Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degee of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By RIAN STEVENT Student Number: 114214058




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degee of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By RIAN STEVENT Student Number: 114214058




“Happiness is a delusion of the weak” (WH40K - Imperial Proverb)

They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear.

(WH40K - The Emperor of Mankind)

“Knowledge is power, guard it well“

(WH40K - Blood Ravens Chapter)




I would like to thank God for his blessing during the making of this thesis.

I also would like to express my gratitude towards the following persons who are directly involved in the process of the thesis writing.

I’m so grateful to my advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M. Hum, who has given his time and for his patience in helping my thesis writing. I’m also grateful to my co advisor, Adventina Putranti, S. S, M. Hum, for her help finishing my thesis.

I really thankful for my beloved parents who encouraging me in finishing my thesis. I also thank my friends that support me during the making of this thesis.

There are many things that I unable to the express one by one.

Rian Stevent





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION...... 1 A. Background of the Study...... 4 B. Problem Formulation...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study...... 5 D. Definition of Terms...... 5 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories...... 9 1. Theory of Symbolism...... 9 a. Notion of Symbolism...... 9 b. Theory of Symbol...... 10 2. Theory of Message...... 11 C. Theoretical Framework...... 12 CHAPTER III: METHODODLOGY...... 13 A. Object of the Study...... 13 B. Approach of the Study...... 15 C. Method of the Study...... 15 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS...... 17 A. Symbolism in The Call of Cthulhu...... 17 1. Bas-relief...... 17 2. Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones...... 19 3. R’lyeh...... 22 4. Cult of Cthulhu...... 25 B. Messages of the Story...... 28 1. Human is Insignificant Creature in the Face of Cosmic Horror..…………….………...... ……...... 29 2. There is Something in This World that is Meant to be Left Uncovered...... 35 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION...... 38

BIBLIOGRAPHY...... 41 APENDIX...... 43




RIAN STEVENT (2018). The Contribution of Symbols in Revealing the Messages in The Call of Cthulhu BY H. P. Lovecraft. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis, basically, discuss the symbols presented in The Call of Cthulhu by H.P Lovecraft. It is interesting to see how the symbols help shape the world of the story. The aim of this thesis is to find the contribution of the symbols in order to reveal the messages of the story. In order to help the study, problem formulation is proposed. The first is to find the symbols presented in the story. The second is to find the contribution of the symbols in revealing the messages of the story. The method of the study used in this thesis is library research. The data is collected from the story and other source related to the study. The study utilizes new criticism approach to analyze the symbols presented in the story and the significant of the symbols in order to reveal the messages of the story. Based on the analysis, the conclusions of the study are drawn. There are several symbols presented in the story; bas-relief, Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones, R’lyeh, and cult of Cthulhu. All the symbols presented in the story are connected to one another. Bas-relief represents the idea of chaos, Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones represent the manifestation of chaos, R’lyeh represents the concept of immaterial or something unknown that crossing the boundary of what human mind can understand, and cult of Cthulhu represents the dark nature of human and the human faith in the greater power. There are two messages that exist in the story. The human insignificant in the face of cosmic horror and there is something in this world that is meant to be left hidden from the world. Based on the symbols representation, carries a significant connection in order to reveal the messages of the story.




RIAN STEVENT (2018). The Contribution of Symbols in Revealing the Messages in The Call of Cthulhu BY H. P. Lovecraft. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

Skripsi ini, pada dasarnya, membahas simbol-simbol yang disajikan dalam The Call of Cthulhu oleh H.P Lovecraft. Sangat menarik untuk melihat bagaimana simbol membantu membentuk dunia cerita. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menemukan kontribusi simbol-simbol untuk mengungkapkan pesan-pesan di dalam cerita. Untuk membantu penelitian, rumusan masalah diusulkan. Yang pertama adalah menemukan simbol-simbol yang disajikan dalam cerita. Yang kedua adalah kontribusi simbol-simbol dalam cerita untuk membantu memahami pesan-pesan dari cerita. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Data dikumpulkan dari cerita dan sumber lain yang terkait dengan penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kritik sastra baru untuk menganalisis simbol-simbol yang disajikan dalam cerita dan pentingnya simbol- simbol untuk mengungkap pesan-pesan di dalam cerita. Berdasarkan analisis, kesimpulan dari penelitian ini diambil. Ada beberapa simbol yang disajikan dalam cerita; ukiran timbul, Cthulhu dan Dewa Kuno yang Agung, R'lyeh, dan kultus Cthulhu. Semua simbol yang disajikan dalam cerita terhubung satu sama lain. Ukiran timbul melambangkan gagasan tentang kekacauan, Cthulhu dan Dewa Kuno Agung mewakili penjelmaan dari kekacauan, R'lyeh mewakili konsep tidak material atau sesuatu yang tidak diketahui yang melintasi batas dari apa yang dapat dipahami oleh pikiran manusia, dan kultus Cthulhu menggambarkan sifat kelam manusia dan keyakinan manusia dalam kuasa yang lebih besar. Ada dua pesan yang ada di dalam cerita. Manusia hanya mahkluk yang tak berarti dalam menghadapi horor kosmik dan ada sesuatu di dunia ini yang harus dibiarkan tersembunyi dari dunia. Berdasarkan representasi simbol-simbol, mengandung koneksi yang penting untuk mengungkap pesan- pesan dari cerita.




A. Background of the Study

As the human becomes more civilized, so does their intelligent. Through their intelligent, human create the way of communicating to one another in the form of word and writing. Literature is one of many creation that born from human intelligent. Literature is sometime described as the reflection of the society that composed by the problems and the achievements of the people. The literary works contain many aspects of human life or even the deepest desire of human.

Under those circumstances, the creation of the authors could be the representation of them self in the world where their desire lies. In this way, the authors may differ themselves from one another to create the pleasure in enjoying literary works for the reader.

H. P. Lovecraft is regarded as one of the influential writers of horror fiction in 20th century. His most famous work is The Call of Cthulhu that was first published in Weird Tales in 1928 that lead into the creation of “”, the story that shared the same universe as The Call of Cthulhu story. On his early life, Lovecraft faces a traumatic experience that might influence his writing. His father worked as a traveling salesman, developing a type of mental disorder due to untreated syphilis. The death of his mother at 1921 affected Lovecraft greatly to the point he having the thought of suicide. This might be due to his close relation with his mother.




There is scarcely any question that Lovecraft was tremendously attached to his mother; but her attitude toward him, and their relation over the fifteen years (1904-1919) they spent alone together...Nevertheless, Susie’s death affected Lovecraft powerfully, and for weeks he seemed near point of suicide... (Joshi, 1996: 23) In 1921, Lovecraft met Sonia Haft Green at the NAPA’s National convention in Boston. The couple married and moved to Sonia’s apartment in

Brooklyn. Many Lovecraft’s biographers point out that their relation was expected to fail mainly because of financial problem (Joshi, 1996: 24). Due to having no background and held no previous position, he developed a psychological trauma caused by his job hunting drain him mentally (Joshi, 1996: 24). The couple divorced at 1928. In his final life, Lovecraft settles in the Providence until his death in 1937 due to a cancer.

Joshi, in his book A Subtler Magick: The Writings and Philosophy of H.P.

Lovecraft, stated that Lovecraft might developed an interest in fantasy at the age of five after exposed to Grimm’s Fairy Tales and the Arabian Nights (1996: 15).

Joshi also stated that Lovecraft interest in writing begun early at the age of twelve and he already developed a complex intellectual and psychological character

(1996: 16). Lovecraft begun his writing at the high school and manage to get published at the Scientific American in 1906. Lovecraft continue his writing through the year an almost become a skillful fiction writer as well as poet, essayist, and scientist but due to a breakdown in 1908, he secluded himself (Joshi, 1995:

20). In 1914, Lovecraft joined UAPA. He manages to quickly rose to fame and able to become UAPA President and Official Editor (Joshi, 1996: 21). In his late



years, Lovecraft never able to made a steady income and lead him into becoming a ghostwriter (Joshi, 1996: 27-28).

In his writings, Lovecraft often makes it clear that he does not believe in human superiority. The author holds the philosophy of life that often shown in his story in fine detail. Lovecraft presented the creation of his character and destroyed it on his own philosophy of life that lacking in any ultimate goal in life. Despite his aim, the character now experiences some chaos that prevents them from reaching their goals and finally realizes that their existence is insignificant.

Ralickas in her journal, Art, Cosmic Horror, and the Fetishizing Gaze in the

Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, described that the Lovecraft’s character bound by so called “cosmic horror” that makes them unable to grasp the idea behind them and makes them facing the reality that far worse than death. She added that

Lovecraft’s character inability to find the comfort behind the idea of “cosmic horror” thus makes them realize the meaningless of their existence.

Lovecraft created a world that unusual and strays from the usual path where the human will triumph in the end of the story. Lovecraft, instead, mixes a new kind of twisted horror where no matter what kind of belief or background, in the end, they will die no matter what. The Call of Cthulhu is one of the story that describing the Lovecraft idea about the insignificant of human. The narrator of the story is the example of the ignorant of human in the face of “cosmic horror”.

Despite his skepticism in the beginning of the story, in the end, he comes to accept his fate because he could not overcome what will come to him. As one of known figure in the horror fiction writing, H.P. Lovecraft portray his world with



the horror beyond what human can comprehend where human is insignificant, hope is mere a word, and salvation is nothing but a dream.

For all of Lovecraft's works, symbolic patterns appear frequently that enough to attain close attention. One such thing is the insignificant of human, which have a significant role in most of his works. Some of Lovecraft’s works was influenced by famous American author Edgar Allan Poe. In his works,

Lovecraft created the world that contains the myth that includes the supernatural creature and the extraterrestrial creature that exist before human. Stephen King, a famous American writer, in the article written by Curt Wohleber, The Man Who

Can Scare Stephen King, stated that Lovecraft was one of figure in horror fiction writing that inspire him. He stated that Lovecraft has not been exceeded in the twentieth century’s horror writer.

It is so fascinating to observe the world created by H.P. Lovecraft. The Idea of the insignificant of human and the great cosmic power beyond our comprehension is wonder in itself. Considering the nature of Lovecraft’s works, symbolism is a common thing in his literary work. There are many things in this world that unknown to us and that some knowledge might better to be left alone.

The writer interested to the idea of what kind of a message contained in the story by H.P. Lovecraft. In this thesis, the writer would try to find the connection of symbolism in order to find the effectiveness in order to convey the messages.

B. Problem Formulation

In order to analyze the problem, the writer proposes the questions:



1. What are the symbols presented in the story the Call of Cthulhu?

2. How do the symbols in the story reveal the messages of the story?

C. Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this research is to find the symbols in the story in order to understand the message of the story. By understanding the symbols and its meaning, we can find the function of the symbols. This research also tries to find the message in the story through the symbols present in the story. The last thing in this research is to find the messages through the use of symbols.

D. Definition of Terms

In this research, there are several terms that writer use. These are the terms and its definition:

1. Symbol

C. Hugh Holman in A Handbook to Literature described a symbol as something that itself but also suggests or stands for something else entirely. A symbol is like a picture that suggested another level of meaning (1986: 494).

2. Message

Message is one of important element in the literary work. Beaty and

Hunter in New World of Literature described the message as something that has a real meaning or easy conclusion that can be summarized or simply stated in the work of art (1989:899).




A. Review of Related Studies

The symbolism is commonly used in the creation of literary work and without doubt it helps create the enjoyment of the literary work. Djaafour Fouzia in his thesis, Interpretation of the Symbol Black Cat in Edgar Allan Poe’s Short

Story, argue that the symbol interpretation help to create a new sense and enhances the reader comprehension of the story (2014: 29). In his study, Fouzia argue that there are a connection between the interpretation of the symbols and the psyche of the character in the story. What makes this thesis different than what

Fouzia had done is the fact that this thesis try to discover the connection of the symbol and the message of the story instead of the connection between the symbol interpretations through the psyche of the character.

L. Debby Harry in her study on the topic of symbolism, Revealing the

Theme Through the use of Symbolism in Golding’s Lord of Flies, tries to analyze the use of symbolism in order to revealing the theme of the theme of the story. In her research, she concludes that the behavior of the characters in the story and several objects considered symbolize something. The objects that she mention, in her research, related to the characters of the story. Through the use of symbolism, she conclude that the theme of the story which is the nature of good and evil in human (2002: 53-55). Although this thesis has the similarity in nature, instead of




revealing the theme, this thesis tries to find the relation between the uses of symbolism to reveal the message of the story.

Another study done by Jan Heitkamp, Nature Symbolism in the Fiction of

John Steinback, on the topic of symbolism tries to reveal the nature of the symbolism in John Steinback’s work. In his conclusion he found that Steinback’s work seems to go against the crucial argument and Steinback uses of technique that overlooked him as a writer have the risk of incomplete and contradictory.

Steinbeck's work.seems to defy a comprehensive critical statement, for his themes and subject matter are so diverse and his technique so varied that any attempt at pigeonholing him as a writer carries with it the risk of being incomplete and contradictory (1971: 151). Heithkamp argues that despite Steinback inconsistency, the nature of

Steinback uses of symbols always has something that unifying them which is the relation between man and nature. He also added that Steinback consider all life is a form of a close relation between man and nature. The absoludity of life must be considered as the reality.

Though Steinbeck's technique in identifying his nature symbols may be inconsistent, the underlying theme of the unity of nature is always apparent. Steinbeck sees all life as a unity manifested in the kinship of man to nature. To Steinbeck, life is an absolute, a principle that is reaffirmed in nature and must be recognized by man as the most important reality (1971: 152) Heithkamp conclude that Steinback nature of symbols is the singularity of man and nature. Steinback consider this singularity as life.

In Steinbeck's symbols, man and nature are one, each existing in itself, yet both comprising the whole, the unity of Being. Through the use of nature symbols, Steinbeck reveals his reverence for this oneness that is life (1971: 154).



The argument on The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft is varying from one scholar or critics to another. Wetzel argue that the creation of H.P. Lovecraft story is based on his childhood tales and dream. Wetzel also stated that the creation of H.P. Lovecraft reconstruct the position of the religion of other people.

He realized that his Mythos was as illusive as the religion it replaced but it was based on the Golden Age, the world of “childhood tales and dreams,” and was intertwined with his early reading of Grecian Mythology (2015: 11-12).

The idea of the human insignificant is seen in the story of The Call of

Cthulhu. H.P. Lovecraft believes that the value of human existence is equal value to the agony that they lessen through their existence (Wetzel, 2015: 12).

According to Brian J. Reis in his journal, Structurally Cosmic Apostasy:

The Atheist Occult World of H.P. Lovecraft, Lovecraft invention of the occult in his story lacking in the term of origin to it. Although giving the reader sign of forbidden text, the origin does not exist.

Lovecraft plays on his invented occult text, and provides its history in secular terms, in that it was found and translated. Even with his occult text, he attributes no actual supernatural origins to it, but provides the reader with a supposedly traceable ancestry of a forbidden text, demystifying it even as he makes it sound mysterious (2013: 5). Reis argue that most of Lovecraft’s work used borrowed term from the

Theosophical and occult thought. For example, the idea of Cthulhu that awaiting for its awaken, resemble those in Hellenic Greece. The term is called “cthonic”.



Much of Lovecraft's work directly utilizes specific terminology borrowed from Theosophical and occult thought. Therefore, it is necessary to examine these terms which relate to Theosophical elements. Lovecraft's Cthulhu, a creature which “waits dreaming”....In Hellenic Greece, the gods that were known as “chthonic” were always buried under the earth, with the supposition that they would return... (2013: 5). Reis concluded that Lovecraft creation of the world in his story, and the addition of Theosophical ideas and anthroposophical ideas was purely to feed his idea about the term that human has no free will. Reis also argue that the inclusion of the Theosophical ideas in Lovecraft’s work might be because his love to the idea of exploring the unknown (2013: 13-14).

What makes this study different from other study is the exploration of the symbolism that exists on the H.P. Lovecraft story, The Call of Cthulhu. This study also tries to exploring the idea of the use of symbolism in order to revealing the message of the story. In the term of the use of The Call of Cthulhu for undergraduate study, the writer believes that the writer could provide a new perspective in the study of The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft. For this reason, the writer believes that more potential spectrum of the study could be explored by the future generation.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory on Symbolism a. The Notion of Symbolism

In literature, there are many tools that are used by the writers in order to generate interest in their work as well as to create different meaning in the story.

One of them is symbolism. It is used in many literary works to give another



meaning that goes beyond what is clear to the reader. Writers can put the feeling and mood into a piece of literary work through the use of symbolism. It is not necessary to have well knownsymbols. For this reason, there can be a faint symbolic representations used to give a clue at something without making it obvious to the reader. Symbolism has become a crucial part of most literary works.

The concept of symbolism came from the word symbol where one object is used to representing something else. In this case, whenever the author uses one object to referring to a different idea, then they are applying symbolism. b. Theory of Symbol

C. Hugh Holman and William Harmon in their book, A Handbook to

Literature, a symbol is something that exists by itself yet stands for something else entirely. A symbol is similar to a picture that recreates objective reality and suggests another level of meaning (1988:494). Perrine (1978: 215) suggested that symbol almost always signals itself through emphasis, repetition or position. To find the literary symbols and discover their meaning, reader need to find methods to identify and interpret the symbol. According to Stanton (1965: 32-33), reader has to notice the symbolic details, the symbols’ connotation, and compare it to the context and its context to another. In these methods, the reader need a close attention and the knowledge of the work such as the knowledge about the author’s previous work, the knowledge of the plot and the characters involved, or the theme. It is said that the most reoccurring sign for the detail in order to become a symbolic is that it is obvious rather than its factual importance. For example, it recreates and repeats specific details. In this case, the details may be obvious as



they contrast with other. Stanton also stated a special form of symbolism called key moment or the moment of revelation. According to Myers and Simms, there are three types of symbols (1989: 297-298):

b. The archetypal or cultural symbol, which means a natural object, refers a

limited number if interpretations that go beyond cultural barriers, for

example the black color represent the evil.

c. The general symbol, which only appears to a smaller number of

audiences but contain more associative meanings.

d. The contextual symbol, which is a symbols that created by the author’s

imagination and represent several meaning in the specific context.

2. Theory of Message

Message is one of the key elements in the literature. The Central Message is the main idea that the author intended for the readers to remember and understand and often in a form of a life lesson. Determining the key event can help us find the message of the story. “This central message is the most important idea that author of a story wants readers to understand and remember. The central message is often in a form of a life lesson” (Spectrum, 2015:4).

According to Beaty and Hunter, message is the genuine meaning or conclusion that can be directly stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989:

899). It states that literary works exist for his remarks that tempt the reader with the sweetness of the story to get the original meaning. Messages are sometimes considered identical to themes though not necessarily referring to the same thing.

Beaty and Hunter argue that the difference between themes and messages is that



when a message seeks to inform or convince the reader, the theme seeks to have the reader to understand and empathize so that the idea is more widely accessed

(1989: 899). When discussing messages, we also discus morality. It can be said that in general morals mean good and bad teaching (Kenney, 1966: 89).

Blair and Gerber, in Better Reading Literature 2, suggest some ways to discover the message. They are in the form of direct expression or through th conflict or the character in the story. They also suggested three ways of stating the message in the story; explicitly, ironically, and symbolically. In explicit statement, the author uses the character to expressing his point of view or simply tells the reader. In the ironic statement, the author formulates the character to say exactly the opposite of what the author means. In the symbolic statement, the message is communicated through figurative language such as simile or metaphor (1948:


C. Theoretical Framework

In order to determine the symbols in the story, theory proposed by C.

Holman Hugh and William Harmon, Robert Stanton, Laurence Perrine, and Jack

Myers and Michael Simms is used. By finding the symbols in the story, we can determine the meaning of the symbols presented in the story.

Theory on message proposed by Spectrum, Beaty and Hunter, and Blair and Gerber are used in order to find the message of the story so that the writer can answer the second question. After that, we can determine how the symbols in the story help the reader determine the message of the story.




A. Object of the Study

The Call of Cthulhu is a short story written by H.P Lovecraft. Written in

1926, it was first published in the horror magazine Weird Tales in 1928. It was his first work that reaches a literary success. This short story leads into adaptation on another media like movies, video games, and even created a mythos of its own called Chutlhu mythos.

Separated into three parts, this story revolves around the narrator, Francis

Wayland Thurson, after his discovery of his grand-uncle’s note where the

Chthulhu and R’lyeh appear a lot in his notes. He begun to investigate his grand- uncle research until stumble upon a bas-relief sculpture created by an art student name Wilcox whom his grand-uncle had a contact before his dead. Later in the story, the narrator found an article about a sailor who met with the horror in the sea where he found the city of R’lyeh.

The first part, The Horror in Clay, describe the narrator initial contact with the journal of his uncle. This would be the beginning of narrator’s adventure to uncover the mystery of Cthulhu and the forgotten city of R’lyeh. Among the papers leave by his late great uncle, the narrator stumble upon a small bas-relief sculpture created by a student of Rhode Island School of Design, Hendry Anthony

Wilcox. The bas-relief sculpture was a product of Wilcox dreams. From his great




uncle research, he uncover that the dream that Wilcox experience was happening all around the world.

The second part, The Tale of Inspector Legrasse, describe the account of the police officer name John Raymond Legrasse. From the officer story, he describe the raid the happened in the swamp in the south of New Orleans that thought to be a voodoo meeting after receive the report of the missing locals. He described the ritual done by the cultist as something that he never witness before.

After killing five cultists and arrested 47 others, he learned the statuette that worshiped by the cultist and the meaning of the phrases that being chanted by the cultists. One of the cultist by the name of Castro describe that the statuette was called the great Cthulhu. He also describes the meaning of the phrases "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" Which mean "In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming"(Lovecraft, 1928: 244).

The last part, The Madness from the Sea, describe the Norwegian sailor,

Gustaf Johansen, encounter with the city of R’lyeh. After attacked by fully armed ship name the Alert and after successfully defeated the attacker and taking over their ship, the next day they stumble upon an island. Most of the survivor died on that mysterious island. Johansen seems reluctant to tell what happen to them in that island.

H.P. Lovecraft becomes an inspiration for many author including Stephen

King who claims that H.P. Lovecraft’s creation have not yet be surpassed as a writer classical-horror in the twentieth story.



B. Approach of the Study

In this research, an approach of the study is needed in order to analyze the work. Since this research discussing about theme and message, The New

Criticism Approach is used to analyze the short story. Guerin in his book A

Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature states that a new criticism approach focus on the work itself (1979: 20). In this sense, the analysis of the literary work is not contaminated by the outside influence.

By using this approach, we can focus on the work itself. In order to examined the text fully, the technique called close reading was use in order to discover the important element in the literary work.

C. Method of the Study

This research was conducted using library research. Library research is the most suitable method among other methods because it was a research based on studying a document as primary source. The object of the study is a work of fiction in a form of a book. The primary source of the study is the Call of Chtulhu

(1928) by H.P. Lovecraft. The secondary sources of the study are the book on literary research such as The Longman Dictionary of Poetic Term by Jack Myers and Michael Simms, Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense by Laurence Perrine,

An introduction to Fiction by Robert Stanton, A Handbook to Literature C. Hugh

Holman and William Harmon, and other printed or web based material.

There were several steps taken in order to complete this research. Firstly, the primary source was read in order to find the elements that are worth studying.



Then the list of the elements in the story was listed. The list includes the symbols, the message of the story, and more that later were thin down in order to make the research more focus. After that, the secondary source was read. It was determined that this research would focus on the symbols and its relation to the message of the story. The problem formulation was made in order to guide the analysis.

Firstly, this research discussing the symbols that presented in the story. Secondly, the message of the story was discussed. Thirdly, the relation of the symbols and the message was examined in order to determine its relation. Finally, the conclusion was made based on the result of the answer.




In this part the writer begins the analysis of the story based on the problem formulation. This part will be divided into three parts.

A. Symbols in The Call of Cthulhu

Perrine, in Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, stated that something that carries the meaning more than its literal meaning. It is could be in a form of a person, an object, a situation, an action, or item that suggested another meaning beside what it stand for (1989: 211). This is suggested that everything that stands for or carries another meaning could be called a symbol. In the creation of The

Call of Cthulhu, Lovecraft uses the symbols in order to helping him to shape the world to his ideals. There are several things that the writer considered as symbols in the story. These things are the bas-relief, Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones,

R’lyeh, and Cult of Cthulhu.

1. Bas-relief

The bas-relief in The Call of Cthulhu is the sculpture created by Henry

Anthony Wilcox. The creation of the bas-relief by Wilcox manifestation of the dream he had in his state of delirium (Lovecraft, 1928: 241). The narrator described the bas-relief as something that unknown to him even though he was familiar with his grand-uncle research. Despite having the modern origin, the design of the bas-relief was not having any traits that indicate “modern in atmosphere and suggestion”.




The bas-relief was a rough rectangle less than an inch thick and about five by six inches in area; obviously modern origin. Its designs, however far from modern in atmosphere and suggestion; for although the vagaries of cubism and futurism are many and wild...And writing of some kind the bulk of these designs seemed certainly to be; tough my memory, despite much familiarity with the papers and collections of my uncle, failed in any way to identify this particular species, or even to hint at its remotest affiliation (Lovecraft, 1928: 239). Another evidence also supported by the inquiry made by the inspector

Legrasse to the expert regarding the bas-relief he discovered before the raid on the cult in the southern part of New Orleans. All experts were unable to determine the origin of the bas-relief itself. They stated that the material on which the bas-relief was unknown to them. They also claimed that the origin of the material was not belongs to this world. Although having an experience for forty eight years in the

Anthropology, Professor William Channing Webb unable to determine the origin of the bas-relief.

The aspect of the whole was abnormally life-like, and the more subtly fearful because its source was so totally unknown...They, like the subject and material, belonged to something horribly remote and distinct from mankind as we know it; something frightfully suggestive of old and unhallowed cycles of life in which our world and our conceptions have no part (Lovecraft, 1928: 243). The bas-relief was depicted a creature that the narrator describe as the combination between an octopus, a dragon, and human caricature. He also describes the creature as a monster that the dead would love and thinking to create such grotesque.

It seemed to be a sort of monster, or symbol representing a monster, of a form which only a diseased fancy could conceive. If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature (Lovecraft, 1928: 239).



Based on the description given by the narrator, and the nature of the bas- relief itself, it would represent the idea of chaos and disorder. To elaborate this idea even further, we must observed how the narrator perceive the bas-relief. The inability of the narrator to grasp the idea behind the creature presented in the bas- relief would suggest that its initial idea of creation is beyond, what the narrator believes, the fundamental human mind could think of. This idea is also strongly suggested by how the creature depicted in the bas-relief. The combination of three different creatures to create such monstrosity resulted in the confusion of what the creature is.

In conclusion, the bas-relief is the represented the idea of chaos and disorder. This idea is presented by the form of the creature depicted in the bas- relief itself. The creature in the bas-relief depicted as a combination of three creatures witch different in nature. These creatures are an octopus, a dragon, and a human. The result of the combination of these three creatures created an image that causes the confusion of the origin of the creature.

2. Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones

Cthulhu, as the cultists describe it, is one of the Great Old Ones that lived eons before human even exist. They are sentient being who comes from the space and once rule the earth.

They worshipped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of sky (Lovecraft, 1928: 246).

The cultist believes that they would return from their dead like slumber and would resume their rule over the earth once again.



That cult would never die till the stars came right again, and the secret priests would take great Cthulhu from His tomb to revive His subjects and resume His rule of earth (Lovecraft, 1928: 247).

Cthulhu is the God which whom the cult of Cthulhu worshiped. One member of the cult name Castro explained that Cthulhu is waiting for it’s awaken in the great city of R’lyeh when the star and the earth are ready for them.

They all lay in stone houses in Their great city of R’lyeh, preserved by the spells of mighty Cthulhu for a glorious resurrection when the stars and the earth might once more be ready for Them (Lovecraft, 1928: 247). The cultists believe that once the Great Old Ones are awakening from their slumber, they would be liberated from the idea of the good and evil. They believe that they would learn from Great Old Ones how to enjoy themselves in the chaos after the revival of the Great Old Ones. The cultist believes that they must protect the knowledge of the ancient ways alive until the day the prophecy would be fulfilled.

Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom. Meanwhile the cult, by appropriate rites, must keep alive the memory of those ancient ways and shadow forth the prophecy of their return (Lovecraft, 1928: 247). Despite having an immense power, in order for them to be resurrected, the power from the outside are required so that their bodies could be liberated. The cultist believes that the reason why they could not free themselves is because of the spell that preserved them and they could only awake and waiting in the dark.

Although they awake in the dark, they know the things that had happened in the universe and their only way of communicating is through telepathy.



But at that time some force from outside must serve to liberate Their bodies. The spells that preserved Them intact likewise prevented Them from making an initial move, and They could only lie awake in the dark and think whilst uncounted millions of years rolled by. They knew all that was occurring in the universe, but Their mode of speech was transmitted thought (Lovecraft, 1928: 247). The Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones are representing the manifestation of chaos. This could be proven by the fact that the cultists desire to be liberated from the idea of good and evil. In the human society, the idea of good and evil is the fundamental norm that we follow in order to achieve the harmony between the members of the society where we live in. This idea created the boundary in which how the members of the society conduct their action. This idea also becomes the source of how the people created the law and order in the society. The idea of good and evil also become the measurement of the morals of the person in the society. The cultists believe that as the great cosmic entities, the Great Old Ones are not bounded by these ideas.

The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy (Lovecraft, 1928: 247). If the idea of good and evil are eliminated in the human society, in this sense, the human society would be thrown into chaos. As something that become the guideline in how human conduct their behaviour, this ideais inseparable in human society.

In conclusion, Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones represented the manifestation or embodiment of chaos. Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones are the cosmic entities that originated from the dark star. As the subject of worship by the



cultist, they are in the state of dead like sleep. They have the power to project their thought to the chosen few. Unlike human, they are not bound by the concept of good and evil because of the fact that their existence is beyond what human can comprehend. In their prophecy, the cultists believe that the Cthulhu and the Great

Old Ones would once again resurrect into this world and resume their rule over the earth. The cultists also believe that the Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones would teach them a new ways of shouting, killing, and reveling in joy.

3. R’lyeh

R’lyeh is the name of the city where the Great Old Ones and Cthulhu resided. The city of R’lyeh has been stand even before the human even exist. In this place, the Great Old one chooses their representative by speak to them through their dream. As the old Castro describes the Great Old Ones as the entity that are not made by flesh and blood, and for this reason that the only way human could perceive their language is through dream.

They all lay in stone houses in Their great city of R’lyeh... Even now They talked in Their tombs. When, after infinities of chaos, the first men came, the Great Old Ones spoke to the sensitive among them by moulding their dreams; for only thus could Their language reach the fleshly minds of mammals (Lovecraft, 1928: 247). As the source of the cultists’ faith, the city was disappearing from the face of the earth, hidden beneath the deep sea. The city was full of the mystery that not even the basic instinct of human mind could comprehend and it was cut out from the realm of human all together.

The great stone city R’lyeh, with its monoliths and sepulchres, had sunk beneath the waves; and the deep waters, full of the one primal mystery



through which not even thought can pass, had cut off the spectral intercourse (Lovecraft, 1928: 247).

Hidden through eons from the human civilization, it is discovered accidently by the sailor by the name of Gustaf Johansen and his crew. These encounter would proven to be fatal to him and his crew. Risen from the deep sea, the city was covered with mud and weed. Constructed with massive irregular block of stones, the city of R’lyeh was described as something that portrayed a great horror. Built in a really long time ago, the disgusting shape of the city suggested that its origin is not from this world.

Then, driven ahead by curiosity in their captured yacht under Johansen’s command, the men sight a great stone pillar sticking out of the sea, and in S. Latitude 47° 9′, W. Longitude 126° 43′ come upon a coast-line of mingled mud, ooze, and weedy Cyclopean masonry which can be nothing less than the tangible substance of earth’s supreme terror—the nightmare corpse-city of R’lyeh, that was built in measureless aeons behind history by the vast, loathsome shapes that seeped down from the dark stars (Lovecraft, 1928: 252). The city of R’lyeh represented the concept of immaterial or something unknown that crossing the boundary of human perception. To understand this even further, we must observe the testimony given by Castro about the Great Old Ones.

These Great Old Ones, Castro continued, were not composed altogether of flesh and blood. They had shape—for did not this star-fashioned image prove it?—but that shape was not made of matter (Lovecraft, 1928: 246- 247). From this statement, we know that the Great Old Ones are portrayed as something without a specific form, except for the Cthulhu. Another thing that suggested this idea could be seen in the description given by the narrator about

Johansen’s encounter with the city of R’lyeh.



Without knowing what futurism is like, Johansen achieved something very close to it when he spoke of the city; for instead of describing any definite structure or building, he dwells only on broad impressions of vast angles and stone surfaces—surfaces too great to belong to any thing right or proper for this earth, and impious with horrible images and hieroglyphs (Lovecraft, 1928: 253). Johansen description of the enormous places had giving him the impression that the origin of such thing is not from this world.

Evidence that supports this idea also presented in the story. When Johansen and his crew landed on the island, they were greeted with the staircase that so massive that they had to climb over it. He also described the condition of the city where the light from the sun was warped by the cloud from the city.

Johansen and his men landed at a sloping mud-bank on this monstrous Acropolis, and clambered slipperily up over titan oozy blocks which could have been no mortal staircase. The very sun of heaven seemed distorted when viewed through the polarising miasma welling out from this sea- soaked perversion, and twisted menace and suspense lurked leeringly in those crazily elusive angles of carven rock where a second glance shewed concavity after the first shewed convexity (Lovecraft, 1928: 253). This is suggested the unknown nature of the city and the idea of the immaterial that suggested by the condition of the city that not even a sunlight could penetrate and shine over it.

In conclusion, R’lyeh is the place where Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones reside, waiting in their slumber. The city of R’lyeh was under the water and will rise once again when the star was right. The size of the city was enormous that everything in that city was not originated from the world of human. The city of

R’lyeh represented the concept of immaterial or something unknown that crossing the boundary of what human mind can comprehend. As previously explained, the



form of the Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones are something that human could not comprehend. Unlike human, they are not made by the flesh and blood and their size are enormous.

4. Cult of Cthulhu

The cult of Cthulhu represents the dark nature of human. This idea is proven by the fact that the cult would always exist. The idea of the cult that would always exist is similar to the characteristic of human that will always have the dark nature inside them. The member of the cult in the story described as those who are chosen by the Great Old Ones through their dream. The cult is spread throughout the world to keep the knowledge and the ancient way of the Great Old Ones.

Those Old Ones were gone now, inside the earth and under the sea; but their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams to the first men, who formed a cult which had never died. This was that cult, and the prisoners said it had always existed and always would exist, hidden in distant wastes and dark places all over the world (Lovecraft, 1928: 246). Evidence that supported this idea could be seen from the police encounter with the cult. The police are unable to determine the origin of the cult despite the cult have a demonic ritual by nature. Despite the police familiarity with the blackest African voodoo rituals, the cult that they encounter is far worse than them.

...and so singular and hideous were the rites connected with it, that the police could not but realize that they had stumbled on a dark cult totally unknown to them, and infinitely more diabolic than even the blackest of the African voodoo circles. Of its origin, apart from the erratic and unbelievable tales extorted from the captured members, absolutely nothing was to be discovered... (Lovecraft, 1928: 243-244)



This statement provides us with the evidence that the dark nature of human are cannot be seen unless it was shown by them who have this characteristic. The nature of the ritual shown by the cultist is showing the capability of human to do a worse thing beyond imagination.

Evidence that support this idea can be seen when Johansen’s ship was sinking after being attacked by the cult. In his manuscript, Johansen described the cult has a peculiar quality that make him to believe that the cult’s destruction is like a duty for them. He also wonders what the reason behind their savagery is, attacking them.

Of the swarthy cult-fiends on the Alert he speaks with significant horror. There was some peculiarly abominable quality about them which made their destruction seem almost a duty, and Johansen shews ingenuous wonder at the charge of ruthlessness brought against his party during the proceedings of the court of inquiry (Lovecraft, 1928:252). The idea of the dark nature of human can be seen from the explanation above. The cult taste for destruction clearly shown that human could engage in horrible activity just to get what they believe in as long as they have a justification for it. In the case of the cult in the story, their justification of such action is that they believe that their duty is to inflict the pain and suffering to other people.

The cult of the Cthulhu also represents the human faith in the greater power.

The evidence regarding this representation was provided by the expedition by

Professor Webb. While searching the Runic inscription in the West Greenland, he stumble upon a cult who engage in the rituals of human sacrifice. He describes the cult as a bloodthirsty and repulsive. When asking about the rituals, the cultists



claimed that their rituals had come from a long time ago even before the world was created.

Professor Webb had been engaged, forty-eight years before, in a tour of Greenland and Iceland in search of some Runic inscriptions which he failed to unearth; and whilst high up on the West Greenland coast had encountered a singular tribe or cult of degenerate Esquimaux whose religion, a curious form of devil-worship, chilled him with its deliberate bloodthirstiness and repulsiveness. It was a faith of which other Esquimaux knew little, and which they mentioned only with shudders, saying that it had come down from horribly ancient aeons before ever the world was made (Lovecraft, 1928: 244).

Though the rituals were grotesque by nature, it is shown that the cultists have a religion. In this sense, they believe that there are great powers above them.

Their faith even made them to engage in the rituals of human sacrifice. Even though they know a little about their faith, they keep maintain the way given to them by the Great Old Ones. Similar to the cultists in the New Orleans, they share the same believe that the great Cthulhu was waiting in the city of R’lyeh to be resurrected.

Castro’s explanation about the legend told by the immortal Chinamen also supports the idea of their faith in the great power beyond human. Although it was a legend, he believes that the remnants of the city of the Great Old Ones rest in the island on the Pacific Ocean. Although the Great Old Ones are dead a long time ago, they believe that there is a way to resurrect the Great Old Ones. When the stars are right, they believe that the Great Old Ones would be resurrected and they will bring their images with them.



Old Castro remembered bits of hideous legend that paled the speculations of theosophists and made man and the world seem recent and transient indeed. There had been aeons when other Things ruled on the earth, and They had had great cities. Remains of Them, he said the deathless Chinamen had told him, were still to be found as Cyclopean stones on islands in the Pacific. They all died vast epochs of time before men came, but there were arts which could revive Them when the stars had come round again to the right positions in the cycle of eternity. They had, indeed, come themselves from the stars, and brought Their images with Them (Lovecraft, 1928: 246). The cult believes in the Great Old Ones return shown their faith. Although it was a legend, they still waiting for the Great Old Ones return despite they have no knowledge about the time when the stars are right.

In conclusion, Cult of Cthulhu represented that dark nature of human. The cult in the story describe as a society that full of secrecy. The cult is existed around the world. Castro described the cult as something that would always exist. Another representation of the cult of Cthulhu was the faith of human in the greater power.

These could be seen in the way of the cult to preserve the ancient ways of the

Great old Ones. They believe that they would be liberated from the idea of good and evil once the Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones are resurrected.

B. Messages of the Story As Spectrum suggested, the message is the main idea that the author intended for the reader to understand (2015: 4). In the Call of Cthulhu by H.P.

Lovecraft, the message of the story is presented throughout of the story. In this part of the analysis, the writer displays the messages projected in the story. There are several messages that the author wants the reader to understand in the story.

The messages that presented in the story are the human is insignificant creature in



the face of cosmic horror and there is something in this world that is meant to be left hidden from the world.

1. Human is Insignificant Creature in the Face of Cosmic Horror

In the Call of Cthulhu, the idea of the insignificant of human in the face of cosmic horror is stated clearly in the story. The narrator described how the theosophists suggested that this world and human race are something that counts as momentary occurrences. They also suggested something that beyond the comprehension of human that so fearsome if not covered with simplicity.

Theosophists have guessed at the awesome grandeur of the cosmic cycle wherein our world and human race form transient incidents. They have hinted at strange survivals in terms which would freeze the blood if not masked by a bland optimism (Lovecraft, 1928: 238) The implication given by this statement has proven the fact that if human could comprehend the horror that they might encounter, even though they tried to face it, they were unable to change anything.

During his investigation, the narrator questioned his sanity. He was wondering whether or not he was at the edge of encountering the cosmic horror that goes beyond what human could overcome. He tried to convince himself that the horror that had occurred is already stopping at some point. He believes that the horror is merely imagination of human fear and it only happened in the mind alone.

Was I tottering on the brink of cosmic horrors beyond man’s power to bear? If so, they must be horrors of the mind alone, for in some way the second of April had put a stop to whatever monstrous menace had begun its siege of mankind’s soul (Lovecraft, 1928: 251)



Despite having to believe that the horror has been ceased, the narrator felt the terror of the knowledge that he had possessed. He believe that at some point, he will be dead because of this knowledge.

I now felt gnawing at my vitals that dark terror which will never leave me till I, too, am at rest; “accidentally” or otherwise (Lovecraft, 1928: 252) The fear that the narrator have is understandable because of the nature of which are unknown and it could happened at any time without warning. In this sense, since the beginning of his investigation, his fate was already set on stone without the ability to alter the outcome of the situation.

Evidence that strengthens this fact is the explanation of Johansen encounter with the city of R’lyeh given by the narrator after acquiring the manuscript left by late Johansen. The narrator believes that Johansen was fortunate despite the fact that Johansen saw the city and the creature because he did not possess the knowledge of what he encounters. Because of the knowledge of what he describes as “unhallowed blasphemies”, the narrator believes that he will never find a peace ever again.

Johansen, thank God, did not know quite all, even though he saw the city and the Thing, but I shall never sleep calmly again when I think of the horrors that lurk ceaselessly behind life in time and in space, and of those unhallowed blasphemies from elder stars which dream beneath the sea... (Lovecraft, 1928: 252) This statement giving the impression that by merely possessing the knowledge of such terror, human would be haunted forever and makes them unable to find a peace. The inability of human, in the term of facing these kind of



horror, has proven their insignificant and powerlessness in the face of something that beyond their comprehension.

Johansen and his crew manage to open the gateway to the unhallowed horror by accident despite the cult failed to do so. This leads to the resurrection of the great Cthulhu and this sealed their demise.

The stars were right again, and what an age-old cult had failed to do by design, a band of innocent sailors had done by accident. After vigintillions of years great Cthulhu was loose again, and ravening for delight (Lovecraft, 1928: 254). Without knowing what going to happen to them, they could only listen and observed as the Cthulhu come through the door. Despite the sign given by the stench that come from the door, they have no idea that it would lead into their doom.

The odour arising from the newly opened depths was intolerable...Everyone listened, and everyone was listening still when It lumbered slobberingly into sight and gropingly squeezed Its gelatinous green immensity through the black doorway into the tainted outside air of that poison city of madness (Lovecraft, 1928: 254) In his manuscript, Johansen described how the two of his crew died instantly just by the glimpse of the Cthulhu. Johansen described the thing as something that so enormous just like a walking mountain. He was unable to find the right word to describe the thing because of the nature of the thing that contradicts the concept that human has.

Of the six men who never reached the ship, he thinks two perished of pure fright in that accursed instant. The Thing cannot be described—there is no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. A mountain walked or stumbled (Lovecraft, 1928: 254)



In his manuscript, Johansen also described how three of the men are died instantly by just a sweep of an arm from Cthulhu. As if the city itself was alive,

Johansen describe how one of his men, Parker, fall into a certain dead. He describe that Parker was engulfed by a rock that sharp but it was as if the rock was blunt.

Only both Johansen and Briden that manage to get into the boat. As they desperately try to get the boat away from that island, the Cthulhu approaches them and stepped at the side of the water.

Three men were swept up by the flabby claws before anybody turned. God rest them, if there be any rest in the universe. They were Donovan, Guerrera, and Ångstrom. Parker slipped as the other three were plunging frenziedly over endless vistas of green-crusted rock to the boat, and Johansen swears he was swallowed up by an angle of masonry which shouldn’t have been there; an angle which was acute, but behaved as if it were obtuse. So only Briden and Johansen reached the boat, and pulled desperately for the Alert as the mountainous monstrosity flopped down the slimy stones and hesitated floundering at the edge of the water (Lovecraft, 1928: 254). This evidence shows that human are unable to do anything in front of the terror they face. Even without a chance to turn their back, the three men already dead. They only could wait for their death as Cthulhu approaching them. They are like an insect in the front of Cthulhu.

By looking at the symbols represented by the bas-relief, we can see how they help to reveal the message the human is insignificant creature in the face of cosmic horror.

The bas-relief represented the idea of chaos and disorder. Although human can adapt to any situation, in the face of chaos and disorder, they would unable to



predict something that beyond their understanding. The bas-relief depicted the

Cthulhu and it has the power that could destroy the entire human civilization.

Evidence that supported the idea of human is insignificant creature can be seen in the story when Johansen and one of his crew, Briden, desperately tries to flee from the madness that they encounter in the dark city of R’lyeh. Unable to describe the situation that befalls upon them, Johansen tries as hard as he could to escape from that cursed island. As the great Cthulhu begun to pursue them, the sea becomes deadly. As the great Cthulhu begun to entering the water, huge wave rock their boat. Witnessing that horrid scene, Briden went mad until one night a sudden death come to him. Unable to do anything in that satiation, Johansen only could wander in the craziness of the situation.

Slowly, amidst the distorted horrors of that indescribable scene, she began to churn the lethal waters; whilst on the masonry of that charnel shore that was not of earth the titan Thing from the stars slavered and gibbered like Polypheme cursing the fleeing ship of Odysseus. Then, bolder than the storied Cyclops, great Cthulhu slid greasily into the water and began to pursue with vast wave-raising strokes of cosmic potency. Briden looked back and went mad, laughing shrilly as he kept on laughing at intervals till death found him one night in the cabin whilst Johansen was wandering deliriously (Lovecraft, 1928: 254). This evidence proven the fact that human is insignificant creature in the face of great horror. Though both of them manage to avoid certain peril, they still cannot escape the horror that befalls upon them. Briden, just merely by a sight of the great Cthulhu, able to make him went mad. On the other hand, Johansen only could to wander in the state of craziness in front of the horrible situation that they are in.



Johansen, despite able to reach the boat, was sure that the creature was able to easily destroying the boat. In his desperation, Johansen tried to escape the island as fast as he could.

But Johansen had not given out yet. Knowing that the Thing could surely overtake the Alert until steam was fully up, he resolved on a desperate chance; and, setting the engine for full speed, ran lightning-like on deck and reversed the wheel (Lovecraft, 1928: 254). After manage to escape, Johansen succumb to the fate as he did not try to navigate the ship. After the encounter with the great Cthulhu, something was taken from his soul. He could only think about the existence of an idol in the cabin and securing food for himself.

That was all. After that Johansen only brooded over the idol in the cabin and attended to a few matters of food for himself and the laughing maniac by his side. He did not try to navigate after the first bold flight, for the reaction had taken something out of his soul (Lovecraft, 1928: 254-255). The insignificant of human supported by the evidence above. Just by having experiencing the terror in a form of encounter with the Cthulhu, these experience take a toll in Johansen soul. He was unable to tell his experience in fear that other might seen him as a mad person. Death might be such a gift if it could make him forget the experience that he has.

He could not tell—they would think him mad. He would write of what he knew before death came, but his wife must not guess. Death would be a boon if only it could blot out the memories (Lovecraft, 1928: 255). From all description above, the human insignificant is shown by the idea in which humans are preyed as mere toys for all kinds of unimaginable horrors and all our ideals are just a cruel illusion. Once the human take a step away from their comfort zone, they might encounter the terror and madness. They might learn the



terrible truth that drives them to the point of insanity. They will never able to find the peace in the world ever again.

2. There is Something in this World that is Meant to be Left Hidden from

the World

There are many mysteries in this world that waiting to be discovered.

Human are always trying to uncover this mysteries. Among those mysteries, there is something that meant to be left alone. In The Call of Cthulhu, these messages are conveyed in the story. In the beginning of the story, the narrator explained why human incapability to understand all its contents is seen as blessing. He then suggested that even though we live in the vast world, it does not mean that we should explore all its contents. The narrator argues that by collecting the knowledge in this world, and when we put together the knowledge that we gain, we could opened the path of destruction upon ourselves. As the result, we could go insane or escape from the reality into the “new dark age”.

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age (Lovecraft, 1928: 238) From this statement, the idea of something they are not meant to be uncovered should be left alone as it is. Despite the desire of the human to know the truth, the risk of such knowledge might not worth it.



The message of there is something in this world that should be left uncovered is revealed by the symbols of the R’lyeh. R’lyeh is the ancient city where Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones are resided. From the description of the city and what it’s symbolized, it is clear that this city is shall never to be discover.

The narrator wish that he was the last person who uncover these mystery and no one shall ever discover this horrid truth.

Evidence that shown in the story that supports this idea is when Johansen and his crew discover the city of R’lyeh. In the story, even though its discovery is merely by accident, the result of the discovery resulted in the death of his crew and made him a sole survivor. Despite manage to escape from the city of R’lyeh, those experience had destroyed him.

He had not survived his return, said his wife, for the doings at sea in 1925 had broken him...It was a simple, rambling thing—a naive sailor’s effort at a post-facto diary—and strove to recall day by day that last awful voyage (Lovecraft, 1928: 252) Evidence is also stated by the narrator. At the end of his investigation, and after put together his finding, he accepted the fact that he will never finding a peace with the knowledge he has. He believes that he soon will be dead just like his uncle and Johansen because he claimed that he know too much about the

Cthulhu and the cult.

I have looked upon all that the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and the flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me. But I do not think my life will be long. As my uncle went, as poor Johansen went, so I shall go. I know too much, and the cult still lives (Lovecraft, 1928: 255).



This statement also added to the fact that after the narrator learn the truth about the Cthulhu and the cult, his view of the world has drastically changed. He was unable to see the beauty of the world because of the horror that he learn through his investigation. He stated that despite the beauty of the spring sky and the flower in the summer will become a poison to him.

The narrator added that the Cthulhu might be trapped in his loathsome city and because of that the world of man are save for now. He cannot determine the end of the world of men because he believe that the city of R’lyeh might rise again from the deep ocean. The horror that shall never be discover waiting in darkness and ready to destroy the world of man.

He must have been trapped by the sinking whilst within his black abyss, or else the world would by now be screaming with fright and frenzy. Who knows the end? What has risen may sink, and what has sunk may rise. Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men A time will come—but I must not and cannot think! Let me pray that, if I do not survive this manuscript, my executors may put caution before audacity and see that it meets no other eye (Lovecraft, 1928: 255). This statement suggested that the discovery of the city of R’ley may put the world of man into chaos and mark the end of the world of human. The narrator also wish that if the cultist that will came to take his life will never let any other people unrelated to the cult found his note so that no one will ever witness such horror ever again. The thing that had happened to the narrator’s uncle and

Johansen, and what would happen to the narrator, is because they learn the thing that they are not supposed to know. In this sense, this entire thing could be avoided if they never know these things in the first place.




To discover the significant of symbolism in the story The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft, the writer uses the theory on symbolism and message. The writer also uses several journals on the study of The Call of Cthulhu as a reference in order to study this material more deeply.

The Call of Cthulhu is divided into three parts. The story revolved around the narrator, Francis Wayland Thurson, after he stumbles upon his great uncle research. He uncovers the mystery behind his great uncle research and the probable reason behind the death of his great uncle. He also discovers the fate of those who know about the Cthulhu.

The analysis is divided into two parts according to the problem formulation that the writer proposes in the study. The first part is discussing about the symbols presented in the story. There are four symbols presented in the story; bas-relief,

Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones, R’lyeh, and Cult of Cthulhu. The second part of the analysis, discussing how the symbols help to reveal the messages presented the story. The messages presented in the story are the human is insignificant creature in the face of cosmic horror and there is something in this world that is meant to be left uncovered. The interpretation of the symbols and their description helps revealing the messages presented in the story.

Bas-relief represented the idea of chaos and disorder. Cthulhu and the

Great Old Ones represented the manifestation of chaos. The city of R’lyeh




represented the concept of immaterial or something unknown that crossing the boundary of human perception. The cult of Cthulhu represented the dark nature of human. In the story, there are two messages that presented in the story. First is the insignificant of human in the face of cosmic horror and second is there is something in this world that should never to be uncovered. The significant of symbols in order to reveal the messages could be seen in the nature of the symbols itself. From the explanation above we can see that the insignificant of human can be seen in the symbols bas-relief, once the Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones are awaken, and the cult of Cthulhu. The second message could be reveal through the symbols of the city of R’lyeh.

From the explanations above, the writer concluded that there are the relations between the symbols in order to reveal the message of the story. The evidences are shown by the symbols connection with each other. The bas-relief represent the idea of chaos have a connection with the Cthulhu and the Great Old

Ones which represent the manifestation of chaos and disorder. Both symbols also have the relation with the city of R’lyeh which represents the concept of immaterial or something unknown that crossing the boundary of human mind. The inability of human mind to perceive this concept has proven their inability to cross the limit of human mind. The last is the connection of those three symbols with the last symbol, the cult of Cthulhu which represent the dark nature and the human faith in the greater power.



In conclusion, the writer concludes that there is exists the power that exceeded that human understanding in this world. We are merely holding a small role in this earth. There are many things that waiting to be explored in this vast world. Although the world is vast, there also lies a boundary where we should never cross.



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The Call of Cthulhu begun in the form of a manuscript byFrancis Wayland

Thurson. Thurston tells his discovery of notes left behind by his grand- uncle, George Gammell Angell, a professor of Semitic languages at Brown

University in Providence, Rhode Island, who died suddenly after bumped with nautical-looking Negro. The story divided into three parts

The Horror in Clay

Thurston interested with a small bas-relief sculpture that he found among the papers left by his great-uncle. The sculpture is the work of Henry Anthony

Wilcox, a student at the Rhode Island School of Design who based the work on his dreams about the great Cyclopean cities made of titan blocks and sky-flung monoliths. Wilcox's began dreaming on March 1 and frequently from March 23 until April 1. On his great-uncle notes, there were mental outbreak and mass hysteria around the world.

The Tale of Inspector Legrasse

In the second part of the story, the note left by Professor Angel showing that he had heard the word Cthulhu much earlier prior to his death. At the 1908, a

New Orleans police inspector named John Raymond Legrasse had assembled the expert to identify a statuette that similar to the Wilcox sculpture. It was depicted a monster with head like an octopus, full of scale, and body look like a rubber with amazing claws on the back and the front of the feet, and the narrow wings in the back.




On November 1, 1907, Legrasse led a search party to discover the women and children from the squatter community. The police discover the victims' bodies being used in a ritual with the statuette on the center. Approximately 100 men from various background with some kind of mental illness screaming and repeatedly chanting the phrase, "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."

After arrested 47 people and killed 5 member of the cult, inspector

Legrasse interrogate the cultists regarding their hateful faith. The prisoners identified the statuette as the great Cthulhu. They translated the words that they chant as "In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." They worshipped the Great Old Ones who lived eons before mankind who came to the world from the sky. The Old Ones are gone but their first vision was live amongst the first men that receive their vision.

The Madness from the Sea

In the third part of the story, Thurston had discovered the information about the Cthulhu cult beyond what his great-uncle does. He discovers by a chance the article from the Sydney Bulletin that reported the discovery of a deserted ship in the Pacific Ocean with only one survivor name Gustaf Johansen. The article talks about the survivors encountered an island the next day after being attacked by the cult-fiends, in the vicinity of 47° 9' S, 126° 43' W, even though there are no charted islands in that area. The remaining crew was dead on the island. Thurston realized from the article that the crew was connected to the Cthulhu Cult. When



Johansen's widow gives Thurston a manuscript written by her husband that he left behind, the narrator learns of the crew's discovery of the uncharted island.

Johansen and his crew exploring the island and stumble upon a door. They manage to open the door and from it the Cthulhu rises from his slumber. Two of the crew was died instantly from the dread they witness and another two dead by a sweep of a hand from Cthulhu.

After finish reading the manuscript, finished his narrative with pessimistic attitude. He assume that his fate will be similar like his great-uncle and Johansen who got killed by the cult because they know something that they are not supposed to know. He also thinks that even though Cthulhu was dragged down again with the sinking city, it will be just a momentarily reassurance before the stars are right when he will rise again.