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THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016 3A Brazilian immigrant brings passion for justice to the law of terms, her school sched- cases at Guy Glenn. Out- Former ule was less demanding, but side of the courtroom, this exchange Nogueira was still going full- involves lots of research, steam. In March 2015, she conducting interviews, and student returns started working as a “Rule negotiating with prosecutors Nine intern” for Guy Glenn to get fair deals for her cli- as lawyer Law Firm, meaning that she ents, Nogueira said. could perform limited legal As a member of the drug By NATALIE ST. JOHN duties, under supervision court panel, Nogueira helps EO Media Group from experienced attorneys. supervise offenders who have been given a chance to get LONG BEACH, Wash. — Battle of the bar serious about sobriety, in lieu Paciic County’s newest attor- Nogueira inished law of jail time or other traditional ney has a rare gift for pick- school in August, about a year punishments. The offenders ing ambitious goals, and then before most of her peers, and have to take drug tests, fol- achieving them in record time. married Maneman in a sim- low a 12-step program and Originally from Brazil, ple ceremony in December. consistently update the panel Pamella Nogueira, 25, irst She had one remaining obsta- on their progress. Nogueira came to Raymond as 15-year- cle standing between her and says she is “passionate” about old exchange student. A Natalie St. John/EO Media Group full-ledged attorney status: alternative programs like drug decade later, Nogueira, who Pamella Nogueira is a new attorney working for the Guy Glenn Law Firm. The bar exam. court — she believes they was admitted to the Washing- Few law students graduate have real potential to help ton State Bar in April, is living her language skills rapidly Tacoma, her advisors told her if she could get it done in two ready to take the notoriously people with mental illnesses in Raymond again, married to improved. She loved the Han- she couldn’t study law as an years. They thought she was dificult test, Nogueira said. or addictions break out of the a local man, and launching her sons and the other locals she undergraduate, so she had to nuts. In 2015, about 77,000 U.S. often endless cycle of poverty, career in the justice system. got to know. pick another major. “Those advisors had no law students took the bar, and crime and incarceration. During an interview at her “It was probably the “I said, ‘OK, which ones faith in me!” Nogueira said. just 59 percent of them passed, “I feel that sometimes, ofice, Nogueira talked aboutbest experience of my life. can I take the fun classes “They told me, ‘You can’t according to the National Con- these people are not being her passion for social justice, The people were so nice. It with?’” Nogueira remem- do it.’ I said, ‘Well, I’ll see ference of Bar Examiners. given a proper response to her breakneck journey through was incredible,” Nogueira bered. The advisors sug- you later then, after I get my Nogueira sat for the bar in their actions. I feel that some- law school, and how she found recalled. Although Raymond gested a major in “politics, degree!’ I didn’t sleep much.” February. It was a relief to be times we don’t have the a home-away-from-home in couldn’t be more different philosophy and economics.” Nogueira took enormous done, but she didn’t allow her- proper response,” Nogueira Raymond. than her busy tropical home- “They promised me I only course-loads, waking up as self to believe she was really said. “They keep reoffend- town, she felt totally at home. had to take one more eco- early as 3 a.m., to drive to done until after she received ing, reoffending, reoffend- From São Paulo “I like the rain, I like the nomics class, so that was Seattle as much as ive daysher test score in April. ing. If jail didn’t work once, to Raymond green, I like the quietness,” OK!” Nogueira laughed. That a week, often while working “I had to Google it. After it didn’t work twice, it didn’t Nogueira grew up in São Nogueira said. major allowed her to take lots part time. I Googled it, I still didn’t work three times, is it going to Jose Dos Campos, a large city of classes about human rights At the end of the irst year, quite buy it. It took me a cou- work the fourth time?” in the Brazilian state of São High-speed higher — a topic she’s still passion- she had to do an externship ple of hours to believe I actu- Given her fondness for Paulo. Both of her parents are education ate about. She graduated for school credit. She clerked ally had passed,” Nogueira staying busy, perhaps it’s attorneys, and her father still Nogueira started studying about a year later, in August for Paciic County Superior remembered. not surprising that Nogueira runs a private criminal law law at a Brazilian university, 2012. Court Judge Michael Sulli- moved pretty seamlessly practice. Their enthusiasm for but eventually, both she and “I’m not a fan of school, van, which involved keep- Practicing law locally from school to career with- law was contagious. her sister — another attorney so I hurry a bit,” Nogueira ing records, preparing reports Nogueira inds a sense of out ever taking a real break. “I went to career day in who now works as an auditor joked. “If I know I have to about upcoming cases, and purpose in practicing law in After keeping up such a irst grade dressed as an attor- at a large Chicago accounting get it done, I just do it.” doing legal research. Nogueira a rural community. demanding schedule during ney. I guess that’s when it irm — decided to try their liked working for Sullivan so “It’s an opportunity of her whirlwind educational started!” Nogueira said. She luck in the U.S. Commuting to much that she extended her making sure that our rights spree, she said, settling into only considered other career Nogueira enrolled in an law school externship, and even contin- are being respected, and “real life” in her adopted options very briely. intensive English program at By the time she entered ued volunteering for a couple things are done the proper hometown almost feels like a “You have such an access Tacoma’s Paciic Lutheran University of Washington of months after it ended. That way. Even if a person is vacation. to helping people. It’s amaz- University. It was supposed to Law School, Nogueira was experience proved invaluable, guilty, they deserve to have Laughing, Nogueira said, ing,” Nogueira explained. take six months, but Nogueira dating her future husband, as it helped her get to know a fair, just, proportional pun- “I’m still trying to igure out “Even if I choose not to be powered through the curricu- Todd Maneman, a Raymond the local members of the legal ishment,” Nogueira said. what people do for hobbies, an attorney per se, there’s just lum. After three months, her electrician, so she decided to community, including her These days, she’s tak- now that I only have one full- so much I could do. I never advisors ran out of work for commute to law school. future employers attorneys ing on bigger, more complex time job!” found anything else that had her to do, and cut her loose. Typically, UW’s compet- Guy Glenn and Nate Need- that many opportunities.” She registered at a community itive, highly demanding law ham, of Guy Glenn Law Firm When Nogueira irst college and began earning the program takes three years, but in Long Beach. came to stay with the Han- credits she needed to transfer Nogueira asked her advisors During her last couple h son family in Raymond for to an American university. Fres Oregon Hood six months, she only spoke When she enrolled at 2016 very basic English. However, University of Washington, OR S H A N G H A I E D IN ASTORIA JUNI STRAWBERRIES Tw o w eeken ds on ly! JU N E 10-12 • 17-19 A CCE P T IN G NEW P AT IE N T S Fr id a y a t 7p m Available Now D oors opening a t 6:30 PICKED S a tu r d a y & S u n d a y a t 2p m Monday - Saturday D oors opening a t 1:30 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. D AI L Y! Astoria Chiropract i c Directed by Bill Ca r BARRY SE ARS, D.C. and p e rform ed Watch for us at the corner of by our yo u t h theatre troup AUTO ACCIDEN TS Marlin & 101 in Warrenton at W O RK -RELATED IN JURIES the Putman Pro-Lube Center Call 503-359-5204 for more info. Don’t delay! Call to d a y ! W e bill m o st insurance Tick e ts $10 Ad u lts | $5 Kid s (no o th e r disco u n ting) ASOC Playhouse FRIDAY PERFO RM AN C ES O N LY $5 129 Bond St., Astoria | 503-325-6104 com pa n ies in clu din g M edica re P u rc h a se on lin e a t www.a storstreetoprycom pa n o r ca ll 503-325-6104 | P u rc h a se ticket s a t th e door 1 h o u r Sponsored by 503-325-3311 2935 M ARIN E DR • A S TO RIA before sh o w tim e, but reserva tio n s recom m en ded Wauna Fed eral Cred it Un ion Fo r more inform a tion, ca ll 503-359-5204 THE DAILY Evening listings ASTORIAN LISTINGS TUESDAY TUESDAY EVENING A - Charter Astoria/ Seaside - L - Charter Long Beach MAY 31 A L 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (2) KATU (2) KATU News at 6 Jeopardy! 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