COUNCIL MEETING 9:00 AM Tuesday, January 5, 2021
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A G E N D A COUNCIL MEETING 9:00 AM Tuesday, January 5, 2021 Page 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Motion to Accept Agenda 3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 4. Minutes 4 - 19 December 15th, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 5. Business Arising From the Minutes 20 - 21 CL 03-2021: Business Arising from the Minutes of December 15th, 2020 6. Appointments 22 - 26 9:05 a.m. - Bill Menzie, Chief of Operations - Municipal Enforcement Unit 7. Staff Reports 27 - 31 CL 01-2021: Draft Thermostat Temperature Regulation Policy 32 - 35 CL 02-2021: MFIPPA Legislation - Request for Reform 8. Discussion Items 9. Planning & Zoning 10. Agenda Items & Correspondence 36 #1- AGCO - Municipal Information - The Oxford Hills - for Page 1 of 78 Page information/comments 37 - 39 #2- Engage Oxford Webpage 40 #3- Letter from MPP Ernie Hardeman - Tile Loan Program 11. Accounts Payable Report 41 January 5th, 2021 - Accounts Payable Report 12. Information Items & Correspondence 42 - 45 #4- Email from Debbie France, Norfolk County resident re: Federal Cannabis Petition Deadline 46 - 49 #5- Town of Amherstburg Resolution re: Development Approval Requirement for Landfills (Bill 197) 50 - 52 #6- Chatham-Kent Resolution re: Bill 229 and Conservation Authorities 53 - 55 #7- Kingsville Resolution re: Support for Small Business 56 - 57 #8- Township of Matachewan Resolution re: Grant Application Deadline 13. By-Laws and Agreements 58 - 59 By-Law No. 01-2021 - To authorize borrowing from time to time to meet the current expenditures for the year 2021 60 - 62 By-Law No. 02-2021 - To provide for interim tax levies for the year 2021 63 - 66 By-Law No. 03-2021 - To regulate matters related to the health, safety and well-being of inhabitants of the Township (public nuisance) 67 - 76 By-law No. 04-2021 - To authorize the execution of an agreement with Page 2 of 78 Page MEU Consulting (by-law enforcement services) 14. Committees 15. Strategic Planning 16. New Business 17. Council Round Table 18. Closed Session The meeting will be closed to the public to discuss subject matter that is: (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (CAO Performance Evaluation). 19. Confirmatory By-Law 77 By-Law No. 05-2021 - To confirm all actions and proceedings of Council (January 5th, 2021) 20. Adjournment 21. Dates to Remember 78 Page 3 of 78 AGENDA ITEM # Township of South-West Oxford Council Minutes (via web conference) December 15, 2020 Members Present: Mayor: David Mayberry Councillors: Paul Buchner (Ward 1), Peter Ypma (Ward 2), Valerie Durston (Ward 3), George Way (Ward 4), Jim Pickard (Ward 5), Craig Gillis (Ward 6) Members Absent: None Staff Present: Mary Ellen Greb, Chief Administrative Officer Diane Larder, Treasurer/Deputy CAO Julie Forth, Clerk Adam Prouse, Works Superintendent Howard Leaver, Chief Building Official Call Meeting to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor David Mayberry and quorum was present. Motion to Accept Agenda Resolution No. 1 Moved by Jim Pickard Seconded by George Way RESOLVED that the regular meeting agenda for the December 15th, 2020 meeting of council be approved, as amended to include discussion about the Beachville Road speed limit through the village. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Declaration of Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest. Minutes December 1st, 2020 - Regular Council Meeting Minutes Resolution No. 2 Moved by Paul Buchner Seconded by Craig Gillis RESOLVED that the regular minutes of the December December 15th, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 78 AGENDA ITEM # Council Minutes - December 15, 2020 1st, 2020 council meeting be approved, as amended. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Business Arising from the Minutes CL 50-2020: Business Arising from the Minutes of December 1st Clerk Julie Forth provided Council with a report to provide them with an overview of the staff actions arising from the minutes of the last Council meeting. Resolution No. 3 Moved by Craig Gillis Seconded by George Way RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of South- West Oxford receive report CL 50-2020 Summary of Staff Actions Related to Business Arising from the Minutes of December 1st, 2020 as information. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Appointments 7:05 p.m. - Al Forrester and George Klosler - Mt. Elgin Hall 2021 Grant Request Al Forrester and George Klosler, on behalf of the Mount Elgin Community Centre, presented the committee’s 2021 grant request to Council. Al Forrester noted that it has been a difficult year for the community centre and rental revenue has been significantly impacted. He reviewed the proposed budget for 2021. Council requested more information from the Committee regarding the proposed storage room addition. George Klosler commented that the current storage space is not sufficient and not functional for the needs of the building. He advised Council that the Committee may provide more details on this request in the New Year. December 15th, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 78 AGENDA ITEM # Council Minutes - December 15, 2020 Staff Reports BD 17-2020: Monthly Building Report - November 2020 Chief Building Official Howard Leaver provided Council with a report to provide them with the status of the activities in the building department as of the end of November, 2020. He advised that the month of November slowed down with respect to the number of permits received; however, to date in 2020, 216 permits have been issued and $176,000 of permit fees have been collected. Resolution No. 4 Moved by George Way Seconded by Paul Buchner RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of South- West Oxford receive report BD-17- 2020 Monthly Building Report – November 2020 for information. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried BD 18-2020: Brownsville Fire Hall - Roof Top Unit (RTU) Replacement Chief Building Official Howard Leaver provided Council with a report to provide them with information regarding the replacement of the defective Roof Top Unit (RTU) at the Brownsville Fire Hall. He advised that he is recommending that Black and MacDonald do the work to fix this issue. They are currently backlogged and waiting for parts to move forward with this repair. In response to an inquiry from Council with respect to why the Township is experiencing issues with the RTU, Mr. Leaver advised that the Township does not have a service agreement with anyone for routine repair and maintenance. Mr. Leaver is now speaking with Black and MacDonald and Rick’s Heating and Cooling to provide quotes for maintenance work on all Township systems. Howard also advised that he will be working with Building Inspector Jason Brunt to develop a maintenance plan for Township facilities by the end of January. December 15th, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 78 AGENDA ITEM # Council Minutes - December 15, 2020 Resolution No. 5 Moved by Craig Gillis Seconded by Peter Ypma RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of South- West Oxford receive report BD-18-2020 as information; AND FURTHER THAT Council authorize a transfer from the Township Fire Hall Replacement/Renovation Reserve to cover the cost of the project. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried CL 51-2020: Update: Operation of Off-Road Vehicles on Highway (O. Reg 316/03) Clerk Julie Forth provided Council with a report to bring forward an amendment to O. Reg 316/03 regarding the operation of off-road vehicles on municipal roads for Council’s information and consideration and to provide Council with an update regarding the discussion that took place on this matter at the last Council meeting on December 1st, 2020. Discussion continued... Appointments (continued) 7:35 a.m. - Dan Pirrie - Foldens Hall 2021 Grant Request Dan Pirrie, on behalf of the Foldens Hall Board, presented the Committee’s 2021 grant request to Council. He reviewed the committee’s proposed operating and capital budgets. He commented that this has been a challenging year for the hall, and that the committee has experienced a lot of reductions in rental revenue. He noted that the Committee was able to host the outdoor country music concert in the fall which went very well. For the remainder of the year, 100% of rentals have been cancelled. Mr. Pirrie advised that he is hopeful that the Committee will be able to host the breakfast with the Lions Club and Family Fun Day fundraisers in the summer, 2021. He also commented on capital and maintenance expenditures for the hall which have occurred recently including the water system and furnace replacement and mould growth clean up. In response to an inquiry from Councillor Pickard, Mr. Pirrie advised that there has been some debate on how to include funding for the proposed homerun fencing in the budget. The estimate should be split with the Township 25/75 December 15th, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 78 AGENDA ITEM # Council Minutes - December 15, 2020 ($3,000 from the hall board and $9,000 from the Township). Mr. Pirrie advised that there was little use of the baseball diamonds this past summer; approximately six games for minor ball and fifteen games for the men’s team. 7:45 p.m. - Committee of Adjustment A07-2020 - 12454611 Canada Inc. - 434844 Zorra Line (deferred from December 1st meeting) A08-2020 - Marcell and Jannette Den Dekker - 333712 Plank Line Resolution No. 6 Moved by Paul Buchner Seconded by George Way RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of South-West Oxford move into Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variance applications A07-2020 submitted by 1245611 Canada Inc. for property located at 434844 Zorra Line and A08-2020 submitted by Marcell and Jannette Den Dekker for property located at 333712 Plank Line. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Resolution No.