Towards a Multi-Religious Topology of Islam: the Global Circulation of a Mutable Mobile
9 (2019) Article 7: 211-272 Towards a Multi-Religious Topology of Islam: The Global Circulation of a Mutable Mobile MANFRED SING Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz, Germany This contribution to Entangled Religions is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0 International). The license can be accessed at Entangled Religions 9 (2019)–272 Towards a Multi-Religious Topology of Islam: The Global Circulation of a Mutable Mobile Towards a Multi-Religious Topology of Islam: The Global Circulation of a Mutable Mobile MANFRED SING Leibniz Institute of European History ABSTRACT Narratives of the origins, the history, and the present state of Islam always entail spatial claims. Accordingly, Islam emerged in the Arabian Peninsula, spread over its so-called heartlands, and became a world religion. A common understanding inscribes Islam onto the Orient and opposes it to Europe, the Occident, or the West. Such spatial claims are faced with fundamental challenges and epistemological shortcomings because neither Islam nor space are naturally given, bounded entities. Rather, different historical actors and observers produce spatialized Islam. In this chapter, I challenge the notion that “Muslim space” is a useful analytical concept, and scrutinize the ways in which academic discourses inscribe Islam onto space and history. As an alternative, I propose a topology that understands the production of space as a multi-dimensional social process, including Muslim and non- Muslim perspectives at the same time. Thus, I delineate the topology of Islam as variegated, dynamic, and multi-religious from its inception.
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