ing! Parish Office opening times are Mon- Registration Forms for all Parishion- days to Fridays 10am to 1pm. Please Our Lady & St. Joseph’s Church ers If you live and/OR worship in our note times may differ during school parish please ensure that you have holidays, and Bank Holidays. registered so that we have correct This Newsletter and other useful infor- contact details for you. It is essential mation is now available on our parish 52 Uxbridge Road, Hanwell, W7 3SU to be registered if you wish us to be Website at: Telephone: 020 8567 4056 Email: [email protected] able to support you in your pastoral Website: needs. The forms are available from the Parish Office Monday to Friday Parish Priest: Fr. Cristiano Braz. Seminarian: Daniel Daley If you or your friends and family are look- Parish Administrators: Pamela Sheridan and Marlene Wakim 10am to 1pm. If you cannot come dur- ing for a new opportunity the Diocese of Parish Office Hours: Mondays to Fridays: 10.00am - 1.00pm ing the office hours, please contact us. Westminster, please visit our website Child Protection Reps: Catherine O’Keeffe & Nicola Hough Children in Non-Catholic Schools [email protected] / tel. 07745 102 984 Children of registered parishioners who attend non-Catholic schools need HANWELL SOCIAL CLUB: 31th March 2019 - 4th Sunday of Lent - Year C to have attended at least one year of Saturday class prior to attending the Dear brothers and sisters, as I watched the news this week I was struck by the First Holy Communion Class. They Saturday 30th March 2019 will have to continue Saturday class Finbar & Paul lack of forgiveness on display which has led to a culture of blame. It is always from year one through year 6 unless another person’s fault, the Prime Minister, Europe, God or the referee! This cul- they are placed into a Catholic school. BINGO every Sunday at 7.30p.m. ture of blame is a great way to deflect attention from the most important ques- Please ring the office if you have any Monthly Draw tickets at Bar tion: what am I doing about it? The youngest son in today’s parable asks him- questions or wish to arrange a time to self this question as whilst feeding the pigs. In his failure the son comes to real- register. ise the consequences of his sins; it is in his failure that he meets God. What a Parking permits are available to pa- consoling revelation that at our lowest God is there to meet us! Moreover, in the rishioners through the parish office. parable today we hear that while the youngest son was still a long way off, his father saw him and came to him. What a wonderful image of our heavenly Fa- Collection: Total: 2457.27 ther, looking for us, awaiting our return with open arms! It is a wonderful re- Envelopes: £783.28 Loose: £903.99 Standing Orders: £770.00 minder that no matter how bad our sins, there is always a way back to the mer- Eucharistic Ministers for Sunday 7th April 2019 From the Parish Register ciful and loving arms of God! The question is: do we want to live in a world with God? If we do then there is no room for hatred and resentment. As the eld- Saturday 6.30 pm K. Matthews J. Lynch Sunday 8.00 am C. Atkinson G. Pocas est son learns we cannot be envious like the Pharisees and scribes because 10.00am A. Schlegel M. Burns E. Rodriques God’s own nature is to be merciful and forgiving. If we are his children we will 12.00 am G. O’Donohoe J. Lam L. Brennan not only respect God’s choices but follow his example. Imagine the improve- ment in our relationships if we let go of our resentments and forgive those who Readers for Sunday 7th April 2019 have done us wrong? Imagine our world if instead of blaming those around us

Saturday 6.30 pm S. Clayton for our failures we take responsibility for ourselves and use the talents God has Sunday 8.00 am J. Gilbert given us to help those around us? This is the requirement of our heavenly Fa- 10.00 am P. Stark 12.00 am P.Somjen ther, that we love one another as he loves us. This is not easy but the good news is that we have help: we have the gift of God’s Word and the sacred body and

Full Rotas for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are available on our blood of his Son in every Mass to guide and strengthen us for the challenges of website at: living out our faith today. Yours in hope and prayer. Dan Daley Mass Intentions Week beginning 31st March 2019 Lenten Project This year we are distributing them after all Masses collecting items needed by the Ea- on the 24th and 31st of March. Saturday 6.30 pm Mrs. Foley Anniv Sunday 8.00 am Jimmy White Anniv ling Food Bank. This week we Gift Aid Donors who donate to us 10.00 am Julie McCaren Anniv need: tooth paste and tooth brushes and are retired are asked to let Mon- 12.00 noon Patrick Gara Anniv &/or washing up liquids. Please ica know in the Parish office. If you leave the above items in the marked have cancelled your standing order Monday 10.00 am Martin D’Cunha Anniv boxes in the Church Porch. Thank please also let us know. Thank you. Tuesday 10.00 am Dan Griffin RIP Wednesday 10.00 am Andrew Lambe RIP you for your continued generosity. Beginning Experience is a healing CAFOD Fast Day Collection weekend for men and women who THURSDAY NO MASS raised a total of £1492.62. Thank find themselves single again fol- you for your tremendous generosi- lowing separation, divorce or the Friday 10.00 am Fr E. Pattery CM RIP ty! death of a partner. 12th-14th April Next Weeks Mass Intentions Readers for Holy Week please sign 2019 at the Domus Mariae Centre, up for the Masses / services you can Chigwell, Essex. For details please Saturday 6.30 pm Tom Flynn Anniv attend. The sign up sheet is in the contact Freda 01322838415 or San- Sunday 8.00 am Mr & Mrs Redhead Anniv sacristy. Thank you for your contin- dra 01293783965 or johnbrother- 10.00 am Felix Rodriques RIP 12.00 noon John Hart Anniv ued dedication. ton| Confirmation Session 12 Monday Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine Mass on Holy Days of Obligation: 10.00 am & 7.00 pm 1st April at 7pm in the Parish Hall. 6th May 2019, £649.00 pp shar- Toddler Group There will be no ing. Price includes flight with 10kg Confessions: Saturday 5.30 pm - 6 pm (Always after Mass and on call anytime) play group from 2nd April 2019. It hand luggage, transfers, 4 nights’ in

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Tuesday 6 pm Rosary & 6.30 pm Novena will resume on 23rd April 2019 at Knock House Hotel with Breakfast 9.30am in the Parish Hall. and Dinner. All entertainment/day Baptisms: If you are a registered parishioner and have a child for Baptism, (or are Stations of the Cross on Tuesday trips and guided tours includ- expecting one) please contact the Parish Team for information on how to apply for a 2nd April 2019 at 7pm will be lead ed. Single room supp £100. Contact place on the Baptism Programme. Parents requesting permission for a Baptism to take by the children of St Joseph’s Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 place abroad will need to have attended a preparation course first. School. There will be no soup this 175557 or email knockpilgrimag- Marriage Preparation: Any registered couple from our parish who are intending week. Please do come and sup- [email protected]. Knock Pilgrimages getting married in the are asked to note that the Church requires at least port them. is a member of the Travel Trust As- six months notice prior to their wedding date. Couples need to speak to their Par- Good Friday Service The Good Fri- sociation and is fully protected by ish priest so as to fill the forms and also participate in a Marriage Preparation day Service will be Friday 19th ATOL T7613. course. April at 10am. Children will need to Youth Evening (14- be in the church to get ready at 18 year olds) a talk by Matthew & This week’s Readings 9.30. Thank you for your coopera- Emily Hawkins on Catholic beauty

First Reading: Joshua 5:9-12 tion. and joy. Thursday 4th April New Lenten Books for small 7.30pm—9pm, meeting in the Ea- Psalm 33 Taste and see that the Lord is good. Groups Available Group Leaders ling Abbey Hall. £5 suggested do-

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 can collect their books for the Len- nation. Includes a meal. ten Reflections in the Presbytery AA Alcoholics Anonymous meet every Gospel Acclamation Praise and honour to you, Lord jesus! I will leave this Office. The cost is £3.00 per book- Thursday at 8pm in our parish hall. Do place and go to my father and say: “Father, I have let. you know of anyone who needs their sinned against heaven and against you.” Praise and The New Planned Giving Enve- help? Please invite him/her to this honour to you, Lord Jesus! group that has helped thousands of lopes have arrived and we will be Gospel: Luke 15:1-3.11-32 people across the world to quit drink-