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The Western Mistic, December 4, 1931

Moorhead State Teachers College

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Recommended Citation Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Western Mistic, December 4, 1931" (1931). The Western Mistic. 2. https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic/2

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Western Mistic by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. 22 WESTERN MINNESOTA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Moorhead, Minnesota, Dec. 4, 1931 NO. 1 HAMLET" TO BE ®®®®®®®®®®®®® Star of Court LARGEST DRAGON BASKETBALL SQUAD ANNUAL PLAY OF CALENDAR OF EVENTS PREPARES FOR INITIAL COBBER TILT Tonight—At 8:00, Dramatic Club UPPER CLASSES Plays—Auditorium. Tommorrow Night — 7:45, Psi Games Already Scheduled With River Falls, Eau Claire, and La Delta Kappa, Informal Party Crosse Teachers Colleges, North Dakota A. C. CASTING WILL BEGIN MONDAY Besides Three Concordia Tilts FOR STAGING OF CLASS —Exchange. PLAY IN FEBRUARY Monday, Dec. 7—2:50 P. M., Try- outs for Class Play—Audi­ With the most promising squad turnout in the history of the Following hard upon the heels of the torium. College, the Dragon cage practice, under the capable direction of two one-act dramas presented by the Wednesday, Dec. 9—8:00 P. M.. Coach Alex Nemzek, started Tuesday, December 1, at the Moorhead Dramatic Club under the direction of Basketball Game, Cobbers Armory. Included in the group of 32 men who reported for basket­ Miss Tainter tonight, try-outs for the vs. Dragons — Moorhead ball are several of last year's players and also a large number of annual class play will be held, com­ Armory. Saturday, Dec. 12 — 8:00 P. M., men who have had considerable high school experience. mencing on Mon­ "Sliv" expressed his satisfaction with the team, early in the week, day afternoon at Basketball Game, Dragons and with only one regular of last sea­ 2:50 in the audi­ vs. North Dakota State Bison—Bison Field House. son missing, a fast combination should torium. From a result. Nemzek pointed out the valu­ group o f three ® ® FACULTY HONORS able men returninng from last year's plays selected by ®®®®®®®®®@®®®®® successful campaign: Chet Gilpin, Hank Miss Tainter, a LETTERMEN AT Booher, Johnny Ingersoll, Bill Robin­ committee from GRID BANQUET son, Herb Moberg, Bibs Matson, Wil­ the three upper TWO PLAYS TO BE bur Bailey, and Hub Nelson. classes selected ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® "Hamlet", "the STAGED TONIGHT TWENTY RECEIVE FOOTBALL LET­ TERS AT ANNUAL BANQUET ® ® greatest play of all ® MONDAY NIGHT BASKETBALL SCHEDULE ® time", to stage as FOUR NEW PLAYERS WILL MAKE ® ® FIRST APPEARANCE ON Ethel Tainter this season's un­ ® Dec. 9—Concordia, Armory. ® COLLEGE STAGE Twenty members of the Dragon foot­ ® Dec. 12—A. C., Fargo. dertaking, the highlight of the 1931-32 ball team will receive letters when the dramatic season. W.Rob itiscn ® Dec. 17—Concordia, Armory. Two one-act plays will be presented college faculty entertains the 1931 The "Dramatis Personae" consists of ® Jan. 1—Concordia, Armory, by the Dramatic Club under the direc­ eleven at the annual football banquet twenty-five speaking characters to­ Awaiting the opening whistle of the ® p. m. ® tion of Miss Tainter at eight o'clock Monday night, it has been announced gether with a number of non-talking basketball season are 32 Dragons, ® Jan. 6—River Falls, there. in Weld Hall this evening. Those who by the athletic commissioner, John Cos- courtiers, ladies, and attendants making among whom is Bill Robinson, pictured ® Jan. 7—Eau Claire, there. are to take part in "The Eldest", a tain. Five of these men, Captain Oberi up the magnifiicent scene in the state above. No more brilliant star could be ® Jan. 9—La Crosse, there. drama of American life by Edna Ferber, Nelson, Lyman Davis, John Ingersoll, room of Elsinore. For these parts any found last year on any basketball court ® are Dorothy Dunne, Rose; Marcella Chester Gilpin, and Victor Anderson member of the Sophomore, Junior, or in the colleges or universities of the ® ® ® ®®®®®®®®®® Redlinger, Floss; Everett McCoy, Al; have played their four years of football Senior classes may try out. However, Northwest than Bill, high point man in Buzz Robinson Out Axel Taflin, Pa; Donald Bird, Henry under the Dragon banner. Miss Tainter asks that those desiring the Interstate conference. It is expect­ One of the outstanding new members Selz; and Charlotte Smith, a neighbor. Mr. Kise will act as toastmastei at to try out obtain a copy of the play ed, however, that half a dozen others of ,, , . , . , of the team is Buzz (George) Robinson, from the reserve shelf in the library, "The Flattering Word", a comedy by- the squad will push him for honors the banquet program which will open , ]ike Bm a Montana ^-sUte star, who with a speech by the toastmaster On- , read it, and select the character for George Kelly, is a satirical takeoff on this year. d his metde wUh the Bluebirds which they desire to try out. the stage and the old fashioned elocu­ ward. Coach Alex Nemzek will talk ^ F and the Fargo-Moorhead tionist. A versatile cast has been se­ on the new gymnasium; the 1931 Cap-, AU.Stars last season. close ^hind Miss Tainter states that "Hamlet" will lected, including Dan McCoy, who has Detronian Editor Heads tain, Obert Nelson will give a toast on , • _ ^,-rr i c be presented about the middle of Feb­ j , 1 him are Clirt Rasmussen, lengthyJ form- been drafted to play the part of Rev­ What Next? and the Captain Elect ruary, no definite date having been er Fargo High star, and all-state center erend Loring Rigley, and Evelyn Cook, State H. S. Press Group will discuss the possibilities of "Anoth set as yet. A week of casting will be from North Dakota; Kenneth Magnus- Mary Rigley, the minister's wife. Ruth er Conference." The program will followed by days of grilling rehearsal son, a capable jumper and dead shot Dahl plays the part of Mrs. Zooker, a At the Annual Convention of the close with a talk by President R. B. to whip into shape these greatest of all from Moorhead high. nosey gossip, who is Rev. Rigley's help­ Minnesota High School Press Associa­ MacLean on "Reading the Future". created characters. This being the first Other former high school stars are er in his ministerial duties. Lena tion held at Austin, Minnesota, No­ Robert Walls will sing several tenor time in five years that "Hamlet" has Carl Fridlund, Moorhead; Willard An­ Zooker, Mrs. Zooker's daughter, is play­ vember 20-21, Roger Hamilton, editor solos, accompanied by Harlow Berquist been presented by any company, pro­ derson, Moorhead; Art Nelson, James­ ed by Doris Sorkness, while Sydney of the Detronian of Detroit Lakes High on the piano. fessional or amateur, in the Northwest, town; Joe Edlund, Fergus Falls; John Kurtz takes the part of Eugene Fish, School, was elected president of the Five Letters Provisional attention will be keenly turned to the Holm, Velva, N. D.; Abe Dahl, Dil- a professional actor who happens to association for the coming year. For The other lettermen who aided the portrayal of the magnificent Hamlet, worth; and Walter Dilly, Henning. drop in at the Rev. Rigley home. the past year he b.- served as secre­ M. S. T. C. football juggernaut to drive the cruel, implacable Claudius, the tary of the group. With only a week's preparation, the Four of the members of the cast, Ev­ through its fourth consecutive football •fickle Queen, the gentle Ophelia, the lo­ Dragon combination will meet the erett McCoy, Dan McCoy, Ruth Dahl, Two awards were given Detroit Lakes championship in the Interstate Confer­ quacious Polonius, and the serious, High School students at the conven­ ence are: Henry Booher, Herman Kra- strong Concordia Cobbers, Minnesota practical Laertes. and Sydney Kurtz will make their first appearance on the College stage. tion, Violet Glasrud, winning second jeck, James Krajeck, Ross Jreland, Herb j College Conference Champions of last place in the feature section and Mabel Moberg, William Robinson, Obert Dahl, i season. Wednesday's game at the Living within the income means liv­ Peoples being awarded third place for Wilbur Bailey, Clarence McAllister, Armory will see neither team at peak REGULAR DEBATE performance, but both teams have had ing sans the worry. her humor column. James Blaine, George Anderson, Joseph Edlund, Russell Monson, Julien Bjerk equal chance for preparation. Concor­ PRACTICE BEGINS ness, and Howard Ruegamer. dia's attack will feature Pat Hilde and Terrazzo Workers on New Buildings Besides these men there are also five | Cliff Halmrast, sharp-shooting all-con- FIFTEEN MEN BEGIN WORK ON provisional lettermen at the completion ference stars, "CENTRALIZED CONTROL OF Inherit Skill from Roman Ancesters of spring practice. They are: Jerry Bi- Schedule Is Stiff INDUSTRY" QUESTION sek, Robert Jeffrey, Art Nelson, Harold The Dragons may face their strong- Mattson, and Eugene Eininger. | est schedule of the school's history in (By Dan McCoy) "Resolved: That Congress should adhered to, and all of the structures Is Sliv's Tenth Year their campaign this year. In addition "New Buildings to have Terrazzo are materially nearer completion than Those receiving honorable mention to the above schedule, games are also enact legislation for the centralized Floors" we read in looking over news control of industry" will be the ques­ at our last writing. In the training (Continued on Page Four) being scheduled with Wahpeton, Valley notes on the additions now being made school, only the interior woodwork and City, Mayville, and St. Thomas. In ad­ tion before the house when College de­ to our present educational* factory. bate teams take the stand this winter. decorating remains to be finished. The dition, Coach Nemzek is still seeking What is terrazzo? Where dia it come Physical Education building is being a game to open officially the new Phys­ Up to this time meetings have been from? Of what is it made and how POWELL SPEAKS held on Tuesday evenings, but begin­ groomed for service during the latter ical Education building. is it constructed? The writer was also half of the present basketball season, ning next week they will be held Mon­ curious. (All right, if you don't care IN CHAPEL TODAY The men who reported for basketball day at four o'clock and Thursday at and MacLean Hall has been almost en­ at the opening session are: Bill Robin­ for intellectual literature, just hunt up tirely enclosed. Since the bulk of the eight o'clock in the evening. HUMAN VALUES IN BIBLE THEME son, Buzz Robinson, Herb Moberg, Hub Kampus Kapers on page two.) heavy work has been finished on the According to Mr. Loewen, who is OF LECTURE; BEARD TALKS Nelson, Chet Gilpin, Hank Booher, Cliff Away back in the good old days when whole project, the crew of laborers and Rassmussen, Kenneth Magnusson, Wil­ relieving Mr. Murray as debate coach Christians were steeped in hot tar for ON DEPRESSION skilled workers lias been cut consider­ lard Anderson, Carl Fridland, Joe Ed­ this year, tentative plans have been Nero's amusement, a form of terrazzo ably. lund, Art Nelson, Bud Ruegamer, John piade to meet teams from Macalester, floor gave firm footing in the good In this morning's chapel period, Dr. School Soon Ready Holm, Abe Dahl, Bibs Mattson, Hank Carleton, Winona Teachers College and king's elegant palace as well as in many John Walker Powell, an alumnus of the The new training school, as yet un­ Ruegamer, Orvid Jorgenson, Herman River Falls Teachers College. other public buildings. The old Rom­ University of Minnesota, spoke on named, is to be ready for occupancy Krajeck, Clarence McAllister, Julian Five of last year's debaters who will ans polished marble slabs, broke them sometime during the month of Janu­ "Human Values in the Bible." Dr. "make a bid for positions this year are Powell, for many years a pastor in Bjerkness, Stanley Swenson, Red Mon­ into pieces and then imbedded them ary. At present the last of the plaster­ son, Wilbur Bailey, John O'Brien, Ed­ Clarence Glasrud, Detroit Lakes; Don­ in a concrete base, sometimes in the Duluth and later in Minneapolis, gave ing is being done, the muslin in the die Lee, Walter Dilly, Red Gauslow, ald Bird, Detroit Lakes; Wilson Dok- form of patterns. This same type of windows is being replaced by the sash­ up the pulpit in 1918 to go to France ken. Thief River Falls; Rupert Krien- with the A. E. F. He is an author as Ernest Lien,-Art Nyhus, Kenneth Mel- inlaid work was done on the walls. es, since there is now no more danger by, and John Ingersoll. bring, Fergus Falls; and Donald Ingram. Italians Still At It of glass breakage from building op­ well as a lecturer, having written sev­ Villard. From Nero's palace to MacLean's Hall erations, and a crew of fitters is calking eral books. Others out for this year's squad are is a far cry, but we still copy the prin­ the windows on the second story. There Wednesday's chapel program was in Band To Give Concert Axel Taflin, Winger; Gorman and Ward ciples of terrazzo flooring, and even will be little activity in this build­ the form of a Christmas operetta given Thompson, Goodrich; Cecil Veitch, Far­ hire sons of Sunny Italy to lay our ing during the next two or three weeks, by the children of the intermediate In Chapel Next Friday go; James Bridges, Moorhead; Oliver floors. It is an interesting coincidence as it is impossible to go ahead with grades under the direction of Miss Asp, Thief River Falls; John Costain, that most of the workers in terrazzo are the Interior work until the plaster has Wenck. Opening its concert season for the Moorhead; Forrest Olson, Stephen; of Italian birth. sufficiently set to be ready for the dec­ "The habit of going to the devil is year, the Moorhead State Teachers Col­ lege Concert, Band, directed by Mr. Charles Jahr, Hitterdal; and Kenneth Of course the modern builder has orators. The terrazzo work on the not a new habit," said Dr. R. A. Beard, Christensen, will present a chapel pro­ Johnson, Tracy. improved the method of laying terrazzo, floors and stairs has been ground down former pastor of the First Congrega­ gram Friday, December 11. Included in and if we work in any design, it is and polished. tional Church at Fargo, speaking in the concert will be several instrumental done by partitioning off different colors Next in order of completion is the chapel on Wednesday before Thanks­ Archer To Give Talk solos and one duet. A special feature from each other by means of brass Physical Education building, whose ter­ giving. He showed that periods of de­ is promised in a cornet number com­ At Oak Mound Tonight strips. A layer of fine concrete is first razzo floors and stairs are also in place. pression and pessimism are not at all posed by a 1931 M. S. T. C. graduate, laid on the floor. Over this is spread modern. The tile partitions of both floors is well Dorothy Hoel. Dr. Archer, head of the Education de­ another layer of crushed granite 01 along, and the iron trusswork of the partment, will speak to the Oak Mound marble, according to the color of floor gymnasium is being painted. In about World Court, Russia The complete program is as follows: community club this evening on some desired. When this mass has sufficient­ a week'S time, when all the brickwork Americans We, March, Fillmore; "Eg- phase of childhood education. He was ly set, it is ground down to an even on MacLean Hall will be completed, the Theme Of Rise's Talks mont" Overture, Beethoven; Reminisc­ also principal speaker at a meeting of level and polished by mechanical buildings will take on a finished ap­ ences—Cornet solo, Reynold Christen­ the Fargo public school teachers on No­ means. pearance externally. Continuing a series of discussions on sen, Dorothy Hoel; Le Calife De Bag­ vember 15, having as his subject, "See- Makes Good Floor Corner Filled In political and economic questions, Mr. dad Overture, Boieldieu; "Poet and in* Things at School". The terrazzo floor is more durable, The construction of the east end of Kise made two addresses to Moorhead Peasant" Overture, (Xylophone solo, In the latter talk he developed the easier to clean and makes a more quiet the Hall was held up for several weeks groups this week, the first on Tuesday Curt Remfrey), Von Suppe; Lassus idea that education is the reconstruc­ passageway than wood. Ship's lino­ while the old heating plant was being afternoon to the League of Women Trombone, novelty, Fillmore; Selection tion of experience, and pointed out that leum is often used in hallways between wrecked, but the concrete frame-work Voters, held at the home of Mrs. H for two clarinets—Robert Walls, Har- no senses are better for the experienc­ strips of terrazzo. of this portion has been finished and G. Carpenter, and the second to the 'ow Berquist, Haydn; American Spirit. ing process than the eyes. Several re­ In spite of the inclement weather with the "bricking in" the building will Ladies Auxiliary of Melvin E. Hearl March, Buglione. cent experiments as to the efficiency of conditions during the past two weeks, be enclosed from the weather. At that post, American Legion. The first dealt visual aids for instruction purposes the somewhat stringent building sched­ time temoararv heat wfll b" i-stalled with the World Court, and the second Few of us get all we want, but most were cited. ule on the College campus is being well (Continued on Page Four) with "Communism in Russia". of us get all we deserve. Page 2 The Western MiSTiC Dec. 4, 1931

The Western MiSTiC T THE LOCAL SITUATION -9 — r. A weekly newspaper published by Moorhead State Teachers College every Friday of the College year. Printed in the College Print Shop and issued at the A little discouragement from Old Man Weather doesn't seem to College. stop the crews from pushing the new buildings to completion. With­ Entered as second class matter at the Postoffice at Moorhead, Minnesota. Subscription price, activity fee to students; alumni dues to members of the in a very few days now, the kind of weather we have won't mean a Vssoclation; all others, $1.50 a year. Single copies, 5c. thing, since all work will be done inside the buildings. • * * * * It won't be long now until the winter's torrid basketball series CCharterf^pr'^frr, ) Member) with the Cobbers begins, and may we remind you that if you want to see the fur fly thick and fast, don't miss those games. • * * * * M •m b •r Moorhud Chamber of Commarca Needless to say, we are very happy to welcome Miss Alice Speaking of sanitation—Buzz appar­ Corneliusson back to the college. Since her graduation several years ently is following the advice of the good Kditoriul Board teachers Nemzek and Frick, judging CLARENCE GLASRUD Editor-in-Chief ago she has never severed connections with the institution, so that a great many of us to whom she needs no introduction can vouch from the fact that in history class he DOROTHY FETVEDT Associate Editor pulled a tooth brush out of his vest CECIL VE1TCH College Editor for her. * * * if * pocket instead of a pencil. DAN McCOY Special Features ELIAN OR SHERMAN Editorials We are all anxious to see what our dramatists will do with Bill What's your collar unhooked ALWIN COCKING Sports "Hamlet" as a class play, and you may be sure that when tryouts for? ' JOHN BRIDGES Sports begin Monday, nothing will be spared to do ample justice to Mr. Hank: "Merely considering my JOURNALISM CLASS Shakespeare. Adam's apple." MILDRED MOBERG ADEL GRINA SYDNEY KURTZ * * * * * CECIL VEITCH F. W. COMSTOCK Though he will announce no definite schedule for the coming A word from the wise—almost every GERTRUDE PETERSEN FORREST OLSON MARY RONINGEN quizz goes to prove that a fool can ask AXEL TAFLIN EILEEN HILAND I season, Mr. Loewen informs us that the Dragon debaters will have more questions than a wise man can MAX1NE BROWN IONE WEIR ample opportunity to demonstrate their ability against some of the answer. JOHN INGERSOLL Business Manager best teams in the Northwest before the year is over. * • * WILSON DOKKEN Circulation Manager * * * * * Teacher of grammar in the training RALPH JOHNSON Advertising Manager The talk given in chapel today by John Walker Powell was of school: "The teacher fed the milk to DONALD E. BIRD State Editor particular interest to several M. S. T. C. students who, when graduat­ the cat." "James, what is the indirect HENRY B. WELTZIN Print Shop Supervisor ing from a nearby high school three or four years ago, waited impa­ object? " James: "The kittens." BYRON D. MURRAY Faculty Adviser tiently for a commencement speaker who failed to appear. The * * * speaker was Mr. Powell, and automobile trouble delayed him so long Usher, half way down the aisle at the that he finally had to wire ahead that he could not meet his Moorhead theater: "Like to sit close?" appointment. Dutch: "None of your darned busi­ ness if we do." - say it, so I sed, look under your hat THE OPEN COLUMN and you'll find it. I wonder if hell un­ Knowing that you don't know much EDITORIALS <$>- -<» is knowing a lot. A LETTER derstand what I mean. Watertown, Wise., Ballard wanted to know the differ­ A fat woman is often a charming girl Nov. 28. 1931 ence between a pistil and a stem. I gone to waist. Mr. Clarence Glasrud, rote a pistil was something you killed CONGRATULATIONS — NOT GOOD BYE peepul with if you got mad (like If some of our students of yesterday feel that we live overmuch Editor-in-Chief of "The MiSTiC" Moorhead, Minn. teachers and so on) but a stem was a in the future and tend to give scant credit to the past, those individ­ part of a pipe. I bet I get A on that. Anderson's Bakery Dear Sir: uals must have been pleased to note the account some time ago of And then kristy wanted to know Anent your article in the last issue what "Dam Auntie Pracox" ment. 1 Door West of the Post Office the promotion of Ole Sande to the State Department of Education. of "The MiSTiC," signed "A Sopho­ Gosh, that made me soar. I rote you PIES AND PASTRY FOR He may be considered a product of the College of the past, though the more," raising the question of a suit­ ought to be ashamed of yourself swar- THAT LUNCH time of his graduation is not far removed and since that time he has able name for the new training school: ing at a woman like that. Just for been consistently playing a major part in the school activities. may I say, that in my opinion, it seems that, if I was in the band I think I'd M. S. T. C. is justly proud of him, as a former student, instructor, eminently fitting that the above men­ kwit. tioned school should be called the "Liv­ and president of its alumni association. We are more than a little Hays wanted us to rite a sinopsss selfishly sorry that Mr. Sande will no longer be able, as an instructor, ingston C. Lord". As a member of the class of 1891, I (let's have the old sky roket) of any to help our students prepare for their profession, but we are glad can realize, perhaps more than many of book we had red. I looked all threw for the sake of rural education in this state that he is entering a larger you, the influence for good that Mr. Pair of Dice Lost when she wasn't The Scherling Studio field, where his resources will be available to a greater number of Lord had upon the students of the then looking—hanged if I could find any rural school teachers. Nevertheless, we are happy in Mr. Sande's infant college. sinopsss. Maybe it got lost with the assurance that his connection with the College is by no means sev­ Its growth and expansion have fully dice.- Anyway it sure was a Rum ek- saminashum. I went home. ered by his acceptance of this new position, but that it will bring demonstrated the constructive abilities Official College Photographer and broad vision of its first president. Nov. 26—The Big Day—Oh, boy, I him into personal contact with his fellow alumni. We are sure that gess I dont feel good, huh. I just got Application Photos at Ole can not forget his Alma Mater any more than she can forget him. By all means, let us honor him by naming the new training school the threw getting the best of poor old Special Reduced Prices. "Livingston C. Lord." Tom (hes the turki, you know— RENAISSANCE OR OBITUARY? Very truly yours, I mean he was) Poor torn, I feel kinda Have Sitting Made NOW. As our enrollment is increased far beyond former years and Edla Hallenberg D'Stack sorry for him. Oh well, we all gotta j Avoid the Holiday Rush. the new buildings take form, one after the other, materializing our (Mrs. Thomas D'Stack) die sometime. Anyway that's what, 113 /i Broadway, Fargo, N. D. visions of the greater institution now in the making, we find ourselves jennie owe-us sez. Gosh, she's smarte. J I wonder where she found that out? faced with the problem of creating a college within those hollow WHAT'S WRONG WITH LIBRARY? Across the Street from Black's Bldg. walls. Again we realize that men and women, not bricks and mortar Many comments are made about our Nov. 30—Here I am back in more- can make a school and that a rejuvenated, enlarged campus without lack of library facilities—how hamp­ head. I sure had a big time home, but I never had so much time as I did last an accompanying enlarging, broadening of college life and institutions ered, how handicapped we are. There is a great deal of injustice behind those night when I come back to morehead. will not fulfill our ideal of the M. S. T. C. of the future. statements. We really have a fine col­ Bunty bonemister lives close to us at It is true that last year ushered in two new national honorary lection of more than 11,000 books that home, and when her brother come to fraternities, that this fall saw the beginning of a new sorority, but are well arranged for the convenience take her back, she had them stop and consider how limited is the scope of these organizations. Last year of the students. These books embrace get me. Shes awful cute. We sat in the back seat all alone. also saw the passing of our men's literary societies; their sister soci­ almost every field of education *and as Telephone 1269-W eties barely kept alive the spark of existence. The nature of these a group constitute a favorable collection. Dec. 1—Well today is tuesday. So societies is such that they would include a number of people not in­ Then, what is wrong with our libraiy everybobdy had to get a register or cluded in other activities or not reached by other clubs. that everyone is continually complain­ something. Its something you get every Permanent Waves ing? It isn't the books; it isn't the in­ term. I hope they give me a reel When we first made application for a chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, efficiency of the library staff. It must swell one. Maybe I could wear it with national debate fraternity, the lack of other literary and forensic be something else. It's the students. my new watch. $3.50 organizations at the college &as one of the big reasons back of their There are a few bright souls in our Dec. 4—Say, you otta see me now. refusal. Should we apply again this year, the existence of such midst who as soon as a new assignment I just put on my new baskitball sute societies would be a big factor in our favor. If our statement that j is given speed for the library, procure Gush, I felt foolish at first, you know Finger Waves our literary societies are dead, is not justified, our apologies are the book, and keep it with an octupus their reely isn't much to it. Hank rug- ready to he who can prove us wrong; a resurrection of these hapless like grip for the next six weeks, or at mover sez that the girls will be sure 35 cents clubs would bring us more pleasure than surprise! least until it is no longer needed. Then to fall for me in this sute, tho. I gess there are certain other most inconsider­ he otta know what the wimmen think, ate mortals who get all of the books I seen him out with Marry Burrch the Nicholson Beauty Shop IT'S THE WESTERN MiSTiC NOW on the list when they know they can other night. I gess he's kinda poplar In the course of the past few years with the rapid extension of read only one at a time. Certain groups two. That makes it kinda a wooden 402 Center Ave. Moorhead territory under the Dragon banner, the swelling enrollment, and the of two or three get a monopoly on a affair, doesn't it? Poplar and Burrch. wide-spread diffusion of educational influence from this institution, certain selection of books and by trans­ Well just as kfng as he doesn't cut proposals have been made at various times for the revamping of the ferring them from one card to the other into my tearatory. manage to retain them for indefinite caption of this publication to render it more in keeping with a pro­ periods of time. gressive college such as this one is. There was a certain charm about It shouldn't be necessary to place all "The MiSTiC", but it was not sufficiently inclusive, neither adequate­ the books in the library on reserve. A LARGE VARIETY ly extensive nor definitely intensive to meet the needs of a growing Surely, the students should use a little school. consideration in their keeping of books. of CHRISTMAS CARDS are waiting for the Radical revisions with a desire to express the fact that our All of us need to use them, and it is Early Christmas Shopper at College serves Western Minnesota and is a college affiliated directly only through co-operation that we can with the state were suggested in these columns, but storms of scathing be given the opportunity. During the rest of the year let us try to think of JOHNSON'S PHARMACY criticism in gallant defense of the traditional cognomen effectually the "other fellow". Let us be consid­ blocked any definite steps toward the adoption of a new name. erate. However, this fall we see about us the greater M. S. T. C. of the —E. B. S. "WHERE YOU WAIT FOR YOUR STREET CAR" future taking shape with amazing rapidity, and we see again that Moorhead, Minnesota need for a reconditioning, a recasting of the name of our paper to -® symbolize that spirit of the future. A suggestion was made by one Kampus Kapers deeply interested in the welfare of the college that the name be ®- -® "The Western MiSTiC", with a somewhat more elaborate symbolism (By a Freshman) depicted by the inclusion of the Dragon guarding the seal of service, Nov. 21—Well, let's see now, where sacrifice, and loyalty, and behind all the great new physical plant of were we last. Oh yes, it was last BUY YOUR FUR COAT Saturday and eksams were gonna come M. S. T. C. Preserving the exquisite imagery of the word "MiSTiC," AT yet in perfect clarity defining and locating our College, this name on monday. Gosh I hope the earth comes to an end before mon. seemed to answer the need. Nov. 22, 23, 24—Well monday come This design, drawn by Rachel Stowe, approved by the publica­ and so did tuesday and so did Wednes­ HOENCK S FUR STORE tions staff, publicity commission, and the administration, was adopted, day. So did the eksams. All the tea­ Fargo, North Dakota and this issue marks the opening of a new era in the history of our chers had told us not to kram, so I college newspaper. Behind us he seven years of successful publica­ didn't. Gosh, they was some of the FURS REPAIRED — RELTNED — RESTYLED — tion of "The MiSTiC',' and today, we look beyond the hopes and darndest questions. AND CLEANED — BY EXPERT MECHANICS Lock wanted to know what a vakum aspiration embodied in that massive building to future decades of was. I thot it was something about fame and fortune for "The Western MiSTiC"! the hare but I didn't know just how to Dec. 4, 1931 The Western MiSTiC Page 3

RED CROSS DRIVE Only 17 DR. F. A. THYSELL DR. J. W. DUNCAN SETS NEW MARK Physicians and Surgeons Tel. 3574-W FACULTY, TRAINING SCHOOL, AND 624 Center Ave. Moorhead ORGANIZATION CONTRIBU­ TIONS TOTAL $82.81 PSI KAPA DELTA RAINBOW DINNER That a total of $71.93 was raised by TO GIVE DEPRESSION PARTY IS GIVEN BY PI MU PHI the College in the annual Red Cross Entertaining at an informal rushing At an informal rushing party the Pi Moorhead Hardware drive just ended was announced Tues­ party, the Psi Delta Kappa sorority will Mu Phi sorority gave a rainbow din­ Company day by Miss Loudon, who as supervisor give a Depression party tonight at 7:45 ner, Friday, November 20, at 6:30 in of the intermediate department of the in the Students Exchange. the Students Exchange. 422 Center Avenue Training School was in charge of the Phone 2215 drive. Eighteen organizations took "COWBOY" LITERATURE REDLINGER, TACK out memberships, the faculty contribut­ ALTHAEA DISCUSSION TOPIC " ENTERTAIN GAMMA NU'S ed $41.00, the Training School $10.88, "Cowboy" Literature will be the Geneva Tack and Marcella Red- to the Junior Red Cross, making a total theme of the program at Althaia's linger were hostesses to the Gamma Nu H. J. Thornby, M. D. of $82.81 for the College and Training meeting on Monday evening. Dorothy Sorority Wednesday at 7:30 at the School together. Fetvedt, Eleanor Sherman, and Walter home of Roseltha Nesheim, 612 11th Physician and Surgeon The eighteen organizations included Cocking are in charge of the program. st. so., Moorhead. Shopping Days Until each of the four College classes, Alpha ART CLUB WILL The Gamma Nu Sorority held its in­ Gletne Block, 4th St. & Cen. Av. Psi Omega, and Kappa Delta Pi, na­ INITIATE NEW MEMBERS formal rushing dinner at the Powers CHRISTMAS Moorhead - - Minnesota tional fraternities; the three local sor­ The Art Club will meet on Monday Hotel in Fargo, Saturday, November orities, Pi Mu Phi, Gamma Nu, and Psi afternoon, December 7, in the art stu­ 21, at 6:30 P. M. Delta Kappa; and the following depart­ dio. The program will be in the form mental groups: Art Club, Geography of an initiation ceremony for new mem­ Y. W. C. A. AND Y. M. C. A. MARTIHSGfS SERVICE bers. Aria Olson, Mildred Moberg and HOLD FIRST JOINT MEETING Council, W. A. L., Y. W. C. A., Country EYES EZtZKED Life Club, Pi Delta Sigma, Kappa P., Sue O'Loughlin will be hostesses. The Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. held CLASSES FITTED the French Club, and the Dramatic their first joint meeting in Weld Hall, Club. PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS Thursday evening, November 19. The MOORHEAD. Ml AMERICAN STATE INTRODUCED TO ALPHA PSI program presented members of each or­ The total amount raised exceeded last ERNESTo?rorr.^s PEDEHS0N ST year's record, the latter being $64.44. Miss Tainter and Miss Dahl enter­ ganization and led by Dagny Stark BANK One student took out a dollar member­ tained members of the Dramatic Club featured musical numbers by Orvid ship. and Alpha Psi Omega at a Turkey din­ Jorgenson, Harlow Berquist, Reynold Thon's Shoe Hospital ner in Comstock Hall, Monday, No­ Christensen, and Dorothy Andrist and SAFETY vember 23. Three candidates for Al­ a discussion led by Dr. Locke. pha Psi Omega, namely, Donald Bird, At a meeting of the Y. W. C. A. Quality Shoe Repairing Moorhead, Minnesota Thursday, December 3, "Personality" BACK ISSUES WANTED Eileen Hiland and Walter Fogel were 4th St. & Center Ave., Moorhead introduced to the guests. was the subject discussed. "GET A SHINE" In order that we may have a complete file of the MiSTiC in Moorhead Shoe Hospital our library, Miss Hougham has With The Alumni C. W. Soule, Proprietor TAXI asked that any one possessing ® • TYPEWRITERS any of the following back issues Leona L. Davis sends word of the re­ "Let Soule Sole Your Shoes" of the MiSTiC, and willing to Phone 214-W Phone cent death of her sister, Feme Davis Rented, Repaired, give them to the library for that Waagedahl. She leaves to mourn her 17 Fifth St., So. Moorhead purpose, please bring them to passing a little baby daughter a few and the library office immedately, weeks old, her husband, her parents Sold on Payment Plan. 17 17 ® so they may be bound and and brothers and sisters. Mrs. Waage­ COMSTOCK TAXI ® placed on the library shelves. dahl graduated from Moorhead State THE OLDEST BUSINESS HOUSE All Kinds of School Supplies ® The back issues that are need­ Teachers College in 1927 and majored OFFICE ® ed are April 19, 1929; May 24, in the Intermediate Department. ® 1929; June 1, 1929: September 13, » * * IN THE RED RIVER VALLEY OFFICE SPECIALTIES CO. —Comstock Hotel— 1929; September 20, 1929; Octo­ Miss Mamie Carlson, B. E. '31, visited ESTABLISHED 1873 115 Broadway, Fargo, N. D. COURTEOUS SERVICE ® ber 4, 1929, and February 7, 1930. with friends in Fargo and Moorhead Miss Hougham also requests last Saturday. Miss Carlson is prin­ ® that any one possessing MiSTiC's cipal of the St. Louis county demon­ MACKALL'S dated earlier than volume 12 stration school near Duluth. also turn them in at the library * * * DRUG STORE HUBERT ZERVAS ® office for permanent filing. Mrs. Jerry Beck of Ortonville, nee 25 ® Helen Sorkness, visited with relatives MEAT MARKET ® ®@®®®®®®®®®S® in Moorhead on Monday and Tuesday. Books, Stationery, School Supplies Fish — Oysters will develop and print your • * * Perfumes and Toiletries In Season kodak film if brought From Our Exchanges Miss Alice Hunkins, who is a super­ or mailed to visor at Sunnyside school, spent her va­ Engraved Calling Cards Meats & Sausages 2) - —A cation with her parents in Breckenridge. Why Pay More? Teachers College Budget 510 Center Avenue Shipped by Parcel Post to our Valley City, North Dakota. country customers. MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA Country shipment of veal and at Summer sessions in North Dakota DR. V. E. FREEMAN poultry solicited. teachers colleges and normal schools OYLOE STUDIO during 1932 will be cut down to six DENTIST Moorhead Minnesota weeks instead of 12 weeks, heads of the Woolworth Building Moorhead - - Minnesota schools were notified by the State Boardo of Administration recently. Moorhead - - Minnesota BETTER BEADS THE CHRISTMAS GIFT SUPREME BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS AND PLANTS — ART BASKETS Winonan SJIIIIIIi: IIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIUIII and Winona. Minnesota. ITS CHRISTMAS TIME NOW AT With the election of the staff for the| Off. Phone 778-W Res. 778-R| CRYSTALS '932 Wenonah, Winona State Teachers Many have formerly BRIGGS FLORAL COMPANY 1 Dr. H. D. Rostad Moorhead, Minnesota College year book, work has already Dentist K been priced to $3.00 Phone 762 been started towards the publication and $4.00. of the book next spring. Hattie South- Room 6, Gletne Block E = Moorhead - - Minnesota = Special $1.00 worth was elected editor-in-chief and = 51 Loretta Murray, managing editor. HiiiliiliiiiiiiiiilliiliiiliiiiillililllllliiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiinF. FOR MOTHER'S KIND OF COOKING eat at the Jamestown Collegian WIMMERS BLUEBIRD COFFEE SHOP Jamestown, North Dakota. JEWELRY E. M. Peterson Lillian Meyers, senior at Jamestown | L. A. Benson W. W. WALLWORK 618 Center Avenue College, representing the State of North Fargo Moorhead, Minnesota Dakota, won first place in the district "Walk a Flight and Atwater-Kent radio contest held over Buy Right" radio station WGN at Chicago, Nov. 15. THE FRANK 0. KNERR DAIRY CO. The Northern Student Specialize in ICE CREAM and FRAPPE orders Bemidji State Teachers College Art Stevens has been elected cap­ for your school parties tain of the Bemidji grid team for 1932. BATH ROBES Fargo, No. Dak. Phone 1200 This will be his third year in college Moorhead, Minn. football. His first year of the game RAYON was played with the Moorhead Dragons j BATH ROBES, in 1929. BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, Comstock Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor The main trouble with golf is the Chial's New Studio TWO COLOR If your hair is not BECOMING to you time one loses talking about it. COMBINATIONS. you better BE COMING to us. The modern golfer is a man who QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHS ONLY links business with pleasure. Phone 3o93-W Moorhead, Minnesota As the saying goes, so does the repu­ FOR LESS $2.98 tation. 18 Photographs for the price of 12. You will Do Better at the TWIN CITY MARKET CHIAL STUDIO A GREAT BANKING INSTITUTION 55% Broadway Fargo, N. D. Johnnie Knapp Mart Kuppich Phone 2663 Courteous Service. Moorhead, Minn. f Truthful Advertising, | wishes your team continued success. Be at the » Guaranteed Values. We specialize in DO YOUR { Armory the first game and watch "Wild Bill CHRISTMAS Milk Fed Veal SHOPPING | Robinson perform— Corn Fed Pork EARLY!! Young Baby Beef VIRGIN DIAMONDS Fresh Dressed Poultry RINGS — WATCHES — JEWELRY LEATHER WARE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Phone 597 MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA 621 1st Ave. So. Moorhead NEUBARTH'S Aftiiiaied with Northwest Bancorporation The City Hall is Across the Street Page 4 The Western MiSTiC Dec. 4, 1931

HOCKEY PRACTICE Home of Paramount Pictures THE SIN OF MIDNIGHT SHOW Phone: Off. 854-W Res. 854-R WILL BEGIN SOON MADELON CLAUDET 11:30—Saturday Dr. J. H. Sandness with SUNDAY Dentist WILL USE MOORHEAD RIXK; TON- Helen Hayes — Lewis Stone First State Security Bldg. NIE DAVIS. 1929 VETERAN and an All-Star Cast 1 P.M.—11 P.M. Moorhead - - Minnesota TO COACH SQUAD Although practice has been held up Just Rambling Turkey, Secant, Gravy etc. Combine to GET YOUR PASTRY FOR THAT by warmer weather and consequent MIDNITE LUNCH AT THE lack of opportunity for ice practice, Coach Tonnie Davis states that the (By Jack Bridges) Ensnare Budding Trigonometric Sharks HOME BAKERY J. S. ERICKSON, Prop. Dragon hockey team this year will be­ Well, we were down looking at Alex gin working out on the Moorhead rink Nemzek's young hopefuls galloping With a rattle, bang, or what have you, discovery of Cocking, Inc., Ltd. The Phone 1329-W 518 Center Av. Moorhead - - Minnesota as soon as weather permits. With sev around the Armory last night .... and the Trigonometry students arrived at sine of an angle equals the adjacent en or eight experienced players report they surely look like a really fine bunch room 8 for a 12 weeks' struggle with leg of one triangle over the hypotenuse ing for practice, Davis expects to de­ .... after last year's successful team the wonders of mathematics. Running of any other triangle in the whole ding- velop a fast and efficient outfit. the old men should be plenty good . . true to form, Slim Sanders rushed in busted library." Having finished this To date the complete schedule is yet . . even without the new ones . . . . 6 minutes late. Upon regaining his bit of noble hyperbole, he sat down ex­ WATERMAN- to be fixed, but the following teams Buzz Robinson can still slap 'em into breath Slim asked, "Is this Trigonom­ hausted but happy. OHM CO. may be played this season: Detroit the old hoop .... what I mean! . . . . etry?" The instructress was not content with .Lakes High School, Detroit Lakes Blue Thirty-two men are plenty for any Returning from our wanderings, how­ this, and she flung a stinging reprimand 109 Broadway FARGO, N. D. Jays, N. D. A. C., Concordia, (should squad .... but this number will no ever (our wanderings included Turkey, at him. Hit square in the face by this the Cobbers organize this year), Fargo doubt be cut down within a week to Greece—also potatoes and gravy), we retort, Walt slunk into a corner, where SMART practically half. . . . When we went : and Moorhead High Schools, Valley find the Trig class busily dissolving he sulked and glowered for the re- CLOTHES FOR City Independents, and independent in to interview Mr. Nemzek concern­ into their mental functions certain mys­ mainder of the period. ing his ideas on the squad, he actually terious terms as sine, co-sine, tangent, THE COLLEGE clubs from Roseau, Grand Forks, and By determining the value of the csc Crookston. waxed eloquent on the subject .... co-tangent, secant, and co-secant; but of angle B, Hanson caused several in- j MISS—ALWAYS probably sixty words! .... These, how­ this is no "sine" they are going to With hockey rapidly becoming a ma­ teresting things to happen. Rabbits- ever, expressed his opinions exactly . . learn anything. Moderate Prices jor sport in the larger cities and col­ appeared mysteriously; guns roared in Sliv is not the man to waste his leges, vieing even with football, it is With a Dragon roar,' Walter Cocking the distance; etc., etc. But we find words on mere reporters, although he got up and proclaimed to an anxious creditable for a school this size to have our hero saving the maiden late in the sure can spill 'em to the boys in prac­ public, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am a first class team. Perhaps the most last act, the middle acts having been tice .... don't misunderstand, we like standing before you and not behind successful hockey club yet at M. S. T. presented during the intermission. C. was the team of 1929, but this year, Sliv tremendously .... admire his you for the purpose of revealing to your Stop at BRITT'S First prospects for an even greater team are methods too .... It's pretty hard to intelligent intellects a great new dis­ As 50 minutes were done with, (with what we can't imagine) the class filed in evidence. Men who have reported pick out the outstanding candidates, but covery. It is neither Pythagorean, Mo­ out with several Industrial Art files, Your Headquarters for for the squad include Chet Harstad, Bob we will spill a little dope on the quiet hammedan, nor African: in fact, it is and the battlefield was strewn with the Jeffrey, A1 Cocking, Walt Cocking, Ed­ now .... Abe Dahl can slop the pill not even onomatopean. It is my great ward Eastman, Sigurd Malen, Rupert right in ... . we saw him score about pleasure to present to you the latest dead. Candy & Lunch Krienbring, Ralph Gludt, and Tonnie thirty points against one of our teams Cocking, undaunted still, murmured Davis. last year when he was playing with an as his last words, "the secant of an Supplies Davis has asked that all men interest­ independent outfit .... Cliff Rasmus- TERRAZZO WORKERS angle equals " but his words trail­ ed in this sport report to him soon, or sen stands six rods up in the air in ed off in the distance as we leave the You Are Always Welcome else report at the first practice, the his stocking feet, hones' .... Coco OF ROMAN ORIGIN scene and return to the interesting por- i Phone 970 date of which will be announced soon. Fridlund makes absolutely no bright tions of this paper. remarks when on the floor, he only (Continued from Page One) plays .... girls, these red suits match in MacLean Hall to facilitate the work. Art Nelson's complexion exactly .... To the uninitiated, the new power EYES EXAMINED GRADE CHILDREN LENSES GROUND John Holm is hee-ot on these one-hand­ plant is an interesting part of the build­ FOR SAFETY INVEST PRESENT CANTATA ed shots .... Buzz Robinson buzzes ing project. While not incorporating GLASSES FITTED upandown jes' like his name says .... startlingly new departures in the man­ E. A. Anderson Optical Co. in if M. S. doesn't have the fastest break­ ner of heating, the power plant has 104 Broadway Fargo, N. D. "WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES" FEAT­ ing offense you ever saw around here, been made efficient and up-to-date. NORTHERN STATES URE OF CHAPEL PROGRAM I'll swear off women until I get some Two new boilers will be cut in to the LAST WEDNESDAY more money .... Willard Anderson steam lines sometime next week, allow­ POWER COMPANY looks so cute without his shirt on ... . ing the possible use of four large boil­ Tel.: Off. 365-W Res. 365-R The Intermediate Grade children, un­ you oughta see the faculty play volley­ ers for heating. The fuel, soft coal, is 6 Per Cent der the direction of Miss Wenck pre­ ball! .... Doc Locke jumps around taken from an under-ground fuel room Dr. G. L. Gosslee PREFERRED STOCK sented the cantata, "When Christmas in an abbreviated gym suit to the de­ and conveyed into the boiler-house in Physician & Surgeon Comes" in chapel December L The light of his students .... anyway the a car. Over First and Moorhead TeL 686 Fargo, N. D. story was centered around an old men can yell jes' like real folks .... These boilers are equipped with mod­ National Bank couple who were expecting to spend a by the way, marks came out this week ern steam stokers which force the dreary Christmas without their child­ . . . . we got four — — you guess what fresh fuel the entire length of the fire­ ren. A group of school children on . . . . well, they were A's .... now box, beneath the fuel which is burn­ their way to present a Christmas pro­ you tell one .... we invited a girl to ing. This power plant is being used, gram are detained by an accident to accompany us to a movie not so long in a measure, as an experimental lab­ C&H HAMBURGER SHOP BON VALET their car. They go to an old couple's ago this will probably never oratory by the state, since the per capi­ PARTICULAR house and while they are waiting for appear in print. . . . ta measurement of steam, water, etc. Delicious Hamburgers and the bus driver to return they present will be recorded by special devices so Hot Dogs CLEANERS their program. Study Club Speakers that future state buildings may be more Cold Malt & Pop In tableaux they presented King Her­ accurately planned. for od's court, visit of the Heavenly Host To Be Burgess, Murray Pies and Pastries Particular People ! ! to the shepherds, and the scene in the Phone 6340 stable showing the Wisemen and the The Schoolmasters Study Club of Lincoln Grocery and BON VALIZE shepherds adoring the King. Western Minnesota will be guests of Give Us a Visit The main characters were Philadel­ the College at its next dinner meeting Confectionery 24 4th St. No. Moorhead Bill Robinson, Agent phia Carpenter, the old woman, John held this month on December 15 at the Corner 10th St. & 5th Ave. So. ' Bystrom, the old man, and Nels Thy- New Columbia Hotel, Moorhead. Music FOR GOOD EATS seU, the bus driver. will be furiyshed by some of the Col­ " Open Evenings and Sundays lege groups. The speakers will be Dr. T. O. Burgess of Concordia, who will FACULTY HONORS discuss work-books, and Mr. Murray of GRID LETTERMEN M. S. T. C., who will report on school Northern Lights WHEN WANTING ICE CREAM or FRAPPE publicity in Western Minnesota. DELICIOUS Dr. Archer, secretary of the organiza­ (Continued from Page One) tion, will mail out notices of the meet­ Well, now that football is over for meritorious work during the past ing soon. "Skipper" "Sliv" is starting to worry- Phone our nearest dealer or season are: Willard Anderson, William about this game of basketball. Cowden, Howard Magnusson, John ... 730 Holm, and Henry Ruegamer. "Sliv" Nemzek served as coach to He says that something has to be THE FAIRMOUNT CREAMERY CO., Inc. done about bringing more tall men the victorious Dragons during the past "Boosters for Home Schools" season, this being his tenth year as the into the squad. M. S. T. C. mentor. He was ably as­ The ... sisted in the coaching duties by Bill The shori, stubby individual and Curran and Ted Nemzek. James Smith the little shrimp are as common as and Wilson Dokken, who were the stu­ "CHALLENGER" hot cakes in the depot restaurant. dent trainers this year, John Costain, * * * athletic commissioner, and Mr. Schwen- deman, faculty athletic manager will Converse Basketball Shoes BACK HOME - - also be guests. $2.10 and up. ... MR. J. W. WILCOX happily announces Some men take out more insurance When you uncock your ear for a his return to than they are worth. CLASSY HALF BELT dish of the old dirt from Alex J. Nemzek, the boss of the Dragons, STEVENSON'S COLLEGE MAN'S COAT he tells you that the show would be DON'T FORGET 70 Broadway Fargo COBBERS AT ARMORY as good as over if he only had one good 6-foot 3-inch or over. DRESSES COATS MILLINERY NEXT WEDNESDAY $16.75 * * * "I got the greatest guards in the league, and some tempremental for­ wards that can pop the ball in with Before You Buy a Car their eyes shut, but I'm a blowed-up ALWAYS CATERING TO The Store for College Men sucker without a tall string center." —YOUNG WOMEN— Try the » » * Say, it ain't so, Looey, say it We are featuring Smart Frocks that spell fashions newest edicts for the "CHEVROLET SIX" ain't so. Student Miss Northern School Kiefer Auto Company $10.95 $16.95 $29.50 "Every Inch A Clothing Store" Supply Company Moorhead, Minnesota 8th St. and N. P. Ave. MARY ELIZABETH FROCK SHOP FARGO 101 Broadway -:- Fargo, No. Dak. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS