New Year, Holy Year begins This Sunday, Jan. 1, marks the beginning of soon to coordinate the Holy Year activities along Love and Living, a Sense of Community, a Sense the Archdiocese of Miami Holy Year, and with it with a committee including Anglo, Spanish and of Mission. Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy has sent other elements to have input into the planning The themes, as outlined and developed by the special greetings to the people of the Archdiocese and development, which will then be disseminated Archdiocese Holy Year Committee, will be put as the first phase of the event is ushered in. to the parishes for a coordinated effort fourth from the pulpits each Sunday of Lent, the "As we begin the New Year together," the throughout the Archdiocese. Archbishop said, "and we are hopeful that many Archbishop said, "I send blessings, warm The Holy Year, as first announced last levels, the family, the parish, the schools and greetings and encouragement in the Lord to the October by the Archbishop, is planned for three organizations will reflect on them, asking what is 'ev.'ted priets, Religious and faithful our Arch- phases: (1) preparation (2) discernment, and (3) our state or our condition relative to a particular diocese. celebration, the latter to possibly culminate in a theme, and if it is not good enough what are our "This year we celebrate our own 'Holy Year' major celebration in the Orange Bowl or some obstacle, what can we do to make it better." in observance of the 20th anniversary of the other suitable arena. "We would hope to then pull together from Archdiocese. May it be a special year of renewed The first phase is one of "prayerful reflection all this reflection and discussion a discernment dedication to our common purpose of growing and prayer for guidance and prayer for the Holy which is the second phase, coordinated with through Christ and the Holy Spirit in faith and Spirit," he said, adding that five themes will be Pentecost— of needs and programs for the next prayer and love, in our sense of community and coordinated with the Lenten season, one theme five years for the whole Archdiocese. of calling as the people of God". for each week. The third phase, then, would be some sort of THE THEMES are Faith, Prayer, Christian major celebration with liturgy, music and The Archbishop said a priest will be named festivity. VOICE VOL. XIX No. 43 PRICE 25c DECEMBER 30, 1977 Pope calls for end of violence to nations, people VATICAN CITY- PEACE, said the Pope, (NC) —In his annual message cannot be based on the "in- for the World Day of Peace fernal destructive capacity" of (Jan. 1), Pope Paul VI has arms. appealed for an end to violence The Pontiff said thaf'war against nations and in- is being kept in check by the dividuals, including the terrible nature of its own arms unborn. which it would immediately "Our war against war has have at its disposal." not yet been won, and our But fear of a possible 'yes' to peace is rather "cosmic conflagration" wrote something wished for than the Pope, "is more an something real," wrote the imagined restraint than - real Pontiff in his message ad- one." dressed to "the world and to The Pope had high praise humanity." for "the lofty and rational

He urged all men to effort being made at the i V1-*«ff*. >wi* * i v jj ' ** * ^ "consider and exalt peace highest political levels" to even outside the trenches" on insure peace. the 11th celebration of the He also lauded the up- World Day of Peace, an ob- coming special session of the servance which he himself U.N. General Assembly on the established, this year's theme problem of disarmament and is "No to Violence, Yes to the 1975 Helsinki Conference Peace." as signs of progress in the His 16-page message search for peace. cont ined a special appeal to (The Vatican announced doctors in the "ministry of that copies of the Peace Day -j-edicine" to ally themselves message were being ch ihe Church in defence of distributed to participants in .iuman life. the Belgrade Conference, a "We cannot fail to follow-up to the Helsinki disapprove of each and every meeting. offense against nascent life, (The message is also and we must appeal to every being distributed to authority and to everyone who government leaders by Growing together has due competence, to work apostolic nuncios and for the prohibition of procured delegates around the world, to "May it (the Holy Year) be a abortion and for its remedy," delegations of all member wrote the Pope. countries of the United special year of renewed Inside The message explicitly Nations, to heads of in- Classified 77 condemned "acts of pitiless ternational organizations and Editorial 5 terrorism," crimes against the world religious bodies.) dedication to our common Family Life 12 innocent, vendettas, and the POLITICAL peace ef- Movies & TV... 15 purpose of growing... in our Prayers 14 mounting arms race. forts, said the Pope, must not It's A Date 8 For the first time, the tend so much "toward 99 S. Fla. Scene. .. 9 papal Peace Day message was balancing the forces of the sense of community... Youth 13 especially addressed to "the possible contenders as toward great planners and operators of the world arms market." (Continued on Page 5) Abp. McCarthy United Nations 1977 a year of disarray By JEFF ENDRST UNITED NATIONS- and diplomatic sanctions be tempered by U.N. estimates (NC) —In 1977 the United imposed on both that even under those cir- Nations continued its seem- and Rhodesia. cumstances some 500 million ingly endless search for its On the other hand, the people were suffering own identity and its true role Nordic countries—among the malnutrition and 15 million in international relations. most progressive supporters died from it. While many of its sup- of African Liberation causes- porters and participants failed to convince the 49- The first U.N. Water claimed that the world could nation African bloc that the Conference ended in not do without it, U.N. assembly should express Argentina with the adoption Secretary General Kurt "deep concern" about "gross of recommendations fo» Waldheim himself listed a violations of basic human extensive program to avoiu u. gloomy agenda of existing or rights of individuals in global water crisis by the end predictable crises which the Uganda." of the century. United Nations has chosen to Efforts by Western The U.N. Law of the Sea Jignore or which , are not countries to create a post of Conference held two more responding to U.N. treatment. U.N. High Commissioner for inconclusive sessions without Waldheim challenged the Human Rights —a sort of resolving the multi-billion- membership to decide whether ombudsman for individuals or dollar questions of equitable the United Nations is to be groups facing repression or and orderly control of the high simply a "talking shop" or a discrimination by their seas and their vast un- crucible in which a new governments —were again derwater riches. The next try community will be molded by blocked as African and other is set for Geneva in 1978. "the wise men of the world." Third World countries sided The United Nations held The 32nd General with communist countries in a Desertification Conference Assembly increased its size to opposing the move. in Nairobi, Kenya, in an effort 149 with the admission of Prince Sadruddin Aga to find ways to halt the ex- Khan of Iran announced his pansion of arid) wastelands Vietnam and Djibouti. and reclaim deserts or The year's biggest in- retirement after more than a decade as U.N. High Com- marginal lands where life is ternational political event, the precarious. Egyptian-Israeli peace missioner for Refugees. He initiative, caught the warned that the world is The United Nations assembly unprepared and producing ever more political reacted with shock and unresponsive. It came amid refugees but caring less and disbelief when the United the assembly's perennial and less about their fate. At year's States quit the U.N.- predictable routine, featuring end the assembly affiliated International Labor Israel in the international In the United Nations this past year, U.S. Ambassador unanimously approved Poul Organization in protest dock, giving the Palestine Andrew Young is shown casting a vote to place an Hartling, a former prime against the ILD's increased Liberation Organization the arms embargo on South Africa at a Security Council minister of , to take politicization. sole right to represent some 3 session. over the U.N. post. Nothing that the in- million Palestinians and After two years of good ternational arms race costs demanding a new Geneva repression of that country's Security Council took a weather and harvests, the $350 billion a year according peace conference on the black citizens. The Western historic step by imposing a United Nations learned that to U.N. experts, the General Middle East under conditions powers had first cast a triple mandatory arms embargo 1977 had produced a world Assembly decided to hold a totally unacceptable to Israel. veto against African demands against South Africa in grain surplus of 60 million special session in May 1978 on On another front, the that total military, economic response to mounting tons. The happy news was disarmament.

1st amendment vs second commandmentresponse to religious ridicule By CLIFF FOSTER (CASITM) a group which cards, parties etc." Instead of the Lampoon—the attorney's includes on its letterheard a in the media, "isn't legal WASHINGTON - "the one held by many to be 'pet project' as he put it—has supression but a firm and (NC)-Question: What quotation from the book of the Savior of mankind," cost the magazine more than concerted demand by the happens when a magazine Maccabees: "Remember their because of pressure from $1 million in advertising. offended that their beliefs and publisher invoking the First blasphemies and do not let CASITM. "WE CAN'T afford to their dignity be respected." Amendment offends an in- them continue." The Christmas issue is get the retailers knocked out surance company attorney For three years, Mc- generally free of religious from under us," he said. McCauley replies that respecting the Second Cauley has hounded Simmons blasphemy is not protected by satire, with the exception of "We're going to tred softly" the constitution and adds: Commandment? and his magazine, com- an article reporting the on religion. plaining to its advertisers, the "We're not saying they can't Answer: lawsuits in discovery of a sample of God's McCauley, for one, print it...We're telling these Massachusetts and New public and courts in handwriting. Previous issues couldn't be happier. "This is people that if they mock our Jersey, a million dollars in lost Massachusetts and New have carried cartoon features proof that if people will fight religion, if they blaspheme advertising and a pledge by Jersey that National Lam- entitled Son o' God comics, back and defend themselves God, we're going to come the publisher that his poon unfairly—and perhaps Sermonnette and Jessica and what they hold to be Christ. back." magazine will "tred softly" on illegally — ridicules God and sacred, they can put a stop to Simmons defends the religion from now on. religion. The magazine noted that these abominations," he said. Lampoon's treatment of . The magazine publisher Now, he has scored his CASITM has filed criminal While applauding his religion as nothing more than is Matty Simmons, chairman first victory, striking a blow complaints against Simmons efforts, The Providence (R.I.) a good joke. "Everything we of the board of Twenty First for the Second Com- in Massachusetts and New Visitor criticized one of do is in jest," he said, "We've Century Communications, the mandment, and in Simmons' Jersey, states where McCauley's methods. Noting never received one complaint New York-based parent view, against the First blasphemy is still a crime, and that the suit against the from an official organizat1'- - corporation of National Amendment. has threatened its advertisers Lampoon in Massachusetts— of the Church." Lampoon magazine. WITH customary with a boycott "should they the one in New Jersey was McCauley, for one, finas The attorney is Andrew cynicism, the magazine raised continue to appear in our dropped—relies on the state's the silence disturbing. "Where J. McCauley, the founder and the white flag in its Christmas blasphemous pages." Sim- 280-year-old blasphemy law, are the bishops?" he asked, president of Citizens Against issue, saying that it deals with mons estimates that Me- the diocesan newspaper said "They don't say a damn thing Sacrilege in the Media, Inc., "Santa Claus, trees, presents, Cauley's campaign against editorially that the best about blasphemy."

S Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy j- S President. The Voice Publishing Co. Inc. *•« The Archdiocese ol Miami Weekly Publication Father David Russell Msgr. James J. Walsh Father Jose Nickse embracing Florida's eight southern counties: Archdiocese of Miami Broward. Collier. Dade, Hendry, Glades, Martin, Weekly Publication Executive Vice-President Editorial Consultant Consultant Monroe and Palm Beach. Second-class postage paid at Miami sid e an d ma i f thi s corne r Florida. Subscription rates $7.50 a year. George H. Monahan MAILING ADDRESS Foreign. $10 a year. Single copy 25 cents P.O. BOX 38-1059

P.O . Bo x 1059 Miam i 33 1 Published every Friday at 6201 Biscayne Editor Miami, Fla. 33138 CORRECTION S HER E T3 o 2 t o 4 week s fo r chang e Blvd. Miami, Fla. 33138. TELEPHONES _- <= VOICE STAFF ^ News - 758-0543 Advertising - 754-2651

I f n o -Allo w Member Southern Catholic Newspaper Group Fred C. Brink Advertising Director Circulation - 754-2652 labe l o WRIT E 19 newspapers in 10 states. 463,050 cir- Ft. Laudardale - 525-5157

TH E VOIC Fred Priebis - Circulation Supt Frank P. Hall - Features editor W. Palm Bch. - 833-1951 culation. Available to advertisers on a 1 order Robert O'Steen - News editor Araceli Cantero - Spanish editor Basis Phone 305/754-2651 for details. • Marjorie L. Donohue - Local news editor Tony Garnet - Photography I Page 2 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 30,1977 Cloistered Sisters launch Family Missionary Alliance BIRMINGHAM, Ala.- program can be followed by perienced more unity than (NC) —A group of cloistered single people as well as many people who have been Poor Clare nuns has launched married couples, priests and worshiping in the same pews a worldwide missionary Religious as well as lay of the same parish churches all movement geared at helping people." their lives," lay people become evangelists. Libersat said the Mother Angelica's aim, movement is opportune. Since according to Ron Lee, The movement, called the Vatican Council II, he said, guardian director, is to holic Family Missionary "the Church has had serious "convince the ordinary people Auiance, is led by Mother M. internal problems—and a that everyone is called to Angelica Francis of Our Lady multitude of new ideas on how holiness." of the Angels Monastery, we are to express, live and Mother Angelica often Birmingham, Ala., who has share our faith in the Lord receives letters, Libersat said, described herself as a "con- Jesus. servative liberal who happens from those who say her to be charismatic." "There has been a lot of writings have affected their emphasis on community. And lives. "It isn't simply the She recently led 33 Peer Group: When Cardinal Terence Cooke of New we have been trying to books. It's the Lord working York spotted a youngster peering at him with people, some of them married develop community come hell in a prayerful spirit, while couples, in a retreat at the binoculars, the cardinal decided to try it himself and or high water—and we have Mother Angelica prayed peeked back at the boy. The cardinal was at the monastery to start the too' often failed miserably." before the Blessed movement. Most of those who Waldorf Astoria to help distribute Christmas gifts to According to Libersat, Sacrament," Libersat said. children from the New York City Foundling Hospital. attended are charismatic the movement tries "to build Catholics, while one is a up faith and then have Protestant charismatic. community stem from, and The program is based on build on, that faith and Fifth March for Life Set Mother Angelica's 50 books, ultimately express itself in and on tapes she made during service." WASHINGTON - songs, talks and prayers for that press accounts have a Scripture course she taught The weekend retreat at •(N C) — With the anniversary the following day's activities, underestimated crowd sizes. for Protestant women. which the movement was of the 1973 Supreme Court which will take the marchers "We don't want to play Mother Angelica's 10 launched was "a perfect abortion decisions coming on from the White House to the the numbers game," said nuns print and distribute over example of the practicality of Sunday, Jan. 22, the fifth Capitol. Nellie J. Gray of Washington, 250,000 copies of her books that approach," Libersat said. annual March for Life in March for Life officials president of the March for and pamphlets free of charge The group assembled as Washington to protest those refuse to predict the size of the Life. But she announced that each month. perfect strangers, "but decisions will be held on" turnout expected for the the crowd will be counted as it According to Henry through catechesis, a faith Monday, Jan. 23, following a march, but they concede that passes the narrowest point in Libersat, press relations experience, dialogue, prayer vigil at the National Visitors' the subject is of some concern the march route. director for the movement, the and the power of the Holy Center the evening before. to them. Pro-life marchers At the 1977 march, Miss "spiritual development Spritit, these 32 people ex- The vigil will feature have complained in past years Gray announced attendance at 100,000, while police estimated there were between 35,000 and 40,000 present. Pastors named One factor in determining the size of the turnout could be Washington's un- committee to predictable winter weather. While the first march, in 1974, was held on a spring-like day, assist Voice the 1977 gathering saw Acting on the recommendation of marchers chilled by low the Archdiocesan Priests Senate, Arch- temperatures and high winds. bishop Edward A. McCarthy has Miss Gray, in a letter to established an Advisory Committee of marchers, urged that they Pastors to assist The Voice in responding come prepared for the worst. to the needs of the people of the Arch- "Please dress warmly, and diocese of Miami; of promoting and please be sure that the young providing services to parishes; and other people have on boots and Rev. Michael J. Rev. Xavier Morras Rev. James Reynolds parish considerations. coats and scarfs. The police Devaney. O.M.I. Named to the Committee of Pastors are deeply concerned about are: Father Michael Devaney, O.M.I., young people with tennis Mary Immaculate Church, West Palm shoes, no jackets and head Beach; Father Xavier Morras, St. coverings out in the cool, Michael the Archangel Church; Father brisk, Washington weather," James Reynolds, St. James Church; she wrote. Father David Russell, St. Louis; and While the weather could Father Vincent Sheehy, Riviera Beach. affect the decisions of Named as a special consultative member Washington-area pro-lifers to of the committee was Arnold Lopez, attend or stay home, some Archdiocesan assistant treasurer. groups are committed to "I consider The Voice a vital part of attend by reason of the our ministry: to teach the Faith, to distances they will travel for clarify change and to build community," the event. One group from noted Abp. McCarthy. "It will be South Dakota will make the especially valuable in our current Holy journey by bus, involving a Year Program of evangelization, renewal total of four days for the Rev. Davii Vincent Sheehy Mr. Arnold Lopez and reconciliation," he concluded. round-trip travel.

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PADRE PIO, by Father John A. Schug, O.F.M. Cap. Our Sunday Visitor, Hun- tington, Ind. 256 pages. $4.95 (paper). This is the second book written about Padre Pio since the famed Italian Capuchin died on Sept. 28, 1968. Better Founded 1933 than the first, it nevertheless Second Oldest in the U.S.A. lacks literary quality. Adequate for the undemanding casual enquirer who would like to GO PLACES WITH HANDSOME know more about this holy 44" DURABLE LUGGAGE! man. Garment Bag Open a new account of $500 or more and C.S. LEWIS: THE make your selection from the items SHAPE OF HIS FAITH AND displayed. You will be pleased with your gift, THOUGHT, by Paul L. with high interest rates, compounded daily Holmer. Harper and Row. New and with the new friends you make at York. 116 pages. $6.95 and Financial Federal. $3.95 (paper). A scholarly analysis of the main themes running through the work of C.S. Lewis—one of this century's greatest Lightweight, tough-wearing luggage. Christian apologists. And one Shape retaining wire frames; fully cushioned connecting handle grips; all of its leading literary figures as 27" well. Family brass hardware and zippers; fully lined Pullman interiors; clear vinyl binding shields. THE FAITHFUL AT MASS, by William S. Abell. Georgetown Prep. Garrett 14" Shoulder Tote Gifts limited to supply on hand as to size and color. Park, Md. 70 pages. $4.50. For new money only. No internal transfers. Only one gift per family. No mail or phone orders.

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entertainment tour of military 5.39% Annual Yield bases in Western Europe. on 5'A Annual Interest The 10-member troupe 5.92 Annual Yield had earlier performed excerpts on 5Wo Annual Interest. from the show—an hour-long Minimum Term: 90 days TOWER OF Minimum Amount: $500 review of American theater THRIFT FOR history called "En- 6.72% Annual Yield ALL SOUTH FLORIDA on 6'-2% Annual Interest tertainment, USA" —at a OFFICES Minimum Term: One Year • FEDERAL I THROUGHOUT DADE, White House Christmas party Minimum Amount: $1,000 BR0WARD& PALM BEACH 6.98% Annual Yield hosted by President and Mrs. COUNTIES. Carter. 63/«% Annual Interest SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Minimum Term: 30 Months MAIN OFFICE Father Gilbert Hartke, o Minimum Amount: $1,000 401 Lincoln Road Mall, Miami Beach, Ph: 674-4523 who founded the Catholic BRANCH OFFICES: MIAMI BEACH: NORTH SHORE: 301 71st St.. Miami Beach, Ph: 674-4740 SOUTH SHORE: 755 HIGHER INTEREST RATES AVAILABLE Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Ph: 674-4610 ALTON ROAD: 1428 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Ph: 674-4580 University's drama depart- FOR LONGER TERM CERTIFICATES. SUNNY ISLES: 393 Sunny Isles Blvd., Miami, Ph: 947-1415MERIDIAN AVENUE: 812 6th St., Miami Beach, Ph: 674-4700 ment in 1937, said every [Sorry, no free gifts with these two certificates) SOUTHWEST DADE: KENDALL: 8991 S.W. 107th Avenue, Miami, Ph: 274-2955 SUNILAND SOUTH SHOPPING CENTER: 12101 S. Dixie Highway, Miami, Ph: 253-4300 MILLER ROAD SHOPPING PLAZA: 9396 Miller Road (next to president since Harry Truman 7.79% Annual Yield Publix). Miami, 274-8000 has hosted the students. on 7.50% Annual Interest NORTHWEST DADE: NORWOOD: 650 N.W. 183rd St., Miami, Ph: 652-5001 MIAMI LAKES: 14903 N.W. 67th Avenue Minimum Term: 4 Years (Miami Lakes Dr. & Ludlam Rd. Next to Publix and Eckerds), Miami, Ph: 558-5500 AIRPARK PLAZA SHOPPING V/2%O Minimum Amount: $1,000 CENTER: 720 N.W. 57th Avenue, Miami, Ph: 264-8911 This year's performance NORTHEAST DADE: AVENTURA: 2984 Aventura Blvd., (In the mall next to Publix) Miami, Ph: 931-2324 BROWARD: SUNRISE: 2636 East Sunrise Blvd. (In the Sunrise Shopping Center near Creighton's) Ft. Lauderdale, 8.06% Annual Yield marks the 26th consecutive Ph: 566-6581TAMARAC: 6674 N.W. 57th Street, Tamarac, Ph: 722-1030 LAKES MALL: 3459 N. State Rd, 7 (Inside the 3 on 7.75% Annual Interest year that the Catholic mall next to Britts) Lauderdaletakes, Ph: 739-4700 GALT OCEAN DRIVE: 3403 Gait Ocean Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, BEE 7 /4%O Minimum Term: 6 Years Ph: 565-4900 University drama department Minimum Amount: $1,000 PALM BEACH: TANGLEWOOD PLAZA: 10800 N. Military Trail (at corner of P.G.A. Blvd.) Palm Beach Gardens, has sent a company to Ph: 626-5700 TWIN CITY MALL: 400 N. Lake Blvd. 8 Federal Hwy. (Between J. M. Fields & Sears) N. Palm Beach, overseas military com- A substantial interest penalty is required for early withdrawal Ph: 8441308 munities. from any of these certificates. The students will perform two shows daily. Page 41 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 30,1977 Pope calls for end of violence to people (Continued from Page 1) regimes" as a faulty basis for those who enjoy it are "Peace is an equilibrium of spirit and action. It is showing the supreme peace. dispensed from every care and that is based on motion and intelligent and living irrationality of war." But it also insisted that defende from all disturbance... continually gives forth energy courage," said Pope Paul. He urged world leaders to violent revolution is not the establish "relationships path to winning freedom. between peoples which are The Pope asked doctors ever more interdependent, to join with the Church in with ultimate solidarity, and "Affirming and defending ever more friendly and human life in those ex- ceptional contingencies in Discussing acts of which life itself can be violence against individuals, jeopardized by deliberate and the Pope said that "private" evil designs of the human violence is taking on will." "alarming proportions to the extent that it is becoming "In our 'yes> t° peace habitual." there rings out a 'yes' to life." Decay of moral con- wrote the Pope. "Human life science and "social is sacred from the moment it pessimism" are often comes into existence." responsible for extinguishing A new feature of the "the taste for and the com- Pope's 1978 peace message is mitment to honesty professed a concluding section ad- for its own sake," wrote the dressed to children. He calls Pope. them "the most vulnerable "What is possible takes sector of society" in regard to the place of what is honest. violence, "but likewise the The only restraint is the fear hope of a better tomorrow." of incurring some public or "You children are often private sanction," he said. led to quarrel," he continued. "VIOLENCE is not "Remember: It is harmful courage," insisted the Pope. vanity to want to appear "Violence does not ennoble stronger than your brothers the man who has recourse to and sisters and friends by it." quarreling, fighting and "Violence distrusts giving way to anger and normal legal processes and is revenge... always clever at evading the "If you want to be observance of these processes strong, be so in spirit and by devising, almost by force behavior. Learn to control of circumstances, criminal yourselves, learn how to undertakings that sometimes forgive and quickly make degenerate into acts of pitiless friends again with those who terrorism, the final result of a have offended you," said the wrong choice of road and the Pope. cause of deplorable forms of Speaking to all, the Pope repression," said the Pope. said: "Our love for peace must The papal message remain on guard." condemned the "structural "Peace is not a state of During a ceremony to canonize St. John Neumann, Pope Paul kissed a replica of the violence of some political public indifference in which Liberty Bell from the saint's former see of Philadelphia. Two priests named to head Archdiocese programs Two priests of the Arch- Tribunal, Msgr. Barry is a In 1971 he was appointed ELEVATED TO the where he supervised the diocese of Miami have been native of Ireland who was pastor of Holy Family parish, rank of an honorary prelate of building of a church, appointed to key positions in ordained in 1943 and served as North Miami, where he served Pope Paul VI in 1974, Msgr. elementary school and con- the Chancery by Archbishop an assistant pastor in parishes until 1974 when he became Donnelly served in the Army vent. Four years later a four Edward A. McCarthy. of the Diocese of St. pastor of St. Coleman parish. Air Force from 1943 to 1945 classroom addition was an- Msgr. Dominic J. Barry, Augustine until 1951 when he Elevated to the rank of a and began his studies for the nexed to the school. pastor, St. Coleman Church, became an Air Force chaplain. papal chamberlain in 1958 he priesthood in 1946. As a Pompano Beach, is the new After five years of service is now known as a prelate of deacon during the summer of From 1964 to 1968 Msgr. chairman of the Pension Plan and then discharge he was honor to the Pope. Msgr. 1954 he pioneered in the first Donnelly served as pastor of of the Archdiocese of Miami appointed pastor of Im- Barry is a member of the program for the Spanish- St. Monica Church where he and the Diocese of St. maculate Conception parish, Archdiocesan School Board. speaking Catholics in South directed the building of Petersburg. Hialeah, where he directed the Msgr. Donnelly, a native Florida when the Diocese of rectory offices. From 1968 to Msgr. John J. Donnelly, building of the present church, of Philadelphia, has been St. Augustine inaugurated a 1971 he was pastor of Holy rector of St. Mary Cathedral, the convent and an addition to rector of St. Mary Cathedral Blessed Trinity, Miami Rosary parish, Perrine. is the new chairman of the the school. Coincident with since 1971. Springs and Little Flower, Health and Welfare Program this pastorate he was ad- catechetical program for Coral Gables. He became Since 1975 he has been the Archdiocese of Miami ministrator of Blessed Trinity Puerto Rican families in administrator of St. Paul Archdiocesan Director of the .ad the Diocese of St. parish, Miami Springs, where Corpus Christi parish. Church, Arcadia and in 1959 Society for the Propagation of Petersburg. he also directed the con- Ordained in 1955, Msgr. was appointed founding the Faith and of the Pontifical FORMERLY Officialis in struction of a provisional Donnelly served as an pastor of Annunciation Association of the Holy the Archdiocesan Matrimonial church and school. assistant in the parishes of parish, West Hollywood, Childhood. MAYBE A FEW THOUSAND WOULD i>a db THE DANIA BANK 255 East Dania Beach Boulevard Dania, Florida 33004 South Dania Branch at 601 South Federal Highway /Bro ward: 925-2211/527-5545, Dade: 945-6341 Member FDIC Miami, Florida,' THE VOICE I Friday, December 30,19771 Page 5 MATTER OF OPINION f Editorial Holy year-more than just an

What is important about the Holy Year The Holy Year 1978. at the Archdiocese level is the basic fact What will it mean to you? about South Florida that most everyone Millions of people were active during here comes from someplace else and that the 1975 worldwide Holy Year's events, yet understandably, there is often a lack of as massive in spiritual dimensions as the feeling of community. Our roots are not Holy Year was it passed by with little in- here. Frequently, groups and organizations volvement or awareness by the average do not relate to each other, and sometimes church-going Catholic on a day-to-day even compete or feel at odds. basis. The Holy Year, announced by Arch- This is understandable, in a sense, bishop McCarthy recently, is an opportunity because a Holy Year is not a dramatic for all Catholics of South Florida to grow spectacle like a convening of all the world's personally in their faith and to reach out to bishops at one place at one time. There are others in awareness that we are a common no new doctrines or social action plans family, regardless of race, home town or forged in the crucible of debate for the ethinic background. world's press to shout around the globe, for We urge all Catholics to support the the media to analyze and for priests to Holy Year and help it gain momentum in propound from the pulpits. the coming months and see what a dif- The Holy Year was not a forging of the ference it can make in our Catholic Faith Faith but a practicing .of it and in our Catholic pride.

By Fr. John

Dietzen With complications/ is my marriage valid?

Q. I met my husband in someone unbaptized, so I not sure how much he wanted is perfectly valid. Human Life Amendment, to 1964, and after many ups and encouraged my fiance to join a to be baptized in the first You have nothing to which American bishops have downs through several years, church, which he did; he was place. Our two children are worry about on this score. given highest priority in the we decided to marry. It was baptized in the United Church being raised Catholic. My Continue receiving the area of respect for life. So I then I found out he was never of Christ. We took his bap- husband encourages their sacraments, and be happy applaud your interest, and baptized, and really seemed to tismal certificate to the priest, prayers and participates in the your husband takes the wish there were more like you. be what he always called and were married. celebration of our Catholic supportive attitude he does himself—an atheist. A nun in Now I've begun to worry feasts. concerning the faith of you Keep trying to acquaint my school had said that about our marriage, whether it What can or should be and your children. your parish priest, and any Catholics cannot marry is truly a marriage since I am done to or with our marriage? Q. Is it mandatory for others, with the reasons you Is it valid? I don't know any each parish to have some type think your suggestion should priests here well enough to of pro-life organization or be listened to. And don't ask? (Saskatchewan) coordinator? My parish is the neglect the wider pro-life A. I understand your only one I've heard of that activities in your area; they, concerned feelings, but you doesn't have anything like too, are helpful and may in- can put your mind at ease. this. I would assign myself the directly have a beneficial From what you told me, task only my parish priest influence on attitudes in your there's no question that your seems negative towards the own parish. marriage is valid. idea. (Ohio) First it is possible for a Q. My husband says that Catholic to marry a non- A. There exists no church when bishops are consecrated baptized person. It's done all law that would demand a pro- that they take on divinity, the time. You are probably life unit or representative in which makes their opinions aware that a dispensation is each parish, though individual and decisions the same as required for a Catholic to bishops could certainly those of Christ. Is this true? marry one of another faith (or recommended it or require He says even when bishops of no faith). A different kind of it in their own diocese. And are wrong in their decisions dispensation is needed when many do. according to people, they are the non-Catholic party is The importance of such still right in God's eyes. Do baptized and when he is not activity on the parish level is bishops believe this? (La.) Passersby might have thought It was Just another baptized. However, to avoid indeed urgent, more urgent, in typical daily Washington protest until they spotted the very problem that bothers fact, than most Catholics signs like "Down With Nixon" and "End the War in you, normally both of these A. No, Virginia, bishops realize. Parish-level do not become divine. In fact, Vietnam." What they were seeing was the filming of dispensations are granted in a responsibilities will become "Bom Again," a movie on the life of Charles Colson. mixed marriage. This way, God Himself is likely happier increasingly critical during than anyone that He is not a The former Watergate figure was on the set and posed whether the non-Catholic is the next few years in the with Dean Jones who plays Colson in the film. baptized or not, the marriage bishop. He probably couldn't national effort to pass a take the hassle. Page 61 Miami, Florida I THE VOICE I Friday, December 30,1977 By Msgr. James J. Walsh St. Paul points way to New Year

The beginning of a new year for many is a serves as a kind of mini-blueprint of what was incurable habit of stepping on toes. He comes *'-Tie of introspection and self analysis. Comic necessary in the "old" church, as well as the .tines of television find this a fertile field for down hard on the spiritual bunions of those who "new." Let's touch briefly on his ideas. recently got rid of the devil. Read those lines humor, and understandably so. The whole serious "Grow strong in the Lord, with the strength business is reduced to the ridiculous when again about "the devil's tactics...the spiritual of his power. Put God's armor on so as to be able army of evil in the heavens..." Incidentally, some resolutions are directed towards trivial aspects of to resist the devil's tactics. For it is not against life or towards some mammoth problem whose may need the New Year resolution of keeping the human enemies that we have to struggle, but devil in the picture. The focus has not been on him solution needs much more than an expression of against the sovereignties and the powers who good will. for some years. If we take him into account, we originate in the darkness in this world, the should find less frustration and more clarity in While we laugh at the humor, there is a spiritual army of evil in the heavens..." our religious thinking. brooding uneasiness for many at this time of year Paul is not popular today with either the that the failures of the past will be repeated in the Women's lib group or with the humanists. The Paul says, "stand your ground." The old future. For a Christian who is sincerely trying to former dismiss him because he says a number of translation put it, "stand fast..." Both mean the grow and mature in the faith, there is the ad- annoying things about women, such as being same. As the kids say, hang in there. Persevere, ditional apprehension that with all the recent submissive to their husbands. The latter turn him keep at it, don't be weak-kneed or faint of heart. changes and resulting confusion in the church, he off because he is forever reminding us that we are "Pray all the time, asking for what you need, may have been on the wrong track, that his ef- very weak creatures and must depend far more on praying in the spirit on every possible occasion." forts to develop spiritually have been wasted, or, God's power than on our own resources. The Prayer is always a must. At every period of worse yet, perhaps it isn't that important any humanists, of course, think man has all he needs one's life. And every age of the Church. Does it way. tucked away inside, awaiting proper mining mean the rosary, novenas, stations of the cross? With this in mind, it is helpful to remember equipment. For some who prefer these devotions, yes. This that St. Paul always comes through strong on Christians have always been taught to "grow may mean their own special way of com- almost any occasion, and he has more than one strong in the Lord" through prayer and the munications with God outside the Eucharist, and pungent thought for the mood of self evaluation sacraments and penance. There is not the least many great saints felt the same way. For others, at the beginning of a new year. change in this formula. The sacraments remain no. But many are coming back to traditional Lookup his letter to the Ephesians (6:1-10). the channels of divine help, designed to give man devotions, including the young, especially to the There he reminds us of the fundamental duties "the strength of His power." But they are not rosary. which the Christian had in his time and which he magic rites. Some, while not believing this, fall The New Year ought to push us into a quiet will have ages from now until Gabriel's horn into the trap of looking for magical results, and corner of the house. Take up the New Testament. sounds. He speaks of the unchangeables in when they do not appear, losing faith in the Turn to these ten verses of St. Paul. Work them spiritual life, regardless of peculiar characteristics sacraments. Here is a good point for re-evaluation out in the light of your own situation, where you of a generation. He underlines what God expects this New Year. are at .the present time. God had us in mind when of a human being, whose nature has certain One thing about St. Paul that hangs out in Paul penned those words. They point the New strengths and weaknesses. And what he says the open clearly in much of his writing: he has an Year in the right direction. Human rights: blacks, poor, unborn "There are too many people on herself, the black woman and her black perspective of abortion at the welfare. What we need are man- family must fight for every other Jan. 22 pro-life rally at Bayfront By Dick Conklin datory abortions for poor people!" social and economic privilege. This Park. If you were listening to a Miami move toward the free application of a radio talk show the other night, you non-right (abortion) for those whose Historically, the 1857 Dred heard that argument used not once real need is human rights and op- Scott decision of the U.S. Supreme but by two callers. At a local political portunities is benumbing the social Court bears striking similarities to luncheon this month a man in the conscience of America into the 1973 ruling legalizing abortion. audience suggested to the speaker, a unquestioningly accepting the In Dred Scott, the court reasoned pro-life congressman, that free 'smoke screen' of abortion. The that a slave was not a "legal person" abortions for poor women only be quality of life for the poor, the black, and therefore not entitled to equal granted when they promised to and the oppressed will not be served rights under the law. Compare - the submit to mandatory sterilization. by destroying their children." arguments used by pro-slavery advocates with those used by pro- Blacks have claimed for years Many black leaders like Rev. abortionists today: that ghetto social workers try to talk Jesse Jackson, comedian Dick women into abortions. Erma Clardy Gregory and National Right to Life Craven, a long-time human rights President Dr. Mildred Jefferson have advocate from Minnesota, nominated called abortion a form of racial Slavery: Although he may have Abortion: Although he may pro-life presidential candidate Ellen genocide. At a White House Con- have a heart and a brain, and he may McCormack at the 1976 Democratic ference on Hunger in 1969, a panel a heart and a brain, and he may be a human life biologically, a slave is not be a human life biologically, an national convention. She claims, which included representatives of the unborn baby is not a legal person. "Except for the privilege of aborting department of Health Education and a legal person. The Dred Scott decision by the U.S. Supreme Court The abortion decision by the U.S. Welfare and Planned Parenthood Supreme Court has made that clear. recommended has made that clear. (1) mandatory abortion for any Slavery: A Black man only Abortion: A baby only becomes unmarried girl found to be within the becomes a legal person when he is set a legal person when he is born. Before first three months of pregnancy and free. Before that time, we should not that time, we should not concern (2) mandatory sterilization of concern ourselves about him because ourselves about him because he has any such girl giving birth out of he has no legal rights. no legal rights. wedlock for a second time. Only the Slavery: If you think that Abortion: If you think abortion BANN quick action of Mrs. Fannie Lou slavery is wrong, then nobody is is wrong, then nobody is forcing you PARENTHOOD Hamer, a Mississippi civil rights forcing you to be a slave-owner. But to have one. But don't impose your leader, stopped the proposal from don't impose your morality on morality on somebody else! ABORTION CLINIC being passed. Since then, similar somebody else! legislation has been introduced in Slavery: A man has a right to do Abortion: A woman has a right several states. None has passed. Yet. what he wants with his own property. to do what she wants with her own The "Archie Bunker" attitude of body. many pro-abortionists isn't the only The Dred Scott decision was factor bringing more black people ultimately overturned by the 14th into the right to life struggle. Many amendment to the constitution. How see it as another aspect of the civil long will it take to overturn the " I thought B/ack i*as rights movement. Rev. Theodore abortion decision —with a Human 1 Gibson, recently re-elected Miami Life Amendment? It's up to you and supposed /o he beaut/fa/. City councilman, will speak on the me. Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 30,1977 / Page 7 New Zealand January the continued charges of human rights violations in El gives 100% aid Salvador, including persecution of the Church. The announcement came The recent passage of legislation as a December report of a human' that will provide 100 percent state rights organization in New York support for private school salaries listed Argentina as the worst violator and maintenance in New Zealand "is in 1977, followed by and a unifying experience for the people" Uruguay. - in that country, said Marist Brother Humphrey 0'Conner, who heads a high school in Auckland, during a Protest Italian recent visit to Seattle. parishes changed Moshe Dayan A storm of protest has blown up in the Vatican's backyard about what to visit Pope some priests and laity of the Trivento Diplomatic sources in Rome diocese consider a Vatican failure to confirm that Israeli Foreign Minister act in accord with the spirit of the Moshe Dayan plans to visit Pope Second Vatican Council. The priests Paul VI during a January trip to and laity have been protesting a . The Vatican has as yet made decision by the Vatican to transfer no comment on the Dayan visit. three parishes in the town of Castel di Sangro and one in Alfedena to the Argentina diocese of Valva e Sulmona. WAR TOYS PROTESTED: A sales clerk In Frankfurt, West Ger- worst violator many, holds a model of a World War II German dive bomber Abp. Lefebvre marked with a swastika of the Nazi era. German Catholic bishops An ecumenical group headed by and other religious and community leaders have protested the Congressman Father Robert Drinan ordains two sale of this and other sfmllariy marked toys which are made In the (D-Mass.) wil investigate during United States, Britain and Japan. Rebel Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre "ordained a seminarian to on the ABC-TV series, "SOAP," that the diaconate and another to the Says 'humanitarian, contradicts a similar poll conducted subdiaconate in a Dec. 17 ceremony for ABC by the Louis Harris in a small town near Vichy, France. but inadequate' organization. The Globe, diocesan newspaper in Sioux City, Iowa, A U.S. Catholic Conference received 190 replies to its three- official has called President Carter's question poll. Most respondents said decision to admit another 7,000 they did not believe sexual matters Indochinese refugees into the United were appropriate content for prime TAIWAN TV: Jesuit Father States "humanitarian, but time TV programs. Gerald Martinson displays a inadequate." John McCarthy, scrapbook with pictures from director of the USCC Migration and Textile workers shows produced by the Jesuit- Refugee Services, estimated that run Kuanchi Program Service In refugees are leaving Vietnam and 'fogged' out Taiwan. To better meet the high other Southeast Asian countries in demand for Kuanchi programs small boats at the rate of 1,500 a To the list of items throughout Southeast Asia, month. separating the J.P. Stevens Com- Father Martinson hopes to raise pany and the textile workers union $1.5 million in the United States 'Soap' survey there can be added one other—the and Europe to build a new wing weather. Fog—or as Archbishop on the studio. in opposition Thomas Donnellan of Atlanta prefers to call it, "an act of God"—prevented A Catholic newspaper in Iowa a group of Southeastern bishops from has published the results of a survey meeting Stevens representatives. Seafood specialists since 1959 751 -4429 INTCRNATIONALIY ACCLAIMED - PLUS CANTONESE 4 AMERICAN MENU COCKTAILS HARRIS 1619 N.E. 4th AVE. COCKTAIL LOUNGE IMPERIAL HOUSE • MAINE LOBSTERS FT. LAUDERDALE North Ocwn Drive at Atlantic loulfvard • CLAMS AND OYSTERS • NEW ENGLAND SEAFOOD CLOSED MONDAY" 763-8922 763 7211 Pompano Beach. Florida • ««. 9412200 MIAMI'S OLDEST SMFO00 RESTAURANT OUR 29th YEAR

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Page 8 / Miami, Florida I THE VOICE / Friday, December 30,1977 Marriage encounter Student exchange Marriage Encounter Information Parties are Families in Dade County have an op- $» Florida Scene scheduled during the month of January in Dade, V__ •• \ T i' ., ...... ' . . ' .V portunity to participate in the nation's largest Broward, and Palm Beach Counties. student exchange program known as Youth for Following are the locations and dates: Understanding, a 26-year-old non-profit Scripture workshop slated SOUTH DADE: Jan. 8, 7:45 p.m., Home of Pat organization. and Carol DeMarinis, 251-9757. Jan. 22, 7:45 Host families are those who provide room LAKE WORTH —Religion teachers in Palm p.m., Home of George and Susanne Huxel, 251- and board for the student and offer him or her the Beach County have been invited to participate in 5381. same guidance and love they give to their own a Scripture workshop for integrating scriptural SOUTH BROWARD: 7:45 p.m., Jan. 15, For children. Students attend local high schools and approaches to the teach of religion. information call 983-3017. share life with the American families who invite Elaine Pekar, parish director of religious NORTH BROWARD: 8 p.m., Jan. 22, Home of them as guests. Mel and Peggy Weaver, 472-8138. For further information call 271-7478. education at St. Joseph parish, Stuart will be the BOCA RATON: 8 p.m., Jan. 3, Boca Raton silitator at the sessions which begin at 8 p.m., Municipal Community Center. Room I. xuesday, Jan. 3 at St. Luke parish hall. Marriage Encounters are scheduled on Jan. 6 at Our Lady of Florida Retreat House, North Lectures at St. Rose Palm Beach; and on Jan. 13 at the Dominican Retreat House, Kendall. Further information may "The Basic Truths of Our Faith" will be the be obtained by calling the retreat houses. subject of an eight-day course at St. Rose of Lima parish, Miami Shores, beginning on Monday, Planetarium show Jan. 2. FORT LAUDERDALE-"The Star of Father Michael Ledwith, Ph.D., professor of Bethlehem," is the subject of the holiday show Dogmatic Theology, Maynooth College, Dublin, at the Buehler Planetarium of Broward County will be the lecturer. Community College, central campus. Shows viewing the sky as it may have ap- Religion teachers peared on the first Christmas when the greatest star ever described marked the birth of Christ, are BOCA RATON—Religion teachers in the featured every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and at 2:30 Archdiocese are invited to an evening session on p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, through Jan- Thursday, Jan 12 at St. Joan of Arc parish where uary 8. Richard Costello, director of Youth Ministry in the Diocese of Norwich will discuss Spiritual Bible study Experiences for Youth and Using Scriptures WEST PALM BEACH-A Bible Study Effectively with Youth from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 course begins at 7:30 p.m., Jan. 5 in St. John p.m. Fisher Church. Costello will also participate in a session for Everyone interested is invited to participate Feast of the Holy Family Is observed today parish directors of Religious Education from 10 in the sessions which will be conducted by Sister (Friday), partlculary at Holy Family parish, North a.m. to 2 p.m. the same day at St. James parish, Muriel Brown, R.C., Cenacle Retreat House, Miami; and by the Sisters of the Holy Family of North Miami. Lantana. Nazareth who staff St. Brendan School In Miami's southwest section. It's a Date Broward County ST. JOHN FISHER parish New ST. SEBASTIAN Council of Women Covered dish buffet and short business ST. BONIFACE Women's Club, Year's Eve party, 9 p.m. Free admission. will observe Corporate Communion at 8 meeting. Pembroke Pines, meets 8 p.m., Jan. 4, Guests are expected to bring snacks. a.m. Mass, Jan. 6. Breakfast and ST. STEPHEN Women's Council parish hall. Further information call 844-3990. meeting follow, parish hall. meets Jan. 5, parish hall, 8 p.m. Palm Beach County ST. VINCENT FERRER Rosary- ST. JEROME Women's Club lun- ST. BARTHOLOMEW Young at Altar Society, DelrayBeach, meets Jan. 6 Heart Club meets Tuesday, Jan. 3, parish ST. THOMAS MORE Madonna following 8:30 a.m. Mass. cheon and card party, 12:30 p.m., Jan. 3, Guild, Boynton Beach morning of parish hall, 2533 SW Ninth Ave., Fort hall. recollection following 8:30 a.m. Mass, Dade County Lauderdale. FOURTH DEGREE KC, Father Jan. 6. Sister Muriel Brown, R.C., ST. BERNADETTE Golden Years Michael J. Mullaly Assembly, meets Jan. Cenacle Retreat House will conduct the ST. MARY MAGDALEN Women's Club meets following noon Mass, Jan. 6. 3, 333 SW 25 St., Fort Lauderdale. sessions. Guild meets 7:30 p.m., Jan. 2, parish hall. ALLEN PEST CONTROL, INC. Regular • Home • Commercial Lawn Spraying • Termite Control FREE ESTIMATE Lie. & Ins. Yves St Laurent Oscar de la Renta 1875 N.E. 149 ST. N. 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Miami, Florida / THE. VOICE / Friday, December 30,1977 / Page 9 Faith and scholarship by Fr. David Burr ell, C.S.C. TO SPEAK of things growing allows us to The life of the mind has little to do with put culture and the life of the mind in the right that everyone he spoke with thought they knew knowing a lot. It may seem like it does, because perspective. For learning is finally a question of more than they did. Because he knew where he people with inquiring minds do learn a great deal. people helping other people to expand and grow. was ignorant, he was in fact wiser than they. And like the rest of us, they have a hard time And this is the proof that scholarship or the life of But it is uncomfortable to admit our resisting the temptation to show off. But if that is the mind has little to do with knowing a lot. For ignorance. That is why Plato presents Socrates as all that a person's inquiry comes to—knowing we do not entrust pedants with the training of an ideal, a hero of the life of the mind. Most something else, we don't think of him as learned. those coming along; or if we should, they will everything inside us and around us conspires to For knowledge can never substitute for insight; a soon lack trainees. Students are looking for keep our weakness from view. Yet we need to pedant is not a scholar. acknowledge it and learn how to live with it. How something else, something that opens their way can we learn? It is true that academic places attract to understanding rather than blocks it. pedants, like bookshelves gather dust. But that is What students seek is better described as a THAT QUESTION has always led me to the not what colleges or universities are about. Their know-how rather than knowledge. It is more like a Scriptures, prayer and those movements task is to develop an atmosphere conducive to trained ear than a ready answer. It is more like characteristic of faith. We may not believe but we learning, an environment in which minds can unknowing than knowing. It is a developed can make some of the movements believers make: grow. As we speak of a culture of bacteria, so the capacity to live with our ignorance, and yet We can sit quietly and reach out with heart and space where we can expand our vision simply by continue to inquire. Socrates was surprised when mind towards one whom all men call God. We can taking part in the conversation makes for an the oracle at Delphi let it be known that he was allow ourselves to be carried along with others in intellectual culture. A place where our perceptions the wisest of men. So he undertook a survey, and song and praise of God. We can let our own hearts of order and beauty can be educated by looking on the basis of countless interviews, was forced to signal to us their longing and desire—and we can and listening is a cultured place. agree with the oracle. But only, when he realized begin to follow our heart's desire.

fresh (and sometimes unsettling) Universities: A new ideas, is not going to disappear. Sometimes the tension worked to the benefit of both parties, especially in learning explosion the High Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Sometimes it caused recrimination and bitterness as in some eras after Trent and during the by Fr. Alfred McBride, O.Praem. students and local citizens. What is The centuries of patient late 19th century "modernist" less known is that in the beginning, controversy. preservation of classical learning by the issue of academic freedom was the monks finally yielded a learning often at stake. Local city ad- By and large, however, the explosion in the 12th and 13th ministrators feared the power of the universities, creatures of the Church centuries with the cremation of the university and wanted to control the in the first place, have been the universities: Paris, Oxford, Cam- freedom of the professors and training ground of untold numbers of bridge, Padua, Bologna, Salamanca. students, especially in the area of Christian leaders, centers of human Prior to the founding of the new ideas. The best recourse the advancement as well as wellsprings universities, there were cathedral and university had was to obtain a of new ways to understand the an- monastic schools. The method of charter from the Holy See granting it cient Gospel. The invention of the education was primarily memory and freedom to pursue new lines of universities was a towering mastery of what ancient authorities, thought. Thus the Church, in the achievement. They abide as a especially Church Fathers, had said beginning, threw a protective mantle hallmark of civilization. about this or that topic. over the work of the university. Around this time, Arab scholars In time, however, the Church, were studying and promoting the too, wondered about the freedom of works of Aristotle and noting in- its scholars. Though it is hard to ventive ways to adapt his ideas to the believe it now, Thomas Aquinas new age. Their enthusiasm was aroused a good deal of anxiety in contagious enough to affect the official Church circles. He spoke with Christian scholars who began to such a new and inventive voice that coordinate the philosophy of many Churchmen feared that this Aristotle with theology and other man was edging close to heresy. disciplines. The ferment caused by Vastly admired within the university this and a new-found self confidence circle, Thomas evoked fears and in their own imagination and suspicions outside it. One of the creativity led to a different teaching small pleasures in reading history is style and a literal learning explosion. to see the paradox of a man con- GONE WERE the dreary sidered a radical and a threat in his repetitions and lectures, to be own time, only to become the darling replaced by lively disputations, of the conservatives in another age debates and dialogues. Exclusive (and, incidentially, sometimes emphasis on authority-quoting was dismissed by the new radicals of replaced by maximum student in- another time.) volvement, the rigorous use of logic and careful research. Rather than IN ONE SENSE it is a pity to citing authorities slavishly, they associate a man of the magnitude of were cited in a critical sense and in a Aquinas with the temporary winds of contemporary light. Aristotle's scholarly and ecclesiastical fashion. philosophy, Albert the Great's As one of the few supreme thinkers scientific style and the cultural the history of the human race has questions of medieval man were brought into play. The emphasis never produced, Aquinas deserves shifted to participational learning. better than to be the bully boy or bane of political intentions. From the very beginning this At any rate there was eventually university life displayed many of the not only abrasiveness between town traits that have endured, namely, and gown, but also between mitre interest in academic freedom, student and scholar's biretta. This tension unrest, a questioning and critical between administrator and scholar, attitude. Much has been written the one trying to preserve a little about tne traditional riots between peace and quiet in an unruly world, town and gown, that is, between the other dedicated to advancing Fr. Karl Rah Page 101 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 30,1977 Ip KNEJW If we set out on this path, if we allow what we Y0UR not know to impress us as much as what we do ow, we will discover a whole world —a vast iverse—in which we can gradually come to be FAITti home. It is more like darkness than light, more in to sleeping (and dreaming) than waking (and ting), but it teaches us to live more naturally th all t7 we do not know. And l. «re are blessed, we will before long 3et another there—many others, in fact, but all search of this other. And the practices we have irned, the skill we develop—skills of knowing, of prayer and meditation—will come color what we do know. They will show up pecially in the ways we can gracefully admit d even welcome our own ignorance—without rrending the desire to know! THEN THE life of the mind can become a mderful adventure, an absorbing desire to iderstand the world we encounter everyday: jm amoebae to dinosaurs, from sub-automic irticles to the people I live with, from alternative onomic systems to establishing personal iorities. Wherever we live and whatever we eet, we are challenged to understand and spond responsibly. To learn how people have responded before i helps us to take our own bearings; each meration needs to forge a way for itself, but can dn wisdom as it learns how to learn from those tio went before. As Matthew puts it: "Every ribe who becomes a disciple of the kingdom of saven is like a householder who brings out of his Colleges and universities are about the task of environment in which minds can grow. oreroom things both new and old" (Mt. 13, 52). developing an atmosphere conducive to learning, an

Modern theologian stimulates spiritual growth by William Ryan In late 1974 a group gathered in faith that is, as Father John C. to the Christian-Marxist and the warned against the dangers "of a New York to pay tribute to a short, Haughey said in America magazine, Christian-non-Christian dialogues. false adaptation of the Church to the smiling man in a gray suit whom "both contemporary and in con- His stature in the ecumenical modern world, or of falling into a many consider the greatest tinuity with the past." He continued, movement is enormous. Many share purely secular humanism." theologian of the 20th century. The "Rahner is so completely at home in the judgment of George Lindbeck of TEACHING HASbeen as much Campion Book Award of the Catholic the modern mode of understanding Yale who said that in com- a part of his life as writing. Not too Book Club was presented to German that he frequently manages to prehensiveness and intellectual many years ago, a young American Jesuit Karl Rahner, a scholar whose disconcert many of his quality, Rahner can be placed seminarian who had studied under writings have influenced scores of coreligionists...yet his com- alongside the great Protestant Father Rahner wrote to him and colleagues and seminarians for prehension of tradition is awesome philosopher-theologians Karl Barth asked if he could take time to look at decades. The award-giving also and second to no one's. Reading and Paul Tillich "and in terms of his doctoral dissertation. Father marked the 50th anniversary of Rahner makes believing seem more balance is perhaps the greatest of the Rahner wrote back and said that ha. Father Rahner's publishing career. reasonable. The Rahner synthesis three." was scheduled to visit the United Karl Rahner was born in gives one a sense of the inner con- In addition to teaching and States and would be happy to look at Freiburg, , March 5, 1904, sistency of the faith." writing, Father Rahner has lectured it then. When Father Rahner arrived, and entered the novitiate of the It also provides evidence that internationally. He participated in he called the young man and learned Society of Jesus at Feldkirch, the Christian faith presents much to the work of Vatican Council II (1962- that the seminarian was to be or- , in 1922. Following mull over. A Rahner bibliography 65), first as a personal theologian of dained the following weekend. Father philosophical and theological studies published in Germany in 1969 runs Cardinal Franziskus Koenig of Rahner not only went over the and a period of teaching at the Jesuit some 90 pages and contains more Vienna and subsequently as an of- dissertation, but he attended the high school at Feldkirch, he was than 2,000 entries of books, articles ficial peritus of the council by papal ordination and joined in the ordained at Munich on July 26, 1932. and monographs! His most famous appointment. Popes John XXIII and festivities. AFTER ORDINATION, Father works include "The Church and the Paul VI publicly stated their ad- From the impressive array of Rahner then pursued graduate Sacraments," "The Shape of the miration for his scholarship. books and articles that this one man studies at Freiburg where he was Church to Come," "Nature and In an interview conducted has produced, one might assume that deeply influenced by the monks of Grace," "Theological In- shortly after Vatican Council II, he has time for nothing else. But this certain philosophers, particularly vestigations," and "Sacramentum Father Rahner's comments on the is far from true. Those who know him Joseph Marechal, a Belgian Jesuit Mundi" (International Encyclopedia Council and the challenge to theology well can tell of the many times that who had developed an original theory of Theology). Now 73, he still con- in the future seem as timely and lay people have called him to ask a of knowledge; Immanuel Kant, tinues to write. His latest book, "A prophetic today as they did then. "I question. Father Rahner always whose writings introduced Rahner to Basic Course in Faith," published think that what the Council ac- takes time out to talk to them and the "transcendental method" that last year, was praised by Vatican complished more than anything else carefully answer. And if someone is was to characterize his approach to Radio last February as "a masterful was to give the Church the courage to in need, he quietly lends his aid. theology; and Martin Heidegger, a and mature synthesis of Christian face the modern world in a manner This man of prayer and com- post-Kantian existentialist. faith." that involved a real movement away passion, scholar par excellence, is Using a philosophical basis, RAHNER'S INFLUENCE has from a negative, defensive attitude - living proof of a Church that is Rahner constructed his life work, a extended into ever widening circles. towards a more open and positive constantly growing in knowledge and Rahner profound synthesis of the Christian He has made decisive contributions attitude," he said. But he also spirituality. Miami, Florida / THE VOICE I Friday, December 30,19771 Page 11 A challenge to change and grow

done. We'd suggest that you of steps back and reflect on become aware of all the op- the goodness of my family and portunities and options you that I'd like to preserve and have to grow and then reflect build upon that goodness. It on what you are presently means also that I'm called to By TERRY and MIMI doing. Pray and discern, and reflect upon some areas in my REILLY select the best of what you are life and the interrelationships presently doing and the in the family that might need opportunities you have improvement. provided for your future. We I believe that aJJ of us, as With the end of the and service. We all should be means we become more aware will be striving to provide new persons, family members, and year at hand, I've reflected on aware that enrichment begins of the meaning of Christian insight and opportunity in the parish community members what happened this past year with each person and then to love with one another and see area of marriage and family need to be open to this change. to our family. We began the the family. The enrichment the increasing need to be enrichment for you. We have beautiful new year on Phoenix, Arizona, and reflects itself as we look upon present to God. Our spirit The challenge to change chances to change, especially in May we were trekking our ourselves as a part of parishes matures. is something quite difficult for the one the Church and our way 'eastward to Miami. I and an archdiocese. We know All of these are a process. many of us. Often when we see Archdiocese are prompting us must say it was an adventure. that Christ is the source of Our growth physically ends this challenge we feel that we with. We have been affirmed in our this enrichment. Ultimately before we are 20, but we have too much to do already Archbishop McCarthy decision by many of you, laity, we become enriched with Him. continue to grow both or we talk about poor timing has designated 1978 as an Religious and priests, and There's a real difficult mentally and spiritually until or whatever. For me, I've archdiocesan year of renewal. know the decision we made part to this commitment. It we die. discovered that I need an What a wonderful opportunity was correct. We are genuinely means that in order to become The persons I've met that occasional prompting. Seal, to grow with one another in delighted to be here and work enriched, we must admit we appear to be the most full of our 12 year old, calls it the Lord. We encourage the with you to make the Arch- need to grow. Growth requires life, the most dynamic are the "rattling my cage." Deciding entire archdiocesan family, diocese of Miami even more change. Growth physically ones who wish to change. But to become involved in Religious, priests and laity to pleasing to God. means that we get bigger, change hurts sometimes. enriching kinds of activities look to this coming year as We anticipate 1978 to be taller and our bodies mature. Sometimes it means daring to for me and my family means one of challenge, change and a year filled with hope and Growing mentally means we do things differently than that I've got to give a little of renewal. We are sure that the growth. We'd ask to include in become more educated, in- what's been done before. It's myself, my time, and maybe Holy Spirit will continue to the commitment and sightful and our minds often easier to continue to do even a little pride. It means guide all of us on the right resolutions you'll make for mature. Growing spiritually things the way they've been I've decided to take a couple path. Happy New Year! 1978, a commitment to —Terry Reilly personal and family enrich- ment. That's no easy SPECIAL LENTEN PILGRIMAGE TO resolution: it means a com- mitment of thought, prayer THE HOLY LAND Have a happy holiday! MIAMI TO MADRID DEPARTING MARCH 5,1978 IF YOU DRINK Round Trip UNDER THE SPIRITUAL DIRECTION OF PLEASE DON'T DRIVE $350 1445 DAYS REV. JOHN J. VEREB Pete Schaefer's 30 DAY ADVANCE Booking ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CHURCH Galen Travel OF HALLANDALE 18721 W. Dixie Hwy. NMB 33180 -gh GABLES Miami 931-0700 Ft. Lau. 781-7874 Follow the paths of the Bible and visit *-*—4n01 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Coral Gables • 445-7711 historical sites such as Nazareth, Cana, the Mt. of Olives, Gethsemane and, of PARISH SERVICE course, Jerusalem, The Eternal City. STATION GUIDE Includes round trip jet air transpor- Alexander S. Kolski, Complete Car Service tation via El Al Israel Airlines, meals, first class hotels, transfers and sight- South Florida's most seeing plus optional stop at Rome or Athens. recognized Catholic ST. JAMES 10 DAYS $1,099 from Miami Funeral Director. JOHN'S FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: Miami Shores Chapel Palmetto-Lakes 456-1666 10936 N.E. 6 Ave. 757-0362 3790 N.W. 167 St. 621-0524 DUTY GULFSTREAM WORLD TRAVEL INC. KISS.KOISKI & COMBS GULF SERVICE 425 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd. Funeral Home* Phone: 681-9133 Hallandale, Florida 33009 John Pastorella, Prop. ESTABLISHED 1896 N.W. 7th Ave. & 125th Street

Formerly of Pittsburgh, Pa. What does it take to be a Little Brother of the Good Retirement Shepherd? We have oper- ated Camillus House, Miami, Florida for the Living... past 15 Years, Feeding, VA/,TJT PINE FURNITURE. INC. IN Hollywood Unusual opportunities Clothing and sheltering. are offered each and • 3 Excellent Meals Daily Thousands of poor men. f every day for anyone • Medications Controlled wishing quality in Furni- • Planned Activities, with WRITE: BROTHER MATHIAS ture, Lamps and Acces- Occupational Therapist P.O. BOX 3» sories for your home or • Maid Service apartment, at a cost that ALBUQUERQUE, is no more and often less y NEW MEXICO 87103 than the commonplace. 2144 Lincoln St., 922-1995 • <+•• 651 So. Federal Highway who has been (6 blocks south of Atlantic Blvd.) LOW, LOW RATES Pompano INSPECTION INVITFD caring for Christ's Phone 943-8465 poor and needy for Sixty Years. 27*- Page 121 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE I Friday, December 30,1977 Cdl. Gibbons students aid needy at Christmas Students .from Cardinal hard. Some have baked bread Gibbons High School, Fort and cookies and others have Lauderdale, collected candy, donated gift certificates. ham, canned goods, bikes, "No way do we expect to games and gift certificates in alleviate poverty," the response to the Religion department chairman con- Department's project, tinued. "What we are trying Christmas Baskets for theto do is to let them have one Needy. nice day so they won't feel Each third period class that they've been left out of which volunteered was toChristmas." concentrate on, one certain family in need. The families helped were not on any assistance program and were not receiving any help from Youth Corner agencies for the Christmas holidays. The Religion Depart- Two young men from St. ment, headed by Mrs. Ann Clare parish, North Palm Moran, made the Beach, have been elevated to Students from St. Joan of Arc, Boca the highest rank in scouting, Raton, Religion Program for Exceptional arrangements for the families. "Eagle Scout." Children set up a manger scene (above) "I asked priests from the Gerard and Michael on the convent grounds while the parish rectories of nearby parishes, Samson received the award youth group joined In the Christmas Father John O'Leary of San which is an honor presented to parade (top right) for the City of Boca Isidro Mission, and some only about one percent of all Raton. people from the faculty, for scouts. the names of people who needed assistance," she said. The Christmas baskets, St. Joan of Arc youth group which included everything from canned hames to has busy Christmas season Christmas trees filled with Daniela Carnevale, a ornaments, were delivered on graduate of Holy Family BOCA RATON- Exceptional Children, the pavilion to see the School and Msgr. Pace High Christmas 1977 was a busy Friday, Dec. 16. Christmas was also special. Christmas story enacted on The goal of the program School and presently a one for the youth of St. Joan Setting up the manger scene student at Barry College, has of Arc parish here. It began on the beach by their teenagers. was to share with others who on the convent grounds was are less fortunate and to keep been named to "Who's Who Dec. 10 with the annual their project and when it was As the birth of Christ was Among American High Christmas parade in the City. read from the Scriptures, and people aware that there are completed, they knelt beside those in the area who are in School Students 1976-77." Over 40 fleets and several it and prayed. Mary and Joseph knelt under high school bands from South a spotlight on the sand, from need. It also gave the students Florida marched along Sunday evening, Dec. 18, out of the dark on the beach the opportunity td give in- was Family Night for St. stead of receive. Palmetto Park Rd., past City Joan's teens. They invited emerged groups of angels, Hall where hundreds of people their families to a beach party shepherds, wise men and "There has really been a crowded the bleachers erected and when the cook-out was drummer boys singing good response," Mrs. Moran for the occasion. over, the families gathered on traditional carols. said. "The kids have worked At the invitation of the City, the youth group built a float and 51 members marched Children's Theatre Series and circus beside it carrying signs which read, "St. Joan of Arc Youth at Merry Go Round Playhouse -Sunrise MERCY Group. We Are the Light of Commercial Blvd., and 95th giant carnival that includes the World." The Merry Go Round hot-air balloon rides, is ap- Playhouse will present the Ave., in Sunrise. The 18 foot red candle, This weekend, until Dec. pearing at the Sunrise Musical COLLEGE symbolizing the group's Children's Theatre Series Theatre. Performances are at starting Jan. 21 with all shows 31, the Emmett Kelly, Jr., theme, could be seen for Circus under canvas, with a 10:30 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3:30 MIAMI CENTER several blocks as it ap- scheduled at 10:30 a.m., on p.m. proached City Hall, but as it Saturdays as follows: FOR drew near the live manger Jan. 21 —Cinderella; Jan. MIAMI 944-7077 BILINGUAL scene at the base of the candle 28-King Mida; Feb. 4- became the focus of attention. Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel SUNDAY! DELIVERY CATALOG EDUCATION and the Bubbling Caldron; 9 A.M. - Ch. r At the last high school "The Church and The • TAPES > BAGS-BOXES Feb. 11 — Sleeping Beauty; World Today." Earn a college degree by attending CCD class prior to Christmas, 8A.M.-CK 5 • WIPES • TAGS-LABELS evening classes beginning January 16 one of the students, Susan Feb. 18—Alice in Won- The TV Mass > CARTONS • POLYETHYLENE Drake, did a mime depicting derland; and Feb. 25 — for Shut - Ins 1978 (Spring Semester) Pinocchio. 10:30 A.M. — Ch. 10 an old man whose life was The TV Mass IROWARD . — for Shut-Ins. DEGREES OFFERED: cheerless, loveless and empty All seats are for general APER 4 1201NE45ST until the Christ Child entered admission at $2. The Playhouse is located at West The Archdiocese of Miami's TV Programs i } English • • Business Administration it. • Accounting For the teenagers at St. • Sociology Joan's Religion Program for Try A Rova University Cycle • Psychology • Behavioral Sciences The B. S. in Education and Certificate Programs • Spanish r MASS at January 14 - March 4. (Registration Dec. 28 - Jan. 10) • Teacher certification in elementary DISNEY WORLD Prepare for or extend Teacher Certification by attending Saturday or evening classes which meet in eight week cycies. education and other areas. HOLY FAMILY Tuition S105 per three-semester undergraduate course! Financial aid available. Next cycle January 14 - March 4. (Registration Dec. 28 - Jan. 10) 5125 S. Apopka-Vineland Rd.(Exitl-4 In Broward: Teh. Elem. Music, Early Child. II, Excep. Child, Sec. Sch. Curric, Child. Lit., Teh. Elem. Sci., Teh. at 528-A. Go west to stop sign, • REGISTER NOW FOR north to church). Sat. 5:00 p.m., Reading. Child in Classroom, Geography. SPRING SEMESTER* Sun. 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. In Dade (Courses are offered in conjunction with the United Teachers of Dade. The program is open to the general Hotel Mass Schedules public with reduced fees for U.T.D. members) Teh. Elem. Sci., Learn. Disabilities, Assessment, Florida History, Phys. MERCY COLLEGE Royal Plaza Hotel, Lake Buena Vista Sci., Child Dev., Teh. P.E., Instr. Materials. MIAMI CENTER FOR (14 at 535) In Palm Beach: Teh. Elem. Math, Ed. Psych., Teh. Reading, Comm. Lab., Phys. Sci., Teh. Social Studies, Teh. P.E. BILINGUAL EDUCATION Sat. 6 p.m. Sun. 8 a.m. FOR INFORMATION call or write the office of Dr. Gilberto Cancela, Dean Sheraton Towers Hotel Dr. Anna Mae Walsh Burke (1-4 at 435N) Sun. 9:15 and 11 A.M. lova 907 S.W. 1st. St. Miami, Florida 33130 COLLEGE AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33314 Telephone: 545-9881 All Masses convenient i DADE 940-6628 m to Disney world BROWARD 587-6660 Office hours 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. Fr. F. Joseph Harte, Pastor PALM BEACH 659-3515 (Monday - Friday) _TeL_ _35.l:1J£i I University Miami, Florida / THE VOICE I Friday, December 30,1977 / Page 13 Abp. Roach open to full-time deacons ST. PAUL, Minn.- "I'm not opposed to the deacons than the archdiocese ordained before the age of 35. "has had relatively few (NC) —Archbishop John R. expansion of the permanent has meaningful ministries "On things like age and the problems and a good deal'of Roach of St. Paul-Minneapolis diaconate program, but I for." administration of sacraments, success because we've been says he is "not opposed" to think it should have its own Archbishop Roach we will continually be very modest in the numbers of the idea of a full-time per- validity," the archbishop said described himself as petitioning Rome to get these people and have a very manent diaconate, but he during a wide-ranging "frustrated" that the Vatican changed," he said.. thorough screening program." doesn't want to see the question-and-answer session has not allowed permanent But he said that in There are 12 permanent program expanded as an with the Priests' Senate. "It is deacons to administer the general the permanent deacons currently working in answer to the priest shortage. a mistake to ordain more Sacrament of the Sick, or to be diaconate program in the St. the archdiocese, which has Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese 520,675 Catholics.

Prayer of the Faithful

SOLEMNITY OF MARY may feel at home and respond to THE MOTHER OF GOD God's call to commit our time, January 1,1978 talent and treasure in building up this community, we pray to the Celebrant: Father, this day Lord. (R) we begin another year. A year LECTOR: For our Arch- that is filled with much promise diocese of Miami as we enter our and hope, filled with many own Holy Year, that we might be challenges and opportunities. We renewed and reconcilled to each pray now, that we can make this other, we pray to the Lord: (R) New Year a God-centered year as LECTOR: For all mankind, we Your Pilgrim People continue that we may learn to make the on our journey. world a global village where LECTOR: The response for peace shall endure, we pray to today will be: Lord, Listen to the Lord: (R) Your people. Celebrant: Father, yester- LECTOR: For all families day is only a dream and that they might be truely small tomorrow only a vision that may Christian communities reflecting never materialize. We pray that Your presence and love, we pray each of us may be aware of living to the Lord: (R) the present moment as if it were LECTOR: For all mothers our last and consecrating our and mothers-to-be that they every action, no matter how The new mayor of Louisville, Ky., tion. The Mass, celebrated by Abp. might turn to our Blessed Mother small, to Your honor and glory. William Stansbury, drinks from the Thomas J. McDonough, second from for guidance and protection, we We praise You and offer these chalice at Communion during a special left, was part of the mayor's Inaugural pray to the Lord: (R) prayers to You, Abba our Father, Mass at the Cathedral of the Assump- ceremonies. LECTOR: For our parish in the name of Jesus, Your Son. communities, that each person Amen. BLACKBURN FUNERAL HOME Becker 718 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, FT. LAUDERDALE KRAEER FUNERAL HOME Fort Lauderdale Pompano Beach Sample Road Deerfield Beach Funeral Home SERVING CATHOLIC FAMILIES IN FORT LAUDERDALE SINCE 1952 565-5591 941-4111 946-2900 427-5544 523-0562 Boca Raton R. Jay Kraeer Margate: JAMES W. BLACKBURN & ROBERT E. STEINKAMP, FUNERAL DIRECTORS 395-1800 972-7340 Funeral Director Ron E. Becker Funeral Director U/nU/v & Wood Phone (305) 428-1444 FUNERAL HOME, INC. NOW THERE ARE 1444 S. Federal Hwy. MIAMI BEACH DEERFIELD BEACH 72nd Street at Abbott Avenue TWO CEMETERIES IN HOLLYWOOD

FOREMOST NAME IN BURIAL VAULTS Call or write foe Free,Booklet, "Facts every family should know" HOLLYWOOD Hollywood MIAMI WILBERT - 4605 E. 11 Ave. Hialeah 33013 - 685-3594 MEMORIAL Memorial GARDENS Gardens North FUNERAL HOMES Cemelery and Mausoleums Cemetery FT. LAUDERDALE 60th AVENUE near TAFT STREET SUITE 402 6600 Taft Street DAN H. FAIRCHILD-L F.D. South Florida ESTABLISHED 1930 J501U . BKOWARD BLVD. i 381-6100 , 983-2202 987-7885

SU#SCX,iPTJOAr. - . '•# 7< SO Fill out and mail to: TliERE's A VOICE P.O. Box381059 Miami, Fla. 33138 Please send me the Voice every Friday — or give it to starting two weeks from today. Official Newspaper, Archdiocese of Miarqi, your pastor/ EVERYONE!

Zip_ Parish. PI BASS CHECK O?C£

Page 141 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 30,1977 AMUSEMENTS/ 'Close Encounters' tone is really

MOVIES-TV-RADIO < Q spQce age <$ong of Bemadette' The most amazing thing Spielberg is brash enough about the newest sci-fi film to challenge himself to Film Ratings: epic, "Close Encounters of the choreograph and stage Third Kind," may not have manage the first official been intended. It's your meeting between Us and National Catholic Office sudden realization, about Them. That's chutzpah. halfway through the 35- Most artists today for Motion Pictures minute climax, that what aren't brave enough to Arnold stick out their imaginations. Annie Hall (B) Monkey Hustle (A-3) you're watching is a At the Earth's Core (A-2) Mean Frank, Crazy Tony (B) technological-scientific ver- Spielberg does, with enough Aaron Loves Angela (B) My Father, My Master (A4) sion of Christmas, or to success to dazzle and delight Airport 77 (A-2) March or Die (A-3) less interesting than what most viewers. The inevitable Aguirre, Wrath of God (A-3) Midway (A-2) catch the sentimental tone began in the Biblical Alex and Gypsy (A-2) My Friends (B) exactly, a space age "Song of comparisons with "2001" are American Friend (A-2) Missouri Break (B) mountains and flowered in revealing. Kubrick's awe of At Long Last Love (A-3) Mohammed, Messenger of God (A-2) Bemadette." Bethlehem. Audrey Rose (A-3) Mother, Jugs, and Speed (B) the probable intelligence of Murder By Death (A-3) The preliminaries are Most of the movie is a extraterrestrials was so great Battle Command (A-3) Man on the Roof (A-3) appropriate: strange lights in Bittersweet Love (A-3) Mr. Billion (A-2) 100-minute preliminary to the that he staged the meeting in Best Friends (B) MacArthur (A-2) the sky, visions and Main Event —perhaps the Breaker, Breaker (A-3) Memory of Justice (A-4) visitations by inconceivably space and used symbols and Bridge Too Far (A-3) longest stage wait in movie metaphors that were Between Lines (B) Nasty Habits (A-4> powerful forces, official scorn New Girl in Town (B) history. Youthful writer- provocative and open-ended. Black Mama (A-3) Network (B) > for the simple believers, Black Pearl (A-2) director Steven ("Jaws") Spielberg is so cocky he sets it Black and White in color (A-3) Next Man (B) smiling awe rather than fright 1900 (C) Spielberg sets it up by ac- down in cowboy country and Brothers (A-3) as men, woman and children cepting and exaggerating the Bobby Deerfield (A-3) One Sings, Other Doesn't (B) describes it with literal Buffalo Bill and the Indians or Sitting Orca (A-3) look to the heavens. Above all, UFO mythology (phase three realism, like the arrival of Bull's History Lesson (A-3) Outlaw Blues (A-3) there is the desperate, Oh, God (A-3) of the occult trend, after Satan Aunt Mary and Uncle Howard Obsession (A-3) decidedly spiritual hunger and reincarnation). The space Checkered Flag or Crash (A-3) Outlaw Josey Wales (B) that causes the hero and from Akron. The problem is Citizens Band (A-3) Other Side of Midnight (C) visitors not only whiz around that it's a closed-off ex- Chicken Chronicles (C) Outrageous (A-4) others to rush vast distances playfully in the night sky, but Christian, the lion (A-l) perience. Cria (A-3) and past impossible obstacles wreak havoc with the elec- Cross of Iron (B) People That Time Forgot (A-2) to "be there" at the In- tricity in Indiana, make The plus is that, like Cousin Angelica (A-3) Piece of the Action (A-3) Pete's Dragon (A-l) carnation. appliances and toys go ber- Kubrick, Spielberg views the Day of Animals (A-3) Providence (b) serk, toss the furniture and universe as benign. Both Death Collector (B) Pumping Iron (A-3) But the feeling of that Deep, The (B) Pardon Mon Affaire (B) final scene is totally religious. crockery about in a high wind earthlings and aliens are nice Dirty Hands (B) Reincarnation of Peter Proud (C) What descends from on high (cf. "The Exorcist") and guys, a drift that is quite clear Dream City (B) Raggedy Ann and Andy (A-l) appear to assault a lonely early on, despite almost Demon (B) Rabid (C) is the perfect "god" for our Distant Thunder (A-2) Rolling Thunder (C) time —an incredibly large, farmhouse through the frantic efforts to scare us with Don't open the window (B) Roseland (A-2) chimney and air ducts (cf. disaster movie hokum. Except Damnation Alley (A-3) Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown (A-l) ! intricate, beautiful Machine, Demon Seed (B) Rescuers (A-l) peopled by other real "The Birds") with the intent for the rattling and flying Domino Principle (A-3) Rollercoaster (A-3) props, this is a film without Ruby (B) creatures who are friendly, of kidnaping a small boy. Equus (C) kind, artistic, intelligent. violence, sex and villains. It'o> Effie Briest (A-3) Sandakan 8 (A-3) While the official UFO so wholesome that it makes Embryo (B) Story of Sin (C) They are all modern man detectives, led by Francois Eagle Has Landed (A-3) Satan's Brew (C) Disney films seem almost Sensual Man (C) would hope to be. Kauffmann Truffaut, who seems intelli- Exorcist II (C) Spirit of Beehive (A-2) is exactly right. "Encounters" cynical in comparison. Fantastic Animation Festival (A-2) Sorcerer (A-3) gent because he usually Final Chapter- Walking Tall (B) Special Day (A-4) is the embodiment of the drift speaks in French, use science If you must know the Fraternity Row (A-3) Sidewinder I (A-3) in faith in our century from a details of Spielberg's com- Farmer (C) Salo (C) to figure out what's hap- First Love (C) Spy Who Loved Me (A-3) personal God to progress, pening and make contact, the forting vision, you'll have to First Nudie Musical (C) Scott Joplin (A-2) technology, wisdom. The new see the film. But it can be For the love of Benjie (A-l) Savage Sisters (C) child's mother (Melinda Silver Streak (A-3) Christmas star is a spaceship. Dillon) and a feisty power noted 'that everything is on Short Eyes (A-4) the audio-visual surface (this Gable and Lombard (B) Sleeper (A-3) Undoubtedly this will company troubleshooter Great Texas Dynamite Chase (C) Small Town in Texas (B) touch a lot of people, but— (Richard Dreyfuss) come to movie must be seen in wide- Greatest (A-3) Smile Orange (B) screen with Dolby sound). Get Charlie Tully (B) Sweet Revenge (A-3) how can I say it—it's similar conclusions on their Greased Lightning (A-2) Smokey and Bandit (A-3) essentially pitiful, and much own. What you see and hear is what Gumball Rally (B) Sentinel (C) you get. Gus (A-l) Summertime (A-3) Gods of the Plague (B) Sunday In Country (B) Spielberg's main talent is Swashbuckler (A-3) Hills Have Eyes (C) Star Wars (A-2) for shock, for flooding the Hell (B) Stroszek (A-3) senses with unnerving detail. House by Lake (C) Suspiria (B) House of Exorcism (C) Squirm (B) Some of his best scenes have Huckleberry Finn (A-l) Survive (A-3) nothing to do with sci-fi: they Heroes (A-3) Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (A-l) Tentacles (A-3) are just vibrantly alive. It's a Homage to Chagall: Colours of Love (A-l) Two Minute Warning (B) young man's gift and , In The Real of the Senses (C) Thieves (A-3) sometimes a vice—e.g., and



SPECIALIZING IN SEWING SEAL COATING 12 coats) ASPHALT PATCHING ABC BOOKKEEPING ALL SIZES REAS. SLACKS TRUCK & DRIVER CORAL GABLES 771 -0030 JACK'S IMPERIAL ASPHALT, INC. SPECIALIST AND TAX SERVICE MADE $5 A PAIR 653-3420 AVAILABLE PLUMBING ACCOUNTING. BOOKKEEPING. AUDITING FOR BATH BOUTIQUE SO-SECRETARIAL SERVICES-DADE RCA-ZENITH- Systems Custom Designed LIGHT HAULING TOTAL PLUMBING SERVICE MOTOROLA J.M. MILLER-in Miami 30 years. 60-ELECTRICAl-BROWARD . GIFTDEPT. 9050 ME 6 Ave., Miami Shores 754-2681 TOM - 758-3773 446-1414 cc No. 0754 443-1596 SECRETARIAL, TYPING, RESUMES.TRANS- Sera's Television, Inc. LATIONS, ENGLISH-SPANISH, NOTARY LET- 2010 N.W. 7 St. 642-7211 TAKE A MINUTE TERS. IMMIGRATION WORK. ETC. HOMESTEAD: FRED HOFFMEIER-ACCOUNTANT WHEN YOU SHOP Phil Palm 245-7346 -TREE SERVKE-DADE Tax/Bookkeeping/Notary 5656787 Eves: CALL MINNETT ELECTRIC. Plumbing 733-1213 Established 1954. Experienced. Honesty, integrity SO-SEPTIC TANKS DEPENDABILITY. REPAIR. REMODEL 772-2141 MENTION REPAIRS & STUMPS REMOVED 60-AIR CONDITIONING ALTERATIONS CONNIE'S SEPTIC TANK CO. 443-2274 60-ELECTRICAL-DADE cc-2476 CALL 891-8576 Pump outs, repairs, 24 hr. service T.J. CONDITIONING THE VOICE cc- 256727 592-3495 AIR CONDITIONING SALE 5,000-6,000 BTU 947-6674 DEPENDABLE ELECTRICAL WORK ADDITIONS, M-PLUMBING-DADE 60-VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS AC, DRYERS, etc. REASONABLE, CALL J.R. 60-MOVING & HAUUNG-DADE SO-SEWING MACHINES & REPAIRS 691-3320. WE REPAIR ALL TYPES OF VACUUM ARIE AIR CONDITIONING We'll move anything you can't move. RIGHT WAY PLUMBING CO. INC SEWING MACHINE SPECIALIST CLEANERS & ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. Work done in your home. Free estimates. Wagner's Hauling. 7156 NW 74 St. 885-8948 FREE SERVICE CALLS PICK UP & DELIVERY Licensed. Insured 93? 5599 932 5783 • LAMPS • SWEEPERS 238-2567 & 253-7836 COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE DAYS EVENINGS. SUNDAYS VACUUM DISCOUNT CENTER 643-4658 60-AUTO PARTS-BROWARO SM. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 759-2187 SO-MOVING AND STORAGE • COMMERICAL • RESIDENTIAL 651-8354 632 SW 22 Ave. 9-5 PM, Sat. till 2PM APPLIANCES SERVICENTER 60-FLOOR INSTALLATION-DADE DEEHL MOVING LARGE OR SMALL JOBS 60-REFRIGERATION SINGER & ALL MAKES AUTO WRECKING YARD. OPEN 7 LIFT-GATE, PIANOS," INBURBT 624-3406 221-3174 DAYS. PARTS FOR ALL CARS. 226-8465 • CLEAN 8385 Bird Rd. 9-5 PM Sat. till 2PM. HUGE OISCOUNIS on Vinyl floors. FREE ESTIMATES 584-8550 ALL BRANDS. Expert installation available. WORK DONE ON YOUR PREMISES • OIL 60-VENETIAN BUND SERVICE 947 1407 Robert Williams Moving M.L.S. REFRIGERATION CO. 754-2583 60-CARPET CLEANING-BROWARD And Storage • ADJUST Large-Small jobs anywhere 60-ROOFING 60-GENERAL MAINTENANCE Call 681-9930 IN YOUR HOME $5.95 New Venetian Blinds, Riviera 1" Blinds, SMELLY CARPETS Reasonable Rates "Don't Fuss- Call Gus" 60-PAINTING 945-3682 GUS CANALES ROOF REPAIRS Custom Shades CAN NOW BE SAVED! Plumbing - Electrical - Carpentry - Painting- Joseph Devlin, Little Flower Parish Membe' SO-SIGNS -NO NEED TO REPLACE! A.C. Units- Sprinkler Systems- Installations- CHARLES THE PAINTER K of C. and BBB of So. Florida OLD BLINDS-REFINISHED NALA BARRY LAB. 621-2021 Types Water Filters- Appliance Repairs- Cabinet Interior- Exterior, residential, commercial 19 yrs. Licence- 0932 Reasonable 6666819 REPAIRED YOUR HOME Work-Tile work. in Miami 758-3916 - 757-0736 EDVITO SIGNS STEADCRAFT CALL SEVEN DAYS NEW! 1151 N.W. 117th St. 688-2757 cc-01654 893-4863 60-ROOF CLEANING & COATING TRUCK WALLS GOLD LEAF CLIP & SAVE Pool Service and Repairs. Roof repairs and paint. 90 N.W. 54th St. 758-7025 All Work Guarantee. Free Estimates PAINTING, INTERIOR, EXTERIOR NEAT. CLEAN cc-G-04562 60-WALLPAPER PAINT1NG-DADE REASONABLE CHERRY ROOFS ACKERMAN &BOTHWELL INC. Call Now and Save. 325-9681 (Span.) 633-3864 lEng.) Dade 621 -4054 CLEANED AND PAINTED S0-SUPCOVERS Broward 431-2880 WHITE OR COLOR WALLPAPER HANGER & PAINTER EXPERT. CARPET CLEANING PRESSURE CLEANING OF MANY YEARS IN BUSINESS. PET STAINS & COLOR SPECIALISTS DIRTY 80-LAWN MOWER SERVICE PATIO AND WALLS CUSTOM MADE CALL RUSS 3774544 & SMELLY CARPETS OUR SPECIALTY JOE ZAM PAINTING VINYL PAINT USED Mon. to Fri. 9:00-4 PM. DEODORIZE & CLEAN MIAMI LAWN MOWER CO. Interior, exterior, roof cleaning and coating. GRAVEL ROOFS COATED SLIPCOVERS REASONABLE PRICES 24 Hr. SERVICE Authorized Service and parts. Fertilizers, Sharp- Dade:*81-792? Maje with your material or ours EARL DECOR 836-6305 ening, Welding, TWO STORES TO SERVE Broward 434-0015 cc-0623 CALL JACK 861-1482 ANYTIME YOU. 27 S.W. 27 Ave. Cajl 642-6515 60-PAINTING-DADE cc#61094-9 SERVICE 60-CARPET CLEANING-Dade 20256 Old Cutler Road. Call 235 4323 60-ROOFS-Clean and Coat INT. & EXT. PAINTING WALL COVERING 60-UGHTING EQUIP. IGNACIO CASTANEDA -NICKY CONTRACTOR ~ Please tell PAINTER cc 10176 HOUSE, APT. BLOGS CEIL- 893-5805 B & D CARPET CLEANING. Prof. Shampoo & INGS, DOORS, KITCHENS & BATHS. 2350295 MITCHELL'S Steam Furn. Cleaning. REASONABLE PRICES TRY SAMMY & WILLOW advertisers you saw 80-WINDOWS 666 5916 266 5749 60- PLASTERING WHITE ROOFS MOVING CO. 696-4531 PATIO SCREENINGCustom Screen Doors Glass Clean $35 Paint $95 60-CARPET INSTALLATION-DADE YOU DONT HAVE TO BE RICH JOE ZAM PLASTER it in The Voice Sliding Door- Fast Service- Fair Prices ALL- Walls, awnings, pools, patios WINDOW CO C6(i 3339 TO CALL US LIFT GATE TRUCK Patching, plaster, stucco, water proofing, CC1425 FREE ESTIMATE-INSURED 6882388 MEMBER BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU caulking 865-5869. 60 TAX CONSULTANTS DADE 7813 Bird Road. CC1410 MIKE BUTLER'S FLOORS 60-ROOF REPAIRS-DADE OF DISTINCTION Spotlights-Lamps-Accesories 80-PAVING-BROWARD S0-WINDOW AND WALL WASHING Sales- Rentals- Service F&G SERVICES EXPERT CARPET INSTALLATION STAGE EQUIPMENT ROOF LEAK SPECIALIST PERSONAL & BUSINESS RETURNS WINDOWS WASHED, screen awnings & SALES. COMMERCIAL RESI- AND LIGHTING, INC. BEN &AL'S PAVING CO. Licensed and insured DOLEMBA ROOFING 3311 NW 2 AVE. cleaned. Wall washing. Al Dee IMember St DENTIAL LIC. & INSURED 253-6550 12233 NE. 13 Ct. Miami 33161 Mary's) 757-3875 or 757-1521 305391-2010 981-1411 Licensed and Ins. Cert. No. 0966 8876716 573-0211

Page 161 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE I Friday, December 30,1977 CWSSFEDyOS


5-PERSONALS MAIL AN AD 13-HELP WANTED-DADE 38-APTS. FOR SALE-BROWARD 51-LOTS FOR SALE LITURGICAL MUSICIAN: Wanted for active NAME Lumen de Lumine Miami, FL parish. Good music program exists; IMMEDIATE CASH FOR E. SEABRING-LORDIA AREA Join The Third Order of St. Francis vocal ability, conducting experience and basic 21.4 Acres. WILL SUBDIVIDE 8 AM-5PM ADDRESS for true peace. keyboard necessary; guitar skills desirable. 813-385- 7853, Eves. 813-385-6004 Write Box 1046 Ft. Laud. 33302 . YOUR HOMES & APTS. 491-797a CITY _STATE_ jnp Knowledge of liturgy important. Full time. WRITE: BOX 237 THE VOICE, 6201 Biscayne 51-LOTS ft ACREAGE-DADE PHONE S-PERSONALS-BROWARD Blvd. Miami 33138. 1970 PRICES HALLANDALE 1 1/4 ACRES-HOMESTEAD 3 LINE MINIMUM. 1 LINE = 6 WORDS 14-GIFTS & CARDS-BROWARD WOODED BUILDING SITE". SURVEYED AND PARKSIDE TOWERS PARTIALLY CLEARED 58,000. Enclose Check or Money Order LITURGICAL ORGANIST available for PARISH THE BIBLE DEPOT N 220 SW 9 AVE. EARL L. SMITH, REALTOR Run ad. _TIMES. MUSIC BOOKS CARDS, SUPPLIES 1 BR. 1 BATH from: $23,000. 245-4021 EVES: 248-7772 also 2908 H. State Rd. 7 MARGATE 1 BR 1 % BATHS from $24,000. START AD. POPULAR RENDERINGS 971-8888 2 BR. 2 BATHS from $29,000. S2-HOMES FOR SALE-BROWARC ON PIANO OR ORGAN HEATED POOL, SAUNAS CLASSIFICATION 17-APPAREL-DADE PLEASE PRINT FOR WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS & REC. ROOM SHOPPER'S PARADISE! ANNIVERSARIES, PARTIES etc HOMEMADE QUILTS, AFGHANS, SHAWLS, "NO LAND OR REC. LEASES" MINUTES-BEACH STOLES.PANCHOS. CHOICE OF COLORS. 522-0553 FRANKLIN REALTY PEACE & QUIET 1320SW15St 858-3555 454-2035 CENTRALLY LOCATED: SHOPPING, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, BUSES. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, . 5-PERSONAL-DADE 21-MISC. FOR SALE-DADE compact, GE Dishwasher, drier. Freshly painted Int. & Ext., new w/w carpeting. Assume 1st. mtge. $ 5,000 dn. Owner will hold 2nd mtge STOP SMOKING!! ~ Baby crib & playpen. Excellent condition WHEN YOU SHOP $55 both. Call anytime 522-0553 OVER THE TELEPHONE. 253-3377. Call for information 681-8717 52-HOMES FOR SALE-DADE MAIL YOUR AD £r REMITTANCE TO: CARPET INSTALLER has 14 rolls of carpet MENTION 7-SCHOOLS AND INSTRUCTION and vinyl-must sell! Also many remnants of VOICE CLASSIFIED. P.O.BOX 381059 vinyl and carpet. 94&O751. POOL FHA/VA THE VOICE 4 BR 2 BATH PLUS DEN. CENTRAL AIR Miami, Florida 33138 AAA TUTORING all school subjects. Test prep. APPLIANCES, CARPET. FENCED, GARAGE' SAT. MCAT-GRE-SAT. CG 661-1523 NMB WILL BUY & PICK ANXIOUS. $50's 945-3347 Brow. 792-4383 MANGOS & AVOCADOS. ANGELA DALEY, REALTOR 885-3766 40-APTS FOR RENT-DADE 1-LEGAL NOTICE 715NE125-S1. '• 891 6?12 VOICE 7-SCHOOLS & INSTRUCTION-DADE 26-TOOL RENTALS ' RECIEN DECORADO PAIN! II r ix 11 IF TUTORING-Certified teacher. English remedial BEST PRICE reading, phonics and French by native. Students Apto. 1 dorm. $150 mensual CLASSIFIED YOU OVER 100 RENTAL TOOLS Call CHUCK 279-9122 & adults. 681 -9884 -N.Miami SMITTY'S Hardware and Paint Co. Zona Buena- 321 SW 7 St. y RATES ami HAVE BEEN DENIED 12320 N W 7 Ave. MIAMI 681-4481 326 SW 6 St. Sra. Fernandez GERENTE RESIDENTE TAMBIEN HANDYMAN- 1/2 ACRE. $31 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 11-CAMP Aire Acondicionado-Eficiente y con Parqueo 6004 SW 62 Ave. OWNER 666-0362 INFORMATION BENEFITS & WISH TO APPEAL. 28-PETS-DADE EASYTERMS!!! 3 LINE MINIMUM CHARGE FORMER SOC. SEC. JUDGES are available to HELP YOU. Free consultation wihout obligation. CHILDREN'S CAMP HORSE STALLS WITH PADDOCKS. RESPONSIBLE TENANTS- NE SEC. COUNT 6 WORDS PER LINE 576-5200 IN IRELAND WE CLEAN, FEED & PASTURE LARGE EFFICIENCY. YEARLY SPECIALIZING IN HOMES IN VACANCIES OPEN TO SEND YOUNGSTERS REASONABLE 5570610 ADULTS ONLY. NO PETS. 754-2681 HOLY FAMILY & ST. JAMES AREAS lTine Per line 80c AGES 9-14 TO SUMMER CAMP, JUNE, JULY Call MARGE MAXWELL, REALTOR 3-CEMETERY LOTS-OADE OR AUG. 1978 TO.- 3 times Per Line 70c 227 N.E 2 St. Near Gesu, furn. Effc/s for further information. 681-0*.££ - MATT MURPHY'S OUTDOOR PURSUIT CENTRE, Bedroom apts. Utilities Adults. Johnson Apt! WOODLAWM PARK CATHOLIC SECTION SHERKIN IS.. CO. CORK. IRELAND. 4 WKS. Hotel 374-9826. 13-Consecutive $999. incl. transp. WRITE: PATTI CARROLL, Please tell Per Line 60c Double lawn'Crypt. BRONZE MARKER.'VASE Home for sale by owner. 3 bedrm., 2 :51 Times Perpetual care. 2511600 PO BOX 23595, Ft. Laud., FLORIDA 33307. 40-RET HOME ROOM & BOARD bath. Wall to wall carpenting, air-cond 52 Consecutive advertisers you saw central heat. 621-6726 13-HELP WANTED limes Per Line 45c 5-PERSONALS it in The Voice RETIREMENT HOME VISITATION PARISH SAME RATE as 2 EXPERIENCED-Responsiole lady OPENINGS FOR AMBULATORY LADIES AND BEING TRANSFERREDMUST SOI AT ONCE! lines ordinary type GENTLEMEN. ROOM, 3 MEALS, PERS. 4 BR,2 BATH, LR, OR, REC RM. MODERN WILL CARE FOR YOUR CHILDREN NURSES RN AND LPN LAUNDRY- KITCHEN. PRICED MID $4ffs. CLOSE TO CHURCH 27-AUTOS FOR SALE-DADE AND HOME IN YOUR ABSENCE. REASONABLE SCHOOL SHOPPING. 19701 NW 2 Place, Miami. HPT SAME RATE Want to get back into nursing? Tired of 652-7619. 776-0374 the hospital hassle? Want to get into a 923-1726-989-6671 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CAPS challenging phase of nursing. Try geriatrics. MIAMI GMC TRUCK CENTER NEW KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Marian Council We will orient and train part-time 7-3 42-ROOMS FOR RENT-DADE 52-HOMES FOR SALE PALM BEACH CALL 754-2651 MIAMI 3757 Hall for rent for Weddings and Banquets. 3-11 and 11-7. Must have a Florida license & used TRUCKS, PICK-UPS, VANS 525-5157 BROWARD We also do catering. or be in the process of applying for it. DUMPS, TRACTORS. SERVICE PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY 13300 Memorial Hwy N Miami 893-2271 BOYNTON BEACH- New home 3/2 One block DEADLINE MONDAY 12:00 NOON RN $40 per day ALL MAKES LARGE PARTS STOCK. MIAMI BEACH HOTEL ROOM. NICE AREA to ST. MARK'S CHURCH, SCHOOL SHOPPING. FOR FRIDAY EDITION 3 Min to AIRPORT 635-0331 PRIVATE ENTRANCE. $100. Mo. Also one and two bedroom Apts from The Voice' will not be responsible for more KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Miami Council LPN $32 per day CALL BEFORE 10 A.M. 6736784 $19,500.00 than one incorrect insertion. In the event o 1726 Hall for rent for weddings and banquets any error in an advertisement on the part o 5644 N W 7th Street 266-1041 For further info. P.B. TRAYLOR REAL ESTATE the publisher, it will lurnish the advertiser a SAVE OVER $2,000 49-HOMES FOR RENT-BROWARD Call Mrs. Paul R.N. 612 N. Federal Boynton 732-9471 letter so worded as to explain the said erro ROSARY parts and expert repairing Mrs. 78 CADILLACS. DELIVERY MILES. COUPES and the publisher shall be otherwise Francis Winkel 41 St Clair St Port Sanilac & SEDAN DeVILLES ALSO BIG SAVINGS, N. POMPANO BEACH: 3 BR., UNFURN. CEN- relieved from responsibility thereof. Mich 48469. 887-1565 77 CADILLACS , TRALLY LOCATED TO: CHURCHES, SHOPPING 55-OUT OF STATE- N. CAROLINA No Political Advertising accepted. MOTORCAR INVESTMENTS & BEACH. YEARLY. RESPONSIBLE ADULTS Fair Havens ONLY. NO PETS. REFERENCES. 522-0553 ORDER NOW Center SHOWROOM OPEN 10-6 PM NORTH CAROLINA 633-6900 ORGANIC TURKEYS 201 Curtis Parkway Miami Springs 50 -REAL ESTATE YOUR CONNECTION FOR DON'T SING THE FOR THE HOLIDAYS 28-MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE-DADE GOOD BUYS 'N MOUNTAIN VITAMINS, MINERALS, BOOKS, HOMES, FARMS, ACREAGE, BLUES... BREAD, NUTS, OILS, HONEY, SPANISH 12 x 44 2 BR, 1 V4 baths, 10 x 32 Cabana! PHILIP D. LEWIS, INC. LOTS, CHALETS AND ENERGY Awnings. Fully furnished. EFFICIENT NEW HOMES. READ THE SEEDS & HERB TEAS. Advertising Representative Exclusive Ajk for John Eskitch 754-6295 Commercial Properties MURRAY'S territory commission, all fringe bene- WRITE OR CALL FOR EXCITING NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTY LIST! PARSONS REALTY. India, su vida pasada en el partido Dem6crata Cristiano de mas indicada para vivir en un "Yo habia leido los escritos mundo y la mia. Me di cuenta de su pais y particip6 en una cons- paraiso, no pienso intentar de Tom£g Merton y hasta que me estaba mostrando el piraci6n para raptar al General reconstruir Solentiname. Antes traducido alguno de sus libros, fuerte lazo entre la vida con- Anastasio Somoza. Posterior- de ello debemos construir una por ello le escribi pidiendo templativa y la vida real del mente el padre Cardenal decidib democracia en Nicaragua," admisi6n en la trapa. Cuando mundo fuera," comento el padre llevar a la practica el sueflo de anadi6. Miami, Florida/ THE VOICE I Friday, December 30,1977 / Page 19 Ano Nuevo y... Aiio Santo Arquidiocesano Este domingo primero de el Sefior," y recuerda que "Este sentido comunitario y nuestra Espiritu,"dice Mons. McCarthy. pronto se nombrara a un llamada a ser pueblo de Dios, a sacerdote para coordinar las enero da comienzo el Ano Santo ano celebraremos nuestro propio El arzobispo inform6 que Arquidiocesano anunciado en Ano Santo, al observar el 20 traves de Cristo y del actividades del Afto Santo, asi meses anteriores por el aniversario de la Arquidi6cesis". como un comite formado por Arzobispo Edward A. McCarthy. "Ojal& sea un aiio de representantes de las diversas renovada dedicacidn a nuestras culturas y areas de la En su mensaje para ano nuevo el Arquiditfcesis. arzobispo envfa a todos metas comunes de crecimiento en fe, oraci6n y amor, en nuestro Segun qued6 anunciado en "calurosos saludos y estimulo en meses anteriores el Aiio Santo incluira varias etapas de "reflexi6n, disce*rnimiento y celebraci6n,"comenzando en la Cuaresma. La primera etapa VIERNES invitara a todos los fieles a S£a 30 OE reflexionar por grupos, familias, parroquias... sobre los temas DICIEMBRE de:vida de fe, de oraci6n, amor cristiano, sentido comunitario y VOZ DE 1977 VjPERlODICO CATOI.ICO ARCHIDIOCESIS DK MIAMI ^ sentido de misidn. La segunda etapa, en Pascua sera tiempo de discernimiento sobre la reflexi6n anterior, y formulaci6n de metas pastorales para los pr6ximos cinco afios. Todo culminara en una gran celebracibn en Pen- 10,000 Biblias tecostes, quizas con una demostraci6n masiva en el Orange Bowl, y compromiso Uegaron a Cuba colectivo a Uevar a cabo las SANTIAGO DE CHILE— impresibn de los libros. La metas y los compromises (NC)—Fuentes eclesiasticas en escasez de papel en Chile y el tornados. Santiago han confirm ado que un empeoramiento de las relaciones cargo de 10,000 Biblias y Nuevos con Cuba en 1973 con el golpe de Testamentos Uegaron a Cuba y estado por la Junta Militar, junto fueron distribuidas entre con la falta de transporte, cat61icos, despugs de varios retrasaron el envio del regalo. retrasos. Imprentas espaftolas ayudaron Las mencionadas fuentes finalmente en la produccidn de Sergio Ortiz abraza a su hija Lydla informativas comentaron in- las copias. de 7 afios, despu6s de la ceremonla formes de que durante una Un profesor de un seminario de su ordenacion al dlaconado reciente reuni6n con lfderes en Chile, el Padre Pablo Richard, permanente, junto con clnco com- p-eJestantes en Kingston, afirmb a su regreso de una visita pafieros, los primeros hispanos en Jamaica, Fidel Castro habia a Castro que el dirigente habia reclbir las ordenes en Brooklyn. pedido "el mayor numero posible pedido las Biblias. de biblias para distribuir en las En 1969, la Sociedad Bfblica iglesias en Cuba." Protestante, envi6 un cargo de Mensaje de Pablo VI, dia mundial de la paz Estos y otros comentarios Biblias a Cuba, desde el Canada. sobre cristianismo y socialismo Este inclufa una Biblia por cada fueron interpretados por 10 miembros de la Iglesia. ministros protestantes de U.S.A. Anteriormente, los obispos "Quien decide por la paz, que recientemente visitaron la chilenos habfan investigado la isla como una nueva apertura a posibilidad de envios, pero la religion, y a pesar de las abandonaron el proyecto al decide por la vida" restricciones de la nueva cons- averiguar que s61o se admitirlan tituci6n comunista. 200 copias. El cargo de las 10,000 CIUDAD DEL VATICANO— el mandamiento "no mataras...." Biblias comenz6 a llegar a Cuba (NC)—El Papa Paulo VI, que "Con nuestra confianza en el Cuando Castro visito Chile, al hace dos aflos. patrocina el Dia Mundial de la de la paz, no una paz fundada en comienzo del gobierno de el poder de las armas ni en la ministerio de la medicina Paz el 1 de enero con el tema "No depositamos tambien nuestra Salvador Allende, representantes Durante su reunidn en el mes a la violencia, si a la paz", ex- violencia institucional de algunos eclesiasticos de Chile obtuvieron de octubre con dirigentes regimenes politicos, sino en la confianza en el ministerio de la plica en su mensaje la absoluta paternidad, en la maternidad permiso del mismo Castro para eclesiasticos, en Kingston, Castro necesidad de la paz, lo absurdo de justicia y la libertad. Esperamos enviar 5,000 copias del Nuevo respondid a preguntas sobre que las ensefianzps de PIo XII y sobre todo, que extiende la guerra, la bajeza de la amorosamente su manto Testamento y 5,000 copias de toda control estatal de la educaci6n, violencia, y el derecho a la vida de Juan XXIII continuen ins- la Biblia para distribuci6n entre afirmando que aunque el estado pirando la sabidurfa de los protector sobre la vida naciente. del niflo por nacer. Siguen ex- Por lo mismo reprobamos todo catolicos cubanos. Sus obispos se opone a la educaci6n religiosa tractos del mensaje: hombres de estado". habian reportado escasez de en la escuela, las iglesias pueden "Concomitante con la intento contra la vida humana y materiales religiosos. enseflar a nifios y j6venes sus "La paz no es un sueflo guerra, es el fen6meno de la hacemos un llamado a quienes idealista. Debe ser y es una tienen competencia, para que se El Cardenal Raul Silva de doctrinas para que estos "tengan violencia premeditada o im- la opci6n de aceptar o rechazar realidad dinamica como el pan pulsiva, que golpea con calculada esfuercen en prohibir el aborto Santiago Ievant6 10,000 d61ares que nos da vida.... Es el equilibrio provocado. El vientre de la entre amistades y obtuvo una una religi6n determinada, y lo sorpresa a la ciudadania.... Esta hagan basados en persuasi6n y no en movimiento que infunde violencia criminal se deriva de la madre es tambign cuna de la paz, contribucibn de 5,000 ddlares del energia al espiritu y la acci6n del porque quien se decide por la paz Vaticano como ayuda para la imposicidn." decadencia de la conciencia hombre: es valor inteligente". moral, abandonada a si misma, y se opone a la violencia, se "El anhelo de la paz gana penetrada de pesimismo que decide por la vida". fuerza en la conciencia de la mata la honestidad y el amor "Una palabra a los nifios, Arz. Sanchez a presidir humanidad, anhelo atado a la noble y leal al pr6jimo. sector vulnerable a la violencia, idea de progreso, a la vez signo "No podemos cerrar los ojos tambi&i promesa de un mafiana de unidades de la raza humana, mejor.... Comite Asuntos Hispanos como lo demuestra la con- a la triste realidad de la guerra ferencia en 1975 de Helsinki y la localizada que todavfa ruge en "La nifiez debe aprender que WASHINGTON—(NC)—El varias regiones del globo. En es vanidad nociva creer que Arzobispo Roberto Sanchez de pr6xima asamblea de las Naciones Unidas sobre el muchas otras partes existe la rifiendo, peleando y dando rienda Santa Fe, ha sido nombrado posibilidad de conflictos ar- suelta a la ira significa ser mas 'chairman' del Comite Ad Hoc desarme, ademas de muchos esfuerzos, grandiosos unos, mados, porque no se han logrado fuerte que los demas. La for- para Asuntos Hispanos, an- soluciones justas a problemas de taleza viene del alma, de una teribrmente conocido como humildes otros, en favor de la paz". geograffa o de polftica". conducta noble y Comite para los Hispanos. "La causa de la paz se refleja autodisciplinada, que perdona a "Alentamos la esperanza de quienes nos ofenden.... De modo que pueda evitarse el en la causa de la vida humana El Arzobispo Sanchez tiene 43 misma. La paz debe alzarse no que cuando los nifios lleguen a desesperado recurso a las armas, adultos, cambien la manera de aflos y fue el primer hispano de la que hoy como nunca son sdlo en los campos de batalla sino nacitin elevado al rango de ar- en todo campo donde transcurre pensar y actuar del mundo. 4N0 criminales y destructivas fuera somos todos hermanos, miem- zobispo; tambien es el primer de toda razon. La conciencia del la existencia humana... Honor y hispano al frente de dicho comite. gratitud a quienes hacen de la bros de la gran familia humana? mundo se horroriza de pensar 4N0 estan todos los pueblos que la paz mundial no sea sino ciencia y elarte de la medicina su Sucede al Obispo James profesi6n, como guardianes de la obligados a unirse y establecer la una tregua entre conflagraciones paz? Queridos nifios, os ben- Rausch de Phoenix, que desde incontrolables". vida.... Esa vida humana que es agosto preside el comite para sagrada desde el momento de su decimos, repitiendo la consigna: asuntos de agricultura. "Queremos expresar con No a la violencia, si a la paz". Arz. Sanchez todo vigor lo absurdo de la guerra gestaci6n, tambien protegida por Page 201 Miami, Florida I THE VOICE I Friday, December 30,1977