Budget Committee Cuts Groups' Funding by Maria J
Heavy metal Cycling preachers in motion Christian band rebels against satanism Helpful hints for motorcycle and bicycle safety H ENTERTAINER PAGE 4 & 5 FEATURE PAGE 4 815 86, No. 32 The San Jose State University Volume Serving Corn munity Since 1934 Thursday, March 13, 1986 Budget committee cuts groups' funding By Maria J. Gunter approximately $.184,1100. said Scott Davies, accept payments for Pacific Bell or other total amount requested, more than three take advantage ot that money,- trarg said. Daily staff writer budget committee chairman. local utilities, Smalls said. At present, the times its 1985-86 allocation of $4,375, the sheer He said some of the groups didn't use the After three hours reviewing budget re- The A.S. Business Office was the only business office accepts payments for PG&E. size of the increase would make it highly money last year and the funds were then quests Tuesday, the Associated Students group the budget committee recommended to The Women's Resource Center/ Womyn's probable that funds would he used in a less given to another ICS(' member group. Budget Committee cut a net total of $8,551 receive more than the amount asked in its Week budget request received the largest than efficient manner. The A.S. should have more control of its from amounts requested by four campus or- funding request. The business office's re- cut, down $7,917 from the requested $13,791. The Intercultural Steering Committee's allocations to the ICSC. Rose said. ganizations. quest was increased from $196,269 to $205,146 The budget committee recommended that funding request was reduced by $6,685 to The member groups should apply di- "The committee cut amounts of to allow for a 5 percent cost of living increase the group receive $5,874.
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