Heart of the North West

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Heart of the North West Narrabri Shire Heart of the North West NARRABRI SHIRE BIRD LISTS MOUNT KAPUTAR & NANDEWAR FOOTHILLS • Information should be used as a guide only. Information is subject to change without notice and is in no way binding. Responsibility is not taken for inaccuracies in this information. Please contact the Visitor Information Centre on (02) 6799 6760 to check any details. Bird Species Bird Type Emu Emu Grebes Australasian Grebe Mound Builders Australian Brush Turkey Ducks Chestnut Teal Grey Teal Pacific Black Duck Australian Wood Duck Plumed Whistling-Duck Herons White-necked Heron White-faced Heron Nankeen Night Heron Pelicans & Cormorants Australian Pelican Little Pied Cormorant Ibises and Spoonbills Yellow billed Spoonbill Royal Spoonbill Straw-necked ibis Australian White Ibis Plovers Black-fronted Dotterel Masked Lapwing Pigeons Diamond Dove Bar-shouldered dove Peaceful Dove Crested Pigeon Common Bronze wing Feral Pigeon Cockatoos Sulphur-crested cockatoo Red tailed black cockatoo Yellow tailed black cockatoo Galah Lorikeets Musk Lorikeet Little Lorikeet Scaly-breasted Lorikeet Rosellas/Parrots Mallee Ringneck Swift Parrot Budgerigar Turquoise Parrot Page 1 of 11 July 09 Blue Bonnet Eastern Rosella Crimson Rosella Red-rumped Parrot Large Parrots Cockatiel Australian King-parrot Red-winged Parrot Hawk Owls Southern Boobook Barn Owls Barn Owl Owlet-Nightjar Australian Owlet-nightjar Nightjars Spotted Nightjar Frogmouths Tawny Frogmouth Kingfishers Azure kingfisher Laughing Kookaburra Red-backed Kingfisher Sacred Kingfisher Cuckoos Fan-tailed Cuckoo Brush Cuckoo Horsefield’s Bronze-Cuckoo Shining Bronze-cuckoo Pallid Cuckoo Pacific Koel Channel-billed cuckoo Pheasant Coucal Eagles, Hawks Brown Goshawk Grey Goshawk Wedge tailed Eagle Little Eagle Swamp harrier Spotted Harrier Whistling Kite Square-tailed Kite Black Kite Black-shouldered Kite Falcons Brown Falcon Nankeen Kestrel Australian Hobby Peregrine Falcon Quail thrushes Spotted Quail Thrush Old World warblers Bushlark Australian Pipit Brown Songlark Rufous Songlark Babblers White-browed Babbler Grey-crowned babbler Quails Stubble Quail Brown Quail Painted Button quail Page 2 of 11 June 08 Woodswallows Dusky woodswallow White breasted woodswallow Little Woodswallow Masked Woodswallow White-browed woodswallow Cuckoo-shrikes Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Cicadabird White-winged triller Chats Crimson Chat Treecreepers White-throated Treecreeper Brown Treecreeper Swallows White Backed Swallow Welcome Swallow Fairy Martin Tree Martin Swifts White-throated Needletail Wrens Superb Fairy Wren Variegated Fairy-wren White-winged Fairy wren Thornbills, Australian Warblers Inland Thornbill Yellow-rumped Thornbill Striated Thornbill Yellow thornbill Brown Thornbill Buff-rumped Thornbill Weebill Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Western Gerygone White-throated Gerygone Speckled Warbler White-browed Scrubwren Honeyeaters Painted Honey Eater Yellow-faced Honey Eater Fuscous Honeyeater White-eared honeyeater Yellow-tufted honeyeater White plumed honeyeater Singing honeyeater Brown honeyeater Yellow throated Miner Noisy miner Bell Miner Lewin’s honeyeater Brown headed Honeyeater Black Chinned Honeyeater White naped honeyeater Scarlet honeyeater Page 3 of 11 June 08 Little Friarbird Noisy friarbird Striped honeyeater Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Eastern Spinebill Pied Honeyeater Red Wattlebird Little Wattlebird Blue-faced Honeyeater Flycatchers, Whistlers, Robins Eastern yellow robin Hooded Robin Jacky Winter Scarlet Robin Red-capped Robin Flame Robin Rose Robin Grey Shrike-thrush Eastern Shrike-tit Golden Whistler Rufous Whistler Satin Flycatcher Restless Flycatcher Leaden Flycatcher Grey Fantail Willie Wagtail Rufous Fantail Sitella Varied Sittella Oriole Olive-backed oriole Bowerbirds Spotted Bowerbird Flowerpeckers Mistletoebird Bee-eaters Rainbow Bee-eater Rollers Dollarbird Pardalotes Spotted Pardalote Striated Pardalote Finches Plum-headed finch Red-browed finch Diamond Firetail Double-barred Finch Zebra Finch White eyes Silvereye Magpie-lark Magpie-lark Mud-nester builders White-winged Chough Apostlebird Crows Little Crow Torresian Crow Australian Raven Butcherbirds, Magpie Pied Butcherbird Grey Butcherbird Page 4 of 11 June 08 Australian Magpie Pied Currawong Page 5 of 11 June 08 YARRIE LAKE Bird Species Bird Species Bird Species M ound Builders Cockatoos/Parrots Spiny checked Honeyeater Emu Galah Striped Honeyeater Swans/Geese/Ducks/Grebes Sulphur Crested Cockatoo Noisy Friarbird Australian Wood Duck Red winged parrot Little Friar Bird Pacific Black Duck Eastern Rosella Blue Faced Honeyeater Parrots Pale Headed Rosella Singing Honeyeater Cockatoos Red Rumped Parrot Noisy Miner Great Crested Grebe Owls Yellow faced Honeyeater Grey Teal Southern Boobook White plummed Honeyeater Swan Swifts/Kingfisher Sparrows/Finches Australian Grebe Laughing Kookaburra Brown Barred Finch Gannets/Cormorants Sacred Kingfisher Diamond Finch Darter Rainbow Bee eater Common Sparrow Little Pied Cormorant Brown Honeyeater Plum headed finch Great Cormorant White- eared Honeyeater Magpie/Lark Striped Honeyeater Australian Pelicans Old World Warblers Restless Flycatcher Herons/Ibis/Spoonbills Clamorous Reed Warbler Magpie Lark White faced Heron Brown Song lark Willie Wagtail White necked Heron Chats/Robins Grey Fantail Intermediate Egret Jacky Winter Cuckoo/Shrikes/Orioles Australian White Ibis Red Capped Robin Black faced Cuckoo Straw necked Ibis Eastern Yellow Robin White Bellied Cuckoo Shrike Royal Spoonbill Babblers/Whipbirds Olive Backed Orioles Black Cookatoo Yellow Billed Spoonbill Grey crowned Babbler Wood swallows Birds of Prey White Browned Babbler White breasted Woodswallows Whistling Kite Whistlers White Browned Woodswallows Brown Goshawk Rufus Whistler Magpie/Butcherbird Nankeen Kestrel Golden Whistler Grey Butcherbird Square Tailed Kite Flower Pecker Pied Butcherbird Swamphens/Crakes/Rails Mistletoe Magpie Purple Swamphen Silvereye Ravens Eurasian Coot Bowerbirds/Larks Australian Raven Waders Singing Bushlark Little Raven Black winged Stilt Richard’s Pupit White-winged Chough Masked Lapwing Treecreepers Apostle bird Gulls/Terns Brown Treecreeper Myna/Starling White Throated Treecreepers Whiskered Tern Wrens/Pardalotes Common Starling Swallows Superb Fairy Wren Welcome Swallow Variegated Fairy Wren Page 6 of 11 June 08 Bird Species Bird Species Bird Species Tree Martin Scrub wrens/Allies Pigeons/Doves Buff rumped Thornbill Common Bronze wing White throated Warbler Crested Pigeons Yellow Rumped Thornbill Peaceful Dove Honeyeaters Bar Shouldered Dove Red Wattlebird Page 7 of 11 June 08 PILLIGA WEST Bird Species Scientific Name Bird Type Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Emu Ducks Anas superciliosa Pacific Black Duck Storks Grus rubicundus Brolga Herons Ardea pacifica Pacific Heron Nycticorax caledonicus Rufous Night Heron Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Little Black Cormorant Pigeons Geopelia humeralis Bar-shouldered Dove Geopelia placida Peaceful Dove Phaps chalcoptera Common Bronzewing Cockatoos Cacatua galerita Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cacatua roseicapilla Galah Calyptorhynchus lathami Glossy Black Cockatoo Lorikeets Glossopsitta concinna Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta pusilla Little Lorikeet Rosellas Barnardius barnardi Mallee Ringneck Neophema pulchella Turquoise Parrot Platycercus elegans Crimson Rosella Platycercus eximius Eastern Rosella Psephotus haematonotus Red-rumped Parrot Parrots Alisterus scapularis Australian King-Parrot Aprosmictus erythropterus Red-winged Parrot Nymphicus hollandicus Cockatiel Hawk Owls Ninox connivens Barking Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae Southern Boobook Barn Owls Tyto alba Barn Owl Tyto novaehollandiae Masked Owl Owlet-Nightjar Aegotheles cristatus Australian Owlet-nightjar Nightjars Caprimulgus mystacalis White-throated Nightjar Frogmouths Podargus strigoides Tawny Frogmouth Kingfishers Dacelo novaeguineae Laughing Kookaburra Halcyon sancta Sacred Kingfisher Cuckoos Chrysococcyx basalis Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus Shining Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans Black-eared Cuckoo Cuculus pallidus Pallid Cuckoo Cuculus variolosus Brush Cuckoo Eagles, Hawks Accipiter cirrhocephalus Collared Sparrowhawk Aquila audax Wedge-tailed Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides Little Eagle Falcons Falco berigora Brown Falcon Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon Babblers Pomatostomus superciliosus White-browed Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis Grey-crowned Babbler Button-quails Turnix varia Painted Button-quail Page 8 of 11 June 08 Rails Rallus philippensis Buff-banded Rail Woodswallows Artamus cyanopterus Dusky Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus White-breasted Woodswallow Cuckoo-shrikes Coracina novaehollandiae Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina papuensis White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Coracina tenuirostris Cicadabird Treecreepers Climacteris leucophaea White-throated Treecreeper Climacteris picumnus Brown Treecreeper Mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum Mistletoebird Swallows Cheramoeca leucosternum White-backed Swallow Swifts Hirundapus caudacutus White-throated Needletail Fairy Wrens Malurus cyaneus Superb Blue Wren Malurus lamberti Variegated Wren Thornbills Acanthiza apicalis Inland Thornbill Acanthiza chrysorrhoa Yellow-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza lineata Striated Thornbill Acanthiza nana Yellow Thornbill Acanthiza reguloides Buff-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Gerygone fusca Western Gerygone Sericornis sagittatus Speckled Warbler Smicrornis brevirostris Weebill Honeyeaters Acanthagenys rufogularis
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