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The ORU Witness Oral Roberts University Collection Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase The ORU Witness Oral Roberts University Collection 4-1964 The ORU Witness Oral Roberts University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Oral Roberts University, "The ORU Witness" (1964). The ORU Witness. 2. This Periodical is brought to you for free and open access by the Oral Roberts University Collection at Digital Showcase. It has been accepted for inclusion in The ORU Witness by an authorized administrator of Digital Showcase. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - - - A'•• -- • :- Ir ~---=---- _ the instrument seemed to hit a fun­ JF)fil(Q) ny bone. The boy laughed in spurts. JFJIJLJ]] "What's the matter . some­ OF THE NEW WITNESS thing tickle you?" the doctor smiled as he asked the question. "You know, I sat in a doctor's office in Tampa, Jimmy, when you get the baptism Florida last week-not as a patient, with the Holy Spirit, you'll have but as an observer. On the wall be­ a tickle in your soul." The father hind his desk were the impressive nodded and beamed, apparently in credentials of his profession. harmony with the statement. His manner was calm and as­ There is nothing forced or un­ sured, his actions deliberate but un­ natural about this living witness. It hurried. The young and old came comes with quiet power and a deep to him and there was always that motivation from within. This dedi­ warm rapport between the sufferer cated layman preaches and witnesses and the good doctor. This is the all across the country. He leads the way it should be. lost to the Lord and has led many And then I saw something differ­ of his patients into the baptism with ent. The doctor had administered the Holy Ghost. medicine and now he was laying He had been raised a Presbyte­ hands on the patient, an elderly rian, married into the Episcopalian man, and was praying audibly for faith-but until he was born again, his healing. cleansed, and baptized with the "J. B.," the surgeon addressed Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues as him, "God is doing something for the Spirit gave the utterance, he you." Then turning to me the doc was just another professional with said: "You should have seen this his certificates pinned on the wall. man when he first came here. He The infilling of God's Holy Spirit had a hernia the size of a basketball. gave him a new reason for being a After prayer we took him to surgery, doctor-to bring healing to the total and after three days he left the hos­ man-soul, mind and body. pital completely cured. This is an I have a Lutheran friend in Tulsa, example of what Christ can do in an a science professor. You can talk to elderly man with a severe surgical him about any subject and in a mat­ problem." ter of seconds his conversation will The phone rang. Doc picked up turn to Jesus. His life is ordered the phone and I heard him say, by the Holy Spirit. Wherever he "Praise the Lord, that's wonderful. goes he changes the atmosphere and Keep trusting in Jesus. And don't people am irresfatib1y drawn to th forget the hot soak bath for that Jesus in his life. Wherever he is foot before you go to bed. You're that is his place of witness. welcome. God bless you." He is quiet-mannered, soft-spo­ Now a young father ushered his ken, a logical thinker with training boy into the room. "Jimmy's been that will qualify him for the finest having pains in his chest, Doc. Can of educational posts. you take a look at him?" This can be said about many pro­ The young lad stripped to his fessors or scientists. But what makes waist; and now the dedicated doctor him different is that his training and was probing his chest cavity with his intellect became subject to the the stethoscope. At certain points Holy Spirit ever since that day when he received the experience of developer in Canada, and a breeder the Upper Room. of prize chickens in Oregon. These Although he knows the biology are men who have known this Pen­ of reproduction, his life is geared to tecostal power almost all their lives. one purpose-to reproduce Jesus in They have held on to this precious other lives. reality through the years. And now, A few months ago, I interviewed probably more than anyone else, a young girl from Orange, Califor­ they are rejoicing in this new sweep nia, who has been brought up in a of the Holy Spirit across denomina- Christian home. She is an attractive, tional lines. · healthy, fun-loving teenager. There have been mighty witnesses When the Holy Spirit became called forth in every generation­ manifest in her life through the ex­ but nothing like this new witness perience of the baptism with the God is raising up in this generation. Holy Spirit, she became a new per­ He is the new man who is being led son, her life completely yielded to and motivated by the Holy Spirit to the Spirit of God. do a job for God. Whereas she was timid, and a fol­ The Oral Roberts University is lower, she became a leader through being built just for him. It is to the power of God working in her be a meeting place, a developing life. Young lives are drawn to her center, a proving grounds for the Lord and as a result, many who new man God is preparing. touch her life, find the same Jesus The fact that the university is be­ as their Saviour and Baptizer. ing built is a miracle, but what is Recently, I heard a Baptist so excitingly significant is that it is preacher from Atlantic Highlands, being ushered into time when God New Jersey, tell how God trans­ is moving by His Spirit in a way formed his congregation. He has a never before realized. doctorate from Princeton Univer­ All across the land there is a cry sity. He had enjoyed a comfortable from the wellsprings of the human pastorate. And then one day he was spirit for all God has and to be all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke God wants His children to be. in tongues, just as they did in the This is the dawn of a new age, Book of Acts. Since then he is dif­ a moment in history that is becom­ ferent and his congregation is differ­ ing alive with the Spirit of God. ent-because thev have become ir­ This is the last act in the drama resistibly drawn , to the same Jesus of creation, the fulfillment of Joel's who baptized their pastor. His prophecy. It is the greatest adven­ study is a hub of spiritual activity ture man can ever know-and you -people come to him all hours of and I are witnesses to it and of it. the day for his prayers, his counsel, W. C. Armstrong, Assoc. Editor the laying on of his hands. THE ORU WITNESS His congregation is congregating around Jesus now, because they 0 0 0 have found there is life in Him. The ORU WITNESS is your wit­ I have met Pentecostal business­ ness to this new man, this new age, men all over America. I am re­ and this new university. It is to be minded right now of a farm-equip­ published every other month and ment manufacturer in Kansas, a will be given free upon request. dairyman in California, a real-estate (See coupon on page 9.) 1 "We are breaking ground this month for the new buildings ... faculty recruitment is in full swing . .. everything is geared for the fall of 1965 when ORU opens its doors. We are moving with God." We are releasing A NEW FORCE by ORAL ROBERTS, President N A LITTLE less than a year and the permanent home of the School I a half from now, high school grad­ of Evangelism, and the Graduate uates from many parts of the world School of Theology. The School of will be heading toward the new cam­ Evangelism, already in operation, pus of Oral Roberts University, 7777 has been host to more than 2,000 South Lewis, here in Tulsa, Okla­ ministers, laymen and youth from homa. They will find an experienced across America and 56 foreign faculty ready to receive them, each countries. The Graduate School of one Spirit-filled and holding either Theology will open simultaneously a doctor.ate or a master's degree. with the four-year Liberal Arts Col­ Also ready will be buildings spar­ lege of. ORU in September 1965. kling with beauty for academic i.n­ This will be the first graduate school struction and college living. of ORU and will be open to min­ Right now the campus is marked isters holding an undergraduate de­ by three large buildings which are gree or its equivalent and will offer 2 the Bachelor of Divinity degree. in the arts and sciences and in the The timetable for the first class Abundant Life concept ... in a place to enter the liberal arts division of where Christ is the center of all we ORV is September 1965. "Academic are and all we do. excellence in an atmosphere of the Holy Spirit" is the slogan of the new Faculty Recruitment campus which is already being Recruitment of the faculty mem­ hailed as one of "the brightest stars bers is in full swing.
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