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14265 POPULAR ELECTRONICS $1.95 COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK® 1977 COMPLETE GUIDE TO CB RADIOS * POLICE / FIRE MONITORS HAM EQUIPMENT* SHORT WAVE RECEl VERS*MARINE RADIOS PRODUCT BUYING DIRECTORY COMPARE FEATURES, PRICES, SPECIFICATIONS ALSO: EXPERTS TELL * HOW TO CHOOSE * HOW TO GET STARTEDSTAR ao°CHAHNEL -it-ia HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM THE LATEST CB RADIOS COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT HERE CB 2 -WAY RADIOS ARE PREVIEWED MODELS NEW ULES AND NEW FCC REG1JLATIONS SCANNERS MARINE RADIO- TELEPHONES HAM GEAR INTERNATIONAL SHORTWAVE OUTSIDE ANTENA ! NOT PERMITTED? here's your answer! eHOING IÉON PATENT APPLIED FOR By New-Tronics Corp. The "Homing Pigeon' is your antenna answer to operating CB from any location, condominium, office, home, apartment, motel etc. No installation required; antenna is supported between floor and ceiling like a pole lamp. Communications range is equal or superior to better mobile installations. The "Homing Pigeon" incorporates a unique method of easily and quickly adjusting SWR. One settling covers all "the home of originals" channels for outstanding performance with any 23 or 40 channel CB radio,, AM or SSB. Antenna is E supplied complete with 17' coax, connectors attached, e ready to use. Model HP -27. AVAILABLE FROM ALL DISTRIBUTORS WHO RECOGNIZE rHE BEST! AVAILABLE IN CANADA FROM neuutronics corporation % superior Model HP -27 15800 Commerce Park Drive SUPERIOR ELECTRONICS INC. Brookpark, Ohio 44142 CIRCLE NO. 21 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD "Hustloff" STOP RIP-OFF -three models- New Hustle -away CB antenna eliminates faulty rounds -erratic SWR of magnetics and hinged flip -outs! Outsmart the rip-off, cuick and easy! Turn the knob and store your antenna out of sight. To remount, slip the antenna back in place and spin the knob. It's that quick, that easy! And most importan:, you get complete freedom from erratic grounding, questionable SWR that can cause CB radio failure. The Hustler design is ühwta.._ positive, definite and equal in electrical and Instant mount or dismount-store out of sight in trunk mechanical performance to the best perma- nently mounted mobile antennas. TRUNK LIP MOUNT "HUSTLOFF" Stainless stee 48" antenna and mount- Model HT -27. Heavy duty 55" antenna and mount- Model HHT-27. RAIN GUTTER MOUNT "HUSTLOFF" Fiberglass 42" antenna and mount-Model RFG All versions include cable, connectors attached, ready to operate. "the home of originals" .fsiTO* Available from all distributors newtronics who recognize the best! corporation AVAILABLE IN CANADA FROM 15800 Commerce Par< Drrve VI. Instant mount or dismount-store out of sight in car Brookpark. Ohlo 44142 superior SUPERIOR ELECTRONICS INC --' CIRCLE NO. 22 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD l L Americans have been using Motorola 2 -way radios to find campsites for years. synthesizer provides precise tuning (auto- matically, of course). A profes- sional -quality 3 %- inch top -fire speaker gives the Motorola CB an audio quality that must be heard to be fully appreciated. And every Motorola CB gives you the added advan- tage of a power mic that doesn't need batteries. That doesn't cost 50 bucks extra. It's a fact that the people who first The Motorola 40 -Channel CB radio. put radio on wheels also made the first We believe it's the most sensibly radio on wheels on the moon. engineered CB radio on the market. We believe But it's not surprising. it will deliver years of service Because Motorola® makes more at a level of performance few could match. radios for police, firemen; taxis, and lunar Put a Motorola rovers than anybody. CB radio under your And now Motorola makes a dash and you'll 40 -Channel CB radio that shares much more believe, too. than a name with our professional 2 -way radios. The clean, uncluttered lines of the Motorola CB, for instance. Features that many manufacturers leave on the outside of their sets (or don't offer at all) are built into a Motorola-ÇB. Gain control, noise limiting, audio compression, even a TV inter- ference filter are built-in, fully automatic circuits that actually make communication better. And operation easier. A digital phase lock loop From the voice of experience in 2 -way radio. To find the dealer nearest you, write: Customer Relations Manager, Motorola, Inc.. Automotive Products Division. 333 Northwest Ave., Northlake, Illinois 60164. CIRCLE NO. 19 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD POPULAR ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS N A N i N 1977 CONTENTS DIRECTORY OF MANUFACTURERS 5 CITIZENS BAND FCC Acts in 1976 7 What to Look For in a CB Set 15 Tips for CB Operators 24 40 -Channel Rigs Go Digital Wilfred M. Scherer 28 Hear The News as it is Being Made 80 Marine Radiotelephone Communications Today Richard Humphrey 87 SHORTWAVE LISTENING Shortwave Listening Enters 1977 Dr. Richard E. Wood 97 Time Conversion from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 101 Good Listening & Rare Catches 102 Medium -Wave DX'ing Glenn Hauser 105 DX Clubs Around the World 108 Time Conversion Within U.S.A. 113 AMATEUR RADIO Principal Amateur Band Allocations 114 How to Become a Radio Amateur John J. McVeigh, WB2BLS 115 250 Watts for Novices Herbert Brier 120 PRODUCT DIRECTORIES CB Mobile & Portable Transceivers 31 CB & Ham Accessories 70 CB Base Station Transceivers 47 Police & Fire Monitor Receivers 83 CB Mobile Antennas 53 Marine Radiotelephones 94 CB Base Station Antennas 65 SW Receivers 112 Amateur Radio Equipment 122 Cover Photo: Justin Kerr Studios EDGAR W. HOPPER, Publisher ARTHUR P. SALSBERG, Editorial Director STANLEY NEUFELD, Assoc. Publisher P.B. HOEFER, Managing Editor EDWARD I. BUXBAUM, Art Director JOHN J. McVEIGH, WB2ELS, Asst. Editor PATRICIA GIRRIER-BROWN,Prod. Editor ANDRE DUZANT, Technical Illustrator JOSEPH E. HALLORAN, Adv. Director JOHN J. CORTON, Adv. Sales LINDA BLUM, Adv. Service Manager COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK is pr,blished annually by Ziff -Davis Publishing Company at One Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016. Hershel B. Sarbin, President; John R. Emery, Senior Vice President, Finance and Treasurer, Charles B. Selon, Secretary COPYRIGHT c 1977 BY ZIFF-DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Material in this publication may no: be reproduced in any form without permission. Requests for permission should be directed to Jerry Schneider, Rights & Permissions, Ziff -Davis Publishing Co., 1977 EDITION One Park Ave., New York, New York 10016 3 COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK 1977 ZIFF-DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Hershel B. Sarbin President Furman Hebb Executive Vice President John R. Emery Senior Vice President, Finance and Treasurer Phillip T. Heffernan Senior Vice President Edward D. Muhlfeld Senior Vice President, Sports Division Philip Sine Senior Vice President Frank Pomerantz Vice President, Creative Services Arthur W. Butzow Vice President, Production Lawrence Sporn Vice President. Circulation Avoid CB radio theft George Morrissey with magnetic r-tount Vice President antenna. Jus: ift Sydney H. Rogers off and lock in- Vice President side vehicle. Sidney Holtz Extra - Vice President Albert S. Trajna Vice President Philip B. Korsant Vice President Paul H. Chook Vice President Edgar W. Hopper Vice President Charles B. Seton Secretary Jerry Schneider Vice President & Administrative Director, Annuals William Ziff Chairman Has your CB ver let you down? Right when you W. Bradford Briggs needed it the rr ost? Vice Chairman It could be that "good deal" antenna. Or the lightweight mike that came with the set. To get the Ziff -Davis Publishing Company most out of you- CB, switch to Turner at both ends. Editorial and Executive Offices Try a Turner amplified mike. You'll find out how One Park Avenue, New York. New York 10016 much talk power your set can really deliver. For full 212-725-3500 range when you need it. Midwestern Office The Pattis Group 4761 West Touhy Ave. Make sure ycur antenna is dependable. Step up to Lincolnwood, Illinois 60644, 312-679-1100 a Turner. TurrEr builds them tougher. There are 43 Gerald E. Wolf, Thomas Hockney models for all kinds of base and mobile installations. Western Office Ask anybod', who has been around CB for awhile. 9025 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, Cal. 90211 They know us Nherever CB is sold, Turner. 213-273-8050, BRadshaw 2-1161 Western Advertising Manager, Bud Dean Japan The talk of the road James Yagi, Oji Palace Aoyama 6 Chome, Minato -Ku. Tokyo 407-1930/6821 TURNER 582-2851 MICROPHONES 1977 COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK is published an- ANTENNAS nually by the Ziff -Davis Publishing Company, One Park CONRAC Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Also publishers of Stereo .O+vOt+At ION 716 Oakland Road N.E., Cedar Rapids. lovia 52402 Review, Popular Electronics, Electronic Experimenter's Handbook, Tape Recording & Burying Guide, Stereo Directo- ry & Buying Guide, and Citizens Band Handbook CIRCLE NO 31 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK DIRECTORY OF MANUFACTURERS AIRCOMMAND, Superscope, Inc 31 GOLD LINE CONNECTOR, INC. 71 20525 Nordhoff St., Chatsworth, Cal. 91311 25 Van Zant St., East Norwalk, Conn. 06855 AIREOUIPT, INC. 20 Jones St., New Rochelle, N. Y. 10802 65 GROVES MFG. COMPANY 72 ALARON, B & B Import -Export, Inc. 31, 47, 53 1341 Wanda Ave., Ferndale, Mich. 48220 185 Park St., Troy, Mich. 48084 HAL COMMUNICATIONS CORP. 72, 123 ALPHA, Ehrhom Technological Operations, Inc. 70, 122 P.O. Box 365, Urbana, III. 61801 P. 0. 1297, Brooksville, Fla. 33512 HEATH COMPANY Benton Harbor, Mich. 49022 72, 84, 123 AMERICAN ELECTRONICS, INC. 53, 65 HICKOK ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT COMPANY, THE 72 91 N. McKinley, Greenwood, Ind. 46142 10514 Dupont Ave., Cleveland, 0. 44108 AMPHENOL SALES DIVISION 2875 S. 25th Ave., Broadview, III. 60153 70 HUFCO P. 0. Box 357, Provo, Utah 84601 72 ANIXTER-MARK 53 65, 94, 122 HUSTLER, New-Tronics Corporation 58, 66, 84, 124 5439 W. Fargo Ave., Skokie, Ill. 60076 15800 Commerce Park Dr., Brook Park, 0. 44142 ANTENNA, INCORPORATED 53, 65 HY-GAIN ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 35, 48, 58, 67, 74, 84 23850 Commerce Park Rd., Cleveland, 0.44122 R.