
2D . WEDNESDAY,JUNE 12, 1985' USA TODAY PEOPLE BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THE FAMOUS AND THE FASCINATING Emilio and pal~ are no '' CHICAGO - EmUioEste- Madonna partied Tuesday vez isn't thrilled about his im- night). age as leader of the Hollywood Lowe,asked as always about "brat pack," as portrayed in lorigtime girlfriend Melissa New York magazine. Gilbert, again ducked ques- The story in the June 10 is- tions about marriage. He's ob- sue refers to Estevez's reputa- sessed these days with survival tion as a "superstud" with "doz- games, in which players. hunt . ens of girlfriends, many of each other with paint-filledpel- them groupies," who "latch on let guns. Melissa doesn't share for brief atJairs." this passion: "I've tried to drag Estevez, 23, was here this her into it, but she's paranoid week with his peers and about breaking her face. I sup- friends , Judd Nel- pose I don't blame her." son, , Nelson and Sheedy - co- and Mare Winningham, all ris- stars in , St. ing stars of the upcoming St. El- Elmo's and the currently film- mo's Fire, out June 28. ing Blue City - say they SETTING THE SCREEN ON 'FIRE': The hot actorS from 'St. Elmo's Fire,' due June 28, include He said the publicity "makes shouldn't be typed as the Judy Ally Sheedy, left, , , Demi Moore, Rob Lowe and Mare Winningham. me very gun-shy. '" First of Garland and Mickey Rooney all, there is no 'brat pack.' " But of the '80s. he thinks he'll get over it, Responds Nelson,who's said thanks to hisupbringingby dad to be talking to Chicago the- Martin Sheen. aters about future stage roles: "My dad's kept my feet on. "No way. I'm taller than (Roo- the ground. More than any- ney) is. Irs not really up to us, thing, he's taught me to keep but if it were, we would contin- my sense of humor." ue making movies together. He wentout on the townwith We feel very comfortable Lowe and Nelson, chowing working with each other." down on some Chicago-style Sheedy laughed offcompari- pizzaand keeping a low profile sons to Katharine Hepburn at a new wave club. Now and Spencer Tracy. "Are you they're all doing publicityin kidding? Come on. Those two New York,where today they'll were great They were legends.

be given a lunch at the Metro- We're just Allyand Judd." . politan Qub. Later they'll hit the Palladium disco (where By Steve Dale