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GIPE-000312-Contents.Pdf ·.~'T'.", t . " A HISTORY OF THE MAHR-·AT'TAS. BY JAMES GRANT'DUFF. ESQ. CAl'TAIlf IN THE FIRST, OR GRENADIER, REGIMENT OP BOlltBAY NATIVE IlfFANTRY, AND LATE POLITICAL RESIDENT AT SATABA. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. m. LONDON: l'RDITKD 1'0" LONGMAN, llEES, OR¥Es._ ~ROWN, AND GREE~ FA'rERNQSTEa-ROW• . '1826'•. V 2.. ~I~ If /r6 'J-t: '0 s (2-. tpnoll': . Printed. by A. &; R. Spottiswoode, New.Street-Square. CO;NTENTS QF THE THIRD VOLUME. CHAPTER I. FROM A. D. 1784, TO A. D. 1787. Tippoo. - Nur~oond - Origin and progress of the dispute respectiiig it. - Tippoo's treachery - takes Nergoond­ seizes Kittoor -forcibly converts many Hindoos. ----Nana Furnuwees proposes an alliance with the English. - The lat­ ter less solicitous to co-~erate than Nana expected.­ Nana applies to the Portoguese. - French said to be in alli­ ance with Tippoo. - Reported alliance between the Mahrat­ tas and the French. - British Resident instructed to proceed to Poona. - Mr. Macpherson's offer of assisting in the de­ fence of the Mahratta territory - rejected by Nana Furnu­ wees - Mahratta army advances to. form a junction with Nizam Ally and Moodajee Bhonslay. - Moodajee in close alliance with the Poona Court. - Mahratta and Mog4ul armies unite - plan of operations. - Badamee taken.­ Nana Furnuwees returns to Poona, and Moodajee Bhonslay to Nagpoor. - HoIkal's proceedings. - Tippoo attacks Adonee _ Gallant defenee till relieved by the confederatea. _ Adon~ abandoned. - Gujendergurh given up to Hurry Punt. - Holkar makes a sudden march to' Savanoor - his object _ Burhan-ud-deen attacks him - is repulsed by Hol- AS vi CONTENTS. kar, who is joined by the Nabob of Savanoor. - Hurry Punt'. operations. - Tippoo unexpectedly passes the Toongbuddra - operations of the armies. - Savanoor abandoned by the Mahrattas - Tippoo takes possession - proceeds to Benk­ apoor. - Hurry Punt takes Seerhutty. - Feeble operations .on both sides. -.!. 'lippo~ lllfddenly tenders proposals of peace. - Peace concluded. Motives elucidated. - Sindia. Page 1 FROM A.. De 1785, TO A. D. 1790. Slndia's embarrassments' - His impolitic conduct - Seques­ trates many of the Jagheers - consequent enmity of the Mahomedan chiefs. - Moh\lmmud Beg Humadanee.­ Sindia levies tribute from the 'Rajpoots _ The Rajpouts re­ yolt - Attac~ anA rout Sindi~', Jl00ps under Ryajee Patell. Sindia take!! t.he field - difficulties of the crisis-endeavours 'o.negociate witb the Rajp~s witl)Q.~~ success. ~ Mohum­ mud Beg and his pephew,join thl Rajpoots - Battle in which ,l\iohumIpud Beg is Jcille«\, but v~ctory declares for the Raj­ poot$. -lhe emperoJ;"s regular infantry, with eighty pieces . of,canl;1on", desert Sil.ldia in JL b¢y, and join the Rajpoots­ .Sindia eviQces gre~t fortitude an4-conduct - retreats unmo­ lested. by the, ,Rajpoots -. followed .by Ismael Beg ...... con­ tinues his retreat tc) Gwa1io~ - applies,to. POODa for aid. - -Views J)t Nana Furnllwees. - Sindia', exertions, - Able defence o£ Agra by h:is General, Luckwa ~da. - Gholam Kawdir - ,takes Aligurh,.... joins Jsmae] Beg before Agra • ..... Jbats,obstruct the.opeJ;'ations of the siege - Sindia re­ mforees :the Jhatsc - Battle near Bhuftpoor, in which the Mahrattas a.ndJhats are worste~~Successful diversion plaQ­ .ned by Rannay Khan. - Thehattleo{' Agra in ~hich bOUleJ lleg is totally defeated. - Ismael Beg join!? GhQlam Kawwr ' ...... They repair tQ Delhi. -- Ba.rbadties perpetrated. by Gho­ ,lam Kawdir. - Mahrattas at last advance - Gholam Kawwr B.ees -is pursued- taken. - suffers.mutilation, under which .he die);. - ~ah Alum r~tored to .his thronep ,and Sindia CONTENTS. vii recovers his ascendancy ....... His' situation"""", Changes intro­ duced in the constitution of his army. - Gosaeens. - Him­ mut Buhadlll'. - Regular infantry....... Sindia's views.­ Transition to Deccan affairs. Page 20 CHAPTER m. FROM A. D. 1787, TO A. D. 1792. Tippoo breaks the treaty with the Peishwa - His great prepar­ ations - supposed by the Eng.liSl\ to be intended against them. - Nana Furnuwees proposes a defensive alliance, which is- declined by Lord Cornwallis. - TraQsactions between the British authorities and Nizam Ally ....... Gunto~:r given up. - Nizam Ally negociate$ with the English and with Tippoo ....,. results.- Lord Cornwallis's letter to Nizam Ally, - Tip­ poo cQnsiders that letter tantamount to an ofFensi\l'e alliance against him ........ His unsuccessful attack on'the lines of'l'ravan­ ~re. - Alliance of the' English, the Peishwa, and Niiam Ally, against Tippoo - its terms. - First campaign of the English in this war against Tippoo ....... Dilatory proceedings of the allies. - A British detachment joins Pureahram Bhow. -Mahrattas cross the Kistna ....... Moghuls advance-to lay siege to Kopaul and Buhadul' Benda. -Mahrattas lay siege to Dharwar - operations - Dharwar capitulates after.a pro­ tracted Aiege - Capitulation infringed. - Lord Cornwallis assumes command of the British army. - Capture.of Bang­ alore. - Mahratta army marches from Poona under Hurry PuntPhurkay. - Sera surrendered- MahratUi' armies ad­ vance to join the British and Moghuls-before Seringapatam - Lord Cornwallis defeats Tippoo at Arike-ra, btlt is,'­ pelled to abandon his design of besieging Seringapatam­ Distress of his army - relieved by the unexpected junction ofthe Mahrattas.- Various operations~ - A party p£ Mah­ rattas surprised and cut, oft' by ,Kummur-ud-deen. - L~rd Cornwallis reduces the forts between Bangalore and ,Gur­ umcondah. - Moghuls unable tc. reduce Gurumcondah, leave a party to mask it. whic!~ is surprised. ""7'" PUre­ ·shram Bhow's. scheme of reducing' Bednore. -:- Battle, of . 'Simoga. - Admirable conduct of Captain tittle.'~ Simoga A 4 viii CONTENTS. ,capitulates.-Pureshram Bhow advances towar.da Bednore, but retires with precipitation. -.Operations at Seringapatam.­ Peace concluded with Tippoo.-Cause of Pureshram Bhow'. , retreat explained.-The armfes return to their respective ter- ritories. - Distress of Pureshram Bhow's army. Page 87 CHAPTER IV. :FROM A. D. 1792, 'l'G A. D. 1794. An inquiry into the reasons 'which'induced Lord Cornwallis to refrain,from subjugati,ng Tippoo's territory, is foreign to the object of this work. - Opinion of the Mahratta ministers on this subject. --Mahadajee' Sindia's proposals at the time of fo~ming the cbnfederacy against Tippoo, to which Sindia did Inot become a party. - Sindia's pr~ceedings in Hindoostan.­ Battle ()f Patun. - Ismael Beg defeated-Rajpoots continue the war-battle of Mairta-peace with the Rajpoots. - The tegular infantry of De Boigne. -... Holkar entertains the Che. valier Dudrenec and raises some regular corps.-Ali Buhadur assisted by Himmut Buhadur establishes himself in Bunde}­ 'cund. - Sindia moves.towards POl1na; ...... Surmises with re­ gard to his intentions - declares that he is proceeding as bearer of tne insignia of office, for the Wukeel-i~Mootliq, from tbe emperor to the Peillhwa. - Grand state ceremony on presenting the -insignia. -.. Sindia endeavours by various , ways to gain the confidence of the young- Peishwa to the pre­ judice -of Nana Furnuwees. -- Discussions respecting the aft'airs of Hindoostan. -Ismnel Beg again raises disturbances, but is taken prisoner and confined for life in the fort of Agra. _ ,The troop'i of Sindia and Holkar commit hostilities against each other-obstinate battle of Lukhairee: - Siodia's troops victorious ...... Consequences at Poona. - Hostilities suspend­ ed in Hindoostan, by orders from the Peishwa and Sindia- . the latter all powerful in Hindoostan - his attempts to render ~i~self popular in the Deccan-perseveres in 6is endeavours . to'supersedeNanaFurnwees in the young Peishwa's favour.­ Remarkable explanation betwiltt the Peishwa and Nana.­ Views of Mahadajee Sindia-his death. 7l . CONTENTS. IX ,CHAPTER :y.. A. po ~794. Mahadajee Sindia's death, an event of great political importance. - Review of his policy and summary of his character - Is succeeded by his Grand Nephew Doulut Rao. - Sindia's re­ gular infantry.- Opinions of many Mahrattas respecting that force. - Holkar long' averse to its introduction. - Rughoojee BhonsJay bad no infantry discipli!led by European officers • ..,... State of aJFairs at Nagpoor, and at Baroda....... Govind Rao Gaekwar succeeds as regent. - Piracy on tbe coast of Maharashtra. - The Peishwa's fleet.- Angria of Kolabah.­ Seedees of Jinjeera - Revolutions and events in that ~tate, Malwan and Sawuntwaree. - Various attempts of the Eng­ lisb ,to .suppress their piracies, and those. 9£ the Raja of Kola­ poor-never' completely eft'ected until the yeall181~. Page 87 CHAPTER VI. FROM A. D. 1794, TO A. D. 1795. Reflections on the preceding details, and on the condition of tbe Mahrattas as a military nation at this period. - Their claims on Nizam Ally occasion a ·temporary union 'of the chiefs. - Courde of policy adopted by the English. in the negotiation which preceded the 'War between the Mahrattas and Nizam Ally.- Discussions between the Courts of Poon a and Hyderabad-war declared-assembly of, the armies re­ spectively-march to oppose each other....... skirmish rin which the Moghuls obtain some 'advantage-battle ot" Kurdla­ extraordinary' discomfiture of the Moghul army.'- Submis- , sion of Nizam Ally, who surrenders the person of his minister, cedes large tracts o~ territory, 'and promises to pay three krores of rupees. - Anecdote of the young Peillhwa. - Ni­ zam Ally offended at the neutrality of the English, whose influence at Hyderabad is likely to be wholly superseded by a French party...... Unexpected rebellion of the prince Ali Jah. occasions the recall of the £nglish battalions.,- The re­ bellion suppressed by the exertions of M. Raymond-Move- x CONTENTS. ments of the Mahrattas during the insurrection. - No proof cof their having been in any manner accessory to the rebe,llion. - Nana Furnuwees at the summit of power, when his anxiety to preserve it. brings on an unforeseen catastrophe. Page 104 CHAPTER VII. FROM A. n. 1795, TO A. D. 179~ Nana Furnuwees-his conduct towards Mahdoo Rao-the Raja of Satara-and the family of the deceased Rugonath Rao. - The sons of Rugonath Rao confined in the fort of Sewneree.­ Bajee Rao the particular object of Nana's jealousy.
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    26 B. I. S. M. Puraskrita Grantha Mali, No. SHIVAJI THE FOUNDER OF MARATHA SWARAJ BY C. V. VAIDYA, M. A., LL. B. Fellow, University of Bombay, Vice-Ctianct-llor, Tilak University; t Bharat-Itihasa-Shamshndhak Mandal, Poona* POON)k 1931 PRICE B8. 3 : B. Printed by S. R. Sardesai, B. A. LL. f at the Navin ' * Samarth Vidyalaya's Samarth Bharat Press, Sadoshiv Peth, Poona 2. BY THE SAME AUTHOR : Price Rs* as. Mahabharat : A Criticism 2 8 Riddle of the Ramayana ( In Press ) 2 Epic India ,, 30 BOMBAY BOOK DEPOT, BOMBAY History of Mediaeval Hindu India Vol. I. Harsha and Later Kings 6 8 Vol. II. Early History of Rajputs 6 8 Vol. 111. Downfall of Hindu India 7 8 D. B. TARAPOREWALLA & SONS History of Sanskrit Literature Vedic Period ... ... 10 ARYABHUSHAN PRESS, POONA, AND BOOK-SELLERS IN BOMBAY Published by : C. V. Vaidya, at 314. Sadashiv Peth. POONA CITY. INSCRIBED WITH PERMISSION TO SHRI. BHAWANRAO SHINIVASRAO ALIAS BALASAHEB PANT PRATINIDHI,B.A., Chief of Aundh In respectful appreciation of his deep study of Maratha history and his ardent admiration of Shivaji Maharaj, THE FOUNDER OF MARATHA SWARAJ PREFACE The records in Maharashtra and other places bearing on Shivaji's life are still being searched out and collected in the Shiva-Charitra-Karyalaya founded by the Bharata- Itihasa-Samshodhak Mandal of Poona and important papers bearing on Shivaji's doings are being discovered from day to day. It is, therefore, not yet time, according to many, to write an authentic lifetof this great hero of Maha- rashtra and 1 hesitated for some time to undertake this work suggested to me by Shrimant Balasaheb Pant Prati- nidhi, Chief of Aundh.
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