
NETMATRIX CROP CARE LIMITED (Formerly known as NetMatrix Limited)

Located at: Plot No. C1-76/523,77/524,78/525, 65/551,66/550, 100 shed area, GIDC Notified Industrial Area, Vapi, Dist- ().


(I) BASIC INFORMATION Sr. Item Details No. 1. Name of the Project : NetMatrix Crop Care Limited (Formerly known as NetMatrix Limited) 2. Sr. No. in the Schedule : Industrial Project, category -5(b) of EIA notification 3. Proposed capacity / area /length /tonnage to :  Existing Capacity: 93.3 TPM be handled/ command area /lease Proposed expansion capacity: 746.7 TPM area/number of wells to be drilled Total after expansion: 840 TPM  Total plot area is 4225 m2 (Existing plot).  No wells to be drilled. Water requirement will be met from GIDC Water supply. 4. New / Expansion/Modernization : Expansion project 5. Existing Capacity / Area etc. : 93.3 MT/Month 6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ : Category of project “A” 7. Dose it attract the general condition? If yes, : No please specify.

8. Dose it attract the specific condition? If yes, : No. please specify. 9. Location : NetMatrix Crop Care Limited Plot /Survey /khasra No. : Plot No. C1-76/523,77/524,78/525, 65/551,66/550 Village : GIDC, Vapi -396195 Taluka : Vapi District : Valsad State : Gujarat 10. Nearest railway station/airport along with : Railway Station Vapi – 4 km distance in kms. 11. Nearest Town, City, District Headquarters : Vapi- 4 kms along with distance in kms. 12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Municipal : Gujarat Iindustrial Development Corporation Ltd. corporation, Local body (complete postal Notified Industrial Estate addresses with telephone nos. to be given) Char Rasta, Vapi-396195 13. Name of the applicant : NetMatrix Crop Care Limited

14. Registered Address : NetMatrix Crop Care Limited Flat No. 101, Madhavi Enclave, Motinagar ‘X’ Roads, Hyderabad- 500018

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15. Address for correspondence NetMatrix Crop Care Limited Plot.No.C1-76/523,77/524,78/525, 65/551,66/550, 100 shed area, GIDC Vapi, Di: Valsad, Gujarat 396195 Name : Mr. Subhash Chandra Das Designation (Owner/Partner / CEO) : Assist. General Manager Address : Plot.No.C1-76/523,77/524,78/525, 65/551,66/550, 100 shed area, GIDC Vapi, Di: Valsad, Gujarat 396195 Pin Code : 396195 E-mail : [email protected] Telephone No. : +91-260-2450790, Mobile No. +919974035831 Fax No. : +91-260-2450790 16. Details of Alternative Sites examined , if any : As the proposed expansion activity will be carried Location of these sits should be shown on a out in the GIDC notified area, there are no toposheet alternative sites examined.

17. Interlined Projects. : –No-

18. Whether separate application of interlined : –No- project has been submitted 19. If yes, data of submission : –No-

20. If no. reason : Proposed expansion project is carried out within the premises.

21. Whether the proposal involves approval/ : –No- clearance under: (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act , 1980 (b) The Wildlife (protection) Act, 1972 (c) The C.R.Z. Notification 1991 22. Whether there is any Government : –No- Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site? 23. Forest land involved (hectares) : –No-

24. Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and / or land in which the project

is propose to be set up : –No- (a) Name of the court (b) Case No. : (c) Orders / directions of the court, if any and : its relevance with the proposed project. :

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(II) ACTIVITY 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) Sr. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes / Details thereof (with approximate No. No quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land use, No The company has existing plots for the land cover or topography including increase proposed expansion project. Project site in intensity of land use (with respect to local location and plant layout is attached as land use plan) Annexure – 1 & 2 of PFR.

1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation and No -- buildings? 1.3 Creation of new land uses? No -- 1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore No -- houses, soil testing? 1.5 Construction works? yes Construction activity will be undertaken for the proposed project. 1.6 Demolition works? No There will be no demolition, underground, reclamation or dredging work for proposed project. 1.7 Temporary sites used for construction works No Local workers will be hired during or housing of construction workers? construction as well as operation phase. 1.8 Above ground buildings, structures or No Construction of plant building, storage earthworks including linear structures, cut area, utility area etc. shall be carried out and fill or excavations as per detailed design. Plan for construction is attached as Annexure: 2 of Project Feasibility Report. 1.9 Underground works including mining or No Not Applicable tunneling? 1.10 Reclamation works? No Not Applicable 1.11 Dredging? No Not Applicable 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not Applicable 1.13 Production and manufacturing processes? Yes List of Products and manufacturing process attached as Annexure: 3 of Project Feasibility Report. 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or materials? Yes The raw materials will be stored in a raw material storage area and hazardous chemicals will be stored separately. 1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid Yes  Domestic Effluent will be treated waste or liquid effluents? through septic tank/soak pit .

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 The effluent from industrial activity will be treated in ETP, solvent stripper & spray dryer to achieve zero liquid discharge.  Hazardous / non Hazardous solid waste will be disposed as per hazardous waste rules 2008. Organic residue & methyl chloride gas will be treated in proposed incineration system. 1.16 Facilities for long term housing of operational No Workers from the local/nearby areas will workers? be employed. 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during No Not Applicable construction or operation? 1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or other No The proposed project will be located in transport infrastructure including new or Vapi GIDC area, which has a well- developed infrastructure, including road altered routes and stations, ports, airports network & connected with railway. etc? 1.19 Closure or diversion of existing transport No Not Applicable routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? 1.20 New or diverted transmission lines or No Not Applicable pipelines? 1.21 Impoundment, damming, culverting, No Not Applicable realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? No Not Applicable 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water form ground No Water requirement will be met from or surface waters? GIDC Water supply. 1.24 Changes in water bodies or the land surface No Not Applicable affecting drainage or run-off? 1.25 Transport of personnel or materials for Yes We shall hire personnel from local / construction, operation or decommissioning? nearby area only and the construction material will be obtained preferably from local traders and will be transported via roads. The sources of raw materials and machinery for operation will vary based on market driven forces, which will be transported via roads. 1.26 Long-term dismantling or decommissioning No Not Applicable or restoration works? 1.27 Ongoing activity during decommissioning No Not Applicable which could have an impact on the

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environment? 1.28 Influx of people to an area in either No This is a well-developed Industrial temporarily or permanently? Area and due to project, 80 people shall be employed for operation. 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No Not Applicable

1.30 Loss of native species or genetic diversity? No Not Applicable

1.31 Any other actions? No Not Applicable

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply): Sr. Information/Checklist Yes / Details thereof (with approximate quantities No. confirmation No /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 2.1 Land especially undeveloped or No The proposed expansion project will be agricultural land (ha) accommodated in the existing plot belongs to notified industrial estate. 2.2 Water (expected source & Yes  Water requirement will meet through the competing users) unit: KL/D GIDC Water Supply line, Vapi. . Construction Phase : 5 – 10 KLD . Operation Phase : 145.21 KLD (total after proposed expansion) For water balance refer section 3(viii) and water permission, refer Annexure – 4 of Project Feasibility Report. 2.3 Minerals (MT) No Not Applicable 2.4 Construction material – stone, Yes Company shall purchase Sand, stone, Cement aggregates, sand / soil (expected and Structural Steel from local traders as per source – MT) expansion project required. 2.5 Forests and timber (source – MT) No Not Applicable 2.6 Energy including electricity and Yes  Power : Dakshin Gujarat Vij Co. Ltd./ fuels (source, competing users) Captive generation from Steam & gas Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW)  Power required : 1000 KVA (total after proposed expansion)  Fuel : (total after proposed expansion) . Imported Coal for steam boiler-I, Hot air generator, Thermic fluid heater : 1478 kgs/hr . Natural gas for steam boiler – II : 400 SCM/Hr . FO/LDO for incinerator: 200 kgs/hr . HSD for D G set: 180 lits/hr 2.7 Any other natural resources (use No Not Applicable appropriate standard units)

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3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health.

Sr. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes / Details thereof (with approximate No. No quantities / rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 3.1 Use of substances or materials, which are Yes Due care shall take during handling of hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human materials which may be harmful and health or the environment (flora, fauna, and covered under MSIHC rules. Please water supplies) Refer Project Pre-Feasibility Report 3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease or affect No Not applicable as site is located in Vapi disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne Industrial Area. diseases) 3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g. by changing No The project site is located in a notified living conditions? industrial zone which is surrounded by cluster of industries, thus there will be no change in the living conditions of the people in the nearby vicinity. 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who could be No Not applicable as site is located in Vapi affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, Industrial Area. children, the elderly etc., 3.5 Any other causes No --

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month)

Sr. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes / Details thereof (with approximate No. No quantities / rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes No -- 4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and or Yes  The domestic waste will be disposed commercial wastes) as per prevalent practice in GIDC.  The commercial waste generated from administration building will be sold to scrap vendors. 4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous Waste Yes Please refer section 6(vii) for haz, waste Management Rules) detail and TSDF membership refer Annexure: 6 of Project Feasibility Report. 4.4 Other industrial process wastes Yes Please refer section 6(vii) of Project Feasibility Report for haz. waste detail. 4.5 Surplus product Yes Hydro Chloric Acid (30%) - 288.59 TPM (total after proposed expansion)

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4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge from effluent Yes Please refer section 6(vii) of Project treatment Feasibility Report for haz. waste detail. 4.7 Construction or demolition wastes Yes Construction waste shall be utilized for leveling in the premises. 4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment No Not applicable

4.9 Contaminated soils or other materials No Not applicable 4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not applicable

4.11 Other solid wastes No Please refer section 6(vii) of Project Feasibility Report for haz. waste detail.

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr)

Sr. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes / Details thereof (with approximate No. No quantities / rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 5.1 Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels Yes Please Refer Project Pre-Feasibility Report from stationary or mobile sources Annexure- 10 5.2 Emissions from production processes Yes Please Refer Project Pre-Feasibility Report Annexure- 10. 5.3 Emissions from materials handling including No  All liquid raw materials shall be procured storage or transport in bulk tankers and shall be transferred through a closed circuit pipe lines by pumps. Thus no generation of emissions from material handling including storage or transport. 5.4 Emissions from construction activities No Utmost care will be taken during including plant and equipment construction activity and water sprinklers shall be utilized whenever necessary. 5.5 Dust or odors from handling of materials Yes All the waste shall be stored in designated including construction materials, sewage and places and shall be transported to TSDF in their own approved closed vehicles. waste 5.6 Emissions from incineration of waste Yes Incineration system shall be provided as per CPCB guidelines 5.7 Emissions from burning of waste in open air No No open burning of waste is carried out. (e.g. slash materials, construction debris) 5.8 Emissions from any other sources No --

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6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: Sr. Information/Checklist Yes / Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates, No. confirmation No wherever possible) with source of information data 6.1 From operation of Yes There are few activities due to which noise would be equipment e.g. engines, generated. The equipments resulting in noise generation are machinery of plant and Diesel generator. Adequate ventilation plant, crushers noise control measures will be provided whenever required.

Proper and timely oiling, lubrication and preventive maintenance will be carried out for the machineries & equipments to reduce noise generation.

Use of PPE like ear plugs and ear muffs will be made compulsory near the high noise generating machines.

Noise monitoring shall be done regularly in plant area. The D.G. Set will be installed in a closed room and provided with acoustic enclosure. 6.2 From industrial or similar Yes All machinery / equipment shall be well maintained, shall processes be proper foundation with anti-vibrating pads wherever applicable and noise levels within permissible limits. Acoustic enclosures shall be provided for DG set. 6.3 From construction or No Not applicable demolition 6.4 From blasting or piling No Not applicable 6.5 From construction or Not applicable No operational traffic 6.6 From lighting or cooling Not applicable No systems 6.7 From any other sources No Acoustic enclosures shall be provided for DG set.

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7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:

Sr. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes / Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 7.1 From handling, storage, use or Yes Hazardous materials will be stored in an isolated spillage of hazardous materials area and all proper steps will be followed to prevent accidents. 7.2 From discharge of sewage or other Yes  Domestic Effluent will be treated through effluents to water or the land septic tank/soak pit . (expected mode and place of  The effluent from industrial activity will be discharge) treated in ETP, solvent stripper & spray dryer to achieve zero liquid discharge.  There will be no discharge of effluent on land. 7.3 By deposition of pollutants emitted to Yes However, the emissions from utility section will air into the land or into water be controlled with help of adequate chimney height. Moreover, the process emissions will be controlled with help of scrubber. 7.4 From any other sources No Not applicable 7.5 Is there a risk of long term build up of No Full- fledged Environmental Management System pollutants in the environment from (EMS) has been installed at existing plant. these sources? Proposed EMS in line with existing shall be installed to eliminates the possibility of building up of pollution.

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8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment Sr. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes / Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires etc from Yes  Hazardous materials will be stored in an storage, handling, use or production of isolated area and all proper steps will be hazardous substances followed to prevent accidents.  The risk assessment will be carried out and all mitigative measures shall be taken to avoid accidents. 8.2 From any other causes No --

8.3 Could the project be affected by natural No -- disasters causing environmental damage (e.g. floods, earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst etc)?

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality Sr. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes / Details thereof (with approximate No. No quantities / rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 9.1 Lead to development of supporting, cities, No  Site is located in Vapi Industrial Area, ancillary development or development has all infrastructure facility like road, water, power, CETP & underground stimulated by the project which could have effluent drainage line etc. impact on the environment e.g.:  Local people will be employed and no • Supporting infrastructure (roads, power housing is required. supply, waste or wastewater treatment, etc.) • Housing development • Extractive industries • Supply industries • Other 9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, which could No Not applicable have an impact on the environment 9.3 Set a precedent for later developments No Not applicable 9.4 Have cumulative effects due to proximity to Yes The unit belongs to an area where other other existing or planned projects with pesticides, pharmaceutical and chemical similar effects. industries are in operation in close proximity. Pollution load of this industrial cluster may lead to cumulative negative impacts on the surrounding. However, the unit belongs to a notified GIDC area.

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(III) ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY Sr. Areas Name/ Aerial distance (within 15 km.) No. Identity Proposed project location boundary 1 Areas protected under international None Site is located in Vapi Industrial conventions, national or local legislation Area. for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value 2 Areas which are important or sensitive for None Site is located in Vapi Industrial ecological reasons - Wetlands, Area. watercourses or other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests 3 Areas used by protected, important or None Site is located in Vapi Industrial sensitive species of flora or fauna for Area. breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration 4 Inland, coastal, marine or underground None Site is located in Vapi Industrial waters Area 5 State, National boundaries State boundary 4 to 5 km between Daman & D&NH-Vapi.

6 Routes or facilities used by the public for Daman and 20 to 25 km access to recreation or other tourist, Silvassa tourist pilgrim areas places 7 Defense installations None -- 8 Densely populated or built-up area Vapi 5 km 9 Areas occupied by sensitive man-made hospitals, schools, Within 5 km radius land uses (hospitals, schools, places of places of worship, worship, community facilities) community facilities 10 Areas containing important, high quality or Surface water 5 km scarce resources (ground water resources, resources surface resources, forestry, agriculture, River Daman fisheries, tourism, minerals) Ganga 11 Areas already subjected to pollution or None The unit belongs to Vapi GIDC environmental damage. (those where notified industrial area. existing legal environmental standards are exceeded) 12 Areas susceptible to natural hazard which None Site is located in Vapi Industrial could cause the project to present Area environmental problems (earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions)

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(IV) PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EIA STUDIES As the proposed project will be established considering all the aspects of Environment Protection and there is no major impact on environment due to proposed project in presence of proper EMP. However, as per the requirements, the Draft TOR for proposed EIA study is given below:

Parameters Sampling Location & Frequency

Project description  Project location map with project layout will be submitted  Product and their quantity will be delineated.  Process description, Flow chart, Reaction, material balance, etc will be provided.  Resource requirements (Raw materials, water, Power and fuel etc.)  Anticipated pollution potential (waste water, air emissions, waste generation etc.)  Proposed mitigation measures including details of effluent treatment and disposal, air pollution control, waste storage and disposal. Air Environment A) Micro Meteorological 1 near project site for hourly Continuous for three months. Wind speed, wind direction, ambient temperature and relative humidity. B) Ambient Air Quality 6 locations including project site (4 stations in each direction

PM , PM , NOx, SO & 1 station in downwind direction) in study area of 10 km 10 2.5 2 radial distance from the project site 24 hourly twice a week for one month. Water Environment 6 locations including project site in study area of 5 km radial distance from the project site. Soil & Land Environment 6 locations including project site in study area of 5 km radial distance from the project site. Parameters Sampling Location & Frequency Noise Environment 6 locations including project site within the study area Once during the study period during daytime and nighttime. Monitoring of various locations within the existing premises once during study period. Ecological Environment There is no any ecological sensitive area within 15 km Socio-Economic Environment Socio-economic base line data will be collected from District Census Handbook (2001) of district. Risk assessment and disaster management Will be prepared for the involved raw materials and plan processes.

Identification and anticipation of impacts  Identification of impacting activities.  Anticipation of the significance of the impacts from the proposed project during construction and operational phase.

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