09/30/21 6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: Political Culture and Authority in , 1916-1934 (exam) | King's College London

6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: View Online Political Culture and Authority in Germany, 1916-1934 (exam)

© 2011 Artists Rights Society (ARS), ‘“Justice in the Region,” Caricature from Simplicissimus (May 1923) (Foreign Policy and International Relations)’

——, ‘“The Honor Guard,” Caricature from Simplicissimus () (Foreign Policy and International Relations)’

© 2012 Christian Schad Stiftung Aschaffenburg / ARS and Schad C, ‘Christian Schad, Sonja (1928) (Bodies and Sex)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, ‘ (c. 1920) (Politics)’

——, ‘Revolutionary Sailors and Soldiers Drive through the Brandenburg Gate (November 9, 1918) (Beginnings: War and Revolution )’

——, ‘Wilhelm II Crosses the Dutch Border and Goes into Exile (10 November 1918) ( Seeking an End to War)’

——, ‘Friedrich Ebert Delivers the Opening Speech at the First Session of the National Assembly in Weimar (February 6, 1919) ( Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

——, ‘Mass Demonstration in Front of the Reichstag against the “Brutal Peace” (15 May 1919) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

——, ‘The Burial of Karl Liebknecht and Other Murdered Revolutionaries (January 25, 1919) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

——, ‘Troops Returning from East Africa Parade through under General Lettow-Vorbeck (March 2, 1919) (Foreign Policy and International Relations)’

——, ‘Ernst Toller in Nieder-Schönfeld Prison (1919-24) (High and Low Culture)’

1/81 09/30/21 6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: Political Culture and Authority in Germany, 1916-1934 (exam) | King's College London

——, ‘The Accused in the Rathenau Trial (October 13, 1922) (The Problem of Civilization)’

——, ‘German People’s Party (DVP) Election Poster (1924) (Politics)’

——, ‘Putsch Participants in Landsberg Prison (1924) (The Rise of the Nazis)’

——, ‘Magnus Hirschfeld Archive in the Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin (1925) (Bodies and Sex)’

——, ‘In the “Eldorado” Transvestite Bar on Motzstrasse, Berlin (1926) (Bodies and Sex)’

——, ‘The Unemployed Demonstrate for the Proposed Expropriation of Princely Estates (1926) (Politics)’

——, ‘Ernst Thälmann and Willy Leow at the Head of a Red Front Fighters’ League Demonstration in Berlin (June 1927) (Politics)’

——, ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) Election Poster (1928) (Politics)’

——, ‘Women of the Red Front Fighters’ League Demonstrate against the Prohibition of Abortion (August 19, 1928) (Bodies and Sex)’

——, ‘ Converses with the German Ambassador to the Netherlands, Graf Zech (August 25, 1929) (Politics)’

——, ‘Hitler at a Camp with Karl Gruber, the Founder of the [Hitler-Jugend] (August 1929) (The Rise of the Nazis)’

——, ‘Katharina von Kardorff (née v. Endert) with Her Fourth Husband and Family (1929) (Bodies and Sex)’

——, ‘Marlene Dietrich in The Blue Angel by Joseph von Sternberg (1929) (High and Low Culture)’

——, ‘Beer Hall Fight between Communists and Members of the Reichsbanner (c. 1930) (The Rise of the Nazis)’

2/81 09/30/21 6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: Political Culture and Authority in Germany, 1916-1934 (exam) | King's College London

——, ‘Hitler on the Witness Stand at the Reich Court in Leipzig (September 25, 1930) (The Destruction of the )’

——, ‘Passersby Read Election Posters for Various Parties Campaigning for the Reichstag Election (September 14, 1930)’

——, ‘SA Medics Treat Wounded SA Members after a Beer Hall Fight (1930) (The Rise of the Nazis)’

——, ‘Panicked Customers at the Berlin City Savings Bank on Mühlendamm (July 16, 1931) (Economics and Society)’

——, ‘Hindenburg on His 85th Birthday with His Son Oskar (October 2, 1932) (The Destruction of the Weimar Republic)’

——, ‘“Hitler, the Government Councilor, Swears on the Weimar Constitution of Dr. Hugo Preuss” (March 1932) (The Destruction of the Weimar Republic)’

——, ‘NSDAP Election Poster (1932) (Politics)’

——, ‘SPD Election Poster (1932) ( Politics)’

——, ‘The Papen Cabinet (June 3, 1932) (Politics)’

——, ‘1933 Election Campaign: Reich President Paul von Hindenburg Leaves the Polling Station (March 5, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

——, ‘ at a Window of the Reich Chancellery (January 30, 1933) (The Destruction of the Weimar Republic)’

——, ‘Communist Party Functionaries Wanted by the German Criminal (1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

——, ‘Election Propaganda on the Church Steps – the Church (July 1933) (Images - Religion)’

——, ‘Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin: “Un-German” and “Unnatural” Literature Is Sorted Out for the Book-Burning Ceremony (undated Photo, May 6-10, 1933) (Images - Gender, Family, and Generations)’

3/81 09/30/21 6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: Political Culture and Authority in Germany, 1916-1934 (exam) | King's College London

——, ‘Meeting of Catholic Youth Organizations in Berlin-Neukölln (August 20, 1933) (Images - Religion)’

——, ‘Prisoners Doing Leveling Work at the Dachau Concentration Camp (May 24, 1933) (Images - The SS and Police System)’

——, ‘Reich Conference of German Christians at the Sportpalast in Berlin (November 13, 1933) (Images - Religion)’

——, ‘SA Members Arrest Communists in Berlin on the Day after the Reichstag Elections (March 6, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

——, ‘Signing of the Reich Concordat (July 20, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

——, ‘The Karl Liebknecht House, Central Party Headquarters of the German Communist Party, on Bülowplatz in Berlin (January 22, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

——, ‘The Organizational Structure of the NSDAP (Images - The Nazi State)’

——, ‘Appeal of the German Workers’ Front after the Dissolution of the Free Trade Unions: Then as Now, We Remain Comrades (May 2, 1933) (Images - Economy and Labor)’

——, ‘Hermann Göring, Chief of the State Secret Police Office, Names Deputy Chief and “Inspector of the Prussian Political Police” (April 20, 1934) (Images - The SS and Police System)’

——, ‘Hitler with Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht (May 5, 1934) (Images - Economy and Labor)’

——, ‘Reich Minister of Justice Franz Gürtner Opens the First Session of the People’s Court (July 14, 1934) (Images - The Nazi State)’

——, ‘Reichswehr Generals at a Military Parade in Berlin (June 1, 1934) (Images - The Military, Foreign Policy, and War)’

——, ‘The End of the Constitutional State: Prussian Minister of Justice Hanns Kerrl Watches as the § Symbol (Traditionally Used to Denote German Legal Articles) Is Hung from the Gallows (1934) (Images - The Nazi State)’

4/81 09/30/21 6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: Political Culture and Authority in Germany, 1916-1934 (exam) | King's College London

——, ‘1933 Election Campaign: Ballot for the Reichstag Election in the Hesse-Darmstadt Electoral District (March 5, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

——, ‘SA Chief of Staff Ernst Röhm (1934) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

——, ‘SA Stormtroopers Burn a Black, Red, and Gold Flag in the Streets of Berlin (January 30, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz and Hoffmann H, ‘Mass Rally in Front of Feldherrnhalle in – Adolf Hitler in the Crowd (August 2, 1914) (Germany at War, 1914-1918: Mobilization of the Home Front)’

——, ‘Mounted Troops Enter Munich after the Defeat of the Councils’ Republic (May 1919) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

——, ‘Hitler at a Parade of National Socialist Storm Troopers [SA] in Weimar (October 1930) (Politics)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz and Hoffmann H, ‘East African (Askari) Nember of the Lettow-Vorbeck in Munich (May 1919) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz and Sennecke R, ‘The First Session of the National Assembly in Weimar (February 6, 1919) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz and Steffen W, ‘Cover of the Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung: Ebert and Noske on Summer Holiday (August 1919) (Bodies and Sex)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz and Umbehr (Umbo) Otto, ‘In a Berlin Jazz Bar (1930) (High and Low Culture)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Carl Eberth, ‘Political Intimidation in Kassel’s Opera Square: Only a Stubborn Mule Ends Up in a Concentration Camp (1933) (Images - The SS and Police System)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Carl Weinrother, ‘Members of the and the [] Occupy and Search the Berlin Headquarters of the German Communist Party (February 23, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Heinrich Hoffmann, ‘Against the Un-German Spirit: Book-Burning Ceremony in Berlin (May 10, 1933) (Images - Literature, Art, and Music)’

5/81 09/30/21 6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: Political Culture and Authority in Germany, 1916-1934 (exam) | King's College London

——, ‘Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler with His Cabinet (January 30, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

——, ‘Reichstag Election of March 5, 1933: “The Reich Will Never Be Destroyed If You Are United and Loyal” (1933)’

——, ‘SA Members Hang Boycott Posters on a Jewish Shop in Munich (April 1, 1933) (Images - Racial Politics)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Joseph Schorer, ‘The So-Called Coordination []: First Meeting of the Coordinated Hamburg Citizenry under SA Supervision (May 10, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

——, ‘“First a German, Then a Civil Servant” (July 31, 1933) (Images - Racial Politics)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Julius Wilcke, ‘View of the Kroll Opera House, Where the Reichstag Met after the (1938) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Kupferstichkabinett and Dix O, ‘Otto Dix, Storm Troops Advance under Gas Attack (1924) (Sound and Image)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Nationalgalerie, ‘Georg Grosz, Pillars of Society (1926) (High and Low Culture)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Nationalgalerie and Günther K, ‘Kurt Günther, The Radioist (1927) (Sound and Image)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz/ Theodor Eisenhart, ‘Hitler and Hindenburg on the “The Day of Potsdam” (March 21, 1933) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Willy Römer, ‘Otto Wels, SPD Chairman and Member of the Reichstag (1924) (Images - Building the Nazi Regime)’

© Bundesarchiv, ‘Members of the SA during a March in Braunschweig (c. 1923) (The Rise of the Nazis)’

——, ‘Returning German Troops Cross the Rhine at Cologne (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

6/81 09/30/21 6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: Political Culture and Authority in Germany, 1916-1934 (exam) | King's College London

——, ‘Members of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Council Receiving Provisions in the Reichstag Building (November 1918) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

——, ‘ Giving a Speech from a Window of the Reich Chancellery (November 9, 1918) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

——, ‘Reich Commissioner Hugo Preuß (August 1919) (Politics)’

——, ‘Social Democratic Electioneering in Berlin (January 1919) (Politics)’

——, ‘The Kapp-Lüttwitz Putsch: “Kapp Government” Troops in a Truck on Potsdamer Platz (March 1920) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

——, ‘The Kapp-Lüttwitz Putsch: Members of the Ehrhardt Marine Brigade with the Imperial Navy Flag (March 1920) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

——, ‘Putschists Arrest Socialist City Council Members in Munich (November 9, 1923) (The Rise of the Nazis)’

——, ‘German Democratic Party (DDP) Election Poster (1924) (Politics)’

——, ‘The Defendants in the Hitler-Ludendorff Trial (April 1, 1924) (The Rise of the Nazis)’

——, ‘The Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold at a Mass Rally in Potsdam (October 26, 1924) (Politics)’

——, ‘Election Propaganda for Hindenburg in the Second Round of the 1925 Presidential Election (April 26, 1925) (Politics)’

——, ‘Negotations between Gustav Stresemann, (Joseph) Austen Chamberlain, and in Locarno (October 1925) (Foreign Policy and International Relations)’

——, ‘Ernst Thälmann Speaks at the Dedication of the Memorial to the Participants in the November Revolution (June 13, 1926) (Politics)’

——, ‘The German National People’s Party (DNVP) Demonstrates against the Proposed Expropriation of Princely Estates (June 1926) (Politics)’

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——, ‘The New Minister of the Reichswehr, Wilhelm Groener (left), with His Predecessor Otto Gessler (January 1928) (The Destruction of the Weimar Republic)’

——, ‘The Second Müller Cabinet after Its First Meeting in the Reich Chancellery (June 1928) (Politics)’

——, ‘Anti Young Plan Poster by the Reich Committee for a German Referendum (October 1929)’

——, ‘Berliners Congregate Outside of Karl Liebknecht House on Election Day (September 14, 1930) (Politics)’

——, ‘Center Party [Zentrum] Election Poster (1930) (Politics)’

——, ‘The Center [Zentrum] Party Campaigns in the Streets of Berlin (August-September 1930) (Politics)’

——, ‘Alfred Hugenberg at the Founding of the “Harzburg Front” in Bad Harzburg (October 11, 1931) (The Destruction of the Weimar Republic)’

——, ‘Election for the Prussian State Parliament [Landtag] in Berlin (April 24, 1932) (Politics)’

——, ‘One of the Last Meetings of the NSDAP Reichstag Faction under Adolf Hitler (December 1932) (The Rise of the Nazis)’

——, ‘First Cabinet under Adolf Hitler (January 30, 1933) (The Destruction of the Weimar Republic)’

——, ‘The German National People’s Party Campaigns in Berlin-Neukölln with an Anti-Semitic Poster (August-September 1930) (Politics)’

© Bundesarchiv and Hoffmann H, ‘Horst Wessel at the Head of His Storm Troops in Nuremburg (August 1929) (The Rise of the Nazis)’

© Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1972-062-01 and Agency: Aktuelle-Bilder-Centrale, ‘Decorated () War Veteran Begging on the Street (1923) (Economics and Society)’

© Deutsches Historisches Museum, ‘German-Russian Negotiations in Brest-Litovsk (December 1917) (Germany at War, 1914-1918: Seeking an End to War)’

——, ‘Sailors’ Uprising in Wilhelmshaven (November 6, 1918) (Beginnings: War and

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© dpa - Bildarchiv, ‘Martin Heidegger (r.) and Hans-Georg Gadamer (l.) (1923) ( Education and Research)’

© Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (HLMD) and Druck G, ‘Center Party Election Poster (1924) (Politics)’

© Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (HLMD), Reusch E and Printer: Moser Institute, ‘Election Poster for the German National People’s Party (DNVP) (May 1928) (Politics)’

© Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (HLMD) and Schlichter R, ‘Communist Party of Germany (KPD) Election Poster (1924) (Politics)’

© Keystone/Getty Images, ‘Street Clashes in Berlin during the January Uprising (January 1919) (Beginnings: War and Revolution)’

© Roger Viollet/Getty Images and Harlingue A, ‘Butchering a Horse in the Streets of Berlin (1920) (Economics and Society)’

© The International Dada Archive, ‘Cover, George Grosz, The Face of the Ruling Class (1921) (Sound and Image )’

© Ullstein Bild/Granger Collection, ‘Election Posters in Berlin (1932) (Politics)’

1st Viscount D’Abernon EV, ‘Portraits And Appreciations’

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‘1933 Election Campaign: Hitler“s Election Posters Cover the Front of ”Eldorado," a Berlin Transvestite Bar Closed by the Police (Early March 1933) ( Building the Nazi Regime)’

Abel TF, Why Hitler Came into Power (Harvard University Press 1986)

Abernon EV D’ and Gerothwohl MA, An Ambassador of Peace: Lord d’Abernon's Diary

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Angress WT, ‘The German Army’s “Judenzahlung” of 1916: Genesis - Consequences - Significance’ (1978) 23 The Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 117

Angress WT and Smith BF, ‘Diaries of Heinrich Himmler’s Early Years’ (1959) 31 The Journal of Modern History 206

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Ankum K von, Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture, vol 11 (University of California Press 1997)

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‘An SS Member Signs the Oath of Loyalty to Hitler at a Mass Rally on the People’s Day of Mourning (February 25, 1934) (Images - The SS and Police System)’

‘Antisemitic Caricatures from Der Stürmer, 1928-1932’

‘“An Unbroken Family”? Gertrud Bäumer and the German Women’s Movement's Return to International Work in the ’ 26 Women’s History Review 245

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‘Appeal to the Population of Schleswig-Holstein (7 November 1918)’

‘Arnold Brecht on Heinrich Brüning and the National Socialists (Retrospective Account, 1967)’

‘Arnold Brecht on Heinrich Brüning’s Policy of Deflation (Retrospective Account, 1967)’

‘Arnold Brecht on His First Weeks in the Chancellery (Retrospective Account, 1966)’

‘Arnold Brecht on ’s Libel Suit against Karl Helfferich in 1920 (Retrospective Account, 1966)’

‘Arnold Brecht on Paul von Hindenburg as Reich President (Retrospective Account, 1966)’

‘Arnold Brecht on Paul von Hindenburg, Franz von Papen, and Kurt von Schleicher (Retrospective Account, 1967)’

11/81 09/30/21 6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: Political Culture and Authority in Germany, 1916-1934 (exam) | King's College London

‘Arnold Brecht on the Final Weeks of the War (Retrospective Account, 1966)’

‘Arnold Brecht on the in 1920 (Retrospective Account, 1966)’

‘Arnold Brecht on the November Revolution (Retrospective Account, 1966)’

‘Arnold Zweig, Reflections on the Revolution (Retrospective Account, 1947/48)’

Associated Press, ‘Reelection of Paul von Hindenburg (August 13, 1932) (The Destruction of the Weimar Republic)’

Ault B, ‘Joining the Nazi Party before 1930: Material Interests or Identity Politics?’ (2002) 26 Social Science History

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——, ‘Continuity and Contingency: Agrarian Elites, Conservative Institutions and East Elbia in Modern German History’ (1987) 12 Social History 285

——, ‘Conservative Elite Anti-Semitism from the Weimar Republic to the Third Reich’ (1996) 19 German Studies Review

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——, David Baumgardt Collection 1907-1971 (Leo Baeck Institute Archives)

Baumont M and Translated from the French by E. Ibbetson James, The Fall of the Kaiser (George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1931)

Beck H, ‘The Nazis and Their Conservative Alliance Partner in 1933: The Seizure of Power

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in a New Light’ (2005) 6 Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 213

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13/81 09/30/21 6AAH3049 - Between Kaiser and Fuhrer: Political Culture and Authority in Germany, 1916-1934 (exam) | King's College London

‘Bethmann Hollweg on Constitutional Reform (March 1917)’

Bettauer H, ‘Hugo Bettauer, “The Erotic Revolution” (1924) (Bodies and Sex)’

‘Betty Scholem on the Chaos of Revolution (January 1919)’

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Blücher EP and Chapman-Huston D, Memoirs Of Prince Blucher (John Murray 1932)

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——, An English Wife in Berlin : A Private Memoir of Events, Politics, and Daily Life in Germany throughout the War and the Social Revolution of 1918 (E P Dutton & Company 1920)

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Breitman R, ‘On German and General Schleicher 1932-33’ (1976) 9 Central European History 352

——, German Socialism and Weimar Democracy (University of North Carolina Press 1981)

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Brenner AD, ‘Feme Murder: Paramilitary "Self-Justice” in Weimar Germany’ in Bruce B Campbell and Arthur D Brenner (eds), Death Squads in Global Perspective (Palgrave Macmillan US 2000)

Brenner AD, Emil J. Gumbel: Weimar German Pacifist and Professor, vol Studies in Central European histories (Humanities Press 2001)

Brenner M, The Renaissance of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany (Yale University Press 1996)

Bridenthal R, ‘Beyond Kinder, Küche, Kirche: Weimar Women at Work’ (1973) 6 Central European History 148

‘British Pathé - “At Tannenberg Aka Funeral Of Hindenburg” (1934)’

‘British Pathé - “Clearing Up Berlin After Revolution” (1918)’

‘British Pathé Clip - 150k Republicans Demonstrate against Monarchists (1925)’

‘British Pathé Clip: A Dictator For Germany? - on the 1930 Reichstag Elections’

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