mm jai:ilia''qiii^ sbbviiigVflraternlty,f' Is alwaya welooine ,to Dry Oooils.—Bnrnham & Company. Legal. Two WMk)B (h>m '.to-day Preatdent Mrs. Race Is very slok. iKDBR OP PUBLICATION.-8TATK OP WlUetta of the Agricultural college A. D. Bnirdsley's father la visiting _ MlohlaaMichiganu, ..In. th.u Circuit Court for tho Thursdnjr, April 1, W hlriri. County of Initham-Iiam-IIIi CliancoryCliancory,. will addriesis the ol lib on "Moslems Mrs. A. O. Walker of Detroit Is Lillian Oamblo, Complainant,'Complainant,)) &nd Mormons." As this will probably VB, Fanners* Club. ipuoh better. Kll Oamblo, Dofondant. be the laafr regular meeting for.some It satlaraclorily appearing to thin court by Miss Luclna Beardsley was home affidavit on fllo that tlio dcfondant, £11 aambto, . dtUB BooMB, March 27, ISSis. weeks thiere will be a large attendance. over Sunday. ia not > roaldent of this atato, hut retidoa at the • The oluti^^^^^^^ full up UKlay. Ladles eapeoially Invited. village or Nunda,iu thoHtatool Now York, on. .1 Chas. McKuigbt Is going to Holly moUon of K. D, Lewia, compltlnant'a aollcltor. Nothlhpnew In inarket.reporta. Quite L. H. Ivjiss, Secretary. for treatment. It la ordered that tho aald dulCndant, £11 Gamble, Claude and Etta West have returned Display of Spring Novelties excels that of any cause hla appoaranco to bo entorod horcln wltbln a quantity of seeds graced the tables four montha from tho data of thla order, and in For neuralgia, rbeumatism,'lumbago, from their visit at Manistee. and the meeting was one of much li> previous season, in point of elegance and var caao of hla appoaranco that ho cauae his anawer gout,' Bwellinga, burns, wounds, etc., There will be a mum social at Mrs.
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