·.~'T'.", t . " A HISTORY OF THE MAHR-·AT'TAS. BY JAMES GRANT'DUFF. ESQ. CAl'TAIlf IN THE FIRST, OR GRENADIER, REGIMENT OP BOlltBAY NATIVE IlfFANTRY, AND LATE POLITICAL RESIDENT AT SATABA. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. m. LONDON: l'RDITKD 1'0" LONGMAN, llEES, OR¥Es._ ~ROWN, AND GREE~ FA'rERNQSTEa-ROW• . '1826'•. V 2.. ~I~ If /r6 'J-t: '0 s (2-. tpnoll': . Printed. by A. &; R. Spottiswoode, New.Street-Square. CO;NTENTS QF THE THIRD VOLUME. CHAPTER I. FROM A. D. 1784, TO A. D. 1787. Tippoo. - Nur~oond - Origin and progress of the dispute respectiiig it. - Tippoo's treachery - takes Nergoond­ seizes Kittoor -forcibly converts many Hindoos. ----Nana Furnuwees proposes an alliance with the English. - The lat­ ter less solicitous to co-~erate than Nana expected.­ Nana applies to the Portoguese. - French said to be in alli­ ance with Tippoo. - Reported alliance between the Mahrat­ tas and the French. - British Resident instructed to proceed to Poona. - Mr. Macpherson's offer of assisting in the de­ fence of the Mahratta territory - rejected by Nana Furnu­ wees - Mahratta army advances to. form a junction with Nizam Ally and Moodajee Bhonslay. - Moodajee in close alliance with the Poona Court. - Mahratta and Mog4ul armies unite - plan of operations. - Badamee taken.­ Nana Furnuwees returns to Poona, and Moodajee Bhonslay to Nagpoor. - HoIkal's proceedings. - Tippoo attacks Adonee _ Gallant defenee till relieved by the confederatea. _ Adon~ abandoned. - Gujendergurh given up to Hurry Punt. - Holkar makes a sudden march to' Savanoor - his object _ Burhan-ud-deen attacks him - is repulsed by Hol- AS vi CONTENTS. kar, who is joined by the Nabob of Savanoor. - Hurry Punt'. operations. - Tippoo unexpectedly passes the Toongbuddra - operations of the armies. - Savanoor abandoned by the Mahrattas - Tippoo takes possession - proceeds to Benk­ apoor. - Hurry Punt takes Seerhutty. - Feeble operations .on both sides. -.!. 'lippo~ lllfddenly tenders proposals of peace. - Peace concluded. Motives elucidated. - Sindia. Page 1 FROM A.. De 1785, TO A. D. 1790. Slndia's embarrassments' - His impolitic conduct - Seques­ trates many of the Jagheers - consequent enmity of the Mahomedan chiefs. - Moh\lmmud Beg Humadanee.­ Sindia levies tribute from the 'Rajpoots _ The Rajpouts re­ yolt - Attac~ anA rout Sindi~', Jl00ps under Ryajee Patell. Sindia take!! t.he field - difficulties of the crisis-endeavours 'o.negociate witb the Rajp~s witl)Q.~~ success. ~ Mohum­ mud Beg and his pephew,join thl Rajpoots - Battle in which ,l\iohumIpud Beg is Jcille«\, but v~ctory declares for the Raj­ poot$. -lhe emperoJ;"s regular infantry, with eighty pieces . of,canl;1on", desert Sil.ldia in JL b¢y, and join the Rajpoots­ .Sindia eviQces gre~t fortitude an4-conduct - retreats unmo­ lested. by the, ,Rajpoots -. followed .by Ismael Beg ...... con­ tinues his retreat tc) Gwa1io~ - applies,to. POODa for aid. - -Views J)t Nana Furnllwees. - Sindia', exertions, - Able defence o£ Agra by h:is General, Luckwa ~da. - Gholam Kawdir - ,takes Aligurh,.... joins Jsmae] Beg before Agra • ..... Jbats,obstruct the.opeJ;'ations of the siege - Sindia re­ mforees :the Jhatsc - Battle near Bhuftpoor, in which the Mahrattas a.ndJhats are worste~~Successful diversion plaQ­ .ned by Rannay Khan. - Thehattleo{' Agra in ~hich bOUleJ lleg is totally defeated. - Ismael Beg join!? GhQlam Kawwr ' ...... They repair tQ Delhi. -- Ba.rbadties perpetrated. by Gho­ ,lam Kawdir. - Mahrattas at last advance - Gholam Kawwr B.ees -is pursued- taken. - suffers.mutilation, under which .he die);. - ~ah Alum r~tored to .his thronep ,and Sindia CONTENTS. vii recovers his ascendancy ....... His' situation"""", Changes intro­ duced in the constitution of his army. - Gosaeens. - Him­ mut Buhadlll'. - Regular infantry....... Sindia's views.­ Transition to Deccan affairs. Page 20 CHAPTER m. FROM A. D. 1787, TO A. D. 1792. Tippoo breaks the treaty with the Peishwa - His great prepar­ ations - supposed by the Eng.liSl\ to be intended against them. - Nana Furnuwees proposes a defensive alliance, which is- declined by Lord Cornwallis. - TraQsactions between the British authorities and Nizam Ally ....... Gunto~:r given up. - Nizam Ally negociate$ with the English and with Tippoo ....,. results.- Lord Cornwallis's letter to Nizam Ally, - Tip­ poo cQnsiders that letter tantamount to an ofFensi\l'e alliance against him ........ His unsuccessful attack on'the lines of'l'ravan­ ~re. - Alliance of the' English, the Peishwa, and Niiam Ally, against Tippoo - its terms. - First campaign of the English in this war against Tippoo ....... Dilatory proceedings of the allies. - A British detachment joins Pureahram Bhow. -Mahrattas cross the Kistna ....... Moghuls advance-to lay siege to Kopaul and Buhadul' Benda. -Mahrattas lay siege to Dharwar - operations - Dharwar capitulates after.a pro­ tracted Aiege - Capitulation infringed. - Lord Cornwallis assumes command of the British army. - Capture.of Bang­ alore. - Mahratta army marches from Poona under Hurry PuntPhurkay. - Sera surrendered- MahratUi' armies ad­ vance to join the British and Moghuls-before Seringapatam - Lord Cornwallis defeats Tippoo at Arike-ra, btlt is,'C.om­ pelled to abandon his design of besieging Seringapatam­ Distress of his army - relieved by the unexpected junction ofthe Mahrattas.- Various operations~ - A party p£ Mah­ rattas surprised and cut, oft' by ,Kummur-ud-deen. - L~rd Cornwallis reduces the forts between Bangalore and ,Gur­ umcondah. - Moghuls unable tc. reduce Gurumcondah, leave a party to mask it. whic!~ is surprised. ""7'" PUre­ ·shram Bhow's. scheme of reducing' Bednore. -:- Battle, of . 'Simoga. - Admirable conduct of Captain tittle.'~ Simoga A 4 viii CONTENTS. ,capitulates.-Pureshram Bhow advances towar.da Bednore, but retires with precipitation. -.Operations at Seringapatam.­ Peace concluded with Tippoo.-Cause of Pureshram Bhow'. , retreat explained.-The armfes return to their respective ter- ritories. - Distress of Pureshram Bhow's army. Page 87 CHAPTER IV. :FROM A. D. 1792, 'l'G A. D. 1794. An inquiry into the reasons 'which'induced Lord Cornwallis to refrain,from subjugati,ng Tippoo's territory, is foreign to the object of this work. - Opinion of the Mahratta ministers on this subject. --Mahadajee' Sindia's proposals at the time of fo~ming the cbnfederacy against Tippoo, to which Sindia did Inot become a party. - Sindia's pr~ceedings in Hindoostan.­ Battle ()f Patun. - Ismael Beg defeated-Rajpoots continue the war-battle of Mairta-peace with the Rajpoots. - The tegular infantry of De Boigne. -... Holkar entertains the Che. valier Dudrenec and raises some regular corps.-Ali Buhadur assisted by Himmut Buhadur establishes himself in Bunde}­ 'cund. - Sindia moves.towards POl1na; ...... Surmises with re­ gard to his intentions - declares that he is proceeding as bearer of tne insignia of office, for the Wukeel-i~Mootliq, from tbe emperor to the Peillhwa. - Grand state ceremony on presenting the -insignia. -.. Sindia endeavours by various , ways to gain the confidence of the young- Peishwa to the pre­ judice -of Nana Furnuwees. -- Discussions respecting the aft'airs of Hindoostan. -Ismnel Beg again raises disturbances, but is taken prisoner and confined for life in the fort of Agra. _ ,The troop'i of Sindia and Holkar commit hostilities against each other-obstinate battle of Lukhairee: - Siodia's troops victorious ...... Consequences at Poona. - Hostilities suspend­ ed in Hindoostan, by orders from the Peishwa and Sindia- . the latter all powerful in Hindoostan - his attempts to render ~i~self popular in the Deccan-perseveres in 6is endeavours . to'supersedeNanaFurnwees in the young Peishwa's favour.­ Remarkable explanation betwiltt the Peishwa and Nana.­ Views of Mahadajee Sindia-his death. 7l . CONTENTS. IX ,CHAPTER :y.. A. po ~794. Mahadajee Sindia's death, an event of great political importance. - Review of his policy and summary of his character - Is succeeded by his Grand Nephew Doulut Rao. - Sindia's re­ gular infantry.- Opinions of many Mahrattas respecting that force. - Holkar long' averse to its introduction. - Rughoojee BhonsJay bad no infantry discipli!led by European officers • ..,... State of aJFairs at Nagpoor, and at Baroda....... Govind Rao Gaekwar succeeds as regent. - Piracy on tbe coast of Maharashtra. - The Peishwa's fleet.- Angria of Kolabah.­ Seedees of Jinjeera - Revolutions and events in that ~tate, Malwan and Sawuntwaree. - Various attempts of the Eng­ lisb ,to .suppress their piracies, and those. 9£ the Raja of Kola­ poor-never' completely eft'ected until the yeall181~. Page 87 CHAPTER VI. FROM A. D. 1794, TO A. D. 1795. Reflections on the preceding details, and on the condition of tbe Mahrattas as a military nation at this period. - Their claims on Nizam Ally occasion a ·temporary union 'of the chiefs. - Courde of policy adopted by the English. in the negotiation which preceded the 'War between the Mahrattas and Nizam Ally.- Discussions between the Courts of Poon a and Hyderabad-war declared-assembly of, the armies re­ spectively-march to oppose each other....... skirmish rin which the Moghuls obtain some 'advantage-battle ot" Kurdla­ extraordinary' discomfiture of the Moghul army.'- Submis- , sion of Nizam Ally, who surrenders the person of his minister, cedes large tracts o~ territory, 'and promises to pay three krores of rupees. - Anecdote of the young Peillhwa. - Ni­ zam Ally offended at the neutrality of the English, whose influence at Hyderabad is likely to be wholly superseded by a French party...... Unexpected rebellion of the prince Ali Jah. occasions the recall of the £nglish battalions.,- The re­ bellion suppressed by the exertions of M. Raymond-Move- x CONTENTS. ments of the Mahrattas during the insurrection. - No proof cof their having been in any manner accessory to the rebe,llion. - Nana Furnuwees at the summit of power, when his anxiety to preserve it. brings on an unforeseen catastrophe. Page 104 CHAPTER VII. FROM A. n. 1795, TO A. D. 179~ Nana Furnuwees-his conduct towards Mahdoo Rao-the Raja of Satara-and the family of the deceased Rugonath Rao. - The sons of Rugonath Rao confined in the fort of Sewneree.­ Bajee Rao the particular object of Nana's jealousy.
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