800 Gun Trade~

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800 Gun Trade~ 800 GUN TRADE~. [ LlNCOLNSt:tiRE.] GuN & RIFL.K MAKKns-continued, Clark R. George st.Barton-on-Hmnber Higgs G. n St. John's lit. Stamford Midland Gun Co. (dealers), 12 Market ClaTke John, High st. Burgh R.S.O Hill J. 15 & 16 St. Martin's, Stamford place, Brigg Clay Arthnr, 131 Winn st. Linculn Hindley F. r6g Convamore rd.Grimsby Slingsby Bros. 10 High street, Boston Clay Edwd. Ea•tgate, Heckington S.O Holmes Jn. 62 Humber st. Grimsby Stovin William, 4 Westgate,Grantham Clayton H. 47a, High st. Grantham Holmes Robt. 3 & 5 Queen st. Louth Thompson Herbt. 22 West st. Boston Colbeck Edward, 93 Ripon st. Lincoln Holoran Harry, 213 High st. Lincoln Wallis Bros. 156 High st. & 4 Cor- Colburn Thomas, 31 null pi. Spalding Horton Charles, Mablethorpe St. poration street, Lincoln Coleman Harry, 74 Oxford st.Grimsb~· Mary R.S.O Cook William, 42 Upgate, Louth Howe Harry B. Abbey road, Bour11e GUNSMITHS. Corthorn Waiter, 38 Sincil st. Lincoln Hudson Herbert, n 1 Grimsby road, Hensman Wm. 19 Bridge st. Boston. Cowham Pred, 4 Frodingham road, ~ew Cleethorpes, Grimsby See advertisement Scnnthorre, Donc;,ster Ingham Davirl, 15 Sea View st. Clf'e- Starsmore H. T. & Co. 33 St. :Mary's Cngg Uwrles, 34 Northgate, Sleaford thorpes, Grim,;hv stre~L. Starnford Cranidge Thus. Jn. Ashby, Doncaster Jackson Fredk. 28 "ormgatl\ Boston Cripsey H. 428 Cleethorpe rd.Grimsby Jackson W. George street, Barton-on- GUTTA l'ERCHA MANFRS. Croft J. W. 49 Hickman st. Gains'boro' Humber India Rubber, Gutta. Percha & Crowder \~. E. 27 We,;tgate,Granthm James A. Ramsgate, Louth Telegraph Work• Co. Llrn.; Curt Fk. Church st. Heckington S.O Jenkinson Alfd. London rd. Grantham offices, 100 & 106 Cannon st. London Darby J obn, Kirton, Boston .T ohm on A. 341 Cleethorpe nl.Grm,;by E C; works, Silvertown, London E ; Dawson J. I. ro Railway ter.Grantharo JohnsonW.R 296Cleethorpe rd.Grm~by branch, 28 Angel street, Sheffield ; Da.wson Percy, George street, Barton- Jordan A. D. 65 Southgate, Sleaford gutta. percha. sheet & tissue, golf on-Humber Jordan ·wm. II North st. Horncastle balls, tubing, buckets &c Death Jack, 12 Riby square, Grimsby Kew Harry, West street, Alford Dennis H. 8 Exchange arcade, Lincoln Kew Henry H . .=; Eastgate, Louth HAEERDASHERS. Dennios Ge0.22 Queen st.~arket Rasen Kidd Arthnr, 97 Southgate, Sleaford Billings Mrs. Elizh. New mrkt. Lincoln Dersley lVm.G. 5 Waterside nth.Lincln King Fredk. 19 Wharf rd. Grantham Burrell Thos. 47 North st. Horncastle Des-Forges G. W. 268 Freemall' 11t. Kirk Frederick, High street, Billing- Chapman Mrs. A. Church st. Holbeacb Grimsby borough, Folkingham S.O Conlson Jas. H. 19 Southgate, Sleafrd Dickinson J. 53 Garibaldi st. Grim11by Kirk J. J. Cross st. Crowle, Doncaster DoHby Miss S. 34 Burton rd. Lincoln Dickinson Samuel, Billinghay, Lincoln Kirkham W. 22 Guildhall st. Lincoln Donell Miss Emma, no West st.Boston Dixon Arthur, 12 Bull ring,Horncastle Kisby Robt. 4 Chapel st. Grantham Halliwell E. & Son, New mkt. Lincoln Dobbs Ra.lph, 45 High street, Clee- Kitts A. 4 Humber st. Great Grimsby H:~lliwell MTs. F. nga, Burton road, thorpes, Grimsby Knighten William G. 4 All Saint:;' Lincoln Dolman J. 121 Cleet-horpes rd.Grimsby street, Stamford IIarrison & Co. 57 Southgate, Sleaford Downes Mrs. Eli1.a, 326 Ropery road, Lambert E. G. 68 Ripon st. Grimsby Pepper .Tn. y Market pl.Market Rasen Gainsborongh Lane ..A.rrhur, North street, Bourne Spaul Mrs. E. 3 Norton st. Grantham Edwards Chas.126 Trinity st.Gain11bro' Lane Edward, North street, Bourne Spilma~ John Rae,Winterton,Doncastr Eley John Henry, Market place, Wain- Large J. 30 St. Peter's hill, Grantham Tucker Robert, 15 Hilda st. Grimsby fleet All Saints R. S.O Lawrence Jas. S. 8 New rd. Spalding Wain Mrs. S. 47 Red Lion st. Boston Ellis Wm. Hy. 47 Ra.sen lane, Lincoln Layton AlfrPd, 40 West street, Boston Elston W. J. 30 Portland st. Lincoln Leary Wm. R. South street, Bourne HA:BIT MAKERS. Elvidge Harry, 6 High street, Lincoln Levi Phillip, 64 Rip on street, Lincoln Keaveny James, I Bank street, Lincoln Elvin James HPnry, 17 Upgate, Louth Lewis Ernest, Kirton, Boston ~artin & Son, 2 Silver st. Lincoln Eh·in William Frederick, Mablethorpe Liddell Arth. IIO Trinity st. Gainsbro' St. ~ary R.S.O Lnnn John R. 20 George st. Boston HAIR SPECIALIST. Everitt Jas. I58 Burge~s st. Grimiiby Lushby H. ISI Albert st. Grimsby Voss Erdmann, 262a, High street, Lin- Eyre .Tohn, Owston Ferry, Doncaster Maddison G. 20 Canwick rd. Lincoln coln. See advertisement Eyre Rubert, Dogdyke, Lincoln Maddison H. 46 Wide Bargate, Bos~on Farren Jsph. 2 Mag-pies square,Lincoln Major Arthur, Holme st. Grimsby HAIR DRESSERS. Fern Tom. r61 Albion st. Grinu;hy Marsden T. 107 Bridge st. Gainsboro' Alien G. North st.Crowland, Peterbro' Ferreby N. Barrow-on-Humber, Hull Marsh .Albert, Winterton, Doncaster Almond Arthnr, Helpringham, Heck- Firth Edwa>:-d, South street, Caistar ~farsh Daniel, 1 Home st. Scunthorpe, ington S.O Firth Tom, 5 Union st. Market Rasen Donca.ster AITold Joseph, Albion street, Spalding Fisher Henry N. 27 High st. Stamford Marshall John Sellars, High strePt, Aston .A.rth. 3 Oxford st.Market Rasen Fleming Charles, II2 High st. Lincoln Billingl-JOrough, Folkingham S. 0 At-kin Greenwood, ou Pasture street, Foottit Waiter, 78~ Bailgate, Lincoln Martin Wm. C. 6g Newland, Lincoln Grimsby & 17 Queen street, Lonth Foster Job. 13 Vine street, Grantham Mason W.North st.Lng.SuttoiL, Wsbch Bailey Charles S. Market pl. Spilsby Fonlsham Waiter, jun. ~arket place, ~astin F. 22 Waterside nth. Lincoln l3all Thomas Wm. Eastgate, Bourne Long Sutton, Wisbech ~fay Thomas, 47 Southgate, Sleaford Banyard Wm. rq Oxford st. Grimsby Franck .Tulius, 5 Market pl.Gainsboro' ~fedlock Misses Martha Ann & Clara Barber Fredk. 136 High st. Lincoln Freestone Charles, Corby, Grantham Amue (ladies), 3 Swinegate, Grant- Barber Fdk.Taylor,35 Monson st.Lincln Fmst Harry, 31 Strait, Lincoln ham & 13 Wat~rgate, Sleaford Barley. Wm. Market st. Gainsborough Gale George W. 17 West street.Boston ~iddlet{]n John Edward, n, 46, 53 & Bartlett Geo. 332 Victoria !lt. Grimsby Garner Sydney, r5 Monks rd. Lincoln 57 Lnmlev road, Skegness R. S.O l3askervillA George Rhone, 229 Clee- Gihbins John, 25 Rntland !!.t. Grimsby Milam .T. 21 Central market, Grimsby thorpe road & Flottergate, Grimsby GilJbon Miss A.38 Bridge st.Gainsboro' Millhonse John, Coningsby, Lincoln Heels Fred, 175 Freeman st. Grimsby Gibbons T. 14 Waterside sth. Lincoln Mills Jn. Kirton-in-Lindsey R.S.O Heels Robert, 235 Freeman st.Grimsby Gibbs .A. 35 Bridge st. south, Grimsby Monument G. B_:;a, Hilda st. Grimsby Beeron John Wm. go West st. Boston Gillespie Fredk. 57 Albert st. Grimsby Moore F. go ~ewland st. we. Lincoln Bell Edward. 13 Queen street, Louth GoodisonMrs.P.High st.Crowle,Dncstr :Nagele Joseph H. 83 West st. Boston B£\11 Geo. W. I Watergate, Sleaford Goodyear Ernest,44 Melville st.Lincoln Naylor George, E'Pworth, Doncaster 'Bell Thomas, 4 Cheyne lane, Stamford Goose Robert, 34 Canwick rd. Lincoln Neal G. W. 308 Victoria st. Grimsbv Bellamv Wm. Arth. SS Market pl.Bstu Goss Charles, Sutton Bridge, Wisbech Newcombe Mrs. Mary Ann, _:;8 Church Bsst Miss Kate, 7 Emery lane, Boston Green M. 25a, Dndley rd. Grantham street, Gainsborough Borwell Henry, ~8 Garden 13t. Grimsby Gregory Alfred L. 30 Cambridge st. Newsome F.Fleetgate,Barton-on-Hmbr Boult Edward, Messingham, Brigg Cleethorpes, Grimsby Newton B. F. 49 Freeman sLGrimsby Bowman T.A. Market pl.:Mrkt.Deeping Grocock Robert, Billinghay, Lincoln Nixon John E. North ~treet, Bourne Rrewin F. 3 Watergate, Grantham Hall George, 41 Liquorpond st. Boston Norton Geor~e, 62a, Upgate, Louth Rrittain Alfred, 44 High street. Boston Handford J. Wellington st. Gainsboro' Ogden Jas. R. 24 High st. Grantham Brittain Geo. '10 Wormgate, Boston Hardingham Ernest, 12 Ironmonger Osborne D. Market place, Long Sut- Brittain GeAJ. A. 1 Norfolk st. Boston street, Stamford ton, Wisbech Brown Frederick, 44 Station !lt.Boston Hardy M. 61 Nelson street, Grimsby Overton C. W. qo Victor st. Grimsby Brown Jn. 6 Bridge st. Gain~horongh Hardy R.H.35 Market st.Gainsboroagh Overton Wm. 59 Southgate, Sleaford Brown William, 24 Bridge st. Spalding Harrison Edwin T. r6o High st.Lincoln Palrner H.W. 20 Church st.Gainsboro' Burkill E. King st. Barton-on-Hnmber Hawkins W.H.Ohnrch st.Mrkt.Deeping Parkinson J.H.24 Bull ring,Horncastle Bnrley G. 6 Lnmley rd.SkegnessR.S.O Hayes Tom, 76 Baggholme rd. Lincoln Parman Edward, Saxilby, Lincoln q8 t. ~t. Cade G. H. Victoria .. Grimsbv. Heath Frerlk. C. 54 High Lincoln Phillips .l[}hn, Church st. Holbeach Cant S. 43a, London rd. Grantham Henderson & Son,sr Bigby street,Brigg Pinchbeck Herbt. 2 Veal st. Grimsby Cant '\YaltPr, 6o '\Vestgate. Grantharn Hewins W. H. 65 Pasture st. Grimsby Powell F. 52 Wellington st. Grimsby Capindale .Tohn R.62 Main ridge. Boston Hewson A. E. 34 London rd.Grantharn Precious Arth. 46 Fildes st. Grimsby C''lwkwP1l GPorgP. Garthorpe R.RO Hickling- Frank, Billinghay, Lincoln Pridmore T. II Victor st. Grimsby Chapman John, West street, Alford Higgs Bros.Stone bow,High st.Lincoln Priestley David, Sutton-on-Sea R.S.O .
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