Minnesota State University Moorhead RED: a Repository of Digital Collections The Western Mistic Student Newspapers 12-4-1931 The Western Mistic, December 4, 1931 Moorhead State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic Recommended Citation Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Western Mistic, December 4, 1931" (1931). The Western Mistic. 2. https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic/2 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Western Mistic by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. 22 WESTERN MINNESOTA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Moorhead, Minnesota, Dec. 4, 1931 NO. 1 HAMLET" TO BE ®®®®®®®®®®®®® Star of Court LARGEST DRAGON BASKETBALL SQUAD ANNUAL PLAY OF CALENDAR OF EVENTS PREPARES FOR INITIAL COBBER TILT Tonight—At 8:00, Dramatic Club UPPER CLASSES Plays—Auditorium. Tommorrow Night — 7:45, Psi Games Already Scheduled With River Falls, Eau Claire, and La Delta Kappa, Informal Party Crosse Teachers Colleges, North Dakota A. C. CASTING WILL BEGIN MONDAY Besides Three Concordia Tilts FOR STAGING OF CLASS —Exchange. PLAY IN FEBRUARY Monday, Dec. 7—2:50 P. M., Try- outs for Class Play—Audi­ With the most promising squad turnout in the history of the Following hard upon the heels of the torium. College, the Dragon cage practice, under the capable direction of two one-act dramas presented by the Wednesday, Dec. 9—8:00 P. M.. Coach Alex Nemzek, started Tuesday, December 1, at the Moorhead Dramatic Club under the direction of Basketball Game, Cobbers Armory. Included in the group of 32 men who reported for basket­ Miss Tainter tonight, try-outs for the vs. Dragons — Moorhead ball are several of last year's players and also a large number of annual class play will be held, com­ Armory. Saturday, Dec. 12 — 8:00 P. M., men who have had considerable high school experience. mencing on Mon­ "Sliv" expressed his satisfaction with the team, early in the week, day afternoon at Basketball Game, Dragons and with only one regular of last sea­ 2:50 in the audi­ vs. North Dakota State Bison—Bison Field House. son missing, a fast combination should torium. From a result. Nemzek pointed out the valu­ group o f three ® ® FACULTY HONORS able men returninng from last year's plays selected by ®®®®®®®®®@®®®®® successful campaign: Chet Gilpin, Hank Miss Tainter, a LETTERMEN AT Booher, Johnny Ingersoll, Bill Robin­ committee from GRID BANQUET son, Herb Moberg, Bibs Matson, Wil­ the three upper TWO PLAYS TO BE bur Bailey, and Hub Nelson. classes selected ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® "Hamlet", "the STAGED TONIGHT TWENTY RECEIVE FOOTBALL LET­ TERS AT ANNUAL BANQUET ® ® greatest play of all ® MONDAY NIGHT BASKETBALL SCHEDULE ® time", to stage as FOUR NEW PLAYERS WILL MAKE ® ® FIRST APPEARANCE ON Ethel Tainter this season's un­ ® Dec. 9—Concordia, Armory. ® COLLEGE STAGE Twenty members of the Dragon foot­ ® Dec. 12—A. C., Fargo. dertaking, the highlight of the 1931-32 ball team will receive letters when the dramatic season. W.Rob itiscn ® Dec. 17—Concordia, Armory. Two one-act plays will be presented college faculty entertains the 1931 The "Dramatis Personae" consists of ® Jan. 1—Concordia, Armory, by the Dramatic Club under the direc­ eleven at the annual football banquet twenty-five speaking characters to­ Awaiting the opening whistle of the ® p. m. ® tion of Miss Tainter at eight o'clock Monday night, it has been announced gether with a number of non-talking basketball season are 32 Dragons, ® Jan. 6—River Falls, there. in Weld Hall this evening. Those who by the athletic commissioner, John Cos- courtiers, ladies, and attendants making among whom is Bill Robinson, pictured ® Jan. 7—Eau Claire, there. are to take part in "The Eldest", a tain. Five of these men, Captain Oberi up the magnifiicent scene in the state above. No more brilliant star could be ® Jan. 9—La Crosse, there. drama of American life by Edna Ferber, Nelson, Lyman Davis, John Ingersoll, room of Elsinore. For these parts any found last year on any basketball court ® are Dorothy Dunne, Rose; Marcella Chester Gilpin, and Victor Anderson member of the Sophomore, Junior, or in the colleges or universities of the ® ® ® ®®®®®®®®®® Redlinger, Floss; Everett McCoy, Al; have played their four years of football Senior classes may try out. However, Northwest than Bill, high point man in Buzz Robinson Out Axel Taflin, Pa; Donald Bird, Henry under the Dragon banner. Miss Tainter asks that those desiring the Interstate conference. It is expect­ One of the outstanding new members Selz; and Charlotte Smith, a neighbor. Mr. Kise will act as toastmastei at to try out obtain a copy of the play ed, however, that half a dozen others of ,, , . , . , of the team is Buzz (George) Robinson, from the reserve shelf in the library, "The Flattering Word", a comedy by- the squad will push him for honors the banquet program which will open , ]ike Bm a Montana ^-sUte star, who with a speech by the toastmaster On- , read it, and select the character for George Kelly, is a satirical takeoff on this year. d his metde wUh the Bluebirds which they desire to try out. the stage and the old fashioned elocu­ ward. Coach Alex Nemzek will talk ^ F and the Fargo-Moorhead tionist. A versatile cast has been se­ on the new gymnasium; the 1931 Cap-, AU.Stars last season. close ^hind Miss Tainter states that "Hamlet" will lected, including Dan McCoy, who has Detronian Editor Heads tain, Obert Nelson will give a toast on , • _ ^,-rr i c be presented about the middle of Feb­ j , 1 him are Clirt Rasmussen, lengthyJ form- been drafted to play the part of Rev­ What Next? and the Captain Elect ruary, no definite date having been er Fargo High star, and all-state center erend Loring Rigley, and Evelyn Cook, State H. S. Press Group will discuss the possibilities of "Anoth set as yet. A week of casting will be from North Dakota; Kenneth Magnus- Mary Rigley, the minister's wife. Ruth er Conference." The program will followed by days of grilling rehearsal son, a capable jumper and dead shot Dahl plays the part of Mrs. Zooker, a At the Annual Convention of the close with a talk by President R. B. to whip into shape these greatest of all from Moorhead high. nosey gossip, who is Rev. Rigley's help­ Minnesota High School Press Associa­ MacLean on "Reading the Future". created characters. This being the first Other former high school stars are er in his ministerial duties. Lena tion held at Austin, Minnesota, No­ Robert Walls will sing several tenor time in five years that "Hamlet" has Carl Fridlund, Moorhead; Willard An­ Zooker, Mrs. Zooker's daughter, is play­ vember 20-21, Roger Hamilton, editor solos, accompanied by Harlow Berquist been presented by any company, pro­ derson, Moorhead; Art Nelson, James­ ed by Doris Sorkness, while Sydney of the Detronian of Detroit Lakes High on the piano. fessional or amateur, in the Northwest, town; Joe Edlund, Fergus Falls; John Kurtz takes the part of Eugene Fish, School, was elected president of the Five Letters Provisional attention will be keenly turned to the Holm, Velva, N. D.; Abe Dahl, Dil- a professional actor who happens to association for the coming year. For The other lettermen who aided the portrayal of the magnificent Hamlet, worth; and Walter Dilly, Henning. drop in at the Rev. Rigley home. the past year he b.- served as secre­ M. S. T. C. football juggernaut to drive the cruel, implacable Claudius, the tary of the group. With only a week's preparation, the Four of the members of the cast, Ev­ through its fourth consecutive football •fickle Queen, the gentle Ophelia, the lo­ Dragon combination will meet the erett McCoy, Dan McCoy, Ruth Dahl, Two awards were given Detroit Lakes championship in the Interstate Confer­ quacious Polonius, and the serious, High School students at the conven­ ence are: Henry Booher, Herman Kra- strong Concordia Cobbers, Minnesota practical Laertes. and Sydney Kurtz will make their first appearance on the College stage. tion, Violet Glasrud, winning second jeck, James Krajeck, Ross Jreland, Herb j College Conference Champions of last place in the feature section and Mabel Moberg, William Robinson, Obert Dahl, i season. Wednesday's game at the Living within the income means liv­ Peoples being awarded third place for Wilbur Bailey, Clarence McAllister, Armory will see neither team at peak REGULAR DEBATE performance, but both teams have had ing sans the worry. her humor column. James Blaine, George Anderson, Joseph Edlund, Russell Monson, Julien Bjerk equal chance for preparation. Concor­ PRACTICE BEGINS ness, and Howard Ruegamer. dia's attack will feature Pat Hilde and Terrazzo Workers on New Buildings Besides these men there are also five | Cliff Halmrast, sharp-shooting all-con- FIFTEEN MEN BEGIN WORK ON provisional lettermen at the completion ference stars, "CENTRALIZED CONTROL OF Inherit Skill from Roman Ancesters of spring practice. They are: Jerry Bi- Schedule Is Stiff INDUSTRY" QUESTION sek, Robert Jeffrey, Art Nelson, Harold The Dragons may face their strong- Mattson, and Eugene Eininger. | est schedule of the school's history in (By Dan McCoy) "Resolved: That Congress should adhered to, and all of the structures Is Sliv's Tenth Year their campaign this year. In addition "New Buildings to have Terrazzo are materially nearer completion than Those receiving honorable mention to the above schedule, games are also enact legislation for the centralized Floors" we read in looking over news control of industry" will be the ques­ at our last writing.
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