NQE™ Network File Sharing

Brings File Sharing to the Embedded System What is File Sharing?

You are probably using it every day. • Windows Network→Host→Shared Folder→File

“File Sharing”: • Expose your own files • View other’s files Either manually or by program.

2 Confidential What is CIFS/SMB?

CIFS/SMB is a File Sharing protocol which realizes File Sharing functionality. CIFS(Common Internet File System) SMB() “File Sharing protocol” includes:  CIFS/SMB protocol itself  A series of SMB services which runs over the protocols such as:  RAP(Remote Administration Protocol)  RPC(Remote Procedure Call Services) etc…

3 Confidential Outline of CIFS/SMB history

SMB-1982 Designed by IBM (Barry Feigenbaum)  PC-DOS – 1984  LAN Manager – 1988  Unix and other operating systems (part of the OS or as a suite like ) CIFS- Adopted by as of Win95  Common Internet File System Strictly speaking,  Windows NT 4.0 – 1996 “CIFS” has started  IETF draft – Common Internet File System – 1997 its history from this  SNIA Technical Specification – 1999 year. SMB (returned to the original name) - 2000  Extensions – 2000 So, let’s call the  Extensions for other implementations of SMB oldest SMB as SMB1! SMB 2.0 (or SMB2) – 2008 SMB 2.1 (or SMB2.1) – 2010 Windows 7 SMB 3.x (or SMB3) – 2012 Windows 8

4 Confidential SMB2.x and SMB3.0

Re-designed major SMB versions by Microsoft. Performance improvements

 Much smaller command set ( 75 → 19 )  Improved request compounding (reduced round trips)  Asynchronous operations (Multiple packets sent concurrently)  Larger reads/writes (more data in each packet) Security improvements  SMB Durability provide limited network fault tolerance  Signing – Uses HMAC SHA-256 instead of old MD5

 SMB Encryption Now that IBM cannot interfere Increased file sharing scalability any more.

5 Confidential SMB versions – Who speaks what?

Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista Previous versions Client / Server OS Windows Server Windows Server Windows Server of Windows 2012 2008 R2 2008 Windows 8 Windows Server SMB 3.0 SMB 2.1 SMB 2.0 SMB 1.0 2012 Windows 7 Windows Server SMB 2.1 SMB 2.1 SMB 2.0 SMB 1.0 2008 R2 Windows Vista Windows Server SMB 2.0 SMB 2.0 SMB 2.0 SMB 1.0 2008 Previous versions SMB 1.0 SMB 1.0 SMB 1.0 SMB 1.0 of Windows

6 Confidential SMB – The future of SMB1.0

• Prior to Windows 8.1 SMB1 was an integral part of the OS. • Starting from 8.1 SMB1 is an optional component that may be disabled. It’s still enabled by default. • In the next Windows release We will make SMB1 disabled by default, So that a user will need to turn it on. Not each user knows how to do that. • Later on We are planning to remove SMB1. • We consider the 8.1 case as a "yellow warning" for those that still count on SMB1.

Announced at SDC in Sep 18, 2013 By - Jose Barreto Principal Program Manager Windows 8 Windows 8.1 File Server Team, Microsoft Jose Barreto’s Blog ( http://smb3.info )

7 Confidential SMB vs. others TFTP, FTP, HTTP  Advantage : The most standard protocol supported by a variety of applications.  Disadvantage : - Pre-installation is required for both of client and server. (and for both of Windows and UNIX) - Configuration is complicated. - File transfer is the main job so downloading/uploading is required for file operations. NFS  Advantage : Seamless linkage with OS. (Depending on each distribution)  Disadvantage : - Not supported by Windows machines ( besides Windows server )  - Configuration is complicated. SMB  Advantage : Windows standard protocol - Seamless mechanism with OS. - Can be used even in UNIX machines by using SMB. - Easy Configuration. - Direct “open” and “modification” is allowed because of its nature of “File Sharing protocol”. - Temporary area is not needed.  Disadvantage : Installation of Samba is required for UNIX machines.

8 Confidential NQE – What’s NQE

The leading (and the only viable) Commercial SMB In the Market today.

NQE™ - Network Quick  Portable to virtually any operating system  Small Footprint  Configuration Flexibility  Connectivity to any existing CIFS

9 Confidential NQE – Strengths

Portable to virtually any operating system  VxWorks, ThreadX, Linux(32/64bit), Integrity, Lynx, Netware, OS20, ucLinux, Windows CE (), iTron, iOS, Android and more..  Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 Small Footprint  300~500KB RAM configuration flexibility  Use both Server & Client, or…  Use only Server/Client  Use only Raw TCP/IP (without NetBIOS), etc.. Connectivity with:  Any existing Windows  Any Mac  Samba

10 Confidential NQE – Major functionalities CIFS Server functionality  File server, Print server CIFS Client functionality SMB1.0/2.0 support SMB3.0 support IPv4/IPv6 support Workgroup / Domain support file system support Authentication・ signature・ encryption  LM, NTLM, LMv2, NTLMv2, NTLMSSP, SPNEGO, (external module required) Name resolution functionality  NetBIOS, WINS, DNS, LLMNR

11 Confidential NQE Roadmap – Evolving always

NQ 7 NQE NQ 6.0 Jun-2014 NQ 4.0 NQ 5.0 7.00 Mar-2013 Accumulative 6.00 Nov.-10 4.31 Aug-06 7.01 Jun-2013 NQ 2.0 Patch Nov-10 6.01 Jul-2011 1.00 Dec-00 NQE 4.32 Apr-07 7.02 Dec- 2013 6.02 Mar-2012 NQE Development2.00 Mar -2002 Start 4.33 Mar-08 4.33 SP1/SP2

Aug. 1998 Mar. 2002 Feb. 2006 Dec. 2009 Nov. 2010 2013 2014

• Company • Productization • SPOOLSS RPC • Support for • Domain • • SMB3.0 Established • First Release to service support SMB2 protocol membership (Server) • Encryption • Development Market • Access List (Server / Client) • Active Directory • LLMNR Start! Support Code • NTLMSSP (client) • Multithread Page authentication • Message Signing • DFS Enhancements • Raw TCP/IP (Server) (Server) • IPv6 support • Multiple DNS • Zero-copy • Full compliance Server Support transfer to Vista. • Full compliance (Server) • NTLMSSP/SPNE to Windows • Full compliance GO/Kerberos 5 Server 2008 R2 to OS X Mountain logon (Client) • Full compliance Lion (Mac OS • DFS (Client) to Windows 7 v10.8) • Full compliance • 64Bit Linux • Full compliance to Windows Support to Windows 8. Server 2008 • Accumulative Standard. patch

12 Confidential NQE vs. Samba Samba GPLv2 GPLv3 Samba Unix/Linux based only 3.0.x SMB1.0 • Not portable to other embedded platforms Samba SMB2.0 Big footprint 3.6.0 • Unusable in most embedded applications Sep. 2003 Jul. 2007 Aug. 2011 Samba adopting GNU General Public License GPLv3 • Requires disclosure of the entire source code

ROM Size RAM Size Support License

NQETM 300KB 1.9 MB Visuality Systems provides full support of Fully ~500KB the software including problem solving, commercial software update and feature enhancements. license 4,300 KB 6.3 MB No support available as this is a free GPLv3 software.

13 Confidential NQ Use Case - MFP

Data flow by SMB Printer Server Data uploading • Scanned data • Incoming Fax data PC

NQ™ inside

Multi Function Printer File Server

Obtain the data from the File Serer and then print it by the MFP.

14 Confidential NQ Use Case - Digital Camera

Auto Backup

NQE (Client)

Home LAN/WiFi

Photo data taken by the camera is uploaded to NAS or PC and then backed up there.

Data flow by SMB 15 Confidential NQ Use Case - Medical Equipment

Inspection result is brought to Electronic Medical Recording System

Topcon KR-1 Auto Kerato- Refractometer

NQ™ inside

File Server EMR Systems

Audiological Equipment

Data flow by SMB 16 Confidential NQ Use Case – Wi-Fi Router

Apple Time Capsule  File Server

NTT Home gateway

17 Confidential NQ Use Case – Aerospace and Defense • Image NQE™ Server  Sharing file systems on CPUs used within the airplane  Used in the black box. Even a bit of data will not be missed in the case of huge damage to the airplane.

NQE™ Server NQE™ Client  Transferring data taken  Mapping Functionality. Sending map data during mission to PCs or meteorological data to the cockpit located in the base. system without time rug.

18 Confidential NQE – Applications

Aerospace Automation Medical equipment Networking and data storage Printers Home appliances PDA/Media Player Smart devices

Used in a wide variety of areas

19 Confidential Visuality Systems- Key to Success

Founded in1998 Company is fully CIFS dedicated. The world leader in the provision of CIFS based solutions and consulting for Network Embedded Systems market. With over 100 Major companies world wide in millions of devices from Aerospace & Defense, Home Appliances, Networking Equipment, Medical and other fields.

20 Confidential Thank you