (012) 354 8419 Dr Stella Anyangwe Cell: 082 416 3474 Mail: PO Box 13113, TRAMSHED, 0126 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Metropark Building, 7th Floor, 351 Schoeman Street, PRETORIA Personal Assistant Tel: 012 305 7709 Ms Dudu Nkosi Fax: 012 305 7729 Mail: PO Box 11465, TRAMSHED, 0126 Street: Metropark Building 5th Floor, 351 Francis Baard Street, PRETORIA Tel: (012) 354 8401 Fax: (012) 354 8419 E-mail: [email protected]

Regional Communication Advisor Mr Adebayo Fayoyin Street: 7 Naivasha Road, Sunnynghill, Johannesburg Tel: 011 603 5308 Cell: 079 517 0320 E-mail: [email protected]

World Bank: Resident Mission in South Africa Website:www.worldbank.org/afr/za E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 12629, HATFIELD, 0028 Street: 442 Rodericks Road, LYNWOOD Tel: 012 348 8895 Fax: 012 348 1720 / 1727 Head of Mission Ms Ruth Kagia

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Development Organisations E-mail: [email protected] Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Mail: PO Box 36626, MENLO PARK, 0102 (CSIR) Street: 304 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, Website:www.csir.co.za PRETORIA E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 366 8800 Fax: 012 362 0969 Mail: PO Box 395, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, Chief Executive Officer PRETORIA Mr Nic Swart Tel: 012 841 2911 Mail: PO Box 36626, MENLO PARK, 0102 Fax: 012 349 1153 Street: 304 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, PRETORIA President and Chief Executive Office Tel: 012 366 8800 Dr Sibusiso Sibisi Fax: 012 362 0969 Mail: PO Box 395, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, Manager: Communications PRETORIA Ms Barbara Whittle Tel: 012 841 2429 Mail: PO Box 36626, MENLO PARK, 0102 Fax: 012 841 3549 Street: 304 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 366 8800 External Communication and Media Manager Fax: 012 362 0969 Mr Tenani Tsedu E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 395, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, PRETORIA Tel: 012 841 3638 Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) Fax: 012 841 3924 E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.lhr.org.za E-mail: [email protected] Street: Kutlwanong Democracy Centre, 357 Visagie Street, PRETORIA FW de Klerk Foundation Tel: 012 320 2943 Website:www.fwdeklerk.org Fax: 012 320 2949 E-mail: [email protected] National Director Mail: PO Box 15785, PANORAMA, 7506 Adv Jacob Van Garderan Street: Zeezicht Building, Tyger Hills Office Street: Kutlwanong Democracy Centre, 357 Park, 163 Uys Krige Drive, Plattekloof, Visagie Street, PRETORIA CAPE TOWN, 7500 Tel: 012 320 2943 Tel: 021 930 3622 Fax: 012 320 2949 Fax: 021 930 3898 E-mail: [email protected] Executive Director Communications Manager Mr David Steward Ms Melissa du Preez Mail: PO Box 15785, PANORAMA, 7506 Street: Kutlwanong Democracy Centre, 357 Street: Zeezicht Building, Tyger Hills Office Visagie Street, PRETORIA Park, 163 Uys Krige Drive, Plattekloof, Tel: 012 320 2943 CAPE TOWN, 7500 Fax: 012 320 2949 Tel: 021 930 3622 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 021 930 3898 E-mail: [email protected]

Director Medical Research Council of South Africa (MRC) Adv Johan Kruger Mail: PO Box 15785, PANORAMA, 7506 Website:www.mrc.ac.za Street: Zeezicht Building, Tyger Hills Office E-mail: [email protected] Park, 163 Uys Krige Drive, Plattekloof, Mail: PO Box 19070, TYGERBERG, 7505 CAPE TOWN, 7500 Street: Francie van Zijl Drive, Parow Valley, Tel: 021 930 3622 Parow, CAPE TOWN Fax: 021 930 3898 Tel: 021 938 0911 Fax: 021 938 0200 President Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) Prof Salim Abdool Karim Mail: PO Box 19070, TYGERBERG, 7505 Website:www.lssa.org.za Street: Francie van Zijl Drive, Parow Valley,

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Parow, CAPE TOWN Tel: 021 938 0212 Fax: 021 938 0201 National Urban Reconstruction and Housing E-mail: [email protected] Agency (NURCHA) Chief Financial Officer Website:www.nurcha.co.za Mr Nick Buick E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 19070, TYGERBERG, 7505 Street: Francie van Zijl Drive, Parow Valley, Mail: PO Box 2452, SAXONWOLD, 2132 Parow, CAPE TOWN Street: 54 on Bath Offices, 3rd Floor, cnr Tel: 021 938 0628 Tyrwhitt and Bath Avenue, Rosebank, Fax: 021 938 0201 JOHANNESBURG E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 011 214 8700 Fax: 011 880 9139 Office Manager Chairperson Ms Denise Nefdt Mr Khehla Shubane Mail: PO Box 19070, TYGERBERG, 7505 Mail: PO Box 2452, SAXONWOLD, 2132 Street: Francie van Zijl Drive, Parow Valley, Street: 54 on Bath Offices, 3rd Floor, cnr Parow, CAPE TOWN Tyrwhitt and Bath Avenue, Rosebank, Tel: (021) 938 0574 JOHANNESBURG Fax: (021) 938 0201 Tel: 082 856 2723 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 011 880 9139 E-mail: [email protected]. Head of Corporate Communication Mr Aziel Gangerdine Managing Director Mail: PO Box 19070, TYGERBERG, 7505 Mr Viwe Gqwetha Street: Francie van Zijl Drive, Parow Valley, Mail: PO Box 2452, SAXONWOLD, 2132 Parow, CAPE TOWN Street: 54 on Bath Offices, 3rd Floor, cnr Tel: 021 938 0697 Tyrwhitt and Bath Avenue, Rosebank, Fax: 021 938 0397 JOHANNESBURG E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (011) 214 8733 / 8735 Fax: (011) 880 3981 Information Officer (PAIA) E-mail: [email protected] Ms Sarah Bok Mail: PO Box 19070, TYGERBERG, 7505 Executive Director:Lending Street: Francie van Zijl Drive, Parow Valley, Ms Adel Struwig Parow, CAPE TOWN Mail: PO Box 2452, SAXONWOLD, 2132 Tel: 021 938 0827 Street: 54 on Bath Offices, 3rd Floor, cnr Fax: 021 938 0397 Tyrwhitt and Bath Avenue, Rosebank, E-mail: [email protected] JOHANNESBURG Tel: 011 214 8724 Fax: 011 880 3981 E-mail: [email protected] National Research Foundation (NRF) Website:www.nrf.ac.za E-mail: [email protected] National Zoological Gardens Mail: PO Box 2600, PRETORIA, 0001 Website:www.nzg.ac.za Street: Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, E-mail: [email protected] PRETORIA Tel: 012 481 4000 Mail: PO Box 754, PRETORIA, 0001 Fax: 012 481 4290 Street: 232 Boom Street, PRETORIA Tel: 012 339 2700 Chief Executive Officer Fax: 012 323 4540 Dr Albert van Jaarsveld Mail: PO Box 2600, PRETORIA, 0001 Director Street: Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, Dr Clifford Nxomani PRETORIA Mail: PO Box 754, PRETORIA, 0001 Tel: (012) 481 4144 Street: 232 Boom Street, PRETORIA Fax: (012) 481 4006 Tel: 012 339 2700 Fax: 012 323 4540 Contact Person Ms Ziphora Legodi Personal Assistant Mail: PO Box 2600, PRETORIA, 0001 Ms Verdi Giqwa Street: Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, Mail: PO Box 754, PRETORIA, 0001 PRETORIA Street: 232 Boom Street, PRETORIA Tel: 012 481 4144 Tel: 012 339 2700 Fax: 012 481 4006 Fax: 012 323 4540 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

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Park, Midrand, JOHANNESBURG Guest Relations Officer Tel: 011 256 3600 Ms Karabo Mabuse Fax: 011 206 3762 Mail: PO Box 754, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 232 Boom Street, PRETORIA Chief Executive Officer Tel: 012 339 2700 Dr Ibrahim Mayaki Fax: 012 323 4540 Mail: PO Box 1234, HALFWAY HOUSE, E-mail: [email protected] 1685 Street: Block B, Gateway Park, cnr Challenger and Columbia Avenues, Midridge Office Park, Midrand, JOHANNESBURG Nelson Mandela Foundation Tel: 011 256 3600 Fax: 011 206 3762 Website:www.nelsonmandela.org E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Private Bag X70 000, HOUGHTON, Head of International Relations and 2041 Communications Street: Nelson Mandela House, 107 Central Mr Maureen Nkandu Avenue, Houghton, JOHANNESBURG Mail: PO Box 1234, HALFWAY HOUSE, Tel: 011 547 5600 1685 Fax: 011 728 1111 Street: Block B, Gateway Park, cnr Challenger and Columbia Avenues, Midridge Office Founder Park, Midrand, JOHANNESBURG Dr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Tel: 011 256 3626 Mail: Private Bag X70 000, HOUGHTON, Fax: 011 206 3762 2041 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Nelson Mandela House, 107 Central Avenue, Houghton, JOHANNESBURG Tel: 011 547 5600 Fax: 011 728 1111 South African Supplier Development Agency E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.sasda.co.za Chairperson of the Board E-mail: [email protected] Prof Jakes Gerwel Mail: P O Box 902, Gallo Manor, Sandton, Mail: Private Bag X70 000, HOUGHTON, JOHANNESBURG, 2052 2041 Street: First Floor, Block C, CEF House, Upper Street: Nelson Mandela House, 107 Central Grayston Office Park,, 152 Ann Avenue, Houghton, JOHANNESBURG Crescent, Strathavon, Strathavon,, Tel: 011 547 5600 Sandton JHB Fax: 011 728 1111 Tel: 010 201 4700 Fax: 010 201 4831 Chief Executive Officer Mr Achmat Dangor Chief Executive Officer Mail: Private Bag X70 000, HOUGHTON, Mr Lunga Saki 2041 Mail: P O Box 902, Gallo Manor, Sandton, Street: Nelson Mandela House, 107 Central JOHANNESBURG, 2052 Avenue, Houghton, JOHANNESBURG Street: First Floor, Block C, CEF House, Upper Tel: 011 547 5600 Grayston Office Park,, 152 Ann Fax: 011 728 1111 Crescent, Strathavon, Strathavon,, Sandton JHB Executive Personal Assistant and Tel: 010 201 4826 Spokesperson Fax: 010 201 4831 Ms Zelda La Grange Cell: 079 876 9303 Mail: Private Bag X70 000, HOUGHTON, E-mail: [email protected] 2041 Street: Nelson Mandela House, 107 Central Avenue, Houghton, JOHANNESBURG Thabo Mbeki Foundation Tel: 011 547 5600 Fax: 011 728 1111 Website:www.thabombekifoundation.org.za E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Private Bag X444, HOUGHTON, 2041 New Partnership for Africa's Development Street: 6-10 Riviera Office Park, Riviera Road, (NEPAD) Block D, Killarney, JOHANNESBURG, 2193 Website:www.nepad.org Tel: 011 486 1560 Mail: PO Box 1234, HALFWAY HOUSE, Fax: 011 486 0723 1685 Chief Executive Officer Street: Block B, Gateway Park, cnr Challenger Ambassador Dumisani S Kumalo and Columbia Avenues, Midridge Office

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Mail: Private Bag X444, HOUGHTON, 2041 Street: 6-10 Riviera Office Park, Riviera Road, Block D, Killarney, JOHANNESBURG, 2193 Tel: 011 486 1560 Fax: 011 486 0723 E-mail: [email protected]

uMhlosinga Development Agency Website:www.umda.org.za E-mail: [email protected] Mail: P O Box 367, St Lucia, 3960, KWAZULU NATAL Street: Lot 308 Ebony Crescent, Mtubabub 3935, KWAZULU NATAL Tel: 035 550 3080 Fax: 035 550 3088 Chief Executive Officer Mr Mandla Kati Ntuli Mail: P O Box 367, St Lucia, 3960, KWAZULU NATAL Street: Lot 308 Ebony Crescent, Mtubabub 3935, KWAZULU NATAL Tel: 085 550 3088 Fax: 035 550 3088

Chief Operating Officer Ms Khosie Bhengu Mail: P O Box 367, St Lucia, 3960, KWAZULU NATAL Street: Lot 308 Ebony Crescent, Mtubabub 3935, KWAZULU NATAL Tel: 035 550 3080 Fax: 035 550 3088

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Regional Tourism Authorities

Cape Town Tourism Free State Tourism Authority Website:www.capetown.travel Website:www.freestatetourism.org E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 1403, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Mail: Private Bag X20805, BLOEMFONTEIN, Street: The Pinnacle Building, cnr Burg and 9300 Castle Streets, CAPE TOWN Street: Mimosa Mall, 131 Kellner Street, 2nd Tel: 021 487 6800 Floor Office Towers, Brandwag, Fax: 021 487 6899 BLOEMFONTEIN Tel: 051 411 4300 Chief Executive Officer Fax: 051 444 0297 Mr Enver Duminy Mail: PO Box 1403, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Chief Executive Officer Street: The Pinnacle Building, cnr Burg and Mr Dhilosen Pillay Castle Streets, CAPE TOWN Mail: Private Bag X20805, BLOEMFONTEIN, Tel: 021 487 6800 9300 Fax: 021 487 6899 Street: Mimosa Mall, 131 Kellner Street, 2nd E-mail: [email protected] Floor Office Towers, Brandwag, BLOEMFONTEIN Executive Assistant to the CEO Tel: 051 411 4300 Mr Pam Brinkmann Fax: 051 444 0297 Mail: PO Box 1403, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Street: The Pinnacle Building, cnr Burg and Communications Manager Castle Streets, CAPE TOWN Mr Tshediso Lerumo Tel: 021 487 6800 Mail: Private Bag X20805, BLOEMFONTEIN, Fax: 021 487 6899 9300 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Mimosa Mall, 131 Kellner Street, 2nd Floor Office Towers, Brandwag, BLOEMFONTEIN Tel: 051 411 4300 Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency Fax: 051 444 0297 Website:www.ectourism.co.za E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 18373, Quigney, EAST Gauteng Tourism Authority LONDON Website:www.gauteng.net Street: Palm Square Business Park, Iron Wood House, Bonza Bay Road, BEACON Mail: PO Box 155, NEWTOWN, 2113 BAY, 5247 Street: 124 Main Street, cnr Marshall and Kruis Tel: 043 742 4450 Street, JOHANNESRBURG Fax: 043 742 5566 Tel: 011 085 2153 Fax: 086 622 7648 Chief Executive Officer Mr Sybert Liebenburg Chief Executive Officer Mail: PO Box 18373, Quigney, EAST Ms Dawn Robertson LONDON Mail: PO Box 155, NEWTOWN, 2113 Street: Palm Square Business Park, Iron Wood Street: 124 Main Street, cnr Marshall and Kruis House, Bonza Bay Road, BEACON Street, JOHANNESRBURG BAY, 5247 Tel: 011 085 2153 Tel: 043 742 4450 Fax: 086 622 7648 Fax: 043 742 5566 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Personal Assistant Manager Ms Manuela Lamugio Mr Mandisi Mpumlwana Mail: PO Box 155, NEWTOWN, 2113 Mail: PO Box 18373, Quigney, EAST Street: 124 Main Street, cnr Marshall and Kruis LONDON Street, JOHANNESRBURG Street: Palm Square Business Park, Iron Wood Tel: 011 085 2153 House, Bonza Bay Road, BEACON Fax: 086 622 7648 BAY, 5247 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 043 742 4450 Fax: 043 742 5566 E-mail: [email protected] Johannesburg Tourism Company Website:travel.joburgtourism.com

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Fax: 015 293 3655 Street: Grosvenor Court, Ground Floor, 195 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North, JOHANNESBURG Tel: 011 214 0700 / Info line 0860 333 999 Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency Fax: 086 520 0713 Website:www.mpumalanga.com Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] Ms Phelisa Mangcu (Acting) Street: Grosvenor Court, Ground Floor, 195 Mail: Private Bag X11338, NELSPRUIT, Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North, 1200 JOHANNESBURG Street: Mpumalanga Parks Board, Halls Tel: 011 214 0700 / Info line 0860 333 999 Gateway, N4 National Road, Fax: 086 520 0713 NELSPRUIT Tel: 013 759 5300/01 Fax: 013 755 3928 KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Authority Chief Executive Officer Mr Charles Ndabeni Website:www.kzn.org.za Mail: Private Bag X11338, NELSPRUIT, E-mail: [email protected] 1200 Street: Mpumalanga Parks Board, Halls Mail: PO Box 2516, DURBAN, 4000 Gateway, N4 National Road, Street: Tourist Junction Building, 3rd Floor, 160 NELSPRUIT Pine Street, DURBAN Tel: (013) 759 5304 Tel: 031 366 7500 Fax: (013) 752 4186 Fax: 031 305 6693 E-mail: [email protected] Chief Executive Officer Mr Ndabo Khoza Senior Manager Mail: PO Box 2516, DURBAN, 4000 Ms Claudia Qwabe Street: Tourist Junction Building, 3rd Floor, 160 Mail: Private Bag X11338, NELSPRUIT, Pine Street, DURBAN 1200 Tel: 031 366 7500 Street: Mpumalanga Parks Board, Halls Fax: 031 304 2805 Gateway, N4 National Road, NELSPRUIT Public Relations Manager Tel: (013) 759 5445 Ms Lihle Dlamini Fax: (013) 755 4014 Mail: PO Box 2516, DURBAN, 4000 E-mail: [email protected] Street: Tourist Junction Building, 3rd Floor, 160 Pine Street, DURBAN Tel: 031 366 7500 Fax: 031 340 8792 Northern Cape Tourism Website:www.northerncape.org.za E-mail: [email protected] Limpopo Tourism and Parks Mail: Private Bag X5017, KIMBERLEY, 8300 Street: 14 Dalham Road, Belgravia, Website:www.golimpopo.com KIMBERLEY E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 053 832 2657 / 2643 / 831 2789 Mail: PO Box 2814, POLOKWANE, 0700 Fax: 053 831 2937 Street: Erf 92, Portion 2 Southern Gateway, Chief Executive Officer Ext 4, N1 Main Road, POLOKWANE Mr Sharron Lewis 0700 Mail: Private Bag X5017, KIMBERLEY, 8300 Tel: 015 293 3600 Street: 14 Dalham Road, Belgravia, Fax: 015 293 3655 KIMBERLEY Chief Executive Officer Tel: 053 832 2657 / 2643 / 831 2789 Mr Fixon Hlungwani Fax: 053 831 2937 Mail: PO Box 2814, POLOKWANE, 0700 Street: Erf 92, Portion 2 Southern Gateway, General Manager: Corporate Services Ext 4, N1 Main Road, POLOKWANE Mr Roscoe Miller 0700 Mail: Private Bag X5017, KIMBERLEY, 8300 Tel: 015 293 3600 Street: 14 Dalham Road, Belgravia, Fax: 086 587 7033 KIMBERLEY Tel: 053 832 2657 / 2643 / 831 2789 Manager: Communication Fax: 053 831 2937 Mr Mike Tautsoala Mail: PO BOX 2814, POLOKWANE, 0700 Street: Southern Gateway Ext 4, N1 Main Road, POLOKWANE, 0700 Tel: 015 293 3600

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Legal Deposit Libraries

Bloemfontein Public Library Manager Mr Mandla Ntombela E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 415, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3200 Mail: PO Box 1029, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300 Street: 260 Church Street, Street: City Library, Cnr Cnr Charles & PIETERMARITZBURG West Burger Street, Rocklands, Tel: 033 392 2626 BLOEMFONTEIN Fax: 033 394 0095/ 086 204 7210 Tel: 051 405 8242 / 8583 Cell: 083 478 4626 Fax: 051 405 8604 E-mail: [email protected] Head Ms Letitia Mnyanda Contact Person Mail: PO Box 1029, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300 Ms Jenny Phoenix Street: City Library, Cnr Cnr Charles & Mail: PO Box 415, PIETERMARITZBURG, West Burger Street, Rocklands, 3200 BLOEMFONTEIN Street: 260 Church Street, Tel: 051 410 6666 PIETERMARITZBURG Fax: 051 410 6612 Tel: 033 392 2630 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 033 394 0095/ 086 204 7210 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person Ms Karen Le Roux Mail: PO Box 1029, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300 National Library of South Africa [ Cape Town ] Street: City Library, Cnr Cnr Charles & West Burger Street, Rocklands, Website:www.nlsa.ac.za BLOEMFONTEIN E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 051 405 8242 Fax: 051 405 8604 Mail: PO Box 496, CAPE TOWN, 8000 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 5 Queen Victoria Street, CAPE TOWN Tel: 021 424 6320 / 487 5624 Fax: 021 423 3359 / 424 1079

Constitutional Court Library Head Ms Najwa Hendrickse Website:www.constitutionalcourt .org.za Mail: PO Box 496, CAPE TOWN, 8000 E-mail: [email protected] Street: 5 Queen Victoria Street, CAPE TOWN Tel: 021 424 6320 / 487 5624 Mail: The Constitutional Court, Private Bag Fax: 021 423 3359 / 424 1079 X1, Constitution Hill, BRAAMFONTEIN, E-mail: [email protected] 2017 Street: Constitution Hill, 1 Hospital Street, Management Support Braamfontein, JOHANNESBURG Ms Lamese Mohamed Tel: 011 359 7400 / 359 7472 Mail: PO Box 496, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Fax: 011 403 4640 Street: 5 Queen Victoria Street, CAPE TOWN Deputy Director: Information Services Tel: 021 424 6320 / 487 5624 Ms Sheryl Luthuli Fax: 021 423 3359 / 424 1079 Mail: The Constitutional Court, Private Bag E-mail: [email protected] X1, Constitution Hill, BRAAMFONTEIN, 2017 Street: Constitution Hill, 1 Hospital Street, Braamfontein, JOHANNESBURG National Library of South Africa [ Pretoria ] Tel: 011 403 7400 / 7472 Website:www.nlsa.ac.za Fax: 011 403 4640 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Private Bag X990, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 228 Johannes Ramokhoase Street, PRETORIA Msunduzi Municipal Library Tel: 012 401 9700 Fax: 012 326 7642 Mail: PO Box 415, PIETERMARITZBURG, National Librarian 3200 Prof Rocky Ralebipi-Simela Street: 260 Church Street, Mail: Private Bag X990, PRETORIA, 0001 PIETERMARITZBURG Street: 228 Johannes Ramokhoase Street, Tel: 033 392 2683 PRETORIA Fax: 033 394 0095/ 086 204 7210 Tel: 012 401 9717 E-mail: [email protected]

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Fax: 012 321 1128 E-mail: [email protected]

Executive Head of Marketing and International Relations Mr Andrew Malotle Mail: Private Bag X990, PRETORIA, 0001 Street: 228 Johannes Ramokhoase Street, PRETORIA Tel: 012 401 9784 Fax: 012 326 7642 E-mail: [email protected]

Parliamentary Information Centre Website:www.parliament.gov.za E-mail: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 18, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Street: Library of Parliament, NCOP wing, Ground Floor, Parliament Street, CAPE TOWN Tel: 021 403 2140 / 2141 / 2142 Fax: 021 461 4331 Manager: Parliamentary Information Centre Mr Albert Ntunja Mail: PO Box 18, CAPE TOWN, 8000 Street: Library of Parliament, NCOP wing, Ground Floor, Parliament Street, CAPE TOWN Tel: (021) 403 2126 Fax: 021 461 4331 E-mail: [email protected]

RJR Masiea Public Library E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Private Bag X805, WITSIESHOEK, 9870 Street: 9057 cnr Moremoholo and Motloung Streets, Phuthaditjhaba, FREE STATE, 9866 Tel: (058) 718 3782 / 3790 Fax: (058) 718 3777 / 3778 Librarian Ms Rebecca Makume Mail: Private Bag X805, WITSIESHOEK, 9870 Street: 9057 cnr Moremoholo and Motloung Streets, Phuthaditjhaba, FREE STATE, 9866 Tel: 058 718 3781 / 3782 Fax: 0865772500 E-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Librarian Mr Mosuhli Elleck Lekesi Mail: Private Bag X805, WITSIESHOEK, 9870 Street: 9057 cnr Moremoholo and Motloung Streets, Phuthaditjhaba, FREE STATE, 9866 Tel: 058 718 3790 Fax: 086 577 2500 E-mail: [email protected]

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