Ensed Auctioneer

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Ensed Auctioneer the & then Ionhitch- tho fite with thegallirrrpper, togotherwith Democratic Meeting. THE OHAELESTON side ov gardin fons,. in her hod hor HOUSE, ed mule, & road off tords home, feelin es ketchin cold by unsbippin' At a Democratic Meeting, held at Edge- os a shelled mud turtle. .waterfall in tho nita air.hod effected her this June the Hon. ¦287 1LÏSQ STREET, 28» tender in2 weeks and weeks field C. H., day, 1st, Ml are sense bra ne. Dais of the c¿¿_¡Lj.,M,,m'^mi. .limn, i,, i Sevrai dais supposed 2 claps glided F. Yv. Pickens, Chairman Executive whar I in2 months, but still roeson did not re¬ of From the Nev Orleans- Sunday Crescent. the abuv, wich brings us back to Committee of the Democratic party vus sittin in the moonlite smokiu, on turn 2 my angelick bean ; and, wast uv was called to the I cood not kum fur sho EdgeGeld District, Chair; & The Harrowing Fragment of farmer Joneses porch ; es I said be 4. I all, ny her, imag¬ B. C. Bryan acting as Secretary. 8TOLL, WEBB CO., thar tho bean of ined I was a huge gallinipper. Imagin' The chairman read the Resolutions of a Romantic sot studyin about my 2 Story. lov, when all of a suddent, rny feelins ! Forbiddin seo my angelic previous meeting of the Executive Com¬ bean ! was moar'n I cuod stand, ao 1 -BT PINE E. WOODS. It mittee, and also his Report under those chapter xxxiii. I wont down 2 Brown's, and tole him day He sed I Resolutions. .£From the Bambaroo*sheets of fte 2d instalment, I tuck a noshin thet it wood be a rip- I must seo my angelick boan. Gen. M. W. Gary offered the following DOMESTIC STORE. LACE* STORE. stovin ideo 2 and giv my shugar plum coodu't! I sed I cood ! ne sod I'd bet¬ and made a in We will always keep ou hand a large and well- Wa keep always on hand a full assortant fjf CHAPTEH XXI. go he Resolutions, strong speech Goods suitable- a moonlito surenaid, so I gits up and gits ter try it on. I went for the door, and support of the same: assorted stock of I will now rakur tew tho insydent a screecher that was hangin in went for his blunderbuss, and swore he'd The Democratic of Dis-" Au my cat-gut tho Party Edgcfield looded tew in the 4goia' chapters. its groen hag on the wall, and started for hurt my feeling. I went in2 house, tnct, South Carolina, in mass meeting as¬ Such ns Kerseys, LonqcloUis, Plains, Family LinenB Buen as Brown's dearin. Arrivin at the fens it and cs fur cs tho door of the room ov : Woolens, Brown Shirtings, Satinets, Calicoes, Laces, Embroideries, Linen Cambrio Handfcor> this is the insydent. got sembled, declare the following principles Wbito Black Dress still moonlho nite in Jooi was hut the work ov a moment 2 when ole Brown met Cashmeres, Ginghams, Black Clotbti, Osnaburgs, chiefs, Goods, Gooda, Goods, On a kara plais my- my angelic bean, Resolved 1st, That the Government of Dlankcls of all Silks, Cloaks, Shawls, Parasols, Skirts and ft mite be seen so on tho inside of roovo tords he : out or I'll Sheetings, qualities. Hoop Î8Q., soUtcrry joskin self it, and me. Sez '-Keep npile yoro the United States was made by whits men, Terms cash or city acceptance. Notions. on the of Farme Passin thru the or¬ he ted his blunderbuss at tin' and sraokin' porch the house. cabbige looks!" and pin for white men, and that with the blessing Our entire Stock has been marked down, and wo are daily receiving new Goods by evsry steamer, c3 .^Joneses farm-hor.se. chard aforementioned, a plais sodderod 2 my bed. I sed nothin'; but Iowerin* my of God and tho help of thc Domocartic reduced prices. ;: I was that joskin. by boin the seen ov that bed the proper distene, prepared 2 gin a it shall continue to be "a white -Stranger, and tbun my.affeckshuns butt in tho stoiu- Party, Wholesale Department, Up Stairs, 287 and 289 King Street. As 1 sot andsmoked I thunk 1st intervu, the specktakel was sublimo. rale ole ginooino Congo man's Government." cents ; Brown to onti os lied sited fur Calicoes, 7.V-8.Ö.OJ.10.-ll.12J.13* Shirtings, 7$.8.9.10.ll.12J Iff . of 1 and then of another, As far as the I's cood reech fords the ick. As soon I my Resolved That we to 20 -1st thing got ! 2nd, utterly repudiate cents ; Bleached Long Cloths, 8.9.10.ll. cents, iii other Goods oí .finally my .thots settled on the neeee ( house the avenoo wus lined on either side him. I went for him hod 4most. But, O the doctrine of thc lowest market rates Gen< his and I qualified Negro Suffrage . ;¿^8bor Brown, Genoveeve.-sweet by stately cabbiges and raajistic egg uard ! ho stuek out blunderbuss to which South Carolina was lately pied-1 *- ' Tseve St. Muggins, who tho I had see plants, wile the tender punkin and cow- run agin it, wich I no sooner did then he ged by what purported to bo a general ? hör but 2ioe and spoke to her but lc< cumber vines timidly klung 2 tho noble let fly and tour the hole top ov tho hod off Convention of the Democratic Party of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PENDLETON FACTORY. ' bad already won my fresh yung hart. corn-stawks os ef pleedin for help and ov me, and smashed my bcd in2 1000 this State, as such a doctrine is the same &c, Ste. \. For farmer Jones had told me all abor proteckshun. As I sod further up, I ad- pieceSj when with a yell loud cnuff 2 wake in principle as the Radical scheme of uni¬ CHEMICALS, tba critter's haven 4 or 5000 $ in her ow vansed up this aveneo tords the house, the deceased- versal Negro Suffrage, and its logical re¬ THE WOOL CARDS lite, and so 4th, and how heTiked the gi and takin my instroomentfrom the aftro- KONKLUStJTTN. sults would only bc a little less injurious. Brown was her wit her AT this place are now in complete running order. - altho* old unkle, sed green bag, 1 sot 2 work toonon' I woke. I'd bin at the time in Resolved 3rd, That wbijo contending All the Wool offered will he carded into Roils of *. * bin at for asleep noom he had loggerheads yeei up, (the fiddle, not the green bag,) and I tho and dreamed tho abuv. Tho that all political rights are only to be ex¬ the best quality at short notice, at the following a lorsoot moonlit©, are /ön.acoount of thru sed bag on the grass on til i shood hed bin a most chawin' tho ercised by tho white race, wo willing rates for cash: eoed critter was s gallinippers to ne¬ The fust time I the be comin back. I went up 2 tho houce, mo I wus to all just civil rights the All Wool, Plain and Mixed Bolls, 12$o. per lb. ' bed off wile asleep. guarantee V meetin', but she hed anuther feller wit and takin up my posishun under ole gro. Mixed otton and Wool Rolls, 15c. per lb. - *~j&er, so l had no sho to speek 2 her. Brown's eond, 1 started themusick. Resolved 4th, That the foregoing Reso¬ Bacon, Lard, Corn and Cotton will be taken at * gable A German Colony. $s^-, ^But the nest time I clapfc eyes on he: Bein in a solem mood, the 1st thing I lutions, in tho opinion of this meeting, market rates in exchange for carding. Wool may " in tho Yorkville I was more lucky. struck up was tho march of tho Deceesed J. Wood Davidson, embody the principles of the National bc sent to tho Factory from any points on the I com, on ber as she was in the act ( in Saul. Well, I as far es the 2nd of last week, furnishes the fol¬ Democratic of the North, as decid¬ Railroads, through the agents, and'the Rolls de¬ unkle got Enquirer Party livered by them as soon as the Wool can be carded ;dr^vin' our ole gray bull out'n her semmy-doramy quiver in tho 3rd varia- lowing interesting details concerning a edly expressed in thc late elections, involv¬ and returned. and the bull bein' oui a sound in :..v_cabbige orchard, shun, when I heerd rustlin Gorman settlement below Columbia : ing the question of Suffrage, and that these AN ASSORTMENT OP . i I felt ca}d upon to maik some exkuse fe the bushes in my imraejit flank and reer, Resolutions are intonded to put us in ac¬ his thotlesn.ess. So off mul and I turned round 2 All of our readers, perhaps, aro not with that gittin' my suddently, oxpectin wo havo a cord party. hi him the I advance bean of ! hor¬ aware of the fact that colony were and tebin 2. feus, Bhold the my lov, when, O of Gormans located and at work These Resolutions seconded hy OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. tords the maden with ray hart a thumpii ror ov horrors ! already the Hon. G. D. Tillman, who made an el¬ like onto tho of a rice mill at h in Richland District. The colony is as effective in favor of Will be kept on hand at the Factory, and custo¬ hopper CHAFTEB XXIV.
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