»c«cacaeæic*cæ*c»c«Lae9c«3Cicsc^c«c«cac*L4caca( : last week where they will visit fur ****'******'***'*'*■****» ****** Bicycle Riders’ Safety Code. ««fc*****»********^^ a few days before school starts. How many parents realize the Mr. and Mrs. Durham and fam­ danger their children are in when ily of Volcour were business callers they are innocently peddling down T in Libby Sunday evening. the roads on their bicycles? In the FORTINE Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirkpatrick 25 YEARS AGO Church News ^C*C*C»C

Spanish Galleons in War ‘ w1 Telephone 106-J Spanish galleons of the Fifteenth- 10 , Seventeenth centuries served both 1 1^'’ DR. H. A. KING as war and merchant ships. 4 Chiropractor Odd Fellow’s Bldg. ; . Libby Montana SkCùOrtdVL . tel f 1L V ...... A DR. J. W. CHURCH r*rC OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN By DR. JOHN W. HOLLAND Mineral Ave. Phone 87 Abraham Lincoln made stair Your electric refrigerator does more LIBBY, MONTANA steps out of his stumbling than keep things cold. It does cold Your Electric Refrigerator blocks. I cooking, too. In it you can make de­ In the game between govern­ licious frozen and jellied salads, and L It fully automatic, and naadt na ments, money is the high wonderful home made ice cream end attention. Jut) plug it in. MARSHALL MURRAY trump card. water ices. You can regulate it for lie who wrongs Mother Nature Y quick freezing or slow, so that it will J Maintain! a l«mpafatur* of 50* Attorney at Law Will find that she is an irate fit in with your meafgetting sched­ or balow in tha itoraga compart­ Practice in All Courts mother-in-law. ule nicely. Cold cookery is very in­ ment!. Office: HOTEL LIBBY BLDG. You are exceedingly fortunate If expensive, too. The refrigerator does Phone 180 Libby, Mont. you can meet misfortune with it at the same time that it keeps al| 3 _ Matai dalicioui froi«n dauartt fortitude. perishable foods safely cool, end you’ and salads in the frMiing trays. : There is no such thing as taking know it does that for only a tew Supplia» plenty of pora, »periling a little chance with evil. The J. Smith Ferebce, young Chicago broker who achieved the amazing pennies a day. Find out how easily ENGINEERING, MINING AND (ca cubat for coW bavaragas. odds are against you. feat of shooting 144 holes of golf in 15 hours and thereby winning sole you can have one. v- — TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING title to a §30,000 Virginia plantation and a number of cash bets. Fcrebee Lincoln County offers many Min­ When a person grows charitable ing opportunities. toward his own faults, char­ played the four 18-hole courses at Olympia Fields twice, averaging under 91 per round. The bet that resulted in the one-man golf marathon was IRA C. MILLER acter degeneration lias set In. (