20 - MANCHKSTKR HF.KALD, Kruhiy, .IliIv '27. 19B4 State funding for espionage museum is put on hoid By AAark A. Dupuis Willimantic group establish the state's tourism director, said he He predicted the museum, if Seventeen projects dealing with restaurant. GM reports United Press infernaflonal museum on espionage, but put the would write the group to sec if opened, could prove popular be­ historic preservation were tar­ • $26,000 to the Ancient Com­ Town woman a champ Funding for Trident plan on hold after learning the another location had been sought cause espionage and spying had geted for a total of $389,000 under pany of Fifers and Drummers in HARTFORD (Uf'I) - A pro- museum may not have a home. for the museum, which he said held the "fascination of the public the Historic Assets Grants an­ Essex toward a $100,000 project to at the sport she loves Is said to be safe record earnings pused museum on espionage hop­ Gov. William A. O'Neill said the could become a popular tourist for thousands of years.” nounced bv the governor. establish a museum and music ing to exhibit the belongings of grant to the Willimantic Museum attraction. Laschever said the museum Other awards announced Thurs­ library, which wiil promote re­ ... page 20 Benedict Arnold must be kept Assocation w'as halted after the Officials of the museum associa­ would feature items ranging from day and subject to final approval search on the origins and tradi­ ... page 3 ... page 10 under wraps for the lime being, Department of Flconomic Develop­ tion couldn't be reached for articles belonging to Benedict by the State Bond Commission tions of fife and drum corps. having temporarily lo.st .stale ment learned the group was unable comment, but Laschever said the Arnold to a first draft of a modern included: • $10,000 to the Shore Line funding. to settle as planned into the group planned a museum that spy novel. He noted the CIA also is • $20,000 to the Mansfield Depot Trolley Museum in East Haven to Stale officials announced plans Willimantic Post Office. would deal with “espionage and all considering establishing a national restaurant in Mansfield to help add restore America’s oldest remain­ Thursday to put up $2.5.000 to help a Barnett D Laschever. the the little things that go with it" museum on intelligence. two Pullman railroad cars to the ing electric locomotive. Cloudy today; Manchester, Conn, same on Sunday Saturday, July 28, 1984 REAl ESTATE THIS WEEK — See page 2 Single copy: 254 ^ p \ Hattrlfpslpr Hirralh Water Front je a t u rin g : This water front house is on a quiet lake in Ashford and has 120 feet on the water. It has 3 bed­ Libyan pullout causes ED GORMAN ASSOCIATES rooms, enclosed porch, work­ 604 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST, MANCHESTER out basement and fireplace. The 2 646-4040 house Is in immaculate condition no stir at Oiympics 2 and Is priced atonly $74,900. Call Bv Martin Lader the secret until the last second, of Comeneci as flame-lighter, it today to see it. United Press Internotlonal would admit only that the lighter of has been said, might be seen as a V. M a illk M M I) lhairti NaiM the flame would be immediately slap at Moscow. Peter Ueberroth, c LOS ANGELES — Libya sud­ recognized by the world and that president of the LAQOC, has given denly pulled out of the Olympic there might be more than one. no clue whether Comeneci might The action of Libyan strong man Games Friday but caused barely a be chosen. ■ t 7 ripple in excitement building to­ Moammar Khadafy in yanking his As for Comeneci, who burst onto nation’s six-member team came in 8 Finally building lots with room ward the spectacular Saturday the sports scene in the 1976 games show that opens the two-week a terse annoucement in Beirut by in Montreal with unprecedented to enjoy the great outdoors! sports carnival. the official Libyan news agency: perfect scores on the uneven bars *1, "The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the balance beam, she would ' «■(i Announcing: Nadia Comeneci, not Moammar decided to withdraw from the say only, "It would be a great Khadafy, was the name on the lips Olympics games in Los Angeles.” honor but I have not been asked.” of Olympic fans. The question There was no elaboration, but everyone was asking was whether "The decision is going to be YOU SENSE UIXURY the move was viewed as retaliation and 0ood lasit whan you alap into ina unuaualV boauurui Contamporvy America would break tradition by for the State Department decision based on trying to make a positive w/adid cadar conatruction The parhay entry way laada mlo large livingrm lhal influence on the Games,” Ueber­ haa a loh A balcony There are glaaa atidora from the dining rm lo a deck A picking a ’'foreigner,” the pixie- Thursday to deny U.S. visas to kiichan m l appliancaa The 3 ba<»ma are on iha m ain level M ih the maalar GLASTONBURY $119,900 ish Nadia, to cap the opening three Libyans described as jour­ roth said."We don’t want to do badrm having a pnvaiabath/draaaimgrm Tharaiaalaoagamarm oNthaliving Speciaculer view of H anford and located on the 11th fairway, thia lovely MOUNTAIN WOODS rm Lowarlavaliarnilyrm w/liraplaaa.?cargarBgaandlaundryrm Situatadon custom Ranch features 3 bedrooms, kitchen withbuilt-ins, first lloorlaun- ceremonies by lighting the Olym­ nalists for "security reasons.” anything that takes away from the a wooded landacapad lot "BraathiahlngT'fftlJM. dry. flagstone palio. 2 car garage Call for personalized tour MS-AMO pic flame. Libya thus became the 19th athletes or creates controversy. Always before an athlete from nation to boycott or withdraw from We don't want to do anything to Located on Birch Mt. Road, these the host country has been the final the Olympics — 15 of them further the pain of the 15 countries torch-bearer, touching off an emo­ Soviet-bloc nations that followed not showing up. 1.5 - 2.28 acre wooded building tional storm of applause as he or Moscow's pullout ostensibly on "The pain is great, just as the /I she emerges onto the Olympic grounds Communist athletes pain was great for our athletes who lots await your inspection. If you track and is recognized by the would not adequately be protected did not get to take part in the crowd. from terrorists. Moscow Games because of the have always wanted to live in But there has been speculation Libya’s athletes — one weighllif- ill-advised boycott. Their pain is Ms. Comaneci, the darling of the ter and five equestrian team strong enough, and it’s not our Manchester— then we invite you 1976 Games where her gymnastics business to rub peoples’ noses in COUNTKV CONNOBSEUR members — had already arrived in Poiaedai ihaiopoM hagentle naa.aiiha and o(a wooded drive. ihiaBoHon home feats stunned the world, might Los Angeles. But there were anything.” ollaraallino aigradianta of a 20Vi oaraury commulabla family home A maalar to inspect these lovely wooded Johnson and Bill Toomey, also a bland of pnvacy. country and adaptability Elavan rma. 4 badrma. 2 batha on share the honor with some well- reports the team’s horses had not nearly 2 acieaof landacapad apace An addlionaiaRpanaa of liwng apace on the known former U.S. athlete —- yet arrived. former decathlon gold medal win- lower level, an open recreation area A 2 additional rma A Do Everything Home lots. For details call: Recently reduced to AIM,NO. EAST HARTFORD $92,500 perhaps 1960 decathlon hero Rafer Romania and 'Yugoslavia were ner.participated in a dress rehear­ j Impressive 1-owner, dialinclively designed 7 room Ranch affords 3 bed­ Johnson. sal ’Thursday but were believed to rooms. 2 'it bathe, flrepleced rec room, 2 car garage Many ameniiiea This the only Soviet-bloc nations which J We can help you become a "REALE” PROFESSIONAU baaulitui home awaits your inspection Call for appomiment The Los Angeles Olympic Organ­ didn't follow Moscow in boycotting be just filling in for Saturday’s Call 646-4525, and ask for Dan. izing Committee, striving to keep the XXIII Olympiad. The selection mystery guest. 1=1l4Ml Zinsser Agenqr Do F. REALE, INC. it m ' Osawtemlm Real Estate FREE " 750 Main St., Manchester 175 Main St., Manchester, Ct. MARKET R E A L E S T A T E S E R V IC E S e v a l u a t io n Shelter committee faces 646-4525 223 Eaol Center Sl„ Manchetler 643-4060 646-1511 u hard task with little time U GOLFER’S PARADISE Bv Sarah E. Hall That staff, according to commit- the committee found a privately Herald Reporter tee members, would help elimi­ owned site. Owners of downtown nate problems which surfaced at buildings who declined to lease The new Shelter Study Commit- last season’s volunteer-run shelter MACC open space for the shelter in tee discussed both the needs and in the East Side Recreation Center, the past will be re-approached, she L nuisances of Manchester’s home- But the entire project hinges upon said, noting that zoning questions L less population at its first meeting identifying a warm, dry facility — remain to be resolved. Friday, laying the groundwork for with toilets and 2,000 to 3,000 The fire house on Spruce Street its last-minute search for a site. square feet of floor space — which and the Marine building on Parker "You have a real tough assign- won’t lead to interference with Street emerged as other site ideas ment, one that has to be completed other operations and spark too during the I'A-hour-long meeting.
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